Most Controversial Am I The AH Story Compilation! - Reddit Storytime - Am I Wrong? - WWYD? Resin Art

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Resinate By Chanel

Resinate By Chanel

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@CountryHotStuff Жыл бұрын
I feel like I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but as someone who is part of the LGBTIA+ community for story 2 the daughter was majorly wrong and I can see the parents point of view. It's not a "gay" problem but a "lying" and "trust" problem. Just from the story alone the parents didn't have an issue with the friend being gay but still the daughter lied about them being in a relationship so that they would be allowed to share a room and didn't just proceed to lie for years but had other people help expand the lie making it seem like she was in other heterosexual relationships. The truth didn't come out until they were getting married and only weeks away at that. Now I can't speak as a parent but with how long and how large this got the daughter can't just expect for it to blow over in a day especially if she didn't tell them until just before the wedding.
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
I 100% AGREE!!! I am so glad that some people can see how the daughter was wrong too!! 💯
@idontwannatacoboutit7038 Жыл бұрын
I think, yes, the daughter was wrong for expecting her parents to immediately approve of the marriage, since if my child were to marry someone I’d want to know more about them (as a couple, since I know technically the parents know the girlfriend from being her daughters friend as a kid but that’s different then knowing them as their daughters girlfriend) and I’d want to see how the relationship dynamics were and all that before I give my “blessing.” But also who knows what’s being left out on the parents end? Did they maybe make comments or remarks about the friend/girlfriend when she came out that maybe led the daughter to believe that her parents wouldn’t support her or see her the same if she too came out? Not saying that justifies the lying and calculated sneaking around, but it might give some explanation as to why the daughter felt it necessary to not tell her parents. I do think that she should have had a conversation with them though instead of expecting the wedding invitation to be the way the parents found out, I’d be hurt too if I were the parents but I’d be even more concerned about WHY my daughter never told us and I’d want to have a conversation about it BEFORE the wedding.
@tangelareynolds2675 Жыл бұрын
Not onky did she lie, the way she told them was highly disrespectful. How you gon tell your parents you're gay and you're getting married by invite. That is something that should be discussed in person conversation and before the invitations go out.
@mushroom_cutie2011 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I'm a part of the lgbtq but honestly I really agree she was wrong
@mushroom_cutie2011 Жыл бұрын
I mean I totally get it I mean she did lie to her parents for a decade
@johanncai5184 Жыл бұрын
#1: Husband's a 9. Friend is an 8. (hubby gets an extra point for his comment about not being able to comfort his friend the way he wanted 🚩They're MARRIED & he cant show emotion or vulnerability to his own wife 🤔. Wife is a 2. It's wierd that she just stood there... but I can also understand if she just stood there in disbelief 🤷‍♀️ Story 2: ESH. Daughter cant just expect her parents to go to the wedding after telling her mom that they would talk after the wedding... knowing how confused her parents were. I would want to talk beforehand and I would honestly feel like a fool for not knowing about a 10 year relationship of my own child until the wedding invitation. I'm curious why the Daughter didn't come clean in ten years. I dont feel like they're homophobic when 1) they took the friend into their home & 2) they got an invitation & the daughter seemed blindsided that they wouldn't attend 🤔 Story 3: Wife 0! Hubby & family 9.5. I am speechless. That poor girl should run. There's someone out there for her that will want to spend every possible moment with her & show her off to the world.
@murielglaphre8946 Жыл бұрын
Story #1 Why was the "friend" so comfortable showing utter disrespect to the woman of the house? Because she knew the husband would go along with it. Some women think they can get away with anything as long as they shed a few tears and they will use any opportunity to do so. Then, if anyone has a problem with it, they cry louder about being a victim of circumstances and just needing a shoulder to cry on. Said shoulder will then act like a hero for sitting there pretending to not see the act and for shunning the woman he married. Do you really think the wife should feel no way at all about the both of them treating her as if she doesn't see through the charade?
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
I completely agree!!! This husband picked his friend over his wife and that is unacceptable! I get consoling a friend but when he saw it made his wife uncomfortable he should've respected that!
@Perfectlyiimperfect Жыл бұрын
Last story pisses me off... How brothers' wives are there... And how is it that y'all are married and still not comfortable around his family... And for him to dismiss her so easily... #DIVORCED
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
I know!!! 😢 This story broke my heart for the wife! I can't believe she would tolerate that disrespect! I would DEFINITELY be getting a divorce!
@amandalea8772 Жыл бұрын
Wow the third one made my heart really go out to that lady. While I respect her marriage I would be leaving him now. He should have had her back when his mum said that and he should have said that she just wanted to get to know the family like a supportive loving partner. If he’s siding with his family when they’re being rude and cruel to his wife for no reason that rings major alarm bells. Because when/if kids then become a factor what’s he going to do when his family criticises her/kids. Get out now, I wasted 5 years with someone that never stood up for me when his sister in laws belittled and bullied me. In my experience if he won’t stand up for you in a minor and pretty low confrontation situation then he definitely won’t in a more confrontational one. She deserves better
@LoopyOrchestra Жыл бұрын
2nd story it does make me wonder if the parents were ommitting things. Like their feelings on LGBT people. Seems very very weird she didnt come out
@sarahwithanh4272 Жыл бұрын
That’s what I’m thinking
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
Maybe she didn't come out because she wanted her girlfriend to be allowed to continue to sleep over in her bedroom without her parents being suspicious... I doubt the parents would've been comfortable with a boy staying the night in their daughters room either... 🤷🏽‍♀️
@saratronus Жыл бұрын
​@Resinate By Chanel Or maybe she was afraid of a negative reaction a lot of people were still in the closet are. Because looked at how she told them because right now, they had a negative reaction. Really doesn't matter because now she has a support system outside of her parents.
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
@@saratronus she's the one who wanted them at her wedding... If they were so bad I doubt she would want them to be there... All I'm saying is sometimes teenagers make mistakes because they assume that their parents won't accept them and so they never give them a chance.
@saratronus Жыл бұрын
@@ResinateByChanel That's the thing a lot of people that are LGBT Assume their parents will love them no matter what only to be surprised when that is not the truth. Opposing a place where she is 100% sick cure in her relationship where she won't be in any trouble ever parents were to find out. Whether it's justified or not it's not up to us to determine after all. We are getting only one side of the story. When the decision means you are they living in a safe house Or you're out on the street, Are you really gonna blame a teenager for prioritizing their own safety over their parents feelings?
@emmyrose1802 Жыл бұрын
For story 1. Guy is a 9. Friend is an 8. And wife is a 3. Story 2. Mom/Dad are 7s. Daughter is a 7. The last story. Husband is a 10! Wife is a 1.
@amandalea8772 Жыл бұрын
Agreed that the wife’s reaction was a little weird but I think the main problem is the husband. It’s his job to put boundaries in place with female friends. Of course she’ll take advantage when emotional and in need because she knows he won’t stop her. He’s the married one it’s his responsibility to keep clear boundaries and communicate with his wife. It also kinda seems like the wife may have some underlying negative feelings towards the other woman that might be from the comparisons being drawn all the time. In that situation regardless of how I feel about her I would have just gone in and given her a hug and taken control of the situation by offering her support and sympathy. Hubby can’t say anything and neither can she
@wildpuffalumps Жыл бұрын
Last story, sounds like she married a mama’s boy! And will FOREVER be dealing with this. The family is never going to accept her because the husband has no respect for her.
@terriebtsOT7 Жыл бұрын
Wish Theresa's an update for story 1....I wonder if she ever left him?
@endeeray4295 Жыл бұрын
Third story, Damn, he is gaslighting the crap outta her. Why did he marry her then if she is so "pushy". The other wives werr there, so why is that? Sounds like she needs to rethink this marriage because its obvious they don't want to warm up to her, no matter.what bs her husband says Her husband is a 10/10 AH, he shooting down his wife when shes not around! . OP is not the AH but needs to get out of that marriage asap.
@Issy4023 Жыл бұрын
I think that the daughter got too nervous to tell the parents after how they reacted with the “friend” . In her mind she probably thought her parents will have a negative reaction . I would give all a 5
@saratronus Жыл бұрын
Yeah I understand the fear of coming out and terrifying. Especially When You think The People around you will be negative about It
@44_woohoo_44 Жыл бұрын
second story, there was most likely a reason she lied to them if she was fine with them thinking she had a boyfriend but not a girlfriend there was most likely a reason, the parents need to grow up the daughter and her fiancé are adults and what the parents are still mad cuz they would share a room when they were 17 like their fucking adults grow up
@luvatia Жыл бұрын
They weren’t mad so much about the sharing a room, so much as the fact that the daughter lied to them for so long and didn’t wanna talk till after the wedding, they needed to talk before the wedding.
@44_woohoo_44 Жыл бұрын
@@luvatia it does seem like there's something missing tho if she didn't want to tell her parents, op is definitely leaving something out for a reason
@luvatia Жыл бұрын
@@44_woohoo_44 there is probably something they are leaving out I agree, but if I did the same thing to my parents I wouldn’t expect them to show up, they needed to talk like when they got engaged if she wanted her parents to come, you can’t lie to people for years and expect them to understand with out any explanation, and still expect them to come support you.
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
@@44_woohoo_44 teenagers lie to their parents for no good reason all the time... 😅😅😅
@saratronus Жыл бұрын
​@Resinate By Chanel teen in the LGBT community LIE to protect themselves from being thrown out. Do you not know that most homeless teenagers are of the LGBT community because their parents throw them out? I do not understand that a lot of them do end up in danger in situations and they do confront their parents about their sexuality. Like teenagers lie when they don't feel safe to tell their parents Something are you really gonna Flip it around to make the teenager feel bad because they don't feel safe enough to tell her parents something. Cause teenagers don't lie for no reason they lie to protect themselves.
@veronicareed8951 Жыл бұрын
I'd be upset with my daughter for lying but nothing would keep me from celebrating what would be one of the happiest days of her life. I agree with you and I'd be pissed about her lying so long. I do wonder about her parents though. There has to be a reason she came out that way.
@ekohw Жыл бұрын
Honestly i feel like good parents would wonder where they went wrong and why their kid didn't feel safe or okay to tell them about their relationship- I'd be hurt that they didn't trust me but trusted other family members and I'd want to talk before but I wouldn't be mad that they shared a room- i mean the 2 girls had already moved out and were adults so it's not like they were lying at that point to just be in a room and spend time together not to mention how everyone is all acting like the parents knew- I wonder if the friend/gf sent the invitation and then the parents called and asked and their daughter didn't want them to know (for whatever reason) but since her mom knew now she may as well let her in on her life
@twiggygrl84 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the lesbian daughter played her cards wrong. There's no telling what they did or didn't do in the bedroom but as soon as she moved out she should have opened up. The parents already showed that they were, at the very least, tolerant and accepting based on how they treated the friend. She had time to observe their behavior and judge how they may feel about her coming out. She also had time to get through this period of apology and forgiveness long before it was wedding time. She had no good reason to lie for a decade to parents who obviously valued their relationship. They dgaf that she's gay. They only care about the decade of callous deception from their child.
@HollyPhoenixEA Жыл бұрын
1: I won’t lie, maybe my perspective is wrong but I kindof don’t think the husband and best friend are in the wrong fully? It does seem weird that they did go to a room after sending off his wife for water but things do escalate sometimes since I think the wife herself does mention she is “highly emotional”. The wife also mentions the husband invited his best friend over, not the opposite way around and I don’t blame her for going to him, they are best friends and she might not have anyone else to talk to. The embracing is a tiny bit weird but not by much for me? So I do think it’s not good/strange for the wife to just stand there when it’s obvious the situation isn’t cheaty or sexual in nature. Also if they were friends for so long, wouldn’t they have gotten together by now? I could be wrong and I don’t blame the wife for thinking it’s wierd or being concerned but privacy is important- (AH OR ESH RATING) 2: ESH, the daughter shouldn’t have lied or said to speak after the wedding, they should speak before it. The parents shouldn’t miss out on the wedding due to this however as it’s possible the daughter had a major amount of anxiety relating to coming out that spiralled (ESH RATING) 3: I think it’s weird to invite yourself to something but them not wanting her there is strange as how do you get to know people if you don’t speak to them? (NTA RATING). Edit about 1: I did notice someone mention how her husband can’t seem to show his emotions infront of his wife, which I think is a good point that I didn’t think about- it does change my opinion to more of a esh rating with the husband and friend being more on the AH rating-
@DejaLun4R Жыл бұрын
1: nta the husband is a red flaggggg 2.everyone sucks 3.NTA Same as one
@DejaLun4R Жыл бұрын
Story 1: ass whole ratings: Op: 2/10 Husband: 8 /10 Friend of husband: 5/10 Story 2: ass whole ratings: Op:6/10 Ops husband: 6/10 Ops daughter: 4/10 Story 3 ass whole ratings: Op: 0.5/10 Everyone else in the story( but the kids): 10/10
@lemonknife Жыл бұрын
maybe im the weird one here but i really dont get the issue in the first story. these kinds of stories baffle me like.... does the wife trust her husband so little that she feels uncomfortable with him comforting a friend in private JUST because that friend is a woman??? its insane to me and imo shes the weird one here. i dont understand why a guy being married somehow suddenly means hes not allowed to have close friends who happen to be women.... for the second story, id say ESH with a heavy emphasis on the parents. while i agree that the daughter lying for so long and so suddenly springing a wedding on her parents was bad, it DOES make me question how accepting the parents really were... like a 'its ok as long as its not my kid' type deal, or being pushy about making sure she was straight. because most kids wouldnt hide a relationship from their parents for so long for no reason. and no matter what, not going to the wedding is just petty and gonna make things worse. for the last story its obvious that the wife deserves a better husband and should divorce his ass no question.
@She_Sordid Жыл бұрын
You're not the weird one bc I see it the same way. If the friend had been a dude, the wife most likely wouldn't've felt like she needed to be in that room w/ her husband and his friend
@tacofoxxo Жыл бұрын
What does ESH mean?
@lemonknife Жыл бұрын
@@tacofoxxo its an acronym specific to the subreddit these stories are from, it means 'everyone sucks here' - basically for when theres no one clear person fully in the wrong
@tacofoxxo Жыл бұрын
@@lemonknife ah okay, thank you for telling me what it means because I'm not on Reddit as often as other people would be
@bea8739 9 ай бұрын
That last story ..I would have gone home and packed his stuff or my stuff. Depending on the situation....but my marriage is OVER! There is absolutely NO reason for my husband to EVER to speak of me that way. He can take all of his vacays without me
@anime.geek330 10 ай бұрын
It wasn’t “something that happened ten years ago “ it was something that was happening for ten years
@LorE_aka-midwestmemaw8555 Жыл бұрын
S3-Hubby and family get 10/10 AH rating. Wife gets 0/10. I’d be serving him with some papers!!
@LorE_aka-midwestmemaw8555 Жыл бұрын
S2-If the daughter isn’t mature enough to tell her parents that she’s gay then you get what you get. You don’t lie to your parents for 10 years! Daughter and girlfriend gets 8/10 parents get 6/10. I don’t tolerate being lied to.
@Olivia-sings-here 8 ай бұрын
Third story: The husband is a narcissist ❤ Probably, his whole family is ❤ He didn't admit they were wrong to speak disrespectfully of her ❤ Even he joined the gang ❤ Instead, gaslighted her that she eves dropped ❤ What was she to do? Hide under the sheets like she didn't exist ❤ How responsible of them as a family to talk about one of their DILs in front of the others ❤ The very fact that she fled packing her self respect and now verifying if she acted out... This is narcissistic abuse
@Maggie.May.611 Жыл бұрын
For the gay daughter: I think she was in the wrong BECAUSE she didn’t even really apologize and she expected them to just forgive her
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
Yeah I know...💯 Idk why people are acting like she did nothing wrong! 🤦🏽‍♀️
@MyLittlePlushDoll Жыл бұрын
Story 1: wtf? Husband deserves all the Aholes. Imma give the friend 5/10 Aholes because she's grieving and wanted comfor and emotions run high and sometimes we aren't even thinking right when we cry and get flustered. (We as in general) Story2: I love this story. I dont know why. Parents deserve 9/10 Aholes. The daughter should get 6/10. Just because she was a teenager and trama and fear dont really go away. They are just hidden under "dgas" attitudes. I understand the daughters side. The daughter was so scared of her parents disapproval as a teen. As a parent I would be hurt and expect an apology from my child. Story3: I'm completely with the woman's side. Her feelings mean so much. If the husband wants to act like this then he's not worth it. Husband and family 9/10
@IamNoella Жыл бұрын
Part 2?
@LorE_aka-midwestmemaw8555 Жыл бұрын
S1-OH NO! He is a big AH. There’s no reason my husband should have a female friend! And if she’s a “sister” friend no reason to shut the door. Hubby and his friend gets a 9/10 and wife gets 3/10.
@Perfectlyiimperfect Жыл бұрын
Last story the his and and his whole family are 10/10 y'all didn't want her there and made her I to the villain for leaving somewhere she wasn't welcomed.... Tuh... #vanillaish
@discord20 Жыл бұрын
I'm not a parent but like... if your teenager ends up hooking up with another girl... what's the worst thing that can happen?She's not gonna get pregnant, STD risk between women is extremely low. I can understand being personally uncomfortable, but it's not like you just found out your daughter was shooting up heroin or something. She had a relationship with a nice girl she ended up marrying. It's kind of a cute story. Hiding your relationship for 10 years however? Yeah, that's pretty hurtful. But honestly, at this point who cares about the staying in the bedroom thing. That's just kind of normal teenage mischief, and as teenaged mischief goes, pretty harmless. If I were the parents I think I would insist on a serious talk before the wedding, and not allow her to weasel out of it and expect them to just force a smile. If she's grownup enough to get married, she's grownup enough to have a mature talk with her parents rather than expecting them to just pretend everything is normal for her. She owes them an explaination for hiding it for so long. But I just can't find it in me to care that a couple teens did some extremely low-risk fooling around in their bedrooms, especially 10 years after the fact.
@guzmanfamily4guzman581 Жыл бұрын
I agree u dont lie to your parents for 10 YEARS
@rkoncenasupporter Жыл бұрын
the first story, both the husband and his "friend" get a 9/10 a hole rating,its clear the the bf doesnt respect boundaries and honestly it wouldn't surprise me if they were having an affair, so OP was perfectly justfied in being upset, i understand the bf being upset about her dog but you dont need to comfort someone in a bedroom with the door closed, also i love the blue, purple and black jar
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
I completely agree 💯 and thank you so much bestie!! 😊🖤
@rkoncenasupporter Жыл бұрын
@@ResinateByChanel you're welcome =)
@strlnblaze 9 ай бұрын
If I’m not mistaken the first story the husband and the friend are having an affair.
@ladybugortiz8226 Жыл бұрын
@TheGooglyminotaur Жыл бұрын
I take umbrage to describing the first woman as “running to a married man.” When I was young, I had belonged to a close-knot friend group made up of 6 dudes and me, a straight woman. I’m only close with two of them now because their wives have issues with them being close to a woman. None of us have had sexual encounters with each other (that I’m aware of, I guess there could’ve been homosexual encounters). In fact, I’ve talked several of them out of cheating and instead having a conversation with their baffled girlfriends. If you think it’s impossible for women and men to be good friends, that’s your moral failing, not mine. I wouldn’t be “running to a married man,” I’d be running to a good friend. I suppose it’s just coincidence that the two I’m close with are the only two who have healthy, long-term relationships. People aren’t pets. If you have to leash them, they aren’t yours.
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
It's not a problem that she went to her friend... It's a problem that they went to the bedroom and shut the door without any concerns as to how it would make the wife feel... I think men and women can be friends but they have to understand boundaries and the husband should respect his wife's boundaries.
@TheGooglyminotaur Жыл бұрын
@@ResinateByChanel if some weirdo was analyzing my crying, I would also leave the room. Anyway, your words, not mine.
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
@@TheGooglyminotaur what makes you think she was analyzing her crying when she was in the living room?
@Baldgo 4 ай бұрын
Hi, I'm on the transgender spectrum (Pangender) and I'm queer. The parents are NTA at all! I kind of understand the daughter lying at 17, but once they were independent, they had no excuse not to. Especially lying about the person you're dating for 10 years to their face. And to not even give a proper apology! I think the worst part is that the parents never showed signs of being homophobic/transphobic, so she had no reason, especially since they still supported the lesbian daughter. They have no reason to go to the wedding after their relationship was hidden for 10 years for no reason at all, and without even being given a proper apology. Sorry girl, but I really disagree on this one.
@Fi224r0ll1 Жыл бұрын
I feel like husband's rating would be 9/10 And the girl would be 1/10
@MrRipper1971 Жыл бұрын
I don't know about ratings but #1 & #3 are really in need of divorce lawyers. Hopefully before children are involved. I've had male friends and I never needed to go into a bedroom to speak to them. And the 3rd one doesn't even sound like he likes his wife and his family sounds like they hate her. I mean the other spouses were invited but she wasn't 🤷‍♀️ As for the parents if the daughter had really wanted them to come to the wedding she wouldn't have lied for a decade and then surprised them weeks before the ceremony. She didn't even call or go speak to them she sent them an WTF it's rude . I really don't know why she'd expect them to just roll with it after a decade of lies .
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with all of your points!! Thanks for watching love ❤️
@angelamarie727 8 ай бұрын
The 1st story fr pisses me off cause I can't stand people like that.. the friend should have not over stepped her boundaries. I feel like sneaky shit is going on with the husband and friend!!!! Idc what the friend is going through she's dead wrong. N the girl friend I don't blame her at all. I would have just kicked both their asses out the house.. boom problem solved!
@cynbabearielrain Жыл бұрын
She needs to get rid of that SOB and find a man that's going to treat her right. He thinks more of his family than he does of his wife. If they didn't want her to come then he shouldn't have gone either. Accept my wife or expect me to not be around you either. Do they think they're better than everyone else? I just can't get over the fact that she lets him treat her like that. Get rid of his sorry ass honey, he's more than just an AH! If you believe in the bible it says that the husband is to put his wife before anyone else, including his family.
@nomollyshere Жыл бұрын
Story 2: parents are a 9 and daughter is a 7…most likely, her parents would’ve cut her off from that friend AND stop supporting their own daughter if she ever came out prior. Many gay kids keep quiet so they can secure their future BUT once they had graduated, the daughter should’ve put her big girl panties on and told her family.
@chocolate_cosmos Жыл бұрын
Now that you mention this, I wonder if they were financially supporting her education for all those years. There has to be more than what the mother wrote.
@juliearmfield2634 9 ай бұрын
You're calling the parents and nine Are you serious? They lied for 10 years and even involved two other people in their lie and they didn't tell him face-to-face or even over the phone they told him by sending them a wedding invitation. That was the biggest a****** move that they could have done
@puppychan2086 8 ай бұрын
The parents were obviously okay with LGBT+ people, she could've told them in college. The parents are upset that she told them in an invite and had the nerve to not let them talk with her about how much she betrayed their trust. This is clearly a trust issue.
@juliearmfield2634 8 ай бұрын
@@puppychan2086 I would feel so betrayed if my kids that I'd always loved and been so accepting of them and their friends done that to me
@CeltycSparrow Жыл бұрын
First story. ABSOLUTELY NOT. You are NOT the asshole in this situation. I can understand that your husband's lady friend was distraught because her dog was sick, and that is very sad, but there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for your husband and this woman to be in the guest bedroom, ALONE, and EMBRACING, with the door closed. I would not feel comfortable with that either.
@camsolberg1761 7 ай бұрын
I would like to know more about the last story before giving the wife 0/10. How are they married without his family knowing her very well? I would totally give the husband 10/10 what a jerk, why is he even married to this woman? I don't think the wife was wrong to leave that way.
@Beeeeeee0528 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: The friend is a 9 and husband is a 10. OP is 0. She’s only pointing out his red flags and his fragile ego can’t handle it. He’s only mad cuz he’s prob gonna get caught cheating 🤨 Also bro- he 100% could have just asked for a minute, not go into a BEDROOM. 2. No. Tbh it’s very understandable, the daughter and no excuse to lie because she knew the parents accepted her friend. It was a betrayal of trust. 3. … get out of there 💀
@frostbitedragon9 Жыл бұрын
For story 3, Fr gurl run 💀. This sounds like every text chat story about evil husband and mother in law. Like who leaves their wife out of a family vacation cause "she's new".
@Beeeeeee0528 Жыл бұрын
@@frostbitedragon9 💀💀
@augustherman5770 Жыл бұрын
Husband and friend are a 2 for closing the door and leaving her there, it can be anxiety inducing. However, the wife is a 7, when your friend who is close enough to be a sibling is in need of emotional support, i believe it should be given, no question. So, to think that she can't understand the situation of them needing some space kind of makes me feel real bad for the husband and friend. But, context is everything so i hope the wife can give more insight as to what the boundary stomping was.
@Squad485 Жыл бұрын
@AngelLawrence-ks4bg 7 ай бұрын
While I understand the parents for being mad about their daughter lieing. The way they acted when the daughters friend came out as gay was very disrespectful. I can understand why the daughter kept it a secret. And I want everyone think of it this way would u rather have a straight daughter who could end up pregnant or would u rather have a lesbian daughter and if they did end up having sex nothing could technically happen to the daughter. same with if it was a man. I'm not saying what the daughter did was right but I do understand her reasoning. If my parents acted like that (in which they have so I'm talking from experience) I'd rather deal with a lesbian daughter or gay son and who couldn't get someone pregnant or get pregnant from someone. She was 17 and not entirely sure if she was close to being 18 or not but it's still no right for the parents to be so hateful either.
@jimenae9316 Жыл бұрын
1st story - The wife acted as if she would have heard moans and gasping. She heard sobbing! That woman was going through something really painful and the wife got jealous?! If she hated his best friend so much and didn't trust him, why did she marry him?
@murielglaphre8946 Жыл бұрын
Why was the "friend" so comfortable showing utter disrespect to the woman of the house? Because she knew the husband would go along with it. Some women think they can get away with anything as long as they shed a few tears and they will use any opportunity to do so. Then, if anyone has a problem with it, they cry louder about being a victim of circumstances and just needing a shower to cry on. Said shoulder will then act like a hero for sitting there pretending to not see the act and for shunning the woman he married. Do you really think the wife should feel no way at all about the both of them treating her as if she doesn't see through the charade?
@She_Sordid Жыл бұрын
The way I see it OP wouldn't've felt entitled to being around them during that if the friend was a guy instead of a women. She should have voiced her insecurities to her husband to work it out. A lot if people in these comments think that they would've cheated in some way when so many friendships between men and women exist without any sort of romance.
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
If you've never been married you wouldn't understand... But a married man or woman should respect their significant others feelings above all (besides the kids) so if the husband would disrespect his wife even when he knew his wife felt uncomfortable he's TA imo... 🤷🏽‍♀️ Btw it would be just as odd for the husband to console a male friend in a bedroom with the door shut imo...
@Lucifer-do7mf Жыл бұрын
@@ResinateByChanel im sorry but what?! you realize some people hate being seen when crying yes?iwould close the door too. its called consideration and there is nothing sus about it. there is a time and place for jealousy and this isnt it. if you get jealous because one friend consoles another , you have some serious insecurituies
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
@@Lucifer-do7mf a dog getting cancer is not a reason to go into a married mans bedroom with the door shut and then expect the wife to just be okay with that... You realize that cheating is VERY common! It doesn't make someone jealous or insecure to have boundaries... I would not be okay with my husband going into the bedroom with a friend to hug in bed. And my husband agrees! So I guess maybe it just depends on the relationship! Your s/o is lucky that you don't have boundaries! Hopefully they don't take advantage! ❤️
@Thebiggestmorganwallenfan Жыл бұрын
Ok to be fair I’m 15 I don’t have kids. But! I think the girl is in the wrong YOU DONT LIE TOO UR MOM AND DAD FOR THAT LONG AND RHINK THERE NOT GOING TO BE MAD. So I side with the parents
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
I completely agree!! It's nice to see a teenager gets it!! You aren't supposed to lie to your parents for 10 years... If she was nervous to come out I understand that... But once she moved out she should've apologized and told them the truth!
@maryrust569 Жыл бұрын
first story id five the friends a 34outw of 10 wife 3 ot of 10 and husband n8 out of 10 husband bwas probably cheetong on his wifee
@alzitarix5436 Жыл бұрын
I like the content but if I were you I'd start giving the stories of the people you're talking about not just yourself all of your videos or just me me me can we see some content with other person can share their story
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
These stories aren't about me... These are all from Reddit!! My life isn't this dramatic!! 😂😂😂
@TheThyckVixen Жыл бұрын
Story1 hubby and friend-8 wife-3 Story2 parents 3 daughter 10 you did your parents sooo dirty and expect them to be supportive? Girl gtfoh Story3 wife 0 hubby and family 10 she should leave him
@ResinateByChanel Жыл бұрын
I like your ratings!! I agree!!! For some reason people don't understand that in story 2 the daughter needs to be held accountable for lying to her parents for over 10 years! 🤦🏽‍♀️
@coeurdemiel1070 Жыл бұрын
Ok I have to say, teenagers are going to have sex if they are in a relationship, wether or not you allow them to as a parent. Letting a kid sleep with their partner is NOT irresponsible, sometimes sleeping is just sleeping! What is irresponsible is to not give them the informations they need to be safe because you don't want them to do it. They're gonna do it behind your back and they won't be safe because they don't know how
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