Рет қаралды 91
ICMPD hosted 55 students and youth at this year’s International Summer School on Migration on 7-12 July in Kachreti, Georgia. Participants from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Ukraine discussed the impact of migration on international law, media and public perception of migrants, the role of migration in the economy and development, and integration and citizenship. They also discussed migration and gender, skilled migration, migration governance, and European asylum law.
Under the framework of the EU-funded STREAMinG 2 and MOBILAZE 2 projects and the Training Academy of the Prague Process, the annual event provides research-oriented, multi-disciplinary and innovative lectures, workshops, working groups and projects on issues related to the migration situation and migration policy in the EU, its Eastern neighbourhood region and worldwide as well as to the global developments related to migration.
For more information:
STREAMinG 2: www.icmpd.org/...
MOBILAZE 2: www.icmpd.org/...
Prague Process: www.icmpd.org/...