D&D Players, What was the most amazing way a player ended a fight against the BBEG?

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@Tinopachanga 2 жыл бұрын
I remember perfectly. We had just defeated the villain, so the "cinematic death" was coming. Basically all the PC merged with the Goddess to create a ultra huga powerful creature (which, for comparison, was something like Dr. Manhattan). DM asked us how we wanted to kill him. The Barbarian quickly replied "I STEP ON IT". So we were there, a huge amalgation of creatures with the power to bend reality or manipulate time, and we stepped on the BBEG
@sirdeeztheodorenutstheseco1507 2 жыл бұрын
kinda like the ending of Oblivion
@mitsunitaiko1742 2 жыл бұрын
In our first story, the villains were baby sized monsters, two of them. I kicked it in the face like it was an american football ball and I succeeded so hard it splashed on the wall
@voidska 2 жыл бұрын
@jonasimer7569 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus christ
@mitsunitaiko1742 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonasimer7569 we had very reasonnable reasons to hate them in every conceivable ways
@omega6169 2 жыл бұрын
@@mitsunitaiko1742 what reasons
@mitsunitaiko1742 2 жыл бұрын
@@omega6169 They tried to kill and imprisonning us several times via the town's guard that they mind controlled to form a dictature in the city
@IAmCar47 2 жыл бұрын
One guy did the distraction dance, giving another player enough time to pile drive it without detection
@angelbloodshinra 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like the Second Greatest Plan possible to me. :P 🚁
@cyborg428105 2 жыл бұрын
If Henry Stickmin played D&D XD
@gilliancastle5106 2 жыл бұрын
@@cyborg428105 someone needs to animate that 🤣
@MultiFan30 11 ай бұрын
@GabrielMichaelDels 4 ай бұрын
Pulled a Guardians of the Galaxy moment.
@nathancoomber7359 2 жыл бұрын
I've got one. We were playing a homebrew game where all magic came from various different types of spirits. One player was playing a Demon (homebrew race) Warlock in service to a huge super evil spirit that was basically Cthulu and had a power that let them eat spirits to gain power. Another player was playing the most obnoxious cleric (mostly due to being the worst out of game as well) in service to the exact opposite of the warlock's patron but still fairly evil. The rest of the party had universally decided to betray the cleric as their patron was going to kill all non spirit life on the planet. We kill the cleric before they can even get a turn but their patron morphs them into a celestial dragon to continue the fight, keeping all of its cleric abilities. I want to say it was a hard fight but unfortunately the cleric couldn't get their head out of their own ass long enough to actually know how strong they were. The dragon goes down and to the horror of the DM the Warlock says "I eat him". Jump cut to a few minutes of DM panic later and the Warlock has turned into Cthulu 2.0 and proceeds to beat the shit out of the Cleric's patron before eating it as well. TLD: Warlock eats obnoxious cleric, becomes a god and then eats the cleric's god.
@skywoofyt5375 2 жыл бұрын
his dad would be proud
@lexsamreeth8724 2 жыл бұрын
First game I ever GMed, had a disease themed dungeon crawl in Pathfinder. The party had gotten to the last room, and found that the cult had been serving a leukodaemon (NE outsider that serves the Horseman of Pestilence). The party psion decided to end this dungeon with a bang - quite literally. He spent all of his power points to cast the most powerful fire power he had at maximum power. Turned out that RAW said he couldn't boost the power that far, but we agreed on a way to compensate. The leukodaemon, and his insect-like minions, were all incinerated in a massive conflagration, with the daemon only managing a flabbergasted "How..." before he was reduced to ash. When the town was holding a festival to celebrate the purging of this cult that had been literally plaguing their town, the psion revealed that they were suffering from a physical side effect of their massive psionic exertion - they had blinded themselves. This led to a hook into the next adventure.
@BigDaddySama 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite TTRPG story: One of the first few sessions of my long-term Pathfinder game, the party needed to get inside a warehouse owned by one of the noble houses of the city we were in (Pitax, I think) to find evidence of smuggling. We had a solid plan, so we thought. The ranger and rogue both scouted around the warehouse in opposite directions. If the way was guarded, they were to give the "signal", the "signal" being the cry of a river dolphin. The ranger sneaks around to the back of warehouse where he finds 2 generic half-orc grunts guarding the back door. Knowing the rogue would be coming around the corner any second, the ranger rolls his nature to try to mimic a dolphin. Nat 1. In a panic, he yells out "DOLPHIN NOISES!". The DM found this funny and allowed the ranger to roll a bluff check. He rolled a 16 or something. The grunts however both rolled nat 1's. One of the grunts asked what that sound was. The other turned to him and said "What are yous, stupid? Thems dolphin noises." The moral of the story, if you can't dazzle them with your knowledge checks, baffle them with bluff skill.
@joshallen3165 2 жыл бұрын
This one is really cool but requires a little bit of context: There was a guy playing homebrew rules for a Dracotaur. It was a pretty powerful race, size large, +2 to Str and Con, could make claw attacks that dealt 1d4+Str mod+proficiency slashing damage instead of an unarmed strike, had natural resilience to poison, necrotic, and fire damage. But the real kicker was it had two amazing racial traits: • once per long rest you could rear up on your back legs and use your forelimbs to wield your weapons, meaning you got +4 to your STR, advantage on strength rolls and a DC10 check to creatures in melee range or else they’d become frightened. After doing this you’d gain a level of exhaustion •on account of having immortal dragon’s blood - once in your entire characters lifetime, if you died, you could choose to survive instead. You would come back with 1d4+Con mod HP, and once the immediate danger passed (I.e once the combat was over) you’d instantly get 5 levels of exhaustion. These exhaustion levels are important to the next part of the story. It was actually well balanced, because one of the racial traits was a one time usage thing and the other was pretty costly overall to use. So anyway: We’re fighting the BBEG, and the dracotaur (who is a barbarian) is getting focused pretty bad (this was pretty usual at this point - he was a bigger target and if the DM didn’t deal with him he could do a LOT of damage) but the DM just so happened to roll REALLY well, which took the dracotaur to zero HP. Before our cleric could get over there, however, a stray spell ended up blowing up some barrels full of arcane materials next to the dracotaur, literally killing him outright. The BBEG is on pretty low health at this point, and it’s the barbarian’s turn next. When it comes around, he chooses to re-alive himself, coming back up with like 7HP. He rages, charges at the BBEG and uses his forelimb trait to get the extra 4 to STR - and ends up finishing off the BBEG’s last couple of hit points. We’re all going crazy and cheering at this point, but once the BBEG dies and the combat is over, he gets 5 levels of exhaustion from re-aliving himself, and one from using his powerful forelimbs. He dropped his great sword, told the party what an honour it had been, and dropped dead on the spot, succumbing to his exhaustion. It was such a sweet moment, knowing that he didn’t have to use the forelimb ability to deal the last bit of damage, but doing it anyway just to up the epic-ness and make the ending so much more impactful
@thecrocco5572 2 жыл бұрын
Hey there. Im a Forever DM for 3.5e, and I can share two moments. The first one: It wasnt THE final boss, but it was the BBEG of that arc, a massive eleven-headed Pyrohydra that was destroying a sacred grove. It was designed to be a powerful foe, that would have stretched the party to its limits. Unfortunately, I underestimated the druid, Harmony, as I consistently do, and rather than a massive, climactic battle involving the whole party, she tossed a flaming sphere into the beast's cavern lair and then walled it off with another spell. The beast's lair was on a coal seam. Pyrohydras are not immune to smoke inhalation. It died without even seeing the party. The second one: I love pitting my players against epic foes. The BBEG for this particular arc was a nasty ancient wyrm from an infernal prison plane. The dragon had taken over a town, blanketing it with will-sapping magic and even subverting one of the party members, a drow vampire named Leylan. The party had made a few...poor choices...and now faced the dragon significantly earlier than they should have. Things seemed bleak, with the the druid and the bard attempting to weather the dragon's many attacks and preparing to die like heroes - there's a whole other hilarious tale in that - when the vampire Leylan finally snaps out of his magical brainwashing. He then promptly crits as hard as he possibly can...with a vorpal sword. The ancient wyrm that should have absolutely trounced the party with little effort is brutally decapitated, and once again, I have to rethink enemy balance.
@cybermadness2503 2 жыл бұрын
This is the story of how our party had lost their favourite and beloved NPC. In a *World of Darkness* game I ran, the party were two wondering people trapped in an abandoned town overrun by vampires. With the help of a good-guy vampire NPC, they found out that the town's original mayor had traded everyone in the town to the vampires in exchange for his own cowardly life. Upon arriving at the entrance/exit of the town, they were confronted by a bloodied and injured vamp they had fought and nearly killed at the start of the campaign, holding a shotgun at them. Apparently, he held a grudge against being nearly beaten to death by a couple of lowly humans. I described that the shotgun only had one shot left in it, which limited the vamp's choice on who to shoot. He aims at the leader of the pair and pulled the trigger. The unexpected and heart-breaking moment happened! The good Vampire ally, named James, jumped in the way and took the hit in the head. This shocked the two players, as they really loved James and all the missions they had gone on with him. The leader responded by using his ax to slaughter the gun-holding vamp into bloody pieces while the female reporter, Helina, was holding James' body crying her eyes out as he slowly turned to dust. She even cried in real life. She had fallen in love with James since first meeting him. After leaving the town, they both buried James' ashes near a giant tree that had a Christian cross carved on it, hoping he would finally get the eternal rest he deserved.
@ADMICKEY 2 жыл бұрын
So like, where's the nearest reboot van?
@littlemoon3025 2 жыл бұрын
I was flabbergasted. The party had to stop a mage from giving something to the wrong god. In the area there were several magical altars. They knew that whatever is put on the altars would be blown up. They tried 3 full rounds to pick up the mage and finally they threw him on one of the altars. It was probably the most proud Ive ever been as a DM. Pure fun and great teamwork we accomplished that day
@Blandy8521 2 жыл бұрын
So we were introduced to the bbeg at level 2 and we were attacked by the bbeg and shadows. We hadn't had a chance to have a short rest since the last battle since for whatever reason the dm expected us to run despite knowing that we were Chaos Gremlins. So Ben was killed by the strength drain and died next to me. Now the bbeg was between me and the exit so as a wild magic sorcerer I used a wild magic surge in the hopes of getting something beneficial... and uh... how do I put this... Well the result I got caused the bbeg to get enraged and attack the closest thing to him which happened to be me, a squishy sorcerer at 5hp and was promptly killed Dio style. My dm has a rule that when you fail all death saves you get an adrenaline surge which let's the dead player do a single action though you can't move or heal yourself. So I blew myself up and Ben had 23 sticks of dynamite on him. So at level 2 we almost 1 shot the bbeg with an unintentional combo attack while the party fled tldr I blew myself up and because of my friend dying we almost 1 shot the bbeg
@thejanitoroftheneverending1174 2 жыл бұрын
I is DM
@Blandy8521 2 жыл бұрын
@@thejanitoroftheneverending1174 Can confirm, he is dm
@tnm1697 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing in that it was kinda frustrating in a way but very inventive. My party had hoarded these various “bigger than it looks” storage items (I had home brewed bag of holding type pouches and coin purses because to me if the handy haversack with all of its pockets exits then smaller bags and pouches could reasonably be enchanted to a lesser version of this enchantment as well) and both casters were able to learn and use polymorph. Long story short during a tournament where they had to fight for an audience with a king who they were trying to warn against a coup that would occur in a few days. So to save time my players used the Divination Wizard and Trickery Domain Cleric to polymorph the creatures into small frogs and rodents, put them into a few of these coin pouches of holding they found, then chucked them all into a spare portable hole they had crafted. This teleports all of these monsters one way into the Astral Sea as many had began to succumb to unconsciousness due to the air limitations of those pocket dimension storages. The players then began to employ this strategy with any lower intelligence/feral monsters, animals, or sentient creatures that attacked them to save time but had agreed amongst themselves to not use it against bosses which they did honor until it was clear that an enemy who had been personal to the Divination Wizard was in the single digits of HP, in which the player used it as a cool role playing moment of sending his greatest enemy to banishment in the Astral Sea. So much later in a one shot, we revisited that campaign where the PCs had aged to the late years of life and decided to take a Spell Jammer to each of their respective afterlives to arrive in person instead of just their soul. During the cruise every single encounter was comprised of the ship being attacked by the ghosts of the mobs of creatures they chucked in here. It created a wacky and nostalgic end to heroes that many of these players had started playing DND with.
@evilminionnumber2 2 жыл бұрын
Had a game where the players were exploring a haunted mansion. As they explored, they discovered the place used to belong to an alchemist who had been driven crazy by a daemon. When they encountered the main ghost, they decided to counter-possess the ghost and forcefeed him some therapy. It was such a great solution.
@jenndowden8131 2 жыл бұрын
Many years ago now, I was part of a campaign DM'd by my brother in law. I took over an old forsaken character in a class I don't usually play- a fighter- and had a good time playing with her. We actually made it all the way to the BBEG, which was a black dragon & it was brutal. My memory isn't great, & I'm unfamiliar with all the various game mechanics, but at some point in the campaign- I'd earned a hero point; basically would let me roll a 20, or something to that effect... we'd worn the BBEG down, but things were looking dire & the next time the baddy got a turn, one of my companions was going to die. I'd been saving that point, wondering if the DM was aware I remembered it existed or not... and it was go-time. I wound up using that point on some crazy attack that ended the BBEG, saved my companion, & won us the entire campaign. I wish I remembered it better, but it was fun.
@alexbiddell8710 2 жыл бұрын
So I'm not very experienced as a player, but I remember one of the coolest moments from the very first session I ever played. A friend of mine made a one-shot using a system that he's currently developing for players who are interested in TTRPGs, but might be overwhelmed by 5e's design. Our party consisted of several inexperienced PCs (myself included) and two more experienced role-players who've played several campaigns before and my friend serving as the DM. We tracked through a series of catacombs to our first boss room which I visualized from my friend's description as an underground ruin of a sanctuary. Think Catholic church, broken stained-glass windows, ancient-looking room. The BBEG (we thought) was a 3-headed Hydra that was guarded by 2 stone golem knights. After many rounds of combat, we had downed the Hydra and still had 1 one of the golems to deal with. What we didn't realize was that the spirit within the Hydra (the real BBEG) had taken over one of the Golems and made it much more aggressive. Of course, with most of us being super inexperienced, the strategy was not much more than shoot, slash, hit, heal, etc. for a good while. UNTIL one of our more experienced players got the bright idea to investigate the Hydra during the fight. Rolled a great investigation check and decided to take one of the Hydra's teeth. A few rounds later, he climbs up the possessed golem's back to perch on his shoulders, rolls for an attack, and swiftly thrusts the Hydra tooth into the golem's eye for a crit where we finally heard the words "How do you want to do this?" I was baffled by the creativity of the PC that did this and I got so hype. Unfortunately, the BBEG being a non-corporeal spirit got away, but the moment itself was legendary and fueled my further interest in TTRPG's since then.
@pedrooginio 2 жыл бұрын
Three of the players (myself included) got each a Nat20 on the attack roll, one after the other. Using different dice. The BBEG was an adult white dragon, which died before his turn would begin.
@icecreamorc 2 жыл бұрын
My wife's current sci-fi game takes place in a post universe reset because our last party failed to fully stop the big bad. They destroyed our reality but we killed them before they could consume the raw energy of it. So one of our party made the sacrifice and became the cosmic entity that's dream gives the new reality shape.
@navigatoroftherealms8237 2 жыл бұрын
It was during my friend's Call of Cthulhu campaign. I knew Lovecraftian mythos, but had never played the actual game. We had screwed up so much from the start. Our only magic user continually drove himself insane, we failed to save our NPC friend from turning into another fishy resident of Insmouth, and we rarely won any of our encounters and mostly ran away. My character's attempt to learn "The Truth" had led him to believe there was no fighting the Powers at Work on the island, and even out of character I knew, I just Knew, that we had to run and simply hope to escape with at least some of the party alive. Then... the boss fight came. On the beach, between us and the only vessel that would take us to freedom, stood our old sea captain. His body made a horrid twist inside his skin as he transformed into a herald of the prophet Cthulhu, himself. I despaired. My character cried out that we were all dead, nothing would save us, and he was the most sane of the party. Even as we began damaging it, I watched as the DM gave no indication we were hurting it at all and so I assumed it was immune to all our damage types. It was just so imposing, frightening, and showed contempt for all we stood for - whether physically, mentally, or spiritually. I figured we would all go down heroically, and that was when our most mentally unstable party member - an expert in Elder knowledge and spells - lost all of his remaining sanity, fell down, screamed in an inhuman voice, and one of the creatures' several mouths began to swallow him. I almost hated the fact that all of our failed attempts at this campaign would end in futile defeat, helpless before a behemoth of chaos and ancient power. But... that was also very Lovecraftian, so I respected my friend, the DM, for doing that to us, even as I knew my newly beloved character - a doctor of medicine - would perish. But then... ...then... ...the creature lurched forward and slumped down as though it was... injured? A thrill went through me. We had been hurting it all along! How? We were weak things of flesh, and this thing was flesh remade and rewritten to consume us mind, body, and soul! Even out of character I was overjoyed. At the worst possible moment, we were actually seeing a chance of winning. We battered, scratched, and stabbed the monstrosity and hoped we'd somehow kill it before it killed us. I knew we'd lose our Eldritch expert as his feet were now disappearing into the creature's side. From inside the creature, our insane comrade made one last attempt to hurt the Thing before he died. I injected it with a needle of whatever harmful chemicals were left in my medicine bag. Our ex-soldier fired the last of his bullets, and our other party member twitched on the ground as the Thing's voice send invisible claws into his conscious mind. If we didn't kill it here we would all die! Nothing else mattered! And still I believed the DM was simply giving us a glimpse of hope in the Eternal Void that awaited us, for how could lowly bi-peds fight gods of writhing tentacles and knowledge so vast it consumed the mind of lesser beings? But... the Thing was falling! It was FALLING! I actually laughed hysterically as it lost composure over its corporeal form. We dragged our dying comrade from its dripping form as It gurgled words that only our minds could hear. Then it dispersed into a thousand crabs, starfish, and other undersea creatures that scuttled into the lapping waves. We did the very last thing I expected us to do. We won. Best boss fight I have ever experienced. TLDR: Strange storm strands strangers with scary sea-creature spawn. Hope is hidden in the horrdendous horror as hapless humans hack with hysterical haste. Fishy foe fellates friend's formerly fine but now fetal form. Big boss bursts brains before buying the Big One on the beach, baffling some brave boys. (Still TLDR: WE - FUCKING - WON!)
@Keldun 2 жыл бұрын
(3.5, Forgotten Realms, some Homebrew elements) BBEG: Elven Lich. Uncle of one of the players, a Psionicist. The parties Elven Psionicist used the Psionic version of Wish (Reality Alteration), at the start of the final battle, to make it that their uncle had never become a Lich. I was forced to change 200 years of campaign background, spur of the moment. I called a 5 minute break, and when we resumed, the new BBEG was a Gnome Artificer, with a Wild Wild West steampunk giant spider mecha.
@aidan4472 2 жыл бұрын
“I cast suggest to make him go to sleep” “Oh? OH. Okay, well…”
@kaseymathew1893 2 жыл бұрын
A while back, a Pathfinder group I'm part of (leveled in the low teens at the time) was stripped of all weapons/equipment and tossed into a level ONE module. Our paladin encountered a monolouging skeleton, solo-one-shotted it, and said "I do not banter with minions." The GM facepalmed and mumbled through her fingers: "That was the Boss."
@ala5530 2 жыл бұрын
I've mentioned this story before, but four words: Pink Wafer Napalm Tornado. One of the party (a Satyr wild magic Sorcerer/Fighter) had made a running gag of being amazed by mortal foods (it being his first time out of the Feywilds), and became obsessed with pink wafers (a sub-par biscuit/cookie), to the point that rather than gearing up for the campaigns endgame, he spent all his money on a Bag of Holding completely filled with pink wafers, several hundred thousand of them. We were fighting the newly incarnate avatar of a god of lies, poison and murder (the campaign's BBEG). An NPC druid cast Whirlwind, pinning the BBEG in place. Our Satyr's player asks the DM: "So, those pink wafers, they're basically sugar, right?" DM: "Yes..." Satyr: "So they'd burn really well if someone set them on fire?" DM: "...yes..." Satyr: "I turn the Bag of Holding inside out" Just over 200,000 pink wafers come tumbling out of the extraplanar space, getting sucked up immediately by the whirlwind. Satyr: "And, Boom! Action Surge, Fireball!" BBEG is now covered in burning sugar in a fire tornado. At which point, the party's fighter decides that rather than risk the BBEG using Legendary actions to escape, she's going to deal with it, and charges *into* the napalmnado (and would have died if she weren't a half-orc), stabbing the BBEG with a set of poisoned daggers we'd picked up from his cultist acolytes earlier in the campaign. Another story comes from a one-shot I ran...oh, about 15 years ago, using a slightly modified version of WFRP 2e. The party was essentially being run through a protagonist-flipped version of Wizard of Oz, so the BBEG was a sorceress with a Small But Vicious Dog, riding her 'tame' manticore, a Chaos Knight, and a wooden/straw golem. The party did the classic bit of "How about a little fire, Scarecrow!", as expected, but then they started to get creative. Y'see, one of the reasons I like WFRP as a system, is how it handles damage- it tracks how much armour you have in each location, and what injuries that location has taken. What's more, with the right luck, even a starting character can do almost infinite damage, as a max roll on the damage dice can explode, and will keep doing so as long as a player keeps rolling max... and after a point, regardless of where on the target they hit, the rules just say "the target dies in whatever gory fashion you can imagine." So, the Diestro (think 'DEX-based Fighter' or 'Swashbuckle Rogue' in D&D terms) just keeps stabbing the Chaos Knight in different vital spots... and leaving the dagger he was doing it with in there, with the end result that the 'poor Tin Man' (as I was thinking of him by this point) literally couldn't move, as every single joint of his plate armour was jammed in place by a dagger... and then the Berserker picks up the immobilised foe and YEETS him at the airborne manticore. Manticores aren't known for being the smartest of beasts. Cunning and cruel, yes, but not smart. When it saw a piece of meat coming towards it, at speed, it reacted by trying to eat it. Unfortunately for the manticore, said flying snack was several times larger than its head, and covered in sharp pointy bits of armour. Now, you might not realise, but when a flying creature with 38hp (plus a soak of 5) takes 70+ damage to the facemeats from a thrown improvised weapon (normally d10-4+Strength Bonus), it tends to stop flying. Catastrophically. Oh, and it also doesn't go well for anything riding said flying creature when that happens either...
@Clover_tongue 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite has been in a post-campaign one-shot where we brought back all of our old characters and did one last adventure. In the party, there was a barbarian named Aadona (who, in true barbarian fashion, asked if she could REDUCE her intellegence whenever she got to an ability score improvement level) Basically, they had found this cult worshipping these two statues of these creatures that were part panther, part greek drakon (These were called drakara). And found that the cult leader was preparing a way to summon these beings. Long story short, they kill the cult and find the leader, mid summoning ritual, and they see the massive ghostly forms of these creatures forming from the mist, becoming more and more solid every second. The plan HAD been for them to fight the drakara. Instead, Aadona literally said "Guys, it's not that hard to win this." and she chucked a pebble at the cult leader (who had like 15 HP), breaking his concentration (As well as most of his bones) and ending the ritual, trapping the drakara in oblivion for another millenia. then they just proceeded to punch the cult leader to death.
@holykonchu7250 2 жыл бұрын
Rock go bonk
@funnyblog100 2 жыл бұрын
During the final fight with the big bad of a level 7 dungeon crawl my wild mage survived every spell that was thrown at him. This was due to a lot of lucky death saves and a lot of healing potions that the party used to revive me. The squishy spellcaster not only outlived most of the party but proved so nightmarishly hard to kill that the big bad had a complete mental breakdown. He survived multiple eldritch blasts to the face, finger of death, being thrown into a vat of acid twice, and was hit with fireball which he again survived since I had absorb elements. The party became convinced that my character was some kind of immortal because he survived over 20 near deaths in the final fight. Every time he went down I would ace my death saves and he would be back up again to mock the big bad for failing to kill him properly.
@100dfrost 2 жыл бұрын
When I dm'd The Rise of Tiamat as she was breaking into Faerun at the Well of Dragons my son polymorphed into a dragon and dived onto her heads. Believe it or not it worked. One npc aided him with a great magic missile spell, otherwise he took her out alone.
@ensentry 2 жыл бұрын
the bbeg was low on health, and ge was in melee range with every character, he tried to move to get to his mcguffin but he died from oppritunity attacks so instead of one person getting to describe how they killed him, i let them do a group description, i dont remember how they described it but i remember they were all cheering.
@WhizzerdSupreme 2 жыл бұрын
In my very first D&D group, back in 2014, everyone took turns being DM. One of the player's favorite modules was Ravenloft from 2E. So for his turn, he translated/homebrewed the Ravenloft campaign into 5e, long before Curse of Strahd was published. We were currently in the first arc of Hoard of the Dragon Queen, right after leaving Greenest to rescue the captured monk. (I forgot his name because tbh the only name I remember is Langdedross Cyanwrath, who became my character's nemesis after the 1v1 duel where I lost, but he held his honor and left the town, taking the monk, but not before biting off my left pinkie finger, because I was a half-orc who came from a clan where eating the flesh of your most honorable kill in battle was meant to strengthen oneself, and give back to the circle of nature). Anyways, we end up lost in an enchanted mist, and pop up in Barovia, beginning the Ravenloft story. My character, a totem barbarian, wielded a greatsword, and it turns out, it was the hilt of the holy sword from the story. Fastforward, we've assembled the mcguffins and restored the sword, and are in the middle of fighting Strahd in his lair. The version of the holy sword was much more powerful than the weak af sun sword in the current CoS, so I'm happy to have that. I ended up absolutely wrecking the vampire lord in 1 turn because of a crit and extra attack. (Savage attacker, reckless attack, great weapon master, and extra bonuses against evil, undead, and vampires). Reduced him to mist form in ONE turn.
@TheMaghorn 2 жыл бұрын
I was playing a game of Warhammer 40k: Black Crusade a few years ago as a Thousand Sons Sorcerer. During a campaign, our party came to possess a tesseract: basically a technological bag of holding for anybody not familiar with the setting, that contained a Changer of Ways, a greater demon of the god Tzeentch. This wasn't from the same campaign as the encounter but it does come into play later. In the campaign where it happened we were exploring a ruined temple that had previously been occupied by a band of rogue Khorne raiders. Deep in the temple we found a throne room, and seated on it was a gigantic Bloodthister, a greater demon of Khorne, who quickly got up and charged at the party. There was little doubt the Blodthirster would kill a couple of us, if not wipe the party if we weren't careful, but I had a plan. Khorne and Tzeentch are opposed to each other, and the Changer of Ways was really not happy about being locked up inside the tesseract, so I used my first turn to basically stop time and telepathically communicated with the Changer, and because Tzeentch was Kah's patron god, we were able to make a deal, so I let the Changer out of his prison. The instant it manifested, the Bloodthirster ignored us and charged at the Changer, tearing the temple apart as they brawled it out. With the help of the rest of the party, we were able to stuff the Bloodthirster into the tesseract, and used him to power our spaceship for the rest of the game. Tl;dr, I made a deal with a demon to fight another demon and trapped the second in a tiny box.
@theelderlardrider2425 2 жыл бұрын
oh boy do I have a story for this, in my first ever game of dnd we were playing level 3 characters and my friend who was also new, played a bard. The bbeg was a nerfed lich named elderberry the lich and after some very powerful rolls from me as a paladin smiting him and the sorcerer casting fireball he was incredibly low. This is where the bard came in to cast the most powerful spell, vicious mockery. This dude then said the most infamous line in all of our dnd games "your momma is so ugly, she is uglier than you!" since then vicious mockery has always been taken by every single bard character. TLDR bbeg gets killed by a bad yo momma joke.
@bullfrogjay4383 2 жыл бұрын
While playing as a Rock Gnome who loved making Molotov cocktails and clockwork frag grenades, it came down to me and an elf wizard left and we were about to get destroyed so I went with my contingency plan. I had gone into the final fight with 6 clockwork grenades strapped to my chest and abdomen just in case I needed to make sure we won. Well, we needed to win, so I pulled the pins and charged in. It did just enough to take out the BBEG and the wizard and 2 out of the 4 remaining party members finally stabilized and made it. Gimble the Rock Gnome and the other fallen were remembered in song and story.
@Soenel7 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to see stories of when it went good or great when you split the party.
@awesomeblader45 2 жыл бұрын
For my last campaign, each player was given an endgame special ability, mine just so happened to be "Instant Counter" if an attack were to reduce my health to 0 I could activate this ability and deflect all damage back at the enemy, this ability had a cool down time of one in-game week (we usually had a lot of long rests as the DM wanted to give the feeling that actual time was passing within the world). My character was actually from a different world entirely (basically he was experiencing an isekai-type adventure) I am the party artist so I always draw my characters just for the sheer fun of it, my character was inspired by Son Goku from Dragon Ball and Sun Wukong from legend and thus Sone, short for Son Wukong, was born. Anyway, the BBEG was this four-armed guy that was plotting to summon and then subsequently kill the goddess of death in order to take her place. The party arrived just in time to see the BBEG had successfully summoned her, then the DM rolled and a HUGE smile broke across his face, no sooner had all of us entered the room with the BBEG's hand raised to strike down the goddess, when Tim Timothy, a massive 9-foot tall human NPC who had been separated from us for like 4 sessions, came crashing through the window in a dingy grabbed the goddess and flew through the other window. Everyone at the table was stunned, chuckling, or laughing our heads off (the DM had outdone himself with that sequence of events). Then we rolled initiative, I won't go into detail about the whole fight (as I can't really remember every beat) Anyway about what should have been halfway through the fight, the BBEG targets me with an ability that consolidated ALL of his attack turns for that round into one attack with basically a guaranteed hit due to massive modifiers, the DM had actually thought I used my ability in the previous big fight we had last session (I didn't I nearly died though just because I knew the BBEG fight was coming soon), the DM rolls a nat20 with total damage of like 96, my max HP was 33 but I was down to 28, the DM thinking I was dead was about to move on when I said "I activate Instant Counter" his face drops a bit as realizes that I didn't actually use it last time, the BBEG is reduced to 1 HP with only me and one other party member alive. Luckily my con and dex save both had a +4 modifier (my strength had a +5, yeah my starting stats were crazy and allowed me to instead of min-max just max everything) anyway, BBEG tries to focus me barely misses (the DM was a good sport and never tried to pull bull on the party) the other party member tries to hit misses, I roll a nat20 and cremate the BBEG with a fire encrusted halberd to the face (we use a dice roller in discord so no one can fudge rolls). That was only my third ever tabletop RPG adventure and I managed to land the final blow on the BBEG, it was a fun adventure and solidified my fascination with this form of entertainment. In the end, everyone in the party got what they wanted from the deity that contracted our services (as he couldn't actually interfere with the BBEG as he was the deity's son and so couldn't actually harm him due to deity contract or something) my character got to return to his world and took an orphaned child that joined our party, who basically viewed me as a father figure. Happy ending to one hell of a ride.
@neila128 2 жыл бұрын
> Paladin manages to Hold Person BBEG who was depleted of Legendary Resistances > Monk with Portable Hole and his 100ft movement easily reaches BBEG > Bags BBEG with Portable Hole > Throws BBEG off the balcony, which is VERY HIGH UP ON MOUNT WATERDEEP > BBEG gets insta-killed despite resistance to bludgeoning and other non-magical damages
@matthewmarchbanks8211 2 жыл бұрын
First day in Waterdeep, third attempt at getting a campaign going. The party was my metallic dragonborn monk, a human homebrew warlock, an aasimar paladin, a half-elven bard, and a human ranger. The troll comes out of the hole in the Yawning Portal, and the DM gives us nine stirges to fight while Durnan and Yagra deal with the troll. I rolled highest in initiative and opened with a cone of lightning breath, trying to hit as many enemies as possible. The DM ruled that with the right positioning, I could hit the troll and six of the stirges. Even though only three of the stirges failed the save, the damage was just high enough that all six stirges were still instakilled. I was feeling pretty good about myself, so I used my bonus action to make an unarmed strike against the troll. Right in his crotch. He went down to his knees until it was his turn, at which point he very quickly, very efficiently downed me. And then again after my friends picked me up ("Why ME?!" "You punched him in the nards!!") We nearly got wiped, but managed to whittle it down and kill two of the remaining stirges before I got picked up again. By the time I finally got to move again, I was pretty ticked at this thing, so I chucked a dart at - you guessed it - its family jewels. TIMBER!!! The DM told us after we were safe that he had forgotten to have Durnan and Yagra join the fight. I regret nothing.
@117Jorn 2 жыл бұрын
I had just joined this group THIS Wednsday, and we played on R20. We were defending a town from an assault of Beastmen, we fought off the scouting party easy enough - but then the Army proper showed up lead by a Minotaur - the BBEG of the Arc. Turns out, this Minotaur killed the brother of the Party's Barbarian - so he challenged him to a 1v1 Duel Keep in mind: the DM told us later the Minotaur was CR 5 and the Barbarian was only 4th level. There was no way this Barbarian could survive, right? But what happened was a slugging match between the Minotaur Chief and the Barbarian - both raging, so they only dealt half damage to one another. But then the Minotaur pulled out a Warp Stone - which was giving him unique buffs, and caused a Warp Storm to pop up We rolled Wisdom Saves, and the Barbarian fails and gets paralyzed - which means all hits are at advantage and are auto-crits Yet SOMEHOW despite hitting, the Minotaur barely does any damage despite this. Now no longer paralyzed (the effect ending upon taking damage) the Barbarian asked the DM: "...could I use my reaction to grab the stone?" The DM goes 'Sure, why not? Roll an athletics check.' He rolls - and gets a Natural 20 He grabs the stone, and once his turn came up, he rose it up and called for the powers of Khorne so he could carry out his will. And Rolls again... and like that, he evolves into a fucking Daemon Prince, and proceeded to fucking BUTCHER the Minotaur He managed to beat him, and the Beastman army retreated... but now his alignment has shifted to Chaotic Evil because he has a Daemon inside of him now So... gonna have to deal with that shit, lol
@brandonheckman6004 2 жыл бұрын
That's funny. It sucks but its funny
@jackbradley2229 2 жыл бұрын
I talked with the DM when I was making my character because I wanted to make a paladin build to be like a titan from destiny 2 and he said yes. fast forward to the final showdown when the BBEG was attacking a city and the rest of my party, including a wizard (important later) and I were trying to race back to take him out. We realized that we would not make it back before he and his army busted through the walls and killed everyone. So I used my favorite spell to try to get there first thunderscrash, which for those of you who don't know involves launching yourself in the air like a missile and crashing down in a giant explosion of lighting. The DM had laid out some boosts to the spell so I could be a little more creative such as if lighting struck me while in the air I could fly through the air longer, faster and the impact would be even bigger but if I take in too much lightning my character starts taking damage, which is where the wizard comes in casting summon storm to boost me with lighting. So we both roll and pass to cast our spells and I take off into the sky charging up. All of a sudden our DM says "As you rocket through the air with lighting surging through your veins you realize that you will not make it in time unless you push yourself beyond your limits." I roll to increase the intensity of my thundercrash and get a nat 20(and start probably my luckiest streak ever). This was good and bad because I took off like a rocket, but I also started to take damage from all the lightning I was absorbing, I know its dumb but I wanted to be sure I got to the BBEG in time so I increased the spell more rolling a 19 and now I'm basically a bolt of lightning shooting across the sky. As I'm about to impact the BBEG the DM has me roll three times once for damage and twice for dexterity to see if I would direct hit the BBEG and if I would take damage upon landing, I got a nat 20 for the damage and the first dexterity roll, but rolled a 10 for the second dexterity roll which meant I would have almost no health left after I hit the boss cause I wouldn't "stick the landing". The DM starts narrating, "As you near The Blackheart General(Our BBEG's name) you put a single fist out in front of you knowing that you may not survive the impact but ensuring you will destroy this plague upon the land once and for all saving the people and fulfilling your vow to protect the innocent no matter what. You slam your fist directly into his face and feel the sudden rush of energy leaving you creating the greatest explosion of lighting and power that anyone alive has seen completely vaporizing The Blackheart general and his army leaving nothing behind but ash. You lay on the ground looking up at the sky ash raining down around you, and the world begins to slowly fade away. Just as you draw your last breath a voice rings out clear as day, "My most noble protector you have served me well and protected the innocent even at the cost of your own life, rise now mortal no more but God of lightning a title deserving of a man such as you". The DM was going to continue the campaign(he had already started planning the next BBEG) but still decided to make my character a freaking God. He later said he was so impressed that I had managed to pull off that feat and that I had such a cool character who always valued the lives of others before his own that it was worth it and a good reward.
@tsdey6512 3 ай бұрын
I am late but... EPIC
@lykos619 2 жыл бұрын
I was playing as the daughter of my first character who died to a huge half dragon. My new character Sophy was being haunted by a dream infesting demon who would make the party relive past events but slightly changed in your nightmares. During a nightmare, Sophy was traveling with her dead dad. When I said "but dad, you're dead, you can't be here" he evaporated. Way later on in the campaign, in the dream world we encountered him again, but this time he WAS the half dragon. After our teams hardest attacks missed or did little damage, on my turn I said "but dad, you're dead, you can't be here." DM made me roll a wisdom check. Nat 20. The half dragon evaporated and my love for D&D was cemented.
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 2 жыл бұрын
8:25 This is giving me bad ass farmer vibes, where a farmer nearly beat an ultra strong vampire to death while on fire and not having any arms.
@wschnabel1987 2 жыл бұрын
Our BBEG was supposed to be a kraken we fought at a later level. I scored a nat 20 with a friggin CANON and confirmed it with 2 more rolls. I also rolled damn near max damage as well. Needless to say I blew that kraken to mush like a gungan in a microwave.
@ghackotpony 2 жыл бұрын
At the end of one of my campaigns the players eventually confronted Baphomet, evil god of minotaurs. This was a big game, any given Saturday we had between 9-13 players. The final battle was brutal, more than half of the party were killed by the dark god or his demon minions and they're running out of steam. When all seemed lost the druid grabbed his bag of magical acorns. This was an improv item I gave them for doing another druid a favor where and acorn thrown would instantly grow to a 50ft oak. He threw all twelve seeds. After some debate on the amount of damage a dozen oak trees would do, I rolled the dice and it was just enough to kill him. A grove of trees in Hell with a dead god impaled on them not only was a cool image but eventually became an important place of power in future games.
@Helthegrim 2 жыл бұрын
1st true Boss of the current Campaign I am running for Pathfinder, we are playing the Giantslayers Adventure Path and our team composition includes a Celric of a Goddess that ascended during our previous campaign, a Avalancher (Faalling with Style) Slayer; a Mix of Rogue and Ranger, a Angry Celestial Steelblood Bloodrager; Mix of Barbarian and Sorcerer, a Grandmother Multiclass Oracle/Skald; Mix of Barbarian and Bard and a Angsty Teen Draconic Sorcerer. Spoilers and sensitive topics ahead for the AP. The players all decied how they wanted to be involed with the town; all but one being a native. Our Slayer asked if they could be the youngest son of the Grath family who already has a pair of twins important to the first part of this AP. I agreed knowing full well what kickstarts this adventure off and did some extra set up to integrate this narrative. What follows is the not just a tragedy for the town but a set of the worst dice luck I had ever seen leading up to our conclusion. The eldest of the Grath sons is killed and its made to look like a suicide leaveing his twin to fill his shoes, knowing that his brother would not do this our Slayer proceeds to head the investigation; while they knew some information to get them in the right direction everyone failed every single dice test to possible find evidence of the killer or possible motive. They later learn the whole truth and give the brother a proper burial, survive an Orc attack on the town and delve into an ancient tomb beneath the town itself to find the mastermind behind this particular plan. Down there they encounter the Half Orc Alchemist and his pet Dire Wolves; which put half the party into a loop of trip maneuvers that are part of their attacks nearly killing them with just that even without the Alchemist's bombs. Our Slayer manages to get past the Dire Wolves and wielding his brothers recovered Hopeknife, which had been enchanted with the love of his sister in law and the spirit of departed brother (I messed with the enchant a little for more narrative flair); he not only managed to wound the Half Orc that murdered his brother but also after being taunted by managed to land the killing blow, while also being on single digit HP and one hit away from being KO'd himself. As a DM and friend, in that moment I was both incredibly proud of the events that lead to it and loved the entire Narrative moment of "This one is for my brother!" There have been several narrative fitting moments throughout the games me and my group have had, but this is both the most recent one, the only one that took place in the opening first 4 levels of our games, and the one with the biggest emotional drive behind it and I am damn grateful for these bunch of nerds I spend my evenings playing this silly little game with.
@kittikats 2 жыл бұрын
We were playing a one shot Victorian vampire game. Vampires exist, they're mainly good and live off animal blood and are part of society. BUT Someone has been raising an army of bad vampires from the lower classes and attacking people. People demand safety so all the good vampires are locked up in the tower of London in iron coffins. We (the other PC and I) were arguing about figuring out how vampires are created and by whom when I snap "it's not like we can go into the tower of London, knock on the coffins and ask for help!" We eventually figure out its a vampire hobo soup kitchen. (Feed soup to homeless and put some blood in each bowl to turn them.) After some fights and misunderstandings WE get locked into the tower of London and bust out of confinement, ready to face down the 20-30 new vampires when I pause. Me "We're in the tower of London, right?" Dm "Yes." Me "And all the good vampires are here, right?" Dm "....Yes?" Me "I knock on the coffins and ask for help!" I have to roll for persuasion and/or lock picking. I pass. So during the epic showdown all 50ish good vampires are taking care of business down by the docks while the other PC and I are sipping tea with the queen and explain the situation in complete safety.
@sparrowflyaway 2 жыл бұрын
Most memorable way I ever say a BBEG fight end was towards the end of a 72 hours charity stream(raised over 20 grand, was proud of us), and was a continuation of the oneshot they began the previous year. Giant star-eating monster causing trouble, the party are trying to figure out how to stop it. One character ends up being chosen to fight it from the inside. Put it to a vote, and the tiny Kobold played by a very clever gentleman goes in. Inside he finds this giant monster is being controlled by a well known lich called Acererak, and he has a sphere of annihilation. This guy starts carefully walking forward and talking with Acererak, all the while trying to get control of the Sphere. He manages it, and then directs it to hit the lich, which fails. Then he directs the Sphere towards himself, having perfectly calculated the distance required to get it to him, and puts it into his Bag of Holding. In the Sphere's description, it says that if it comes into contact with an extradimensional space, which is what the Bag of Holding is, there's a 15% chance that "a spatial rift sends each creature and object within 180 feet of the sphere, including the sphere, to a random plane of existence." He got it. The bag, sphere, the lich and the kobold were transported away to a random plane, which they rolled for, and got the Quasi-elemental Plane of Vacuum. The Lich is undead, so he's just smug about this Kobold dooming himself to death in a void and gloats before teleporting away to safety again. All of us watching were LOSING OUR MINDS at the fact that this character was going to die... but this guy. The guy playing this little Kobold has a cosmic brain on a level we can never hope to match. Not only did he perfectly calculate that entire encounter with Acererak with backup plans on backup plans, but the previous year, when they first played this story, this little Kobold was one of several party members granted a Wish spell by the DM's resident God Sphynx. And so, with the last of his breath, that genius little Kobold Wished himself to safety. And the battle was won!
@samstedd6549 2 жыл бұрын
My character had a homebrewed feat "Horror of the Flesh' where his skin was somewhat alive, and when he grappled people it crawled over their mouths so they started suffocating, this was not consequential in the BBEG fight as they basically just said No to that condition. But, there was more. For gross flavor, if an enemy died while being grappled in this state, the skin devoured them like an amoeba. Now this had never actually occured before, and I think everyone had forgotten this but me, but on that last attack, after the DM did his thing with their epic death, I quietly let them know that the body was then consumed by skin. The reactions were hilarious.
@GamingMasterAnthony 2 жыл бұрын
I said this on a few other videos, but I had my rouge try to take the BBGE’s weapon (greatsword twice my character’s size. Don’t know if I said that in the other vids) mid swing. I rolled a nat 20, DM rolled a reflex save. Nat 1. I took the BBEG’s weapon from him mid swing and he didn’t know until I impaled him with his own weapon.
@ssfbob456 2 жыл бұрын
Me and my party were fighting a lich that was our BBEG, I was the only spellcaster in the party as a sorcerer, everyone else was a melee based martial character. The lich started the fight by trapping them all behind a wall of force, which left me to have a full on magic duel with the lich. We spent nearly ten rounds with me counterspelling, cannibalizing my lower level spells for sorcery points to turn into higher level spell slots, and attack spells to attempt to break his concentration on the wall of force. Finally I guess I passed him off because he used banishment. I almost counterspelled, but remembered that banishment is concentration. I let him banish me, and the rest of the party went and smashed him.
@roughxvr Жыл бұрын
bag of holding, with 400kg of gunpowder, dynamite and few other things, made a crate, party wipe, BBGE wiped, castle wiped, area wiped, town wiped. a good crater for holding water was left.
@xleonhardt4416 2 жыл бұрын
0:12 Hah. I don't think anyone who cared about the trilogy will ever forget the ending of Mass Effect 3. I still think about it 12 years later.
@PublicHealthGeek 2 жыл бұрын
I was a Circle of Spores Druid, in melee with the BBEG. The BBEG cast some spell (not sure which) which resulted in my Druid being blinded. On my turn, I cast the only spell I had which didn't require sight: Thunderwave. One failed STR save later and the BBEG was push 10 feet back. Off a 60 ft cliff. Into a river of lava. The look I got from my DM was priceless... Also my party was happy until they realized all the loot was burned in the lava river.
@olivesofdestiny5389 2 жыл бұрын
I was in a one-shot not too long ago, and one if my party members, after a thunder-clap from the bbeg, they got knocked down, and so the player got up, walked over to him, and crushed his skull with a single, nat-20 greathammer strike
@ztk211 2 жыл бұрын
our GM had us do a 5e oneshot he found and wanted us to test run, so we made a group of 5 lvl 10 characters to give it a try everything was fine until we got to the final boss; the boss was a frail old necromancer (not quite a lich, but attempting to become one) protected by a magic shield that had the equivalent of Hardness 20 AND could regen 20 HP a turn after around 5 rounds of next to no progress defeating this boss, we got fed up and sundered the floor under the BBEG, causing him to fall to his death because the magic shield didnt block fall damage and we were at the top of a tall hollow tower that was effectively nothing but a fancy spiral stair case to the top one of the most OP HB BBEGs i've ever had to fight, but it was also very satisfying to kill it in such a simple manor
@noguy0829 2 жыл бұрын
This is a long story so I’ll shorten it: Players encounter boss in huge dungeon. One player challenges him to a dance battle. Winner stays, looser leaves forever. Player wins. As Boss is sulking, he slowly walks down the narrow hallway. There are some otters outside and he’s going to go commit genocide on them to cheer himself up. One of the players starts talking to him, which distracts the boss, and another player flies past them to the otters. He tells the otters to throw a bunch of grenades down the tunnel, which all of them do. At this time the 2nd player has decided she’s gonna help the boss commit genocide. Then the grenades explode. The boss, the 2nd player, and the boss’s minions all take 2,500+ damage, killing all of them instantly.
@tsalluzzi 2 жыл бұрын
Love the progress bar for each story
@xdonthave1xx 2 жыл бұрын
The second campaign I played, our BBEG blew herself up after we used a Wish (we found a bottle that the DM rolled to see what was inside, and it was a genie) to steal her staff which in turn caused her to become enslaved by her minions. None of us were close enough to the blast to be hurt, but we were close enough that we could have moved into range.
@NicoBlack69 2 жыл бұрын
8:08 "Basic, pitchfork welding farmer." *BFG DIVISION INTENSIFIES*
@jackrabbit10100 2 жыл бұрын
I dont think this would take the title of "most absurd moment" in the campaign i was running for my family, but it might be the most memorable. We were running an introductory lost mines campaign, and i had decided to give my players some useful, but seemingly inane magical items after the first "mini-boss". Stuff like a goblet that would chill any liquid it contained, an earing that would let someone know if they were being watched, and a scarf, that when placed on the ground would turn into a tent large enough for the party of 4. This last was given to our monk, a tiefling run by my little brother. when the party got back to town they decided to investigate a group of thugs terrorizing the town. inevitably the party ended up at their hideout. As a group outside started to tell the party to get lost, our monk steps forward, throws down and activates the scarf while saying, "gentlemen! Please, step into my office. I have quite the opportunity for you!" This caught me completely off gaurd, and i decided if it had surprised me as the DM, it would surprise a group of thugs, so i went with it. The rest of the party allowed the group to follow our monk into the tent, then fell in behind them and in an attack of opprotunity, knocked the thugs unconscious and hogtied them, leaving them for the villagers to find.
@fami5893 2 жыл бұрын
I got a bunch of adnd books from my dad but i never got to play. these vids make it sound like an absolute riot.
@Zych.Grzegorz 2 жыл бұрын
I was a player in this game. We were delving into a dungeon to kill a powerful vampire. It started with a supposedly simple combat against its minions which quickly turned into slapstick due to a surprisingly large number of failed acrobatics checks - in other words a typical D&D encounter. After a few rounds HE appears, floating above the ground and gloating. On her turn the wizard rushes the BBEG and unleashes an entire Bag of Holdings worth of holy water on him. The vampire took something like 300 points of radiant damage and died instantly, along with some nearby minions caught in the blast.
@ericsanders9847 Жыл бұрын
I swear the guy that summoned the DM as a weapon sounds like something that could happen within a movie or something
@otakubancho6655 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the one about the mini DM,all I can picture going on is, Look out Mr Bill!, Oh no!!!!😆😆😆😆
@The_Biscuit_From_Heaven 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings! I love these videos!
@spartanhawk7637 Жыл бұрын
We realized that my character was a government agent in the Imperium tasked with overseeing general xenos related security in his sector. BBEG got the Adeptus Astartes called in on him when he was prepped to fight normal humans. Ever seen the Astartes fan film? Yeah, that's essentially how badly it went for him.
@deniseg9210 2 жыл бұрын
Will you ever do animated videos again?
@MrRipper 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, but not sure when.
@Venomtankmod 2 жыл бұрын
Portable hole inside a bag of holding. Dropped the demon lord of darkness into the literal court of angels in the order plane. Dm rolled randomly for where we appeared in the astral plane. He got a nat 00, so I got to tele them in to my god-bahamut:holding court with other gods about the demon threat. Then I nat 20 my charisma check to sick all of the 100 gods of light and order on the one demon. Then I just cast wish and just teleported us back home.
@ryanhenderson225 2 жыл бұрын
Was DMing a western fantasy campaign and a season 1 BBEG was hiding behind a door waiting for a player to step in. My wife was the one that got to the door and was riding high as the encounter was going very well (stomping through a fancy hotel filled with vampires). Rather than opening the door like a normal person, she decided to kick it in for funzies. With a quadruple crit, the door knob flew and KOed the guy, ending the encounter in glorious fashion
@TheYoungBaker 2 жыл бұрын
The story about the farmer makes me think of an old character of mine. Joshua, he was a hexblade warlock. Joshua village's was being destroyed by animals. A shovel told him that it could help if Joshua would do one thing for him. Joshua agreed under the terms that he would lose his warlock levels after completing the goal. That one thing ended up traveling to icewind dale to find the shovel's body. Which he greatly despised. He had never seen snow before, and overall just wanted to go back home and see his family. Along the way he was frustrated and vowed to never make a deal like that again - and stay away from the gods. Joshua played as an almost mindless zombie of a player that did whatever the patron asked. As he saw the incredibly dangerous world, he realized he could never feel safe again without magic. So he multiclassed in bladesinging wizard. After coming across the final area, Joshua found his patrons body. But he was actually a Litch. This Litchfield tried to get Joshua to use his friends souls as food. Which was the one thing that i told the DM i would not do. (Mess with people's souls). Cue a fight where Joshua saved a saving throw that left him on the ground literally the whole time. He casted one spell, failed a con save was downed immediately for the majority of the fight. At the end of the journey, Joshua came out a level 2 wizard with a level 9 party. But he could go home. My point? Maybe Joshua will do the same thing for another adventuring party. He was always unassuming tall and skinny. I have always him to show up in a new campaign for some reason like that. It would be awesome.
@GrndAdmiralThrawn 2 жыл бұрын
I decided to check out my college’s gaming group one night. They were most of the way through a campaign, so I had no idea what was going on. I sat there through most of it, my character having just been introduced as one of the prisoners they’d just helped break out of the prison they were in. Suddenly, a portal opens up, and one of the players is sucked through. We all jump in after her. When we finally found her, she had been taken by Lolth, the Spider Queen (!) It should be mentioned at this point that one of our party was some sort of Frogman (I have no idea if it’s a legit race somewhere or if it was a homebrew). Frogman, on his first round of combat, SWALLOWS LOLTH, as she is a spider and that’s his favorite bug to eat. The DM asks for a Con check, and he makes it. We finish the minion spiders off easily (I don’t think we even made it a full round of combat) and the DM asks Frogman for another Con check. He makes it again. He started out at 2-feet tall, and has now bloated himself to the size of a full grown adult. Everyone is dumbfounded. It was now 10:50 pm and the school’s common area was about to close, so the DM wrapped it up for the night. I never did go back, but it would’ve been interesting to see how the rest of that played out.
@cmykrgb1469 2 жыл бұрын
Mad respect to the final boss of Mass Effect 3: Marauder Shields. I never forgot you.
@Nathan-gw8uz Жыл бұрын
My players were fighting tiamat and severely underpowered. One of my players (dwarf druid named Pumba the Grassy) had gained a staff of the magi from a vision. For those who don’t know this staff has an ability where if you break it over your knee it creates a 30ft explosion which deals 16 x the amount of charges left in the staff. This would kill any player if not for the 50% chance that you teleport to a random plane of existence. Thanks to some boots he got thrown onto tiamat by the barbarian. He had 50 charges left in the staff. He broke the staff and got the 50% to teleport away. I was using the aspect of tiamat stat block meaning tiamat would respawn with 80% health. The druid then proceeded to use the mending cantrip to fix the staff(i’m not strict as a dm and am more rule of cool) and then on their next turn they used plane shift to get back into the fight and the staff was taken by the variant tiefling rogue who got bit but then threw druid down to barbarian and snapped the staff. No cheesy one liners just looks the goddess of dragons straight in the eye and teleports away with the 50%. We are planning on a follow up campaign to go find them. Yeah that’s the story of how my level 9 party beat Tiamat with no casualties. Man first campaigns are goofy
@aretailcashier450 2 жыл бұрын
“I learned, that the real big bad evil guys, are the friends we made along the way”
@postapocalypticnewsradio 2 жыл бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@Aegisoftheshine 2 жыл бұрын
Goliath fighter potion of growth despite disadvantage 2 nat 20s to grapple the tarasque then threw him in the pit of acid I prepared
@stellleo 2 жыл бұрын
In my friend's campaign, me and the 2 other adventurers (let's call them John and Fred) were on a mission to stop a sequence of paranormal threats that have been attacking the Material Plane. These threats ranged from githzerai invasions and otyugh attacks to madness in soldiers and dragons. By the end of the campaign me, Fred, and John have already stopped the threats and found the location of the BBEG's base of operations. It was there that the BBEG was revealed to be Fred, who knew the entire time he would have to fight us. The fight was epic: me and John used powerful spells to tear down his hundreds of hit points (his hp was buffed to make the fight harder), he turned into a storm giant, and I summoned the aspect of my god (I was a cleric) with Divine Intervention to bring him down to his final hit points. To escape, Fred went into the Temporal Plane, but he didn't know that the plane represented time, so he inadvertently placed himself in a time loop for all eternity until he died of madness. We stopped the calamity he was going to bring (a meteor strike) and finished the campaign in one of the most epic ways possible.
@seigephoenix 2 жыл бұрын
We were playing Rise of the Runelords campaign with Pathfinder. My Alchemist managed to convince the Wizard to try Baleful Polymorph on the Runelord. DM says he can try. He'd allow it if he rolled a Nat 20 and could confirm. Player rolls 2 Nat 20s back to back. We all stare in awe and our DM in growing horror. Then player manages to break SP on Runelord. Our DM is in tears laughing as he says that we managed to turn the BBEG into an angora rabbit.
@TheTSense 5 күн бұрын
>DM does martital arts and loves anatomy >Doesn't know the moment a limb is cut off the nerves lose all tension and the whole thing goes limp
@Godzillawolf1 2 жыл бұрын
My party was fighting the Chardalyn Dragon in Rime of the Frostmaiden and the DM decided to make it a mecha for Sunblight to pilot rather than an unpiloted construct. We managed to beat him back to the Ten Towns and I managed to warn the entire region using Skywrite (which I will forever be proud of), so we basically had an entire town to ourselves to plan. We set a trap and our DM allowed us to target specific body parts if a monster was large enough, so we ambushed it and blew its wing off, grounding it. What followed was an epic showdown involving the entire party attacking, our Paladin tanking its breath weapon like a boss, me summoning a freaking quetzalcoatlus to fight it with Conjure Animals, and the killing blow: I forget the exact rolls other than them being high, but our Gunslinger got the 'How Do You Want To Do This?' and decided to use all the attacks he presently was capable of doing to blow off its remaining wing, blow open the head (where the cockpit was) and then shoot Sunblight directly in the face. Sunblight no longer had a head anymore. All the sweeter as our Gunslinger was the local sheriff, and thus Sunblight's actions had made his character explicitly hate his guts.
@30ftduck15 2 жыл бұрын
Not a BBEG, but a very memorable chapter end 'fight' My level 3 party was split around the city to perform errands. My character (artificer goblin) and our party's monk were searching for a nimble write (automaton) that we had been chasing throughout that chapter. We found it and it proceeded to one shot the monk. and turn it's gaze towards me, me and all my 18 glorious hitpoints (I had rolled shit on all my hit die.) I decide to take my grill for a backpack off, which I had converted into a Bag of Holding (Grill of Holding) and held my action for it to come closer so I could attempt to shove it in the bag. It goes to make 3 attacks on my, nat 20ing on the first and nat 1ing on the second hit, which our DM flavored that it's rapier stuck in my back. I bag the rapier and cast grease to knock it off balance, that's when my cleric and barbarian arrive to help me finish the task. Our barbarian rolls a nat 20 so shove it in the grill and that's how we beat the chapter boss without dealing damage to it. TLDR: Party beats chapter boss without dealing damage.
@leadingauctions8440 2 жыл бұрын
So while usually players are signing a deal with the devil with the DM, but this DM did so with his player. Brilliant.
@Rantalanta 2 жыл бұрын
My players were trying to stop the resurrection of a high elf necromancer (basically haemonculus) in his lair. They entered the resurrection chamber mid ritual and were attacked by fleshpuppets with more coming to life every turn if their formingsacks werent destroyed in time. They were locked in pretty well but still managed to kill multiple cultists in an attempt to stop the resurrection. Not all of them though and the necromancer came back to life. With all the fleshpuppets destroyed though they could focus him decently. And after i think 4 rounds of desperation they had finally wittled his health down enough that i informed them "he is looking pretty low" this got them fired up for an epic finish which they achieved. The barbarian and bard joined together to lauch the party sorcerer at the necromancer. One throwing and the other boosting the launch with a thunderwave. The sorcerer flew at the necromancer at "mach f physics" And unleahed a 4th level thunderwave in his face. The necromancer rolled a nat 1 on the save and right there his flesh was blasted of his bones and armor to splatter around the room behind. Thus was created their ultimate finisher. Simply known as the thunderstrike. Try and guess what the bard playes at every victory feast.
@larrychilders6599 11 ай бұрын
2:08 the Ez 8 approach
@dragonlord498 2 жыл бұрын
The one where the player uses the DM as a weapon makes me think of one episode of a anime called gintama where they are playing essentially dragon quest and all the characters use NPCs as weapons
@maevethefox5912 2 жыл бұрын
We had figured out who the BBEG was (a merchant in town was a 13th of 14th level wizard) through a bit of luck and a lot of skullduggery the DM hadn't expected us to get into. Seems he was used to playing with murderhobos. Anyway, he was "hiring us to clear out a mausoleum of undead" with the intent of having us break some wards for him and then step in and kill us while we're weakened. We agree to do the job for him and cleric steps forward and extends his hand to shake on it. As soon as they grab hands, the cleric dumps a 5th level Inflict Harm. Rolls well on the 7d10 and just liquifies him on the spot.
@lunenachts 2 жыл бұрын
our party had stumbled upon a giant green dragon in the feywilds, and ended up using silvery objects and throwing them all throughout its eyes so we could take the eyes out with us (loong story). I played a trickery cleric who had been possessed by Mask, but was currently lying about worshipping someone else, so come her turn she ends up unintentionally letting Mask take over and completely avoided the dragon eyes, and just carved the heart out. I had no idea how I managed to pull it off, but I had a dragon heart in her backpack and proceeded to win a blood soaked drinking game 20 mins later.
@blackjackrose605 2 жыл бұрын
My friends and I were fighting a demigoddess Ancient Black Dragon named Kassari, who had been the reoccurring BBEG of the campaign. I was playing Kipku, an ex-minion of hers who had turned traitor to join the heroes, and who was an oversized, hulked-out brute of a goblin (because magical accidents). During our final fight, my party (2 Monks, Artificer, Warlock, Druid, and a Wizard) and I (a Barbarian) were fighting her in her lair, and she had been whittling us down pretty badly. Everyone but me was pretty badly hurt, and both of our healers just went down on the same turn and our warlock had gone down the turn before. The dragon was hovering high above us, meaning the only one that could reliably have done anything was the Wizard, who was low on spell slots and didn't have much with sufficient range and stopping power left. I couldn't do anything, mechanically at least. But I had a trick up my sleeve: I knew a secret of the BBEG's that would really piss her off to the point of being irrational. So I jumped out, turned, dropped my pants, and mooned the dragon while insulting her using her secret. I knew full well that this would probably result in the death of my character, but it was a risk I was willing to take. She dove down to try to murder me... and the wizard who had been holding his action for her to get closer cast Otto's Irresistible dance. Which, for those who don't know, is a spell that forces you to dance with no saving throw. Kassari immediately plummeted the rest of the way to the ground, landing smack dab in the middle of two angry monks and raging barbarian. I think each of us crit at least once in the ensuing onslaught of attacks against her. And Kassari? She caught a lethal case of Boogie Fever and Disco Danced her way to her own grave.
@Synfang 2 жыл бұрын
Not my character, but another in a campaign I used to play in (this happened after I left the campaign, so I only have the DM's word to go off of). Party was fighting a slightly homebrewed lich BBEG named Riemann that used an altered version of Acererak's stat block. Admittedly, this fight was very short, but it would have gone the complete opposite way if not for this one play. On turn 2 of combat, Riemann tried to cast chain lightning, with which he would've normally dropped the entire party to half HP. However, he made the mistake of making the fighter the initial target, not knowing that the fighter had a homebrewed magic item that (on passing an Arcana check, which in this case was passed) would let him use his reaction to CATCH an incoming spell and redirect it, sorta like a buffed version of the cloud rune from the Rune Knight subclass. Moreover, this takes the damage that would've been dealt to ALL of the original targets together and sends it all at one new target. This said, Riemann got hit with a whopping 40d8 lightning damage, which in this case rolled somewhere around 170, promptly downing the lich.
@Sanninsuplex 2 жыл бұрын
Thx for not spoiling Chrono trigger. I know its a super old game bit i jist got a copy of it for ds and am aout to give it a try. Heard its great
@zipster6393 2 жыл бұрын
I polymorphed a golem made out of a hoard of gold into a frog and put in a bag of holding. After he changed back to the golem, the bag exploded and banished everything in it to another dimension. There was also a pair of eyeballs, lips, and for some reason, just a random bowl.
@haloronin 2 ай бұрын
Arcane trickster/artificers. Uses steel defender clone to cast imprisonment (minimus variant) on a beholder from both sides. As a surprise attack
@an8strengthkobold360 2 жыл бұрын
My last BBEG lost to a divine intervention, a crit smite using a 20 portant and several smites/100 damage call lightning strikes.
@LarryJ2022 2 жыл бұрын
Homebrew system. We had a rule that a 20 was double damage, another 20 in a row was an instakill. I rolled 3 20s in a row. In the first attack of the first round.
@mrskeletone5008 2 жыл бұрын
It wasn't my character, but I was the DM for this whole shebang. The party at the time composed of an angelic Succubus Celestial Warlock, an Incubus Arcana Domain Cleric, a Floran Way of peace monk(a race of plant people from some video game the player really liked), a Shark-Kin Animal companion Ranger who's animal companion was a Giant Crab with a specially made warhammer, and a Vampire Golemancy Artificer whose Golem was a low leveled barbarian, and a DMPC Oath Breaker Paladin and Swashbuckler rogue. They were facing off against the main BBEG in an alternate reality called the Muppetzone(yes really), and they were fighting him at the Temple of the Hand. After a grueling fight where the party succeeded in taking down the minor grunts and nearly taking down the BBEG, it came to his turn. You see, during all of this, the party cleric(who is the sibling of the warlock) is at low health, and the BBEG has been humiliated by the Warlock with a glitterbomb being thrown at him and ruining his cult robes. So, with his multiattack he decided to down the cleric, then kill him right in front of the Warlock. At this time in the campaign, the party had managed to find the first of six major artifacts that would help them fight the cultists who were trying to resurrect an evil primordial god, the same cultists that the BBEG led. Using said artifact, the Warlock managed to finish off the BBEG.... and then renounced the Artifact, unattuning to it and cradling her dead younger brother whom she had reunited with at the beginning of the campaign. It was a helluva touching moment that led to more interesting shenanigans later on in the campaign. All in all for my first campaign, I love these stories I can tell~
@chaos1187 2 жыл бұрын
Our party had a doppelganger fighter, a human barbarian who become fate itself and was absent for lore reasons (fighting the bbeg in an eternal battle) (me), and the druid I guess. We're casually doing the bbeg because new dm who can't balance bosses, but I told the guy playing the fighter to save all his action surges. Once it's clear the fight is going to end from it, I (flavor wise, it was his turn in initiave) dramatically cut to the fighter's turn by facing down the bbeg and saying "fate does not smile on you today" before sidestepping so the fighter can leap at the bbeg and attack over and over and over, shouting out "this is for *character in campaign*" each attack. That fighter is infamous for being an idiot, but he was definitely the main character of that campaign
@brownjacket615 2 жыл бұрын
I have two stories actually. One of the epic cosmic battle and the other that was just a huge...ehhem... "clock block" . "Before there was time, before there was anything... there was nothing. And before there was nothing... there were monsters" is the principal I built my world upon. The gods of the world were just cosmic horrors united to ensure their survival and the BBEG, an aboleth named Ulgorath tried to break the ties between the gods to eat them to gain their powers. Ulgorath was a clever fellow and tried to use the god's creations against them, by "granting wishes" that was actually just putting them into a delusional dream to do their bidding, forming a very weird cult. I homebrewed Ulgorath's stats with two other guys who were created out of ogres... I think, and after initiative rolled i put on "Outer space" from Hunie Pop 2's soundtrack (that music is ironically epic considering it takes place in a dating sim) and let's not forget that all of this took place in an under water cave. I had to adjust stats and the amount of dice homebrew monsters dealt so the party won't die too soon but still I was just as excited as the party. In the end the end they managed to win, despite Ulgorath's attempts to charm them and turn them inside out. But it wasn't over, they had to throw Ulgorath's brain out into the outer plane because after a day it would have grown it's body back. The second one is a Lich. After the party fought their way up the tower Lich's tower through baby Tarrasque, to zombies and abominations to get a hold of twilight staff and to save the vampires they struck a deal with they met the Lich at the highest top of the tower. I had no time for a boss fight, the party was low on everything and never ran a fight with a Lich before so I decided I'll pull an under handed tactic and make him friendly. The Lich was just a dude who was so afraid of death he turned himself into a Lich and darkenss reminded him of death as well so he needed an endless light source which was basically the McGuffin they were looking for. Now you get the "clock block" in the end.
@blackangel1158 2 жыл бұрын
I was a dwarf barbarian and my party was fighting a black dragon. It was harder than we anticipated but our tank and i were the last ones standing. I prepared for a last resort tactic by stuffing saw dust and flour into my travel bag. Tank passed a stength roll and threw me to the dragon which swallowed me. I had a fire spell ready and promptly blew myself up inside the dragon and with a death save came out with 1 hp.
@spongytide12 11 ай бұрын
I was DM'ing a dungeon in a box. We had in our party at the time, a half-orc barbarian who had a hobby of fishing, And a homebrew "angler" subclass. A goblin gunslinger (artificer) Along with a water genasi bard (captain of the ship and party.) Our resident whorelock, and finally a kenku rogue/cleric/warlock. Our rogue was out for the box due to his pride and ribs being injured. Our party had to navigate an overgrown jungle (impossible to make any progress due to magical bullshit) they found some ant people who were capable of shrinking them to their size. Adventure ensues, BBEG is revealed as a sentient, hive mine mold thats been powered by a magical star shard. Final fight goes mostly in partys favor as suprise attack ends up as a critical fail. Causing a guard to fall off his mount and onto the spear he JUST threw at the party. Party takes out all the guards, but realize getting close to the mold to grab the star shard would be... difficult. As it was still spawning tentacles to defend itself. Our artificer used her explosives and caused the mold to open up enough for the angler to snatch the start shard with his fishing pole. And he rolled a nat 20. He really saved the day, and then the party went back to the ant colony. Got their rewards, and uhh.. used explosives to destroy the ant society that was barely surviving from what was basically the last of us for them. Mold turning them to zombies. So, all in all. Cool guys dont look at explosions. They blow shit up and then walk away.
@feraligamerm2775 2 ай бұрын
My players were fighting a horned devil And the fight came to the point where he was cowering in the air pelting them with fire They came up with a crazy strategy The wizard and barbarian used dimension door to teleport above the devil and the barbarian wanted to try to grapple the devil. Down to a single roll. To say the least the barbarian RKOd that devil outta no where straight to the ground and while mantaining the grapple the paladin came charging in with their pike and stabbed through the fiend's chest The best part was I brought the devil back as an imp and a grudge against the party but no any power he was taunted on every occasion. We still look back on it as the greatest moment in our campaign
@victorvaldez8869 2 жыл бұрын
Worth it for the DM as a melee weapon story.
@tahakumonsonoa6026 2 жыл бұрын
I’m jealous of the first story since today is my birthday
@raphael4668 Жыл бұрын
Walking slowly towards a wounded enemy and then stabbing in the chest.
@wingedparagon4448 2 жыл бұрын
D&D 3.5, my half dragon monk/sorcerer grappled a Great Wrym Black Dragon, then used a spell-like ability to Plane Shift it and himself to the Plane of Fire. It failed the will save. Deposited in a pool of Lava, let go, Plane Shifted back, leaving it there to burn and die. That was the culmination of his character arc. Said dragon was his Grandfather. It was a satisfying conclusion.
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