Рет қаралды 9,052
Neoprusiano / neoprusiano
Molitva russkikh (1816)
Himno del:
Imperio Ruso (1721-1917)
Боже, Царя храни!
Славному долги дни
Дай на земли!
Гордыхъ смирителю,
Слабыхъ хранителю,
Всѣхъ утѣшителю -
Всё ниспошли!
Русь православную
Боже, храни!
Царство ей стройное,
Въ силѣ спокойное!
Всё-жъ недостойное
Прочь отжени!
О, Провидѣніе!
Намъ ниспошли!
Къ благу стремленіе,
Въ счастьѣ смиреніе,
Въ скорби терпѣніе
Дай на земли!
Bozhe, tsarya khrani!
Slavnomu dolgi dni
Day na zemli!
Gordykh smiritelyu,
Slabykh khranitelyu,
Vsyekh uteshitelyu -
Vsyo nisposhli!
Rus' pravoslavnuyu
Bozhe, khrani!
Tsarstvo yey stroynoye!
V sile spokoynoye!
Vsyo-zh nedostoynoye
Proch' otzheni!
Voinstvo brannoye,
Slavoy izbrannoye,
Bozhe, khrani!
Voinam mstiteyam,
Chesti spatitelyam,
Dolgiye dni!
Mirnykh voiteley,
Pravdy blyustiteley,
Bozhe, khrani!
Zhizn' ikh primernuyu,
Doblestyam vernuyu,
Ty pomyani!
O, Provideniye!
Nam nisposhli!
K blagu stremlenye,
V schast'ye smireniye,
V skorbi terpeniye
Day na zemli!
Bud' nam zastupnikom,
Vernom soputnikom,
Nas' provozhai!
Zhisn' podnebesnaya,
Serdtsu izvestnaya,
Serdtsu siyai!
God, save the Tsar!
To the glorious one, long days
Give on this earth!
To the subduer of the proud,
To the keeper of the weak
To the comforter of everyone,
Grant everything!
The land of the first throne,
Orthodox Russia,
God, do save!
(Make) her tzardom harmonious,
Calm in strength;
And everything unworthy
Drive away!
The soldiers swear,
The people swear,
God, do save (him)!
Avengers of war,
Saviors of honor,
On the earth
(May they be granted) long days!
(For our) warriors of peace,
The guardians of truth,
God, do save (them)!
Their lives are exemplary,
(They are) unfeigned,
Their true valour
May You remember!
O Providence!
Grant to us!
Aspiration to good,
Humility in happiness,
Patience in sorrow
Give on this earth!
Be our protector,
Our faithful companion,
See us off!
Grant us Your lovely light,
Life from heaven,
Knowledge into our hearts,
And light to shine in our hearts!