My Brother, Klint {The Great Ace Attorney ANIMATIC/shitpost}

  Рет қаралды 19,073

Digi_ Myz

Digi_ Myz

11 ай бұрын

Hi, two people who still remember me, I'm still here. Hopefully I'll stay here for a while longer.
Original audio: • Jello & Friends Voice ...
Outro music: Nintendo 3DS - Mii Maker
Tumblr: / anotherfandomtrash
VK: archiveofanotherfandom...

Пікірлер: 80
@archivist_13 11 ай бұрын
Y'know I had a lot of issues with the JelloApocalypse videos on the Great Ace Attorney, namely how they completely missed the points of Barok and Kazuma's arcs, but the "my brother, Klint" joke was honestly gold.
@digi_myz 11 ай бұрын
Yep, totally agree with that. Especially in the last trial (even though it was hilarious) they bullied Kazuma too much for no reason
@archivist_13 11 ай бұрын
@@digi_myz the game: Kazuma's acting strange. Kazuma: Acts strange. Jello and the gang: wHaT's AlL tHiS tHeN?!?!?!?! bAd WrItInG?!?!?!?!
@TheWanderingLPer 11 ай бұрын
the Jello gang and reading comprehension, name a less iconic duo-
@archivist_13 11 ай бұрын
@@TheWanderingLPer yeah that about sums it up
#stopbullyingkazumaasogi 👍
@stupidusername9109 3 ай бұрын
jello has terrible ace attorney opinions but damn the jokes can be funny
@Arseneluci 9 ай бұрын
“I must say, who’s the man next to the women in the beautiful painting?” “My brother, klint.”
@Robin_Glorb 2 ай бұрын
Who is the woman? My brother, Klint
@smilesthroughfandoms5595 5 ай бұрын
This whole animation reads like they’re an actual cast of actors doing a real take of a period drama day but they keep goofing up and the director is just like “Yeah, ok, whatever. Get the sillies out now kiddies, I’m working you like park horses later”
@Pinkstarclan 9 ай бұрын
"There's still one thing I'm willing to believe in...and that's my brother, Klint." Uh Oh!
@pufrury 8 ай бұрын
Guys I think he has a brother named “Klint”
@destinywillowleaf219 10 ай бұрын
the best bits are the ones that the game plays into and the jello gang played this one perfectly (even if they did miss the point like other folks have said). i love the way you draw everyone, they're all so expressive and vamp zieks is always a treat :D
@VeenanNorvius 10 ай бұрын
They have prophetic bits
@Chloroseraph 9 ай бұрын
The animatic drawings are priceless but also when the photo changed to reflect what they were saying that took me 100% out
@themusicintrovert1393 11 ай бұрын
I love how you made Van Zieks' a vampire. Also, your art style is very cute.
@VeenanNorvius 10 ай бұрын
Thats because van zieks is just a fucking vampire and that was the running gag in the original audio,
@blankness8 11 ай бұрын
I confess: thirty seconds in, I was only mildly amused. By two minutes I had tears in my eyes (I haven't even played the game. Thank you this is wonderful)
@ArissaHaque Ай бұрын
go play it
@gossamergreen2787 11 ай бұрын
your barok is so cute!! that frame at 2:12 is adorable :') sad that these let's players apparently completely missed the point of barok's character and flaws tho lol
This made me laugh harder... than his brother, klint. (Genshin making his impact, will doing this against his will and his brother, klint- I use this joke literally all the time- 😭)
@disOrganizedGuts 11 ай бұрын
ive since left the ace attourney fandom a while ago but this joke still will always be iconic, it will never get old to me lmfao
@pjzg2686 11 ай бұрын
This video is amazing, just like my brother, Klint
@sharrkan9177 11 ай бұрын
this had me wheezing like a deflated balloon. also, i love the way u draw barok (and his brother, klint) and the bat floating around barok was so cute!!!
@doodleplayer4014 6 ай бұрын
Sock puppet Barok triggered my asthma, I was laughing so hard!
@Vulpilux 7 ай бұрын
2:31 I really like how Von Zieks scratches that dog.
@DinahInWonderland 10 ай бұрын
Your artstyle is adorable!!! Love how you draw their hair, it looks so fluffy, which in turn makes them all look so friend-shaped, it's a delight to see! Barok's tiny lil' bat friend hagafFagvacfqt, so cute 🥺 The expressions are hilarious, too, they really bring it all together. I couldn't stop giggling, this is one of my favorite bits from that let's play series 😄 Oh, studies are hard, they really grind down any time and motivation. Do things at your own pace, and draw/animate/create whatever you feel like at the pace you are the most comfortable, and whenever it is that you feel like doing it! Creativity and fandom are the same in that they're both done for fun, and fun shouldn't be done at the cost of physical or emotional well-being, nor done forcefully bc you feel anxious about doing "too little/not enough content". I've been in that same headspace as a famartist, and what it all ends up doing is burn you out and leave you with bittersweet feelings instead of full on enjoyment. Never be afraid of prioritizing yourself in ever way possible! You're doing everyone else a favor sharing your dedication and talent, never feel indebted to any of us, you're the one who's gifting us these precious, charming experiences at cost of your time and effort. My best wishes to you and your loved ones, hope uni won't be putting too much weight on you, but again, that's how uni is, sadly 😔 Now, I wanna mention something re: Jello's let's play, a personal gripe of mine. This is long already, and what I'm 'bout to say is gonna make it longer, so as a heads up, I don't wanna force anyone to read that Big Wall O' Text if they don't want to. Feel free to ignore this, I just wanted to express this opinion somewhere at least, i haven't shared it anywhere and it's been bothering me for months, so I'll just be done with it: I generally enjoy Jello & co. vids, and I can perfectly ignore most of their vitriol bc is either valid criticisms that is hyperbolized for the sake of comedy or it's just _their_ subjective opinion also hyperbolized by the sake of comedy, but sometimes, they do end up actually hating for real stuff that they initially make fun of half-jokingly, and such hate is most of the time unwarranted and extreme, as it's the case with their reactions to TGAA. I like to rewatch let's plays in general a couple of times to revisit jokes and commentary, but while there is lot of good voice acting and funny commentary go be found, it is quite literally the only let's play from that channel that I don't ever feel like rewatching ever again. Whenever I wanna revisit some scene and/or joke, I skip to that part only. To me, the fun of watching let's plays comes from both seeing other people have genuine fun and/or having a terrible time but in a So Bad It's Good way, with a generally good attitude even if you're harping on things (such as how it's the case with their AAI let's plays). I'm very lenient with players making jokes by crapping in games I like: case in point, I love AAI2, but even if they crapped a ton on it, I thoroughly enjoyed their let's play, even if my opinion greatly differed from theirs. But the way they hated on TGAA was uncalled for and tiring, because not only did it make them look uncharacteristically self-righteous and showcasing a truly baffling willful ignorance that was also out of character for that channel, while I was listening to it, the more it went on, the worse their whole vibe became. It does have a lot of good jokes, even by the end of it, but the general vibe of the streams were a real downer. I remember that instead of lifting up my spirits (as it usually does), hearing the stream while working made me feel even less motivated, something that had never happened to me before with any let's play I've seen from any channel, at all. They truly started giving such....bad vibes. That is no fun to revisit. And the worst part was that most of their causes for complaints came, again, from the already mentioned willful ignorance. This willful ignorance was specially egregious with their interpretation of the characters and their respective character arcs in general, and it made them seem as if they were only capable of very shallow reading comprehension (which everyone who's even remotely familiar with Jello & co. knows it can't be the case, as they're usually very analytical and critical when reading.). They somehow managed to misread almost every single character in every aspect, but the ones who got it the worst where Kazuma, Barok, Sherlock and Ryuunosuke (bc they also thoroughly missed Ryuu's character arc and growth, too, and while the criticism re: how Barok's racism wasn't really necessary for the story and having him be generally unpleasant would have fitted better is absolutely valid, they still largely missed almost everything else about Barok's character. And don't get me started with Kazuma, they did him so dirty, oh my god😦). Like, I don't know how else to explain it, but they all like. Played TGAA with an already "I'm gonna DETEST this game!" mentality? Like they had already decided to hate the game and and that was final in their minds and so they proceeded purposefully ignore most, if not all of the good elements that appeared throughout. (NOT saying that happened, I'm just trying to explain how it felt like). I'll say the complete opposite of Jello's TGAA LP is Crystaaaaahl's: she has such good energy, just hearing and seeing her having a sincere blast with the game is a joy to see. You can feel the wonder she feels at every twist and turn and reveal and gimmick, and at least in my case, that in turn reminds me of my own wonder back when I played the game for the first time. It's not only a funny LP, it's so uplifting to watch! And those are my favorite kind of LP, even if I do enjoy LP's who ramp up the vitriol for funsies. I still like to adore roughly 95% of Jello's content, it's very fun and interesting, and I revisit a lot of his stuff from time to time! But what I mention here about his attitude with TGAA is also true. Also, my apologies if someone did take the time and effort to Read All That™ and it was a disaster, English isn't my first language 😭
@digi_myz 10 ай бұрын
Okay, first thank you so much for your words of support! It's always good being reminded that your work is making people happy. I'm always saying that I'm gonna try to work more and harder even if I know what that's too much for me. So thank you really. And second, I understand these things about this LP...especially the end. Everything you said is correct and I can't really ad anything to it. I don't know about others LP because if I've watched a playthrough of the game from one person I will not re-watch it through playthrough of another (hence why I always using Jello's LP for my videos). Sure this game might have some strange moments but like....not THAT huge. And again, thank you! I always love to read long comments so it was a delight to read!
@alessapisiconeri 9 ай бұрын
Pray, forgive the discourtesy of raising my hollowed chalice in agreement with you 🍷. During the final dance of deduction the only good thing Jello said was a mild “Oh look, he’s dancing.” If you want a blend of being critical/having fun, I’d recommend Save Data’s playthrough.
@lostbookwyrm9500 7 ай бұрын
This is it! You put it perfectly into words. Alot of the criticism I've seen for the tgaa lp has mostly just been insults thrown at Jello and crew, but, at least from my experience with it, you realy hit the nail on the head. The vods have such a icky vibe to them, and I truly believe part of that is just the fact that they're acting so unusually. I really wanna know why Jello hates the second game so much that his usually pretty good takes on game writing went out the window, cause there is literally no way he came to the conclusions he did without someone else running the game for him.
@Robin_Glorb 2 ай бұрын
I agree. I still remember the time when, before they started G2-1, Jello misremembered why Susato left Britain and thought it was because of her making the peephole in G1-5. Even when Oz tried to correct him, saying it was because her father became ill, he disregarded this, claiming Oz was "all the way justifying". It seemed like Jello was conflating Susato's reasons for leaving with the peephole thing, thus turning a minor nitpick into a much bigger problem than it actually was. The thing that actually makes me annoyed, though, is the fact that he insisted he was right even after someone tried to correct him, and that what he thinks happened is inherently illogical (how could Susato get a ship ready to go to Japan in such a short amount of time?) and yet he still believes it seemingly just because "Shu Takumi writes weird things sometimes" (It's the only reason I can think of, anyway) The two main let's plays on the channel that I am the most apprehensive about rewatching in their entirety is Great Ace Attorney and Night in the Woods. As you said, they feel "bad" somehow. It feels almost as if the people there don't fully understand the story, or something. this is much more present in the final case in Great Ace Attorney 2 and the 4th stream of Night in the Woods.
@ZE.brigitte Ай бұрын
I always liked Barok's racism He wasn't by far the only racism one, however, it fit considering the time period, and it's explained why he is much more racist than the other character (he believed his brother, Klint, to be murdered by a Japanese after all) But because it's a REALISTIC FLAW that does NOT make him a bad character. In fact out of all the prosecutor, he is the nicest to the protag along with Klavier, and does not abuse the courtroom (The guy he throw his bottle to is Sherlock guys, trust me) Also, his racism is not just him insulting the character, in fact, it's the way he act around them. The trial with Souseki show it the most
@dylan_colon_three 11 ай бұрын
I would like to thank you for this, as I legit just searched up my brother klint as I'm currently watching someone else live stream the game and they are not to far away from this scene
@shyberrydraws5173 11 ай бұрын
everything about this video is comedy gold, i'm obsessed
@Bread16091 10 ай бұрын
Especially his brother, Klint
@Sakuromic 7 ай бұрын
Susato going off his hilarious
@l.n.3372 6 ай бұрын
The animation was super cute (especially that bat OMG). Love the Great Ace Attorney.
@nowits1005 11 ай бұрын
THIS IS SO GOOD DSJFKLSD your ryu is adorable and i love the way you draw everyone (especially giving vz pointy ears and little teefys). this is easily my favorite bit in the entirety of the jello streams
@alexv3372 2 ай бұрын
Love how your made Van Zieks ears pointy
@pauloltman4960 11 ай бұрын
2:16 we- pft we- we three are ventriloquist ventriloquists ventriloquists, we three are ventriloquists and we practice e- every daaay!!
@diamondoodle7732 10 ай бұрын
@anyaforger8302 9 ай бұрын
I love this animatic so much. A normal amount. Like every frame is a certified comedy gold moment.
@GgrimrodD 9 ай бұрын
I skimmed through their playthrough of case four and completely missed this joke, thank you for bringing it to my attention
@Amasfia 8 ай бұрын
i absolutely died whilst watching this, and so did *my brother, klint*
@subplot4143 11 ай бұрын
this is great!! also the little bat ❤❤❤❤
@pictrable Ай бұрын
this is perfect
@PizzaPocketz 11 ай бұрын
I literally just finished my watch of this stream on the youtube channel, i don't think i've ever laughed so hard in my life
@Ari_A1357 11 ай бұрын
lmao i love this bit so much
@ProbablyATree 11 ай бұрын
@vintprox 10 ай бұрын
I couldn't get this ff my head for a while xDDDD
@Pillzpop 9 ай бұрын
Why is that bat so cute~
@dragonfly._.doodles 7 ай бұрын
I came from the bug fables stream where they mentioned this, absolutely did not disappoint-
@0GlassOfAcid0 11 ай бұрын
Oh my GOLLY GOSH GOO! This was so funny, you are a amazing animator. You only 2k, that can't be right! At least 10k! I have seen other animatic that weren't nearly as good as this was! I hope you get alot of views with this video! You guys smell that *sniff* it's a smelly smell *sniff* a smelly smell that smells like an underappreciated KZbin artist. *SNIFFFFFFFFF* smells nice!
@wesleyewert1023 4 ай бұрын
but who are the men from the east?
@Robin_Glorb 2 ай бұрын
They are my brother, Klint
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