MILGRAM / Yuno - Umbilical [The First Trial Music Video]

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MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

MILGRAM -ミルグラム-

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@ruri7181 2 жыл бұрын
@mizuamia 2 ай бұрын
ive been in this fandom for many months now and i still am baffled that her crime is supposedly ABORTION 😭 free my girl yuno milgram
@saki5764 Ай бұрын
@spaceaster 28 күн бұрын
Girly was just having fun free her
@ilovedoomedyaoi 25 күн бұрын
@meowmeow30843 19 күн бұрын
@ilovedoomedyaoi your username is my roman empire
@lonershi-c8x 15 күн бұрын
@暗人-n7r 4 жыл бұрын
@HolicChan 3 жыл бұрын
this one is still my fave music video out of all of them, i love the little secrets like her having water at dinner in a wine glass instead of wine, and her covering her stomach with the back pack in the car, the staircases coming together with proteins made up of thoughtless gifts, the smaller balloons inside of an egg colored balloon just everything im totally in love with the story telling her more than any other milgram
@Reioa Жыл бұрын
agreed! I can't stop watching these videos over and over
@stellaeast1481 Жыл бұрын
also the staircases look like dna but at the end she’s the only one facing hers and there’s 3: for the father and the child (idk)
@mitsuneee-3583 Жыл бұрын
Also at around 1:32 when she lowers the phone you can actually see that she has a little bump on her stomach
@xnemurine 7 ай бұрын
yeah but i actually just like the colors, i think it’s complementary colors i guess
@zonmona9392 3 жыл бұрын
2:32のところ『好きと好きがリンクする』っているけど 歌詞の部分では『欲と欲にがリンクする』ってなってる アンダーカバーでも最後みんなが誰かを殺してるところでも お腹あたりに血があったから 赤ちゃんをつくってしまってそれを産めないから 殺してしまったのでは? そのあとの『去っていく温度』は、子供は無理っていう男の人が ユノちゃんから去っていったということ考えた
@ka_n3025 3 жыл бұрын
2:16 螺旋階段はDNAを表していると思います! ユノちゃんの螺旋階段と誰かもう一人の螺旋階段が組み合っている=二人の遺伝子から赤ちゃんの遺伝子ができる
@zonmona9392 3 жыл бұрын
@@ka_n3025 僕も思いました!
@モコモコ-u4t 3 жыл бұрын
去っていく温度は 赤ちゃんの体温だとおもってます
@nanomano 4 жыл бұрын
まず、曲調、歌い方、歌詞の感じから →恋愛のキラキラ感、男ウケの良い魅力的な女の子、恋愛中毒 0:26 「君のことが〜誰にも内緒ね」 →もう既に会っている男性がいるけれどまた別の男性とコンタクトを取っている(出会い系アプリだと思われる) 0:33 「なんでいるのかな〜君のせいだから」スマホの画面内、アイコンの上に小さな赤い点(メッセージ通知) →恐らく本命でない男性と居合わせてしまい向こうからメッセージが来た→苦笑いを浮かべる 0:45 「明日って〜」 →すんげー楽観的。恋愛してお金(プレゼント)貰って、それ以外はマジどうでもい〜♪って感じ ここでカジュアル、制服、ワンピース、ガーリー、4種類出てくるのは4人と同時に付き合っているため? 0:59 4種類の彼女とプレゼント→それぞれ相手からのプレゼント 1:05 「ひとりぼっち〜優しさをリロードしよう」 →淋しくなっては何れかの男性と会っている 1:12 「だめなのかな〜教えてほしい」 私のしてることはいけないこと?そう思いながらも考えないようにしている、自分の犯している事実から目を逸らし、相手の男性にニコニコしながら「何したい?」と聞く 1:25 「どんな〜」 →精一杯頑張るけれどやっぱり相手の一番にはなれない 1:43 「これだって〜」 これ(援交)だって幸せでしょ?問い掛けながらも自分に言い聞かせている感じ、自分のしていることを正当化しようとしている 1:50 左側の螺旋階段に男性の持ち物がある 1:54 「嘘と嘘でエンドレス」 →複数の人と援交していることを何度も嘘で誤魔化している。そして、騙し騙し関係を続けている(エンドレス) 1:57 「ひとりぼっちやっぱ淋しいよ」 →嘘と嘘で固めた日々だけれど一人はやっぱり淋しくてやめられない。 2:03 「やっちゃったんだ、知っちゃったんだ」螺旋階段が合わさる →行為、妊娠発覚 2:28 0:07 で中身のなかった風船に中身がある→これも妊娠の描写 2:41 中身のあった風船を手放す、次いで落下、螺旋階段(DNA)が崩れる →お腹の中の子供を手放した、堕ろした 2:53 →また新しく中身の無い胎内を手に入れる 2:55 「駄目なのかな?」 →ここまで来ると意味も違って聴こえてくる笑笑 堕ろしたらダメなんですか?みたいな汗 3:05 堕ろしたことで身軽になった ──────── そして初めに戻り 0:20 「なんか〜まだ慣れないな」 堕ろした後のことでは.....???一度だけではない可能性が、、、 たびたび歌詞に登場する『エンドレス』『リーロード』.........男性のことだけでは無いのかも.......こわ.............. 〈彼女の発言〉 『あーめんどくさ』→恋愛がしたいだけで子供が欲しいわけではない、妊娠が発覚して、あーめんどくさ。 『人殺しねぇ........まぁそうなるかな』 (後悔や罪悪感はあまり感じられない) 胎内をエンドレスにリロードしていると考えると、最後の3つの螺旋階段は3人分の死んだ子供のDNA…?3回堕ろしたという意味かもしれない 一見魅力的な女の子ではあるけれど個人的解釈で行くとかなり自己中心的な(彼との恋愛のことしか頭にない)感じがして恐ろしいです..........ともかく避妊はちゃんとしよう........
@chiyo_cii 2 жыл бұрын
私も最初は甘い考えの恋愛の末の堕胎かなっておもってたんですが、最近リロードしてるのは…胎児?…もしかして複数回している…?(PV内に中身のある風船が3個(3回?)出てきている)のと、「どんなあたしなら君は好きですか?」の音声がこもっているのでもしかして胎児の気持ち...?と思うと大分ユノちゃんに対しての見方が変わりました...真実はどうなんだろう...どきどき... 後、出だしの「なんでいるのかな?少し嫌になる上手く笑えなくなっちゃったの君のせいだから」⇒既に妊娠していて胎児のこと?とも思ってしまいました。
@helloex-6767 2 жыл бұрын
@natural_greeeeen 8 ай бұрын
@ГлаурунгСозданиеМоргота 11 күн бұрын
Я думал о созависимых отношениях, в которых она не хотела отпускать парней из чувства одиночества, когда смотрел видео. Как же помогают комментарии!
@コハギ 4 жыл бұрын
1:37辺りかな…… ユノが明るく歌う裏で歌詞を暗い声で言ってるのが聴こえてしまって震えてる 暗い声で言ってるから、ユノの本心を表してるのかな
@maunica 3 жыл бұрын
imagine my confusion clicking onto a seemingly cute and catchy song only to scroll down and see people talking about abortion, murder and death??
@snehadas9794 3 жыл бұрын
@@justsomeone9219 where everything isn't what it seems!
@Nobody-yx8og 3 жыл бұрын
same 😅
@w.kkokuro4901 3 жыл бұрын
@blank7536 3 жыл бұрын
I wasnt confused bruh I was disappointed bad
@jonlelmmds9848 3 жыл бұрын
If you know anything about Milgram, then you know that all the characters except Es (the guard) have killed someone. The songs are just them telling Es what they’ve done and through that we (the audience who plays the role of Es) determines whether or not the prisoner should be forgiven for their crime of murdering someone. Welcome to the Milgram fandom 😊
@Suzulive1 Жыл бұрын
2:38 やっちゃったんだ、知っちゃったんだ、、の後の「ひとりぼっち 去っていく温度」が、これまでのものと桁違いに切ない
@SW-2114 4 жыл бұрын
祝!100万回再生! (てかシンプルな考察コメすぎて笑う) 【考察】 螺旋階段→DNAを表してる 2:17から螺旋階段が重なる。つまりはそういう事だ。(理解してくれ) 風船→子宮 風船の中に、小さい風船とハートの風船が入っている。 小さい風船→赤ちゃんへの栄養 ハートの風船→赤ちゃん(命) 風船が割れる→流産、堕胎など赤ちゃんに関する不幸な出来事を表してる。 ユノは4人の相手と関係を持っていた。 [証拠] 0:45~、1:37~ ユノの髪型が違う画像が4つ。 それぞれ相手と会ったときの髪型。 螺旋階段が5つ出てくる。 1つはユノの。1つは相手の。 3つは関係を持った他の相手達の。 3つの螺旋階段は壊れてないのでDNAを重ねた相手は1人だと考えられる。 [追記] ユノのスマホケースの花について。 コスモスに近いと考えられる。 白色のコスモスの花言葉 「優美」「美麗」 ユノの目尻にほくろがある。 ここにほくろがあると 「異性トラブルに見舞われやすい」そうな。 生きぼくろなら大丈夫らしい。 しかし、ユノの場合は死にぼくろだろう。 [[追記]] 「欲と欲がリンクする」 ユノ→お金が欲しい 相手→いろんな意味で遊ぶ相手が欲しい →→互いの利害の一致 だから 好きと好きがリンクする から 欲と欲がリンクする になってるんだと思われる。 [追記] 2:03 から左右交互に笑い声が聴こえます。 裏の真意でしょうか。 [追記] 尋問6のように「逆に」とあるので普段ユノにとってのデートは違ったものだった。 援交で高いお店に行ったりしたデートだったから。 尋問11では恐らく自分の事を言っているのだろう。
@かな爺 4 жыл бұрын
@ふじ-z3i 4 жыл бұрын
2:32 で「欲と欲」が「好きと好き」で歌われてる… あと、明るくてかわいらしい曲調なのに歌いかたに暗さとか闇が見える…スゴ…
@sekaowa- 2 жыл бұрын
@user-fn1ul1sf9v 11 ай бұрын
考察見たあともう一回ちゃんと見たら ユノは本当に子供のことはちゃんと、愛してたんだなってところどころの歌詞から分かって辛い、、、 許された2審でも豹変しないってことは根もいい子なんだろな、、、 3審で豹変しないでくれ、、、 なんで殺しちゃったんだろ、、、
@ずっくー 17 күн бұрын
個人的には、子どもに対して特別な感情持ってない気もするな…… 憤りを感じるほど嫌っても憎んでもないけど、だからといって産んで育てるほどの情はサラサラない、みたいな…… 本当に、「あー、出来ちゃった」みたいな感じに見える。ただまだ幼い上に意図せず出来た子だから、ただただ子どもができた実感が湧いてないだけなのかもしれないけど
@blast889 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone think that in the beginning where she says “Why are you here? I’m a little annoyed” and I can’t smile well anymore because of you” she’s referring to the baby? Especially because she says before that she’s “not used to feeling this way” and “it’s a secret”
@すいな-i6c 2 жыл бұрын
0:31「なんでいるのかな 少し嫌になる」って歌詞が全然わかんなかったんだけど、 ユノちゃん妊娠説と電車内の状況に合わせてみると 『妊娠中だから座りたいのに、もう座ってる人がいる、嫌だな』にならん……!?
@桜桃ちゃんねる 2 жыл бұрын
歌詞に出てくる「君」ってパパ活相手かと思ったけど、もしかして赤ちゃんの事だったりするんじゃないか? 「君のことが気になっちゃってる 誰にも内緒ね」 お腹に赤ちゃんがいることに気づいて、パパ活の人にも“内緒ね” 「なんでいるのかな 少し嫌になる 上手く笑えなくなっちゃったの 君のせいだから」 妊娠するとプロゲステロンというホルモンが分泌され、これによりイライラしたり感情の起伏が激しくなる=上手く笑えない?(君のせい=赤ちゃんのせい) 「どんなあたしなら 君は好きですか? 望み通りになってみたいけど 多分無理だから」 望み通り=母親 でも、パパ活相手の子の為「多分無理」ってこと? こう言い換えると、やっぱり歌詞の「君」は「赤ちゃん」なのかも…
@user-kj1tn8bn8p 4 жыл бұрын
@tytbk5572 4 жыл бұрын
@きゃろ-h8q 4 жыл бұрын
@おでんちゃん-k4n 4 жыл бұрын
@rui5447 3 жыл бұрын
1:27 よく見たらユノちゃんの部屋にふわふわのかにがいる…かわいい それはそれとして曲も声もかわいくて好きです
@ののか-c2e 4 жыл бұрын
※長文注意 歌詞に出てくる君って、ずっとお相手さんの事だと思ってたけど、赤ちゃんの事を言ってるんじゃないかな。ふと思った。 ピンクの空間はユノの体内(胎内)を表していて、螺旋階段はDNA ユノが立っていた螺旋階段がユノのDNAで、サビのところで出てきたもうひとつが赤ちゃんのだと思う ふたりぼっちは赤ちゃんと体を2人で分けていることを指していて「ひとりぼっち去っていく温度」っていうのは出産、もしくは中絶した事だと… ずっと持っていた風船は赤ちゃんそのものだと思う。中にハートとかあったし、赤ちゃんの心臓? タイトルのアンビリカルってへその緒って意味だと聞いたから、風船の紐がそれを指してると思う。 最終的にはそれを手から離して、風船が飛んでいってたから、それが体内(胎内)から赤ちゃんがいなくなった事を指してると思う。 最後に見えた3つの螺旋階段はDNAと考えるとちょっとよくわかんないので、教えてほしいです… ちなみに、ユノの誕生日9月2日の誕生花はチューベローズ。花言葉は「危険な楽しみ」「冒険」 誕生石はアイオライトとサファイア アイオライトの石言葉は「真実の愛」その他諸々… サファイアの石言葉は「固く結ばれた絆」その他諸々… やっぱり援交やパパ活等は可能性が高いと思います。
@shino8098 3 жыл бұрын
@r.k_4456 3 жыл бұрын
@馬-x1k 3 жыл бұрын
@KumasaN.7575 3 жыл бұрын
てことはユノが56したのは赤ちゃん(お腹の中の)という事ですか………? それとも御相手の方…?
@桜華-i1q 4 жыл бұрын
@みみみみ-e9b 4 жыл бұрын
だんだん螺旋階段にいるユノが無表情になってくのが怖い 階段が崩壊して落ちていく(堕胎)けど、風船掴んだ(新しいパパをつかまえた)ことで優しさがリロードされてユノに笑顔が戻り、ループしていくのかな…
@ago_risu108 3 жыл бұрын
@huwarari9926 3 жыл бұрын
@justice_mazo 2 жыл бұрын
@@ago_risu108 うわぁそれやばいっすね 2つの階段(DNA)がかさなって崩壊ってとこも納得いきますし 最後階段が3つあるのもなんか新しい人のとの間には無事産まれたのかなんなのか
@helloex-6767 Жыл бұрын
赤ちゃん自体要らないし存在自体邪魔だから殺してまでお金と欲に溺れたい為にしたとしたら 怖いしヤダなぁ…… お金と欲は人を狂わせるんよねぇ…
@趣味人-p3t Жыл бұрын
@caz.zerole Жыл бұрын
am i genuinely the only one who watched through all the mvs and didn't realize yuno's crime was abortion until i rewatched this and scrolled down to the comments
@adiyuko6717 8 ай бұрын
@ГлаурунгСозданиеМоргота 11 күн бұрын
Спасибо тебе, спасибо! Я не один такой!
@zeelovesthee 8 ай бұрын
the absolute contrast between yuno’s and haruka’s first trial mv’s….
@春-v8b 3 жыл бұрын
@na_ko7575 Жыл бұрын
なんならサビのふたりぼっち〜からひとりぼっち 去っていく温度ってところが授かってから堕ろすまでの事言ってるようにも聞こえる、、、。同じ歌詞でも捉え方で全然違く聞こえる不思議、、、
@原-j7z 11 ай бұрын
0:34 あたりのユノちゃん、最初は援交した相手に電車で遭遇したのかなって思ってたんだけどこれ聞いたら優先席(妊婦さん?)見てるのかなって思った
@なぽ-l8o 4 жыл бұрын
@Mewkityy 4 жыл бұрын
Why are people like "she took a life, I can't forgive her" as if the entire series isn't about people committing murder
@justsomeone9219 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's because it seems as if she feels no remorse for her crime. It's clear that Haruka, Fuuta, Shido and Mahiru feel guilt because of their crimes. Mu (at least from what I know) doesn't feel guilty for her crime but people forgive her because the person she killed did horrible things to her. But the baby didn't really do anything to her and she doesn't feel bad about killing it. I personally think she's innocent but I understand where people r coming from
@Mewkityy 3 жыл бұрын
@@justsomeone9219 To be she seemed to feel bad and lived in a happy bubblegum world as a coping mechanism but I understand a little what you mean.
@yomi9004 3 жыл бұрын
well if we see things in reverse if she didn’t abort it she would have extreme difficulty to raise it since as we can see it the video, she’s young, has no maternal instinct and don’t know how to take care of a child. And most importantly, she would have to throw a part of her future since she would have to stop school, as well as the japanese community really look down on the teenager parents. Yes the child is innocent, but she isn’t as guilty as people say. I think that she would have been the guiltiest if she did give born to the child and didn’t take care of him (there’s a possibility that she would be a good mother, but at like 4% chance). But yes, she didn’t seem to feel any remorse for doing that...Well, it’s not exactly that. She definitely knows that she killed someone, and accept it as a crime. saying that she didn’t feel anything would be a lie, but at the same time it wasn’t exactly remorse (in the voice drama we can hear her saying ‘I can’t be bothered by it’). She is about 16 years old: it depends on people, but asian teens don’t feel anything when aborting their own child because they see it as a liability, an unfortunate life. In Canada we are given education about all kind of relationship so we handle it better, but in their country they don’t even know that you have to consent for a kiss (at least most of them don’t) or that incest doesn’t have to be between blood related family. So we would make the decision with more knowledge, while japanese teens, who only knows ‘It’s a bad thing’ about accidental pregnancy will do what the adults have told them: throw it. If anything, she is being more responsible than most of the other 16 years old by actually saying that she killed her child.
@justsomeone9219 3 жыл бұрын
@@yomi9004 I agree. That's why I personally voted her innocent. I'm open minded about those stuff. And, although I do think abortion is a crime, I can see when it must be done. If I was in her shoes, I would've done the same thing.
@Vy-if3zd 3 жыл бұрын
@@yomi9004 That was quite informative, thanks for explaining thus
@もののふのもふ 4 жыл бұрын
螺旋階段がユノちゃんの複雑な気持ちを表してるのかと思ったら 子供ができちゃうっていう暗喩の染色体だったとは、、、曲もMVも可愛いだけじゃなく深くって最高、、!
@aesjirachii 2 жыл бұрын
I just noticed how in the background at 1:37 you can hear yuno singing the same lyrics in an irritated voice or so
@tikkaho 4 ай бұрын
I noticed something: when the chorus hits and qe see yuno at the staircase there are white baloons going up to the sky, it was so obvious too😭😭
@カオスうるまんた 4 жыл бұрын
透明な風船の中にいろんな形の風船が入ってる一瞬が育っている赤ちゃん(産まれる前の姿)みたいでゾッとした 一つだけあるハートが心臓
@ObjDee5 2 жыл бұрын
螺旋階段=遺伝子 にも繋がりますね
@Takosumi_game 2 жыл бұрын
2:10 やっちゃったんだ=察して 2つの螺旋階段が重なるのは遺伝子が混ざって1つになる、つまり受精したってこと その後の落下は落ちる=堕とす=中絶 でこれで殺したのは生まれていない子供ってことかな?
@カオスうるまんた 2 жыл бұрын
@@Takosumi_game そういう事なのでしょうね。ユノの場合は「産まれていない存在を殺しても罪に当たるかどうか」という話だと思うと胃が痛い。我々に託されてる訳ですけども………ユノがもっといい関係築けていければこういう事も起きなかったんだとは思うのですが
@sekaowa- 2 жыл бұрын
@lorenaml4021 2 жыл бұрын
thanks to the comments now I understand this song, I didn't understand what crime she had committed. (sorry for writing in English, I don't know Japanese but I get to translate it and that's why I know what it says)
@noizy_guppy Жыл бұрын
途中まで「かわいい〜〜😊😊こんなかわいい曲なのにコロコロシーンなんてでるわけないね!」とタカをくくってたけど螺旋階段が合わさるシーンで「ん?」ってなって風船が割れたとこで「あっ(察し)」ってなり最後風船と一緒にユノちゃんが降りてきた辺りで「あぁ〜〜(確信)」になった 直接描写ある訳じゃないのに何となく察せる構成が上手い
@chibivampiregirl 2 жыл бұрын
everyone in milgram will get my thorough judgement except for yuno lol. her first trial pretty clearly shows that her crime is an abortion/multiple abortions. if the second trial further confirms this, i don't really care how "cold" and "troublesome" she gets. she shouldn't be in milgram to begin with. someone get yuno therapy and a warm drink.
@aidorustan5132 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!
@Viviane-ks4kh 2 жыл бұрын
Same here
@molo1848 2 жыл бұрын
leaks came out,she killed her pimp
@leasagna2202 2 жыл бұрын
This is so true
@ryujisaihara8286 2 жыл бұрын
Would you forgive Yuno if she did infanticide instead of abortion? Like, she killed the baby after the rich man didn't acknowledge their child.
@ocarinachic76 3 жыл бұрын
I'm 6 months late but my theory for Yuno is not that she had an abortion, but that she actually carried the baby full term and hid it, perhaps because the father is an older man? My reason for thinking this is that the song is called Umbilical, and while the umbilical cord is formed at around 7 weeks, it is typically associated with being cut after the baby is born. Another thing to consider are abortion laws in Japan, which are pretty strict. A woman needs permission from her husband to get one, which is doubtful for Yuno since she is still in high school. Teenage pregnancy is a much rarer occurrence in Japan compared to other cultures, so Yuno may had felt trapped, and decided to ignore it and try to hide it. There have been multiple cases of young women who manage to hide their pregnancy from others, I even knew a girl in high school who no one knew was pregnant until she went into labor. From there, I'm torn between two possible theories. The first, the more dark theory, is that she murdered the baby shortly after giving birth, or perhaps abandoned it somewhere and it died from exposure. The other and more tragic theory is that she ignored the fact that she was pregnant and therefore didn't take care of herself properly, causing the baby to be a stillborn.
@darkartsninja 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting theory! Tbh I still believe in the "Yuno had an abortion" theory more, but this alternate explanation is still really fascinating
@iluVioletLink 3 жыл бұрын
this is probably a VERY big stretch but i can definitely believe that yuno took a long time for the baby to be formed before removing it because i noticed throughout the song, yuno is constantly blowing onto the balloons, as if she's gradually allowing the womb to keep developing (im talking about all the "fuu~ fuu~" sequences). which is why she said "i messed up/i found out" at the end of the song. she allowed the womb to grow big. however this can also be a part of the song hence why i said my observation is a big stretch edit: im starting to believe in what i said even more since as the song progresses the balloons kinda do get bigger + a lot of "items" and "gifts" are inside the balloons
@Crossark1 3 жыл бұрын
I think the squishing-the-balloon-around scene kinda hints at some damage done in-utero.
@HolicChan 3 жыл бұрын
interesting theory, but you only need permission from your spouse if your married otherwise as long as you have a reason (economic being one of them) you can indeed get an abortion. "the Maternal Health Protection Law allows approved doctors to practice abortion with the consent of the mother and her spouse, if the pregnancy has resulted from r*pe, or if the continuation of the pregnancy may severely endanger the maternal health because of physical reasons or economic reasons." i'm not sure where you heard abortion laws are strict in japan but they are no more strict than maybe middle america, not as open as say new york or california but its still available. just read metamorphosis the manga (also known as emergence)
@ocarinachic76 3 жыл бұрын
@@HolicChan Yuno is a high schooler?? She is likely not married so how could she get permission from her spouse to terminate the pregnancy?
@おとうふ-w4c 3 жыл бұрын
完全に個人的な感覚だけど、 みなさんの考察を拝見していったら、 「なんか変だよね まだ慣れないな  君のことが気になっちゃってる 誰にも内緒ね  なんでいるのかな 少し嫌になる  上手く笑えなくなっちゃったの 君のせいだから」 がお腹の赤ちゃんに対して思っている事のように聞こえてゾッとした。
@MissLaughXSmile 3 жыл бұрын
初めて聞いた時に「やっちゃったんだ、知っちゃったんだ」の歌詞を「やっちゃったんだ、死んじゃったんだ」 って聞こえてしまった。 色々とコメントを読んでると、だんだん深読みしすぎて、少しわざとっぽく言ってるように考えてきた。。。 When i heard the lyrics for the first time, the "I messed up, I found out" sounded a bit like "I messed up, it died" (Shi-cchatta-nn-da → Shi-n-jyatta). Looking at all these comments, it's making me read into even the pronunciation of the lyrics and wondering whether they would make it sound slightly ambiguous to give that nuance... God this is such a creative idea and it's taking me back to those english lit classes, where you have to analyse every single word... Bloody love it
@勉強しなきゃ-k9y 4 жыл бұрын
風船にもいろんな意味があるらしいですね… 赤い風船→恋愛関係における不安や不満が強まっている。 たくさんの風船→自分の現状にいまいち満足いっていない。 風船を飛ばす→変化していくことの暗示 白色の風船→白色のように純粋で混じり気のない自分でありたいという願望の現れ
@きさきりよ 4 жыл бұрын
@しろくま-n8q 4 жыл бұрын
英語字幕で見ると、日本語とはニュアンスが違ったり、日本語では同じ言葉を使ってる歌詞が、英語では違う歌詞になっていることがあるようなので、英語字幕とそれを日本語訳したものを載せときます。考察のヒントになればいいのですが… (英語が得意なわけではないので、翻訳ミスがあったらご指摘ください。) I feel a little weird 少し気味が悪く感じる I'm still not used to feeling this way この感じにまだ慣れない I can't get you out of my head 君のことが頭から離れないよ It's a secret, ok? 秘密だよ? Why are you here? どうしてここにいるの? You annoy me a little 君は私を少しいらいらさせる I can't smile well anymore もう上手く笑えない It's because of you 君のせいだよ What day is it tomorrow? 明日は何の日? But I guess it doesn't matter でも、そんなことあんまり気にしてない Anyway let's be together till the morning いずれにしても、朝まで一緒にいよう "Good morning" "Good night" 「おはよう」「おやすみ」 I want to be with you as many time as I can 私はできるだけたくさん君といたい Just the tow of us, I feel a little tingle inside ふたりぼっち ちょっとぞくぞくする Our love links us together 私たちの好きは互いを繋げてる Just me alone, the warmth starts fading away ひとりぼっち ぬくもりは去っていく Let's reload the warmth ぬくもりを更新しよう Am I a bad girl? 私は悪い子? Pleas don't answer 答えないで What do you want to do? 君はなにしたい? Please tell me 教えてほしい What type of girl do you like? どんな女の子が好みかな? I want to become like that そんな風になりたいな But that's probably too hard to me でもたぶん私には難しい Play-biting each other . Warmth-giving each other 甘噛みし合う 暖かさを与え合う That is probably an amazing thing それはたぶん素晴らしいことだよ Even this makes you happy right? こんなことでさえ君を幸せにするでしょ? I know you will respond that way そう答えるって私は知ってるよ Just the tow of us, I finally found it ふたりぼっち やっと見つけた The lies are endless 嘘は果てしない Just me alone, it really is lonely ひとりぼっち ほんとに孤独だ Let's reload the warmth ぬくもりを更新しよう I messed up しくじった I found out 見つけた Just the tow of us, I feel a little tingle inside ふたりぼっち ちょっとぞくぞくする Our desire links us together 私たちの願望(性的欲望)は互いを繋げてる Just me alone, the warmth starts fading away ひとりぼっち ぬくもりは去っていく Let's reload the warmth ぬくもりを更新しよう Just the tow of us, I finally found it ふたりぼっち やっとみつけた The lies are endless 嘘は果てしない Just me alone, it really is lonely ひとりぼっち ほんとに孤独だ Let's reload the warmth ぬくもりを更新しよう Are we over? 私たちは終わったの? Pleas don't answer 答えないで What do you want to do? 君はなにしたい? Please tell me 教えてほしい
@僕プリン-o2m 3 жыл бұрын
@すかぴー 3 жыл бұрын
まだ全然わかってないし、他の方の考察を色々見た上で付け加えて考えただけなのですが、1番はお腹の子どものこと、2番はお相手のことを歌ってるのかなと思った。 拙い考察を少し、、 "なんか変、まだ慣れない"→妊娠後の身体の変化に対して。 "君(赤ちゃん)のことが気になる、内緒ね"→お相手にも周りにもバレたくない(嫌われるから?面倒だから?) "なんでいるの〜君(赤ちゃん)のせい"→望まない妊娠、ユノは対応に悩み困っている。 "明日って休み〜朝を目指す"→つわり等で体調が悪く学校に行けないかもしれない、とりあえず寝よう。 "おはよって〜会いたくなる"→ユノの視点かと思ってたので意味がわからなかったが、赤ちゃん視点なら筋が通りそう。 "おはようおやすみ"→朝も夜も、"会いたくなる"→赤ちゃんがユノの身体につわり等の影響を与えてくる。 サビや2番はお相手のことかな、、でもこの考えだと1番のサビが赤ちゃんの話じゃないのは違和感ある、、全部がお相手のことならわかりやすいけどやはり1番は赤ちゃんの話だと自分的には納得しやすかった、、 お相手は1人なのか複数人なのか、ちゃんとした恋愛なのか援交なのか、堕胎なのか流産なのか、わからないことだらけ…… 蛇足ですが、赦す赦さないの個人的意見は、わからないことだらけだけど、法律的に殺人と言われるような死をユノが招いたとは思わないので赦す派です。援交とか産む気もないのに不適切な避妊で子ども作って命を失くすようなことをしたのはよくないと思うが、無関係な私たちが罪を問える内容ではないかと思いました。ユノだけじゃなくお相手も悪いしね。 長文失礼しました。ここまで読んでくれた方ありがとうございます。
@maix1877 4 жыл бұрын
It goes without saying but Yuno’s MV is far easier to decode than Haruka’s. I’m sure everyone’s figured out that her ‘murder’ refers to her abortions. A little cultural context before this interpretation. 『援助交際』 (enjo kousai) is compensated dating, specifically when older men give money/gifts to younger women for dates and ‘other’ services. KZbin, please have mercy. It’s most commonly practised by high school girls and some businesses have been formed around the concept of ‘dating’ these high schoolers. I’m certain this is what Yuno is partaking in. The practice is not limited to Japan, but the term itself is Japanese. There’ll be some paraphrasing since the official translator likely went with certain word/sentence choices to replicate her honeyed way of speaking into English. 0:00 The scene opens with the balloon, one similar to Yuno’s skin tone. Although technically filled with air, it’s ‘empty’. This represents her abdomen/uterus. 0:06 Her starting expression is forlorn, but when she looks at us, she smiles. We’re in the viewpoint of a client for this scene. The shifting of her expression is constant throughout the MV and implies that this line of work doesn’t make her happy. She might believe that material goods can compensate for her loneliness/sadness. 0:23 She’s on the train, likely on the way to school. Her words at this point can be interpreted in two ways. Either, it’s what she tells her clients or it’s a reiteration of a client’s words. The latter is more likely. “This is a little weird. I’m not used to this kinda thing. Don’t tell anyone that I’m interested in you, okay?” implies that this person has a reputation to uphold. At least one of her clients is probably someone of high status (e.g. an executive) or someone who’s meant to be respected (e.g. a teacher). Enjo kousai is shamed, but it’s not uncommon for ‘respectable’ figures to partake in it. Not to mention, Yuno herself doesn’t view authority figures highly. Also, air pods? Really? What a flex. 0:29 She averts her gaze from her phone to the viewer. One of her clients likely spotted Yuno and tried to communicate with her. “Why are you here? It’s a bit annoying. I can’t smile normally anymore because of you” are her inner thoughts aimed towards him. She obviously wouldn’t voice them. In the MV, when Yuno is with a client, she is shown smiling, but since this is outside of her designated time slots, she doesn’t bother. Yuno then looks down at her phone, scrolls up and sees a new notification. The client probably sent her that to get her attention. Her bothered expression is shown in the phone’s reflection. There are also 4 larger ‘profiles pics’ on the app she uses. Those 4 are probably her clients. 0:39 It’s natural to assume that the person in front of her is another client, but judging from how the hands are drawn, this is likely one of Yuno’s peers. She probably asked Yuno if she was alright and Yuno brushed her off with an awkward smile. Yuno either doesn’t want her to know or is giving a knowing smile that her friend can relate to her. 0:45 “Wasn’t tomorrow my day off? Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter.” She views it as a job and can find it tiresome. The three hearts represent Yuno’s heart, her current client’s, and the foetus’. Her less profitable clients are represented by outlines, whereas the more profitable ones have filled hearts, implying that she puts more effort into her dates with them. The line in the backdrop likely represents an umbilical cord. We see 4 depictions of Yuno, which showcase her clients’ preferences. It’s more confusing to explain them using timestamps, so I’ll describe what can be inferred from each client. Client 1 (yellow top): A less profitable client. He probably likes an outgoing and adventurous character. Her clothes are casual and their date spots aren’t fancy-the park and karaoke. Idk why they chose to display Hachikou’s statue? My guess is that how he waited 9 years for his owner parallels with how mothers wait 9 months for their baby to be delivered. Possibly. In the karaoke scene, it’s clear that Yuno doesn’t view him highly. There’s 『虫』 written on a heart in the background, meaning ‘insect’. Might be what she calls him behind his back. If the red shape is meant to resemble the womb, however, it implies that she thinks of the foetus as a pest. The blue/brown oval on the left-hand side might represent her fertilised egg at the 4 cell stage. Client 2 (school uniform): He’s probably the least profitable client. Might be roughly the same age as her since he doesn’t seem to mind being seen with a highschooler. Either that or he’s into her uniform. He buys cheap gifts like plushies and (overpriced) novelty drinks. Judging by what he gives her, this client is probably into the ‘cuteness factor’. The juxtaposition between the drinks could represent the two sides of Yuno; her saccharine side is for her clients, while the plain and bitter/sour side is for herself/her true friends. Client 3 (shoulderless dress): A high-income client. He takes her to the Tokyo Skytree and treats her to fancy restaurant overlooking the Tokyo tower. Notice how the formatting of her text is different. It implies that she speaks to him in a more elegant manner. He’s also aware that she’s a minor (in Japan) considering how she has a champagne glass full of water. Client 4 (plaid top): Might be the most profitable client. He takes her to an amusement park (Nagashima Spa Land, I think, but feel free to correct me) and his car is lush af. The pigtails and cloud-like speech bubbles give away that he’s into the 『ぶりっ子』(burikko) character; a Western equivalent would be the airhead/baby girl, I guess. It’s slightly more over the top tho. The “I want to meet you as many times as possible” can be both her words or her clients. 0:58 Her balloon is filled with smaller balloons, representing the composition of the foetus. The red balloon represents its heart. 1:00 The stairs represent the double helix structure of her DNA. The gifts, bags and shoes scattered on the staircase could represent the nucleobases. Those coloured balloons represent the nuclei fusion of the male and female gamete, while the white balloons in the background represent sperm cells. 『好きと好きがリンクする』(‘Love’ and ‘love’ links us together) The reason why ‘love/like’ is repeated twice is probably because they’re not referring to the same type of love, i.e. Yuno’s clients like her, but Yuno only likes the material goods they provide her. This ties in with Es’ line 『何かが足りないんだ』(something isn’t enough). Yuno wants more gifts/money. Her clients want more of her. Her relationships are transactional. When Yuno says that she’s alone and that the warmth starts fading, she’s referring to temperature 『温度』. This could refer to how she no longer gets hot flashes/night sweats (usually happens within the first/second trimester) once she’s had the abortion. Whereas the ‘warmth’ she reloads is ‘kindness’/’gentleness’ 『優しさ』. Her sweet persona is an act. 1:13 The 『ふーふー』 (fu, fu) is the sound of Yuno breathing in and out. It can either be interpreted as her being in pain or sighing relief when she finally aborts the foetus. It’s also the sound of her inflating her balloon, which represents the swelling of her uterus/ abdominal bloating. ‘Am I a bad girl?’ and ‘What would you like to do? Tell me’ are examples of Yuno when she sweet-talks her clients. 1:26 “What kind of ‘me’ do you like?” is Yuno asking her clients about their preferences. And how she responds to “I want to be like that, but it’s probably impossible” suggests that she still wants to be true to herself sometimes. Those three shots of her imply how she chats to clients, sends them provocative photos and eventually sleeps with them, but none of these actions makes her happy. When she lowers her phone, there appears to be a baby bump. I think those are Daisies on Yuno’s phone case. In Celtic mythology, they were associated with the death of a child, especially in childbirth, and God would sprinkle the Earth with them to support the grieving parents. In her room, you can see a plushie. It’s a hermit crab, I think. If so, it implies how Yuno changes her character for her clients similar to how hermit crabs change their shells. (Keep the STD jokes at bay.) The poster in her room could be a reference to the (1931) “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, which would also highlight her changes in character. It’s extremely vague tho, so it’s only a hunch. 1:38 『噛み合って、与えあって』(Getting along and giving things) refers to their transactional agreement. It’s translated as ‘play-biting’ because 『噛む』means to bite. The official translation likely wanted to emphasise the physical aspect of her relationships. 1:43 “B mode” is written on her bag. Otherwise known as 2D-mode, it refers to the ultrasound, which can be used to produce an image of the foetus in the womb. (Ugh, I have to split it into 2 again)
@maix1877 4 жыл бұрын
1:50 These lyrics could be a dialogue between Yuno and her client. What she was trying to ‘find’ was ‘protection’, but he doesn’t want to use it and tells ‘endless lies’. Although irritated, she continues putting on a front, which is “reloading the gentleness”. 2:04 She finds out that she ‘messed up’ and got pregnant. When talking to a client, her voice is more high-pitched, and her phrases are ‘sweeter’/’more feminine’. However, in this case, and during the cut in the interviews, her voice is lower and her way of speaking is ‘rougher’. Just emphasises that it’s all a facade. 2:09 One strand has more masculine items e.g. the brown briefcases and shoes, while Yuno’s is more feminine. The two merge to form new DNA and, alongside Yuno’s giggles/sighs, this implies that she’s currently ‘servicing’ her clients. 2:26 We’re in the viewpoint of the foetus exiting Yuno’s body. 2:29 The balloon bursts, which symbolises the foetus leaving her womb in pieces. All 4 Yunos have an apathetic look on their face as they carry a filled balloon. This suggests that all 4 of her clients have impregnated her at some point. 2:43 She falls, which could’ve caused the miscarriage. It’s likely that she tried to self-induce her abortions, rather than go to a clinic. It costs money and she probably wanted to terminate it before anyone found out. There’s an alternative to this, explained at (2:57). 2:55 The balloon overlapping with her pupil and light in her eyes creates an image of an egg being fertilised. 2:57 The staircase breaks and her balloon is empty again; it was a successful abortion. Although the lyrics are the same as before, the change in translation to “Are we over?” might imply that it’s a client talking this time, asking her what he should do and if he can still see her. If that’s the case, she probably made them pay for medication or clinical visits. If it’s still Yuno talking, she’s trying to seek advice and find a way for them to stay rather than letting them spend on another girl. 3:11 The three staircases, representing DNA, are no longer a vibrant blue, but grey. They represent her dead foetuses, the most recent one being the closest to her. Some extras to add: Yuno’s horoscope is Virgo, represented by ‘the virgin’. The irony. Her name is spelt with the characters 『優』(gentleness, superiority and acting) and 『乃』 (which can denote possession). As for forgiving her or not forgiving her, she says in the CD that she doesn’t really care what the verdict is. So, do as you please? I’ve lost count how many times I’ve looped this song. The chorus is way too catchy for its own good.
@mustikamilenia3948 4 жыл бұрын
Yess!! I love this explanation!!! 😊😍😍
@Dot.17 4 жыл бұрын
@ilairis 4 жыл бұрын
I like the theory but rather than Yuno's MV is easier, Im having more of a hard time on deciding for her than Haruka's. Some from discord came up with theories that it is also metaphorical and not really abortion while some pushes for the abortion theory. Either ways of which theory it is, it's harder to choose if to forgive or not (given that some mentioned that the tune of the song all poppy and such may also be included on how they view their sin since it's their memories). I dont know, all of the theories I've seen so far feels like there's something missing but it's a nice theory with lots of details that some I've overlooked.
@julianne6985 4 жыл бұрын
damn... good analysis
@こうしん-r8m 4 жыл бұрын
アンビリカルって「へそ」っていう意味があるらしいけど一体どんな曲なのか楽しみ… それよりもユノちゃんかわええ。
@目薬ドライアイ 4 жыл бұрын
イヤホンだと左耳から諦めたような、感情のないような声が聞こえるのは、明るく振る舞っているのは嘘ってことかな 弟がいるとは言っていたけど、両親についてあんまり話されないのは、援交とかパパ活的なことをしてたとしたら、弟の学費のためとかある? 好きと好きがリンクするについて、 普通なら繋がるとか伝えるとかいっしょになる みたいな表現になるのかなと個人的には思うんですけど、この場合、違う欲望と違う欲望が利害の一致的な意味で繋がったとも取れるかなと思います ユノちゃんはお金、相手はいわゆる快楽
@さめ-h4b 4 жыл бұрын
今思えばアンダーカバーのユノちゃんの 「何かが足りないんだ」 っていうのは援交していて、快楽はあるのにそこに愛はなくて、彼女は快楽=愛みたいな感じで履き違えていたんじゃないかなって。あれ?語彙力死んでる……
@junezdollhouse 3 жыл бұрын
I just noticed the second staircase at 1:50 has mens wear, stuff like suitcases and umbrellas in darker colors you wouldnt usually find in feminine stuff like on yunos staircase.
@uspre1378 4 жыл бұрын
Second time commenting, but a friend pointed something out to me that made me reevaluate some things. The colors of the balls inside of Yuno's balloon match the various outfits she wears throughout the MV. This caused me to review some things and rethink some things, and I've come up with (what I think is, maybe someone else already said this and I just didn't notice) a new theory about what happened. Here's the analysis: At the start (around 0:10), her holding a blank balloon when she stands up to seemingly greet someone is her as a blank slate. She's yet to figure out what persona to put on. From around 0:21 onwards, we're watching Yuno on the train in her school uniform. I think that this is the beginning of things, the closest we see to her as her "true self" and not putting on a facade to satisfy someone else. This is emphasized by the lyrics indicating that whatever dating stuff she's engaging in on her phone is a new feeling for her-- "I feel a little weird / I'm still not used to feeling this way" and "Why are you here? / You annoy me a little / I can't smile well anymore / It's because of you". Yuno's behaviour here is also different from the entire rest of the MV. She's not acting sweet or kind in any way, rather seeming bored or even bitter. The smile she gives at the end of this segment seems incredibly forced, like she's uncomfortable. This is an important detail to bear in mind for later. Yuno proceeds to have a montage of her various dates, then at 0:57, she squeezes the balloon full of the coloured balls. This was a detail I always found interesting. In the abortion theory, this balloon represents her womb, and the balls represent the baby suddenly growing inside of her. But if that's the case, then it appearing so frequently and so early on strikes me as strange. There's probably some other explanations for that, but for the sake of this theory, I'm disregarding them. The first appearance of these balls in the balloon is right after her date montage, and like I said at the start, they parallel her 4 different appearances/personalities. I think this is the point where she's taking on multiple boyfriends, clients, whatever at once. She's just grasping the balloon for the first time. Right after this moment, the chorus depicts Yuno appearing along a single spiral staircase in her various outfits. This obviously symbolizes her life as it progresses, moving through it using her numerous facades and getting showered in presents and love as she does. The important part here is that there's only one staircase. It's linear. It's under control. The next part just re-emphasizes the earlier points about the balloon symbolizing Yuno as a person. The fu-fu parts that start at around 1:11 show her blowing up the balloon, or maybe just putting it in front of her face. Given the idea about the balls inside and their colours, this probably symbolizes Yuno preparing her various facades, learning to hide behind them as she pleases. This segment also ends with her calling out to an empty second staircase. She's grown more confident than she was at the start, she's learned how to use her various personas, and she's starting to want more. The next bit others have already gone over well enough. "What kind of girl do you like? / I want to become like that", and other lyrics depicting Yuno's need to change herself in order to be more liked by her various partners. The next important part comes with the second chorus-- the second staircase is now covered in presents, and Yuno grows increasingly melancholic. You see her three personas here, not her normal self in the school uniform. Her casual yellow self seems happy, her childish pink self seems a little bored, and her formal green self seems completely exhausted. Yuno is becoming overwhelmed by the multiple lives she's leading. She's growing tired of being different people for different people, and it's growing harder to keep things contained as her relationships grow deeper and deeper. "The lies are endless"-- this lyric is in reference to herself and the grave she's dug herself. Now, the next moment. The lyrics here say "I messed up / I found out", and the two staircases come closer together before colliding and merging. This ends with the balloon bursting and all the balls falling out. When we see the staircase for the final chorus, Yuno only appears in her normal school uniform, holding the balloon containing all her selves. She looks sad and lost in all her appearances, desperately climbing the staircase covered in presents. She begins to fall, then grabs the balloon (which is now empty, important to note) and lands safely as the staircase shatters. She looks over three more staircases in the distance. I think this part signifies everything falling apart. She can no longer keep her various lives apart, she's desperately clinging onto her various facades but she's become completely swallowed by the repercussions of her own actions, and it leads to her beginning to fall. So, the theory I've created from all this is as follows; Yuno had a romantic partner at the very start, someone she completely lost interest in. She doesn't enjoy seeing them, her smiles become more and more forced the more she's around them, and she's generally not happy. This is her as her normal school uniform self. She begins to cheat on this partner with multiple other people. Whether she's doing this to try and find love, to try and be spoiled, any other reason, I can't tell. But whatever her reason is, she's happy with it. She's confident with what she does, and she goes out of her way to keep it going. This leads to it spiralling out of control-- she struggles to keep her multiple lives separate, she becomes more and more miserable, and finally, she's found out. I think her returning to her normal school uniform look at the end signifies that the main fallout happens with her original partner. There's one staircase which shatters, then three more at the end; four relationships total. Assuming each staircase represents a different relationship, this means she experienced the worst repercussions from her original one. This is probably how things escalated to murder. EDIT: I just noticed something else I want to add. Yuno's pose at the start and the end perfectly mirror each other, back turned to the camera with her arms tucked back. At the start, she's looking at a single staircase directly in front of her; at the end, she's looking at three distant staircases. I think this adds more fuel to my theory-- she went from having one close and intimate relationship to destroying it for three superficial ones. EDIT 2: Someone else pointed out to me that the balls inside the balloon are actually smaller balloons! I'd missed that before, but again, it strengthens my theory-- if the large, empty balloon is Yuno herself, then the smaller balloons are her "other selves", her various facades, all contained inside of her. Anyways, I hope that makes sense! Let me know what you think, and if you think you agree. I don't really mind all the pregnancy and abortion theories, I can understand where they're coming from, but I kind of prefer this outlook more. I think I'm voting not guilty either way though!
@ArthurLopes39 4 жыл бұрын
At first, I thought she did really just kill someone at the end because of all her relationships falling apart, with the first one being the catalyst, but the abortion theory is more concrete and makes the most sense, but we could all being played into believing that. Your interpretation is more plausible to me but I have no idea how crazy the trials can become from now on, but either way, It's kinda hard for me to vote if she's guilty or not, it'd depend on the reasoning behind her actions, be it abortion or the assassination theory, some parts of the lyrics could mean she started "working" because she's just bored, but some could say she was forced somehow, but it's all a stretch.
@HarukoSan 4 жыл бұрын
I like this alot but if this was the case, why would the title be Umbilical?
@darkphoenix9650 3 жыл бұрын
How you mentioned the "fu-fu" part reminded me of something I learned from an anime (think it's reliable but not sure if the connections intentional) fu-fu is a term meaning something like husband and wife or a couple, so maybe that connects to something?
@rubyhikariyuu 3 жыл бұрын
I personally thought the balloon represented her womb, and it being filled with other objects represented the baby (heart represented the baby's pulse). At the end it becomes empty again. Not only that but the 2 staircases representing DNA (half from the man and half from yuno) coming together as one
@saltedbird9307 3 жыл бұрын
Great theory, it's cool to see something besides the common abortion idea.
@staresatyoucutely 9 ай бұрын
Yk, the spiral staircases kinda looks like a RNA. RNA is a kind of nucleic acid, holding a genetic information of someone. When the stairs overlaps, it almost looks like a DNA instead. Just a cool thing to pointed out
@れな-d8l 4 жыл бұрын
みんな螺旋階段が壊れたから赤ちゃん死んだって言ってるけど、私は圧倒的にラスサビ入る前の風船破れた瞬間が赤ちゃんを殺した表現だと思ってる!絶対風船の中に入ってる小さな風船たち、臓器だよ。ハートは心臓ね。 後は知らん!
@yaris1415 4 жыл бұрын
同感です。 今後に期待!($・・)/~~~
@Sss-xy2gq 4 жыл бұрын
@うに-t1y 4 жыл бұрын
風船の中に入っている風船、臓器なのかなーって思ったら同じ考えの人がいた。 5つだし「五臓六腑」の「五臓」にあたるのかなぁって思いました。 肺・心・脾・肝・腎で五臓。
@ぷっちんぷりん-j4m 4 жыл бұрын
@nemneko_ 4 жыл бұрын
@いただきまんぐーす-p2z 3 жыл бұрын
@user-of4rz1sq7o 20 күн бұрын
1:03 ここの風船の動きゾワッとする
@kittyythecat 4 жыл бұрын
First off, those who are a little disappointed that it might be an abortion; it is still illegal in many countries and areas around the world. Many think its murder. I've heard many cases in the USA about how some women are charged for abortion and filed under "murder". I think anyone could see that she was going to be expecting a child soon by how she was asking what type of girl did this person like. Doubt its boyfriend because she never talks about love but how much fun the two have together. She might be a sugar baby. 0:30 She says is a secret meaning her job or the fact she is pregnant. "Why are you here?" You are a little annoying" in how having the baby is going to cause problems since she has a customer who does keep seeing her. She's all alone too. 1:20 The colour pallets are mainly blue and pink. Very child-like and bold colours too. Ones you see in a child's room or how people give blue and pink to babies depending on gender. That's why the ones that stand out are those two. She didn't know the babies gender so it must have been less than 20 weeks. 1:34 A baby bump doesn't start until 12 weeks so its a hint that her baby bump was starting. That's why her stomach is shown too. 2:25 The stairs do look like a DNA symbol. 2:44 The stairs are starting to crumble and break. That's when she had decided to finally get the abortion. "The endless lies. Just me alone, it really is lonely." I'm guessing either she had found out that she couldn't keep the baby or the guy who got her pregnant didn't want to do anything with her. That's why she is said she is alone. "Are we over? Let's reload the warmth". Its often joked around how the womb is like an oven or a place you "fill up" when making babies. She had the abortion and figured "What do you want to do? Please tell me" had her wishing that she finally got the abortion and she could still keep seeing this man. This felt a little sad..... Haruka's is sad too. But this is sad in how Yuno was lost and alone in not figuring out what to do now that she had gotten pregnant. She keeps asking "What do you want to do?" in the song so that has me thinking that she asked the guy who got her pregnant. He ignored her questions and soon her. Maybe she's not in love with him but did like spending time with him a lot.
@mustikamilenia3948 4 жыл бұрын
And i think the balloon's meaning is her womb. Like in the first time it's empty, then it's filled but she grasps on it, then it pops, and it gets back empty
@mustikamilenia3948 4 жыл бұрын
Then about the stairs. In 1:01, it just one stair, i think it's her DNA, then at 1:22 there are 2 stairs, i think they are Yuno's and the man's DNA. At 2:08 when the "I messed up i found out" the stairs fuse become 1. I think it means that the baby has come alive in her womb.. Correct me if im wrong, i cant speak Jappanesse fluently 🙏🏻🙏🏻 But however i think she's guilty, not just free sex (cause in my country it's forbidden), she also kills her baby 😢😢
@dheatlyblaze2846 4 жыл бұрын
One more thing. At 2:04, the japanese lyric said "やっちゃったんだ" (Yacchattanda) which translated "i messed up". But, if im not mistaken, it can also mean "it accidentally happened" which can mean she being pregnant
@mustikamilenia3948 4 жыл бұрын
@scutigera Thankyou for your opinion 🙏🏻 I guess we have different pov, its okay i still respect yours 😊
@lilacflowerao 4 жыл бұрын
I don't really buy this, maybe the "murder" was an abortion, but idk about the sugar baby part. I think it could be a boyfriend specially because she does talk about love "Our love links us together" at 1:03 About color palette: I dont think thats much of a hint, since the music is very cutesy and kawaii, those colors are very common with that aesthetic. 1:34 about the baby bumps, I think there would be more hints to it if it was a reference to baby bumps, not just her stomach at the bottom of the frame About the stairs: Ye, makes sense ^^ Basically, I also think it's an abortion but the pregnancy is just with her highschool boyfriend
@ぐみねこ-g5h 4 жыл бұрын
@yk310490418 4 жыл бұрын
@Sirasu_dragon 4 жыл бұрын
考察しますね。 神。
@hrodzi 4 жыл бұрын
しらすドラゴン 完璧な考察ですね!!!
@ぐみねこ-g5h 4 жыл бұрын
めちゃくちゃかわいい。天使。声もかわいいししぐさもかわいいしどんな髪型でも服装でも似合うってマジですごいしやばい。何度でも眺めたくなる。 ↑これらの情報から考察したんですけど………… ユノは私の推しである。考察終了(*´▽`*)
@Sirasu_dragon 4 жыл бұрын
ぐみねこ 完璧な考察ですね!!!
@しんぶんし-l3v 3 жыл бұрын
どんなあたしなら 君は好きですか の所をエスくんが歌ってくれたら… 死ぬ……(死ぬ)
@夜ノです 4 жыл бұрын
@たれピク 4 жыл бұрын
これを2回見てやっと気づいたけど、ラスサビの「好きと好きがリンクする」の所、「欲と欲がリンクする」って書いてある…すげぇ… だからといって何か考察できる訳では無い。
@薔薇ばら-e2u Жыл бұрын
2:22 ユノのここの声?が泣いてるように聞こえる!
@uspre1378 4 жыл бұрын
This is a very subtle and minor thing, but did anyone else notice that from 1:37 to 1:51 you can hear Yuno speaking the lyrics normally alongside the music? I remember this being the case in Haruka's MV too, near the end, though it was a lot less subtle in his. Perhaps these lyrics in both MVs should be especially highlighted for whatever reason?
@elliedear9534 3 жыл бұрын
Its a low harmony
@fruitsnack2414 3 жыл бұрын
i heard this too!
@monolinny1817 2 жыл бұрын
I'm late but pretty sure it's relevant to each's stories since every song has it in some lines. Edit: If you raise your volume from 2:09 to 2:24, you can hear Yuno's giggling (or crying?)
@Pyrrah001 2 жыл бұрын
@@monolinny1817 it certainly sounds like crying....
@RM9NK 4 жыл бұрын
@しぐれ-r5p 2 жыл бұрын
@おみかんマン Жыл бұрын
@LaVitr_e 4 жыл бұрын
1:37 if you listen very closely you can hear her speaking normally (not singing)
@wishingmelodies 4 жыл бұрын
You have an amazing sense of hearing omg i would've never noticed that
@orelie2000 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of MILGRAM songe have this too!! Unfortunately I can’t understand Japanese so I don’t know what they mean
@葡萄ジュース-o4m 4 жыл бұрын
ついにきたっっ! ずっと楽しみに待ってました! なんか…すごくかわいい… ありがとうございます…
@crudlucasconsigliere4084 4 жыл бұрын
Uh, I really don't think that abortion should land you in prison with the penalty of death...but dang this song's catchy.
@somebodynotspecial6537 3 жыл бұрын
No cap tho, it is catchy but the thought I'm vibing to a song about someone who does compensated dating and aborted her child is wack
@lilphu9720 3 жыл бұрын
@@somebodynotspecial6537 ikr haha
@sebour8179 3 жыл бұрын
The duality of this comment 😂
@twinlittlesisterinfinity8137 3 жыл бұрын
Well if it was the case , the man should also end up in prison with a worse penalty that her , cuz he is more culprit that her for doing what he did .
@kuzushiko 3 жыл бұрын
@Oi Josuke we are deciding if they get the death penalty or are forgiven and either get let out or serve a shorter sentence in jail
@curiousiris5755 4 жыл бұрын
The balloon she's squeezing at 1:50 reminds me of a womb, and the things inside it could be organs (since there's a heart, among other things).
@Aaa_nyn 3 жыл бұрын
1:48 おじゃま虫歌ってるぅ可愛い🥰
@ガレリア-w5h 4 жыл бұрын
MVと考察見てて考えた事。 螺旋階段はユノと相手の二人の事を示している事、中に小さい風船が入っている風船は胎児、というのが前提として。 ①ユノは援助交際を行っている(サビ部分やアンダーカバーでの「何かが足りない」という歌詞から恐らく相手へ愛情関連の依存も) ②相手はユノとの疑似恋愛を楽しんでいる(妊娠する可能性を無視・或いはピルを飲んでいると嘘をつかれている為付けずにヤッていた) ③で2:03からユノが何らかのミスを犯して妊娠バレ、相手との関係が終わる(階段が崩れる描写、螺旋階段に佇むユノの服装がデート衣装からセーラー服のみになっている事からも) ④曲の最中に時折爪を立てていた小風船入り風船が弾ける。恐らく前の相手との関係が終わると同時に全てをリセットする為に胎児を堕胎したのだろう ⑤階段が崩れ落ちていく最中に掴んだ黄色いリボン付き風船、これは恐らく援交相手を示すモノ。曲の始まりにも持っていた辺り恐らくこれまでにも援助交際を繰り返していたのだろう ⑥ラストシーンの背景に見える螺旋階段は過去に関係を持った相手達の数 って事で、多分自分の足りないもの(親・或いは誰かからの愛情?)を埋めるために援助交際を繰り返していて、堕胎への抵抗が無くなってしまっている、という感じでしょうか
@magieblitz8983 4 жыл бұрын
英語字幕ONで見てみると気になった点がいくつかあったので書き起こしてみます。 ま、でもいっか朝をめざしましょ→ Anyway let's be together till the morning. (朝まで一緒にいよう) 何度だって会いたくなるよね→ I want to be with you as many time as I can (私はあなたと出来る限り一緒にいたい) ダメなのかな→ Am I a bad girl (私は悪い女の子) 噛み合って、与えあって→ Play-biting each other, warmth-givingeach other (噛み合って、温もりを与えあって) 嘘と嘘でエンドレス→ The lies are endless(嘘は無限だ) やっぱ寂しいよ→ It really is lonely(本当に孤独なんだ) 優しさをリロードしよう→ Let's reload the warmth(温もりをリロードしよう) ふたりぼっち、ちょっといい感じ→ Just the tow of us, I feel a litlle tingle inside(ふたりぼっち、少し痛く感じる) 好きと好きがリンクする→ Our desire links us together(私たちの性欲は繋がっている) ダメなのかな→ Are we over?(私たちは終わりなの?) 以上、Google翻訳片手に気になる点のみのピックアップでした。日本語では同じ歌詞の部分も英語字幕だと違う文になってたりするし、訳し方の解釈によっては違う意味にもなったりする(tingleやdesire等)ので考察が捗るんじゃあ~^
@jitan46 4 жыл бұрын
@わたなべりりす 4 жыл бұрын
ユノちゃんについての情報をまとめてみました…!!(需要ない) ユノちゃんのイメージカラー(?)であるピンクは、恋愛・しあわせ・思いやりなどの女性らしさをイメージさせる色です。 みなさんが考察しているようにアンビリカルケーブルはへその緒という意味です。 ユノちゃんの本名である樫木優乃 で名前占いをしてみました!! 他人はどう見る? 浮気者。異性に慕われる人、というように見られています。 性格 負けず嫌い。冷淡。口が悪い。プライドが高い。周囲への影響力が大きく、尊敬されています。 ユノちゃんも知らない裏の顔 金銭のトラブルがある。結婚後の子供運が弱い。 9/2生まれであるユノちゃんの誕生花 チューベローズの意味は「危険な快楽」です。 あとは考察班頼みます…(限界)
@DrachenIvy 6 ай бұрын
years later, she's still so real for this
@jenniebun 3 жыл бұрын
happy birthday queen
@およげたいやき-l7t 3 жыл бұрын
@レン樺 4 жыл бұрын
@ゆに-g2h 4 жыл бұрын
援助交際説が出てるのでそれに沿って考察してみると 「なんか変だよね まだ慣れないな 君のことが気になっちゃってる 誰にも内緒ね」 →援助交際ということを考えると関係を持った相手のことを指している確率は低い。つまり、体内に居る胎児または胎胞に“変”と言っている。子供が出来たことは誰にも言えず、妊娠週間は過ぎていく。 「なんでいるのかな 少し嫌になる 上手く笑えなくなっちゃったの 君のせいだから」 →ユノはまだ18歳。意識もせず出来てしまった子供に対して“気持ち悪い”。自分の中に命が宿っていることに対して“嫌になってしまう”。 「明日って休みだっけ? ま、でもいっか 朝を目指しましょ おはよって おやすみって 何度だって会いたくなるよね」 →本当は子供のことを考えなければならない。妊娠週間は過ぎていく中で自分には経済的能力や責任能力などがあるのか、その上で産むのか堕ろすのかを決めなければならない。けど、それでもユノは18歳なため学校に行かなければならない。考えなければならない時間が明日はあったっけ。どっちでもいいや。とりあえず朝になってから考えよう。おはよう、おやすみのループで、学校に行って自分も1人の高校生だって。現実逃避したくなる。 「ふたりぼっち ちょっといい感じ 好きと好きがリンクする ひとりぼっち 去っていく温度 優しさをリロードしよう」 →擬似的な愛でもセックス、援助交際によって感じたかった。愛に飢えていた。繋がっている間は愛されている気がした。1人になった瞬間ーその熱が去った瞬間ーは、どうしても寂しくなってしまう。愛を感じられる優しさ(セックス、援助交際)をまた求めてしまう(リロード)。 「ダメなのかな? 答えないで 何したいの? 教えて欲しい」 →自問自答。堕ろすことはダメなことなのか、それを自分に聞いて、自分1人では到底出せない答えだから、間違った答えは出したくない。答えないで。本当は自分はどうしたいの?うみたいの?堕ろしたいの?誰か正しい選択を教えて欲しい。 長くなりそうだったのでとりあえず1サビまで。長文of長文大変失礼いたしました。
@DaCookehMonstar 3 жыл бұрын
My take on this: I don't know too much about the series yet so just going off of the videos released so far.. I believe she fell in love with an older guy who was using her. He took her on nice dates and gave her lots of nice gifts - he was probably quite well off and bored of his life (likely he was married and using Yuno to be with a young, excited girl who showered him with attention and wanted to do anything and everything to please him). - this is symbolized by the two staircases: Yuno's with cute and girly gifts and his with men's shoes, briefcases etc.. Then she finds out she is pregnant - 1:33 when she looks down at her body it looks like she has a baby bump.. also the blowing up of pink balloons and the two staircases merging. She tells him about it and he leaves her hence at the end of the song "Are we over? Please don't answer" so she decides to get an abortion since she's all alone and unable to support herself etc - at 1:33 the lyrics are "what kind of girl do you like? I wanna become that but that's probably too hard for me." That could have double meaning of wanting to be the kind of girl her crush wants as well as wanting to be the kind of mother the baby wants but that's too hard for her. At the end there are 3 staircases symbolising the two of them and the baby.
@TheCedarFresh 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, good analysis
@rxscydanie 3 жыл бұрын
This is a really good analysis :0
@user-ntij4 5 ай бұрын
1:05 二人ってユノちゃんと男の人のことを指してると思ってたけど、ユノちゃんと赤ちゃんのことを指しているのかも。赤ちゃんがいない=物理的に温度が去る&周りの優しさ(暖かさ)が去る。だから優しさをリロード(赤ちゃんをもう一回作る)しようってことだと思った。
@l.g.s.1931 4 жыл бұрын
I want to note the fact that when video shows how Yuno meets her clients only when meetings with first client is shown the words "yuno umbilical" connceted by line
@negai-t4m 3 ай бұрын
遅れちゃった😢😢ユノ誕生日おめでとう🎉🎉🎉大好き!💗🎈300万再生まであと少し…! 追記:300万再生!!!!!!😭❤おめでとう!!🎉🎉🎉
@鯛茶漬け-s4v 3 жыл бұрын
ミリオンおめでとうございます!🎉 ゆのちゃんのかわいいが詰まってるから本当に大好きです…!!
@hyhycake-02 4 ай бұрын
@no_name_izzy 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh I only recently found out there's actual "lore" to these songs or whatever and it still amazes me.
@monolinny1817 2 жыл бұрын
That's Milgram for you, also welcome to the rabbithole :)
@xXwapa98xDXx 2 жыл бұрын
A new song for Yuno, which adds to the lore, came out a few days ago! Hope u check and enjoy~
@ゆかりこ-w7q 3 жыл бұрын
@しほ-i9m 4 жыл бұрын
1番のカットでは学生同士のデートに見えるけど、2番のカットは学生には敷居の高いレストランや自動車の助手席にいる。車は多分左ハンドル車。最近の左ハンドルは輸入車が多くて、運転席にいる人間はある程度の社会的地位や財力を持ってると感じた。 2番の頭の歌詞を読む限り単なる金銭目的の割り切った援交のような関係ではなく、彼女から相手への好意はあった。 2つの螺旋階段はDNAの二重螺旋構造がふたつある比喩。 最後のフェードアウトするカットで2つ(2人)の螺旋階段が3つ(3人)に増えているのは妊娠。 恐らく堕胎した。 最後のカットでフェードアウトしたのは堕胎したことで2人(+‪1人)の関係を白紙にした。 彼女の罪は殺人。産まれてない子供を殺した。 最初のインタビューの限りでは殺したのはお腹の子だけで相手の男には危害を加えていない。それが男を想う故だったのか、単に面倒だったのかまではわからない。 でも最後はフェードアウト。この関係やぬくもりや対価(金銭)の味を忘れられずにすっぱりやめる事が出来ずに同じ男か、はたまた別の男と関係をもって風船のような根無し草でいることが彼女の生き方だったと考察しました。
@みゆ-d2c1t 4 жыл бұрын
@doutanuki-8 3 жыл бұрын
グルミクから コメントの考察が物騒やなぁって思ってたけど Fullで観たらなるほど意味深だこりゃ 紐付き風船とか螺旋階段とか暗喩沢山で 考察捗りそう
@promptaurus 2 жыл бұрын
shes a queen and did nothing wrong ♡
@alya2191 2 жыл бұрын
Even if she did kill a baby or a man I would root for her still 💗
@fireflychan88 2 жыл бұрын
no seiously ur right. stan yuno
@hotanimebabe779 2 жыл бұрын
She did do something wrong clearly
@red_nocturnes_ink 2 жыл бұрын
@@hotanimebabe779 nah
@hotanimebabe779 2 жыл бұрын
@@red_nocturnes_ink She did? She knew the consquences.
@鈴虫-p7v 4 жыл бұрын
楽しみ過ぎる~~~~~ ユノちゃんの罪とはいったい何なのか・・・も、もちろん楽しみだけど、考察とか無しでも「アンビリカル」という曲が楽しみ!!
@ZnO_10fx 4 жыл бұрын
コメ欄の考察を読んで思ったことなんですけど……… … 後ろに飛んでる白い風船→精子 最後に風船を一つ掴む→妊娠 けどすぐ離す→堕胎 みたいな感じなんですかね………
@ももも-e1x1j 4 жыл бұрын
ウワァだとしたらめっちゃ気持ち悪い…😹 あたしはダメだ
@exu-y 4 жыл бұрын
@msbime2122 4 жыл бұрын
@ZnO_10fx 4 жыл бұрын
ムすびメ 風船の破裂シーン…色んな考え方ありますが、個人的にはコン〇ームが破れたようにも見えました…😭
@ZnO_10fx 4 жыл бұрын
ももも! 何も知らないと可愛い雰囲気の恋愛曲!みたいにみえますが、設定を知った上で見るとかなり精神的にくるものがありますね😭
@vant8441 3 жыл бұрын
next up to 1MIL Yuno my beloved
@もつもつさん 4 жыл бұрын
@ichikahoshinofr Жыл бұрын
the better yuno song omg it's so cute
@kurage_pukapuka 4 жыл бұрын
@3哀 4 жыл бұрын
やっちゃったんだ知っちゃったんだ(ユノの不穏な笑い声)→沢山の色の違う小さい風船が入った大きな風船をユノが割る。 何か恐い…
@yourwallflower1412 4 жыл бұрын
was surprised to hear her laughter/whimper at 2:10 lol
@うに-v1j9e Жыл бұрын
@blueaether6923 4 жыл бұрын
Why is Haruka being voted innocent while Yuno is straddling the line? Surely people don't think abortion (which is likely Yuno's crime) is worse than Haruka seemingly choking someone to death? Not to mention he beat a dog with a rock.
@atlanta1pm451 4 жыл бұрын
Kirby's Cakeria I know, right ? I'm feeling so sad for Yuno. :(
@alisharafa6959 4 жыл бұрын
I voted her non-guilty, but a lot of countries (mine included) take in abortion as a crime/murder. Not surprised she's in the middle.
@CanIswearinmyhandle 4 жыл бұрын
It's because anti-abortion people don't actually care about the the well-being of unborn children, it's about controlling women's bodies.
@marudeath3561 4 жыл бұрын
I voted innocent for her because I think she can do what she wants with her body (even if it's not so healthy for her to get many abortions) and isn't actually doing something that could harm others, but I saw some people vote her guilty because she doesn't regret it and probably continues to get in situations where she gets pregnant without taking precautions. That's a way of seeing things I guess, but she isn't in fact guilty of murder then, she's just being too careless, that's another issue
@dandanthedandan7558 4 жыл бұрын
@@CanIswearinmyhandle The way you phrased your sentence sounds way too political to discuss here
@ellenbaker5551 4 жыл бұрын
「絶対神曲」 この四字熟語はテストに出るので覚えておきなさい。
@まろ-w2v 4 жыл бұрын
@upashi- 4 жыл бұрын
ベーカー先生!! 「絶対神曲」覚えておきます!!
@さくらもち-c6o 4 жыл бұрын
@upashi- 4 жыл бұрын
@@さくらもち-c6o ですね〜 あっ!公表前のコメ欄で ありがとうございました!!
@さくらもち-c6o 4 жыл бұрын
@黒谷り 3 жыл бұрын
@いただきまんぐーす-p2z 3 жыл бұрын
@まる-x1l 4 жыл бұрын
@たまごやき-c1m Жыл бұрын
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