My FIRST Raid In Guild Wars 2 Was A Revelation

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

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Having completed Heart of Thorns and Living World Season 3, he was able to FINALLY fulfil the goal of project MMO and step into Guild Wars 2's first raid, and boy was it interesting.
00:00 - Intro
00:45 - The Rules
01:53 - Vale Guardians. Wing 1 Boss 1
03:40 - Gorseval. Wing 1 Boss 2
05:31 - Sabetha (Iron Maidens). Wing 1 Boss 3
10:29 - Slothazor. Wing 2 Boss 1
11:49 - Bandit Trio. Wing 2 Boss 2
15:28 - Matthias. Wing 2 Boss 3
17:54 - Escort/McLeod. Wing 3 Boss 1
19:22 - Keep Construct. Wing 3 Boss 2
21:15 - Twisted Castle Jumping Puzzle
22:56 - Xera. Wing 3 Boss 3
26:28 - Cairn the Indomitable. Wing 4 Boss 1
29:16 - Mursaat Overseer. Wing 4 Boss 2
31:08 - Samarog. Wing 4 Boss 3
34:18 - Deimos (Lich King). Wing 4 Boss 4
42:22 - Final Thoughts
44:34 - Outtakes/BTS
Twitter: @Preachgaming
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@Preachgaming Жыл бұрын
Having completed Heart of Thorns and Living World Season 3, he was able to FINALLY fulfil the goal of project MMO and step into Guild Wars 2's first raid, and boy was it interesting. Have you tried raiding in Guild Wars 2, what did you think? Drop a comment, we'd love to know.
@SpanishProgressive Жыл бұрын
By the way, you don’t have to kill the add in the “Garbo” add fight, you can just CC him and leave, that’s how most people would do it! Feel like it’s not too big of a spoiler on an annoying fight. Also, you could try the raids in the challenge mode, instead of easy mode, since it seems like a lot of the “inexperienced” people are already playing meta builds.
@shperax Жыл бұрын
It's got a huge problem with dead content. Here's what I mean and a good example. Mount quest. In order to do a certain mount quest, you need to kill a specific Champion that requires at least 3-6 players. You can shout for help, you can queue up in LFG and you can, at times, sit there for hours and hours while no one cares to come help or also happens to be on that quest. With other parts of the game, like once you hit Heart of Thorns, you are completely reliant on finding a pack of other players to rotate through map events. Without that pack of players, the grind is unbearable for most players. I get the point of it's a MMO and meant to be played with others, but at the times when there is no one to play with, the game becomes impossible. If someone were to try and get through Heart of Thorns and everyone is playing End of Dragons, good luck on trying to get through that content. In most Heart of Thorns areas, you are lucky to see 1 or 2 other players just passing through to mop up challenges or mastery points. The entire problem is just getting worse as more expansions release and the majority of players move onto the new content. It leaves the old content barren wastelands, with newer players struggling to progress through old content. This is probably one of the bigger reasons the game bleeds player base so badly once the big crowd has finished new content. The game can't gain and retain new players.
@Fiercesoulking Жыл бұрын
I played all types of content in Gw2 but raids only the first boss and escort xD The reason why raids aren't popular in Gw2 is most of the players are causal but in addition to this class lock and dps check made it worse. Especially class lock is so bad in GW2 they never open up the supporters so all can do the needed boons instead they kept nerving unique boons into obliven. They had a phase after the start of PoE where at least for dps everyone found their spot . The last 18 months before EoD were nightmarish suddenly super grindy content, fractals and raids got cancelled and balance was so I couldn't play my Elementist in fractals cms anymore like so many other classes. Yes I quit (but still have to play EoD at some point)
@Nr4747 Жыл бұрын
You should definitely check out the raid cinematics for wing 4, especially the end cinematic after defeating Deimos. It ties very well into Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 lore and is also very relevant to the Living World Season 3 and onwards.
@dariocarrasco1728 Жыл бұрын
ok you changed the title screen why tho
@sloqcephiroth Жыл бұрын
22:49 Audio clues are a thing in this game "Watch your step. Something feels out of place here."
@kyoschi4396 Жыл бұрын
😂 i laught so hard
@ablair24 Жыл бұрын
Here's some additional context about raids. When raids were first introduced with HoT, they were HARD. The base game did not have raids, so there was no pre-established community for this content. There were some hard-core groups out there, but the majority of the player base didn't know what made groups strong. Squads were a new feature too, the idea of subgroups didn't exist, the knowledge of how strong boons were was starting to become mainstream, and the skill level to go from casual to raider was a big barrier for many. You can get through the entire base game without ever reading tooltips or understanding how boons work. Now all of a sudden these skills are mandatory, plus you need to know your character well enough to perform your role, plus you need to learn how to track multiple mechanics at once. For the majority of players, it was too much, so they didn't bother. Maybe they cleared 1-2 bosses, but the effort it took to train wasn't appealing to a lot of players. This killed the raiding community. Anet wanted to put out more raids because, well, that's what MMOs do and part of the playerbase wants them. The problem is it took so much development time and effort, that they couldn't work on other things simultaniously. This is why raid wings took so long to come out. Then when a raid does debut, no one plays it because the community is so small. It's hard to justify the developer resources needed for something 10% of the playerbase will play. They had different ideas on how to fix it, but finally with the latest expansion, EoD, they seemed to have settled on Strike missions, which can be developed alongside existing pieces of content. EoD is their first true outing in what strike missions can offer imo. Very excited to see how they continue developing them in the future!
@fabianodorer4172 Жыл бұрын
also in the beginning ther where not many classes who cut give bones, just Chrono was vieble for alac and quicknes and warrier for might.
@zsocash Жыл бұрын
True words, to be honest even if Arenanet would release a perfectly balanced, totally perfect raid wing, the majority of players still would not be interested. The reason is simple, it was always like that ever since GW2 was released. In core game I was a dungeoneer and the case was the exact same. It is what it is and it will not change with Strike Missions for sure. Those who do Strikes are the same people doing raids honestly. 90% of the player base in GW2 are casuals, playing an hour a week, or playing daily but only in open world maps. Luckily for us more dedicated players, that remaining 10% of the playerbase is still decent enough in numbers to always have groups to play the hardest pve contents with.
@goodshowmanythanks Жыл бұрын
Still struggling to grasp what people who play this game actually *do*.
@SttravagaNZza Жыл бұрын
@@goodshowmanythanks They play the game. Other MMO feel like you have a string you follow. This is more like playing Minecraft, you login and do whatever you feel to.
@DerAnanasbaum Жыл бұрын
To be fair, the early raiding community was *very* exclusionary, especially in the pug department; and that didn't really get much better until a few years ago
@GunnGuardian Жыл бұрын
One major reason the Wing 1-4 are all over the place difficultly-wise is that DPS Power creep affected them differently. A big example is Slothazor and Matthias. Matthias got nerfed hard by better access to quickness and Alacrity but Slothazor has a lot of invulerable phases and non-dps mechanics so it's stayed much harder. They were much closer difficultly-wise at launch (some would say Matthias was harder) but now Matthias is a joke and Slothazor is a PuG Killer.
@cel8888 Жыл бұрын
Matthias is still a pug killer ( unless you have an hscrg )
@AzuraeJades Жыл бұрын
Matthias is a joke until someone put his poison in the last fountain available by mistake. It doesn't mean it's not possible to win the fight, but that kind of dumb moves are comon in raids, unless you play only with very experienced people.
@jakepepper5854 Жыл бұрын
that add transition was phenomenal
@shadowhawx Жыл бұрын
I just hopped in here to say this, lol
@taganwilliamson34 Жыл бұрын
True art haha
@Nr4747 Жыл бұрын
Deimos hardmode used to be ridiculously difficult before it got hit with its first set of nerfs because of tons of (sometimes) randomly overlapping mechanics - and almost all mechanics being extremely lethal on hardmode at the time. For example: Everybody had to dodge/distort every ground smash he does or they would instantly get thrown of the platform - which meant that you had to perfectly coordinate the dodge direction when the teleport circle appeared at the same time or someone would not get ported downstairs, which was an instant wipe.
@Dreamfillah Жыл бұрын
It's not exactly perfect, but it's interesting that the timeframe of raid wipe one-shot mechanics matches with Legion being out when Deimos was released, albeit before 7.2
@stuartrobertson5062 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like Mythic Archimonde in HFC
@HelloFellowMellowMarshmallow Жыл бұрын
Haven’t done any raids but that sounded like a rooded up version of Boneskinner’s “walk left” that a lot of people still can’t get used to hahaha.
@dylanwarwick4429 Жыл бұрын
@@HelloFellowMellowMarshmallow yes and no, rather, there's a mechanic that pugs LOVE to fail in deimos and it's a squad wiper.
@lostsanityreturned Жыл бұрын
@@HelloFellowMellowMarshmallow Fun fact, boneskinner has actual mechanics... people just ignore them with healing, damage mitigation boons, stab and dodges.
@ThatGaudyFox Жыл бұрын
Genuinely can't wait to see you do the Path of Fire Raids. The Path of Fire Raids are just so well-made and mechanically fluid that they blow the HoT Raids out of the water, and they're definitely a step up in difficulty.
@alexandrospapadopoulos4297 Жыл бұрын
I want his opinion on Dhuum, probably my favorite GW2 boss.
@baronoke5432 Жыл бұрын
pepelaugh yet another escort mission
@mrdorak Жыл бұрын
I can't wait for them to spend hours trying wing 5, oh boy.
@alexandrospapadopoulos4297 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I wasn't at the part where he said it took 7 hours for Deimos... Wing 5 will indeed be interesting!
@Netster1 Жыл бұрын
Hi Preach, as someone who quit GW2 in 2019 having achieved almost everything in the game, I know I'm not really the target audience but I have enjoyed watching your journey SO much. Being able to relive that new player, new content, experience through you has been so entertaining and brought back so many good memories. I'm really looking forward to watching you -play through EoD as I've never played it myself and for the first time in four years I feel like I could be tempted to play GW2 again. A big thank you for the time and effort you're making to showcase this great game.
@xHeigoux Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty much the same. got 8k hours in gw 2 and completed every single pve achievement, inclusing hidden achievements and all collections. towards the end I was only really logging in to fullclear raids and occasionally do fractals although I was already full legendary and didn't need the gold. Had a great time with the game, but all things come to an end. And right now I'm having much more fun playing stuff like secret of mana and chrono trigger for the first time :) I don't know if I'll ever play anoother mmorpg in my life. I might try out ashes of creation when that comes out. I've also had an itch to play eve online for the last 15 years, but that would probably be a huge time investment.
@TDQ_Gaming Жыл бұрын
I'm fairly certain that escort quests are game designers White Whale. They wont feel complete until they create an escort quest that isn't universally hated.
@timogul Жыл бұрын
"I shall be the one to craft the Good Escort Quest!"
@ikeaira8701 Жыл бұрын
imo if they just increased the NPC's speed 3x, Escort Quest wouldn't be as bad. Or at Least make the NPC's speed as fast as the Player Character(s)...
@ASpaceOstrich Жыл бұрын
I suspect Escort Quests are one of those things that, on paper, should be good, but for some reason just feel like shit in practice. I wonder if you replace the npc you're escorting with a payload you're pushing it changes things? Cause everyone hates escort quests but considerably less people hate payload escorts and they're basically the same thing when you break them down.
@ikeaira8701 Жыл бұрын
@@ASpaceOstrich I feel people "like" payload escorts more is because generally they're faster. Hardly any time is wasted lollygagging around, waiting for the NPC to finish some bs animation that has them run off the path. Payloads, they're straight to the destination with some mobs that may slow ya down for half a second.
@leonardceres9061 Жыл бұрын
this is great for you and your friends preach because you guys have ready-made groups to get together and figure this stuff out and have fun with it. Meanwhile, everyone else has to search and bag and scrounge around to cobble together a party and then the first one or two times the group wipes, while trying to figure out a strategy, people start getting butt hurt and leaving group and those that stay become belligerent jerks. Most of these games that are out today would be amazing. IF you had a great group of like-minded individuals with the maturity and tenacity, to have fun while figuring out the mechanics of a fight. But there in lies the rub.
@W4lhalla Жыл бұрын
As someone who raided in GW2 back then. Good to see people can still enjoy them. Also surprised to hear that raid participation from the get go was quite low. Remember Anet saying that it was much higher than they expected after they released them. There were quite a few problems with GW2 raiding. One was rooted in how how braindead most of the content was were you could beat most content just by pressing 1. And raids suddenly require an entire skillset that GW2 didn't even teach. But the one that killed the raiding community was on Anet itself. It was the infrequent releases, paired with atrocious raid marketing and classic Anet communication. Waiting time between third and fourth wing was like over 9 months, with no one in the community knowing if Anet would release another wing. And when the fourth wing was released, it turned out to be the easiest of them all... And the classic Anet combination kept going. PoF raids had infrequent releases with strange communications and plans for raids that changed every update ( For example, Anet had 2 raid teams for a while to make releases more frequent but it went to no where and releases were still infrequent ). And after the last PoF raid, there was no communication at all about the future of raiding from Anet. ( Until one small dev forum post revealed that they benched developing raiding for quite a while ). For the Raid bosses. Well there are some quite fun bosses out there. Slothasaur was THE boss were the devs were just having fun doing stuff. Surprised that you like Keep Construct, it was quite a disliked boss in the community, due to bugs, ugly telegraph overlap and rng deciding if you kill ghosts or if everyone gets bombs. Deimos was also a very fun and involved fight... if you weren't the hand kiter. You basically bring in a class whose only job was to not engage the boss and get touched by his hands over and over... The existence of this role is quite a big flaw since this turns a 10 man fight into a 9 man fight.
@ginbim Жыл бұрын
It's really so sad that despite the raids had initially multiple dev teams working parallel with an ambituos plan to release about six wings a year the actual inconsistent launch schedule and lack of communication of it left the fans being frustrated and understandably very disappointed. There was clearly an exciting potential in raids as a concept and especially their later designs were really promising but the constant restructuring and impactful layoffs of the time undoubtedly resulted something nobody wanted to happen and it was handled very poorly to say the least.
@kellanjones5588 Жыл бұрын
I was a diehard GW1 fan when i was younger and played a bit of GW2 when it first came out. I love seeing a blind approach to this content. Great video guys!! Keep em coming
@akoskustos6472 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: as soon as you go into speedrunning these filler events and event based bosses like escort and twisted castle become one of the most interesting content. For escort you are basically playing on the edge the whole time and 1 wrong move or mistimed skill resets the fight. In twisted castle you bring classes with specific mobility skills to skip everything and move kinda out of bounds. During W2 bandit trio you also want to bring specific classes and prepare the next event with portals and jumping to places you basically should not be able. W5 also has this, but I do not want to spoil anything. And these have a lot more variaty and time saving potential than bosses.
@kungsmurfen Жыл бұрын
Any oilers?
@VulpineDemon Жыл бұрын
I'm going ot call Defile "Oil" now because apparently two games can't have different mechanic names.
@TheFreestylecamel Жыл бұрын
Can't wait to watch your adventures for the remaining raid wings. Really love you content!
@Nope-lj5uc Жыл бұрын
love it, going to be following your raid journey closely
@Musicaddictly Жыл бұрын
Preach, you playing GW2 is so rad to see. Watching your journey has been amazing, thanks for the awesome content. Cheers!
@KotMatroskin Жыл бұрын
Big yes on Xera making your heart jump into your throat. I raided for a couple years on and off, and this fight always made me sit on the edge of my seat. The music in it is just absolutely amazing. The dialogue that boss has and the voice delivery - awe striking. Such an amazing boss! Gives me goosebumps every single time. I remember trying to tank and learning the clock and the Krytan number notation and drawing diagrams on a piece of paper. :D Amazing boss! ++
@srarts123 Жыл бұрын
As a note for bandit trio, if you break their defiance bar before they set up the mortars, you don't need to kill the add and can jump back immediately. This is probably something you know now but generally you have somebody with AoE cc skills that can handle it. The bosses themselves actually are kind of interesting as before you read them there are journals explaining their weaknesses which ties to the interactable objects around the arena. Burg is alergic to bees so the bee hives debuff him, Zane abuses the wargs so the wargs do high damage to him, and Nurella's oil barrel fumes are highly combustible so they burn her when you throw them on top of her. It's an annoying encounter for more veteran players as it is a lot of waiting for the mechanics to happen, but it is pretty well thought out Also I don't think the reason raids aren't done by probably 90% of the community and the move to strikes is because of that, but rather the raid community for a long time was extremely toxic. They would require 50+ kills on a boss just to join the group and on the other hand a large majority of players said "I want to the play the game my way, I don't want to have to learn a rotation and gear out a specific way" so it created a huge divide between the experienced and inexperienced players in the game. Many of those players even to today believe raids are extremely toxic while more LFGs don't require any kill proof at all anymore. The other reason for them to move to strikes, and anet has said this multiple times, is because they take less time to develop. The strikes in EoD are all rehashes of story fights made for a party of 10 and they can push out a single boss encounter instead of having to develop an overarching story and set of bosses to fit that story. I personally don't like the strikes nearly as much as the raid encounters because normal is really easy and the challenge motes just aren't fun imo.
@sithpanda Жыл бұрын
I really love what you did here. Blind raiding is fun, if you can do it. It sounds especially challenging without clues and some of the ridiculousness that ensued.. BUT, it also sounds like there were some hidden gems. I do feel the disappointment of how quickly the final, and hidden, phase went down. There was an initial burst of excitement of something new and then, it's dead? lol. GREAT VIDEO!
@elementotv2893 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for trying out GW2 and giving it a fair chance. Loving the streams and videos
@Trisander Жыл бұрын
Preach these videos are honestly so fun to watch please keep them coming
@aid4nski215 Жыл бұрын
I respectfully disagree, I like the sort of sidequests (shovel some artifacts, defeat bandits) that they do between bosses since they also give some more worldbuilding, and secrets related to the boss. And I really like how some in between boss quests are a chase scene, just shoveling through rubble, bandits and bees, because it gives a change of pace (than just dps-ing 1 singular big boss and doing mechanics) that I personally really like... (and also because i'd consider myself good at platforming jumping puzzles -3- )
@fozz3498 Жыл бұрын
Loved the fact you are drinking a beer while explaining the twisted castle. Hilarious - you need one after completing it haha.
@andresrodriguez9841 Жыл бұрын
OMG the transition to the AD was marvelous hahah. GJ.
@sinchill5424 Жыл бұрын
Woot, been waiting on this video. So excited to see how you handle wing 5 ;) rofl!
@kyoschi4396 Жыл бұрын
7 h for deimos sooo…. 14 h for mr.death?
@G8Thunder Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for you to get to the strike missions! Also look forward to seeing your D2 videos; I don't play it a ton, but I think it's a really cool game.
@Djynni Жыл бұрын
As a GW2 AND WoW player I'm really enjoying your perspective.
@jesseganzel2142 Жыл бұрын
Cant wait to see your D2 content! D2 raids are super different and youll enjoy them. No mandatory* trash between bosses in raids, just glorious visuals and some crazy jump puzzles. Love the GW2 content. I was super Hype when it came out but waffled on the lukewarm reception. Plus WoW at the time was my peak raiding, so i didnt pick it up. Seeing the content through you is awesome.
@Nathdood Жыл бұрын
yay been waiting for a new GW2 video! sick shirt btw \m/
@michaeladamson1729 Жыл бұрын
Nice skill share. Good work.
@joaomachado9105 Жыл бұрын
crazy awesome video :D
@FanOfKOTOKO Жыл бұрын
It's been a hot minute since I played but IIRC the first four wings runs somewhat parallel to near the end of Heart of Thorns and alongside Living World season 3, and ultimately concludes a story-line from GW1.
@KuroSy Жыл бұрын
Great video! Finding out about an encounter without knowledge is really fun! I just want to add a note. Prior 2022 the team comp was very strict in terms of what class you had to bring. We had a lot of "jails" but during the last years anet opened a lot more opportunities for supports and boon bringers. There's more freedom of playstile and thanks to easy mode and strikes i do feel like raids are being more tackled by the gw2 community lately! I hope anet will consider bringing back raids when the community gets more into them! I also feel like content creators like you may have a big impact on that as well! :3
@AlbertHoltsclaw Жыл бұрын
That skillshare transition. You sneaky bastard.
@Xariann Жыл бұрын
This is very informative, finally a video about endgame I can relate to as a WOW Player. It gives me an idea of whether I want to invest time into raiding.
@kxmode 17 күн бұрын
13:52 That was a flawless segue into your sponsor. So smooth that I watched the whole thing because I was like "damn that was smooth."
@cujoegaming5277 Жыл бұрын
Great to see your journey in GW2! I like raiding and strikes a lot here but am not so much a fan of fractals and the whole collection system. But luckily the MMO RPG market is imo better than ever and I just play the stuff I like and ignore all things I don't like in games these days and aimply play multiple games at a time. Have fun on your journey.
@Orakio Жыл бұрын
I'm excited to see your reactions to Wings 5 -7.
@MrFerretsRevenge Жыл бұрын
Great vid Preach
@Tessa_Ru Жыл бұрын
I am just, so delighted to hear about the escort quest and the labyrinth thing. Like I would HATE to actually have to do it, but it feels very on-brand with my experiences with the exploration 😂
@CrimsonSun88 Жыл бұрын
You do get rewarded in Twisted Castle. I think a lot of the events involving mobs in-between fights give LI for Legendary Armor as well other goodies.
@Jaydo Жыл бұрын
Almost all of the biggest complaints are the things that get extremely easy or take zero time or effort once you understand the encounters over time. W3 Escort, and Twisted Castle both get super fast, super easy. Samarog subphase gets nuked by a push, a pull, and an immob. To put things into context my group does W1-4 in under two hours every week with a few CMs, and we're not reallyt *that* fast. I think one problem with blind raiding in this game is that it's typically done by players who still don't know the mechanics of the base game. To be fair, this can take a long time for people because the game does a terrible job of teaching you about anything.
@jozzetv Жыл бұрын
Also the bosses themselves are really fast encounters. The biggest issues about time, is switching between encounters (trash in between and how to get past it) and player downtime. Waiting for player to take a bio break, someone at the door, phone, getting a drink, switching the build, getting gear from another toon. All of this costs so much time. If you eliminate all that stuff you get a full clear of w1-7 (with some CMs or even all of them) in around 3h.
@Azsharah Жыл бұрын
You guys better prepare, cuz wing 5 is like nothing you’ve ever had before in gw2. Wings 1-4 are actually tied thematically into a gw1 story arc, and was made specifically for it (this is why you guys did not understand a single thing about the story). Wing 5 is a bit similar, meaning gw1 players will know what the wing is about, and wings 6 and 7 are tied to path of fire expansion. Can’t wait to see how you guys will progress in w5! GL and GJ with project MMO so far!
@nicolefrench2968 Жыл бұрын
Each game should be relatively self-contained from a lore perspective with adequate resources available to get a general understanding of the needed lore for following a story. I’ve always felt like I was missing out on Lore in GW2. It’s for reasons like this.
@RedNuii Жыл бұрын
@@nicolefrench2968 they explain everything you need to know about gw1 in gw2 through cinematic recaps and lore books
@nicolefrench2968 Жыл бұрын
@@RedNuii Can’t definitively disagree. But if they are present, I was never guided towards them. I actually don’t think I’ve seen a single lore book… I’ve seen a few pages, engravings, or tablets that maybe have a paragraph written that I have no context for so most of the information goes over my head. Maybe other people can connect paragraph 1 about some random person read at level 20 in Brisbon Wilds with paragraph 2 read in Ore a month later in your journey about the same person. I usually dont make the connection. The extent of what I remember is usually, “that name sounds familiar.”
@SoFishtry Жыл бұрын
@@nicolefrench2968 GW2 literally shits lore books. If you've never seen one, there's no saving you lmao
@RedNuii Жыл бұрын
@@nicolefrench2968 No flame, but realistically gw2 doesnt guide you to anything. But all through the story it shits out lore books as the other comment said. But I still respect your opinion. :)
@yeti25934 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a revisit of the raid wings with experienced raiders once you're done with your tour of the game, I wonder if/how your opinion would change if you were privy to the strats used by experienced raiders nowadays
@LilyNaikiir Жыл бұрын
also, a quick tip regarding the people of the raid group who didn't get the deimos kill: if they are the ones to open the instance, it'll open up at deimos and you can help them get the kill (which should be quick since you now know what to do)
@TheRedGauntlet Жыл бұрын
You will have a wild time with the final boss of Wing 5
@JosephSaintClair Жыл бұрын
As a previous hardcore wow raider (upto bfa)and a long time gw2 player. You hit the nail on the head. Looking forward to you getting through pof stuff. I think I know what your reaction will be like. Either way. Looking forward to you clearing wing 5. Also looking forward to giggling a bit with your experience with IBS strikes then seeing you do eod strikes. Note: worth doing also doing some of the eod world events for filler!!!
@zakuraayame5091 Жыл бұрын
haven't watched for a while, but when he said 'here we have a floor' ... I finished up with 'now we have to inspect it!'
@SApcGUY Жыл бұрын
been waiting for this video to drop for weeks!
@Alkhaldi92 Жыл бұрын
I have around 3k LI and 250 KP on almost every boss, it is always fun to see new players joining raids for the first time. Heck, I don't have static and I always clear my weekly raids with pugs/lfg and sometimes I even clear them in a TRAINING run, even though it takes twice the time for a normal clear, however, when we finally clear the whole wing it just feels amazing :) I truly hope one day that Anet focuses on raids more often, maybe make it more easier for the casual players to join raids. I really don't want this part of the game to die =(
@Scrydragon Жыл бұрын
Slothazor appears to be almost identical to one of the fights in Highmaul in WoD -- Brackenspore. With Brackenspore, you had to use the flamethrowers to clear the creeping moss off the ground.
@zooleebest Жыл бұрын
I was fortunate to be able to witness most of this because his stream start before i went home from work. The heartbreak on those first 2 hours of deimos. XD
@_bits_and_bytes Жыл бұрын
Really happy to hear Preach is continuing to play GW2
@kingvonderwelt5090 Жыл бұрын
Man that final deimos phase really is way too short. He looks freaking epic there!
@daze4135 Жыл бұрын
Nah, if they made the fight longer, you'd quickly run out of playable area as more oils and hands still spawn. It's better to think that at 10% Deimos is effectively dead and the last phase is just for spectacle
@fynale2049 Жыл бұрын
@@daze4135 *defiles*
@daze4135 Жыл бұрын
@@fynale2049 **OILERS**
@Xbob42 Жыл бұрын
@@daze4135 ...they could just spawn less of them, or none at all. There's no reason they have to keep spawning, lol.
@daze4135 Жыл бұрын
@@Xbob42 then what would be the point of a no-mechanics epic 3rd phase?
@ginbim Жыл бұрын
OILERS! And your mount is not a panda. :D And one more thing: YeahBoi!
@RedNuii Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget MIGHT = RIGHT
@porcin3proph3t4 Жыл бұрын
rgw issue with your sabatha theory is how long it takes to develop raid encounters. Its highly unlikely they could cop that out and develop it that quick. Possible? maybe
@jrdougan Жыл бұрын
I could imagine different game devs doing it that fast. But not Anet, not then.
@ginbim Жыл бұрын
@@jrdougan when W1-3 was in production there were three dedicated raid dev teams working parallel on 3 wings at once. Then they even announced in an Anet live stream that they would make about six wings a year with the resources they got. But then the whole dev team had to go through a major restructuring and apparently the raid dev resources were seriously cut to do other works. Before that the three teams were capable of producing three boss encounters in less than two months.
@NeoTV01 Жыл бұрын
I would have loved to have a timestamp of your raidprogress, to tell how much time u needed to defeat each wing, i remember when i got starteted in raiding that it took 2-3 raiddays to get VG down. And i'd love to see how its know with the powercreep or raidteam class changes
@NPDStudio Жыл бұрын
Loving the KZbin vids! ❤ Curious if there will be an FF6 or FF10 video or if the whole studio flood thing ruined that plan?
@alexandreduarte4448 Жыл бұрын
I hope he also looks at the high level fractals. T4 (and CM) shattered observatory might be my favorite fight in the whole game
@Yaeshi Жыл бұрын
bravo Mike, that AD plug was on point xD
was waiting for that video for weeks 😊
@tamermaher6387 Жыл бұрын
I like the work you put in preach you are da man.
@batfirst Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the Destiny 2 serie, the way you're approaching raiding is interesting and refreshing to watch
@gtarman8d Жыл бұрын
Preach, couldn't have picked a better boss to put a skill share add into! Top notch
@Kagihime96 Жыл бұрын
super looking forward to you trying challenge mode in strikes hehehe.
@jaymzOG Жыл бұрын
The outtakes at the end lol. Gotta make the best out of not having the office.
@x_rhi_x2772 Жыл бұрын
Cant wait to see you do w5-7!
@BM03 Жыл бұрын
Holy shit that Deimos boss's second phase looks like you're fighting the antichrist in the final expansion ever. What a sick design and music. The quick death was anticlimactic but, that aside. Damn.
@deadz0ne42 Жыл бұрын
Interested to see your take on the Path of Fire raids. They are without a doubt a step up from the Heart of Thorns raids.
@GarredHATES Жыл бұрын
some of the worst things you can put in a video game are, Underwater areas, Unnecessary Stealth segments and escort missions!
@kimaclaret Жыл бұрын
I'm about 8 minutes in, and I'm already enjoying the differences in this video direction.
@KotMatroskin Жыл бұрын
Cant wait for you to do wings 5,6,7!
@MrNickcrush Жыл бұрын
I think it is a great idea to take on raids like this.
@theaveragecasual9971 Жыл бұрын
1st boss of raid wing 2 almost like WoD boss in first tier where you gotta pick up the flame thrower and clear poison patches for your team. Reminded me of that
@LLPTV Жыл бұрын
You actually get a legendary insight for doing the twisted castle so it kinda is a boss.
@LegeFles Жыл бұрын
That's a recent change.
@KokkeOP Жыл бұрын
exactly. the amount of ignorance I see on these reviews about GW2 is amazing hahaha he don't even kow what's going on and jump to conlusion rapidly. lmao.
@LegeFles Жыл бұрын
@@KokkeOP the irony. You dont know the whole point of these videos is that he's playing the game 'blind' on purpose, which he has mentioned multiple times.
@torgrimhanssen5100 Жыл бұрын
ooh, condition damage. Back in the "heyday" Triple trouble was practically the hardest content. Not only due to the decap and kill timers but the husks that where only vulnerable to condition damage but also that any additional player that hit it would add to it's HP and you usually only had 2 players on each of the 3 locations dealing with 3 husks on a regular interval and that the husk would move towards the highest density of players.
@jl-nz7gh Жыл бұрын
Best ad plug ever
@itssquirtyberty9276 Жыл бұрын
Hey mate, Your taps dripping.
@matsug5704 Жыл бұрын
Samarog and Deimos are my favorite raid bosses, love the mechanics and the creature design :D
@The_Conundrum_Crew Жыл бұрын
I never done a raid before. For some reason I feel more comfortable transitioning to the massive multiplayer versus multiplayer modes instead of doing the raids in games. GW2 and ESO it's what I ended up doing. I don't know why raids don't interest me. I enjoy watching people streaming them though.
@nvalidwerdz1078 Жыл бұрын
Preach has de-aged like ten years since he started playing MMOs, holy shit. Keep up whatever you're doing Mike, looking sharp.
@lashonawaldmeister1111 Жыл бұрын
I think GW2 has a very difficult relationship with difficulty. I believe a large portion of the GW2 playerbase is extremely casual, which is fine, but I remember a decent amount of people being upset about the HoT raids, because they had story, and it tied in with the overall story of the game a little bit, so people were upset when they couldn't experience it, yet weren't willing to "get good" to beat the raids. To this day this still reflects in some of the decisions, especially around strikes, which have a story encounter for 1 person, then the strike version of it for 10 ppl (being very easy), and then the challenge mode, which is for the people that actually want an engaging encounter. GW2 always has to account for such a massively wide gap between the average casual player and the top players, that a lot of encounters can end up being trivial for experienced raiders, while still being unbeatable for a large portion of the community...
@NicoHannes Жыл бұрын
10/10 more videos from the pub .
@jeremydelacoudre7856 Жыл бұрын
escort is good for player who don't raid, its a "raid" but very simple
@Kiwicrack Жыл бұрын
That segue for the ad read - crisp, BiS. giving Bellular a run for his money.
@dezm1 Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard your opinion about boons a few times on stream and with teapot. It’s interesting how strong your opinion is on boons being a bad thing in their implementation. What is your view on the ideal implementation of group comps? Make 8 dps with 2 healers but all the dps has a lower dps potential?
@ancientspark375 Жыл бұрын
My interpretation of his response is that it's just a numerical problem, not a group composition problem. Too much power is centered in the boons, so it's confusing to do it as a new player, too mandatory to have all the required boons so there's no flexibility or casualness, and too micromanagey to make sure you have buffs at all times. He might make it clearer somewhere else though.
@jozzetv Жыл бұрын
One of the solutions could be to make boons more of a nice little boost on top, instead of them having a 3x effect on you. That would make it a lot easier in general for groups, but i think the hardcore scene might get bored of it... no interaction with other players, no boon coordination required, since it's not worth to bring these boons, if they have such a low impact. Another solution could be, to make boons have way less duration and adjust the bosses so, that you could do some interesting interaction with skipping phases or special mechanics that need specific boons, to make the fight easier. Hardcore players could time specific boons for specific portions of the fight and micromanage those burst windows, to make it more engaging. Another solution could be to make every build self sufficient. You are responsible for your own boons, and having them in your build is better then selecting for pure dps stats. You could then specialize a lot with builds depending on the encounter, what boons are needed and so on. This would also make it a lot more difficult to figure out, what build is the optimal play and then create a lot of build swapping. With the current way of build templates this would be a pain in the ass. There are probably a few other solutions... but you either make the player themselves more responsible for their own boons, or you make the boons less meaningful. Maybe someone else has another idea.
@dollarbr Жыл бұрын
The swap to skillshare sponsor was so damn funny that you got me to subscribe to your channel xD
@draconidmike Жыл бұрын
love all the fair comments, good work and get going
@MisforMature Жыл бұрын
Seeing the house of a KZbinr always makes me feel way, way better about my own lmao
@goodshowmanythanks Жыл бұрын
that kitchen windowsill tho
@KonradGM Жыл бұрын
i can't wait for preach to try and craft a legendary
@rkbkirin5975 Жыл бұрын
My time is much too limited to do raiding - the only reason I can play GW2 at all is because so much of the content is streamline and concise. It's wonderful to find an MMO where you don't have to constantly commit solid blocks of time and adjust your schedule around a video game. Also when I do manage to play for a longer period (once a week at best) it is with a very tight-knit group of friends and we really do not want to have to deal with a larger group of strangers, even if they are polite and helpful. GW2 is our own experience and we're happy with it that way. Plus when I do manage to have a longer block of play time, I really prefer to do WvW over any of the other game modes. For people with the excess time and willingness to join raiding guilds, that's great they can manage it, but I'm very glad GW2 offers enough diverse content that other playstyles can be accommodated.
@nielsjensen4185 Жыл бұрын
In the fort fight, there's a bomb platform you can use to get out to the mortar man when he spawns. The mortar handler is supposed to go back and forth from the fort that way.
@neijan2932 Жыл бұрын
Also, no killing needed. CC them and return to group.
@qSilenceOne Жыл бұрын
that worm fight you love so much come to think of it its also in wow "Highmaul" its the fight with the spore shooters and you have the boss "walker of the deep"
@jaydenjezowski4339 Жыл бұрын
Go back and open the chest at the end of Twisted Castle! There is loot there!
@thelittlethingsinlife4334 Жыл бұрын
strikes are really nice and easy, a good way to get people interested in raids. But the EoD strike challenge modes is what hardcore players love, took me weeks to clear all of them
@GenXHBReacts Жыл бұрын
"3....2....I'm drunk now...." That got me lol
@Muten1988 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting opinions from somebody who will only do the fights once and never come back. Makes perfect sense, you out level raids in WoW, and a sooth dificulty progression for each encounter is important, since the content have a expiration date.
@bekir51500 Жыл бұрын
That ad transition was smooth asf haha
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