No, they smashed multiplayer and zombies this year , can’t say the same about campaign 👀
@SPECTRE_ASF Жыл бұрын
The campaign was extremely rushed…
@Reggie-TV Жыл бұрын
Final-fucking-ly. Took me damn near 2 hours to upload this. Also the audio was made on Monday, so as for the wwe comment, let’s see what happens after. Thanks for watching yall. Hope y’all fuck with the vid!
@insertusername7253 Жыл бұрын
I think they did that title thing because the PS5 actually used to read it as MW2
@ryan_fsk Жыл бұрын
Bo2 and bo3 was last goodcod
@SPECTRE_ASF Жыл бұрын
i played mw2 and it was EXTREMELY mid tons and tons and TONS of camping the only good map on there was la casa and shipment… yea mw3 probably wasnt supposed to exist but In sledgehammers defense its activisions fault sledgehammer did a great job fixing what infinity ward didnt and the movement is amazing too and the weapon balancing…
@SockitWrench627 Жыл бұрын
2:00 I can guarantee you CoD 3 was not released this year
@ElViperr408 Жыл бұрын
IW hasn’t had a banger since 2019
@tylercastillo136 Жыл бұрын
We paid for better movements different but marker sounds and new guns… cod was supposed to be 2 year cycles but they realized they won’t be making the same money so now they update the game for a 89$ price… they greedy and it’s only going to get worst my g
@diogenesalejandroxenosdax1723 Жыл бұрын
Mw3 23 should be 1000 a DLC for MW2.
@kennY_72 Жыл бұрын
The last cod I got was cold war and I did not played Vanguard or MW2 so I can say that besides the campaign that no one really cares of the multi it's pretty fun and I haven't played zombies pretty much but I guess it's ok. But I prefer the cold war style zombies.
@Axel060793 Жыл бұрын
No no no no no... Ghosts: most people hated campaign but some of the missions were cool (gameplaywise, not storywise), MP had problems gunplay was amazing, Extinction was trash IW: most people loved campaign, hated MP, loved Spaceland and liked the next map... BO4: most people loved Blackout, either loved or absolutely hated MP and loved zombies (except VoD)
@Reggie-TV Жыл бұрын
For me I think ghost had a really solid campaign. Not just with the story/gameplay but also with the cliffhanger. I think my main issue with it tho was MP. You had a 6v6 game mode on a 12v12 map. The map sizes always threw me off. On the other hand, I found myself like IW mp. Mainly cuz of the hours I put into it with my friends tho.
@1inimilian567 Жыл бұрын
if you did not know this was originally a MW 2 2022 explanation, then they were told to make a new one. at least that is the roomer.
@Reggie-TV Жыл бұрын
I didn’t know that at the time of payment . It wasn’t till I had a convo with the homies about it after we got done playing when we realized that it might have been dlc. Sucks it costs so much tho.
@vivianlawrence1758 Жыл бұрын
It’s not a lazy cash grab because look at modern warfare two and a modern warfare three the campaign might suck, but they only has 16 months to make campaign and multiplayer and it really is a good game
@kennY_72 Жыл бұрын
I have a question, what about people who hasn't bought cod in a while? I personally feel like it is fresh. I got it on sale. 50 is expensive but I juag got it bc I like to play casual matches when I have nothing else to play lol
@Reggie-TV Жыл бұрын
If you haven’t played cod in a few years and you wanna play a new one, me personally I would suggest mw2 from last year. It’s cheaper now, and has more content(in my opinion). I appreciate what they did with the gameplay mechanics, it’s just as someone who played mw2(2009), I feel like this game was a copy and paste. With slight differences of course, but still a copy. I’m glad you found it enjoyable, but I’d say find a cheaper option for another new cod.
@cameleyez Жыл бұрын
Every COD is a cash grab. Same game for years now.
@natrix0 Жыл бұрын
Nah im ngl the multiplayer on this game is actually really good damn near the only REAL problem is sbmm other than that I like the health being 150 they fixed the hit detection from the better (at least for me it feels much better) and the old maps aren’t a problem because they’re actually good, in recent years cod has sucked at making maps for some reason so I don’t mind just re-using old ones at all, if the leaks are correct and we basically get an upgraded bo2 PLEASE use the old maps except for like aftermath and overflow cause ew
@Reggie-TV Жыл бұрын
When it comes to gameplay, I do think mw3 multiplayer is really good. I enjoy it. I just wish they gave us new maps. The entire time I felt like I was playing a reworked version of mw2(2009). To me it felt kinda lazy. Idk what their plans are for the next installment but I just hope it’s something different than this.
@diogenesalejandroxenosdax1723 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed Ghost Multiplayer.
@Somepepperwiththatsalt Жыл бұрын
People hate on ghost but nobody really has a reason. You have to give credit were it was due. They added old school maps from other cods in there game. They had michael myers. Predator. Etc. The gold looked like real gold on the guns not gold plated crap. They were the first to add sliding and slide canceling. The ripper. The maverick. The movements were good. I loved extinction. It was ahead of it’s time. Underrated and came after a legendary game like bo2. Any cod right after black ops 2 wouldve taken a hit. They lost me at boost jumps. Ghost set trends. The sliding. The oracle type things. Even the aliens they made zombies styler roughly based on that (in newer cods with exfil and etc.) With that being said cod is a joke. They connected mw3 to the mw2 files. 😂🙃So now i have to have both games take up all my space for 1 game. I like multiplayer. I am a hardcore player and havent liked hardcore in years but this year hits home. Zombies is okay. I like the open world concept but i have no clue what im doing. I dont wanna have to watch videos to find out how to play. 🤷♂️Core is trash. You shoot first aim first watch somebody shoot you and you die after getting 6 hitmarkers on somebody. That isnt skill. That is just lack of dev’s paying attention. Cod is slipping. I didnt play advanced warefare until the remake of mw1 in 2019. Bc of boost jumping and all the magic and nonesense. I get back into it and it’s pay to play.
@Reggie-TV Жыл бұрын
I appreciated ghosts for its campaign but the game still had a few problems. The map sizes in multiplayer never really matched the player sizes, and extinction in my opinion was pretty forgettable. Good story told in campaign tho. You got a good point with the mw2 mixed with mw3 thing. It’s crazy how much GB’s i have to download just to play mw3 multiplayer.
@insertusername7253 Жыл бұрын
I actually bought Blops3 after treyarch dropped this 💩. Enjoying it so far
@Reggie-TV Жыл бұрын
Black ops 3 was fun. Especially zombies. It’s crazy how folks gotta go back and buy older copies to make up for how bad the new one is. Let’s see what they do next
@insertusername7253 Жыл бұрын
@Reggie-TV oh boy Reggie, I can't wait for them to put the black ops franchise on the butcher block. Just like modern warfare.
@tylercastillo136 Жыл бұрын
It’s not a new game it’s a download from mw2 and mw2 was ass