MILGRAM / Futa - Backdraft [The Second Trial Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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@しちはち-t7z 2 жыл бұрын
@kongitsune_K 2 жыл бұрын
これまで公開されている3人、みんな歌詞で「なんで自分は赦された」「なんで赦したの」「なんであいつは赦された」みたいに語ってるから第一審だけで決めつけることが本当に全てじゃなかったんだなって 第二審、第三審でもっとみんなのことを深掘りして看守たちにたくさん訴えてほしい 看守全然分かんないよ
@カオスうるまんた 2 жыл бұрын
@soyo_koma 2 жыл бұрын
@あおば-w6r 2 жыл бұрын
事変上等で「途中下車は裏切りとしていこう」っていう逃げるのは許さない的なこと言ってるのに、 バックドラフトじゃ「これ以上は望んでない」って逃げたがってるの、最高に人間らしくて好き
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
事変上等ではイキリにイキリまくって人を散々虐げて自○まで追い込むようなことしてたくせにバクドラでは自分が炎上して晒し上げられんのがヤダから必死に逃げることに縋ってまでしてるの 最っ高に可愛いしあんだけイキリまくってたのに顔面蒼白になりながら抗って人間の無様姿出てんの最高すぎるフータくん可愛いよフータくん 私と同じことを思ってくれる人達がいてくれて安心するし嬉しい やっぱりフータくんは可哀想で可愛いが一番似合う囚人
@Boy-wh2zh Жыл бұрын
@ガレリア-w5h Жыл бұрын
自殺に至った少女に関しては「静まれLieのFire これ以上は望んでいない」の通り、フータの投稿に尾ひれがつき虚実入り混じった結果自殺に追い込まれるまでの炎上に発展した、が事実のようだからなぁ。 火種は確かにフータだがそれに薪をくべガソリン撒いたのは別人という。 例えるとすれば暴走族の長としてブイブイ言わせてたら次第に手下共がどんどん過激化して手に負えなくなった、といったところか
@おごめぁ Жыл бұрын
@huwarari9926 Жыл бұрын
赤の他人を晒すのはいいけどいざ自分が晒される身になったら責任逃れして逃げちゃうのホント無様すぎる クソ生意気イキリボーイなクセにねホント可愛いねフータくん
@突然変異種の二乗 2 жыл бұрын
@カオスうるまんた 2 жыл бұрын
@reisayu4828 8 ай бұрын
1:55 ここの「お前ら皆O2」の歌詞、炎をより激しくする酸素と煽りスラングの「おつ」かかってるの天才すぎん?
@うさぎおい氏 7 ай бұрын
@ゆー1030 5 ай бұрын
@さや-p4q Жыл бұрын
@CGD_Forever 2 жыл бұрын
色々な意味で今回のMV凄いな 他の囚人達のMVが「過去」を描いてるならフータは今回しっかりと「現状」を歌っていてなんか良い
@hellper6 2 жыл бұрын
Can someon explain the story of everything i am very confused with who half these characters or es are and what happend for them to be killed or improsint
@bobtherock653 2 жыл бұрын
@@hellper6 look at the comments on the first songs
@hellper6 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobtherock653 ok thx
@timorysimon586 2 жыл бұрын
I love the fact it took 5 seconds for the can to drop from his hand (1:03-1:08) this means he is 122.5831m tall fuuta is now the tallest milgram character
@drawingfan8922 2 жыл бұрын
@eeva4700 2 жыл бұрын
So true
@reikoxo 2 жыл бұрын
Dios, el hecho de que estaba tan seria leyendo los comentarios sobre las teorías hasta que vi esto XD
@AuchDabei 2 жыл бұрын
How did you calculate that? We only know it took the can to fall 5 seconds from the height of his hand. But to calculate how tall Futa is, we would need to know how long it would take the can to fall from the height of his head.
@timorysimon586 2 жыл бұрын
@@AuchDabei oh crap ur right so his hand is like at the 122m mark dk where his head would be ill try figure out later
@kotone-hakoberasan Жыл бұрын
「一回のミスでノーチャンス 恵んでくれよワンモアチャンス」ってとこボイスドラマ聞いてからだと私に刺さりすぎた。すごい好き。ビッグラブ。 「みんな同じことしてたのになんで自分だけ」って主張すごいわかるし人間味強くて良い。フータが好みすぎる
@Boy-wh2zh Жыл бұрын
@メーリさん Жыл бұрын
@Kochca_pochca 5 ай бұрын
@erbi3853 2 жыл бұрын
The way 消せないFIRE completely changes the meaning from "Yall should fear my inextinguishable flames" to "I can't breathe in this fire I created and there is no way to stop it" over the span of 3 minutes is simply incredible. Arthur Lounsbery is THE king!!
@Whail2dots 2 жыл бұрын
@xequelli4823 Жыл бұрын
sa d
@shinoataya Жыл бұрын
Also I think it's a reference to undercover (kesenai under)
@anbaspon Жыл бұрын
@@shinoataya when do they ever say "under" in the song?
@shinoataya Жыл бұрын
@@anbaspon No I mean "kesenai fire" sounds like the "kesenai under" in undercover
@noizy_guppy Жыл бұрын
@eluen4553 2 жыл бұрын
Remember that Fuuta's VA said that if people only judged based on the MV, they'd almost cerainly vote him guilty. The songs only tell part of the story, so remember to check out the interrogation as well!
@autumncookie5588 2 жыл бұрын
When did he say this?
@eluen4553 2 жыл бұрын
​@@autumncookie5588 During the 2nd anniversary stream. It was up in the official Milgram account for a while but they took it down some months ago along with the 1st anni stream for some reason. You can still find reuploads in other sites, but AFAIK there's no complete translation anywhere.
@Cerixem 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve noticed that Milgram fans have gotten a lot better at looking at the interrogations for trial 2, so I wouldn’t worry too much ^^
@BlueHimitsu 2 жыл бұрын
Is there any translation for the interrogation ? 🥹✨
@ikeywikeywikey 2 жыл бұрын
i believe it was also said to pay attention to the details because it might change things so please do try to...
@あめ-m1l5j 2 жыл бұрын
スプレー缶のQR読み取ったら投票ページに飛んだ。 QR以外にもMVの凝ってる所とか色々感じられるし、探すのもほんと楽しいから好き。
@negishio0000 Жыл бұрын
「そもそも俺のせいじゃ全然ないだろ」っていうのが全部なんだろうな 人の命を奪っていながら皆と同じ信号を渡っていたのになんで俺だけ、俺なんもしてないじゃんって言ってるみたいでなんだかな それはそれとして曲かっこよ
@かけじく-f7g 10 ай бұрын
最後まで視聴してそれ言ってるんすか。 個人的にはフータのそういった歌詞は建前で取り繕いだと思うな、動物の自己防衛のための威嚇的な。弱い自分を隠すために先手打って相手を攻撃する癖がある的な事をエスに言われていたし。 そんで後半のMVと歌詞は間接的に人をやった事にちゃんと罪悪感を抱いていると取れるんよ。 Aメロはフータの価値観と正義観の再確認もとい威嚇、Bメロは一審結果への不満とエス(我々)への疑問、ラスサビは後悔と罪悪、罪の自覚を歌ってると思うんだが。 その俺のせいじゃないって言はMV見る限り、自分は正義の罰を罪人に与えただけで女の子がタヒぬまで叩いたのは周りの賛同者、自分が点けた火は消えていったはずなのに何故また燃え広がっているんだ、って心情だと思うよ。周りが女の子に点ける火に静まれって言ってるし。 飽くまでフータ自身の価値観では自分の行いは間違っていない正義だと言い聞かせていて、フータが点けた火以上に大きな嘘の炎で周りが責め立てた結果彼女はこの世を去ったので、直接的原因は俺じゃないって目逸らしてるんだと思う。(まぁそもそも論持ち出しゃ一発K.Oだが、過程の行動で直接ころすのと、周りにころすきっかけ生んだだけ、とじゃ罪の重さも変わってくるわな、多少でも。マジで少々でも。) それでもMVで怯えて逃げ出しているから、目を逸らし逃げてはいても罪の自覚はしているって事だ。歌詞でも、自分の正義執行以上の周りの加害にこれ以上は望んでいないって言ってるし、ちゃんと後悔している。まあ全て憶測だけれどね!! 彼は粗暴な態度と言葉とは裏腹に、善人で小心者らしいので。 5ヶ月前のコメに失礼。推しなのでつい熱くなってしまった。
@夏-l7f 10 ай бұрын
@@かけじく-f7g 私もフータの罪は自分で分かっているとは思うんですけど、それは本当に反省からなのでしょうか?確かにこの曲では「これ以上望んでいない」など、女子高生に対する態度は多少なりとも罪への後悔が伺えますが、ドラマパートでエスに指摘されたように「女子高生に結局謝っていない」んですよね。私はコトコからの襲撃で自分が被害者の側に立ったことでもう痛いのは嫌だ、こんなことはもうしない、という懺悔に感じます。罪に向き合って心から女子高生への罪悪感があるようには思えません。結局はなんで俺が、という心情に繋がると思います。 ここからは完全に個人の意見ですが、正義、善悪、フータの中でそれが全てではなかった、面白いと思う気持ちがあったでしょう。私たちがそうだったとしても、それが赦す理由にはならない、むしろ今赦せば私たちの罪までも肯定されてしまうのではと思うので、私は赦さないを選びました。
@夏-l7f 10 ай бұрын
@@かけじく-f7g 罪の自覚も後悔もしているけど、コトコの襲撃によって被害者の目線に立ったことで痛いのはもう嫌だ、となっている部分が大きくないですか?エスに指摘された通り、ボイスドラマでも結局女子高生への謝罪の言葉はなかったわけですし。私には結局「他にもやってる人もいるのになんで俺だけ」という心理に見えました…
@かけじく-f7g 10 ай бұрын
@@夏-l7f それもめちゃくちゃわかります。 反省してるというよりも、罪悪感と痛みから逃れたくて赦してくれってエスに縋ってる感じですよね。 正直その状態で看守(傍観者で他人の我々)は「もういいよ大丈夫、赦すから安心して」とは言わないし言えないけれど、一審のMVから少なくとも罪の意識がある描写(怯えているだけかもわからんが)と、ホームページのボイスで自身の正義の正当が揺らいでいるのがわかるセリフが収録されてるので、罪の自覚すらしていない他の罪人に比べればまだマシってレベルですね。 あと被害者の目線に立てるって所は、赦す赦さないを判断する上でめちゃくちゃ大事ですよ。 それすら出来ないで、痛い目見ても自分は悪く無いと考える人も世の中にはいるんでね。 まぁフータは結果的に一審で赦されなくてよかったのかもなそう考えると。 二審で赦された後の三審がどうなるか、ですな、こればっかりは。 二審のムウのように調子乗り助だったらまた赦さないに票が入るだけですし。 あと、人って言葉を構築して外に出すためにどんなに馬鹿でも脳みそを経由しないと出来ないんですよ。 それが他人と意思疎通するための言葉なら尚更。 ひととなりによって言葉の表現の仕方は変わるけれども、頭で考えて放ったそれが全て本心だとは言い切れないですよね。カズイさんやシドウさんの様な人なら尚更、取り繕っているかもしれないと、歌詞を疑うべきですし。 ミルグラムを介して観るこの曲は、言葉として表現した歌詞よりも、映像として表現した心象風景の方が、本人の本心に忠実だと考えられるんですよね、私は。 言葉に言い表せない感覚ってあるじゃないですか。 ハルカのような精神遅滞だと、この感情を表す言葉を知らないって場合もありますし…どちらにせよ、あまり歌詞にされた言葉を過信するのは難しいなって感じです。 フータのボイスドラマ等での過激な発言も、自己防衛(人を遠ざけるため)の虚言、取り繕いだと考えることも出来るので。 ↓以下読まなくてもいい関係無い駄弁↓ ミルグラムのシステムで厄介なのが赦す赦さないで思想の肯定否定がされてしまう所ですわ、犯した罪だけ裁いて犯した行動だけ否定出来ればここまで拗れたりしないんだよなぁああ。大雑把に"思想"って括りなのがほんっと…。人格とほぼ同義なんだよなぁぁ、困るぅぅぅ、悪い意味で極論すぎる。 お前の人を傷つけ死に追いやった行動は人として許されないから反省して悔いてこれからは真っ当に生きようなっ!が出来ない監獄は世紀末すぎるんよ。 問答無用でお前は赦さないお前は全て間違っている、か、お前のやった事は何も問題ないよ!何も間違ってないよ!の二択しかないのほんとぶっ壊れてるだろ秩序も何も無いわ。 か、監獄の意味が無えぇ〜。 人の道徳を問うはずのシステムにまず道徳が無えのはもうお約束なのか…?まぁそりゃそうかじゃないと俺らに問えないもんな…。 そのせいでキャラの人格否定することになるのヤバすぎるなこのコンテンツ。 いくら犯罪者でもよ…我々人なんて多面構造で良い所悪い所、被害者な所加害者な所、それがまた見方で逆にひっくり返るのなんて当たり前なんだよ…。その為の情状酌量なのに赦す赦さない決まったらそれガン無視して赦された貴方は全て正しい!赦されなかった貴方は全て間違っている!ってなるの情緒もへったくれもなくてコワすぎる、宛ら幼稚園児の裁判ごっこだな。 罪を犯していない俺ら視聴者も運が良いだけでどっかしらで何かを犯しているかもしれないし、人を死ぬほど傷付けることなんて今の時代容易く出来てしまう。 マジでフータはその観点だと我々に一番近い人種なんだよな、だから同族嫌悪も人一倍強く感じられて赦さないに票が多く集まった側面もあると思われる。 閑話休題。 マジで裁くべきなのは真実じゃなくて起こった事実だけなんだよなぁ。人の数だけ真実はあるってとと⚪︎う君が言ってた。 断罪執行の重さを測るために真実を考えるんだよ…正当防衛と判断されりゃ軽く出来るし計画的犯行なら重くするべきかを考えるんだよそれが秩序を守り人を守る法律としてのあり方なのにミルグラムさん関係無さすぎて笑う。 ほんと運悪く収監された彼らが不憫でたまらないな、まだ現実の刑務所の方がシステム的に人情溢れてるわ。 言い方をめちゃくちゃ罪人寄りにしたら、罪を犯したってだけで今まで生きてきた自分としての存在を否定・肯定されるんだからほんとたまったもんじゃない。 それで自分の犯した事が重いものだと理解できるなら良いんだけどな…。 大抵は全否定されて病み堕ちするんじゃないか。 そんなのに耐えられるほど健全な心の育ち方なんてしてないだろう人を死に追いやってしまうほど自分が追い込まれているんだから。 あーあー三審こえぇーーーーフータが宗教堕ちも病み堕ちもせず健全に反省して健全に大人に頼って自分の犯した罪と向き合える希望の未来が見えねーーーーーーつら。 故意じゃない人ゴロシってその分自覚した時の罪悪感も計画犯行より何倍も重くのしかかるだろうから(しかもフータの場合正義観でコロしてるのでその胸中の罪悪感は本当に計り知れない)マジでカズイさんかシドウさんに頼って自罰的思考に飲み込まれないでくれ見るのがつらいから。ぜんぶ杞憂に終わってくれェェェッッッ
@かけじく-f7g 10 ай бұрын
@@夏-l7f それもめちゃくちゃわかります。反省してるというよりも、罪悪感と痛みから逃れたくて赦してくれってエスに縋ってる感じですよね。正直その状態で看守(傍観者で他人の我々)は「もういいよ大丈夫、赦すから安心して」とは言わないし言えないけれど、一審のMVから少なくとも罪の意識がある描写(怯えているだけかもわからんが)と、ホームページのボイスで自身の正義の正当が揺らいでいるのがわかるセリフが収録されてるので、罪の自覚すらしていない他の罪人に比べればマシってレベルですね。赦された後の三審でどうなるか、ですな、こればっかりは。二審のムウのように調子乗り助だったらまた赦さないに票が入るだけですし。 そんで被害者の目線に立てるって所はめちゃくちゃ重要ですよ、赦す赦さないを判断するにあたり。 痛い目見ても反省せず自分は悪くないと大口叩く人も世の中にはいるんでね。 あと言葉ってすげー馬鹿でも脳みそ経由しないと表現出来ないんですよ。人と意思疎通するためなら尚更。 つまり嘘を吐くことが出来る。本心とは異なった事を話せるんです。人間て頭良いんでね。 ってことは、言葉として表現される歌詞も、取り繕うことが出来るかもしれない。言葉に言い表せない感覚、ってありますよね。ハルカのような精神遅滞だと、この感情を表現する言葉を知らないって場合もあります。知らなければ表現出来ないので、おそらく歌詞にも出来ないでしょう。 カズイさんやシドウさんの様な人なら、本心を隠すための嘘の言葉が使われる可能性があるので、尚更警戒しないとですよね。 フータの過激な発言も、自己防衛(人を遠ざけるための嘘)で、本心じゃない。って考えることが出来るんですよ。 なので私は、言葉として表現された歌詞よりも、本人の心象風景として描かれたMVの方が、その人の本心に近いと考えてます。まあわかりやすく嘘を吐けるほどミルグラムは甘いシステムではなさそうですが、ボイスドラマはそのあたりが顕著でしょうね。だって本人が本人の意思で喋ってるんだから、自由に嘘も吐けるってもんです。まあ何を本音として何を嘘とするかは受け手の自由なんで、仕方ないことなんだけど。 フータ、どっからどう見ても根は良い子なので、私は彼の罪悪感と自覚を信じてるってだけですね。 俺だけじゃないだろって言葉も割と事実に則って言っている情状酌量の話なんですよ。それが本当ならね。 MVで観る限りは事実っぽいので。他責と責任転嫁で逃げてるとも言えるが、イコール自分の罪を否定しているにはならんでしょう。自分の罪を自覚して反省して、自分の行為が裁かれて、でも俺と同じ事をしていた奴らはなんで俺と同じように裁かれないんだ?って疑問に思うのはフータの性格からして当然だと思いますね。私もフータの立場だったらそう思う。だって全く同じことをしているんだから同じ罪で同じ断罪を受けなきゃ平等じゃないだろう。なんで俺だけってそりゃなりますよ。先導者が責任の所在一身に背負うって、ここは戦国かローマか?俺は王じゃねぇよテメェのケツはテメェで拭け!って気分です。 割とマジで自覚していなかった組の中じゃダントツで自分が犯した事の重みを理解しているんだよな、一審の時から。 ↓以下読まなくてもいい関係無い駄弁↓ ミルグラムのシステムで厄介なのが赦す赦さないで思想の肯定否定がされてしまう所ですわ、犯した罪だけ裁いて犯した行動だけ否定出来ればここまで拗れたりしないんだよなぁああ。大雑把に"思想"って括りなのがほんっと…。人格とほぼ同義なんだよなぁぁ。困るぅぅぅ。悪い意味で極論すぎる。お前の人を傷つけタヒに追いやった行動は人として許されないから反省して悔いてこれからは真っ当に生きようなっ!が出来ない監獄は世紀末すぎるんよ。問答無用でお前は赦さないお前は全て間違っている、か、お前のやった事は何も問題ないよ!何も間違ってないよ!の二択しかないのほんとぶっ壊れてるだろ秩序も何も無いわ。か、監獄の意味が無えぇ〜。人の道徳を問うはずのシステムにまず道徳が無えのはもうお約束なのか…?まぁそりゃそうかじゃないと俺らに問えないもんな…。そのせいでキャラの人格否定することになるのヤバすぎるなこのコンテンツ。いくら犯罪者でもよ…我々人なんて多面構造で立体なので、良い所悪い所、被害者な所加害者な所、それがまた見方で逆にひっくり返るのなんて当たり前なんだよ…。罪を犯していない俺ら視聴者も運が良いだけでどっかしらで何かを犯しているかもしれないし、人をタヒぬほど傷付けることなんて今の時代容易く出来てしまう。マジでフータはその観点だと我々に一番近い人種なんだよな、だから同族嫌悪も人一倍強く感じられて赦さないに票が多く集まった側面もあると思われる。閑話休題。 マジで裁くべきなのは真実じゃなくて起こった事実だけなんだよなぁ。人の数だけ真実はあるってとと⚪︎う君が言ってた。 断罪執行の重さを測るために真実を考えるんだよ…正当防衛と判断されりゃ軽く出来るし計画的犯行なら重くするべきかを考えるんだよそれが秩序を守り人を守る法律としてのあり方なのにミルグラムさん関係無さすぎて笑う。ほんと運悪く収監された彼らが不憫でたまらないな、まだ現実の刑務所の方がシステム的に人情溢れてるわ。言い方をめちゃくちゃ罪人寄りにしたら、罪を犯したってだけで今まで生きてきた自分としての存在を否定・肯定されるんだからほんとたまったもんじゃない。 それで自分の犯した事が重いものだと理解できるなら良いんだけどな…。 大抵は全否定されて病み堕ちするんじゃないか。そんなのに耐えられるような健全な心の育ち方なんてしてないだろう人をタヒに追いやってしまうほど自分が追い込まれているんだから。 あーあー三審こえぇーーーーフータが宗教堕ちも病み堕ちもせず健全に反省して健全に大人に頼って自分の犯した罪と向き合える希望の未来が見えねーーーーーーつら。故意じゃない人ゴロシってその分自覚した時の罪悪感も計画犯行より何倍も重くのしかかるだろうから(しかもフータの場合正義観でコロしてるのでその胸中の罪悪感は本当に計り知れない)マジでカズイさんかシドウさんに頼って自罰的思考に飲み込まれないでくれ見るのがつらいから。ぜんぶ杞憂に終わってくれェェェッッッ
@幕兎人 2 жыл бұрын
@Yuno_yuno_1106 2 жыл бұрын
最初はフータで始まって最後はエスで終わるっていう構図がエスもフータもやっぱり本質的には同じことしててエスもいずれは囚人と同じく裁かれるのかなって思った アーサーくんのがなりが良すぎるよ好き
@gegetamu 11 ай бұрын
@kimera12345 8 ай бұрын
@たでちゃ 6 ай бұрын
@gegetamu 6 ай бұрын
@@たでちゃ こう…キャラクターわからせ界隈…?
@たでちゃ 6 ай бұрын
@@gegetamu あーね?
@たでちゃ 6 ай бұрын
@@gegetamu 大好物です
@mizoomy 2 жыл бұрын
What I love probably most out of anything in this MV (and Fuuta in general) is how it plays with the symbolism of fire. Fire is often used to symbolize passion, which is how it's used in Fuuta's first MV. Here though, that fire is recontextualized and symbolically represents how easy it is to start, but how quickly it gets out of control and how difficult it is to douse. The song is even called Backdraft, which is a firefighting term that means a secondary explosion caused by re-introducing oxygen to a fire too quickly, i.e., the fire that Fuuta started blowing up in his face. It's so clever and I'm here for it.
@darkartsninja 2 жыл бұрын
The term "backdraft" also brilliantly alluded to Futa's crime. He started a fire (by calling out/harassing many people & a young girl). But, because the internet and social media is a volatile place, the fire/harassment quickly blazed out of control
@BasedApricot Жыл бұрын
“Canceling” in Japanese online community is called 炎上(flammed/caught of fire)
@facelessbrutality3710 Жыл бұрын
this is brilliant i love it
@kiranafiraa Жыл бұрын
Well, that backfires
@みんと-u2f 3 ай бұрын
普通にランズベリー・アーサーさんの歌がうますぎる めっちゃ癖になる
@蓋が開かなかったうぇるち Жыл бұрын
0:29 ここの顔いかにも頑張って作ってる感じか非常にすき
@ranpo_edogawa 2 жыл бұрын
THIS GOES SO HAND IN HAND WITH HIS VOICE DRAMA HOLY SHIT!? Much much much more than the previous ones. For those unaware, he views Es and us the same as him. All of us playing the judge and the jury much like how he used to with his online audience. What right do we have to condemn him at this point when we are essentially doing the same? We even voted Kotoko innocent even though they had the exact same philosophy as one another. I say vote him innocent this time. This video is much less about the crime he committed and much more about how he views himself, his guilt, and MILGRAM.
@FakeVenatus 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. This song is less about what happened but how he views what happened and sees us. Such as just like the first trial, he didn't view what he was doing as hurting someone (it being a video game/spray painting a wall) but when he realized he hurt someone, he started to realize it was wrong. Then everyone started to turn on him and he tried to run away from it but was met with us- also judging him. He cannot escape ("Dodging seems impossible"). Even his lines in Undercover are "I am playing hide and seek from the sins I committed. You should all give up and shut up". Like he knows he messed up- in this trial he says one mess up and no more chances and begs for another chance. I don't know if he actually thinks he did wrong morally as he still downplays it a bit besides the one where someone dies, but he definitely knows he made a mistake of some kind and he just wants to bury it. Sorry for rambling.
@ranpo_edogawa 2 жыл бұрын
@@FakeVenatus you're so correct on all of this. and you're right about him not fully understanding what he did, but still feeling guilty, because in the voice drama released before this, he explains that he wasn't the only one and asks why anyone else isn't being put on trial. in my opinion, he's right. yes he started it, but he clearly didn't finish it from what this video shows. nobody else who harassed the poor girl is getting prosecuted, only him. so he is right about milgram being unfair in a sense since it singled him out of a crowd basically.
@goingoverload6096 2 жыл бұрын
@@ranpo_edogawa Youre so right
@Desiree-9 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@JVBVieira 2 жыл бұрын
@@ranpo_edogawa I agree with you and I intend to vote for him innocent, but as you could see in the first trial, with the girl's case, he was the one who started the cyberbullying, he was the one who triggered the others to attack her
@CRCBRA 2 жыл бұрын
フータくんは今も尚、この悪夢の中で逃げようともがいてるんだよね。 ドラマを聴くとやっぱり物凄く訴えてくるんだよねフータくんの言葉。
@89ypyp Жыл бұрын
@おごめぁ 3 ай бұрын
@helloex-6767 2 жыл бұрын
1:11 ここの「なんで他は赦されてるんだって 赦さない 赦さない」が他の囚人達は赦されてありのままの自分感を出していて調子乗っていて 「なのになんで俺達は赦されないまま襲撃に会って自由すら何にもないのにそんなのどう考えたっておかしいだろ」があって胸がキュッってなった… 最後のエスくんとか私達がやっていることだって囚人達と同じなんよな…フータくんのボイトレ聞いてからこれが引っかかってしょうがなさすぎる… 歌詞にも 「調子乗んなよ」 「お望み通り死んでやろうか?」とか不穏すぎるし赦す組とエスくんを恨んでそうな歌詞やら精神が不安定な所とかもう言葉に出来ない 後フータくんを助けたカズイさんにも若干怒ってそう 「赦された奴が俺を助けんじゃねぇよ」とか 流石にこれ以上赦さない状態が続いたらフータくんの精神がマジでヤバくなりそうだし可哀想すぎるから 今回は赦すに投票します! MVとか反省はしているだろうシーンはいくつもあるから個人的に赦したい! 後またまた怯えたフータくん見れた私はもう大大大大大大大大大大大大大満足( ˆᴘˆ ) :追記 フータくんのボイドラ聞いてきました 正直何とも言えれなかったし情緒が保てなかったのとハルカくん並の狂気さの内容でした 所々痛いとこを指してきたり 終盤ら辺のセリフなんか特に…胸が痛い… 本人も「ネットで叩いただけであんなんで死ぬとは思わなかった…!!」って言って別に悪気は無かったとは言ってたとは言えネットでの悪口やら誹謗中傷は立派な犯罪だからねぇ やっていい事と悪い事はあるんよ フータくん… 周りの頼もしい正義者で悪い人をネットでやってきたんだろうけど コトコちゃんと同様歪んだ正義にしか見えないんよ でもボイドラ聞いた後あそこまで 不安定&エスくんに向かって 「ぶっ殺してやっからなァ!」とかもう言っていたし(まぁどう聞いても脅しですがね) 慎重に考えて投票しなきゃマズイなぁ…… 因みに途中から泣く寸前&「もう痛いのは嫌だ 暴力は嫌だ」と言いエスくんに向かって震えながら謝るフータくんが聞けますので是非聞いてくださいくっそ可愛いので(やらしい目) :更に追記 フータくん良かったねやっと赦されたよ 君の曲とボイドラと最後の脅迫発言で赦されたんだよフータくん でもね第三審でコトコちゃんと同じやり返しはしないでよ絶対に それだとやってる事ほぼ同じだからね
@カオスうるまんた 2 жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 2 жыл бұрын
@@カオスうるまんた 自分も生意気でイキリ男の子が怪我を負って悲しんでいる姿くっそ大好物なんですよね〜でもフータくんの精神も安定出来ない状態に近いから赦すに投票します! シドウさんの曲・歌詞もかなりいい意味で強烈だったけどまた赦すになったとすると頭のネジがぶっ飛んで自殺しそうな勢いがありそうな感じがして怖いけど見てみたい…
@カオスうるまんた 2 жыл бұрын
@@helloex-6767 赦されなくても拘束増えるくらいだろ〜と緩く考えていた頃がありましたがそんなことは無かったですねコトコちゃん怖すぎるよォ… フータは調子に乗ってただけなのでようやく冷静になってきたというかこれで赦されて少しでも精神面落ち着くといいんですがね…ミルグラムはエグい罪と罰をぶつけてくるから困ります… シドウさんいないの治療する人居なくなってしまうので生きてて欲しいというかシドウさんは生きること自体が贖罪だと思ってもいいと思うんですが難しいんでしょうね本人の性格的に…
@neccodealer 2 жыл бұрын
I think it’s interesting to note that Kotoko was voted innocent and Fuuta guilty, but if Kotoko were returned to her normal life she would absolutely kill again, and Fuuta wouldn’t. He clearly in both music videos never meant to be responsible for someone’s death in the first place. Kotoko is trying to convince us that she *should* be allowed to be a judge, Fuuta is trying to convince us that he fucked up and wants to repent, and that puts him at odds with Es
@fynnh5459 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't get it either. 1) If Futa really "only" is guilty of inciting someone to commit s*icide, that makes him the only (until now) Milgram prisoner who couldn't be found legally guilty in most people's countries. Even the a-thing is illegal in most places (which is sad to see). 2) He hasn't killed with his own hands. Kotoko did and that implied several things by doing so which all were confirmed: A bigger amount of conviction to her "cause" without thinking about the implications, a high probability of her doing so again and, most importantly, she proves to be a much bigger danger to the people around her. 3) We don't know what a second guilty vote could mean for a prisoner. Futa is held at a mysterious place with people who allow prisoners to kill each other. So nobody would be surprised if being found overall guilty means a death sentence, right? So overall everyone voting Futa guilty now is worse than every vigilante because they may sentence someone to death who *could not* be held legally responsible for what they did. And on a moral basis they might just have taken any chance to better themselves from Futa.
@Naynin 2 жыл бұрын
I think the only reason people voted Kotoko innocent is the reason she murdered in the MV. She killed a child abductor, which is seen as something awesome and understandably so- meanwhile Futa was a Cyberbully. A reason many voted him guilty is probably because of that. Maybe they related to the victim in his case, which they couldn't for Kotokos "victim" It's fascinating nontheless, luckily many switch now and realize Futa is not really unredeemable.
@nocturne_interlude 2 жыл бұрын
Kotoko didn't just kill an abuser, she did it on the spot before anything happened, which makes it a case of legitimate self-defence. And yes, even if she went too far, I think many would agree that they would rather have the man dead than have anything happen to the child (We can add that Kotoko seems to really hate herself if we pay attention to all the lyrics, and it was hard to totally blame her with that mixed with her vision of things if we didn't pay too much attention) And a lot of people were talking about voting Fuuta guilty once so he'd realize his mistake, which he admittedly already realized, but I guess at least we can be sure he won't do what Mu and Haruka did and suddenly think he didn't do anything wrong at all... The thing is, most of them already wanted to forgive Fuuta in the long run And while seeing Fuuta not being forgiven while Kotoko is is something that leaves me as annoyed as it does confused, one must remember that Fuuta was only the 3rd prisoner. Kotoko was the last I mean, when people judged Fuuta, they still didn't know about the next prisoners A lot of the votes from the first one were inconsistent because nobody knew where we were going I think their results will be reversed this time (Fuuta Innocent and Kotoko Guilty... Or I hope so, I don't want to see Fuuta destroyed, nor Kotoko beating anyone up again)
@Alya9673 2 жыл бұрын
And thats why i voted and talked to people to vote him "forgiven" but the people never listened, because were to focus to judge instead of listen the full point of view
@kayrinrin1541 2 жыл бұрын
i think this was because of a similar situation with amane. We weren't exactly shown that he regrets his actions, so the majority voted him guilty as a way of telling him what he did was wrong. this also happened with amane, who didn't think she did anything wrong. she was also voted guilty because of this. but it turns out es doesn't really tell them what we want to tell them, and just says they're either innocent or guilty. since we realized this i think many more people will find futa innocent. also, kotoko makes calculated decisions on who she kills, which convinced the viewers that she's not insane and knows what she's doing, and we don't see much bad about it either. Futa doesn't really do the same, and can't really control his actions due to the followers that will also jump in. i think this trial some things might change. futa will probably be more innocent while kotoko may end up guilty. i feel as though kotoko may lose her composure as she is being really ambitious with trying to also be a judge, physically punish the guilty, etc. the violence will probably mess her up.
@黒瀬-f3c Жыл бұрын
「真っ逆さまに落下」が最高に怯えてる声ですごい好き。 恐怖を声に滲ませるようにして歌う声優さん凄い。
@kamitani_kyouya 2 жыл бұрын
@パン粉-m8n Жыл бұрын
@fatehmahadi5959 Жыл бұрын
@加藤優和 Жыл бұрын
@sho-wc8ye 2 жыл бұрын
@matapineda_matapineda 2 жыл бұрын
エスの周りの目が我々外の世界のエスで、 エスが持っているスプレー缶が第一審の判決の比喩なんでしょうね…
@sirin...... Жыл бұрын
Insane that yall might find this man guilty again after he dropped two absolute BANGERS.....he's cooking and yall aren't eating🤦🏽
@themuffinmanofficial Жыл бұрын
i'm eatin and STILL starvin, i need MORE
@Byssa6 Жыл бұрын
@themuffinmanofficial Жыл бұрын
@@Byssa6 HE BEAT THE CASE 🙏🙏
@nightmocha9345 Жыл бұрын
Man, was wondering where I could vote at to help ya boi get innocent. Good to know he won on this one.
@bluishmelody Жыл бұрын
@@nightmocha9345im not 100% sure but i think its the official milgram website
@user-白-16 2 жыл бұрын
@tukihotaru2193 2 жыл бұрын
@이현우-f8q Жыл бұрын
​@@Kimodeang 그래도 전 솔직히 이미지 값으로 용서한다라고 생각했고 현재는 용서한다로 확정됬어요.
@이현우-f8q Жыл бұрын
@@Kimodeang 음...그럼 그걸 위해서라도 용서해준게 아닐까싶네요...?
@helloex-6767 5 ай бұрын
@@user-白-16 フータくんのMV見る限り明らかに直接的な犯行はホントに無さそうだからやっぱり正義を振りかざし誹謗中傷して相手を追い込むことしかしてないんだなって分かる でもアンカバのラスト場面でエスくんの胸ぐらを掴みあげながらキレてるシーンがあるから正直怪しいっちゃ怪しい
@hallow02 2 жыл бұрын
@tukihotaru2193 2 жыл бұрын
@ガレリア-w5h 2 жыл бұрын
ちなみに曲名の「バックドラフト」は、不完全燃焼の状態から扉が開くなどしていきなり外気に触れると爆発的に燃焼して炎が噴き出す現象。 叩く対象を見つけたら一気に群がっていき、もう止める事ができない様を的確に表している…
@ドルッp 2 жыл бұрын
@user-sciixq 2 жыл бұрын
@@ドルッp 日本人は集団主義ですからね
@阿津の妹 2 жыл бұрын
@AS-pn3hy 2 жыл бұрын
ミルグラムの難しいところは"赦す=思想の肯定"と表現されているところにあると思っていて、第一審で許されたハルカは「注目されるために殺した行為は間違っていなかった(=正しかった)」と発言した。 今回のフータ、及び他の囚人にもそれが適応されて、「自分の行為は間違っていない、叩いて死んでも悪いことしたんだから仕方ない」という思想になってしまうのであれば、赦したくない。 個人的には、フータは過失だし、元々はいい子で気も強いタイプではないだろうから、赦せばしっかり反省してくれると思っているので赦したい。ボイスドラマの反応からもちゃんと悔いている様子が伺えるし、これ以上フータの精神状況が悪くなるのも良くない気がする。今回のドラマでの発言が嘘ならもう知らん。
@武田-u2q Жыл бұрын
@shakutori Жыл бұрын
@武田-u2q Жыл бұрын
@@shakutori 社会的死だとしたらミルグラムに来ていないのでは
@shakutori Жыл бұрын
@@武田-u2q 自殺でもしたのかもね。ミルグラムにあまり入れ込んでるわけでもないから把握していないんですが、「人殺し」は殺人であると明言されてますか?
@武田-u2q Жыл бұрын
@@shakutori 社会的な死だと書いてる気がしますよ。最初のコメした方は。叩いて死んだなので。自殺も人殺しとカウントされます。社会的に死んだだけではミルグラムに入ることは無いので。あなたが最初にしたコメントの意味が少し分からないです。最初のコメ主さんが書いてることを復唱する意味とは、。
@notadog9244 2 жыл бұрын
call an ambulance ‘cuz Futa’s going to give some serious concussions from this banger
@Nico_SV 2 жыл бұрын
It was indeed, a BANGER
@sitruzonline 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nico_SV FRR
@Kaeya_simp_maid 2 жыл бұрын
It is indeed a banger
@peirong 2 жыл бұрын
it was fire bro 🔥
@masumihayashi5577 2 жыл бұрын
1:53〜フータ君がスプレーした後に周りが同じところにスプレーする →フータ君が叩き出したら周りが便乗して叩き出した 2:18〜女の子にスプレーしたのは周りの人でフータ君は怯えている →フータ君の想像以上に周りが叩いていて驚いている 2:25〜女の子が石になって崩れる →周りのバッシングに耐えられず自殺 がフータ君のヒトゴロシなら 自殺に追い込んだのは周りの人でそのきっかけを作ったのがフータ君ということになる つまりフータ君は直接殺しに関わっていないけれど殺しの原因は作っている 赦すか赦さないか難しいな 追記 女の子とかフータくんが石になるところ色的なところは置いといて石じゃなくて炭素なのかなとも思った人って有機物だから燃やせば炭素が残るんだよね 炭素なら脆いからすぐに崩れるし女の子は"炎上"によって文字通り体がボロボロになったのかな…
@ガレリア-w5h 2 жыл бұрын
そもそもネットいじめは明確に「誰の書き込みが殺したか」を定義する事が難しい。極端な話自殺を選んだ人の霊を呼び出して「誰の書き込みが一番心に来ましたか?」というサイコパスな質問をしても答える事はできないだろう。 でも少なくともこの曲を聴いて見ている人は、フータに対してかつて彼が行ったのと全く同じ事をするかどうか選ぶ事ができる。考えなきゃね、この意味を
@user-yofutyawn 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-2408riyu 女の子が悪事を働いたことに端を発するんでしょ?だったら赦したいなぁ・・ 悪事を働いたことで予想以上に叩かれた女の子と、悪事を叩いたことで予想以上に炎上させてしまったフータ。どちらも自分の行動による結果が自分の手を離れて大ごとになってしまったという点ではそう変わらないと思う。 初めての失敗がこんな大ごとになってしまったのはかわいそうだ。自分の行動を省みる機会がもっと前にあったなら・・・・
@user-yofutyawn 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-2408riyu フータが何を言ったのか、周りを煽ったのか、女の子が何をしていたのかあたりが明かされたら腹決めて判断できそうだね
@h.n.4665 Жыл бұрын
@ゆるめた Жыл бұрын
@mame9744 Жыл бұрын
バチクソかっこよくて何度もリピってる 「Ringはここだぞ?あがってこい!!」がほんといい、、、、
@RyomouShimei 2 жыл бұрын
Watching Arthur Lounsbery slaying once more like the boss he is
@pedrovitor5324 2 жыл бұрын
That's so funny because Futa sucks, but Arthur slays so much! It's so many mixed feelings towarrds the red haired boy!
@leen6038 2 жыл бұрын
@@pedrovitor5324 Wtf u mean Futa sucks🤨🤨 he is best boy
@bunsmeoon 2 жыл бұрын
@@pedrovitor5324 wdym he is best boy :(
@vincent-wd7sx 2 жыл бұрын
U get it so much🙏🙏🙏
@k9carniv0re 2 жыл бұрын
gaslighting gatekeeping and girlbossing everyday
@ほぁ-b1e 2 жыл бұрын
@tukihotaru2193 2 жыл бұрын
@湯葉-j7u 2 жыл бұрын
コトコの襲撃で右目失明したの怖すぎる 悪いヤツを裁く側だったフータが「悪いヤツには何をしても許される」が信条のコトコにボコボコにされるの業が深い ミルグラムこわい
@sho-wc8ye 2 жыл бұрын
そのコトコも二審では赦されなさそうなのがなんとも…。 ミルグラムこわい
@user-sf8hd8lg6y Жыл бұрын
専門的な言葉分からなくて、治療受けたら治るのかな?程度だったんですけど、失明なんですね… 最推しが失明……コトコ赦す派には申し訳ないが、コトコは赦さないです。
@bothersomeprince 2 жыл бұрын
ONE THING I NOTICED is that she looks like a witch. the boss that represented her in Bring it on looks like a witch-monster, the graffiti here looks like a cute chibi version of that boss. it has a black and purple hat, and the theme of this song is fire, getting burned and judged. it reminds me A LOT of burning down witches, shes desperate, the bg is red, everyone is "pointing their finger" at her. "shes guilty" even if she did nothing wrong
@FakeVenatus 2 жыл бұрын
He also says FIRE of LIES
@spotifyyeah7637 2 жыл бұрын
woahh, you think this has to relate with the witch burning thing that went on in salem? people would be accused on being witches and would be BURNED alive. heh.
@bothersomeprince 2 жыл бұрын
@@spotifyyeah7637 not only at salem, witch trials were popular in many european countries! but yeah i was thinking of that
@stan8479 2 жыл бұрын
There's a reason we call online harrassment like this witch hunting.
@fantage20012 2 жыл бұрын
Also the witch in his party in Bring It On vanishes after he causes the girl to kill herself
@takitakis2202 2 жыл бұрын
Futa Theory Thing From what I’m getting, Futa was an online Twitter user, who had a bit of social anxiety and no friends. The anxiety part is seen with the constant imagery of eyes and the no friends is seen in the first music video where he is scoffing at a friend group at an arcade. Since he was isolated, he focused on online activities. Futa had used his account to call out people for certain different things to feel acceptance. This is seen in the first music video where he calls out the older male for harassing a coworker. I assume that Futa calls people out and leaves it at that, however people online would continue to spread the “fire” and bash on others that he called out. Futa, not having been previously acknowledged or supported, would continue this as he feels as he is accepted. Futa would then finally reach the girl seen in the music video. Since he knew barely anything about her and feeling superior, Futa would call her out however it is likely that the online users would become more unstable and aggressive. The girl ends up offing herself and everyone tries to look for someone to blame it all on, and so they blame it on Futa. Futa feels really guilty and also hints at feeling suicidal in order to “atone” from his aggressions. Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense 😭 ^^
@liwikiwi6092 2 жыл бұрын
First of yeah i think your analysis checks out from my pov. Tho i think that bc of the realativ im personal nature of such only discourse he doesn’t rlly realise that the people ,he is attacking, are actually real so the graffiti represents the distance all of it carried until that girl killed herself where he then realised his actions have consequences in the real world i thought that slipped his mind with all subjects before. sry if this is just reiterating a point you made bc i didn’t understand or if it just plain stupid or not actually readable
@Nomarura 2 жыл бұрын
I think the eyes are an allusion to his audio drama, where he describes hearing the voices of the fans and that he hates being watched and judged like this
@timorysimon586 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nomarura ^^
@keebollan6040 2 жыл бұрын
I was just wondering if Fuuta may have been peer pressured into cyberbullying? Fuuta, being very lonely, confined to the online world where he was able to make "friends". His "friends' tell him to join them and the rest so and so explained by you. Also I see the heavy significance to charcoal. When you ignite charcoal, it gives out a lot of heat and energy before becoming ash. Being ash means he's being abandoned because he has now become useless? I have no idea where I am getting at
@halcyon.x 2 жыл бұрын
@Keebo Llan No, I see what point you’re trying to make. I think to tie into what the OP said, Futa pointed things out and then when things blew over into harassment he felt “pressured” to join in (pun very much intended). So good eye catching that
@kopipom08 2 жыл бұрын
@桜木-k2n 2 жыл бұрын
フータは直接的な殺人じゃないってのと、周りが加担して止められなかったってのがより分かりやすくなってる気がする。 あとエスの描写的に、看守たちがしてることはフータと変わりない(色が黒だからより直接的に殺人しようとしてる)っていうのを遠回しに伝えられてるのかな、フータの黒くなっていく手とかスプレーとか… それはそうと今回も怯えてる顔が可愛い
@bunsmeoon 2 жыл бұрын
@shin9562 2 жыл бұрын
( ⊙□⊙) or ( =⊙ =⊙) | ̄| └-┘
@mikogram 2 жыл бұрын
Sanest milgram fan
@floppiestshidou 2 жыл бұрын
average milgram fan behavior (me too)
@cr3at1ve-nam3 2 жыл бұрын
me too tbh
@arcadebun3450 2 жыл бұрын
well futa certainly did both of these things
@user-vg7wx2wr1y 2 жыл бұрын
@Owa6timp-o3p7d 2 жыл бұрын
最初はドヤ顔で制裁(燃や)してたのに自分が標的になった途端怯え始めるし自分が標的にしてた人がアイコンでは無く人であることを意識してから怖気付くのが可愛すぎる 追記 2回目見て思ったけど多分これフータが最初に晒した事に嘘盛られて段々話が大きくなって「こんなんじゃない!」ってなってるよね、フータが直接的な原因じゃなさそう
@カオスうるまんた 2 жыл бұрын
@にゃみ-u5n 2 жыл бұрын
1:11他の囚人が描かれてる場面 赤のスプレーがある囚人は第一審で赦されなかった人たちで、ないのが赦された人たち この場面より前は線をビーって塗ってる けれど、囚人はそれぞれ定まった塗り方ではない マヒルは体に一回かつ下に垂れてる ミコトは体に三回(垂れてない) アマネは刺すように フータは頭に大きく塗られていて、かなり垂れている これは今の囚人達の様子を描いてると思う マヒル、ミコトはコトコの攻撃による物理的もの マヒルは死にかけたから液が垂れているけど、ミコトは互角だったから垂れてはいない アマネは...赦されなかったことが刺さったのか?(わからないので考察班頼みます) フータは物理的なものと精神的なもの フータは軽症をおったので液が垂れている また、赦されなかったことで不安感に苛まれ、精神状態が危ない
@shinonomeakt Жыл бұрын
@shiroyay 2 жыл бұрын
@bloodyvillain8613 2 ай бұрын
Maybe because this is probably this is acutally in his reality now then it is in trial one which in the first music video it’s depicts of video game vibes
@ron6212 2 жыл бұрын
@fumika9863 2 жыл бұрын
@k_catboy 2 жыл бұрын
@a_black_box 2 жыл бұрын
@peirong 2 жыл бұрын
@monbub 2 жыл бұрын
"so why do good girls like bad guys"
@もふもふ-u2u Жыл бұрын
@名無しのメダカ Жыл бұрын
@二ノ舞風鈴 14 күн бұрын
@suzu9312 2 жыл бұрын
考察(長文) この壁の絵(キャラクター)=顔の分からないインターネット上の人、それにスプレー塗料をかける=アンチコメント・炎上させようとする動きに見える。 1:50のキャラクターは後半の制服の女の子で、炎上に耐えられなかった。最後に絵が剥がれて本人が出てきたのは、それまでただの「顔の分からないネット上の中の1人」だったのが「誹謗中傷のせいで亡くなった1人の被害者」って認識に変わったからだと思う。 その後スプレー缶が爆発したのは、その子の炎上に加担したことでフータ自身も炎上してしまったってことかな。 まとめると、フータの罪は、最初に制服の子のキャラにペンキを塗った(=最初に炎上に火を付けた)て、追い詰めて間接的に殺してしまったこと。 ただ本人も後悔している様子だから、有罪か無罪か簡単に決めるのは難しそうだな。
@yukisnowman 6 ай бұрын
@user-fd4qw2gj5o 2 жыл бұрын
@miri9716 2 жыл бұрын
このスプレー多分ラッカースプレーだよね ラッカースプレーの特徴って早く乾いて塗るのに最適なやつだから 乾く(誰も来ない、飽きる)ってことで 塗りつぶして乾く(炎上した人に集中攻撃が終わった)んだったら フータは最後エスにスプレーかけられてるのが事変上等の時の「逃げらんねえぞ 罰の味はどうだ」のアンサー?みたいなやつなんかね それよりもランズベリーさん歌うますぎ
@朝勃ちぬ 4 ай бұрын
@pogthroughthepain.7629 2 жыл бұрын
I love how the way he sings "burn burn" shows his guilt near the end. The "burn burn" at 0:47 had an exclamation mark but the "burn burn" at 2:17 had a question mark.
@guard-tan4259 2 жыл бұрын
Oh wow, I completely overlooked that! Thanks for pointing that out!
@永虎-e8d 2 жыл бұрын
罪悪感と恐怖心、許されたいってより逃げ出したいってのが個人的に伝わってきました。 それに今回許されなかった側のキャラは許された側のメンバーと違って今の現状が色濃く出てるのかなって感じました 曲的にはもの凄く好きです
@存在しないアカウント-r2i 6 ай бұрын
「これ以上は望んでいない」って歌詞 最高にインターネットしてて好き
@anaasacados Жыл бұрын
How does this MV not have 1 million views yet this is the best Milgram song imo
@renrokku Жыл бұрын
@dirtydan5613 Жыл бұрын
It's getting there in 50k more views!!
@silentmidnightmoonlight6137 Жыл бұрын
955k now so close!!!!
@Desiree-9 Жыл бұрын
Agreed best song
@timorysimon586 Жыл бұрын
Maybe everyone just downloaded the song cause its that good
@chuuyanakahara3096 10 ай бұрын
What i think happened was that futa didn't actively participate in the bullying that much of the witch girl but instead instigated it. In bring it on we see Fuuta, useing something like twitter to dogpile on his respective target which is shown as "boss fights" in some sort if video game. Something of note is the health bars, hit points, lv, above it and what looks to be buttons in the corner two of which is typically some sort lf basic sword attack, healing and another one which changes (sorry i dont know how to explain that nay better) I find the fact that dark triad is above Fuuta's level. Google says the dark triad is "a trio of negative personality traits-narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy" i belive referring to particularly Narcissism as it could be how highly Fuuta thinks of himself. We can assume its not fuuta who instigated the first one as the account that posted the picture 0:58 is different form what im assuming is his account. In the first boss battle with Gretchbia we see the bottom button being highlighted before it moves to the sword button. The sword button is highlighted intill 3 hit points. After that it gose up one more hit point. So we can assume its mostly him doing the cyber bullying at this point. His level is also 21 at this point. After Gretchbia's defeat he's depicted with cartoonish cross on his head with bird going around it. we can assume the second boss rypirotes was the guy harassing the woman at around 1:40. He puts the poster on the board wnd At 2:03 we see that he took a picture of guy and the woman probably using it as evidence of this man's wrong doings After this we see him change his weapon from a dagger to a sword which could mean he's ramping up his bullying. Also the use fire if fun since it ties into the fact that he's one instigating the bullying and others are enabling and joining him only serving as fuel for him. His level is 117 a huge jump form 21 during the first boss fight and it starts off with him useing the button that sorta looks like a blood bag so we can assume its to heal. Since this isnt an actual boss fight and just online bullying im going to assume that he received some lashback for his actions. During this time it racks up 740 hit points without Fuuta himself doing much bringing him to a little over half health. After this we see him switch from his two attack options. The fight ends with 752 hits. We can see that rypirotes eyes are both crossed out this time which i guess could the the bullying ramping up At 2:50 we a irl futa with his game buttons and level albeit distorted standing in front on a creepy ass building. This could be him beginning to see his actions and real life as a game as he keeps getting satisfaction from being the "hero" We don't see what leads up to the third boss battle, just Fuuta putting the poster on the board and a warning. He might be slightly slef aware of the consequences of his actions but not enough to put it to rest. His level is 137 now and the boss is Killcheroy with her boss battle ending at 1024 hits and not once do any of the buttons in the corner light up and compared to the first two he's actually facing away from the boss. This time its less cartoonish with blood on Fuuta's face and it takes a moment for him to wipe his face and realise it's there. Its the first time there has been actually been real consciences for what he has done, the people who fueled his crusade dissappear of screen and we see him turn around looking up at something before the background gose to real life. We see him take out his phone and with the same pattern from 0:38 and 1:50. Then hes In his room in the dark huddled in a blanket watching his phone sweating chorus of the song playing. I think at this he him has befome the target having the same treatment being put onto him. Through out the boss fights Fuuta's level has gone up but i dont think it means levels in a video game sense as says drak triad above it. Google says the dark triad is "a trio of negative personality traits-narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy" i belive referring to particularly Narcissism as it could be how highly Fuuta thinks of himself. The jump between 21 and 117 is huge and I think in there we have the motivation for his actions. Fuuta had a poor opinion of himself so when he went on the cyberbully someone who apparently did something bad and he was made to feel like he was doing justice he felt good about it the others only added fuel to that hence why the huge gap. He thought he was a hero that he was "bringing justice to the world" by doing this. So wrapped up in himself he couldn't see the damage being done Now comes to backdraft. He's shown throughout this song walking down a corridor (or something) and ruining artwork of the bosses from bring it on. My though was that maybe the way he thought about theses people before has changed as rather he's shown destroying something here. The lyrics while hes destroying the artwork is "an Ever victorious-FIRE. Burn so high till it becomes ash." and by how it looks its mostly him alone doing it. After this its "why is the others innocent" and then we see him drawing a line over his own throat. I think think this as an acceptance of his guilty verdict. We see him running away form the eyes on the wall "pressure, pressure". Then he seems himself spraying Killcheroy's artwork which is in a chibi artstyle. I think that it maybe because of her age or whatever she did to receive the bullying. The we see Fuuta walk away after just one spray and walking away others coming in after him. I think the bullying may have extended to real life as they instead of continuing to vandalise the artwork or her online identity im assuming they she gets painted directly. She's wearing a school uniform so shes definitely younger than Fuuta. We see her burning up and crumbling and fuuta himself is now burning his hands turning a grey colour. I think it may be particularly his hands because he has blood on them. He's the reason she's dead and if anything to go lff wkth bring it on its possible people online were also telling him this dispite being just as at fault. "flames closing in are both sides losers" pretty much speaks to the fact that the people online are also bad people, not people wanting justice. Any way he running the grey spreading up his arms intill he falls over and es steps in front of him with their own can of spray paint with either the eyes of the prisoners or us the audience watching. I duno of this was that great or not. Sorry.
@夜殯爛-m6v 2 жыл бұрын
フータは清々しくて1番好き。 何事にも諦めではないけど怖がっているけどそれでもという自分だけは曲げない維持だけは感じる。信念は貫く仁義を感じる。
@user-zy8bx5bk6u 2 жыл бұрын
作画神すぎてやばい。 サムネから分かる。 これはやばい。 ありがとう、ありがとう、ありがとう、皆ありがとう
@AMANE_0402 2 жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 2 жыл бұрын
悔しさもあるだろうし恨みとか嫌悪感はありそうな感じもしますね 「どうして自分だけ痛い思いしてお前等だけはのうのうといんだよっ…!!!」って思ってそうですしおすし(・ω・`) まぁこうゆう風に思っても仕方ないよな…ってなりますなぁやはり 実際アマネちゃんも思ってそう 自分の正しい行為 神様の願いをして 期待はしていたのに対し結果赦されなかったから 他の囚人達にも不満や恨み羨ましいとかありそう それに今回もなんと怯えたフータくんを目にする事が出来て私は大満足ですし興奮しそうになります ボイドラの方も大分ヤバめやったけどこっちも恐怖に怯えるフータくんが聞けてもうお腹いっぱいです( ˆᴘˆ ) 今回はフータくん赦すに投票一択!
@しゅーみ-e2c Жыл бұрын
@akmarina4470 Жыл бұрын
He used wanting to break the cycle as one of the reasons we should forgive him in the voice drama so it’ll be fine~ he’s totally not just saying whatever to make himself seem innocent…right? RIGHT???
@azaclex7765 Жыл бұрын
I hope Kotoko doesn’t lmfao Like an Eye for an Eye. Can’t wait to put her in her place
@kusosnek_8675 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Fuuta will attack Kotoko because he has stated that he's against violence
@akmarina4470 Жыл бұрын
@@kusosnek_8675 but he also tried to attack es in the interview lol
@azaclex7765 Жыл бұрын
@@kusosnek_8675 i agree
@big_loveforever Жыл бұрын
曲、歌詞、歌い方何もかもが好きすぎる… フータくん、一審から通じて心象が分かりやすいな〜と思った。 一審の時点で考察とか必要ないぐらいしっかりと曲の中にここに連れてこられた理由が散りばめられてたし、二審では今の心境がストレートに伝わってくる。 だからこそドラパでこれでもかってぐらい不安定になってるフータくん見るとうお〜どうすれば良かったんや…になっちゃうんだよな…赦しても謝罪出てくるか分からないし…今この状況で許されてフータくんの感情の矛先がどこに向かうのか本当に分からない…根底の素直さがまだ残っていそうなのが幸いか…?頼むから反省してくれよなフータ… それとは別に可哀想で可愛いなと思う自分はいます。梶山風汰に私の中の新たな扉を開かされました責任とってください
@里汐 2 жыл бұрын
「俺の所為じゃない」と言いつつも自分が灰になったりエスにクロと塗りすぶされてるあたり本当は自分が取り返しのつかないことをしてしまったのに気づいてるのかな……なら赦すかな……。 ていうかこれまた赦されなかったらフータ今度こそ死にそうでまじでヤバい。
@田中未琴 2 жыл бұрын
なんというか「俺のせいじゃない」とかって自分に必死に言い訳してる感じしますよね…… 悪かったのを自覚してるからこそそうやって言い訳しないと精神保てないのかもしれないなと感じました。
@tukihotaru2193 2 жыл бұрын
@千頭和 2 жыл бұрын
@riotkitty 2 жыл бұрын
I am surprised Futa was voted “not forgiven”. He’s probably one of the only characters the first time around who directly or indirectly actually killed someone who seemed to know what he did, and that he was wrong. I hope he’s voted “forgiven” this time.
@bobtherock653 2 жыл бұрын
He is definitly traumatized by his crime and now by the vote
@riotkitty 2 жыл бұрын
@@bobtherock653yeah, tho tbh looking at the profiles, Michiru seems to have gotten the worst oh my lord
@novaakasha6217 2 жыл бұрын
because in the interrogations, he continues to affirm that he did nothing wrong. Internally he is remorseful, but he still refuses to accept his responsibility for it openly. Not to mention, he points out that for a single "mistake", he is being tried, which may imply that the person was innocent and he did not take the precaution to verify it, costing someone their life. In turn, forgiving him, can reaffirm his thought that he did nothing wrong, similar to what happened with Haruka, the "fear" of many, is that as an "authority" told him that he did nothing wrong, that regret disappears and he does not learn anything. Also, people hate cyberbullying and doxing.
@anangelsdiaries 2 жыл бұрын
@@novaakasha6217 He clearly knew he was wrong tho, that reasoning breaks in my opinion when people like Haruka (despite how much of a banger his song was) were forgiven. Listened to the drama a while ago, so the details are not fresh in my mind anymore, but I remember that while I felt what he had went through was effed up he was the less worthy of forgiveness. And clearly from his most recent drama, being forgiven gave him confidence he shouldn't have had.
@novaakasha6217 2 жыл бұрын
@@anangelsdiaries Haruka was the first video we had, so people just judged him more than the law would. Everyone realized that Haruka clearly has some kind of autism spectrum, criminally speaking, he is unimputable. Certainly, in the audio drama, the capricious side of him is seen more at the end, but if you analyze it, this reaffirms more that he is a boy with a serious problem. If you add to that, that the video shows that he is a completely neglected child, and therefore, the blame lies more with the parents than with the "child", it makes it easier to forgive him. And going back to the topic, as I said, Haruka is an example of how to vote innocent, it doesn't reflect saying "As you regret, I forgive you" but "You didn't do anything wrong". Honestly, if Futa had been voted innocent, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up as Kotoko's assistant. So it's a good thing he was guilty in the first trial. Likewise, Haruka will vote guilty now, to correct the mistake of TELLING him that he is innocent. Because he is, he just got it wrong and we have to level the balance of his mind, hopefully without breaking it in the process. And Futa, obviously he will be voted innocent, not because he is, but to give him a rest, it is seen that he is under a lot of "PRESSURE", and a little sympathy after that, let him reconsider on his own. Or that I hope, because if he does not admit his guilt at the end of this trial, they will vote him guilty again in the third without a doubt.
@ぺぺノペペンギ 2 жыл бұрын
@ShoujoISMs 2 жыл бұрын
i do appreciate the voice dramas, but honestly i vote fully based on the MVs because of the way the dramas can be taken so easily at face value. futa may have been extremely hostile, making excuses to protect himself on the outside, but on the inside, he's truly suffering from that burning guilt. the guilt is so intense that he's refusing to come to terms with it outwardly in the drama cd, and because the MVs are more subconscious, we get to see how he REALLY feels without the constraints of hearing his reactions to someone who has antagonized him. it's not that i think his emotions in the drama were faked (they're definitely there with him and you can see a lot of what he says come through in the MV), but he's in such a panic/rush to defend himself even though he KNOWS what he did on the inside was absolutely terrible. to me, this is because he's working to come out of the denial stage of grief from having been the cause of that girl's death. and judging by the shot of him crossing through his neck, i assume he's coming into a more self aware and self loathing stage. as someone who has hurt someone in the past because i thought the situation was far less harmful than it really was, i understand what futa is going through. that guilt is absolutely immeasurable. being a good person who fucks up, who had staked their whole self worth on being a good person who DOESN'T fuck up, is horrifying. i've moved on from the situation, learning that what i did was wrong and that i've grown now, and i really hope futa gets to do the same. casting futa aside forever and not giving him a chance to be a better person is just what he did and shouldn't have done. he knows that much too. so why should we do so right back to him? those horrid emotions have already come back around to him on the wheel of karma. i say he's been through enough. all i wanted back when i felt what he's feeling now was for someone to tell me, "hey, you did a bad thing. but you aren't a bad person." he may be guilty, but i believe that he deserves forgiveness.
@luminousdelight5097 2 жыл бұрын
I cant even blame him for how he threatens Es in the VD, he feels genuinely cornered and doesnt know in any way how to get out of it. Also Es tends to be a pretty big douche
@Archeia 2 жыл бұрын
This 100%
@ehiir2687 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree. The guilt of your own action is always a crushing feeling. Im sorry you had to through this and sending love
@minoena Жыл бұрын
yup agreed
@theheterosexualstruggle Жыл бұрын
i read all of that, no regrets
@kahlishamartin2135 2 жыл бұрын
I’m so hyped for this one, especially since Futa was voted guilty. I thought that was weird since him and Kokoto did almost the same thing. I wonder if he will throw shade about that?
@lemonsideddice 2 жыл бұрын
yeah i was thonking the same thing i wonder if we coted him innocent if he wouldve been like kotoko which is why i think we did good voting him guilty in case he were to do what kotoko did but im not sure
@minecraftcrab4707 2 жыл бұрын
I think the main difference lies in what caused it. Kokoto wanted to be loved, and in the process accidentally put too much pressure on someone. But Futa had been doing what he did for a long time before this, causing damage and only realizing it when he faced the consequences. [correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not the best at meanings.]
@rice9150 2 жыл бұрын
it could also be the deal kotoko made with es in the last trial that led her to an innocent outcome
@_Belphegore_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@minecraftcrab4707 im sorry for questioning your logic but, what do you mean she put too much pressure on somebody and wanted to be loved? she seemed pretty content with killing the wrongdoers, no hate i just need a bit more clarity.
@kj6053 2 жыл бұрын
@@minecraftcrab4707I think you mixed up Mahiru and Kotoko
@mikeholmes7021 Жыл бұрын
I love the idea that we’re doing exactly what the people online did to the girl, they shamed her until she killed herself and now we’re shaming him until he’s killed. We’re really the ones who are at fault, we’re just like the ones who didn’t forgive and let go of that girl.
@bloodyvillain8613 2 ай бұрын
It’s like we don’t care for the girl just want the sastified til it happens…wow we’re hypocrites
@luciana.9945 2 жыл бұрын
idk if this one is guilty or not but i think the prison should give him a reward for always having the most banging inner thoughts like damn
@eyracb2500 2 жыл бұрын
I already know the song and the vocals are going to be FIRE (pun intended) but I'm not gonna lie I'm scared I feel people fucked Fuuta up so bad when voting him guilty
@powergobrrrr 2 жыл бұрын
RIGHT??? THEY OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T GET HIS INTENTIONS AND STUFF I don't wanna defend what he did cuz it was wrong but not the point where u should vote him guilty
@starrkow 2 жыл бұрын
@@powergobrrrr It’s not about who’s guilty or not, it’s about if you forgive them or not.
@wtqw0qwqwfwffwfwfw_ 2 жыл бұрын
Can you explain what you mean by guilty? why is he guilty
@dARKaZURE 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, his morality is a bit questionable (same with Kotoko lmao). He thought he was doing the right thing, and it got out of hand. He was the lead of cyberbullying and doxxing, thinking it was 'bringing justice.' I get that his intention is not bad, he was just too confident and not thoughtful enough. People who voted him unforgivable(/"guilty") probably thought the verdicts would tell him that, "No, that's not right." (same as Amane) but the MILGRAM system made it pretty extreme, along with Kotoko's doing. ((The verdicts influence the prisoners pretty... oddly, like, Haruka. He only got forgivable 1 out of 3 seasons and he's now thinking he didn't do anything wrong *at all* and we're all like oh boy that's not what we meant and how he should think about his murder.))
@saha-ub6oy 2 жыл бұрын
@@powergobrrrr if you look at guility or not everyone is gulity , this about forgive or not
@Sakuramoti_.11037 8 ай бұрын
考察とか罪とかほっぽり出して、このMVから素直にやってる事を読み取ったら ただただフータくんがニコニコしながらスプレーで遊んだけにしか見えなくて もう可愛い愛でたいしか出てこなくなった どうしよ
@ivanshisself 4 күн бұрын
0:23 starting from there, the vocal really made a good job
@maimtubeTV 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who's been on the same side of the internet as Futa was and recovered, I want to offer my unique perspective on Futa's mindset and experience. Firstly, I want to point out that in these spaces, everyone is usually just as much of a victim as they are an attacker. Nobody is acting out of pure malice, but rather the belief that they are actually doing the right thing and that if they don't judge and harass others, they're bad people. It's all born of insecurity, because it's a mindset that makes a promise to the victim that they will become a good person through a black and white and extremely simple to execute moral compass. The idea that not being this way makes you a bad person is what makes it so hard to escape. I'm not saying that Futa should be absolved of all guilt, because he's certainly still responsible for the part he played in what he did, but it's important to remember that these spaces target a specific type of person and reshape their minds in a way that's hard to reverse. They're very cult-like. One key thing that I think is relevant to this MV is that these spaces instill the idea that guilt of any kind means that someone is completely irredeemable, which is why I think Futa is so panicked after his guilty verdict. He is struggling to reckon with his guilt because he had that belief so strongly instilled in him. He has realized that this is exactly what he did to others, but since he's in this situation where there's so much pressure on him, he's unable to view his crimes in a way that doesn't outwardly demonize him. Because of this, he's still in a lot of denial, the same way he was at the beginning. I know some people theorized that having a taste of his own medicine would allow him to improve, but I think Milgram is hurting him more than it's helping him. The premise of Milgram, and this idea of a black and white "good" and "evil," redeemable and irredeemable, is ultimately what Futa's character criticizes and forces us to think about. As a survivor, I can say that he is a brilliantly compelling character, and really thoughtfully represents the struggles of someone who has been in one of these spaces. I can personally relate to him a lot, and I'm almost shocked at how successfully Milgram portrays a group that is so underrepresented. Ultimately, I think Futa should be voted innocent. If you have any questions about my experience or perspective on Futa's struggles, feel free to ask! Edit: Hi, so I just watched some of the voice dramas and refreshed my knowledge on Futa. I deleted and edited some of what I said before because I disagree with it now. I take back what I said about Futa being mature, he's definitely very immature, however I do feel he has a lot of potential for growth. He's very close to realizing he was wrong in the past through the realization that Milgram is wrong, but he's in denial. That is my renewed take on him now lol.
@maimtubeTV 2 жыл бұрын
Here are a few lyrics that I feel represent how the way Futa feels as a result of Milgram parallels the way that victims of harassment within the community he was in felt. They also represent his internalization of the ideas he believed in the community. 1:44 "With just one mistake and I'm out of chances. Bless me, please, with one more chance" Reinforces the idea of Futa feeling irredeemable. I feel that the phrasing of the second line, "bless me, please" conveys the desperate feeling of wanting redemption and wanting to grow from your mistakes, but not being allowed room to do so, which is common when people get ostracized and harassed out of online communities. This doesn't apply much to Milgram, since the prisoners all have a chance for redemption, but it's how Futa feels within Milgram due to his past. 2:33 "There's no solace for my heart. Flames closing in, are both sides losers?" The line "there's no solace for my heart" shows how his guilty verdict causes him to further internalize the message of good and evil being black and white. Also, the line "flames closing in, are both sides losers?" represents the idea that nobody benefits from this, that it's pointless and hurtful to everyone involved. 2:54 "Alight, enmeshed, their eyes closing in. Dodging seems impossible." This part conveys how judgement and harassment within these communities is inescapable once you become a target. This one applies to Milgram because the entire point is to subject the prisoners to our unwavering judgement. We're essentially picking apart their every word and action, which is exactly what people do to victims of harassment. Also, the overarching idea of fire representing this judgement says a lot about it. Firstly, it symbolizes the intensity of it and the panic/fear that it causes. Secondly, it shows that it spreads. When one person calls someone out, it spreads to more people who continue to dogpile the person. It's obvious how this applies to harassment, but in the case of Milgram, I think it's talking about how our theories can spread and grow more prevalent, ultimately resulting in more people voting for a certain verdict. Lastly, fire leaves only ash. This shows that once someone is dogpiled like this, their internet presence becomes unsalvageable, nothing but ash.
@sleepy_swirls 2 жыл бұрын
he's at nearly 80% in innocent votes, pretty sure his fate is solid unless somehow a bunch of futa haters spring up at the last minute.
@90selderichhorrors 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who also went through something similar, I completely agree and I'm so happy that you managed to get out and recover from it
@NANA-ll8ly Жыл бұрын
I'd like to hear more about your experience, can I message you somewhere?
@xxx_nyan_a 2 жыл бұрын
@パンのミミ-w7n 3 ай бұрын
壁に描いてある落書きを消すんじゃなくてスプレーで塗り重ねてるあたり同じことしてて好き。 (伝わるか……?)
@toro3767 2 жыл бұрын
サムネかっこいい…! 公開が楽しみです!!
@うに-v1j9e 2 жыл бұрын
@Rc083 Жыл бұрын
やってる事は置いといて、「安置でやいやい話になんねえ Ringはここだぞ?あがってこい!!」が歌詞も歌声もMVもかっこよすぎる
@Rc083 Жыл бұрын
@Rc083 Жыл бұрын
@cyntheziser Жыл бұрын
guys we should get backdraft to 1M views now that fuuta's innocent 😘
@akinenean Жыл бұрын
FR!! I‘m viewing his mv every day at least 40 times 🔥
@MrThukko Жыл бұрын
I'll help!
@firestar6302 Жыл бұрын
We're really close!!
@selsolos Жыл бұрын
@prok2276 Жыл бұрын
Hi, everyone Can somebody explain me, what this video about? Who is this guy, and what the meter with him? I'm in the first time on this channel and I can't understand all this things
@soudascribbles7787 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely innocent, he never meant to be responsible for anyone’s death
@jshxyxjens467 2 жыл бұрын
物凄く判断難しいなとは思うんだけど、「そもそも俺のせいじゃ全然ないだろ」っていう歌詞が全てを物語ってるな〜 ボイスドラマと合わせて聞くと「痛みに耐えきれないから赦してほしい」って意味にもとれちゃう気がする。
@ガレリア-w5h 2 жыл бұрын
少なくとも間接的にでも人を殺した事へ罪悪感感じてる時点で、他の囚人たちより更生の見込みはあると思う。 そもそもこの曲を聴いて見てなお有罪にするとすれば、それはフータと一緒になってMVに出てくる女の子を叩いていた不特定多数と同じ程度の人間になるけどそれでいいの?と問いかけられている。 これで仮にフータが最終的に死んだとして有罪に入れていた人達はみんなこう言うんだろうね、「まさか死ぬなんて思っていなかった」「だってみんな有罪に投票していたじゃないか」って。
@gingaillust_ 2 жыл бұрын
Other than theorizing whether Futa is guilty or not, I think it's more important for people to actually get the message from his story and learn from it. It doesn't matter whether someone deserves it or not, just be careful with what you say, think before you type, you don't know what kind of wildfire you might cause
@bloodyvillain8613 2 ай бұрын
I think fuuta is forgiven i mean bro clearly learn his lesson
@三月空 2 жыл бұрын
まさかほかの囚人の姿が見えるとは…… ハルカのMVにもムウの片鱗が見えたように囚人同士互いに干渉しあってる証拠かな フータは案外周りを気にしてるタイプで、逆に全くMVにその要素がなかったユノはあまり周囲に関心がないんだろうな もしくはミルグラムへの関心が薄れてる…? フータは許されなかったこともあってミルグラムの印象が強く根付いてるんだろうな
@Cristyface Ай бұрын
Waahh, at 2:46 when he finishes that scream, the way his voice breaks and goes up in tone in desperation is so GOOD. So emotional. One of my favorite MILGRAM songs!!
@amathescreaming 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely cannot wait for this one! Not only because the art and song is amazing from what we've seen, but also because looking at the thumbnail, I feel that this might go the Haruka route (something is revealed/confirmed that makes the fandom go crazy) and if it does happen, i can't wait for the theories to come up! I also don't mind it going the yuno route though!
@GE-0530RN 2 жыл бұрын
@amathescreaming 2 жыл бұрын
@namename.3. 2 жыл бұрын
People seem to think that at 2:36, Futa is starting to burn due to his own guilt. But another perspective could be that it represents the bullying being turned towards Futa. At the end of his first trial song, people started to attack him for his involvement. So basically him turning into ash symbolizes him feeling the “heat” and attacks. Leading him to feel the same way as the girl did. I think it’s important to make the distinction because it doesn’t inherently mean he is feeling guilt because of his actions. He could just be feeling bad because of all the attacks. I’m not saying that he doesn’t feel guilty, it’s just good to look at all interpretations of the symbolism. I’m waiting to see the voice drama, as it might add some context. But I believe Futa still sees himself a victim of blame shifting and he is still trying to shift the blame. In this trial, it portrays the girl being bullied by multiple people, while in the first, he seemed to be attacking her alone with onlookers watching. So it’s hard to really tell just how much involvement he had and how much of the blame he should hold.
@bothersomeprince 2 жыл бұрын
the involvement he had is understandable by the quantity of red spray he sprayed i think!
@kayrinrin1541 2 жыл бұрын
@@bothersomeprince yesyesyes i also noticed this. at first he was sprawing a lot of his own spray paint, but by the end its just a single line and then his followers did the rest of the damage. in the first mv i think he believed he should have had all the blame so that's what we were shown, but now we've found out that he mainly just "called them out" and then the followers went for it, judging by the little amount of spray paint. i also thought the fire represented the bullying being towards futa as did with the school girl.
@GiftedContractor 2 жыл бұрын
@@bothersomeprince or the involvement he thinks/wants to believe he had
@kona222 2 жыл бұрын
True but also before that he realised his wrongdoings already I get that he is still trying to shift the blame on others and stuff but it looks very obviously that deep down he knows he did something very wrong (like when the graffiti was spray painted over his expression was a very negative one)
@bothersomeprince 2 жыл бұрын
@@kayrinrin1541 agreed, but someone pointed out that in bring it on he wasnt actually attacking her (?) if you look at the stats, while the stats of the others were changing cause they were actually attacking her or smth
@randomrock8718 Жыл бұрын
I like how at first it goes “Burn , Burn !” Then it switches up at the end with “burn, burn?”
@へぱりーぜ-y9q 2 жыл бұрын
歌唱力ぅ 最高ですね 考察はお任せします この歌唱力を浴びるので精一杯です
@じゃり-x2l 2 жыл бұрын
俺だけのせいじゃないだろって言い訳したいのはめっちゃ伝わってくるし、実際フータは先導してないんだろうな。 コトコが許されてなんでフータは許されない、それどころか同じことをしてるコトコに襲われてるのが意味わからない。
@nervzlesslygaming2291 Жыл бұрын
Happy for Futa, Innocent this round! We relieved you from your worries and mental state, but please do not do anything that will trigger massive outrage… like what happened with Kotoko. All the best, Futa!
@CrunchyBananaBread 2 жыл бұрын
I like how you can feel the panic and PRESSURE in his song
@user-0x._.x0 2 жыл бұрын
赦されなかったフータがどんな感じの曲になるんだろうって思ってて聞いてみたらだいぶやばくてメラメラとか消せないファイヤーとか多分誹謗中傷とかの炎上とかなんだろうなって勝手に思ってる、途中の壁の囚人達の絵赦されなかった人には赤スプレーかかっててうわぁって…。最後の2:45 からがもう赦してくれって叫んでるようにしか聞こえなくて今後どうなるんだ…面白すぎるぞミルグラム………
@Octavewiththegills Жыл бұрын
I feel like the creators of this project definitely used Fuuta as a “look at yourself in the mirror before you speak” moment. I showed up after his votings for the current trail and im so glad people voted him innocent because he’s right. If he’s guilty then we are. He had no intention to kill the girl. Infact much of what pushed her to it wasn’t him but everyone who took what he said and ran with it. We ran with this idea of “you have to know your wrong” which is the same exact sentiment he had and now look. He’s beat up, in constant pain and may never get to use his eye again (this is from the voice drama) i hope that during the final trail there can be some reconciliation between Es (us) and Fuuta because we had no right to say he’s guilty.
@れう-r8f 2 жыл бұрын
スプレー缶落とすところが事変上等のスマホ落とすところとリンクしてて鳥肌……今回スマホの代わりがスプレーみたいになってるよね 具体→抽象になってる...。 囚人のみんなや看守が出てくるのもぞわっとした なんかリアル感が増すね……
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