Mom of 8 kids + I still make MISTAKES! // 5 Mistakes I've Made + My Battle Cry for ALL Moms!

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Angela Braniff

Angela Braniff

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@MsSmileshine 3 жыл бұрын
I always admire how you are able to give such good parenting advice without ever exposing any personal details about your children or individual challenges you might have parenting them. I feel like way too many youtube parents are disrespecting their childrens privacy, while talking about their parenting struggles.
@aleia4654 3 жыл бұрын
Angie/ThisGatheredNest is one of the only family vlog style channel I feel really good about watching and supporting for that reason. The kid's have their privacy, no intimate things or moments involving them are shared. Angie and CR are great about maintaining the balance of showing family life without overly exposing their individual kids' lives.
@NatalieBennett 3 жыл бұрын
*YES!!!!! The whole “there’s no one size fits all for parenting!” PREACH, girlfriend! So happy to have you in this collab, Angie!* I felt my head nodding the whole time watching this wonderful video. Also, discovered I’m not the only one who says the phrase “owning your crap!” 😝
@allydeshae 3 жыл бұрын
You are never JUST A MOM! We are moms, chauffeurs, chefs, nurses, teachers, peace keepers, receptionist, therapists, book keepers, time managers, and SO SO SO much more!! We are the glue that holds everything together. However, we still have to take care of ourselves while we are being all of these things for our children! Thank you for sharing your experiences, Happy Mother's Day!!
@senselessrose 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing up the stay at home mom kind of conflict with feminism. I've known since I was little that I wanted to be a stay at home mom like my mom was. I'm also someone who identifies as a feminist. A lot of strong women who have been in my life kept asking my career aspirations and that was met with a lot of judgement when I told them I really don't have any. My life aspirations have nothing to do with a job. I work for money to build the life I want. I'm currently pregnant and my husband and I are doing everything in our power to all me to stay home once the baby is here. I've repeatedly been scoffed at for that desire and told that I'll go crazy and regret it and that I can't be a feminist if that's all I want in life. I really appreciate you discussing that in this video
@zoilamorales7014 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, because for the first time in ten years I do not feel that I am the only woman who feels ashamed just for being a mom. It feels like a hug when finally someone tells you that what you are not alone and that I can leave behind those perceptions. Being just a mom is okay and worthy. God bless you❤
@sharonparsons4006 3 жыл бұрын
This is my first comment on KZbin ever and all I want to say to you is “thank you”. I felt like these words were pulled from my soul. So nice to relate to someone. Who knew the internet could do that 🙌
@april6363 3 жыл бұрын
Your rabbit trails show your passion, never apologize for that! 😊 You are so freaking wise, and relatable in your honesty. I appreciate how you are genuine and don't give in to the pressure of being "fake relatable". 💕
@gracehammomd1865 3 жыл бұрын
Angela, you are seriously one of my favorite humans. You are such a pure and sweet soul and I can just see the love of the Lord that you have, and how you exemplify that in the way you raise your children. By far my favorite KZbin family❤️
@emilyreichert7306 3 жыл бұрын
This was exactly what I needed to hear today. I am a stay at home momma to a 14 month old and have been struggling feeling like others view me as “just a mom” when the reality is we made so many sacrifices to make this a possibility for our family. I love being home with him every day and seeing him learn and grow but it is certainly not easy and we are busy!! Thank you for being such a support for all mommas out there 💕
@coffeefortwosolly 3 жыл бұрын
Emily....I 53 year old mum of son is now 27🤗 but for the first ten years I was a wife and a stay at home mom...and I used to dread bumping into people because the first thing they would ask is what are you doing at the moment?...I never felt I had an adequate answer and so would come away feeling worthless.... we should be bold and say with all the joy motherhood gives us I AM BEING THE BEST MUM I CAN AND LOVING EVERY MINUTE! ( even though it’s one of the most toughest jobs where you learn on the job daily 😉) We are giving our children the best start ever...and when your son one day comes and hugs you and say I’ve had a happy life YOU WILL KNOW YOU DONE OK! I’ve got no won’t either...just carrying on loving your son unconditionally...they love us with that same love daily! 🤗🙋🏻‍♀️💕🇬🇧
@charleyschlatter6624 3 жыл бұрын
👋 I’m at home with my 14 month old son too! He’s born Feb 11th 2020.
@MollysStory 3 жыл бұрын
I loved that you mentioned that we need to let our kids be their own unique individuals with their own interests and hobbies! I see my daughter now, becoming more courageous and brave then I ever was as a little girl, and I want to encourage that behavior!
@laurawong7460 3 жыл бұрын
Love your message about stay at home moms, I have struggled with defining myself as a stay at home mom. You are right that I am the only one who can give it the importance and not downplay my role. Validation! Thanks!
@rebeccalitardo6250 3 жыл бұрын
Love this video. I feel like apologizing to my kids is important. We all make mistakes but own up to it, apologize and learn from it. Thank you for this ❤
@andreathelin4069 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. Just yes!!! Being a mum is the best thing i’ve ever done. I laugh every day. I also loose it sometimes. And i apologies often and talk about what happened with both my toddlers. Motherhood is amazing and tough and beautiful and messy. Thank you for your words if wisdom. ❤️
@susanjaderberg690 3 жыл бұрын
I heard a quote about the appreciation from children ” thank you for my life, now let me live the life I was given ” And its so true, at some point we need to let go of what we thought the child could be and let the child be and do whatever they want to do with their lives.❤️
@worleyhavenhomestead1448 3 жыл бұрын
Amen sister, being a stay at home mom is the best "job" I've ever had, I would not trade it for any amount of money, it will pay off big in the long run!!!
@ShesMakinDough 3 жыл бұрын
Your last !!! I was the exact way..and even other women would throw shade, that you should be doing more. It made me start to work part time online and push myself and do a million things and it put my mothering on the background...and you're right ! We do NOT need that respect from others . So glad you talked about that. I had a cousin say to me once " what do you even do all day? " and my daughter was special needs with a feeding tube ....people really need to learn how to treat others
@soapygirl83 3 жыл бұрын
I really appreciated this video. I have an amazing but very stubborn and headstrong and dramatic 5 year old and sometimes it's hard not to match her emotions and also to be patient and remember that I'm planting seeds that are going to sprout later. With regard to your last point about how motherhood gets portayed on social media I I completely have retreated from really talking about my parenting life on the internet because it just is too volatile and stressful and depressing for the most part to talk to people about it. I have a couple circles of group chats with parents that I really trust and respect to talk about these things and I just don't really share anything else on social media in part because I'm trying to protect my child's privacy and in part to just protect my sanity.
@shesows630 3 жыл бұрын
Parenting is a journey of gardening souls and hearts! This is so true!
@amandapatterson9182 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! So true!! I have apologized to my own mother several times since becoming a parent myself. I expected so much from her that it wasn't until I was a parent that I truly realized...we don't have all the answers, we can't do everything and we are going to make mistakes. I always enjoy your channel, thank you for sharing with us!
@DansonforJoy 3 жыл бұрын
Angela, I was so excited to see YOU in this collaboration! You’re a few years ahead of me in mothering, and I so appreciate your wisdom. 🤍
@jlsumner7 3 жыл бұрын
From a mother of grown children: I definitely agree with so much of this, especially the eclectic perspective. I have seven children and they are similar and different in a variety of ways, to/from each other and to/from us. I could have had fifty and they would all be different people, so no one way of parenting is perfect. The only thing that we can be certain of is that LOVE is necessary-unconditional love! There is so much wisdom in this video. I am glad that my kids are not clones of us. I want them to evolve and be even better, which is exactly what has happened because we do not subscribe to rigidity or legalism (which is tempting when not being open to being eclectic). What I DO want them to share is their love of others and KINDNESS toward other people - and they do; they're also even better at this than I am. I learn from them in every interaction.
@kimberlypoint8446 3 жыл бұрын
This video needs to reach EVERY mom out there!
@RachelDee 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for balancing grace with responsibility here, Angie. I'm gonna cry at the gift that this playlist is as a start to the week. Already watched Sarah's and watching Natalie's next.
@MandyRay 3 жыл бұрын
Amen, Amen and Amen. My mind shift of letting others decide the worth in my choice to be a SAHM started in how I talked about it. It was no longer "I'm just a SAHM" but it became "I GET to be a SAHM". Recognizing the privilege and blessing that it is was that I GET to stay home with my children and be a part of raising these God given gifts...I'm floored. Angie, I love your soapbox!
@candimclane6739 3 жыл бұрын
How in the world did you become so wise at such a young age!?My hat is off to you sweet lady! I raised 8 and they turned out great,but I certainly felt at a loss many many times.God bless you,hugs from Missouri 🤗
@emiliechristensen6022 3 жыл бұрын
As a first time mom who has been struggling lately, thank you so so much. I very much needed this.
@mandaleemilly6367 3 жыл бұрын
It’s ok to struggle, it’s a hard job! You learn as you go and it gets easier in some ways. Don’t be to hard on yourself and ask for help if you need it. I’m sure you’re doing a great job!
@brittanykeith9561 3 жыл бұрын
YES! I'm constantly I mean we have our bad days but Motherhood is suuuuch a joy and I can't understand where these moms are coming from! These are all so solid, thank you for sharing!
@Msrainbowzebras98 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve never felt so heard, now I’m crying in the shower 🤣 but really thank you for sharing, I admire you so much 🤍
@caseywood9195 3 жыл бұрын
Come on Angie!! Get on that soapbox girl!! That was such a good reminder for me and good for me to hear as a stay at home mom of 3! Motherhood is an amazingly important job that is so often looked down upon or not as good as going to work. Thank you!
@jaelmommaj8735 3 жыл бұрын
Angela, this was so so so good. I chose to be a mom at 21 and I wanted it so so bad. I have always wanted a big family and yet I feel so guilty and ashamed that thats all I wanted in life. I don't even like telling people I want more kids because even if they don't say it they show that it's weird and I may be crazy.
@lauraf8108 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your insights Angela. As someone who was brought up and constantly told by my mum that she had to give up her happy and carefree life when she became a parent, and that her life would have been so much easier and happier if she just never had kids, I must say it's very damaging to be taught that. I am trying to break out of that thinking as I start to think about motherhood for myself. It's so helpful to me to hear an amazing mum like yourself debunk that myth. Yes, it will be hard sometimes, but my children will enrich my life, I can still do things for me, I don't have to give up everything that makes me happy to be a parent.
@SummerMeyers 3 жыл бұрын
*Say it LOUDER for the people in the back!!* 👏👏👏 Motherhood is hard but so is a lot of things and it enriches my life ten-fold. I would not have it any other way. Thank you for articulating it so well!💕💕
@terrabos5582 3 жыл бұрын
I just love your common sense. It’s a breath of fresh air and I appreciate you sharing!
@sabrinajohnson5264 3 жыл бұрын
Your rabbit trail did NOT ruin this video. It MADE this video. These are feelings I have been feeling but have not been able to articulate it as well as you did. Thank you! My hubby and I just bought 55 acres and plan on building a mini farm also. I am nervous about all the extras with homeschooling. I would love to see how your routines and day goes with homeschooling and how that all looks.
@SewingatHomeMom 3 жыл бұрын
Yes!!! Being a Mom means something different for each of us 😀🌷 And thankfully, we learn from our mistakes!
@lolanytzsfootprints7215 3 жыл бұрын
Happy mother’s day! You are an amazing mom!❤️💐Life is not perfect, we make mistakes. What is important is we continue to give our best and our love in the things that we do.
@HaleyWildman 3 жыл бұрын
So thankful these kiddos give us grace and love us through our imperfections! I need to do more of that for myself through motherhood. Thank you for sharing! It's always nice to not feel alone 💕
@MichouBeauty 3 жыл бұрын
Yes i agreee, being able to see your wrong and apologize to them when you're wrong is important
@kendraatkins 3 жыл бұрын
Ah so nice doing this collab together!!
@hannahbentson9374 3 жыл бұрын
#4 and #5 😭😭 so good! Our babies reflect us like a mirror. Being a mama has always been a dream of mine but I felt that same thing when I had my first baby. People would say “what do you do?” and I would say I’m a mom and they would say things like “ya but what else do you do?” Don’t wait for people to “approve” of you.
@susanclark8501 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you ! Our children are the future stewards. They have a daunting job ahead and need a strong compass and knowledge as to why they are here on this earth in this time 😉
@mir0021 3 жыл бұрын
You're so right about number 5. I also refuse to let anyone invalidate what I do as a stay at home mom, because I validate myself!
@alyssalu9152 3 жыл бұрын
I am so impressed by your candor, honesty and relatability. Keep on “rabbit trailing.” 🙌
@catharinab8860 3 жыл бұрын
Really loved this video, Angela! I appriciate how humble you are and that you talked about the parents’ own trauma and the importance of working through it.
@KarenHoyt-Bonkahoney3 3 жыл бұрын
You may be a stay at home mama, but you are one of the hardest working stay at home mamas out there! My hubby says "You go, girl!!!"
@lynnettegort4582 3 жыл бұрын
Wise advice! I was SO hung up on the books and a+b=c parenting and doing things the “right” way when I became a mom 16 years ago. I’ve had to learn the mirror lesson so much more with my second child who has really big feelings & emotions and needs help self-regulating. I am thankful I joined a healthy moms group to support me during my years of parenting toddler/preschoolers. I really love the gardening analogy, so helpful in adjusting my viewpoint!
@zng3111 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know Ange, I think I can start and stop here with your video because it covers every base I needed to hear. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I am going to write it all down, no lie!
@georgiakoutsaki5917 3 жыл бұрын
As a mum this video make me cry. Thank you Angela for talking about things that we usually don't talk about!👏👏 Happy mother's day to all Supermums all over the world! 👸
@rachelgagot7363 3 жыл бұрын
I'm listening to this and nodding my head while I'm driving. Thank you for the pep talk!!
@birthinghope4868 3 жыл бұрын
I love your perspective on parenthood, especially since adoption is something we are working toward.
@thehonesthomeschooler 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your words on feeling a sense of shame for not being a career woman and “just a mom”. I finally stopped caring what others think and found myself loving and appreciating what I do. Seeing the value of making a home and how we can serve God as we serve those in our home 💕 thankful for your mama wisdom
@victoriamorrison1234 3 жыл бұрын
When I thought you couldn't be any more inspiring, you just went and proved me wrong ! You are a wonderful human Angie...
@evelynporter5994 3 жыл бұрын
This is so great and timely because all parents are different and each child is different as well. Apologizing to your child is huge!
@cityofangelas 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a college student with NO kids but what I have learned from your channel is honestly just as vital as what I learn in lectures every day! I get pressure to become or not become a mom, even though it's far from my mind, and it was nice to hear your thoughts on reconciling the gap between being a stay-at-home mom and being a working mom. And this makes me more empathetic towards all moms in general! No matter what path they choose, all moms deserve the same amount of respect and appreciation.
@PlainANDplaid 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciated the rabbit trail, I watch that messy mom trope with such confusion on social media
@davidandamandaboots 3 жыл бұрын
Amen to #5! Thank you for getting on your soapbox! Glad to see this today!
@elenavalentinapopa3707 3 жыл бұрын
Ohhhh so much encouragement for me as a mother of 8 kids....You made me cry. God bless you and your family. Watching from Romania.
@natbuuck 3 жыл бұрын
Your videos addressing expectations for motherhood have been super helpful for me! Exactly what I've needed to hear lately. Thank you! :)
@tonyahooker5839 3 жыл бұрын
Agree with you so much! I stayed home and raised 2 boys in the 90's and 00's. I always felt lesser than. But now I am so proud of both my boys. We dont always agree on everything and they are still learning things just as I am. I think my Husband and I did pretty good. We made the right choice for me to be home with them.
@devereauxmanuel 3 жыл бұрын
Your videos are honestly amazing ... ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing your stories and always being willing to be real and honest with us !
@julialucas6626 3 жыл бұрын
I found your channel via Natalie Bennett. I appreciate all the advice you shared. Being a stay at home Mum is a big job. Challenging and rewarding. I feel so blessed to be a SAHM. New subscriber from Australia 💖
@KB-uc6wi 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You for sharing your mistakes :) I’m a staying home mum with 3 kids (6, 4 and a 1-year-old). It really helps me and show me that I'm not alone to deal with the same things. I've just bought your book that I will start to read very soon. Thank You. Be blessed! Karolina from France
@julias259 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Angela, for your transparency. #3 was right where I am. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.
@rebeccab_bwlt 3 жыл бұрын
I _loved_ this video. I have been enjoying your channel for a while now, and while I've found many of your videos full of relatable content, this one just made my heart feel connected to other mamas. In particular, "kids are mirrors, not clones," is such a great reminder. In the thick of the days where you feel like you're repeating yourself and everyone's struggling to make good choices, it's so hard to remember that you're all figuring this out together. The other thing I have tried to etch on my heart is something I read on Desiree Fortin's IG (at theperfectmom), though I'm not sure to whom it should be attributed: "Motherhood is molding Gus into incredible human beings. It's not just us who are molding our children. And sometimes ALL the ugly needs to come out so we can confront what needs to change. It's okay. Forgive yourself, apologize to them, tell them you love them, and next time try better and do better." This summed up much of your message for me!
@cathcollins3405 3 жыл бұрын
Really great video....feel so much better about this mothering lark so true about them not being clones of us!! Remembering this going forward x
@lillian5142 3 жыл бұрын
You are such an inspiration to young women! I am not even married but you inspire me to be an awesome mom someday:) thank you so much for sharing your journey so honestly and for bringing attention to the joy of being a parent without shaming and trying to be “relatable”. I hope that one day I can be just as confident and awesome as you:)) have a great day!
@alyssaamundson4265 3 жыл бұрын
Please do more videos on motherhood ♥️ currently pregnant with my first baby and I love hearing your thoughts.
@mariadarazs4867 3 жыл бұрын
I used to think I had to use a schedule on the internet and stick to it down to the minute. That does not work for our family lol after 6 years of being a mom I’ve learned to just do what is going to work for us day by day.
@rosaliebritton 3 жыл бұрын
God is proud of you . You are doing His will and you are serving and loving from His heart . Bless you Sister for speaking truth . Balance life . Freedom
@teresan.3694 3 жыл бұрын
#5 spoke to me so much. I’ve just realized recently how much shame I feel about being a stay at home mom. Like it’s not enough. When really it’s everything to me ❤️
@ninawinning2064 3 жыл бұрын
This video gave me so much validation and I felt a huge amount of acceptance and understanding 💓 first time watching and I gained so much from it. I'm on this journey of motherhood and so many different traumas, what you said about your childhood trauma coming out of nk where fits so much. 39 and still learning.
@emilyblake1865 3 жыл бұрын
Really needed to hear this. Thanks Angela. You have so much wisdom to share and I appreciate that you are here doing just that! 💞
@mchmonster 3 жыл бұрын
Amen to that! # 5 Quit my teaching job to stay home with babies at 30 yrs old. It was seen as a step down to many. Here’s to all the proud Mamas out there no matter what they choose!
@catworld8119 3 жыл бұрын
The 'tiny little humans are not grateful and might poop on your shoe' had me rolling in laughter! I love how you express things! Every video on both channels provides some nugget that gives me a laugh and brightens my day! Thank you! 😄
@susanjaderberg690 3 жыл бұрын
I love this video! Thank you for talking about motherhood in a normal way ❤️ I love being a stay at home mom, and I have done it for 15 years.❤️
@rebeccamoss6581 3 жыл бұрын
That last point was a breath of fresh air. THANK YOU.
@kristymarie6065 3 жыл бұрын
I loved this! It was nice seeing your view on things. Maybe you can do a video on how to get motivated as a stay at home mom. Struggling over here.
@jessicadugan145 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome video! I also love your rabbit trail rambling at the end :) I get through the day with no coffee and no wine, but I know I'm not perfect! I agree, a swing back to the middle of the pendulum is needed!!
@marcyrushton3935 3 жыл бұрын
Loved #5s rant - and the pendulum analogy - I love being a stay at home Mom, and I don’t feel shame admitting that anymore! ❤️
@whatsonmymind4848 3 жыл бұрын
Mothers contribute the most to society! They form the future directly by raising the next generation! The more mother’s we have that take this job serious, the better society will be! Most important job in the world if you ask me and I don’t have children yet, I’m 24 and still in College and I admire mother’s more than any business man or professor in the world. They wouldn’t be a business men nor a professor, without their mothers!
@amandadavis5658 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video!!! Motherhood is hard and wonderful, thank you for being transparent!!!
@Booksnsourdough 3 жыл бұрын
💗 this! It took me having special needs children to realise that they are individuals and that a one style parenting absolutely does NOT work. It took me having my 3rd child, who is my first special needs child to show me how to be a much more gentle parent and parent differently, and parent them to their individual needs. I parent them to their own needs of me as their mum. Rather than expecting that they all fit to my way. It took having him seeing the world differently to bring me back down to earth and more grounded. They are their own people, with their own personalities, rather than being expected to become my "ideal" personality. Whatever that even looked like. Hard to make sense. Like discipline, I dont have a one discipline fits all. And I have 5 children.
@KatsGrimm 3 жыл бұрын
I feel my biggest mistake is the appreciation from my kids. Some days are hard and all I do is clean, cook, clean. There is no thanks or anything. It's hard.
@isabelm2061 3 жыл бұрын
I dont know how old your kids are, but i also (sadly) realized later what my mom did for now i thank her everyday for that. And your kids will too at some point! :) have a great day :)
@aleia4654 3 жыл бұрын
I am not a stay-at-home mom, but I still relate to the feeling of being shamed for being one. I had my first very young too, at barely 21. The pregnancy had not been planned, but my husband (boyfriend, at the time) and I chose to welcome our child anyway. We were in a financial position to provide, felt emotionally prepared for the life change, and both have wonderful, supportive families. Still, I got and still get many comments about why I would "ruin" my 20s in this way. Like me and my 20s are lesser for having become a mother. I spent so much time feeling shame over a choice that was the right one for me. I love being a mom. Not that it isn't tough. Not that there aren't sacrifices. Not that it's the right thing for everyone. But there is so much good and so many blessings in this path, too. Motherhood didn't "ruin" my 20s, it enriched this phase of my life in ways I didn't know was possible. My life isn't constantly a hot mess, I am still my own person, my kid is great, and my husband isn't a twat. Sorry not sorry.
@kelleyanne4343 3 жыл бұрын
Loved your rabbit trail, and it's so needed in the climate of motherhood now days. I have fallen victim before to the portrayal of motherhood on social media and it just wears you the heck down. I felt like I was supposed to feel that way, I was supposed to long for a glass of wine(when I didn't even drink). Thankfully I have come out of that and can now think for myself. Yes motherhood is so hard and some days I long for bedtime a little too much, but I love being a mother and I love seeing women like you speaking out against this negative portrayal of motherhood!
@sarahfisher3457 3 жыл бұрын
I just want to say thank you for another confidence inspiring video. Our parenting journeys and life circumstances are so different but I feel like we have very similar values and I’m sure that this video speaks to alllll moms in whatever life season and circumstance that they are in. Thank you!!
@carolaneg.3229 3 жыл бұрын
Wow the last one about being "just a mom" really touched my heart. I struggle with that and appreciated your kind and honest thoughts ♡
@shawnetterobinson6859 3 жыл бұрын
I love it ... It is about sewing seeds. We believe you pay now (when they are young) or pay later (when the are teens and out of control) when it comes to investing in your kids.
@deedeebolden 3 жыл бұрын
I had my first child at 36, and I always wanted to have kids, but it took me a while to find my husband. Working a nine to five was great and taught me a lot of things about myself, but it didn’t feel fulfilling in the way that motherhood, as hard as it can be some days, does. My kids have their moments, as all kids do, but they aren’t a burden, they’re a blessing, and worth the devotion of the bulk of my time each day. I wish that popular culture didn’t make it seem like motherhood means you’re missing out or that choosing to make your kids your priority by staying home is somehow less than. Both of those things are untrue.
@bethanyklassen4802 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for getting on your soap box. I needed to hear that. I have 2 adopted children and I feel like they need me to be at home, but also feel pressure to get out there and get a job just because I see other people doing that. Thank you so much for your words❤️ love watching your videos.
@lifeasweknowitthetaylors6075 3 жыл бұрын
You can’t believe how amazing the timing is to hear this.. 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ .. what an encouragement 🙌🏻🙌🏻 .. thank you for sharing x.. hello from Australia 🇦🇺🕊🌸
@claudettsutphin1589 3 жыл бұрын
Yessss! I LOVE this! I've watched both channels and just wanted to say I love watching little Benji growing up and seeing what he is doing, because I think he is only days different from my first son! I appreciate your honesty and transparency!
@country_kyla_ 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! I have seven kids, I totally get you 🤍 You make great points, I always learn something from you Angie!
@mmhuezo06 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!!!!!!!! I have nothing to add or subtract, just breathing a bit deeper now. Thank you! All the things! 👏
@cassiapple3970 3 жыл бұрын
This was SUCH a good video. Probably my favorite you’ve done, and I’ve been watching for years. (coming from a new mama).
@shandra413 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the SAHM bit! We have 4 kids and have always homeschooled. We bought our first house right before I birthed baby #3. We’re in the same 1150 sq. ft. house as a family of 6. I got so tired of being encouraged to go back to work and put my kids in public school so that we could afford a bigger house. We don’t NEED a bigger house. I’m confident enough now that I can kindly disagree with other’s opinions of what I should do. This is what’s best for us. Much love!
@MakeUpByMarcy15 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful video...truths on so many levels. You are correct there are good days and bad days, good moments and bad moments but boy if it is not the most amazing journey! My son is 14 and I swear there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think that I "did something wrong" or made a mistake. There are also moments where I think "man I really knocked that out of the park!". God gave me the gift of being his mom and I don't take it lightly. Such a thought provoking video...thanks!
@ardenevans6049 3 жыл бұрын
This video was everything!! I identified so much with every one of these mistakes! Thank you for sharing and shedding a light on these areas of motherhood that aren’t always talked about ❤️
@corinnestauffiger5693 3 жыл бұрын
This video was so interesting. Especially your experience as a young mom, that you didn‘t feel appreciated for beeing a stay at home mom. Because I experienced the exact opposite. People made me feel bad for going to work and not staying at home. Sometimes I still struggle with it although I know, that I shouldn’t. Just shows that you can never do it right for other people, for society, just for ourselves and our family. And no mother/farher is ever „just a mother/father“.
@debbiej4406 3 жыл бұрын
Wow Angie, that last one was truly powerful! Thank you ❤️
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