ok wor,你懂語言學的。For those who know nothing about linguistics, generally the technical term for 正音 should be "ARCHAIC PRONUNCIATION 古音", 正如你讀英文個“knee” “though”字將個“k“ “gh”讀埋出來,令到英美人覺得好奇怪。linguistic prescriptivism好多時無人會理lor。 phoneme split/merge, merge會容易估計到,split或有d乜新音素加入比較難估。根據而加英文霸權既情況下,加入既音素應該係英文有既音。
你對懶音有嚴重既誤會啦. 每種語言都有懶音,gum語言先至會不斷變化,好多複雜既morphology(grammar)都係懶音同不正統既發音研化出來,話說英文就算係拼音文字,但拼寫同發音既correlation非常低(deep orthography),所以讀唔讀錯無法從拼寫(spelling)之中知道。世界上並沒有永恆不變既語言。十分贊成粵拼同比一般香港人認識多d linguistics既野。(eg. Cantonese: 6 tones in Cantonese, the order of relative clause-noun is very RARE typologically, Cantonese/ Mandarin is a topic-prominent language, Japanese has the most complicated writing system in use etc.) 香港人最常學既中日英都係deep orthography既語言,韓西義等shallow orthography spelling簡單好多,dyslexia都少d。 再講,通常d鬼佬係話中文(usually they refer to Mandarin)音節太少,字又短,講meh少少聲調就係第二個字。德俄西文等d詞語比較長,polysyllabic,所以講錯少少,個accent錯左位都估到。tones are hard for speakers from non-tonal background.
@simonbahstech60234 ай бұрын
eg. 懶音 in English: many "T"s has changed into "taps" or "glottal stops" in British/American English... Korean: The "Tense consonants (double consonants?)" are becoming less tensed and they are differentiated from "normal consonants" by tones (tonogenesis in Korean!)... Malagasy/ Japanese: many word-final vowels are devoiced... etc etc etc
@@voyzorneeden4453 保護+保育廣東話不等於講archaic的廣東話,大家唔switch去其他語言同埋對廣東文化重視其實就係最大的因素令Cantonese唔面臨extinction。其他linguistic常識:6 tones in Cantonese,and the Sinitic branch of Sino-tibetan languages and SEA languages in general: Typologocially rare that grammatical function of tones is very limited !
@voyzorneeden44534 ай бұрын
@@simonbahstech6023 將“香港”同“廣東話”呢D最基本嘅詞讀啱係叫你去用過時嘅讀音?你話清朝人先咁樣讀,咁OK,而家係好多人仲係用緊你所謂嘅archaic pronunciation。you threw shade at a very large part of the Cantonese speaking population, you know?
Tones are hard for speakers from non-tonal background. Japanese is a pitch-accent language which has a restrictive tonal system. I find them speaking Cantonese/Mandarin with better tones generally than someone whose native language has no lexical tone (eg. French, English)
In Chinese you call it "the lazy sound", but in English, we call this "slangs"... It is not part of the formal or correct speech to begin with. Some people, who has no educational background, will classify this, as a totally DIFFERENT language altogether as well ! lol... They feel proud, to accept that, this is a new language, than to admit defeat, that they have spoken it incorrectly. Overseas Chinese also falls into this category as well.
Her pronunciation is quite bad. She is not able to grasp, where to stretch the sound. The example used from someone in this thread: 「教」- GGGn-ow 「交」- AOooow (With the A sound, which is a little bit nasal ! ) If she follows the English letters to stretch the sound, I think she will sense it in her actions, and her mouth's action, and her tongue's action. But if she does not follow these English letters to make it understood in her mind, she is never going to get it. The teacher is just explaining the concept, the sound notation as well, but it is not a useful method to teach this woman, to have that body-to-sound sensation. She won't memorise it at all. I was taught to learn these limericks until I got it correct. Each time I say it, I am asked to repeat til I got the sound correct. Of course, it is easier to teach in this generation now, because the "pingyum" system exists. 一蚊一斤雞,一蚊一斤龜,他話系雞貴定系龜貴 ?
@MeiinUK4 жыл бұрын
@@cheungryan2036 : The way that Cantonese have an exact pronunciation, in the English language, it is also the same. There are methods to pronounce a word properly. When we try to spell a word, and to pronounce it. We break it down into syllables. Conversation = Con-ver-sa-tion = Con-fer-say-shoon. Dictionary = Dic-tion-ary = Dic-shoon-nary Dic-shoon-ary - No N sound. Dic-shoon-Nary - With N sound. This is the missing "lazy" sound which people are talking about. You can also hear the same too in English. Whenever I say something, I can now pinpoint my missing sound. Some people cannot pinpoint it, is because they do not have memory of the sound. So cannot self correct. But if you write this down, for the learner. They can "see" their mistakes, and self correct a lot better. But of course, you have to have a better speaker, teach you the mistake, in order to get better. Some teachers have mistake themselves, and cannot pick the wrong mistake.. So the blind leads the blind springs to mind.
It can also be because of English being one of the main language to learn in HK as well. Cos there is less of a N sound, but more of a L sound. So two conflicting sounds, from two languages may have influenced the local pronunciation. To increase better pronunciation for HK speakers, I think a different set of tools are needed, compared to a new learner learning this as a second language.