Here's my go at a translation! "Mite Mite" "Look, look" 0:02 ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて ミテ ミテ あなた方見て Look, look, all of you, take a look Look, look, all of you, take a look Look, look, all of you, look 0:12 ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて Look, look, all of you, take a look Look, look, all of you, take a look 0:21 ああ みんな みんなやってんな 今 救われてみた流行ってんな さっき気づいた あの子も救われてみた出してんな そうだ ぼくもやるか なら 救われてみたをやるか だって当然 生きてんだ 今も救われたいね Ah, everyone’s doing it Being saved is currently trending I just realized, that person also put out a video of being saved That’s right, I should do it too Then I’ll try out being saved I mean, it’s obvious. I'm alive, so I still wanna be saved 0:40 神のミテ 我々あなたにオテ 行かないで 行かないで ねえ *The look of god, our Hands to you. Don’t go, don’t go, please 0:47 ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに 君も日々の意味解いてるだろう それを与えてくれ ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに 嫌い 嫌い 嫌いになる前に見て ねえ ねえ ねえ Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you You’re also unraveling the meaning of everyday, aren’t you Give that to me Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Hate, hate, look at me before I start to hate Please, please, please 1:07 ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて Look, look, all of you, take a look Look, look, all of you, take a look 1:16 フラフラなダンス あなた 知った気になるアンセム フリフリなダンス みんなしのぎを削る乱戦 乱戦 乱戦 Dancing unsteadily To an anthem you mistakenly think you know Dancing with a flutter Everyone’s sharpening each other’s swords through battle, brawl, brawl, brawl 1:26 ああ みんな みんなやってんな まだ 救われてみた流行ってんな さっき気づいた あの子の救われてみたが上昇中 Ah, everyone’s doing it Being saved is still trending I just realized, that person’s “being saved” video is gaining traction 1:36 神のミテ 我々あなたにオテ 行かないで わかって 神のミテ 我々あなたにオテ 忌憚なき振る舞い 全て狂える *The look of god, our Hands to you. Don’t go, understand me *The look of god, our Hands to you. Acting unreserved It can all go crazy 1:49 ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに どこに どこに Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where, where 1:46 ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに 君も日々の意味解いてるだろう それを与えてくれ ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに 嫌い 嫌い 嫌いになる前に見て ねえ ねえ ねえ Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you You’re also unraveling the meaning of everyday, aren’t you Give that to me Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Hate, hate, look at me before I start to hate Please, please, please 2:15 ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに 今も過去も全てが嫌だと そろそろ期待する ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに ぼくを救いたいあなたはどこに いないいないばあ のほどお願いね 今すぐ さあ あなたの手でさあ 今すぐに見て 見て Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you I have a feeling that soon I’ll start to hate the present, the past, everything Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Where is the person who wants to save me, where are you Just like “peek-a-boo!”, do it like that please Do it now, okay With your hand, okay Look right now, look 2:40 ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて ミテ ミテ あなた方見てみて ミテ ミテ ミテ ミテ 見てよね Look, look, all of you, take a look Look, look, all of you, take a look Look, look, all of you, take a look Look, look, look, look, you’ll look, right * “Look of god” could also possibly mean “Hands of god” Any corrections/improvements are welcome!
its a bit unrelated but I am very proud to listen to your songs in Italy. No one listens to these kind of songs here so I don’t have a lot of music buddies but its fine. Between, the animations are so smooth! just like the song. keep up the beautiful work! 🫶🏻 sending love from italy!!
English: As the description suggests, this song is indeed one of waiting. Specifically, the person in the video sees that people are being saved from harm and that it’s become a trend, boosting the popularity of the saver and the saved. The person, seeking the attention garnered from being saved, constantly throws themselves in harm’s way, waiting to be “saved.” While doing so, they expose themselves to the evils of the world, until they hate everything. From here, they get tired of hoping and just give up on humanity, realizing no one is coming to save them. Japanese: 説明文にあるように、この曲はまさに「待」曲です。具体的には、ビデオの中の人物は、人々が危害から救われていること、それが流行になっていることを見て、救う側と救われる側の人気を後押ししているのです。救われることで得られる注目を求めて、その人物は常に危険な状況に身を投じ、「救われる」ことを待っている。そうすることで、世の中の悪に身をさらし、すべてを嫌いになってしまう。そうしているうちに、世の中の悪に身をさらし、何もかもが嫌になってしまうのです。
I just love how Hiiragi's music has this edgy atmosphere with the use of Flower's voice. MV's are just EXQUISITELY UNIQUE. And lyrics too are edgy af. I LOVE IT SO F***ING MUCH!!!
Here's my best attempt at a translation into English! I had to interpret alot for this song, but I think this song is, in general, about the perils of social media and the singer's attempt to leave social media but failing - with their attempts eventually becoming the very thing they were trying to swear off (as in, becoming trending). I assume this from the imagery, primarily. Disclaimer: I am not a professional nor a Japanese student but have been translating for 8+ years. It's very likely I mistranslated some parts - please comment with any corrections civilly! I appreciate any chance to learn ❤ Additionally, while the song title 'Mite Mite' would often be translated as 'Look, look' or 'Look at me', based on the very first line of the song it seems to be more about watching *other people*. I think this is supposed to express the cycle of watching and judging people on social media. -- Watching, observing, judging you all Watching, observing, judging you all Watching, observing, judging you all Watching, observing, judging you all Watching, observing, judging you all Oh, everybody is already doing it by now I tried to be saved, and now it's a trend I had noticed that she had tried to been saved, as well And so, should I try to be saved, too? If it's true, should I try and be saved, as well? After all, I'm alive, so of course I should want to be saved now, too Under God's gaze, we can give you a hand Please don't go and leave me now - hey! So where are those of you who wish to save me? Where are you who wish to save me? I'm sure you understand the meaning of these days as well Go ahead and give it to me! So where are those of you who wish to save me? Where are you who wish to save me? I hate it, I can't stand it, to keep looking ahead of me Don't you agree, hey? Watching, observing, judging you all Watching, observing, judging you all Go ahead and dance unsteadily This is an anthem that makes you feel like you know it already So go ahead and dance all fluttery Sharpening our edges, everyone competes in a brawl, a brawl, a brawl Oh, everybody is already doing it by now I've already tried to be saved, but now it's a trend I had just realized that she had tried to be saved, but now she's on the up and up Under God's gaze, we can give you a hand Please don't leave me, I get it now Under God's gaze, we can lend you a hand Giving you the kind of personality with no reservations A completely psychotic way to be So where are the people who want to save me? Where could the people who want to save me be? Where are they, where could they be?! So where are those of you who wish to save me? Where are you who wish to save me? I'm sure you understand the meaning of these days as well Go ahead and give it to me! So where are those of you who wish to save me? Where are you who wish to save me? I hate it, I can't stand it, to keep looking ahead of me Don't you agree, hey? So where are those of you who wish to save me? Where are you who wish to save me? I hate everything about the past and about right now Before long, we'll all be on the rise Where are those of you who wish to save me? Where are you who wish to save me? Please come and play peek-a-boo with me Come on, come on, With you lending a hand, let's go and watch it all Watching, observing, judging you all Watching, observing, judging you all Watching, observing, analyzing, assessing, judging all of you
@Ninjisy Жыл бұрын
Additionally 2 (because KZbin won't let me edit): The hook line of `あなた方見てみて` is a bit ambigious to me in whether it's 'Looking at you all' or 'You all looking at me', but based on the ending lines of watching it all (presumably, whatevers going on on social media) as well as the choice of あなた方 over みんな, I took it as being the singer watching other people. I think it's meant to imply the cycle of thinking yourself better than everyone else, only to fall into the same trap of judging other people through the lense of social media. But I could be very wrong, if anyone else has any more insight I'd love to hear!
@forrest7093 Жыл бұрын
@@Ninjisy I'm not a professional either, but I suppose that "見てみて" may be a variant of "見てみたい". So it would be "I want to take a look at you"
@Ninjisy Жыл бұрын
@@forrest7093 Thank you, that's really good insight! I think I'm inclined to agree and I even somewhat got to that conclusion, just without the sense of "wanting to". I'm used to 見てみて being used as a command or imperative so the usage here was a bit confusing, haha. Thanks again!
The MV always does wonders to make the already great song somehow sound even better.
@naa9318 Жыл бұрын
また新たな扉が開きそうです 今からすっごい楽しみです
@ちづこ-s5b Жыл бұрын
@kurihakiraidesu Жыл бұрын
@yayoi_osgt Жыл бұрын
柊さん×めりさんは最高すぎます… 楽しみです!
@icefeather1128 Жыл бұрын
immediately recognized the artist from meddmia's channel and was super excited, especially when paired with such a new, unexpected instrumental. the instrument was quite strange to me initially (not in a bad way! kind of like when you try new food and can't really tell what the flavor is...), but quickly grew on me, especially with the ever-familiar tuning style and fun beat!! i hope this'll be on spotify, or at least, in the near future because i would love to put it into a playlist and loop it! stellar work as always; 本当にありがとう、柊キライさん!