Monster Hunter Now: One Year Later

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@cr-volcanic 2 күн бұрын
Few things to note. A couple mechanics I missed, some of which were post-script writing. The cooking mini game is charming and it’s nice to have it as well as free super meter. The automatic loadout swapping is a sick feature The driftstones are a fine enough RNG deco system that I haven’t paid too much heed to but the bonuses provided are nice to have.
@linfa_mh 2 күн бұрын
Admit it, Teostra being added made your rating for this game 4 times better. Ok ok... stupid jokes aside, Now can be a cool game and I like the idea of being able to rapidly hunt different monsters from my favourite franchise while out of home. However, it will never escape the F2P game's curse of bad real money offers, so we'll be forced to deal with that stuff I guess, hopefully they won't take it too far. Looking forward for Rise's and Sunbreak's new monsters to be added because I'm genuinely excited to see how they'll handle their icons, huge fan of Aknosom's and Magnamalo's!
@blastshooter8791 2 күн бұрын
The bane of all players microtransactions
@Desecrated_E Күн бұрын
Don’t worry their mostly so useless that only desperate people buy them
@nickthedestroyer 2 күн бұрын
I think you are missing a big point. The main purpose of this game is to expose people like me, who have never played a Monster Hunter game, to the franchise and just give them an easy to digest taste of what it's like. I might just end up playing Wilds because of the exposure to this. It's also great for older people (again, like me) who don't have the time to invest hundreds of hours catching up.
@Axolotlthing 2 күн бұрын
Uhm rise lol like yeah I get your point but also like any of the actual monster hunter games may be a better idea but hey to each there own if this gets you in to monster hunter then that's great.... just wish it was as good as explore was that was a good mobile mh
@Davidrupa 10 сағат бұрын
My wife has never wanted to play MH games, she plays MH Now with me and we are both looking forward to playing Wilds. But it also came down to I play on PC and she plays on PS5. So now they will be cross platform we can play. Instead of buying another PS5 or an Xbox / another PC.
@G1eatShad0w 2 күн бұрын
I‘m honestly pretty impressed with the current monster roster. It went from basically just World monsters to a diverse group of creatures across the generations. As great as some of the original cast is it’s nice to have more variety. One thing I can’t wrap my head around however is the UI. It would have been so cool to have it in the Monster Hunter style instead of the pretty lifeless menus the game has right now.
@aperson7011 2 күн бұрын
Played it when it first launched and still play it consistently everyday. It's scratching the MonHun itch while I wait for Wilds. Speaking as someone who doesn't play mobile games (MHN being literally the only game on my phone), the monetization feels fair. If you play smart like in the games, you'll never need to spend on potions. The material bundles are tempting, but they'll stack up soon enough through normal gameplay. The game's gotten me outside more often than not. With the wide-view update, I can peek over to a nearby park, see that it's a biome I need, and swing on by for a bit. Early- and mid-game are the toughest cause so many pieces of equipment ask for so many of the same thing, and it's really hard not to think about spending a little $$$ for that next upgrade
@HuntersNotez Күн бұрын
I've played MHN every single day since launch and I think your assessment is perfectly spot on. As a person who has played MH since Gen 1: I hate all the micro transactions but I do appreciate the little touches that keep it monster hunter and I love the challenge. Honestly if they didn't monetize healing or at LEAST let us grind to craft potions or give us ANY WAY to earn premium currency, then I would have no problem with any other micro transactions. I vlog it, and soft role play the game and it's so much fun. Great companion game when I'm out in the world and having a goal and going to grind is super fun too. I can't wait for Wilds and it will be interesting to see if Wilds can positively influence Now. Anyway, great video man! I can tell you really do play. 🔥
@feeshsh 2 күн бұрын
Instead of "it's not that bad", I think the correct assessment is "bad, but it could be worse" I dropped the game when Zinogre came out after finding out it was HAT exclusive (and remained that way for far too long). Came back after 3 months when they started implementing worldwide HATs (the best update they've made) and burned out when they nerfed Dimensional Links. Perhaps if they reverted DLs it would be a contender for a good mobile game, but much like a *certain other mobile game developed by Niantic*, the design decisions will leave the player base planely annoyed.
@docterzero1503 2 күн бұрын
Pretty accurate assessment from my own personal experience. I still play the game near daily, as I often have a decent amount of wait time while waiting for the bus home from work. One thing I really like is that you can get layered armor for all the regular armor sets for free once you have grinded them to a high enough level. Allows me to play a bit of Fashion Hunter, which is always nice.
@logr12dragonknight55 2 күн бұрын
I hope we get monsters from the early games to add new light to them
@linfa_mh 2 күн бұрын
That would be cool but unfortunately we all know that they'll keep adding monsters that appeared in 5th gen and then after some years we'll start getting monsters that appeared in Wilds. A monster that didn't appear in new gen yet 99.99% won't get in.
@logr12dragonknight55 2 күн бұрын
@@linfa_mh I would agree, but if that was the case, then we really would have the bird wyvern‘s that appear at it in the fifth generation games, already in monster hunter now if that was the case
@battlemon4507 2 күн бұрын
For me, MH Now is a bit of a down grade compared to MH Explore. As am not a mobile player, i do not see the appeal in playing since all the monsters present have better experience on the main stream games. For me Explore had at least unique stuffs(mostly talking about monsters)tied to the game. For people enjoying this, am happy for you but this game is not for me. (Ps as a first choice i would play MH3U and MH4U on my 3DS before thinking of pulling my phone since am still not done with thoses😂)
@thebaseandtriflingcreature174 2 күн бұрын
honestly the only thing that makes me care about Monster Hunter Now is the new worpd-stlye icons for magnamalo. they look great and blow their rise icons outta the water
@someone999555 2 күн бұрын
Honestly, i feel like the only part of the monetisation that i truly mind is the item box: that thing is truly miserable and actively makes the grind way worse than it needs to be. I do think huntathons could do with a slightly shorter cooldown, but its not that bad. I think the game does a lot of thing right, its got its issues but 90% of those are tied to the fact its a freemium game. But as someone that has played a lot of gacha games, now is surprisingly fair and playable without spending money.
@liamking8983 14 сағат бұрын
The paloumu ticket was worth it. Unlimited hunt-a-thons, increased radious for 2 days & was only $11 was worth it
@lander6443 2 күн бұрын
I wanna fight Nightshade early :( I fell off MHNow pretty damn hard after like a month. It’s a fine mobile game, with some surprisingly faithful combat mechanics, and was a decent taster before we got the first proper Wilds trailer. I’d just rather play a proper Monster Hunter title. Maybe I’ll pick it up again tho.
@milkymen 15 сағат бұрын
I personally dropped the game after like 8 months of playing. after reaching HR 120. What made me drop the game was honestly the inventory management, having to deal with the inventory as a free to play player was unbearable, I claimed every possible free inventory expansion item (including the one they gave for preregistering for the game) and I was still trashing hundreds of items almost daily. But honestly I did kinda how some monsters were seasonal like how some ice monster aren’t available during the summer and so on, I mean I know they obvious done this to maximize profits, but I kinda dig the idea of seasons coming back to mainline MH games.
@Joe-yx1gq 2 күн бұрын
After Came back i was able to get back with the Grind with not Much Problems
@randomdrifter 20 сағат бұрын
Still playing, got more active over time, enjoying the grind. Was on and off prior to Zinogre, but went full steam after and am slaying roughly 200-300 monsters on the daily now, majority being 8 and 9 stars, with an exception made for Tzitzi, Legi, Ratha and Jyura Planning to complete my full set of 5 basic elemental LBGs to 10-5 after the grind today, alongside bringing my Girros GL to Grade 10-4 as I farm those R1 Girros mats to 10-5 it. After that, it'll just be a grind getting weapon refining parts to get 1 of each elemental Charge Blade, except Dragon, to 10-5 every 3 weeks
@kaeseheld 2 күн бұрын
I think you were right on with the assessment. I’m still playing it every day free to play and I’m still not even close to maxing any weapon yet. For those who do not pay it’s more like a lifelong investment and with the limited potions there is near to non encouragement to play the game for longer or try out harder star monsters to not risk getting hit.The limited itemstorage also is pure torture. It’s so small and they add more and more monsters I have to sell all materials I get from earlier monsters instantly, which isn’t really a fun mechanic.I still think it’s one of the best things to do though when you are walking anywhere and I love the actual gameplay.
@zargogames5206 2 күн бұрын
I played the game at launch and was pretty disheartened by how much it seemed to lean on FOMO but then I picked the game back up mid-season 2 and was really impressed by the quality of life improvements to the game and I've been playing it pretty much daily since
@Ammo-km9cs 2 күн бұрын
I would play this game, but my phone isn't optimized to play it and I don't want to replace my phone so soon after getting the one I have now. Good to hear that it isn't as bad as Pokemon Go.
@bluebattlehawk 2 күн бұрын
Appreciate the update, might give it a try again. I uninstalled after I got decently far at launch and the monster density made it hard to find what I needed - and when I did - they wouldn't drop the rares I wanted. Got pretty frustrating, good to hear there are some ways to mitigate that issue, at least somewhat
@bluebattlehawk 2 күн бұрын
Also, full disclosure, I haven't been keeping up with your videos lately - I can tell a big increase in quality since some of your older stuff (which was already good), really cool to see you come into your own man.
@Joe-yx1gq 2 күн бұрын
Correction the Subspecies aren't Permanent with the Tracker Mechanic (It Likey They Only Appear if the Subspecies is Available) just have to Clarify but it does still help out with Subspecies grinding
@beedrillbot121 2 күн бұрын
I feel like such an idiot for dropping the star level once I got to tempered monsters. If I knew it wouldn't reset to where I should be at the end of a season, then I probably wouldn't have done so. But my weapons were just so weak before I went down, that now that I am regularly hunting tempered monsters and their Sub species anyways, I feel like a fool.
@VashimuXIV 2 күн бұрын
This mimics a great deal of my own feelings after starting to give Now an honest chance. Am I in love with the game? Not necessarily, but for something I can kill some time on and not worry about ton about, it’s honestly not a bad time at all. It has the grind for sure, like gathering and having to kill monsters in specific environments you aren’t close by is a pain, but I won’t say it’s not worth a play. And with it having Magnamalo, Aknosom, and a greater variety sense launch, I am genuinely looking forward to the future of it. Will I play it forever? Probably not. But I think this is more than a fair assessment Connor. Cheers.
@feeshsh 2 күн бұрын
2:42 "enormously expensive gear upgrades" Understatement of the year
@athos9293 Күн бұрын
The new areas created for the elder dragons are quite cool. Unfortunately my phone can't run the game properly so i dropped it
@Drragnorr 2 күн бұрын
this game could be good, if It not had the same predatory system as any other mobile or live service game
@Big_Berd 2 күн бұрын
I still play it. I don't actively go on walks or grind that much, and I've found that I'm still able to progress pretty decently paced. All the new monsters and free storage upgrades that release each season are nice and don't really force you to spend money. I've just enjoyed the game as something fun to do whenever I have some free-time while out. I also like experimenting with weapons I don't usually use in the mainline games. Overall, it's an enjoyable way to spend some free-time during the day if you can't or don't wanna play the maim games.
@Aibo8752 2 күн бұрын
Alright, I'll finally sub
@yeetleskeelte3460 2 күн бұрын
Not gonna lie the MrBeast collab made me rethink reinstalling lmao
@cr-volcanic 2 күн бұрын
@@yeetleskeelte3460 lmao. Yeah that was definitely the collab of all time
@TaliaNonya 2 күн бұрын
I'm really enjoying Now, play it every day, though I do kinda just load it up while sitting around without going for walks or anything, it really does just feel like another monster hunter game, as long as you only care about the combat. I would definitely like to see them go more out there with collab monsters and some entire original monsters for Now (at least like, temporarily though maybe they wouldnt be in a mainline game till 7th gen) but the roster as it stands is really nice, Im expecting a few more mtx things like GO has, probably some ticket so you can do a hunt-a-thon from a distance (I think GO still has remote raid passes) but nothing that would change the game too much. Overall its a good game and Iv only run into the lack of healing issue like twice in 3-4 months of playing it
@Old_Murdock 2 күн бұрын
I tried MHNow when it first came out. Dropped it after a few days but I’m happy to see that the game has improved since I’ve dropped it. Mobile hunting might not be my thing but I hope that MHNow keeps improving for those who like those kinda games.
@tinykass 2 күн бұрын
Man I tried to keep with Now. I played it constantly for about a month then just never touched it again ☹️
@snorsnorz Күн бұрын
Dropped it because I am playing Pokemon Go and is really hard playing 2 outside games. One more reason is it is so laggy on my phone and is clearly not optimize so I was stuck on several bosses.
@neurosis51 2 күн бұрын
has anyone ever commented that you sound like Arlo, the blue puppet youtuber?
@huntsshorts3740 2 күн бұрын
This game is honestly solid good game but i don't play it that much until i dropped it since the game requires 3 or 4g to walk outside and painted them or hunting them, much like pokemon go. So i think the combat is the same as world iceborne but tapping screen controls. I had chance to play with other hunter from my country, i get experience it and it's seem okay but it was very low chance to encounter other hunters from country i live. I be for real if capcom added new monsters like rare and variant sound fun but at the same time screen control tho gotta need more practice. So i guessing they're adding gen 5 monsters (like world iceborne and rise) if they added monsters from gen 3 and 4 will have more challenges
@peterduprey7286 2 күн бұрын
Does it have switch axe yet?
@rept7 22 сағат бұрын
My thoughts basically boil down to: This game has its flaws, but the rest of the mobile gaming landscape is so trash, I doubt I could ever find anything as fun as Now. Especially since I love fashion endgame, multiplayer, and "weirdly intuitive for touch screens" real time combat.
@amvhate 2 күн бұрын
Nergigante early in-oerson event in japan kind of piss me off. First: I don't like exclusive events like these even in pokemon go. Secound: they use the Flag ship monster in a mostly japan first game,That was meant to include the Global audience was mad for Japan only......
@AdamissZERO 20 сағат бұрын
There is going to be a global Nerg event.
@amvhate 19 сағат бұрын
@@AdamissZERO I know!! Having Early access , only if you live Japan is disrespectful greedy move
@Rytom Күн бұрын
I stopped because of the necessity to be outside to play and the ban on spoofing. I'm waiting for that other MH mobile game which should hopefully be similar to explore. As in, playing the game without the need to be outside.
@Anylastwords_YT Күн бұрын
Ugh. Ngl man. Would love to support this post but lord the guy doing the commentating on this video is legit hard to listen to. Sorry, because i wholeheartedly agree with the fact that yes potion monetizing is trash but something like this compared to your buddy(K.o.c. Who did the review on the money they made video, and I honestly don’t even watch often but that was a great & fair way to get a point across) I definitely don’t really agree with the overall sentiment in this video. Complaining. Take the game for what it is. Like your other supporter commented, this game is to bring people as a whole to this franchise. People are able to do what they want with this game, they never force your hand at spending money but the speed of the grind is obviously impacted. You’ve always been someone who’s bragged about how you don’t spend a lot of money on the game… on top of already making money on KZbin and being an actual partner of capcom.. I have to say to me this is distasteful. Enjoy the grind, make the most of it and YES point out the flaws of the fact they monetize potions but also HIGLIIGHT the things you can do as an active player to improve your experience and ultimately not cave into the potion trap every time. Again, sorry man.
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