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@gervas4935 Жыл бұрын
Yo soy Mexicano que nacio en Loos Angeles California en uno de los estados Mexicanos bajo una ocupacion illegal de los yankees. Viva La Reunificasion de los estados bajo la ocupacion. Viva Mexico !
@gervas4935 Жыл бұрын
Yo cuando tenia la eda de esos chamacos yo no era tan menso como ellos. Yo me ubiera porrado bien y dicho puras cosas bonitas de Mexico. Si ellos son tan tarados entonces no se meresen la fama ni la gloria.
@alejandroolivares740 Жыл бұрын
Actually there is a video where she is in denial of speaking Spanish and that is not cool
@BlueKrait1 Жыл бұрын
Realmente me sorprende cómo la gente puede ser tan crítica con Yahritza y Su Esencia por simplemente ser honestos y responder una pregunta de manera sincera. ¿Acaso no es esto lo que se espera cuando se hace una pregunta? Si solo queremos respuestas que nos agraden o que sean completamente positivas, ¿cuál es el propósito de pedir opiniones? Es natural que cada persona tenga sus propias experiencias y percepciones, y eso no significa que no aprecien la cultura o el país. Criticarlos por simplemente expresar su sentir muestra una falta de madurez de parte del público. Si no estamos preparados para escuchar respuestas sinceras, mejor no deberíamos hacer la pregunta. Es triste ver cómo la sociedad actual se ofende por todo y cómo muchos buscan razones para quejarse en lugar de entender y respetar las opiniones ajenas.
@monicaramirez584 Жыл бұрын
@@BlueKrait1 Muy bien dicho
@glendamiranda9050 Жыл бұрын
Great discussion y'all! As a third generation Mexican-American Tejana, all I can say is the kids probably need to work on their PR skills OR they're going to become the next "one hit wonder". Also, they don't represent all of the Chicanos just like Justin Bieber doesn't represent all Canadians. And look at all the stuff he did.. just saying.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
yup! and it will be interesting to see what ends up happening with their career
@freedomaboveallll Жыл бұрын
Nah bro, im 3rd generation American-Mexican too, and what they said ain’t acceptable. People be shitting on mexico all the time and to have Mexican-Americans talking sht about the food, the language, the capital city and acceptable. They shouldve known better
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@freedomaboveallll But how does sharing opinions about which food you prefer equal talking shit about a whole country? You don’t think that’s kind of a stretch? I agree, they should have known better, but I also think the hate has been too much
@rvbberbandheart Жыл бұрын
@@freedomaboveallll tell this to people with food/ dairy allergies. I myself have roots in Durango, Guerrero, Sinaloa and Zacatecas (1st generation, before you come for my Mexicanidad) and cannot eat a large number of dishes from throughout Mexico because of how prevalent dairy is, but I still enjoy most comida Guerrerense because that's what I grew up eating but also because of the abundance of plant foods there, it can be adapted for vegans pretty easily. Mexico isn't a monolith and the cuisine varies by region.
@fergomez3817 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel EBT. I agree but these musician kids are on a negative streak of errors because they criticized, Mexican language, food, noise, and the way they serve drinks. They’re in desperate need of a PR cleanup person, Que no? Saludos a ustedes, 😊
@AnthonyHernandez-kc5xg Жыл бұрын
I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. The mexican population wasn't that big 10 years ago. I agree with them. I grew up speaking both languages. But English became my first language. I often got English and Spanish mixed up. Often speaking English with a Spanish dialect. I'm not American enough for here. Because they have an outlook on us being a "certain way." People ask me where I was born. I told them I was born and raised here in the pnw. They look at me like I'm lying to them and make me feel like wow you think you're better than " But on the other hand, when I was growing up I went to Michocan to visit family. I got called out for being a white washed mexican. And when I spoke Spanish, I would get made fun of. To the point I would get shy and feel inferior. It made me put me into overdrive to where I took Spanish and advanced to college even in high school. But today, I associate with my mexican side more them my American side. Yes, I'm proud to be an American, but in some cases, people think you have money or you think that you are better than them. I have family who was born in the us, and they act like this. It's sad we lost communication with them. I'm sorry for the longggggg comment. But this really hits home
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Wow, no don’t apologize, these are exactly the kinds of comments we want to read ❤️🥺 so few understand what it’s like to grow up like this. We can relate, and so many other people can, too
@dianabenavides2913 Жыл бұрын
Look at the darn pakistanis, indians, middleeasterns, orientals they dont have time for the BS you are expressing or confused about identity they come to america to work and thay is it just cut this nonsense u are american and get to work and prosper!!!!!
@j.ber.5852 Жыл бұрын
I'm Mexican-American, and I will say that I used to be the same way. I was super prejudiced against my own people. Especially if you were from the southern part of Mexico. I would look down on them and even make fun of them because of their accent. This is something that I'm not proud of at all, and I was also very immature at the time. I love America 🇺🇸 but I've also learned to Love my Mexican culture! I said all this to so say one thing and that's that these kids are immature and haven't learned to filter what they speak! Saludos desde Honduras de un Texano de papa's mexicanos.
@joelibarra70955 ай бұрын
You are Mexican
@waynebrown95642 ай бұрын
Don't be proud of being American. America took half of Mexico's territory and continues to be a enemy of mexico. You're either Mexico first or America first. I'm Mexico first. We have no need for malinchistas.
@samanthaortiz4206 Жыл бұрын
We’re also assuming their parents had a positive experience in Mexico. Some of our parents left Mexico at a young age and with resentment, so some kids weren’t raised and encouraged to reconnect with their Mexican roots.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
so true! we really don't know what kind of situation their parents come from. People just jump to opinions and conclusions without the full picture
@RG-oo4bx9 ай бұрын
Nope, as an immigrant from México, I can tell some parents raised their kids to hate Mexican immigrants. Even relatives.
@joemann79717 ай бұрын
@@EatBailaTravelthen why bother going into a regional mexican genre if they resent Mexico so much? Makes no sense.
@danieldelrancho57493 ай бұрын
I never heard anybody put it that way, I couldn’t agree more. I came from the racho at the age of 16, dealing with many emotions at the time, anger and confusion due to the financial situation I was dealing with at the time. For years I felt some sort of resentment towards the place where I was born. Now that I’m almost 40, I understand that God always has a purpose in our lives so I’m really grateful for everything that has happened in my life.
@freedomaboveallll Жыл бұрын
I’m American-Mexican, and the fact that they are spanish artists singing mexican music, while disrespecting the culture, language, cities etc is unacceptable.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing your opinion
@seanmatto2258 Жыл бұрын
They don’t look like Spaniards from Europe..
@dianabenavides2913 Жыл бұрын
They did not disrespected your culture in any way stop be a snowflake and grow up. This kids are US citizens if born in US it is not their fault. Why are you proud of a freakin state run by narcos? I wouldn't. Now if this kids were white then nobody would be offended. But since they are brown then they have "el nopal en la cabeza". So the true racist is the mexican they are the ones that dont let you assimilate into USA
@rosaliollamas4209 Жыл бұрын
That’s not an excuse, I have three kids and I work my ass 24/7 and still taught my kids my culture. You need to search more and you’ll find out the rest.
@dianabenavides2913 Жыл бұрын
@@rosaliollamas4209 like I said its an option. You dont have to be mexican by culture. Its like telling whites in America to become english because they look english. Its ridicolous. Asians come to america to prosper not to be waving a chinese flag and to question their identity.
@Jesus_P Жыл бұрын
Not that long ago I had an individual tell me "I wish you were more mexican." I also had someone in Mexico tell me I was a gringo... there's always a back and forth between one or the other
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
🥺 that's the reality for so many of us!
@Gastemaz3 күн бұрын
Because you are a gringo that isn't bad, chicanos are like our gringo brothers. BUT THEY ARE AMERICANS NOT MEXICAN a foreigner who lives in Mexico is technically more mexican than a Chicano who hasn't been to Mexico but he has part of our culture they are like brothers for us but brothers not us.
@maricelaramos7425 Жыл бұрын
@angelica49427 Жыл бұрын
It’s a real shame what happened. Mexico is Mexico 🇲🇽 and the USA is the USA. Different set of rules. For the bands sake, hopefully they put out a sincere apology, get a public relations manager and never try to pull the Fresa 🍓 💩 again. Because let’s be real that’s what hurt.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Maricela entendemos que los mexicanos somos orgullos de nuestra cultura. Pero los chamacos estaban hablando de la Ciudad de México pero la gente lo mal interpretó como todo Mexico. Nosotros conocemos muchísima gente mexicana que habla mal de la Ciudad de México, de su gente y la comida. Tampoco no hay ignorar que eso pasa.
@maricelaramos7425 Жыл бұрын
@maricelaramos7425 Жыл бұрын
@maricelaramos7425 Жыл бұрын
@jennblasquez8375 Жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with not liking the food. Everyone is different. We need to embrace differences of opinions, even though I think Mexican food is absolutely incredible.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
these kids expressed an honest opinion to the wrong audience..
@fergomez3817 Жыл бұрын
What are the odds that someone likes Mexican food more in the US than in Mexico, 1 in 100,000?
@Sabas-jk2rp Жыл бұрын
@Papogonz Жыл бұрын
Really? chicken wings better than mexican food?Con esa mancha de chile chipotle y niegan de sus raices.
@monicaramirez584 Жыл бұрын
@@Papogonz Some children are plain eaters they do not care. Not everyone is passionate of Mexican food.
@mikewillie9112 Жыл бұрын
It's not racism.. It's "don't bite the hand that feeds you"
@lulugonzalez5598 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Watch what you say and more importantly HOW you say it.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
I think y’all missed the point here… we’re not claiming that it’s racism against Chicanos, because Chicanos are not a race and that’s not how that works. It’s the use of indigenous people as insults with the memes created to bully the kids for their indigenous features. Being called an “Indio” in Mexico is usually used as an insult. That’s racist.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@decolonizationisforeveryon1514 yes you’re totally right! I was confused as to why you brought that up because that wasn’t the point I was trying to make but a completely separate one. Malinchismo is a whole complicated issue on its own
@mikewillie9112 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel Noted and understood and point given. I don't feel we can use them being called "Indios" as a racist term though. I believed their actions of degrading their own heritage allows people to call them such thing. Acting like they're not of that heritage or above it allows "Indios" is being used as a description of what they should have known was their culture.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@mikewillie9112 I hear you and understand what you’re saying. It’s not the word “Indio” that’s racist, it’s that people are putting societal expectations on a history of discrimination that has tried really hard to keep indigenous people at a societal disadvantage because they’re seen as less than. It’s all the history and baggage that the term comes with. Plus, Mexicans are not all brown, some are black some are white. “Because you’re brown and from Mexico, you SHOULD like XYZ” I don’t think it’s fair to put people in a box like that.
@eleanorfernandez5603 Жыл бұрын
I don't think people put the geography of these two places into consideration. They live in an area where there are fields and fields all around them. How much noise do you think they are used to? Probably not much, so when you put these teens in the middle of Mexico City with such a high population and surrounded by buildings and traffic, it will affect how they experience this new place. So of course this girl's first comment is on the noise. The oldest is just used to the seasoning of food in Washington. As a Cali girl myself, I don't like tex-mex seasoning. I also have high expectations of mexican food because I've had amazing Mexican food in CA, yes I am bias. I am sure they have their own biases but to cancel them and bully them for these comments wasn't right. Now all of us, parents with kids that don't speak perfect Spanish or any Spanish are going to think twice before bringing their kids to Mexico. No one wants their own people putting down their kids.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
great comment, thanks for taking the time to write!
@dariamancini96310 ай бұрын
Traveling anywhere without the language knowledge means a certain amount of discomfort. That discomfort hopefully will make people better at acquiring the language long term
@jlsmatejuanluisramirez10 ай бұрын
Hi both of you. Actually I like your videos, congratulations!. I already know that you are mexican american persons and in my opinion it´s so great because you are able to speak english and spanish, although sometimes some mexican people are aggresive and call you either pochos or chicanos. In my opinion it doesn´t matter whether both of you were born in US as long as you respect and love your mexican roots. Go ahead with your videos. Regards from Ixtlahuaca Mexico
@EatBailaTravel10 ай бұрын
Hola! Thanks so much for your kind words 🙏🏽🩷
@cmo670 Жыл бұрын
Our parents come to the US and they are trying to survive, often working more than 40 hrs per week. As a result, the entire family is on survival mode; children doing HW on our own, translating for parents, filling out legal documents at a young age, etc. Our parents do not have the luxury to teach us to appreciate our culture. Therefore the culture is diminished and lost because everyone is busy trying to survive and assimilate to the US culture. Also, like Kevin pointed out, all of us have various access levels to resources in the US, I am thinking these kids do not have a access to the world and culture outside of Washington. I personally did not try different foods until I had my own career, well into my mid-20s because I couldn’t afford that luxury. As a fellow Mexican-American or American of Mexican decent, I love your channel and appreciate both of your insight and videos ❤
@chacmool2581 Жыл бұрын
The other part is that the parents themselves may have felt victimized by a "culture" that excluded, alienated, ostracized, discarded or oppressed them, a culture that never gave them a real fighting chance. Therefore, they may not feel particularly compelled to transmit that same "culture" to their offspring.
@rvbberbandheart Жыл бұрын
@@chacmool2581 This part! Especially if they present as more Indigenous or Afro.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
yes, thank you for elaborating on the impact of living in survival mode 🥺 appreciate your comment and support for our channel ❤️
@TheZcarekrow Жыл бұрын
Y mientras tanto los gringos vienen a México a hacerse ricos con la mano en la cintura.
@letticia2024 Жыл бұрын
No se compliquen tanto, lo que pasó con esos jóvenes, que por cierto NO SON NIÑOS, es simple y llanamente FALTA DE EDUCACIÓN, tú no vas a casa de tu tía quien te está dando empleo e ingresos y quien además te recibe con mucho amor en su casa y le dices que no le gusta su comida y que la comida de tu casa es mucho mejor porque si sabe rica y está buena, y la de ella no., y además le dices a tu tía que no le gusta quedarte en su casa porque hay mucho ruido y te molesta, que tu casa es mejor; nada más imagínate como se va a sentir tu tía! Casi nadie haría semejante BURRADAS ya sea por EDUCACIÓN ELEMENTAL o mínimo SENTIDO COMÚN! No se trata de ser o no mexicano, se trata de RESPETO Y EDUCACIÓN ELEMENTAL
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
claro que sí tienes mucha razón!
@edgarcorral56210 ай бұрын
Tu logica esta muy mala. Ademas, cuantos artistas mexicanos no dicen que prefieren a Mexico y a su comida y aun asi no dejan de hacer gira en EEUU? Ademas, la pregunta se la plantearon, no lo dijeron nomas por decirlo.
@letticia202410 ай бұрын
@@edgarcorral562 para empezar me queda claro que también careces de educación elemental, pero ése no es mi problema, por otro lado te recuerdo que la pregunta no se las plantearon en ningún momento, eso justamente es lo peor de todo, sus respuestas no venían al caso con la pregunta que les hicieron, ellos como respuesta empezaron a hablar solamente cosas negativas de México, la comida, el ruido, etc. La comida de cualquier lugar te puede gustar o no, no es obligación que te guste, lo malo en éste asunto fue la forma tan desagradable que lo dieron, con una MUY MUY MALA EDUCACIÓN, eso es incuestionable, pero por lo que veo tu también careces de una buena educación, por eso no lo entiendes
@edgarcorral56210 ай бұрын
@@letticia2024 Leticia, gracias por tu respuesta. En respuesta a tu diatriba difamatoria, permíteme decir lo siguiente: La entrevistadora les preguntó cómo los trataba la Ciudad de México. Yahritza interpretó esto como si se referiera a si les gustaba la Ciudad de México. Independientemente de si malinterpretó la pregunta, eso es lo que entendió y es la pregunta que respondió. También es la pregunta a la que respondieron sus hermanos. Gustarte (o no gustarte) un lugar es un tema complejo, ya que abarca una constelación de factores, como el clima, la infraestructura, el nivel de ruido y, en muchos casos, la comida. Ella no dijo que no le gustaba México o que no le gustaba la Ciudad de México. De hecho, precedió su comentario diciendo que le gustaba y solo entonces agregó las cosas que no le gustaban. No estoy seguro en qué mundo vives si crees que algún país o ciudad es perfecta y, por lo tanto, todo sobre élla es agradable. No veo dónde mi respuesta muestra una "falta de educación" o "inteligencia". Dado que decidiste atacar mi nivel de educación y/o inteligencia, simplemente señalaré que soy miembro de dos sociedades de alto coeficiente intelectual y tengo amplios conocimientos en política, literatura, historia, filosofía, entre otros temas. De hecho, probablemente sé más sobre México, su historia y su música que tú. La humildad va en ambas direcciones. Las personas razonables pueden estar en desacuerdo. Si no estás de acuerdo con lo que dije, basta señalar dónde me equivoqué, en lugar de lanzar insultos. Que tengas un buen día.
@letticia202410 ай бұрын
@@edgarcorral562 que soberbia! Una vez más muestras tu falta de educación elemental que poco tiene que ver con la inteligencia y mucho menos con la preparación académica, también podría contestarte enlistando mis títulos y nivel académico pero me resulta absolutamente ocioso en éste en éste contexto
@edgaroropeza7308 Жыл бұрын
As a Mexican American looking to move to Mexico, I can honestly say that it is tough for us. Jenny expressed it eloquetly "Not American enough for the Americans and not Mexican enough for the Mexicans. Recently, I have spent a lot of time in Mexico but everytime Im there I sometimes feel like a have to proof that I am Mexican.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
something we're learning along this journey is how to be more authentically ourselves, which I'm sure the kids in this situation wanted to do, but they might've brought some arrogance into the situation, but let this be a lesson to us all to always have compassion when sharing our perspectives and opinions. When other people see you are making an effort to consider their reality, they'll be more inclined to accept yours.
@GritoDeGuerraMX Жыл бұрын
Mexicans in Mexico are weary about how Mexican-Americans really feel about them because they probably had past experiences where they felt belittled and maybe some Chicanos act like their 💩 don’t stink, so they don’t know if you’re someone arrogant. They are trying to figure you out.
@GritoDeGuerraMX Жыл бұрын
Also, Mexicans gave Yaritza y su esencia a lot of support and now they feel betrayed because of all the negative things they said when the interviewer simply asked “How has Mexico been treating you?” Of the 5 answers they gave, the 5 answers were negative.
@ulyssedesfleurs1238 Жыл бұрын
"Ni de aqui ni de allá"...🤔, ¿saben algo sobre Quebec (o Cataluña en España)? Es una provincia francofona casi en su totalidad en Canada, pais mayoritariamente anglofono. Pese a que Quebec no es un pais y esta rodeado de angloparlantes, ha sabido conservar la lengua francesa y gran parte de su cultura, incluso han habido referendums para lograr algun dia su independencia de Canada. Ellos no se sienten ni canadienses ni franceses, ellos son más que nada quebecoises, incluso desarrollaron su propia derivacion del frances, hasta tienen bandera propia. ¿Podran algun dia hacer algo parecido los millones de mexico americanos, o hispanos, y de una vez aceptar el hecho de que es imposible estar totalmente integrado a una u otra cultura, y aceptar ese hecho e incluso algun dia llegar a tener cierta libertad, autonomia y reconocimiento como el de Quebec o Cataluña?
@ikercastillo644 Жыл бұрын
Im mexican american and since a kid, i knew i was mexican. why try to be american when you're not. you were just born in the US and thats it. I knew mexicos history (that they manipulated) from a young age and then i grew up to know its real history and i know everything about mexico. its cringe as hell seeing nopales try to be american when the americans dont even want you or consider you an american. mexican americans have this superiority complex about themselves. Which is why mexicans dont accept you but if you didnt have that in you, they will accept you. stop trying to be something youre not. You're mexican and period.
@daniel80s Жыл бұрын
I am from Mexico, and I am seeing here Mexican-Americans making a wrong assumption; you guys think that Mexico is canceling Yaritza; it’s not the country of Mexico, it’s their fans, fans of the genre of “regional mexicano “. The press was very understanding of the situation; I saw a show with Adela Micha, a famous journalist, and she spoke in favor of Yaritza as other tv shows. They understand they are young kids, and there is always a fuzzy eater in our family; we understand she feels more comfortable speaking English ; but when you are selling a product directed to Spanish speaking market (regional Mexicano); you cannot say: “voy a hablar español cuando yo quiera y si no les gusta se pueden retirar” and that is exactly what their fans are doing. When you are a public figure you gotta be careful with your choice of words; she came across very prepotent; and that is what people in Mexico dislike (specially in regional mexicano) it’s not the comments about the food, or language preference. Angela Aguilar had the same problem, she seems prepotent. As we say in Mexico: “no muerdas la mano de quien te da de comer”.
@miguelrodriguezmorales7551 Жыл бұрын
Esoooo ingon😂
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
muy bien dicho! thanks so much for your comment
@edgarcorral56210 ай бұрын
Por fin, un comentario razonable. Lo unico que quiero agregar a esto es que la reaccion de muchos se me hizo muy hipocrita. Peso Pluma dijo que un estado mexicano estaba "culero" (osea, feo, de la chingada, horrible), y estuvo en Argentina diciendo que los argentinos le "dieron en la ve*ga a los mexicanos" en el partido. Esos comentarios se me hacen mucho mas irrespetuosos hacia Mexico que cualquier cosa que dijeron estos plebes, pero no miro que se haya echo un pedote como este. Ademas, desde que me vine a vivir a Mexico, me sorprende cuanto mexicano menosprecia su propia cultura y gastronomia, y prefiere la estadunidense. Aqui veo a mexicanos que les encanta Starbucks, McDonald's, Subway, Little Caesar's, Popeye's, cheken, desprecian a la musica regional mexicana, la denominan "naca" y "fea", hablan de "indios patas rajadas", que se burlan de la comida callejera mexicana y hablan de "donia panchita en la esquina vendiendo sus taquitos" en tono burlesco, actos y palabras mucho mas ofensivas que cualquier cosa que dijeron estos chamacos.
@yellowblue40456 ай бұрын
@felipebonilla6384 Жыл бұрын
They’re kids and unexperienced.. Los representantes pudieron evitar esto,con simplemente guiarlos y enseñarles como o actuar en frente de la cámaras. Y en Estados Unidos hay muchos Mexicanos,que pagarían lo que sea por volver a comer un antojo Mexicano de su lugar preferido.. I been following your channel for a while.Orgulloso de ustedes de tomar la decisión de Vivir y conocer nuestra cultura… Y espero que muchos más sigan sus pasos de una o otra forma. Continúen conociendo y explorando cada Rincón de Mexico.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
muchas gracias Felipe! That's why we make these videos, we hope to be a positive influence on other chicanos/latinos like us
@carloscarlin114 Жыл бұрын
The eldest brother is like 25, only Yahritza who is like 16 is a kid, the other two are adults and said equally dumb stuff.
@CHAMP_theBULLDOG27 Жыл бұрын
Give them chicken
@cbeyre Жыл бұрын
As for the noise comment, if you grew up in a rural environment, the level of activity in any city, including Mexico City, would be overwhelming. Also, regardless of where you grow up, people have food preferences and differences in spice tolerance etc. The response seems extreme.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@alejandrogabriel4021 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravelal parecer no conocen el contexto real del porque fue cancelada esa agrupación, los Mexicanos no están ofendidos por qué no les gusta la comida, deben de investigar y mirar todos los vídeos de esta agrupación para que realmente sepan cuál fue el motivo. Arrogancia Desprecio por la comida El no querer hablar español con sus seguidores, al grado de decirles que ella iba hablar español cuando ella quisiera y al que no le pareciera se puede ir. El hacer cara de asco una coke en bolsa enfrente del taquero. Al preguntarle que cuando regresaría a México y solo saca la lengua en forma de burla y se retira. Todo eso y más lo pueden ver todo está documentado en los vídeos Solo dejen de decir que son unos niños inexpertos Uno de ellos 26 o 27 El otro 18 Y elle 16 Su carrera seguirá en USA Pero perdieron uno de los mejores mercados para la música.
@fergomez3817 Жыл бұрын
I don’t know where they stayed in Mexico City, but it sounds like it was in the center historic district which is always super loud. When you stay in that city you have to do your research and stay in a nice comfortable quiet area if you can, The Santa Fe area probably has tons of newer quieter hotels, but it’s away from all the action, ni modo🤷🏻♂️
@angelsaidferreira5193 Жыл бұрын
is not that, it’s their actitud 💁♀️
@amluy5 Жыл бұрын
Jenny, I share your views and found myself conflicted as well. I would’ve like to see the focus on positive experiences of their visit rather than dislikes but I believe they were experiencing some culture shock and struggled with navigating that conversation. In viewing the social content coming out of Mexico, I strongly believe Mexico’s deep-seated systematic racism and classism were exposed both consciously and unconsciously. It was extremely disappointing to see that their skin tone and indigenous heritage and features were used to belittle them and enforce a sense of “inferiority”. On the other hand, I can empathize with Mexicans who were upset by the straightforward statements and the perception that they benefit from Mexico and it’s people, yet express cultural contempt (no matter how minor) understandably triggered anger. As a first generation Chicana myself I understand navigating both worlds can be complex. There's a significant level of scrutiny that Mexicans can subject you to and in recent years Mexican-Americans have increasingly started to gate-keep Mexican culture and imposing their own criteria for defining Mexicanness. However, that’s a topic for another day. Thank you both for sharing your thoughts. In this climate it can be risky to have an unpopular opinion but I believe it is important to have open dialogue to help us bridge our cultural differences.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
So many good comments on this video but yours has to be one of my favorites. You've articulated so well the problematic nature of this whole fiasco. Thank you for mentioning the gate-keeping, something that's bugged me for a long time but haven't been able to process very well. Great idea for perhaps a future video. Thanks for the inspo!
@cvrix45377 ай бұрын
Yes! Thanks for your comment!
@strongtowerman9661 Жыл бұрын
The Mexicans open the door to them by attending their concerts with no problem. I guess is their lack of manners that got people upset.That girl is soo rude when she was being interviewed. Absolutely no manners.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Lack of manners, yes indeed, and they deserve to be called out but the hateful response was a bit overboard in my opinion
@JulioCesarZermenoLotina-vl6jp Жыл бұрын
La funa seguirá para este grupo por maleducados. La buena educación y modales no conocen fronteras. En vez de ser agradecidos con México ellos vinieron a burlarse de nosotros con gestos, risas y muecas. Mordieron la mano que les daba de comer. 🎉🇲🇽
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
muy bien dicho, desafortunadamente esos jovenes no entendían eso en aquel momento pero me imagino que ahora sí.. ya que es muy tarde
@elpidiasanchez6800 Жыл бұрын
@Enrique-zn2gl Жыл бұрын
Pero hay veces que nos pasamos de nacionalistas los chicos se equivocaron cómo todo joven y no es para tanto bullying
@JulioCesarZermenoLotina-vl6jp Жыл бұрын
@@Enrique-zn2gl La funa seguirá para este grupito que quería lucrar de México, estamos cansados de los mexicanos que se van al exterior y cuándo regresen nos juzguen con risas, gestos, muecas a nuestras caras por tener una economía menos desarrollada. La gastronomía mexicana es una expresión de la cultura. Se menosprecia la comida, se rechaza la nación.
@yourpadre10 Жыл бұрын
@@Enrique-zn2glOjalá No Regresen NUNCA ésas tres pestilencias!! lOl
@AlbertoLorenzoLopezColucci Жыл бұрын
Luísito es mexicano, y su contenido no es sólo para el público de México. Los muchachos de este grupo son de descendencia mexicana, no es lo mismo. Le cantan a un público mayoritariamente mexicano que escuchan el regional mexicano. Desde mi punto de vista, si ellos fueran de otro género, digamos, el pop latino, no hubiese sido la gran cosa. Personalmente no me parece racista.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
En referencia a Luisito comunica no era en comparación al grupo yahritza. Era para nosotros, la gente nos hecha mucha lumbre que no hacemos los videos en español y que estando en Mexico deberían de ser en español. Por eso la comparación.
@edgarcorral56210 ай бұрын
De hecho, si es lo mismo, ya que el articulo 30 de la Constitucion de Mexico dice que todos los que nazcan en el extranjero de padres mexicanos son mexicanos por nacimiento. De hecho, la mayoria de los paises no otorgan la nacionalidad nomas por haber nacido en su territorio; es necesario ser de la ascendencia de ese pais (por ejemplo, para ser chino, no basta con haber nacido en China; tienes que ser de descendencia china).
@JoseLuisGonzalez-qf1cu10 ай бұрын
@@EatBailaTravelCada quien con su proyecto, usd se sienten cómodos con el idioma en inglés y su tema es la cultura mexicana y su mercado es el de usa y esta bien. Hay otros youtubers de otros países por ejemplo :chingu amiga, el coreano (coreanos), no manches (son 2 hermanos alemanes), etc tuvieron que aprender el idioma español y tecnicismos mexicanos y les está yendo bien en youtube.
@haradag9 ай бұрын
Ascendencia no descendencia
@MonkeyChenchaTheExoticPe-rw4kw Жыл бұрын
Do it like me, while in Mexico, I spoke in English to my nephew who doesn't speak enough Spanish. Somebody told me "Ya se te olvido el espanol?" in a very sarcastic way, I just told him, "Chinga tu madre buey!" Problem solved.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Lol such a mexican response!
@aurorapadilla2050 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree with all this issue! But I feel that us Mexican Americans are a new breed and that is ok.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@noerodriguezRRR11 ай бұрын
@Null_irobot3 ай бұрын
@viluun Жыл бұрын
Speaking on the group Yahritza y su Esencia, I don't think there's anything wrong with them not favoring certain dishes from a certain country, but to make it seem as though it's all unappetizing and compare it to a completely dissimilar nation where everything utterly contrasts, can be seen as pure insolence by others. I am Mexican/Argentinian, and personally, there are certain foods that I don't like from either place, but I would never behave in such a discourteous manner or make any snide remarks. There are several methods of conveying your stance on a subject matter and voicing your preferences, as long as you're clever about it. There is a reason that they say "think before you speak." It can either be beneficial or disadvantageous. In addition, refusing to speak a language that is in fact the main language spoken by the supporters of a person or group, simply because they refuse, demonstrates nothing but arrogance and mindlessness. Unequivocally, "pocho" is a derogatory term meant to disparage others, point blank period. I'm from a border town in Arizona, therefore I grew up around the Mexican/Latino people, culture, and have extensive knowledge about the language, customs, food, etc. I have perceived that many Mexicans, especially nationalist ones, tend to denigrate those who were not born in the country of Mexico and are of Mexican origin, but applaud non-mexicans when they say anything in spanish, regardless of how nonsensical it may be. Many of them also tend to be very censorious regarding the physical appearance of others. I personally find their behavior quite derisive and hypocritical. Unfortunately, this type of dismissive conduct towards noncitizens seems to occur in various countries around the world. They make it seem as though they are envious and irascible people, which is lamentable. If people of Mexican descent are ashamed of their roots, they say, "Son de descendencia mexicana y se avergüenzan de sus raíces. Con en nopal en la frente. Se creen gringos. Se creen porque son de allá. Son racistas." But if you are proud of your roots, they say, "No son mexicanos porque no nacieron en México. Son pochos. No saben nada de México. No hablan bien el español." Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Hypocrisy at its best. This is why you shouldn't care about how you're perceived by others, especially when they go through life negatively judging everyone and everything. How can people expect others to respect them when they can even respect their own? This is simply my viewpoint on this particular subject matter, so if any offense is taken by my opinion, it's not my issue and you need to work on your emotional stability. Si te quedó el saco, then work it honey! You look amazing!
@LuH.-mb1oy Жыл бұрын
So true. Don't understand why they overlooked this comment.
@MiserableLemon11 ай бұрын
I understand feeling offend by not liking the food (though it’s an opinion, who cares), but the comment on Mexico City being noisy isn’t a comment on Mexico? It’s a comment on living in one of the biggest metropolitan areas. It’s hard to sleep at night, pointing that out isn’t disrespectful, some people (INCLUDING MEXICANS) like space and quiet. Every culture/group will have gate keepers and this is one that I’ve had to ignore my whole life living in the US (planning on moving to SLP).
@EatBailaTravel11 ай бұрын
Yea, goes to show you how people just went completely overboard with their reactions to such silly comments. Cool that you’re moving to SLP! I’m curious why you chose there?
@richbrout16 Жыл бұрын
Polish Americans are different from Poles. Chicanos are different from Mexicans. In Polish, grandmother is Babcia, most Polish Americans use Busia. You might be surprised how much this small thing causes a schism. How can anyone criticize you guys that have shown so much love and respect to your heritage and Motherland? You have done so much to educate people about the beautiful country of Mexico. People are crazy. Interesting discussion.
@chacmool2581 Жыл бұрын
I get you, but Poland and the U.S. don't have the troubled, complex "history" that the latter has with Mexico.
@richbrout16 Жыл бұрын
@@chacmool2581 You are correct in that of course.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing the Polish American example. I know there are many people out there who can resonate with this in even small ways, though like @chacmool2581 pointed out, there's another layer to this that complicates things
@edgarcorral56210 ай бұрын
The dynamics between Chicanos and Mexicans are much different than the dynamics between Polish Americans and Poles. For one, Chicanos and Mexicans aren't separated by an ocean and a continent; Chicanos and Mexicans live side-by-side as friends, neighbors, and are often members of the same family and the same household. Second, both cross the border daily, interacting with each other daily, in millions of transactions, both economic and social. In fact, Chicanos and Mexicans are so much more alike than Polish Americans and Poles that the Mexican government considers that the Mexican nation is no longer limited to its borders, but is in fact a "transterritorial nation" that encompasses both Mexicans in Mexico and Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the US. On top of that, Mexicans in northern Mexico have adopted many of the words of the Spanish that has evolved in the US from Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, such as "lonche," "troca," and "parqueadero." However, I do agree with your last comment. Most of the criticism comes from central and southern Mexicans, who don't have that constant interaction with Chicanos, like the Mexicans of the North do.
@barrettokarate5 ай бұрын
Chicanos are different than regular Mexican-Americans. Chicanos are a subculture similar to the Black Panther/power movement. Richard "Cheech" Marin was a Chicano, his father was an LAPD officer was a Mexican-American. Not all Mexican-Americans (if not most) like being called Chicano. Rejecting American assimilation and embracing indigenous identity are part of its core.
@kickmcconnell Жыл бұрын
So just from the clips you showed, it just seems these guys are kids, thrown into a level of popularity they weren’t ready for. It didn’t appear they had any idea how to handle a legit press junket. Had someone sat them down beforehand with a list of possible questions, they could have handled it better. As adults being asked our thoughts on CDMX, the 1st response would have been the culture, the architecture, the people, etc. not “I prefer chicken wings!” 😂 side note I have had Mexican food in Washington… they don’t know what spicy is! Lol
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Lol Mexican food in Washington doesn't even sound appetizing.. but yea I think you're right on point here, a more mature adult would have known not to say "I prefer chicken wings" lol but people are so mean and jump to hate on the internet
@JTTX845 ай бұрын
I am Mexican American and visit Mexico a lot, I have never been asked any questions about liking xyz Mexican thing. But I do think that ALOT of the comments towards the group are racist.
@EatBailaTravel2 ай бұрын
@FidalgoSwing Жыл бұрын
I agree with the two of you. I do want to say that Washington state is rich with Mexicans. I am 72 and grew up in San Diego and my dads best friends lived in TJ. I also have Mexican friends here in Anacortes Wa. and most look forward to returning to Mexico when they retire. They like you travel back to Mexico for extended visits every summer. This keeps there kids roots strong for there home Country.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
cool, I didn't know there was such a significant population of Mexicans in WA state. Though now that I think about it, with all the vineyards and farms, I bet many migrate there for work
@rvbberbandheart Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel both my grandfathers came up here as Braceros to pick blueberries back in the day! They returned home but others stayed and planted their roots in WA. The first non-Indigenous people in the region weren't the Spanish or White American settlers, but people from what is now Mexico during the Colonial era. Really interesting history. There are those that like to pretend that Mexicans just got here yesterday but we influenced trade and industry in the region from the start. There's also a peak near Mt. Rainier that shares a namesake with my dad's pueblo in Guerrero (Chutla) so I've always wondered if there was a Pre-Hispanic connection as well.
@josephkelly1594 Жыл бұрын
Hi guys! I just subscribed! I only “discovered” your channel a few days ago and have watched a few of your videos. Very interesting stuff but what I most appreciate is that finally there are videos about traveling in Mexico from our perspective i.e. Mexican-Americans! So thank you and keep up the good work! I look forward to move of your videos. Ciao!
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
welcome to the channel! glad you appreciate our videos, feel free to share them if you feel compelled to help us grow 🤗 we look forward to making more videos that speak to the 🇲🇽🇺🇸 experience
@jesusarriaga7483 Жыл бұрын
Chale! Soy de CDMX, no se la quiebren chavos. El punto está en que se viven realidades distintas. Para empezar. No somos iguales ( Claro, somos hijos de Dios y todos somos iguales .. ( claro unos más iguales que otros.) ( Leanse LA REBELIÓN DE LA GRANJA). OK, somos Mexicanos, unos más Mexicanos que otros... Pffff . Un ejemplo, los estados del norte, Nuevo León, Sonora, Chihuahua, B.C. Norte y Sur ...Creen que se identifican con los Aztecas!?? En fin, nuestro pueblo es un mozaico muy diverso. Oaxaca no tiene nada que ver con Zacatecas, por decir solo un ejemplo. Nuestro territorio es tan basto. Una vez vez escuche a un intelectual preguntarse y responder...que es lo que nos une pues!???La bandera? Nuestra piel bronceada? Etc etc... Concluyó ( yo creo por abiurrimiento, o por que se yo.. y dijo, Nos une la tortilla de maiz...! Será?, o será la cultura o la resistencia de ella misma que nos hace diferente. No lo sé. El caso es que no se la quiebren compás. Uds ( brazeros, Chicanos, emigrantes, Pochos, Bolillos, o como mala forma de decirles, ( a nosotros nos dicen Chilangos... Y nos odian, creo ya no, jejejeje ( por cierto el 80 por cientos de los capitalinos, está formado de gente de provincia, osea México,se odia a si mismo?), en fin no se la quiebren hermanos. LO QUE HACE GRANDE A MÉXICO SON ESAS PEQUEÑAS Y MUY GRANDES DIFERENCIAS!!!! Viva México Cabrones allá en Gringolandia, acá en Chilangolandia, allá en Jalisco, allá en Oaxaca, en Chiapas, en Puebla, en Zacatecas, en Veracruz ( en donde a llegado TODO!!!) VIVA MEXICO CABRONES!!!!❤❤❤❤
@corinabravo7327 Жыл бұрын
El mejor comentario que leí!
@beachlife8367 Жыл бұрын
This may be a bit lengthy, so I apologize in advance. Just yesterday, I heard someone say that a cultural shift happened at the advent of the telegraph. Now, that goes way...way the 1800s. The reason for this shift, according to the speaker, was because prior to the telegraph, news was localized. And when something was "news", it was generally information that was meant to be acted upon. If you heard that Jim's barn down the lane was on fire, that information was meant to be acted upon, meaning you were told that Jim's barn was on fire so that you would grab a bucket, some water and help put it out. That's why you were told about it. But when the telegraph came along, you could hear news (information) that you "couldn't" act upon: If you got a message that Jim's barn, which was 100 miles from you, was on fire, it was Useless information to the degree that even if you wanted to do something, you couldn't, because you were too far away. I say all this to say that we are bombarded with information that we cannot or will not do anything with. It is just useless to us. It doesn't mean it's not important; it does mean, however, that it is just clutter in our minds because we cannot do anything with it. We store up tons and tons of this useless information daily. What does this have to do with the subject of this video? The Internet has become a living, breathing "thing", that tells us when we are right and when we are wrong. It constantly feeds us information and tells us what we should think and feel about it. If we say something "the Internet" does not like or agree with, it quickly puts us in our place. It cancels us, it berates us, it shoves us into a corner until we come out with our hands up in surrender. It has gone beyond just the verbal: people's whole lives have been impacted by this thing called the Internet. People have lost jobs, lost their places of residence, even lost their lives, because of the Internet. For the hosts of this channel, they are living in two different worlds, both of which are being shaped and monitored by the Internet. It says that they are not Mexican enough or American enough (I shouldn't say American, because Mexico is part of America, but for this example we will just go with it). It would be different if it was localized. But with the Internet, it cannot be local. It is global. And it is eternal. I totally understand where Jenni and Kevin are coming from. Being Black but going to school with White kids when I was much younger put me in a similar situation. I'm too Black to be White, but too White to be Black. I cannot be I have to be what society says is acceptable. Who decides what a Black person is? Where is it written down that to be Black (or Mexican or whatever) you must check off this, this and this box? Who cares? And who decides that it is YOUR duty to tell ME (or in this case, Jenni and Kevin) that I am not good enough in either category to be one or the other? If Jenni and Kevin want to go to Mexico to discover more about their heritage, that should be celebrated and embraced. I would think that Mexicans would be proud to say that two young people from the US wanted to come to the "motherland" and learn about that part of their culture. And I would think the US would be proud to have two people from Mexican heritage in the US offering cultural diversity and contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of the country. As for these artists who said what they said: I have no opinion one way or the other. They said what they said. Who cares? They were being honest. We can say that maybe they didn't say it correctly. OK, fair point. But how many times have we opened our mouths and said something we wished we could have said differently? I also do not like that people have to always come back and apologize for something they said, when the only reason they are doing it is so that the Internet will get off their backs. If you said what you said and you truly want to apologize, OK, that's all fine and good. But I don't like when people are forced to do something, especially if it is against what they truly feel. What has any of this to do with my original point? The Internet is the new telegraph. It gives us information that we cannot do anything with. We are wired to have some sort of reaction to information. When we cannot DO anything with information (in this case, the singers making off-handed comments), we resort to the one thing we can do: judge. And that's where we become even more divided. Because if I come out on this side of the subject, and the Internet comes out on the other, then I open myself up to judgment and criticism. It's just not worth it anymore. OK, I'm done.
@Lizz7711 Жыл бұрын
So true! I love how you explained the progression from telegram to the internet - we sure are full of too much useless info!! But I think the ‘internet’ is not a thing but has entities/people behind it who are controlling the narratives and emotions and loves pitting the masses against each other!! We have to resist and LOVE instead since love conquers evil!
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
tssssss..... 🎤 drops mic! My friend, you snapped with this one. The world needs more of you ❤️
@beachlife8367 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel 😆 🤣 😂 OK!
@monicaramirez584 Жыл бұрын
I believe they are innocent. They were not prepared answer the questions it was pure honesty. Many Mexicans also do not like certain foods or the way of life of the U.S. if they really never traveled and were not exposed it is not their fault. Its innocence.
@Estrella21 Жыл бұрын
That's how I see it too. They had no idea what a lion's den they were walking into and their management failed to prepare them for the press. Now anything they say will be misconstrued to make them look worse and the bullying will continue. People suck.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
🥺 yea, right on, both of you
@monicaramirez584 Жыл бұрын
Believe me I was always cultured shocked going to Mexico. I was home sick and my language it's Spanglish. They are proud being Mexican but they are in Washington they are hard workers. We need to support each other no matter what our culture needs to become more accepting.
@Estrella21 Жыл бұрын
@@monicaramirez584 I completely support them. I saw how devastated their parents were about the bullying and felt exactly the same way as a mother. Yes they should have been more tactful but that’s no excuse for how they are being treated.
@ba8898 Жыл бұрын
I literally have no idea what the fuss is all about! Talk about making a mountain of a molehill. "Twitter fingers" - that's exactly it.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
yep, people made a huge deal out of something that was, in the grand scheme of things, quite insignificant
@ba8898 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel exacto! I know at least six Mexicans here in CDMX whose favourite food is sushi. Should they be cancelled too? 😂
@fergomez3817 Жыл бұрын
@@ba8898 it’s not the same thing, let’s use your case as an example, if those six Mexicans went to the US and made it big with a band, but then started criticizing the US, food, history and culture and language and The same criticism will follow.🤷🏻♂️
@jaroncontreras278311 ай бұрын
I went to a sold out Yahritza show here in San Antonio a few months back. The reality is, this issue isn't that serious, it just tends to catch headlines on social media and people run with it. In the real world, they have fans and people dont't care all that much about a comment about not liking food. It serves as an example of how the internet can make up issues and make them seem bigger than what they are, but in reality, it isnt a huge deal.
@EatBailaTravel11 ай бұрын
Love this!!!
@angievasquez8985 Жыл бұрын
They need a P.R person at this level in their career.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Agreed, they rose to fame for their music and I don’t think they were prepared for any of it.
@vanessita41387 ай бұрын
PR failed. That's all. Who is their manager? Who in their right mind thought it would be a good Idea for them to go to Mexico and do a interview without any preparation. I think they don't have a manager and if they do then i think that manager lowkey wanted to get them cancelled so they don't have to be visiting mexico often.
@maricelaramos7425 Жыл бұрын
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Estos días la gente ya no se promociona así. La gente los hace famosos en el internet. Y los chamacos no dijeron que que no les gustaba mexico dijeron que no les gustaba la Ciudad de México. Pero pues ya todo mundo lo interpreto como quiso.
@Henryg1181Ай бұрын
MOST mexican-americans are seeing this in lens as a american and the norm of its culture (soft af) plus 99% of mexicans aren't obsessed with this topic as a lot of mexican-americans are
@EatBailaTravelАй бұрын
You say Mexicans weren’t obsessed with this topic but they’re the ones that started the hate speech…
@Henryg1181Ай бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel saying ''but they’re the ones that started the hate speech'' is what i mean about seeing this in the lens of american cultural norm and forgetting that mexican culture norms which can be vary vary different, so as mexican-americans with american norms you may take this as hate speech when for others is more like banter. but saying they started is just trying to convince that your the one getting the hate speech
@Henryg1181Ай бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel i'm a mexican-american in the u.s i kinda know what real hate speech is
@izagc1 Жыл бұрын
Hola chicos! Primero que nada me gusto todo lo que dijieron y me siento muy orgullosa de ustedes. Sobre este teme, es algo triste que paso. Yo soy nacida en Mexico y vine a vivir a USA cuando era adolescente entonces ver personas como ustedes (chicanos) ir al país que me vio crecer es súper bonito, ver toda las cosas bonitas que Mexico tiene que ofrecer es una sensación que no puedo explicar, pero también ver como Yaritza dijo en una entrevista (en ingles) que a ella no le gustaba Mexico pero usar el lenguaje para la fama no se vale, yo entiendo de donde viene ella y que talvez se siente más cómoda hablando inglés, pero también tiene que entender que la mayoría de su público son hispanos y muchos no entienden Inglés. Entonces porque no primero pensar lo que uno dice antes de hablar.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
👏🏽👏🏽 bien dicho amiga, muchas gracias por escribirnos 🫶🏽 y que alegría escuchar de ti! esperamos que te encuentres muy bien un abrazo 🫂
@dianabenavides2913 Жыл бұрын
La artista tiene libertad de expression punto. Ellos ya son Americanos dejenlos ser. Yo estoy de acuerdo en la asimilacion. Ellos quieren asimilisarse a Eeuu y eso es muy bonito. Apoco tu quieres ver a los venezolanos bolando bamderas de venezuela en Mexico? Claro que no. Ahora la musica es un arte yo canto canciones en aleman, portuguese, japones yo soy musico y no tengo que "amar" la comida o el pais de Alemania. Lo que tienen muchos mexicanos es envidia hacia los chicanos porque realmente prosperan aki. El mismo mexicano no permite que el mismo mexicano prospere son como las langostas que jalan a la que quiere salir hacia abajo. Yo aki en Eeuu e sufrido mas con el mexicano que con los demas
@IsmelNido Жыл бұрын
@@dianabenavides2913envidia de los chicanos que no son de aquí ni de haya Jajajaja estás muy equivocado, los Chi años se creen más según por nacer en USA pero ni los quieren 😂 en Mexico si se prospera si trabaja duro, yo no envidio nada a los gringos desabridos y menos a los chócanos renegados
@edgarcorral56211 ай бұрын
No estoy de acuerdo. El Peso Pluma dijo que Sonora "esta culero" y nadie dijo nada. Fue a Argentina de lambiscon y dijo que los argentinos le dieron en la v**ga a México y no se hizo un pedote. Comentarios mucho más ofensivos hacia México que lo que dijeron estos chamacos. Y además, no hablaron mal de México, simplemente dijeron que prefieren la comida de su lugar de origen. ¿Acaso un mexicano en EEUU ofende a EEUU si dice que le gustan más los tacos que las hamburguesas? Sería ridículo decir que sí. Y además, a muchos mexicanos les gusta más el cheken y la comida americana que la mexicana. Aquí en México veo cotidianamente a mexicanos menospreciar la comida mexicana, prefiriendo comer pizza, hamburguesas, alitas, café americano en lugar de cafecito mexicano con pan dulce, que menosprecian a la música regional mexicana, denominándola "basura," "naca," y no sé qué más. ¿Son ellos anti-mexicanos?
@edgarcorral56211 ай бұрын
Y además, hay artistas mexicanos que dicen que no les gusta Estados Unidos, pero siguen haciendo giras allá. Y hacen giras por los "pochos," los chicanos, los mexico-americanos; si no fuera por ellos, no tendrían público en EEUU. ¿Acaso se van a hacer giras en Iowa, Dakota del Sur, Wyoming, Maine, donde casi no hay mexicanos ni mexico-americanos?
@javiercano53115 ай бұрын
I am 10generation from Texas I'm CHICANO AMERICANO and proud my family has fought and served in every war to defend my beautiful united states we brought horses cattle religion the first cowboys our familias we had to stop gringo's from murdering our familias community's to fight for our rights to vote I don't have family in Mexico but I enjoy going on vacation but Im not going to try to tell them to speak English you have to be respectful and when they come here why don't they try to speak English
@EatBailaTravel5 ай бұрын
RESPECT is so important!
@MarkyV-oe5pn3 ай бұрын
Thank you
@edm9110 Жыл бұрын
K These kids came out with their arrogant attitude instead of study and Respect the place you are going to visit. You don't disrespect where you are going to visit. You don't disrespect the homeowner, whether you Visit a house or any Country. If you ask me the parents are 100% responsible for the way were brought up.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
respect is absolutely key
@scotverdin9401 Жыл бұрын
Maybe in some way these super talented kids were expressing pride in where they're from. True, they could have expressed their thoughts differently, but as you said, they're young kids. Perhaps they were thinking, yeah, we have a strong Mexican culture in WA where we live and it's interesting to note the differences etc. They only know what they know. I wish them luck.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
you know what, I think you're exactly right on that. People act like Mexican Americans need to CHOOSE A SIDE but why can't we be proud of all those parts of us? If I were them "well I play mexican music so it must be obvious how much I love my mexican culture so I'm going to say something that highlights the other part of me" they unfortunately did that with the wrong audience, a sensitive mexican audience
@MarcosArmendariz-go3ox Жыл бұрын
I’m a Mexican American born in Mexico but raised in the US since the age of 3. What I cannot understand is how in the interviews these kids could not clearly express their love and appreciation of Mexican culture when their whole musical career and their music videos are infused with Mexican sounds, cultural symbols, mannerisms, style of dress, and they even sing in Spanish. They would have to be so ignorant, secluded, and not have access to anything Mexican to be quick to dismiss the treasures of Mexico and just say that back home is better. I’m sure they have access to internet and their whole music production process likely exposes them to a lot of Mexican culture. I would not give them a pass at all. For me they’re just very spoiled, uneducated kids who think they can say whatever they want and not deal with the consequences. I have 5-yo nieces and nephews in the US who can show you way more pride about their Mexican culture, including food, than these teenagers. Such a shame! Growing up I also felt embarrassed sometimes about some aspects of the Mexican culture that I did not connect with, but I would NEVER generalize it to the entire Mexican culture as a teenager, and I would also be a little more smart to know that if you’re making a living as an artist who distinctly dresses, talks, and sings with a Mexican flare, that you would at least appear to be more appreciative of your cultural roots. Just sayin. New subscriber here!
@Null_irobot3 ай бұрын
Same here! Mexicano, nacido en Monterrey N.L, pero creado en Chicago desde los 3. ❤
@chacmool2581 Жыл бұрын
7:25 Let's not forget that the parents themselves may not have had strong connections to the dominant culture, many times lacking basic education and having faced economic, geographic and social exclusion. Their kids, then, are going to have even less of a connection to the country. The question becomes, why are >Mexicans< so indifferent to, if not ignorant of this? 8:26 I tend to agree with Kevin. I also think Mexicans need to be less thin-skinned and defensive. 9:28 You two get that in Mexico? Curious, at home when you too are alone, just the two of you, do you speak in English it Spanish? 10:39 Mexicans accuse gringos of having a single, caricature view of Mexicans. But Mexicans too commit the same mistake in having a single view of Mexican-Americans. You two break the mold so they - Mexicans - don't know what to make of you. Plus you are threatening in that you know their world, but they only know one of yours. 13:47 "...and we gotta prove..." No, you don't. You don't have to prove anything to Mexicans, to Mexican-Americans or to Americans.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
your first point.. got me in the feels because I often think that about my mom. There have been times in the past where I've felt frustrated that I wasn't taught more about mexican history and culture, but then it hits me that my mom didn't have the opportunity to attend school past 3rd grade... and she herself doesn't know a lot about mexican history or culture outside the little rural bubble she grew up in 🥺 when we're alone, we speak 70% English and 30% spanish together. Sometimes 60/40 depending on the day. It's not a choice, just a default oohhh... well said! "Mexicans accuse gringos of having a single, caricature view of Mexicans. But Mexicans too commit the same mistake in having a single view of Mexican-Americans. You two break the mold so they - Mexicans - don't know what to make of you. Plus you are threatening in that you know their world, but they only know one of yours." Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts!! ❤️
@noskpain2792 Жыл бұрын
Our American mannerisms will always be a giveaway not just in Mexico. We are what culture environment we grew up in. I'm of Mexican descent, but that's about it. I don't know anything about Mexico other than the food and language i was brought up in.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
you only know as much as you know.. and you don't know what you don't know
@carmend6 Жыл бұрын
I agree on the clip from Selena movie. I’ve experienced that so many times I’m a 60 year old woman and I’ve gone to Mexico and I feel that way and I love hearing United States and I feel that way too.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing 🙂
@AlbertoLorenzoLopezColucci Жыл бұрын
This group sings regional mexican, which has nothing to do with race. If you're going to sing regional mexican and in México, then be prepared to answer questions in spanish; most of that audience's primary language is spanish. In my opinion, it wouldn't be a big problem if they were from another genre. Also, the group are mexican descendants, not mexican-born. There's a difference. Bueno cambiando de tema. El sábado pasado, mi novia y yo fuimos a un restaurante y en la televisión estaban emitiendo vídeos de regional mexicano. Entonces ella me preguntó por qué los hombres de este género tienen sobrepeso y son poco atractivos. La miré y le dije que no tenía ni idea; la señora sentada en la mesa de al lado nos oyó. Le sonreí y asentí con la cabeza; mi novia se avergonzó y dijo que iba al lavabo. Esta señora me preguntó la muñequita es argentina. Le contesté no, es uruguaya; ella se sonrió. Saludos de México hoy viernes 25/08/2023 🤘🏻😈🤘🏻
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Lol gracias por el anécdota.. Estoy de acuerdo con tu novia 🤭 aprovecho para aclarar una cosita.. en este video mencionamos el racismo en contra los indígenas que se mostró en los memes que se crearon a base de este asunto.. no es racismo en contra los chamacos si no en contra al gente indígena por usarlos como insulto
@angelsoto1475 Жыл бұрын
A poco existe Uruguay?🤣Sarcasmo. País de KK apenas tiene una extensión territorial de 68,037 millas cuadradas y 3.426 millones de habitantes. Deberías BOTARLA por que si ya se expresó mal de algunos mexicanos imaginate cuando vea indígenas mexicanos.
@angelsoto1475 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel Llamar feos y gordos a alguien es derogatorio.
@barrettokarate5 ай бұрын
Pretty sure they said at the beginning of the video that the eldest brother was born in Mexico.
@sori174 Жыл бұрын
I agree, they need media training. They could have made it big in Mexico but they are naive and when they were called out on it they chose arrogance. Mexicans (in Mexico) don’t understand the struggles of immigrants in the US and I agree they see us as less than. If they only knew that success in the US isn’t a guarantee and that we don’t get “tierras” inherent to us - we buy them.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
it makes me sad to see our people divided. Maybe in the future we could share more chicano/immigrant stories to try to bring people together.. would it work? idk
@damiansandalis5322 Жыл бұрын
I don't see any arrogance in them, but that may be because I am more Americanized than many. Can you tell me why Mexico thinks they are arrogant? I only felt sorry for them because I saw them as unprepared for interviews with the media.
@SethyLyn03 Жыл бұрын
Great video!!! The struggle is real! Living here in Mexico.. basically got to do what the Mexican does... My husband Jose was born here..he migrated to the US..we met and married...25 years later we are here and me a Chicana.. his family and they now tell me they are shocked that I am not a gringa repunosa.. I get it...both of you are so on point! ❤
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
yikes lol you see right there they are showing what they expected of you, the preconceived idea they had of chican@s! sigh...
@SethyLyn03 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel . Yes!! and they were so intimidated prior to our meeting...they told me they thought there was no one poor in the United States... when I told them my story they were so not believing that I grew up with what I needed and worked for what we luxuries.. The relationship I have with my Mexican family here is special... They are amazed that I know two languages...
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
🥺 this was my experience, too. Maybe these are the stories we need to start sharing more
@josephajani5071 Жыл бұрын
Mexico's mexicans always hate on mexican americans for whatever reason. Ive always noticed that
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
there's a history, which we need to educate ourselves on more, that would explain that tense relationship between Mexico Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the US
@edgarcorral56210 ай бұрын
I don't think that's true. I think some Mexicans hate on Mexican-Americans, but I also think some Mexican-Americans also hate on Mexicans. As somebody who has lived in both countries and who is integrated to both cultures (I speak English and Spanish perfectly, and when in Mexico, I don't stand out as a "pocho" - locals here think I was born here because of my flawless Spanish), I have seen the hate go both ways, and it pisses me off when I see it. If I see a Mexican-American belittling a Mexican for not speaking English, or for being a "mojado" (my parents were mojados), or for whatever, I will stand up for that Mexican. And if I see a Mexican belittling a Mexican-American for not speaking Spanish or not speaking it well enough, or for being a "pocho", or for whatever, I will stand up for that Mexican-American. At the end of the day, we are the same people, and blood is stronger than land. VIVA LA NACION MEXICANA Y SU DESCENDENCIA EN EEUU!!
@EatBailaTravel10 ай бұрын
❤️❤️❤️ totally totally agree with you @edgarcorral562 !! Nobody should be belittling anybody. We’re all fruit from the same tree.
@whatsitlike6392 Жыл бұрын
I love that expression "Twitter Fingers". I think Superholly talked about this once as well at least I think it was her. She grew up in both Mexico and the States. She said when she went to school people would often root against her labeling her U.S. so when she would lose a game they would say Mexico won etc.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
ah SuperHolly, she's great! would love to collab with her someday
@fergomez3817 Жыл бұрын
Mexico/US relations and rivalry has been there for centuries so it’s no surprise of the Mexican reaction to these young musicians with Mexican roots and a US education.
@GD30.06 Жыл бұрын
Its not racism rather the rude gestures while promoting their brand to the same people. Like an anglo American person promoting product's to hispanos while insulting their products.
@yesigrijalvadurazo936 Жыл бұрын
I don't think they disrespected anyone much less Mexican culture! They were comparing life styles in 2 very different countries. And boy it's so different i prefer to pay my bills online every month and have my services run every month. I also agree with Yaritza that we don't always have to speak Spanish and we choose when and where we speak and who we speak with. Maybe her parents taught her to love the Good old USA More because she is after all a born and raise USA citizen.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your opinion 🙏🏽
@Null_irobot3 ай бұрын
What a stupid opinion….GTFO
@kahli777 Жыл бұрын
Its interesting to me i am Amerindian my family is from the Americas. Although we are Anasazi and Maya, to name a couple. In the US the narrative is that I and people who look like me are African and we are not. When i heard that they compared these chidren to Indigenous Mexicans, and it was meant as an insult- yet these are some of the same people saying they should honor their culture ??!!? Make that make sense. Indigenous Americans- North, Central and South of precolonial era were coppered colored people with phenotypes displayed throughout Mexico's sacred places, muesums, ect. How can looking like the people of the land be preceived as an insult. Seems like their is healing and perhaps education needed, in both the US, and Mexico.
@angelica49427 Жыл бұрын
Mexican culture in general is a very formal. As a child you are taught to show deference in all aspects of life, to be a well natured individual, and generous to all you meet. That is not the American way, not even close! 😂 The kids will learn or fizzle. Personally I’m of the Timbiriche age and can still remember the love, admiration, and respect they had for their Mexico. But they where from Mexico and understood the expectations. To your point about pochos. I’ve noticed, in media, that sounding pocho/a/x as a Mexican who drops in some Spanglish here and there signals a private education or an elevated social standing and therefore acceptable. But if you genuinely struggle with the Spanish language [and from the USA ] you are now a pocho. I feel like the double standards is a reflection of the social dissonance MEXICO struggles with when it attempts to understand the impact it’s system of immigration has on us all.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
oohhh 🔥 your point about spanglish and pochos... tsss! Well said! going to save your comment and sit with it for a while
@JL-XrtaMayoNoCheese Жыл бұрын
These kids are Americans who look Mexican. They didn't grow up in a pueblo. They will be outsiders intellectually and spirituality, but not physically. This has been stated by European when "German" or "French" Americans visit their ancestral homeland. There is no such thing as a hyphenated American. You're just an American. An American in your ancestors homeland. It's oxymoronic, yet it's the fate of all immigrants to be cosmopolitan and deracinated. Sad but true.
@carloscarlin114 Жыл бұрын
"I’ve noticed, in media, that sounding pocho/a/x as a Mexican who drops in some Spanglish here and there signals a private education or an elevated social standing and therefore acceptable." I think you watched La Rosa de Guadalupe and missed the whole point of the show which is to criticize society (and does a very shitty and hilarious job at it). People who speak spanglish in Mexico usually fall into two stereotypes, Fresas or what kids call them now Whitexicans who are usually people who think everything American is better simply for being American and usually come from mid-high class families, the best comparison to an American stereotype are dumb blonde white girls from California, the other stereotype is that it is said by rural types from the border area, usually very uneducated who say things like "troca", "parkin" or "mol", both stereotypes are very negative, the 2nd is almost the equivalent of a "redneck" in Mexico. What comes as someone who shows signals of a private or elevated education are fully bilingual people.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@carloscarlin114 you make an excellent point.
@maryannwaters33910 ай бұрын
"Timbiriche" was made up of by fresas/fifis. They are 1000% Mexican, even though they were all, "'fresas chilangas." They knew how to "congraciarse con la gente popular." They understood that they belonged to the "haves" but were thoroughly trained by their handlers/managers on how to win the hearts and minds of the "masses." They were SCHOOLED by their top notch PR reps on how to act and what to say, while being interviewed. Just like Pandora, Flans, Fandango, Garibaldi, etc., all surrounded by the best PR firms/talent agencies from Mexico City. (Mexico City is a magnet for all of the talent coaches etc. from all over Latin America, mainly Argentina). MEXICO IS VERY FORMAL, like you said. The US today is definitely NOT. Unfortunately, these Chicano kids were clueless. They obviously had NO knowledge/guidance on how to speak to the "farandula chilanga"/Mexican media. Yakima, Washington and Polanco are on separate planets. 18:10
@matthewmann89696 ай бұрын
Basically inside Hispanic culture the more Amerindian, Black, And Far Eastern you are the more harsh reality you will face within most Latin American countries and communities yeah.
@EatBailaTravel5 ай бұрын
@MarkyV-oe5pn3 ай бұрын
Blk people face lot of discrimination in those countries
@angievasquez8985 Жыл бұрын
I have also said that perhaps their parents and family have just not been able to provide the lessons that some Chicano kids have. My experience was that, I knew how to speak Spanish from the time I knew how to speak but I as a young teen wanted to belong to the kids I was surrounded by I was conflicted with being from here as in the U.S vs people assuming I was from there as in Mexico. I just wanted to be me and for a long time the assumptions that I wasn’t either bothered me so growing up here I embraced it but if anyone spoke negative about Mexico or Mexicans it angered me so I have been there man, I have felt all of it and I must say it’s taken probably a good 40 years to just say f it let’s go with the flow and now I can for the most part adapt to any situation and just embrace the chicana me without thinking twice about it. We as a society of Mexican people should give them some grace. I wish I had granted myself that same grace at that age.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
the fact that you went through it, and that so many of us have gone through it, it's an experience I think is not well understood by Mexicans in Mexico..
@supermananimationsstudios8519 Жыл бұрын
Yaritza and her brothers are entitled to their opinion but Mexicans are entitled to whether they will accept or reject them.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
you're not wrong
@richardcelaya8605 Жыл бұрын
I was born in Mexico lived in Los Angeles all my life personally I thought it was dumb what they said, What I've seen if you insult Mexico the culture and the food that's really bad specially the Mexican cuisine its one of the best in the world. and what's happening is not racism they (knowing or not knowing) offended Mexico & the Mexican people. example same thing is happening to Pepe Aguilar's Daughter. Angela Aguilar during the World Cup she said that she had some Argentinian blood in her, and she was sheering for Argentina when they played Mexico and now she's not feeling arenas even her dad tried to apologize and its not working. the sad part for these kids if Mexico doesn't accept them back they won't make it. These is not RACISM they insulted the Mexican people and the culture that all. And since you been there you know Mexicans don't hold back they say what they are thinking. and unfortunately in the states any criticism its Racist. and I saw there apology and there apology was fake in my opinion. life is about decisions one bad decision can ruin you. please don't say that Mexico is Racist these kids messed up... Our culture in the USA(and I live here in the US) everything you say do its Racist in Mexico its not like that you should know by now
@hectorpast7 Жыл бұрын
@andygonzalez3939 Жыл бұрын
But if people criticize y'all, y'all get butthurt easily...
@richardcelaya8605 Жыл бұрын
@@andygonzalez3939 It’s not about getting butt hurt here is we’re couture comes in. For me I didn’t care what they said and that’s how we are here in the USA people in the us criticize the US burn the US flag 🇺🇸 say these country is racist we’re the Flag as shirts underwear table cloths stomp on it and most of us don’t care because in the US that’s permissible you can criticize anything and everyone gives you a pass that’s how we are in the US. Try using the Mexican flag 🇲🇽 as shorts bikinis burn it whatever and you might get arrested you criticize the Country, Food and there the way they live that doesn’t fly there it’s coa
@richardcelaya8605 Жыл бұрын
The culture in Mexico 🇲🇽 very different then here in the states and people will speak there mind. Don’t know if you heard a tourist was in Dubai and the lady raised her voice only didn’t hit nobody just screaming at someone and she got arrested any were we visit let’s be respectful to the people there and respect there culture and focus on the good and few people are as welcoming as the Mexican people. People that said crap to these Kids they were not Butt hurt they were pissed off. For most of us in the US we didn’t care we probably took it as something dumb and or stupid they said!! We’re ever we go let’s Respect the Culture of that country
@andygonzalez3939 Жыл бұрын
@@richardcelaya8605 I'm not defending Yahritza, I get that they may have come off as condescending but I just don't think it warranted this extreme response. Especially the fact that our paisas used this as an excuse to generalize a whole group of people, which did kind of tick me off because I'm Mexican American. If y'all want to talk about Yahritza, talk about them, but don't bring other people that had nothing to do with this.
@radar78061 Жыл бұрын
Born in south Texas 1953. My grandfather came from Monterrey N.L.. My father was born here. I spoke basic Spanish before entering the public school system where speaking Spanish on school grounds was punished with swats to the butt with a paddle. Served in the U.S. Navy for one enlistment in the early 1970s during Vietnam. Luckily I stayed stateside with naval aviation. Proudly served. Honorably discharged. Providing for my family took a lot of my time and sadly I did not pay enough attention to my culture so I could pass it on. I have always been aware of the struggles any minority, black, brown or any other non-white. On any endeavor one undertakes you should prepare yourself as best you can. These young men should have been made aware of the situation they were going to be in.. In the original Selena Movie, her father warned Selena about how the media and the public could turn on her. All human beings regardless of country of origin are too quick to put someone else down. These young men should be given a break for not being aware. Hopefully this is not a crash and burn event for them. Maybe their promoters were only seeing dollar signs and not these boys future. I hope these fellas recover and go on with their music careers.
@alternative7361 Жыл бұрын
Mexico City is the largest city in the world... it has EVERYTHING a person could want... My friends and I went to a restaurant in Mexico City whose name I forget...BUT their napkins have a black and white cow on them... It was a large bizzy place on cinqo or just off it...... full to capacity... we had breakfast and then started on beers... and before we knew it had turned into lunchtime... we were never rushed... we asked for menus and had lunch there late into the afternoon...... again we were never rushed ... the food was awesome and so was our waitress.. only In Mexico City can such a great experience happen... . ... Noise? what noise? I was in the worlds largest city loving it for being what it is... Next stop was Caoyacan.... Fridas house.. I think those children are kids dealing with some fame without a manager to guide them... someone should step up to the plate...
@andygonzalez3939 Жыл бұрын
Mexico City sucks. I prefer Santiago de Querétaro.
@dramz1972 Жыл бұрын
City life isn’t for everybody though. Some people genuinely prefer not to live there
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
we just moved to Mexico City and have lots of mixed emotions about it! planning on making it the topic of our next video. We will be on the lookout for that restaurant with the black and white cow on the napkins 😁
@alternative7361 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel Roma is supposed to be a great neighborhood.
@barrettokarate5 ай бұрын
Second largest. Tokyo is bigger.
@veronicanunez398 Жыл бұрын
Everyone gets offended when someone says something about your culture. Especially if you are in their country. Be respectful and keep it to yourself
@Lizz7711 Жыл бұрын
I also don’t hear much about the prejudice within Mexico against darker skin toned Mexicans, but have heard about it’s prevalence first hand from a darker skin toned Mexican living in Oaxaca city. Would love to hear more on this topic.
@RelaxingMusicWithPinkKitty Жыл бұрын
I am darker skinned but my brother is "whiter looking" and he was always gushed over his "good looks" for looking more European. It is common in our culture.
@Lizz7711 Жыл бұрын
@@RelaxingMusicWithPinkKitty sorry to hear that- it’s so crazy!
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
it's a sensitive topic, for sure and deserves more attention. We're building up the courage and experience by talking about what we feel confident in and hopefully someday can touch more on those topics
@bloodorangemoon Жыл бұрын
I grew up in and around Barrio Logan in San Diego, born to a LARGE Mexican family on my mothers side. I'm second generation Mexican and 4th generation Irish on my fathers side. I'll admit I got a little bit triggered when you guys were talking about that fight in 1996, flooded by so many memories...that word, pocha... still hurts. All my life I was never fully accepted in the neighborhoods. I looked too much like my father, white. I think all the comments I received as a young, sensitive, girl growing up made me feel like I'd never fit in anywhere. I still feel that way. I wonder if that's part of why I worked really hard to perfect my Spanish...And people are always shocked it's so good, like because of my face I shouldn't speak it without an accent. You can't win. It was very strange too being all at once told I needed to hold strong to my roots, speak Spanish without and accent, then being praised for my fairness and watching my mother bleach her skin and hair doing her very best impression of Kelly Bundy
@billyhughes805 Жыл бұрын
I am similar to you, except I am Welsh/Peruvian - you accept you, I know I don't want to be anyone else and I love me and every part about it - you sound like a great person and has a strong sense of identity but I must say it took awhile to get there myself but here I am. Still, what helped is that most people who make these kind of negative comments are arseholes and I wouldn't pay any more credence to what they think than a barking dog.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
🥺 you got me right in the feels! stories like yours are common and often overlooked 😔
@bloodorangemoon Жыл бұрын
@@billyhughes805 I love that, I'm going to have to picture a chihuahua barking next time I have to deal with a negative person like that. Thank you!
@jlopez4963 Жыл бұрын
Youre american not mexican
@bloodorangemoon Жыл бұрын
@@jlopez4963 🐕🐕🐕🌬
@MomonaJourney Жыл бұрын
Thank you for discussing this topic. I got goosebumps. To me “ni de aqui, ni de allá” is the hardest part of being an immigrant. I feel like I’m from all but nowhere at the same time. But I love your take on your shirt.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you feel it was a productive discussion, thanks for your comment
@edgarcorral56211 ай бұрын
Don't feel that way. Be proud of being Mexican-American! Que vivan los chicanos! Que vivan los mexicanos! Que viva la nacion chicana y la nacion mexicana, la sangre es mas fuerte que el suelo, y a final de cuentas, somos la misma raza mexicana, somos, como dice Vicente Fernandez en su cancion Hijo del Pueblo, descendientes de Cuahutemoc.
@awkwardlyawesome00 Жыл бұрын
Omg you guys literally said almost every thoughts I had 😭 As for the last clip. From what I found on TikTok. It’s NOT an interview. That girls name is Meche and is Yaritza’s friend, I think they even dated! So it seems they often go on Live and talk English! In his clip they were talking English at the beginning then Meche starts teasing Yahritza bout her Spanish and how she’s a no sabo kid. Yahritza seems a little upset like I could tell she was trying to respond in Spanish but didn’t really know what to say so then she starts making funny faces. I think this is how it stated. It’s definitely the same day bc they have the same clothes and the girl is doing her makeup. So in this context I don’t see it bad that she’s telling her friend who she always talks in English to talk to her in English after she called her a no sabo kid
@dramz1972 Жыл бұрын
Oh wow. I had no idea this was the context. Thanks for clarifying that
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
thanks for the additional context! another example of how the internet cherry-picks clips with little-to-no context and blows things out of proportion
@AM-yi4dd3 ай бұрын
Nice try but ignorance is not a defense in the 21st century, they should have done their research. I’m from CA and my parents are from Mexico and I blocked Yaritza bc of this
@EatBailaTravel3 ай бұрын
Totally understandable. Everyone is free to consume or not consume their work. They lost your patronage for dumb things they said and that’s fair. I think other people took it too far with the name calling and racialized insults.
@trooperg12348 ай бұрын
I am Mexican \ Spanish. That is right. I am half gringo, and half Mexican. I can't fit in with anyone. I never had a Mexican friend in my whole entire life. Because my dead white washed mother only dated gringos after she ditched my Mexican father. for the gringo dads ltr as a teen, really hit me hard. I always felt like I was lucky to be married into the white mans ways. And to be honest. I was raised that way. But as I got older. I hated who I was. And I hated everyone around me. I now except that I am a MISFIT. I do not belong to anyone. I stand alone. Like so many others. I do not give a ratz azz for anyone. I do not have to. In fact. As far as I am concerned. It is my way, or the highway. Stay Primal. Need nobody that doesn't dish out for you. It takes two. But you are better off just being one. and by the way. Spanish language is just the other gringos language. Remember Spaniards are white, blue eyed race. So because anyone speaks it, doesn't mean they own it. Get it? goooooood.
@EatBailaTravel8 ай бұрын
I understand what you’re saying, totally. You’ve been through a lot and have had to survive. You remind me of my dad a little bit. He tried to feed these ideas of superiority to me (for having Spanish blood) but it never appealed to me. I’ve always gravitated towards my more indigenous Mexican and mestizo side. But that’s the beauty of it all, we get to choose.
@brandon_wallace Жыл бұрын
Es triste que haya pasado algo así. Es bueno estar entre dos cultural pero a veces puede ser dificil.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
así es
@ACGBlaser Жыл бұрын
Apoco usa tiene cultura 👍?
@yourpadre1010 ай бұрын
@@ACGBlaser USA tiene la cultura de las Armas.. lOl
@eduardozamudio9604 Жыл бұрын
Yo nací y crecí en mexico, y soy mexicano que después emigré, creo que los que nacen en EEUU como ustedes también son mexicanos, a veces más que muchos que nacen en mexico, ósea somos mexicanos aunque tengamos una segunda o primera nacionalidad diferente, así deberíamos vernos, creo
@garo625011 ай бұрын
Tremenda pendejada acabo de leer jajajajaja 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@connieg7692 Жыл бұрын
This was a great video. I feel the same, they are kids. I think I'm going to order a shirt. I'm going to CDMX finally next month. Really excited 😊
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
The grey shirt is the softest material just fyi ;) I used to have it in white and I wore the heck out of it, stained it and needed a new one so I tried the grey. The black one was also soft. Anyway, thanks for your support! Wear it proudly! 🤗❤️🇺🇸🇲🇽
@nolove8572 ай бұрын
I remember I was in Matamoros, MX and the police had stopped us. And asked if we was mexican and we said yes. And they asked us if we was born in Mexico and we said "No" and they said we weren't mexican. We were not born there. And this has always stood in my mind. It's true I'm not mexican I am a Mexican-American. I was born in Chicago and I'm proud of my heritage. But a lot of mexicans call us pochos, gringos and so on. 😅😅😅😅😅
@EatBailaTravel2 ай бұрын
Gosh, they make it so confusing. The Mexican constitution clearly states that Mexicans born abroad to Mexican parents are still Mexican and have a right to citizenship. It’s not automatic, they have to claim it via some paperwork, but it’s true. We’re just a different kind of Mexican!
Yo ni sabia de la existencia de estos jóvenes. Pero escuchando lo que dijeron no me parece ofensivo. Creo que es la manera en que lo expresaron. Siento pena por ellos y su ignorancia. En fin, mis mejores deseos para estos jóvenes mexico-americano.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
sí se mal-expresaron ... gracias por su comentario!
@marthagonzalez-l3l6 ай бұрын
You can say anything about Mexico, but don't try to profit from Mexican music that comes from the same place you dislike ,hypocrites😅😅
@EatBailaTravel6 ай бұрын
Yes and no. Mexican music is bigger than Mexico these days. South America and USA are humongous markets that listen to Mexican music. Similar to reggaeton being spread worldwide
@davidday2373 Жыл бұрын
There are "fresas" in México that would have similar reactions (scoff at soda in a baggie too) Also, there are lots of Mexicans who hate Banda and Norteño music, and look down on those genres.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@dariamancini96310 ай бұрын
The one guys who said she was delicate and eats only chicken wings (no shade) but he came across as maybe autistic tbh. I have lots of experience with that population. It’s disappointing when people are like that but try not being offended. I also just assumed the guy who prefers his Washington food is probably just preferring his moms cooking I’m guessing. It’s beyond ridiculous and sad when people don’t realize what good culture is. Not liking sirens sounds also just provincial. Any major city is noisy. In my hotel at night I heard several ambulances in Tokyo but it didn’t take away anything from my experience. If you want silence in a major metropolitan area use earplugs 😂
@EatBailaTravel10 ай бұрын
You’re clearly a reasonable, empathetic and mature person. I wish more people paused to think before spewing internet hate.
@oscarcordon6435 Жыл бұрын
Yo estoy de acuerdo con ustedes dos, nosotros llevamos a nuestos hijos a Guatemala por primera ves. y fue un gran shock de cultura. Por mucho que uno trate de esplicar como es no es lo mismo ir experimentarlo en persona. Ellos hasta se enfermaron del estomago y yo también. No se pudo ser le differencia en el agua no se. Pero el punto es que ellos se quejaron de lo mismo el ruido y la comida pero quieren ir otra vez y vamos a ir otra vez ahora que tenemos los recursos para ir. La differencia es que mis hijos me lo diejieron a mi y no en cámara para que lo vieran miles de personas y los esplique a ellos que esta bien pero se van a tener que acostumbrar porque ahora vamos a ir todos los anos para que amprendan mas del la cultura. En fin yo los miro a ellos como si fueran mis hijos, les dirían que aprendan de sus errores y que sigan adelante.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
aw, cómo quisiera que el mundo tuviera tu empatía! Qué lindo que lleves a tus hijos a conocer a sus raíces y que te tengan a ti como guía en todo eso
@oscarcordon6435 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel en vez de amenasarlos de que nunca regresen a Mexico deverian de motivarlos a que regresen mas seguido para que aprendan mas a apreciar la cultura. No estoy de acuerdo de como se espressaron en la entrivista pero para alguien quien dice que son personas apprecian su cultura no la estan represantando de buena manera con tratar de destruirlos en ves de levantarlos. Pero cada quien con su manera de pensar.
@OOremu Жыл бұрын
They are kids. Give them a break. They did not grow up in Mexico. They are just talking about what they liked growing up in the US. You can have Mexican roots without like some of the diet
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
thank you for your input!
@miraculousbrapink Жыл бұрын
what a great video my heart breaks every time for all the immigrants that leave mexico for survival and can’t take the fruits of their labor back to mexico when they wish because if immigration status this changes the nature and nurture of the offspring in a way nobody will understand u less u are the first generation like us chicanos ❤❤❤❤❤
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
thanks so much for your comment ❤️
@thekingofmoney2000 Жыл бұрын
We all have different experiences, different upbringings, etc. In my case, my family has been in Texas since the 1700s and 1800s, so my experiences may be drastically different to someone who’s parents are immigrants. Regardless though, I would never have said anything negative about Mexico while I’m in Mexico, or any country for that matter. They were guests in Mexico trying to start a career there. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you, and as celebrities they should have known better, even if they are teenagers. I hope they can salvage their career somehow and learn from this experience.
@Sabas-jk2rp Жыл бұрын
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
yep! thanks for your comment
@robertgarza3493 Жыл бұрын
Another very well done video. Keep up the great work. Saludos… 🇲🇽
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! Saludos Robert 🤗
@Rittlesleo Жыл бұрын
In our time living in Mexico and Guatemala we noticed that advertising never had images of native peoples. And they seemed to be in a low social class. I don’t know why, but it disturbed us.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Good observation. It’s an ongoing problem, so much that when an award winning actor like Yalitza Aparicio is recognized for her talent and starts appearing on screens and it becomes a huge uproar with mixed responses from the public. Really shows peoples’ ugly side
@alexandra-fu7oq Жыл бұрын
I’m a retired music teacher and am blown away by Yahritza, not just her singing but her songwriting skills at such a young age. She has a very rare gift and if what they say is true, that she taught herself how to sing, write and play guitar, then she is a force of nature. She wrote her song Soy El Único at the age of 13. I don’t listen to regional Mexican music as I’m more of a Chente and Luis Miguel kind of gal, but Yahritza’s talent has me listening to everything she has composed up to now. She also has song writing credits on Frágil and Las Flores, both of which are beautiful songs. I want her to continue writing and growing as a musician. She could be one of the greats in the future and I will support her because of her talent.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Aww, I love that. Thank you for choosing to spotlight her talents as opposed to her mistakes
@alexandra-fu7oq Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel yes of course! I taught middle and high school and know at that age kids don’t always know how to act and you have to try to cultivate the good that is there. I seriously haven’t seen talent like this on a long time and I think it would be a shame if Mexico rejects her. Thank you for the response.
@jeronimomuniz3358 Жыл бұрын
If somebody does not speak spanish in speak English. I do not say I preferre Speak Spanish I feel more comfortable. You speak the language according to the situation.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@andrewchavez54552 ай бұрын
Both of you hit the nail on the head. As a Mexican-American I’ve had family members criticize me for my ‘lack’ of Mexican culture and how I sometimes mispronounce certain words in Spanish. Which has hurt me deeply. I pride myself on being multicultural and bilingual, so when another Mexican tells me I’m not Mexican enough it makes me feel like I don’t belong anywhere. I really resonate with the Selena movie scene because as Mexican-Americans we do have to be twice as perfect.
@thatguy66459 ай бұрын
Very good content, I go through the same s___! Everywhere I go people speak to me in Spanish, they find it hard to believe I don't speak Spanish, I am an American. Anyways keep up the good work bring light on this issues.
@EatBailaTravel9 ай бұрын
Thank you! 🤗 saludos
@thismachinekillsfascists11385 ай бұрын
Spanish is a European language. It is not indigenous to the Americas. The Mexica or "Aztec" spoke Nahuatl. Get it straight.
@JuanGardea-g2m Жыл бұрын
I'm Mexican raised in the usa, vet,activist...and yeah those kids messed up and don't really have pride in their roots,,,,but let's be real,Taylor swift had a very. Successful concerts in mexico and she said she hates has a distain for mexico and people going gaga over these person.and yet there's no backlash of Swifts hatred towards them and I guess the hype is more important than loyalty and pride,,the whole things stinks🤣😂
@EatBailaTravel10 ай бұрын
oooohhh good point bringing up Taylor Swift! lol
@HumbleNarcissist04 ай бұрын
Lmao Taylor Swift never said that
@Estrella21 Жыл бұрын
I found the memes, the bullying, the racism and especially the death threats, downright frightening. I’m Mexican American with immigrant parents and had been considering retiring there, close to where I have family, but my youngest, who is 19, is on the spectrum and is picky with food and also gay and darker skinned than I am. She doesn’t have much of a filter when she says things because of her autism, and I’ve raised her with way more compassion and patience than what my siblings and I were raised with. I can completely see her saying she prefers chicken wings (which she does) and can’t eat chile, just like one of Yahritza’s brother’s did. This whole situation has made me think that I am better off staying in the US closer to the family that I have here, rather than trying to change a culture that will possibly bully her for who she is. I’m also taking her to see Yahritza live in Texas in October and have already introduced her to her music. Thank you for your video and the discussion. Blessings.
@alejandrogabriel4021 Жыл бұрын
Es importante que investigues en KZbin y te des cuenta cuál fue la causa real de porque fue cancelada, ese vídeo se pone como un meme, pero no es lo que ofendió a los Mexicanos . Muchos canales como este solo ponen lo superficial tal vez para hacer que miren a los mexicanos como pocos tolerantes y exagerados. Fue su falta de respeto a un taquero haciendo caras de asco porque le sirvió su soda en una bolsa. El no querer hablar español con sus seguidores hasta el punto de correrlos de su en vivo. Entre otras cosas que si te interesa saber el contexto real lo puedes ir a ver
@JoseLuisGonzalez-qf1cu Жыл бұрын
El problema no fue si les gusta o no la comida mexicana o el idioma. Busca videos donde este grupo en todas sus entrevistas fueron soberbios. mal educados, engreídos y siempre burlándose de la cultura mexicana. En si el problema es por que estar lucrando con la cultura mexicana (fama, dinero y reconocimiento, etc) sino les gusta la cultura mexicana?.Analiza las dos disculpas qué han dado en Internet y verás que ni es sincera y ni sería. La incomodidad de este grupo es que están siendo cancelados tanto en rpresentaciones como en las plataformas qué tienen su música publicada. Saludos desde ciudad de Mexico
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@Estrella21 ☹️ that’s really tough. In the end this public backlash doesn’t represent all of Mexico, just like Yahritza and her brothers don’t represent all Chicanos. I’m sure you’d still find a supportive community somewhere in Mexico if you wanted to move
@Estrella21 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel thank you. My mama heart has been hurting for them, but you’re right. I have some very loving family in Mexico that I can focus on. ❤️
@aldoxlalleca Жыл бұрын
When you mentioned Julio cesar chavez first that came to my mind was the activist who also was chicano fought for the agricultural worker but for the ones that were there legally cause he didn't like illegal immigrants. Theres has always been a division between mexicans and Mex-ame . Dont forget that California wanted to separate feom México before the US took over. They didn't seem them self as part of Mexico cause the Mexican government didn't demonstrate much interest in that territory until the US showed interest. So yeah, this has much history. Dont forget that before the Euros, the continent was way different, just México itself was divided in Mesoamerica, Aridoamerica, and Oasisamerica , and each had many cultures. The word Mexican or Mexico comes from Mexica, which was the name that the Aztec adopted after arriving to tenochtlitlan . The Euros generalized all cultures by calling us Mexicans, but a Mexica(Aztec) is not a Mayan, and these two are not Purepecha. They all were different in lenguaje , traditions ,beliefs, etc. Yes, we all Natives Americans but different cultures.
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for mentioning more about the history. We know very little about it but want to learn more! Do you recommend any books/films etc on the topic? Years after graduating college I am regretting not taking more chicanos studies courses
@lunitab0nita Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video! Super interesting topic 🫶
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@zonacrocone4804 Жыл бұрын
This is an interesting topic and is very common all over the world. There are millions of Turkish-Germans, for example, who say the same thing: in Germany they are considered Turks, in Turkey they are (negatively) seen as Germans. I had the positive experience when I immigrated to the US, I was 30 years old, to be accepted as an American in the US. Probably, because the US always has been a country of immigrants. In my home country, though, my former neighbors called me a traitor. Mexicans, as I noticed, are fiercly patriotic, I would say even much more than Americans. So I am not surprised that this incident here created a shitstorm. I called a good friend of mine, who was born in Mexico and grew up and lives in the US, very brave, when she went to an US-Mexico soccer game and proudly waved the US flag. That is the experience of normal people who happen to be "at home" in two countries. Now, when it comes to "public people," like this band, things get way more complicated. What could be seen as innocent comments on food and urban environment in Mexico City became scandalous. As Jenny said, they obviously lack any media experience. Unfortunately, what you can say privately is not always fit for public statements. That may be sad, but it is a fact. If you want to be a celebrity, you need to be aware of these things. I think their comments were pretty stupid and now they receive the reward. And yes, that all shows the shallowness of the "internet generation." The same people criticizing this band probably will stand in line in CDMX for Starbucks and McDo and not even think about it. Welcome to the "you tube world."
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
well said, amigo! Did you immigrate to the US from a European country? I'm glad you were accepted as an immigrant. I wish that same sense of welcome was common for immigrants from non-European countries 😏
@zonacrocone4804 Жыл бұрын
@@EatBailaTravel Yes, I came from Western Europe. But actually, most legal immigrants in the US nowadays come from Asia, Europe contributes only a relatively small number. But I am grateful to be here - and as you know, now am thinking of retiring in Mexico :D
@louie9759 Жыл бұрын
for me it wasn't that they didn't like Mexican food in mex is fine. It's the interview where she is admonishing the interviewer for speaking to her in Spanish. And in other interviews where she makes faces when asked about mex. especially since their whole fan base speaks Spanish and they sing in Spanish and gotta rich from it😮
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
it is problematic in so many ways, I agree
@tolowreading68074 ай бұрын
Sounds like they were overwhelmed by Mexico City and homesick. Where they are from is pretty rural and quiet.
@EatBailaTravel3 ай бұрын
Yea definitely
@MarkSide_ Жыл бұрын
As a Chicano, MX is the motherland, The US is The homeland, and Spain is the deadbeat Father that wants nothing to do with us all lol, He spends more time with his other child Argentina. 😄
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
Lmao! Never heard this one, and I love it.
@danielaguilar7965 ай бұрын
Spain is ghey
@moibe18210 ай бұрын
Yo jamás había visto la entrevista y ahora que la veo, wow, la verdad no dijeron nada malo, fueron sinceros y yo creo que la gente exageró y claro, los medios le echaron leña al fuego.
@EatBailaTravel7 ай бұрын
definitivamente demasiado leña al fuego... gracias por su comentario! 👍
@isidrogarcia256 Жыл бұрын
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
@jonnytaansend1469 Жыл бұрын
I think they're young rural kids from a very quiet area in the Pacific Northwest who were suddenly thrust into one of the largest most vibrant cities in the world & it overwhelmed them a little. Also it's natural for people to love the food from the area they grew up in. But I also respect the Mexican people's reaction. You have to defend your home. I asked you guys via Insta if you thought the Mexican food in Chicago was better than San Diego & you said Yes. My Mexican friends here in San Diego think that's crazy. And another guy from New Jersey said the Mexican food there is the best. There's no right or wrong answer. I'm from London & think the Indian & Jamaican food in London is the best. Just human nature. Keep up the great work.
@EatBailaTravel10 ай бұрын
Lol, then we need to visit San Diego and you need to tell us your favorite Mexican food spots! And we will make a video talking about Mexican food in San Diego vs Chicago and see who comes out on top. You're right, there's no right answer, but it's still fun to explore! 😁
@josephplacencia9091 Жыл бұрын
Thank you guys for this video. Love your travels & experiences. I was born & raised in Texas and have been dealing with this my whole life even to this day. Im 40 years old and even at work I see discrimination to the chicanos who don’t speak Spanish here in Texas. I love Mexico and visit often but even when I’m there I have a fear of speaking Spanish because I feel I will get taken advantage of because I don’t speak if properly. I am proud of my roots but the Selena movie said it best….it’s exhausting 😂 sometimes being mexican American. Shout Out to Chicago… my dad born in Mexico/raised in Chicago and moved to Texas where he met my mom. Much love & blessings to you guys!
@EatBailaTravel Жыл бұрын
It be like that sometimes, yea. Thank you, blessings to you as well amigo ✨
@RobertoTorres-gi8vh Жыл бұрын
It’s ok to agree and disagree, just because we dislike a certain thing doesn’t mean to be so critical !!