My Encounter With The Devil

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Pints With Aquinas

Pints With Aquinas

5 жыл бұрын

Matt Fradd sits down with Dr. Paul Thigpen to discuss a whole host of interesting things: how he became an atheist at the age of 12; why he gave his life to Christ; his encounters with the Devil, and the current crisis in the Catholic Church.
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@PintsWithAquinas 5 жыл бұрын
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
@marcihf9763 5 жыл бұрын
@justincolannino6544 5 жыл бұрын
@NicGiollaMhichil 5 жыл бұрын
@CrustyMac300 5 жыл бұрын
St Joseph, pray for us. Blessed Mary, pray for us. St Benedict, pray for us.
@varalderfreyr8438 5 жыл бұрын
@fsnicolas 4 жыл бұрын
I had a very similar experience when I went through a Catholic renewal seminar and became more serious about my relationship with Jesus. I was awakened from sleep sensing a presence in my room pressing down on my chest making it hard for me to breathe. Almost immediately, a thought came to mind about calling out to Jesus. I tried to speak but found myself unable to. The third time I tried I was able to whisper "Jesus" and the presence suddenly lifted from my chest. I could still feel it in my room but at least it wasn't on my person. "All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
@Jack.Nimble 3 жыл бұрын
This also happened to me when I decided to quit my soul sucking job and do work for a Christian charity.
@fsnicolas 3 жыл бұрын
@Vercingetorix I understand that there's a physical explanation for it. But when I experienced it, there was a spiritual context. And I had it a number of times. Eventually, I learned not to fear it and to trust in the Lord and I haven't experienced it for a long time already.
@agentjackstone3543 3 жыл бұрын
@@fsnicolas I practiced sorcery and necromancy for many years. When I tried to close the doors I had opened I was attacked in this way, and other ways as well.
@jd3jefferson556 2 жыл бұрын
God will allow for the devil to attack us, in order to help us get closer to His Son.
@ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 жыл бұрын
I've had sleep paralysis hundreds of time. It's gotten a lot better since I began converting to Christianity and started praying before I sleep. When I was an atheist I spent a lot of time researching it, trying to find viable treatments for it, etc. The fact of the matter is nobody knows what causes it. "Sleep paralysis" only describes a set of symptoms. A syndrome. It doesn't say anything about etiology, because we don't know much about the etiology. That is to say, one can't argue that it isn't demonic in nature just by writing it off as a medical disorder. Just because some mental state is associated with neuronal physiological activity doesn't mean it's not supernatural in origin. If physical objects can be manipulated by spiritual forces, then the human brain can be manipulated in the same way. So it's conceivable that it could be forced to express psychiatric/neurologic syndromes. It's a bit like saying so-and-so isn't possessed, they're just having a psychotic episode. Since "psychotic episode" isn't a medical condition with an established naturalistic etiology, it's basically meaningless to point that out. It's not a disorder, it's just a range of symptoms that the human mind can experience, which seem to be associated with a variety of neurochemical states and in some cases with other symptoms as well. There are many disorders associated with psychosis but how they cause it, and/or how the disorders themselves are caused, is usually unknown. It may be possible to artificially induce states of sleep paralysis or psychosis, but the fact that something can be caused by physical means in certain cases does not mean that it can't ever be caused by supernatural means. Sleep paralysis is very mysterious, but it is associated with a variety of other hypnagogic phenomena that are themselves associated with microseizure activity, probably induced in most cases by a genetic or neurochemical abnormality in serotonin/NAS/melatonin systems. So sleep paralysis may very well have a similar etiology for most people. I assume that's probably the case for me. But I don't reject out of hand the possibility that demons exist and may induce the same state in humans. If demons can create a variety of mysterious harmful phenomena, why couldn't they create less mysterious phenomena? If you want to supernaturally torment a person, most of the avenues available could be explained naturalistically. Let's say a demon induced nerve pain in a person. That's something I suffer from as well. I don't assume my nerve pain is caused by demons, but I don't necessarily know it isn't. It's idiopathic. No cause has ever been established and I've seen dozens of doctors, had CTs and MRI, even had an unsuccessful surgery targeting a possible causative disorder I don't actually have. It's entirely possible that a demon is causing my nerve pain. The fact that my nerves are physical objects that can go haywire for a variety of physical reasons doesn't mean a demon can't supernaturally tinker with them too. A demon could conceivably mess with my nerves directly, or one could supernaturally produce some kind of electromagnetic signal that naturally damages my nerves. A demon could cause me to injure myself and make it _my_ fault. The possibilities are endless. Personally, I'd find it patronizing if someone told me there can't possibly be a supernatural cause for my frustrating symptoms. I don't believe there is, because I've never had any obvious contact with demons. I'm leaning toward just an idiopathic but natural etiology, but I just don't know for sure. So, if someone else is totally convinced that their symptoms are supernatural in origin, I'm not gonna patronize them with false certainty in a naturalistic explanation. I wouldn't be helping them, I'd be inflicting my hubris on them. I can only remain humble and open to the possibility that demons can physically torment us in the same (though opposite) way in which Christ, the apostles, and other saints have physically healed people. If a miracle can cure someone's paralysis then surely a demonic miracle can mess with someone's nervous system. So, I'm even open to the possibility that at least for some individuals, not only is the sleep paralysis caused by a demon, but the demonic presence they experience during the sleep paralysis is not merely a hallucination due to the sleep paralysis, but is an accurate sensation of a real demonic presence that is causing the sleep paralysis. That's obviously an unfalsifiable hypothesis, but the same can be said to criticize faith in a variety of things we (presumably) all put our trust in. And in this case I'm not saying I have faith that demons cause sleep paralysis, just that I'm open to the possibility. It's the same attitude I have about ghosts. It's not an article of faith, but I won't write off the possibility just because some ghost sightings may be debunked or explained by natural phenomena.
@pipeandaprayer938 2 жыл бұрын
That head to toe experience happened to me but with Light. As a teenager, son of an Episcopal priest, I attended a Catholic Charismatic prayer group with my mom, who was also Episcopalian. The Holy Spirit began to fill me from the top of my head down to my toes, but it missed my heart. It was like an electric current. I was troubled that the Spirit didn’t take my heart and prayed, “Please take all of me, fill my heart”. At that moment, it filled my heart and I was in a sense of total peace. I joined the Catholic Church a year later.
@4SyriaTruth 5 жыл бұрын
Very important topic... I've had a similar experience with the enemy attacking me, and discovering my utter powerlessness without the Lord. Thank God for our Catholic faith and the absolute, eternal victory of Jesus at Calvary conferred to all who believe!
@DEUS_VULT_CROATIA 3 жыл бұрын
its the christian faith with catholic traditions. get it right. because orthodox and protestants are christians too just different traditions
@4SyriaTruth 3 жыл бұрын
@@DEUS_VULT_CROATIA "one Lord one faith one baptism" Eph 4, there are not many Lords many faiths and many baptisms... in other words Christ is not a polygamist
@DEUS_VULT_CROATIA 3 жыл бұрын
@@4SyriaTruth we are all one 1 christ. (catholics ortodox protestants) lords blessings
@4SyriaTruth 3 жыл бұрын
@@DEUS_VULT_CROATIA once we've severed communion with Peter's successor, cosy liturgies and nice words can't save us. Augustine (+ 430) wrote: “No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the Sacraments, one can sing Halleluia, one can answer Amen, one can have faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and preach it too, but never can one find salvation except in the Catholic Church.” (Sermo ad Caesariensis Ecclesia plebem)
@DEUS_VULT_CROATIA 3 жыл бұрын
@@4SyriaTruth you are doimg the devils work. the one who claims his church is the only church aurly is not in christ
@mtomas7 5 жыл бұрын
I had very similar experience, but at the crucial point, when I was almost paralyzed, someone put into me this thought "Jesus". I started to repeat it in my thoughts and I felt stronger and stronger with each time I thought the name of God and at the same time I felt the darkness is loosing grip on me and retreating. Interesting, I noticed that these attacks tend to happen when I return home after an hour of night Adoration.
@chaplainmattsanders4884 3 жыл бұрын
mtomas7. Wow-I can relate. Thnx so much for sharing that.
@michaelflores9220 3 жыл бұрын
Sleep Paralysis is a scientifically explained phenomenon. Not demons.
@mtomas7 3 жыл бұрын
@@michaelflores9220 If you can fight this with the Most Holy Name of Jesus, then it is another prove of God :)
@TheLockSmith1800 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelflores9220 He didn't say he was sleeping
@identifyyourself5684 2 жыл бұрын
An hour of night adoration? What's that mean ?
@mike67mj 4 жыл бұрын
Same thing happened to me twice when I was in uni when I was finishing my night prayers, I called on the name of Jesus and it disappeared. Truly every knee shall bow at His name
@UrbanTiger74 3 жыл бұрын
Happened to me while visiting my mom. Napping on the sofa. Unbelievable weight on me. Couldn't move. Wanting to pull me down. Filled my ears with the sound of roaring wind. When I prayed it would make me stumble on my words. Doubled down on my prayer which was tough mentally. It jumped off me but still couldn't move. It attacked me again even stronger but this time I already knew what it was. Focused even harder on The Lord's Prayer and it finally left. I got up from the sofa a little winded and my mom and my wife asked me if I was ok. I told them that I just fought off a demon.
@josephzammit8483 Жыл бұрын
@tonyanzellino4359 3 жыл бұрын
I certainly needed to see and hear this today. I am in a dark place, have been for some years, plus have many health issues. Have tried to be strong in the Lord, however, the weight of burden consumes my days. With each passing day I feel I'm slipping further into hell or rather pulled down into hell and whatever I try to do nothing seems to work. Having lost my wife due to her friends consistent willful untruths, rarely see my daughter and grandchildren and seeing less of my son. Apart from all this, I had to leave a job I loved after becoming ill after my Father's death. My work was shift work and 12 hour days/nights, I took my father to a city hospital for cancer treatment fortnightly which took a toll on me. Three years after my Father's death my home town was totally destroyed and within months I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression and later with CPTSD. Having seen this video I now understand I'm in the grips of the devil and how to get back to the Lord seems so distant and unreachable. I have to beleive that my strict faith will oneday deliver me back to the Lord. Thank you for sharing this video.
@neelawithyeshua3765 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not pressuring you but according to my experience " hail Mary" prayer delivers us from every darkness . Chant it consciously whenever or whatever you are doing. If there is any strong hold for devil in your life like any sin or unrepented darkness please get rid of all that. And the most important thing is you must forgive to everyone . Call God by his loving and caring sweet name JESUS and do it with total love and importance... God bless you. Remember you in my prayers ... Amen Hallelujah Ave Maria
@tonyanzellino4359 3 жыл бұрын
@@neelawithyeshua3765 Thank you for this important information to pray to our Holy Mother, the "Hail Mary". I will do this chant from today.
@neelawithyeshua3765 3 жыл бұрын
@@tonyanzellino4359 God Bless you in JESUS name Amen
@annmary6974 3 жыл бұрын
Please, recite the rosary and learn about the power of the rosary. Meditate upon the mystery while doing so. It can do miracles. God bless you.
@annmary6974 3 жыл бұрын
You could also check out rosary testimonies or marian podcasts on channels like" gabiafterhours, truefaithtv and sensus fidelium.
@EverydayCatholic 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@barrientes361 4 жыл бұрын
I saw an image of st Michael and the devil in my window one time, st Michael was standing over him Authority.I was tripped out.
@cathynorman5544 5 жыл бұрын
I was about the same age (older teen) when I was involved in occult practices, and I invited lucifer into my life witout understanding what I was doing. I thought I was forever lost in evil, intense loneliness and darkness. Then I remembered the Lord’s prayer, and started praying it over and over again until that feeling of evil darkness left me. I told the leader of our [I now call it a cult], and he dismissed it as a panic attack. I have never, either befor or since, had such a “panic attack,” and I would not wish such a terrifying experience on my worst enemy.
@aresye 5 жыл бұрын
A lot of "panic attacks" people are having nowadays seem to be profoundly spiritual.
@mcspankey4810 3 жыл бұрын
aresye definitely true, especially among younger new agers who are practicing occult spirituality without knowing what they are doing.
@peterstewart9376 3 жыл бұрын
This is crazy! I had a similar experience some months ago. I was woken in my sleep by a presence in my room. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew it was dark. I pulled my blankets over me for comfort and “safety” and I felt it’s weight on top of me and “pushing” just as this man described, down onto me. It was a horrible, terrible experience. I felt the weight and pressure push its way into my whole being just like this man said. I prayed to St. Michael and Our Blessed Mother for protection repeatedly and the darkness fled. When I woke up the next day, I thought it was a horrible dream. I haven’t talked about it with anybody since it happened and mostly forgot about it until I ran across this video. I’m shocked this man had such a similar experience and that many people in these comments have as well. St. Michael the Archangel and Our Lady Terror Of Demons protect us!! Salve Regina! ✝️
@liberator275 3 жыл бұрын
real stuff.
@tristankramer4636 3 жыл бұрын
You know you can also pray to God too right?
@caroloneile2780 3 жыл бұрын
I had a similar experience myself some years ago it was terrible feeling I felt so alone but my faith in God got me through
@333LG 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus protects us. Period.
@yeaRightAJ 2 жыл бұрын
@@tristankramer4636 you know we do right? 🤦🏻‍♂️
@JohnAlbertRigali 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t get to hear Dr. Thigpen enough. Thanks for this.
@josuegonzalez5576 4 жыл бұрын
Something similar happened to me when I was twelve about 8 years ago.
@paulbuckley4151 2 жыл бұрын
I had reoccurring sleep paralysis over a few weeks and each time a malevolent presence & dark shadow seemed to be holding me down. Only when I started praying did it leave and It wasn’t until I started sleeping with my Rosary wrapped around my hand that it stopped completely. The Evil One is very real..
@sergeantblue6115 2 жыл бұрын
wait, you guys got that bad, all i felt was 5 hot pokes on my back
@elplanetadedelfos4939 5 жыл бұрын
Was listening to this in the podcast and wondering... Where was the video! And presto came the video :)
@gerardmaroney3918 5 жыл бұрын
"Don't be so medieval"! Brilliant.
@crystald3346 4 жыл бұрын
I forgot how good looking Matt Fradd was, before the beard he’s got going now 😂 Great video!
@peppy619 4 жыл бұрын
I like him better with his beard. He looks wiser haha
@amazingtimes3458 3 жыл бұрын
God is in control.
@m.935 3 жыл бұрын
For years I had this paralysing repeated nightmares where this dark evil shadow/demon wanted to destroy me but not just my body. It wanted to destroy my soul. Total annihilation of me from me. It pressed my chest and stomach, and the more I moved or tried to yelp, it pressed harder and harder, and I couldn't scream or move. The worst part was that it didn't look like a dream, but I was awake at the same time and that feeling of pure evil coming over me. It always happened on my bed or wherever I slept at the time. I was fully aware of my surrounding. And when I would pass away in a dream from the pain, that was the moment I would "wake up" and scream and run in fear from the bed and/or family members. Sometimes I didn't know who, where am I and who are people that are actually my parents, husband or sister who would come close to me, so I would be afraid of them also. Recently it happened again, but as shadow started to approach me, I started to pray : "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen" And the shadow/demon was so afraid and acted like this prayer is torturous to it, so it started to back off, and hide from me, while I walked and prayed towards it until it completely vanished. God delivered me in my dream from a spiritual attack. He answered my prayer. I'm so comforted and thankful that He saved me once again, and I did nothing to deserve it, He is so merciful. So if something happens to you, ask Him for help and He will answer even if you are surrounded by nothing except darkness. I was raised and baptised as Catholic, but I fell off from my faith when those dreams started and I became an atheist. I also messed with the occult and committed some horrible sins. I had friends who did some satanic stuff although I wasn't involved in it. Just recently I experienced conversion back to my faith and at the time this new dream occurred. During that atheist phase, I went to the psychiatrist to check what is going on with me because of those horrible nightmares but he told me it was just a chronic stress reaction so I believed it. But now I know it was the attack on my soul.
@afieds6845 3 жыл бұрын
I had a similar situation: I was awoken in my room at night , lifted up and pushed flat against the wall and held there for ,what felt like two hours. I was so scared I couldn't think straight or collect my thoughts, it was absolute panic. After about an hour, with my face, flat against the wall, a thought started to come from my heart; "even if this thing kills you, you are a child of God " I started praying hail Marys and slowly but surely a warmth and confidence started to build from within, it was very cold in the room. Suddenly the big hands pinning me to the wall let go and I fell down on my bed. Needles to say ,I was shaken. Yet that thought:" even if you are killed, you are God's child" has never left me and given me a lot of power in difficult situations
@michaelflores9220 3 жыл бұрын
If you ha d your face against the wall you'd have passed out from being unable to breathe after only a few minutes and if you'd have passed out for over 5 minutes you'd have gotten brain damage.
@jaredhardy1630 3 жыл бұрын
Three years ago I went through a period of time we're I went back to the vomit. The moment I walked away from God the evil one came to me he stopped time and took over a human and told me how him and our government and him were going to make people sick and a whole list of things including the fires that took place. Every sense I have been in between two worlds and I can't tell what is flesh or what is spirit I see both. I've seen Michael but didn't know who he was and I rebuked him and then skeletons on fire jumped on me. I've felt my soul ripped in thousands of pieces. Dark shadows have jumped in my eyes speaking things. And much worse. I've seen ten people tool over by demons at the same time. Hell is real and Gods hand keeps us safe. I know what it's like for his hand not to be there. Please know today is the day to pick up your cross and follow him.
@RealAugustusAutumn 2 жыл бұрын
It really is a shame that atheists will never experience something so profound as this. I was involved with the occult for some time and had similar things happen, though never as bad.
@AboveAnyOther Жыл бұрын
The key to this interview is that, at the time of his experience, this man was an atheist.
@detrean 5 жыл бұрын
Matt, Patreon has been banning people for ideological reasons. Do you have a subscribestar account I can fund you on?
@sistersingularity 2 жыл бұрын
I had a same encounter, I felt dark energy take over my body and I paused for a second but immediately got up and ran to my friend. She woke up trembling before I got to her and she felt the same. We went to our knees (two non believers) and I called a friend. Had no olive oil but I remembered her having a can of olives and squeezed it all up and just wiped crossed on the wall. My friends voice changed and sounded weird and the walls cracked and the windows had 4 finger scratch marks on the outside. Came back the next day as a shadow next to me and I prayed to god under Jesus name to send it back to where it came from and she saw black energy swoop out the home. Saw a glowing figure on the door which was once black. Was very frightened and didn’t know what to do. Scariest experience of my life!! But also most peaceful. Both of us completely sober.
@nolanknows1401 5 жыл бұрын
Is there a full length episode?
@PintsWithAquinas 5 жыл бұрын
Listen to the full length episode here: ... To WATCH the entire episode, become a patron at
@nolanknows1401 5 жыл бұрын
Matt Fradd my man. Thank you.
@garyboulton7524 3 жыл бұрын
I've had a similar experience to this but I dont know if it is what I think it was. I used to smoke weed daily and this one time, I was out with my friends and smoking. And I began zoning out badly and feeling sick (which happens sometimes) but then It felt like there was something pushing down on my neck until I was basically folded over with my head near my knees. I think I suddenly snapped out of it but for a while it was uncontrollable.
@rapid9534 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah one time I was stoned as usual and I was in my bed and I was lifted up by my neck and pulled up and was like I was being dragged and it was terrifying, I was hearing demons that whole night
@vevrvivnv 11 ай бұрын
I don't think it's normal to feel sick from smoking weed. Perhaps you have an intolerance to it.
@christopherrucker4586 3 жыл бұрын
Its sad how many people think they have options when evil comes but let me know when you are face to face because I never had those options when evil came running wasn't an option hiding didn't do anything either and escaping only brought more pain but one option I did have was say his name say gods name I mean truly say it and he will hear
@tonypagan7468 2 жыл бұрын
I have a story encountering the devil at the age of 8 ...Ever since that night my life been hell...
@tomriddle7399 3 жыл бұрын
I have one question.. Is devil or Hindu god Kali more ugly ..or can you conpair them
@jayzlvillafanianebre546 3 жыл бұрын
By the way, I miss this "Matt Frad look".
@veronicachic 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah! Handsome
@JustJoeThings 3 жыл бұрын
Oh his new looking is flipping awesome!
@PInk77W1 3 жыл бұрын
I had an encounter with the devil. She was beautiful and had a good paying job
@benjaminaguilar2592 2 жыл бұрын
I had stuff happened and when I was fight the it off a vession of a cross appeared I head my self say I rebuke you and at one point it wasn’t letting me say it I have other stories
@kent4833 3 жыл бұрын
Watching this video at 66.6 k subscribers. Ominous.
@lurkinondrop9517 3 жыл бұрын
No idea what it could b but Ive randomly blacked out sitting down, an heard a voice that was speaking but I couldn't make it out but could feel the vibrations of the voice through my whole body n I could feel myself speak back but don't know what was being said randomly came back and was standing staring at a wall 🤷🏼‍♂️ still don't know
@vevrvivnv 11 ай бұрын
That's creepy. It's never happened again?
@lurkinondrop9517 11 ай бұрын
@@vevrvivnv nope
@tylerwatson6492 3 жыл бұрын
What is that sweatshirt he’s wearing?
@ianrobinson8974 2 жыл бұрын
ALL PEOPLE wear a scapular as well as Immaculate Mary medal; blessed!. There is no way satan will overcome you, if you do! That doesn't mean you will always be 100% OK but close to it! Blessings and peace from the Land of Oz (Fraddland?).22/08/2121
@gill426 5 жыл бұрын
This can also be related to suppressed trauma. I'm not saying this isn't spiritual nonetheless but you can actually (and should) get to the bottom of this, there are several models to conceptualize this.
@johnmichaeladelman 3 жыл бұрын
What kind of models are you referring to?
@samanthananda4276 6 ай бұрын
Everyone please pray for the devil to be removed from me forever and to never come back. It would mean the world to me if the devil is gone from me forever
@swisscheeseplease97 8 күн бұрын
Interesting story. True or not!
@mirandarogers3595 2 жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
@michaelflores9220 3 жыл бұрын
There's an old story about a Saint who allegedly met The Devil and put a horseshoe on one of his hooves.
@mosaic.emom1234 2 жыл бұрын
Really? Well-done
@MichaelG485 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that sounds plausible.
@jackdarby2168 3 жыл бұрын
Matt Fradd is Australian, Irish? Aussie right?
@littledrummergirl_19 3 жыл бұрын
@djmando7387 5 жыл бұрын
My house is haunted and I woke up when I was pulled off my bed I was tweaking
@lovecat4everxxx401 2 жыл бұрын
So, this woman knew about the power of the cross but chose the church of Satan? That is something I just can not understand. God bless in the mighthy name of Jesus. Glory to GOD.
@situatesanctify2818 2 жыл бұрын
Sacraments, Eucharist, Penance, Rosary. Adherence to the one holy Catholic, Apostolic.
@JoanneDean-lz2es 2 жыл бұрын
My fears heights but remember it's not the cross it's Our LORD JESUS CHRIST blood, why do you think there is no statues of GOD .
@dan-oc4rj 3 жыл бұрын
Let the man talk
@mikeferris408 2 жыл бұрын
Ok... so wheres the encounter part? 👎🏿
@kevinfoster6642 Жыл бұрын
I met Satan and it was nothing like this he helped heal my broken leg.. I broke my leg in a car accident and I needed to get away from my car because it was gonna explode and I called out for Satan to please help.. Satan came to me and asked me why you want to live I said because I can't leave my wife alone in this world.. so he healed my leg long enough to Stand up and get away before my car exploded.. Satan saved my life and didn't ask for anything in return.. he just smiled and Said to take care of your wife and walked away.. thank you Satan
@tomandrews1429 5 жыл бұрын
How could someone discern between an actual encounter with devil and some bad that happens to you that you misattribute to the devil?
@nikitharoy6458 5 жыл бұрын
I think the difference with that is the dread and the absolute hopelessness that a person can feel unless they realize that Christ is with them. It's worse than anything you can ever feel in this world. Cause when the devil comes, he comes for your soul.
@jenniferrinaldi8808 5 жыл бұрын
Trust me. There is a difference.
@kimfleury 5 жыл бұрын
@Tom Andrews -- it's one of those things where you know it without knowing how you know it.
@tomandrews1429 5 жыл бұрын
@@jenniferrinaldi8808 Can you explain what it is?
@tomandrews1429 5 жыл бұрын
@@kimfleury Thinking you know something without knowing how you know it is a good way to be wrong and not a smart position to hold.
@michealsmith28 2 жыл бұрын
The devil is not going to take the time with one man people give him too much credit that's why he has the legions of demons to do his good work this is ridiculous why am I listening to this.
@mj-7444 2 жыл бұрын
YR Jesus Resurrected ✝️
@littlewing4888 5 жыл бұрын
o.o will damn...
@GeoRaphaelMichael 3 жыл бұрын
who else thinks Matt looks like Robert Downey ?
@gabrielvenegas3113 3 жыл бұрын
You know when Satan is present you will smell sulfur smell the sewer smell
@sergeantblue6115 2 жыл бұрын
why is that normal to me tho, guess he visits me often
@adamjj7751 2 жыл бұрын
@@sergeantblue6115 someone near you could have sulfuric gas farts too
@WishIWasACloud Жыл бұрын
Oh please 😂
@Thirty3mad 5 жыл бұрын
I met the devil. He isn’t a big red man with horns and a pitchfork... He’s a businessman in a suit
@giansynablo2414 4 жыл бұрын
Hey can i show you a pic of a man with a suit and horns that someone caught wasnt there
@emperortbw402 3 жыл бұрын
He is a spirit, so he has no physical appearance beyond whichever mask most suits him at the moment. If, however, you are actually trying to make social commentary rather than spiritual, then he would more likely look like a community organizer.
@adonaiiscomingbackforus6876 3 жыл бұрын
Court appointed lawyers
@Identityproductions 24 күн бұрын
Jesus is good, Jesus is great, Repent now, In the name of jesus Christ, amen 🙏
@VesselofMercy100 3 жыл бұрын
By devil. Do you anti-pope Francis? Sorry had to get that one in there for all my fellow Catholics that still think he is a true pope.
@annafranc8081 2 жыл бұрын
I think this was Lord God wanted the man to become catholic so he let the devil do his thing
@michaelflores9220 3 жыл бұрын
I converted to Atheism at age 24 in April 2016 and I still have a lot of doubt. I don't think "respecting free will" or "It's worth it" or "God is't' subject to the law" are strong defenses for God letting people wind up shrieking in unfathomable torment forever and still being worthy of respect. And who really believes that Noah story? Or the scene where the ground magically opens ups and 200+ people fall in and the ground closes over them again and the rest of the people have God shoot fire from the sky at them just like that one scene in the 2001 Veggie Tales movie?
@emiel333 5 жыл бұрын
@peterfakhry5353 2 жыл бұрын
Reports of seamen in this man's body sorry meant demons peace out ur local pucifer
@erickeller5636 2 жыл бұрын
Ok i beleive in my Creator…. But The Creator wouldnt have trouble with something he created… he couod snap his fingers n have it be gone if u read the bible too much! I beleive in Negative energies n not every one has good enerygy n that can result maybe the so called ghosts …. We have choice because this life isnt about doing right or wrong it about a learning process a test, a test is never easy! Another thing if god loved his ppl he wouod never do a business deal like the bible makes it sound LOL! Ppl are scared at what they dont know… i beleive in the angels…. All of the good… but god is the omega, there no spot for number two! The devil wasnt even created till the 1600s when a painter painted that red looking thing…. If the devil is real why would he look like a nasty peice of poop when he was the greateat looking n best angel ever made? Like you guys lie to yourselfs! I never met the angel so?!! But even IF do u rly think Satan HIMSELF would be after all these ppl at tue same time for NO reason? They all claim it was satan? Did they see him? No, but they just know…. I know theres energy all arround us with the right ways they built the piramids ect so im sure theres an explenation beyond what we can u derstand …. But were afraid of everything we dont understand… like work they all wanna be the boss, but to lazy or dont have the balls to do the work!!!! So does that mean everyone should have it even or the guy/girl who went to school n worked their asses off ahould get the same jobs and pay as Uneducated Janitors? Like common sence ppl…. If theyd say of it was this or that demon cuz theres so many, but nope, ALWAY the devil?? Lmao i gave more points right here to discard any of ur scary stories guys sry… but a woman said she was hel a whole hour againts the wall? N thats it? No sound no voice nothing said? That devil musta been bored to just ho hold ppl down and aahaaints the wall wow he sure has alot of jobs!!! Its life we have to show how worthy we are and suffering is part of learning! When u die u take the test! I beleive in ghosts cuz its energy and theres alot more proof then there is on the devil! Did u know this is his sipreme pleasure when u speak his name n mention how bad he scared youse?!! Get over it something happenned u cant figure out….. stop trying to blame an anthethy for empathy or to try to get away from ppl thats the only the hes called appon, and SATAN means advesary for those who dint know!!!! Hes an Entity thats its a made up guy to blame all the bad in the world… u think if there was a hell the richest ppl on earth who causes war famin n all that stuff would do that with a smile on if they knew theyd have to suffer eternity? We suffer our whole lifes if theres an hell were ON IT! But were in paradise u oet those leader brainwash stuff that fosnt make sence scares u but they do it at will! I could go on n on but sheep will stay sheep, Lions will destroy our enemies n conquor our lifes journy with a smile on!! The more u beleive in satan n fear him or beleive in him even gives him more power seposebly so its all so contradictive wouldnt u say as the bible is??! The bible are stories and poems to teach u how to live your life right!!
@ryanmazdaLAX 3 жыл бұрын
@love1another393 3 жыл бұрын
Yea, whatever... It was all your wild imagination
@tracykatrinaobrien6998 3 жыл бұрын
@jinxmad1310 5 жыл бұрын
understand this, just because one has a run in with negative entities don't mean it was "the devil" lmao... smh
@kevinfoster6642 2 жыл бұрын
I had an encounter with Satan and it was nothing like this... Satan was cool we just hung out watching horror movies he actually likes drama but whatever he is Satan... we had some pizza he likes pepperoni too.. yeah we had a lot of fun together... Satan helped me i had back pain.. Satan put his hand on my back and the pain was gone.. Thank you Satan
@ItsAllAboutPerspective375 Жыл бұрын
It won't be worth it when he comes to collect, it never is. In fact, he's where we get the old-school evil genies (Djinn) from. Because his deals are ALWAYS a really messed up trick, forever being in his favor, while against yours. You'll get MUCH more than he promised, and it won't be positive. But you'll technically get what you asked for.
@kevinfoster6642 Жыл бұрын
@@ItsAllAboutPerspective375 lol its a fairy tale how fuckin gullible are you
@gordonpeterson678 Жыл бұрын
Kevin Foster Same, he actually helps me financially.
@gordonpeterson678 Жыл бұрын
@@ItsAllAboutPerspective375 Shut up, the Devil already admitted the buy-bull is a lie and that the NWO will arrive soon.
@siriuslee3522 3 жыл бұрын
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