Monster Hunter Slang Explained #2

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CuChuTrain MH

CuChuTrain MH

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@soragami6247 8 күн бұрын
If "Pickle" gets an explaination, "Steve" definitely needs one as well. Its even more confusing without any context on why people call that monster that. For people that are not familiar with that nickname, I can almost assure you, you are gonna have a hard time trying to guess which monster is nicknamed "Steve" of all names.
@Noidea-Schariac 8 күн бұрын
Seregios. It’s Seregios for those who don’t know.
@nawenyxar4378 8 күн бұрын
​@@Noidea-Schariac WHY. No, seriously, who named the shiny flying porcupine "Steve"?
@theos511 8 күн бұрын
Honestly, there should also be a Seregios named "Sergio" as well. 👍
@Noidea-Schariac 8 күн бұрын
@ Before MH4U was released, there was a teaser of Seregios, no one knew the name and someone asked what we should call the monster. And someone from the Capcom team said Steve.
@AutisAnimeGames 8 күн бұрын
If we're bringing the nicknames in, might as well explain "George" while we're at it
@shylight9731 7 күн бұрын
One key aspect of the desire sensor that you missed is that it will also absolutely shower you with all the rare drops you don't need.
@CytricAcid 7 күн бұрын
i have a flagship monster desire sensor problem. if it is or was a flagship monster (and lightning elemented) it would NEVER drop its rare. lagiacrus, zinogre, astalos, theyve all given me trouble with plates in a way that spans multiple games
@thespiritunion4868 7 күн бұрын
Bro I got 4 Xeno’jiiva gems but not a single horn lol. Not like I need them but it’s funny.
@csat4363 5 күн бұрын
I do love getting so many wyvern gems while I fail to get the 2 common Diablos scales because fuck me I guess 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
@Rigel_6 8 күн бұрын
If you started in stories/other uncategorised games, we should call them "Came on a life raft" to keep with the naval transport theme
@ultimasurge 8 күн бұрын
stories should just be riders.
@rraveboy9431 7 күн бұрын
i started world and the og stories 1 at the same time, please help i’m having an identity crisis
@jaye4157 7 күн бұрын
To be honest I always thought fleet meant they started in world's now I know I'm a 4th fleet hunter. As for stories or other spin offs might need to give them ones based off games. Stories 1 being rider fleet Stories 2 being ruin fleet Now being insta fleet Not sure if those would work but they also just came off the top of my head.
@joshlewis8860 7 күн бұрын
⁠@@jaye4157 If someone answered “What was your first MH game?” with Stories or MH Now, I think the response they would get would be something like “Oh, that’s cool!…but what was your first REAL MH game?” As in to say, those games are fun (especially Stories) but they don’t really count. The “fleet” only applies to mainline games because it is based on the generations of the mainline series. If your first game was MH Online, MH Explore, or MH Frontier then those also get excluded even though they’re cool games.
@felixthescholarlytitan4437 7 күн бұрын
@@rraveboy9431Guess that means you’re a Fifth Fleeter that came in on the dinghy.
@TheGreatSawyer1 8 күн бұрын
Corner horner- A term to describe a hunting horn player who never actually interacts with the monster and just continuously plays melodies for his party in the corner of the area the fight is in.
@jeandias1717 8 күн бұрын
Ah, the corner dooting mfers
@Joseph125 8 күн бұрын
As a hunting horn main, yeah I hate those guys
@Venidlara 7 күн бұрын
As a HH main, I'm genuinely disappointed those people don't just Bonk and Style on top of the monster with sick solos
@MoofahMelody 7 күн бұрын
That's a really good suggestion. Its been so long since I have to even think about them cause they largely don't exist in 5th gen so I almost completely forgot that term existed.
@naefaren3515 7 күн бұрын
@@MoofahMelody I remember it used to be a pretty big problem, but these newer MH games make it so smooth and fluid to doot as you bonk that it just doesn't make sense unless you wanna run away to pop the melody off in a safe place or when following the monster to a new location
@MysteriousStranger50 8 күн бұрын
Pre-capping is when you hit the monster with tranquilliser before they enter the trap. So long as the monster is over the tranq threshold, they will instantly capture as soon as they hit the trap. This is useful if the monster would otherwise break out of the trap too quickly.
@welovegamestv1207 7 күн бұрын
I can also do this when the monster sleeps in the final round. Tranqbomb and use sleep-Cap instead of sleep bomb (trap instead of barrel bomb)
@nickelshark8163 8 күн бұрын
"Sensei" is a title usually given to early game monsters and first big wall monsters that are meant to teach players some kind of lesson in the JP community.
@JCLegendary 8 күн бұрын
If they're going to explain "Sensei", they should also explain "Wall".
@felixthescholarlytitan4437 7 күн бұрын
@@JCLegendary A ‘Wall’ is the monster you continually throw yourself against until it either crumbles or the doctors cart you away from all the accumulated brain damage. 😆 Or you know, you could use it as a learning experience and try new things to hopefully better adapt against whatever you’re fighting.😅
@spookyfrogs1874 8 күн бұрын
god i'm so into this. also the velkhana needing ibuprofen was great XD
@CuChuTrainMH 8 күн бұрын
low key that is just a rip off of the ibuprofen meme, I just threw velkhana in
@spookyfrogs1874 7 күн бұрын
@@CuChuTrainMH oh i know! but the velkhana itself was cute :)
@ASAG_YT 7 күн бұрын
I once sleepbombed a Kushala Daora and finished it off that way. The quest end screen was a white screen LOL
@LacedWithOreos 7 күн бұрын
Only thing funnier to me is when my Kinsect smacks into the monster and kills it
@EnraiChannel 8 күн бұрын
Fleets really only make sense in new games. For 2nd and 3rd gen you were just some hunter hired by the village's chief.
@CiromBreeze 8 күн бұрын
True, but that doesn't stop people from calling themselves First/Second Fleet hunters.
@Hugolaste 7 күн бұрын
​@@CiromBreezehonestly, i've mostly seen people said they're 1st gen, 2nd gen hunter. The term fleet seems (at least from what i've seen) mostly used by world starters (mostly because it's the only time the term fleet was used, at least from what i know/remember, i've yet to play mh4u and it's the only mainline i'm missing)
@celestial_illusions 7 күн бұрын
tbf, the "nth fleet hunter" doesn't make sense for any game besides world, none of the characters outside of world were part of a "fleet"
@joshlewis8860 7 күн бұрын
It doesn’t matter if the term “fleet” isn’t relevant within the stories of other games, it’s just another way of saying what generation you started in. People use it because they think it’s more fun than saying “2nd gen hunter”. You can use whichever you want, they’re interchangeable.
@Pyritie 7 күн бұрын
same, I've never heard the fleet term before this vid (I'm a 3Ubabby)
@NipplesTheEnchilada2323 7 күн бұрын
You've got to talk about the Japanese nickname for Yian Kut-Ku, which has existed since the first game, which is Kut-Ku Sensei, which is basically like calling him a teacher, since back in first gen he was the first real Large Monster you'd fight, that wasn't just a bigger version of a small monster like Velocidrome. It is basically a term meant to insinuate fondness for the monster, since he was basically a tutorial on what fighting a real Large Monster was like, and it is such a widespread term within the Japanese fanbase that the developers of the series even acknowledge the term.
@lanibentz9976 7 күн бұрын
An extra one that somebody pointed out to me: Gather reset: an antiquated term for when you go on a short and fast gather quest to reset the canteen, progress farming, and on occasion, change the hunt board “Hold up a sec, I gotta reset” Also Gog: Our lord and savior “Oh my gog the monkey is shooting lasers”
@naefaren3515 7 күн бұрын
I still talk about Gog to this day. Truly a time of our lives
@AlexS-Catz 7 күн бұрын
Reseting is still useful in Rise (at least base game) when you are farming money doing mining runs
@lanibentz9976 6 күн бұрын
@ this is true. I’ve got flooded forest mining path burnt into my brain
@mandl2710 6 күн бұрын
Quest resets can also (depending on game) be done by abandoning or failing a quest. Using MH2 as an example, the usual fast reset is to do the arena Gypceros quest since you can ohko yourself with bombs and there are no harvest tours.
@lanibentz9976 6 күн бұрын
@ I’m just imagining fifth fleet era watching the shit we used to do as vet hunters and being mind boggled. Like it’s just second nature to us so we look like we’re crazy
@CptObvious98 8 күн бұрын
My worst desire sensor moment was in Rise. I needed a Barroth Tail and my friends and i hunted around 7 Barroth until in get one. I missed the 80% tail carve chance 5 times or so.
@KBird204 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for taking desire aggro while I got my mantle in IB🙏
@gmstrbert2982 7 күн бұрын
Mine wasn’t a specific monster part, but rather a specific decoration in World. I hunted Tier 2 Tempered Investigations for 30+ hours straight trying to get a Non-Elemental Boost jewel. I *finally* got one and went to sleep. I then proceeded to get *two* more of them on back-to-back hunts within an hour of the start of my next play session.. they don’t stack.
@RathalosLARP 7 күн бұрын
I farmed multiple lao shan for one full week for a single ruby 😢
@johncronk8867 7 күн бұрын
My worst one was when I got 11 Anjanath Plates before I got enough scales to make its armor.
@kape2978 7 күн бұрын
In my case, Tenderizer 6 3 slot in Mhgu. 3 saves and roughly over 1k hours later and hundreds of dlc brachy later my closest results is a tendi 4 3 slot and a tendi 5 3 slot on one save. In comparison i got an ro 5 3 slot way earlier per save. Very nice desire sensor...
@adventuretuna 8 күн бұрын
back in 4U we used to say "head sniping" to refer to the charge blade's SAED hitting the monster's head exactly as the monster turns or approaches you. can also be used by all weapons in general but more commonly in weapons with long winded animations like great sword.
@inazumatan7050 7 күн бұрын
“Back in 4U” implies it doesn’t happen anymore Headsniping absolutely still exists
@viporiox555 7 күн бұрын
pretty sure that’s self explanatory- you snipe the head
@becker12378 6 күн бұрын
i know this as "headlock". I think headlock is the original name of this mechanic. you can find 18 old videos of this.
@inazumatan7050 6 күн бұрын
@@becker12378 Headlock is a different concept. It’s when you constantly keep attacking one body part (usually the head) to keep the monster perpetually flinching or in a downed state. People nowadays call it stunlocking as a universal gaming term and because it’s not always the head that keeps the monster locked down.
@alekrhoton6407 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining the story behind je suis monte, because someone who started in Generations and was completely out of the loop, digging up old tutorial videos was always a little confusing when I got to the Glaive.
@thecrazykulu6145 7 күн бұрын
Apologies for a late comment, but I have one! It is probably less well known, but I have heard I about occasionally. Tail-bagging: The act of severing the tail of a monster (or other parts that create a carve spot) then proceeding to carve it while the monster is still in the zone and aggressive (as in not in a vulnerable position like being downed, paralyzed, or asleep). It is effectively a way of styling on the monster and disrespect, as is the origin of the name, tea-bagging.
@RockDotZip Күн бұрын
My group always called that noobcarving because when we would play with randos it was always the worse hunters that would go for it and then get rocked
@TheRiz1205 8 күн бұрын
1st Fleet Hunter :D I was 10 years old when I started 😂
@guardianauron3285 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for paving the way for us !
@TheRiz1205 7 күн бұрын
@guardianauron3285 For me the hard part was to understand and know what to gather, the game was in Japanese and I'm from Malaysia, English is my second language 🤣 I had to write it down and pray to god I found the exact word I'm looking for, I wish back then I had internet access like today saved me some time to craft 1 armor piece.
@AkaiAzul 7 күн бұрын
Am I a second fleet hunter? Started on MHFU.
@TheRiz1205 7 күн бұрын
@@AkaiAzul I think so 😃
@naefaren3515 7 күн бұрын
@@AkaiAzul Aye same! Back on the PSP as a wee lad
@TheKisj 8 күн бұрын
After 100% completing the game yesterday, it's finally time to learn all the slangs, so i can finally play the game.
@viporiox555 7 күн бұрын
@TheKisj 7 күн бұрын
@viporiox555 just a healthy tip, make sure lunastra is NOT the last monster you need crowns for
@viporiox555 7 күн бұрын
@@TheKisj thx lol, u should have done high rank quests
@TheKisj 7 күн бұрын
@viporiox555 my friend, i have over 2700 hours in this game, i have done my fair share of those 😅
@JestXDX 7 күн бұрын
Oh damn, I just watched both Slang videos, and only now realized you literally Uploaded them just this Week, fresh from the oven... I was starting to get Ready to Binge and entire Series with slang from every Generation 😂🤣 😭 Keep up the work! Its good content!!
@Nitrox-. 8 күн бұрын
"the claw" is a good one for next episode. And Poogie and that petting it supposedly increases drop rates on rare items by like 0.12%. Oh and maybe newer players aren't familiar with the term G-rank. Afaik, in older games sleep bombing mostly referred to having a set maximizing that effect. So playing with a sleep weapon, usually SnS, and skills that increase bomb damage and abnormal status elements (to deal more sleep element).
@devranyilmaz9806 8 күн бұрын
Sleep bombing is not a specific set, though the Bombardier skills do improve the effectiveness of the strategy. In G-rank or even High-rank, it’s expected that most hunters know how the Sleep status works, and carry Mega Barrel Bombs+ into every hunt, just in case. Because whilst status ailment resistances can get pretty high, monsters will never be immune, and Sleep is the most valuable status ailment of them all due to how an experienced hunting group can absolutely devastate a monster in a single co-ordinated moment, shearing off a massive chunk or outright killing the sleeping monster.
@lubbo5261 7 күн бұрын
Every Freedom Unite and Portable 3rd player knows what "the claw" is.
@Nikolai0169 7 күн бұрын
@@lubbo5261 the claw is the reason i hardly ever touched ranged weapons back then. It was bad enough to manage with melee, ranged is absolute hell.
@Nitrox-. 7 күн бұрын
@@devranyilmaz9806 It's not a set, that's not what I meant. It's a strategy. Which is why you have a set for it if you do it properly. Simply putting down some bombs when the monster happens to go to rest was not considered sleep bombing. (At least that's how I remember the term being used in earlier generations) Sleep bombing aimed to put the monster to rest multiple times and maximize bomb damage. Having a sleep weapon and the according skills on your armor is therefore vital to make the strategy more effective especially when playing solo.
@CytricAcid 7 күн бұрын
im really sad that you cant claw anymore in wilds. at least, i couldnt find an option that let the dpad control the camera...
@militarykobold 5 күн бұрын
"Clown Suit" deserves a spot on the list, for mismatched armor pieces that look terrible together but you just GOTTA get that Sharpness +1 In the Old World, there is also the gimmick Sword and Shield combat method of "Stylish Bombing". You take Evasion +2, Speed Trapper, and Pro Bombardier as your skills, plus maybe Combo Pro and a ton of extra bomb-making materials. Since SnS is the only weapon that can use items while the weapon is unsheathed, they would plop down a Large Barrel Bomb+, whack it, and dodge away, with the increased i-frames covering the length of the explosion. Which, you have to admit, IS pretty stylish.
@CuChuTrainMH 4 күн бұрын
reminds me of the ProZD "ass kicking outfit" skit
@k1ngdeth 2 күн бұрын
Oh my Gog, this just brought back memories of me trying to style hunt back in the day...
@kumatorahaltmanndreemurr 7 күн бұрын
One thing that’s definitely worth mentioning is the concept of wakeup attacks. When a monster is sleeping, the attack that wakes them up does triple damage. If the monster is asleep and you have a Great Sword/Hammer player in your group, it’s usually a good idea to back off and let them do the wakeup attack
@masterepix 8 күн бұрын
Dude I absolutely love these so far! Subbing as we head into Wilds!
@ninjack11 Күн бұрын
another note to the desire sensor. it will also detect if you are fighting a monster and you wont need its rare drop, and then give you 2-3 of them
@Curly4Superman 6 күн бұрын
The way i lol’d when you explained desire sensor! You’ve earned a subscriber! Great job
@LittleAlohaaa 8 күн бұрын
I JUST. Got done watching the first part 😂 Good timing
@thesalsaguy4395 8 күн бұрын
I personally would say people that somehow started with Now or Stories 2 are still 5th fleet hunters, as they still came out before Wilds. In turn, people that might start with MH Outlanders (whenever that comes out) could still be referred to as 6th fleet hunters.
@joshlewis8860 7 күн бұрын
I think it depends which mainline game they started with. Yeah I’m saying the spin-off games don’t count. At that point if it was me I would say “My first game was MH Stories, but my first mainline game was MH World so I consider myself a 5th fleeter.” Or just drop the fleet thing altogether, it isn’t really necessary it’s just something we say for fun.
@viporiox555 7 күн бұрын
i agree
@pyrrhos8175 8 күн бұрын
Think a great one will be the combo of subspecies, variant, rare, and deviants (and if you're really crazy, supremacy, origin, and zenith) ...just don't go too far into the weeds on it. It can get a bit conflicting LOL
@CuChuTrainMH 8 күн бұрын
gonna straight up have to draw a data tree for this one lol
@obsidiancomet9580 7 күн бұрын
"Running Man" is a term I and my friends use a lot that I got from Octaneblue, which describes what happens when you knock a monster out of air (where they make a running motion with their legs) and it drops down for an opportunity for free hits.
@de4d86 7 күн бұрын
i say so many of the phrases that octaneblue and his friends use, i forget that most players dont know what they mean LOL "running man" "brooklyn" "sturned"...
@ProfessorRugops 7 күн бұрын
I feel like Headlock might be worth mentioning, basically in the PS2 games monsters didn’t flinch quite like how they do now. In modern games when you stagger or knock a monster unconscious it enters a state where you can’t build up towards another stagger until it gets up, BUT back in the day this wasn’t a mechanic and THEORETICALLY you could consistently make the monster unable to move. For most weapons this wasn’t a mechanic impossible to line up however for Lance specifically it was possible to attack fast enough and long enough to chain flinch Wyverns to death. Monster Hunter Dos was the last game to keep this version but from it came a successor. Dos introduced the Elder Dragons and with them the Kushala Daora frame, this was unique for how these monsters would always fall over after flinching their head and had a very long recovery period afterwards where you could prepare an attack. Because of this Greatsword could effectively be used to stunlock them by doing a charged hit that knocks them over, followed by another one right as it gets up and loses its invulnerability to repeat the cycle. This feature actually lasted for every game until World and is one of the recommended ways to deal with these otherwise difficult monsters!
@t-4785 6 күн бұрын
Snowmanned: When you got snow stuck in your body, it shows a little snowman next to your name
@fungithefungi3331 7 күн бұрын
I just now discovered your channel, love it so far ❤
@stweamrock3219 7 күн бұрын
The way you said nuff said is absolutely sending me
@yorukage5926 21 сағат бұрын
The desire sensor is real. 27 chaotic Gore Magala hunts and I only got a single mantle 😂
@ErdingerLi 7 күн бұрын
There is no term for this, but back in P2ndG/Freedom Unite days. A veteran hunter friend would get us to go into the gathering hall, keep asking us to accept the gift in his hand. Disappear for a while (save scumming) and rinse and repeat in hopes we have enough healing materials without relying on our pathetically scarce item box.
@diseasedwombat5611 7 күн бұрын
I can confirm the desire sensor’s existence. It once took me 20 Anjanath to get a mantle in Iceborne and 17 Mizutsune to get a gem in Rise. I was playing with my brother while I hunted those Mizutsune, And he got two gems before I even got a plate.
@pocketmonsterhuntr 8 күн бұрын
Thanks, never actually knew what je suit monte was about
@Soapy_Papoose 5 күн бұрын
Hame: When you lock down a monster by chaining status effects/traps/flinching/etc. Hame squads/runs usually consist of one light bowgun and three heavy bowguns. This results in very fast kill times and grinding.
@skybladebloodheart4247 7 күн бұрын
superman dive is also known as a 'panic dive' this is because if i remember correctly you can only do it away-ish from a monster when there's 1 around, your hunter is panicking so they dive to the ground preventing damage for a longer duration.
@I_ARE_CHEESE 3 күн бұрын
If you started with Stories or Now, you are a tourist until you start an actual game
@naugahyde1014 7 күн бұрын
Shoulder check/Chad shoulder/Tackle: GS users have a specific move that gives them hyperarmor that, if done successfully in more recent titles, can not only almost completely ignore the meanest attacks monsters have, but also shortcut them into- TCS, aka True Charge Slash: The Great Sword's hardest-hitting move that takes seven business days to charge up and has the maneuverability of a barge. The siren song that calls most to GS, and the cherry on top of a sleepbomb sundae. Minecone/B-52 bomber: Bazelgeuse, a cheeky twist on Seregios' "Pinecone," and a reference to the attack it has where it glides overhead and drops blastscales, respectively. Bazelgeuse also has the nicknames "Party Crasher," referencing its mechanic of showing up when another large monster is enraged, and "Bagel," a hilariously non-threatening diminutive of its full name.
@setya4540 5 күн бұрын
B-52 Bomber for Bazelgeuse
@YetAnotherLowPopularityChannel 2 күн бұрын
Bit of a specific one but I recently found "block point" on the charge blade. Essentially, certain parts of the charge blade's animations hold the shield in front of the hunter, allowing them to block mid animation (mostly used in morph slash from sword > axe). This is actually faster to do than blocking since between an attack and a block, there is a delay. However, in Wilds you can't do a savage axe slash after doing a guard point, and the only way to enter Power Axe mode is through focus attacks on wounds or savage axe slash after a perfect guard, so this may be used less often.
@CasualWarden 6 күн бұрын
Good old joystick combat and taking a week to realize the camera moves by dpad.
@arevin8432 7 күн бұрын
Charm Farm refers to hr and G rank 999 gunners repeatedly completing the capture Brachydios quest to obtain a charm they'll never get in GU.
@kestopia1993 10 сағат бұрын
Capcom has bugged my house and knows what monster items I need and you can’t tell me otherwise!
@Darkfist007 7 күн бұрын
I didn't comment, on the last one, but I came back just for the mount meme one. Good job.
@mothman2761 7 күн бұрын
I can think of decos being short for decorations, and skulling in world as well as blue flagging in rise
@thewalt200 7 күн бұрын
So I played tri way back in the day growing up, never got super into it, and then started proper when my friends got me World and Iceborne on PC. While I know most of these terms from videos/my own experience/etc. it’s so nice to learn something new that I can teach others (this time it was the “je suis monté!”)
@Derotehwookie 8 күн бұрын
George for rajang and Furious George for Furious Rajang.
@Ggahni 8 күн бұрын
wait really? I only heard of them as Saiyans and Super Saiyans for.. well, obvious reasons
@Derotehwookie 8 күн бұрын
@@Ggahni yep those are the main nicknames for them but the george is in reference to the curious george line of books.
@felixthescholarlytitan4437 7 күн бұрын
@@Ggahni Me and my friends just call them Monke, or Angy Monke.
@viporiox555 6 күн бұрын
I call them Monke and Mega Monke
@blitzw1525 7 күн бұрын
Can't wait for the next video🔥
@chebikitty5566 6 күн бұрын
4th fleet member here, je suis monte was everywhere to me. i always somehow managed to get a glaive main in my multiplayer hunts, and yes they were always French. I'm a hammer main myself so I never really got to experience the mounting possibilities until I got rise(wirebugs), I can't wait to see what wilds has in store for us.
@raizekalos5721 5 күн бұрын
Maybe not used as much these days but "Headlocking" is a term used for when hunters/speedrunners optimize spacing and damage (usually with GS) to constantly flinch or trip a monster basically the entire hunt flinch-locking it do death, usually by hitting the head hence the name, as its often times a big weak point for monsters. Also might be a bit too specific but "World Tour" or "Around the World" refers to a specific move Rathalos and some flying wyverns did where they jusy fly waaaaaay up, circle the zone you're in way out of reach, then finally come back in with a swoop attack (usually missing pretty bad) it was super common and just annoyingly time wastey in the old games and they've made it so they do this less and less over time, to where I think Rath can only do it in World in his nest.
@abomberg1 7 күн бұрын
Abbreviations are everywhere on forums. Abbreviations like GS (Greatsword), IG (Insect Glaive), and more are used all the time for weapons. This also goes for some of the stronger attacks like Charge Blade SAED (Super Amped Elemental Discharge) and Greatsword TCS (True Charged Slash). These are often used for wakeups, along with the barrel bombs, because a sleeping monster takes far more damage from the wakeup hit. TU (Title Update) for game updates that add content like new monsters or open up event quests. The difference between "returning from quest" and "abandoning quest" is something new and some experienced players don't know. Gold and silver crowns for monsters that are extra large or small.
@Moostelle 8 күн бұрын
I think the desire sensor really hits in MH specifically when you just need, like, a handful of scales or something. The desire sensor always knows when you need scales, and only gives you the rare drop you don't actually need any more of.
@Lorddominion 8 күн бұрын
Or bombards you with the drop you needed after you no longer need it anymore 🤣
@EnraiChannel 8 күн бұрын
Another proof of desire sensor is having +20 plates from a monster you don't need to grind parts for, but you were just helping your buddy.
@equinox-XVI 8 күн бұрын
I needed *1* Flaming Espinas horn... I got *3* mantles... and *NO* horns 🙃
@bok4822 8 күн бұрын
I once got 7 Broken Skypiercers in about 10 hunts, while my friend got none while needing only 2. I think he has a grudge against Generations now.
@kape2978 7 күн бұрын
In mhp3rd, we once helped one hunter to farm for the ukanlos gem. Everyone besides the guy who needed it roughy got 3-6 by the time the one grinding got his. It was a rough day lol.
@gardenofadam79 6 күн бұрын
Looking forward to using my 10% off at Ross every Tuesday!
@pablomadrid6962 7 күн бұрын
Special mention to the spanish Je suis monté message, "¡Lo he montado!"
@SirBanana1992 7 күн бұрын
the desire sensor works in even more insiduous ways, 2 stories: Back in Tri my squad were hunting Alatreon, we needed someone to take care of the wings so I decided to take it upon me to learn the HBG, a weapon I never touched before, build a whole set just for it, went on a hunt to learn the controls then brought this in Alatreon to break the wings...I never got those wings but all my teammates got loads. I'M THE ONE THAT PUT IN THE WORK TO GET THEM DAMMIT. And then there's Rathalos just being what Rathalos always is to me. Oh All I needed was an azure rathalos tail for my piece, should be easy, like 75% drop rate from carving tail whatever. First carve, a Mantle...well okay thanks but I need tail so I go again....another mantle....ok that's is silly, guess I won't need mantles, BUT I still need my tail so go again.....................A freakin mantle again. DUDE STOP I NEED YOUR TAIL, IT'S LITERALLY 75% DROP RATE. Never had trouble with Rathalos mantles, it's to a point I at some point got 12 in 4 hunts helping my friend get 2 and he got none.
@welovegamestv1207 7 күн бұрын
My edited message for mounting in worlds was "ride 'em like a pony"
@becker12378 6 күн бұрын
"TA" stands for TimeAttack. Time Attack is community made ruleset for speedrunners. It makes a huge difference if a speedrun is TA or not.
@hrpang 7 күн бұрын
My favourite slang that hasn't been in a video yet probably has to be "Drome". The term originates from the original set of pack monsters, the Veloci. The suffix of "Drome" or "Prey" was given respectively to the Large and Small variants of the monster, and the Drome is always followed by a group of its Prey. It would expand to other monsters such as the Gia, Gen and Io before phasing out in favor of the "Great" prefix such as Great Ludroth or Great Jagras. It would develop into a joke suffix for Kirin, which in the early games, recycled plenty of its animations from the Kelbi, just like the original Velocidrome. So people called it the Kelbidrome. It would also resurface with the introduction of Gammoth, where the big fluffy elephant monster was dubbed Popodrome, after the other big fluffy elephant monster the Popo. Otherwise it's mainly used to dub pack monsters that aren't named yet that have a clear leader.
@fabian6087 19 сағат бұрын
Another layer to Je suis monté is that "je suis" also means "I am/My name is" so if you know that it seemed like french people were spamming their introduction for the whole hunt.
@BLOODKINGbro 7 күн бұрын
Still not talking about the true end game of grinding out crowns.
@LeonusStawalker 7 күн бұрын
Personally, I define sleep bombing more specifically as a dedicated strategy of repeatedly putting tge monster to sleep and bombing them over and over, as opposed to fighting the monster normally. In the older games, particularly Tri, this was a common way of killing hard monsters more easily, or breaking difficult to reach parts like the horns and wings of Alatreon before mechanics like mounting and clutching gave you more options for dealing damage to parts out of your reach. What you describe is just taking advantage of incidental sleeps that happen to occur during the hunt.
@SSName 7 күн бұрын
“Levi” from Dual Blades, what is actually called the “Heavenly Blade Dance” but that’s long and it reminded everyone of Attack on Titan.
@kwagmeijer26 17 сағат бұрын
"Superman dive" is also known as (and originally known as) the "panic dive"
@gcell10 7 күн бұрын
Corner Horner-hunting horn users who only buff and not fight Dodobro-Dodogama Master race-hammer users Monobobo-Monoblos
@vozac4470 8 күн бұрын
Yay part 2!
@andypina4478 8 күн бұрын
2:51 this one I can confirm because in 2 instances in mhr sunbreak I got multiple mantles that I wasn't looking for. First instance was against flaming espinas (2 mantles), 2 instance was against magnamalo (3 mantles, one of them carved, the other two as rewards).
@sleeplesswhipdcreme_nosleep 8 күн бұрын
I got really lucky fighting Amatsu in GU. First slay, got 3 Heavenly Dragonsphires. Ever since then, I've been in a luck-debt and cannot get anything good from Amatsu because apparently that one was the motherload.
@andypina4478 7 күн бұрын
@sleeplesswhipdcreme_nosleep TALKING ABOUT AMATSU I finally beat hom yesterday night, and I got its mantle, I couldn't believe it. And what makes it better is that I carted once to it.
@Chireiya 7 күн бұрын
Not an established term afaik but in my hunting group "Yankles" refers to the monster sending you absolutely flying by just barely touching you with its ankles as it runs past or away from you. Desire Sensor is real and can hurt you. I believe I cut off like 7 Blue Rathalos tails before I got the actual tail part in 4U... Speaking of: Cut, Break, Carve, Drop and Reward might be candidates for the slang terms too. Also there's "wake up hit" for weapons with especially big attacks to do double damage with on a sleeping monster (Like GS true charge slash when done right). Also also, I think monster nick names deserve their own series!
@AsuranFist 7 күн бұрын
Don't forget that not only does the desire sensor NOT give you what you want for god knows how long, but it also decides to give you more than the amount you needed when you only need 1 of it. "I'm missing 1 more Rathian Spike, here we go again" And the game decides to give you 4, despite you having done the quest repeatedly and only managed to get 1 Spike every single run before the LAST run you would need the 1 for. (Double-edged sword I know, but damn does it drive me crazy)
@bass-dc9175 Күн бұрын
Two terms which have gotten lost in time with World releasing were: Roman Lancing and Hame Runs. Roman Lancing was a term for special gunlance players. True gentlemen who knew the monster inside out, never hitting their team, randomly turning to a specific direction, charge up and perfectly snipe a charging monster out of the air as if they could read the future. These players are only second to Hunting Horn players in terms of appreciation. Others played the new stuff, meanwhile no matter how weak: The Gunlance continues blasting. Hame Runs Hame is a ... unique word. But to translate it as ... normally as possible: It means screwing. It is a team run where one player stunlocks a monster while the others completely destroy it. In MH4U, it was common to have a LBG player with full reload put down Sleep, Bomb, Trap, Stun, Para, Sleep, Bomb, Tranq, Pitfall and the monster would be dead within less than a minute because 3 Full DPS HBG players on rapid fire pumped Pierce shots through it. Oh and a bit about the "nth fleet" hunters: The Monster Hunter logo changes with each generation. But one thing remains consistant: You can tell which generation it is by counting the number of dragon heads in the logo. Then there is "THE BOY", which is a pet name given to Dodogama. Now this was supposed to be an early game fight that you farm, but players never did because his armor is ... bad ... and ofcourse because he is the most adorable thing ever! This went so far that with iceborn Capcom introduced a quest: "Can't Bring Yourself To It", where the description reads: _We're facing a rather unique issue at the moment. Research in the recess has come to a halt due to a rather rambunctious Dodogama. However, most of our hunters are refusing to hunt it because they think Dodogama are... "cute"._ Also: Pet the Poogie. That is one of the rituals. If you do the Pet minigame right, the poogie will be happy. Now this does not do anything at aakbjasdf ... SORRY. REAL HUNTER HERE. I HAD TO TACKLE THIS FOOL AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD. PETTING THE POOGIE IS THE ONLY VIABLE MEANS TO FIGHT THE DESIRE SENSOR! IT IS NON NEGOTIABLE! YOU *MUST PET THE POOGIE!*
@gungisgrand225 7 күн бұрын
"5th fleet" and "Fivers" was just really used to refer to noobs when World came out, I have personally only heard those words in that context
@viporiox555 7 күн бұрын
It would be cool if you went over weapon name shortening like CB and SWAX or their individual attacks like ZSD, SAED, and TCS
@TheHyny 7 күн бұрын
You should cover MH specific names for weapons, such as the dootstick.
@ryssicgaming 7 күн бұрын
The honky bonky
@viporiox555 6 күн бұрын
or the longstick/beating stick for longsword
@funny_bunny 5 күн бұрын
The swagaxe/swax.
@rajangalala9492 7 күн бұрын
Gog Short for "Gogmazios" and in-universe way of saying "God" like the quest name 'Act of Gog' for example. Also used that way by Excitable A-lister/Ace Cadet/Aiden on a few occasions.
@mayer2630 7 күн бұрын
More importantly, for newer player., don't ever feel pressured to know all the terms, but what to keep note of is, you have to know the manners, rather than the lingo/terms that's used Would love to see a video about hunting manners in the next video what I learned from playing is, this is what I think is important : 0. (not a must, but I think this is important) try to fight and win a monster hunt solo before multiplayer, there are players that's never learned to fight a monster solo, and end up being deadweight and carting multiple times during a hunt, don't be that player! try to at least fight and win it solo one time! 1. don't flash a monster randomly, or on a whim, monsters are attacking with patterns, and flashing, often makes the monster run around randomly and attacking without pattern, only flash to save someone or to run away more on this, if you ever feel like never understanding the pattern moveset of a monster, maybe the reason is you never actually try to fight it normally, without spamming flash bombs, it's okay to get hit and dying to a monster for some times, eventually your muscle memory will learn what is the dangerous move of the monster and so on, so yeah 2. don't use a move that makes teammates fly or topple when your teammates is nearby, yes brace skill exist to prevent this, but some move like cluster ammo bomb and upswing from some weapon will definitely still fly teammates over, if you do it accidentally, just say sorry and it should be fine 3. support each other, like literally, you don't want to be that guy that keeps attacking and never consider your team, heal low HP teammates using AOE heal item [dust of life or life powder] (farm and and bring of it all the time!)
@Nekomania 5 күн бұрын
Something i'd say you missed about the desire sensor is that it was that monhun was the first online use of the term back in old forms and i'd say it can apply to say gachas and other games but the specific dark ritual that capcom created will always be more painful than other series using it.
@BlueRay7989 7 күн бұрын
3:31 dialobolically accurate
@bludclot 7 күн бұрын
Having 8700 hours now, I have heard a lot. Here are some I have heard during my travels. Though, I have been calling Fatalis, Fat Alice since the DLC came out for MHW. Fat Alice : Fatalis B52: Bazelgeuse Raw Dog Fat Alice: Not doing cannon strat on Fat Alice (Yes, I know where raw dogging originally comes from). I've also heard it used for not using Dragon Razor at the start of a fight for other monsters. Elemental Knock: Elemental Damage check on Alatreon Turtle up: Also used in other games, what a Lance user does when they don't know the fight and just stands there blocking. Weeb Stick: Long Sword Tooth Pick: Insect Glaive Doot/s: Hunter Horn Dunk: Knock a monster out of the air (either with flash, break, or damage check. e.g. "I dunked Safi out of a nuke/nova". Monkey and Angry Monkey: Pretty obvious, but Rajang and Furious Rajang. Thunder Pup: Zinogre Crispy Fish: Lavasioth Thunder Snot: Fulgur Anjanath Toss/Fling poo/p: Throw a dung pod to get a monster out of the area Grinding Lands: Guiding Lands Skeet Shooting: H/LBG hitting Glaive users out of the sky. If I think of more, I will put them, but I have heard a lot.
@OrenjiArms 21 сағат бұрын
i saw your pfp and was like "where have i seen this before" and just realized its melffy rabby
@ThatFunnyTortoise 7 күн бұрын
Explain Gog, our replacement for god because of the funny tar guy
@nugget3687 18 сағат бұрын
As an insect glaive main from the 3rd fleet, I'm ashamed that i was not previously aware of je suis monte But now that i know, the moment I'm able to get my hands on a ps5 and monster hunter wilds, it's time to get french...
@neilobaoill6337 7 күн бұрын
As a French insectglaive user who started with MH4u I am so glad to have contributed to the "Je suis monté" meme xD
@farfaline4057 21 сағат бұрын
Has a french who played a lot of insect glaive in MH4 i agree with this message
@SchneePunk 7 күн бұрын
I just started playing Monster Hunter like 2 weeks ago (World) and my friend would keep saying je suis monte when mounting. Now I know what it means lol. Also the Pickle bit had me dying LOL
@myguyrdb 7 күн бұрын
Some stuff I think could be useful are corner horning, endemic life, crown monsters, and fashion hunting
@jeremy.oliver 6 күн бұрын
This man acknowledges the pickle, but not even the term INVADER MONSTER???
@distancelol123 8 күн бұрын
Stylish bombing and HAME as well for next one please 😁
@Caipi2070 7 күн бұрын
the funny thing is we germans say „ich bin drauf“ (i‘m on it) as a slang for being on drugs xD
@AkaiAzul 7 күн бұрын
I thought Je suis monté was popularized into a full blown meme thanks to YT creator NCH Production. Sure, it needed to exist as a meme first, but this guy launched into meme stardom.
@kamuikadet6538 7 күн бұрын
I usually call the running jump a demo dive
@elantricity 7 күн бұрын
Thanks, that vid is really funny 😂 „You have any ibuprofen?“😂
@skybladebloodheart4247 7 күн бұрын
as i understand it because it was the new weapon, and the new thing it could do aerials was quite fun, allot of people spammed it apparently because of time zones lining up and the default mounting callout being ju suis monte, ju suis monte is now a derogatory term for players that only go for mounting attacks/ aerials or at least spam them usually used to refer to insect glaiver's specifically. as to why the french callout caught on? it's probably just cause it's more interesting then 'i mounted the monster' or whatever the english callout was at the time though it's just speculation.
@CanRent_Edit 7 күн бұрын
a tailraider once gave me a mantle
@Vivincubus 7 күн бұрын
finally, real monhun (pre 5th) terms
@Erothaur 5 күн бұрын
Could have mentioned that the attack that wakes up a sleeping monster does extra damage. A weapon hit gets doubled, where-as non weapon sources (ie bombs) get tripled. Only one instance of damage, so if you drop 8 bombs, only one gets tripled. Or, usually and preferably, someone with a greatsword wakes it with true charge and you just detonate the bombs as it does the wake up animation.
@CuChuTrainMH 5 күн бұрын
@@Erothaur I was gonna put in the wake up tutorial with wakeup attack, bombs, and then flincshot in world but we kept fucking it up and I was like "this is taking too long"
@evsid3049 7 күн бұрын
5:33 nonsense subversion of expectations makes great humor
@cinamello 7 күн бұрын
While the german "Ich bin drauf" is used for mounting in Monster Hunter., saying it could mean "I'm high (on a substance)". Funny enough it can still makes sense, since that specific kind of Insect Glaive player gets a high off of mounting the Monster!
@xXDaikanisXx 7 күн бұрын
the je suis monte is so real
@heranef3594 7 күн бұрын
1:40 Monster Hunter Now players are most likely between 5th or 6th fleet hunters, monsters animations and models were all from World and now some are from Rise, the issue is that the only mention of where the players are coming from is the real world and that monsters spawn here with portals (kinda like the opposite of the mh film), so players are probably just not from any fleet but actual humans from earth. Some skills from MHN aren't in any other game until Wilds, like increase bonus damages when you deal negative crits, etc. We'll see if Wilds take some of them but the lore doesn't correlate with MHN lore judging by what we know about Wilds lore until now.
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