Monitor Audio Bronze 2 vs Elac Debut Reference DBR62 || Sound & Frequency Response Comparison

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4 жыл бұрын

Monitor Audio Bronze 2 on amazon DE:
Monitor Audio Bronze 2 on amazon UK:
Elac DBR62 on amazon UK:
Denon PMA-600NE on amazon DE:
Denon PMA-600NE on amazon UK:
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All the tracks used in this video can be found here:
• Test Tracks
-Sound recorded using pair of SE Electronics SE8 mics and Zoom H6 recorder
-Frequency measurements done in semi treated room using UMIK-1 microphone
-Levels matched using SPL meter
-All tone controls set to neutral

Пікірлер: 84
@DSAUDIOreview 4 жыл бұрын
Both speakers powered by Denon PMA-600NE amplifier. Signal fed from Matrix Mini-I DAC. No tone controls applied > 11:23 < Detailed Frequency Response Graphs Instagram - Facebook -
@kingtubby999 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks DS, any preference?
@DSAUDIOreview 4 жыл бұрын
I prefered Elac here, it was more linear and natural sounding
@agibaja17 2 жыл бұрын
Hello there !! I wanted to know if the Denon pma 600 amplifier has enough power to drive the elac Reference Debut, since I have read in some forums that it falls short .Thanks
@hippyold 4 жыл бұрын
I listened these speakers in a store, in an acoustically prepared room. Test music was mostly jazz and instrumental. In my opinion, ELAC is MUCH better. As a result, I bought ELAC.
@Piterys 3 жыл бұрын
nice to hear this comparisons!! thanks
@agibaja17 2 жыл бұрын
Hello there !! I wanted to know if the Denon pma 600 amplifier has enough power to drive the elac Reference Debut, since I have read in some forums that it falls short .Thanks
@ghawk78 4 жыл бұрын
Through Sennheiser ie800's the Elacs sound a bit warmer and less shouty, to me.
@themastroiannis 4 жыл бұрын
elacs are a bit "meatier" in the low mids giving them a fuller (and a bit warmer) more cohesive sound. monitor audios are nice as well, but on this case my choice would be the elacs. would be very interesting if you could compare the elcas debut reference to the elacs unifi ub5 (although i'm afraid the denon amp you currently use will not give the unifi ub5s enough juice!). nice comparison!
@IMGhee 3 жыл бұрын
Very good test, thank you
@altabriziyehya4735 3 жыл бұрын
See if you can get your hands on Wharfedale Diamond 225
@juanmillaruelo7647 3 жыл бұрын
Should speakers be compared using optimal sources with plenty of current on tap, or should they be compared in the context of what the typical owner in will drive them with? Some speakers "scale up". They sound better when you improve amplification. Others are "maxed out" in their potential. Future proofing is not a bad idea. Speakers tend to last a long time.
@shahedtushar4955 4 жыл бұрын
do you need to set the Edifier r2000db on "classic" eq mode only once or you have to set it everytime you switch on the speakers?
@DSAUDIOreview 4 жыл бұрын
Sadly you have to do it every time you switch them on. It defaults to dynamic after switching on
@PeterMacPL 3 жыл бұрын
@@DSAUDIOreview - chyba "Classic"
@alvina9338 2 жыл бұрын
Did an audition on these two speakers last month. Elac DBR62 was the better sounding thus my immediate purchase.
@Panslapper 4 жыл бұрын
I think the Monitors have an overall slightly drier, colder sound. I own the first version of these Monitor Audio and still not planning to get rid of them.
@kamilkashaf2766 4 жыл бұрын
Monitor Audio Bronze vs Kali LP6 🙏🙏
@Airavida 8 ай бұрын
The Elacs sound bigger and warmer, the MA sounds sharper and brighter. I think I like the ELACs more . That warm sound is for me .
@PeterMacPL 2 жыл бұрын
@amdenis 3 жыл бұрын
Great comparison. One note, maybe it is just KZbin, but man it sounds like a HUGE amount of jitter and digital artifact noise is happening. I wouldn't say anything, but it actually made it hard to listen do. For whatever it is worth, but I thought I'd mention it, as you obviously are trying to do a great job, but something is mucking-up the sound.
@Tinez87 3 жыл бұрын
Is it safe to plug the ports on the Elac Debut Reference?
@peterbaugh51 2 жыл бұрын
@Tinez87 2 жыл бұрын
@@peterbaugh51 Incorrect
@4145suvictoria 3 жыл бұрын
Elac Debut Reference is more tight, the sound is not as spatial as MA.
@mmil 4 жыл бұрын
The DBR62s sound reserved in the low frequencies and a bit muffled, where on the high frequencies they sound more controlled than the Bronzes. The Bronzes sound wider, the bass reproduction is less prominent and yet more pleasing, more fluid although a bit uncontrolled on the highs, but more pleasant overall. At least that is my impression... I could be wrong ('cause of my old ears). EDIT: I listened to the video yesterday using my HD 600s, today I listened to it again using my HD 660s on the DX7 Pro with a balanced connection. And (disclaimer) I own the Bronzes 2, but obviously for the test I used only headphones. My original view has not changed, although the differences were a bit less pronounced using a different set of headphones (and DAC). The Elacs sound like a reserved person where the Monitors sound a bit more like... "a happier one?". Still prefer the Monitors' sound, although I can see why other people may prefer the composure of the Elacs, but those Elacs sound like they are trying to "hide things" from me, where the Monitors try to give me everything (although not always with a correct interpretation).
@ShaneTheGeek 4 жыл бұрын
You're not wrong the Monitor Bronze sounds more open and spacious. I was ready to pull the trigger on Elac speakers sight unseen but now with this channel and Crutchfield Virtual Compare I have been able to somewhat hear the differences between different brands and I am digging the Monitor Audio line of speakers.
@johnpeterson99 4 жыл бұрын
The bass from the Elac seems disconnected somehow. Bronze 2s more coherent overall presentation
@mmil 4 жыл бұрын
@Trey_ Beantown Simple answer "no" or maybe I am unable to tell, so do not trust my opinion :) Some tracks I use for testing on vocals (from Spotify high def): Diana Krall - Turn Up The Quiet Lea Desandre - Berenice, che fai ? Stevie Ray Vaughan - Couldn't Stand The Weather (Legacy Edition) At the moment I am running the MAs with a silly (but clear) topping PA3 which is sufficient since I am sitting a bit more than a meter from them. So if the vocals or anything else was an issue I would have a problem I guess after 8 or more hours of listening. I have ordered a Nord Three 1ET400A ST with dual PSUs and without any customized input buffers. I will be connecting the DX7 Pro to it using XLR cables, so let's see in this case if can hear any more details and/or issues (especially as they say about this amp+speakers+high frequencies) UPDATE: I got the new amp 20 min ago...these are different speakers now, amazing. I am in love with these MA speakers. The dynamic range is so wide, even switched off the sub, the detail is so deep, I will be very scared to upgrade those one day given the value/performance ratio, too hard to top that. Of course I am sure there 10x better speakers out there, but at what price...
@NaveenKumar-uh2gk 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree
@mmil 3 жыл бұрын
@Trey_ Beantown I have read a lot of great reviews about the Diamond's. The MAs are great but I needed more bass so I now use them in my second computer (behind the desk with stands) and for my main speakers I bought the Wharfedale EVO 4.4 They sound great, I like Wharfedale now as much as Monitor Audio both companies do great speakers for the price. (BTW I had to install 96 foam panels in my room to be able to enjoy the 4.4s since the room is not that big)
@peterbaugh51 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, overall the elac sounds more like the source, especially the bass!
@gtk_NO 3 жыл бұрын
Its a nobrainer given the Elac is double the price. I got both and the Elacs are indeed better. The bronze is grainier, less clarity, harsher. Elac is smoother. They are both good in their price bracket, although the bronze 2 now discontinued (and the new series of monitor audio replacing it is not getting the best reviews). I would go for the Dali Oberon 1 if you cant afford the Elac. For sure theres less mud/grainyness in the Dali Oberon 1. On more expensives source and amp than that denon you hear it instantly that the elacs are in a different league, way more refined and that presentation of the bronze is then more messy in comparison. I will say this though its as if the bronzes are really designed for party volume.
@PeterMacPL 3 жыл бұрын
Which will be better KEF Q100 or this ELAC ?
@DSAUDIOreview 3 жыл бұрын
@PeterMacPL 3 жыл бұрын
@@DSAUDIOreview - dziekuje, jeszcze rozmyslam o Kali IN-6 bo b. ładnie wypadły w pomiarach na audiosciene forum u Amira. Na początku byłem zdecydowany na MA Bronze 2, ale chyba one graja tak srednicą/górą i z dość słabym punktowym basem. Ciezko sie zdecydowac czy isc w system pasywnych kolumn np. tych Elaców + wzmak np Loxjie A30, czy w montory studyjne :/, zestaw na biurko komputerowe. Do tej pory przez lata były Logitech Z-680 :), ale mam tez MA RX8. Bede ogromnie wdzięczny za jeszcze jakies naprowadzenie, bo Ty masz przyjemność słuchać tyle tego ze na pewno wiesz w co warto iść. Mam do wyboru jako zestaw do komputera: - Kali LP-6 - Edifier S2000MKIII ew. S3000Pro - Elac Debut Ref DBR62 + Loxije A30 - MA Bronze + Loxije A30 - KEF Q100 + Loxije A30
@DSAUDIOreview 3 жыл бұрын
LP6 szumią jak szalone, więc odradzam. Z pozostałych DBR62 wygrywa, a na drugim miejscu postawiłbym S2000MKIII
@PeterMacPL 3 жыл бұрын
@@DSAUDIOreview - Piekne dzięki!. Kontaktowałem sie z firmą Kali własnie w sprawie LP6 to mówią ze mają w planach LP6 V2, no ale pewnie to potrwa :). W takim razie bede zamawiał DBR62 + tego Loxije A30, mam nadzieje ze napędzi je odpowiednio ten maluch.
@PeterMacPL 3 жыл бұрын
A jak oceniłbyś KRK Rokit RP7 G4 te monitory wzgledem S2000MKIII ? Elacki zamówione, ale teraz musze wziac cos innego jako drugie do porównania i wlasnie Edifiery S2000MKIII, a czy warto jeszcze KRK RP7 G4 ? czy tez szumią mocno, albo grają gorzej od S2000MKIII ?
@omeee 5 ай бұрын
I like my dbr62. In my room I had to decrease the 130 hz area a bit and increase 5k by 1,5 hz. Without the 5k the mid range is a bit too relaxed imo. If you think that I got them like 2 years ago at a sale for ~280$ a pair, the performance is absolutely outstanding. Well worth the 700$ they are usually asking.
@Francrev489 3 жыл бұрын
MA 10 - ED 6
@jonskitch8082 6 ай бұрын
❤❤ the vocals of MA
@michalczajkowski8798 3 жыл бұрын
I Have both speakers ... MA has very intensive mids and short, fast bass, Elac has deep long bass but needs some adjustment to increase mids. Elac sounds more accurate and real for me. Comparing them side by side MA music sounds quite unnatural. I decided to sell MA.
@PeterMacPL 3 жыл бұрын
Czyli mówisz ze nie ma sobie co glowy zawracać MA Bronze 2 :) ?, tez sporo czytałem ze grają jasno i tak z krótki pukajacym basem.
@michalczajkowski8798 3 жыл бұрын
@@PeterMacPL dokladnie tak graja. Ale czy sobie zawracac glowe ... Kazdy ma swoj gust inaczej slucha i odbiera muzyke. Moja dziewczyna wolala MA a ja jednak elac. Warto posluchac na zywo.
@PeterMacPL 2 жыл бұрын
I have these Elacs with Loxjie A30, and they sound great, but I had to EQ them a little bit in treble. Add +3dB and lower a bass -2dB and they sound amazing. They have strong power, and great powerfull hit. If someone looking for speaker to rock music they will be perfect choice.
@PeterMacPL 2 жыл бұрын
@@michalczajkowski8798 - w sumie ja jestem z tych co kładzie nacisk na neutralność i naturalny dzwięk, to samo w fotografi, nie trawie cukierkowania czy to zdjęć czy dzwięku. Mam juz te Elac DBR-62 w połączeniu z Loxjie A30, gra to świetnie ogólnie ale na moje ucho musiałem podbić odrobine treble o +3dB zeby było po mojemu tak jak lubię. Moze troche przecukierowałem tym samym. Miałem tez na odsłuch KEF Q100 to grały jakby nieco bardziej detalicznie, góra była podbita ale juz przesadnie, musiałem treble zmniejszać znowu o te 2-3dB bo mnie troche kłuły juz po uszach przy glosniejszym słuchaniu i po niedługim czasie były męczące, a i bas był kiepski.
@supervenomgt2654 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm waiting for JBL Studio 230 !😉
@NightFlight1973 3 жыл бұрын
I haven't heard the monitor audio, but lived with a pair of MA 952's some time ago. I think those were a lot warmer than their current house sound. The ELAC DBR62 have room to scale. Give them a good amp and good source and you will find the hard to beat in their price range. I recently eliminated my pre and went straight out to my Aegir from my DAC. The DBR62 voiced he differences as clear as day - for the better. Quite the performers.
@joshuawang5859 4 жыл бұрын
Elac, accurate and balanced MA, warm sweet and cozy
@maxtwentynine5968 Жыл бұрын
Where are Elacs made ?
@dashkodo Жыл бұрын
Both sounds great, IMO elacs slightly better fit to my ear
@lepassantguy3520 3 жыл бұрын
In my opinion.. versus Elac the Denon PMA 800 is better PMA 600
@mgsamps 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't use either of those 2 with these speakers, the sound will be too laid back, better off with a cambridge CX60, Audiolab 6000 or a NAD, with these speakers you need a lively amp. I have the Denon PMA1600ne and the sound is VERY warm and overly smooth with these, great if you like that sort of thing though.
@wiechosta100 3 жыл бұрын
Monitor audio bronze rulez.
@AmericanConstellation 3 жыл бұрын
Looks to me like the Bronze is discontinued...
@burakakpinar5739 3 жыл бұрын
you can still find in some stores offers, I bought mine last week, using it with Topping MX3, listening to TIDAL MQA mode, can't describe how happy I am :D
@juanmillaruelo7647 3 жыл бұрын
The Elacs are excellent. Very well balanced. The Monitors sound great, open, revealing, 'happy'. It's easier to EQ down (or toe out) a trebly speaker than to make a weak driver "sing". The Monitor has a bass "hump" that fools you into feeling it has stronger bass. The "depth" of bass is similar, though. Monitor 2: a "FUN" speaker (but not unduly cheeky). It uses a trick or two, but to good effect. I DO enjoy it! Debut DBR62: honest, well mannered, polished, balanced, portraying the music "as it is". No FR humps "for effect". A serious speaker that doesn't get in the way. All in all, very pleasing.
@christiantagliaferro4123 2 жыл бұрын
Elac are more linear in the range 2-5k. The most sensitive for the human ear
@HungryEatNow 4 жыл бұрын
Wow they sounded really similar
@juanmillaruelo7647 3 жыл бұрын
They did indeed. The fun part is studying what Monitor Audio did to keep up. In my view they were successful!
@PeterMacPL 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think so, use good headphones, and you will easy hear a difference.
@peggenlejoncar9529 Жыл бұрын
Elac sound as it in a cann!
@mrhope1270 3 жыл бұрын
MA speakers have high level of harmonics and you can hear it.
@juanmillaruelo7647 3 жыл бұрын
2nd harmonics are euphonic. It's like adding extra syrup to the pancake. 3rd harmonics are the nasty ones.
@peterbaugh51 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah MA bothered my ears... Something not clean.
@peggenlejoncar9529 Жыл бұрын
Elac have the sound of you put cotton in ear!
@legion2252 4 жыл бұрын
Elac получше... в Monitor Audio звук ядовит - орущая середина и жесткие верха, на металле вообше звук как из бочки
@santori1981 4 жыл бұрын
Поддерживаю...Элак цельней, натуральней....Мониторы подгуживают на фоне ярких ВЧ. Для долгого прослушивания выбрал бы Элак.
@hippyold 4 жыл бұрын
Слушал оба в комнате прослушки в Аудиомании. Купил себе ELAC в результате. Они СИЛЬНО больше понравились.
@ITakoemnenie 3 жыл бұрын
ну по АЧХ елак не очень, по этой записи звучат как из ямы из-за заваленной верхушки
@cristianchocobar8652 3 жыл бұрын
Bronze 2 much better and open clear
@PeterMacPL 2 жыл бұрын
highs are forward, so not better, but a bit clearer for some people but unatural.
@peggenlejoncar9529 Жыл бұрын
@@PeterMacPL its have a neutral curve, and voice is clear, and have all signals of musical instrument clear, monitor audio is best.
@joeymatthews8233 3 жыл бұрын
Monitor Audio all day long. They are more revealing hear more of the music and instruments that's being played.
@PeterMacPL 2 жыл бұрын
they are colorized on highs a bit, more airy sound. But Elac are more natural well balanced and sound is fuller with mass and body, with perfect voices.
@smturner68 3 жыл бұрын
Elac bore the piss out of me. Ended up with MA silver 100s.
@bryanjennings7821 3 жыл бұрын
Bronze for me.
@fokerfakerfuker Жыл бұрын
elac sounds boomier
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