I appreciate that the modern English translation of Beowulf kept a lot of the alliteration.
@PC_Simo Жыл бұрын
So do I, as a Finn. We’re big on allitteration, and _”Kalevala”_ is chock full of it. In Finnish songs and poems, allitteration predates rhymes by quite a lot; at least centuries, possibly millennia. Here’s the first poem in _”Kalevala”,_ as an example: ”Mieleni minun tekevi, aivoni ajattelevi lähteäni laulamahan, saa'ani sanelemahan, sukuvirttä suoltamahan, lajivirttä laulamahan. Sanat suussani sulavat, puhe'et putoelevat, kielelleni kerkiävät, 10 hampahilleni hajoovat. Veli kulta, veikkoseni, kaunis kasvinkumppalini! Lähe nyt kanssa laulamahan, saa kera sanelemahan yhtehen yhyttyämme, kahta'alta käytyämme! Harvoin yhtehen yhymme, saamme toinen toisihimme näillä raukoilla rajoilla, 20 poloisilla Pohjan mailla. Lyökämme käsi kätehen, sormet sormien lomahan, lauloaksemme hyviä, parahia pannaksemme, kuulla noien kultaisien, tietä mielitehtoisien, nuorisossa nousevassa, kansassa kasuavassa: noita saamia sanoja, 30 virsiä virittämiä vyöltä vanhan Väinämöisen, alta ahjon Ilmarisen, päästä kalvan Kaukomielen, Joukahaisen jousen tiestä, Pohjan peltojen periltä, Kalevalan kankahilta. Niit' ennen isoni lauloi kirvesvartta vuollessansa; niitä äitini opetti 40 väätessänsä värttinätä, minun lasna lattialla eessä polven pyöriessä, maitopartana pahaisna, piimäsuuna pikkaraisna. Sampo ei puuttunut sanoja eikä Louhi luottehia: vanheni sanoihin sampo, katoi Louhi luottehisin, virsihin Vipunen kuoli, 50 Lemminkäinen leikkilöihin. Viel' on muitaki sanoja, ongelmoita oppimia: tieohesta tempomia, kanervoista katkomia, risukoista riipomia, vesoista vetelemiä, päästä heinän hieromia, raitiolta ratkomia, paimenessa käyessäni, 60 lasna karjanlaitumilla, metisillä mättähillä, kultaisilla kunnahilla, mustan Muurikin jälessä, Kimmon kirjavan keralla. Vilu mulle virttä virkkoi, sae saatteli runoja. Virttä toista tuulet toivat, meren aaltoset ajoivat. Linnut liitteli sanoja, 70 puien latvat lausehia. Ne minä kerälle käärin, sovittelin sommelolle. Kerän pistin kelkkahani, sommelon rekoseheni; ve'in kelkalla kotihin, rekosella riihen luoksi; panin aitan parven päähän vaskisehen vakkasehen. Viikon on virteni vilussa, 80 kauan kaihossa sijaisnut. Veänkö vilusta virret, lapan laulut pakkasesta, tuon tupahan vakkaseni, rasian rahin nenähän, alle kuulun kurkihirren, alle kaunihin katoksen, aukaisen sanaisen arkun, virsilippahan viritän, kerittelen pään kerältä, 90 suorin solmun sommelolta? Niin laulan hyvänki virren, kaunihinki kalkuttelen ruoalta rukihiselta, oluelta ohraiselta. Kun ei tuotane olutta, tarittane taarivettä, laulan suulta laihemmalta, vetoselta vierettelen tämän iltamme iloksi, 100 päivän kuulun kunniaksi, vaiko huomenen huviksi, uuen aamun alkeheksi. * * * Noin kuulin saneltavaksi, tiesin virttä tehtäväksi: yksin meillä yöt tulevat, yksin päivät valkeavat; yksin syntyi Väinämöinen, ilmestyi ikirunoja kapehesta kantajasta, 110 Ilmattaresta emosta. Olipa impi, ilman tyttö, kave luonnotar korea. Piti viikoista pyhyyttä, iän kaiken impeyttä ilman pitkillä pihoilla, tasaisilla tanterilla. Ikävystyi aikojansa, ouostui elämätänsä, aina yksin ollessansa, 120 impenä eläessänsä ilman pitkillä pihoilla, avaroilla autioilla. Jop' on astuiksen alemma, laskeusi lainehille, meren selvälle selälle, ulapalle aukealle. Tuli suuri tuulen puuska, iästä vihainen ilma; meren kuohuille kohotti, 130 lainehille laikahutti. Tuuli neittä tuuitteli, aalto impeä ajeli ympäri selän sinisen, lakkipäien lainehien: tuuli tuuli kohtuiseksi, meri paksuksi panevi. Kantoi kohtua kovoa, vatsantäyttä vaikeata vuotta seitsemän satoa, 140 yheksän yrön ikeä; eikä synny syntyminen, luovu luomatoin sikiö. Vieri impi veen emona. Uipi iät, uipi lännet, uipi luotehet, etelät, uipi kaikki ilman rannat tuskissa tulisen synnyn, vatsanvaivoissa kovissa; eikä synny syntyminen, 150 luovu luomatoin sikiö. Itkeä hyryttelevi; sanan virkkoi, noin nimesi: "Voi poloinen, päiviäni, lapsi kurja, kulkuani! Jo olen joutunut johonki: iäkseni ilman alle, tuulen tuuiteltavaksi, aaltojen ajeltavaksi näillä väljillä vesillä, 160 lake'illa lainehilla! "Parempi olisi ollut ilman impenä eleä, kuin on nyt tätä nykyä vierähellä veen emona: vilu tääll' on ollakseni, vaiva värjätelläkseni, aalloissa asuakseni, veessä vierielläkseni. "Oi Ukko, ylijumala, 170 ilman kaiken kannattaja! Tule tänne tarvittaissa, käy tänne kutsuttaessa! Päästä piika pintehestä, vaimo vatsanvääntehestä! Käy pian, välehen jou'u, välehemmin tarvitahan!" Kului aikoa vähäisen, pirahteli pikkaraisen. Tuli sotka, suora lintu; 180 lenteä lekuttelevi etsien pesän sijoa, asuinmaata arvaellen. Lenti iät, lenti lännet, lenti luotehet, etelät. Ei löyä tiloa tuota, paikkoa pahintakana, kuhun laatisi pesänsä, ottaisi olosijansa. Liitelevi, laatelevi; 190 arvelee, ajattelevi: "Teenkö tuulehen tupani, aalloillen asuinsijani? Tuuli kaatavi tupasen, aalto vie asuinsijani." Niin silloin ve'en emonen, veen emonen, ilman impi, nosti polvea merestä, lapaluuta lainehesta sotkalle pesän sijaksi, 200 asuinmaaksi armahaksi. Tuo sotka, sorea lintu, liiteleikse, laateleikse. Keksi polven veen emosen sinerväisellä selällä; luuli heinämättähäksi, tuoreheksi turpeheksi. Lentelevi, liitelevi, päähän polven laskeuvi. Siihen laativi pesänsä, 210 muni kultaiset munansa: kuusi kultaista munoa, rautamunan seitsemännen. Alkoi hautoa munia, päätä polven lämmitellä. Hautoi päivän, hautoi toisen, hautoi kohta kolmannenki. Jopa tuosta veen emonen, veen emonen, ilman impi, tuntevi tulistuvaksi, 220 hipiänsä hiiltyväksi; luuli polvensa palavan, kaikki suonensa sulavan. Vavahutti polveansa, järkytti jäseniänsä: munat vierähti vetehen, meren aaltohon ajaikse; karskahti munat muruiksi, katkieli kappaleiksi. Ei munat mutahan joua, 230 siepalehet veen sekahan. Muuttuivat murut hyviksi, kappalehet kaunoisiksi: munasen alainen puoli alaiseksi maaemäksi, munasen yläinen puoli yläiseksi taivahaksi; yläpuoli ruskeaista päivöseksi paistamahan, yläpuoli valkeaista, 240 se kuuksi kumottamahan; mi munassa kirjavaista, ne tähiksi taivahalle, mi munassa mustukaista, nepä ilman pilvilöiksi. Ajat eellehen menevät, vuoet tuota tuonnemmaksi uuen päivän paistaessa, uuen kuun kumottaessa. Aina uipi veen emonen, 250 veen emonen, ilman impi, noilla vienoilla vesillä, utuisilla lainehilla, eessänsä vesi vetelä, takanansa taivas selvä. Jo vuonna yheksäntenä, kymmenentenä kesänä nosti päätänsä merestä, kohottavi kokkoansa. Alkoi luoa luomiansa, 260 saautella saamiansa selvällä meren selällä, ulapalla aukealla. Kussa kättä käännähytti, siihen niemet siivoeli; kussa pohjasi jalalla, kalahauat kaivaeli; kussa ilman kuplistihe, siihen syöverit syventi. Kylin maahan kääntelihe: 270 siihen sai sileät rannat; jaloin maahan kääntelihe: siihen loi lohiapajat; pä'in päätyi maata vasten: siihen laitteli lahelmat. Ui siitä ulomma maasta, seisattelihe selälle: luopi luotoja merehen, kasvatti salakaria laivan laskemasijaksi, 280 merimiesten pään menoksi. Jo oli saaret siivottuna, luotu luotoset merehen, ilman pielet pistettynä, maat ja manteret sanottu, kirjattu kivihin kirjat, veetty viivat kallioihin. Viel' ei synny Väinämöinen, ilmau ikirunoja. Vaka vanha Väinämöinen 290 kulki äitinsä kohussa kolmekymmentä keseä, yhen verran talviaki, noilla vienoilla vesillä, utuisilla lainehilla. Arvelee, ajattelevi, miten olla, kuin eleä pimeässä piilossansa, asunnossa ahtahassa, kuss' ei konsa kuuta nähnyt 300 eikä päiveä havainnut. Sanovi sanalla tuolla, lausui tuolla lausehella: "Kuu, keritä, päivyt, päästä, otava, yhä opeta miestä ouoilta ovilta, veräjiltä vierahilta, näiltä pieniltä pesiltä, asunnoilta ahtahilta! Saata maalle matkamiestä, 310 ilmoillen inehmon lasta, kuuta taivon katsomahan, päiveä ihoamahan, otavaista oppimahan, tähtiä tähyämähän!" Kun ei kuu kerittänynnä eikä päivyt päästänynnä, ouosteli aikojansa, tuskastui elämätänsä: liikahutti linnan portin 320 sormella nimettömällä, lukon luisen luikahutti vasemmalla varpahalla; tuli kynsin kynnykseltä, polvin porstuan ovelta. Siitä suistui suin merehen, käsin kääntyi lainehesen; jääpi mies meren varahan, uros aaltojen sekahan. Virui siellä viisi vuotta, 330 sekä viisi jotta kuusi, vuotta seitsemän, kaheksan. Seisottui selälle viimein, niemelle nimettömälle, manterelle puuttomalle. Polvin maasta ponnistihe, käsivarsin käännältihe. Nousi kuuta katsomahan, päiveä ihoamahan, otavaista oppimahan, 340 tähtiä tähyämähän. Se oli synty Väinämöisen, rotu rohkean runojan kapehesta kantajasta, Ilmattaresta emosta.” 🇫🇮
@parchalama Жыл бұрын
It's crazy to see how much English has changed over the centuries.
@liviemillie6455 Жыл бұрын
Keep in mind that the English we speak didn't derive from the Anglo-Saxon dialect. Beowulf's English is more like a great uncle than a grandfather to our English if I've got my facts straight.
@yeldos Жыл бұрын
French influence
@lorrainecrampton1632 Жыл бұрын
We've had the Vikings and also the Normans adding to and changing English, as well as borrowing some Latin and Greek words in later centuries 😊
@rebelusa6585 Жыл бұрын
Modern english has changed so much, it is a new language compare to old english. To me old english sound like dutch.
@TheMrPeteChannel9 ай бұрын
@@rebelusa6585I can understand some Dutch if it's slowed down allot. I can't even understand a thing of old English except numbers & the word god which is good & him which is of course him.
@lateblossom9 ай бұрын
I can't imagine us still speaking this way, it sounds so crazy.
@fabulouschild2005 Жыл бұрын
I love how Old English sounds
@nicholascauton964810 ай бұрын
It’s absolutely nuts to hear Old English side by side with Modern English. Like I swear Old English sounds like a completely different language.
@Hun_Uinaq Жыл бұрын
I don’t know who the old English speaker was but, that has got to be the absolute best reading of Beowulf in the original that I have ever heard. Really brought the language to life. I can also hear the strong connection between it and old Norse. It almost has a Scandinavian ring to it.
@johnsmith-ir1ne4 ай бұрын
This channel has a longer video specifically about old English. That male narrator is way better when reading Beowulf, very manly and firm
@angelusvastator129711 ай бұрын
Old English: an englishman that finally mastered german
@pinoynobody211 Жыл бұрын
Old english looks and sounds like a foreign language compared to modern english. In romance languages, the originating latin words can still be found if you look hard enough, in old english there's barely any of it left in pronunciation, spelling, meaning. Middle english phrases were easier to comprehend for me, someone who has little knowledge of middle english but has a grasp of modern english. Very fascinating.
@lukas3.051 Жыл бұрын
Old English sounds like a drunk Dutch trying to speak Icelandic/old norse
@kamrankhan-lj1ng Жыл бұрын
Not Old English, it is the speaker!!!
@jangtheconqueror Жыл бұрын
@@kamrankhan-lj1ng He is speaking pretty silly isn't he lol
@keptins Жыл бұрын
To me the Old English sounds more like Faroese rather than a drunk Dutch
@user-tk4gr9zo7t Жыл бұрын
To me, it just sounds like they took a Swedish accent and rolled w it
@Pepi_Panda Жыл бұрын
I mean, if that language like a German or something?
@s.ekin. Жыл бұрын
I thought I knew English, but after this video it turned out that I don't know even the Modern one.
@liviemillie6455 Жыл бұрын
I'm just chuckling at "THAT WAS GOOD KINNGGG". Sometimes Anglo-Saxon sounds randomly like modern English
@micai.j8920 Жыл бұрын
We need to revive some old languages
@josearana9726 Жыл бұрын
Es irónico que la influencia de una lengua romance (francés) haya hecho más fácil a una lengua germánica (inglés), pero el francés se volvió más difícil gracias a la influencia germánica.
@SinilkMudilaSama Жыл бұрын
Not only germanic, also celtic and germanic too my partner José Arana...
@declup Жыл бұрын
In what way did Germanic influences make French more difficult? Do you mean French's orthography?
@hectoralarconhabif2590 Жыл бұрын
No olvides el celta de los Galos. ☝️😮
@kamrankhan-lj1ng Жыл бұрын
By difficult he probably means the German phonemes. Like gh and kh etc., Not found in Latin. And not found even in English, even though its base is Germanic!!!
@SinilkMudilaSama Жыл бұрын
yep Héctor they alway forget the celtics in hard level of french.
@kamixkazexkollie Жыл бұрын
This is really cool. I can see more of the alliteration and poetic form of the original verses!
@liela231 Жыл бұрын
this is absolutely beautiful..
@JacobYuanHang Жыл бұрын
I understood the mandarin version of “The Wren” from this channel more than I understood the modern English here !
@mycarima3497 Жыл бұрын
The way the old english is spoken really gives me a resemblance to those avestan and sanskrit prayers
@user-hnjga8is1zr6u Жыл бұрын
Languages always change, and because we talk really fast today thanks to the advancements of civilization, the old form of English would be quite difficult for those who are prone to mess up words easily. As a speaker of two Austronesian languages (which are known to be quite conservative as opposed to most Indo-European languages), I found that the complexity of Old English's phonology and grammar would be only okay if we weren't talking in 180 WPM or more as in us in 2010s to today. As in the case of Icelandic for example, its phonology and speed has changed a lot during the course of Iceland's modernization. While the language is written almost exactly the same as Old Norse, the spoken differences are as significant as Classical Latin and Ecclesiastical Latin. Nowadays, as in modern English, the sounds [θ] and [ð] can occasionally be pronounced as simple [t̪] and [d̪] in very quick speech. I do think that in the future, Indo-European languages are prone to be more monosyllabic languages due to their fusional nature as our technology enables us to write very conservatively and speak in the speed of light, slowly removing the boundaries our ancestors had to face every day before the advent of writing, such as the accuracy of information we have to transmit, clarity, etc. Not only this enables us to speak more carelessly, but also increases the distance between spoken and written language. The complexity of the languages would be roughly the same, just as creoles are as difficult as their "parent" languages.
@janMiko240 Жыл бұрын
just interested, how exactly advancement of our technology makes our speech faster?
@tonyking6262 Жыл бұрын
What will English be like in 500 years? Assuming ,of course , that we haven't blown ourselves to bits!
@bernhardwall6876 Жыл бұрын
As interesting as it is to compare our current language to the English of Shakespeare and "Beowulf," hundreds of years from now, our English will seem just as incomprehensible.
@kbm2055 Жыл бұрын
Possibly, but most people find the English of five hundred years ago at least somewhat readable. Beowulf is mostly incomprehensible to anyone without prior knowledge of OE.
@kamrankhan-lj1ng Жыл бұрын
English of Shakespearean time is perfectly intelligible with the current English. Well at least 80 percent. Old English is hardly 5 percent intelligible to the modern speaker.
@Hun_Uinaq Жыл бұрын
I don’t think so. The only way that could happen is if one of the daughter languages like one of the patois languages of the Caribbean or a pidgin English language like Tok Pissin were to somehow emerge as the standard variety and undergo the changes of the centuries. You must remember that the English that we speak today is heavily influenced by additional lexicons that were not available to the speakers in Beowulf’s singers’ time in the same way. There was Norman French and there was Latin. There was also old East Norse which was a sister language. The grammar and vocabulary of the language were impacted immensely in a very short period of time because of these languages. In a sense, we speak a language descended from a pidgin. Barring something like this happening again to the language, our descendants 1000 years from now will have about as much connection to it as speakers of standard hi German today have to the old high German spoken 1000 years ago. There were no invasions, the language just changed over time but essentially kept most of the same vocabulary. You can puzzle your way through it if you are patient and diligent if you speak German and encounter an old high German document today.
@husch05 Жыл бұрын
Middle English is mostly intelligible for me with my Modern English, it just depends what kind of influence the language will receive. If you compare Middle English to Old English, you will see that it changed more drastically in comparison to Middle English to Modern English. The Norman conquest was the reason for why English as a whole changed so much.
@joshuafajardo646 Жыл бұрын
This language is bold and medievalist
@aofeizhang8735 Жыл бұрын
Language usually gets simplified after a people was conquered because the conquerors struggled to learn the native language. The same process also happened in China after Mongols and Manchu conquered China, old Chinese became Mandarin
@Aliye4 Жыл бұрын
You will see a similarity with German or Germanic because it originally came from these regions. After the departure of the Romans from England, Saxon and Germanic tribes came to inhabit southern Britain now, and the indigenous people went to the north of England and Wales and concentrated in Scotland
@p.p.e.b.3720 Жыл бұрын
So when will you make a video about the old norse, brother?
@Davlavi Жыл бұрын
@Lawtasaj Жыл бұрын
What is the accent of the modern English speaker?
@p.p.e.b.3720 Жыл бұрын
English ❤️ Whatever you think about it, this is the most important langage ever
@ВојводаГибаничарски Жыл бұрын
Latin? French?
@p.p.e.b.3720 Жыл бұрын
@@ВојводаГибаничарски both?
@declup Жыл бұрын
@@ВојводаГибаничарски -- Yeah, I think I agree with you. English may be the most useful at present, but Latin was the most useful lingua franca for centuries and has had greater historical and literary (if perhaps only indirect and/or etymological) influence.
@Zeyede_Seyum Жыл бұрын
Aramaic? Greek?
@ВојводаГибаничарски Жыл бұрын
@@declup Exactly
@cbsteffen20 күн бұрын
I’m confused about the Old English soft “c” (probably called soft “chee” in this case). When was the letter chee in Old English soft if not necessarily before “e” or “i”?
@jimbarrofficial6 ай бұрын
I read Beowulf in college. I needed a translation for the translated passages.
@GlennHtx11 ай бұрын
Old English: (Anglo-Saxon gibberish) Me: ..... Old English: That was good kinging! Me: 👀
Zelandic and standard Dutch pleaseee
@ilovelanguages0124 Жыл бұрын
I need a volunteer. :D
@jaydengreenberg9618 Жыл бұрын
I realised in the modern english translation, you used words like "atheling" and "welkin", for "noble" and "cloud" to compare to old english, but these words are almost completely obsolete and no one would ever use them.
@ruralsquirrel5158 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. This "modern" English translation is archaic and awkward. Granted, I know they are trying to make it sound poetic, but it's more aligned with English from the 18th-19th centuries.
@teeps8124 Жыл бұрын
Atheling means prince
@Andelip10 ай бұрын
Old Englsh sounds are smilar to German
@robertomariagrangl7804 Жыл бұрын
Could you do a video on Bisiaco and Triestine? Bisiaco, my mother tongue is the closest venetian dialect to Triestine.
@ilovelanguages0124 Жыл бұрын
Would you like to volunteer? :D
@robertomariagrangl7804 Жыл бұрын
@@ilovelanguages0124 I don't know how it works though😅
@tcbbctagain572 Жыл бұрын
You record some voice samples and then sent them to Andy via email
@robertomariagrangl7804 Жыл бұрын
@@tcbbctagain572 So should I record the translation of "The Wren", or should I record some commonly used sentences or expressions?
@tcbbctagain572 Жыл бұрын
@@robertomariagrangl7804 i don't know you decide
@victorgonzalez-qi3er Жыл бұрын
It looks and sound a bit like Icelandic....
@alovioanidio9770 Жыл бұрын
Please do brazilian and european portuguese
@user-hnjga8is1zr6u Жыл бұрын
The Queen Elizabeth II drawing 🥹✨
@bionicwither14 Жыл бұрын
I sometimes normally pronounce my 10s the Old English way.
@mysteriousDSF Жыл бұрын
this English is as modern as a monochrome tv
@thatonenerd21 Жыл бұрын
Why isn't there a Nahuatl video? I could volunteer cuz i've been studying Nahuatl to better understand Aztec Codices and Glyphs.
@luckneh5330 Жыл бұрын
I don't know the format, but under some vids, people ask why there are no vid of this language, but andy asks, "they need a volunteer" with the format. So if you find it, you should be able to e-mail them and send in a recording and info about which Nahuatl language you speak ^^
@salahaddineyyubi253 Жыл бұрын
Next Kurdish Kurmanji and Persian Languages .
@Pepi_Panda Жыл бұрын
I really don't understand for Old English just like a German. I can understand for English.
@Ama94947 Жыл бұрын
American English accent??
@mishacol Жыл бұрын
Like how old?
@Josue07206 күн бұрын
Me too
@jamiekomodo175110 ай бұрын
The translation, your reading from is well-know, and a bit ... well, dated. Not that it matters, but it's not my favorite. Scyld, by the way, is not pronounced as Skyld, but as "Shield" (and "the Scefing", is another thing one can take issue with in the translation). You could just say Shield son of Schef (although, I know you're just reading the translation). The other thing is that the reading in old English is Baker's I believe..I could be wrong about that, but I do remember it. It's also somewhat old, and for some reason, it was sped upj, probably to save on file size and viewing time. I think I remember he read the full 3000+ lines, and so it's understandable to try to speed it up. That and his breathy voice make it a bit irritating. The same passage read (albeit with some background music), but not sped up, is kzbin.info/www/bejne/eXmQkHqtpLRnrqs&ab_channel=HillsdaleCollege
@dreaminjosh Жыл бұрын
Old English doesn't seem like it was as spoken so much as it was declared
@jacob_and_william Жыл бұрын
I doubt I need to say this, but as a native English speaker Old English is completely unintelligible.
@ReiKakariki Жыл бұрын
In fact old english never existed, in fact anglo saxon is completely unintelligible to native english speaker, Yare good in your vision, great friend.👍👍👍. Hodiern english is a latine idiom bro.
@David-ru8xf Жыл бұрын
@@ReiKakariki Modern english is germanic, the scructures, verbs and cases are germanic, the 100 words most used in modern english are of germanic origin.
@joanxsky2971 Жыл бұрын
@@ReiKakarikienglish AINT latin my guy😭😭 what universe u living on
@endings28384 ай бұрын
Imagine modern english is really Informal nowadays.
@SinilkMudilaSama Жыл бұрын
The second lang in red under in video is anglo saxon another, in medieval era, in middle english begins the real english we talk today. Anglo saxon is a dane german idiom separated from english by normand frenches the creators of english, that's a latine idiom. Andy bro see the video that brought to you to you channel, in comunity section.
@ReiKakariki Жыл бұрын
Yep bro, yall re totally correct in etimologic way . Anglo saxon ever and forever is totally separated from latine english, anglo saxon is inside of saxon and danish.
@theuniversaldeclarationofhuman Жыл бұрын
Next please Azerbaijani language
@fernandofagner135710 ай бұрын
Old english was literaly a germanic linguage, but simplier
@s0meRand0m129 Жыл бұрын
why old english sounds like Swedish?
@liviemillie6455 Жыл бұрын
They're related. Old English is much more in touch with English's Scandinavian and Germanic roots, because at that time, English hadn't been influenced by the Normans/French! It really does sound like Swedish. ^^
@s0meRand0m129 Жыл бұрын
@@liviemillie6455 that's should explain why most sweds speak fluent english
@Link_is_cool_lol8 ай бұрын
That old english got goofy ahh dance to roiling in da hostpital stairs me
@frzferdinand72 Жыл бұрын
You should find someone who speaks in a Baltimore accent or Baltimore AAVE accent. IMO it is the strangest US accent.
@Yetimhanekundakcisi_3155 Жыл бұрын
Old English is Icelandic
@clintonbyrne33999 Жыл бұрын
The older English is like a mixed language of Irish Gailge and Icelandic Language
@CinCee- Жыл бұрын
Its germanic not celtic. Its closest reletive would be Frisian
@bacicinvatteneaca Жыл бұрын
@@CinCee- Frisian today is nearly as innovative as English
@CinCee- Жыл бұрын
@@bacicinvatteneaca 3 dialects of it
@Sungawakan Жыл бұрын
@Jaylau22 Жыл бұрын
What about kryptonean language or superman language?
@emiliocota1668 Жыл бұрын
Yes, but they did not sound like Tolkien tho'
@SplendidMisanthropy Жыл бұрын
The OE speaker makes it harder to understand than it needs to be. I've heard easier (thus clearer) renditions to be honest.
@hezekiahwg Жыл бұрын
Old English sounds like German
@jamacaball44892 ай бұрын
Because old English is in the Germanic root/branch.
@bragiodinsen4604 Жыл бұрын
the virgin modern english vs the chad old english
Жыл бұрын
old english like icelandic.. r u sure about that's old english? 😃
@vitaliygalganets8943 Жыл бұрын
Make Old Ukrainian and Modern Ukrainian languages
@CHIEER.Sonecko Жыл бұрын
There was no old ukranian LMAO 💀 It was all the east slavic language
@SantaFe19484 Жыл бұрын
@cheerful_crop_circle Жыл бұрын
@JacobYuanHang Жыл бұрын
Even that modern English was complicated 😂
@Dariaosu Жыл бұрын
This sounds Swedish
@rothaeos Жыл бұрын
I don't understand a word of that Modern English. I guess I live in an ultra-modern world.
@Subhajitjana537 Жыл бұрын
Are you native English speaker?
@rothaeos Жыл бұрын
@@Subhajitjana537 no I’m not
@helgeplnika009 Жыл бұрын
i think old english is more beautiful because modern english (especially american) sounds like: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwrwrwrwrwrrwrwrwrwrwrrwrwrwrr
@003mohamud Жыл бұрын
I agree
@monkeypie8701 Жыл бұрын
I understand the old english better than the modern English
@kamrankhan-lj1ng Жыл бұрын
How come.
@monkeypie8701 Жыл бұрын
It was being spoken weirdly
@acanofspam4347 Жыл бұрын
Stop lying 💀
@dumbmints Жыл бұрын
0:22 naw💀
@faunotiberio5192 Жыл бұрын
Old English is quite similar to German. It's like listening to a speech by Hitler. I like it. It sounds clear. For me, as a Chilean, it would be less difficult for me to pronounce Old English than the current British English that I am learning.
@mehmet.bozkurt9744 Жыл бұрын
1:49 aer drugon = Erdoğan 😄
@rhizoidx Жыл бұрын
Bro I didn't even understand the Modern English.
@Subhajitjana537 Жыл бұрын
Are you native English speaker?
@Ms.Divine2024 Жыл бұрын
Thank God for American English lol.
@snowflake2346 Жыл бұрын
Jesus!! 😳
@osazeeeguakun5099 Жыл бұрын
Did Its say sex
@CinCee- Жыл бұрын
Thats "early modern english" no one talks like that
@iwannabeyourdog4195 Жыл бұрын
I think it's just a literary form from the 19th century or so
@blindphilosopher Жыл бұрын
It's poetry. Of course no one talks like that.
@OG-dp1kx Жыл бұрын
Old English is not English at all, it is a separate languin its oun right. This just proves it 😆