Monster Hunter : World VS Rise - It's Time to Settle This!

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@Lexgamer 8 ай бұрын
Despite hundreds of hours in World, and knowing the primary hunting areas of the forest, I can STILL get lost in all the winding little pathways, which is a feeling of scale games haven't captured since I was a kid. Games now feel small and easy to wrap my head around. The "fuzzy" nature of getting lost in the forest is amazing and I love it so very much. Armor is great in World too. Rise does have the better weapons though. Both games are amazing and feel very unique.
@AscendantStoic 8 ай бұрын
Never stopped getting lost in Ancient Forest even after hundreds of hours XD
@illogik 8 ай бұрын
I’m still lost looking for this anjanath monster to this day
@dino-t243 8 ай бұрын
I get what you're saying but personally I feel that's due to the complex vertical nature of the map rather than the size. Most areas in the forest are tight and claustrophobicand there are a lot of paths so it's easy to make it feel maze like
@voidgivenfocus 8 ай бұрын
Just making something more mazelike does not equate to a more immersive experience lol
@timothyblinn9734 8 ай бұрын
​@@voidgivenfocus True, which is why the devs didn't just stop there, and they added other aspects of immersion
@AkrabSouls 8 ай бұрын
As mainly a solo player, followers were a great addition/company to the hunts
@killerfugu2659 8 ай бұрын
Yea and their damage is terrible to ensure they don't carry that side, though horn buffs/free heals are very nice.
@bellystraw 8 ай бұрын
I really hope this feature carries on in future titles because it followers were such a wonderful feature
@sonusmeister2325 8 ай бұрын
the main feature of followers is splitting aggro.
@killerfugu2659 8 ай бұрын
@@sonusmeister2325 Yea like souls games npc summons/coop.
@HerEvilTwin 8 ай бұрын
I genuinely hope this will become a feature of all future MH gamess
@MystiInferno 9 ай бұрын
​There is no OBJECTIVE answer to this question, it's entirely subjective, both are good in their own ways anyway, I dislike world for reasons, but I also dislike rise for reasons too, I love both though.
@paidninja1413 9 ай бұрын
World is objectively better because of the better graphics, better more dense maps with a proper ecology, a better story telling and much more challenging monsters than Rise (at least until anomaly investigations must hunts were easy in rise). You may or may not like world but it doesn't mean world was not objectively better game than rise.
@Markus1229 9 ай бұрын
I think I like rise gameplay with the faster pacing but I loved the magnitude of world. I also prefer worlds grind. There were so many different layers from kulve, go Safi jiva, to deco hunting. Rise just came across as frustrating to me. But I love all monster hunter games!
@MystiInferno 9 ай бұрын
@@paidninja1413 Nothing you've said is objective, if I like rise better, nothing there matters to ME, so it's Subjective. "Better" Graphics is also subjective, more realistic, yes, higher fidelity, yes, better, subjective, I like Rise's art style better
@paidninja1413 9 ай бұрын
@@MystiInferno if you don't think it is not objectively true that World is superior to rise when it comes to graphical fidelity it's time to relearn English dude. I've stated objectively world has better graphics, is consistently harder than rise in lower HR/MR and objectively has a much more flushed out story. Also if i was mentioning art style id say so, graphics doesn't mean art style. Objectively world is better. Despite that one can no doubt love rise over world no doubt.
@MystiInferno 9 ай бұрын
@@paidninja1413 You're the one who needs to learn English as you don't seem to understand what the word SUBJECTIVE is. and I agreed World is better fidelity. You're reading comprehension could also use some work.
@CensorShtTube 8 ай бұрын
With quiros crafting and skill variety, Sunbreak is truly an endless MH game.
@banedeath 8 ай бұрын
Wirefall became a crutch for me. Every time I get knocked across the map in older MH games I find myself constantly mashing the wirefall control even though I know I can't use it!
@Daigon95 8 ай бұрын
Honestly its always been like tht for me in multiple entries. Doin certain things and next entry doesnt hav it or moved it somewhere else. Always throws me off. lol
@jackg6887 8 ай бұрын
@@Daigon95 I still miss valor dodge so much
@kamer7687 8 ай бұрын
One thing that was left out is build customization. World and Rise were both okay, but Sunbreak gives you nearly infinite effective options while Iceborne gives you full Fatalis for all weapons. As someone who started on PSP in Freedom Unite, I don't think I ever had that much fun with the RPG aspect of MH as I did in Sunbreak. Not saying what my overall pick is (or if I even have one), but this definitely feels like a notable topic outside of the very good Ruri discussion.
@Themasterjtg 8 ай бұрын
I feel this is more akin to how Augments altered the way weapons gain traction in the endgames, notably how one difference between SB and IBs augments make all the difference for how some weapons can still be serviceable in the post game's end game In Iceborne, every augmentation slot level unlocked only unlocked the next level, meaning you had some flexibility in your augmentation choices. Slap on designs had a bit better a boon with Custom Augments as they offered the small bonuses that stacked up if you committed to a single aspect (Affinity, Attack, Ele/Status, etc). Meanwhile in SB, when you unlock an Augment slot level, you actively upgrade your weapon as well as achieve greater flexibility in your weapon's augmentation capabilities. The progression of upgrades are set for varying types (All non-ranged weapons gain additional raw and sharpness, along with elemental weapons getting more element at certain stages. Can't recall if Status weapons gain more of their Status at those levels, but I don't think they did). This detail alone means that you have the option to upgrade a weapon to max augments and receive a massive power up off of those alone, prior to even applying stat specific augments to the slots (Attack, Affinity, Ele/Status, Sharpness, Rampage Deco lvl) In Sunbreak, theoretically every weapon can be used in endgame as they can all eventually become extremely powerful versions of their freshly crafted forms (Aug level 0 vs Max Augs), whereas in IB, it's moreso a solidification of the winners winning harder It is still a factor that's present within SB, however, it doesn't just simply leave every other option behind absolutely in the dust Then there's the armor casino which just says "Where the limits are made up and play styles don't matter". Qurios Crafting Armor just straight up enables someone to intrinsically change the play style of an armor set in of itself (personally an experience I know after having done a gimmick save where I locked myself to Goss armor and GS strictly. Once I got the Qurios Crafting unlocked, I was able to actually enable playing in an elemental play style as opposed to the strictly Crit Draw style Goss armor is meant to be for)
@Koitsuba 7 ай бұрын
I mean. What's there to do after Fatalis..? It's the endboss of MHW, the pinnacle of the game. You should be rewarded for beating the "final boss", since there isn't any challenge after that. Also, you're not forced to use it anyway. It's not like you're locked into it. I think it's good for the game to have a definitive "THIS is your reward for completing the game, congratulations!".
@ghoulishgoober3122 4 ай бұрын
​​​@@Koitsubawhile this is true, it's more the fact that fatalis is the only set you need. It gives you constant +200 health and stamina, unlocks all the secrets for skills, and has the best decos. I guess it is a great reward for the nothing you have to do with it after, but borderline making any other build worthless? I would like to see that the final armor set is very good obviously, but also just as strong in a mixed set on top of being strong wearing the full set. Most of the fatalis armor's benefits come from wearing the full set, and if you want to wear fatalis it means you can't go rimeguard or any other special build like that. Going with these special builds isn't nearly as good as full fatalis though
@seuprimovei0 4 ай бұрын
@@Themasterjtg also, I'd add the fact that World/IBs augments (maybe) unintentionally gave a very clear direction towards how'd you build. Almost all builds from lategame have health augment on them, which hindered some build potential from other set bonuses like Safi's, Nergi's and Vaal's which had built-in health regen as their main selling point, making every build draintank better than builds which were intended to play this role. Meanwhile, due to the more restrictive augments on SB, you really need to invest/commit with your playstyle, as some skills have negative synergies (with a few exceptions, such as dragon conversion + dragonheart, which ONLY synergise when you use a dragon weapons).
@invincaspartan 8 ай бұрын
I enjoy Sunbreak over Iceborne and World over Rise. Both offer great experiences along the way and provide unique challenges.
@lormingo5259 8 ай бұрын
This is the comment that best describes my feelings
@Ocean5ix 8 ай бұрын
Yea.. this is both the greatest thing about MH but also the worst. Because it's awesome that you can go back to each game to get a slightly different experience, but at the same time it's insanely hard to decide which game to go back to because all of them have something you like. I would love to replay World's story with it's graphics and maps.... but I hate the Clutch Claw, I dislike how they went all in on Sieges focused on multiplayer and ignored the fact that the actual MH fans from the West spent almost a decade playing MH solo or on LAN. I also dislike how World's endgame pretty much unlocks the entire content for you at MR100. I actually liked how Sunbreak locked content behind higher and higher MR and AR because I need a reason to keep playing more than I need to kill or loot everything and get all the achievements.
@kamer7687 8 ай бұрын
Hard agree. Endgame Sunbreak is a lot more fun and in depth than Iceborne, but base game World offers a lot more than base Rise.
@CloudWind0643 8 ай бұрын
I feel the exact same way. Imo overall Sunbreak is a better expansion than iceborne and I enjoyed myself WAY more playing it. World is hands down better than Rise in almost everyway.
@ironwiredglasses 8 ай бұрын
@@lormingo5259 fr. this is also me
@kevo300 8 ай бұрын
I have 1000 hours in world but to find rathalos at the top part of the ancient forest is like harder than fatalis.
@jordanneal8979 8 ай бұрын
Yeah. I love world but anytime someone brings up World's "immersion" my mind goes to the Ancient forest's frustrating ass design.
@topical6574 7 ай бұрын
Then you get up there, realise its a quest with both Rathian and Rathalos, and your reward for climbing to the nest is a gank fight whilst poisoned and on fire. I'm not speaking from experience, I swear.
@sebastianleiva9278 7 ай бұрын
isnt there a camp like 10fts away from the nest
@zerozone5848 6 ай бұрын
camp named Ancient Forest Camp:
@shoobzy3431 6 ай бұрын
​@@topical6574Gives me flashbacks to that 1 event quest that wants u to hunt a pukei, rathian and rathalos and like u said it's just endless poison, stun lock and getting my ass lit on fire.
@hisdudeness1835 8 ай бұрын
I think a lot also has to do with what weapon you main. I mainly play Gunlance, Lance and Hammer. Gunlance made me really dislike the Clutch Claw while Rise felt weirdly limiting in playstyles before Sunbreak. But Sunbreak GL is probably my favourite Gunlance ever. Hammer and Lance are weapons that made me think the Clutch Claw was a great addition because to this day I believe these weapons had the mechanic worked into their core movesests the best (Clutch Claw counter with Lance and the Rolling Hammer into the monster follow up with Hammer). Weirdly enough Hammer and Lance felt really off to me in Rise. With every weapon being a counter beast I didn't even know why Lance was still a thing and Hammer felt like a One Trick Pony with Impact Crater. Sunbreak fixed the issues somewhat (and made Anchor Rage not being implemented in such a stupid way anymore) but I still feel that Iceborne perfected both weapons. Gunlance went up in Rise while Hammer and Lance were much better for me in World.
@KeyGameUniverse Ай бұрын
While i agree on hammer clatch claw been fun i hated the lance one. It's just a slow counter that could not work in half of the monster moves. Also both hammer and lance have more variety to do and i m in love with the cross counter of lance. It's just so satisfying pulling it off
@MrWhoDare 8 ай бұрын
Short version from me: they had their differences, and I love them both. I love Monster Hunter, been playing since Freedom Unite, and am so excited for what’s next.
@AkantorCZ 8 ай бұрын
Didn't know the sharpening when riding palamute was such a big deal. I think Ruri never put this "OP feature" into the practice enough to realize how ennoying it gets after some time especially in Sunbreak where solving sharpness issues was so easy.
@naezjinra 8 ай бұрын
It's not that big of a deal, if you put in the kind of time that the game is designed for you'll have the fish scales that let you sharpen with one stroke. It's all just catching up to current day QoL.
@AkantorCZ 8 ай бұрын
@@naezjinra Well Speed Sharpening is usually what you use to fill in 1lvl deco slots. Whetfish fin+ has only 1 use in Sunbreak so I personally wouldn't bother using it.
@babulbi 8 ай бұрын
It really isn't a big deal simply because Speed Sharpening outclasses it entirely.
@dranoelarios4788 6 ай бұрын
Heaven sent users: *heh*
@CStelTV 8 ай бұрын
Just bought World 10 mins ago, first Monster Hunter game, let’s go!
@Choom89 8 ай бұрын
Those first steps into Astera... Enjoy it, hunter!
@Remonade- 4 күн бұрын
@@CStelTV how was it?
@huntindog 7 ай бұрын
After playing Rise first, World feels so much more sluggish. Character movement is not as accurate and responsive. The maps in World are immersive and way more detailed but they aren't suited to fighting the monsters in a lot of cases like traditional games in their "arenas connected by tunnels" style.
@grimdaggz Ай бұрын
This is such a mixed bag. Broken down: World = Graphics, Emersion, Size, Maps, Balance, Bosses, Activities, Hub, Presentation, Events. Rise = Faster, Funner, Moves, User-friendly, Options, Monsters, Colors, Story, Cast, Quests, Endgame. It's Clutch Claw vs Wirebug... Clutch Claw has my favorite move in all of Monster Hunter. However, I will always side with Wirebug cause it has 6 near favorite moves with NO negatives.
@sohgeki2701 8 ай бұрын
I think one aspect that should've been mentioned as well is the monster realism (grounded designs) vs variety. MHW had a more "grounded" monster roster which helps with ecology immersion but MHR had more fantastical monsters with greater variety overall. Other than that great side by side comparison of the two games that I love.
@PokaDott 8 ай бұрын
Wirefall just let you get into the combat sooner and had its disadvantages too. When you get pinned in World you gotta just wait there for like 10 seconds while the monster stares at you in confusion and doesn't do anything to you. In Rise, if you use all your wirebugs and you get pinned by a monster, you ARE going to be hit again and for a lot more damage too, the monster just won't sit there for 10 seconds staring at you and then let you get your breath back and roll away, like they do in world.
@Amazingpatt 8 ай бұрын
and to add to this , some monster have counter to wirefall...or just built in move set to make sure your hit if you wirefall toward them !
@datsnaik6886 8 ай бұрын
The disadvantages of being able to wirebug out of a knockdown are pretty non-existent since you can just either wirebug into the fight again or wirebug to safety and being auto unsheathed. I rarely ever run into a situation where I'm out of wirebugs
@roloa7391 8 ай бұрын
I don't think that's an advantage of wirebugs (though I will agree geting out of pins with wirebugs is an interesting mechanic), I think that's an issue with the design of pins in world. Some monsters did the whole leave you alone thing, but the better designed ones actually punished you for getting pinned, like Jho, Rajang, and Fatalis. So that proves good pins actually are a thing even without the existence of wirebugs, they mostly just aren't designed in a good way in World. Also does the good old dung bomb trick not work anymore for pins? I remember that's a thing in the older gens where you can stop pins by throwing dung bombs. I don't actually have Rise so I can't test, but some peeps on reddit say that's apparently still a thing. In that case it's not like wirebugs are mandatory to deal with pins anyway.
@Pine2142 9 ай бұрын
Both are awesome and great at encapsulating the dufferences between portable and mainline games. I prefer World in most aspects but I also love Rise, especially silkbind skills
@ve8547 8 ай бұрын
Same feeling, both are good. It's still monter hunter both are very good at different things
@justindowning3845 8 ай бұрын
Never had as much fun in monster hunter as yeeting myself towards the monster with a twin vine and then following that up with a spiral trust on the head. Its so much fun.
@john_titor1 6 күн бұрын
I really like your take on keeping the cyclical contrast between main MH games and spin-offs. I think doing a recent rise playthrough before wilds is actually going to increase my enjoyment of the game when it comes out, because you are right, doing another world playthrough beforehand would be doubling down on a very similar style of gameplay, and would likely lead to earlier boredom or burnout. Rise's arcade-style gameplay was the perfect contrast, so i keep getting to enjoy MH without burning out or getting bored because it plays just different enough that it doesn't just feel like im playing the same game twice in a row. I, for the life of me, however, will never figure out why you dislike skill bloat. To me, the skill bloat stuff is only a positive. It just adds more complexity and playstyle variation to the game versus older monster hunter games. That being said, i think Worlds is actually a poor example of skill bloat, because most of the skills were actually just raw stat buffs, and didn't really affect how you played the game. I like that in rise, even end game weapon sets had like 3 or 4 different builds/playstyles that you could do, and they all changed how you approach your fights. It's not just the same exact fight every time but this time, you need fewer hits because you deal more damage. Previous monster hunter games felt like the only purpose to upgrading your gear was for comfort and damage. Armor was so you don't die in one hit, and weapon upgrades for damage, so hunts took less time. If you really grinded charms and stuff, you could get fun little comfort skills added on too, but that's all. Kinda bland. In rise, you literally could change your entire playstyle with skills like berserk, bloodlust, dragonheart, etc.
@OrangeBox93 8 ай бұрын
World got me into the series, Rise cemented my love of the series. Rise is my personal winner.
@simonrockstream 2 ай бұрын
Rise is worse in every way. wtf bro
@s.d.m.g361 2 ай бұрын
@@simonrockstream are you seriously offended that someone else has different opinions than you?
@Heide.struggler Ай бұрын
@@simonrockstream Ah, poor World baby got offended over a personal opinion. And no, your statement is wrong, Rise had a good amount of improvements over World or even Iceborne.
@macvadda2318 Ай бұрын
@@Heide.strugglertbh this is hella 50/50 it downgraded in many ways but also improved
@grimreefer213 8 ай бұрын
I like Rise more personally because I detest the clutch claw, I think the monster variety is better in Rise/Sunbreak, and a lot of weapons were massively improved and refined in Rise/Sunbreak, not just because they’re stronger, but their movesets are better for the most part. There are some exceptions like I agree with Ruri that the Charge Blade feels much better to play in World, and the Hunting Horn also got all of its complexity extracted out of it in Rise. However there are some things about Rise that i’m not a fan of, like wyvern riding I don’t like at all, and I have a couple mild grievances about it. MHW is more immersive and realistic, and they’re both amazing games in their own ways that are worth playing. It just comes down to personal preference.
@felipeemanuel5790 8 ай бұрын
The thing with HH is that capcom tried to make the weapon popular, a lot of people complaning about the weapon never receaved love or attantion to become more popular, and one of the reasons was the complexity, capcom tried to make it simplier in Rise, even if they didn't reach a good result, at least they tried, I think HH is one of that things that was made to be nich, it's impossble to be popular and have the feeling of a true HH, they probably gonna bring back old HH in Wilds.
@mats6591 8 ай бұрын
They did increase hh popularity a little in world the percentage of people using it was like 1%and rise jumped it to 3.5 or 4% which would tell them their rework did do something to increase people using hh.
@PhoenicopterusR 8 ай бұрын
​@felipeemanuel5790 it's definitely one of those things that you'll never be able to force without ruining. The niche is the appeal, next to the bombastic attitudes and solidarity of HH players obviously. Solid improvements, letting the HH mains do their thing, and time will do well enough.
@CidPsy 8 ай бұрын
What I want for Gen 6 is a combination of the mechanics of both. So many times in World (pre Rise) I always used the clutch claw and shot it to climbable vines in an attempt to hook myself up with it. In Rise you use the Wirebugs to yeet yourself up, giving yourself that little boost. I hope that Wilds then uses a hookshot that lets you attach yourself to many different surfaces and from there jump into the monster. I hope World's monster riding comes back, that you and it fights so you get to tumble it. Rise's mounting was fun but not what I would like seeing returning. I want silkbind arts to return, but not neccessarily the swap mechanic (althought it did help me a lot as a SnS, in one scroll I had the shield bash and in the other the move that lets you yeet up and reach flying monsters). So more a middle ground of both with its added gen 6 gimmick. And please just make the matchmaking and activities of World but bigger. Big lobbies. Better matchmaking to find specific monsters. Raids and so on. Kill the hub area of World, make the first area THE HUB area, where you see everyone running around and doing their things before going out instead of going into an entire other area for that. 8 player raids and so on.
@jasonmillington7806 8 ай бұрын
I have enjoyed both games. Each has their own charm. I love the immersive level design and atmosphere in World. I love the mobility and agility in Rise with the wirebug mechanics. Rise def feels more "anime".
@RAMBOHTX713 8 ай бұрын
Rise was fun but world was an experience I’ll remember for a long time
@Tazkar 8 ай бұрын
One thing I think people miss when comparing the tracking in world versus always knowing the monsters location in Rise. Is that after you play World for a while, even without seeing the monsters map position you tend to have a very good idea of where to find it. Like the Pukei Pukei tends to always start in the top right bottom level of the Ancient Forest. Rathian tends to start right outside that first extra camp you unlock in the Ancient forest. There isn't quite as much variance to where the monsters are that some people like to pretend their is. The exception and big pain are ones like Rathalos who can be harder to find because they just don't seem to stay in one spot for very long and they fly.
@felipeemanuel5790 8 ай бұрын
in older MH games it was also like that, when you're new, you don't know nothing, but after playing a while, it's pretty clear where the monster is, and depending of the map, almost every monster is located in the same areas, also, you could just use a psychoserum to see the monster location, or waving to the baloon, the monsters also everytime move to the adjacent areas, with the exception of some flying monsters.
@Mabujold 8 ай бұрын
I never want to go back to random decos. No charms were build-defining, while random decos mean that even after farming end-game for over 100+ hours I still did not have charge level deco for bow, which mean I had to equip that shitty arena helm for all of iceborn just so I could have access to charge level 4 for my bows. Never again.
@StruffyTheClown 8 ай бұрын
First of all, love the analysis of both games, being fair to both. My 2 cents, if anyone cares :D 1. Wirebug, I hope it does not return unless they bring it back against a Athal'Ka in a siege-like quest and ONLY for that quest. Having wirebugs and not using athal'ka was a mistake rise made imo. 2. Slinger is already confirmed back, I just hope they keep the improvements they made to it in the Iceborne expansion, namely using it with an unseathed weapon as well as integration into the moveset. 3. Skill Bloat and Charm vs Deco, I really hope they reduce the bloat, while making armor pieces more important and reduce that of decos and charms. Being locked out of an entire build because you couldnt please the RNG Gods really hurt, in both games :(
@funjukebox1324 8 ай бұрын
When monsters are in the same area, I let them hash it out monster to monster! In arena quests I try to avoid using any type of gate provided in the arenas as well! The fun part of the arena quests are the chaos of having 2 monsters
@VenomPureEvil 8 ай бұрын
For 80% of the game you have limited skills and have to make trade offs and once you get to the final monsters you accumulate as many skills as you can which extends that last 20% of of the game. If skills stayed "balanced" towards the end the game would have a much steeper drop off. The game would be hurt if the fatalist armor was like shara's armor set as people would lose interest after a single hunt.
@BadEnd98 8 ай бұрын
Nope, they could make it just good for the 2 set bonus "secret" skill with okay-ish armor skills but good weapons - this way it's more balanced but still rewarding for the endgame monster it is.
@OskarHurd 8 ай бұрын
I agree that its entirely subjective really when i look at these two games i think of them as entirely different entities. World being a more standard monster hunter experience and rise is more akin to frontiers.
@griever4519 8 ай бұрын
Combining Wirebugs with Clutchclaw might be a decent middle-ground. Give us a grappling hook that can pull the player towards monsters / 3d objects. No clutching onto the monster but also no cooldown or wirefall. Just more movement when the weapon is sheathed.
@TheBagManGamer 7 ай бұрын
I rate them both equally. They're both 9.5/10 for me. When it comes to immersion, World obviously takes the cake. But when it comes to combat and builds, I had more fun with Rise. It's crazy how a majority of community members feel like they need to pick a side.
@authorjgamber Ай бұрын
Idk why no one mentions this, but... Rise respects your time. World does not AT ALL, especially campaign-wise. The characters were so hatably tiresome, and didn't even have names (they didn't deserve them), and Handler... I mean I know I couldn't Handler, that's for sure. Not saying Rise is an auto win, but for me it's the much more well structured game, and the combat and customization is just off-the-charts cool. Such a blast to play, at all times. The endgame is amazing too (though Iceborne was a well).
@johnathanrhoades7751 26 күн бұрын
Tell me you never played an older MH game without telling me you never played an older MH game. MH generally is not meant to “respect your time”. It’s meant to be something that requires a time investment. You don’t see strategy gamers saying that “Civ VI doesn’t respect your time”. It’s just a feature of the type of games. The “portable” games (FU, 3 portable, GU, and Rise) tend to have that consideration a little bit in their design. Dos, 3U, 4U and World prioritize immersion over immediacy. The characters had never had names for 17 years and many people found that to be part of the charm. Happy to have named characters or no, I don’t care much either way, but it was an intentional feature for a long time.
@authorjgamber 24 күн бұрын
@@johnathanrhoades7751 I hear you. My problems story/character-wise in World arose from how much they TRIED to cinematize it despite the cringey characters, and how much it made many missions just laaaag on. I've played a bit of Tri back in the day and a good chunk of Gen Ult now, and have not experienced this same problem. Loving MHGU so far, btw! Despite being criticized for having huge content bloat, imo it gets you into things and through menus quite fast, looks beautiful, and is very chill and fun.
@johnathanrhoades7751 24 күн бұрын
@@authorjgamber I see, that makes a lot of sense and I do agree. The cutscenes are neither compelling nor skippable and are rather lengthy 😅
@Schizm1 8 ай бұрын
This may be unpopular opinion but... As much as I LOVE Word (over 500h of gametime) Rise is truly special for me. I like how focused it is, I love it's QoL features, I love that it respects my time and as a solo player I LOVE companions and palamute.
@mikaelskalberg9591 8 ай бұрын
More combos thanks to silkbind and silkwall to get away instead to lie on the ground and die. I love rise!
@Ocean5ix 8 ай бұрын
I agree that both are awesome but I do think there's a bit of a "revisionist history" going on in the community as of late. The idea that Rise is "more arcade" and "world more like older MH" is a fallacy in my opinion. You can say World is a more immersive game and that Rise is a more arcade game but the truth is that before World, MH was A LOT more like an arcade game (like Rise) than a "hunting simulator" like World. In older MH there wasn't 20 minute "look for ??? tracks" quests to progress the story or overly complicated map layouts that makes you go around in circles looking for Rathalos because he skipped like 5 areas. The tracks system is a huge departure from the series origins, to the point it makes World stand out as a very different game. Dos was also a very different game in it's own way but after that MH followed a formula that World didn't really adhere to, but Rise did. That's all, I'm not here to say which one is better or worse, just that people refer to Rise as a "insanely different and unique take on MH" when in reality it's a lot closer to Generations Ultimate, which is a lot closer to older MH than World is.
@leviosdraekion6993 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, I would be fine with either random decos or random charms/talismans so long as they removed the more undesirable skills from the pool. As for silkbinds, I would live to see some return but as a moveset change rather than art/skill. For example spiral slash replacing demon dance on dual blades. Also, you didn't cover armor set bonuses. In Rise it just gave you bonus element resistances while in World it gave skills such as critical element and artillery secret. Personally prefer how World did it.
@apgdanielricardo8196 8 ай бұрын
Just a reminder on tracking in world (cause I'm hunting crowns now so I'm going through it)... If you go a few hunts without hunting an specific monster (which will happen) you'll loose its tracks and will have to gather them again to find the monster. So it won't be there forever once you reached max level.
@TNTspaz 8 ай бұрын
I think when we say more complex combat in Rise. We really just mean more fluid combat. They added in a lot of connecting abilities that fleshed out the more rigged combos in World. They share essentially the same combos except a few new additions or changes. For example, switch axe can now cancel out of Wild Swing. This actually was just probably applied to many weapons in Rise. What used to be a animation lock is now cancelable. In some ways they even took away mobility with Lance no longer being able to redirect with pokes. Which rise significantly altered the evade window to compensate for all this. To the point where the difference is barely noticeable due to the extra mobility. Personally I thought your examples were bad cause Chargeblade and Gunlance are exceptions. The majority of weapons in Rise are just World+. A lot of the "complexity" comes from the higher amount of mobility of nearly all the same combos with maybe or two new additions. Then the added skills on top of that creates a new experience so the game doesn't just feel like an expansion to World. Arguable they went a little overboard with this in Sunbreak but it helped the game in the end cause it allowed them to add a lot of really good difficulty encounters at the end endgame. Counters are probably the biggest thing added to Rise that hurts the games flow even more than Claggering did to World. Both mechanics have their place but I hope neither of them return. The clutch claw is fine. Counter abilities are fine. Having those abilities and tools affect the monsters behavior to the detriment of the encounter is not fine. They both created weird openings on the monsters that didn't really need to exist. Clutch Claw and Counter abilities can easily stand on their own without it.
@cedrove7513 7 ай бұрын
What a long way of saying that Rise has more complex combat. Added a bunch of new moves, allows you to switch the moves and even have two sets of moves. Even if 'only world+', that is still more complex. It isn't more complex if combat is stiffer, it's just stiffer. Like MH1 has awful controls compared to now. It wasn't more complex, it's just harder to play. Even if the game is easier, it doesn't mean it is less complex. It just means it's easier. Try mixing it up maybe. Like Greatsword in World is a good weapon for speed. I hate playing it because it's a one move wonder basically. There is almost no complexity to greatsword's moveset and it's only monster knowledge which isn't harder in World, it's harder in Rise. More monsters with changing weaknesses. Faster and more aggressive monsters and a lot more huge AoEs to compensate for wirefall. Monsters have more attacks than previous games. Like what about Rise isn't more complex? Is it just that you feel it's just an easier game? Have you not considered both games can be beaten in the most simplest form of, draw from sheathe attack? So going from there adding more moves just makes it more complex. Taking that last idea, MH is actually one of the least complex games ever. You just run around and look for attacks of opportunity. Sure it might to 49 minutes to finish the hunt. But it works.
@darkdusty1937 3 ай бұрын
world is just mh5+, the fuxk are you bitching at
@darkdusty1937 3 ай бұрын
world is just mh5+ such a dumb arguement
@TNTspaz 3 ай бұрын
@@darkdusty1937 Ngl. I hate the monster hunter community at this point. I've tried to have nuanced discussion about this stuff but no one is willing to do it. Most people are like you guys. Just looking for reasons to be dismissive or throw in a gotcha. Or try and turn it into a discussion about which game is better. It's so frustrating.
@darkdusty1937 3 ай бұрын
@@TNTspazI mean, sure, mate, I only have played both games at high rank, nothing more, nothing less, but just calling Rise Weapons World Plus is dumb. It's like calling mhw just mh5+, while technically true, it's also isn't.
@SpecLeader101 8 ай бұрын
World made me feel like a hunter/explorer Rise made me feel like a ninja/warrior
@randommortal3383 20 күн бұрын
World pros: Visual Fidelity. Larger maps. More immersion. World cons: Unskippable cutscenes. Over 30 minutes tutorial. Can't craft decorations. Camera controls. Rise pros: Palamute Wirebugs Jump right in and play Smaller maps means getting lost less. Rise cons: Visual Fidelity Spiribugs for HP and Stamina No Deviljho.😢
@arliss35 8 ай бұрын
I've been playing very consistently since freedom 2 on psp, and i have to say switch skills are the best thing about rise. Most of the weapons got fun moves, and anything that can make greatsword not entirely based on charge is a top tier feature. The combo greatsword is the first time I've had fun with greatsword since the beginning of the series.
@Danil_JRK 8 ай бұрын
Rise/sunbreak is what i like to call a game that has fun gameplay and gets boring the more you play it. Rise/sunbreak is the Destiny 2 of the monster hunter franchise, great gameplay yet nothing to do, no challenge, no real reason to farm other than looks and being overpowered from the start.
@StayNightMH 8 ай бұрын
I have done everything there is to do in both games, even maxed ranks and a couple thousand hours in each. However, world, as amazing as it was fell out of even my top 3 monster hunter games because of the RNG decorations alone. It completely removed one of the most fundamental aspects baked into the core of monster hunter - the deliberate, goal oriented, intentional progression found in target farming monsters for materials. Your builds are no longer a result of your directed efforts, instead a product of multiple consecutive dice rolls, which can see you doing 100 random hunts completely aimlessly and still technically be no closer to completing your build than before. This was made even worse by Kulve taroth and to a lesser extent safiJiiva. In sunbreak, and every other monster hunter game before world, you can intentionally make all your builds. Everything is a product of your goal oriented progression. Not to mention in the end game with cyclus melding you can literally choose the skills that go on your talismans, and those talismans can be extremely strong.
@tarrickmerdev2324 8 ай бұрын
RNG charms, especially pre-MHW, was exactly the same way. People try to ignore this but it's true. If you didn't get a charm with a bunch of points in the the skill that you wanted, then you simply weren't making that build. Sure, MAYBE you could mix in more of one armor set or another, but doing that generally meant going to a less useful set, that may have the first skill you wanted, but not the second, or doesn't have enough deco slots. There's a reason why you pick the armor that you pick and, if you don't have the perfect charm, you're likely going to just end up with Handicraft +10 instead of the Handicraft +15 that you wanted and you may not even be able to get purple sharpness. You absolutely still needed specific charms for specific builds in the old games. This was even worse in the old games because if you didn't get all of the points you needed then you didn't get the skill AT ALL. in MHW, you can still run with Attack Boost 6 instead of Attack Boost 7 if that's all you can hit with your current armor/decos. That is not build-defining. There are only a handful of builds in the entire game that are TRULY affected by not having the right deco, where in the old games with RNG charms, it was literally every build. This is less the case in Rise since, like World, it has partially-bonused skills, but people act like RNG loot affecting your build in MHW was brand new and never happened before in the series. And that ignoring the literal thousands of absolutely garbage charms that come out of juju melding in MHGU. I didn't play 4U to the end so I don't know exactly how acquiring charms was done in that game and 3U was just too long ago, but in GU you literally had to sort through 2-3 dozen charms every few quests to pick out the good ones so that you could re-meld the rest. It took quite a lot of time every time the melding was done to sit and go through them so that you could pick out the bad ones to re-meld. Most of those having the utter trash skills that the old MH games were chock full of. It was atrocious and Rise was no better, especially since you couldn't even view the charms in list format, so you had to cursor over each individual one to see what skills it had. I didn't play Sunbreak so maybe they improved it in the expansion, but in base Rise it was just as bad, if not worse than MHGU. One thing Ruri has mentioned in one of his streams, and I completely agree, is I would prefer to see both be craftable. They could even do some sort of more detailed crafting system for charms since there is more to them. I think this would be a better way than either of these, but I hate this constant MHW bashing simply because it did something a different way but the ultimate effect on gameplay was exactly the same.
@StayNightMH 8 ай бұрын
@@tarrickmerdev2324 I agree 100% that craftable charms and decorations is the way to go moving forward, but I think it's intellectually dishonest to claim that rng charms and decorations are the same thing when they occupy vastly different percentages of the total skill point value in comparison. In the old games, under the old skill point system, that argument holds a little bit more weight, but assuming they use the same system moving forward, let's roll with the current system. A really, really good talisman in sunbreak will have maybe 5 desired skill points on it+ slots. I have an excellent talisman, it's Agitator 4, with 3 lv2 slots. Meaning those 3 slots can be for whatever I want. On my current mixset/build , across all my equipment I have: 7lv4 decoration slots, which already vastly outweighs any amount of points a talisman could ever have 2lv 3 slots 3 lv2 slots 3 lv1 slots When you completely fill out those slots with the minimum possible value per slot level, the talisman accounts for 7 lv2 points and the decorations count for 24 lv2 skill points. Now if you translated that to world with rng decorations, that means the number of points that are pure rng are over 3x the amount of points that I'd actually have any level of control over. Not to mention I specifically chose to craft that Agitator talisman , so it removed an even further level of rng. Since you said you didn't play sunbreak, I'll excuse you not being aware of that, but you can literally pick from a full list of skills exactly what you want to meld for talisman, and most of them are extremely high skillpoint value. People say they aren't the same thing, because they aren't. I apologise, but its nonsense to pretend they are. Decorations make up a significantly higher percentage of your total skillpoint value, and it isn't even remotely close.
@tarrickmerdev2324 8 ай бұрын
@@StayNightMH It's not intellectually dishonest at all. It's differentiating between expectations for the two different games. You are willing to accept that you would have less than perfect charms in the old games, but somehow you are not willing to accept less than perfect decorations in MHW. Now THAT is intellectually dishonest. The total number of skills points doesn't matter one bit and I don't understand why you would even consider that. Yes, more of your skill point total is in decorations than charms but, just through normal hunting and the melding that is available, you will never, ever have zero decorations, so the skill point total is completely moot. You will have most of the decorations that you need, and only be missing the one or two especially rare decorations that you need to PERFECT your build. In base World, there were only 2 decorations that were problematic for RNG, one for Bow (Mighty Bow I think it was?) and Guard Up. Attack Boost, despite the much complaining, is not build-defining, and was not incredibly rare. Most people did not get very many, or at all, because they were just running T3 investigations thinking that gave the best decos when it did not, T2 gave the best decos while T3 were farmed for streamstones. Gaijinhunter had even made a video pointing this out to people during base World and yet I still see people today talking about how long they farmed T3 investigations. In Iceborne, you may not have PERFECT decorations, but you will never be at a loss for creating a build for 99% of builds in the game. Sure, maybe you have challenger 4/5 or Attack Boost 6/7 because you don't have the one particular combination L4 decoration that you need, but that is NOT build-defining and that EXACT SAME scenario was true with charms. You would never have the perfect charm in the old games, which literally meant that there were builds with certain skill combinations that you would not be able to create at all, since there were no partial skills.
@StayNightMH 8 ай бұрын
@@tarrickmerdev2324 I covered this in a video after reading many comments like yours. Long and short of it. 12-18% of your set is made up by RNG talismans in Rise/Sunbreak. Up to 60% of your mixset is made up of rng decorations in worldborne. Theres no argument to be made, it's completely clear, and what you're doing is mental gymnastics. The total skillpoints are a metric to measure - the point is what portion of your build is effort, intentional, deliberate, and what is luck. How much of it can you make because you want to vs how much can you make because luck said so. I can I intentionally choose to create 88% of my mixset. Vs I can maybe pull half a mixset together and maybe one day finish it if rng allows it.
@Sketch_XR 8 ай бұрын
I don't think either World or Rise are bad games. One of the things that kept me invested in Monster Hunter since Tri was the replay-ability and, probably more importantly, the level of quality in the gameplay loop. And I personally think both games have provided that immensely for returning players and for newcomers to the series. The biggest distinction between the two in my opinion, is the fact that Rise's wirefall mechanic inherently makes the game faster paced since you're spending less time away from the action.
@randomdude4505 8 ай бұрын
World: Oversized monster hitboxes (Tigrex I'm looking at you), vs Rise: tighter hitboxes (unless you are playing IG) World: Monsters that never land vs. Rise: Improved Ratholos and Kushala Dora move sets.
@macvadda2318 Ай бұрын
I think you might be a bit bias😂😂
@1kili2 8 ай бұрын
Coming from a pure PC player perspective i've put 240+ hours into rise and i love it and think it would be really enjoyable if i had it on a portable console, but i struggle picking it back up on pc, now lately ive been getting back into world again and i think ive figured it out, playing rise on the pc has never left me feeling satisfied after a hunt, and i dont know what exactly causes it, probably a bunch of things combined but from a pc perspective i think world is better, however if i were to game on the go you could never enjoy world you would always feel rushed to do the next thing or finish your current stuff and world is a game to be taken slow and given time. so in the end i agree with rurikhan they each have their nieche and role to fill making them both great options
@AkantorCZ 8 ай бұрын
And the winner is... Monster Hunter Now :D
@invincaspartan 8 ай бұрын
Yes sir! Why add the ability to craft health potions when you can sell them for Real Money!!
@diegomireles 8 ай бұрын
What most people doesnt get is that Monster Hunter is basically a portable game, Freedom psp, MH3, MH4, Generations AND RISE. World was a game created for lastest gaming consoles. For me Rise is more like a portable game that resembles more the games of the 3DS with many quality of life improvements.
@Colton42-d7b 8 ай бұрын
I prefer rise over World but world does have its merits in its immersion and simple but fun play style. But on a lot of your negatives about rise I think were done without think what if the game didn’t have it like wire fall is necessary in rise because without it the game would be nearly impossible. Wyvern riding worked in rise because of how much Ariel attacks we were doing it wouldn’t make sense for worlds or old gen mounting as that would be even more op so they had an option of no mounting system or wyvern ridding and they gave us both in sunbreak so you can play how you want to and about the multiple monsters in a zone it is still extremely hard to deal with in rise especially if you already used the monsters wyvern rides then it’s brutal. And the anomaly grind only got tuff past 220. quiro crafting is easy to do if you have patience. But good video and I agree with your ending statement they are both awesome
@Ar0474 8 ай бұрын
I love both games to pieces! They're a part of the same franchise and as long as im hunting large monsters in order to craft gear to hunt bigger monsters, im happy. My only complaint at all is that World brought in such a toxic community of people who will literally call all the previous MH games trash because it isnt World.
@Radintoriov 8 ай бұрын
I agree with the conclusion. Both are great games in their respect, each doing something better than the other (and previous titles), and this variety is a very good thing. I like the approach to world-building with their level design in World, and the idea of focusing on research with mechanics like examining tracks and the Investigation system to help with gathering materials. I like the design of the new monsters in Rise and its expansion as well as how certain returning monsters for Sunbreak had their fights updated to be more fun. I'm glad both games and their expansions exist and I could play them.
@Vipera217 8 ай бұрын
I watched a video which says World and Rise are each on opposite sides of the Monster Hunter spectrum. World is grounded while Rise is stylish. As for my opinion, I believe this divide started between 4 Ultimate and Generations. While 4U is the definitive Monster Hunter experience, Generations introduced a gimmicky high-flying gameplay. It's only more apparent now. Since back then, the art direction is the same.
@lilfuzzballa 8 ай бұрын
The way I've always differentiated between the 2 games is that World's attention to detail, production value, impact of weapons, animations, the effort that went into seasonal events, (even the production behind developer diaries), and of course graphics are all things that give us more of a positive emotional response. We are emotional beings, so all these things end up making a game feel way more impactful, allowing you to be immersed and more invested. We cant deny that everything that went into World triggered a deeper emotional response than most MH games. Rise doesn't beat World in any of those categories, but what it does do well is focusing on being a video gamey ass video game, if that makes any sense. It's all about mechanics, features, play styles, variety, content, and progression. None of those are really emotionally impactful, but it sure as hell is all about keeping you engaged through traditional video game means. I very much enjoy the engaging and constantly evolving video game elements of Rise, but the emotional impact that World achieves makes it more of a memorable of a game if I'm being honest. That's just my human nature. But when you ask the question "which is a better game," you have to be transparent about the emotional impact World has and how that will influence your answer. But the issue is, how do you measure and compare a game's emotional impact to another game's strength in features, variety, and mechanics?
@Zero0mtk 8 ай бұрын
I think this is why I describe World as the better experience, and Rise as the better video game. World is much more memorable, but revisiting it feels way less impactful than the first time around, and all the annoying mechanics quickly rubs me the wrong way. Rise on the other hand is much more consistent in providing the fun I expect out of it, but never "tops" it either. Both definitely are among the top of my "favorite game of all time" list though!
@loneshooter7286 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. I'm noobing both games and I love both of them the art styles and hunting in both. There is room for both. 5th fleet forever!!!!
@TehHuskeydood 8 ай бұрын
This debate is fucking dumb. We've had this debate for MH since MH inception. Its sooo boring.
@mallow2902 8 ай бұрын
Every single side of this debate is completely insufferable. New fans, old fans, World fans, Rise fans, doesn't matter. They're all completely unpleasant to interact with. One of the worst fanbases I've ever interacted with.
@BigChillenXD 8 ай бұрын
MH:Rise shouldn't be called a bad game, its more of a spin-off. Back then we had the ability to be a cat and even swim, but that still felt like Monster Hunter at its core. There is nothing wrong with Wire Bugs, I actually love them, but I can definitely see why people hate them or think they shouldn't be a thing, it just doesn't feel like Monster Hunter 🖤
@ainklaus9814 8 ай бұрын
Idk why tf ppl comparing this. Its like comparing sekiro vs darksoul..
@supermintsoda743 8 ай бұрын
Every gunlance user likes switch skills. Every. Single. One. And the reason why rhymes with "Socket roost".
@Animus_Altia 8 ай бұрын
Visually, for the future of Monster Hunter, I want all the visual fidelity of World and beyond, but all the color and general vibrance of Rise. For endgame grinds I think Anomaly is vastly superior to the Tempered system and just above the Saphi weapons for me. The Anomaly system was definitely paced out for too long of a grind, but in the end it incentivized fighting a much larger roster of monsters instead of just grinding out Tier 3 Elders and Sieges. Every weapon had endgame viability even if some were still clear frontrunners. The RNG wasn't ideal but could concievably be tweaked to become something closer to the Saphi weapon augments. And I think hitting the EX hunts is just a complete optional fluff they offer to people and not a truly expected endgame goal, whereas the Grinding Lands was something you kinda had to do extensively to prepare yourself for Alatreon and Fatalis, which where definitively at the end of the grind. From what I feel, Sunbreak's definitive end is facing all the postgame Urgent Quests all the way down to the Risens, Amatsu, and Primordial Malzeno. Anything past that is something that is present but entirely just a playground to grind in only if you wish to.
@Servbot31 4 ай бұрын
As a LBG user I really liked Rise better than World. Because by adding so much details to environment, it was pretty much a nerf of the weapon. As if it wasn't enough normal ammo got nerfed as well just by having a very small clipsize. Having endemic life that is just here for visuals, but able to intercepts your bullets?! So many ledges around you when you're in reload animation that you can't cancel and that blocks you from climbing a ledge while an attack is coming at you?! Or having tall grass all around you so when you're aiming you see nothing? As well as the healing clouds that are kinda hidding the monster if you're too close from it. Having to clutch claw, tenderize parts is another nerf imo for normal ammo. Never felt that much that I had to play a specific type of ammo in any Monster Hunter game just to spend less than 20 min on a hunt. Really those things were annoying to me, and they still are (I got Iceborne recently, have more than 300h in game btw). Though on the other hand I enjoyed playing World/Iceborne, but I've played all MH games since 3U and I can tell World's my least favorite.
@Neco3376 8 ай бұрын
I think the rng charms in rise would've felt a lot better if they were given at the end of the quest like in world, making it feel like an active reward rather than a passive. Especially before all the QoL that sunbreak introduced, rise charm grind was just going on 10 quests and then checking a wall of disappointment worth of charms... Deco's to some extent were also rng sibce some of them require mantles/gems so i felt more at home in worldborne system. I think worldborne should've added in some more QoL that allowed you to buy/craft decorations like they did in the end where you could turn in a bunch of deco's to then meld something like charge shot for bow. I share a lot of the frustration with rng deco's since i grinded like hell to get attack boost+ and never got it, while getting a bunch of copies of other deco's of the same rarity. A perfect system for me would be rng deco's, with the option to exchange for example 10 rarity 12 deco's for a specific rarity 12 deco.
@njmontano1625 8 ай бұрын
One's a spin-off. One's a mainline title. Each bring different things to the table. Like different flavors from the same brand of Ice Cream. Classic vanilla is always good. But other flavors are good too. Clutch Claw is fine. Wire Bugs are fine. Don't like them? Don't use them. "But...maximum damage output..." If we all truly care about absolute maximum damage output, then we'd all be playing HBGs all the time. IN. EVERY. SINGLE. DAMN. MONSTER. HUNTER. TITLE. Progression and end game never really bothered me however it was designed. I just want to hunt monsters. Non-large monster hunt missions annoy me more. Because, I just want to hunt monsters. What can I do, I'm a boss fight junkie. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite made me this way. And it ruined a lot of other games and genres for me. Even IPs and genres I used to love and play extensively. Yeah, Monster Hunter is awesome.
@corprall 8 ай бұрын
The scoutfly mechanic is really well designed, it starts as an interesting mechanic that you'll probably like leveling up but it also gets out of your way before it becomes tedious.
@OldManInternet 8 ай бұрын
Rise definitely had features I really enjoyed, such as switch skills and followers. And while I ultimately got sick of the grind, I appreciated them trying to make a deeper end game. Rise overall was a great game that I had fun with, despite it's faults. That said, in almost every metric that matters to me, I prefer World/IB. For me, it was a once-in-a-lifetime game experience, and ranks top 2 all time for me with Elden Ring. So in my mind it's no contest, but I also wouldn't fault someone who disagreed.
@twglenn9636 8 ай бұрын
I enjoy games like GU and rise/sunbreak because each weapon had multiple styles so I could change my fight style without changing weapons. I like the extra freedom and options that gave each weapon.
@NapoMMC 8 ай бұрын
Monster Hunter World was my first Monster Hunter game. I play both on my PC and on PS4/5 and I still enjoy the game even now. When Monster Hunter Rise first came to Nintendo Switch I instantly bought it and I fell in love with it the first time and still love it now. The reason that I started loving Monster Hunter games is Monster Hunter World and I felt really confortable with the weapons and the monsters. I like bigger and slower weapons and I take my time during the hunts. For me, the games are more about the hunts than the farming and I don't use too much the gimmicks. It's just me, my weapon and the monster. The two games feel much more similar than they are different, at least for me and probably because of the way I play them.
@olddekrepitexile7842 8 ай бұрын
Loved this break down on these 2 great games. I think this video should be watched by anyone who is trying to make up their mind on which game would be best for them, if they do not own either. Your answer on which one is objectively better is spot on.
@MrHellgate82 8 ай бұрын
Speaking of restocking. I was on your side when I was playing melee weapons, but now after returning to World (60 hours already) I decided to play Light Bowgun and it's the pain in the ass in long fights. You are out of your best ammo and shoot with your basic one.
@convergence1point 8 ай бұрын
Ironically, thats why I never took to the ranged weapons as much in world. Its only in the mid to end game that ranged weapons are actually disgusting as you had to build around it. Early game world, ranged weapons struggle a little.
@rurikhan 8 ай бұрын
Maybe LBG and HBG need to a nerf to compensate infinite ammo then.
@MrHellgate82 8 ай бұрын
@@rurikhan well like I said I'm not expert, just finished main story of World yesterday, and don't know how it is later, but I hope for the guns with at least one more type of ammo with unlimited amount. If something like that doesn't exist, there must be a restocking
@riemaennchen 8 ай бұрын
I recently started a new Playthrough in Both Rise and World because I REALLY wanted to finally learn how to use the Charge Blade properly. And having now played both of them again I just vastly prefer World. The weapons just have so more weight to them. It feels so much more satisfying. And I also just like traversing the Maps a lot more. The Palamute and Wirebugs make every map feel kinda samey since you just ruch through them every single time.
@Anima18911 8 ай бұрын
I couldn't agree more when you smack the monster in world you feel it and the monster feels it. In rise it is not the case.
@B1roB1ro 5 ай бұрын
> Decides to compare MHW and MHR > Goes on talking aboutmany different points, technical or not > Discussion goes about 40min > Does not give a definitive answer about which one is objectivelly better > Refuses to elaborate further amazing
@TheDragonshunter 8 ай бұрын
I don't care if they go for a more realistic approach for Wields like in World, but ffs lets hope they don't go with realistic designs for the weapons again...
@ArtoriasTheDripwalker 8 ай бұрын
Yes, please let me put every head on a stick, let me sharpen a wing and put it on a stick and use it as a GS, GIVE US SILLY WEAPONS!
@xhere14 8 ай бұрын
That’s interesting 🤔 Why not realistic design ?
@Andrew-hz5zc 8 ай бұрын
​@xhere14 He's talking about the weapon designs where it's just a bone or metal weapon with monster parts slapped on, instead of actually unique weapon designs. People often call them the "slap-on designs." They were all over in World, and most agree that they looked ugly and made lots of weapons look same-y.
@xhere14 8 ай бұрын
@@Andrew-hz5zc ohh I get it! Yeah I’ve been thinking about this too -like every upgrade looks similar or lazy design. And then code of elements and call it a day
@KoongYe Ай бұрын
As a 20 year veteran, They both share the same problem but in short: World = 👍, Icebourne = 👎 Rise = 👎, Sunbreak = 👍
@benjammin1943 8 ай бұрын
im so glad this massive resurgence back to world has started, some of my friends are just now getting into it. ive got 900 hours on xbox and now im starting over on pc. Im also glad that this means your doing world vids again. you Arrekz and RageGaming were my gospel according to MHW for a minute!
@expat8460 7 ай бұрын
Why are people getting back to the game? New dlc coming?
@KenseiShiro 8 ай бұрын
Its actually no question for me, its rise, although i looked negatively on the art design in the beginning its actually well executed. Map design is arguably better for what im looking for, fuck immersion if i get lost on the forest map. Travelling between the zones is much easier especially with the dog and you can even free move between the zones which makes me more immersed. Yeah and ganeplay clears
@0485kmon 8 ай бұрын
I'm coming to the understanding that "arcadey" is just a buzzword used for Rise by people who can't think quickly. Your confession to just bailing when a monster is enraged instead of learning how to dance that dance kinda sold my impression. And you're really not putting forth a lot of your arguments in good faith when you're comparing solo hunting from world with a full group in rise. of course you're going to feel like you can brute force a monster in a 4 stack. The same has been true for every single monster hunter.
@infamouscheesecake2232 8 ай бұрын
I love the maps/visuals of world compared to rise but i prefer the combat of rise compared to world, the monsters feel much more fluid compared to world but i still enjoy worlds combat. Thats not to say both games dont have downsides however i enjoy what both games brought to the table.
@Breza125 8 ай бұрын
Q crafting in sunbreak is better because you can use materials from any monster where safi/kulve, you had to fight those 2 same monsters over and over.
@loneshooter7286 4 ай бұрын
As an very new hunter struggling with curve right now, I am in love with both games. I'm literally going back and forth. I'm a single player and having the cat is awesome 👌.
@jnjuice1690 7 ай бұрын
I prefer Rise. 1. I prefer the Rise maps over the World maps, and I think the investigation mechanic was undercooked. Rise simplified things by autotracking monsters, which seems like a dumber experience, but I'd take dumber over needlessly finnicky. 2. I prefer the events in Rise because even if Igo on hiatus for a while, I can do the event quests when I get back. There were event quests in World that I felt pressured to particiapte for fear of missing out. That didn't happen in Rise. 3. Rampages and Followers - the best part of Rise is that the NPCs you encounter are not useless yahoos and actually do participate in the fight. 4. Wirebugs over Clutch Claw any day and every day of the week. 5. World tries to immerse you with "realism." Rise tries to immerse you by being mroe conducive to fighting monsters. I prefer the latter.
@yopejjepi 8 ай бұрын
what I want to bring back for Wilds from a Fiver. These are personal opinions, please feel free to add yours. 1. Wall bang, only to non-rage monsters. the wall bang mechanic in Rise is so awesome to do 2. normal mounting mechanic 3. switch skills (you can almost build your custom gameplay) 4. environmental traps 5. tracking mechanic (either paintball or scoutflies) at least this makes you "investigate" how the monster behaves 6. make deviljho or bazelgeuse scary/annoying again. I can't forget the 1st time a bazel or deviljho interrupted a hunt 7. turf wars, so enjoyable to watch 8. QoL improvements (need to just gather once, etc) 9. 16 man lobbies with siege quests what I don't want to bring back 1. Wirebug / wirefall - too OP. I kinda missed the punish when you get cornered by a monster. 2. All weapons having counters / s - it feels like a fighting game for me. When I picked up the hammer, I knew I needed to be meticulous on my positioning because the punish is so heavy 3. the OWL radar - please, no. 4. monster mounting in Rise - again, too OP 5. Clutch claw - I think everyone hates it. 6. Mantles - too op 7. Grinding Lands (hope they come up of a new grinding mechanic) And I hope they make the monsters big again.
@Peldor-ns8ff 9 ай бұрын
I seriously don't think we need another one of these videos. Or to spark this discussion again. We've already gone through this song and dance, and frankly its annoying at this point. Every monster hunter game has hits merits and is worth it, there is not objective right awnser. And now people are going to try and use this as evidence for that their side is "objectively better". Edit: Rurikan you smart bastard. You did just say the OBJECTIVELY right awnser.
@nicholasmarquez3399 8 ай бұрын
Preach my brother
@MrSyltphademus Ай бұрын
7 months late to this buuuuut: Visuals - Graphics age, but style is timeless. 10 years from now, we'll probably view Iceborne as dated and 'ugly', but Sunbreak will still keep a significant amount of charm due to being more stylized. However, your point about console vs handheld is spot on. Maps - I honestly think both games' maps worked for what they were trying to accomplish, but Ancient Forest will forever leave a bad taste in my mouth because navigating in that place is a nightmare. Tracking (or lack thereof) - I'm fine with both styles, though I think that Iceborne should have given you some extra benefit for fully investigating a monster, even if it was extremely minor (maybe investigations from those tracks had higher/better rewards? idk). Sunbreak tracking is non-existent, so not really a fair comparison. Combat - While personally I prefer Sunbreak's combat because I love the 'counter-punish' gameplay loop, Iceborne's combat feels weightier and more significant. I loved Lance in Sunbreak, but I liked Bow waaaay more in Iceborne. Really depends on what I'm trying to do and/or what weapons I'm using. Gimmick - Slinger good, Clutch Claw would have been fine except I despise tenderizing as a mechanic entirely and hope it never comes back. Switch Skills are great, Scrolls shouldn't come back, and Silkbinds are just Hunter Arts with a different name and should probably stay in the second game of the generation. Wirebugs were interesting but I won't be sad to see them go, especially if it tames all the 'I'm going to use the same attack twice every time since you likely used Wirefall' nature of the monsters. Mounting - Full agreement with you. I think traditional mounting is perfectly fine as it is, but wallbanging probably needs a nerf as it's a bit too strong/easy to do. Maybe make it option during mounting? You can get the wallbang or the mounted finisher, but not both? Helper - I liked being able to swap my Palico tools as I wanted instead of needing an entirely different Palico, but please bring back Palico skills. Palamutes are great, but not as needed with Wild's mount from the looks of it. Followers were fine since they did negligible damage (I think they are hard coded to not kill the monster either), but the healing/support spam was a little ridiculous and needs to be toned down if they are going to bring them back. Or make the follower roles VERY defined (ie this follower will do damage but almost no support. This one will give more support but almost no damage). Charms vs Decos - The only reason I'm more in favor of random charms is that you just need soooo many more decorations whereas you only need one good charm. If they tone down what skills can be on a charm (ie make it similar to the ones available in Iceborne like Agi, WEX, Attack, etc), then I think random charms are fine. Do remember that Capcom had to offer free Attack Boost decos several times because the drop chance was so low. And don't get me started on how long it took to get Guard Up and Mighty Charge, both of which will completely redefine your build until you get them as decos. Either make more decos meldable earlier or keep charms random with way more limited skills you can get on them. The other benefit of how Sunbreak did charms was that you could do them from doing any of the endgame content, while in World and Iceborne you were basically spamming the same event quest over and over again once they were released (or only doing T3 investigations until they were). Skill Bloat and Power Creep - I understand that Capcom wants to make the 'new' monster in the latest update good so you want to farm it. Why hunt Frenzied Brachydios again if it doesn't offer an upgrade? Yes, some people will do so just because it's a fun fight (which it is), but a lot of people will go back to grinding whatever is best for upgrades after hunting it once or twice. RNG - Kulve/Safi hands down over Qurious, though I would like it if you could use a ridiculous amount of materials to just guarantee the item you want (like 50x times would be acceptable if it meant getting the exact weapon I wanted). Monster Power - Tempered was better than Anomaly (mostly because Anomaly killed Agitator), Apex/Risen were better than Arch Tempered since Apex/Risen were basically new monsters as opposed to AT just being an even larger damage boost (although AT was better than EX), and Black Dragons hands down are the best. Siege vs Rampage - Sieges are better, though please give us a solo scaling option that's not absolute trash for people with bad internet connections/want the solo challenge. Investigations vs Anomaly Quests - Investigations were better, though I would have liked it if the tiers weren't just the rating of the monster, but something you could actually scale. So a T3 investigation could be for Kulu Ya-Ku, and it gives mostly gold rewards, while a T1 Teostra investigation gives mostly bronze rewards. Then give me the ability to scale them up or down but maybe consume more of the investigation? So I could a Teostra investigation 3 times at T3, 6 times at T2 or 9 times at T1, and let me mix and match at my leisure (so 3 times at T1 and twice at T3, for example) Lobbies - as a predominately solo player lobbies are basically irrelevant to me. Endemic life/Immersion - I liked the endemic life of Sunbreak a lot more when it comes to the ones you could pick up and use as items. But I do like all the random animals you can gather as pets in Iceborne. Pre-hunt - Fuck Spiribirds Special Mentions: The Guiding Lands - Awesome on paper. TERRIBLE in execution. It took forever to grind, having to manipulate the levels was a pain, and losing a level 7 area and then having to regrind it back up was absolute misery. I know the intention was to encourage going online to find someone with the levels you wanted, but it ended up with everyone having Wastes or Highlands at 7 for the metal Raths, and then struggling for hours/days so you could get the Tempered Elder parts you need for augmenting. Weapon Augmenting - Sunbreak's eventual system that slightly boosted your weapon, as well as being something where once you unlocked the augment, it was there for good and you could mix and match as you wanted/needed is amazing and I hope comes back. Probably my favorite augment system ever. Edit: Also yay to 1000 comments!
@NautilusXO 8 ай бұрын
Started Monster Hunter with World, but only for a dozen hours or so while visiting my brother, hardly got halfway through low rank. My short experience with World primed me for Rise's release where I spent nearly 500hrs. Mastering each of the weapons and the flash and style of wirebug moves was addicting. Playing World from the beginning now on PS5 has been far less satisfying than I remember. I'll try to stick it out at least to mess around in master rank, but World is feeling like a slog in comparison. I'm hoping it wins me over, but Rise was magic to me.
@beyondthelol 8 ай бұрын
cause rise is way easier
@brycea33 8 ай бұрын
@@beyondthelolFor me, World feels easy and lacks complexity in combat. There weapons I prefer in World but very few. The immersion is amazing but having so many different abilities and moves in Sunbreak allows for more aggressive and fast monsters. Obviously personal preference. I have more hours in World but I rebought Rise/Sunbreak for PS5 after hundreds of hours on Switch. I couldn’t imagine doing that for World. To each their own, however.
@Narlgoth 8 ай бұрын
I love both.. But Rise was better for me. I am going to miss switch skills soooo much. Quick reload, blast dash and full barrage on GL will make any future game that doesn't have it nearly unplayable! World has more casual player appeal- all non-franchise MH fans I know prefer World.. But for me Rise feels more MH then World does.
@lormingo5259 9 ай бұрын
If Iceborne didn’t have the clutch claw it would’ve been perfect
@Andrew-hz5zc 9 ай бұрын
Hot take: If it didn't have Temporal and Rocksteady mantles, then it would be perfect. Abandoning those things was the single greatest decision I ever made. Made clutch claw more fun to use too, since it wasn't just a game of "throw on an ugly trash bag and get a free tenderize or wallbang."
@lormingo5259 8 ай бұрын
@@Andrew-hz5zctenderizing monster parts sucks imo
@davidjohnstone3846 8 ай бұрын
I dislike tenderising but I like wall banging. So overall I like the clutch claw but it has drawbacks.
@lormingo5259 8 ай бұрын
@@davidjohnstone3846 the spider bug in rise was perfect for that
@Andrew-hz5zc 8 ай бұрын
​@lormingo5259 I know I'm in the minority, but I honestly think that Tenderizing is fine, and even is outright fun. I won't pretend that it was perfect. As someone who plays all weapons besides bowguns, I'd say that tenderizing only really hurt LS, GS, and CB. If you notice, those 3 weapons have absolutely no synergy with clutch claw whatsoever. No special claw combo move, no 1 step tenderize for LS (outside of the claw boost deco), no nothing. Heck, even gunlance got its claw move to act as a full reload and stock its wyrmstake blast. But these 3 weapons get nothing, and their tenderize moves are highly sharpness consuming. What clutch claw needed wasn't removal, it was for them to actually go further. Look how much people love it on Hammer, Lance, and Swaxe. They had awesome claw moves that flowed well. Other weapons could've used that as well. I greatly enjoy using SnS claw uppercut to tenderize and wallbang at the same time. I also enjoy IG aerial claw, and Bow's amazing claw attack into aerial shot. Even DB spinny combo into its 1 step tenderize move is really fun. But yes, I can see how unfun tenderizing is when it's a matter of using a mantle as soon as the tenderize wears off. There's no skill in that. No looking for openings during monster attacks or anything. THAT'S half the issue of tenderizing right there. It's made trivial with certain tools and gives a huge benefit, so it's just a chore for the best dps. If it isn't trival and actually requires skill, then it's a lot of fun in my opinion.
@WarIsNoMoreCold 2 ай бұрын
On the visuals: I personally think World has too much clutter. Rise is a lot cleaner.
@TheIncredibleMacho 8 ай бұрын
It's too bad that the player count for Rise is so much lower than World on PC right now, because as I play them side by side I prefer the way Rise handles multiplayer and just jumping into a hunt with other people. World seems obtuse and overly complicated in comparison, and this was a pet peeve of mine even on World's release.
@HealyHQ 2 ай бұрын
As a veteran of the Monster Hunter series since the first PSP entry, I definitely prefer World. It feels more like a natural evolution of the series, whereas Rise feels more like an experimental spin-off. Of course, these aren't just my feelings: there has long been two concurrently releasing types of Monster Hunter games; you could think of them as Type A and Type B, where one is the mainline numbered series for the traditional experience, and the other is more arcade-y in nature and where CAPCOM likes to experiment with new ideas/mechanics, the best of which can get folded back into the main series. internally, CAPCOM refers to World as Monster Hunter 5, and Wilds is being referred to internally as Monster Hunter 6 (for external reference, count the number of dragons in Monster Hunter Wilds' official logo 😉). They stopped overtly using numbers externally for marketing reasons, to encourage people who haven't played a Monster Hunter game before to give it a shot. Heck, the marketing department essentially treated World as a reboot of the series rather than a sequel, even though it was clearly a sequel (NPC's constant references to "The Old World," referring to the regions from the older games, etc.). That said, I certainly wouldn't rain on the parade of people who prefer the fast and hyper-mobile gameplay of the 'Type B' games. CAPCOM has kept them going for so long specifically to capitalize on people who do prefer them. By always having two types of Monster Hunter to choose from, it significantly increases their overall market reach. CAPCOM run a very smart business at the end of the day. I play all of them, of course, because I can never get enough Monster Hunter, but I definitely have my preference for the more traditional hunting experience -- it's called Monster HUNTER after all, not Monster Slayer Z. 😛
@codename_d3vl863 8 ай бұрын
About followers, you know that it was a test ground to improve the ai for pawn system in DD2. Imagine using a follower with the ai from the pawns, into a mh game! As someone who only wants to play with friends or by myself, I’d love for followers to return, either in wilds OR the portable game that’s after wilds. As long as I can get 1 or more palicos in wilds and I can switch one out for another even. I have 3 kitties irl and I like putting them in my game. Especially Oliver, he is the Oldest and he can’t move around as much, so having him run around with me is an emotional trip.
@ericcrone8768 8 ай бұрын
I definitely prefer World, despite enjoying both games quite a bit. The more deliberate combat is much more my style, and I remember thinking initially that random charms would be infinitely better than random decos, but in practice I actually preferred the random decos. It took a long time, but I eventually got every deco that was useful in end game basically, while in Rise I feel like my charms were holding back my builds, even 150 hours into the game. I think the sheer amount of possibilities for charms leads to more randomness than farming for the decos you needed, and I prefer less randomness in my games in general.
@leukocyte6100 8 ай бұрын
After experiencing wirefall i thought I could never get back to MHW. Turns out I was wrong. I did however by reflex try to do a wirefall at the beginnning when i got back to MHW. Slowly remembering in MHW sometimes you're best off just staying low and not get back immediately because getting back on your feet immediately could just mean getting killed by raging monsters. i feel like for MHW the map is just as important that give the game it's personal charm. Re-entering the Ancient Forest again after so long felt magical.
@Sevritz 8 ай бұрын
I don't understand why people use rises bad graphics as a reason why the game is bad. Bro, the game was made for a toaster of a console. Of course it couldn't have 'good' graphics cmon.
@AmRealThatGuy 8 ай бұрын
For me:- a) Combat:- MHW is more realistic and grounded and I guess more of 'old fashion MH', while MHRise open paths for brand new branches of weapon movesets and combos. b) World design:- MHW have more realistic graphic, and detailed map and more living ecosystem while MHRise perfected vertical exploration of the map which allow more freedom to explore and viewing from top. c) Monster design:- Many MHW monsters are the HD versions of old monsters, while many new monsters are introduced in MHRise. d) End game grind:- Guiding land is a unique concept with many flaws like difficulty to find people to join for your target monster, anomaly grinding is tedious but very easy to join group to farming points. e) Collabs:- Both need more collaborations with another game or anime. Older Monster Hunter games have collabs with Jojo, Baki, USJ, Yi Gi Oh, Uniqlo and so on. Which one I prefer? Both. Sure it sound cliche but the combat is what make or break for me. MHW more grounded combat and impactful feels make me enjoy MHW, while the new combos MHRise introduced bring a breath of fresh air after using the same movesets since forever.
@lasselen9448 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, I'll share it with friends to see if they might be interested in Rise after World. I agree with you on almost everything. I prefer decoeation rng to charm rng, because with decos I never had to think about it; I had the deco, or I didn't. With charms I had to go through rng hell. On that note, qurio rng is the one thing making me want to stay away from Rise... Not that again... As for followers, I love the feature, but the hunts do need to scale accordingly. I'd also love to be able to use them to fill up slots in multiplayer (my group in World is only 3 people). I also love wall slamming but it needs to become a tactical option rather than a mandatory optimisation step (like environmental traps) if it ever comes back. Slinger and switch skills in Wilds, 100% for it though. ...anyone else worried there's no palico in the trailer, by the way? Not having them is inconceivable but still...
@wasabilai9405 8 ай бұрын
Felt like Ruri just shit on Rise in every aspect and said they are both great in the end. I know he isnt doing it sarcastically, but it does feel odd to do I lean way more towards Rise and i wanted to love world. I recently rebought world and wanted to get into it but i just couldnt I really cant stand the confusing map design and tediousness of searching for monster or their footprints Every quest i have to roam aimlessly throughout the whole map, getting lost and hoping to find something. It takes like 20min before even seeing the monster once, not to mention it often just runs away and time to get lost again I got very frustrated about it every time i boot up the game.. I feel like im the odd one out and everybody seemed to enjoy doing this, so am i missing something?
@ArtoriasTheDripwalker 8 ай бұрын
Some people like to immerse themselves, others just wanna have a cool fight, tastes differ. Its not a crime to have a different opinion than others.
@camil3545 8 ай бұрын
​@@ArtoriasTheDripwalker that sentiment always feels odd to me, why does only one games features count as immersive? I personally have no issues immersing myself while doing cool combat. While the areas arent as detailed, running through the off-road sections of Rise's maps feels quite immersive compared to what is essentially beautifully detailed corridors.
@asura_dharama 8 ай бұрын
I mean you could find monster much easier if you have high research points on that monster. So yeah you should give it a bit more time.
@wasabilai9405 8 ай бұрын
@@asura_dharama I get you, but isnt it a bit backwards imo, that i have to suffer through this a few times for every single monster, so that i wont have to search for 20min each quest. Does most of the people enjoy this process? Or is it still tedious for them, just that they have stronger willpower than me lol
@taranstones1798 8 ай бұрын
As you continue to play the game you will get a feel for where monsters like to hang out which will either 1: be where they are, or 2: give you tracks so you can find them. If you figure out where to begin your search, it will never take you 20 mins to find the monster you are looking to hunt. For example, Pukei likes to hang out in the forested part of the Wildspire, same with Rathian. Diablos is basically always at his nest. Jyuratodus is only going to hang out in the swampy areas. Rathalos is almost always at the top of the tree in the Ancient Forest. Radobaan will never go to the lower depths of the Rotten Vale. Legiana is only seen in the upper portions of the Coral Highlands. Every monster in the entire game has areas they will never ever go to, areas they always hang around, and areas they sometimes pass through. As you get more familiar with the monster you will eventually automatically know where to look for them. An easy trick for future hunts is that once a monster goes back to their nest to sleep because they are about to die, you know that is almost always a place you can look for tracks when you hunt it again. Getting to know where the monsters prefer to be is a part of the skillset that MH players develop, and while it could be seen as tediousness, many others view it as being smart and an expert at the game.
@cor657 8 ай бұрын
I hate the level design in world. I feel I’m always surrounded by walls. You have to fight monsters in tiny little areas. Then a second monster will enter the area. Rise gives more space to fight. Carting because you have no room to even play the game is extremely frustrating. Sure all the junk on the map you can use is cool. What’s more cool is being able to fight the monster. Even more when you don’t have to tenderize the monster. Rise has it flaws too. Running around for birds to get full buffs is exhausting. The tracking flies are junk. They jerk your around. They are hard to follow. You wonder if you are going the right way. Flawed. World weapons are copy paste. The online process is so much smoother on rise. Weapon trees on rise are better. The x mog is better on rise. The combat is more fun on rise. The training are is better on rise. Mantles and clutch claw are dumb. Follower hunts are cool. I like rise a lot more than world. Oh I like the monster roaster on rise more too. I still love world. I haven’t played a monster hunter game I haven’t loved yet.
@kevlar218 8 ай бұрын
The base MHW experience was one of the best games I have ever played. I was new to the series and had no clue what I was doing while playing with friends but we had so much fun. Then we got to Nergi and wiped on him for a few days which caused my friends to quit. That is how I found your channel because I was determined to beat him and wanted to understand the game better. After finally grasping the concept of mixing sets and making a specific build to fit my playstyle, I spent the next couple of days grinding quests to build the set I wanted and beat him in a few tries. I had never felt better after dismantling him and barely taking a scratch. I went on to play the game for hundreds of more hours, even purchasing it on every platform to play with all of my friends before finally putting it down. With all of that said I didn't like a lot of the later additions to the game which added more of an rng grind and even the clutch claw added more tedium. For that reason I put the game down shortly after beating Iceborne and never went back. I tried Rise when it came out but it never clicked with me. Being that I have a disability which limits my hand function, the faster paced combat and arcade feel was ultimately my downfall. I much preferred the slower deliberate combat that World had to offer.
@Lockhart791 8 ай бұрын
You ever try monster hunter generations ultimate on switch? Its a slower paced game too. And theres so much content. I wonder if you would like it.
@kevlar218 8 ай бұрын
@@Lockhart791 Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a shot whenever it's on sale!
@disturbedrebirth 8 ай бұрын
This video is making me realize why I like Rise a bit more than World.
@emeka490 8 ай бұрын
Opposite for me
@MrMisterMisterMr 8 ай бұрын
Great comparison, love both games to death, and MH is the only franchise that can consistently pull hundreds of hours of my life with each installment. However, my biggest issue is the comparison of Arch Tempered EDs vs EX Monsters. I think you should have compared ATEDs with Risen EDs, of which I (personally) find the latter to be superior. Better designs, cooler mechanics, and armor that's more than just the basic ED armor with a shiny effect over it. Also, as a side note, World event quests were on a weekly cycle, where only a select few quests were available each week; it was during seasonal festivals that all event quests were available during the season. In that regard, I prefer having the traditional events; nothing stung more than wanting to do an event for that cool layered armor that just wasn't available during that week's rotation. But man, I loved the lobby atmospheres of the seasonal fests. Nothing beats the Seliana gathering hub during the Winter Star Fest.
@pyrrhos8175 8 ай бұрын
I really do think many players have forgot about how rough the ATs were in base World.
@tubadude07 8 ай бұрын
I definitely don't miss AT hunts in base world.@@pyrrhos8175
@Choom89 8 ай бұрын
Rise was really hampered by the pandemic, the Affliction Investigations needed to be explained much more clearly because it's actually great but most players won't invest enough time to fight those end game monsters where the hunts get quite challenging. That being said, I loved and prefer the heft and importance placed on studying monsters and their environment. That heavy feeling extended across all of World and Iceborne and made it feel much more immersive and realistic which while hard to take in on a handheld console is perfect for home console/PC. There are things to love about both and I'm thankful that they can experiment on the handheld version, making it fast and easy to play with friends(online or off). I agree that some weapons feel better depending on the version of the game, I too thought CB felt better in World meanwhile DB felt better in Rise. Luckily I can play IG and GL in either without much issue. Also agree that wire fall was way too strong, it should have cost 2 wirebugs if not 3.
@getsinged7631 8 ай бұрын
How was Rise hampered by the pandemic...? The one thing that had EVERYONE staying home and playing games all the time? The pandemic boosted play rates of all games across the board, Rise was helped tremendously by the pandemic.
@Choom89 8 ай бұрын
@@getsinged7631 it's post game was severely delayed, many people complained about it not being a complete game at release.
@kyril98741 8 ай бұрын
I really like qurio crafting a lot since I only treat it as a supplement and not min maxing everything. If I got something cool, I craft a new armor and try to get different ones next time. The way I see it, you try to do one weapon at a time and only want specific qurio crafting on specific armor. That was not fun, I try it by following a guide and it is not really that enjoyable exp.
@WhiteRaito 8 ай бұрын
Isnt having the certain set up on certain armor the biggest reason people grind? If you treat it as supplement then it cuts your playtime since there is no reason to grind ya? No reason to keep playing. Like once per month just to scratch the mh itch is enough kind of thing?
@akediostentacle9642 8 ай бұрын
Kurios = charms
@toxicitzi357 8 ай бұрын
same.. I'll take this over deco grind every day of the week, no questions asked.. in world I either have decos or I don't, there's no in between and lots of decos would be missing, where as with charms, I can get any skills without a problem, but they're at 70 or 80% power usually.. That's a way better trade off than that big fat 0 I got from hundreds of hours of, me not even caring anymore about what decos I got.
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