Americans React to Five Reasons Australia is Better than America

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@pragmatic-e2z 10 ай бұрын
Aussie here - no one gives a shit about celebrities....
@lithgowlights859 5 ай бұрын
Son was travelling and had a coffee one morning, said hi to a guy ordering coffee, they sat at different tables for 5, then as my son was about to walk out he realised it was Chris Hemsworth. No pics, no autograph, he just walked out and nodded at Chris as he left.
@aussiegsd_travel 5 ай бұрын
My sister meet him in bookshop and no fuss was made
@jslasher1 4 ай бұрын
Bloody oath, mate. No one chases after Chris Hemsworth in Oz. He' s just another dinkum Aussie.
@robinharwood5044 4 ай бұрын
@@lithgowlights859 Who is Chris Hemsworth?
@TheAlmightyClipse 4 ай бұрын
Anglo Aussies talk out of their arses...
@carolinemcnulty6169 9 ай бұрын
True story: Earlier this year Paul McCartney was in my city (Adelaide) giving a concert. Next day he strolled into a local coffee shop on his own, sat down and read the paper while drinking his coffee and having a snack. Everyone recognised him but no one pestered him. When he'd finished he politely said thank you to the owner and departed. We gave him the best gift - treated him like he was just a bloke looking for a quiet moment to have a coffee. Yes, it made the radio and the local paper but I was proud he was treated with respect like that.
@alans9806 7 ай бұрын
A bit different to Adelaide in 1964 when 300,000 turned up to see him
@AussiePom 5 ай бұрын
Rod Stewart was in Sydney recently and he's into model railways and he went into a model railway shop and bought some model railway items and the shop owners and customers treated him as a customer not a celebrity. He then went to Bunnings hardware and was treated exactly the same. We don't go in for all this celebrity culture for we look at them not up to them for they're human just like the rest of us with all the human failings that we all have.
@Its_Shaun_the_Sheep 5 ай бұрын
I’ve walked past Russell Crowes house and got a wave back from him from his balcony.
@veramudikidikilati6353 4 ай бұрын
Who's Paul McCartney
@AussiePom 4 ай бұрын
@@veramudikidikilati6353 A singer and he formed the band the Beatles in the 60's With John Lennon, George Harisson and Ringo Starr and later had a successful solo career.
@_theOGtee_ 10 ай бұрын
its called tall poppy syndrome in australia, if youre famous or stand out, people feel the need keep you humble and remind you that youre no better than regular folk lol
@adrianhempfing2042 10 ай бұрын
I think we're generally okay for people to have some success ... as long as you stay humble , don't flaunt it , do some good things
@dudoklasovity2093 10 ай бұрын
this is common in most of Europe and South America as well. It’s not envy. It’s people generally don’t like someone stand out. (Maybe it’s 10% envy)😂
@ApolloArcher1 10 ай бұрын
I think also we prefer to respect people’s privacy too and so very few of us actually go up and ask for photos and autographs and such which means they can feel more comfortable just being out and about right? Also I feel that the way we are raised is a big thing, it’s much like Isaac was saying, we’re all just normal people and we’re taught not to let ego go to our heads which is likely a huge reason why our celebrities are just normal good people
@tbone7463 10 ай бұрын
I kind of like how supportive America feels towards success. They all celebrate each other's success all the time. In Australia, it doesn't seem as supportive, not mean, but more "every man for himself". The celebrities will only cop it if they act better than everyone else. If they are down to earth they get along great.
@julzstock 10 ай бұрын
Famous Aussies are just the normal everyday run of the mill Aussie … 😊
@nickborrrego 9 ай бұрын
Moved from Utah to Adelaide and it's nice to be able to go a shopping mall without the risk of one deranged lunatic walking in and unloading on us. Also, "fuck me dead" is an Australian phrase that just works 👌🏼
@belladoran222 5 ай бұрын
Welcome petal, I appreciate your comment, you sound like you are one of those rare likeable americans. Glad you like it here ,
@MomoSimone22 5 ай бұрын
It's weird reading this just as a mentally ill man from Queensland just stabbed around 18 people at Bondi Westfields just two days ago. But the thing is, if we didn't have the guns laws that we do and he walked in with a gun, it would have been way more people that he would have killed. I think we lost 7 people and the other 11 were in hospital, last I heard. We also just had an attack at a church in Sydney tonight too. Something is going wrong here in Sydney right now.
@belladoran222 5 ай бұрын
Yeah it's a bit fucked.
@Moriconilo 5 ай бұрын
Well this comment did not aged well……
@jslasher1 4 ай бұрын
Yes, 'fmd' is a ripper phrase. Almost as dinkum as "stone the crows".
@kurjan1 10 ай бұрын
I am American. My boyfriend and the love of my life is Australian. I moved to the Gold Coast from LA three years ago. Everything in this video 🤣 is 100% bang on 😂! America is f#^cked. I am expecting our first child right now. I am getting the best level of care... far better than America... and its all free! I doubt I will ever return to America. So much peace here.
@1ihws 9 ай бұрын
Don’t take it for granted then!
@psychedelicgoat3464 9 ай бұрын
Haha I’m from the Gold Coast and my girlfriend moved from NYC to here and says the absolute same thing. The biggest difference is definitely as you stated, the healthcare here is a lot better!
@Bynggo 9 ай бұрын
Definitely don’t take it for granted and I hope you are contributing by paying tax. The government doesn’t work or toil to make any money, it’s the people around you who are paying for your free healthcare.
@bloggs59 9 ай бұрын
Gotta agree. I used to live in LA for 3 to 6mnths at a time (my Aussie dad lived there) but once he died, I vowed never to return. I haven't. I won't. It's safe here & the police don't shoot you dead/ tase you at every traffic stop.
@saltyaussie7702 9 ай бұрын
It ain't free It's called the Medicare levy. The only time it's free is when you're dole bluggers...
@davidberriman5903 9 ай бұрын
One incredibly big difference is our health system. I am seventy one. I was walking down my street and had a minor stroke. I dropped in the middle of the road and couldn't get up for a bit. I have had a CT scan to see if there was any blood clots or other issues. I have had xrays to see if I damaged anything when I hit the ground. I wore a holter monitor for twenty four hours to ensure everything is ok with my heart etc. No cost so far. When my doctor receives all the test results it will cost me $80 to see her and get the results.
@sharonlanteri2537 8 ай бұрын
Yep and just pop your Dr fee onto Medicare to deal with😊👍👍
@mareebrown-e3n 4 ай бұрын
Aussie here too. So far my partner has had cancer twice, and a triple bypass. I have had cancer one time. Magnificent medical treatments, and get this - FREE. Well technically it isn't free. There is a levy on income to fund our universal health scheme. However anyone on a pension is not levied. Also there is a low income component, and those ppl do not pay the levy either. So we do fund our treatments, but don't have the terror of becoming seriously ill as some in USA do.
@1ihws 4 ай бұрын
@@mareebrown-e3n really - lucky you! Try having “pretend” doctors right prescriptions for drugs in a hospital that are contraindicated after head injury, before even being examined! Fact! Lived experience! Try telling the bloody truth about people’s lives, instead of bullshitting for your youtube channels!
@StuTheDon17 3 ай бұрын
We don't pay for these things on the spot. We pay for them via taxes. None of it is free.
@kristinmartin2899 3 ай бұрын
@@StuTheDon17 yep, but 100% happy to do so :)
@carriebizz 10 ай бұрын
I'm Australian and we don't ever have any mass shootings or really any gun deaths here. Issacc speaks the truth, we don't give a shit about politics
@wa6184 10 ай бұрын
We do have gun deaths, but they're mainly due to gang fights in the cities. Nothing the everyday Aussie has to worry about.
@robertjohnston5915 10 ай бұрын
We have bugger all, but yes a few criminal on criminal which are fine by us.
@TheZodiacz 10 ай бұрын
@@robertjohnston5915 just 241 gun deaths in 2023 so far. Brazil (not the US) is the worst- 49,437 deaths this year.
@superleetmegapunx 10 ай бұрын
@@wa6184 That's the case for the most part in Burgerland too.
@deviouskris3012 10 ай бұрын
Over 400 gun related suicides. Only 1 mass shooting and it was recently in WA. The ambush of the cops.
@spartanmagnus9176 9 ай бұрын
My Mum is American. My Dad is Australian. They met overseas teaching in Asia and I lived there for the first 6 years of the life. Then we moved to Australia and I have spent 13 years there. Despite my American accent I am for all purposes more Australian than American. I have dual citizenship and am considering renouncing my American citizenship due to the embarrassment occurring in America. Australians are just so chill and laid back. Americans seem to make everything over important and intense. For example in America “I got a yada yada GPA” they get over praised by their achievements whereas here in Australia you get a good on ya mate but nobody cares. It’s just such a great atmosphere that encourages humility and prevents the dumbass mentality Americans develop in schools.
@colonelfustercluck486 9 ай бұрын
Also you will need to consult an accountant to check your American tax liabilities. I think USA taxes your money, from everywhere in the world. SO if you earn and pay tax in Australia, Uncle Sam will be putting his hand out too..... for your tax payable in USA, but earned in Australia..... Dual Citizenship Complications... you really need to check that out to prevent the huge unpleasant surprise. Like double taxation.
@redhammer9910 5 ай бұрын
What's a yada yada .. ?
@1ihws 4 ай бұрын
@@redhammer9910 the equivilent of “etc, etc” hopefully - or someone just found yet one more “culturally different interpretation”.
@sunriseboy4837 2 ай бұрын
Hence the saying, "Yeah, no worries, mate!"
@davidlloyd7597 Ай бұрын
​@colonelfustercluck486 they do take the tax you have paid overseas into consideration but what have said is true.
@lavalamp6410 10 ай бұрын
The backstory of the firefighter telling the Prime Minister to Eff-Off is the Prime Minister was off in Hawaii on holiday, sitting on a beach sipping cocktails while people were dying in the fires and thousands of peoples houses were burning down to the foundations. The Prime Minister thought his holidays were more important than peoples lives and livelihoods being destroyed.
@TimesThreeMystics 10 ай бұрын
True that, what a tosser but then again all politicians are. CFA deserve more respect in Australia we don't have paid fire fighters like the USA our Country fire authority is made up of unpaid volunteers.
@colours01 10 ай бұрын
So glad you mentioned that. And how bout trying to get those affected to shake hands for a photo op?, !
@ChantalsBackPain 10 ай бұрын
So glad we got rid of those criminals in for 9 yrs. 6 Ministries,I don't hold a hose , Liar from the Shire, Pretend Christian Credit card Penticostal Looney .
@woopimagpie 10 ай бұрын
I think the big problem most people had with that wasn't that he went on holidays, but that he had his department lie about where he was and got found out. I mean, taking a holiday in the middle of a major crisis wasn't smart, but to try and pretend you weren't on holiday was pretty bad. He got punished for it big time, as he should have.
@triarb5790 10 ай бұрын
Do you remember when Scummo was doing an interview in some new suburb somewhere and a bloke came out and told the reporters to bloody get off his new lawn? 😂
@Paul-nn9oj 2 ай бұрын
Yep it's true, my uncle just had Matt Damon & Ben Affleck? Come thru his work, no-one bothered them. But Sean Connery tried to skip the que once and my mates elderly Dad told him to get to the back of the line like everyone.
@planespottingwithpomfusandmark 10 ай бұрын
Isaac tells the truth. Matter of fact we saw Kid Laroi at our local casino (in Adelaide, Australia) after his concert here and nobody gave a crap or even approached him. He did his own thing.
@adrianhempfing2042 10 ай бұрын
I don't know if many people would know Kid Laroi if he was standing in front of them. Looks like an ordinary teenager
@UlliStein 10 ай бұрын
@@adrianhempfing2042 What do you expect, an alien? He looks good and makes a good show. Period.
@DeLittleRebel 10 ай бұрын
​@UlliStein Yeah but that's not, at all, the point here is it..
@TheZodiacz 10 ай бұрын
@@adrianhempfing2042 I've never heard of him of before.
@archibaldthesimple 10 ай бұрын
im not being a dick but who the fuck is kid laroi?
@theophilus1981 9 ай бұрын
We dont hate our celebrities, we just dont put them on a pedestal like Americans do. The celebrities here also like it because they get to live a normal life
@Gferg-yy9js 10 ай бұрын
fun fact, Australia has almost 12,000 beaches along its 60,000km (37,282mi) coastline. If you visited one per day, it would take more than 32 years to see them all.
@PennyNelson 6 ай бұрын
And no one gets to see the best beaches cause we don't talk about them. 😅
@sunriseboy4837 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, well, the black fellas have changed all of that claiming a whole lot of beaches via the Native Title Act. You want to read more than YT or X.
@julesmarwell8023 2 ай бұрын
@@sunriseboy4837 farrk the blak fella
@sunriseboy4837 2 ай бұрын
@@julesmarwell8023 You're not the Lone Ranger on that score, mate!
@Shady_J 9 ай бұрын
I'm Australian and Isaac is right. We all have our own political view, mainly cause we are forced to vote, but I don't see people cutting others out of their lives because of it. We pretty much just vote for the party we hate a little less.
@sunriseboy4837 2 ай бұрын
I haven't voted since 1972, and I'm never going to vote for the motley lot of corrupt ratbags who smille, lie, and glad-hand their way into power. Consummate, and accomplished liars!
@dutchroll 10 ай бұрын
While we all have our different political views here in Australia, for the most part nobody gives a shit who you voted for and we're really not interested in you telling us all about it. You go in, you vote privately, you come out, you buy a sausage sandwich from the volunteers at the BBQ setup outside the polling booth. Someone wins, someone loses, and everybody moves on with life a couple of days later.
@adrianhempfing2042 10 ай бұрын
I think we do care more about the "democracy sausage" (sausage sizzle, barbecue)
@colours01 10 ай бұрын
Well said
@triarb5790 10 ай бұрын
I seriously to this day, 35 years into my marriage do not know which party my husband actually votes for. Likewise with my friends. Of course I know their views about certain Pollies, I know what they think about major events and current policies and no doubt we like each other because our world view melds ( Americans would no doubt consider us all to be raving Commies I'm sure). However, I cannot say I know, with 100% certainty, what box any of them tick on the Green chit, or what their choices are for above or below the line preferences. Nor them me. It just has never ever once entered our heads to ask. I don't know any Ozzies that do have that discussion. We collectively just don't rate pollies worthy of barbecue convo and are in genetal scathing about the whole bloody lot of them.
@garethdemar7142 10 ай бұрын
dutchroll, outside the election booth I think your referring to the democracy sausage (they are free in my electorate). Then after the democracy sausage, me and my voting mates usually go wash that awesome democracy sausage down with some democracy beers 🙂
@gregorturner9421 10 ай бұрын
@@triarb5790 agree more important dicussions are held. like who remembered the backyard cricket gear or which sports team you follow and how are they doing. only time we really talk about politics if the the pm seriously messes up. like the prime minister who was on holiday during the first part of the worst bushfires event in australian history in christmas 2019 when everyone finally had enough and started asking where he was when half the country was burning down.
@carolynknight7670 7 ай бұрын
Proud to be an Aussie, born in UK left when I was 26 only child, Best thing I ever did moving to OZ Best country in the world! Love Australia Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi 🇦🇺
@wolfe59 10 ай бұрын
I can’t get over seeing a “bloke “ 😂 going to a bakery with so many guns and I thought man you are going to buy bread! You guys are not the land of the free and the home of the brave if you need to be absolutely armed to the teeth to buy bread 🤦🏻
@imho2278 10 ай бұрын
Home of the scaredycats
@mreggs3731 4 ай бұрын
home of the wusses
@claireelise87 Ай бұрын
Gold-Coastian here. (Aussie). True. All true. Nope. He's not exaggerating. We are 100% pro strict gun laws. We like feeling that our kids are safe when we drop them at school. We don't care about politics cos we know we're screwed either way.. We do get pissed off at rioters if they damage hard working Aussies small businesses- cos we all work damn hard to get where we are and we support locals. Also i once saw Tom Hanks walk past my coffee shop- I was hoping he didn't glance my way because I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable if i smiled awkwardly at him. We love our deadly animals and- we love our ocker aussies. They keep Australia right.
@mareejollow Ай бұрын
I'm not! So don't speak for me, and the multitude of Australians who never agreed with this farce. The tragedy is that John Howard's government was responsible for that shooting in Tasmania. He even made the comment 3 years earlier that it would take something like a mass shooting in Port Arthur to make Australians willing to give up their guns. How convenient. The eyewitness accounts of various people who worked at Port Arthur at the time tried to testify that there were multiple shooters, but they were prohibited from speaking. Just like the people who owned the cafe 1 1/2 hours away from Port Arthur who were trying to testify that Martin Bryant, the supposed shooter, was in their cafe at the time of the shootings. They knew him well, as he was a regular. They were not permitted to speak on the subject, and not allowed to testify, even though they wanted to. Martin Bryant had the mental capacity of a child, how could carry this out, and so many gun experts at the time were saying that it would be virtually impossible for Martin to carry big heavy bag with various guns and ammo, and shoot like was supposed to be. The precision of the gunfire was marksman level. Let also realise that the entry to the area was shut down with police patrols, who didn't know why. Ambulances were kept out, until official permission was given. Also, Martin Bryant has never gone before a court, but still sits in gaol, he has been deprived of his whole life on no charges. Oh yes, let's trust the government on this one. Now we are in a position where we can't defend ourselves from a rogue government, rogue military ,etc. America, never give up your guns! Wish we had ours back. We remember well, governments here in Australia, firing at protests in Victoria. Wake up everyone. There is a vast majority of Australians that want this too, it's dribbling liberal voices that control the narrative.
@bradbriggs5347 10 ай бұрын
No one in Australia is above you , we just don't do that thing , I'm proud of it
@sunriseboy4837 2 ай бұрын
Quite obviously, dude, you've never heard of public servants, or politicians, or real estate agents🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@raccuia1 Ай бұрын
@@sunriseboy4837 cognitive bias.
@jasonearle9903 9 ай бұрын
One of our Prime minster's, Bob Hawke, holds the world record (or did, don't know if its still current) for drinking 2 liters of beer in 11 seconds. That's the kind of thing we remember our leaders for. 😂
@mareebrown-e3n 4 ай бұрын
wonder if he needed to chunder after the beer
@AnthonyOMulligan-yv9cg 4 ай бұрын
Bob had a great sense of humour, I was lucky enough to meet him as a passenger in my cab
@sunriseboy4837 2 ай бұрын
@@AnthonyOMulligan-yv9cg So?!
@AnthonyOMulligan-yv9cg 2 ай бұрын
@@sunriseboy4837 if you had ever met him you'd know
@sunriseboy4837 2 ай бұрын
@@AnthonyOMulligan-yv9cg I used to see him regularly, as I worked in Canberra, and saw him up close and personal over nearly ten years. Crude. Rude. Insulting. Inconsiderate.
@kimarnill7648 10 ай бұрын
Hiya Australians from Wales ❤❤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧
@jenniferharrison8915 10 ай бұрын
Hi Wales, thanks mate, hope you are keeping dry over there! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😄🇦🇺👍
@kimarnill7648 10 ай бұрын
@@jenniferharrison8915 first day dry after weeks of rain , flood warnings rivers bursting their banks and we will still have a hose ban in the summer. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧
@shellybaker1297 7 ай бұрын
How ya going?
@maxpower9175 5 ай бұрын
gday mate
@mreggs3731 4 ай бұрын
hi Welsh from Australia
@nicoleblack3175 9 ай бұрын
I’m Australian and this is all true, no matter how he says it.
@miniveedub 10 ай бұрын
The biggest difference in politics is that Australian politicians don’t have to have rallies or pander to extreme views to encourage people to get to a polling station and vote. Voting is compulsory here, polling stations are open for early voting if you won’t be able to make it on the day, postal voting is available, polling day is always on a Saturday to make it easier. Political advertising is pretty much limited to the six weeks before election day and must state who is the advertiser, whether it is a political party, a special interest group or an individual, they must attach their name to their political ad. We don’t directly elect our Prime Minister, we elect our local member of parliament and if their party gets the most members elected they form government and they choose one of them to be Prime Minister, but we do know beforehand who the parties have as their leader. They can choose to change their leader during their term in office. Because of how our system works we have a lot more than two parties and quite a few independents.
@colours01 10 ай бұрын
Still bough and paid for.
@giannidimarco3805 10 ай бұрын
And we still use a paper ballot which are all tallied on the same day and the winner is announced on the same day. Postal votes are limited to overseas citizens, remote workers and other special cases. There's no counting votes after the polling stations close on election day. Australians aren't politicised enough to bother about committing voter fraud to get one party elected over the other. We don't even ask each other who we voted for. Basically, we don't give a shit.
@robinharwood5044 4 ай бұрын
Still get a government no one really wants, mind you.
@garykitchiner7467 Ай бұрын
As an old Aussie Fart, can I just say that you three guys have restored my faith in the future of your country.
@jenniferharrison8915 10 ай бұрын
Hi guys, welcome back to Australia! 😁 Isaac is a bit insane, and very Australian, but he is honest! 😂 Yes, we had a huge gun buyback and we then recycled them into useful garden sheds! 😄 Just vote privately, it's your right, isn't the US a democracy! 🤨 Celebrities, are just people with a different job! 😏 Cool! 👍
@erlinglarsen 10 ай бұрын
It's a republic not a democracy.
@jenniferharrison8915 10 ай бұрын
@@erlinglarsen It's becoming a truly capitalist autocracy! I hope Australia remains a true democracy, and we must definitely stay away from republicanism - our Governor General still has the power to sack an incompetent, overspending or nationally dangerous government!
@rustygear447 10 ай бұрын
​@@erlinglarsenRepublic and democracy aren't mutually exclusive dip shite
@rustygear447 10 ай бұрын
​@@erlinglarsenAny countries that aren't ruled by monarchs are Republics. And any countries that let the people elect representatives to govern are democracies. So you can have autocratic Republic like North Korea and China, or democratic Republic like most of the west
@erlinglarsen 10 ай бұрын
@@rustygear447 The US is Constitutional Federal Republic not a Democratic Republic you might want to do some research 👍
@robynfarrar278 9 ай бұрын
Just saying, in Australia we are NOT all painted with the same brush.........most of us have discussions without the use of the "F" word.
@juliewoodman2439 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying that; I was beginning to think I was the only one .
@LisaS23N 10 ай бұрын
Isaac says it exactly as it is. Love him .. And as for the celebrity comment. Correct. We don't lose our sh*t if we see them down the street. They're entitled to get on with their daily life. After all they're just people. And if they were to fluff around with big egos, attitudes and expectations, that's a sure way to turn Aussies off. Aussies like people who are just being themselves... We don't care who you are, or what you do. Just be real.😢
@gregorturner9421 10 ай бұрын
matt damon turned up to the horse races for an important day and looked like he was having a blast as whilst he made the news he wasn't bombarded by the press. we respect peoples boundries, even megastars. only time we get press frenzies is for annual red carpet events for things like sport code awards, maybe a movie premier when they walk the red carpet and pose for the cameras but other than that they get left alone.
@deannahiotis5674 8 ай бұрын
my husband and adult son smoked cones and got drunk with Robert Pattinson ( in South Australia) and Robert said, this is what he loves about Australia, nobody was whipping out their phones to record him or photograph him, he was just free to be himself and relax
@Blackfootedcat22 10 ай бұрын
He wasn’t a truck driver, that was the fire truck 🤣💀
@sasyscarborough 9 ай бұрын
Every time you do a vid showing Australian differences you make me love my country (Australia) even more. The beaches thing made me laugh a little, as I have 5 just down the road from me. Left to right its about a 10 -15 minute drive and they are all fabulous and have completely different locals.
@alabama1413 10 ай бұрын
Australia would be a great place for you guys to visit. It’s like a clean sheet design where most are laid back & people only care about the things that matter. Their society is nothing like America where life is all about the grift, the hustle & seeing how you can screw over fellow members of society at whatever opportunity. A totally different mindset in Australia
@thevannmann 10 ай бұрын
It depends on where you live though. Melbourne and Sydney are extremely competitive and people there aren't as friendly as Adelaide or Perth according to tourists.
@barnowl. 10 ай бұрын
@@thevannmannNot true for Melbourne.
@woopimagpie 10 ай бұрын
@@thevannmann Nah man, Melbourne is one of the friendliest cities I've been to. Even the drivers are courteous compared to a lot of other cities. Sydney is a different prospect though, it's pretty cut-throat there, and some of the most aggressive drivers anywhere. You need to take angry pills to drive around Sydney, it's mental.
@brodwyntyler4006 9 ай бұрын
@@thevannmanndepends where you live to a certain extent/ I live east of the city and most people around here are pretty friendly and not stuck up
@AnoJanJan 6 ай бұрын
​@@thevannmann depends on what part of the city you live. I'm in Sydneys northern beaches & we really couldn't give a "F" about anything & just want to chill.
@lynnebryan6443 10 ай бұрын
No it is like that. I’m Aussie & my friend and I met Kurt Russell & Goldie Hawn(yeah look em up) when we were on holidays in Greece and we didn’t ask for photos or autographs we just had a very chill discussion about touring around Greece. Celebs need time off too.
@delaceylehane7758 6 ай бұрын
I’m an Aussie too, and I think 99% of celebrities are cocks, but we’re talking about Jack Burton here. If there was ever a celebrity to put up on a pedestal, it’s Jack Burton.
@julzhunt7790 10 ай бұрын
WA (Western Australia) has 12,500 kms of coastline. 😊❤️🇦🇺
@jenniflexen 6 ай бұрын
I’m a proud Australian and we live peacefully here. It’s not a perfect country but it’s the best❤ at least we can laugh about ourselves and don’t take shit seriously lol
@TrekTrav 10 ай бұрын
Also we have a national healthcare service, which means we can go to the doctor if we are sick.
@vbevan 10 ай бұрын
I was hoping he'd mention Medicare and the PBS/safety net.
@kanewilson8624 9 ай бұрын
@@vbevanthe national healthcare service benefits those most that have private healthcare insurance. Those that have a public healthcare insurance have to wait the line till it’s their turn
@gregstunts347 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@kanewilson8624 No one would be buying private health insurance if it wasn’t better.
@alans9806 7 ай бұрын
Private health cover gives some advantages such as wait time and elective surgery but we're all treated the same in an emergency. @@kanewilson8624
@redhammer9910 5 ай бұрын
With major restrictions in services. The whole Medicare system has evolved to provide the minimum and for that those who need it the most namely the elderly sit on waiting lists for years waiting for treatments that will end their pain. Both parties are guilty.
@lilligeer6598 9 ай бұрын
If you guys ever come to Australia, please do not spend most of your time in the major city’s. The best places to visit are all the small towns along the coast or even inland. All the coastal towns have the best beaches and the most humbling people you will meet 🩵
@pm2886 9 ай бұрын
You say "even inland!" as though inland is somehow inferior to coastal. It's the other way around if anything. Beaches are nice, but not much variety. Not much scenery (unless you like staring out to see).
@donnajohnson9324 7 ай бұрын
I agree 👍
@lilligeer6598 6 ай бұрын
@@pm2886 Hahaa not at all, I live in an area that gets to experience both so please don’t assume that I think one is better then the other thanks. All small towns are beautiful and each one has something different to offer so go hassle someone else with your drama. The one who is being unfair to each area is yourself, so off you trot 👋🏼
@pm2886 6 ай бұрын
@@lilligeer6598 Found the Beach Bogan!
@lachlanmain6004 10 ай бұрын
One thing I've taken away from this video guys is that if you ever need a therapist try and get an Austrailian one 👍👍
@caitlindavis4384 4 ай бұрын
If you want a therapist like an Australian, you'll just have to talk to some random, but polite, bloke. They'll just listen and if you want their opinion, you'll have to ask for it and they'll give it to you straight. And get this, it's free of no charge. That's right, free with no charge. Who would want a professional when half of them twist your words to make you sound like you're the problem? ...That's what I heard from one of my friends and cousin when they got psychological therapy
@juliewoodman2439 3 ай бұрын
​@@caitlindavis4384: So one person, one therapist = half the therapists. Not even your own experience. This is how misinformation spreads.
@caitlindavis4384 3 ай бұрын
@@juliewoodman2439 Well, growing up around the people I know, I can see that most of them would listen, and I'm not just talking about family members, I'm talking about teachers (not working during those hours), friends, and middle aged men I have met would just listen because they know that sometimes you just need someone to listen to you. But yeah, I understand what you mean. It'd would be pretty naive for someone to take it even 70% of what I said in my previous comment seriously. There are sketchy people in Australia (I should know, I live here) that's why I said "polite". Still be careful who you talk to
@juliewoodman2439 3 ай бұрын
​@caitlindavis4384 : Sometimes just listening is not enough, though it is good to be heard. I had an awful childhood, so I've seen more than one therapist on my journey, I probably wouldn't be here at all if not for the help I've received. But you need to be open and non-defensive to any suggestions. It can be a very painful process.
@Paul-nn9oj 2 ай бұрын
Just go to a pub, ask around, it's called the pub test.
@zeldecasa2827 9 ай бұрын
I'm Australian and my partner is American and we recently got engaged after 4 years of dating and spending months with each other in our countries, and wants me to move to America with him..I'm honestly terrified
@rolla5731 10 ай бұрын
There wasn't much opposition at all, that's how it is in australia, had a massive shooting, took away the guns, it was enacted so fast you didn't have time to think, and that ppl is why I love my beautiful country 🇦🇺
@CB_72 9 ай бұрын
im aussie / german so im confident that when my family moved here from germany they had a massive culture shocked
@robandjess73 10 ай бұрын
This makes me giggle, I'm Aussie born and bred, love my beaches, but I'm bloody terrified of heading Stateside next year 😂
@alans9806 7 ай бұрын
Carry plenty of $10 notes for the obligatory tips. We're off to Canada and tipping is a real downer
@inflatablepenguin 6 ай бұрын
"I'm not political I'm A-political, it just wires you to hate someone or hate a side." This is exactly the mentality he's talking about in the video. How would being interested in politics wire you to hate someone? No, that's just an American thing and it's for the same reason you all hang on to your guns. You hate each other and are scared of each other. You aren't a country of equals you're a sea of individuals surrounded by threats. So much wasted potential.
@akachovich 10 ай бұрын
At Beach a few years ago, saw Liam hemsworth and Matt Damon with their families. Everyone saw them, then just left them alone. We just see celebrities as people, and when they are not working, then we leave them alone. Everyone deserves not to get annoyed by others.
@usèr1234-x1o 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, I feel it's also a matter of being polite here 😊
@lynneburridge9082 8 ай бұрын
And majority isn't interested in autographs or wanting a photograph with them.
@dannibakker1623 9 ай бұрын
As an Aussie - we legit look at the US and are like...🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ what!? Why!? You know it doesn't have to be like this right?? Good job boys! I actually love your mindsets :) Come live in Australia! We love Americans in Aussie soil haha BTW- Perth have the best beaches!
@alanroberts7863 10 ай бұрын
Oiii fellas ! That was a really good way of take on how we see the US. You blokes seem laid back, balanced and intelligent - come to Australia, you'd love it
@Amanda-uc5jq 6 ай бұрын
We love our celebrities as long as they aren’t up themselves. Chris Hemsworth & Hugh Jackman are prime examples of Aussie celebs who kept their feet firmly on the ground so we love them. We have over 12,000 named beaches in Australia
@traceymarshall7991 10 ай бұрын
Our celebrities are treated as normal people who are very approachable and really like talking to any fan! We treat everyone as equals, no matter what/where they work or who they are.. Treat us right and we treat you right!! Cheers from Australia 🙂
@woopimagpie 10 ай бұрын
I met Mel Gibson years ago in a department store, he was standing in the queue behind me waiting to pay at the checkout just like we all were. Pretty ordinary bloke actually, chatty and friendly just like you'd expect. I saw Eric Bana at the New Years Eve fireworks too, he was just chilling with his family and friends, everyone was leaving him alone and just doing their own thing, a few people raised their beers in his direction but that was it. I saw Kylie Minogue in the crowd at the Big Day Out years ago too, no one was paying her any heed aside from the occasional "G'day Kylie". She got up on stage later with Nick Cave for their duet, it was pretty cool.
@triarb5790 10 ай бұрын
​@@woopimagpie I was with family at a maze on the Mornington Penisular. As we were running around the maze with our kids, other families were doing the same, including some guy with gaggle of kids hanging off him giggling and calling him 'Uncle Geoffrey'. I thought nothing of it. It was my husband who told me after we left that that was Geoffrey Rush (at the time he'd already received accolades for Shine and the first POTC had just come out) No one was taking a blind bit of notice of him.
@Ash05771 7 ай бұрын
This is very true. I met the guitarist from Australian Crawl at a pub in Mataranka and he just dressed like a normal bloke, spoke like a normal bloke and acts like a normal bloke.
@spirotarris1925 6 ай бұрын
I broke my leg 2018, which cost me a few hundred dollars ( $500 ) in America. It would have cost me $35,000.🇭🇲 An epipen in Australia cost $30,in America $750.🇦🇺🇦🇺
@NJovceski Ай бұрын
It's called Medicare. Tax funded basic cover for all citizens. Everyone us happy to pay it, cause we all use it. I always wondered why the US won't set this up, and then remember pharma controls govt funding, they get rich from people's sickness, but what the govt don't realise is a healthy nation is more inclined to work which will pay taxes which in turn will fund the system again and they can cut the cord on pharma, bit they won't cause your polies all have shares in pharma too, so they too get a cut. It's a vicious cycle you got there, not for the average man.
@ginagriffith2846 10 ай бұрын
You CAN change things......VOTE! it's your civic duty, don't complain, just VOTE. I love that we have to vote and the preferential system.
@julzhunt7790 10 ай бұрын
Exactly. If you don’t use your vote you have no right to complain.
@infin8ee 10 ай бұрын
Yep if you want things to change use your vote and use it wisely . It's the only way to make changes
@berranari1 10 ай бұрын
I think lobbyists are more effective than a vote these days. Eventually lobbyists can affect each political party's stance on an issue. You may have heard of the "gun lobby". In Australia there are the lobbyist that asked for the increases in tax on alcohol and tobacco. The doctors' lobby.
@ginagriffith2846 10 ай бұрын
@berranari1 Yes, a shame we're heading in the way of the money talking US, the greatest 'democracy" on earth 😅. And crazy as it might seem, I do know what the gun lobby is. Voting still makes a difference.
@berranari1 10 ай бұрын
The Simpsons episode Lisa goes to Washington explained how effective lobbies are. And the episode where Bill Clinton and Bob Dole were replaced by alien replacements showed that votes in a two party system are useless when those parties are being influenced. Besides a single vote can't do much when an electorate is not close to begin with. There is an episode of Blackadder the third, Dish and Dishonesty, which shows us how electorates were and still are designed for one side to win. This is called gerrymandering. There are not many marginal seats. Voting is important, but my vote will not stop a candidate that I don't like being elected by people somewhere else. A filibuster is what was going on in the Simpsons episode I mentioned when Lisa goes to Washington. In Australia there is an anti sugar lobby. I actually wish that they were around to save me from sugar, but it is too late for me.
@GTARC-2023 9 ай бұрын
My folks are Canadian and moved to LA (where I was born) and stayed for 7 years. They wanted the weather of Sthn Cal and the politics of Canada so they immigrated to Australia. I was 2 when we came so I'm fully Ozified. Ma who just turned 90 is thankful every day that we moved here. I've always decribed Oz as easy mode, whilst the USA is Australia on steroids! A big difference in the two is Australia isn't as religious as the USA imo which can make a big difference to a country's makeup.
@tara.c837 10 ай бұрын
Awesome video guys👍 I love your reactions. Yes we have a gun here but needed to get a license and it needs to be stored and locked away safely. Cops can come by any time day or night as a suprise visit to check it's locked away safely and that the gun safe is bolted down or attached to the wall. More australia videos! 🇦🇺🙏
@eswalker5150 5 ай бұрын
Moved to oz from USA quite a while ago. Absolutely best place to be, no question. Has some problems, but, compared to the USA, it is fabulous! Aussies generally are honest and have NO tolerance to BS.
@fatherson5907 5 ай бұрын
Except the monarchy and a government who locks them inside their homes for years. Plenty of tolerance to that. Pure cowardice.
@TrekTrav 10 ай бұрын
People give zero shits about The Kid Laroi
@NJovceski Ай бұрын
Haha I wouldn't even know what he looks like 🤷‍♀️
@kyrosavcic7382 9 ай бұрын
Its actually quite easy in australia to get a firearms license u just have to go through the proper identification u cant have anything on your record that shows violence for obvious reasons and what not but its not hard to get one theres different categories for different uses and its quite safe and all round a very good system
@t.a.k.palfrey3882 10 ай бұрын
Politics isn't a blood sport in most democracies, as it is in the US today. This is largely for two reasons. One is that corporations cannot fund political campaigns in other democracies. Second, the schools curricula in other countries include subjects such as: civics, comparative government, debating skills, and rhetoric.
@seesawseesaw Ай бұрын
Margot Robbie was in Perth, Western Australia not long after Barbie came out, she was in a shopping centre and she went so unnoticed/unbothered that a lot of people I know never knew she was here.
@grahamejohn6847 10 ай бұрын
Please keep in mind that he is a comedian and tries to get a bite from people. Don't take him too seriously though he does make a few good points. From my point of view, the U.S. is a great place and the people on the whole seem friendly and welcoming. I traveled there a lot in my working days. Good video mate you and your friends should do more.
@ChantalsBackPain 10 ай бұрын
America a Great place to raise kids 😮 If you don't mind worrying about school shootings. The Genetically Modified Food is Crap and they don't have free Medical. There is also the fact t,hat a free country doesn't allow swearing on TV or in Music 😂😂.
@karenglenn6707 10 ай бұрын
I’ve been 3 times and never felt safe. The food was terrible, homeless in San Francisco would pee in the street in the city in front of our kids and us. No thank you, never again
@ChantalsBackPain 10 ай бұрын
@@karenglenn6707 I agree. The food was either too sweet ,salty or greasy . It's no wonder the obesity rates are high . Food is cheap and poor quality.
@kevingatebridge3656 10 ай бұрын
He's not even funny... overacting
@lynettesmith1893 6 ай бұрын
@@kevingatebridge3656 oi Kevin pull your bloody head in.
@daviddempsey8721 6 ай бұрын
Beaches: 11,761 on 50,000+ km of coastline (31,000 miles). You could visit a different one each day for 32 years.
@clayontwowheels2562 10 ай бұрын
Hey, team. Long time follower, first-time comment. We love old mate, but we also don't agree with most of his views, but that is Australia, we do not hate people with different views. I served with Americans, and two moved to Australia and loved it. I think we have plenty we can learn from one another. Keep up the good content
@davidgrose6321 10 ай бұрын
In Australia we have a thing called the tall poppy syndrome (if you get to high , we will cut you down to size!) One thing I'm proud of about Australia. Don't get me wrong we are not perfect. Just like the rest of the world
@coraliemoller3896 10 ай бұрын
Naturally Australia has lots of beaches because we have a big coastline with zero borders. We have about 80 named beaches in and around Sydney, some within Sydney harbour & some coastal. Bondi is most famous but it is just one in a string of beaches along the southern shore outside Sydney’s Heads.
@ivypriscella 9 ай бұрын
Isaac is such a true Aussie man as an Australian he’s 100% correct about everything! Hope you guys have the chance to come over and see our beautiful land 🤞🏾
@Valfodr_jr 10 ай бұрын
The world vs. United States; World: Random World Citizen 1; That mass shooting was tragic and heartbreaking, wasn't it? Random World Citizen 2; Yeah, it was terrible! USA: Random US citizen 1; That mass shooting was tragic and heartbreaking, wasn't it? Random US citizen 2; Which one?
@berranari1 10 ай бұрын
You nailed it. The boys thought that Australia still had them from time to time. We had 2 in the 1980s and after the Port Arthur tragedy in the 1990s there have been none. There was the Sydney Siege. It was terrible because two innocent lives were lost. Look it up if you had not seen it. They are nice boys though. There is hope for America seeing good guys like them.
@markusdresden6640 10 ай бұрын
@Valfodr_jr 10 ай бұрын
@@berranari1 As far as I can tell, the whole world has heard about the Port Arthur massacre and its consequences for gun laws in Australia. The whole world except the US, that is. And the Sydney siege, was that the one in the chocolate shop? 8-10 years ago? I remember it because I'm a chocoholic. As far as I know and remember, it didn't take more than about 3 months from the Port Arthur incident until the new weapons law was completed and came into force, weapons were collected and life continued as before, only safer for everyone. If you try to tell this to someone from the US they will most likely dismiss it as "it will never work in the US". This genuine conviction that what works everywhere else in the world, they are too special for it to work for them is a completely unique thing about US citizens. It is a form of collective narcissism in combination with extreme indoctrination that is only seen in today's North Korea and in Germany during a period in the 1930s and 1940s. This also applies both in working life, (especially fair wages for workers), the price of health care, tuition for education, etc. The so-called "Best country in the world" is no better than they can't get simple things that everyone else gets to work in their societies to work in theirs. And it also doesn't help that the average US citizen knows NOTHING about what goes on outside the country's borders, many not outside their own state's borders. They are willfully ignorant in a world where all knowledge is a few keystrokes away. The US has become nothing more than the world's richest third world country.
@triarb5790 10 ай бұрын
​@@berranari1The Sydney Siege was not a mass shooting. A) Mass shootings are of 4 or more people 2) One of the two people who were shot was caught in police cross fire.
@berranari1 10 ай бұрын
@@triarb5790 The Sydney siege was NOT a mass shooting, that was my point mate. The young lads in the video are under the impression that Australia still has a mass shooting every now and then. I was commenting that the assumption was incorrect. Are you even Australian?
@N3gativeR3FLUX 9 ай бұрын
6:20 that's not just any truck driver. That's a volunteer firefighter lads. He's upset Scott Morrison (the wanker that he was) went on holiday to Hawaii while Australia faced a bushfire crisis in 2019. 🤣
@loveoftheory3235 10 ай бұрын
Aussies are chill and friendly so much so that if you asked to couch surf with your mates across the country you would most probably be accommodated.
@delaceylehane7758 6 ай бұрын
Not my couch you wouldn’t. I think you’d get just as many “get fucked”s.
@grimace1965 6 ай бұрын
Kudos man, for knowing alot about Australia. We would love to host you here. Great video.
@NicolaMartin40 10 ай бұрын
The beaches are awesome in Australia - that is true. Also celebrities do walk down the street here on the whole without being hassled. My parents lived two doors down from Hugo Weaving (from the Matrix films) - and he just went about his life as normal. The guns are interesting - they do cause a problem with violence and shootings in the USA definitely, but there may come a day when we are glad that American patriots have the right to bear arms. I enjoy your reviews - and hope you can come and visit Australia one day.
@berranari1 10 ай бұрын
He is also "the red skull" and the movie voice of Megatron. But I guess I wouldn't hassle the dude if I saw him. 😀 He is a character in the Lord of the rings movies too. Had to put in one where he wasn't the bad guy. 😂
@kevingatebridge3656 10 ай бұрын
Hugo weaving is not really a big celebrity anyway
@rapitup45 9 ай бұрын
I agree Nicola. I would feel better if we had more arms here.
@marypevitt174 9 ай бұрын
Our health care in hospital is free , I had cancer and I'm still being treated at just one of the many great hospitals we have here , it's the Peter Mac cancer centre, I was in hospital for 11 days then had to spend another 3 days and I never had to pay a penny , thank you P M
@w_stanky 8 ай бұрын
It’s not free. Australian’s are amongst the highest taxed in the world and on a per capita basis we are now swimming in debt privately and publicly. Nothing in this world is free, we pay for it.
@nessuno1984 5 ай бұрын
@@w_stanky None of what you said is true. Australia is the only country in the world with a higher personal wealth than the USA. Low income Australians pay far less tax in proportion to their income than Americans do because Americans pay from the very first dollar they earn and Aussies get the first $18 000 untaxed. Most European countries, China, Israel, USA, and many others have a higher max income tax than Australia. If you have debt you need to seek help for how you got yourself in that position, not blame the Australian government or anyone else.
@fenix8250 10 ай бұрын
You guys are a good example of what we hope Americans are like. From an Aussie, keep it up JP.
@KerrynRisk-fl9ok 26 күн бұрын
Also I have to disappoint all you movie fans but Australia made the very first feature film in 1906! It was called The Story of the Kelly Gang about one of our most notorious bushranger gangs.
@rem9750 10 ай бұрын
6:17 Context: this was during the insane 2020 bushfires. Scott Morrison did nothing to help, an absolute flop. He THEN decides to go on holiday overseas continuing to not help
@jessbellis9510 10 ай бұрын
He also lied, then had his office lie to everyone about where he was. Then when he came back he used people for photo ops.
@jasonjohinke5651 10 ай бұрын
Where's albo mate... worst Pm since Gillard
@macdac9861 10 ай бұрын
@@jasonjohinke5651oh look, another brain dead flog that Rupert Murdoch has conditioned to vote against their own interests
@jvvoid 3 ай бұрын
@@jasonjohinke5651 It's a good thing we have Lib PM's otherwise we wouldn't know what a really shit PM looked like.
@jasonjohinke5651 3 ай бұрын
@@jvvoid I presume you mean that they somewhat keep these Labor despots in check... have a look at this farcical numnuts in power now... abandoning their traditional supporter base for left wing luneys and radicals. Destroying our economy and weakening our global position... it's about time for a coup
@Fiyeroification 9 ай бұрын
I used to work at a cafe attached to a pretty famous art museum in Melbourne and we would have celebrities like Troye Sivan, Natalie Portman, some Australian celebrities come in all the time and nobody would care at all, they wouldn't even turn around. Sometimes people will ask for a signature out and about, but usually they're just seen as other normal people.
@melissajadetarot5401 10 ай бұрын
It's friendly here, also clean, safe and lots of healthy food options everywhere. BUT it ain't cheap. Not these days anyway
@liamwhytcross1034 3 ай бұрын
Yo aussie here just want to point out we haven't had ANY gun related massacres since the ban in 97
@triarb5790 3 ай бұрын
1996. Port Arthur shooting was in April the new Law passed in July.
@dosdan 10 ай бұрын
I was thinking about this the other day. Oz has the Australian Electoral Commission (the AEC). That's a federal non-political body that runs elections and sets electoral boundaries. So no gerrymandering or political interference in the outcome of elections. In the US each State runs its own elections, with the running of and the judging of the outcome not appearing to be done at "arm's length", and seems to adjust electoral boundaries to favour the political party currently in power. That's not democratic, yet the US trumpets that it's displaying the benefits of Democracy to the rest of the world. Also, OZ has proportional representational voting, not first-past-the-post like the US. While more complex, this leads to less partisanship and can lead to coalitions of parties to govern. This tends to make OZ governments more centrist than in the US. And OZ has the strong influence of a convict/protesting Irish early history, so it used to be more egalitarian, against "Tall Poppies" and a place that enshrined "Mateship" and a "Fair Go" in life, with a laid-back, philosophical attitude of "She'll be right, mate". Unfortunately, OZ is less like this today.
@juliewoodman2439 5 ай бұрын
Your comment deserves more likes.
@livparker3950 10 ай бұрын
Yooooo! Nice to get here this early. Sending love from Adelaide, Australia.
@adifferentlynameduser7050 10 ай бұрын
Your reaction to it is hilarious 😂 From aussie here and its interesting to see your take on the criticism 👍
@erlinglarsen 10 ай бұрын
At the time of Port Arthur it was the biggest mass shooting in the world 35 people died and many were injured .
@jaymannewell 10 ай бұрын
On an island that killed, maimed, tortured and abused thousands of 'innocent' prisoners. It was born of a penal colony where cannibals consumed more than were killed by one of their offspring later on.
@erlinglarsen 10 ай бұрын
@@jaymannewell what's that got to do with gun laws and the port arthur shootings other than they were shot were those things happened.
@jaymannewell 10 ай бұрын
@@erlinglarsen In the same way most Australians would ask what's Tasmania go to do with anything ? anywhere ? Ever ?
@wchenful 4 ай бұрын
@@jaymannewell I think he's talking about Australia, not America.
@rodpitt2709 3 ай бұрын
All supposedly from a left handed dude that when handed 'the weapon' didn't know how to hold it, and the accuracy was far beyond any civilian. Not to mention locals saying it wasn't him. All a false flag operation to disarm a nation. BTW there are more guns in Australia now than there were back then. 'They' just know where they are now
@juliechurley2716 27 күн бұрын
The fireman telling the PM to get f…. is hilarious! And then you remember the terrible fires & realise why he was so pissed off
@macman1469 10 ай бұрын
Celebrity worship isnt really a thing in Oz . As long as your fan base isnt a bunch of 12 year olds you'd be free to do whatever without being hassled .
@eleashacumberland9634 Ай бұрын
I’m so proud of the guys that they can laugh at it and see the funny side of his humour even if a lot of what is said is true and depressing. That’s very Aussie to be able to laugh at yourself.
@jenm04 10 ай бұрын
Yes we are a cool laid back bunch here in Australia 🇦🇺 😁..Love watching u guys!
@janinesheedy8432 6 ай бұрын
So proud to be an Aussie! 👍
@nikitahankinson9546 10 ай бұрын
I dont think its that we dont care about Celebrities its just that we believe they are just as entitled to their privacy as any other person. I would never walk up to a celebrity who was out with their family, or trying to do groceries or whatever.
@FFS.Seriously... 6 ай бұрын
Most beautiful beaches are here in Western Australia in Esperance
@lindacurrie2601 10 ай бұрын
It's true mate, Chris Hemsworth 'Thor' can and does walk to the shops, Kid Leroi walks around, Magot Robbie, Russell Crowe ect. We don't care. You know who we gather to see and ask for autographs, our footy players, NRL, AFL, and the other sports to I guess but definitely footballer. 🇦🇺
@imho2278 10 ай бұрын
Who is Kid Laroi?
@QueenMonny 9 ай бұрын
​@@imho2278😂😂😂. I wondered the same thing. Never heard of him before this video. I actually thought he must be an American because I didn't think they'd know an Australian who wasn't massively famous. Shows how in touch I'm not with celebrities and celebrity news.
@QueenMonny 9 ай бұрын
​@@imho2278still have no idea who he is, in fact. And don't care.
@juli-annb.anderson8816 24 күн бұрын
I think you guys are beautiful. Lovely smiles, smart, very easy going, I love the way you speak! Gorgeous!❤🇦🇺🐨
@Matthew-m1p 10 ай бұрын
Hey bro I've been watching your Aussie videos for a few weeks now and always hear you say you want to come visit our beautiful country. Definitely stay on the Gold Coast mate you'll have a ball! I'll show you around for sure my bro 💯
@jaymannewell 10 ай бұрын
Never coming. Few years followed.
@Mariab637 Ай бұрын
I had a medical issue and was taken to the hospital, had a cat scan, MRI, blood tests etc everything was normal allowed to go home and it didn't cost me a cent. Drs visits are free by my dr. as well.
@rem9750 10 ай бұрын
We have shootings here and there, but it's mostly the gangs. Since the Firearms Act. we haven't had a single mass shooting
@Ariadwyn 6 ай бұрын
Ok, what always annoys me when my fellow Australians talk about gun control here is they point out the Port Arthur shooting and then the buy back after. As if they are related. Guess what? Gun violance was already steadily decreasing in Australia before the buy back. We are a much smaller country and have a different culture towards guns. What works for us, would not work for the U.S. We are an island, it is a lot harder to smuggle a gun into the country. Imagine you guys changed your constitution and removed the right to own a gun, then the only people with guns would be police (whom you seem to hate anyway) and criminals who want to rob and/or kill you. That seems like a recipe for disaster.
@1A-2A-Yay 5 ай бұрын
Completely agree
@LouieLouie917 10 ай бұрын
Yep you got a lot going on over there but also a lot more people involved. Definitely come over and hit the beaches, you'll love it 🌊⛱
@evi1ways 10 ай бұрын
As an American who has lived in , and is currently living in, Australia for the last 10 years the best things about Australia is Healthcare, lack of violent crime, social safety net, much more chill political environment and overall temperate climate. America is the best at product variety, cost of living and real estate, customer service/waitstaff, opportunity (360 million Americans vs 26 Million Australians) and actual seasons and different biomes.
@evaadams8298 10 ай бұрын
Customer service/ waitstaff? Omg we pay our staff, poor guys in the States have to rely on tips 🙄🙄
@evi1ways 10 ай бұрын
@@evaadams8298 true, however good servers are paid well in the states due to the fact that they are attentive. My wife, (who is Australian) and I rarely go out to eat due to the service that we are used to from the states. When I was in college I was a bartender and because of the tips, I only needed to work 3 days a week. lol for ten years I have had the back and forth here on tipping culture.
@evaadams8298 10 ай бұрын
@@evi1ways depends where they work actually…. I have been to the States many times and felt that some are “over the top” because they need their tips which is understandable. No one should be working for tips only.
@MASTURBIKER 10 ай бұрын
I was sitting in a barbers shop here in Melbourne and spotted this guy, recognised him straight away, Australian actor who has been on some great Aussie tv shows and was in one of my favorite mini series, no one approached him, no one took photos, no one got an autograph, he had his hair cut didnt act like a prima donna at any point and everyone just got on with rheir day, I don't know if it would be the same with a Hugh Jackman or Chris Hemsworth, but even Chris once picked up a guy who had broken down or was hitch hiking and gave him a lift and the guy never even recognised Chris and Chris just acted like he was a normal dude....
@garrybrischke53 6 ай бұрын
It's called " respecting their privacy".
@Krakenkoke 10 ай бұрын
Hey fellas! Just stumbled across the channel and noticed the interest in my home country Australia! It’s entertaining to see the culture shock from both angles, but check out the song I was only 19. It will touch your heart for sure! Name of band Red Gum. It’s about Vietnam war
@dinyslamet2245 6 күн бұрын
Aussie here. If Kid Laroi walked down the street most people wouldn’t know or care who he was and if they did, they’d let him get on with his day.
@Oldmanbambam 10 ай бұрын
Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie OI OI OI 😂😂
@Geoskan 10 ай бұрын
Whenever I hear this overseas, I cringe and hide my face... Sounds like a bogan war cry!
@QueenMonny 9 ай бұрын
​@@Geoskanit is. 😂😂 You can always pick the Australians in a overseas sports crowd. The drunk idiots shouting nonsense? 100% Australian.
@kaitlindrust 9 ай бұрын
Nicholas cage was in a town next to mine filming his new surfer movie, he went into a shop and the lady who owned it said to him ‘you look like Nicholas cage’ and all he said was ‘that’s because I am’, they got 1 photo and he continued his business. We have famous people living all over the place but we know they want their privacy just like anyone else so we mostly leave them alone to do their thing.
@xxluvlara 10 ай бұрын
if you go to Australia, definitely go to WA for the beaches. way less populated and better
@jessbellis9510 10 ай бұрын
Fellow West Aussie! Just go up the entire coastline!
@julzhunt7790 10 ай бұрын
Totally agree 😊👍🏼
@mtgoat1016 10 ай бұрын
More sharks attacks there do not listen to this advice!
@niamh2258 Ай бұрын
He’s exaggerating when he says we hate celebrities (though Tall Poppy Syndrome is a real thing here, and may be part of why our celebs stay so grounded), but he’s spot on when he says our celebs are real people and that we don’t worship them. The Kid Laroi could easily walk down the street without being accosted - or even recognised- by media or everyday Aussies. People a lot more famous than him are pretty much left alone. Geoffrey Rush used to be seen out and about quite regularly in his stomping ground (St Kilda, Melbourne and he was left alone. A few Aussies might say g’day to a famous actor, or ask them for a selfie, but that’s about it. We value egalitarianism pretty highly, so we’re more likely to make a point of NOT responding to the presence of a celebrity, or at most, we chat to them like we do anyone we encounter. In Australia, anyone, famous or otherwise, who has tickets on themselves will be brought down to earth with a bang. Acting important and treating others as if they’re your inferior is one of the fastest ways to piss us off. Humility is a virtue, while bragging is a character flaw.
@nigelmcconnell1909 10 ай бұрын
Must see the Australian comedian Jimmy Rees and his video "The guy who decides the Superbowl" 🤪
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