23 Harsh Truths Nobody Wants To Admit - Alex Hormozi (4K)

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Chris Williamson

Chris Williamson

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@ChrisWillx Жыл бұрын
Hello you beauties. Get a free list of my 100 favourite books - chriswillx.com/books/ Here’s the timestamps: 00:00 Stop Caring About Other People’s Opinions 08:00 How To Have Difficult Conversations 15:28 The Heavy Burden of Unmade Decisions 24:46 Overcoming the Fear of What Other People Think 33:00 In Life You Must Choose Your Regrets 42:18 Work as Hard as You Can at One Thing & See What Happens 54:09 Become a Hero By Using Your Pain 58:42 Success is the Only Revenge 1:11:02 You’ve Already Achieved Goals You Said Would Make You Happy 1:24:13 Nobody Will Hate on You for Doing Worse Than Them 1:36:22 Hold Yourself to a Higher Standard Than Anyone Else Does 1:48:56 How to Remember Everything You Learn 1:59:07 You Don’t Have to Feel Good About it, Just Keep Going 2:05:23 Judge Yourself By Your Actions Not Your Thoughts 2:18:59 Success Comes From Doing The Things Others Won’t Do 2:25:09 The Ultimate Productivity System 2:35:07 A Hack For Knowing Who You Should Take Advice From 2:43:55 Why Cynicism Is A Loser’s Strategy 2:49:10 Learning Isn’t a Spectator Sport 2:51:28 Where to Find Alex
@xsw882 Жыл бұрын
thats only 20 timestamps 🤔
@_N0_0ne Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@loveliberationpod Жыл бұрын
21:42 You just changed my life, truly, i’ve been on a self development journey for more than 6 years now. Ironing out stuff. These discussions about decision-making finally made me understand the real law of attraction. How to move through this world most efficiently. Every decision is an opportunity to not let fear win. The quicker you make decisions out of love that need to be made. The quicker you reach your full potential.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@edscherzer Жыл бұрын
Game Changers that are Selfless Servants! My people! Thanks brothers. 👊🏼💪🏼🚀
@FaizVahedna Жыл бұрын
Chris talk way more than Alex. Disappointing in some waysm id rather have Alex explain his own thoughts.
@InsightTate Жыл бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 ⏳ Focus on living life for yourself, as in three generations, everyone who knew you will be forgotten. 01:37 🤔 Learn to think from first principles and not be bound by societal norms or others' expectations. 04:15 🔥 Avoid following the crowd; most people's decisions lead to unfulfilling lives. 06:23 ⏳ The more you act on your decisions, the quicker you can make significant changes in your life. 08:17 🗣️ Unmade decisions are often the source of stress; confronting difficult conversations can lead to growth. 12:02 🚗 Making decisions earlier can save you time and prevent you from staying in a state of complacency. 16:51 💡 Unmade decisions feel heavy due to fear, but naming the fear and the person involved can empower you to take action. 18:43 ⏳ Anxiety cost: Unmade decisions waste valuable time and attention, emphasizing the importance of taking action promptly. 19:25 🕐 Procrastination and anxiety can be reduced by taking immediate action on tasks or decisions. 20:33 ⏳ Speed of decision-making can significantly impact how quickly you achieve your goals and overcome anxiety. 22:54 💡 Fear of failure, insecurity, and the fear of being "not enough" often drive high achievers to succeed. 25:03 🤷‍♂️ Cynicism can be a defense mechanism to avoid facing the pain of failure and the judgment of others. 26:16 🃏 Everyone has advantages and disadvantages; it's essential to play the hand you've been dealt. 29:44 🤝 Understanding others' experiences and hardships can lead to forgiveness and empathy. 30:54 🙏 Regrets are an inevitable part of life, but choosing which regrets you can live with can guide decision-making. 35:10 🧀 In decision-making, consider running away from what you fear (regret) rather than chasing what you desire. 38:38 🌟 Building confidence is not about shouting affirmations but about proving your worth through undeniable evidence. 39:09 📘 Measure your success by your efforts and the work you put in, not just the outcomes. 40:19 🗣️ Prioritize and dedicate substantial effort to tasks to ensure you've done everything in your control to succeed. 42:25 🌟 The more you commit to a single pursuit, the more you realize your capabilities and unlock mastery. 44:43 💪 Turn pro in your chosen endeavor, applying dedication and a pro athlete's mindset to achieve excellence. 45:11 💡 The difference between nervousness and excitement is your level of preparation. 49:13 💡 Your ability to say "no" becomes crucial as you become more successful; focus on the one thing that matters most. 52:31 🚀 As you gain more success, your opportunities increase, making it even more important to prioritize and say "no" to most. 56:17 🔥 Use insufficiency, resentment, or difficult experiences as potent fuel to drive your actions and success. 57:25 🪓 Twisting the knife: Be specific about your pain and understand what truly hurts you, as it's often what contains elements of truth that bother you. 58:38 🌟 Success is the only revenge: Focus on your goals and achievements to overshadow doubters and naysayers, rather than trying to prove them wrong individually. 59:22 💪 Use challenges as opportunities: Transform negative experiences into strengths. Overcoming adversity can lead to unique skills and resilience. 01:01:54 🚀 Embrace the journey: Find joy in the pursuit of your goals rather than solely focusing on achieving them. The process of striving can be more fulfilling than reaching the destination. 01:05:08 🎖️ Be grateful for your challenges: Reflect on past difficulties as opportunities for growth and character development, as they contribute to who you are today. 01:06:23 🛣️ Define your own game: Don't just try to win at someone else's game; determine what game you want to play and set your own rules and goals. 01:09:40 🤔 Happiness in the pursuit: Realize that happiness often comes from actively working toward your goals, not just achieving them. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination. 01:15:53 🌄 Create your character through challenges: Imagine the person you want to become and embrace the hardships and struggles that will shape your character along the way. 01:16:50 🙏 Gratitude for the mundane: Cultivate gratitude by imagining how your future self would cherish the simple joys and health you currently have. 01:17:32 🌟 Finding gratitude and presence in everyday moments is a powerful way to combat feeling stuck in routines. 01:18:00 🧘 Presence and gratitude can be intertwined, with small daily moments opening you up to awareness. 01:18:56 🥋 Conor McGregor emphasized the importance of being present in his fights, allowing him to excel. 01:19:48 🌼 Mindfulness can be as simple as savoring a sip of coffee or a view out of the window, stringing together these moments. 01:21:12 🌄 Moments where you perceive your peripheral vision can naturally lead you to the present. 01:26:29 🚀 Success often brings haters because you remind them of the dreams they gave up on. 01:29:43 🌟 Haters and criticism can be indicators that you're on the right path to success. 01:35:21 💪 Every worthwhile goal has a cost, and it's the difficulty that makes it worth pursuing. 01:36:48 🙅 Self-love can involve rejecting the notion of self-acceptance and striving for the person you want to become. 01:37:28 🧠 Self-love means believing in yourself more than anyone else does and holding yourself to a higher standard. 01:39:09 🤔 Reject the idea of self-acceptance as settling for who you are; instead, accept your current state but strive for improvement. 01:40:09 💪 Embrace the discrepancy between your current self and the person you want to be, and focus on taking steps to bridge that gap. 01:45:41 🧭 Feeling lost or going through hard times often indicates you're on the right path to success, not the wrong one. 01:50:47 🧘‍♂️ To overcome negative emotions like sadness or impatience, operationalize them by identifying the root causes and working on solutions. 01:55:26 📝 A mediocre plan consistently followed is more effective than a perfect plan never executed; the key is sticking to the plan. 01:56:22 🌟 Alex emphasizes the importance of consistency and setting a new, higher bar for oneself after achieving success. 01:56:47 🧬 Alex acknowledges that everyone faces unique challenges, but he encourages individuals to focus on what they want to achieve rather than seeking sympathy for their difficulties. 01:57:30 🤔 Alex challenges the "must be nice" mindset, suggesting that success isn't about circumstances but about one's determination and actions. 01:59:10 💪 Alex emphasizes the importance of persevering even when you don't feel good about it and how hard work pays off in the long run. 02:00:55 🌱 Alex highlights that the work itself changes and molds you, and it's not just about the outcomes. 02:03:27 🏆 Alex shares his realization that work is never wasted because you become the output of the work, not just the outcome. 02:05:36 🤯 Alex suggests that judging yourself based on your actions, not just your thoughts, can lead to self-improvement. 02:06:58 🕰️ Alex discusses the value of patience and how it can be developed through consistent action, even when you don't feel patient. 02:10:36 🙌 Alex and the host emphasize the importance of sharing honest, unromanticized stories of personal growth and challenges to help others navigate their journeys. 02:15:43 🚀 Having a "must be easy" mindset is a sign of a victim mindset; it removes agency and power from your life. 02:17:07 ⏳ Life is like a protracted training montage; the lack of certainty makes it worthwhile. 02:18:48 🤔 Pursuing a goal with uncertainty is what makes it meaningful; guaranteed success would be unfulfilling. 02:19:04 💪 To be more successful than most, be willing to do what most people aren't willing to do. 02:20:26 🔄 Consistency is a powerful virtue; being consistent is often the key to success. 02:23:46 🕰️ The moment you begin working is when your productivity increases; starting is the perfect condition. 02:28:57 💪 There are no shortcuts; hard work is the path to success. 02:30:13 🌟 Don't compromise on your standards; even if others praise your work, you'll know if you could have done better. 02:33:22 📅 Aim for your average Tuesday to reflect how you want most of your life to be, focusing on meaningful work, exercise, and spending time with loved ones. 02:35:12 🚫 Don't waste time justifying your actions to people who have a life you don't want. Live your life the way you want. 02:36:14 🙅‍♂️ Don't let others' inability to make a logical argument affect you. Accept their rejection and move on. 02:39:42 🎭 "Punking the game" means refusing to play by others' rules in a game you didn't agree to, which can be both destructive and constructive. 02:41:20 💰 The cynics may seem right in the short term, but the optimists often achieve long-term success. Embrace the tension between paranoia in the present and faith in the future. 02:45:06🚀 Don't be swayed by people who consistently underestimate your potential. They're often wrong, except for the one time it truly matters. 02:49:30 📚 Learning is about changing behavior in response to new conditions. Intelligence is the rate of learning, not an inherent attribute. 02:51:50 📖 Check out Alex Hormozi's books "100 Million Dollar Offers" and "100 Million Dollar Leads" for practical business insights.
@davidtmartinjr Жыл бұрын
W Comment
@fritzfluss9990 11 ай бұрын
How does this comment have so few likes? Great summary! Thanks brother!
@rayralf90 11 ай бұрын
​@fritzfluss9990 people probably just give up halfway. You have to scroll for ages to get to that like button.
@BeingForeverBroken 11 ай бұрын
@@rayralf90 Oh the irony
@jackcatlin 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for writing this!
@priyanshpatel4677 6 ай бұрын
this will be the single most valuable podcasts for generations to come
@1pagelifeplan Жыл бұрын
I have bought both of Alex's books! Love all the wisdom available today. I gotta say it's easy to get trapped in scrolling for too long. I decided to delete all the social apps off my phone and just use KZbin on my laptop and it's really helped my productivity!
@Sampsadioz Жыл бұрын
I have to do this
@1pagelifeplan Жыл бұрын
@@Sampsadioz Let me know how it goes!
@QuickTakeJake 11 ай бұрын
smart smart...I am consider the same especially as I am going into content creation...my mind can be everywhere and nowhere at once
@natalieanderson308 Ай бұрын
Ditto and no regrets. When I need to relax my mind now, I do word games (bonus: my vocabulary 👆⬆️
@VentureBackCollections Ай бұрын
I listed to this podcast almost every day for a month while working through the plans and gusto to further live and change my life paradigm almost a year ago when you first posted it, starting my own company reselling products … it’s been tough, but absolutely worth it! I listened to it again this afternoon while getting errands done and it helped me walk in the door, and literally do the next one after putting my keys down; frankly face the “fear” I’ve been holding onto for 7 years and launch my first piece of creative work. Thank you for taking all that time to pull this list together and for having Alex on to discuss. You’ve helped change the trajectory of my next 50 years - your time was well spent. ❤
@alexanderavanth Жыл бұрын
Alex just feels unreal. He’s wealthy, humble, compassionate, philosophical, attentive, generous and funny. He’s like a swole Buddha that decided to become a CEO and wear crocs. You just can’t make this up.
@michaelburrell4685 Жыл бұрын
That’s the best description of Alex I’ve heard.
@przemek3251 Жыл бұрын
This is a perfect description, I 100% agree with you.😄
@ThePhaze1001 Жыл бұрын
You literally CANT MAKE IT UP 😂😂😂
@HarshSingh-oh1tj Жыл бұрын
You forget muscular
@GiosBordoli Жыл бұрын
A swole buddah 😂😂 that’s so accurate tho hahah
@jonathancaliguire Жыл бұрын
This has got to be the most beautiful video podcast set I've ever seen. So clean, warm, and cinematic. Nicely done.
@goodsongclub Жыл бұрын
I love Chris's passion at 1:51:00 about us never being more blessed than we are now. I could feel him boiling up over this concept. His conviction is so huge.
@Doctorgan 2 ай бұрын
“No work is wasted because I am the output of the work, not the outcome”. That was so good.
There will never be a better podcast than this. This conversation is just incredible valuable and you can't lose after you relentlessly study their words. STUDY THEM AND YOU WILL SUCCEED
@loveliberationpod Жыл бұрын
21:42 You just changed my life, truly, i’ve been on a self development journey for more than 6 years now. Ironing out stuff. These discussions about decision-making finally made me understand the real law of attraction. How to move through this world most efficiently. Every decision is an opportunity to not let fear win. The quicker you make decisions out of love that need to be made. The quicker you reach your full potential.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@rueroos Жыл бұрын
This video is just what I needed .This resonates with everything I'm experiencing as a new mom, new business owner, and new content creator. This conversation has been incredibly inspiring in many ways. Thank you! It's just the extra push I needed☺.
@harryruns1 Жыл бұрын
I've been listening to this podcast for while but this has to be the most takeaways I've taken from a single episode. Hormozi is the man, love this 💪
@todaywelift7654 23 күн бұрын
Man…I wish I had friends so I can share this. This entire series is gold. This specific episode here literally changed my life. I always come back and listen and keep benefiting…for free? Wow.
@Kdtechnow 11 ай бұрын
The example of the red card and not ducking got me the most. We all see the red card and ignore it and are back at where we started. The part of the cooking timer is something I can relate. It really works. I get a lot more done and it’s actually fun. You just start the timer and get busy. I even catch myself wanting more time to work.
@ShakerFS Жыл бұрын
I'm 23 yo, trying to improve, and all of the information and the topics discussed in this podcast were phenomenal. I can't believe all of this is free.
@xxcelr8rs 11 ай бұрын
You are lucky to get this at 23. Take heed.
@battybeef 10 ай бұрын
It’s not easy to find people who are so well spoken, can talk about interesting things and just be cool at the same time. This channel is an absolute gem.
@Flare6 Жыл бұрын
34:18 “In life, we must choose our regrets” - Douglas Morey Wow, that’s a bar!
@jonashanson1119 4 ай бұрын
Commenting to boost the algorithm
@WendyLopez-ts3mf 9 ай бұрын
I am a 56 year old retired nurse recently widowed. I have been watching Alex and Layla’s teaching videos, among others, for the past 5 months. I am you at 85 Mr. Hormozi. I am grateful for these 3 hours. The conversation was light yet insightful. Thank you. I know I’m not the target audience but I wanted you to know that your knowledge is appreciated at every moment of your life. I’m taking the red pill, finally.
@selenathesparklycabbage Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the energy between you both so DAMN MUCH I wanna listen to this over and over again. Thank you for this. I wish I could print out the transcript for this and reread it everyday just to recapture the energy and of course, the gold.
@mogeaux Жыл бұрын
Great idea. I will do just that, print out a copy of the transcript. 👍
@selenathesparklycabbage 11 ай бұрын
​@@mogeauxomg did you do it!? :)
@mogeaux 8 ай бұрын
@@selenathesparklycabbage yes. I did. Learning is one way I procrastinate.
@mariemaestas706 3 ай бұрын
So great to hear this! I’ve been in the situation where a huge huge group, community of friends pushed back. I saw it and I kept doing what was best for me. Although, it’s nice to see that they are excepting me for who I have grown into. And the ones that don’t, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Life is really good and getting better and better and better.
@sye601 Жыл бұрын
I'm only 20 min in and theres already been, for me, a couple of profound observations / reframings of reality. I think I might clip some of this and set it as my morning alarm !
@chrisrichardson3926 9 ай бұрын
One of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. So much wisdom and insights.
@MoMan9 Жыл бұрын
This podcast is like wisdom trove! Its like a seminar that could cost $10,000 to attend. Also, Chris's ability to ask deep questions and share his insights about what he is asking from the guest is just unparalleled. I yet have to hear someone who conducts interview like him. Due to this I have stopped listening to ALL the podcasts and listen to his podcast every 2-3 weeks because its so dense! Keep up the good work! You were the best club promoter in the UK and now you are on your way to become the best most deep and insightful podcaster in the world! For me you are already that!
@c4b0ombazzist90 11 ай бұрын
I'm 33 and divorced, recently moved across the country have had a rough last few years full of a lot of loss and little gain. Thank you both for providing me the push through the mental threshold towards being better. I have been stagnate, indecisive, and clouded for too long. You have provided a broader and logical perspective on a lot of my personal issues and short comings. Also I have been watching Alex's channel for a while and landed on your channel back when you talked with Eric Weinstein, finding this was absolute mental gold. Greatly appreciate the guests and your inquires. You have very passionate and genuine way of speaking that is refreshing.
@scottrobert1790 11 ай бұрын
Hi, a stranger here from the UK... Im 34, divorced at 31 (or 32 I cant remember). Im replying because your comment resonated, stagnation and indecision were peak for me a few years ago. Im glad you found this content useful... give yourself a pat on the back, your looking for a way forward and you have found it. Good for you :). I cannot believe how far I come from reading & watching content from people I respect. I hope this does not come across as patronising, I truly mean it to support. A Stranger
@c4b0ombazzist90 11 ай бұрын
@@scottrobert1790 Much appreciated, Thank You so much for the affirmation.
@KazzyOfficial Жыл бұрын
This was so incredible. Alex is such a beautiful soul
@davidbooher5559 26 күн бұрын
I’ve heard Alex before, but this was truly the most profound video I’ve listened to ever ! 💪💪💪
@mikerajaram1166 9 ай бұрын
Great interview guys!!! I’ve been following Alex before he blew up and I remember thinking how does no one watch his stuff! Lol! Alex, appreciate everything you do for everyone listening. Listening to your mindset has changed my mindset and has helped me in so many ways and I’m able to pass this knowledge down to my kids. Thank you again!
@coltonhart.videos Жыл бұрын
"Success is the only revenge..." dark, but powerful 🖤
@hugoowona Жыл бұрын
After so many podcasts of Alex I went into this thinking I wouldn’t learn anything new. I was wrong.
@sherpajones 9 ай бұрын
0:00 to 8:00 I recorded this section a few months ago and set it as my morning alarm. It reinforced things I've always known I needed to attend to in my life. How I needed to put my own happiness ahead of others if I was ever to be happy enough to care about their happiness.
@MyUpMost4God 9 ай бұрын
Chris your comments were so helpful to me. Thank you so much. Really motivated me. Continued success in 2024.
@denisetrudeau4762 Жыл бұрын
@richielodge9537 11 ай бұрын
This hit me hard, especially as a single parent using a lot of excuses. Time to start making some moves 💪
@grahamdrysdale8147 10 ай бұрын
Loved the chat. You guys are doing great. We all went through shit at school etc. Probably defined my younger self but my older self is totally over it. Don't hold on to that. It is toxic. It needs to be swept away so you can play your own game and live your own life. All the best.
@leozhou10 11 ай бұрын
Massive respect for both Chris and Alex. Many of the lessons resonated with my entrepreneurship journey to the core. Thanks for your time and effort to make this conversation happen.
@gmarnu 8 ай бұрын
If I could bottle enlightenment, this podcast would be it.
@drlifebloom 11 ай бұрын
This podcast right here. Makes me want to change. Finally. Thank you
@alexcioalai Жыл бұрын
KZbin should add the Double Like Button for podcasts like this.
@TheZGALa 9 ай бұрын
I try to remind myself often, general hate from strangers is a sign I am making progress.
@BlackFiance 2 ай бұрын
Alex hormozi is always guaranteed to drop fire advice ❤
@ilyosrustamov8253 11 ай бұрын
This video is moe and more banificial which take more positive side .It so powerful podcast
@cara-leo Жыл бұрын
I’m not your typical male audience, but I just love both of you guys’ passion and sharing of these literal GOLD NUGGETS with the world. It’s hard to stop the mental masturbation when the content is so good!
@r3sid3ntttv9 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad they could articulate the feeling of not doing enough.
@formlessval 5 ай бұрын
"Theres always a position and and theres always an advantage" 🔥🔥🔥
@siaosanna 6 ай бұрын
I'm a mom of two young kids. I homeschool, I cook from scratch as much as possible, garden and raise chickens so they can eat well. I run my side hustle in the early mornings and late nights. I frequently think "I can't do all of this" or "I can't do what Alex is doing because I have children" And then I remember I don't have to do things the way he is doing them to still find value in his lessons. And even though my progress feels slow, and my task list overwhelming, my young children are temporary. They are the priority, BUT I can still slowly lay the foundation, brick-by-brick, of what I want to do and be afterwards
@carlovincetti4538 10 ай бұрын
Change is hard. Nobody that has ever done, then regrets it and usually wish they had done it sooner:)
@alchemybreathwork9514 11 ай бұрын
This is the most impactful podcast I've watched/ listen to. Well done gents.
@dailyn_sos 11 ай бұрын
Thank you! For getting me through this morning 😊 What a great conversation! How great, would it be to sit with you guys for an hr.. 🤩
@LynDa05 8 ай бұрын
I don’t have nothing.”you even more dangerous if you gatt nothing,cause you have nothing to loose”
@stephensharper4312 Жыл бұрын
2:44 Freudian slip!
@groundsurvivalstudygracieg4034 4 ай бұрын
The lonely chapter. I'm there now. I didn't get chills. But I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I've felt like I'm in the wrong room my entire life.
@banerjeehome5913 2 ай бұрын
1:59:44 Alex Hormozi's cute smile is freaking adorable. I love that guy to bits.
@DEEP_PRACTICE 9 ай бұрын
I keep coming back to this video, there so much value in this discussion. Thank-you both! Grateful for your insights.
@soulstrengthsanctuary Ай бұрын
You know if you zoom out far enough you can't see the earth - love that. And the part about forgiveness is so important, it is hard to have resentment when compassion and empathy is present! "And that is when I realized people want you to do well but not better than them!" I think its because it triggers others sense of ability to do what you do, and that they have to take responsibility for it, it's easier to hate. I remember being successful in my sales career and having a target on my back, having no idea why. I suppose people who are successful typically take massive responsibility for their reality and understand the dedication it takes so when you see someone achieving more success than you that you take notes.
@ACEBOOGIE835 Жыл бұрын
One the best podcast I have ever watched.
@RyanNelly 28 күн бұрын
Prove to me you deserve the top. Only those who can prove to mix and mingle with the bottom deserve the top and vise
@Hobozakki Жыл бұрын
I love alex… his outlook on life is top tier 👌🏼
@Kurtrussell_ Жыл бұрын
“I don’t need to deserve success, but I could still have it if I did the things that lead to success.”
@mohanchowdary1497 3 ай бұрын
"No one hates you from above" 😍 Thanks guys ☺️
@LindseyBrooke Жыл бұрын
This might be the best conversation I've ever listened in on. Wow!
@jaetharcher 10 ай бұрын
Umm amazing podcast with amazing conversation between amazing men. But can we take a moment to appreciate how smooth the toss of the LMNT box was for the ad? 🤯 23:46
@odaytolah Жыл бұрын
i seriously can't have enough of this
@jasperjean2642 Жыл бұрын
It's crazy that he just recently turned 33 years old. He's 2 years younger than me and his experience, intelligence and wisdom make me feel like he's a big brother who's 5 years older than me.
@jasperjean2642 Жыл бұрын
1:42:31 "Doing what everyone else isn't doing, is already the single biggest indicator that you are doing the right thing" When Alex said this, it reminds me of the matrix scene when Neo and Trinity were in the armory simulator getting ready to rescue Morpheus, and Trinity said to Neo "Nobody has ever done anything like this." And Neo replied with: " That is why it's going to work"
@nicolemace5717 5 ай бұрын
Hate is the leading indicator you are on the right path.
@OnekamaProducts Жыл бұрын
The first three minutes of this video is world changing.
@MilesLeslie 11 ай бұрын
My respect for Alex after this podcast 📈📈
@Localhero727 Жыл бұрын
Free wisdom? thank you so much! ☺️🙌
@Naampetra 4 ай бұрын
Rock on to all the peeps who already claimed this lifestyle and best warm hugs to those about to dive, you got this! Have fun , make meaning, share light or what are you doing with your life ?
@qwerryuuui 5 ай бұрын
Chris I went and become walter weight champion boxer in a normally considered horrible Boys boarding school. I was carried on their shoulders with them screaming my handle after a win."AT&T ". I used to cry looking out the window wondering when I would ever get out of this hell hole.
@neontshole9757 10 ай бұрын
Millions of gems being dropped here😩
@novoshorizontes7457 10 ай бұрын
Great podcast thank you guys
@meandthemind 11 ай бұрын
Guys, thank you a lot! Amazed! Watched 2 times!
@froandcara 7 ай бұрын
“Independent from the opinions of other people”❤❤❤❤
@izeta3d 5 ай бұрын
The last part of being in front of the computer just doing anything I’m so guilty of haha this video really opened my eyes
@ayrinsangels 7 ай бұрын
From first 5 minutes I can say I will love it.
@dadmindmatters 10 ай бұрын
I flipping love this guy and one day he will be a guest on my podcast. That goal alone is interesting enough to keep podcasting 😂😂
@barnider Жыл бұрын
great pod, really love the honesty of you two. one paradox came to my mind tho, i would love is someone(s) helped me out with their perspective on it: isn't having huge expectations with one's self and work, and striving for the best possible work and "giving your all" the exact opposite of "just trying" and learning from mistakes and failures? these two are all mentioned inside the first hour of this episode, and these seem like two exactly opposite mindsets, which could create a sense of confusion
@courtneymeehan504 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you that the two mindsets would create confusion. I am the give it your best and learn person myself.
@willsparks1806 Жыл бұрын
wow I'm part way through listening and I need to go to bed... can't wait to get back to it and listen to the rest!
@goggins6121 8 ай бұрын
this episode is mindblowing just how good it is
@FarhanAhmedshorts 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for this Podcast! I learned so many new things and I am thankful for that! Besides watching, I wrote some of the learning in Google Notes! Appreciated!
@lilibethnieto55 Жыл бұрын
Amazing collaboration with tons of life nuggets to chew ❤
@hatman1234 Жыл бұрын
I've learned that friends that aren't happy for your successes aren't really your friends.
@Aedonius 5 ай бұрын
2:14:50 "I made exactly 4972. My rent was exactly $4972." Synchronicities are the norm when you become an entrepreneur. Faith in yourself is essential, and it pays off.
@dr.kathiperry2606 Жыл бұрын
Kudos to Alex.. and LOVE LMNT👏👏👏💃💃
@Fenzido 4 ай бұрын
The stress is a result of the choices that you don't make.
@Scottish-Batman 10 ай бұрын
Legends the pair of ye's! ^^ god bless you both
@salim_the_dream 18 күн бұрын
Great conversation. Awesome stuff
@marl745 6 ай бұрын
Great conversation i needed this morning.
@BenGallagher-ze2em Жыл бұрын
Get in the Rocky cut scene, this guy is a gift from god
@qwerryuuui 5 ай бұрын
I sat on top of the world in pure achievement so high in my late 20's in the military nothing compares to that. I don't have to chase anything life is simple. I am happy, chill and life is very simple and I don't chase achievement. I already reached the top. I don't care about getting ritch or chase money.
@nathankayamba9463 6 ай бұрын
People want you to do well, but not better than them.
@pxblo84 Жыл бұрын
Such a wholesome discussion!
@freeglee3482 Жыл бұрын
just had to say, this is all hair and no hair...lol... the quality of helpful information here has done more for me today than 6 mo of therapy...thank you!
@jolseywales 5 ай бұрын
You have nothing to lose. Let that sink in.
@callieboorse215 Жыл бұрын
Do you ever do seminars?
@BendKayakSchool 11 ай бұрын
Love this discussion overall... and I don't accept being a woman as if its less than being a man. I embrace it, and the same with my ethnicity. Never even occurred to me to feel that I should need to Accept being able to create life, and do everything that I can, and my heritage gift. Others might need to accept that I'm not constrained by being a woman in the ways that they wish to put on me. But thats on them. I'd invite you to reflect on the beliefs that led to that statement. 😊 Thanks for all of the content, we are all learning
@grandpasutubechannel 11 ай бұрын
120 years from now no one currently living will still be sucking air. Think about it!! Sincerely The old Northwoods RN
@robertmurigi8487 2 ай бұрын
Love all you do bro.
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