早睡早起好多年,不過自從工作上burn out咗,就開始變咗夜瞓。我覺得係因為日頭工作唔開心,所以有意無意想拖長夜晚「真正屬於自己」嘅寧靜時間,唔會變到好似辛苦咗一日乜都冇就瞓咗然後第二日又再辛苦過♻️心理上好似平衡d, (自欺欺人😅)。好彩work from home比較多😭有時日頭太攰可以恰一恰🤧
As a night person I will die sooner because the early risers do not know how to stay quiet and keep on interrupting my rest, if someone makes noise at night it is a crime yet when someone makes noise in the morning it is my problem on not getting up =P