My Experience with STELLATE GANGLION Block and KETAMINE Infusions (Julien's Story)

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Raelan Agle

Raelan Agle

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@RaelanAgle 3 ай бұрын
STRUGGLING THROUGH LONG VIDEOS? Subscribe now for a bullet-point summary from our latest interview! -
@kaseyahlstrom9189 3 ай бұрын
I love Raelan’s big heart. She holds space so well and is so compassionate for wherever people are.
@lianpeet3502 3 ай бұрын
Yes! Agreed. She puts her experience as social worker to good use in this space.
@AnrupB 3 ай бұрын
He is SO spot on about underlying beliefs and fears that are deeply contributing to illness. Resolving my own issues mentally and emotionally from traumas especially, has been KEY! So proud of him!! ❤❤❤ Julian, you are absolutely loved!
@JuGren 3 ай бұрын
It's great to mention Ketamin Therapy in you channel. I've been always hesitant to talk about it as people unfortunately only think of it as horrible recreational drug and react in a weird way. I found a very open minded doctor in Germany who was willing to give me the infusions, to treat the depressions I developed during LC(btw it disappeared completely after thr seventh session) My main goal was a different one: I was reading a book about neuroplasticity and in the same time I stumbled over a documentary about Ketamin. The psychedelic trip is a great bonus (I like to remember the state during the trips to create my personal feeling of safety)but mainly it's function is to open the pathways to neuroplasticity. I started a therapy at the same time and tried to establish healthier behavior. (There is a very insightful video by Andrew Huberman about the mechanism behind Ketamin Therapy)It also helped me a lot with anxiety and stress. It was not the only but a crucial tool ( not a miraculous drug but more of a vehicle to establish a healthy mindset) during my recovery. I consider myself at 95 percent
@germanside7890 3 ай бұрын
Brudi, bleib dran, du bist auf einem gutem Weg der Besserung. Ich bin auch seit Januar 2022 dabei zu recovern. Dieses Jahr ist schon besser als letztes Jahr und davor, ich hab momente wo ich mich ziehmlich normal fühle und ich glaube und hoffe, dass es nächstes Jahr noch besser wird, dass selbe hoffe und glaube ich natürlich auch für dich. Bleib dran, du schaffst es! German LG
@juliantheilen5921 3 ай бұрын
@@germanside7890 Danke man, das weiß ich sehr zu schätzen! Das wünsche ich dir auch 💜 Ich habe zwischendurch auch Momente, wo alles gut wird und 1-2 Ärzte, die mir helfen. Das gibt Hoffnung. Wir schaffen das!
@germanside7890 3 ай бұрын
@@juliantheilen5921 vielen lieben Dank bro, yes we can make it.
@stevebarlow1959 3 ай бұрын
This is wonderful! I think the way you hold the space for your interviewees is so compassionate and so loving that it just blows me away. What stands out for me in Julian's interview is the critical place of human co-regulation when he talks about the body therapy (being held/touched in a healing way) and when the doctor first asks how he's doing and secondly responds by saying he can come back again when he is struggling (empathic communication/patient-centred responding). If only it were ever thus! And the ketamine thing is FASCINATING! Maybe in the UK in about 200 years, our governing bodies will grow up, stop living in the dark ages and realise how profoundly healing psycho-actives can be. Thanks again for all you do x PS: And Julian is fabulous and I send by absolute best to him as well as my thanks for him shariing his journey with all of us out here.
@RaelanAgle 3 ай бұрын
@juliantheilen5921 3 ай бұрын
Steve, your comment really touched! Thank you so much for your supportive soul. All the best, Julian
@lianpeet3502 3 ай бұрын
Julian, you are so brave to bear all! In my opinion (and Dr Howard Schubiner and others in this space), your anxiety, depression, and long covid are all stemming from a dysregulated nervous system. So, good news is that you don't have to work on them one at a time. It might be good to think about a gut healing program or look at diet? This can make a huge difference in mental health issues 😊😊❤
@AndreaNikischer-oq5kh 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for another great interview! I’m hopeful you will post some new FULL recovery interviews soon- especially from Long Covid. Best ❤
@ylvaeriksson4042 3 ай бұрын
I also came to the conclusion that I needed a whole new view on life. Like: I need to do something drastic! For me as an atheist and engineer nothing seemed more crazy than starting to believe in God, becoming a Christian. So I started to go to church 1-2 times a week. My therapist have told me that I need to be the safe parent for myself, reparenting my inner child. But as I know what a mess I am, I could not convince myself that it would be possible. But if the creator of the universe helped me, then maybe I could do it. 😊 Leaning on someone takes you from the fight or flight mode into rest and digest mode. You do not have to fix your illness all by yourself. Even if the one you are leaning on is God or Jesus who you cannot see. I am not fully healed, but going to church has helped me a lot. The rituals and hymns in the church are also designed to get you out of your head and into your heart so it helps me feel the repressed feelings. But choose a normal church not some kind of strange cult that will brainwash you.😊
@Cindyscrossstitch 3 ай бұрын
Brain retraining is so important. I hope he can find his inner peace and joy. Never give up🌻
@life.withkyle 3 ай бұрын
Wonderful to hear you sharing Julian!🤍🔥 And Raelan you're doing incredible work as always giving space for these conversations ! ❣️
@juliantheilen5921 3 ай бұрын
@@life.withkyle Thank you Bro that always supported me on this Path
@a.p.2369 3 ай бұрын
I've heard in a video in German with Dr. Ruth Biallowons, that the stress at the moment of the covid disease or other viral deseases causes me/cfs or long covid and in general the stress and achievement-oriented thinking (Leistungsdenken). I am suffering from me/CFS (probably) 5 weeks after my 3rd covid-vaccination in January 2022. Greetings from Berlin, Astrid
@pastelmushii6204 3 ай бұрын
@a.p.2369 Ай бұрын
@carcassslayer: Ich kann nicht direkt auf Ihre Frage antworten, deshalbe mache ich es so: Ich denke, es war dieses hier: Kampf gegen Long-COVID: Raus aus der Fatigue mit Ärztin Ruth Biallowons #49 Kanal von Doc Thiemo Osterhaus Es ist 2,5 Std. lang, ich habe nur max. die erste halbe Stunde gesehen. Ich habe den Namen biallowons (polnischer Name verdeutscht) bei YT eingegeben und mehrere Videos mit ihr erhalten, auch Reizdarm z.B. Was dann weiter in dem Video erklärt wird, weiß ich nicht. Aber ich habe ein anderes Video gesehen, dass man mit max. 3 x täglich 10 ml Löwenzahnsaft (habe den von Schoenenberger bei gekauft) das Andocken der Spike-Proteine (nach mRNA-Corona-Impfung) verhindern kann.Ich nehme 2x tgl. 15 ml. Darf man nur 6 Wochen lang hintereinander einnehmen. Wie lange man Pause machen sollte, bis man es wieder nehmen kann, weiß ich noch nicht. Ich habe dadurch aber weniger Muskelschmerzen. Das Video war dieses hier: Universität beweist wie Spike-Proteine wirksam abgebaut werden können | Naturmedizin | QS24 QS24 hat häufig gute Videos. Weiterhin kann man mit Mariendistel (Kapseln von Altapharma 4,99 EUR) die Mastzellen stabilisieren, damit nicht so viel Histamin im Körper freigesetzt wird. Das funktioniert auch nach meinem Empfinden, ich spare mir jetzt das Antihistaminikum-Medikament, das ich schon zu lange eingenommen hatte, nachdem mir eine Apothekerin sagte, ich müsse unbedingt zum Arzt gehen und das diagnostizieren lassen (was aufwendig ist) und solle das Medikament nicht weiter einnehmen, weil es in den komplizierten Histaminstoffwechsel eingreifen würde. Das Video war von einem amerikanischen Arzt, ich weiß nicht mehr, ob es Dr. Ken Berry MD war (carnivore-Spezialist) oder wie der Titel lautete. Vielleicht war es auch Dr. Eric Berg DC, ich denke eher er. Vielleicht war es ein Video bezüglich MCAS (Mastzellaktivierungssyndrom). Lithium in minimaler Dosis (1 mg pro Tag) soll bewiken, dass sich der Hippocampus, in dem sich die neuen Nervenzellen im Gehirn bilden, nicht entzündet, Video mit Dr. Nehls: Was tun, nach der Impfung? (Dr. Michael Nehls). Was auch helfen soll gegen ein zu empfindliches Nervensystem: carnivore-Ernährung (Fleisch und Fett, manche essen auch noch dazu Eier, Lachs, Sardinen), auf YT Kanäle von KenDBerry MD, Dr. Chaffee, Prof. Bart Kay, no carb life, Steak and Butter Gal, Butter Bob (Bob Briggs)...Ich kann nicht zwei Mal am Tag Fleisch essen, das ist zu schwer zu verdauen, brauche zu viel Energie, aber ich esse 1 x Fleisch, die Sorten, die ich vertrage, und 1 x Gemüse, wenn es geht, mit niedrigem glykämischen Index (Gurke geschmort, Chicoree gedünstet). Und Selleriesaft zum Entgiften, Stangensellerie (eine Bio-Staude ca.) waschen, klein mixen in Standmixer, durch ein dünnes Geschirrtuch seihen, den Saft eine halbe Stunde vor dem ersten Essen am Tag trinken, sagt, 500 ml purer Saft. Ich bekomme von der Menge Durchfall, habe auf halbe Menge reduziert, weil ich solche Gewaltkuren zu brutal finde, und verdünne ihn auch mit etwas Wasser, damit er nicht so intensiv schmeckt. Ein Arzt empfiehlt das mit etwas Apfel zu sich zu nehmen, soll angeblich noch besser für den Körper sein (bin mir da nicht sicher-bei den Ernährungsdocs auf hieß es beim Saftfasten, dass es nur Gemüsesaft sein soll zum Entgiften ohne jeglichen Zucker) auf jeden Fall soll es besser schmecken. Für das Nervensystem kann man noch Baldriantee lose als Kaltaufguss trinken: 2 TL in eine Tasse, mit kaltem Wasser aufgießen, 4-5 Stunden stehenlassen, dann durch Teesieb abseihen und trinken.
@rachelparry7436 3 ай бұрын
Ah thank you for sharing your story Julian 🤗. I wish you all the best to recover soon. I'm also recovering from Long Covid since Oct. 2022. Best wishes. Looking forward to seeing part 2 soon ☺️. Ps I'm also doing the Gupta program. Brain retaining is a bit tricky for me though.
@catherineshepard4480 3 ай бұрын
I love this interview. I wanted to share with Julian that Teal Swan has significantly helped me resolve issues with depression, anxiety and trauma. Teal is a spiritual healer and can be found on KZbin.
@jog5289 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story, Julian. 😊 All the best for the rest of your recovery. I look forward to hearing Part 2 of your story one day.👍 I'm doing the Gupta Program at the moment. You mentioned it in your story. I hope it's helping you on your healing journey. ⭐️ Take care. 🌈
@Starfish3942 3 ай бұрын
Thank you both. I think many of us can empathise with your struggles Julian. I wish you all the very best!
@spruceysarah 3 ай бұрын
What a lovely, open, and genuine person! I am also curious about ketamine, particularly as a catalyst for dendritic spine formation. Both depression and chronic stress reduce dendritic spine formation, increase elminiation, and/or cause malformation, so I can see how a drug that casuses rapid formation of healthy dendritic spines could help with depression and stress response all in one go. I agree that "top-down" mind-body work seems to be a universal aid to recovery, but it never hurts to have some "bottom-up" help/relief along the way. Unfortunately it's more difficult to access ketamine in a clinical setting here in the US, but I hope you are able to build on the effects of your treatments for a sustainable solution, and I look forward to your followup interview!
@ratfacekick 2 ай бұрын
16:55 " A big thing was that I moved in with my husband" To me this screams the potential that mold exposure was driving Raelan's illness without her knowing. Most people who have recovery stories have a change of house somewhere in their timeline. That is not to detract from the tools and treatments that helped them recover, but it is certainly a baseline freedom of exposure that sets people up to improve.
@sarahnd 3 ай бұрын
What a lovely, compassionate young man! I wish him all the best 🤗
@RWB20 3 ай бұрын
I have Long Covid - and just got Covid AGAIN - on week two. It is brutal every time. Knocks one back down so brutally. My self-prescription is probiotics, oregano oil, and Activated Charcoal.
@markleonard4452 3 ай бұрын
What's the idea behind this protocol ?
@peachesmcgee4795 3 ай бұрын
So interesting that Julien is talking about not feeling safe in his body. I feel the same way and don't think I've ever felt safe in my life. One thing I'm trying is Somatic Experiencing but it's a long journey.
@robsonf6683 28 күн бұрын
Exactly my case
@macijane236 3 ай бұрын
I can totally relate
@a.p.2369 3 ай бұрын
Dear Julian, I think you should not try to get your "old way of life" back. Maybe you need to understand your sensitivity, maybe you are even a highly sensitive person because you mentioned strong feelings. This is only an idea, I just see in my case that I have the same "problem" with my emotions and I have to make every day small emotional decisions to accept my inner upcomings. I am trying to accept the fear whenever it comes up and try to do everything with my body not faster than my body can do or my brain can understand. I've been also suffering from depressions for 8 years at least. I endeavour to stop overcompensating the lacks I feel inside my personality and endeavour to take care for my body in a slow and consciuous way.
@Truerealism747 3 ай бұрын
So true found out I have asperger's heds reason for my CFS fybromyalgia years do you have fybromyalgia pain now my worst symptom
@a.p.2369 3 ай бұрын
@@Truerealism747 Interesting, that is another hint that these illnesses have a deeper reason, I got the diagnosis of fibromyalgia in 2013 which developed now to me/cfs. I have completely the same emotional problems as Julian, I would have even spoken in a similar manner as he did. I do not know if I have also asperger I can imagine that it is so. I miss very much a person who sees me in my sensitivity. Recently I learned that somebody got rid of muscle pain by a carnivore diet. It is crazy to me that lots of red meat, eggs and butter should put this kind of pain away. In German TV there are Nutritional docs (Ernährungsdocs on NDR) They said that fasting with juice of vegetables (pressed not blended) detoxes the body of fibromyalgya patients.There exists a plan what do to and how, but only in German. Exercises, slow movements are also very good but only as intense as your body can bear, stop, as soon as you feel you want do more than your body is able for. The Gupta Programm can help to train the beain, you have to "learn" asperger behayiour probably that you/we may feel our stress earlier and can withdraw ourselves into nature or to another silent peaceful place. I think I will deal with the topic autism more and try to understand it better. Maybe I can finish with the fight putting pressure on me to be "normal".
@Truerealism747 3 ай бұрын
​@@a.p.2369I've had fatigue
@Truerealism747 3 ай бұрын
​@@a.p.2369from birth phone won't let me upload long message and that's highly comorbid with autism ADHD
@Truerealism747 3 ай бұрын
​@@a.p.2369I have found do you have much pain are you hypermobile? Adrenal fatigue goes into CFS stage 3 muscle pain is worst symptom today I have bad fatigue
@primefungi 3 ай бұрын
It wasnt clear if he just got 1 ketamine infusion or got proper ketamine therapy which is getting several infusions over a few weeks.
@juliantheilen5921 3 ай бұрын
I got in total 8 infusions over two weeks
@baileystruss7319 3 ай бұрын
I tried oral ketamine troches and did no good.
@MegaLeoben 3 ай бұрын
How do you play games for 30 hours per day? :)
@RaelanAgle 3 ай бұрын
Classic overachiever ;-)
@anastasias.9378 2 ай бұрын
Yes! Part 2!!! I had the first part of my initial crash while I was living in Berlin during the first lockdowns, then again after the vaccines when I arrived back in California. I loved walking and biking through Treptow and laying on the grass or on a fallen tree. So, much good nature. Be kind to yourself even though your body and mind feels shit. Visit Vibali, take a dip in one of the lakes, have the wonderful Berliner Luft on your skin. Something that was a game shifter for me is writing down in detail the subconscious beliefs I had about being sick, then reframe it in the positive right next to it (for every thought). I also did this for other areas of my life (travel, social beliefs, etc.). I look at just my new list every day several times a time for a few months now and also practice EFT. I am putting this all here because Berlin has a special place in my heart and I want you to do well. Looking forward to your Part 2......keep practicing what you learn consistently and at a gentle pace. Healing happens in it's own time and unique way. Tschuss!
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