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Georgia Marie

Georgia Marie

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@bricy6437 4 жыл бұрын
The only thing in my head this whole video: “I’M KOSTAFOBIC DARREN”
@georgiamarie_ 4 жыл бұрын
my entire life
@richardsandford2706 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgiamarie_ if need some one to talk to hear for you ok
@richardsandford2706 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgiamarie_ i have nearly die in 2018 lot of blood clots in legs
@richardsandford2706 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgiamarie_ i am very very lucky still be life
@richardsandford2706 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgiamarie_ your very interested bet your very clever and
@shanr0berts0n 4 жыл бұрын
My anxiety makes me have so many weird irrational fears like swans which give me massive panic attacks but I use cross stitch as well to distract myself from when I feel horrible
@shanr0berts0n 4 жыл бұрын
This video has really hit me wow I’ve had a panic attack on a train and couldn’t get on trains alone for a whole year this is so interesting wow
@niffy6216 4 жыл бұрын
This must’ve been hard to research etc. when it affects you so badly. Thank you for giving us smarts 🤓
@TheLadyWondergirl 4 жыл бұрын
I am extremely scared to not be able to see what’s underneath me when I’m in the water. Just imagining what could be terrifies me
@Maraleftthechat 4 жыл бұрын
@celtadiabolica 4 жыл бұрын
I applaud you, Georgia, for being willing to make this video. As an anxiety sufferer myself, I realise how difficult this must have been. The bit about how one's perception of personal space relates to their tendency towards claustrophobia was especially interesting.
@amanda_howerton 4 жыл бұрын
I have my own phobias as well Georgia. I know exactly how you feel. Claustrophobia is a phobia for me too, as well as agoraphobia- this one causes my life to be on hold & effects everything. It has literally taken my life away from me. I totally understand the way you feel, exactly! Please don’t feel alone, so many of us struggle with phobias as well. You’re amazing, thank you for sharing this with us. It makes me feel less alone and I can relate to you so much. Sending all of my love to you! 🤟🏼💗
@caylanrenee4000 4 жыл бұрын
I’m terrified of elevators, just thinking about it gives me terrible anxiety and I don’t have anyone in my life who understands this fear.
@zdah 4 жыл бұрын
So refreshing to see somebody speak so openly about this ❤️
@chichi_717 4 жыл бұрын
Bless you Georgia, I know how difficult this must be for you but I’m proud of you for sharing - some of my close friends also experience this and I know it’s a constant struggle. Well done for starting a discussion that will benefit others who also share your experiences and educate others who lack knowledge of the phobia. 👏🏾❤️
@kvalder 4 жыл бұрын
You have no idea how much I needed this video. I don't have anyone in my family suffering from either anxiety or claustrophobia, so when I was diagnosed with the former in my late teens, it was both a relief and a repercussion: many relatives thought I was "overreacting" whenever I refused to step into a lift with them. They never got why I'd rather go up four or five floors using the stairs than a lift. Thankfully, my friends and boyfriend are very understanding of everything. In fact, my boyfriend jokingly challenges me to races up or down the stairs (and also as a form of exercise!) no matter how many flights of stairs there were! I love going to concerts, but I always make sure that I go with people that can stand in a circle around me to give me space, except last September where I literally went on my own, having travelled to the UK on my own too and both my anxiety and claustrophobia were all over the roof! Sorry for the long comment, but truly, thank you for this video! I really needed it!
@alleyj826 4 жыл бұрын
This is life changing!! THANK YOU for talking about this. I have severe claustrophobia and it really effects my daily commute on busy freeways. I have a panic attack daily. I also panic with heights, even just going up an escalator. This video made me realize I should really go back to therapy because it’s only gotten worse. I’m also exploring past life regression to see if my numerous phobias may be from a previous life. Who knows! I’m willing to heal this any way I can. Again, THANK YOU.
@paigecarlson6464 4 жыл бұрын
ugh, girl. i have a straight up phobia with driving. it makes my life so much more difficult than it needs to be😩i have driven, i know i’m capable of driving a vehicle however the entire time i’m behind the wheel, i’m in a constant state of panic.😰i’ve been trying to just drive more often... hoping to get more comfortable with it.. but it never does.🥺
@Dee-sv2vk 4 жыл бұрын
The effort, research and stress you must have gone through to put this video out for us makes me want to hug you (a very distant air hug, gotta respect your bubble). I appreciate it so much, this video was brilliant so thankyou Georgia!
@UnkNwN334 4 жыл бұрын
I have megalophobia, which is a fear of unusually large objects, structures, statues etc. I've had panic attacks whilst on vacation when there were large statues around and I had to get as far away as possible. Luckily I live in the Netherlands where everything is moderately flat with not very many massive statues etc. in the area. So it is not as debilitating as claustrophobia for example. For the longest time I had no idea what this was and thought I was alone in the world. Thank you for sharing your story!
@jack-gr1jk 4 жыл бұрын
when I’m anxious and stressed, I edit videos, on my favourite tv shows, I put them all in a video with one of my favourite songs and edit, make transitions and effects. It really calms me focus on something.
@rjfscrappingaustralia5281 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Georgia, Thanks for this insight into your personal journey with generalised anxiety and specifically claustrophobia. Big props to you for making this video and sharing it with us. I was diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder in my forties and OCD in my twenties.; the OCD being obsessive thoughts about victimisation to myself or my loved ones. I try to avoid listening to or reading the news as that exacerbates it. I think of myself as the “human ostrich” sticking my head in the sand but it’s no joke as it is very debilitating. Life is a hell of a scaRy place. I was bitten by a dog when five. Hence my fear of stray dogs or big dogs I don’t know. We emigrated to Australia when I was 9 and I believe that was traumatic for me but believe my fears go back further. Definitely showed OCD obsessions by age 10 but school bullying was occurring by then. As an adult I have a daily sedative and blood pressure medication. I practice avoidance behaviour: I haven’t driven for years; I do unskilled work because I stress about responsibility and am very anxious about doing many tasks on my own. Fear of flying prevents me travelling more which is very difficult living on an island! I’ve waffled on long enough. You are not alone Georgia but we have to live and cope with our own fears which can definitely be a “lonely” feeling! Thank you again. Very Best Wishes, Rebecca
@PaigelyVlogs 4 жыл бұрын
I feel the exact same way but about driving! It seems so insane yet the fear is so so real. I’m doing the exposure therapy route slowly and it’s kind of working. Just small steps.
@maddieroxx4eva 4 жыл бұрын
This was such a fascinating video! I think people tend to joke around about different phobias, not realizing how debilitating they can be. I have emetophobia, or a phobia of vomiting. I don't know how I acquired it, but if I start feeling remotely nauseous my body will go into a panic, as will seeing/hearing other people vomit. I didn't even know it was a thing and thought I was alone until I saw someone make a video about it.
@melissawatt2195 4 жыл бұрын
I have this phobia too. It sucks, you are not alone
@Eva-ld9hh 4 жыл бұрын
When I was about four, my sister and I got into an elevator and our mom didn't realize. Even though we only went up one flight of stairs, both my sister and I would not stop crying. My mom literally caught us on the second floor, and we probably only rode for ten seconds. But it didn't matter. It was so traumatic, and I wasn't able to ride in elevators for a few years afterwards. Now I am totally fine with it, but at the time is had been so upsetting
@paulamujica4164 4 жыл бұрын
I have a pretty intense arachnophobia, mainly when i see a spider in a place i have to stay in/sleep in (home, hotels, etc.) i also have to look away when there are spiders on tv, and i can't kill them or remove them, i always need someone to help me. It's so frustrating, i know they won't hurt me (there are no poisonous spiders where i live) but i can't help it. If i see a big spider during the day i know i'll have a nightmare. I hope someday i can get it treated, it's the most frustrating thing.
@SamanthaM 4 жыл бұрын
This video was so incredibly interesting! As someone that's had arachnophobia for most of their life, when someone tells me 'oh, everyone is scared of spiders...' I want to scream! And if it's any help with plane toilets, there's always a call for help button located in the toilet and cabin crew all know how to unlock the door from the outside. I had a passenger once almost knock down the door when she thought she was trapped, not realizing a call for help button existed x
@vinceb7528 4 жыл бұрын
Hey! you're my favorite channel!! I have an eating disorder which is basically irrational phobia of foods and gaining weight. I know its not exactly the same, but I wanted to give you some hope from my experience. I went to therapy before I felt ready too, and at first it was kinda detrimental and it took me a bit to find the right fit for me. But I was able to find people who didn't force me out of my comfort zones until I was ready. Finding therapists and nutritionists like that was the only reason I was able to get to the point of recovery I am currently in. I don't even count all my calories anymore!! (my hugest fear) if you find the right therapist they will help you at your own rate. The goal doesn't have to be making you get on a lift, it can and should be to help you cope with living with the phobia and yourself. But I do totally understand not being ready even for that, its huge that you got it out on your channel, and I support you so much. I just want to say from personal experience with a life controlling fear--you will probably never be completely ready, the process is excruciating and never linear, but you can live so much easier and you deserve it!
@hollievanson1221 4 жыл бұрын
i have cleithrophobia, which is a fear of being trapped, and it effects me literally every day! thankyou for your video, explainign so many things, love all your content!!!
@SilverKyria 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Georgia. This must have been difficult for you to share, but I’m proud. As a person who has suffered from panic attacks before, my heart quivered every time you were close to tears in the video. Thank you for starting this discussion by sharing your experiences and your approach to educate about phobias. I'm sad to know that diazepam does nothing for you since it has saved my life. I hope you can find something soon that alleviates the pain. Living with a Sophia like claustrophobia must be horrible. That being said, if you ever visit Argentina, don't take the subway, the rappers are screwed to the walls because people have stolen them, so you won't feel safe.
@finurra3905 4 жыл бұрын
I am an extremely anxious person naturally and suffer from panic attacks whenever I consider not reaching my dreams or failing in my academics and career. In any case i'm also a worrywort and freak out when plans don't go smoothly. I always need a plan. It's such an issue. I've even unfriended people when they've flaked or changed plans last minute, it's cool for long-time friendships but not new ones. Those folks get blocked so fast. I am also claustrophobic and yes elevators freak me out, especially here in San Francisco, we have some of the oldest historical buildings. At the job I just quit a year ago, going up to the 31st floor would of taken me FOREVER so I basically had to just get on the elevator. It just is what it is. I think over time, I've just forced myself to do things and not think too much about it. BART {our underground and overground transit system} is NO NO for me. Good thing is, I can drive everywhere or Uber to the airport so I rarely have to take BART. I also live in the city so I can just use the Muni bus system to get to work in downtown. It all just works out. However, now i'm my adulthood I have noticed that I'm becoming afraid of flying. I noticed that it does have to do with my claustrophobia but I think I just drown that out, like you do. I think that's the key, you just HAVE to drown that stuff out. I know it's hard but I just don't lead the type of life where I can do otherwise. I literally have no choice but to use elevators and airplanes. When I lived, studied, and worked in London I LOVED the tube though. Mostly because I loved how serious everyone was. So different from SF. It was just so interesting to me. I also liked how FAST it was. However, over time the tube started to piss me off because of how dirty it was. Not the tube itself but the air? I would go home and we lived in the boujee neighborhood of Kensington Gardens, yet, I would blow my nose and soot would come out. I am assuming that was the tube's fault. Anyhow, yeah, I miss London :( For your situation, it just seems that everyone around you is chill about your claustrophobia and you work from home, so the reality of being on elevators isn't as NECESSARY for you. I just don't see a reason for you to worry about it much. Seems like you got it handled where elevators are concerned. They scare the crap out of me too. As for the toilets you guys have out there, omg my FAVE. I miss that the most. I HATE our bathrooms here. I NEED privacy so I HATE it when I feel like everyone can see everything. It sucks, maybe it's just you feeling like you won't be able to get out? That's the issue? I mean technically on an elevator you CAN'T. You just gotta HOPE that nothing happens. Same with airplanes. So I guess just drown it out and have hope? Sorry, hope that was soothing. I hide all of my fear because it's seen as a weakness in Mexican culture. So..I dunno what to tell you. My mom would probably slap me and my friends would joke about it more than likely. Just hang in there and don't worry about it if you don't need to. Maybe take some CBD for your anxiety? Don't think it's legal in UK but just saying. It's legal in Cali and a good amount of states now!
@loulaclaire6829 4 жыл бұрын
I suffer with intense Claustrophobia. I know exactly when it started, I have so many triggers and it's so bad that I can't even sit for a moment, in the back of a car that doesn't have any doors.. if I try, my heart races, I feel sick, I cry. I have even started opening windows in the front of a car when the driver leaves me in the passenger seat to go to pay for fuel, or nip into a shop. You are right, its debilitating. It actually affects me daily. I'm with you on the lift thing, I feel like I will die.. instantly. I also hate flying because of it. Any space that I cannot just take myself out of... I can't deal with. Hugs.. it sucks and like you said, people don't get it. X
@Septembergirl70 4 жыл бұрын
I have (diagnosed) major depression and severe anxiety/panic attacks. I also have multiple debilitating phobias. I'm deathly afraid of clowns, heights (although I love to fly and love rollercoasters?). Also, get ready, my biggest, worst phobia by far (I had even as a toddler) is bathtubs. I have to have 'stand up' showers, if I even see a bathtub I go into panic, I can't see someone in a tub on tv even, I cringe and look away and actually start shaking. My mom said when I was a toddler I would stand and scream the whole time I was being given a bath. Shower curtains on tubs HAVE to be closed all the way so I can't see the tub. I'm starting to have palpitations now, so I will stop talking about this - and NEVER would I even agree to exposure therapy!! Not a phobia, but I really don't care for spiders, but I LOVE snakes, I have three of my own! Ah, the human mind......
@stacin821 4 жыл бұрын
I know how you feel! I'm 38 years old and I am terrified of the meeting rooms at my work because I've had panic attacks in them. I avoid them as much as I possibly can. Thankfully I am not resistant to anxiety medication. That has been my savior when I must go and physically be in a meeting (instead of over Skype). Thankfully they don't hold it against me too much. They just think I'm antisocial. I don't care what they think though!
@josephjones633 4 жыл бұрын
I use to have pretty debilitating ornithophobia but now I’m okay around small birds, large ones found in zoos forget about it thanks for sharing Georgia, have a good day everyone!
@annat.m.2349 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t really have a phobia, but I do have an extreme fear of situation that I feel I can’t control (which are a lot) due to my autism. I know it doesn’t make sense most of the time, but it still causes panic attacks almost daily.
@Presca1 4 жыл бұрын
I have claustrophobia - but only low, confined spaces - like underground caverns where you have to fit your head through - that sort of thing. I'm fine in places like elevators and such. I do also have vertigo.
@britann9539 4 жыл бұрын
Ohhh I get it! Trust me. Once that cascade of panic starts its impossible to turn off. Being on a plane is the worst because I feel really stuck and I am absolutely utterly terrified of flying (but its not at phobia level).
@britann9539 4 жыл бұрын
Luckily I can take some type of benzodiazepine & drink on the plane and it helps. Last time i went on a plane, i had my emotional support cat with me but now, im so dependent on him, and love him so much I wont bring him on a plane because ... it seems so backwards in my head to bring him into a situation i percieve as such a threat. So yay.
@stace218 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I’m also an young ‘old lady’ addicted to cross stitch! In fact when I’m super stressed I love putting on your videos and stitching away because I find your voice super relaxing. Your videos helped me immeasurably the past few months in particular. Thank you so much from a fellow, stressed cross stitcher. Also I have a ‘weird’ phobia that people love to make fun off/test me on. I suffer from globophobia which is a fear of balloons.
@TheAlivere 4 жыл бұрын
Fellow young old lady! My weird phobia is ichthyophobia fear of fish. They just freak me out. Also an emetophobe so I used to self isolate if anyone ever threw up at home and not eat for 48 hours. I like to embroider for distraction. I generally just avoid fish but if I'm panicking about getting sick.
@stace218 4 жыл бұрын
TheAlivere yay, young old ladies unite! I understand the emetophobia - my father has it and he’s a nurse. It’s driven him a bit crazy over the years given his profession so I know how debilitating that phobia can be. I hope that the stitching helps you when these phobias can make life difficult
@lucyx8331 4 жыл бұрын
my weird phobia is plasters🥴
@admirbarucija2018 4 жыл бұрын
I always click fast when your channel notifications pop up, your videos are always wonderful and a joy to watch!! I’m proud of you for being able to share and talk about your fears ❤️❤️
@fluffideer1066 4 жыл бұрын
i have extreme fear of heights and throwing up and those control my life almost every day so i can kinda relate. thank you for making this video and sharing ur experiences even if its not the most comfortable thing to do. im super proud of u!!
@teresa548 4 жыл бұрын
I have emetophobia as well
@daquelly2660 4 жыл бұрын
Love you for being open about this! Thank you Georgia ❤️
@elizabethrose8599 4 жыл бұрын
Wow thanks for sharing Georgia! I do not underestimate how difficult this must’ve been to film and research, and completely understand all your phobias and anxieties; as someone with severe depression I can relate to how debilitating your mind can be sometimes, and how things can be triggered by certain situations. This is why I love your channel, you’re always making original, interesting and informative content while still being entertaining, never stop!!
@anakareng8962 4 жыл бұрын
I've suffered from agoraphobia as a result from my chronic illness & pain that i developed at about age 10. So schooling has always been a stuggle for me. I've gotten better but still have my set backs. Thanks for sharing your experience and this info! You are so great in all of your videos! ✨❤👍
@paulamlucena1 4 жыл бұрын
I'm epileptic and have scoliosis, which means I've had to have multiple MRIs done. I've gotten kinda used to them, by which I mean I've mastered the art of crying the whole way through without moving too much
@steviec3737 4 жыл бұрын
You are not a freak. Mine is emetophobia. It has controlled every single day of my life since my first memory of being sick at 6 years old. The worst part is there’s no way of controlling it. You can’t prepare for it or avoid it. If it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen and you can’t stop it and you don’t know when that is. Also, how does exposure therapy work for it?! I do have lots of coping mechanisms and things I’ve put in place to calm me down but I just have to tell myself that I will survive, I will come out the other end. My other ones are needles and the dentist. These send me absolutely hysterical at the thought. Genuinely think I will have no teeth by 30 because I’m way way way too terrified to even just go to the dentist 😭😭
@melissawatt2195 4 жыл бұрын
I have emetophobia too, I feel your pain
@iris-2021 4 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this. I have a totally weird fear of blood tests. I needed to have one last week. Made the appointment but knowing I would find a way to weasel out of it. So I asked my daughter to take me. I knew if I tried to cancel she would dragged my out by my ponytail. She is sympathetic to my fear because she has the same problem. She held my hand & looked away for the test. We managed & it was fine. We went for coffee and went to book store. Was a good mommy/daughter day dispiteva terrifying start!
@melissamccadden3434 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely would love a theme park vlog and while you're there you can tell us what rides you can and can't ride :) xx
@Amyrose804 4 жыл бұрын
girl nobody hates you for having a phobia!!! I don't have one but I do have crippling anxiety that basically ruins my life. Like recently I was on a cruise that stopped in Honduras and I literally was so terrified to get off the boat because I thought I would get killed or human traffic. Honestly I have been to therapy and it doesn't help which makes me think that it's more chemical. I am on several medications but the only one that really helps is xanax which unfortunately doesn't work for u. Anyway it sucks but It really seems like you have found coping mechanisms and if it makes you feel better your doing much better than me. I hope you will find something that works for you.
@joannab526 4 жыл бұрын
I have emetophobia which is a fear of vomiting. It's better now than it used to be, but I still refuse to drink too much or eat certain things because I'm so terrified of the possibility. For me it's especially bad if it's somewhere where I can't get to a toilet and I will inevitably make a mess. So sometimes I will get a random panic attack on a bus because what if I start throwing up right now? Or the person next to me does? As such I too have certain escape routes planned in certain situations and places and I always carry a little "sick" bad with me just in case - I've never had to use it but it helps with the anxiety.
@FallenAndTormented23 4 жыл бұрын
love the transparency, Georgia. I can't speak for my sister but she has ametaphobia and it's a constant struggle for her, controls her whole life. Shes done some exposure therapy and shes made progress, but it's an uphill battle most days. This corona virus thing is a damn nightmare for her lol 😳
@joannab526 4 жыл бұрын
Do you mean emetophobia (vomiting)? How does it relate to the virus, that's not one of the symptoms last I heard.
@FallenAndTormented23 4 жыл бұрын
@@joannab526 sorry yes I meant that, spelling isn't my strong suit some days. And in general shes scared of getting sick (with it mostly focusing on vomiting, but certainly not limited to it) but with the Corona virus specifically shes afraid of the unknowns (as we all are) and what it could develop into.
@ThatRomyKate 4 жыл бұрын
I have arachnophobia, but I think it’s linked to a fear of being tickled as I’m extremely ticklish, so tiny spiders are ok but last year I had 3 big spiders in my room (about 2 inches wide) and I honestly sat on my bed shaking for a few minutes not knowing what to do, and when I asked my dad to find them he could only find one, so I slept on the sofa. I actually cried I was so scared, but people always say ‘oh they’re more scared of you, they won’t hurt you’ which I know, but I’m terrified of them somehow crawling on me. 😫 I’d love to go to Australia but I’m actually terrified of the prospect of seeing a big spider!
@looloolawrence4009 3 жыл бұрын
I totally understand where you are coming from, Georgia! I suffer from claustrophobia too, and also a fearsome fear of wasps. I'm not as bad as you, can stomach going in an elevator although I never enjoy it! I absolutely can't stand being confined in any way, such as rough and tumble - I panic completely if someone tries to pin my arms. My fear with it is not being able to breathe. I even get panicky when I have a cold or stuffy nose at night in bed and can't breathe out my nose - I have to get up and walk around cos I worry about having a panic attack from it.
@sheeps_ 4 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with agoraphobia at 16, it is not fun but I try to go out. It’s funny me and my therapist were taking about it today and then you upload a phobia video.
@katiesalinas4620 4 жыл бұрын
Recently large crowds have been a fear of mine as I live in America and places are being shot up left and right. My anxiety is awful so when I go to places with big crowds it isn’t enjoyable and I spend the entire time focusing on my breathing, the people, my heart rate... makes it not even worth it.
@verver285 3 жыл бұрын
Oh i can feel that. I have the same routine thinking about all places i will go during the day, for a different reason but still. I live in country where i cannot afford any therapy, so your video just keeps me alive. Thank you.
@gatinhakatarina17 4 жыл бұрын
Loved your video, I'm arachnophobic I've even woken up in the middle of the night in pitch black and saying there were spiders on my wall... If I even think of a spider I start scratching myself like I can feel it on me.
@LisaLoves 4 жыл бұрын
Really interesting video. I especially found the bit interesting about personal space and claustrophobia. I HATE anyone being in my personal space and I hate crowds or tight spaces. I’m not a fan of lifts but I can cope with them. I’m not as badly affected as you (bless you, it must be hellish!), but I related to so much of what you said... especially the escape plan bit! My family always thought I was very odd for having escape plans for every scenario sorted out.
@janemausten 4 жыл бұрын
Well done! Thank you for having the courage to share your vulnerability! You have done one of the most important things you can do to combat your phobia- you are opening up and talking about it. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has phobias and difficulties they struggle with. I am diagnosed with Chronic Depression and Social Anxiety. The more we all talk about and share about mental health and therapy, the sooner the stigma attached to such issues will disappear. Take heart and courage! :)
@haliegham9518 4 жыл бұрын
I suffer from lepidopterophobia (fear of butterflies and moths) it also extends to flying beetles. I’m not afraid of wasps or bees in the way I am of butterflies, moths and flying beetles. Flies also do not scare me. Being outside and seeing a butterfly is often joyous to people but it causes me to panic. I know they’re not dangerous. I know it can’t physically hurt me but the psychological affects are insane. I once had friends drag me into a butterfly exhibit at a zoo and I have nightmares about it. I had a full on panic attack and ran to the door to get out. I’m not ready for therapy because the butterfly exhibit happened so recently (less than a year) but one day I’m sure I’ll get there :)
@hcrappa091 4 жыл бұрын
I can completely understand! My fear is CROWDS and natural wide open spaces, ie. Grand Canyon. I gave general anxiety disorder and fight panic attacks on a daily basis! It is hard to get through each day. Some harder than others.
@micivalantincic8227 4 жыл бұрын
Omg my anxiety was so high during this. I hate closed spaces as well.
@maisymcadam247 4 жыл бұрын
Definitely going to watch this, but going to have to come back to it tomorrow. I can’t give it my full attention at this time!
@lynncrf 4 жыл бұрын
I am claustrophobic too. And I know exactly what caused it: viewing my mother's coffin as the funeral director closed the lid at her wake. He was really nice and explained beforehand that it could be awful and many families don't want to be there when it happens. Yeah, he was right. My mother and I were basically one person and losing her was like losing a body part. All I could think about was what if she were still alive and trapped in there. It freaked me out beyond words for weeks. Four years later I am still claustrophobic. Typing this even makes me feel sick.
@amalie4926 4 жыл бұрын
this is so interesting! i have arachnophobia and i now realise how much easier living with that is in opposition to claustrophobia. i mean, i don’t encounter spiders too often and they (usually) don’t really affect my daily daily life at all. if i compare you going into the MRI machine to me being surrounded by spiders, girl you are strong as hell i would ~literally~ die 🙃
@ailbhemurphy5691 4 жыл бұрын
I fainted from fear when I saw a snake when I was about eight, and I've been terrified ever since, I can't even look at a drawn picture of one, but I have no clue where the fear came from
@kathleenstuartart 4 жыл бұрын
I am the same. People joke with me all the time about it...threatening to scare me with those freaking rubber snakes...its not funny. Its a phobia.
@rosehelena2356 4 жыл бұрын
I have a phobia of an animal (not a common one luckily), and it's so stressful. Seeing one absolutely messes up my day. It's not a dangerous animal, but there's something about them that freaks me out, and I can't think straight when encountering it. I also have OCD, and OCD is actually pretty similar to phobias. I know logically that the bad thing won't happen if I don't give in to my OCD compulsions, but the feeling of dread and discomfort is so overwhelming.
@newprincess76 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making me not feel batshit crazy. I’ve watched a lot of this video in tears. I am currently off work due to a bit of a melt down which culminated in my phobia appearing. I suffer from something called tritopphobia which is a fear of holes, bubbles, clusters etc. You are right in that phobias are truly debilitating. One thing I have found that works if I am freaking out big time is to get someone to talk crap to me. It works a bit like cross stitch in that it refocuses the mind. Thank you for this video
@KseniyaInternational 4 жыл бұрын
I have a phobia of dark water. I will NOT step next to a body of water in the dark/night time. Lakes? Pools? Crossing a bridge at night? NO THANK YOU
@barron204 4 жыл бұрын
You’re fascinating. My current phobia is not as much spiders, but spiders in my bed. Sometimes I struggle to sleep or stay asleep as I feel spiders on me. I have scoliosis also (ok now) and anxiety issues but they have subdued with age.
@273Gravity 4 жыл бұрын
I'm there with you on the room full of people. I'm 5'1" and people tower over me... being in a room full of people is very intimidating. It feels like I cant breath & I'm trying to swallow air just to get through that situation. (I also really love my bubble space) You're not alone in this.. it's a fight or flight thing that's going on in the mind for me so I do my best to avoid situations like that.... it is controlling my life & I've sadly just accepted that's how I am & some how just live life happily.😁 I dont have the answers or a solution... but I share my understanding & care ❤ you seem like a sweet person and i wish the best for you*
@tarajh 4 жыл бұрын
a friend of mine has dwarfism and also hates being in the middle of a crowd because she’s so small. I think that’s totally logical.
@nadiatanya 4 жыл бұрын
What you said about not going to therapy hit home with my phobia of needles. I finally went to a therapist and told her my biggest fear about therapy is that she will make me not afraid of needles by making deal with needles.... when I was there to try to fix my phobia in the first place. It makes no sense!! I get claustrophobic too I feel the pain. Went to a cave by choice on vacation for some reason and practically needed to be carried out because I couldn’t breathe and panicked. The brain is peculiar. Therapy is actually helping me though, just by trying to get help it’s almost rewiring my thought process. Good luck xo
@marracatt 4 жыл бұрын
Omg. I feel like I’m in the same boat. I had a massive, on the floor crying, can’t breathe, panic attack researching dentist offices that will take care of my infection. But I’m not ready to do therapy. I’d rather live with severe pain rather than go to the dentist where you’re on a chair, hands in your mouth, unable to move, feel like I can’t breathe. Phobias suck.
@STORMDAME 4 жыл бұрын
I understand. My teeth got so bad that I had 17 abscesses before I finally persuaded a dentist to refer me to a hospital to have all of them removed under general anaesthetic. It's not ideal but it was genuinely the only way forward for me. I don't regret it and it's worth considering.
@marracatt 4 жыл бұрын
WeatherGirl that’s what they’re telling me too. They won’t even clean my teeth unless I’m sedated because general cleaning/brushing hurts. Thanks for sharing 💜
@ashtongibbs3290 4 жыл бұрын
You are not alone, I have claustrophobia and my heart was beating like crazy during this video 😭 My mum's is worse than mine though, she can't go on planes or the London underground because she'll just have a massive panic attack the whole time 😓
@CattyoKitty 4 жыл бұрын
This may sound really strange (me apologising for my mental health issues as usual) but I have a phobia of weekends, in particular Fridays and Saturdays. I don't talk about it much, and it leaves me bedbound for those days every week but I appreciate you trying to shed some light on a very misunderstood disorder.
@The.meadows 4 жыл бұрын
Catherine Haze may I ask why? Sorry for asking just never heard of this before X
@megan5498 4 жыл бұрын
The tube/subway thing for me is so relatable. It makes my life hell in NYC. You are not alone!!! 💛
@turtleem4 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! Its funny you say about heights as for me any phobias I had when i was a lot younger(heights in this case) have come back to haunt me as an adult, which wouldn't normally be expected as adults are expected to be 'over' childhood fears.
@brittneyhormuth4174 4 жыл бұрын
Back in high school I used to have such a bad fear of people touching my face that on a first date I actually shoved my boyfriend away from me when he went in for a kiss and then had to have a very awkward conversation about why that happened but he was ok with it and we’ve been together for 5 years so 🤷🏻‍♀️
@ummarah2000 4 жыл бұрын
@sunflower9797 4 жыл бұрын
When I was about five years old, some kids and I had the bright idea to climb into a huge barrel and roll down a hill. Brilliant! I went in first, and then other kids came in, blocking my way out. Then someone outside pushed. It was a terrifying tumble as it was quite a steep hill, and when we hit bottom, the other kids just laid there stunned, while I was frantic to get out of that barrel. I think I put more bruises on them by fighting to get out than the tumble did. Today my claustrophobia manifests itself by being trapped by crowds of people in my way.
@nickypotter6199 4 жыл бұрын
Your videos are always educational and relatable. Great job.
@samanthaspaid7569 4 жыл бұрын
I have a phobia of fainting which has kind of turned into agoraphobia where I can’t leave my comfort zone (which is basically my house) without feeling out of control and like I’ll pass out. This makes me feel claustrophobic at times too like being in an elevator makes me anxious bc I don’t think I’d be able to get out if I started panicking and I’d pass out. Also doctors are a HUGE no. I’m looking into getting a surrogate to have a baby someday because I cannot imagine ever going through a pregnancy/labor with all the doctors and anxiety I’d have over passing out (especially bc needles are one of the main things that make me feel faint). Like you said about elevators, I’d rather die than ever get a blood test done. The list really just goes on forever. But yeah, don’t feel crazy - or at least alone in your craziness haha! And my fears stem from childhood medical trauma/GAD.
@nicholasj.travis7250 4 жыл бұрын
I suffer with Agoraphobia , and it really really sucks. i have to deal with chronic anxiety and thoughts that someone's oout there to embarrass me. it's a lot. I meditate to cope.
@jennxisxrad 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely hate using single toilet bathrooms. I got stuck in one as a kid and I still get really freaked out by it too. Same with airplane bathrooms, I just can’t do it.
@blackswan16656 4 жыл бұрын
I have an extreme fear of flying and generally of heights as well. It’s kinda funny how I’m also uncomfortable with elevators but for a different reason than you are - for me it’s not claustrophobia but more so the fear of it dropping down. However, I do use elevators sometimes, so my uncomfortable feelings around them is nothing compared to your fear of them.
@Gpa4-1966 4 жыл бұрын
I was attacked by a dog when I was young. Then days after I went to a friend’s house and was afraid of his dog. His dog must have sensed it and tried to attack me. For the longest time I was afraid. Later on I found if I meet a puppy and watch it grow up I was not afraid. I also learned that if I do not look a dog in the eyes but looked at their forehead they would not attack me. With these actions I can be around dogs now. Don’t feel bad, there are a lot of people out there that feel the way you do. You just have to find your own system to help you out. In the meantime keep doing what you are to help yourself thru life.
@BabyPinkPearl 4 жыл бұрын
I have a phobia of pool drains - any drain, jet, outlet, hole, dark thing, drain cover. As a kid, that used to also include the drains in showers and baths. Nothing happened as a kid, it’s just something I’ve had forever. If I go to an unfamiliar pool I have to walk the entire edge of the pool so I can scope out where any drains or jets are so I know where not to swim. It’s not even that I think they’ll do anything to me, it’s just that if I get to close and see them I freak out and flight response kicks in. Luckily, I don’t come across this problem often so it doesn’t affect my day to day life.
@marlenerichardson4429 4 жыл бұрын
Metal box in a concrete tube. Never thought of it like that. it sounds frightening x
@Harrysmababyhorse 4 жыл бұрын
I never used to be too bad with small spaces and things however I had an accident in a car where someone hit my driver side door. I couldn’t get out and had a massive panic attack. Since then I don’t like being in small spaces or anything. I also am now quite an anxious driver which is so upsetting to me because I love driving. My most debilitating fear however is heights. I can’t deal with heights at all, I have a complete panic and I get incredibly dizzy.... I have to walk in the middle and still I almost run to get away from the situation!! I love this video! You’re absolutely amazing ❤️
@XXthelivingdead 4 жыл бұрын
I have severe generalised anxiety and social anxiety and OCD so literally EVERYTHING can terrify me on a daily basis but day to day the severity can change. My worst fear is fluff and debris on kitchen ware eg:plates,cups and cutlery. I'll have a panic attack if it happens and I cannot touch the object to clean it and I freak out when people walk past me or stand near me when I'm cooking or using the kitchen because even tho they may be a metre away from me I still believe that them moving around can make fluff from them land in my food or cup 😅 😅
@mintycoolnessisrelevance 4 жыл бұрын
ah i was gonna comment on this earlier when u just posted but i watched and then fell asleep djd, i just wanted to say that even tho i personally do not have a phobia i still think ur most definitely not annoying or weird! tbh i think its brave to talk abt something that so clearly affects you i left the video impressed if anything. i think simply talking abt it and bringing awareness to it is super great, i can imagine that if someone just like you stumbled upon this video they’d feel seem and i think thats iconic?
@smvwees 3 ай бұрын
I used to have a fear of balloons as a child, but have overcome that and have now fun popping them. About claustrophobia, mostly only if i am crammed in with too many people and it is hot inside and then getting stuck halfway and you don't know the outcome or how long you will have to wait. At a lift, i had once that for whatever reason the lift fell, well a few cm. before quickly braked by the tooth rackets at the sides. But i then had to 'reset' myself to go up and down again once and using the escalators instead. Fear of fainting in case of too much emotions. I had a panic attack in a collegeroom in art school when they showed things of Abramovic. I clamped the subprincipal next to me to persuade her to guide me to a quiet room. I think every building, on every floor there should at least be one quiet room to get to senses again.
@sophiaknott7546 4 жыл бұрын
I have claustrophobia in crowds and places with low ceilings!!
@RealityEscapeeMeeeeeee 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not claustrophobic I just don't like people. I've basically have had anxiety since birth. I have PTSD from a traumatic birth, I almost died and was in hospital for ages. I genuinely believe that I have adult autism also. My biggest fear is rodents. I completely get your reaction to lifts. We had a mouse in our house recently. I shook, cried, panicked, vomited and basically lived upstairs until my husband got the mouse out.
@Argeaux2 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Georgia for spending time and effort educating us. It's appreciated. I also like how much you research the products you advertise.
@nancygarcia9226 4 жыл бұрын
Hi! I'm not sure I'm claustrophobic, but I basically avoid do everything you mentioned you avoid on the video. Thank you for making this video, hearing someone who understands how can be comforting in a way.
@salvolondon 4 жыл бұрын
My biggest fear right now is growing old or even just older . I had this phobia all my life . Even When I turned 19 I remember I was petrified . It’s a phobia that doesn’t make you live well . Sometimes I even wanted to die so I wouldn’t get older .
@marissahurley3200 4 жыл бұрын
So proud of you💜 you will get to the point one day but until then just keep living and loving life!
@loudchihuahua 4 жыл бұрын
I’m both claustrophobic and agoraphobic, so that’s super fun. I hate crowded places for the most part. I can deal with concerts if I really like the bands because I can get lost in the performance, but festivals and open spaces where I feel like everyone can see me (because if they can see me, definitely they’re staring at me is the logic) are a nightmare for me. I don’t like doing things like going out to bars much, or restaurants on weekend nights. It makes traveling way less fun because I get to the thing we planned and I’m panicking the whole time because the place is crowded. My phobia also controls my life. I can do things like ride an elevator because it’s over very quickly, just a few seconds so I can bear with it, but I don’t enjoy it. I feel like I’ve learned to deal with a lot of daily situations that stir up my phobias, but a few things have gotten way worse. I suppose it’s a process and it ebbs and flows.
@mkjghtiu 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you posted this! 💛
@sabinacroarkin4603 4 жыл бұрын
Omg someone else that suffers as badly as me! Mine is even worse to the point I can't do trains and buses anymore after too many panic attacks, and I can only just about manage my best friend's car because she'll stop and let me out, but no one else's!
@kaylai2200 4 жыл бұрын
I feel this.. it takes me 5 mg of Ativan just to get on a plane. The struggle is so real
@marlenevrs 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a science major, and I have a phobia of using the equipment and breaking it. Like I would freak out if I need to conduct an experiment and the demi isn't there to tell me I'm doing the experiment perfectly. And I found out about two weeks ago that I'm also really freaked out by having to touch things that have been heated (like we need to pour liquids from bottles that have been heated in water, so it wouldn't burn you or anything), but I made my friend pick up the bottle first and hold it for like 5 minutes before I tried to touch it. I've also been getting anxiety lately (like panic attacks while i'm just sitting at my desk and then my hands shake and my heart races to like 130 bpm), and then I'm also diagnosed with OCD and ADD, but I think the anxiety just stemmed from that.
@kelseystone3 4 жыл бұрын
This had to be a difficult video to make. You’re not a freak - all humans have their weird little ultimately harmless things about them. I’m sure of that. :) Your videos are always so informative and I always learn something, and this one was no different! I am glad you chose to share this with us.
@pandapaws297x 4 жыл бұрын
Have you tried propanalol? I suffer with extreme emetophoia and claustrophobia (the two feed eachother so my absolute biggest fear is throwing up in public and being trapped and people looking at me etc) so I always have to sit near doors and plan my escape route too. I relate so much with the crowded trains and hatred of the tube. I'm fine with lifts unless they're full. If you haven't tried propanalol I recommend you do because it's the only thing that has helped me - it lessens the physical symptoms of panic and panic attacks at least. thank you for being vulnerable about how real and debilitating extreme phobias can be!! people are always like 'nobody likes being sick' and i'm like YES sharon but you do not understand i would rather DIE hun xx
@The.meadows 4 жыл бұрын
Amy King propanalol has saved my life lmao
@georgiamarie_ 4 жыл бұрын
Propranolol has zero effect on me sadly, no anxiety medication I’ve tried works
@pandapaws297x 4 жыл бұрын
Georgia Marie that sucks so much :(
@eva-maycowley9050 4 жыл бұрын
I feel exactly the same as you but with dogs. I wis bitten by a massive St. Bernard at the age of 18 months and have been terrified ever since, loads of people tell me they were bit too but don’t have a fear so I’m being stupid but it’s not like that for me. I can’t go to any of my friends houses if they have a dog unless the dog is locked far away from me or not in the house, luckily they all support me with that. If I see a dog of a lead when waking down a street I cross the road or turn around and take a different route to avoid it. No one really understands me because they feel they have been through the same thing as me but aren’t scared but it’s something in my brain that I can’t help and it’s paralysing.
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