As a new player with zero TCG experience your videos have been so insanely helpful! It’s not just that you have great deck lists, but that you explain the “why” of every card. After seeing this video I decided to make it my second deck. I had to substitute a lot of rares I was missing, but thanks to your explanations I had a better idea of what to sub. I went 3-1 at back to back locals last weekend. Truly grateful for your explanations.
@MvnBF8 ай бұрын
Your insight and videos are the best out there, thank you for being here for the community.
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Thanks :)
@iRell8658 ай бұрын
Babe, wake up. Thorkk’s new deck tech just dropped 🎉
@obsidiantain8 ай бұрын
Great vid, sideboard alternatives per opponent type was especially helpful!
@bassman608 ай бұрын
Thanks for making the Leia deck! Looking forward to playing with Ardent Sympathizer in this deck.
@Fireshow218 ай бұрын
Thk for the video, i'm playing this deck since feb, honestly as you said the way it has to maintain initiative is so so strong. But i'm not sure about falcon, as you saw hand can be awfull and even without, and against boba you really cannot miss the 1st turn. The presence of this deck in space is it's main avantage.
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
I have had an amazing experience with Falcon, you should give it a try if you have some ;). My deck has 12 2-drops and 8 1-drop so just as consistent as any other aggro deck. The card I am the least sure of in two tubes.
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
btw I saw in an other comment that you are playing U-wing in sideboard, obviously you should not play falcon if you're not playing U-wing in the main
@Fireshow218 ай бұрын
@@Thorrk_THT We agree for this point for sure, it's still hard against boba to reach t7, that's why i play u wing only against control Can you please make a video of how to play against mono boba ? Kind of the same video you did as boba green Playing against mono boba with leia and sabine is another game 😅
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
@@Fireshow21 yeah mono boba is a very hard MU for aggro in general
@Infedible908 ай бұрын
This Deck ist awesome! I've won a local with it!
@zimmo3798 ай бұрын
First of all great content as always, the idea behind the falcon is very clever i think and i'll def try it. About area dodging i was thinking that against boba could be really usefull ro forgo entirely the ground area and focus all in space, cause not only boba is weak in space at start but u are also preventing it to ramp with super laser technician. Also i wanted to find a slot for the space unit that destroy the upgrades, since almost everyone is playing traitor i think being able to destroy it is something valuable in the main deck
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
yes going all in space vs boba is an excellent idea. From my experience very few people actually play traiterous (and if so only a single copy) , so I would not recommend Fang fighter in the main deck since it distrub you FCBI. But obviously if your local meta is heavy on it then I guess it make sense to put some fang fighter in there main board.
@schummelpilz8 ай бұрын
love your deck guides!
@Cwynareiro8 ай бұрын
What would you put instead of Falcon if we don't have one?
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Answer at the end of the video 29:26
@Cwynareiro8 ай бұрын
@@Thorrk_THT thanks a lot and sorry for being a bad student and not listening till the end : D great video as always
@kevinsayers59858 ай бұрын
What do you think about rogue squadron skirmasher versus the guerilla attack pod? Same stats, both vehicles, both can ambush, So it's basically grit versus grabbing a two-cost unit from the graveyard.
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Pod can attack base right as it comes out, you are an aggro deck, you want to go face not kill units.
@thehikingcucumber34108 ай бұрын
I have a desire to make a Leia deck and a Director Krenic deck. Have you done a video on a DK deck yet? Is there one you would recommend?
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Yes I did just there:
@vampirelord18927 ай бұрын
Where is the thumbnail image from?
@thibwhoworshipthrash68548 ай бұрын
How does Leia behave against Boba green ? Is it as bad as Sabine or being a bit more ""midrange"" places the deck higher ? Espically with U wing main deck as a second breath ? (Started playing Starwars recently, came across your videos and loved the content btw)
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
I need to test more to have a final opinion but the Match up against Boba should be relatively similar than with Sabine, since you are mostly playing the same cards at the end of the day.
@thedeathweasel21108 ай бұрын
Wow. I thought my Leia deck was set, until I watched your video for the Falcon tweak! Tell me why I shouldn’t also utilize heroic sacrifice for the K2 package -TY!
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Heroic sacrifice is fine but is quite situational as it should be used strictly has a finisher, if you want to add it to your deck I would consider playing it instead of Benthic two tubes.
@thedeathweasel21108 ай бұрын
Makes sense 👍- Ty for the rapid response!
@BobbyMcwho8 ай бұрын
@18:10 what are you saying you can't do? I couldn't quite understand
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
You can't, Falcon is not a rebel.
@allenallen25088 ай бұрын
Deck is soo good
@superbocky98918 ай бұрын
My idea for a next video a deck with 3 type of lightsabers (either blue white red or blue black red)
@davidvelazquez6776 ай бұрын
With the current meta as is, any changes with these heavy control decks that are out there??
@Thorrk_THT6 ай бұрын
I will make a video with an update to the list n but mostly repalce 25 Hp base by 30 and replace benthic 2 tubes by high health unit like bright hope and r2
@davidvelazquez6776 ай бұрын
@@Thorrk_THT wow thanks for the fast reply! I’m guessing against aggro the list sort of stays the same?
@jimmydox32808 ай бұрын
So if you pick Ackabr in SB, Do you put him in against control or aggro to have a potential removal/restore?
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Only side in against aggro or deck with low health unit
@jimmydox32808 ай бұрын
@@Thorrk_THT Thanks for your reply! Don't you think that Precision Fire could help against sentinels? I'm afraid to pick him in in order to not "depower" For A Cause I Believe In
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
@@jimmydox3280 Precision Fire is definitely not good enough to justify "depowering" For A Cause I Believe In
@Glicerol8 ай бұрын
So if i dont have Falcons, doy you recommend Admiral Ackbar against aggro matchups due to restore ability?
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
akbar in the sideboard and bright hope in the main
@danielesteban8268 ай бұрын
Hey thanks for your insight videos. In the London tournaments all Leia’s decks look like using Zeb and Dodonna with no U-wing in main deck. What do you think about these cards? And not including U-wing? Thanks!!
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
My opinion is that Zeb is bad without ECL, so it's bad in Leia as it is very slow and doesn't help your aggro plan. Dodonna is fine but a bit slow as well (gets hard countered by bossk notably) You can totally play Leia without U-wing but that would have made this list look very close to my Sabine list, so not very interesting content. I also prefer the U-wing version for Leia.
@Fireshow218 ай бұрын
I'm playing u wing in side But i agree, zeb isn't so good in my opinion
@LanceBryantGrigg8 ай бұрын
This is the standard build now if it wasn't before.. atleast i see it as the standard build; if i play a red leia deck i expect to see these cards.
@BobbyMcwho8 ай бұрын
What kind of play style should I be looking to go for against control decks? I was going 2nd into krennic and I played T1 u-wing T2 wing leader, never able to get initiative back, and T3 they just traitorous'd my A-wing and destroyed me 😅
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Wing leader is a tricky card to use and should not be used on somthing that can be easily countered. I am absolutely sure my opponnent cannot deal with it, I keep my wing leaders for my leader which is not affected by nearly as many cards.
@SiLVRViRUS8 ай бұрын
u-wing does not care about aspect penalty?!??
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
@SiLVRViRUS8 ай бұрын
definitely opens up for some spicy out of aspect cards! @@Thorrk_THT
@WhiskeyjackZA8 ай бұрын
Don't have all the cards I need for red, been playing yellow instead. Beating everything I face - although to be fair locally, a lot of players don't have full playsets for meta decks. But, beat those on TTS. Red is probably better, but yellow can counter a lot by exhausting - including some of most common meta plays - even just a Leia. It has a bit more legs IMHO should you not win start turn 6, especially dealing with units than red direct damage. That said, often end turn 4 I have already done 20 damage. You really need to make her double attacks more than 1 or 2 a game and Rebel Assualt have often won games hitting for 10+ first attack turn 5 or 6. (Favourite was Rebel Assault, Battlefield Marine, Leia, Ezra, Ezra trigger fleet trooper and I think hit with another ship - 4 attacks)
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
I have never seen Leia yellow before, I am glad it's working well for you. Play your own build and have good success with it, is the best way to enjoy a card game. From a purely competitive stand point Yellow/white doesn't provide nearly as much tools for an aggro deck compared to red/white, and having to play with one of the worst base in the game (jedha city) is quite annoying. Everybody is still very new to the game, so performance at a local game store or even against random people on TTS, don't mean much. From my knowledge, the most competitive place to play now would be the TTS league. However Sabine yellow is a very strong deck just not as good as green imo . But if ECL ever gets banned (which is likely) Sabine yellow or Leia red will likely be the go to option.
@WhiskeyjackZA8 ай бұрын
@@Thorrk_THTLook - I agree, the Internet and content creators are not likely wrong. But allow me to play a bit of devil's advocate - but you really should just build it and try it than dismiss it based on color / archetype. (i) Is red best just because it is the "aggro" color with access to "raid" and base damage? It is best for Leia? Is she only an aggro hero or more like a aggro-early mid range hero? (ii) Why play Jedha City? I absolutely love playing against 25 bases, even ECL. I don't play Jedha City. (ii) What about unit for unit: - You get to play Millennium Falcon for 3 - so good you willing to pay 5 for it in your Xmas Leia - You get access to Rogue Operative - a permanent solution to sentinel that hits for 4 and not bad compared with Fighters for Freedom or needing SpecFoce Solider (You can splash Saboteurs as well) - Leia - great two drop that does two things and I often keep back to tap leaders and key meta deck plays. Again not as good as Sabine 2 drop, but more versatile? - Fighters for Freedom and Red Five depend on other cards for extra damage. - K-2S0 - great card - but a bit less great in Leia Green. - Still have all the same green cards and hero cards - Get the yellow exhaust package that is pretty cheap and can do a lot more than red to stay in game even against Sabine. Exhausting key units and hero for one or two turns can be devastating and in terms of tempo / racing also contribute to aggro strategy - Have other interesting options like Ezra and Chewbacca, whilst not aggro allows you do be more than just a one dimensional "aggro racer" that can at least pivot / deal with stuff when approaching mid game deck challenges. - I have never really felt I missed base damage that red provides - like I said, often by end turn 4 I have done 20 damage or at the very least end turn 5. You of course right that I only play in my local meta and not against world class players on TTS. Can only work with what I have / know - I am beating those decks. Whilst again you are 100% right that yellow doesn't have the cards that red has for pure aggro - it is also IMHO missing some of the strengths of Leia and not very creative just fitting her into the Sabine shell as if that is the only way she should be played... (Initiative and action economy is not only related to aggro) Again, I beat Sabine green regularly and that is the current meta aggro deck. TDLR: I am not going to argue against conventional wisdom of the Internet and content creators - plus nobody has seriously tried Leia yellow - which is probably all you need to say. But, just saying it is working for me, IMHO there might be something there and in future and it is a least a fun deck to go and try out in your highly competitive / skilled TTS matches. Getting crushed then would make me eat humble pie...proof is in eating the pudding - right? Maybe a fun feature would be to take some decks from subscribers and put it through a five match gauntlet and then give suggestion for improvement or provide a verdict (rate meta competitive, local store, strictly for fun etc). Any way, love your content and channel and appreciate the response! Good stuff!!!
@house.of.tremere8 ай бұрын
Id love to see your yellow list!
@BadatBoardgames8 ай бұрын
Good information!
@kanten87758 ай бұрын
Playing 3 garnets is insane, but with how strong the millenium falcon is, im very interested
@Thorrk_THT8 ай бұрын
Very worth it in my opinion and the Falcon is really not bad at 5