Millennials don't want babies...

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Daily Disciple

Daily Disciple

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@graemegeorgeharrison2468 7 ай бұрын
Personal Choice, neither selfish nor unselfish
@davideassis87 7 ай бұрын
I believe it's okay to not want kids, even if you are a Christian. If having kids was an obligation to every Christian, Paul would never advise people to remain single.
@justincarrillo226 7 ай бұрын
But if you’re a married Christian that marriage should have an openness to children.
@Haley_777.14 7 ай бұрын
​@@justincarrillo226 I liked the way you put that.
@davideassis87 7 ай бұрын
@@justincarrillo226 If the married couple wants, for sure. But if they don't want, that's okay too. Either way, that's 100% okay and definitely not a sin.
@101runaways 7 ай бұрын
I agree, I never really believed that children were mandatory in marriage. Some people think its only okay to not have kids if you are planning on also never getting married. @@davideassis87
@justincarrillo226 7 ай бұрын
@@davideassis87 I would have to disagree. Because what is marriage for? And how does God will for children to come into the world? Through the marital act. Marriage is 2 becoming one flesh and though the marital act, God gives us a share in his ability to create life by having children. And saying no to that is putting our own will over Gods will to be fruitful and multiply. Now I understand that a lot of couples that want children suffer from infertility. It’s heartbreaking and a whole other topic, but I think the most important thing is that married couples try to follow Gods will.
@AdventureExploreDiscover 7 ай бұрын
My wife and I had a baby about 3.5 months ago and I’ll be honest… the first two weeks were the roughest weeks of my entire life but… one night I wake up at 3am because I hear the little man crying so I take him to his changing table and I’m just trying to be positive so I look at him and I say “hey… oh my gosh look at you… you’re so precious” and he gave me his first ever social smile and it made everything worthwhile. Recently my wife has been able to get him have his first big laugh and it is the cutest thing ever. It’s not easy but even now looking back I just try it value every second I can with my son because he’s already grown so much. One day he’ll grow up and Dad won’t be the coolest most fun guy in the world anymore so… I’m soaking in all the struggles and joys that I can because he’s a gift from God and one day God is going to require him to go out into the world to be his own man. Love your kids while you can because one day they won’t be crying and waking you up. You’ll be sitting by your phone hoping they call you to say hi.
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
Tough times man Tough times
@CordeliaWagner1999 7 ай бұрын
God doesn't exist.
@Trumpgirl24 7 ай бұрын
​@@CordeliaWagner1999praying for you, yes he does or I wouldn't have my kids
@taram9409 7 ай бұрын
Well said! I feel the same way. Raising children is a blessing, and they grow up way too fast!
@IchNachtLiebe 5 ай бұрын
Most good things take a lot of effort. The perfect diamond is just as valuable at the top of a mountain as it is in your hand. On personal level, the climb adds even more value to it.
@jojoamiegbe 7 ай бұрын
I’m a parent. Raising children involves HARD WORK and SACRIFICE. Priorities change and many times it can feel draining. Especially when they’re very little. But like you said, it comes down to values. It’s okay if you don’t want to/don’t feel cut out for it. Sometimes it’s also a ‘you may never know until you try’ type of deal. But as they grow and YOU grow with them, those bonds created and the memories can be magical. Many people in the Bible never married nor had kids and it’s not the end of the world.
@lisaberchtold2248 7 ай бұрын
Yes. Woe is in the Bible for those with babes in the end times(which we are in) as a warning for thosw thinking of marriage and children for a reason. Children was to procreate the earth anyway and look at the challenges of homeschooling and social media predators and no trusted community or people and woke culture it is a hardship on parents and what if your spouse God forbid-50% end in divorce - leaves you- that is another stressfu situation. Look, he is young, so I am sorry I take everything with a grain of salt. You are right about a choice- I am 49 and unmarrie, a virgin and, I do have undestracted devotion to God anytime I nees it- even though, I have felt self pity- at times -like I missed out - but I can't say I made a bad or unbiblical choice
@tumelothatedit3484 7 ай бұрын
Thank you i am a christian and honestly i am ok not having children, i love that God doesnt force me to have children, its a choice.
@Joel-Serra 7 ай бұрын
_I’m a parent._ _Raising children involves HARD WORK and SACRIFICE._ The more I realize this, the more I appreciate what my parents did for my two brothers and I.
@CordeliaWagner1999 7 ай бұрын
The bible is fiction and people can grow without children. And sacrifices aren't a good Thing. Grow up, your lack of understanding the World is scary!!!
@iheartwaffles91 7 ай бұрын
"You never know until you try" Wow what a gamble. A human life with a soul is nothing to gamble with and this statement has that written all over it. I much rather someone regret not having kids than having a kid and regretting becoming a parent. One is MUCH more detrimental to our society.
@evage99 7 ай бұрын
I don't mind if people understand that they're too selfish for children. I do mind people who hate children so much that they'd rather kill the ones they create than care for them. If you don't want a baby, don't make one. If you do accidentally make one, step up and take care of it, or give it to someone who will. Also, the "We only watch TV we want to!" line cracked me up...who's forcing parents to watch cartoons?? Turn that junk off and go outside! The ignorance is amazing. They have no real idea what parenting is like, yet they turn their noses up at it.
@nicolasreinaldet732 7 ай бұрын
Also there are a lot of cartoons that are interesting to watch. The entirety of the disney reinascence, ben 10 even My Little Poney were made with the intention to entertain child and adults a like, or at least dont leat the adults die of boredon. And who the hell says kids even need cartoons ? For milenia they would get at most a book and thats It. When I do have mine children they will have read a minor in physics library before high school thats for sure.
@evage99 7 ай бұрын
@@nicolasreinaldet732 I did enjoy "Dino Trux" on Netflix several years ago, if I let the kids watch an episode while I tried to plow through some housework I inevitably ended up snugged on the couch with them watching it too... 😅 Hearing other parents gripe about the shows their kids watch has always been baffling. I say "Uh, have you tried turning off the TV?" and they look at me like I'm actively growing another arm out of my forehead or something.
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
Tough times
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️
@robertsandberg2246 7 ай бұрын
​@nicolasreinaldet732 My Little Pony is actually pretty good lol! I was surprised when I gave it a chance!
@autumndavidson8686 7 ай бұрын
I quite frankly don't want kids. I have autism and it would be hard for me to look after kids, let alone babysitting. I don't have that motherly attitude because it's difficult for me to expressing/understanding emotions. That being said, if I ever got pregnant, I would still want the best for my child.
@ewrgaming 7 ай бұрын
I have undiagnosed aspbergers (I’ve been diagnosed unofficially, it’s obvious) and my wife and I want kids soon. We’ve been preparing. I don’t think I’ll have any serious issues.
@DougMcTitties6969 7 ай бұрын
Yup you're fine.
@ModernDayHeretic-m9j 7 ай бұрын
You are fine, it is people who willingly choose to never want any children even if they are more than capable of it who are the problem. Those that would go and get vasectomies and abortions if they had them.
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
If you don.t want kids then you not allowed to have s#x so what will it be ?
@JoshMcSwain 7 ай бұрын
I'm in a similar boat. I don't have any desire to have kids but if I ever did end up with one then I would be the best parent I could be.
@iheartwaffles91 7 ай бұрын
As a teacher, I'm going to stand on solid ground and tell you all right now a great MAJORITY of people have NO business with children, and that includes CHRISTIANS! It is a SERIOUS commitment, and if someone doesn't want them, this is nothing to shame them for. Also, I'd like to point out that not everyone has a great parent experience. 😒And if someone tells me flat out they don't want kids because they want to be selfish, then we need to listen to them and take that statement seriously. Having children isn't going to get you into heaven, either. And what Christian culture has shown me is that if you don't have kids, you aren't going to be "fulfilled." How foolish to imply that someone's life isn't fulfilled because they have no children. I'm constantly pouring into the next generation and have no children and no prospects to have any children with. Anyway..., I love your videos, as always. Thank you for spreading Christ. Stay blessed.
@Kingofthenet2 7 ай бұрын
Beautifully said 👏🏽
@bradleypaulus2926 7 ай бұрын
Yes, unfortunately I find the world's oldest prejudice is against childless people. That is why I am estranged from my family, being the only one with no children. I have tried talking to them, but they seem uncomfortable around me, so I finally gave up. But I have no problem talking with fellow believers.
@Aniexo_ 7 ай бұрын
They’ll never admit that.
@holyexperience1976 6 ай бұрын
​@bradleypaulus2926 I'm actually now hoping my son don't have children. It is not because I am unwilling to be a granny, but the world is just too ugly now. I would not want him to have a child, then here comes Mark Of The Beast, and he won't have a way to feed the kids or care for them and children will be quite fussy daily being hungry. Also, the Alphabet Group Agenda, etc. Better to be childless now. But if he does have children, I hope he would be married first like I should have been and he gets right in the Lord first and his girlfriend before marriage or even engagement.
@josiemystery 6 ай бұрын
Luke 23:29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Ecclesiastes 4:2-3 2 And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. 3 But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
@tomcoop9750 7 ай бұрын
I’d rather adopt- or maybe not have a baby at all. I can find purpose without starting a family.
@bradleypaulus2926 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely. Good attitude.
@worshipfreely29 7 ай бұрын
Sad that people think parenting stops at 18
@holyexperience1976 6 ай бұрын
My only is going on 21 and missing him wanting my time. 😭
@autumnfaes 7 ай бұрын
Me and my husband have no intention of having children, and I believe that’s a perfectly valid thing. To those who want children, that’s wonderful, but not everyone wants or is capacitated to be parents. It’s truly a personal choice and I think it’s wrong to guilt those who don’t want kids. I love children, I’ve worked in childcare (particularly in churches) various times and I have a fondness for them, simply not to have my own. Having children is a huge undertaking, and while that may be the desire of some, I believe the right thing is to respect everyone’s opinions.
@somethinggood9267 7 ай бұрын
Can I ask why you don't want children? You never said
@autumnfaes 7 ай бұрын
​@@somethinggood9267 A couple of reasons, most of which is my personal discomfort with the idea of being pregnant (as I already deal with some physical conditions). Also, I'm pursuing my business degree (and then he will also) and we have aspirations for opening our own business. Having children is a huuuuge responsibility, and we don't feel called to that.
@CassTeaElle 7 ай бұрын
I feel the same way, as a married woman who doesn't really want children. And I'm very sick of Christians being so judgemental about a decision that me and my husband have continuously and prayerfully considered. So many act as if the Bible commanded every human to either have children or stay single, and the second you get married you are now obligated to also become a parent. Smh. It's ridiculous. That is not in the Bible.
@autumnfaes 7 ай бұрын
@@CassTeaElle Absolutely! I'm glad there's someone else who shares my sentiments. There's a multitude of reasons why a couple doesn't have children (from being infertile to personal decision) and it's not the responsibility of anyone besides them to dictate the validity of their choice.
@bradleypaulus2926 7 ай бұрын
So wonderful that people are understanding single and/or childless persons' decisions. I may be single and childless the rest of my life but I do not engage in immorality either.
@jmunroe 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate your take on this topic. I'm single and have chosen to be childfree because I've dealt with major mental health issues, I tend to worry often (God help me), and I also really don't want to dedicate my life to raising a child to be honest. I know I wouldn't be well and be drained. I love children, I've worked with children, I have neices and a nephew that I love more than anything. But what I do desire, is to be a pillar for the children we have right now, that's been abandoned and abused, and dealing with mental health issues. My heart is heavy for them and I hope to build a foundation, a program, something where I can contribute to those lives. But overall, I wish we would all respect one another's decisions and go as God leads us.
@StepofFaithReactions 7 ай бұрын
Children aside. I think you mentioned it before,but it also seems like many churches focus on people who are "already" married with kids and mainly focus in that. It's not that the church should play matchmaker,but they should also promote healthy sexual desire/prepping for marriage for those who desire such. I also agree some people just want a certain number of kids just to "say they did".
@JoshMcSwain 7 ай бұрын
I agree that having kids just because society (or your family or your church) expects you to is a terrible reason
@Yankeesfan-il2he 7 ай бұрын
I’m 19 and I can’t wait to have kids (still enjoy life right now) something about raising someone and sharing good values sounds interesting to me
@dannyphantom3090 7 ай бұрын
I'm 21 and completely agree I can't wait to be a father one day
@CordeliaWagner1999 7 ай бұрын
I am 21 and already sterilized. It Sounds very narcicisstic to raise a child to force your values on them. Each chold is a person on their own. You guys are scary.
@Yankeesfan-il2he 7 ай бұрын
@@CordeliaWagner1999 of course free will God gives us and love thy neighbor as thyself. We are not forcing them we are educating them to have a relationship with Jesus with a true relationship not religion. We are telling them to follow Jesus, not to hate on others. I’m sorry that people from the church have hurt you call out to Jesus he loves you and gave me purpose. We can’t be perfect but we can believe in what Jesus did that’s why we are saved. No hate just love ❤️ 🙏
@dannyphantom3090 7 ай бұрын
@CordeliaWagner1999 I wouldn't force anything on to them just expressing my opinion just like everyone else here is doing. I don't see how wanting to be a dad and plans to be there for his kids is scaary but ok. No hate just love.
@Trumpgirl24 7 ай бұрын
​@@CordeliaWagner1999nope you're the scary one seek help
@tal8762 7 ай бұрын
No one should be pressured into having children. Children are a blessing, but they should be wanted. I’ve seen people who didn’t want kids make awful parents. I know a lot of people wanting & having babies & they’re loving parents. God said multiply to Adam & Eve, when the earth was unpopulated, and when Noah’s family needed to repopulate the earth. The earth is plenty crowded now. People are going hungry. I don’t see the urgency to increase population.
@LuvvLiii 7 ай бұрын
@akinibitoye7908 7 ай бұрын
You do realise earth's population is decreasing right.....
@dominicadrean2160 7 ай бұрын
​@@akinibitoye7908I think the reason it's decreasing is because of abortion because they're stopping those children from existing which also stops future Generations that would of existed if their parents were never aborted people committing abortions are destroying their own children but also their grandchildren from ever existing
@tal8762 7 ай бұрын
@@akinibitoye7908 Yes. In some places. Increasing in others. The pandemic significantly decreased the population in many places. People are still going hungry. We’ve been told for years that the earth is overpopulated. It’s reduced, but still crowded.
@Justinlm99 7 ай бұрын
Exactly. There is no problem if a married couple doesn't want to have kids. The only thing I would say is a Christian couple needs to at least be open to having them and not completely closed off because we all know sometimes even with your best efforts, kids can still happen. Abortion is out of the question, so if God chooses for someone to have a child, they need to be accepting of it.
@ericaallisonc 6 ай бұрын
Lol. Just your daily reminder that “not wanting kids” it a valid reason to not have kids. 😂
@gabugurl 7 ай бұрын
God calls people to different lives. This conversation is so tired. Just respect their decision and stop criticizing people who dont agree with you on everything. Singleness and childlessness is not evil.
@JoshMcSwain 7 ай бұрын
I know, it's ironic to me that Christians are called to follow Jesus...who didn't have children
@Kingofthenet2 7 ай бұрын
I agree
@SoftLightASMR 7 ай бұрын
I'm a mother and my first son is 11 months and I can't wait to have another!!! It's an absolute blast!! 🎉❤🎉
@ogloc6308 7 ай бұрын
God bless you
@faithfulwhispers333 7 ай бұрын
So sweet 🙏🥺❤️
@SoftLightASMR 7 ай бұрын
@@faithfulwhispers333 it really is wonderful! It was so incredibly under sold to me and, in some ways I'm thankful. He's blessed my life and opened my heart in ways that I didn't know were possible. God is so good to prove us a way to know love like this ❤️
@SoftLightASMR 7 ай бұрын
@@faithfulwhispers333 also! Yay!! Another Christian ASMRtist!!! Subscribed ❤️🥰❤️
@ok7091 7 ай бұрын
I have also seen so many people treating pets or dogs as children. It’s very unnatural and unfortunate. I have a dog who I love and I spoil, stewardship over animals is very important - but dogs are creatures that are here for a short time, cannot support you in the way a loving child can.
@jalapenobusinesss 7 ай бұрын
Why is that a problem?? Do you want me to give my dog fewer hugs or something?
@ok7091 7 ай бұрын
@@jalapenobusinesss No, I’m just drawing a comparison and an observation between DINKS or single women without children and who don’t want children, but treat dogs as a child - not just in general, but clearly state their dog is like their child. I love dogs, have many and have had many pets - but they’re not going to fulfil the same as a human child. It’s an unfortunate way to believe it will fulfil the same is all I’m saying.
@TheStarshipGarage 7 ай бұрын
I agree, dogs are fun, and they can prepare you for becoming a parent, but they aren't a substitute for a child.
@ok7091 7 ай бұрын
@@TheStarshipGarage definitely they are an excellent gift to help prepare adults and children for living responsibilities! It shows that to love is to serve and take care of.
@irenicrose 7 ай бұрын
The reason these people love dogs is kind of narcissistic, because a dog cannot talk back and will always love you. And then they try to say that they are "parents" of the dog unironically. A dog is not a child, it is a dog, and actually if you treat your dog like a child (especially small dogs) it can cause lots of behavioral issues. While I like dogs, I actually prefer children because you can play a role in their development and TALK with them, which you can't with a dog. 7 ай бұрын
So grateful for mu daughter. I never thought I'd be able to have a child and I'm grateful to God Almighty for my baby. It is extremely hard and I'm up a lot during the night... but she's worth it.
@williamwilson1222 7 ай бұрын
My wife and I are twelve weeks into it first pregnancy. The joy I feel is beyond description. She is carrying our child. Thanks be to God!
@CordeliaWagner1999 7 ай бұрын
God doesn't exist.
@williamwilson1222 7 ай бұрын
@@CordeliaWagner1999 okay. Sad to see you think that. Now, please quit trolling as this was a “I’m going to be a father” post and not a “let’s debate” post. May God turn your heart of stone into one for love alone. Good day.
@thisisjudith 7 ай бұрын
@kirstenwilson514 3 ай бұрын
May God bless your union and grant you wisdom to raise the child He has blessed you with ❤
@FantasticLife2013 7 ай бұрын
Not interested in having kids.
@Notouchs 4 ай бұрын
Then don't expect our kids to support you in old age. I'll be voting to revoke the old age pension for the childless, you are a burden on society and selfish.
@thatdudee7290 7 ай бұрын
What a beautiful topic to talk about and I love talking about how amazing it is having children. Anyone I ever come across and they ask me about my child, no matter how I’m feeling, my mood instantly changes to feeling so grateful and blessed by our Lord to have the ability to create life. I would love to talk with you about this conversation more in detail if you ever so choose. Amen, brother and God bless.
@dannyphantom3090 7 ай бұрын
That's a really beautiful description
@Samuel_S_Hirsch 7 ай бұрын
This is so sad. I have a 3 year old and and 1 year old and it's been a beautiful experience. Sure yeah it's difficult but it's a big part of the purpose of life.
@SY-Rhyana 7 ай бұрын
Not everyone is called to be parents. Having a child is a blessing to people who are called to be parents and who actually want to be parents.
@PamBeesly9545 7 ай бұрын
It’s not sad. Let people do what they want. It doesn’t change anything in your world.
@omotayosatuyi252 7 ай бұрын
So some people not wanting to have children is sad now Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️
@Maksie0 7 ай бұрын
You should only have kids if you want to and if you can afford to. The latter of which is increasingly difficult nowadays.
@jordanfgfox7237 7 ай бұрын
Amen well said
@Trumpgirl24 7 ай бұрын
Nope just because you're poor doesn't mean you shouldn't have kids that's unethical.
@Maksie0 7 ай бұрын
@@Trumpgirl24 It's unethical to not have kids you can't afford to support?
@jordanfgfox7237 7 ай бұрын
@@Trumpgirl24 Also do you see where society is heading right now Is it a good idea to let a child into his world?
@Trumpgirl24 7 ай бұрын
You're essentially saying I shouldn't have my kids because I'm poor and that's b*******.
@Topg1 7 ай бұрын
I’m childfree and happy. If you want to have children do it. If you don’t, that’s also ok. As a Christian, children are valuable. You don’t have to have children to value them. You can help out with children at church group. Many men and women were single and childfree in the Bible. God still use them for his glory.
@bradleypaulus2926 7 ай бұрын
That's right. Many people were used by The Creator in The Word that never had children. Tell that to the people that say all childless people are selfish.
@mlp023 7 ай бұрын
Amazing how as they complain about kids being a burden they seem to forget they were once kids. Amazing 😅
@ElizabethUkeh 7 ай бұрын
We were all once kids, we didn't have a choice though.
@mlp023 7 ай бұрын
@@ElizabethUkeh when you have the mentality that "life is a choice" you are saying "life is expendable". Our parents blessed us with life. It's how we choose to live our that determines the outcome.
@Maksie0 7 ай бұрын
I'm going to make it a law that men can't ejaculate without them making sure that each and every sperm cell they produce finds an egg cell to fertilize. What, that sounds extremely impractical? Well you were a sperm cell once too, you know!
@mathieul4303 7 ай бұрын
@dannyphantom3090 7 ай бұрын
@FronteirWolf 7 ай бұрын
I don't have kids, so where's my 10 vacations a year? I thought that was part of the deal, so unfair!
@MrDabbles 7 ай бұрын
I’m a Christian and I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world if a couple doesn’t want to have kids I think the couples that don’t want to have kids probably for the most part realize that they wouldn’t be great parents too and that’s okay (Lord knows there’s a lot of people that probably should’ve never become parents). Now I think what is a problem is the people who are single and they say they don’t want to have kids but they sleep around and hook up with so many people and then get pregnant and have an abortion because they don’t want a kid. Just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♂️
@Charles-e4x 7 ай бұрын
As a millennial man, marriage and having kids has always been a dream of mine. And the desire only got stronger when I let God into my life and read Genesis for the first time. I'm sure it's going to be hard and I'm sure I'll make a lot of mistakes during the whole process. But nothing sounds as satisfying to me as raising children to know and love Christ. Even if they end up taking decades after growing up to do so. I know I didn't value or appreciate Him when I Was little. I pray that's what God has in mind for me.
@robertcarloslebo1522 7 ай бұрын
Prayed for you my Brother in Christ. God Bless… and a Gen Z Believer here. Peace within us through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Brethren.
@jalapenobusinesss 7 ай бұрын
So you started to talk about those who aren’t the nurturing type, but instead of addressing them, you just shared your own view on kids. I do believe that children are a blessing, and I don’t think it’s okay to discourage people from having them or to talk about them as if all they do is cost you money. But I just don't have that affinity that most people have for kids. I don't understand them, and they don't understand me. Like how some people just don't care for animals. Children should always be wanted.
@evage99 7 ай бұрын
I didn't understand anyone else's kids, and never really spent time with them after reaching adulthood myself; I absolutely understand MY kids, and love them with all my heart. Yes, wanting the children you create helps a lot. But the main thing is that, if you create a child you DON'T want, don't kill it. Give it to someone who does want it.
@Topg1 7 ай бұрын
@jalapenobusinesss 7 ай бұрын
@@evage99 absolutely. An unwanted pregnancy doesn’t justify abortion.
@dahliaherrod4301 7 ай бұрын
That's cool. How else can you be of service to humanity and utilize the gifts God has given you?
@sheethneaffer8614 7 ай бұрын
I am not going to lie. Me and my wife have been married for almost 2 years and we are not planning on having kids. I am turning 27 soon and it's just not something we desire to go through. One big factor for me is that we live far from my parents and there fore we would have to rely on the public schools or babysitters to raise the kid. With the way that the schools are nowadays, I just don't trust leaving my offspring to the hands of someone else. We aren't making enough to home school or private school.
@kaymojil7669 7 ай бұрын
Being a single and childless woman makes me feel like I don’t fit in with Christians my age. Having a normal family experience begets someone who wants to repeat it. I think somethings wrong with me. I can’t handle the thought of pregnancy or motherhood so good thing you (reader) didn’t marry someone like me Edit: I was raised by someone who wanted to have babies. Then she became a widow. So I’m a lifelong child and I could never endure what she did. I don’t know how to imagine risking it until I meet a man worth the risk
@theinvestigativemillennial9381 7 ай бұрын
There is no obligation to get married. You should seek help to heal trauma but if you still don't want kids afterwards or even marriage that is also fine.
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
We don't all want kids. You would have been an ideal woman to marry for us guys that don't want kids. 😎
@dahliaherrod4301 7 ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with you. Singlehood is also a ministry. Do you do any volunteer work or devote any time to your church or family? There are many ways to be of service outside of marriage and parenthood.
@tumelothatedit3484 7 ай бұрын
You not alone, im a christian not married yet and not kids. I dont want kids and its ok.
@irenicrose 7 ай бұрын
It's ok to be single and a Christian! Christian women can serve God in singleness. I do understand how you feel though, because churches are unfortunately not that welcoming of single women (my mom is a single mom). A lot of women in church struggle to not look down on single women because they often struggle with self righteousness.
@emilyperry9014 7 ай бұрын
I BEG YOU PLEASE!!!! Make a video about your marriage experience!! I just got engaged and me and my fiance have both struggled with only hearing the negatives of marriage.
@emilyperry9014 7 ай бұрын
So many married couples, healthy, happily married ones even seemed to only warn of the hard parts of marriage. I believe they said all that with good intentions, not wanting us to get married with the idea that marriage is always perfect and a fairytale. But there needs to be a balance too.
@bryanlim9817 7 ай бұрын
because it is true.
@queenchiomaofficial 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I’d love to hear it too. As a kingdom woman that’s preparing for marriage I’d like to hear more good/positive marriage experiences too as there are too many discouraging ones. Or some passion seems to be missing in some of the ones that seem to be working.
@youtubesucks4115 7 ай бұрын
Some of them are probably gonna end up with the "job" when their parents eventually get old and have to take care of them.
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
I'm a millennial and I don't want kids. If other people want kids, well good for them. 😎
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
If you don.t want kids then you can.t have s*x that's the rule 💀
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
Ur doomed
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
@@HowieAnimationsI know. 💀
@omotayosatuyi252 7 ай бұрын
@@HowieAnimationsIf they don't want to have kids that's fine
@qreua_3075 7 ай бұрын
Using fear to convince people not to have children is trash...but the world is gonna do what the world is gonna do. BUT. I think the worst thing we can do as Christians is try to comvince people who openly admit to not wanting children, that they should still have them. It would be better for them to regret NOT having children, then to have little souls in a home where they are resented by someone who never truly felt called to be a parent, but gave into pressure by their community and loved ones.
@rf7477 7 ай бұрын
Most religion is fear based, the mortal risk of offending an implacable sky monster. Thus we see "christians" bowing to the pressure of the their church (truly called) to have children in order to glorify their god.
@RalphCelian 7 ай бұрын
One of the core beliefs in my church is, "We live to leave a spiritual inheritance." It has always been a dream of mine to have children (preferably 3). But it's so amazing watching the newly wedded couples in my church getting pregnant. The gift of life is so precious. We all are a living testament to it and God's design is just so amazing. I'm obsessed with how God paints all the little features on us down to the point as which our eyebrows stop on our face. Continuing legacies makes God happy and it's so worth it.
@justincarrillo226 7 ай бұрын
It’s devastating that the younger generation sees children as a burden instead of a blessing from God.
@dannyphantom3090 7 ай бұрын
It's not all of us I'm 21 and love children and can't wait to be a father whenever I marry the right woman.
@justincarrillo226 7 ай бұрын
@@dannyphantom3090 that’s awesome, man. I hope you find an amazing wife and have amazing children. My wife is pregnant with our first and I’m excited to be a father.
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
☠️☠️☠️☠️ fr I definitely not a kid myself ☠️☠️☠️☠️
@SY-Rhyana 7 ай бұрын
Children are a blessing only to people who are called to be parents. If you notice in the Bible, not everyone is called to be married or to be parents. When people are forced to become parents just because society tells them to, they end up hating themselves and their kids.
@basicallyshalieen5574 7 ай бұрын
Most likely the majority where treated as one so who could you blame em for such mentality
@synnovaasselstine7131 7 ай бұрын
I'm a first-time mom with a 6 month old. It has been by far the hardest and most depressing, but also the most joyous and fulfilling experience of my life. Now that I've actually been through it, I know how ignorant I was before having kids, even though I've worked with and been around kids my whole life. I vow to not sugar coat the experience when others ask me about it, but be real and loving when talking to them. If you truly do not want kids, don't have them. I've wanted kids my whole life, and being a mother still has nearly destroyed me. I can't imagine raising a child I never even wanted in the first place. It's also not fair to the child if they know they were not wanted or are neglected because of it.
@eurekahope5310 6 ай бұрын
You are in the thick of it. My hardest time parenting was when I left my career and stayed home with my first for that first year or so. But I can tell you that it absolutely gets better and I am enjoying quite a few kiddos of differing ages. And each baby surprisingly gets easier as you feel more capable and relaxed and have the benefit of help and entertainers. I hope you will experience the joy of parenting as baby gains independence and you gain confidence in your ability. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
@josephgaytan1959 7 ай бұрын
This was a concept I struggled with. I’m in my 20’s and having kids scare me. Not because I don’t want to deal with them, but because I KNOW the responsibility of having kids. Especially if you’re a guy and you end up having a boy and now you’re that kids first impression of what it means to be a man. My dilemma is that I don’t want kids but one of my biggest dreams is to get married to a girl who shares my values…. But all the girls at my church have dreams of having a family. Same thing with all of my friends. They all dream of having kids. So maybe it’s just something I have to mature past.
@TheStarshipGarage 7 ай бұрын
I would say that it's a maturity thing, I was in the same camp, then I saw my sister have a child, and how despite that being hard, it was also worth it as that child has been a joy and blessing to all of my family's lives. And I also saw how my mom stepped in to help my sister in the early days, and that encouraged me. You're not alone.
@VPortho 7 ай бұрын
​@@TheStarshipGarage Same thing with me... once my brother and his wife had a kid, my opinion changed from not really wanting kids to the opposite of that.
@mikaylasiragusa6555 7 ай бұрын
The problem is is that most peoples’ emphasis is on money and they don’t even realize that money isn’t what makes life worth living. If you look at every relationship as a business transaction, then you’ll never find happiness.
@silaschambers7413 7 ай бұрын
"3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. 4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. 5 Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate." Psalm 127
@SY-Rhyana 7 ай бұрын
And yet the Bible also specifically talks about not all people being called for marriage and parenthood. Many people in the Bible remained single and celibate. What other people want to do with their lives is none of our business. If they don’t want to have children, that’s between them and God. That is certainly better than bringing babies into this world unwanted and unloved.
@elijahidemudia1607 7 ай бұрын
​@@SY-Rhyanathe Bible makes a note of being called to singleness but never a note to people who are married should receive a calling to be parents.
@SY-Rhyana 7 ай бұрын
@@elijahidemudia1607 Really? What about the couples in the Bible that are barren and never had children then? Remember Apostle Peter and his wife? They never had children.
@josiemystery 6 ай бұрын
Luke 23:29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Ecclesiastes 4:2-3 2 And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. 3 But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
@DestinyG.G 7 ай бұрын
As a single christian, who once wanted children so badly, so much so that it got in the way of my relationship with God. I can honestly say that it isn't always the plan for every christian. I am now so grateful I don't have children. I asked God to take that desire away, and he did. It was a stumbling block for me that has finally been removed. I can now live everyday chasing after him, with no distractions, growing deeper routes in God and proclaiming the gospel to His children. Being a teacher has also opened my eyes to the complexities of raising a whole human bean! It takes so much more than what many can even comprehend before conceiving. I think having children is beautiful and pleasing to God, but I also believe that singlessness or marriage without children are equally as Godly. It always comes down to the heart.
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
Are you married though?
@DestinyG.G 7 ай бұрын
@ModelJames13 'As a single christian'
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
@@DestinyG.GAh yes I see oops. You are very blessed. You asked God to take away your desire for kids and he did. I asked God to take away my desire for a wife and he won't. 💀
@DestinyG.G 7 ай бұрын
@ModelJames13 Perhaps God has a godly wife for you in your future, and he's preparing you for that. Or he will take away that desire but in time. It's a difficult one because I feel it's subjective to what God has planned for each person. But be encouraged. Whatever plan God has for you will come to pass! Give him your desires and wait, be still, and know that he is God. Put God first, seek first the kingdom of God, and he will give you everything you need.
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
@@DestinyG.GI hope your optimistic outlook comes to pass, because I am already well past my limit. 😎
@XTeam49 7 ай бұрын
My Grandfather used to say: ”Take care of the young on the way up, then they will take care of you on the way down.” Children are not just a burden, but they are also not just joy, they are as life is; up and down, and you get memories along the way, and it always pays off if you sacrifice stuff for someone else. God is clear on that matter, give him at least 10% of everything, and he will bless everything that you still have. My Grandfather sacrificed a lot, and he got a loving family for it and a STRONG faith. The key is to be selfless, to share love and easily forgive :) God bless you all!
@Stillpsycho 6 ай бұрын
As a believer in Christ I think children are a blessing...for other people but they would be a curse for me.
@tal8762 7 ай бұрын
Those who don’t have kids can teach kids, in Sunday School, VBS, etc.
@eurekahope5310 6 ай бұрын
But do they? I have been in church my entire life and cannot think of a single married teacher past 40 who didn't have children. I'm sure they exist, but I haven't experienced any volunteering for VBS, Sunday School, Awana, etc.
@tal8762 6 ай бұрын
@@eurekahope5310 I’ve known many over the years.
@jordanfgfox7237 7 ай бұрын
Raising children nowadays cost more than your student loaned debt at a 4 year college or reuniversity In my opinion it would be better to adopt children then making more children into this fallin world
@McGheeBentle 7 ай бұрын
No, and no. Children don’t have to cost that much. I have two children and it’s only about 1-2k more per year for both of them, which is significant, but it’s definitely something most people can afford. Life is always better than no life. Saying that we “shouldn’t bring children to this fallen world” is actually an evil thought that implies that the suffering of this life is the worst thing possible (it isn’t).
@ericaallisonc 6 ай бұрын
@@McGheeBentleyou say that like 24k is nothing? You do realize that in many states the cost of living is so expensive that 80-95% of your income can go to household costs alone. Where I live rent is between 1700-3500 a month, FOR AN APARTMENT. Many many many people, especially under 30 have been priced out of homes, are in debt from student loans, or forced to stay living with relatives. Many people want families but just can’t afford them.
@McGheeBentle 6 ай бұрын
@@ericaallisonc No, you misunderstood me. I meant that I am not spending anywhere near that amount. The cost of having kids is not even close to this ridiculously high number.
@kristinotto102 7 ай бұрын
Yes! I’ve been seeing this narrative of kids are bad/hard/a burden and don’t have them SO MUCH lately and it’s just so sad to me that even if these people really don’t end up having kids, other kids are going to hear these things. I adore my kids and they are definitely a sacrifice but they are SUCH a blessing.
@SY-Rhyana 7 ай бұрын
Children are only a blessing if you are called to be a parent. Not everyone is called to have children. Even in the Bible, many were single and pursuing the Lord. Having children does not solve problems. When people have children just because society tells them to, they end up hating themselves and their children.
@kristinotto102 7 ай бұрын
@@SY-Rhyana I'm not saying that everyone is called to have children, but those who don't have children shouldn't be demonizing children and saying that children shouldn't be out in public, that their parents are ruining/wasting their lives, etc. I definitely don't think people should have kids unless they actually want to, but I think it's a good thing for people to have kids that want to. And to not scare those on the fence out of having kids.
@CordeliaWagner1999 7 ай бұрын
Kids experience so many bad things, hearing childfree people say they don't want kids for rational reasons is your least concern!!!
@SY-Rhyana 7 ай бұрын
@@kristinotto102 You have a point but remember, it is the married ones with kids that acted superior first and they keep lording it over the singles and the child free acting like there is a problem with singleness and barreness. This is just the child free people's way of striking back. Personally, I don't care what people do but if people want to declare to the world that they want to be child free, then they have the right to do so. Just as societies and families stupidly pressure people who don't wanna have kids to have kids for the sake of "legacy".
@tal8762 7 ай бұрын
U made a lot of good points in the video. It’s not just the infertile who are childless by necessity. For some of us, God chose us to live a life of singleness. I wanted to marry, but that was not God’s will for my life. As a single Christian, sex should not be a part of life, therefore a lifelong single is childless.
@BansheeKing22 7 ай бұрын
I hate that so much. Being denied something good all because im ugly and no girl wants me. Being forced to be alone while everyone else gets the good things like marriage and kids and not having issues "burning with lust" because they have a spouse. I'm forced to end up just like my parents, alone and with no one. My bloodline dies with me and I'll be forgotten. No surprise since I always get the short end of the stick and lose every time.
@jalapenobusinesss 7 ай бұрын
@@BansheeKing22please don’t give up. There’s a lot more to people that physical appearance.
@evage99 7 ай бұрын
@@BansheeKing22 I haven't seen you, but I can tell you honestly that that attitude is much more ugly than your appearance could ever be. Be grateful for what you do have. Prayerfully request your desires and dreams, while sticking close to the Spirit. Whining and self-pity isn't attractive in anyone, especially not someone who claims to want a role as a provider and protector.
@JojoMensah_7 7 ай бұрын
keep your head up big bro@@BansheeKing22
@Mariana-vc6sv 7 ай бұрын
​@@BansheeKing22Us girls don't care about attractiveness as much as we do personality. What we want is a God fearing man that will treat us with respect and love! A man that possesses the fruits of the Spirit and loves the people around him. And yes, there are some girls that only care about finding an attractive guy, but that only means that they aren't ready for marriage (I advise you against dating those girls). As long as you put your confidence and sense of self-worth into the hands of the Lord, then you will naturally attract the girls around you (I have seen this work). Take advantage of this time of singlenesss by working on your relationship with God. Learn to have faith and rely on HIM to satisfy you, and not a wife and family. There is a guy in my church that is attractive to me, not because of his looks, but because of his love and faithfulness. He is attractive to me because of his genuine love for God and His word. Because of his love and kindness for the people around him. Your time will come, but for now prepare yourself and focus on God. May He bless you and your descendants, and I will be praying for you!! ❤🙏🔥
@Nomorehero07 7 ай бұрын
I personally don't choose to get married is because of how the dating culture is nowadays. Even before I found God, proverbs 21 19 is the verse I took to heart. While I agree that getting married is encourage, I don't think people should be forced or pressured to get married. Plus being single can be seen as a blessing, just look at the Apostle Paul who remain single throughout his life. It's that reason why I praise God for being single.
@liesdiebibelbruder420 7 ай бұрын
As a Father of a 3 Year old BOy let me tell you. I get Payed so much each day. No Job would be able to give me this Salary. Happiness,Fun,Love. Yes also responsibility. But everything that is worth having costs you something.
@TheHcjfctc 7 ай бұрын
The most difficult things are also the most rewarding. The rewards of parenting cannot be fully described or overemphasized, imo. The struggles can be over and understated, but oh the rewards! Becoming a parent helped me understand God more, to become less selfish, and to see gifts I never knew I had.
@onefoundationministries1988 7 ай бұрын
I’m a Christian man and recently divorced… I have a son who I love very much. I will say, though, that many people look at the climate of our society combined with an awareness of mental health and stress… strictly my opinion, true selfishness is indiscriminately popping out children left right center and sideways and then proceeding to be either absentee or extremely low grade parents. That is selfishness. And no in no way am I a supporter of abortion.
@BenT800 7 ай бұрын
I remember reading a comment on tiktok saying "there isn't any reason to want kids that ISN'T selfish" and i thought how ironic and selfish that statement was
@AngelissimaASMR 7 ай бұрын
I have endured traumatic births, babies who never sleep because of acid reflux, very very hard times in marriage, no familial support at all, moving around and friendlessness, no one to call when life gets rough, chronic pain, hopelessness, despair, many dark nights of the soul and all this to say I wouldn't trade this life for the world!!! My family is my biggest and only worthwhile blessing! It's an honor to take care of them in the beautiful mundane. How sad and meaningless pursuing my own selfishness would feel. Trials and hardships come to everyone. I see a lot of the DINKs boasting in things I wouldn't trade if I had the chance. Good for them, but I've experienced both and I like life with my family so much more 💖✨
@taram9409 7 ай бұрын
Amen sister! Me too!
@rhemalithduncan8802 7 ай бұрын
I appreciate this video... We have 3 grown kids; a son and two daughters... It is true... the days and nights were long and challenging, but every time my wife and I think back -- -- those precious years just wave right back at us!!... For me, the days were long but the YEARS ARE VERY SHORT!... Children ( and even the adopted ) are proof of God's blessing of wealth, purpose, and legacy that will last for an eternity! ( These peeps are really missing out! )
@Tamaris84 6 ай бұрын
Get this: - Some people don’t believe in God - Some people don’t read the Bible (but other books) - Some people don’t want to have kids You do you and that’s all that matters!
@nathanshaw9688 7 ай бұрын
My son is almost 2. I spent a half-hour today rolling his 2 toy cars across the room with him. It was WAY better than any video game or movie. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
@taram9409 7 ай бұрын
Aww, that is awesome. Definitely not a waste of time!!
@mlp023 7 ай бұрын
Being a parent isn't a "job". It's the most important role in any society.
@Di17227 7 ай бұрын
She has no idea that the love between a parent and a child makes her entire "checklist" worth all of it.
@fredricknoe3114 7 ай бұрын
Probably how her parents treated her.
@PamBeesly9545 7 ай бұрын
People, especially men love forcing children on women most of the time
@cellayth 4 ай бұрын
Im 40 and expecting my 3rd child. And all my kids are under 3 years. I feel I’m really fulfilled cause I married late and I worked in my job for over a decade and lived in 4 different countries. I never wanted something more than having kids but only if I’m in a marriage. I wasn’t religious that time. I just wanted to raise kids in a stable relationship. Kids are such a blessing and yes you need resources and energy and Patients and they are a huge responsibility. But I can’t go a day without being with them. That bond is so strong. I have to be honest I do have help at home with the kids though. Without it would be hard especially the first 3 years. But these little humans are so fulfilling and making my life full. I see life as stages. I had my freedom my party times & selfishness. It would be boring if life stays the same. I wouldn’t change a thing. But I totally respect and understand if people don’t want kids.
@Daniel-Deshaun 7 ай бұрын
I want a family but I want a house to raise that family safely in…
@tndm8312 7 ай бұрын
No matter the house, they'll be safe as long as they know you're there and coming home at the end of the day 💯
@ericaallisonc 6 ай бұрын
@@tndm8312have you seen the cost of housing? I can’t even afford an apartment by myself. 😂
@ElizabethUkeh 7 ай бұрын
Also, pregnancy ruins a women's bodies, not only appearance but function. Urinary incontinence and weaken abdominal muscles are common side effects that plague mothers forever. When my aunt told me that she had to cross her legs hard anytime she sneezed or some pee would drip out, my heartbroke. 😢 And kids are so expensive especially in today's economy. I've seen the poor save up for their kid's clothes or school fees when they are malnourished and wearing rags, I always wondered how much better their lives would be if they had no kids and that money could go to meals or clothes.
@kimalonzo3363 7 ай бұрын
@CassTeaElle 7 ай бұрын
I don't want children, for a vast number of reasons. I don't think it makes me selfish, nor do I believe that I'm doing anything wrong in God's eyes. If Paul says that being single is good for the kingdom of God, because you can devote more of yourself to serving God, then why would that not also be true for a married couple without children? Some people may have selfish reasons to not want kids, sure, but there are also many valid reasons, and I think people need to stop shaming others for simply deciding not to be parents. It's not for everybody. I do, however, agree that it is a bit of a problem that society has framed having children as such a horrible burden with no positive side. I think this is an overcorrection from a previous issue, which was when nobody would ever dare speak of the difficulties and would instead just suffer in silence, thinking they are the only ones struggling with being a parent. It was good for people to be more open about the hard parts. But it seems that has led to a lot of people only seeing the hard parts now, and forgetting the good parts.
@JoshMcSwain 7 ай бұрын
I am glad you took on the subject with some nuance, which is far more than I can say for some like Matt Walsh. There can be many reasons why someone wouldn't want to have kids. Perhaps they have a bad medical condition that they don't want to pass onto children. Perhaps they had a parent leave them as a child and were forced to take care of younger siblings most of their childhood. Perhaps they don't have a stable financial situation and can't raise children well. It's always struck me as funny that parents bash DINKS and others as awful hedonists. Well, giving children to awful hedonists I am sure will work out well. Not everyone is meant to be a parent. But I will agree with you that everyone needs to find a way to serve in their church or community regardless of whatever condition they find themselves in. Everyone needs to be plugged in somewhere because isolation is where many people falter spiritually. Even as a single guy I can say that having kids provides a blessing that nothing else in the world can. Nobody should just write off the idea of being a parent in a very reckless way. So all this to say, before you decide which way to go know why you are doing that and be intentional with it. Lastly, I've always found it ironic that Christians are supposed to follow Jesus, who didn't have children... (I'm not saying no Christians should have kids obviously, but there's nothing to make me think that procreating is mandatory--if it were then nobody would be made infertile, right?)
@thomassandoval8025 7 ай бұрын
I accept your apology. Dont let it happen again.
@NanaHoneyB 6 ай бұрын
My issue is how negatively people talk about children… I get that we live in a society with few healthy marriages and a difficult economy, but you can make the decision to not have children without not only denying that they are a blessings, human beings with feelings. “Hating” kids is so disgusting to me.
@FronteirWolf 7 ай бұрын
I loved doing my A levels. It meant a huge workload, a lot of stress, a few rebukes from my teachers, not getting to read a book which wasn't a textbook for a couple of years, all nighters spent getting homework done, etc. Doesn't sound like an amazing experience when you just look at that. But the subjects I did were so interesting. I got up to all kinds of fun with my peers as well, and got a couple trips abroad out of it. The freedom I had was amazing, particularly for me as it was the first time since I was 4 that I didn't have a 1-to-1 assistant. I would 100% recommend A levels, even though it was hard.
@oldmanjankens6016 7 ай бұрын
I will say, as a women your experience with children greatly depends on the person you choose to marry. Having an involved and present father who is active in parenting makes all the difference. I love being a mother because the burden isn't all on me. They are amazing and I look forward to having many more
@TheStarshipGarage 7 ай бұрын
Anything worthwhile takes sacrifice. That's the bottom line. I hate seeing people make up excuses for not having kids for surface-level reasons. If you don't want to have kids, just say that. It's a personal decision, not an ethical one (many of their ethical arguments fall flat on their face if you really dig into them) This is all just selfishness through and through. Being fulfilled by your career is pretty meaningless. Your job being the only thing in your life that fulfills you is rather hollow. You can't take your riches with you to heaven. I've done a fair bit of traveling in my life already, and it's exciting, but not fulfilling. I'd rather wait to take my kids around the world with me. My planned career is to be a youth pastor, where I'll get to teach the next generation about God's word and equip them to spread the Good News. But aside from that, I want to have kids. At first, I wasn't so sure about ever having kids, until my sister had her daughter, and now I see how much of a joy and blessing they are for the whole family, I also saw how my mom stepped in to help my sister on the difficult early days of being a new mother, which has also encouraged me since now I know that I won't be alone. I want to be a good father and set a good example for them and raise wise men and women who will be disciples of Christ. It will be hard, but it will be worth it in the end. The hard part now is finding a wife. 😅 I think these people are the vocal minority, I think most millennials are having kids and are enjoying raising them. They're just not on Instagram and tiktok since they have better things to do. And some people who once swore they would never have kids ended up having them and having their initial reservations blown away. My parents have described to me the feeling of having a child and that sense of love. But they've also told me that it's hard to explain it until you've experienced it for yourself.
@dannyphantom3090 7 ай бұрын
I 100% agree if you don't want the responsibility of being a parent just say that but the reasons they give are so shallow and 1 dimensional.
@bradleypaulus2926 7 ай бұрын
We should all respect everyone's opinions. The Word NEVER sats we must have children. Even Paul said it is better for a man not to touch a woman - unless he cannot control his sexual desire. So please stop the meanness and putting people down. The Creator wants us to love our neighbor, not say mean things to them.
@Naturallife7. 7 ай бұрын
If they can't bring up godly seeds/children, it's best they don't have children.
@lys2303 7 ай бұрын
I love children, I’d love to mother a child and I don’t believe it is right to have children for the child’s sake. I choose not to have children because I can’t justify forcing a child into this world where they will experience suffering. The child should not exist for the sake of the parent or the rest of the world. The child should not have to carry that burden. I was a child who wished I’d never been born. I’d never want another child to feel the same way. I work with kids at church and I love all of them, children are wonderful beings and I enjoy teaching and caring for them. Children are blessings. But I wish no one had kids.
@sam_tate 7 ай бұрын
I think you're right about God wanting us to continue a legacy of godliness to the next generation. We didn't want kids, but God has given us 2 kids so far. I think that because we value being godly, that we've been tasked with passing it on.
@nameirrelevant0 7 ай бұрын
When you create a soul, that soul is going to spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. How confident are you that you can ensure your children's salvation? It's ultimately between them and God. And knowing how horrible Hell will be, I want no part of creating souls that have even a chance of ending up there. There are some un-selfish reasons to abstain from procreating.
@Thatchristianguy77 7 ай бұрын
Personally I don't want kids. The world is in a steady moral decline and most people don't want a genuine relationship they want sex and money. Im not putting a child through this disgraceful nonsense we call life.
@dahliaherrod4301 7 ай бұрын
And what are you doing to combat the moral decline? There are many ways to be of service outside of marriage and parenthood.
@Thatchristianguy77 7 ай бұрын
@dahliaherrod4301 what little i can. I ask God for the ability and desire to do more. But the world is destined for destruction. It will not be stopped not even by God. The best we can do is bring what others decide to come to Jesus before Judgement comes.
@dahliaherrod4301 7 ай бұрын
@@Thatchristianguy77 true but there's no retirement in Christianity. We're all called to work while the sun is shining. God gives us spiritual gifts specifically to aid us in our work. I'm glad about it too as KZbinrs like Daily Disciple helped me come to Christ two years ago. I think you underestimate how much you can do and how much your work matters to all of us. I think God will answer your prayers if He hasn't already and wish you well on your journey.
@KiraYamatoinX10A 7 ай бұрын
So one thing to note, it's not just the West. Population decline is global(including, believe it or not, Africa) and it's worse in places like Korea and Japan than most of the West. The reasons are multiple, but for the West I believe it's mostly selfishness and a notion that kids are bad(for the environment, or the world isn't safe enough or too many people, ironic I know).
@evage99 7 ай бұрын
Illustrious politician Ralph Nadler, champion of "women's rights" including full-term ab0rtion, is okay with the invasion of illegals into the US because "We aren't reproducing at replacement rates" anymore. Oh, the stupidity.
@RemsHusband 7 ай бұрын
The reason the population is stagnating in Korea and Japan is because of the horrid work culture. It leaves no time for anything but work. The same goes for many western countries, but to a lesser extent. More people than ever cannot buy a home and are living paycheck to paycheck. Not an environment you want to be raising a kid in.
@irenicrose 7 ай бұрын
Ironically though, the whole overpopulation argument that Americans make doesn't even effect us personally. In the USA we have so much land that if it were divided amongst the current population we'd have a couple acres a person.
@caseychupinski7553 6 ай бұрын
I’ve wanted to be a Dad since I was 13. When I was 19, I lived with a girl I was madly in love with, but 2 months in I got a bad concussion. She then spent the next 7 months tormenting me, and gaslighting me, and manipulating me into being so miserable I would take my life over her, and she happily confessed to it when I confronted her. I’m also autistic, and that experience has stuck with me since, and I have flashbacks because of it. I haven’t been able to trust a woman since, and most women aren’t interested in even talking to me anyway. I recently finished mourning that I’ll never meet my children, but it just hurts knowing it’s impossible for someone to love me unless they’re obligated to. Otherwise, I would love to be a dad, but I don’t think God wants me to be.
@TheZeroLatitud 7 ай бұрын
Something I find interesting about 'DINKS' is not the fact they enjoy not having kids, but that they seem to feel the need of convincing others to do the same.
@dannyphantom3090 7 ай бұрын
Exactly it's like if that's what you want enjoy but why are you trying to push it on everyone. It's kind of a double standard because these are the same people who say religious people push their beliefs on everyone
@theinvestigativemillennial9381 7 ай бұрын
It's not unusual different people talk about different things that they enjoy most of these "DINKS" are not saying nobody should have kids but are trying to have a place where you can be with other like minded people. Others who have kids also want other people to have kids and are in need of convincing others in fact they call everyone who doesn't want kids selfish, which is not true.
@TheZeroLatitud 7 ай бұрын
@@theinvestigativemillennial9381 I agree, it goes both ways.
@bryanlim9817 7 ай бұрын
correct! just like how parents feel the need to convince childfree people to breed.
@aidan9656 7 ай бұрын
There’s literally nobody out there trying to convince folks not to have kids lol 💀
@Samfan4Films777 7 ай бұрын
Children are a glory of God. "Be fruitful and multiply"
@bradleypaulus2926 7 ай бұрын
I'm sure they are for some, just not for everyone.
@tylerperrow3680 7 ай бұрын
I’m a father as of December 26th 2023. My wife and I did not plan nor are ready for our Son but we stepped up anyways and now we are extremely happy. Having a child takes a lot of work and commitment but it sure is worth it. I love my son.
@josiemystery 6 ай бұрын
Luke 23:29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Ecclesiastes 4:2-3 2 And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. 3 But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.
@dominicadrean2160 7 ай бұрын
I have a question for anyone have any of you prayed for financial success or just for money ( I have to say I don't believe in the Prosperity Gospel or what false prophets preached like Joel Osteen does I don't believe any of that) I'm just really asking God to help me get out of this country America to escape this country economic turmoil and failure in just have enough money to just leave this country and live my life I am autistic And live with my parents which I absolutely hate and I mentally curse myself a lot for my failures and mistakes and the things I should have done which if I made the right choices I wouldn't be in this position in my life
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
You want to leave America? It's only gonna be worse somewhere else.
@ericaallisonc 6 ай бұрын
Lol, it’s bad everywhere boo boo. 😂
@liamodonovan6610 7 ай бұрын
The childfree people are here to stay iam genuinely childfree i have plenty of mental and physical health issues that i do not want to pass on there are way too many humans on the planet
@waldo..8021 7 ай бұрын
Same here. If I did have kids it would be like playing Russian roulette with their lives.
@liamodonovan6610 7 ай бұрын
@@waldo..8021 you are absolutely right
@Doctor-Stoppage 7 ай бұрын
​​@@waldo..8021That's how I felt as well. I'm a man. When I was young I made a decision thatI wouldn't have children unless I was stable and could provide for them adequately. I actually figured that if I was in a position to have children I'd adopt. And I didn't end up in a position where it would have been responsible to have children.
@wendydarling8192 7 ай бұрын
To be honest if I have a child, that child will have all they need from me expect true motherly love. Like they will have food and shelter, but not a relationship and that’s not fair for the baby.
@liamodonovan6610 7 ай бұрын
@@wendydarling8192 totally agree eith you a child deserves to feel wanted
@samuelholt983 7 ай бұрын
our culture is too self centered
@rf7477 7 ай бұрын
You need to speak for yourself.
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
​@@rf7477 speak for your self I saw that video of you it was disturbing 💀☠️☠️
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
​@@rf7477 I hope you liked the way it smelled bro better get that nose and mouth ready ☠️
@holyexperience1976 6 ай бұрын
For those who are infertile but have plenty of finances, maybe consider adopting. Pray and ask the Lord about it and making a way if He wills.
@sw6951 7 ай бұрын
My reason is I can barely keep myself alive 😂. I’ll be a great godly aunty though ❤
@elishaso 7 ай бұрын
I haven't watched your vids in a while and when I decide to come back for a visit, I find out you're married????? Congrats, man! :D
@GAURON123 7 ай бұрын
I cant even get GF lol how you expect me to have kids
@JustinRivera-iq9ss 7 ай бұрын
I’m 13 and the fact that these women are seeing these things upset me.
@JustinRivera-iq9ss 7 ай бұрын
*saying not seeing*
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
​@JustinRivera-iq9ss sorry bud you been caught 💀
@HowieAnimations 7 ай бұрын
​@JustinRivera-iq9ss it's over 😢 💔 🙏 🪦 😌 ☹️ rip rip rip rip
@ericaallisonc 6 ай бұрын
Not all women want kids. I don’t like children, I’m a career woman who finds fulfillment in my work and hobbies, I would be miserable as a mother or home maker. Even if I did want kids I couldn’t afford them. WA has made owning a home almost impossible for first time buyers, childcare in Seattle costs almost 30k a year, and renting an apartment costs me 1k for a single room with no kitchen and a single shared bathroom where we had to wash our dishes 2 feet from where we pissed and showered. So many people can’t afford the kids they bring into the world, especially Christians. I worked for low income housing and so many people the government hands money out to are the same people who say “god will provide”, it’s not god Cheryl, it’s the tax payers who are keeping your children fed … thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 😂
@prodigaldaughter5978 6 ай бұрын
I'm a single parent. Being a parent is very difficult. Would it have been better if I was married and had help from my child's father? Yes but such is not the case. But in scripture, it says that children are a gift from God
@Khorne_of_the_Hill 4 ай бұрын
Maybe we should stop thinking about things like love and family through the same lens through which we soulless corporate office jobs lol I remember thinking this way when I was young and immature, but even when I was still a Godless heathen (praise be that I never took pride in that lol) I could still see how amazing it would be to be able to pass along what meager knowledge and wisdom I have to my children and through that make the world a better place. I don't have any kids of my own yet, but my best friend's daughter loves me and even occasionally listens to me, and it truly is a blessing to know how much I matter to her and that I truly make a difference
@annamcfarland492 7 ай бұрын
I love, love, love, your take on this! It gave new insight and makes me want to invest in my daughter even more. Also, lets be real... who in their right mind can afford ten vacations a year 😂🤣
@jessirose25 7 ай бұрын
Something I love that you mentioned, Isaac, is generational curses. I come from a line of dad issues and abuse. And I've prayed that those end with me. I'm still single. But with all that said, I have to surrender my fear of having children (Lord willing) one day and failing them. It's not easy, but I've wrestled with the idea of having kids bc of it all.
@BansheeKing22 7 ай бұрын
Its not that we don't want kids, its the fact that you need someone to want to be with you to actually have them and if no one wants you then theres nothing you can do about it. Sure I'd love to have a couple kids but no girl wants me and so that dream is dead. Just like the dream of marriage is dead. God cant force someone to want you. If they dont want you then they never will. Its unfortunate but thats how the world works. Many of us will have to live the rest of our lives never having the desire for marriage and kids fulfilled while watching everyone else, including other believers get what we wanted for so long and being forced to be alone. Plus im fairly certain I'd be a terrible father and husband anyway so it's no surprise no one wants me.
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
I can understand thinking you'd be a terrible father, but what makes you think you'd be a terrible husband?
@omotayosatuyi252 7 ай бұрын
@@ModelJames13imagine bashing by someone because they don't want to have kids that tells me more about u than it does the commenter
@ModelJames13 7 ай бұрын
@@omotayosatuyi252You're not making sense.
@leadhesh 7 ай бұрын
Psalm 127 is the definitive Christian view on having kids
@Baileypatt97 7 ай бұрын
I’m single but have the strong desire to be married and be a husband and father one day Lord willing. I love what you said at the end saying that raising kids is of eternal significance. I totally agree! I think we’ve become so selfish and self-absorbed in our modern culture that we think of sacrifice as disgusting and putrid. Sacrifice is difficult because you are laying your own desires down for another’s benefit and that is beautiful. God showed us that with sacrifice on the cross. How great is our God’s love for us and His death and resurrection is of the upmost importance eternally. We get to be in a loving and life giving relationship with our Maker when we believe in Him for our salvation.
@jean-noeljabagi3653 7 ай бұрын
I'm a millennial and I love having my own children and I'm a man in my 30s(37 to be precise),why not???
@Sh4rkeBotxD 7 ай бұрын
I used to find it hard to bond with my son, and I wasn’t sure I wanted a child and my son happened to too fast. Sadly it doesn’t work with his mother, but after finely giving my all to Christ my perspective change. He turn my selfishness towards my child to understand He is my blessing while I get fed up and I’m not the greatest dad ever and his mom doesn’t like how I am. My little man I wouldn’t change anything, life is so much boring and depressing when he isn’t around, specially myself being a Dad and a guy, loneliness can creep in. I want my son to not experience the downfalls and issues I have, and teaching him a little and seen how he learns and levels up makes me happy. The Bible spoke of the love of many growing cold so nothing is surprising
@kristismyk1930 7 ай бұрын
Haha what! I met my coworker before starting the “job”, I married him!😂 Not sure why people can’t just live their lives without feeling the need to shame others for their choices & make their own seem like the best & only way to live lol
@JosephFutsum 7 ай бұрын
issac is ready for a baby, just cuz of the mustache :). Love your content man
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