MILGRAM / Kotoko - Deep Cover [The Second Trial Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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Пікірлер: 2 500 Жыл бұрын
OMG love the fact that she sings "Under" to mimic Es , that's peak story telling
@kaedesakura9274 Жыл бұрын
Not even mimic. She calls them inept meaning she would probably like to entirely replaced them
@Yukiiceflower Жыл бұрын
I was wondering if that was the correlation! Happy someone else caught it!
@Novanoir Жыл бұрын
She also completely mimics the way Undercover’s verses are structured, with “UNDER” followed by observations on the prisoners. Except, unlike Es, her remarks / observations are much harsher, she has much stronger (and hostile) opinions about the guilty ones.
@AzaClex Жыл бұрын
Omg i never realised that im so dumb lmao
@the_clover_star Жыл бұрын
That and the fact that the MV is called deep COVER ( and the T1 references in the song- )
@ひと-b5n 9 ай бұрын
@cororo-q9w 8 ай бұрын
@nathan0856 Жыл бұрын
If a hero runs out of a villain to fight, they will do everything to make one a villain to be the hero once again.
@TicketxBooth Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@maybeapsychopath Жыл бұрын
crud you're right
@aqlcaramsm3907 Жыл бұрын
Kotoko is Megamind confirmed?
@mangomage33 11 ай бұрын
Only when the hero has no chill and no concept of retirement
@ClamOstrich 11 ай бұрын
She was never really a hero tho
@kohaneazusawa Жыл бұрын
I just realized the literal thumbnail of the video is her snapping fuuta’s chess piece in half. He cannot catch a break
@ReiKokomi Жыл бұрын
my poor son 😔😔😔
@JustLiving.Iguess 8 ай бұрын
​@@ReiKokomi Live love laugh Fuuta slander
@ReiKokomi 8 ай бұрын
@@JustLiving.Iguess Real
@reinaintherain 7 ай бұрын
🔥🔥🔥 LET HER COOK!!!!!
@Max-iq8hi 6 ай бұрын
It's apparently about who has a better sense of justice, Fuuta or her
@excalibuur9925 Жыл бұрын
It seems Kotoko's 2nd trial shows her extreme distaste and hate for all the other prisoners there with her. She hates them for giving reasons to justify their actions yet hypocritically acts the same way that they do; harming other people in order to "justify" her way of living. Suprisingly, she also calls out Es (Speculated Prisoner No. 11) and how we judge the prisoners the same way that she does. I do agree that we are one in the same trying to judge the problems of other people, despite knowing that we have no right yet do it anyway. Just like how we make impressions and judgement of people before we truely get to know them. We spread gossip and lies around because we believe it doesn't affect us. When in reality, our actions carry more weight in the eyes of the victims. I don't know how to vote her this time. If she's voted innocent, we'll be proving that we are in the same vein as her in that we judge the actions of others and condemn them ourselves. And if we vote her guilty, we'll become hypocrites because we try to convince ourselves we're different from her. No matter how dire Kotoko's actions were, it still reflects the same message in today's society; we all like to judge people for what we believe they are, no matter their situation, no matter their circumstances, we are judging them "impartially" because we believe we are right.
@krista5665 Жыл бұрын
I love her and all but there's no way she's getting innocent atp lmao... ur making a lot of rly good points tho, I enjoyed reading that
@sailorcandy6633 Жыл бұрын
She's so getting guilty😭 maybe with the highest guilty vote??? She's 2% away from beating Muu's guilty vote
@aplucard25 Жыл бұрын
I would like to add that Fuuta reflects a similar thing. He even throws shade at us for this during his 2nd voice drama as he believes that it’s hypocritical that Kotoko received an INNO while he received a GUILTY knowing full well they claimed that it was “justice” behind their crime
@Red_567 Жыл бұрын
a lot of people already voted guilty 73 % to be exact voted her guilty
@VictorHugoDeFreitasCunha Жыл бұрын
I don't think being hypocritical is a reason to not vote her guilty. If anything, humans are always contradicting themselves and learning. If you can't even have enough shamelessness to alter course, especially after receiving new information, aren't you just being led by your initial impulses like an arrow?
@tomori0822 Жыл бұрын
I really like the last shot of the bloody scales showing how her sense of justice is distorted into just a weapon
@JutoMira Жыл бұрын
I also love they aren't even at the very least in the shape of a person. Does that mean that in Kotoko's eyes, she doesn't even see the other prisoners as actual living beings but more so chess pieces that she has to know how to use in order for her to have that advantage over them. Now that she's gotten a taste of what its like to have power and authority, she's tempted to completely disregard how she could make use of the pieces that she has on her hands just to satisfy her unsatiable bloodlust. Kotoko, girlie pop u're smarter than that. She HAS to know that she's made a terrible move by now.
@stan8479 Жыл бұрын
@@JutoMiraI don't think she cares as long as people keep fueling her righteous ego lol
@JutoMira Жыл бұрын
​@@stan8479 This isn't the girlboss light yagami core we know and love 😢
@MaryArts Жыл бұрын
The scale is also representing the warden. She thinks they should be killed as well.
@Alikisthav Жыл бұрын
@@MaryArtsi think her holding it is more or so making sure she, in her eyes, “saves” Es from their inability to place punishment throughly on the other “evil” prisoners. But like the girl in the video, she gets scared of Kotoko soon enough for her actions, which is happening again with us towards her being she doesn’t have restraint.
@levchenkodarya 11 ай бұрын
It's ironic that Kotoko says "I want more 'guilty'", while her reaction to first trial's 'guilty' verdicts was one of the driving forces for second's 'innocent' ones...
@circe8777 11 ай бұрын
people get so worried she would killed them basically everyone but her, muu and haruka is forgiven now lol
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
Tbh i think they would have been innod anyways. Amane should have never been guilties to begin with and never actually got attacked. Mikoto was fine and would have still been fine if Kotoko attacked again The mental attacks of milgram honestly hurt him more (which y know Kotoko herself called out)…also he only got guiltied cause clearly nobody read his voice drama (cause Kotoko herself proves basically he has DID), Mahiru probably would have been innod round 2 anyways cause it extinguished the stalker theory, and finally Fuuta both shouldn’t have been guiltied cause he clearly regretted his actions and really didn’t mean to cause anyone to die and again… while he’s really angry at Kotoko understandably… he’s even more impacted and terrified of the voices and the judging eyes… the thing that absolutely traumatized the heck out of him wasn’t Kotoko… it was us. And Kotoko herself calls us out on our hypocrisy barring psychical violence but being okay with the mental torment they receive
@bouningen97 Жыл бұрын
コトコの正義が「弱者を救いたいから」→「悪を裁きたいから」へ変わってしまって、それを満月で変貌する狼男で暗喩してるのがまた…いい… コトコの正義を変貌させた満月はエス(+俺たち)なのがまた…心を抉られて…いい…
@Камико_Ацуно 8 ай бұрын
Интересно, что в японской культуре луна зачастую символизирует объект обожания. "Любить луну" --- так на Фикбуке называется метка с определением "безответная влюблённость в человека более высокого положения." Так же луна связана с чувством любви /влюблённости: японцы признаются в любви фразой "луна красивая" (полностью "луна кажется мне красивой, потому что ты сейчас здесь со мной") . Не знаю как в других, а в русской вики Эса написано "пол неизвестен, однако он сказочно красив". Поскольку, по факту, кроме Джека и заключённых смотреть на него некому, очевидно, что "красивым" его считают именно они. Мне всё же кажется, что Эс как персонаж оказывает на Котоко большее влияние, чем Эс как воплощение зрителей. То есть его поведение в повседневной жизни для неё важнее чем допросы и приговоры. В психологической практике известны случаи, когда влюблённость путали с белой завистью. Возможно, чувства Котоко к Эсу это вовсе не чувства к надзирателю заключённого, который считается себя в праве занять его место, а нечто напоминающее любовь, просто Котоко не знает, как это -- любить? Поэтому принимает свою влюблённость за белую зависть. Тот факт, что она считает Эса "никчёмным", не справляющимся со своими обязанностями, может указывать на то, что она ждала от него поведения, свойственного по её мнению "идеальному надзирателю". Это тоже распостранённый признак влюблённости -- идеализация, потом разочарование. Котоко не любит Эса, она просто испытывает к нему нездоровую влюблённость на почве восхищения, "любит луну", которая превращает её в оборотня. Также нам показывают превращение молодого месяца в полнолуние --- это может быть как метафорой роста её чувств к Эсу, так и метафорой личностного роста самого Эса. Во втором этапе он ведёт себя намного увереннее чем в первом, даже проявляет что-то похожее на звёздную болезнь или профдеформацию: своей личности у него нет, поэтому маска быстро приросла к лицу, он стал истинным "надзирателем". Но по мере роста луны набирает силу оборотень, внутренний зверь Котоко, который атакует заключённых, которых должен был осудить "идеальный надзиратель", но простил "никчёмный номер 11". Возможно, Котоко пытается не потерять свою идеализацию, не разлюбить "идеального надзирателя", потому что ей больно осознавать, что существо, носящее имя "Эс" является не объектом её любви, а просто "никчёмным номером 11".
@aya-y2x7s Жыл бұрын
ボイスドラマ聴いてMV見た感想、考察 ボイスドラマと曲だけ聴いた時点ではコトコは自分のした事に対して全く罪悪感を感じておらず、自分が正しいと完全に思い込んでいるように感じた。 でもMVをみて、その考えは変わった。 コトコは裁きを下すことに対しての罪悪感を心の底ではしっかり感じている。しかし、自分を守るために「自分は正しい」と自分に言い聞かせているように感じた。 初めて私刑を下そうとしたとき(と思われる)の表情には怯えや焦り、葛藤が見られる。でも女の子が頼れるのは自分だけだし、私がやるしかない。こう考えて拳を握り、実行。しかし女の子は(何故か)コトコに助けて貰ったという証言を撤回。これに対して「私はこの子のためにリスクを犯したのに。間違っていたのか?」と戸惑いを抱える。そうなると自分は無意味に人を殺害したことになることに気づく。そして「力のない人を助けることの何が悪い?私が正しい。」と自分を守るために続々と犯行を重ねてしまう。そのうち自分が快感を感じてしまっていること、裁くこと自体に価値を感じてしまっていることに気づくが、これもまた自分を守るために見て見ぬふりをしている。 MVの最後の表情には、自分がオオカミになってしまっていることへの恐怖、誰かに止めて欲しいと思っていることが表れている。 また「赦さないがほしい」の英訳は「Give me the verdicts of GUILTY」となっており、対象が自分になっている。
@ずっくー 10 ай бұрын
めっちゃ同意見だ…… でも「赦さないが欲しい」は個人的に、今の自分の在り方に疑問を抱いているコトコが自身のやっていること(悪人に裁きを下すという大義名分の元、人殺しをしていること)に正当性をみなすためにも『私は(他の囚人たち=悪人に対して)赦さないが欲しい』と言っているのかなとも思った。もちろん、自分にも言ってる可能性は大いにあるけど
@MOFUFUWA11 10 ай бұрын
考察助かります。返信の人の考察も見ると両方の意味かけてそうだね。 他の囚人を『許すな』 自分を『許すな』 許さないが欲しい。 本当歌詞だけじゃ分からないや
@七色フヅキ 8 ай бұрын
​@@ずっくー 僕もそっちの思考でした... ただ、エスの牙気取りしてやりたい放題してるだけに見えた。  どうせみんな悪なんだから良いでしょ。みたいな。エスの変わりと表して自分のやってることを肯定したいだけ。 そう思います。
@宮本京-n2g Жыл бұрын
アンダーカバーのエスは囚人の気持ちになって歌ってたり被害者のシルエット代わりになったりして囚人に寄り添うスタンスを取っていたけど この曲のコトコは彼らをコマ扱いし徹底的を見下し、看守気取りの自分が常に中心に映ってて明らかに対照的に描写してるのがわかる
@愛実栗原-v8u Жыл бұрын
@カオスうるまんた 11 ай бұрын
@floxxytxx Жыл бұрын
can't believe milgram is 2/3 done now, everything the team has done makes my jaw drop constantly. so excited for this MV being the epic conclusion to T2, its def worth the wait !!!!!!!
@lmao_mailey Жыл бұрын
@glamgsm Жыл бұрын
very sad it has to end! its so good!! 🥲
@jayd.doubledubs Жыл бұрын
It's crazy how much time has passed! We're in the end game now, and I have no idea what triumphs, tragedies, and horrors await us around the corner
@the_clover_star Жыл бұрын
@halopiece 11 ай бұрын
@wingedoll8585 Жыл бұрын
i think the most striking part of this mv is that when we see kotoko interacting with that girl shes never truly paying attention to her. shes an excuse for kotoko to dole out "justice". the only answer she will accept is "guilty", after all.
@RainQ_ Жыл бұрын
its like the little girl is a decoration to make Kotoko seem 'less' guilty / have her actions justified
@SugarFang Жыл бұрын
100%, and Kotoko's Jacques Roulet hat... he was a werewolf accused of killing and eating children.
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
I think she rather was keeping her intentionally distant… Kotoko is a very traumatized and very idealistic person… making companionship very difficult for her. She does care about the child but doesn’t want to get too attached whether because she’s too distracted with justice or her own problems And/Or cause she wants to avoid the girl getting dragged into her world is unclear
@asrielluke3465 Жыл бұрын
Chess Pieces: Blue: A morphed pawn. The bottom 2/3 and the upper 2/3 are connected. It came from a small pawn, but has a body of a larger pawn due to morphing. Pink: A tall pawn with a large stomach Red: This one has a sharp head, but doesn't look like a pawn piece like the rest. Yellow: Can be seen as a queen piece, or a pawn piece with a fake crown in it Purple: A rook piece or a king piece missing its cross Orange: A queen piece, but looks like it is standing in a cup/goblet(?) Cyan: A pawn piece with one head and two bodies. On a closer inspection, one has a flat end while the other has a curved end. Green: A pawn with a hat. I deduce it is a hat since the head cracks discontinues. It makes the small piece looks tall. Light Blue: An abstracted piece with three layers. Center piece: A scale ⚖️. The center piece at the end has pink highlights (from blood?) when kotoko handles it.
@jerafeemforro8657 Жыл бұрын
red looks like a bishop kind of
@pugjuice8462 Жыл бұрын
absolutely correlates to the prisoners colors.
@prometheos2 Жыл бұрын
so even Kotoko agrees with the trikoto theory
@Miaossa Жыл бұрын
Cyan seems to be a pawn with a rook head over it.
@prometheos2 Жыл бұрын
@@pugjuice8462 yup, and their order, plus both the Red and the Orange got snapped like when she attacked Fuuta and Mahiru
@オリ-k1r 11 ай бұрын
私たちが一審ぶっちぎりでコトコを赦した結末であることをもっと考えないといけないって聴きながらいつも思う コトコが「私だけ赦すで良かったのに」じゃなく「赦さないだけ選んでよ」と言うのは自分のこともなのかなって思う 赦しちゃいけないことも、赦すがコトコを救えるわけじゃないことも分かるけど、みんながコトコのこと冷たく突き放した訳じゃないって伝えたくて今日も赦すよ この私たちのグラデーションまで伝わるのがミルグラムの面白さだな〜て思う
@nox6687 Жыл бұрын
This is interesting, it seems like Kotoko both wants to be the 'fang' delivering justice, but doesn't trust Es to be her wielder. She even derides them at the end, 'Inept 011 Guard', putting Es in the same category as the forgiven prisoners who she despises. Yet she's still asking for someone to tell her who to target. Maybe she's realized that Es isn't really the one who's giving the judgements...
@phimau8104 Жыл бұрын
Yup. Moi thinks she realized that theres someone higher. Like a certain horned rabbit 😐
@n.p.4954 Жыл бұрын
​@@phimau81041:22 I wonder if she's aware that it's not es that makes the judgments but us.
@phimau8104 Жыл бұрын
@@n.p.4954 or jackalope
@analyticaltomato 11 ай бұрын
I interpreted it as her seeing every single other prisoner here as guilty except for her, and since Es didn’t vote everyone guilty she calls them “inept” because we’re not strict enough for her. Obviously mine is a very simplistic and surface level interpretation, but either way just wanted to share.
@mintydewdrops 11 ай бұрын
i mean,@@n.p.4954 . we *are* es lol
@amathescreaming Жыл бұрын
Something I noticed which is quite interesting to me is the fact that even though she's wearing a uniform similar to Es's, there are a lot of differences too! The ones I can see here are that: 1. She doesn't have the sash 2. She doesn't have the keys 3. Her hat is different (the patterns are different and it doesn't have the MILGRAM logo on it) Apart from that, I just wanted to say that the art is gorgeous and I'm looking forward to the mv's premiere!
@dzakysajidds0320 Жыл бұрын
it means she maybe justified her case/murder illegally
@aplucard25 Жыл бұрын
⁠​⁠@@dzakysajidds0320 Agreed. From what is known of her, Kotoko sees herself as the judge, or well, as Es described Fuuta’s actions, a “one-man jury” despite lacking the qualifications. The outfit is a clear metaphor for her vigilante mindset methinks and it’d go hand to hand with her believing to be Es’ fangs
@dzakysajidds0320 Жыл бұрын
This will be interesting when kotoko will be voted guilty.
@unknownmothergoose7909 Жыл бұрын
she doesn't have the authority she thinks she has, and she needs to be put in her place
@jayIG Жыл бұрын
@湯の花中吉 Жыл бұрын
0:01 〝くだらない〟 依存関係だ 2:28 〝くだらない〟「001 寄生虫」 ハルカ 0:03〝はしたない〟温もりのゴール 2:31 〝はしたない〟「002 淫乱嬢」ユノ 0:08 またイキってさ イキってさ ダサいね  フータ 0:11 〝変わらない〟巡るクイーンゲーム 2:34 〝変わらない〟「004 偽女王」ムウ 0:13 〝救えない〟値踏みのスティーラー 2:35 〝救えない〟 「005 解剖兵」シドウ 0:18 まだ好きってさ 好きってさ キツいね  マヒル 1:01 〝隠していたい〟欲張りたい 偽装繁栄 2:39〝隠していたい〟「007 虚言人」カズイ 1:04 止められない 踏み込めない 信仰心  アマネ   1:08 マジ覚えてない 覚えてない ニブいね  ミコト 1:52 犯したい 求めてた正義 潰したい 汚れた未来を コトコ 1:11 〝使えない〟記憶の監獄で  揺れてたい 笑えちゃう正義 2:41〝使えない〟「011の看守」エス 二審と罪の振り返りみたいだ
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
少々他の囚人を蔑んでいるのコトコちゃんらしくて逆に好き好きる でもマヒルさんの「好き」って気持ちを否定してるの辛いな
@ir3ri Жыл бұрын
@dolphin_doril Жыл бұрын
@ВладимирЛаевский-ы4ж Жыл бұрын
1:14 "Laughable justice" refers to Fuuta, I guess So here Kotoko makes references to every person in Milgram
@ミルキーこなゆき隊 Жыл бұрын
@_Eishi_poulpy_ Жыл бұрын
I can't wait for her 99.99% guilty ratio even if i'll be watching & vibing on her mv for the 3 next months
@nikubiti8599 Жыл бұрын
Literally me, can't wait for it too XD
@esper2464 Жыл бұрын
Literally i JSHJSJS
@yourfatherinlaw5279 Жыл бұрын
she's done nothing wrong I don't care
@roxs6557 Жыл бұрын
I mean yeah with her going out of her way to hurt others when she doesn't have the right to judge others and is quite the hypocrite, of course Yeah we are judging people as well but my God she's just a whole different level of self righteous and shallow without thinking of cause and effect
@BeeziBeez Жыл бұрын
@@yourfatherinlaw5279 💀 sanest kotoko fan ( i am too)
@mo_ai-ef9pr Жыл бұрын
@АлексейЖизнь-в1ъ 9 ай бұрын
It's almost end of voting and still 928k 😢 people please help us... Kotoko deserves 1M... pretty please
@AMANE_0402 Жыл бұрын
@Ashurasama0726 Жыл бұрын
コトコの対応からホンマに 「弱者を救う」ことではなく 「悪を滅する」ことが行動原理なんだなあ、って思ってしまって悲しい。
@ぬそや Жыл бұрын
2:28 ここキレッキレで笑う 使えない011の看守ってところ、囚人番号振り分けてるしエスよりも自分の方が正しく裁ける、エスに成り代わって自分が看守になるのがふさわしいとか思ってるのかな…好き… それはそれとして多分赦さないけど…
@pepreach Жыл бұрын
2:16 the red lights in the background telling kotoko to stop her actions but she kept going is honestly such a nice detail(?)
@vantacian 2 ай бұрын
Collect my boughs danteh
@afishyfishh Жыл бұрын
1. Holy shit she’s insane 2. Insanity aside her drip is immense 3. SHE FINALLY CAME OUT AS A FURRY
@vibealong1191 Жыл бұрын
I like how from this moment on, (2:21 - 2:48) the MV emphasized how Kotoko's supposed "justice" (aka violence) is indeed going out of control-- HER control to be specific. Truly shows how Kotoko's justice knows no limits.
@JustLiving.Iguess Жыл бұрын
I still wonder why and how she got into this "justice" stuff
@_Taoan 11 ай бұрын
​@rofrago I believe she has the idea of a rotten society, but maybe by 2:21 it just starts to take over her completely and she just wants to go on a rampage "punishing" everyone that comes her way
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
I think she knows it too… which is why she’s desperate for someone else to direct her justice cause she knows her wolf could consume everything
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
She was likely abused as a child so got really invested in the serial child kidnapping abuse and murder case… and worse off said person involved had multiple inno verdicts cause of his dad’s political sway
@Zosiaisntnormal Жыл бұрын
@pinky0329 Жыл бұрын
@Eskun8998 Жыл бұрын
@@pinky0329GURL WE CANT SAVE HER 😢
@squidge4728 Жыл бұрын
@@Eskun8998its tough being a Kotoko defender
@Wah_Wah_World_ Жыл бұрын
I Love her but there’s no way we can save her from the Guilty Votes
@09mikoto Жыл бұрын
Imagine she got the highest guilty verdict than muu💀💀💀
@tsukasa1660 Жыл бұрын
Congrats to Kotoko for coming out as a furry!
@tonof.c.1397 Жыл бұрын
@sofiasaldana4698 Жыл бұрын
She literally WENT FERAL GURLL
@Iynette Жыл бұрын
shes never beating the allegations
@kentonishimura69 Жыл бұрын
A bisexual furry at that
@_3_Hydrangea_3_ Жыл бұрын
​@@Iynette Kazui never beating the gay allegations and Kotoko never beating the furry allegations 😭. What's next?
@白崎ユヅキ 11 ай бұрын
0:29 からの表情はもう自分がやってしまった事を自覚していて、ただこの子をそのままにして逃げていいかの葛藤だったのかな。結果見捨てなかったけど世間からはヒーローじゃなくて悪人としか見られなかった 大学にいられなくなって夢を追えなくなったから、せめてあの時の自分の選択は正しい、ヒーローであった事を認めて欲しいって感じ
@ai__lo23 9 ай бұрын
@月乃園 Жыл бұрын
@gegetamu Жыл бұрын
@mumu2750 Жыл бұрын
@Nekasa1123 Жыл бұрын
0:49 1:40 『次の夢をくれよ』の英語訳が『Give me the next target』なのがもう好き 2:28 こっから自分以外の第一審で赦さないじゃなかった人達全員馬鹿呼ばわりも大好きさ。だけど007だけ隠していたいって『ない』がついてないのは何故だ。なんか情報見落としたか意味はないのか……囚人番号3の倍数は漏れなく第一審赦さないだったの覚えやすいな。アマネチャン……これ書いて気づいたけど歌詞にアンダーが付いてない奴らが第一審赦さないの奴らか
@ずっくー 10 ай бұрын
007は相手が自殺の可能性があるからかな?他の子たちは自分の意志で自分の手で殺してる様子だから……もちろんまだ曖昧なところも多いけど、「ない」がついてなくてほかの囚人と違うのはそういうところかも 001▶︎家族を殺害 002▶︎堕胎。これも自分の意思でしたもの 004▶︎MVでも分かるように、相手を刺殺 005▶︎わざと手術を失敗していた 007▶︎同性愛者のことを奥さんに話して、ショックで自殺 011▶︎現在わかっている情報から、自分の意志で裁きを下している って感じかな
@itzfedra1197 Жыл бұрын
Ik most ppl know that Kotoko talks about the inno prisoners near the end of the song but I literally haven't seen anyone talk about the first lyrics, it took me a stupid amount of time to figure out that she's talking about everyone 00:00 "Doltish, a codependency of the weak." If that's not Haruka idk who it is. 00:03 "Obscene, pulling all cords to stay warm." Haha get it? Cords. Yeah. (Yuno) 00:08 "Bringing back the cocky hero again? How embarrassing" That's Fuuta 00:10 "Incessant, this sorry round-robin of who's queen" Sorry QUEEN?? It's Muu 00:13 "Doomed, a peddling flower thief" Reference to Throw Down (Shidou) 00:18 "Still saying this is love, this is love, that's tough" She's attacking Mahiru physically AND mentally now istg 😞 01:01 "Concealing, coveting, glass half empty or full?" Reference to half (Kazui) 01:05 "Unstoppable, unbreakable MAGIC" Reference to Magic (Amane) 01:09 "Don't remember a thing, not a thing, poor Me poor Me" Basically mocking mikoto saying he doesn't remember murdering anyone (Also I see what you did there with the Me Me) 01:11 "Inept, inside a prison of the mind" now I'm GUESSING that's supposed to be Kotoko since she's literally the last on left (Okay it MAY be a second line for Es be of the whole inept thing but yk still not sure 🤷‍♀️) 01:14 "Swaying to and fro? Laughable justice" Basically criticising Es' (our) sense of justice I like that they I added all this because it's practically a reference to her voice drama, when she admitted to listening to all the interrogations before hers so she knew all about the personalities, the murders and the reactions to the first trial verdicts plus how Es interacts with each prisoner (Also I think that's why she asked Es if he has gotten attached to the prisoners in her new voice drama) ( ´꒳`)
@usopppancakesyrup7476 Жыл бұрын
Small note, I think "Inept, inside a prison of the mind" is Es' because the later "Inept 11 Guard" line. Meaning that "I wanna perpetrate, the justice I’ve been looking for. I wanna crush, that nasty destiny" is Kotoko's since it's also followed with a "So ridiculous, so ridiculous."
@DragonMCMultiverse 11 ай бұрын
Last one is either referring to herself or just a 2nd line for Es, the inept one is for Es
@mintydewdrops 11 ай бұрын
agreed, jp lyrics also line up one to one@@usopppancakesyrup7476 - 01-09, 11, 10.
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
I think you have Es and kotoko’s lines reversed
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
Read the voice dramas (Especially her and Mikoto’s round 1s) and you real that Es’s bleeding heart aside, she actually trusts Milgram not even more than just the modern justice system but even her own judgement
@akasa_27 Жыл бұрын
@ますやん-x1n Жыл бұрын
@xcherryxblossomx5451 Жыл бұрын
1:57 What i find most interesting is the moment she feels like the kid is done showing her the cap she turns back to her phone. Not continuing to look at the kid. Her phone, and whatever news was on there, is more important. She's prioritizing her next target over the kid she saved from her last. I feel like it's pretty clear in this that she cares more about her enaction of "justice" than the consequences. Sure the dude deserved it. Sure she did good by saving the kid. But that's as far as she follows up on because she can't help but hunt for something new. Kotoko's interesting and I am too brain dead to delve any deeper but There's something about the underlying chess motif. Kotoko does not have a chess piece. Did she shatter hers? Or does she just not have one in her mind, representing the "player" (warden)? Also something something every chess piece is inherently disposable as long as you win. Some are better than others, more versatile, but those can be disposed too. Edit: Haruka: pawn Yuno: pawn Fuuta: pawn/bishop? i cant tell Muu: Queen?/bishop Shidou: that's a rook Mahiru: bishop/pawn i cant tell what the actual fuck is it Kazui: rook Amane: Knight Mikoto: What the actual fuck is that????? fucking. Pawn???? sir what is wrong with your chess piece dear lord okay additional notes. i lied. i did not go do my important stuff due tomorrow. anyways. I find it interesting that these pieces all have a little touch to them. like. It's like Kotoko's personal notes Haruka's pawn is squished around the middle; currently think that's because Kotoko thinks it would be easy as pie to beat him up. Yuno's is round in the middle in contrast; Kotoko's thinking of Yuno's pregnancies and the round belly Fuuta. I can't tell whether that's a pawn or bishop but leaning a bit more to bishop due to sharp head. I have no clue if there's anything represented here. maybe Fuuta's own sense of justice? Muu's is taller than anyone else's so far. That's her ego. Kotoko refers to Muu as "queen" near the end iirc, so I am leaning towards that piece. However I would also. Would not be surprised if she ends up being a bishop, but since everyone's pieces is mildly fucked up idk Shidou is a rook. Thin around the middle but I'm fairly certain the ring is there for most rook pieces. technically i could walk out of the room rn and check but i am lazy. I'll touch upon the importance later Mahiru: lady. Lady What The Fuck Is That. Pawn??? hell if i know. Or maybe a bishop? The bowl-like thing at the bottom is interesting and im not sure what chess pieces milgram is using. im leaning more towards Pawn because I'm 98% sure that's what Kotoko would see her as Kazui: also a rook. These rooks are a lot taller than the ones in normal games but maybe the height is their own height?? wait but Muu's short. anyways. Rooks. So ya'see there's this thing called "Castling" in chess. Usually, the king can only move 1 space but Castling makes it so that the king moves inwards and rook moves outwards, being like. the only case where your pieces can walk through each other afaik. is there one for the queen's side? actually not the point. The point is: Castling is a defensive maneuver. The rooks are currently the "guardians"; Mahiru would be dead without Shidou and Kazui saved Fuuta from Kotoko. They're threats in Kotoko's mind, but defenders first and foremost. She understands that they can and will protect the others from her, which is why they are rooks. Amane: I was leaning towards knight but now I'm trying to figure out whether or not that'st just a weird pawn. If it is a knight that would be interesting because so far there's no other knight but. still. okay assuming Amane is a knight; knights have this weird ability to jump over other pieces. Perhaps it's Kotoko's mind jumping over Amane since she's a literal kid and she doesn't plan on hurting her? but also she just said she wants to beat up everyone so idk. I'm leaning more towards Pawn; Amane is still disposable Mikoto: like what the fuck is this i cant even. Mikoto. what the fuck. I'm leaning towards. He's some amalgation?? like. even if he's a pawn it's not a normal pawn. There are 3. cards?? in the middle; I'm putting this down as "if you grip it too hard it hurts" as Kotoko's form of "okay he can hold his own" Wow okay this went way off course I was not meaning to ramble this much but eh. Hope you found some use in this insight (Also. Kotoko sitting on a fucking throne don't think I don't see you Kotoko)
btw the news on kotoko’s phone talks about how an elementary student ( most likely the kid ) denied that a collage girl ( kotoko ) saved her A rough translation of what some of the text says is: “Furthermore, Mr Kaneshiro announced that the female element student who claimed that she was 'saved by a female college student' has retracted her testimony.”
@xcherryxblossomx5451 Жыл бұрын
Oh that's interesting! I saw it but I couldn't figure out what it said. Now I'm wondering about the end, whether the kid sees Kotoko again. Is the glare Kotoko giving her because she's going to find someone else to enact justice and she doesn't want her getting in the way, or because of her hero complex not being able to get the recognition she thinks she deserves? There's also the possibility that Kotoko was the one asking it to be retracted, since the girl and Kotoko have probably talked more than the garden encounter. the possibilities,,,,,,
@vthorn195 Жыл бұрын
maybe the three cards on mikotos little piece thingy represent the DID personalities? I watched a theory on how's there's three on them. And like how Kotoko recognised his DID and told Es about it in Mikotos first voice drama
@conductoranon2805 11 ай бұрын
In a different comment someone said the news also said that she was suspected to have threatened the little girl, and so that might be why the testimony was retracted. (Idk I haven't read a translation of it yet)
@_3_Hydrangea_3_ 11 ай бұрын
Someone said that Mahiru piece reminds them of a bird bath :,)
@Gracelillymouse Жыл бұрын
1:58 My Japanese isn't good enough to read it, but the article Kotoko is reading on her phone seems important, doesn't it? Using a translator, it seems to be about the case in which Kotoko murdered the kidnapper, and the subsequent trial. It mentions that Kotoko used "more violence than necessary". Then it mentions something about an elementary school student retracting their testimony...? It would be really cool if someone was able to translate this!
@natural_greeeeen 9 ай бұрын
@bananasplitman9 Жыл бұрын
I think this MV shows that Kotoko is more obsessed with the idea of dishing out violent retribution than she is with actual justice. The scales first appearance in the MV has them shown askew. Scales typically represent weighing evidence and coming to a fair conclusion in law, though I imagine Kotoko is very biased towards seeing others as guilty, due to her desire to see the others being punished. She repeatedly pushes for the others to be considered guilty though she very clearly only has a shallow understanding of each prisoner. She isn't taking all of their circumstances into account at all, just focusing on their crime. Second of all, the child is an interesting factor in showing how committed to her vigilantism she is. It feels more like Kotoko is going through the motions, only seeing the girl as a distraction. She does not comfort the girl when she first clings to her, grabbing her shirt as if to pull the girl off of her. Her expression doesn't look comforting, but rather annoyed. When interacting with the girl the second time, she only briefly acknowledges the girl and mindlessly pats her head before going back to her phone and continuing to browse the news, likely looking for more crime. Later on, the girl sees Kotoko again, but gets scared. Perhaps this is because Kotoko practically ignored her, as well as the cold expression on her face. Kotoko cares much less about the victim more than she did the perpetrator. To her, the victim isn't important, the girl just gave her a reason for her to dish out violent justice and now that she's been saved, she's worthless to Kotoko. (Edit: I have been informed that it was likely that the girl pulled out of testifying, according to the article that Kotoko was reading in the second scene with the girl. This may have made her turn against the girl in anger. This showcases her black and white thinking, as she seems to assume the girl did this with malicious intent, not even considering if an outside force was at play. Also, the article says Kotoko claimed self-defense for killing the kidnapper, when it is very clear in the Harrow MV that it was not self-defense and Kotoko had the upper hand the whole time. Someone in the article even points out the excessive injuries on the kidnapper's body as a sign it was not self-defense. This is another example of her desire for bloodlust. There was no actual need for her to kill the kidnapper, but she continued attacking him until he was dead. Also, just to be clear, I am not saying the kidnapper was innocent by any means. Whether you think his murder was justified or not, I think we can all agree this was not self-defense.) I think the wolf growing and growing into more of a monster represents her growing bloodlust, or a growing desire to hurt people. It's the same reason she is unsatisfied and clearly seeking more crime after wrapping up the case and killing the kidnapper. She has nobody else to attack, to satiate the bloodlust inside of her. She wants to be seen as justified in what she does, she cannot attack "innocents" because that would be being hypocritical. That's why she is pushing for guilty votes. She wants an excuse to hurt the other prisoners again. She even calls Es inept, because after all, Es is just a tool for her. This is why all of the prisoners are shown as chess pieces. They are just toys for her to play around with. As a result of voting her innocent first trial, we have allowed her ideology to take root deeper in her mind, and it has grown into a monster as a result. Over the course of the MV, we see the moon going through its cycles until it becomes a full blood moon, then Kotoko begins transforming into a werewolf. I believe this showcases her ideology growing in her mind and making her more monstrous in her behavior. The final shot of the bloody scales in her hand shows how she uses justice as a weapon, rather than as an actual tool to help people. She doesn't care about justice, she just cares about getting to do what she wants, and she uses the concept of "justice" as a shield for her actions. Even her being dressed as the warden is another farce. The warden is the one who is allowed to punish as they see fit, and Kotoko desires that sort of power for herself. She is essentially using Es as a proxy to get that type of power. In conclusion, Kotoko is a good example of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. She stops crime not out of care for the victims, but out of the fact that she can feel justified in hurting the perpetrators and she uses the concept of justice as a shield against criticism of her actions, without actually caring about justice itself.
@toastfbread Жыл бұрын
@catastic1240 Жыл бұрын
Good analysis, but in the news she was reading, she was suspected to have threatened the little girl, so the girl's testimony of Kotoko saving her might have been canceled, that is what explains the cold expression I think, Kotoko thinks the girl betrayed her?
@bananasplitman9 Жыл бұрын
@@catastic1240 I suppose that does also make sense! At the same time, it is possible that Kotoko did threaten her, but to stay silent about her involvement? I cannot read Japanese, so I unfortunately have no idea what the article actually says and was going off the past MV info. At the same time, this does show how black and white her thinking is, if she can't even consider that a child may have been pressured to say something by outside forces, or that the article she was reading may not have reported completely factually. To her, the girl now might be just as worthy of facing punishment as the kidnapper. (We already know she has no problem with beating people up regardless of age... Yikes...) I still think most of my analysis holds true. Kotoko was very cold to the girl to begin with, regardless of what reason she may have had to turn on the girl later. This signals to me that she didn't care that much about the girl until she became an issue.
@starpeep5769 Жыл бұрын
​@Mikachu_03oh god keep himself and her AWAY FROM HIM
@lusees616 Жыл бұрын
I love how u point out how she only focuses on the prisoners crimes because if we were to do the same for her most would think she's completely innocent until you think about the rest of her as a person. It truly felt like t1 we were looking at her in her perspective 0-0
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
This mv shows her going from a hero who saves a little girl to a monster that even that kid fears. I love the simbolisym going on with the moon fases and her turning into a blood thirsty werewolf.
@焼きそば太郎-i1n Жыл бұрын
@iruka_kawaii Жыл бұрын
@SouziHAdekimasen Жыл бұрын
どうでしょうか…? 歌詞を見たところでは…
@みあ-q6x 11 ай бұрын
@@SouziHAdekimasen エスくんの立場を奪いたいみたいに思う
@SouziHAdekimasen 11 ай бұрын
第2審のボイスドラマや今回の歌詞にあるようにエス君の甘ったるい考え方に辟易し、再び自身の正義を振りかざす様になったでしょうね 第一審で赦された者を襲う準備をしている風なシーンもありました。 これは…第三審が不安ですね… さながら…首輪の外れた狼…ですかね
@ポコン-t2m 10 ай бұрын
コトコを赦すにしても赦さないにしても第二審で誰も無事でいられる保証はないと思ってるからコトコを赦すに入れました 圧倒的赦さない率だよねコトコ… 裏で山中さんが計画通りってニヤついてるの想像出来る…
@foderis8777 Жыл бұрын
At 1:10, not only can you see the claws, which is a good hint to the end, but when the table spins, the shadow has the wolf's feet as well! And as the song progresses, the full moon arises, so Kotoko transforms in the end, sort of like a werewolf Ps, the "poor Me poor Me" is a nice homage to MeMe
@basicallytrqsh Жыл бұрын
There’s a ton of homages to other songs like the mention of “Unreachable, unbreachable MAGIC”
@sudokua554 11 ай бұрын
also mentions of "Obscene, pulling all cords to stay warm" (Umbilical), "Doomed, a peddling flower thief" (Throw Down), "Still saying this is love, this is love, that’s tough" (This Is How To Be In Love With You), "Concealing, coveting, glass half empty or full?" (half) (it mentions all of the prisoners but i think these ones are all of the direct refs to songs) i love how kotoko kind of copies undercover but it has her own twists on it bc shes super biased and a prisoner
@foderis8777 11 ай бұрын
@@sudokua554 Well, cocky hero is for Bring it on." All of the first 3 verses are references, but I just found the Poor me Poor me doubling to be a nice touch!
@sudokua554 11 ай бұрын
@@foderis8777 i know! :D i just figured the ones i listed are the most obvious connections ^^
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
@@sudokua554and yet she even covers Es (being trapped in his memories) and herself (with laughable justice). Her judgements in the verses are actually more objective and looking at them from afar… it’s only after her wolf comes out that she’s suddenly so disparaging to each person
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
I am so excited for this. I also love Kotoko's uniform. The uniform looks a little militar and more imposing (her gloves even look like a weapon). It really shows how she sees herself like a tougher and more qualified Es. I wonder if this MV will be making references to Undercover in structure too. Maybe it will show us how Kotoko sees each of the other prisioners.
@KhithadarPyaephyo Жыл бұрын
The lyrics do mention undercover so maybe they will
@amathescreaming Жыл бұрын
Seeing Kotoko's view on the prisoners that were forgiven in the first trial, as well as her views on Es, would be really interesting to see! I wonder if they'd also include the unforgiven prisoners as well in some way (probably not since they weren't mentioned in the lyrics)
@KhithadarPyaephyo Жыл бұрын
@@amathescreaming at the like start of the song they kinda do?
@amathescreaming Жыл бұрын
@@KhithadarPyaephyo oh yeah! Ty for reminding me :)
@ShoesOnTheFreeway Жыл бұрын
Reminds me very much of M. Bison, though her whole jacket acts like a cape instead of being an actual one :O WAIT, nevermind, it is, 2:25
@k_teac 8 ай бұрын
今更ボイドラから現状出ている曲を一気見した人間です。一審にも二審にも関われてませんが、コトコさんには出会いから二審MVに至るまでずっと純に「カッコいいなぁ」と思ってしまいました。 その感想を長文失礼します。 一気見だった弊害もあり感情がブレまくっていたからこそ、表裏なく一貫しているコトコさんに強く惹かれてしまったのかもしれません。それに私自身彼女のような熱情、悪に対する底知れない憎悪が生活する中で見え隠れしているのを自覚しています。価値観に強く共鳴してしまいました。当人が語っていた「なぜ悪人がのうのうとのさばっているのか。」「悪は問答無用で裁かれるべきではないのか。」私は考えないようにする事で正気を保っています。彼女はそれを『見ない・知らない・考えない』を選択して自身が悪に加担する事が許せなかったのかなぁとか勝手な妄想を。「その気も力もないなら私に任せろ。」その通り過ぎて何も言えないです。活力が削がれることを牙を抜かれるだなんて言いますが彼女は牙を担ってくれてたんですね。凄いや、やっぱカッコいいです。今は悪人を裁いていないと牙が疼いて仕方がないのも事実なんでしょうが。 彼女は私刑を続ける事で悪を全て抹殺、最後に自らが裁かれることで訪れる悪一つ無い世界を本気で信じている(た?)のだなぁ…と。それも語られるべき一種の思想であり、すぐに掌を返す私なんかよりは間違いなく正義。彼女の思想を「傲慢だ」と訴えても彼女は周りに「思考の放棄だ」と反論するでしょうから、一生相容れない気がしてしまいます。 Twitterも見に行きましたが彼女の審判は許さないに傾いてたので、三審で彼女の思想と過去への向き合い方がどう変わるのかなと期待の面持ちです。リアルタイムで追えてるのかな?これは。色々と楽しみに待ちます🙌
@ぱちた Жыл бұрын
@ぱちた Жыл бұрын
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
​@@ぱちた本当は内心で自分のやってる事がいけない事だって分かりきっているしやめたいけれど悪人を裁いたり殺したりするのが快楽化しちゃって辞めるにやめられないんだよね 自分の中で正義化しちゃってるから そう考えるとエグイよなぁ
@AA_A_530 Жыл бұрын
​@@ぱちた 個人的には全員への憤りの顔って解釈もできる、最後の歌詞で中々断罪しないからエスまで使えない呼ばわりして侮辱してるし次赦したら皆殺しにしかねない
@ВладимирЛаевский-ы4ж Жыл бұрын
​@@AA_A_530she doesn't name others as "guilty" because these others have already gotten a punishment from her. She's just thirsty for the innocent ones from the first trial, I guess
@tukihotaru2193 Жыл бұрын
@amameiegtu Жыл бұрын
@emannes0 Жыл бұрын
@mlmcoded 11 ай бұрын
@@emannes0 the english title is MAGIC, yes! i’m not sure if that clarified anything but just to be sure
@amameiegtu 11 ай бұрын
yes😆 i love the way they use words instead of just translating literally
@ReinaNoi 9 ай бұрын
あとはミコトの 1:08「マジ覚えてない 覚えてない ニブいね」を英語版では ”Don’t remember a thing, not a thing, poor Me poor Me(MeMe)” が好き!
@kiramyssu 11 ай бұрын
The article she was reading shows the little girl was a witness for when she attacked and killed a guy in self defense, but later took out her testimony (defending Kotoko) Some people think she may have gotten mad at the girl for that but in 1:59 she is patting the girl on the head, while she reads the article, if they wanted to showcase Kotoko read it and then distanced herself from the girl right away, they could have showed her taking her hand out of the girl's head or something?? In the scene right after, the girl goes met Kotoko as if nothing is wrong, I think if the reason was the article itself, Kotoko would have reacted instantly, not act like it was fine and just be mad the next time her and the girl met Also the girl was a witness, not the victim in this case I think the little girl, as she idolizes Kotoko after saving her, started following her around even when she was doing vigilante work, when she killed the guy and could have gotten into trouble the girl acted as testimony in favor of her, but Kotoko was the one who told the girl to retrieve her statement as she didn't want the girl to get involved Her acting cold towards the girl, might be because she decided she wanted the girl to be safe and get away from her, or that she should focus more on her "goal" instead of making conections (lonewolf imagery) as she went bigger on her justice trip, ending up cutting ties with the little girl Edit: typos
@monolinny1817 10 ай бұрын
There is also a theory from another comment saying the girl had been threatened by the abuser's father to take out the testimony. It could be that Kotoko tried to get her away from any bigger problems in the future
@クルトン-f7y Жыл бұрын
@LotusHearted Жыл бұрын
@カオスうるまんた 11 ай бұрын
@LaVitr_e 10 ай бұрын
Library of ruina profile picture, I like that!
@twopercentflat4766 5 ай бұрын
Naturally, it is the prescript's will.
@LEN0630 Жыл бұрын
この曲だけ先行で聴いた時は「誰かを罪人にしてくれ。そして、そいつを自分に裁かせてくれ。看守が自分の暴力を振るう理由になってくれ。」って言ってるように感じたけど、PV含めてみたら「私を赦さないで。この衝動を止めて欲しい。」って言ってるんじゃないかって180度、曲への解釈が変わった。 前回も実は自分のやったことに恐怖を覚えていて、心の奥では赦さないでほしかったのかなとも思えてきちゃうね。 もしこの解釈が間違いで、コトコがたとえ赦して欲しいんだとしても、どっちにしろ前回の振る舞いは赦せないから赦さないよ! 【追記】せっかくなので、自分なりの解釈をもう少し詳しく書きます。曲だけを受け取った状態ではどう考えても「囚人を誰も赦すな。私が行う私刑の大義名分のために。」ってこちら(エス)に言っていると感じる。だけど、PV含めて見ると、最初に出てきた女の子のシーンも「警察はあてにならない。裁きを下せるのが、女の子が頼れるヒーローが自分しかいない。私刑はダメだとわかってたし、正直怖かった。けど、自分がやるしかない」っていう怯えが混ざったような表情(と汗)と、やろうと決めた決意の表情と手の握りしめだったんじゃないかな。結果として私刑の快感に目覚めてしまうが、それを認めたくない。でも、制御もできない。だから、私刑に快感を覚えている自分に気づいてからは、女の子を威圧し、他人のふりをして通り過ぎる(PV中で読んでる記事の関係で女の子に裏切られたと思ったからの可能性も有り)。その後、MILGRAMでこの私刑までの行為含めて罪かどうかを問われ、1審で赦される。赦されたことによって、さらに自分の中の狂気が抑えられなくなっていく(私刑による暴力の承認)。終盤はオオカミになっていき、最後は血塗れでも自分の信義は貫けているのに凄く怯えた顔をしている。以上を踏まえて、曲とかドラマパート含めて冷静を保っているようにみえるけど、実は心の奥底で看守に「自分を赦さないで、お願いこの衝動を止めて」と訴えているんじゃないかなと思いました。
@まくら-r7f Жыл бұрын
@木下-j6d Жыл бұрын
@LEN0630 Жыл бұрын
@@木下-j6d 多分お褒め頂いてる……のであってますかね?😅 ありがとうございます! 私はコトコ自身の考察しかしていなかったので、(コトコが思う)対囚人への考察をしている優秀なコメントが多数あって、なるほどなあと感心しっぱなしです!
@久遠-p3v Жыл бұрын
実際追記にある通り自分の意思で死刑を下してるなら最後の表情をするわけがないんだよな……そうなってくると歌詞の「赦さない」がほしいとか裁きの大義名分が欲しいって「自分に裁を下してくれる為の大義名分が欲しい」って事......??? もしかして今回のカバー曲がストリーミングハートなのってウソと本音の間って歌詞にあるしそういう......?
@LEN0630 Жыл бұрын
​@@久遠-p3v 曲の聴き方(映像を見る前と見た後)によって捉え方が変わることから、個人的にはどちらにもかかってると思いました! まだ残っている理性側の「もう自分を自分で止められないから大義名分として赦さないがほしい。」と本能側の「自分が他人(囚人)を裁くための大義名分として赦さない(という審判)がほしい。」で、どちらかの意味で捉えて考えても間違いではないし、両方の意味で捉えても間違いじゃないと思います! 自分の場合は両方の意味が込められてると思ってます! 他囚人と看守(エス)をボロカスに言ってる歌詞もあるので……。 カバー曲に関しては完全に盲点でした!自分の考察に対して言うのもなんですが、確かに信憑性が高まりますね……!ありがとうございます!
@Sandrlekk Жыл бұрын
The animation in here definitely improved so much. The whole rotating animation is genuinely so satisfying to look at aaaa
@limebeanz_ 11 ай бұрын
ikr! im excited what season 3 will bring us
@WondrousMay Жыл бұрын
The vibe I’m getting from Kotoko here is that she doesn’t really care about the verdict. I feel like she already got what she wanted and she’ll continue to do what she wants regardless of the trial results. Either way, we’ll get more angry and feral Aimi and I love it haha
@FakeVenatus Жыл бұрын
The thing is, if we vote her guilty then her movements are restricted. So good chance she can’t continue to hurt people because of it Besides, she only wants violence and not justice. Best to vote guilty
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
“Will do what she wants anyways” *ignores the fact that not only who she attacked but the order she attacked them was in how guilty we found them even when it contradicted her personal beliefs*
@Futon__cat Жыл бұрын
0:32 0:37で現れる2つの駒を0:11から現れる囚人たちの影と駒に照らし合わせると、それぞれフータ、マヒルのものだと考えられる なぜ赦されなかったミコト、アマネの駒が現れなかったのか それはコトコ的に「解答を刻み込んだ」ことが出来たのはフータとマヒルだけだと考えているからではないかと思う ミコトには互角の勝負をされ、アマネはジャッカロープが言っていたように時間切れか、もしくは個人的な考えになるが、このMVの女の子と重ねてしまった なのでこの2人は「解答を刻み込んだ」のは中途半端に、もしくは出来ずに第二審が始まり「解答を刻み込む」ことが不可能になってしまった あくまで個人の見解ですのでご容赦を……
@u_uxs2 Жыл бұрын
@肴のおつまみ Жыл бұрын
@user-corazon.715 10 ай бұрын
@marineo7184 Жыл бұрын
Kotoko basically starts beating evil for justice and now beating 'evil' is an addiction to her to the point she constantly seeks out people to beat up. Love my feral questionable hero.
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
Yep and the most interesting part… she knows and almost fears it. Hence why she has Es direct her while harboring some resentment for his soft behavior. She’s at inner turmoil with herself and I think even asks in her voice drama that if we disagree with her methods to vote her guilty though could be wrong
@snow7224 Жыл бұрын
I’m not good at theories but the one thing I noticed was Kotoko talking about the other prisoners and calling them names at 2:28 and here she refers to Es as 011 and that they’re ‘inept’. I think it’s interesting to see how she views the prisoners who were forgiven.
@candescence 11 ай бұрын
1:40 unlike what the english caption suggests, isnt the lyrics "tsugi no yume wo kure yo" actually "give me the next dream" rather than "the next target"? not only that, if you listen closely it sounds like they're making a deliberate pun where "tsugi" is pronounced more like "tsuki", implying not "next" but the "moon", which is Exactly What Is On The Screen while it is said. Why the moon? Why, because of the werewolf imagery of course! In the English caption she asks for the next target, in the original lyrics she is asking for a dream, implying awareness of the flimsy illusory nature of her pursuit of "justice", knowingly asking for an excuse - at the same time she is also a werewolf asking for the moon, or even a mere dream of the moon, asking for an excuse or a trigger to transform into a monster and break loose. Her vigilante pursuit is finally metaphorised quite accurately as a bestial urge for violence, asking only for the most fragile excuses and justifications to abandon humanity.
@luft9235 Жыл бұрын
i think that kotoko's "give me the next target" is a play on words in japanese, especially considering the wolf theme in the MV. "次の夢をくれよ" (tsugi no yume wo kure yo) means "give me the next dream," and it sounds like "月の夢をくれよ" (tsuki no yume wo kure yo), which means "give me the moon's dream." really cool
@izucchin4146 11 ай бұрын
parabens cara, eh de topicos assim com assuntos desses que formam um bom topico, eh claro que eu tatuarei seu nome nas minhas costas pois eu te admiro e meus amigos todos que lerao esse topico tambem gostaram muito de vc e queriam marcar um almoço sabe como eh te conhecer melhor fazer amizades, pois seu grau de intelectualidade eh muito alto cara, seja sempre essa pessoa boa e maravilhosa que vc eh, e fala pra ela que vc tambem vai la, nao se eskeça na boa esse parabens é do fundo do meu coração eu falei tb pra toda minha familia esse seu super feito ai eles mandaram parabens e ligaram tambem pros amigos e primos e tal e eles mandaram umas congratulações pra voce e pediram seu telefone e endereço pra mandar telegramas de parabens e presentes porque voce é um exímio user né, aí espalharam umas faixas pela cidade e publicaram isso no jornal do bairro e você ficou muito famoso por essa região daqui. E sem contar que sempre vai morar no meu s2 cara, então aquele esquema la, cara, esses posts me levam ao delirio, juntão aki em casa uma turminha do barulho com bandeirinhas, linguas de sogra e confete festando a alegria de ler um post desse que eleva o animo dagente la no pico cara, Seu égo eh muito forte, seu futuro eh brilhante e vc sempre tera paz com aqueles la, galera fica na espectativa apertando f5 kerendo ver tópicos como esse cara
@motimotisakura2 Жыл бұрын
1:34 ……ギルティ組… すきだ全体的にかっこよすぎる
@xevylo3949 Жыл бұрын
Amazed by the visuals alone and how strikingly violent and eye-catching it is which fits the context, It's very obvious how clearly unstable she is and she's somewhat aware of it. If the werewolf and bloodlust metaphor isn't evident enough, the kid she helped was scared of her in the later parts of the video and knowing that the MV's are in the prisoners point of view we can deduce that yeah the kid knows how the person who saved her from harms way is turning into this scary violent person that won't be budged until she gets the justice that she craves. And Kotoko knows that, She knows impartially that she's turning into something that is clearly destructive but may think that it is an inescapable role that she needs to deliver because external factors won't let her view of justice happen. (this reasoning coming from the moon phases imagery and the werewolf itself, maybe showing how this was bound to happen one way or another) Excited for the theories and observations from the community!!
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
I think the kid was mostly horrified she left. But considering Kotoko realized her spiraling it makes sense she wouldn’t want the kid around for that and also why she relies on Es for giving guilty verdicts, she feels like she Needs to give justice but also is wary of her own judgement cause the spiral I think above all she needs help
@buchelaruzit Жыл бұрын
ironically for her, she's the most far gone and troublesome of all the prisoners. the "deep" in "deep cover" is for how deep in mud her way of thinking is damn the song slaps tho. and the voice acting is so good. that softer "欲しいの" of 2:17? the last line's delivery? *chef's kiss*
@クロ-h3d Жыл бұрын
1:18 笑えちゃう正義でコトコが笑ってる凝ってるなぁ〜
@whatthefoxsays-here Жыл бұрын
Kotoko fans it's so Kotokover for us when the mv releases
@monhoj8778 Жыл бұрын
I will still vote her innocent regardless. God forbid women do anything/j
@shihofan1 Жыл бұрын
she’s so innocent
@こいぬ-w5l Жыл бұрын
コトコは少女が証言を取り消した記事を読んでも彼女の頭を撫でていたよ 多分犯罪者の親が権力者だったせいで色んな圧力がかかって最終的にその全てが赦せなくなったんだと思う
@gilkolton5141 11 ай бұрын
If you watch carefully you might notice Kotoko's second victim. she also killed her entire career as best girl in one short video
@ミク-r3x Ай бұрын
@chzki Жыл бұрын
pointing details in this mv! (lowercase warning because my laptop's caps lock key is broken) - werewolf is a human who will turn into wolf when the full moon appears. and at around 2:28, when kotoko's "werewolf" (or beast? whatever you call it) came out, the moon became full. - talking about the moon, the mv showed the cycle of the moon and blood moon. unfortunately, i know little to nothing about the moon, so please feel free to reply and tell me about it! (thank you 🫶) - the chess pieces, represent the prisoners, from 001 to 009; and the ⚖️ (what do you call this in english help) piece represent "justice", in this case, kototo. - the broken pieces, in 0:32 is fuuta, in 0:37 is mahiru; from 1:02 to 1:18, the pieces are kazui, amane and mikoto, respectably; and in 1:36 are fuuta, mahiru, amane, mikoto. it is obvious that these are pieces of prisoners who were unfogiven in t1, and for kazui, i think it was shown because he protected fuuta from kotoko's attack. maybe that's also the reason why kazui's piece seemed barely damaged, comparing to the guilty group. - a lot of scenes in this mv are connected to "harrow". at the vert beginning, it was after kotoko killed the kidnapper. at 0:22, the girl who was kidnapped begged kotoko for help after being saved (? i don't know how to say it very sorry). the board at 1:44 was also from "harrow" (though i don't really have a clue about why were the papers covered in black markers. maybe kotoko was mentally unstable?). from 1:52, kotoko was reading news, while the girl she saved ran up to her, wearing a black cap, similar to kotoko's. and at around 2:11, she was looking forward to meeting kotoko, wearing that cap again. she was excited, but immediately became frigtened as kotoko passed by and glanced at her. -> the girl, being saved by kotoko, looked up to her. kotoko became her role model. however, at 2:11, kotoko's "justice" wasn't for the weaks anymore (she threw away the black cap at 2:22, as if she threw away her old self, something like that). she only wanted to punish the guilty people, and she would do it even if it means harming or killing someone (kotoko beating the t1 guilty groups and manipulating es in her t2 voice drama), as it became her only purpose (and in t1 trailer, kotoko said she "felt good" after murdering the kidnapper). - the news kotoko was reading (i used machine translation) was about the murder kotoko committed. while both kotoko and the victim (the little girl)'s testimonies declared that the murder was self-defense, the kidnapper had multiple injuries and bruises, hence, it was indicated that kotoko used more violence than necessary. the victim's testimon was also cancelled (?) by the victim herself, therefore, it was said that kotoko might theaten her. at the end of the article, an urban legend about a "hero of justice" being a univesity student was mentioned, and it might be kotoko. - it is clear that the lyrics of the song was really similar to "undercover", from repeating "under" to references about prisoners' songs. kotoko also declared that even the forgiven prisoners from t1 and es were all guilty in her eyes, by talking about them at the end of the song. - at 2:44, kotoko and the wolf were all covered in blood, and the chess piece, representing justice and righteous, was also bloodstained. -> kotoko's "justice" is becoming more and more corrupted. that's all the details i could spot! this mv was really well done, the delay was worth it if i have to say. my vote for kotoko this trial is, of course, unforgiven, though that was decided the moment i finished listening to her cd last year. also, sorry for any grammar mistakes or wrong words. english is not my native language, and my brain is function weirdly today. anyway, if you are reading, thank you so much for spending your time reading my comment. have a nice day!
@鈴推し尊い 10 ай бұрын
かっこよすぎて考察とか何も出来ないんですけど、 手袋の留め具が1回指輪に見えてしまったので(1:32 とか) 中指につける指輪の意味(運気的なあれ)書いときます 中指右:魔除け 邪気を払う意、機敏さや行動力を高め 勘が冴えるよう導くもの 左中指:読解力の上昇 人の気持ち/場の状況察知が出来るようになる、人間関係を円滑にさせる、支援してくれる味方が現れる 左中指の「支援してくれる味方が現れる」が意味深過ぎて…
@parshlv3422 Жыл бұрын
the similarities between deepcover and UNDERCOVER is insane milgram you did good 🙏🙏🙏 massive lore drop bro we knew es was the last prisoner from the start
@hectopascal4846 11 ай бұрын
so, I just thought about something: its pretty clear by now that the more fantastical parts of each MV present the characters as they see themselves (e.g. "John" batting dummies to relieve stress, Haruka as a child, or, as seen here, Kotoko as a "better" warden). in Harrow, we see Kotoko in a blizzard-strewn forest, lost until the wolf (i.e. the part of herself that revels in violence) guides her to her destination. Maybe she yields to her sadistic impulses not because she simply enjoys it, but because she feels lost and purposeless without them (which is why she also needs to rationalize it as punishing wrongdoers, as that gives it an objective). she's now found that purpose (replacing Es as Milgrams warden), but in exchange that violent part of herself has grown so large that not even she can stop it.
@P0tats_4_lyfe 11 ай бұрын
You know seeing her call out all the prisoners we voted innocent in the first trial as well as the “11th prisoner” who is likely Es (inept guard) made me think. What if at the end of the third trials the prisoners decide on whether or not Es is forgiven or unforgiven. Es is pretty much the representation of the viewers and we view ourselves as innocent which would line up with why Es was mentioned in that list. I think it would be an interesting end to this project because for a while they’ve been calling out the viewers on judging the prisoners while not knowing the full story and if the prisoners judge “us” in the end without knowing the full story it would be some good irony. Edit: adding a timestamp 2:28
@Whail2dots 10 ай бұрын
I can't get over the fact that Yuno's piece has a belly because of the pregnancy haha😭
@LanieMae Жыл бұрын
If you look closely at the thumbnail, Kotoko appears to be crushing something with her fist and the shards have blood on it. It appears she cut her own hand destroying it. I wonder what this could mean… maybe representing her ideals going out of hand and hurting herself while trying to purge evil? Or is this representative of maybe there’s self loathing for her actions in here somewhere but her smile is trying to cover up those thoughts.
@kozezh Жыл бұрын
I think it's a chess piece
@aplucard25 Жыл бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@kozezh Good guess but not quite. The details don’t fully match up with any of the chess pieces. The broken piece shown in thumbnail has a drill-y end which leaves me doubtful since there is no chess piece designed that way Kotoko does give off the impression of someone who would be good at chess or apply the mindset of a chess player to what she does though. Either way, the thing she is shattering is a big tell on how she views her crime and its relevance to the MILGRAM situation P.S: Okay you were right on the chess pieces, but it turns out the prisoners got their own special type of chess piece so that’s where I overthank it for a second. Simplest solution turned out the best one lmao
@PhoenixHeartCure Жыл бұрын
​@@aplucard25 are you sure it isn't a bishop?
@PhoenixHeartCure Жыл бұрын
You know, if my theories about Kotoko are correct, I think both possibilities brought up in the original comment are likely
@virulor Жыл бұрын
If you look closely, her face is "cracking" too! I think it's like what Harrow told us; she's really wearing herself down by upholding this "Justice"
@pomegranate_thief Жыл бұрын
Did everyone notice "011 Inept Guard" at 2:41? Es is just as much of a target to Kotoko as everyone else, and girlie's going to start a prison riot soon.
@bloomingrequiem4137 Жыл бұрын
don't let it slide! 🗣📢
@maydaymayday4225 11 ай бұрын
Kotokos the kinda fella who would kill every prisoner before the trial even starts
@megarotom1590 11 ай бұрын
There’s a part of her a judgmental wolf… but that’s not what she wants though… she wants Es to continue to direct her. She wants to be the fanged hero on his behalf so he can judge rather than herself
@maydaymayday4225 11 ай бұрын
@@megarotom1590 Um... the whole mv is an application for MILGRAM itself. She insults everyone including Es. Do tell me, why does she want EVERYONE guilty if she dosent want to judge? In the ending shows all the innocent prisoners being chewed on and calling Es a useless warden. At most, she wants Es to vote everyone except her guilty so she beat everyone to death.
@maydaymayday4225 11 ай бұрын
​​@@megarotom1590My comment seems to be deleted... Her MV is just a application for MILGRAM and shes wearing a warden outfit and copying Undercover. If she wants Es to judge, why isint the mv revolving Es themselves as well? Why is she insulting every innocent prisoner? And why is she dominating everyone like a Warden? The whole MV is wanting everyone to be voted guilty. She wants to judge everyone to be guilty but cant due to being a role as a prisoner. Shes only following as an excuse to beat up guilty prisoners and to make her show in a "good light" to stay innocent and beat more guilty prisoners. Shes only playing the role as the fanged hero, but in reality shes a manipulating bloodthirsty wolf who acts all justice but as an excuse to beat up and kill people. Have you seen her VD??
@SW-2114 Жыл бұрын
ドラマパートでも、エスのような監獄の主導権を握る立場になろうと、なりたがってるから、サムネ見た瞬間にアガった。一瞬エスかと思った。 17日はマヒルの誕生日で、数日前後には自分の誕生日、そして公開の4日後にはライブ。 投稿が遅れたのは悲しかったけど、タイミングを考えれば個人的に最高。 監獄の中が、小説や漫画とめっちゃ一致してて興奮した。 0:31 第一審で赦されずにボコされた人たちね。 1:35 第一審で赦されなかった人たち コマの破壊だけど、死んだらどうなるんだろ。 月が満ちるほどに正義が暴走していってる。 なぜ犯罪者を私刑し始めたかは分からないが、女の子を一人助けて救えた事から正義が暴走しているのか。 少なくとも正義を貫いて幸せそうには見えなかった。一度誰かを救けられてその人がどれだけの思いをしたのかが肌に感じられて、そこから怒りの増幅と犯罪者に対する憎悪が増えてた。その感情で辛そうに見えたね。正義を執行できないと晴れる感情じゃないから監獄内では多少しんどいんじゃない?
@ダーマッ-z1c Жыл бұрын
1:57 コトコが読んでいる新聞記事の文字起こし ※コトコの指で隠れてしまっている所は想像で埋めてるので、間違っている可能性もあります。 いま日本中を震撼させている、東京都港区で発生した殺人事件。被害者は兼城亜道(24)。曙光新聞の代表兼城賢勇(68)の一人息子であり、それを手にかけたのが都内有名大学在籍の女子大生(20)であるということも話題の一助になっている。 記者会見にて兼城氏は無数のカメラの前で目に涙を浮かべ、女子大生の蛮行を非難した。 今回の事件に対して司法の判断は『正当防衛』である。女子大生によると『未成年者誘拐の現行犯』である被害者を制止するためにもみ合いになり、やむなく殺害するに至ったという主張だ。現場にいた女子小学生も同様の証言をし、正当防衛が成立するというのが弁護側の主張であった。 しかし兼城氏は記者会見にて、その後の独自の捜査により、遺体には複数のあざや傷が残り、必要以上の暴行が加えられていることが判明したと主張。更に兼城氏は「女子大生に助けられた」と主張していた女子小学生が、証言を取り消したことを発表。女子小学生が何かしらの脅しを受けていた可能性と共に、女子大生と弁護側の主張する『未成年者誘拐』自体に疑問が残るとの考えを示した。兼城氏は更にインターネット上の噂に言及する。巷では一部ネットユーザーの間で兼城亜道に対して、『複数の殺人事件に関わっている』という出処の知れない噂が飛び交うという、ある種都市伝説的なネットミームであり、そのため一部の若年層からは、当該の女子大生を英雄視する声も上がっているという。兼城氏はいずれも真っ向から否定し、強く非難した。
@AtlasCosmos-br3nr 9 ай бұрын
We're so close to 1M lets keep it up guys
@enaemon0787 Жыл бұрын
I believe Kotoko herself is aware she is morally deemed as guilty. At the end of the MV she is seen with red eyes, the same red eyes as the guilty prisoners on the voting page. Secondly, at the end of the MV her eyes seem to swell with tears and it feels like she regrets what she's done. I think voting her guilty will make her fully realize that her previous behavior was wrong.
@samalacha590 Жыл бұрын
I agree that Kotoko IS at the very least, very much aware of how much blood she's got on her hands. But I think I have to disagree with how you interpret her eyes at the last scene. Because if you take a look at previous scene that was shown before her eyes twitching, we were shown the violently disfigured chess pieces which represents the prisoners, that and coupled with the last lines of "They're still here, still here, it grates me" along with the seemingly apex predator looming behind her back, it would appear that there most certainly is regret. Regret that she never got to throw hands at the 1st trial innocent prisoners that is, rather than remorse for what she has done to the guilty prisoners.
@ChimeraLotietheBunny Жыл бұрын
Such a deep analysis of that metaphor despite in the earlier trail she is voted innocent before now
@nishikeebe 11 ай бұрын
I agree that she knows shes guilty, but i dont think she cares that much. because we voted her innocent in the 1st trial, she thinks that guilt on her hands means nothing, because it’s covered with that twisted sense of justice we gave her after our votes. At the end of this video, her eyes are filled with anger, or annoyance rather. Her last lyrics are “They’re still here, still here, it grates me” They referring to the other prisoners we’ve voted innocent in the 1st trial. She’s angry we haven’t voted them guilty, and she’s angry she hasn’t had a chance to beat them up. Voting her guilty will not make her realize anything, except for the fact that we or “Es” is a hypocrite because we’re basically doing the same thing as her by judging people if they are right or wrong.
@dexterousli 11 ай бұрын
"I think voting her guilty will make her fully realize that her previous behavior was wrong." That's what you dorks said about Amane back in T1. How'd that work out? But yes, while Kotoko likely already knows what her verdict will be, I doubt it will change her mind much, if at all. The ideal Milgram circumstance for T2 was unfortunately broken the second Haruka got voted gulity, but the assumed circumstance on behalf of the writers luckily seems to be going loosely according to plan, as it also was in T1.
@Natsu280p Жыл бұрын
So this is obviously a parody to undercover - it shows how kotoko sees the prisoners and Es, the last chorus was absolutely insane how she counted everyone who wasnt voted guilty in the first round. And then we have her dissecting Es as an inept guard , it annoys her that we forgave anyone to begin with, everyone (but herself ? Unsure if she counts herself as guilty) is guilty in her eyes and deserve death as a punishment. We also learned her reason to fight, that being the little girl in the MV, shes either someone who Kotoko saved or a family member that got abused and saved by her ( dont know which one it is not do i think it changes the fact how much she hates injustice with every fiber of her being) So conclusion, dont let her out, give her the guilty verdict that she desires and lets see how or if she changes her views.
@somethingclever4297 Жыл бұрын
Something I also want to point is that she is wearing a red hood and becomes a wolf in the end. Get it? Little red riding hood is now the big bad wolf.
@ShoesOnTheFreeway Жыл бұрын
Kinda feel like we missed our ride on that last sentence, because of the 1st rounds verdict, honestly o_o
@fantage20012 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the little girl may have found out about Kotoko's justice given that she was the only one nearby when her expression changed
@ansel6303 Жыл бұрын
I feel like no matter Kotoko’s verdict it won’t change how she acts much. It’s already pretty clear she thinks milgram is a faulty system and doesn’t agree with our votes
@alexy5660 Жыл бұрын
I think the girl is Kotoko herself. She went through something bad, so she became a vigilante
@user-gw3ly4nz4q Жыл бұрын
@みるドラ Жыл бұрын
コトコちゃんが女の子を助けた時は女の子を助けたいが正義を執行したいより先にきていたと思う 今は完全に誰かを助けたいより正義を執行したいが勝ってしまっているよね
@marcelostalker Жыл бұрын
Kotoko has potential to do good, I want to believe there is a real kind side to her, but she has SO MUCH bloodthirst! Her words can sound logic, but it is hard to believe them when we can clearly see she wants to hunt and sink her fangs more than anything, the reasons for it are just excuses, just like she lists it at the end of the song. In Milgram, the veredict of the trial affects the prisioners mind, she will just spiral down the road of blood if we vote her innocent, not saying we can "save" or "fix" her but we can at least make it "not worse".
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
2:28 This part literally sounds like a "who to kill next" list. The inclusion of Es makes me think she is no longer interested in becoming a team.
@amalgamatedphantom9861 Жыл бұрын
So I've seen a lot of people talking about how this MV is how Kotoko views everyone else, which I completely agree with, but I just want to add a little to the discussion. So obviously at the end she lists all of the prisoners who were voted innocent (interesting including es, adding fuel to the 'Es is prisoner 011' fire), but I've not seen people talking about the start or middle sections of it talking about the other prisoners. In the first verse, Kotoko starts listing her thoughts of the prisoners in numeric order: "Doltish, a codependency of the weak" refers mainly to Haruka, but also slightly to Mu. Kotoko refers to Haruka as 'Doltish "001 Parasite"' at the end of the video. As we all know, Haruka and Mu formed a codependant relationship between trials 1 and 2, and (at least in trial 1) Haruka really wanted to be seen as weak, since he is. "Obscene, pulling all cords to stay warm" refers to Yuno. Kotoko refers to Yuno as 'Obscene "002 slut"' at the end of the video. Cords likely referring to the umbilical cord and the nature of Yuno's crime being birth related. in addition, one of the lyrics of Umbilical is "Just me alone, the warmth starts to fade. Let's reload the warmth." "Bring back the cocky hero again?" refers to Fuuta. In Bring It On, Fuuta literally refers to himself as the "undead hero" and as a hero throughout the song. In trial 1, he could be seen to be quite arrogant and cocky, especially in his voice drama (although as an avid Fuuta defender, I'd say he comes across more angry than anything else. Kotoko saying "How embarrassing" straight after may refer to her having lost some sort of respect for Fuuta, as they're both kinda 2 sides of the same coin, but because of the way he acted, she still found his methodology to be embarrassing. "Incessant, this sorry round-robin of who's queen" refers to Mu. In a parallel to Haruka, Kotoko refers to Mu as 'Incessant "004, Phony Queen"' at the end of the video. Just the inclusion of "sorry", even though it's not in the traditional sense of apologising, and in the actual japanese lyrics probably has a different meaning, may also link to Mu. Although there are many characters in Milgram who have a theme of apologising or saying sorry, Mu has the most apparent theme of it. The "round-robin of who's queen" likely refers to Mu's backstory, how she wanted to be popular and liked, even worshipped like a queen (as seen in her second MV, which as far as I can tell is the first direct allusion to another prisoner's second MV in the video). "Doomed, a peddeling flower theif" refers to Shidou. Kotoko refers to Shidou as 'Doomed "005 Dissection Pawn"' at the end of the video. "Peddeling" implies the thought that shidou was peddeling either drugs to kill patients or their organs for whatever his crime was. Personally I'm not convinced that Shidou actively killed his patients (although I can see why people would argue that he pressured the family of lost causes to let them go off life support to possibly take their organs? Kinda weak though). For the "flower theif" part, see literally all of the imagery of Throwdown. "Theif" may also again imply that Kotoko at least believes the organ theft theory. "Still saying this is love, this is love" so clearly refers to Mahiru. We all know she was deluded into thinking that her form of love was correct, when in reality she was so toxic to her partner (likely by making him 'share the pain') that he killed himself. The prechorus and chorus are how Kotoko became who she is, and what she wants to do with Es and Milgram, before going to verse 2, in which she continues listing her thoughts about the prisoners. "Concealing, coveting, glass half empty or full?" Kotoko refers to Kazui as 'Concealing "001 Deciever"' at the end of the video. We all know Kazui hid something (personally I believe the Kazui gay theory), and according to cat, he "Just wanted to be touched, to be caressed", which I would argue is coveting affection. Possibly from his wife, possibly from someone else. "Glass half empty or full?" I don't really get though, so I'd appreciate if someone could help me out with it. "Unstoppable, unbreachable MAGIC" is literally Amane. Specifically, I'd argue, trial 1 Amane, where she was disalllusioned by her cult into thinking it was all magic. Also the fully capitalised "MAGIC" is literally just Amane's trial 1 song name. "Don't remember a thing, not a thing, poor Me, poor Me." is about Mikoto. She's mocking pity for him since I doubt she believes his literal confirmed case of DID. I believe she thinks he remembers everything and he's trying to use amnesia as a scapegoat. Again, the capitalised "Me, poor Me", whilst not as direct, is just Kotoko refering to MeMe, Mikoto's trial 1 song. "Inept, inside a prison of the mind" could refer to Mikoto (or his alter(s)), but I'd argue it's about Es. They're trapped in a prison of their own mind, as they literally have certain triggers in a few voice dramas (forgive me as I don't remember which ones) that cause them to break down. They also don't really get their own choices, as they have to bend to the will of the public vote, hence trapped inside a prison of the mind. This paragraph could also refer to Kotoko herself, maybe she's trapped by her trauma or something. I'm only really saying this to cover my bases, since Kotoko doesn't really refer to herself in the song at all, so maybe this is it? It feels like a stretch though. "Swaying to and fro? A laughable justice" is clearly about Es. We're the guard who holds the power of justice by our votes, however (as of the time of writing this) we've collectively changed our vote for 5 of the prisoners (with Yuno, Shidou, and Kazui being the only 2x innocent voted), and will likely up that number to 7, as Mikoto has 74% of votes for innocent and Kotoko has 72% for guilty. This can be seen as us "Swaying to and fro". "Laughable Justice" is almost certainly about the fact that even though we passed a guilty verdict on some of the prisoners in the first trial, we're mad at Kotoko for nearly killing 2 of them, which she views as them deserving since we judged them guilty. The second chorus goes on about how Kotoko feels about us and how she thinks we should act, before the bridge, which exposes more of her backstory as to why she kills, and then another chorus about wanting permission to have another target to effectively kill. Then she goes on to list all of the people in trial 1 who were voted innocent (aside from herself), likely as possible targets. Kotoko refers to Haruka as 'Doltish "001 Parasite"', signifying that she thinks he's weak, naïve, and idotic, needing the help of other people just to survive. Kotoko refers to Yuno as 'Obscene "002 slut"' (which literally had me wheezing). She probably finds Yuno's cold personality to be extremely distasteful, and just wants to insult her by the nature of her crime, which had to do with sex. The woman-on-woman violence was so unnecessary, and I think it was so funny to me cause it just happened when I wasn't expecting it. Kotoko refers to Mu as 'Incessant "004, Phony Queen"', likely finding Mu just really annoying as she wants to be worshipped like a queen, but is nowhere near confident enough to full it off. She wants to have power and be popular, but Kotoko probably thinks that she never has deserved that. Kotoko refers to Shidou as 'Doomed "005 Dissection Pawn"'. "Doomed" kinda implies that what happened to Shidou was inevitable and out of his hands. "Dissection Pawn" again adds creedence to the Shidou harvesting organs theory, however "pawn" implies that he was doing it for someone else because he had to, implying again a lack of control. Instead of the disgust/annoyance/vitriol Kotoko seems to display when talking about the other prisoners, she seems to almost pity Shidou. Kotoko refers to Kazui as 'Concealing "001 Deciever"', which is the weakest of her statements toward the prisoners imo. All she's saying is that he hid something away. There's really not much to it. She doesn't even use "Liar", which would imply more disgust and paint Kazui in a more negative light. Not that she's not painting him in a negative light, but she just doesn't seem to care about him as much. Possibly cause she knows he'd overpower her in a straight up fight, so she'd have to sneak up on him if she wanted to beat him. Kotoko refers to Es as 'Inept "011 Guard"'. This almost establishes how each statement is. How she views the person, followed by their number and their role. This one's really obvious though, as Es is the prison warden (effictively the guard), and she thinks Es is inept cause she's being forbade from killing the other guilty prisoners. Also I've obviously not mentioned the blatant allusion to Es throughout, as she repeats "UNDER" (although with an upwards inflection to Es' doward one in the song Undercover. There's definitely something about the way the 2 of them sing under, so if someone's good enough at music theory then they might be able to explain the parallels and differences.), which is a blatant ripoff of exactly what Es does in her trial 1 song, undercover. That and she's wearing a modified version of Es' prison warden uniform and trying to pass judgement thoughout. Sorry for the long, rambly comment but I hope you guys enjoy it
@skybrielVGM 10 ай бұрын
Alright so in response to the music theory bit in your last paragraph, I decided to do some digging. Bear in mind I'm really not an expert but I've been wanting to learn more about theory so I've been studying it a bit recently. SO yeah I wanna take a crack at this. Undercover is in D major (D, E, F♯, G, A, B, and C♯) and Es sings "Under" going from G ("Un") down a minor third (skips two notes) to E ("der"). E is also the root note of the chord that part of the song uses so in a way, going from G down a minor third to land on E gives the "der" part a more confident and assertive feeling. DEEP cover is in F major (F, G, A, B♭, C, D, and E) and Kotoko sings "Under" starting from a G ("Un", coincidentally the same note it starts with in Undercover), goes down a major second (skips one note) and lands on F ("der"). While Es sings "Under" going from the 4th note of the scale to the 2nd, Kotoko's "Under" starts with the 2nd note of the scale and lands on the 1st. This gives it a somewhat more tonally conclusive feeling, yet in the context of the music, it also almost sounds more desperate or yearning. So to conclude, Es sings "Under" in a way where she's putting her foot down, no ifs ands or buts. Kotoko sings it in a more emotional way, like she's made her conclusion but she's not completely satisfied. Hope this was atleast somewhat interesting!! Also if anyone who's more well versed in music theory wants to school me, please feel free.
@くるみ-h3b Жыл бұрын
@LeoN-nh3ed 11 ай бұрын
ミルグラムの囚人番号順頭から2人ずつに共通のテーマがあるって良く言われてるわけだけど ハルカ・ユノ → 愛されたい フータ・ムウ → 自分は悪くない シドウ・マヒル→ 愛する人のために カズイ・アマネ→ 救われたい (超絶個人的意見) で、そうなるとミコトとコトコの共通点はなにか。 順張りなら「ストレス発散・鬱憤ばらし」あたりが妥当かと思ってたけど、今回のMVのラストでコトコが衝動に任せて暴れて、最後の最後で我に返ったのか苦痛の表情(というか目)をしてたことから、ミコトほどとは言わないまでも多重人格気質なのかもしれないと感じたかな。 女の子を見た時に冷たい目を向けてたのも本気で覚えてない説もあるし。 追伸 「ミコトとコトコ」って語感可愛いね
@スズキ-t3v 11 ай бұрын
@user-ktmsuperb888 6 ай бұрын
今更だけど、個人的にはカズイ・アマネは「自分を騙してる」か「隠し事がバレた」みたいな共通点だと思う 一方、ミコト・コトコの共通点はメタ的に言えば「イレギュラー」だと思うけど、そうじゃなければ「理由のある殺人は正当」な気がするなー フータもムウも殺人したことそのものは悪いことっていう認識はあるっぽいし、多分大量殺人したシドウも罪の意識があるから自分を有罪にして欲しいって言ってるように見えるのに対して、この2人に関しては(正確にはミコトはジョンの方に)「自分のした殺人がよくなかったかも」って考えが一切なさそうなんよな コトコに多重人格のケがあるのは分からんでもないけど、共通点として括るには弱い気がするなぁ 長文失礼しました
@oishii_sushi 3 ай бұрын
ミコトとコトコの場合は”暴力の正当化”とかかな? 別人格ならいいのか?正義のためならいいのか?みたいな 単純に赦せない一択にならない問題がテーマな気がする あとどっちも直接的に人を殺めてるし
@しーゆき 7 ай бұрын
@iciarsoto8860 Жыл бұрын
I don't agree with her way of thinking/acting but I can deny that she is really cool and how straight-forward she is makes her a really special prisioner. I started following MILGRAM after the first season and since Harrow was easy to figure out I didn't gave a lot of my mind's space to Kotoko. She and the "justice as an excuse to punish" "evil doesn't deserve mercy" mentality she presents are really interesting to be honest.
@Rednodge_9 Жыл бұрын
Last MV of 2nd trial! "Deep Cover" seems to be a nod to Es' song,, and the song itself focuses on Ktk's role as their 'fangs'. The uniform fits her well, it's definitely befitting for an assistant warden/executioner. Damn, that's so cool.
@自己肯定感だけは高いです 3 ай бұрын
@robraf12 11 ай бұрын
At the end Kotoko lists some of the other inmates that she considers to be guilty and it‘s very interesting that she mentioned a Nr. 11 which I suppose is talking about Es. She is basically saying that us judging them also makes us guilty. It‘s inept I also think it‘s interesting how Kotoko calls Kazui a Deceiver.
@wafflearea868 11 ай бұрын
idk if its been mentioned but Amane was the only Guilty verdict that Kotoko didn't start with a "So ridiculous, isn't it ridiculous", maybe it's because of the structure of the lyrics but since she didn't say "Under" prior to it like the Innocent verdicts was just interesting to me. edit: also, going along the order, she may be referring to herself as 'Inept, inside a prison of the mind' (referring to the Milgram prison and maybe the fact that she isn't satisfied with the justice she's carrying out, like she's not doing enough), since Es, who is 011 for her, is "Swaying to and fro? Laughable Justice." interestingly, these two are somewhat interchangeable which makes sense with her trying to take over Es' role as the judge.
@Lil-y-pad 11 ай бұрын
It looks like Kotoko is so far gone in her quest against anything "evil" (or what she deems as such anyway) that she can no longer see anything good and of value around her. Instead of spending some quality time with the girl she saved, see the positive impact Kotoko had on her, and that now she should be showing a good example for her after that traumatic experience (maybe letting the girl know that what Kotoko did wasn't right but it was all she could do in the situation), instead she doesn't even look at the girl and is just glued to her phone, probably looking at the next ''villain'' she has to take down. She got a taste of doing something ''good'' for someone by saving them and now suddenly thinks she's some superhero who has to get all the baddies off the streets by any means necessary. Complete tunnel vision, whilst not seeing what she herself has become. Even the girl Kotoko saved is now scared of her because there is nothing left in her but rage against this big ''evil'' she's put in front of her. Kotoko is letting her emotions go out of control - not seeing the hypocrisy in what she's doing and that she's no better than the rest of the inmates. Gurl, you've been put in Milgram together with all of them for a reason! No place to judge the others just because that ONE time something good came out of your violent outburst. It'd be a different story if she felt somewhat bad about what she'd done, but I don't see any signs of remorse. Instead she feels justified in her dishing out ''justice'' and the verdict in the first trial just fueled it more. All in all, her mentality right now is scary and dangerous, so I'm voting her guilty. I do not agree with the way she is dealing with the injustices of the world. It's not all black & white, good & evil. You won't always be able to save everyone and you will make mistakes and hurt others too - intentionally or not you can end up hurting good people too, even if you meant well. That doesn't automatically make you evil or irredeemable though. I hope she will be able to realize this after the incoming guilty verdict. :/ Although, I'm afraid she is just going to get even more aggressive after this. She called Es ''incompetent" so idk if she will even listen to reason anymore. Though, with all that being said, the parallels between characters like her and Es (the viewers) are not lost on me. There's probably some greater commentary tucked in there somewhere about how we're also carelessly judging these people from the sidelines, while not caring for the fact that we literally have their lives in our hands. And if we mess up, what then? Are we cold-heartedly gonna be ok with that, just because we were given a little bit more power over them and told to do whatever we want? Go "it couldn't be helped" without taking any responsibility for the choices we made? I think it'd be pretty easy for Es (us) to end up as one of the prisoners of Milgram this way ourselves. I feel like the most correct way to play this game would be to not pass judgment at all, yet that would never happen and also the story hinges on this happening so all we can do is try our best and then deal with the consequences.
@_callahan613 Жыл бұрын
Crazy theory here: I wonder if Kotoko is not "new" to Milgram. We get a SURPRISING amount of lore and knowledge drop in this video, and these come from the prisoner's minds. We know Kotoko is big on justice, so what if her role used to be one like Es's, but she failed in getting the right results because of her justice extremism, getting all the prisoners executed/killed, resulting in that being why she's in the second instance of Milgram. There's a lot of connections to Es's Undercover with Deep Cover, too, from the similar lyrical structure to bits about each of the prisoners (although Kotoko ignores the guilty she already abused). Deep Cover is another form of being Undercover, except to a whole new degree. It's basically where they go all in, not just being associated with the people they're investigating, but taking part in the criminal activities themselves. In Es's Undercover video, there are 11 cubes, despite there being 10 prisoners, as well as 11 cells when Jackalope explains in "This is the MILGRAM". Now, Kotoko is addressing Es as another prisoner, the 11th one. My guess would be that Kotoko knows a lot more about what's going on, and may be doing something outside of our scope of understanding. A wild guess is that MILGRAM is an illegal, rogue justice program that Kotoko is trying to ruin by getting everyone to be voted innocent at the end to save everyone. In round 1, we had 4 people Guilty, and of the 3 we have the results of, they've all been voted Innocent this time and have shown more remorse to a degree. Kotoko might be assaulting the ones that don't think they've done wrong so that they realize the pain they've caused and reflect on it to set them up for us to forgive. She's wanted us to vote Guilty to give her the excuse to attack them, make them reflect, and then we vote Innocent. She may be putting herself into a deep undercover situation to save everyone else, possibly knowing what will happen after the third trial. ALSO, forgot at first: While the cover songs are supposed to not be related, a lot of them do match their characters. Kotoko's this time is Streaming Heart, and the song seems to really fit a theory of her knowing more than she has shown us so far, especially the latter half of the song.
@Le_____NIKI Жыл бұрын
@PanWaffs 11 ай бұрын
Just noticed this but at 2:28 that follows through to the end. The piano part has a leitmotif that calls to Haruka's Second Trial song. My hypothesis about it is that she, just like Haruka. Are killing so they can be noticed. She wants to be viewed as a "hero of justice" but she uses "justice" as a shield (sword? Lol) to mask her need to kill for attention. Though I might be wrong about it entirely though lol.
@ノワール-b4t 7 ай бұрын
@クロ-h3d Жыл бұрын
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