Mouth wash, Colchicine and Vitamin D

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Dr. John Campbell

Dr. John Campbell

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Friendly Pharmacy 5 Channel:
/ friendlypharmacy5
Colchicine youtube link: • Colchicine treatment f...
Colcorona trial: www.colcorona....
A Recommendation of PHTALOX ® Mouthwash for Preventing Infection and Progression of COVID-19: www.researchga...
Vitamin D replacement enhances antigen-specific immunity in older adults: academic.oup.c...

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@flowersinherhair 3 жыл бұрын
My great-grandmother had tuberculosis and recovered in a sanitarium. She kept diaries and wrote of the sunshine and open windows. She wrote how the patients were encouraged to be calm and happy, fed healthy fresh foods, and did an exercise program as their condition improved. She recovered well, and despite losing a lung to TB, lived healthily to 87.
@veralenora7368 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, no antibiotics in those days, healthy living was about the only treatment. If anyone's cried over "Little Women" by Alcott [smiles sadly], the character Beth probably died of TB though it's not explicitly stated. Alcott actually had a sister who died of TB. Much of her writing is based on her own life. She also wrote a novel about a stalker, that's only recently been found in her papers and published: "A long fatal love chase". I suppose it was too harsh to be published in her lifetime, but its a wonderful read.
@lisapinfold506 3 жыл бұрын
My local hospital in Plymouth has a garden area which was used for ICU patients last spring/summer
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19....
@sroberts605 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! How incredible, and heart-warming - but thank goodness for anti-biotics, long may they last (eek)
@sroberts605 3 жыл бұрын
@@lisapinfold506 My mother used to stay in an excellent convalescent hospital near here, south of London - same, great for fresh air and socialising - happier days.
@nicoledburns82 3 жыл бұрын
Caught my husband taking my vitamin d supplements this week. He is one of those "my immune system is strong already" type of people lol. Asked him why he was taking it and he said he started watching Dr Campbells videos since I wouldn't shut up about him and he wanted to know what the fuss was about. hahaha
@FriendlyPharmacy5 3 жыл бұрын
Love this!
@nexussever 3 жыл бұрын
@David John Donnie is that you? How did that bleach taste?
@mjwilliamsb2676 3 жыл бұрын
My sister's husband had the same attitude, still does, it just she shoves vitamin D down his throat whether he likes it or not, she puts it on his plate with his meals so she can watch him swallow it. If he won't, she takes his food away🤭 Honestly, 59 years old and still really only 4....
@hellogoodmorning3405 3 жыл бұрын
Love this too. You men and your terror of appearing weak. 😉
@chriswilliams1595 3 жыл бұрын
Wife caught me to haha
@bobbyt9431 3 жыл бұрын
I've been using mouthwash for years. I started for oral health of course, but immediately noticed that I had less colds and never had a soar throat in the winter like I did prior to mouthwash use. When I've told people about this, they give me a blank stare like I'm crazy. People in the west are deteriorating waiting for their government lords to tell them to do something.
@maryahunt9127 3 жыл бұрын
I just started the mouthwash regime but have rinsed and gargle with saltwater everytime I brush my teeth. I do not get sick.
@lyndafayesmusic 3 жыл бұрын
yes Robert; Saltwater and; Ah yes, the kiss method; KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID ! Baking soda and Peroxide-in the expensive Synsedyne tooth pasteS? Old proven standards! EPI-DEM-I-OLOGIST FALSIE IS ONLY GOOD AND RECITING OLD BIG SCARE WORDS AND ADDIDING SYLLABLES TO MAKE US THINK HE DID SOME RESEARCH; NO PREVENATIVES EITHER , TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. STATES THE WRONG STATS AND WON'T MAKE COMPARISONS TO THE COMMON FLUE, PNEUMONIA NOR OLD AGE DEATHS!! DR. DEBORAH LEE, UK, SAYS GROCERY STORES ARE WHERE MOST POSITIVE COVERTS ORIGINATE, FALSIE SAYS "BARS". FOLLOW THE MONEY TO FIND THE TRUTH????? IT'S APPARENTLY A BIG SECRET, WITH BIG ADVANCES FOR NEW VIDEOS ON HIS OLD STUFF; GOOGLE SENT US AN ARTICLE WHOSE TITLE IS " 98" SYMPTOMS THAT SHOW YOU HAVE ALREADY H A D COVERT19- THEN THE ARTICLE GIVES US 6- INSTEAD? SOUNDS LIKE THE PRODUCER WAS ZUCKERBERG FOR SURE; THE SAME OWNER WHO U S E S TRUMP'S PICTURE TO GET VIEWERS TO COME TO SEE BIDEN? MICKEY MOUSE MANIPULATED MEDIA; BEWARE OF THEM! FALSE ADVERTISING ALONG WITH ,THE CENSORSHIP! . "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England, based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub or a bar," says Dr. Deborah Lee. Read on to see what was the worst, in this list ranked from places responsible for the least spread to the most spread-and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus. Next Slide Full screen 1/16 SLIDES © Provided by Eat This, Not That! Most COVID Patients Went Here Before Getting Sick "Bars: really not good, really not good," Dr. Anthony Fauci , the nation's top infectious disease expert and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said. "We really have got to stop that." Bars have indeed been proven to be a source of COVID spread, according to the CDC, along with indoor restaurants that have poor ventilation and gyms. But according to one new study out of the U.K., they are not always the single worst spreader of COVID-19. "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England , based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub or a bar," says Dr. Deborah Lee . Read on to see what was the worst, in this list Are there preventatives to Dr. Falsie's immune system that he's already taken for himself, and not dispersed to the sheep? Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media's news is nothin' new; except a pay raise for Faucie and some royalties for Dolly's donated experimental vaccine-- WHY CAN'T OUR PUBLIC SPEAKERS utilize decent English ? Makes us all, researches AND even the sheep, suspicious of the "information" being actually "important, " doesn't it?OH GOOD- THE N E W WORD FOR THE DAY KIDDIES , IS " DOSE-Y DO'S " & " V A R I E N C E"......"A N T O G E N TI C VARIATION" NICE NEW WORDS WHILE DR. FALSIE TAKES PREVENTATIVES FOR H I S IMMUNE SYSTEM? "EXPEDITIOUSLY"..AND what a nice PUN, i.e., " RELENTLESS DR. RELENT SKY ?" THAT 'S A CUTE PUN FOR HER? THEY CERTAINLY ARE RELENTSKYS. RELENTLESS NEW WORD FOR NEXT VIDEO ? "RELENTISITY" PERHAPS ? His Last video was based on" O B L I T E R A T I N G" THE "E F F I C A C Y " FOR THE SHEEP? Then, in his next video he expanded the "efficacy" for our listening pleasure to "Efficacious?" This so-termed, specialist "Epi-DEM-i-ologist " has some BIG NEW WORDS FOR US - and to earn his pay raise from video to video, merely adds extra syllables to words he's previously used, that are mere derivatives OF the words from his former videos WHERE ARE THE PREVENTATIVES Y O U YOURSELF HAVE BEEN TAKING FOR THE LAST Y E A R Dr. Falsie? And at what point WILL get the ACCURATE NUMBER COMPARISONS TO THE SAME GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS, OF DEATHS FROM FLU, PNEUMONIA, AND SIMPLE OLD AGE ??? Like to limit some of Falsie's "obliterating" of the preventatives and inaccurate NUMBERS ? Sure he could have found those numbers and made logical comparisons in the past YEAR? No, he and Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media just haven't been able to find those for his "E QU A T I O N" ...EITHER ? TOO BUSY MAKING NEW VIDEOS ON OLD VERBIAGE ? I HOPE TO "I N C I T E" RESEARCH HERE !"for my fellow man"....AND SUGGEST "STORMING" THE GOV WITH WHAT THEY DESERVE....And....for the sheep? but can you help repost my info for their Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media ? Many are obviously mis-informed ! Pray to God Zuck won't get around to shutting down NTD and Newsmax ;or we'll all be looking for those old Ham Radios and Radio Free Europe for "communication!" Post at nbc,cnn, etc. all of the MMMMM. Do your own research, and for preventatives 800-700-6151 "Devil be Gone with the Wind" to empower the children to face those BIG SCARY WORDS they dont' understand!
@LillieLong 2 жыл бұрын
I could have written your words! I too have done the same thing for the same reason with the same result.
@cristycreates2887 2 жыл бұрын
Not everyone
@mazoes6725 2 жыл бұрын
@@maryahunt9127 Do u know that water and salt is the oldest mouthwash around us. Keep doing it.
@kimberlyperrotis8962 3 жыл бұрын
My ex, a nurse, taught me to wash my hands first thing after arriving back home, we used the sink in the laundry room right between the garage and home interior. I still do this, of course, but will now add a mouthwash rinse and gargle. I also set the rule, from my upbringing, that the well person never handled the tissues or anything of the sick person. The sick person got a small bag to put them in, kept on their side of the bed or sofa. Amazingly, in about 25 years of living together, sharing bed, bath, etc., we never once caught a cold or flu from the other partner. Hygiene is so important to health.
@pirjolindqvist7819 3 жыл бұрын
Hi. I Always in whole my life have washed my hands after coming home from School work or supermarket.
@josephshawa 3 жыл бұрын
God forbid you actually get an exposure.
@maryhoward4219 3 жыл бұрын
Good practice to wash hands and gargle. Add removal of shoes and or a shoe bath. Not what it sounds like but a way to not track contaminates into your home. A bed pad or even puppy pad in a shallow container slightly damp with a bleach solution, Oxy clean etc. Leave she’s at the door always. Ask guests to do the same - those socks with treads are cheap.
@LisaMaryification 3 жыл бұрын
You'd be surprised how many people don't wash their hands at critical times. I'm still shocked and disgusted when I see people use the public toilet then leave without washing their hands - especially if they have restaurant uniforms on. Seinfeld was right!
@heatherbarrett3520 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a nurse too although it becomes habit for us nurses I now 20 us later cannot stand anything on my hand even lotion. However I don't get sick and can't remember the last time I was ever sick with a virus.
@malaudisa 3 жыл бұрын
Hi John and Lindsey, here's my story about vitamin D and gout: I have suffered from gout for the last 10 years (my dad was a sufferer), and totally modified my diet as a result. Unrelated to this, when the pandemic began, based on this channel and other research, I began supplementing vitamin D, starting with 2,000 IUs and increasing to 5,000 IUs daily. I live in Ontario, Canada, and therefore I'm guaranteed to be vitamin D deficient in winter. To my immense surprise, after a couple of months supplementing, my gout attacks stopped, rather than occurring every 8-10 weeks even with a modified diet. I began carefully re-introducing gout-triggering foods into my diet to see if they would elicit an attack: this includes beer (a very powerful trigger), beef, anchovies, and other "forbidden" foods I knew to be problematic. Indeed, even these foods and drinks did not cause an attack, and I have been gout-free since. The ONLY material change I made over the last 10 months was vitamin D supplementation, and I'm thoroughly convinced that it is solely responsible for modulating and reducing the inflammatory response that causes gout symptoms (and great pain). This just goes to show the power of simple remedies that restore the body's own marvelous regulatory functions, such as the role of Vitamin D over our own immune response. Thank you John!
@MarcosElMalo2 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story! While I don’t believe anecdotes are a replacement for large datasets, I found your experience to be both encouraging and interesting. I’m also very glad to hear your doing much better with the gout. With regard to dosage, I’m taking 2,000 ui. I understand that requirements to avoid deficiencies will vary from person to person, although the dosage ceiling is pretty high before there are any adverse affects (one MD I follow is taking 10,000 ui, for example). I’d be interested to know more about your raising your dose from 2k to 5k, and how you felt it helped you. As it stands, after a week of 2000 iu, my urine got slightly darker and brighter, which I believe indicates that some of the vitamin D-3 is not being absorbed. Haha, it’s all good as long as there’s no blood and it doesn’t burn, right?
@malaudisa 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarcosElMalo2 I increased the dosage based on the fact that the upper limit is quite high, and absorption and metabolization of vit. D take time, so why not? Nothing more scientific than that, just a shot in the dark. I can't say to have noticed any changes in regards to gout after the increase though.
@liamdoherty211 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarcosElMalo2 I take D3 & k2 , 5,000 IU, they are a combined vitamin. The K2 helps with absorption.
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19 In korea there are some people take upto 120mg ivermectin for 21days straightly to cure the terminal cancer but they tid not die. But they have side effects. Nobody who takes upto 48mg ivermectin had side effects So it is ok to take 48mg ivermectin .it is the best effective.. But fda recommends 24mg over 16years old. But 15years old girl who had a brain cancer .stage korea. She have taken 24mg ivermectin in the morning and 800mg mebendazole(albendazole) with 30ml olive oil. And she cured cancer within 6 months. Doctors gave up..because cancer cells located around the center of her brian.. Lots of koreans whom doctor gave up curing cure cancers with 48mg ivermectin for 3days in a week and then 2400mg (albendazole mebendazole or penbendazole) with 60ml olive oil. 48mg ivermectin for 7 days it kills all covid 19 in human body. .....
@robertburnett5561 3 жыл бұрын
I get gout. But have been taking vit. D for awhile. Abd had not much gout lately. Thanks for showing the connection.
@nathanhobday7511 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap... I'm prone to get tonsillitis, so I've learnt as soon as I start getting a scratchy throat I gargle antibacterial green listerine and 9 times out of 10 it stops it dead in its tracks and I don't end up with a chest infection. Nice to hear this a proven method
@Manifesting_Secret_Sketchbook 2 жыл бұрын
Turmeric will prevent operation 100000%. On youtube- it's anti inflammatory-
@Maryland_Kulak 3 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t it be nice if the Centers for Disease Control did advertisements telling people to do simple things like use mouthwash and take Vitamin D?
@AndrewBuckleBookReviews 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, instead of just frightening everyone (or in my case, resulting in me always shouting 'stop Alexa'). I really hope we will have a day when I listen to a Government ad and it says 'take Vitamin D (get out in the sun a little) & gargle the mouthwash' ... think it will be a long wait sadly
@justaguy1679 3 жыл бұрын
I practiced dentistry for 40years. Some people listen. Some don’t. You can lead a horse to water.
@mskelly-ji7qo 3 жыл бұрын
A government agency using "common sense"???????
@Maryland_Kulak 3 жыл бұрын
@@mskelly-ji7qo Sad but true. It’s not a joke. Why do you think government agencies are so incompetent?
@mskelly-ji7qo 3 жыл бұрын
@@Maryland_Kulak Because they think they know what's better for ALL of us, than we do ourselves!
@michelleevans3337 3 жыл бұрын
My partner tested positive for covid 19 on January 19th. I nursed him and did his obs. I made sure he had windows open at all times. Mouthwashed and gargled twice a day (because I saw it on one of your videos) and took 4000 IU of vit D a day. He had a very mild disease. Thank you Dr C!
@shelleygibbons1065 2 жыл бұрын
Rn here taking vitamin d3 . Vitamin c. Quercetin. Mouth wash twice daily. Pribiotic . Zinc . Have done since beginning of pandemic. Have never had covid I am an icu nurse Am unvaxinated Waiting for novavax only vax I am willing to take
@onlyinmanchester3309 2 жыл бұрын
@@gmcheems because its not mrna
@marycoleman4301 2 жыл бұрын
@@shelleygibbons1065 I got covid, over in 2 weeks. it's not the killer they want you to think
@EmunahFL 2 жыл бұрын
@@shelleygibbons1065 When is it supposed to be available? Is there any information on that?
@salsalocofrance1 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-ky2xo2ls4m Because they let them died , in order to promote the 'vaccine' either future or present. Still now many people are convinced there is no treatment for COVID which fuels fear among them
@littlegirl3263 2 жыл бұрын
Extremely informative! Thank you for confirming that the mouthwash and gargle I’m having Mom do, plus D3 as per you, good Doctor is helping Mom. She had to be hospitalized but only stayed 2 days. Partially contributing short stay to good old-fashioned remedies! Plus, sunshine, fresh air, and exercise are always excellent! Thank you both for this high quality video. Agreed that THIS is what the internet should be used for. 👏👏👏
@l3db291 3 жыл бұрын
Lindsay is an absolute gem. I’ve been a registered pharmacist in the UK for nearly two years now and Lindsay seems very on it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a tough exam and education process here in the UK, much like anywhere else! However, she has clearly taken her continuing professional development very seriously. Inspiring lady.
@shakuntlalall4549 2 жыл бұрын
@ajmagic111 2 жыл бұрын
You state you are a registered pharmacist can you please explain what is the active ingredient in the product
@jimgraham6722 3 жыл бұрын
When I was young (1950s) my granny swore a salt water gargle was good for colds, sore throats etc.
@veralenora7368 3 жыл бұрын
[chuckling] Yes. Mine too, also used to tell me if Grandfather felt a cold coming on he'd put salt water in his hand and *snort* it up!
@eat_apples3270 3 жыл бұрын
Same! Infacf I still do it when I have a sore throat. Works a treat.
@lis9762 3 жыл бұрын
My late nan did too, I used to think she was being silly and told me to open the windows to let the germs out. She was born in 1904 and lived to 102.
@remyhemmingson7546 3 жыл бұрын
This is tried and true mouthwash. It's cheap and don't need special equipment to do.
@yasminmant2666 3 жыл бұрын
Tea spoon of vinegar does the same for sore throats , gargle it then spit it out
@Brad-ll8dq 3 жыл бұрын
I've just come out of Hospital after struggling to breathe due to covid. As part of my treatment I was given Colchicine as well as other treatment such as oxygen and plasma. Luckily my health improved and I was released after 4 days
@FriendlyPharmacy5 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, glad to hear you are doing better. All the best to you.
@Brad-ll8dq 3 жыл бұрын
@Di Ane thank you
@09mcduff 3 жыл бұрын
What was the Colchicine dose?
@Spudsuzzy2 3 жыл бұрын
So pleased for you
@josechua8023 3 жыл бұрын
@@FriendlyPharmacy5 colchicine
@geemom04 3 жыл бұрын
Love her!!! Please Dr John more face time w/her. She is so informative & down to earth. A great compliment to your work. Awesome pair Thank you Dr for all you do for us!
@maureenlittle2687 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Dr John what is the difference in Mg/iu in vitam d also what strenth do you recomend witamin vitam d...i take Caltrate for osteprocis find it very chalkey and hard to swallow and hard to digest could you recomend another of the same strenth prefable captual thantks love your vidios very great information
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19 In korea there are some people take upto 120mg ivermectin for 21days straightly to cure the terminal cancer but they tid not die. But they have side effects. Nobody who takes upto 48mg ivermectin had side effects So it is ok to take 48mg ivermectin .it is the best effective.. But fda recommends 24mg over 16years old. But 15years old girl who had a brain cancer .stage korea. She have taken 24mg ivermectin in the morning and 800mg mebendazole(albendazole) with 30ml olive oil. And she cured cancer within 6 months. Doctors gave up..because cancer cells located around the center of her brian.. Lots of koreans whom doctor gave up curing cure cancers with 48mg ivermectin for 3days in a week and then 2400mg (albendazole mebendazole or penbendazole) with 60ml olive oil. 48mg ivermectin for 7 days it kills all covid 19 in human body. ....,,,...
@tanya8940 3 жыл бұрын
Agree Carol, she's great!
@LillieLong 2 жыл бұрын
I agree!
@rolandburke2569 3 жыл бұрын
God bless Lindsay for taking the time to spread the word.
@wboyle9721 3 жыл бұрын
It's good to know vitimin d and mouthwashes can help its only common sence to try through the pandemic this should have been common knowledge last January sometime you have to re search yourself glad Dr john and lynsey are discussing best wishes from Glasgow
@sharonevans5186 3 жыл бұрын
When she was allowed to speak! 😏
@jovoorheescollinsmphbsnbch6245 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you both for yet again another fantastic video 💯 I will share with my patients. I'm currently taking 5,000 IU of D3. I am also taking K2 as there is plenty of research indicating that K2 is needed to ensure proper absorption and use of D3 to prevent calcification development in inappropriate soft tissue areas. Most of us do not eat enough foods containing K2. So I strongly recommend adding K2 to your D3.
@lyndafayesmusic 3 жыл бұрын
FANTASTIC if he had instead , make a video on the preventatives of the virus; and btw you can take up to 10,000 D3-no more because there have been reports of "Overdosing"...causing heart problems; better check that out too? DR. CAMPBELL HAS PRODUCED MUCH BETTER VIDEOS THAN THESE "TYPES" Baking soda and peroxide are good old fashioned stand-bys', eliminating the need for "buys" of Listerine and the like...not to mention the hyped prices of "santatizers", that are made of one part alcohol and 8 parts H20 too. Washing ones hands' til the skin falls off is a good one too;; Like nobody's heard of gloves ? Getting allot of fresh flowing air s a good one - so they closed all the beaches including all the small businesses they shut down?This virus doesn't care how dirty your kitchen counters are, btw (just makes people think they need to buy newly manufactured counter cleaners ? Heard of vinegar ? One part to 10 H2o? EPI-DEM-I-OLOGIST FALSIE IS ONLY GOOD AND RECITING OLD BIG SCARE WORDS AND ADDIDING SYLLABLES TO MAKE US THINK HE DID SOME RESEARCH; NO PREVENATIVES EITHER , TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. STATES THE WRONG STATS AND WON'T MAKE COMPARISONS TO THE COMMON FLUE, PNEUMONIA NOR OLD AGE DEATHS!! DR. DEBORAH LEE, UK, SAYS GROCERY STORES ARE WHERE MOST POSITIVE COVERTS ORIGINATE, FALSIE SAYS "BARS". FOLLOW THE MONEY TO FIND THE TRUTH????? IT'S APPARENTLY A BIG SECRET, WITH BIG ADVANCES FOR NEW VIDEOS ON HIS OLD STUFF; GOOGLE SENT US AN ARTICLE WHOSE TITLE IS " 98" SYMPTOMS THAT SHOW YOU HAVE ALREADY H A D COVERT19- THEN THE ARTICLE GIVES US 6- INSTEAD? SOUNDS LIKE THE PRODUCER WAS ZUCKERBERG FOR SURE; THE SAME OWNER WHO U S E S TRUMP'S PICTURE TO GET VIEWERS TO COME TO SEE BIDEN? MICKEY MOUSE MANIPULATED MEDIA; BEWARE OF THEM! FALSE ADVERTISING ALONG WITH ,THE CENSORSHIP! . "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England, based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub ora bar," says--- Dr. Deborah Lee---. Read on to see what was the worst, in this listlist ranked from places responsible for the least spread to the mostspread-and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss theseSure Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus. (EASY TO MISS THOSE 98 BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT LISTED; MORE FALSE ADVERTISING BY ZUKERBURG'S GOOGLE ?) "Bars: really not good, really not good," Dr. Anthony FALSIE ,the nation's top infectious disease expert and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said. "We really have got to stop that." Bars have indeed been proven to be a source of COVID spread, according to the CDC, along with indoor restaurants that have poor ventilation and gyms. But according to one new study out of the U.K., they are not always the single worst spreader of COVID-19. "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England ,based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub or a bar," says DOCTOR DEBORAH LEE---.Read on to see what was the worst, in this list SEEMS DR. LEE KNOWS HER STATS AND FALSIE CLAIMS HE CAN'T FIND THEM? I ask: Are there preventatives to Dr. Falsie's immune system that he's already taken for himself, and not dispersed to the sheep? Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media's news is nothin' new; except a pay raise for Faucie and some royalties for Dolly's donated experimental vaccine-- WHY CAN'T OUR PUBLIC SPEAKERS utilize decent English ? Makes us all, researches AND even the sheep, suspicious of the "information" being actually "important, " doesn't it?OH GOOD- THE N E W WORD FOR THE DAY KIDDIES , IS " DOSE-Y DO'S " & " V A R I E N C E"......"A N T O G E N TI C VARIATION" NICE NEW WORDS WHILE DR. FALSIE TAKES PREVENTATIVES FOR H I S IMMUNE SYSTEM? "EXPEDITIOUSLY"..AND what a nice PUN, i.e., " RELENTLESS DR. RELENT SKY ?" THAT 'S A CUTE PUN FOR HER? THEY CERTAINLY ARE RELENTSKYS. RELENTLESS NEW WORD FOR NEXT VIDEO ? "RELENTISITY" PERHAPS ? His Last video was based on" O B L I T E R A T I N G" THE "E F F I C A C Y " FOR THE SHEEP? Then, in his next video he expanded the "efficacy" for our listening pleasure to "Efficacious?" This so-termed, specialist "Epi-DEM-i-ologist " has some BIG NEW WORDS FOR US - and to earn his pay raise from video to video, merely adds extra syllables to words he's previously used, that are mere derivatives OF the words from his former videos WHERE ARE THE PREVENTATIVES Y O U YOURSELF HAVE BEEN TAKING FOR THE LAST Y E A R Dr. Falsie? And at what point WILL get the ACCURATE NUMBER COMPARISONS TO THE SAME GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS, OF DEATHS FROM FLU, PNEUMONIA, AND SIMPLE OLD AGE ??? Like to limit some of Falsie's "obliterating" of the preventatives and inaccurate NUMBERS ? Sure he could have found those numbers and made logical comparisons in the past YEAR? No, he and Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media just haven't been able to find those for his "E QU A T I O N" ...EITHER ? TOO BUSY MAKING NEW VIDEOS ON OLD VERBIAGE ? I HOPE TO "I N C I T E" RESEARCH HERE !"for my fellow man"....AND SUGGEST "STORMING" THE GOV WITH WHAT THEY DESERVE....And....for the sheep? but can you help repost my info for their Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media ? Many are obviously mis-informed ! Pray to God Zuck won't get around to shutting down NTD and Newsmax ;or we'll all be looking for those old Ham Radios and Radio Free Europe for "communication!" Post at nbc,cnn, etc. all of the MMMMM. Do your own research, and for preventatives 800-700-6151 (Q with Bromaline and "NAC") "Devil be Gone with the Wind" to empower the children to face those BIG SCARY WORDS they dont' understand!
@bchollis1451 2 жыл бұрын
@@lyndafayesmusic Please, there is no need to yell at us (All Caps = very high volume)
@jenspflug7473 2 жыл бұрын
@@bchollis1451 The soft variant has failed all too often, so....... plus, it has never given a complete picture..... time for a change?
@jenspflug7473 2 жыл бұрын
K2 in itself is an important vitamin that can either be taken in by eating sufficient amounts of greens or can be produced in the intestinal gut from K1. There are split opinions among scientists as to the need of taking K2 along with Vitamin D3. Actually, Magnesium is the important mineral that must be ingested along with Vitamin D3. Why? Because it plays a major role in the Vitamin D3 activation process . Yet, Mg intake should be delayed from the Vitamin D3 intake.
@bchollis1451 2 жыл бұрын
@@jenspflug7473 Yes, I do take these however you seem to make two contradictary statements: 1) Magnesium must be ingested along with Vitamin D3 but then 2) Mg intake should be delayed from the Vitamin D3 intake Just how 'delayed'? since 'along with' suggests taken at same time or very shortly thereafter.
@teresacorrigan3076 3 жыл бұрын
My mom who trained as a registered nurse in the late 30s was taught in nursing school to gargle with yellow listerine. As a protective measure. She nursed tb and polio patients. We started gargling as soon as Covid was spoken of.
@elouv 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, as my english is not very good, do you use the mouthwash the usual way (like we do for teeth) or do you put it in the upper part of your throat and spit it out??
@juanangelogianopulos 3 жыл бұрын
@@elouv I believe they mentioned either way.. you can gargle like when you have throat sore or when you do it after you brush your teeth.
@iancameron3397 3 жыл бұрын
Obtaining yellow Listerine is now difficult but not impossible in the UK. Every time i used to fly long haul overseas and live and work in air conditioning, only chewing gum or gargling with Listerine helped relieve soar throats. New mouth rinses appear to be weak and ineffective in comparison.
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19....
@cristycreates2887 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-mo4qj8qj1k as does hydroxycloriqine. I misspelled it but I'm sure u know what I'm talking about.
@dreamydaze 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you John for being active and using your extensive clinical and academic experience to help educate the general public on COVID. After this novel coronaa virus pandemic/endemic virus, please continue to educate us on medical issues. Our GPs will thank us for being better educated when we follow-up with them.
@ADDwithJTC 2 жыл бұрын
I've suffered from terrible sore throats my whole life since a kid at least 3 to 5 times a year and sometimes more. I asked my parents to have my tonsils removed and my pediatrician and afterward doctor said I didn't need to. Swollen neck glands so bad it altered my breathing and voice with some sore throats. I can't say enough to get the point across how bad they'd be. So I was sick again one day at work (sore throat as always) while working for Harrahs casino as a security guard about 8 years ago. Was talking to my fellow coworker about how terribly my throat hurt and I get them all the time. She told me to gargle every morning and night with an antiseptic mouthwash. I said eh nothing works. She kept on me asking if I bought it and tried. Finally I did (Listerine is my best friend) and since then I've suffered less sore throats over the years by I'd say 90 percent. A month ago my girlfriend and I got covid at the same time from her mother. My parents and brothers got it somewhere else (we hadn't seen them for 2 months so not from us) 3 weeks later. My girlfriend said her sore throat was absolutely horrible. One of the worst ever. My whole family said the same. I had the other symptoms badly but zero sore throat. I'm a believer and after watching this video I'm even more set in this belief of antiseptic mouthwash. Be safe everyone. Do all you can for yourself and your family.
@Belovelyava 2 жыл бұрын
Propolis cures sore throat, and fast! Gargle with it mixed in little bit of orange juice , then swallow . Amazing stuff!!!! Saved me from surgery and spending tons of $$$
@ADDwithJTC 2 жыл бұрын
@Cactus Flower that is very interesting. Just read a bit about it. Thank you for that suggestion! I'll definitely add propolis to my regimen of healing products. Very interesting that I've heard the word before but never really knew what it was or it's health benefits. Thank you!
@Louise-di7vg 2 жыл бұрын
@@Belovelyava l
@agusiaokoniewska 2 жыл бұрын
I always advise my patients to gargle with salty water when they report sore throat and sniffles, for years. I will advise also a mouthwash. Good to know that you can use any type. Thank you for this great presentation. We use colchicine for gout, and I think hospitals are using it for Covid patients. Vit D is always advised by the primary care providers. Let’s hope that we will get through this pandemic soon.
@HooknCookbyDespinaTrina 2 жыл бұрын
Does it have to be alcohol based mouthwash or even alcohol free is ok ?
@Jo-sp5cp 2 жыл бұрын
@@HooknCookbyDespinaTrina I saw another doc on the Web that showed only original listerine works, salt water is OK, and hydrogen peroxide in water works too.
@gregjohnston455 2 жыл бұрын
@salsalocofrance1 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jo-sp5cp You speak of Dr. Been ?(Indian accent) No he precisely says to open our ears and listen to what he says : SALTY WATER DOES NOT WORK. No antiviral properties !!
@salsalocofrance1 2 жыл бұрын
No do not rely on salty water this has NO antiviral properties !! Betadine Povidone ('green') and Listerine are the most effective ones. See Dr. Been video / study report.
@rabidsamfan 3 жыл бұрын
My grandmother always told us to gargle with warm salt water when we had a cold.
@lupechacon-florez7520 3 жыл бұрын
rabidsamfan we've been told warm salty water with a capful of peroxide.
@betsybarnicle8016 3 жыл бұрын
My mother, as well.
@torilllundborn7899 3 жыл бұрын
I use Hydroperoxyd 3 % and gurgle my mouth when I feel a little groggy Have allways helped..
@johnludlam7069 3 жыл бұрын
I always snort saline when i feel a cold coming on
@amandala444 2 жыл бұрын
During COVID, especially at the highest times of transmission, after being out in public (with mask on), I would come home and gargle with salt water or alcohol-based mouthwash AND use a Neti pot and do a warm salt water nasal lavage. I am convinced that the few times I felt like my throat or nasal passages were feeling “activated”, this stopped it in it’s track.
@shelleykbooker8781 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I keep my Neti Pot in the shower & use it EVERY Day! Sometimes I bring it to work just in case-
@fionagregory-wisdom4wellne235 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Chetty has seen very encouraging on this method of suppressing the virus. The thinking he proposes is that the virus replicates in the nasal passages and throat for around 5 days before the viral load reaches a point where the patient becomes symptomatic. He recommends warm salty water with 1% Legol iodine (Betadine where I come from) as a gargle and also as a nasal wash, hence the nettinpot. Some Drs are saying that misting the solution up the nose can help so that’s a compact way to carry protection if you think you may have been exposed whilst out and about. I’ve been using it for several months now and have not had a single cold, better still my constant allergies (hayfever) have stopped completely. No longer needing antihistamine. So glad my Dr mentioned it.
@OrganisedPauper 3 жыл бұрын
Good to hear. My husband's been gargling with mouthwash when he gets back from work. I believe gargling is a very common practice in Japan.
@heatheriviney4091 3 жыл бұрын
Me too after work. We have a covid outbreak at work and I've remained healthy.
@OrganisedPauper 3 жыл бұрын
@@heatheriviney4091 I'm glad you're remaining healthy. Sorry about your colleagues. I hope they recover well.
@wboyle5899 3 жыл бұрын
It been common practice in my household since covid started listerine total care we have been gargling daily and still negative double up on your fluid resistant masks too best from Glasgow scotland
@nettlescats3796 3 жыл бұрын
My x did this. Was trying to cover up of the many reasons they're my x.
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19 In korea there are some people take upto 120mg ivermectin for 21days straightly to cure the terminal cancer but they tid not die. But they have side effects. Nobody who takes upto 48mg ivermectin had side effects So it is ok to take 48mg ivermectin .it is the best effective.. But fda recommends 24mg over 16years old. But 15years old girl who had a brain cancer .stage korea. She have taken 24mg ivermectin in the morning and 800mg mebendazole(albendazole) with 30ml olive oil. And she cured cancer within 6 months. Doctors gave up..because cancer cells located around the center of her brian.. Lots of koreans whom doctor gave up curing cure cancers with 48mg ivermectin for 3days in a week and then 2400mg (albendazole mebendazole or penbendazole) with 60ml olive oil. 48mg ivermectin for 7 days it kills all covid 19 in human body. .... ,,,,
@sailorgabbie 3 жыл бұрын
I think the Japanese discussed the usefulness of mouthwash earlier in the pandemic because mouthwash is in frequent use there to help prevent disease. Glad to see it's getting attention again. One of those things that can't hurt- may help!
@brendannokam4167 2 жыл бұрын
It is not hard to quantify, it's is same as using Hand Sanitizers on your hand
@CabinGirl57 2 жыл бұрын
Mouthwash was used in Wuhan during their lockdown.
@christinee8353 2 жыл бұрын
My dentist office makes us use mouthwash before the hygienist will treat us.
@laki10 2 жыл бұрын
I had Covid in February. As soon as my throat started hurting I started gargling first with the minibar vodka (disgusting) then got my hands on mouthwash (should have alcohol) and kept going for a few days. I only found out I had covid five days later after a random test. The second week symptoms when the virus drops to the lungs were minimal for me. Can’t say it was the gargling for sure that helped, but as John says I can say that it didn’t hurt for sure!
@amygresl3691 2 жыл бұрын
@r33mote you can buy food grade hydrogen peroxide. You can also use it as a nasal wash which cuts down cold symptoms right away. Another one is iodine for a nasal wash.
@kwicsociety9663 2 жыл бұрын
I have always used Colloidal Silver as a gargle (I hate the taste of mouthwash, for one), and it has excellent results on a normal basis (outside of the whole Covid issue), but I wonder if this wouldn't be just as effective as mouthwash? I used it the other day when I thought I was getting a tickle in my throat. I used to have sore throats every Winter, on and off all Winter (and Spring), until . . . . I discovered the benefits of Colloidal Silver. I have even used a Nebulizer with Colloidal Silver for past illnesses of the Brochial type. I wonder if any studies might be done on the use of C. Silver, much like the ones done for mouthwash.
@kwicsociety9663 2 жыл бұрын
@@amygresl3691 Isn't food grade H. Peroxide the same as the 3% found in drugstores? I used to purchase a large bottle to dilute for various uses, and it appeared that 3% is the food grade strength, which is what is available in most Grocers, Drug Stores, etc.
@oldroscoe2590 3 жыл бұрын
Doc. Campbell and Doc. Martin, my favorite two English doctors.
@MarcosElMalo2 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. John Campbell is an excellent explainer with decades of experience as a registered nurse and as a professor at a nursing college, training other nurses. He’s a qualified expert and interpreter of medical science to us laypeople. He’s not an MD, nor does he claim to be. He legitimately uses the title doctor because he holds a PhD. I just thought you should be clear on that so you’re not disappointed later.
@oldroscoe2590 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarcosElMalo2 What? Now your going to tell me Doc. Martin isn't a real doctor?
@capbin146 3 жыл бұрын
Old Roscoe He’s not real? But I’ve seen him treat loads of patients in his village in Cornwall. ITV show the documentary. 😂 LOL. Comic relief opportunities for Martin Clunes.
@nettlescats3796 3 жыл бұрын
Love how Dr Campbell gets so enthusiastic he can't help but ask questions and interject. She can hardly finish a sentence😁❤
@naomiroyle9637 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I was hoping to hear her more. He does get so excited to share his thoughts. Oh well, at least he has her speaking on his huge channel.
@madwoof3932 2 жыл бұрын
Irritating actually.
@cutynobi21 2 жыл бұрын
I am Japanese, and My mother always told me to" hand wash, gargle with salt" when I was back from outside home. Now, I live in Canada, and I use salt water to rinse my mouth in general. However, once I have a weird feeling in my throat, I use BETADINE, which contains mint with providone.1%. It is not like mouth wash, but I use it as an emergency sore throat gargle.
@sandytherry8647 2 жыл бұрын
Betadine is amazing whenever you get a sore throat. It stops sore throats immediately.
@christinekeenan8969 3 жыл бұрын
Hello .my late husband was put on a transplant list in 2012 he was given a mouth wash and vitamin d he did receive a double transplant in 2016 but sadly passed .I myself use a mouthwash and I'm prescribed vitamin d due to osteoporosis and copd .stay safe everyone xx
@leewhite-graham753 3 жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss.
@A10TOES 2 жыл бұрын
How much vitamin D do you take, you say for osteoporosis, do you think it has helped & how so? My doctor wanted me to take the injections for it & I refused due to side effects.
@christinekeenan8969 2 жыл бұрын
@@A10TOES if you google vitamin d it's good for all sorts I take mine in tablet form and I take a tablet once a week .
@christinekeenan8969 2 жыл бұрын
I 5ake 2 tablets a day 8f vitamin d the weekly one is a acid type fir osteoporosis x
@BRod313 3 жыл бұрын
I have been aware of the weak immune system overreaction since April but never with this specificity. Thank you for the explanation and the link to the "Vitamin D3 replacement enhances antigen-specific immunity in older adults" study.
@margeryfranko1850 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lyndsey and Dr. John Campbell for this brilliant conversation. I use mouthwash daily, but I hadn’t gargled. I will now. I take my vit D3 daily. I love the idea of that 1000 drop. I agree that this is a wonderful use of the internet. I really appreciate all that you share with us
@nidhi0211 3 жыл бұрын
This man should win a Noble Prize! I am so thankful Dr. John for the fantastic information you put out here.
@rodwallace6237 3 жыл бұрын
You can nominate him. Anybody can nominate anybody.
@Digital-Dan 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, anyone can have a Noble prize. I declare thee adequately noble.
@sunniva5335 3 жыл бұрын
@@Digital-Dan Most people getting the Nobel Prize are not noble or aristocratic 😎
@lyndafayesmusic 3 жыл бұрын
YES, AND DR . CAMPBELL; WIL YOU PLS TELL US ABOUT BAKING SODA AND PEROXIDE TOO? THANKS. Ah yes, the kiss method; KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID ! Baking soda and Peroxide-in the expensive Synsedyne tooth pasteS? Old proven standards! EPI-DEM-I-OLOGIST FALSIE IS ONLY GOOD AND RECITING OLD BIG SCARE WORDS AND ADDIDING SYLLABLES TO MAKE US THINK HE DID SOME RESEARCH; NO PREVENATIVES EITHER , TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. STATES THE WRONG STATS AND WON'T MAKE COMPARISONS TO THE COMMON FLUE, PNEUMONIA NOR OLD AGE DEATHS!! DR. DEBORAH LEE, UK, SAYS GROCERY STORES ARE WHERE MOST POSITIVE COVERTS ORIGINATE, FALSIE SAYS "BARS". FOLLOW THE MONEY TO FIND THE TRUTH????? IT'S APPARENTLY A BIG SECRET, WITH BIG ADVANCES FOR NEW VIDEOS ON HIS OLD STUFF; GOOGLE SENT US AN ARTICLE WHOSE TITLE IS " 98" SYMPTOMS THAT SHOW YOU HAVE ALREADY H A D COVERT19- THEN THE ARTICLE GIVES US 6- INSTEAD? SOUNDS LIKE THE PRODUCER WAS ZUCKERBERG FOR SURE; THE SAME OWNER WHO U S E S TRUMP'S PICTURE TO GET VIEWERS TO COME TO SEE BIDEN? MICKEY MOUSE MANIPULATED MEDIA; BEWARE OF THEM! FALSE ADVERTISING ALONG WITH ,THE CENSORSHIP! . "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England, based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub or a bar," says Dr. Deborah Lee. Read on to see what was the worst, in this list ranked from places responsible for the least spread to the most spread-and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus. Next Slide Full screen 1/16 SLIDES © Provided by Eat This, Not That! Most COVID Patients Went Here Before Getting Sick "Bars: really not good, really not good," Dr. Anthony Fauci , the nation's top infectious disease expert and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said. "We really have got to stop that." Bars have indeed been proven to be a source of COVID spread, according to the CDC, along with indoor restaurants that have poor ventilation and gyms. But according to one new study out of the U.K., they are not always the single worst spreader of COVID-19. "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England , based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub or a bar," says Dr. Deborah Lee . Read on to see what was the worst, in this list Are there preventatives to Dr. Falsie's immune system that he's already taken for himself, and not dispersed to the sheep? Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media's news is nothin' new; except a pay raise for Faucie and some royalties for Dolly's donated experimental vaccine-- WHY CAN'T OUR PUBLIC SPEAKERS utilize decent English ? Makes us all, researches AND even the sheep, suspicious of the "information" being actually "important, " doesn't it?OH GOOD- THE N E W WORD FOR THE DAY KIDDIES , IS " DOSE-Y DO'S " & " V A R I E N C E"......"A N T O G E N TI C VARIATION" NICE NEW WORDS WHILE DR. FALSIE TAKES PREVENTATIVES FOR H I S IMMUNE SYSTEM? "EXPEDITIOUSLY"..AND what a nice PUN, i.e., " RELENTLESS DR. RELENT SKY ?" THAT 'S A CUTE PUN FOR HER? THEY CERTAINLY ARE RELENTSKYS. RELENTLESS NEW WORD FOR NEXT VIDEO ? "RELENTISITY" PERHAPS ? His Last video was based on" O B L I T E R A T I N G" THE "E F F I C A C Y " FOR THE SHEEP? Then, in his next video he expanded the "efficacy" for our listening pleasure to "Efficacious?" This so-termed, specialist "Epi-DEM-i-ologist " has some BIG NEW WORDS FOR US - and to earn his pay raise from video to video, merely adds extra syllables to words he's previously used, that are mere derivatives OF the words from his former videos WHERE ARE THE PREVENTATIVES Y O U YOURSELF HAVE BEEN TAKING FOR THE LAST Y E A R Dr. Falsie? And at what point WILL get the ACCURATE NUMBER COMPARISONS TO THE SAME GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS, OF DEATHS FROM FLU, PNEUMONIA, AND SIMPLE OLD AGE ??? Like to limit some of Falsie's "obliterating" of the preventatives and inaccurate NUMBERS ? Sure he could have found those numbers and made logical comparisons in the past YEAR? No, he and Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media just haven't been able to find those for his "E QU A T I O N" ...EITHER ? TOO BUSY MAKING NEW VIDEOS ON OLD VERBIAGE ? I HOPE TO "I N C I T E" RESEARCH HERE !"for my fellow man"....AND SUGGEST "STORMING" THE GOV WITH WHAT THEY DESERVE....And....for the sheep? but can you help repost my info for their Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media ? Many are obviously mis-informed ! Pray to God Zuck won't get around to shutting down NTD and Newsmax ;or we'll all be looking for those old Ham Radios and Radio Free Europe for "communication!" Post at nbc,cnn, etc. all of the MMMMM. Do your own research, and for preventatives 800-700-6151 "Devil be Gone with the Wind" to empower the children to face those BIG SCARY WORDS they dont' understand!
@camillawiren4271 3 жыл бұрын
I will start using mouthwash toda, thanks for the advice. One year listening to Dr Campbell and still avoided to get the virus. So grateful!
@LiquidSpartan117 3 жыл бұрын
Get the yellow Listerine 💛 its the strongest one. Gargle away and keep germs at bay :)
@wboyle9721 3 жыл бұрын
Hi camila try listerine total care I been on it for months advised people here in chat to try it I'm covid free still negative after home test double up on a fluid resistant mask space ventilate home close toiliet lid when flushing stay away from hand dyers in supermarkets too pass on my advice please best from Glasgow scotland stay safe
@telectronix1368 3 жыл бұрын
"...and still avoided" Well, 'managed to fight off infection with only mild/no symptoms' is likely more accurate.
@clivewalker8507 3 жыл бұрын
I'm just finishing my 10 days asymptomatic since a positive test. Other members of the household had symptoms, so we changed from 2000iu vit D to 4000. Interesting that I'm on beclamethosone nasal spray, and I've been using CB12 mouthwash daily for 2 years. Maybe that's why I've avoided all symptoms. Great channel keep up the good work!
@lyndafayesmusic 3 жыл бұрын
My vitamin co. goes to MED.Net, and checks for me; One CAN overdose on Vit D. Dr. C should have mentioned that but perhaps this was an agreed commercial with the other guest doctor ? Check with a cardiologist- Have to be truthful, Dr. Campbell....DR. CAMPBELL HAS PRODUCED MUCH BETTER VIDEOS THAN THESE "TYPES" Baking soda and peroxide are good old fashioned stand-bys', eliminating the need for "buys" of Listerine and the like...not to mention the hyped prices of "santatizers", that are made of one part alcohol and 8 parts H20 too. Washing ones hands' til the skin falls off is a good one too;; Like nobody's heard of gloves ? Getting allot of fresh flowing air s a good one - so they closed all the beaches including all the small businesses they shut down?This virus doesn't care how dirty your kitchen counters are, btw (just makes people think they need to buy newly manufactured counter cleaners ? Heard of vinegar ? One part to 10 H2o? Nobody's "explaining" the fewer " reports of the flue , btw "anywhere", I contend it's because each patient complaining of FLU SYMPTOMS, duh, possibly waiting in line for a told, by their insurance company to ASSUME IT'S COVERT 19- as they shove the person over the age of 70 off to the convalescent storage rooms and then they can have another stat to turn in as aa THE TERRIBLE DEADLY DRAGON ? Why "term" it the flu, if they can call it the Covert ? (Like Fauci, and Bill Gates, do follow the money here, too?) Look for it-it'll be hidden. Yes, I also feel WE should keep grandma home until her symptoms are so bad she can't handle it; because it's much more pleasant to die at home with loved ones, than it is to die neglected with a bunch of strangers! I HOPE DR. CAMPBELL ADDRESS THIS ISSUE ...BUT HE HAS NEVER REPLIED TO ME IN OVER A YEAR! EPI-DEM-I-OLOGIST FALSIE IS ONLY GOOD AND RECITING OLD BIG SCARE WORDS AND ADDIDING SYLLABLES TO MAKE US THINK HE DID SOME RESEARCH; NO PREVENATIVES EITHER , TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. STATES THE WRONG STATS AND WON'T MAKE COMPARISONS TO THE COMMON FLUE, PNEUMONIA NOR OLD AGE DEATHS!! DR. DEBORAH LEE, UK, SAYS GROCERY STORES ARE WHERE MOST POSITIVE COVERTS ORIGINATE, FALSIE SAYS "BARS". FOLLOW THE MONEY TO FIND THE TRUTH????? IT'S APPARENTLY A BIG SECRET, WITH BIG ADVANCES FOR NEW VIDEOS ON HIS OLD STUFF; GOOGLE SENT US AN ARTICLE WHOSE TITLE IS " 98" SYMPTOMS THAT SHOW YOU HAVE ALREADY H A D COVERT19- THEN THE ARTICLE GIVES US 6- INSTEAD? SOUNDS LIKE THE PRODUCER WAS ZUCKERBERG FOR SURE; THE SAME OWNER WHO U S E S TRUMP'S PICTURE TO GET VIEWERS TO COME TO SEE BIDEN? MICKEY MOUSE MANIPULATED MEDIA; BEWARE OF THEM! FALSE ADVERTISING ALONG WITH ,THE CENSORSHIP! . "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England, based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub ora bar," says--- Dr. Deborah Lee---. Read on to see what was the worst, in this listlist ranked from places responsible for the least spread to the mostspread-and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss theseSure Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus. (EASY TO MISS THOSE 98 BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT LISTED; MORE FALSE ADVERTISING BY ZUKERBURG'S GOOGLE ?) "Bars: really not good, really not good," Dr. Anthony FALSIE ,the nation's top infectious disease expert and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said. "We really have got to stop that." Bars have indeed been proven to be a source of COVID spread, according to the CDC, along with indoor restaurants that have poor ventilation and gyms. But according to one new study out of the U.K., they are not always the single worst spreader of COVID-19. "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England ,based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub or a bar," says DOCTOR DEBORAH LEE---.Read on to see what was the worst, in this list SEEMS DR. LEE KNOWS HER STATS AND FALSIE CLAIMS HE CAN'T FIND THEM? I ask: Are there preventatives to Dr. Falsie's immune system that he's already taken for himself, and not dispersed to the sheep? Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media's news is nothin' new; except a pay raise for Faucie and some royalties for Dolly's donated experimental vaccine-- WHY CAN'T OUR PUBLIC SPEAKERS utilize decent English ? Makes us all, researches AND even the sheep, suspicious of the "information" being actually "important, " doesn't it?OH GOOD- THE N E W WORD FOR THE DAY KIDDIES , IS " DOSE-Y DO'S " & " V A R I E N C E"......"A N T O G E N TI C VARIATION" NICE NEW WORDS WHILE DR. FALSIE TAKES PREVENTATIVES FOR H I S IMMUNE SYSTEM? "EXPEDITIOUSLY"..AND what a nice PUN, i.e., " RELENTLESS DR. RELENT SKY ?" THAT 'S A CUTE PUN FOR HER? THEY CERTAINLY ARE RELENTSKYS. RELENTLESS NEW WORD FOR NEXT VIDEO ? "RELENTISITY" PERHAPS ? His Last video was based on" O B L I T E R A T I N G" THE "E F F I C A C Y " FOR THE SHEEP? Then, in his next video he expanded the "efficacy" for our listening pleasure to "Efficacious?" This so-termed, specialist "Epi-DEM-i-ologist " has some BIG NEW WORDS FOR US - and to earn his pay raise from video to video, merely adds extra syllables to words he's previously used, that are mere derivatives OF the words from his former videos WHERE ARE THE PREVENTATIVES Y O U YOURSELF HAVE BEEN TAKING FOR THE LAST Y E A R Dr. Falsie? And at what point WILL get the ACCURATE NUMBER COMPARISONS TO THE SAME GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS, OF DEATHS FROM FLU, PNEUMONIA, AND SIMPLE OLD AGE ??? Like to limit some of Falsie's "obliterating" of the preventatives and inaccurate NUMBERS ? Sure he could have found those numbers and made logical comparisons in the past YEAR? No, he and Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media just haven't been able to find those for his "E QU A T I O N" ...EITHER ? TOO BUSY MAKING NEW VIDEOS ON OLD VERBIAGE ? I HOPE TO "I N C I T E" RESEARCH HERE !"for my fellow man"....AND SUGGEST "STORMING" THE GOV WITH WHAT THEY DESERVE....And....for the sheep? but can you help repost my info for their Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media ? Many are obviously mis-informed ! Pray to God Zuck won't get around to shutting down NTD and Newsmax ;or we'll all be looking for those old Ham Radios and Radio Free Europe for "communication!" Post at nbc,cnn, etc. all of the MMMMM. Do your own research, and for preventatives 800-700-6151 (Q with Bromaline and "NAC") "Devil be Gone with the Wind" to empower the children to face those BIG SCARY WORDS they dont' understand!
@deni-67 2 жыл бұрын
​@@lyndafayesmusic By the looks of your post, having only one like, the second like is from me, and the no replies to your very large and very informative post I see most of the people here, about 99%, have ignored common sense, IE: You......... If I find somewhere I can share your post I will, no way I could put it on Facebook, I would get banned for sure. There is no Freedom of Speech in that forum.. Dr Falsie, as you call him, has spread throughout the world, he's big here in Australia simply because dumb f*****s believe every word he says, I try my best to tell them he's just some try hard but i'm losing the battle, why can't people just do some decent research, there is a lot out there proving that Dr Falsie is full of it and doesn't even have the credentials to diagnose an ingrown toenail..
@JPHiP88 3 жыл бұрын
I had been using mouthwash to "wake" me up before I drive after a long day of work. Who knew! Friendly Pharmacist x Dr. John are my favourite segments!! more interviews please ✌👍🐱‍🚀
@jackd1582 2 жыл бұрын
Might have a problem if you get breath tested on the drive home👮🕵️
@dailydoseofmedicinee 3 жыл бұрын
Vitamin D has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and facilitating normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain diseases.👍
@Costa_Conn 3 жыл бұрын
All true, however all the papers I have read regarding Vit D and CV-19 show no benefit if you are already sick. So I don't understand how she can claim it is beneficial for those already infected with CV-19 to spend time in sunlight The benefit comes from having adequate Vit D levels before you get sick.
@markparker5585 3 жыл бұрын
@@Costa_Conn dosage matters. In the UK they did trials with very low doses, whereas evidence is available showing relatively/quite high doses are required for optimal effect. Basically at least 10 x what was being used in the trials.
@Costa_Conn 3 жыл бұрын
@@markparker5585 I can't find anything in the literature approaching what you describe. All I have found are 2 clinical trials for hi dose Vit D, and neither has completed recruiting. Could you provide me with a reference please?
@Costa_Conn 3 жыл бұрын
@David Ward reference please
@markparker5585 3 жыл бұрын
As you noted, I don’t think there are any for placebo controlled double blind trials yet for high doses, although they are getting under way. For evidence of high doses being effective, there is the result from Spanish hospital trial, which whilst small, was very compelling, and the very large trial of the population in the Catalan (I think) province. They have both been talked about on this channel, and others, you could probably find the relevant video here by searching for the Vit D titled ones. Finally, as another poster has also responded, once hospitalised, the patients were given high dose injections of the active form of Vitamin D, Calcitriol (if I remember correctly), so no delay in raising levels there. Does that help? Edited as I misread one of you comments, and corrected my response.
@maritakochis7102 2 жыл бұрын
When I come home from being around lots of people I wash my hands and gargle with a peroxide / water solution or mouthwash and when my family had Covid I upped my D to 10,000iu with K2 and did a sinus rinse daily and I didn’t get it. I’m also not vaccinated.
@mehere8038 2 жыл бұрын
I'd go the mouthwash over peroxide, based on testing I've done on peroxide in tissue culture, eliminating bacteria, mould & fungus. Peroxide will do it, BUT only if used in high enough quantities, which is way more than you might think & also needs to be rinsed in repeated new batches of it, a single gargle of it is unlikely to work based on what I've found, would need to gargle, spit out, new peroxide, gargle, spit out, new peroxide & repeat numerous times, but I honestly have no idea how many times it would need & I think it would vary based on microbe load in the mouth at the time. Any actual anti-viral is going to be a more certain option for sucsess
@stevebartley8594 3 жыл бұрын
Keep windows open to ventilate and keep warm.... O.K. in Vietnam, not in England and especially not Canada in winter !!
@sinbadandsalty3908 3 жыл бұрын
Open your windows for 10 minutes a day to exchange the air.
@jendehaan 3 жыл бұрын
Or, heated blankets. Although perhaps only off and on during the polar vortex :)
@21Cauzzie 3 жыл бұрын
So why do we cram pupils into air-conditioned classrooms? Schools used to have high ceilings and tall windows and now they are built with lower and lower ceilings and windows are kept shut.
@jimgraham6722 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, building ventilation generally needs rethink.
@frankwood11 3 жыл бұрын
Sick buildings lead to sick children which leads to sick adults and mega -bucks for the pharmaceutical companies.
@veralenora7368 3 жыл бұрын
Buildings with high ceilings costs money, so do windows and windows also let expensive heating out in winter even when closed. So, do you vote for school bonds? In the Great Depression, in WW I and WW II, in most U.S. communities, school tax increases still always passed. No more. How do you vote?
@waitaminute2015 3 жыл бұрын
Try finding a hotel room with a window that opens!
@Buggle7619 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not 100% on the exact figures but in the UK each child is calculated a certain space which is just their desk/chair/walk way to desk when new schools are built which means they are crammed in some buildings! Although I've been into many different schools and the old ones seem far superior even if they arent visually appealing from the outside
@perunbolt6215 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, I found out that gargling with STRONG, LUKEWARM SALT WATER helps a lot! 1-3 TEASPOONS of IODIZED SEASALT, or whatever you have on hand in a 8-10 oz glass of lukewarm TAP WATER - or COOLED BOILED WATER works well.
@salsalocofrance1 2 жыл бұрын
NO .
@definty 3 жыл бұрын
With Vit D its important to know that powder form takes 3 weeks to build up in your system and liquid form of Vit D only takes a few hours to saturate your system.
@aelbereth6690 3 жыл бұрын
If you take Vitamin D in powder form you need to combine it with some oil or fat, as Vit D is fat soluble and will be much more effectively absorbed, and more quickly too, than if it's ingested "dry". So combine it with oil and it will saturate as quickly as the liquid capsules.
@monikap8585 2 жыл бұрын
maybe subilingual use would be best
@donnazukadley7300 2 жыл бұрын
@@monikap8585 that's what I use. You apply it with a dropper under your tongue 1st and let it absorb, and then swallow
@jjcglobalapplestv7529 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you both of you. I been taken Vitamin D and using mouthwash for years.
@eyreland 3 жыл бұрын
Talking to friends, relatives, or the public about Vitamin D is like preaching the Gospel to geese. If you yak on and on, they will attack, fly away or eat more, forever oblivious that there is even a Saviour. I may have saved a few just by tossing Vitamin D pills at them. However, my time is probably better spent wearing white and carrying a placard that says "The End is Nigh".
@gracie3174 3 жыл бұрын
Isn’t that the truth!
@bxxmb80 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly... Very true!
@maximilianUTU 3 жыл бұрын
Proximately after infection (in an office lift) I used hot EarlGrey tea (in British colonial India an ofte used traditional mouth desinfection due to the antibacterial qualities of bergamot) and my Covid symptoms (3-5 days later) have been remarkably mild - maybe due to reduced viral load. Sometimes it pays to listen to the old folks ;-)
@FitChickGlows 3 жыл бұрын
That’s brilliant! And so true about listening to the old folks. I love Earl Grey tea and have a loose leaf tin of it. I’m going to screen shot your tip so I can remember in case of Covid or other cold infections. Also, there’s Betadine Sore Throat Mouth Gargle that you can get from the pharmacy. I may get that also, just in case. The more the merrier. I also do warm salt water gargles. Really works too. I also learned that tip from a wonderful elder nurse years ago. However, Early Grey is SO much pleasanter! Lol! I’m glad your recovering well from Covid.
@maximilianUTU 3 жыл бұрын
@@FitChickGlows Bergamot is an Ayurvedic herb with anti-parasitic and antibacterial effects. Do a little research on it (Wikipedia et al) - and it tastes soooo good !!
@paulak7939 3 жыл бұрын
@@FitChickGlows same as collodiol silver spray. They used that in the spanish flu epidemic ! Check it out . Silver underated by pharma . All about the money
@juniorsguitarranch6368 3 жыл бұрын
I think Japan is studying green and black tea as a treatment.
@bloepje 3 жыл бұрын
How do you know the difference between Covid symptoms and sars-cov-2 infection? I mean: I've been at home self isolating for a year because I have covid symptoms every day. I am 99.99% sure I am not infected though. And the one time I did fear it due to the symptom was no smell at all without any other extra symptoms except those I normally have. But even then it was false alarm. To be clear: if I was infected and it was hidden underneath my normal symptoms and I did not self isolate, I would probably be a super spreader.
@24bellers20 3 жыл бұрын
My dentist told me to never use mouthwash as it kills the good bacteria in your mouth and that is where digestion starts. You can’t win.🤔
@_LVC 3 жыл бұрын
Yes Ive read this as well that mouth wash can reduce oral nitric oxide levels which can raise blood pressure as well
@abeeest 3 жыл бұрын
Xylitol gum/mints are supposed to help the growth of good bacteria in the mouth. Dr Rhonda Patrick swears by it.
@UrbanwarriorTheSOV 3 жыл бұрын
My dentist said to wait for half an hour after eating before brushing my teeth or using mouthwash to let the enzymes do their job first. Otherwise you will cause more harm than good for your teeth.
@Becomingization 3 жыл бұрын
I think it is only within a certain time frame then it's ok. So you wouldn't eat then immediately rinse. However at the moment I would be more concerned about killing covid than preserving mouth bacteria. Live yogurt after dinner will feed our friendly digestive helpers
@yvonnesmith5314 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-mo4qj8qj1k Only in test tubes.
@mjonausk 2 жыл бұрын
Dr John gets so excited. Its great seeing people do the stuff they love.
@Nerd3927 3 жыл бұрын
Not only a friendly pharmacist but also very knowledgeable!
@sachabarlow9483 3 жыл бұрын
Brilliant! Thank you again for your wonderful contributions to keeping us all healthy. You are my star! Thank you again.
@3DL1 2 жыл бұрын
been doing salt water gargle since April 2020. Vit D 9000iu, Vit C 2000mg zinc 15mg daily ....unvaxed healthy enjoying life
@pamp1871 3 жыл бұрын
I always enjoy seeing your guest Lindsay! Thanks for having her back again.
@peacefulpleb 3 жыл бұрын
Pharmacists an important part of the knowledge team.
@duaneredic4819 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah and the very ones along with doctors that were denying folks the very effective and cheap HCQ many months ago..we have cheap therapeutic cures like HCq..Quercetin and Ivermectin why are we not using them???
@richardv9648 3 жыл бұрын
When Trump talked about this, people we calling him crazy.
@dianneanderson731 3 жыл бұрын
So true. Trump even tried to tell us the wonder benefits of ZINE, but b\c it came out of his mouth anti Trump people criticized him. Fools, voted for a man to be their president who reigns in office now who does not care a D*mn about their health nor their lives!!!!
@mbg3871 3 жыл бұрын
And injecting it? Bleach? Come on...!!
@lisagoodin2959 3 жыл бұрын
Colchicine is not even close to hydroxychloraqin...
@belindacarter6872 2 жыл бұрын
If we could have only gotten lysol into the body, kills it really fast - thanks, trump!
@nikon_z9_images 3 жыл бұрын
RIP Captain Sir Tom Moore 🌈 NHS thanks you 🙏🏻
@mariannehart8000 3 жыл бұрын
Yep that's what happens when you tell people go home and isolate instead of treating people immediately,after one year and so many doctors and professors telling you that you must treat immediately at the beginning and not wait till the patient is half dead...............
@yvonnesmith5314 3 жыл бұрын
@@mariannehart8000 What the hell are you talking about, you stupid bit of spare baggage? Have some respect for a wonderful, heroic man.
@yvonnesmith5314 3 жыл бұрын
@@battlebbot At least he fulfilled a lifetime ambition to go to the Bahamas! And that was way back at the beginning of December, so highly unlikely that it contributed to his pneumonia. Family members are usually allowed to visit for an end of life patient. They would have been in full PPE. What’s your lifetime ambition, Chris? To fuck the whole world up? No chance! You’re far too tiny in every respect.
@yvonnesmith5314 3 жыл бұрын
@@battlebbot Visits are allowed, I know from real life, clown! And I’m not a well known person or someone with “clout”! And so what if he received special treatment? He deserved it! If the police were kicking doors down, good! The inhabitants must have had something to hide. You must spend your entire day searching for any sort of “news” which will undermine the confidence of others in what they know to be true. I think you have probably noticed that you receive very negative comments from everyone viewing this channel! Have you ever tried to be positive about anything at all?
@MrMonkfiish 3 жыл бұрын
@@yvonnesmith5314 How can you lecture about having respect for people whilst also using such disrespectful language yourself? Did you know hospitals still haven't actually received the money that Captain Tom worked so hard to raise? Poor old bugger was just doing his best and he ended up becoming a figurehead for flag-waving that the government could hide behind. He didn't want that, he just wanted to do some good, so if you want to honour his memory then press for the funds he raised to actually be distributed so they can help in the way he wanted.
@karlint39 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely awesome video. Lindsay does a fantastic job at finding relevant information and presenting it in a comprehensive, easy-to-understand way. Loved the interaction between you both. I will keep taking my Vitamin D and gargling with mouthwash with confidence!
@sannettles9523 2 жыл бұрын
Would love to have the guest less interrupted to finish their points. Thanks for the opportunity to receive the helpful info.
@talega1 3 жыл бұрын
I like Lindsay, the pharmacist, very nice presentation on new studies providing important information!! Strong work.
@marioenc04 3 жыл бұрын
Well, Im from Brazil and did not know about this product until now. Thanks for sharing with us, as always!
@wboyle9721 3 жыл бұрын
Mario double up on fluid resistant mask use listerine total care mouthwash good hand hygiene at all times space from people ventilate home close toilet lid when flushing avoid hand dryers 50mcg of vitimin d daily pass on in brazil to everyone please best from Glasgow scotland stay safe
@ys8254 2 жыл бұрын
Dr John you deserve to be recognized and awarded Nobel prize. I have told everyone I know about Vit D.. Thank you very much..
@clairecadoux471 3 жыл бұрын
This has been spoken about before but it all went quiet. I thought possibly as testing and studies were going on. Well done them studying a whole city. I remember gargling being our 'cold' treatment as kids, usually slightly salty....worked a treat. Cleans your mouth.
@sharfalor4244 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, we were always made to gargle with salt water as kids with any kind of throat infection. I still do it now.
@susanpick2382 3 жыл бұрын
My Mom did the same for us kids. Good old salt water, and slathered throat and chest with Vicks vapor rub.
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19
@NS.25 3 жыл бұрын
Susan Pick we did the same as kids. The Vicks has eucalyptus which is aromatherapy.
@OceanFrontVilla3 3 жыл бұрын
Salt water doesn't work against covid
@rubyjools 3 жыл бұрын
Bicarbonate of soda solution, gargle with that, swish it around your mouth, job done. Its amazing stuff!
@aelbereth6690 3 жыл бұрын
I've heard bicarbonate of soda was used as a gargle during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918/19, and was thought to be quite effective.
@cstarnes1349 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been on colchicine twice a day for five years because of my autoimmune disorder and the periodic flares of pericarditis. It is ridiculously expensive if not covered by insurance because the company has gotten a patent on it, which NEVER should have happened for a medication that is incredibly cheap to make!
@sailingsolo5290 2 жыл бұрын
Here in thailand its 50 cents for 10 tablets. In a blister packs
@rezablade1375 Жыл бұрын
Super cheap in Africa….
@gregbellach8239 3 жыл бұрын
thank you , accurate , common sense and easily accessible advice is what everyone could use .
@mdillard881 3 жыл бұрын
After going to a family funeral where we were close to people and hugging, we did a lot to sanitize ourselves including gargling with mouthwash. I'd heard it could be helpful.
@tim40gabby25 3 жыл бұрын
Use double mattress plastic bag covers as "Hug bags". I have, with elderly Downs syndrome relative. Works. Safe. old uk medic here :)
@wboyle9721 3 жыл бұрын
Listerine total care is great double up on your fluid resistant mask close toiliet lids when flushing don't use hand dryers best from Glasgow scotland
@axelsohn1454 2 жыл бұрын
My dentist always recommended Hydrogen Peroxide reduced by 1/2 as an anti-BACTERIAL agent- and I have heard that it is also antiviral. Vinegar also is an anti-germicidal, though it may deteriorate the dentine on one's teeth.
@wboyle5899 3 жыл бұрын
I been using listerine total care mouthwash since spring so far so good was negative in my test a few days ago I have said to viewers on this channel to give it a try best wishes from Glasgow scotland
@bipbip6626 3 жыл бұрын
Do you take the alcohool free ? Or does it have to be an alcohol based mouthwash?
@chrispeek8412 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Dr. John and Lindsay! I've learned a lot from your youtube channels. No doubt, the knowledge that you are sharing is helping many people.
@debralpateart8862 2 жыл бұрын
I had the Moderna booster last week and have a very sore to touch shoulder and this injection also caused lymph nodes under that arm to swell and become sore and some fatigue. I have increased my D3 daily intake to 5000 iu, added daily 100 mg Zink, 1000mg of vit. C. Thank you for all you do to keep us healthy!
@kellyfrost1052 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lindsey and Dr. John!
@tanya8940 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lindsey, find the mouthwash studies and Vietnam's success fascinating. Thank you Dr John! 🌞
@grouchogroucho7743 2 жыл бұрын
When we have a cold or flu with a chesty cough it's common practice to inhale steam made from boiling water with something in it to kill germs. As kids, my mother would put eucalyptus or tea tree oil in the water. Both kill germs and both helped ease the congestion. Seems to me some old ways are coming into their own!
@littlegirl3263 2 жыл бұрын
Inhaling steam. I remember that as a kid. Now I’m in the reverse role, taking care of Mom. She’s on a nebulizer for Covid symptoms, I also rub her down with Vicks while doing a steam treatment but will add the “steam bowl” for her dry cough. Mom used to pour steaming water in a bowl and we’d cover our head with a towel to trap the steam for our face. I’d forgotten about that. Thank you for the reminder!
@desleywhite7670 2 жыл бұрын
Eucalyptus and tea tree are both anti viral. I use them both in a steamer every night
@christafisher8533 2 жыл бұрын
I saw a comment about Balsam Fir essential oil & steamy water helping w.severe rhinitis. It also helps to open the airways & stop respiratory viruses.
@grouchogroucho7743 2 жыл бұрын
Yes Christa - it works too but I reckon it is a very unpleasant smell. Some people don't mind it though. I'll stick to tea tree oil.
@garygrant9612 3 жыл бұрын
Such a fantastic team interview and the information provided. Thanks John for having her on.
@MutualZebra0123 3 жыл бұрын
Out for a short sunny lunch walk while listening to this talk. First sun in 3 months i think. It is - 13°c ouside.
@gracieg5849 3 жыл бұрын
Simon My word, where do you live at -13*? In Texas this year’s low has been 26*.
@MutualZebra0123 3 жыл бұрын
@@gracieg5849 Finland
@Anna-fd9xi 2 жыл бұрын
On Sunday I got first symptoms of covid got tested on Tuesday. Wednesday my throat started to be bit sore and as usual I used warm water with salt as mouth wash& gargoyle. Same evening i felt better, pain went away.
@cherylsheppard4237 2 жыл бұрын
How are you doing now?
@Anna-fd9xi 2 жыл бұрын
@@cherylsheppard4237 I am 100%. Back training immediately. It was 1year ago exactly. I suffered more from anxiety during lockdowns than anything else.
@cherylsheppard4237 2 жыл бұрын
@@Anna-fd9xi that's great news. I'm glad your feeling better.
@billryan8707 3 жыл бұрын
We can thank our lucky stars for people like you two For demonstrating there is hope. We are sure not seeing it from the political arenas Thanks as always I am sure I speak for millions 👍❤️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🇨🇦
@cynthiadeere7599 3 жыл бұрын
When I had covid in Nov 2020, I was prescribed budesomide by nebulizer, mouthwash, zinc and vitamins D, A, C daily along with a 7 day course of antibiotics to attack potential pneumonia. I really believe I was headed for the hospital since my O2 sat was dropping prior to treatment. After a day and a half of the budesomide, my sats were back up to 98%. After a few days on the antibiotic, the pain beneath my left scapula subsided too.
@sonicwingnut 3 жыл бұрын
One nice side effect of Vitamin D I noticed after taking it for a few weeks now is my skin has cleared up a lot - normally I've had very dry skin, and my hands especially during winter were completely cracked on the fingertips and knuckles. Now they're still a bit dry but nowhere near as bad. I'd thought this was coincidence but upon googling it, it does appear Vitamin D is linked to skin health. Obviously this is quite a bonus when you're frequently washing your hands so much.
@seanpalmer6995 2 жыл бұрын
Great point. Now you mention it my very painful cracked hands have cleared up with vitamin D.
@ianprince1698 3 жыл бұрын
my late wife used to work in the open wards she told me in Boston Lincolnshire had to go out in different weathers to turn the wards out of the wind, it seems they were open-sided on a swivel like a summerhouse in flat Lincolnshire the wind can blow
@kevinbyrne4538 3 жыл бұрын
Goodness. Teams of nurses, like draft horses, turning an entire ward.
@rosegreensummer 3 жыл бұрын
wow, you'd lose your sheets if they weren't quick!
@conniethomas4753 3 жыл бұрын
True xx
@ianprince1698 3 жыл бұрын
@@rosegreensummer the way that nurses make beds, they don't come out!
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19 In korea there are some people take upto 120mg ivermectin for 21days straightly to cure the terminal cancer but they tid not die. But they have side effects. Nobody who takes upto 48mg ivermectin had side effects So it is ok to take 48mg ivermectin .it is the best effective.. But fda recommends 24mg over 16years old. But 15years old girl who had a brain cancer .stage korea. She have taken 24mg ivermectin in the morning and 800mg mebendazole(albendazole) with 30ml olive oil. And she cured cancer within 6 months. Doctors gave up..because cancer cells located around the center of her brian.. Lots of koreans whom doctor gave up curing cure cancers with 48mg ivermectin for 3days in a week and then 2400mg (albendazole mebendazole or penbendazole) with 60ml olive oil. 48mg ivermectin for 7 days it kills all covid 19 in human body. .....,,,,,
@miffysmate 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lyndsay that was interesting and thank you John as always.
@ANNAOBAGS 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in my 60's. I have vivid memories of my mother making me and my siblings gargle with mouthwash (1960's Listerine) daily when we would have sore throats and colds, and when the flu was prevalent. She learned that from her mother. I never believed there was anything to it.....until now!
@virginiaallisonpeck2517 Жыл бұрын
My Dad did the same to us.
@glynisrandle8656 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Dr John, Sea salt mouth wash is even better. My husband and I live in Mauritius. We watch you all the time and appreciate your information. We are lucky not to have Covid here as the government have managed to control the borders with strict quarantine. Keep up the good work and thank you again.
@cristycreates2887 2 жыл бұрын
No they just aren't lying to you.
@glynisrandle8656 2 жыл бұрын
Things have changed sadly
@NS.25 3 жыл бұрын
We were always told to gargle with salt and warm water as children when we were sick.
@rodwallace6237 3 жыл бұрын
And soak a sore body part in hot water with Epsom Salts.
@Becomingization 3 жыл бұрын
@@rodwallace6237 That will be the magnesium in the epsom salts
@thefullmonte1902 2 жыл бұрын
I and my family have used a diluted iodine solution to smear our noses for 2 years now. Knock on wood, no problems so far, and I have been in closed areas with others, travelled etc.
@paulavandenbroeck1333 3 жыл бұрын
Hands, face, space, ventilate, gargle!
@tokiomitohsaka7770 3 жыл бұрын
And of course, vitamin D...
@thanosisback2754 3 жыл бұрын
And eat healthy, exercise too. Lose that weight too. If you cannot see your feet whilst standing upright... you are obese.
@Buggle7619 3 жыл бұрын
@@thanosisback2754 or pregnant😂
@b00gyman1 3 жыл бұрын
@@tokiomitohsaka7770 zinc, quercetin, cbd and medicinal mushrooms
@tomjohnson4681 3 жыл бұрын
Sick people honestly, did you not wash your hands and face or have showers before this garbage, did your parents not teach you that, you sick people.............
@northernillinoissasquatchr6260 3 жыл бұрын
I watched a KZbin video months ago by a Dr. Been, who talked about multiple mouthwash studies in Europe and Asia. I have been using Listerine Cool Mint mouthwash ever since.
@patriciabentley3782 3 жыл бұрын
Same here. It was very interesting. I use dilute hydrogen peroxide. Listerene coolmint stings my throat.
@PeachyNanaUK 3 жыл бұрын
I watched that too
@wendyrobertson5205 3 жыл бұрын
I have been using Listerine as well .....I think the strength of the mouthwash is good indication that it could work! Dr Been did a video on it months ago!
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19....
@mariannehart8000 3 жыл бұрын
Did you watch Dr. Been when he talks about ivermectin and that it has saved thousands of lives also.....................
@franceslock1662 2 жыл бұрын
My dentist told me a mouthwash of homemade salt solution is more effective than commercial products. Boil water and dissolve in salt then gargle if you’re on a tight budget.
@099bmac 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Campbell I think you need to start selling Vitamin D T-shirts!
@cloudie9druoid172 3 жыл бұрын
Brian MacLeod you could always spread the word yourself
@099bmac 3 жыл бұрын
@@cloudie9druoid172 oh' I do any one who will listen!
@Dunbardoddy 3 жыл бұрын
Colchicine, in the form of the autumn crocus, has been used for thousands of years to treat joint swelling
@gabriellakadar 3 жыл бұрын
@@knockknock1246 Don't you mean chlorine?
@knockknock1246 3 жыл бұрын
@@gabriellakadar No, I meant colchicine.
@knockknock1246 3 жыл бұрын
Was amplification of strength given in this broadcast about drinking grapefruit juice with colchicine? Wow...not good! And you want to erase my posts?
@gabriellakadar 3 жыл бұрын
@@knockknock1246 That's good you wrote the word you wanted to write but you are mistaken. There is no information anywhere about colchicine use for swimming pools.
@gabriellakadar 3 жыл бұрын
@@knockknock1246 You erased your own posts because you discovered that you are writing rubbish.
@davidaverill7041 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for validating the importance of mouthwash. Our family promotes mouthwash. We shop from a great on-line store which promotes NATURAL and Science tested products. One of these is several mouth wash products, which we swear by. Once I have a scratchy throat, I'll gargle right away, and the feeling goes away, usually within 24 hours.
@derrillyager7946 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you doctors, continue to spread the the knowledge to so many who have not learned these things over the years. I was lucky that I had a mother who said take your vitamins. And then later I had a wife who did the same thing, so those influences have kept me in Fair shape. Gout is very painful I was laid up with it for over 6 months. Took CBD for the pain so I could sleep. I cut out all alcohol, red meat, and sugar. I have had to learn to drink more water. Thanks again for the knowledge.
@lyndafayesmusic 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I know people who have had Gout! Have to be truthful, Dr. Campbell....DR. CAMPBELL HAS PRODUCED MUCH BETTER VIDEOS THAN THESE "TYPES" Baking soda and peroxide are good old fashioned stand-bys', eliminating the need for "buys" of Listerine and the like...not to mention the hyped prices of "santatizers", that are made of one part alcohol and 8 parts H20 too. Washing ones hands' til the skin falls off is a good one too;; Like nobody's heard of gloves ? Getting allot of fresh flowing air s a good one - so they closed all the beaches including all the small businesses they shut down?This virus doesn't care how dirty your kitchen counters are, btw (just makes people think they need to buy newly manufactured counter cleaners ? Heard of vinegar ? One part to 10 H2o? EPI-DEM-I-OLOGIST FALSIE IS ONLY GOOD AND RECITING OLD BIG SCARE WORDS AND ADDIDING SYLLABLES TO MAKE US THINK HE DID SOME RESEARCH; NO PREVENATIVES EITHER , TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. STATES THE WRONG STATS AND WON'T MAKE COMPARISONS TO THE COMMON FLUE, PNEUMONIA NOR OLD AGE DEATHS!! DR. DEBORAH LEE, UK, SAYS GROCERY STORES ARE WHERE MOST POSITIVE COVERTS ORIGINATE, FALSIE SAYS "BARS". FOLLOW THE MONEY TO FIND THE TRUTH????? IT'S APPARENTLY A BIG SECRET, WITH BIG ADVANCES FOR NEW VIDEOS ON HIS OLD STUFF; GOOGLE SENT US AN ARTICLE WHOSE TITLE IS " 98" SYMPTOMS THAT SHOW YOU HAVE ALREADY H A D COVERT19- THEN THE ARTICLE GIVES US 6- INSTEAD? SOUNDS LIKE THE PRODUCER WAS ZUCKERBERG FOR SURE; THE SAME OWNER WHO U S E S TRUMP'S PICTURE TO GET VIEWERS TO COME TO SEE BIDEN? MICKEY MOUSE MANIPULATED MEDIA; BEWARE OF THEM! FALSE ADVERTISING ALONG WITH ,THE CENSORSHIP! . "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England, based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub ora bar," says--- Dr. Deborah Lee---. Read on to see what was the worst, in this listlist ranked from places responsible for the least spread to the mostspread-and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss theseSure Signs You've Already Had Coronavirus. (EASY TO MISS THOSE 98 BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT LISTED; MORE FALSE ADVERTISING BY ZUKERBURG'S GOOGLE ?) "Bars: really not good, really not good," Dr. Anthony FALSIE ,the nation's top infectious disease expert and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said. "We really have got to stop that." Bars have indeed been proven to be a source of COVID spread, according to the CDC, along with indoor restaurants that have poor ventilation and gyms. But according to one new study out of the U.K., they are not always the single worst spreader of COVID-19. "You will be interested to know that recent research from Public Health England ,based on the NHS Test and Trace app, has shown that the most common place people visited in the few days before testing positive to COVID, was not a pub or a bar," says DOCTOR DEBORAH LEE---.Read on to see what was the worst, in this list SEEMS DR. LEE KNOWS HER STATS AND FALSIE CLAIMS HE CAN'T FIND THEM? I ask: Are there preventatives to Dr. Falsie's immune system that he's already taken for himself, and not dispersed to the sheep? Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media's news is nothin' new; except a pay raise for Faucie and some royalties for Dolly's donated experimental vaccine-- WHY CAN'T OUR PUBLIC SPEAKERS utilize decent English ? Makes us all, researches AND even the sheep, suspicious of the "information" being actually "important, " doesn't it?OH GOOD- THE N E W WORD FOR THE DAY KIDDIES , IS " DOSE-Y DO'S " & " V A R I E N C E"......"A N T O G E N TI C VARIATION" NICE NEW WORDS WHILE DR. FALSIE TAKES PREVENTATIVES FOR H I S IMMUNE SYSTEM? "EXPEDITIOUSLY"..AND what a nice PUN, i.e., " RELENTLESS DR. RELENT SKY ?" THAT 'S A CUTE PUN FOR HER? THEY CERTAINLY ARE RELENTSKYS. RELENTLESS NEW WORD FOR NEXT VIDEO ? "RELENTISITY" PERHAPS ? His Last video was based on" O B L I T E R A T I N G" THE "E F F I C A C Y " FOR THE SHEEP? Then, in his next video he expanded the "efficacy" for our listening pleasure to "Efficacious?" This so-termed, specialist "Epi-DEM-i-ologist " has some BIG NEW WORDS FOR US - and to earn his pay raise from video to video, merely adds extra syllables to words he's previously used, that are mere derivatives OF the words from his former videos WHERE ARE THE PREVENTATIVES Y O U YOURSELF HAVE BEEN TAKING FOR THE LAST Y E A R Dr. Falsie? And at what point WILL get the ACCURATE NUMBER COMPARISONS TO THE SAME GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS, OF DEATHS FROM FLU, PNEUMONIA, AND SIMPLE OLD AGE ??? Like to limit some of Falsie's "obliterating" of the preventatives and inaccurate NUMBERS ? Sure he could have found those numbers and made logical comparisons in the past YEAR? No, he and Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media just haven't been able to find those for his "E QU A T I O N" ...EITHER ? TOO BUSY MAKING NEW VIDEOS ON OLD VERBIAGE ? I HOPE TO "I N C I T E" RESEARCH HERE !"for my fellow man"....AND SUGGEST "STORMING" THE GOV WITH WHAT THEY DESERVE....And....for the sheep? but can you help repost my info for their Mickey Mouse Manipulated Media ? Many are obviously mis-informed ! Pray to God Zuck won't get around to shutting down NTD and Newsmax ;or we'll all be looking for those old Ham Radios and Radio Free Europe for "communication!" Post at nbc,cnn, etc. all of the MMMMM. Do your own research, and for preventatives 800-700-6151 (Q with Bromaline and "NAC") "Devil be Gone with the Wind" to empower the children to face those BIG SCARY WORDS they dont' understand!
@dianeiles 3 жыл бұрын
So interesting! I'm a dental hygienist ( Uk) so I'm in a prime position to recommend mouthwash to my patients. I swab my patients mouths with antiseptic mouthwash prior to treatment now too! Rinsing in the spittoon is not recommended for us ATM as some patients spit with such vigour it creates a splash back in our line of fire.
@marionmeikle8874 2 жыл бұрын
Shame she was interrupted just at the end when she was about to mention something else about Vit D which I was eager to hear ! Great lady, thankyou !
@mskelly-ji7qo 3 жыл бұрын
Grandma knew, tablespoon of cod liver oil - no one gets sick!!!
@jefffolkard1007 3 жыл бұрын
Yes and what a horrible taste. We ran from the spoon as soon as that bottle came out.
@jen9774 3 жыл бұрын
@@jefffolkard1007 .we had cod liver oil and malt - it was like eating a spoonful of sticky toffee. Loved it
@Digital-Dan 3 жыл бұрын
And almost everyone dies in their 40s.
@mskelly-ji7qo 3 жыл бұрын
@@Digital-Dan What a "DEBBIE DOWNER"! You must must be a scream at parties!
@shawnmacaluso9256 3 жыл бұрын
@@mskelly-ji7qo 😂
@susanlloyd8410 3 жыл бұрын
Had my invite for my 1st jab this Thursday..lm ecstatic l really am.Keep up your good work.
@kimpunter5299 3 жыл бұрын
You can have mine as well.
@dianne.murielrobidoux9008 3 жыл бұрын
Thank's for presenting us to Lindsay very proud of a fellow Canadian scientist plus great info
@FriendlyPharmacy5 3 жыл бұрын
🇨🇦Thank you for the kind words.
@KevinTalbotTV 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Dr, could you do a video explaining why flu has almost disappeared?
@dallastaylor5479 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe social distancing works. But we have vaccines for the flu.
@dragonphoenix8 3 жыл бұрын
Social distancing, hand washing and other hygiene measures.
@ristart777 3 жыл бұрын
@@dragonphoenix8 you’ve been sold that to ensure you keep buying masks and hand wash/sanitiser and *keep your distance* in future... Does that sound like any kind of reality you want to create for yourself 🤔 I think not ✌️
@NaggyPat24 3 жыл бұрын
Check out ZDogg last vid ...he explains this
@mjwilliamsb2676 3 жыл бұрын
I read a scientific article about the absence of flu this year - there were 3 reasons cited for its almost total absence, (down to 1 in 100,000 people when most average flu seasons its 27 in 100,000). The reasons were 1. mask wearing, distancing, hand hygiene and to some extent, ventilation (flu is not as contagious as covid so its much easier to avoid it with these measures, same for most cold viruses) 2. at least doublle the number of flu vaccines being administered in many couintries in the northern hemisphere last autumn 3. Covid, being so infectious has to some extent out competed flu - flu virus may find it difficult to infect and multiply because Covid already has the bases covered in a person with covid infection. Given this research, I have every intention of continuing mask wearing and hand hygiene every winter in order to avoid flu, since it works pretty well.
@watershedbarbie9685 3 жыл бұрын
I gargle with peroxide before I go out and when I come home.Dentists have been making people do it for months before they get into the chair.
@juanitabrown7998 3 жыл бұрын
I gargle at my dentist office when I go in
@arbudge 3 жыл бұрын
I use hydrogen peroxide whenever I get the slightest sore throat and within 2 uses it has gone and does not come back. An old eccentric pharmacist taught me that about 30years ago
@watershedbarbie9685 3 жыл бұрын
@@arbudge Awesome!
@watershedbarbie9685 3 жыл бұрын
@Tracey Rimmer Swallowing small amounts of HP is not dangerous, if it is the 3 percent solution sold in drugstores. I never swallow any, and only go out about once per week. I agree with you that people should be careful.
@j.i.9065 3 жыл бұрын
@igoremmerich3247 3 жыл бұрын
I have been taking vitamin D3 for a long time. 10 thousand IU per day, 5 days per week (thus, 50 thousand per week). It is totaly safe. Here in Brazil is very cheap and easy to have your vitamin D blood levels checked (10 dollars). My level is arround 70 ng/mL (my weight is arround 80kg). Excellent!
@muskepticsometimes9133 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting. Japan had lower covid and many of them historically gargle.
@rodpanhard 3 жыл бұрын
More deaths by suicide than the covaids in Japan now thanks to the covid policy.
@user-mo4qj8qj1k 3 жыл бұрын
12-24mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 100mg zinc a day for 7days..cures covid 19
@alan4sure 3 жыл бұрын
@@rodpanhard to begin with, Japanese are big on suicides for situations much of the western world never would resort to doing that for.
@alan4sure 3 жыл бұрын
@New World Order the "new world order" troll chooses a fitting name. Conspiracy believer dolt. Hope your job doesn't require intelligent thinking.
@rodpanhard 3 жыл бұрын
@@alan4sure And the covid poliicy trebled it same as it has done in the UK.
@Kangaroo_Caught 3 жыл бұрын
In Australia, there was a big move a few years ago against mouthwashes with a high alcohol content due to correlations with oral cancer. While in Mexico recently, as nighttime temperatures fell, I started to get sore throat and similar URTI symptoms. I used Oral-B mouthwash regularly and noticed a significant reduction in the symptoms. COVID tests were simply not available. I had no anosmia so assumed it was not COVID. I realise that this is an n of 1 but mention my experience.
@laurawheeler6684 3 жыл бұрын
Here in Canada the same is said. Use mouthwash WITHOUT alcohol. Personally, when I get a sore throat, I use warm water and salt. Seems to work.
@elisevillemaire8344 3 жыл бұрын
The new variants include sore throats! Guess more is different?Haven't been sick with flu or cold in 4 years of Vit☀D high supplementation (far above what John is comfortable with) so a single day of sore throat really stuck out. A light anosmia, too. Then, even with a 54ng/ml [135nmol/L] blood level, when I hit the immune dysregulation phase I had 3 days where I got ANAPHYLAXIS with extremely high BP, which I have never had before! I went to the E.R. the first day, but their 2X Benadryl Rx worked the next 2times. Since then, I've also had hives, and my tongue still feels fat, swollen & a bit raw. No lung issues, at least.
@wboyle9721 3 жыл бұрын
Crazy Phil my old doctor in Glasgow advised mouthwashes years ago he was old school like Dr john I been on listerine total care for months and still covid free best to australia from Glasgow scotland stay safe
@crisclourt2028 3 жыл бұрын
Who are the Millions against Medical Mandates? We are a coalition of health freedom activists working together to prevent medical mandates. We are physicians, lawyers, journalists, nurses, researchers, scientists, nutritionists, parents of vaccine injured children and adults, citizen activists and organizations alarmed about the erosion of our rights to bodily autonomy. Go to mamm . org and add your signature and share with others because the more people against this medical tyranny the better we stand a chance to survive this medical holocaust. This is a worldwide holocaust against the common people.
@anthonydeacon881 3 жыл бұрын
@@chelseamaniac6015 Kills anything, eh? Really? You are an idiot! How many kinds of organisms live in the sea, from diatoms to blue whales?
@monikaseidenberg5403 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. In Poland a traditional natural remedy when you have swollen or infected throat, I gurgling with salt water. It definitely helps, with other traditional stuff like onion Sirup, garlic and salt pickles.
@freebirdh604 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr C and Lindsey 👍☮️
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