My EQUIPMENT - when fishing TENCH with a waggler in 2024

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Go fishing

Go fishing

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I get questions relatively often about what equipment I use for different types of fishing, and I hardly have a clue about that myself. I've never been super interested in what things are called, or what brand they are, etc., but I want equipment that work and that I can trust. As a rule, I don't buy new stuff until what I have either stops working, or it can't do what I want it to do. I very rarely buy new stuff just because there is a new model of, for example, a reel. So unfortunately I can almost never be of any help when people ask me "Which rod do you recommend I buy if I'm going to fish for, say, tench?"
In this video I go through my equipment for waggler fishing for tench. I hope you can benefit from the information in this video when you are going to assemble your own equipment and that I can be of assistance in this way.
In the video I talk about catching a 10 kg pike on this rod, and you can see that video here: • 10 kg (20 lb) pike cau...
I also talk about a video where I show how I tackle my waggler, and you can see that video here: • Mårten visar - Ett enk...

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@misterfuchs3016 2 ай бұрын
@magnusborgenlov1668 3 ай бұрын
Super trevlig film Mårten,,,,
@metamera 3 ай бұрын
@FiskamedTony 3 ай бұрын
Bra film Mårten! Även om vi har lite olika åsikter/erfarenheter 😁 Men vi är ju helt överens om att man ska tro på sina grejor! Å kärleken till Drennanspön delar vi - Drennan forever! 🥰
@metamera 3 ай бұрын
Vilka åsikter och erfarenheter delar vi inte? Slirbromsens betydelse? Krokval? Är så klart nyfiken.
@FiskamedTony 3 ай бұрын
@@metamera Mjaaa, krokval spelar mindre roll, där är det bara att köra med det som funkar bäst för ens fiske. Jag kör Kamasan Wide Gape, då den funkat fint för mig. Fick någon batch där materialet var knas och krokspetsarna blev snabbt böjda och gick av. Men sen har de varit fina. Körde B980 back in the days också, men hade några turer då jag tappade ruskigt med fisk så de askarna och påsarna ligger väl i nå'n låda ock skräpar😆 Men vi kör lite olika vad gäller lina, där jag skippat nylonet till 95% till förmån för flätlinan. Oftast ända ner till kroken, vilket funkar fint då jag kör 0,10 eller 0,12. Har inte märkt att jag får mindre napp/fisk. En tunn flätlina skär näckrosskaft och annat ogräs som smör och då mina sutarvatten är mycket växtrika är det en stor fördel. Jag kör också lite mjukare spön än de du kör med, så det finns lite förlåtande spöaction för att hantera flätlinans stumhet. Plus att jag mycket sällan fiskar längre ut än 10 meter, vilket gör att linans sjunkförmåga och lindrift spelar mycket liten roll. När det gäller flöten och tackling gör vi också lite olika, men det beror nog främst på att mitt närdistansfiske gör att jag sällan kör förtyngda flöten. Jag fäster mina flöten till 90% med float attachments och kan då anpassa min betespresentation lite mer flexibelt. Vill jag ha ett sakta dalande bete och delikat presentation, så löser jag det med mesta blyhaglen uppe vid flötet. Men vill jag att betet ska swischa genom småfiskstimmen och fiskas stenhårt på botten, så löser jag det med samma tackel genom att köra mycket/allt bly nära kroken. Flexibiliteten är viktig vid mitt fiske då jag oftast fiskar sutare i vatten med stor sarv, så det kan gälla att snabbt anpassa sig (och slippa byta tackel) när ett gäng stora sarvar kommer in på platsen. Men det känns som våra olikheter mest handlar om anpassningar till våra olika förutsättningar, för i det mesta delar jag dina uppfattningar helt. 😊 Men jag hoppas jag får till en Skåneresa senare i år så får vi testa våra olika metoders förträfflighet! 😁
@metamera 3 ай бұрын
Hmm, intressant med flätlinan på kortdistans, jag har ju bara testat på långdistans. Angenäma problem du har om du får in stor sarv på mäskplatsen. Själv har jag mest problem med småsarv och småmört och eventuellt någon braxen ibland. Småfisken brukar jag försöka undvika med att använda wafters eller miniboilies.
@FiskamedTony 2 ай бұрын
@@metamera Jo, stora sarvarna svider inte! Men det finns förstås en del småsarv också, men sållar bort de flesta med dubbla fodermajs, stora degkulor eller stora räkbitar, eller i värsta fall hel oskalad räka!
@suppedasen1 2 ай бұрын
Tips på val av storlek på krokarna kan vara bra för oss nybörjare. Gärna på båda av dom krokarna du rekommenderar. Såklart gärna förslag till storlek på kroken för alla slags olika fiskar och olika beten. Grymt bra film som vanligt.
@metamera 2 ай бұрын
Kroken anpassas till betets storlek. T ex: 1 majs korn - stl 14-12 2 majskorn - stl 12-10 3 majskorn - stl 8 Typ på det viset. En tvåkilos sutare tar utan problem en krok storlek 6 eller 4 (t o m större emellanåt), men du agnar ju inte med två maggot på en krok storlek 4, för det ser märkligt ut, utan då kanske du klämmer på med 10-12 maggots. Jag hoppas du förstod tänket.
@Beretta102 3 ай бұрын
Drennan specialist kan jag gå i god för. Metar allt från braxen till regnbåge med mina två.
@metamera 3 ай бұрын
Det låter toppen, så när mina TriCast lämnar in så finns det ett alternativ med andra ord.
@fredrikrask6438 3 ай бұрын
Mycke bra film👍
@metamera 3 ай бұрын
@dannes6492 3 ай бұрын
Har också ett ärvt Tricast Trophy och även ett Hardy matchspö dock lite använt sedan 90talet. Men en vacker dag så ska det säkert leverera igen. Bra video//
@metamera 3 ай бұрын
@svensbenht1045 14 күн бұрын
Har du några bra tips på var man kan fiska sutare nära lödde,Bjärred, lomma eller Kävlinge?
@metamera 14 күн бұрын
Både sutare och karp kan du få i kävlingeån, nedströms väg 108 i Kävlinge. I dammarna i Lomma, I Lödde å, i princip var som helst.
@darkiee69 3 ай бұрын
Mitt matchspö, som numera sällan används, köpte jag 1986, ett 13' Ryobi.
@tomekscyruk1527 2 ай бұрын
Hello, I will speak using English to help you better understood my message than translator from KZbin. I Started fishing 3 years ago and since this time im 3-4 times per week at my local pond not huge like 150x200 meters, super shallow water between 0.3-1.2m deep. Pond is wild, almost no one fishing there and it's full of weed most of lilies, Spirogyra and Ceratophyllum demersum there is no free spot to throw your float. Mostly fishing for tench and crucian carp (more like hybrid between Carassius Silver and Crucian Carp) I making observations and write them down to notebook so would like to share with you my experience just like you sharing your own. 1. When is the best time for fishing? Base on my observations this same fish can be one day super easy to catch using solid hook and thick line and next day they become very shy and run away from 15m when you lift up your pole. It's depend mostly on they feeding intensity (not always water temperature = better intensity). Weather could be this same and one day you can catch even 6-8 tench and next day single one or nothing. Sometimes good indicator for feed activity is water clarity, but you can't look only at water at your fishing spot, you need take a look on whole pond. The most important for me rule when tench feeding very well are Moon cycles, this works for me even with bad weather conditions. a) New Moon and next 5-6 days are excellent for catching huge amount of tench just under your feet near margin. They stay much more confident with feeding and don't scary bubbling even on partial raked from weed area. In this time you can catch them through all day but the best results are up to 1-1.5h after sun set. I discovered that they searching insect larvae in super soft bottom before they skip the water and fly away. Best results give a few pieces of Bloodworm or Sweet Corn if there is problem with small fish. About ground bait it think it's don't need because tench feeling smell of it and start bubbling everywhere making mess and can't find my hook bait, often i have false takes and i pull out scales on the hook. b) Full Moon (around 1 day before and 1 day after) this is specific time when there is no a lot of bites but most of time it's Big fish. You can fishing even through the night time they feeding also in the semi dark conditions. Shallow water also is good spot but on deeper water i got better results. c) Any other moon cycle is not as good as these 2 mentioned above. The false is saying that fish don't feeding in these days, they feeding sometimes quite good but they are hard to catch and super shy especially when you fishing in clear day. The best place for fishing in this time are full of weed super shallow water like 20-40cm areas near cane/reed using light waggler to keep 12-15m distance from you and making casts rarely. The best hook bait became water snails example Lymnaea stagnalis, tench just love grab them from lilies or even better from canes. When became dark around 30-40min after sun set they patrolling lilies and margins but don't stop for long time just swim take single pice of bait and swim away. This is good time to use very small amount of soaked ground bait and just few 3-6 pieces of hook bit you are fishing, could be sweet corn, dead maggots or casters if you don't have any natural bait. 2. Avoid silver fish! In most of ponds there are thousands of roach and rudd that can't allow you bait get to the bottom. How to get rid of them? It should be simple just avoid places where they swim. They prefer little colder, open area water with medium deep like 0.5m+ so if you grabbed huge amount of weed from fishing sport you have to be sure that especially rudd will be there because roach prefer water around 0.8m+. Other way if must fishing in such as area use water snails they are good alternative for maggots but silvers don't like them. Third way is complicated but you can hide your hook bite in soft bottom to avoid small fish just like method feeder, tench feeling ground bait will start digging in mud and should find your hook. Last chance is huge bait like 15mm boilies or pellet but with my experience they don't like them. 3. Tackle I prefer pole or whip with hybrid 2.6mm elastic Matrix Slik, main line 0.24mm and hook link 0.22mm Preston Reflo Power with hook nr 10-12 thick wire Drennan Specimen Plus or Guru Super MWG. Float it's important especially on shallow water big tench is scary of black balsa body float so i switched last time to Drennen In-line Shallow and Island Crystals to stay invisible. Good idea is also duck feather, great visibility and quite sensitive. p.s. waiting for your video about "feeding crucian carp" because my experiance with this fish are rarely due low population in pond and unfortunately they feeding early morning and i don't like to wake up around 3:00 CET o.O
@metamera 2 ай бұрын
Wow, that was a long and very interesting comment. I recognize some of the things you write, and others (like the moon phases) I wish I hade made notes of from before. I have a friend who is doing a lot of perchfishing, and he says that the moon is definitely making difference. I will ask him about when it's best for perch and see if it is the same as you say. I will also try the snails. Roach and rudd are a problem sometimes, but I find that when the crucians arrive, the roach move away. In some of my waters there are no vegetation at all, and the roach and rudd is everywhere. But I find that if I can get the bait to the bottom and just let it rest there, they will leave it. I am working on my next crucian film, but it takes time, and it will not be ready as fast as I thought. And I find the crucians feed best later in the morning, from, say 6 o'clock to about noon. At least it is like that in my two best waters. I will have a look and see if I can reconstruct the moonphases with the dates when I had good tenchfishing. Thank you for writing. /Mårten
@tomekscyruk1527 2 ай бұрын
@@metamera Roach and Rudd definitely pickup bait from the ground especially with body size 15cm+ but it's not always depending if they are confident to feed when no high pike activity. I agree with you that the best time for Crucian Carp is when sun pass above tree to 11-12am but i also discovered that early Spring they prefer deeper water at the Morning and shallow at the Evening (where most of day the sun shines). For Curcians overall the best my hook bait is paste made of semolina or oat flakes where you can decide about size of it depending how many small fish around. Sweet corn is great bait but when no mass of rudd around.
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