@@emailvincent 你说的当然有道理,但这个妈妈频繁更换男友,每段关系都不长,似乎是为了追求新鲜和刺激,不像是认真过日子的,她认识Nick的时候,男方还在婚呢。我姥姥也不在近10年了,我和家人跟你和家人一样,会拿姥姥生前的趣事谈笑风生。但盖瑞特的去世不太一样,他还是个孩子啊,非正常死亡,还不是事故,是被谋杀。我是两个孩子的妈妈,以我对自己的了解,我绝对会beat myself up with guilt。不过话说回来,就像你说的,不能拿我们自己的思想和标准要求别人。对这个妈妈,也只能说天要下雨,娘要嫁人,随她去吧。
I’m very sorry for the kid, after so many years still cannot have the murderer get caught ,why does nobody examine the foot size when the murderer jumped out from the window?
@MiAnZhuiZong3 жыл бұрын
I tend to think the police did check that, however, as the foot print on the lawn was made from jumping instead of walking, it would be hard to determine the accurate size.