Mind-Blowing ChatGPT Prompt for Instant Conversation in Any Language

  Рет қаралды 4,789

Tony Marsh

Tony Marsh

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 85
@MisterGames Ай бұрын
Anecdote: around 20 years ago i was one of 3 the Hoist Operators on a construction site with Chinese drywallers and Korean tilers. With their help i learned "what floor do you want?" and "this is your floor" as well as greetings, come in and numbers. I considered this a "language cluster" on the topic of getting in the construction elevator and going somewhere. I got so fluid with this cluster, when a site supervisor was in the cabin and saw me fluently speak to the Chinese and Koreans he reportedly told the others to keep me on because "he can speak Chinese and Korean". I can see how what i did fits in with your table, so i know it works! Currently learning Dutch by Music, TV series and ChatGPT generated 500 word dual language stories, written in first person like a friend telling their buddy about something while they drink coffee in a cafe. I think this table is an awesome addition. Thanks for sharing it, and how to get ChatG to help enhance it!
@anisolo07 Ай бұрын
Would you be able to share a video or doc about the dual language stories? i find that very interesting. Thank You for sharing your experiences.
@MisterGames Ай бұрын
@@anisolo07 It is very simple: "Drawing from only the 1000 most common words, write a 500 word short story, written in TARGET LANGUAGE. Write it in first person as if one person telling their friend the story over coffee in a cafe." Then once it is done, "Now give me the same story in English". And there you have the same 500 word story in your Target Language and English. And if you have seen the video of Dr Brown learning Arabic by having people explain/describe what is going on in pictures, you can do the same with ChatG. "Describe what is going on in this picture" and then paste an image from a stock photo place, free places, or from one you took yourself. Hope this helps.
@stephaniegeisel 2 күн бұрын
I just found your channel within the last hour. I’m trying to learn Turkish on my own and your videos are probably the best information I’ve seen on how to get conversational quickly. I’m going to try this for sure.
@jeremykirk2508 Ай бұрын
I’m learning Spanish. I’ve been using this method in my head while working, choosing a topic then using the who/what/when/where/why/how. ChatGPT really speeds up the process. I look forward to trying this.
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
That's excellent
@Stevenwalks Ай бұрын
How do you use it practically? Do you repeat the sentences? Learn by hard?
@saltymangoparty Ай бұрын
Also I used your verb seed tree with my students today, I am an English teacher in Kyrgyzstan. Thanks for posting so many videos!
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
That's absolutely excellent ... other teachers using this method to teach is very exciting for me
@wanik4 Ай бұрын
Japanese. I use it in the car to have general conversations, and going through generating me new kanji, sentences, and vocabulary every day.
@definitelya5660 Ай бұрын
I’m currently residing in China, learning Mandarin, and I can confidently say that your system works. Whenever I encounter unfamiliar input, I simply paste it into the table and learn it right away. Most importantly, I can easily revise it whenever needed. It’s even more exciting to add new elements to the script, such as phrases for ordering food. It makes me feel like I have complete control over my language learning process.
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
That's absolutely excellent, and precisely the spirit of the method
@definitelya5660 Ай бұрын
@Stevenwalks Ай бұрын
Once you have generated your sentences what is next? Learn them by heart? Say them out loud? Repeat? Grind?
@TonyLudlow Ай бұрын
I'm learning Japanese. I haven't tried this method yet, but it looks interesting. Thank you!
@ethandouro4334 26 күн бұрын
Have you tried? How's it going
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
You're welcome, thank you very much
@aguy3082 Ай бұрын
I'm learning Mandarin right now. I'm through the first level of the government's curriculum/vocab list. Gonna keep grinding vocab and using this to improve conversational (on top of video/audio).
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
@eduardoarce2255 Ай бұрын
I'm currently learning russian and I think this method is really helpful for learning new vocabulary because you can learn a verb using different contexts. So that, you can memorise new verbs easier. I will apply for this! Thanks for this helpful video!
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Very happy to hear that, thank you very much
@Frank-po2ir Ай бұрын
Wow great👍 learning Italian
@mmafightcoach Ай бұрын
Nice approach
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Thank you very much
@RogerRamos1993 Ай бұрын
I've tried something similar for training speaking in 4 languages at the same time. But that's exactly what I wanted (statement, y n q, open question, useful exp) but I might never have come up with that exact template on my own. So, thanks. I'll try it and post the result here.
@RogerRamos1993 Ай бұрын
### **Romanian Sentences: Politics and Economics** Below is a table of **20 sentences** with variations, including a statement, a yes/no question with an answer, an open question with an answer, and a related useful expression. --- | **Statement** | **Yes/No Question & Answer** | **Open Question & Answer** | **Useful Expression** | |----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | Guvernul a adoptat o nouă lege fiscală. *(The government adopted a new tax law.)* | Guvernul a adoptat o lege fiscală? Da, a adoptat-o. *(Did the government adopt a tax law? Yes, it did.)* | Ce lege a adoptat guvernul? O lege fiscală. *(What law did the government adopt? A tax law.)* | Este important să urmărim legile fiscale. *(It is important to follow tax laws.)* | | Economia țării crește rapid. *(The country's economy is growing quickly.)* | Economia țării crește? Da, crește rapid. *(Is the country's economy growing? Yes, it's growing quickly.)* | Cum crește economia țării? Rapid. *(How is the country's economy growing? Quickly.)* | Creșterea economică aduce stabilitate. *(Economic growth brings stability.)* | | Șomajul este în scădere. *(Unemployment is decreasing.)* | Șomajul este în scădere? Da, este. *(Is unemployment decreasing? Yes, it is.)* | De ce scade șomajul? Datorită noilor politici economice. *(Why is unemployment decreasing? Due to new economic policies.)* | Politicile de reducere a șomajului sunt eficiente. *(Unemployment reduction policies are effective.)* | | Inflația afectează puterea de cumpărare. *(Inflation affects purchasing power.)* | Inflația afectează puterea de cumpărare? Da, afectează. *(Does inflation affect purchasing power? Yes, it does.)* | Cum afectează inflația economia? Reduce puterea de cumpărare. *(How does inflation affect the economy? It reduces purchasing power.)* | Trebuie să controlăm inflația. *(We must control inflation.)* | | Bugetul național a fost aprobat ieri. *(The national budget was approved yesterday.)* | Bugetul a fost aprobat? Da, ieri. *(Was the budget approved? Yes, yesterday.)* | Cine a aprobat bugetul? Parlamentul. *(Who approved the budget? The parliament.)* | Discutarea bugetului este esențială. *(Discussing the budget is essential.)* | | Prețurile energiei sunt în creștere. *(Energy prices are increasing.)* | Prețurile energiei cresc? Da, sunt în creștere. *(Are energy prices increasing? Yes, they are.)* | De ce cresc prețurile energiei? Din cauza cererii mari. *(Why are energy prices increasing? Because of high demand.)* | Consumatorii sunt afectați de creșterea prețurilor. *(Consumers are affected by rising prices.)* | | Exporturile au crescut cu 10%. *(Exports increased by 10%.)* | Exporturile au crescut? Da, cu 10%. *(Did exports increase? Yes, by 10%.)* | Cu cât au crescut exporturile? Cu 10%. *(By how much did exports increase? By 10%.)* | Exporturile sunt vitale pentru economie. *(Exports are vital for the economy.)* | | Corupția este o problemă majoră. *(Corruption is a major issue.)* | Corupția este o problemă? Da, este majoră. *(Is corruption a problem? Yes, it is a major one.)* | De ce este corupția o problemă? Afectează încrederea în instituții. *(Why is corruption a problem? It affects trust in institutions.)* | Lupta împotriva corupției este necesară. *(Fighting corruption is necessary.)* | | PIB-ul țării a crescut anul trecut. *(The GDP of the country grew last year.)* | PIB-ul a crescut anul trecut? Da, a crescut. *(Did the GDP grow last year? Yes, it did.)* | Cum a crescut PIB-ul? Datorită investițiilor. *(How did the GDP grow? Due to investments.)* | Un PIB puternic înseamnă o economie stabilă. *(A strong GDP means a stable economy.)* | | Alegerile parlamentare vor avea loc în martie. *(Parliamentary elections will take place in March.)* | Alegerile vor avea loc în martie? Da, în martie. *(Will elections take place in March? Yes, in March.)* | Când vor avea loc alegerile? În martie. *(When will the elections take place? In March.)* | Votul este un drept fundamental. *(Voting is a fundamental right.)* | | Taxele pentru IMM-uri au fost reduse. *(Taxes for SMEs have been reduced.)* | Taxele au fost reduse? Da, pentru IMM-uri. *(Were taxes reduced? Yes, for SMEs.)* | Pentru cine au fost reduse taxele? Pentru IMM-uri. *(For whom were taxes reduced? For SMEs.)* | Reducerea taxelor încurajează afacerile mici. *(Tax reductions encourage small businesses.)* | | Parlamentul discută o nouă lege electorală. *(The parliament is discussing a new electoral law.)* | Parlamentul discută o lege? Da, una electorală. *(Is the parliament discussing a law? Yes, an electoral one.)* | Ce discută parlamentul? O nouă lege electorală. *(What is the parliament discussing? A new electoral law.)* | Dezbaterea legilor este parte a democrației. *(Debating laws is part of democracy.)* | | Proiectele de infrastructură sunt în derulare. *(Infrastructure projects are ongoing.)* | Proiectele sunt în derulare? Da, sunt. *(Are the projects ongoing? Yes, they are.)* | Ce proiecte sunt în derulare? Cele de infrastructură. *(What projects are ongoing? The infrastructure ones.)* | Infrastructura bună sprijină economia. *(Good infrastructure supports the economy.)* | | Șomajul în rândul tinerilor rămâne ridicat. *(Youth unemployment remains high.)* | Șomajul rămâne ridicat? Da, în rândul tinerilor. *(Does unemployment remain high? Yes, among youth.)* | Cine este cel mai afectat de șomaj? Tinerii. *(Who is most affected by unemployment? The youth.)* | Soluții pentru tineri sunt necesare. *(Solutions for youth are necessary.)* | | Politicile fiscale favorizează investițiile. *(Fiscal policies favor investments.)* | Politicile fiscale favorizează investițiile? Da, le favorizează. *(Do fiscal policies favor investments? Yes, they do.)* | Ce favorizează politicile fiscale? Investițiile. *(What do fiscal policies favor? Investments.)* | Investițiile aduc locuri de muncă. *(Investments bring jobs.)* | | Opoziția critică guvernul. *(The opposition criticizes the government.)* | Opoziția critică guvernul? Da, îl critică. *(Does the opposition criticize the government? Yes, it does.)* | De ce critică opoziția guvernul? Din cauza deciziilor recente. *(Why does the opposition criticize the government? Because of recent decisions.)* | Critica poate îmbunătăți deciziile. *(Criticism can improve decisions.)* | | Dezvoltarea rurală este o prioritate. *(Rural development is a priority.)* | Dezvoltarea rurală este o prioritate? Da, este. *(Is rural development a priority? Yes, it is.)* | Ce este o prioritate? Dezvoltarea rurală. *(What is a priority? Rural development.)* | Zonele rurale au nevoie de susținere. *(Rural areas need support.)* | | Investitorii străini sunt interesați de țară. *(Foreign investors are interested in the country.)* | Investitorii străini sunt interesați? Da, sunt. *(Are foreign investors interested? Yes, they are.)* | Cine este interesat de țară? Investitorii străini. *(Who is interested in the country? Foreign investors.)* | Investițiile străine stimulează economia. *(Foreign investments stimulate the economy.)* | | Administrația publică a fost reformată. *(The public administration has been reformed.)* | Administrația a fost reformată? Da, a fost. *(Was the administration reformed? Yes, it was.)* | Ce a fost reformat? Administrația publică. *(What was reformed? The public administration.)* | Reforma administrației este necesară. *(Reforming the administration is necessary.)* | --- Let me know if you'd like similar tables for other topics!
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
Excellent Roger, my pleasure
@tombaryla 28 күн бұрын
Who knows how to quickly create an audio file for a given row and add it to the last column? It would be amazing!
@LanguageMatrix 27 күн бұрын
That's a good call ... being able to click the cell and hear it would be nice right?
@palgotzoona Ай бұрын
Very nice! I’m just starting to ramp up my conversational ability in Korean using your method, and this helps a lot in generating the templates. I’m testing it in Grok instead of ChatGPT, and it works fine here too. Never thought to be lazy and just plug in a screenshot for it to analyze!
@LanguageMatrix 29 күн бұрын
@LicLafarga Ай бұрын
Good, very useful to mingle vocab with usage, very clever, thanks!
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
Thanks very much
@tombaryla 28 күн бұрын
Wow! This is awesome! I absolutely love this method. I thought I wouldn't find anything new, but I was really, really wrong. This method is mind-blowing! What do you think about adding a translation in the same cell for unfamiliar vocabulary?
@LanguageMatrix 27 күн бұрын
Hi Tom, super happy you like it. You can tell it to add a row underneath with translation. You can even say make a row for Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and you'll have a 4 language or more instant infinite conversation generator.
@desh1006 28 күн бұрын
What is your advice at B1 and B2 level? Maybe some video on how to develop higher levels of a foreign language
@tinynhhouse5467 Ай бұрын
Fantastic video! Thank you! I am learning Spanish. These are the steps I followed: I took a screenshot of the Spanish matrix from your video. I imported the image into Google Keep and grabbed the text in Spanish, using Keep's built in Optical Character Recognition capability. I copied the text into a spreadsheet and then exported the spreadsheet as a CSV file. I opened the CSV file in a text editor and copied the text. I told Chat GPT to "Create a table from the following: " and pasted in the text from the CSV file. Chat GPT created the table just like in your video. I told Chat GPT to "Do the same thing with 3 additional lines related to the topic Viajes" It recreated the table with 3 new lines next to the topic Viajes, with new Statements, Questions and Useful Expressions. I can make flashcards from the Chat GPT screen but I told it to "Export this table in CSV format". It takes about 30 seconds and then Chat GPT gave me a link to download the CSV file, which I can import into a spreadsheet. Thanks again. - Dave
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Excellent, that is awesome
@MrTobypowell Ай бұрын
Gonna give this a shot with Thai
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
@clawnz2193 Ай бұрын
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
Very welcome
@christopherjanik7227 Ай бұрын
How do you recommend advancing progression with this method? Add progressively difficult columns?
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Short answer, yes. Slightly longer answer, learn to say the things you want to say first, and from that, extract the patterns you. need to say everything else.
@ethandouro4334 26 күн бұрын
As a native Portuguese speaker, I'll use this for english too, thank you
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
@brettmahlen722 Ай бұрын
French, modern greek, ancient greek, Latin, German
@RogerRamos1993 Ай бұрын
Yes, I have used ChatGPT in a similar way a few times to train conversation in Romanian Italian French Catalan Spanish and a bit of German. 3 or 4 languages at the same time. I would ask it to provide me 30 or 40 sentences (the same sentences in all the languages) in a certain topic or a grammar topic (som. like "many sentences in French Spanish Italian in the subjunctive in many tenses using different pronouns). I get too excited with Chatgpt, so I use it moderatelly. I've been using to translate pieces of news for me by creating interlinear versions of them and providing sentence examples with a word of his choice. And the same for reading Kafka in its original German. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me.
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
That's excellent
@adrianhughes1737 Ай бұрын
Learning brazilian portuguese, this will be helpful for me 😁 muito obrigado
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Nice Adrian, coincidentally just did a Brazilian Portuguese lesson with Professor Fabio: kzbin.info/www/bejne/ZofFqXiaiK6jmK8
@adrianhughes1737 Ай бұрын
@LanguageMatrix ah nice one Tony, definitely will check it out ! 😊
@Queenoforchestration Ай бұрын
Mandarin and Korean for me. I’m finding it hard to follow mandarin. Also, any suggestions on how to memorize the characters in mandarin?
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Hi, I don't really ... I have a hack for the Arabic script, but haven't tackled Mandarin characters myself. The one thing I would offer is to learn the characters of words which you are already using in context. In other words, learn the words you already use most first.
@leeregyptischarabisch Ай бұрын
"Does it also work for Egyptian Arabic?"
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Hi, the concept of the generator does for sure ... however I haven't tried it with specifically Egyptian Arabic ... with Standard Arabic it works. Feel free to try it yourself!
@mmafightcoach Ай бұрын
How do find chat gpt handles Egyptian dialect? I ask it to use transliteration, and it gets it ok, but not as accurate as e.g. Spanish or German.
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
Hi, I think it gets confused about Arabic dialects. I love ChatGPT but sometimes it's like that person you ask directions to and they don't know but they give you an answer anyway.
@maryy_878 Ай бұрын
Gostei muito do seu vídeo! vou começar a fazer com russo.
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
Muito legal :)
@Stevenwalks Ай бұрын
Ok I understand, but what do I do after? Just read this sentences out loud? Repetition? Writing?
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Short answer ... writing and repetition are good ... but I don't mean parroting/echo repetition just for repetition's sake. Practice expressing your thoughts using the language. A practice partner is best.
@jsmxwll Ай бұрын
this prompt will get you a TSV code block that you can click copy on and then paste directly into a sheet. just replace the contents of the [square brackets] with your target: Create a dataset in TSV (tab-separated values) format. The columns should be: Topic, Statement, Yes/No Question, Yes Answer, No Answer, Open Question, Open Question Answer, and Useful Expression. For each row: - Use the Topic as the main subject. - Include placeholders like (your name) or (your age) for customizable information. - The Statement should be a simple sentence about the topic. - The Yes/No Question should relate to the topic and be answerable with yes or no. - The Yes Answer should affirm the question positively. - The No Answer should negate the question. - The Open Question should invite an open-ended response related to the topic. - The Open Question Answer should give a simple, relevant response to the open question. - The Useful Expression should be a common phrase or sentence related to the topic. Make sure all text adheres to the [English] A1 CEFR language level. Generate the dataset for the following topics: [Hello, Goodbye, Morning, Evening, Name, Age, How, Thanks, Welcome, Fine.] Output Format: ```TSV [dataset content here] ```
@jsmxwll Ай бұрын
you can also adjust this prompt pretty easily to meet your needs.
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
Thanks very much
@NohaidEljarroudi-up3ou Ай бұрын
Im currently learnig arabic
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
Very nice
@Blossom-nc2iq Ай бұрын
Same , where are you from ?
@NohaidEljarroudi-up3ou Ай бұрын
Im from Morocco , but born and raised in Norway
@Blossom-nc2iq Ай бұрын
@@NohaidEljarroudi-up3ou oh ok . What level are you? I’m a beginner
@NohaidEljarroudi-up3ou Ай бұрын
@ Im a beginner to or maybe upper beginner. Im a self learner and know basic beginner stuff and know how to read/ write. I try to immerse my self in the language everyday. Have tried some good courses, apps and try to have some innput daily. Im a fusha learner and want to learn to understand quran and daily speaking. At least Thats my goal. What about you?
@dennisjex2965 Ай бұрын
Sounds like magrigals
@saltymangoparty Ай бұрын
Bro you gotta learn how to read Chinese! It is the best part!
@LanguageMatrix Ай бұрын
I believe that
@plerpplerp5599 Ай бұрын
Things that make you go hmm 🤔
@secretariatgirl4249 16 күн бұрын
ITALIAN! Just getting to the meat of your course, so not here yet...
@rode-o5206 Ай бұрын
Slovak. I doubt it works in ChatGPT. 🙂
@angelar5956 Ай бұрын
@rode-o5206 Try it. Chat GPT has many languages enabled 😊
@LanguageMatrix 21 күн бұрын
I bet it does
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