Mike Rowe and the DOWNFALL of Scientology with Journalist Tony Ortega | The Way I Heard It

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Mike Rowe

Mike Rowe

10 ай бұрын

This is part 2 of Mike Rowe's interview with Tony Ortega on "The Way I Heard It" podcast. In this video, Mike and Tony discuss the case against Danny Masterson, a prominent member of Scientology, and other oddities of the Church of Scientology.
Listen to the ENTIRE episode of "The Way I Heard It" #327 on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.
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@BritInvLvr 10 ай бұрын
I’m glad more people are speaking out against this cult. I hope I live to see its downfall.
@smiling390 9 ай бұрын
I hope to see that in my lifetime too! They basically bullied to get tax exempt status and now it's time to take it away. Bless Leah Remini and especially Mike Rinder, who, is battling advanced esophageal cancer. 💞
@originalmamagrizzly2478 9 ай бұрын
@divinedomina7599 9 ай бұрын
Scientology is big on 'word clearing.' The definition of cult? 'A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.' Definition of veneration: 'Great respect; reverence." Definition of devotion: "Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause." What's the issue? '
@indianumberonecountry 9 ай бұрын
Mormonism is next
@COVID...19 5 ай бұрын
Is Mike antisemitic or something? It seems he would hate the Jews as mush as he hates the Scientologist as he believes the pre-WII propaganda. DUMMY 😅 Scientology is a religion in the fullest sense of the word hundreds of countries around the world.
@shadowphantom2567 10 ай бұрын
Scientology goes after anyone who may have influence who speaks out against them. Scientology would be making a HUGE mistake going after Mike Rowe for this or any other video. Mike is loved by millions, and going after him publicly would cause public retribution against Scientology they are not prepared for. But, then again, Scientology has demonstrated in one example after the next, repeatedly over the years, they are COMPLETELY self unaware, and are unable to "take the pulse" of a given situation. This, THIS will be their demise. The inability to think and react strategically. They are a hammer constantly in search of a nail.
@Dastardly_Saboteur 10 ай бұрын
I love Mike Rowe and have followed him for years but I have to wonder why he participates in Grant Cardone (huge Scientology donor) conferences
@SGTSLACKASS 10 ай бұрын
After Amber Heard you can’t believe any women. Women can’t consent to sex then change her mind 10 years later for Financial gain. Could careless about Scientology but been around women my whole life they are all pathological liars and will do anything for attention play to the victim.
@TheMitchyb61 10 ай бұрын
The fact that our entire country has not turned against them yet is astounding! The amount of horrific things they have done is staggering!
@MasonBlue6 10 ай бұрын
What about the pedo groomer movement all across the world thats castrating boys? IGNORE THAT. Mike lost a lot of my respect with these attacks on a religious people.
@MasonBlue6 10 ай бұрын
@@TheMitchyb61 Wait until you see what they do to boys in schools all across the west.. wait ignore that! It's just castration.
@mothersgauri4137 10 ай бұрын
Mike - SO MUCH respect to you for covering things about this abusive , mafia like organization It is shameful and disgusting that they have continued to receive religious tax exempt status that they hide behind. I hope you will continue to pursue this ! 👍👍👍👍
@taylormoses5884 9 ай бұрын
Tony Robinson scam artist
@mothersgauri4137 9 ай бұрын
@@taylormoses5884 Agree....although VERY small change to Scientology.
@d.e.b.b5788 9 ай бұрын
All religions are a scam. It's all about controlling people behavior, and getting rich by doing it.
@patnasti 9 ай бұрын
I would think if they kept the Bible in schools with people who Really know the Lord teach it there wouldn't be so many taken in by these cult's
@mothersgauri4137 9 ай бұрын
@@patnasti I hope you realize how many "Christian" cult groups there are today . I mean no disrespect to any religion. The point is that "destructive cults" go beyond any religion. The belief system is simply a cover for the leader's agenda. If you haven't already, you might find Steven Hassan's books helpful in identifying exactly what a cult is and how people get sucked in....very smart, sincere and talented people. The methods are subtle and insidious....but recognizable when one becomes educated, as they all follow a certain way of entrapment. Once one understands the dynamics of how one can get trapped, then one can at least be more vigilant and know what to look out for. Personally I wish they would teach about these traps in schools. It could save a lot of lives. I understand and respect your feelings that religion will save lives, and I don't necessarily disagree. BUT..sadly religion, just like other things, can be abused and one needs to recognize that.(IMO)
@stevewilliams6354 10 ай бұрын
Not many people have earned my respect but Mike Rowe is a man’s man he’s a solid true blue American.
@johnfasanoii4382 9 ай бұрын
Blue collar American* he looks white to me? Lol
@XenusMama 9 ай бұрын
Unlike Tony Ortega …. He creeps me out.
@madelineharkins5643 9 ай бұрын
Touche! Love that man.
@colerobertson6500 9 ай бұрын
I don't know if it's a "these days" thing or because I'm over 40 but everything seems to be political with me. I certainly lean left most of the time. Mike Rowe does not. I drive over 5k miles a month and listen to a lot of podcasts while doing so. Mike Rowe is my favorite. There are lots of times I do not agree with him. It doesn't matter. He has never set off my bs meter. I believe that he truly believes in what he says he believes and he's put real thought into it. I respect that so much, even if I don't always agree with what he believes. He is the epitome of what I believe people that lean right of center are supposed to be. (the matt walsh thing though.....i know that 'our kids being taught about gender identity' is bs. they're not. i have kids. they're not. they might be if a transgender were to show up in their school in an attempt to explain this type of person that's so alien to them but so far, that hasn't happened. also, trans is about as new as the word 'tranny' is. it was a word my dad used so it's at least from his generation if not before. and no, he wasn't referring to transmissions. transgenders aren't new. in the navy, we were told we couldn't throw them out of windows if our prostitute turned out to be one. because that happened. i would love to have an interview with matt walsh but i know that interview won't survive editing because it would not support his narrative.)
@reddamooyoung2.079 9 ай бұрын
Hate when the words "true american or patriot" means one thing
@briandwiggins1576 10 ай бұрын
May all the Scientologists see the light and leave that evil organization.
@justinpaone2227 10 ай бұрын
they are guilty of covering it up just like the catholic church, but they did not promote it as far as I know. hollywood is also guilty of covering all this up for decades.
@corneliusantonius3108 10 ай бұрын
Yeah they need to live Satanology
@drrocketman7794 10 ай бұрын
They *do* see the light. It makes them rich.
@LadyGX 10 ай бұрын
​@@drrocketman7794No, it only makes the organization rich. Most members live in poverty.
@bevsimms9526 10 ай бұрын
I couldn't explain it better than myself might I could not you did an excellent job the first five seconds and it's not a religion by any means
@yvonne9484 10 ай бұрын
IMO, Scientology is just a tax exempt pyramid scheme. Watching a family member be lured in by promises of wealth and superiority over all, has been so heartbreaking. This group steals souls and produces emotionless money making machines. 💔
@lowellmichels5792 10 ай бұрын
Sounds a lot like mormanism to me
@ferretyluv 10 ай бұрын
It’s not an opinion, they really are just a pyramid scheme.
@bradwilliams1691 10 ай бұрын
As far as I'm concerned - $cientology is nothing but a criminal organisation.
@mikeb3172 10 ай бұрын
Is it your opinion or do you just believe things from hypnotic sounding people yourself?
@ferretyluv 10 ай бұрын
@@mikeb3172 Hi Karin!
@rustylingenfelter5756 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for bringing attention to these criminals. First, they lose their tax-exempt status, and then they stop hiding behind this arbitration nonsense to make them fair game for civil and criminal prosecution.
@sungal1956 10 ай бұрын
The stories that Leah Remini’s series aired were heartbreaking 💔. I myself learned so much from that show! Didn’t surprise me when it was taken off-air 😢
@redblaze1981pk76 7 ай бұрын
Her show should have never been taken down. It should have been allowed to stayed on !!!
@robertsloane1268 7 ай бұрын
Scientology shut them down..
@Light-Eater 10 ай бұрын
Can you even imagine, what kind of psychopaths are in charge of Scientology?
@dp.2766 10 ай бұрын
There’s really only one kind of psycho/sociopath.
@LadyGX 10 ай бұрын
There's really only one.
@christinalock9937 10 ай бұрын
@gwenstone3903 9 ай бұрын
Yeah including couch jumping nuts that society continues to support by going to his crummy movies!
@GayleDE 10 ай бұрын
Just listening to Jenna Miscaviage's book. The way they treated children was abusive and disgusting!! Scientology needs to be investigated. They interegate children, young children and ask adult type inappropriate questions. Get the children out now!
@DamePiglet 10 ай бұрын
Sounds a lot like public schools nowadays 🤔
@GayleDE 10 ай бұрын
@@DamePiglet I have 4 grandchildren that go to public schools in Australia, nothing like this has ever happened to them. Can you give examples and what schools are interegating children?
@DamePiglet 10 ай бұрын
@@GayleDE Here are a few examples- this was just a quick search. You can find thousands more if you search. kzbin.info/www/bejne/q4bZdIRqnrZgZpo kzbin.info/www/bejne/fpjdiJWYpsiFl6c kzbin.info/www/bejne/bJO5fIRujNyZpZI kzbin.info/www/bejne/nGHKg6qel89-opo kzbin.info/www/bejne/kKeuXpeui5yrrs0 kzbin.info/www/bejne/gam2kIdvg9WXi7c kzbin.info/www/bejne/nIPZXqmbrZqfo5o
@jamesharmon3827 10 ай бұрын
Society in general is really messing with kids nowadays. This sort of thing, all the transgender nonsense, I am terrified for my daughter.
@katie7748 10 ай бұрын
​@@GayleDEGo do your homework. There's proof of it all over the place if you're willing to look, hear, and accept it.
@ClintWestVood 10 ай бұрын
As a kid round 10-15 (28 now) i grew up at FLAG, the headquarters of scientology in Tampa, and man do i know some stuff. Example, i lived in a drug rehab house my parents worked at, a giant mansion. we would cook and clean and see our fair share of relapses, well, when we tried to leave they stole ALL of our stuff and told us we cannot leave the house (funded by flag) so we took what we could of ours and got some friends help and dipped. ive met many celebs (the two you can think of). it was a nice place for a kid but looking back and what they did to my parents i can say they are awful people.
@corgicaravan8315 10 ай бұрын
Thanks guys. Keep the spotlight on them. Need to end their tax exempt status!
@drrocketman7794 10 ай бұрын
It isn't a religion it's a scam.
@corneliusantonius3108 10 ай бұрын
@@drrocketman7794 Who invents a religion in 1953 anyway
@drrocketman7794 10 ай бұрын
@@corneliusantonius3108 A self-aggrandizing narcissistic US Navy officer deemed unfit for command.
@corneliusantonius3108 10 ай бұрын
@@drrocketman7794 Low level Officer
@drrocketman7794 10 ай бұрын
@corneliusantonius3108 I don't think he advanced beyond Ensign
@JF-up9jn 9 ай бұрын
Demolition of Scientology is a Dirty Job, but somebody's gotta do it. 💪😁 So glad to find Mike Rowe still proving that real men are not extinct in America. 👍 Liked, subbed, and here to show my support for Mike and all those trying to end this cult's reign of terror. ❤🙏
@quantumpotential7639 6 ай бұрын
That's so true. It IS a dirty job as Mike likes to say. LoL 😆
@COVID...19 3 ай бұрын
​@@quantumpotential7639Mike Rowe is an asset. Which means he’s a liabity to himself and to the people - a useful idiot. He's the lier. kzbin.info/www/bejne/g2O7goOJbs6KnqMsi=nXz07ZUe6HVrMB_X
@kidwave1 10 ай бұрын
Mike, Thank you so much for continuing to do podcasts on Scientology. Please keep the pressure on them!
@CJBW 10 ай бұрын
Please talk to some real experts-xSci who were high up in system. Claire Headley was expert witness in Masterson case. Aaron Smith-Levin who is VP of The Aftermath Foundation and is in contact with many under cover current Scientologists who feed him information.
@Jute-xr5pq 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, Mike Rowe for just being a voice of reason and a part of the fabric of American society. One of the very, very few celebrities I would want to sit down and have coffee with and a conversation .
@debbiem.3128 10 ай бұрын
Yes! Government accountability, human rights ❤ Rock the status quo! The Aftermath Foundation exists for those wanting to leave Scientology, there are people out here who care about your well-being. ❤
@tedhardulak7698 9 ай бұрын
In the mid-seventies I had a room mate that was 100% into Scientology. He would go to California for weeks at a time. And when he came back he was scary strange. Now I 100% know it was Demonic, from some of the stuff he did. And tried on me. Even offering to pay for me to go out there so I could become "Clear". He worshiped L.Ron Hubbard. Im glad there were 4 of us living together and we could talk about it. He would not listen to anything we said because we were "Not able to understand where he was". And the money he spent on them would spin my head. There is NO WAY this is a Church. It is a very Lucrative SCAM. I so Thank GOD I could see it. So many people are "Sucked in"
@nudenut1916 9 ай бұрын
There's some delicious irony in this comment😅
@c172215s 9 ай бұрын
@@nudenut1916 You must be into Karl
@lmost 8 ай бұрын
@nudenut1916 YEAH 🤣 I noticed it too!
@kevinvinluanjr.5000 10 ай бұрын
I don't understand this. How can anyone still be in Scientology when they have committed criminal acts? Totally unreal and disturbing! Shut Scientology down!
@ryanp6267 9 ай бұрын
How can anyone still be in the Catholic Church when they have commuted criminal acts?
@lmost 8 ай бұрын
@ryanp6267 Catholics (like many other religious) invest an immense amount of their money, time, and emotions into a system of rituals designed to keep them perpetuating that very system. They’ve made their religion an integral part of their very _idenitity._ Extraordinarily few people in their position are able to recognize the trap they’re in, let alone admit to themselves to begin with that they’re in a trap. Most of them are too far in to be able to reverse course.
@rh1203 10 ай бұрын
I saw a video years ago where this one gentleman was told the cross on the building in Clearwater was paid for by just him. Then he found out other members were told the same.
@AllisonMetcalfPalumbo 10 ай бұрын
Claire and Marc Headley (Blown for Good) and Aaron Smith-Levin (Growing Up in Scientology) also HUGE SPTV (Suppressive Persons TV) channels on KZbin that are having great impact on chipping away at the Cult of Scientology. Would love for Mike to interview them at some point. Claire in particular was way up the line in Scientology. The person she answered to answered to David Miscavige.
@harley6222 10 ай бұрын
Can you imagine what these rich ppl could do with their money. Instead of giving it to the 1960 scientology mentality, give it to good causes. The need is there. Thank you Mike 💕
@ferretyluv 10 ай бұрын
That’s the thing. These people believe CoS is using their money for good causes.
@harley6222 10 ай бұрын
@@ferretyluv IKR?
@karyngarrison 7 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head, EXACTLY 💯
@jamesyoung9742 10 ай бұрын
Love Dirty Jobs, but more enjoy seeing Mike still being based and a Man of men!
@ferretyluv 10 ай бұрын
I disagree with Mike’s takes on worker’s rights, but I’ve always loved Dirty Jobs and he’s always seemed to be a good guy.
@sarahmercury2541 9 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you have this channel! I appreciate your defense of trades!!! My dad taught public school, many different electives, for vulnerable kids who struggled in school, (and everyone). He taught aviation and the kids who got through the whole two years had their private pilot license in HIGHSCHOOL!!! Provided by their public education. We are so lost without things like this. The life and color has drained from our citizens.
@madcrabber1113 10 ай бұрын
I had just started my new job in 1991 as a new home construction manager at the ripe old age of 23 in Maryland. I had one day per week off on Sundays and looked forward to Mike's show on local cable called The Sunday Showcase Of Homes (or something similar) Amazing how far he has come but still seems grounded.
@peggyw172 10 ай бұрын
I just want to say that I love Mike Rowe’s voice. I’d listen to him read the phone book.
@LivingMyBestLifeIAm 10 ай бұрын
Hahaha me too….and he’s sure not hard to look at lol 😂
@donnahampton3632 10 ай бұрын
He did read the phone book. We loved it.
@mikeb3172 10 ай бұрын
If he said "now everyone, all hate your local library", you'd do it as a worshipper
@JF-up9jn 9 ай бұрын
I used to say he could read the dictionary and I'd hang on every word. You're right about the voice, he's like the blue collar Morgan Freeman. 😊
@c172215s 9 ай бұрын
@@mikeb3172 What an insult to peoples intelligence.
@Zephaerie1 10 ай бұрын
Can we acknowledge that being in a relationship does not mean you cannot be assaulted and/or raped? Women are most often assaulted by people they know. And sexual violence is used as a means of control in relationships.
@katie7748 10 ай бұрын
Can we acknowledge that men can be r-ped, ass--lted, and ab-sed too by people they know?
@1984FarmDreams 10 ай бұрын
Tony O is gold. I am grateful for him and so many brave people. I was sent to Clearwater to the doctor. I experienced and saw what is said and written about them. It’s TRUTH! The history goes deep! My intuition saved me. These brave journalists and others at SPTV 💜 helped me get away too. I am so happy to see Scientology truth be brought to surface. I experienced the stalking, police corruption, intimidation games, and some other crazy odd stuff. Mucho love Tony. Thanks for this Mikey. And Spanky- for your interview with Tony O.
@stevetaylor9265 10 ай бұрын
As long as the right donations are made the government will not do anything.
@Initwithlove 10 ай бұрын
@susanb217 10 ай бұрын
Please keep this in the spotlight!! im so beyond angered
@jamesholmes5631 10 ай бұрын
Big balls, Mike. Big ball's. Fight the good fight.
@kathydavenport4422 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Mike I pray you and others will shut them down they’ve been evil from the beginning
@winros 6 ай бұрын
First of all you guys look great! I have been down the rabbit hole of Scientology for the last 10 years! Like you Tony I find it to be fascinating as well! This is how I see Scientology in a nutshell... Multi-level marketing, Ponzi scam, 80s and everyone's on a hamster wheel and there is a short guy running the boat!✌️🤟
@mriley4955 10 ай бұрын
You go Mike. Don’t let your foot off the gas!
@kevinnelle6208 4 ай бұрын
It’s nice to see Mike Rowe and Jordan Peterson speaking out against the Cult of Scientology.
@andyl0261 10 ай бұрын
An above ground bunker is called a garage.
@aaronl6333 9 ай бұрын
Mike thanks for being a real man and bringing this to light!!!
@feanacar 10 ай бұрын
Why doesn’t the IRS go into some of these “ outreach” classes, undercover, and see if they can get in to the building if anyone is in the buildings, etc. They would find that it’s a sham, and that would be enough to pull their tax exempt status.
@Initwithlove 10 ай бұрын
Yes, reverse what they do!!!!! Do it right back in conversation 🤯
@craigsymington5401 9 ай бұрын
They stopped this in the 80s, if there was something to find, howcome its not been found in 80 years?
@lindahirst9123 10 ай бұрын
After watching this video I watched Going Clear to get a better idea of what Scientology was all about. Holy cow, what an eye opener. I had no idea how bad it was, thank you for mentioning this documentary.
@1984FarmDreams 10 ай бұрын
Tony brings the darkness with great laughter. I read it Everyday! Should not have invited me to Clearwater. I would have never ended up here. Glad he can make us laugh- because Scientology is dark AF!
@moonglow630 3 ай бұрын
The problem I have is that if you leave you’re shunned by your family, & if you speak out against it, they terrorize you.
@kylieprice6651 10 ай бұрын
Thanks Mike for having a pair when it comes to reporting on COS, same with Tony, Wish there were more
@MrJdsenior 10 ай бұрын
Best line: "She doesn't scare so easily".
@thewanderer5790 10 ай бұрын
❤ That you are talking about this….
@user-ci3so6vu4i 5 ай бұрын
They need to be held accountable for their actions or lack there of !
@anne-mariaplevier2241 10 ай бұрын
The amount of money Scientology has should also help the IRS decide to go after them.
@lizzieizzard 10 ай бұрын
Thanks again for telling us the truth
@marionrichards1559 9 ай бұрын
Love Tony and his dedication to exposing this cult.
@jerrykeenan1848 9 ай бұрын
You have explained so much of what happened in this event. Thank you for having us understand. God bless the young women.
@kristinhughes5309 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this series on Scientology. This organization reminds me of the 1930’s start of Nazi Germany. This is really sad. ❤
@user-KrackerJack 10 ай бұрын
You're an awesome dude Mike
@bluewren2 8 ай бұрын
I never saw Mike Rowe before but immediately admired him.
@gwcrispi 10 ай бұрын
The problem is..., there's nothing left to uncover or bring down. EVERYONE knows what they are.
@charisma-hornum-fries 10 ай бұрын
That's not the same as acting on it.
@canadiangemstones7636 10 ай бұрын
Tom Cruise doesn’t know.
@austindarrenor 10 ай бұрын
Noteworthy is I don't see any pro-Scientology folks in the comments defending the subject. Maybe it's because they don't want to grace this sort of sludge by Mike Rowe with a response.
@montanalilac 10 ай бұрын
@@austindarrenorIt does seem strange, but from some things Leah Remini said in her documentary that was on Netflix, I think the members are monitored as to what they are allowed to see on social media, newscasts, etc. As in, they aren’t allowed to watch any videos tagged with the church’s name. So if they comment, even in support of the church, they get punished for breaking the rules and watching the video in the first place. I could be wrong as it’s been awhile since I watched the documentary, but I feel like there was something like that in there.
@austindarrenor 10 ай бұрын
@@montanalilac It's like watching videos of aviation disasters on your way to the airport. It's just suggested that you don't. But it's just suggested. The idea that there's monitoring, what's allowed or isn't allowed to watch, punishment etc is all bullsh*t. And the reason it's suggested is because videos like this one are full of so much garbage, literally. Data that's been cut, paste and full of omissions if not outright fabrications. Myself I want the whole story, not some idiot's cut up version of it.
@davidjernigan7576 10 ай бұрын
Scientology is a tax exempt grift for those in charge.
@lesevans6567 10 ай бұрын
And, people who have reached the highest level of scientology. Say, the outcome is disappointing. Because nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
@reneepolin6549 10 ай бұрын
AAron Smith Levin has the BEST SPTV you tube channel , Growing up in Scientology . He does daily videos and is Vice President of the Aftermath Foundation
@DeanandLisa1803 10 ай бұрын
A-A-Ron 😃
@J.A.Smith2397 10 ай бұрын
@daeljohnstone4940 Ай бұрын
He would be the Best person for the job❤
@coachwilson5967 10 ай бұрын
As a Catholic, I see some pretty gross similarities to how my church hid, protected, relocated and knowing abetted horrible actions of some Catholic priests...
@RBzee112 10 ай бұрын
That's true, but the Catholic Church does a lot of good in the world unlike Scientology.
@brianpeters5555 9 ай бұрын
As a Catholic I wonder how people who commit and cover up criminal perversion could ever think there is a place for them in the afterlife.. They know what evil they do, perhaps there will be no place for them anywhere To do what they did and expect God's love is insane
@johnblood3731 7 ай бұрын
​@@brianpeters5555there are two places to go. Heaven if you ask for forgiveness or hell if you do not.
@brianpeters5555 7 ай бұрын
@@johnblood3731 I guess God forgives but I just don't know anymore
@aggienodari453 5 ай бұрын
​@@brianpeters5555 It's the sick people within the institution, not the institution. The doctrine is unwavering, it is the greatest giver of charity and communities, it does the most for the rite to life, responsible for building the western world in terms of education, universities and hospitals. The bummer is, these sickos caused all the good to be overlooked. Everyone has an exit interview and will have to give an answer to their conduct.
@viscache1 10 ай бұрын
“They are making a decision that will take up the rest of their careers”…or end them.
@goodiesgumdrops1164 10 ай бұрын
Wish you'd interview Aaron Smith-Levin!
@mizotter 10 ай бұрын
@CJBW 10 ай бұрын
And Claire Headley. Mike you’re ignoring the best sources.
@cindymiller-flint4698 9 ай бұрын
Love me some Mike Rowe! Great to find the podcast. Excellent show, Gentlemen. Thanks. 😺
@huntsvillewoodturning209 10 ай бұрын
Incredible series. Thanks guys!
@shellydehart8217 10 ай бұрын
How enjoy listening to Tony n Mike in regards to Scientology. I have to agree with Tony. Wish the government would wake up n investigate this so called religion Scientology. So many lives n families are lost from their love ones. ♥️😊👍
@jima4101 9 ай бұрын
ThNk you for covering this mike
@randb4865 10 ай бұрын
Danny Masterson sentencing now rescheduled for September 7th.
@fourutubez7294 10 ай бұрын
I'm really enjoying what you're doing with these videos , decided to subscribe for more :)
@ladyluck5703 10 ай бұрын
SMERSH (a portmanteau of the Russian Smyert Shpionam - Смерть Шпионам - which means "Death to Spies") is a fictional Soviet counterintelligence agency featured primarily in the early James Bond novels by Ian Fleming. I looked it up for everyone... So they literally believed they were fighting SMERSH at one point? Wow.
@timgreenglass 10 ай бұрын
SMERSH wasnt fictional.....hubba-hubbard thinking he was battling against it is PURE FICTION (like all of $camotology) but "smersh" existed within the soviet union, up to about 1946.....Stalin coined the name.
@sweetpealee056 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! ✌️😁
@ruthanneseven 10 ай бұрын
Hubbard's background prior to Scientology is really scandalous. He was buddies with Jack Parsons, who invented solid rockfuel, eventually leading to the formation of NASA. Parsons was a Lodgemaster for Aleister Crowley's (tax exempt) Ordo Templi Orientis in Pasadena, CA. Hubbard became a devotee. They carried on with ridiculous ritual behavior under various delusional goals of magickal manifestations. Crowley claimed contact with his "Holy Guardian Angel, who suspiciously looked like a grey ET. LONG STORY SHORT: Hubbard took the last of Parsons $ to buy a boat for them but stole the boat and Jack's wife. Jack continued his obsession with fuel, blowing himself up in the process. If only Hubbard had stayed for THAT!
@JeffKnoxAZ 10 ай бұрын
Not fictional. It was the Soviet counterintelligence organ. The name Smersh was coined by Stalin himself. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMERSH
@normal_norm2627 10 ай бұрын
I wonder how much Tom Cruise has given Scientology?
@mattkaustickomments 10 ай бұрын
Mike, please reach out to Aaron Smith-Levin of Growing Up in Scientology / SPTV movement for in-depth info.
@CJBW 10 ай бұрын
Also Claire Headley who reported directly to Shelly Miscavige and knows so much more than Tony who was never in Scientology!!! He has no information compared to those whe were in Sea Org for 20-30 yrs.
@emilynolan187 10 ай бұрын
No man who commits an act like that against a woman does it only once. If someone ever does something like that to you, unless you are the first, you won't be the only victim
@michaelhoward3657 9 ай бұрын
Just visiting Clearwater Beach Florida and you can not come to any other conclusion. CULT . Yes they if a family member falls victim to them and you do not donate to help PAY for their education, you may as well say goodbye.
@dube7729 10 ай бұрын
Make the move bring Scientology down!
@jimivey6462 9 ай бұрын
Is it possible that the SA victims of Scientology could file a class action lawsuit against the Church of Scientology?
@southbug27 8 ай бұрын
I’m disappointed in the jury not finding Danny Masterson guilty for the rape of the Jane Doe that was Danny’s girlfriend. The found him guilty of raping the women who weren’t his girlfriends. It’s as if the jury is saying you can’t rape your gf or wife, which is ridiculous. If I had to guess, I’d bet there are many more rapes against gfs/wives than against strangers. If we can’t wrap our minds around that, then we’ll never be able to stop sexual abuse against women or children. I do know for sure that more kids are molested by family, family friends than by the boogeyman in the bushes.
@sungal1956 10 ай бұрын
Love Mike Rinder! ❤
@teresaevans1205 9 ай бұрын
The EVIL in this so called "church ", needs to be stopped.
@judymcinnis 10 ай бұрын
Does anyone know where Shelley is?
@travismcdaniel325 10 ай бұрын
Mike you are awesome man. Love your work in its entirety. In my opinion, the only church I need is one with God. God bless America. I love my country.
@FYMASMD 9 ай бұрын
People who believe in “God” believe in extraordinary claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Theists have the burden of proof on them not atheists. So you should really look at what you believe.
@travismcdaniel325 9 ай бұрын
@@FYMASMD In America Extraordinary is the only thing that exists it would seem. Like a previous generation Acting very narrow minded.
@becauseisaidso6417 9 ай бұрын
How do people not see in insanity of this cult? Just looking at the buildings alone looks like major red flags! I literally do not understand what the draw is to that cult. I understand they talk a big game, but how do people not see that it’s all smoke and mirrors? A “billion year contract”? Puuhhhleeeze! 🙄
@PandoraWake 10 ай бұрын
Thanks Mike!
@lilwil-ns3uo 10 ай бұрын
I don't think I'd call the followers "parishioners" but rather prisoners.
@LarsLarsen77 9 ай бұрын
I grew up in a new age cult, and it was really interesting watching the documentaries about Scientology because I could see where my cult leader had renamed the same concepts from Scientology as if they were his own ideas.
@sherryanderson5029 8 ай бұрын
Did you leave? Is it still practicing
@luminyam6145 9 ай бұрын
Fantastic interview, thank you.
@renemiller2924 10 ай бұрын
You need to talk to Aaron Smith Levin on growing up in scientology. That's his KZbin channel
@CJBW 10 ай бұрын
And Claire Headley who answered directly to ShellyMiscavige & thus David Miscavige
@viggycat8592 10 ай бұрын
Excellent program! I really like you two!❤👏👏👏
@Louisadamson 10 ай бұрын
The truth is a good thing, even though sometimes it's quite elusive to be caught Tony Ortega on substack is on my list. My respect goes to the effort toward ending this criminal enterprise that is Scientology, probably most comparable to a mafia-type organization. Without permission to plug anything, Sixto Rodriguez died yesterday, August 8th. If there ever was a Bittersweet story of a man's life, his is it. In addition to the Scientology documentary, which I've seen, there's another, respectful to Rodriguez, and from 2013 called "Searching For Sugarman"
@willisknapick4405 10 ай бұрын
Whoa! Sorry to hear. I saw the movie and was floored by his demeanor and talent. A welcome story of an American who flew under the radar yet continued making good music.
@tomtomturtleson3546 10 ай бұрын
Amazing journalism! 👍
@zacharyrivera566 9 ай бұрын
Great interview Mike , very important .
@ConceptMachine 10 ай бұрын
A RICO Act, type law, should be made for CULTS !
@annenelson5656 10 ай бұрын
RICO is difficult to prove and very expensive to litigate. The government wants a RICO case they’re sure they can win.
@colerobertson6500 9 ай бұрын
also, how do you define a cult without defining religions that are already accepted and them falling under cult status?
@bradwilliams1691 10 ай бұрын
When $cientology finally fails I reckon that David McSavage will spend at least 10-15 years breaking big rocks into little rocks and learning (hopefully the hard way) that sometimes it's safer to leave the soap on the floor than it is to pick it up.
@CL-we8tn 9 ай бұрын
There's a saying, ask yourself who you can't criticize, that person has the power.
@madernia 8 ай бұрын
I freaking love Mike Rowe even MORE after seeing this. That man should run for president. Great video ❤!!!!!
@kathysharpe7339 10 ай бұрын
Please keep the light on. Two deaths that I know as a direct result.
@dianec690 10 ай бұрын
Love this channel. Thanks Mike !
@MsJanaMac 10 ай бұрын
And why doesn't the IRS ever do anything like it's crazy!!!
@DOC_951 9 ай бұрын
I just wanna know if their “church” is aware of what a majority of people feel about them… and if they care or understand why everyone hates them so much. Or… if they genuinely believe the things they preach. My suspicious is they probably know it’s bullshit but just can’t admit it.
@Allergictocatstoo 8 ай бұрын
They only care about power, control and money.
@MK-Hogan 10 ай бұрын
Mike, please speak with Aaron at Growing up in Scientology!
@robwilgenhof4386 9 ай бұрын
Thank you very Much Mike ! You do important work. Much more than sales. Your hard earned humanitarian beliefs drives your honest truth seeking initiatives…. That shines through in your conversations… that shed light on important issues… keep it up ! We need you buddy !
@RayRayLem 9 ай бұрын
Look up “who’s is the largest private land owner in Florida”? Yes there’s a trend amongst tax exempt organizations.💰
@liadown9052 10 ай бұрын
And (allegedly) there are atleast 5 more women who were brutalized by the guilty party.
@MsJanaMac 10 ай бұрын
Tony is the best!!! Love his reporting!!
@CJBW 10 ай бұрын
He was NEVER a Scientologist- not the best source- many Scientologists who are out & now speaking out will have nothing to do with Tony due to some of his tactics.
@ResilientHeart 9 ай бұрын
@@CJBW Every story matters, Tony passed muster to be on Leah's Aftermath show, I find it interesting Leah has no expressed no issue with him. I no longer support the Aftermath Foundation because of the attacks on Tony, who received Fair Gaming for DECADES, for doing what? Exposing Scientology and telling people's stories. Seems some who have left the cult haven't left the 'destroy them utterly' behind. You're not telling us anything we don't already know, live and let live. I hope you find your way to peace, fulfillment and contentment. There's no comparing who is 'the best source', that sounds kinda culty. These are people's lives, not some voyeuristic joy ride, some people genuinely care about other people's well-being no matter what. That's how we change things, one heart, one precious, precious life at a time. I wish you all the best.
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