My HONEST Dawntrail Healer Thoughts [Dawntrail Media Tour]

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Cole Evyx

Cole Evyx

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@ColeEvyx 3 ай бұрын
I wanted to add 'rawr xd' to the thumbnail cause it's so intense but I couldn't fit it in lolololol🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁
@DiannaGold 3 ай бұрын
My FC and alliances will resist your stupid BS. There will be no successful strike on Primal. You can eat your shoes :D
@DiannaGold 3 ай бұрын
I will be doing all the Healing with my FC. We and a group of ANTI F HEADS have decided to counter your BS. You should stop playing . You are a bad player and person.
@DiannaGold 3 ай бұрын
I will be doing all the Healing with my FC. We and a group of ANTI F HEADS have decided to counter your BS. You should stop playing . You are a bad player and person.
@SubduedRadical 3 ай бұрын
Some of the criticism I think is fair. But my god, the arrogance of thinking to speak for the healer community, make ultimatums and demands, demand more DPS spells (enjoy SGE - it has Miasma 2 and EFFECTIVELY Shadow Flare as a 1 min oGCD), and insist that MSQ should be "hard" and every other role gutted of any healing/mitigation abilities is just ridiculous. I'm going to keep healing on WHM and SCH, drop SGE like a bad habit because I don't want DPS rotation/spells more than what we already have, and I'm going to have a blast. WHM gets another mit, SCH gets ultra-instinct-angel form, and I'll have SMN and PLD as my backups if I want/need to do another role. Not to be rude, but if you want to play a damage dealer - the general you - play a damage dealer. And hey, they're making SGE into SB SCH for some reason (frankly, it PROBABLY should have been to begin with since it was designed to be a Disk Priest type thing), so it'd be great to me if they made that into a damage rotation, plate spinning, SB SCH damage kit that heals with Kardia ticks. I do think that'd be fantastic since it would allow the people that want to be a "healer, but with a damage rotation" the ability to do so. ...of course, if the "healer strike" goes through and they don't play healers, including SGE, and those of us that don't want damage buttons drop it like a bad habit, then the Dev takeaway is probably going to be "Oh, healers don't want damage buttons after all since we gave them a healer that has them and no one played it", so be careful you don't self-fulfilling prophecy yourselves by accident there. For my part, I'm fine with some healer Jobs having more damage buttons, as long as there are some that do not for the rest of us that prefer healers as they are now. I don't want more damage abilities. Baneful Impaction is meh, but at least not onerous since it's just double tapping Chain Strat's button, and WHM's Glare IV is...meh, but it's a little movement, takes the place of the PoM button (the reason I mention those things is button bloat is real), and gives me a little free movement. I don't LIKE it, but I'm OKAY with it. Unlike SGE's DoT. I hate DoTs and I can only have one macro /ac DoT, wait.25, /echo DOT RUNS OUT IN 5 SECONDS!!! going at a time, and Eukrasia doesn't work well with that anyway. And absent that macro, I can't keep up a DoT to save my life. The game's UI gives zero feedback on DoTs other than a tiny icon. People that want damage, play a damage dealer. You REALLY want it on a healer, play SGE. I'll be over here with WHM and SCH and be enjoying life instead sans damage rotation buttons. Hell, if they ever got rid of the stupid pure/barrier split, you can have 3 of the healers. Just leave at least one to the rest of us that don't want to be budget DPS or DPS Jobs in general. I'll fill downtime with Glare just like I filled downtime on Resto Druid in WoW with with Wrath in Cata when they made it cost 0 Mana. I'm fine with that. ...though I do think WHM's barrier needs to be stand alone (stick it on Plenary), but I'm happy to have another mit on WHM, honestly. Give me one more so that the pure/barrier split doesn't exist anymore (AST already has a foot in the barrier subrole with Collective, Neutral, and the new Neutral follow-up mitigation thingy) and I'd be happy with just WHM. But since they're keeping that and making SGE the "damage rotation barrier healer", leave SCH alone as the one that DOESN'T do that. Also: I'm with Mishapen Chair that there was zero reason to remove Nocturnal Sect. I legit don't know why they removed it, and though I've never liked AST, I do think they should return it. Give buff bros a barrier AND mitigation healer to spread the buff love. :D ("Oooooh myyyyyy!")
@SubduedRadical 3 ай бұрын
Also: "I like shoving things into spots"? :)
@dragons_in_space7211 3 ай бұрын
The main problem regarding healers from a game design perspective is that healing checks gatekeep *other* players' fun more than they do the healer's own. If you screw up as DPS, most of the time it's you who's going to suffer the consequence and failing an enrage check doesn't quite feel like it's entirely on you. Meanwhile, when you fail as a healer, it's other people who tend to die as a result, and generally a healer dying cascades into a situation where the party can outright wipe from unavoidable damage. It's why healers have the least health of any role, to pressure them into healing because they're the most likely to die first from aoe healing checks. Anyone who's done Savage has probably experienced that "one" healer that never, ever hardcasts heals, even in an emergency. Where they'd rather wipe the fight rather than throw a heal because the tanks didn't get the DoT on P8S. That's ridiculously infuriating and having that more often would massively inflate toxicity and reduce enjoyment for a vast majority of players in the game. It's difficult to try to reconcile that with also trying to design a way for healers to have fun. You can never have things like long RDM combos because that will lead to situations where healers prioritize dps over healing and end up with people tanking the floor. There's also a bit of... I don't know, lack of consensus regarding what healers want difficulty? I suggested a system on the forums where casted heals won't penalize your damage output by refunding the damage loss over the next few damage spells, thus opening up room for a dps toolkit, but that suggestion was taken very poorly. It's like the people complaining for more difficulty will just want difficulty and optimization in every facet of the game regardless of the health of that design, which will simply lead to more of the "those" healers mentioned above and an overall poorer experience for everyone.
@this_epic_name 3 ай бұрын
If they made the potential for healers to do damage equivalent to the potential for DPS to do healing, then this wouldn't be an issue. If healers actually needed to heal continuously through a fight to keep the tank and party alive, then DPS'ing wouldn't be much of a consideration at all for the healing role (just like healing isn't much of a consideration at all for the DPS role). The players who don't want to cast a GCD heal b/c it means their DPS will suffer wouldn't exist, because there wouldn't be much of any DPS output to begin with to even take that hit.
@johnnycruzified661 3 ай бұрын
@@this_epic_namethey are called “healers” and not dps for a reason.
@joshuawilkins9378 3 ай бұрын
I hear some of the criticism, but more often than not, when i am healing in duty roulette the tank doesnt mit, people face tank mechanics and i am plenty busy keeping them alive. If damage became significantly higher, a lot of those experiences would become torture tbh.
@MegaDarkness5000 3 ай бұрын
Then you have a tank that is barely in minimum gear in the vault to where I the healer tank better than them.
@eolendes6432 3 ай бұрын
Veterans could have more dps buttons and that would not change. You'd still be engaged with the healing part.
@kou7191 3 ай бұрын
That is literally the problem though. Healers are only 'busy' when everyone else sucks, we shouldn't be *this* reliant on other people (under)performing.
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
I agree, mistakes would become a lot harder to fix, and therefore there would be a lot more pressure on players to perform perfectly
@natebroadus8474 3 ай бұрын
@@kou7191 A good player will always hold their own, and a great player can often carry themselves if the heals goes down. That's actually something I love about FFXIV--and it goes in reverse, too. A great healer can keep the group alive even if the tank melts, at least long enough to get the tank back up and healed before the next tank buster. I get why some healers are frustrated and want more to do, but frankly it works right now. Boring (for some) is better than neutering other jobs to make the heals feel more needed, and this is coming from someone who loves WHM healing. One of the things I love about the game is that, outside of Ultimates and Extremes, a great tank or heals can utterly carry a group if they play well enough.
@Spookybluelights 3 ай бұрын
I'm a filthy casual, I love healing in XIV even in it's current state because 95% (and I include myself in that number) of the playerbase couldn't manage _anything_ without at least one healer. I've just been playing for so long that obviously I'm going to complain about some things. I don't even really mind Broil spam the way you do, I just want like, one or two more buttons to press which I didn't think is much to ask.
@shizachan8421 3 ай бұрын
Thats basically the just of it. Have some mini rotation that is super basic or some dps buttons on a faster cooldown you can press to break the monotony. I burned myself from FF14 just by healing Savage because it was so mind numbing.
@kou7191 3 ай бұрын
That's pretty much it, yet for whatever reason people are exaggerating or antagonizing the request. Nobody is asking for a full dps rotation to watch over on top of healing, simply to have more than *ONE* button to press when there's no healing needed, it's really not asking much.
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
Exactly, i dont care if an Ultimate was cleared with no healers because i know that 99.99% of players are not going to be able to perform that perfectly, nor will most groups have a perfect composition for something like that! I don't mind current healers, but I wish sage and scholar had the same kind of dps responsibility that astro has!
@shizachan8421 3 ай бұрын
@@kou7191 Tbh, my idea is basically giving healers some dumbed down version of other dps rotations. Like make White Mages damage somewhat of a Black Mage light.
@tikar8982 3 ай бұрын
​@Naoto-kun1085 I'm still pretty new (a couple months) but I've never NOT needed a healer lol As much as I try to not burden the healers, my little glass cannon bard can't side step some boss moves fast enough. I'm also an old lady 😂 my reaction times aren't what they used to be. I LOVE HEALERS! ❤ I think SE should be rewarding you in every eay, not punishing you.
@ab9128 3 ай бұрын
1. "You're green DPS, stop healing" 2. Then let us have an interesting DPS kit. 3."Your DPS kit has to be simple so that you can heal" 4. Then if we we are supposed to heal, reduce tank and DPS healing so we have to heal. 5. "You're not the healer, you're green DPS, stop healing" 6. Repeat.
@cutejustice 3 ай бұрын
Beginner Healers: *spamming healing* Tank/DPS: “you’re overhealing focus on green dps” Advanced Healers: “hey, we’d like more than 1 dps button. We currently don’t need to heal as everyone is fully healed.” Tanks/DPS: “KN0w YoUR ROLE yoU’rE a HeAl3r!!!”
@bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 ай бұрын
And the snarky comments saying 'go play dps' are the ones complaining why healers won't put up with spamming 1 button to make the dungeons go faster.
@closotezuka 3 ай бұрын
@@cutejustice no one says that last bit lmao
@MrRamo14 3 ай бұрын
The "just go play savage" if you want to be engaged comments are funny also. 80+% of my gcds are literally one button in savage too!
@closotezuka 3 ай бұрын
@@MrRamo14 just because your secondary function is one button doesnt mean it cant be interesting. its about smartly using ogcds so you can use your dps button more, its about pre positioning so you dont have to use instant casts while moving. this healer strike is solely focused at making low level dungeon content harder, where people are still learning their job, where none of that micro-optimization stuff should be at all necessary. if you want depth, optimize your job in hard fights. it is rewarding, and fun.
@GusJKlaus 3 ай бұрын
My opinion: i play both casual and high end, and i think using xeno as metrics for the state of healers in casual is delusional, he and his pt was all made up of Pro players..... i've been getting a lot of ppl who dont know mechs in casual, and i need to heal them a lot, the real issue is that in casual you are not required to use the full potential of your healing kit, then you go very, very unexperienced to the high end, and have to learn your job all over again.
@mareczek00713 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, this is what makes me laugh at this entire healer strike - Xeno is autistically fanatical to Warrior and maximizing its performance for hardcore raiding and we all know Warrior is OP (I mean, Rath literally solos dungeons with level sync and silence echo on his Solo Only challenge), it's like saying speed limit is too low because look how Fernando Alonso could drive in F1 car...
@stabegabe 3 ай бұрын
tbh your average ff group is capable of doing a healerless run, even if it involved a couple of wipes due to failing mechs. Mechs aren't actually hard in dungeons and 99% of ppl will figure them out within the first pull anyways, plus getting a vuln up is easily survivable without healers anyways. He is playing in a very capable group yes, but the bar in dungeons is so low that it doesn't really matter nor does it disprove that an average group isn't capable of doing the same thing The problem is simply that there isn't enough outgoing unavoidable damage for it to actually matter if a healer is there or not, that's the sole thing that actually demands healer inclusion above all else. All it takes to clear a dungeon without a healer is to solve the mechs somewhat properly, and there will never be enough unavoidable damage on the group that would come even close to actually threatening a wipe, which is pathetic even for dungeon standards if you ask me.
@SunChaoJun 3 ай бұрын
Xeno and the others messed up a bunch of mechanics in their run, and Xeno even forgot to put a button on his hotbar in the middle of a boss, and that was still no problem
@At0hip 3 ай бұрын
Messed up skilled player is one thing. Messed up no-clue player is another thing. I agree that we may need some tension in healing, but Healer rage-quit in daily roulette for 2 days in a row, one due to can't catch up with big pull and another can't tolerate DPS's mistakes is frustrating too. So I'm not sure about "Spiciness" in under EX level... I assume that most of people here is skilled, but my experience in DR is quite opposite (Elemental DC) and... oh boy that's an EXPERIENCE just not a happy one.
@N00bie666 3 ай бұрын
​@stabegabe the skill required to do a healerless run is NOT average. That's nearly as delusional as these morons using xenon clear to say "gawm wz, need healed rework"
@ulibarriL 3 ай бұрын
The new DPS skills are a bone at best. I highly suggest you look at the savage logs that show just how much healers spam one skill now in comparison a pretty diverse skill allocation in earlier expansions. It is absolutely unreal what they have done to this role. I am glad you're taking the healer response seriously and aren't mocking those who are struggling to find enjoyment playing this role. However, you really need to put yourself in their shoes to understand them. I used to be a naysayer as well, and it wasn't until I fully empathize with them that I came around. They are in a bad place, my friend.
@blindender9979 3 ай бұрын
For me, the situation is complicated, to say the least. I believe the community hasn't yet realized that besides continuing with just one attack button, they didn't even want to modify this attack. In other words, we'll continue with the same Broil IV/Glare 3 for three years, and to me, that's the saddest part of it all. It's truly a total disregard for the class. I think it should be mandatory to have at least an evolution of the skill, a new animation, something. But they did nothing. It's very frustrating.
@TheAnnez0r 3 ай бұрын
Hey Cole! I will be healing for the first time in our static this expansion. I really appreciate your videos they are very well done and just learning that you have on top of this a full time job is impressive. Hang in there! Have a great DT launch!
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
Gl ❤ anabaseios savage was my first time healing savage. It was quite fun
@bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 ай бұрын
AST had the most fun buffing mechanic i've ever seen in an mmorpg in HW-StB. It was challenging to optimize, but you weren't required to be a genius to play it casually. You could still run normal stuff and enjoy the pretty sparkle show. I'd be perfectly fine if they brought back that aspect instead of giving AST more dps. Just make it FUN SE.
@martonszentkiralyi2251 3 ай бұрын
Healers should feel like black mages during dps-ng, a simple but kinda risky part of our rotation with 3 or 4 components even feeding into the phase when we need to heal or just go all out. My ideas: Astro:Constellation gauge-malefics grant you astral power that can be spent on a single target or aoe nuke, both 3.5 sec hard casts. The job about fortune telling should know when its safe to cast such White mage:wither-you sacrifice a white lily to deal instant damage to an enemy, still norishing blood lily. Full bloom-wither becomes a 3 part combo with a relatively forgiving 10 seconds between strikes before reset, each using a white lily, third one will place a hot on the party Scholar: Misma 2 and Selene realy should make a return. Selene replaces your broil with fairy fire and will alternate casting a hot on allies and a lesser version of fairy fire on enemies. Sage: a rapid fire ability that triggers kardia but burns mana would be fun considering lower ranks of dosis were barrages of lasers. Something you can use any time, but would cost like 800 mana/shot Just some ideas realy, no need to tear me apart
@ShoutOfEarth 3 ай бұрын
Ideas are a good thing, and these seem really unique! We should be having more conversations like this, instead of just every healer demanding different changes from the Devs. Eventually, from the Devs' perspective, it all just becomes a deafening amount of noise that isn't saying anything coherent
@Aqquana 3 ай бұрын
TLDR: I love the astro concept, but to keep more in line with the Dawntrail changes and the high apm in endwalker; we could just give astro glare IV but make it an ogcd (although I prefer your idea). I love the astro concept! But for a much simpler change to add to astro in dawntrail would be to basically add Glare IV from white mage to Astro. So now when astro uses lightspeed they will get the 4 uses of a glare IV alternative, but it's an ogcd. Something like this is far simpler and I think it's entirely reasonable to see this when Dawntrail starts. It'll give some sense of the high APM with tons of weaves that it has in endwalker, while still staying in line with the Dawntrial changes. Honestly with this I think the burst for astro in dawntrail would be way more fun than in endwalker, and I main astro because I think the cards is the most fun dps rotation in the game lol. As for the name, it could be something like "Refraction". It plays into the name of LIGHTspeed. Since we're probably using it after ever Malefic, it'll be like we're reflecting the light from malefic back at the target to deal some extra damage.
@kennys6288 3 ай бұрын
Freecure still exists. That should tell you everything you need to know.
@noobbonexd 3 ай бұрын
In my opinion healers should heal. You want to do damage? Play dps! Stop asking for a second damage spell and instead ask for higher incoming damage against the player
@loomingdeath1758 3 ай бұрын
Ok so i just realized how silly this whole strike is. Seeing as this is vocal minority. Lets say everyone did the strike how u plan on completing trials that are mandatory XD. I think this whole thing is silly. So your for and against trying to play both sides comes off as stupid and pandering. Frankly im in camp that no you do not pay my sub, yes i payed to play, and no I don't care. If healing as bad as it is switch to DPS and Tank problem solved.
@itsaredvine 3 ай бұрын
I've never really understood the healer honogenization complaint mainly because I have different playstyles depending on which healer I'm playing as. With SGE, I'm more focused on keeping a barrier on the tank so I get more addersting procs but with SCH, I dont worry about shielding because if I miss a shield, I know Eos/Seraph can cover my mistake. When I'm doing AST, I'm actually having fun with balancing the card signs or even having astrodyne go without 3 different signs to heal the party faster. WHM is the only healer job I find boring because there's nothing else to do besides heal. I can see the point where some people find WHM and SCH boring or samey but thats kinda the consequence of them being made at a time that SE wasn't experimenting. They're experimenting different healer playstyles with AST and SGE and I think it works. Theres just less room to make WHM or SCH feel ultra special in comparison because their playstyle is kinda set in stone.
@DerettoAlexiel 3 ай бұрын
9:00 I'd say the problem is dick measuring. Dealing with bad and good rng was part of the class identity and now its gone. The new cards are kinda neat though and I think astro wil still be fun to play.
@OMGBennyyy 3 ай бұрын
I love healing. Yes you dont get to utilise your whole kit in casual content (even though I always throw shields on sage for raidwides, just cause of Toxicon LOL). I dont do much difficult content, but I did clear P5&6S on Sage, and I had a blast. Done most of the EXs on sage too, and again, had a load of fun. Honestly, the best solve would be giving healers a dps rotation similar to tank. Or a 123 combo with their ogcds and aoe dots.
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
I agree, healing is a lot more fun in hardcore content! But even on easy content i like to press all my special heals just for fun! I do hope that they give healers more dps, especially sage! Sage is the green dps after all!
@lainey9935 3 ай бұрын
But WHM glare go BRRRRRRRRRR! I jest lol, I seriously want more to do, both in healing as well as damage.
@TimTh3Enchanter 3 ай бұрын
While I agree that there needs to be more to do in healers, we also need to figure out how to not increase the amount of actual button presses. Remember people who play on Controller have at best 32 available keybinds with the option to use the 2nd bar via holding both triggers together. So these buttons have to come from somewhere. So I think its another cup situation. To add more DPS buttons, we have to take away healing buttons and vice versa. Which I'd be fine with but its definitely something they would have to consider at SE to make adjustments to rotations.
@this_epic_name 3 ай бұрын
make healing rotations like dps rotations with damage output from bosses to suit.
@DoortoTwilight777 3 ай бұрын
My biggest thing about Dawntrail healers is; why does Sage get an AoE DoT to use whenever? Sure, SCH has that combo with Chain Strat, but Sage’s DoTs are separate effect (at least in media tour). Simple fix; just make all the healer DoTs an AoE.
@AjaniGoldmaneFFXIV 3 ай бұрын
This could get changed. When sage was introduced in the media tour in endwalker, physis and physis ll were 2 separate skills but when released just upgraded into one another. So it is completely possible the aoe dot might not stack with the single target dot. We won't know until its actually released Now, I personally like the 2 dot idea, and want it to stay, also, would love it if other healers *cough* scholar, to get another dot back.
@stabegabe 3 ай бұрын
No, they don't all have to be the same and healers should have advantage/disadvantage disparities like this, this just causes the homogenization problem that everyone is complaining about
@SunChaoJun 3 ай бұрын
That's just asking to homogenize all healers to have the same kits. There should be more distinction between the healers
@Shadowzero4 3 ай бұрын
I have all healers except AST at 90 and I don't feel comfortable being a healer (because I feel like I'll do a bad job) and based on your thoughts, I'd say that the healers should be (at least it makes sense to me) as follows: WHM = pure healer, SCH = debuff healer, AST = buff healer, SGE = shield healer. I'm certain that others who know more than me will think I'm dumb and I'm certain that you are right that I don't know what I'm talking about. Either way, I learned much from this video, I'm now subscribed.
@PyraiSage 3 ай бұрын
I’m a fan of your content and I’m glad you enjoy it so. I also appreciate the reminder that enjoying an expansion at your own pace and savoring it is most important. 💙🙌💯
@DonaldTurner 3 ай бұрын
good stuff, thank you sensei! ♥
@benmorrow1701 3 ай бұрын
They really could add something that improves “advanced” healer dps by 10% if used properly so not a huge loss for more casual players who are more comfy spamming one thing so they can concentrate more on heals, which should always be the priority. Something like a proc that allows a little ogcd spark move that’s just fun to look out for.
@lcarrier652 3 ай бұрын
hey we actually played together in a lvl 90 dungeon and i wanted to say i loved your healing ! Stay golden Cole, dont let other folks get you down
@iPlayOnSpica 3 ай бұрын
I don't think it'll be a bad idea to keep WHM's dps kit as simple as it currently is, and add complexity to the other healers instead... mostly SCH. If SGE can double dot, SCH should be able to, too (not, not just an ogcd with 120s cd, that is not dot management.)
@Nylnezz 3 ай бұрын
stop with the "classic" healer and make them support classes with buffs and more dps/support focus kinda like they did for pvp make the tanks more survivable BUT in return make enemies WAY more dangerous and mechanically engaging with different debuffs and mechanics ( they will never do this because 80% of the ff14 playerbase is allergic to learning, protecc my lvl 90 sprouts... ) but yeah solutions are there but SE doesnt want to try anything because its their golden goose and they dont want to loose it
@Shippuo23 3 ай бұрын
As an AST main from SB to ShBs I personally feel like this whole healer strike is nonsense, and people have FORGOTTEN why they enjoyed healing so much in the first place when once playing their role. I understand optimization is important to end game content like Ultimates but, I feel like most forget that a majority of the community doesnt opti or cares to and catering to such just lowers the barrier of entry / want in terms of playing the job as a healer. A lot of what I've personally been hearing is the SAME stuff each expansion without any real solutions to the problem that could warrant healing being fun when it comes to end game content. Personally speaking, I would like it if they had heal checks in the game that forced us into more GCD and spot healing as opposed to "more dps" buttons because frankly it doesnt alleviate the issue at all which is that your role as a healer is more or less a glorified DPS due to how fight designs are made in FFXIV. So its a welcome change that all the healers got more healing in their kit with the occasional "added" dps button tied to their 2min window buff. I may be a minority when it comes to this strike and though I've personally moved away from healing due to wanting to play different roles. I'll always still be a healer main at heart and wish for the job to be more engaging on the healer front as opposed to a DPS front. #GetRidOfGlorifiedDPSHealer #BringUsHealChecksAndHealingRotation
@peppermint7152 3 ай бұрын
My issue with new AST cards is that there's no RNG and also no diversity in decision-making; you can't mix and match cards freely like you can Aetherflow, Addersgall, or to a lesser degree, lilies. It's functionally not a job gauge anymore; it's just additional oGCDs. Between that and the BLM changes, I'm extremely leery going into DT. EW has definitely not been a great expansion for me. That being said, I wouldn't still be in this community if I didn't want the game to improve, and didn't want to have a good time again, so I'll give DT an earnest shot. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
@shawnscouten5184 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, just chop out 2 of the more bloat-y ogcds from each healer and add 2 new dps buttons. It’s an incredibly simple change, but I think it would make healing vastly more fun. Being able to use your dps kit more should be a reward for good healing, but as it stands the dps kit is so boring it starts to feel like a punishment in normal combat. And as much as I’d like healing checks to increase in normal content, they aren’t ever going to make normal content require more than one braincell to clear, so improving dps spells is the best option.
@rexcyjones9416 3 ай бұрын
My personal opinion: Why dont they just make more damage abilities with healing effect or maybe a damage spell that has a boosting effect for the next heal spell to use. Instead of spamming one button and refreshing a dot. I tried healing, but it does get boring eventually once you can read the entire mechanics and timing of the fight. Specially as a Sage.
@BaithNa 3 ай бұрын
I disagree, Sage is the most engaging of all of the healers imo because you can constantly drop shields, watch them pop and use them for DPS. Healing only gets boring if you only play healer and you're playing this game all day, every day. Play other roles/jobs and healing feels fine.
@shakeweller 3 ай бұрын
​@@BaithNaYou only get Toxicons from GCD shields breaking which you want to avoid outside of downtime mechanics or trios. So it is not like WHM where Lillys are DPS neutral now. Hardcasting shields is actually a dps loss, even though it is required in some instances and especially progression before a full mitigation plan is created.
@rexcyjones9416 3 ай бұрын
@BaithNa toxicon is pretty much useless other than moving for mechanics or if there's nothing else to press during big moving adjustments. Like even in p11S and p12S there's so much movement that toxicon isn't something you would press in that fight since raid been constantly barraged with damages.
@this_epic_name 3 ай бұрын
There are a zillion things they could do with both the kit and encounter design that would make healing more engaging, fun, and necessary to use GCDs on. But they don't do any of them.
@rexcyjones9416 3 ай бұрын
@this_epic_name sadly no. At least ultimate was a whole different experience than savage.
@eolendes6432 3 ай бұрын
"Healers should heal." What do you do once the healing is solved? What do you do when your party is out of danger? Do you spam your heal AoE gcd? Do you overheal? Do you spam cure to keep the tank 100% at all times? The player base needs to get through their goddamn skulls that this game has so much healing downtime (Which only gets bigger as you get better at your healing) that having 1 nuke and 1 dot to fill that space up is unacceptable. Is it functional? Yes. Is it simple? Yes. Is it boring and monotonous and repetitive? Goddamn yes.
@heylookitsnana 3 ай бұрын
Have emergency tactics apply a dot to art of war and ruin 2.
@ruthnovena40 3 ай бұрын
IF YOU dont' want to heal dont. does not mean others must follow .
@Sugar-bz5np 3 ай бұрын
Wouldnt the healer job become significantly more complex if it came down to cost and consequence. The way it would work > you get a heal and dps version. Should u use 1.. both go on cooldown, this means you have to choose what way to heal. The reason i liked sch was becausd it had this. I dont actually enjoy sage whatsoever so.. i am not sure if every job feeling like sage is a good idea.
@yeetusdeleetus4697 3 ай бұрын
Ngl Cole, I'm saying this not to be rude or mean but to be truthful. I don't believe you when you say the developers care and listen. Its been 6 years of being bold faced lied to and told time and time again things wont be balanced for a fingerless toddler, but they are. This company only cares about 2 things. Making Money, and doing it in the way that requires the least possible amount of work, time, and effort, and doing so in the laziest ways possible. I don't think a single dev on the team deserves their spot on this game's development team and I think Yoshi P has proven he is not fit as a game director at this point. The only people having fun in this game are people who openly and proudly declare that they hate RPGs, hate MMOs, hate the combat system, dont do raids, dont do ex trials, dont do criterion, they just take screenshots and look cute. This game is now IMVU they can just delete everything but the story at this point and 90% of the playerbase would cheer. The game is dead, will be laughing when it dies in a couple years because the Sylphies move on to the next IMVU second life simulator.
@ishirutaekakura308 3 ай бұрын
Healers suck, if you're not healing then your dpsing, by spamming 1 button, there's no interesting rotation and while I understand it didn't need one since it would be busy with healing, it's not at all busy healing anymore, but even still giving it more damage buttons would improve it a lot. But the main problem will still stand with the lack of having anything to heal anyway due to well mainly Warrior, the main culprit the job that people think isn't broken when it clearly is. It's so typical that people would treat this healer strike as nothing and continue to have terrible uninteresting jobs that are practically just clones with some slight differences. And it's expected the likes of Xeno to laugh at it thinking it's funny, he knows full well what he's doing and he couldn't give a flying F about the game or the state of it so long as his favourite job is better than every other job at everything and it seems we can't get nerfs for it because Warrior mains will just start complaining despite that they have nothing to complain about at all.
@sadmiqoxiv 3 ай бұрын
And once again, I'll repeat myself. Healers will never get more complex rotations or harder heal checks in any content because the average player, the people this game caters to, cannot even play the jobs as they currently are. If anything, it's going to become more braindead to cater towards the people that don't want to be playing an MMO.
@Zoeila 3 ай бұрын
Seraphism is lazy AF it's just a copy of neutral sect
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
No. You dont get access to both shields and regen. You get bigger shields or bigger heals. More like a diurnal sect copy.
@hazet13 3 ай бұрын
I still miss Nocturnal Astro... My darling
@gapeto0770 3 ай бұрын
They all need more HoTs, One instant cast heal that does crap for heals is not enough to do much of anything, or at least increase the time of it, by the time you get hots on everyone it is time to cast them again, In other words Yoshi P, Look at the Druid in wow and give healers some more healing spells, I love healing but there is not enough healing spells, Hell remove the damage spells from the healers and replace them with meaningful heals.
@MisteRRYouTuby 3 ай бұрын
Okay. See how long trials last when healers stop healing. It will be a miracle of Hydaelyn if you make it past phase 2.
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
I find it funny how people say healers are irrelevant, if thats the case then why are there so many deaths in my normal raids roulette?
@jequiti6057 3 ай бұрын
​​@@Naoto-kun1085 most deaths in raids are not due to lack of healing, but just poorly executed mechanics. Rarely healers can save some people from dying.
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
@@jequiti6057 I've seen healers fail heal checks many times in hard-core content, the damage output in Savage is quite intense
@jequiti6057 3 ай бұрын
@@Naoto-kun1085 but your comment clearly mentioned normal raid roulette.... I wasn't talking about savage because that's not what you said
@johnnycruzified661 3 ай бұрын
@@jequiti6057oh yeah? Try clearing end game contents without healers then let’s see how you do it.
@LukazDane 3 ай бұрын
I don't think anyone is making the argument that healers are "unplayable" in DT, but as a WHM main, I WOULD like to heal more outside of savage and ultimates. I don't think it's asking for the world to give healers a 1-2, or even a 1-2-3 combo at this point. But even outside of that, if raids just did more raidwide damage and less point blank "dodge or die" mechanics, that would satisfy most healers. I'm still gonna main WHM in dawntrail, bc i like playing to heal, but much like in every other expansion, sooner rather than later when people are going to PF for raids and trials, etc, it's going to be almost exclusively tank/dps parties or a single locked healer space(probably for sage) and i think THAT'S the problem for me. From "healer shortage" to "healer strike" something is clearly off for healer's
@roupine 3 ай бұрын
I, too, lament the loss of Nocturnal Sect
@25xxfrostxx 3 ай бұрын
Man. People now just don't know how good they have it. They would have never managed healing in a classic MMO. One tank can function without a healer in one type of content and people start reeing. Go on strike, I'll play healer in your place. If you think not showing up because you feel like people don't need you, that just makes no sense. The whole strike is stupid. Sage just got an AoE stackable dot and a 600 potency AoE nuke on a 60 second cooldown. Time for DPS to go on strike.
@Axel-kk7fr 3 ай бұрын
You’re right it is silly to be angry over a no healer dungeon run before the patch is out. It only makes sense then that maybe this has been building up over years of people having their favorite classes stripped of their identity and having fun tools taken away with no good replacements. This was just a “straw that broke the camels back” situation. I don’t even think a healer strike is the right way to go about it tbh but from what I saw in the forum posts they’ve been giving feedback on this stuff for years and been ignored so what can you do. /shrug
@joshuaburdette8362 3 ай бұрын
I think Its funny that when people talk about SCH getting better its always going back to what SCH was Pre-Stormblood. Personally I hate Dissipation and emergency tactics, you dismiss the very thing that makes your job unique to be a discount WHM for a while and adds very little to my gameplay - Id use Emergency tactics ALLOT if it was pure shields and not pure heals - I don't Play SCH to be A WHM. I love having a Fairy partner and It sucks to send them away for very little gain. What they need to do is bring back Selene (Pre -Stormblood not the Eos Skin) And Lean more into the Tactician lore and expand the fairies, giving them a greater role in combat IE as Selene was an Offensive Fairy have her be a limited summon like seraph but turn healing abilities into damage/Debuff abilities for a short time and Dissipation be the skill to bring back Eos (to end it early) essentially having Summon Selene Kick off the 2 min window with the summon action granting Haste as it did pre stormblood. But that would be too unique for a hidden Healer (Hidden as you have to Level a Certain Job to a certain point then Ignore the next Quest to go to an unrelated area to pick up the unlock quest that isn't listed in the "What to do next" and would only find it if you knew it was there or just decided to explore that corner of the world or pick up the other job that's over there while having fulfilled the requirements already)
@Shadowzero4 3 ай бұрын
I have Scholar at 90 though I prefer Summoner and don't usually play either. That being said, I like this idea.
@TheChibiTina 3 ай бұрын
The top 1% being able to clear without a healer being used as a metric for healers are useless is absolutely ridiculous. The average player is not gonna be clearing stuff without a healer. Do I wish healers had more agency, yes. But I know that healers are still necessary for most groups still. Edit: I want to add that I saw a post where a group went and cleared an EW dungeon min ilvl with only healers. Guess that means tanks and DPS need to also go on strike. Shield healers are encroaching on the need for tank's mitigation and DPS aren't needed. XD Seriously though, dungeons and most low end content aren't made to be difficult and can be done with practically any comp if you know what you're doing. As for the top debate that took a rdm and a pld using roughly several minutes worth of gcd healing and losing DPS just to have enough healing to accomplish while having to not make mistakes. Most people aren't gonna be doing that.
@stabegabe 3 ай бұрын
He is playing in a very capable group yes, but the bar in dungeons is so low that it doesn't really matter nor does it disprove that an average group isn't capable of doing the same thing. I am pretty certain an average group of players would be capable of clearing without a healer. The problem is simply that there isn't enough outgoing unavoidable damage for it to actually matter if a healer is there or not, that's the sole thing that actually demands healer inclusion above all else. All it takes to clear a dungeon without a healer is to solve the mechs somewhat properly, have a tank that knows how to press at least some of their mit buttons, and there will never be enough unavoidable damage on the group that would come even close to actually threatening a wipe, which I do think an average group is plenty capable of doing We can take it a step further and mention how ppl cleared TOP without any healers, which is just absolutely insane that something like that is even possible in the first place and should paint a clear picture of the problem
@vicevilano 3 ай бұрын
@@stabegabe you are overestimating the average player.
@JDSleeper 3 ай бұрын
Agree. Normal players in normal content always need healing, tank or DPS. Going by what the top 1% can do is crazy.
@stabegabe 3 ай бұрын
@@vicevilano I really am not, tanks can literally solo every dungeon boss in the game if they know how to press their short cd mit, it is extremely easy to do and you can find countless cases of ppl doing it with ease while still getting hit by mechanics and doing their rotations wrong. So if you have 4 ppl, it's even easier and faster lol
@this_epic_name 3 ай бұрын
The extreme argument that healers, generally speaking, don't need to heal is indeed over-the-top. But the less extreme argument that healing isn't what healers do with the vast majority of their GCDs is completely valid. The current design is green dps with oGCD afterthoughts used to pump out healing. The majority of time a healer spends in a fight -- be it a dungeon or a savage raid -- is spent doing damage, not healing. That's what I'm seeing most folks' gripes revolving around.
@Piper0185 3 ай бұрын
Honestly tho, sage being the only with a 2nd dps is fitting. They are the aggressive healer. Scholar, astro have so mich more to there kit then sage. They bring more utility etc. Sage should have more dps than the rest, it fits.
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, npc for first time (story) dungeons all the way ❤
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
With Seraphism they no longer have an excuse as to why they deleted nocturnal sect. It's basically diurnal sect for Scholar.
@vandalrabbit2338 3 ай бұрын
FFXIV players: "My damage is so low. I wish Yoshi-P would fix things so I can hit harder more easily and do better damage with my static *Dev team fixes the issue* FFXIV players:" This is homogenization and now my job is ruined. I wish Yoshi-P would fix things and make it harder to do damage"
@alien_marksman 3 ай бұрын
Bring back Cleric Stance, in it's ARR form for all healers.
@stormkeeper1741 3 ай бұрын
That's gone for good and good riddance.
@terminalarch6767 3 ай бұрын
Facts. but its not coming back
@Sugar-bz5np 3 ай бұрын
Noooo thankyou
@NotTheWheel 3 ай бұрын
Don't say such silly things Cleric Stance was really bad. Healers don't need an on/off switch to DPS. That's a really bad take to have - I don't know if you were around for Cleric Stance but if you were you should know better.
@stormkeeper1741 3 ай бұрын
@@NotTheWheel for real, that shit was terrible.
@Axel-kk7fr 3 ай бұрын
I understand not wanting to increase healing difficulty too much to allow more people to clear content, but a healers job becomes significantly less interesting once your group has “solved” the fight. It’s to the point I often jumped into learning parties just to make use of my healing kits full capabilities. If you won’t make fights harder, then give us something more interesting to fill the time with.
@desaranfenrir9295 3 ай бұрын
The healer strike is the one percent of the population that even understands it's an issue. Go ahead and strike. Still going to have to level them for raid. Still going to have to have healers to raid. If you dont, there are plenty more that will.
@gardriel8208 3 ай бұрын
Love to carry dungeons as healer
@DerioTheArtist 3 ай бұрын
Make all tanks self sustain equivalent to DRK and problem solved
@raevenent751 3 ай бұрын
So don't give them any?
@TheCommentaification 3 ай бұрын
As someone who mains warrior and likes to solo bosses, please understand from our perspective. We don't want to be squishy like our fellow tank dark knight. Bloodwhetting is literally my favorite skill in the entire game. Thank you.
@chappa7755 3 ай бұрын
Healing in ultimates is hard enough I think? Imagine if they make normal dungeons and weekly AR harder..normal dungeons equal to variant dungeon, and weekly AR equal to criterion dungeon. Who the fuck gonna play if it's like that?
@Skylar_Spirit 3 ай бұрын
I personally will not be healing in dawntrail unless the encounter design changes in casual content to make me. Will be rolling phys ranged or caster. I support the healer strike, hope you enjoy the expansion bro
@setakh 3 ай бұрын
I would play healer more if it were not so mind numbingly bland. In casual content you can mostly get away with using your oGCD heals and mitigations if you have one. Only exception if the tank doesn't use their own mitigation, in which case it becomes really frustrating. Its either a walk in the park or total armageddon xD I mained healing for a long time but this is the first time I got frequently asked by the tank not to heal just focus on dps. And lo and behold, they could survive without me. Normal roulette mind you, so not pro players or a premade. WAR and PLD players frequently ask healers not to bother with healing and they frankly don't really need it. DRK and GBR still do though, although DRK is the other end of the spectrum, it's so squishy, not all tank players know how to play it well. GRB... is a hit or miss, either squishy like hell or durable. However, whatever is the case, I'd love to see 1-2 more dps skills... there is just so much downtime especially if you have a co-healer, you don't need to heal all the time. And pressing that 1 DPS ability gets annoying real fast... Healers already have a ton of skills to top off the others, a bit too many actually. I occasionally find myself sitting on some abilities since I there is not enough dmg coming in to make me use them.
@-gasp-Ogbert 3 ай бұрын
They have no reason to bring back nocturnal AST. The reason it was there initially is that there was 1 pure healer, 1 barrier healer, and with AST - one that could do both. It was about balance. Now that there is balance within the number of healer roles themselves, it doesn’t make any sense to include nocturnal AST.
@TheFrantic5 3 ай бұрын
I like that idea, actually. "Don't ask for nocturnal sect back, ask for a new pure healer and nocturnal sect will follow."
@Zoeila 3 ай бұрын
You say they listen and care? Yet tell me how is it 10 plus years of existing sch still doesn't have a shield break interaction yet drk sage and whm do?????? The is they need a fucking healer class designer. Healers feel like they are designed by someone that doesn't play the role. Also sch getting miasma 2 would result in sch/sge being meta for DPS reasons
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
Whm is literally the only healer who can use gcd healing and not only break even but actually gain dmg, when they can throw blood lilly into raid buff window. Scholar only has 1 ogcd shielding tool. And you dont ever wanna use just that. You need minimum 1 mitigation, but preferably you stack it with gcd shield. What does gcd shield do pn sch? It costs dmg.
@ChilleUK 3 ай бұрын
just add Holy VI and we are done *we went 1>3 so makes sense 3>6
@Frankthetank302 3 ай бұрын
Healing is too predictable in fhis game period out side pvp
@1Mrstephen 3 ай бұрын
Playing healer we don’t even have to play as healer lol so what’s the difference?
@Cmaxon1521 3 ай бұрын
Completely removing AST's entire playstyle rather than reworking the rng on Lord and Lady is NOT healthy for this game.
@syenite 3 ай бұрын
👏 👏 👏 This this this
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
Why do we want a playstyle that isnt fun? Why do we want cards that all do the same thing? I am much more looking forward to new Astrologian, it will lend itself much better to decision making and planning, which will be much better for the health of the game
@Cmaxon1521 3 ай бұрын
@@Naoto-kun1085 What kind of decision making are you referring to? The healing and mitigation planning that every healer has always had to do? AST has been doing that alongside the other healers since ARR, I'm not sure why you think the card system has anything to do with that. EW AST asks you to make rapid decisions in response to the rng of pulling cards. The playstyle rewards you for having knowledge of all of the other job's individual burst windows to make those split second decisions during each two minute burst. Dawntrail cards, being deterministic, completely removes that. I know (right now) who I'll be playing cards on pull after pull for the whole expansion. These new cards are already in the game by the way. They're called Exaltation and Celestial Intersection.
@Cmaxon1521 3 ай бұрын
@@Naoto-kun1085 There were already three other healers that didn't ask you to manage a system in downtime. I can't understand why you think removing the only unique healer mechanic is a good thing for the game. It's called homogenization and I'm wondering why you're celebrating AST moving closer to WHM
@mareczek00713 3 ай бұрын
Ah, yes, Healer Strike, because it's not like Warrior isn't overpowered since forever. Like, come on, Rath on YT literally solos dungeons level synced with no echo buff and people only now woke up to realisation that it's OP... And on top of that people judge state of healers in Xeno which combined psychothic love and dedication for the job with OP power of said job, meanwhile I seen people unable to do half the wall to wall, let alone an entire one or using all mitigations at the same time.
@Zakharon 3 ай бұрын
Let me put it like this, if healers "strike"" in the new expac and ruin my expansion experience running content, I will be more mad at the healers than I ever would be at Square, you are not making yourself friends
@whiteboymgl 3 ай бұрын
Take away tank self healing will make healers will come back besides drk tanks have to much self sustain
@MelvaCross 3 ай бұрын
Going on strike now sends the wrong message. They gave us the tiniest bit of damage and promised to make fights more stressful. I wish they gave us one more full or half cast DoT with a shorter duration. Even the worst healer should be able to handle two DoTs. Or they make something more interesting. But there is no way around giving us more damage tools since healing changes too much with the skill level of the tank and the gear level.
@this_epic_name 3 ай бұрын
my head is about to explode. Healers getting multiple DoTs is going BACKWARDS. It's making them MORE like DPS, not more like HEALERS. So many people are complaining that the healers' DPS kit isn't very interesting. Then go play DPS! I'd prefer the HEALING kit of healers be made more interesting and more necessary to use (GCD-wise).
@TheFrantic5 3 ай бұрын
The comments section summed up in two comments.
@AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz 3 ай бұрын
it will always be amusing to see MMO designers bend everything backwards just to keep most of the game braindead.
@supersorrow6945 3 ай бұрын
still on this 🤷
@GarredHATES 3 ай бұрын
This healer strike is so stupid! It’s just ego yall strikers just wanna feel like the star raid show
@StreetSoundsSwirln 3 ай бұрын
Me, still not being able pay/play game: */shrug* 🗿
@BaithNa 3 ай бұрын
The people that even know about this drama are in the minority. The vast majority of FFXIV players will never even hear about this and they wouldn't care if they did hear about it. Also, the people complaining about healing are the elitist players that want to see everything become savage difficulty. Go outside, get a life please, this game is not that serious.
@BaithNa 3 ай бұрын
This is also an issue because people don't understand that when you play and beat the hardest content in a game, going back to easier content will feel hollow. Smart gamers know this and they stay away from the hardest content until they are ready to be done with a game. FFXIV players aren't gamers and they aren't smart so they end up wanting everything to cater to their needs instead of playing the game the gamer way.
@vandalrabbit2338 3 ай бұрын
They're just old heads. I bet you $100 that the changes they want to see is just to add more DOTs
@chelsthegameruiner8669 3 ай бұрын
​@@vandalrabbit2338Funnily enough, its DOT skills AND stuff they complained about as far back as Heavensward like Astrologian RNG. They want RNG back despite complaining about it back when I was still in middle school
@gaag3164 3 ай бұрын
i am a striker , i am not a savage player , healer jobs are un-fun in casual content , no man spamming your 1 single attack spell over over over 200+ per istance for 2 years is not fun , no amount of mental gymnastic can justify that , the occasion you need to use your healing spell are short and far in between. People want to have fun with the job they've played for years it's not rocket science.
@LightDefender1 3 ай бұрын
I dunno what dungeon queues they’re getting, but the ones I’ve been getting consists of under geared tanks and eager sprouts which in turn makes me heal more than I dps. It’s weird how they want to gate keep story dungeons and have that be where their main source of difficulty come from. If the suggestion was to have expert roulettes serve as their “extreme dungeons” and have an expert dungeon plus that’d be fine, but why the story dungeons? There’s like a clear middle ground but they want it all.
@shakeweller 3 ай бұрын
I really do not understand the whole healerstrike thing. Like cool you can do dungeons without a healer....big news. The TOP clear was also not a healer issue, but rather that the devs make the mistake of making none of the mechanics rolebased and 100% random. TOP is almost like a WoW raid, but without a boss mods. It's not the best designed fight in FF.
@TheOneGreat 3 ай бұрын
All roles are allowed to have fun. Healing isn't. It's that simple. Your enjoyment shouldn't hinge on other party members being bad or you playing the literal hardest fight in the entire game.
@gaag3164 3 ай бұрын
they're not complaining about dungeons only man , they're complaining that the healer jobs are just not fun cause even in extreme and savage what you do most of the fight is keep spamming your 1 dps button and your dot every 30 seconds with very few ogcd heals in between , it's litterally mindnumbing , the reason why dungeons are brought up is that they are the most basic form of content , dps and tank can have fun in dungeons but not healers cause they're so easy on damage received and healers have boring dps spells. If you go the the forum post it's all explained pretty clearly.
@closotezuka 3 ай бұрын
@@gaag3164you mean the forum post the guy who hasnt cleared an extreme trial made?
@TheOneGreat 3 ай бұрын
@@closotezuka What has that to do with dungeon healing being boring? The battle system is fundamentally flawed for healers.
@antarath517 3 ай бұрын
If you need mechanics that say "it is hard-coded that you will wipe without a healer," then healers need some other incentive to be played
@MisteRRYouTuby 3 ай бұрын
Wow. It’s *ALMOST* admitting healers doing damage instead of *HEALING THE PARTY* was a *MISTAKE* instead of these roles functioning as intended. What’s next, Tanks pulling a proper amount of enemies as opposed to grabbing every damn thing in sight?
@Clunkledunk 3 ай бұрын
Genuinely curious about what you think the proper amount of enemies is
@MisteRRYouTuby 3 ай бұрын
@@Clunkledunk Two to Three at a time. Not to the point you grab everything up to the progression blocking state. This allows for strategy and scenic appreciation.
@vrim819 3 ай бұрын
@@MisteRRYouTuby Strategy and scenic appreciation is great until that dungeon shows up in your roulette every day for the next 2.5 years. The Dead Ends is a beautiful dungeon, but there's no way in hell you're gonna get me to stop and smell the flowers in the last section when I've done it 600+ times now.
@The_Yukki 3 ай бұрын
@@MisteRRYouTuby strategy of 'don't stand in aoe' Please dungeon content is a joke for 90% of playerbase cause it's designed so even a drooling idiot can complete it. There will be no strategy in there.
@MisteRRYouTuby 3 ай бұрын
@@The_Yukki Yet all too often people fail to do even that; so yes, the community needs to mature and this strike is the best thing for it.
@TOAGamer1 3 ай бұрын
Is me hoping that Shadowflare comes back complete and utter hopium then?
@arcadema 3 ай бұрын
They will NEVER bring it back lol
@stormkeeper1741 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I'm sure that's just gone
@Brazenbrew 3 ай бұрын
The devs seem allergic to any form of ground target AoE.
@stormkeeper1741 3 ай бұрын
@@Brazenbrew pretty sure they got rid of them at least in part because targeting them for console players is an annoyance.
@tomcoleman8702 3 ай бұрын
Okay, I'm a bit different. I love the sound of the book closing on Broil 2, that I sometimes forget to reapply the dot because the broil sounds make me happy. Rip orange parses!
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
Sames, broil is so addictive i cant stop using it! I dont mind spamming it!
@Spookybluelights 3 ай бұрын
I'm also doing the MSQ in DT with Trusts but I'm still playing SCH. 😅
@ElPincheDruk 3 ай бұрын
I honestly dont think the majority of healers will even deign to press their new 2min combo or learn how handle a second dot. Dps dont do it and it's their job to end fights expediently This lack of faith makes me think that the 'healer strike' is superfluous, specially after how they complained in abyssos about healing the dot. The depth, complexity, and urgency for healers can be added, but the vast majority of players won't know what to do it and they will complain and have it rolled back or nerfed or simplified.
@bumble-b8162 3 ай бұрын
Y'all see what they did to SMN.... Trying to back the devs into a corner to get the changes you want is like making a wish on a monkeys paw. 😂😂😂😂😂
@chelsthegameruiner8669 3 ай бұрын
I've been saying this for days now. I've noticed that the healers want multiple things instead of agreeing on one thing. Some want harder dungeon mechanics so they can heal, that's fine. They want more damage buttons, its called DPS, go play that. Then there's the ones who want to remove self sustainable skills from classes like Warrior. That is where I disagree since I've ran into healers who end up shutting off their brains on the last boss of a dungeon which leads to multiple wipes because they suddenly forget how to dodge AOE markers or how to solve the mechanics. To me this is effectively players just throwing a tantrum which will lead to players despising healers if it affects queue times on Dawntrail's release. For a strike to work, people have to have an idea as to what they want, this says they have no idea what they want.
@SageTigerStar 3 ай бұрын
@@chelsthegameruiner8669 spot on. :D
@MichaelM2K23 3 ай бұрын
RIP SMN 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@SageTigerStar 3 ай бұрын
@rickmel09 went from one of the least played jobs to one of the most played jobs, but it's true that people liked its identity's just that there's a lot more people who like it's current identity :P
@TheFrantic5 3 ай бұрын
​@@SageTigerStar That's why I was jokingly hoping that back before Pictomancer was properly revealed that the new caster class would be a 1 for 1 copy of Stormblood Summoner. I wouldn't mind the old summoner coming back as a new different job, but I don't want new summoner changing, the job identity is perfect. It just needs some of its complexity earlier.
@aaronlefebre5060 3 ай бұрын
I'm super excited to continue playing Sage as my healer of choice!
@MrJammers 3 ай бұрын
I would just like a 123 combo on 1 button just different animations than just the same over and over
@asarsusyugar917 3 ай бұрын
I do casual and high end content but on a mid/soft core as a WAR and my static has a SGE and WHM in it. We joke a lot i'm the 3rd green since shake it off is basically the "Cooler" Medica 2 of WHM. So i truly understand the feeling they are just basically here to fill our HP's and can have a macro spammin 1 and it is a truly awful feeling i bet. But my dum WAR brain has an idea that sounds fun bit make so that the healers skills and such works as combos like dps and tanks which could amplify modify or combine effects ? Like its rough and simple said like that i know but imagine for example the WHM gets a rotation where he starts on Wind, then add water that goes either on an attack or a AOE that adds a regen etc etc. Basically maybe a full revamp where the healers basically are master LEGO builders "building" their heals with unique effects as the end/middle/start of the combo ? (REALLY MESSY BUNCH OF IDEAS I KNOW, but i mean i'm a WAR main, dont ask my braincells to work x'D)
@Itama22 3 ай бұрын
I wished Healer DPS wouldn't matter in group content. I'm playing healer, I want to heal. If I'd like to DPS I'd have chosen a DPS Job. I personally rather have no or minor DPS tools while in a group and instead the need to use Healing GCDs frequently. Idk, give a passive damage buff to the group for every healing job present in the group and reduce healers dps and increase their healing while being grouped up. Make this a toggle ability like tank stance. Something similar to that would do wonders and then let bosses hit harder, so warriors and paladins can't keep up with their healing anymore, but a healer can and Healing GCDs finally feel good to use.
@this_epic_name 3 ай бұрын
You're not alone. If DPS' healing abilities are singular (maybe two things, one personal, one minor AoE effect), why can't healer's DPS kits be singular and on a longer CD? MAKE HEALERS HEAL, I say.
@jhonjhon2 3 ай бұрын
My wish on how healers should play is for them to have a damage rotation similar to warriors/summoners. Which is the exact opposite of what you want. But guess what? None of us are getting what we want. Healers will still be stuck in this limbo between these two types of gameplay. That's why healers are finally banding together to make a strike. Despite our points of view on how healers should be played, this "in-between" that we're having is not making anyone happy.
@noctisheadshot9355 3 ай бұрын
a simple solution is simply have abilities like sage. You deal damage to heal the party as 1 or remove dps kits and give dots just dots management
@noobbonexd 3 ай бұрын
Just for saying that my inner tank main wants to protect your soul
@this_epic_name 3 ай бұрын
@@noctisheadshot9355 It doesn't even need to be dot management. It can be managing something else, like buffs and hots (if they'd make them continuously necessary). Imagine a buff rotation that looks something like a dps rotation that, when completed (maybe multiple times), buffs your own healing and/or makes one of the abilities we already have come available. The point is that the possibilities are basically limitless, but we're stuck being green dps b/c a lack of imagination, creativity, and/or willingness of the devs to take risks.
@DrSmirnoff 3 ай бұрын
I just want to preference that I don't care what direction the Devs take Healers, I just want them to pick a side. I'm not a healer so maybe I'm just missing something or I'm too old school Holy Trinity, but I don't get why Healers are wanting to DPS more. I get wanting to do more, but why more DPS? Why not more healing, cleansing, mitigation, etc? If the Devs want Healers to have more of a DPS roll that cool, come out say so and give them a proper DPS kit. If they want Healers to heal more, dandy, make fight mechanics that require them to heal more and DPS less. The Devs have put Healers in this weird limbo where they don't have to heal a ton/lots of strong OGCD skills they can weave so Healers fall back onto their DPS skills, but don't have enough DPS skills to keep them engaged, or that's what it's sounding like.
@shadowkras 3 ай бұрын
Warriors have SOLOED content since heavensward. People see a video of a well coordinated group of people who are consistently among the best raiders in the world, with a red mage as backup healer, and suddenly assume that everyone will pull that off. That said, Im already disapointed that the first dungeon doesnt have any doom mechanics.
@SubduedRadical 3 ай бұрын
Some of the criticism I think is fair. But my god, the arrogance of thinking to speak for the healer community, make ultimatums and demands, demand more DPS spells (enjoy SGE - it has Miasma 2 and EFFECTIVELY Shadow Flare as a 1 min oGCD), and insist that MSQ should be "hard" and every other role gutted of any healing/mitigation abilities is just ridiculous. I'm going to keep healing on WHM and SCH, drop SGE like a bad habit because I don't want DPS rotation/spells more than what we already have, and I'm going to have a blast. WHM gets another mit, SCH gets ultra-instinct-angel form, and I'll have SMN and PLD as my backups if I want/need to do another role. I don't want more damage abilities. Baneful Impaction is meh, but at least not onerous since it's just double tapping Chain Strat's button, and WHM's Glare IV is...meh, but it's a little movement, takes the place of the PoM button (the reason I mention those things is button bloat is real), and gives me a little free movement. I don't LIKE it, but I'm OKAY with it. Unlike SGE's DoT. I hate DoTs and I can only have one macro /ac DoT, wait.25, /echo DOT RUNS OUT IN 5 SECONDS!!! going at a time, and Eukrasia doesn't work well with that anyway. People that want damage, play a damage dealer. You REALLY want it on a healer, play SGE. I'll be over here with WHM and SCH and be enjoying life instead sans damage rotation buttons. Hell, if they ever got rid of the stupid pure/barrier split, you can have 3 of the healers. Just leave at least one to the rest of us that don't want to be budget DPS or DPS Jobs in general. I'll fill downtime with Glare just like I filled downtime on Resto Druid in WoW with with Wrath in Cata when they made it cost 0 Mana. I'm fine with that. ...though I do think WHM's barrier needs to be stand alone (stick it on Plenary), but I'm happy to have another mit on WHM, honestly. Give me one more so that the pure/barrier split doesn't exist anymore (AST already has a foot in the barrier subrole with Collective, Neutral, and the new Neutral follow-up mitigation thingy) and I'd be happy with just WHM. But since they're keeping that and making SGE the "damage rotation barrier healer", leave SCH alone as the one that DOESN'T do that.
@KitKatNisa 3 ай бұрын
Personally, I'd be okay with them tuning/creating fights to require LESS dps on a healers part, and more actual HEALING. Just as tanks don't need to do massive dps, because their job ISN'T DPS, healers should be focused on the HEALING aspect. I think the biggest reason people are tired of having one DPS button is because of how often you dps as a healer. Obviously if half a fight is spent spamming a single button, that's going to get boring, whether it's a damage button, a healing button, or anything else.
@LightbladeRiulo 3 ай бұрын
Meanwhile I’m looking at this thinking that Healer queues will be instant for me because these idiots aren’t gonna queue. So imma take both Warrior and Sage into Dawntrail. It’s free easy exp.
@DevilSeiji 3 ай бұрын
I am thinking about offering my alt up for immediate lvl roulette pop. That way a dps can get their daily exp and then ideally they switch to healer/ tank for my main, so I can lvl picto xD
@stormkeeper1741 3 ай бұрын
Yeah might run Paladin and White Mage now first. Get those easy queues.
@ARocketsPocket 3 ай бұрын
Removing Nocturnal-Astro nearly made me quit this game. Without the story I would have stopped playing because N-Astro was my fav job to play.
@infamousdestruc 3 ай бұрын
I was planning on maining sage for dt, the last few weeks the iq of randoms in df dropped by about 100 points and made me swear off healing. This strike is making consider going back to sage.
@Naoto-kun1085 3 ай бұрын
Same, I'll play healer in DT just to spite the strike 🤣
@johnnycruzified661 3 ай бұрын
Df.. dungeon finder? And you complain about casuals?
@infamousdestruc 3 ай бұрын
@@johnnycruzified661 when an entire raid team stands in every aoe and the healer drops dead 4x Ina single fight of the raid yeah screw them. The reaper stood in one spot on the bosses flank and took every aoe. People weren't going to the circles on cid
@jessea9744 3 ай бұрын
Poor DPS are the only ones who could possibly be hurt by this.
@kou7191 3 ай бұрын
My honest, kinda blunt take is that having ONE damaging spell (not counting ones with cooldown or healing integrated like Assize, Star or Phlegma) is just an objectively bad design no matter how people try to defend it. Even something as mundane as having 2 dots, or having a "Fire III proc" can make a huge difference in how it feels to play a healer, specially outside raids.
@lacroix2879 3 ай бұрын
@syenite 3 ай бұрын
Sorry, but as an AST player and main since HW, what they are giving us in DT are NOT cards. What they are giving us is a worse Aetherflow wearing a homemade costume that kind of looks like cards. They are basically Ogcds that just live somewhere that isn't the hotbar. Did I want the lord/lady rng fixed? Yeah. But not like this.
@Castersvarog 3 ай бұрын
And it’s just, so repetitive. Yeah here’s another 5 forms of mitigation or healing on one of the most bloated healing kits in the game. There was a hundred different better ways they could have done this.
@Axel-kk7fr 3 ай бұрын
Hard agree, this was not the route to take when we barely make use of the current mitigation tools we have
@nickbopp4819 3 ай бұрын
sch needs misama 2 back, whm needs a damage spender for lillies, sge needs to passively gain stings somehow and ast is yet to be seen but like 2 stacks of lord on 30 sec cd iregardless of draws would be nice to have
@won-hai-paue6463 3 ай бұрын
My adventure as WHITE MAGE starts in 2005 - with EU premiere (a moment after) of FINAL FANTASY XI . Till today i've play in FF - this time i'm WHM (main) in XIV. What i can say - WHM dont have enough spell debuffs ( poison,blindna , cursna, etc ) and we have esuna for ... everything . No PROTECT , no SHELL , no HASTE , no RERAISE .... i get it . XIV is different . But from the other side - what WHM can do today ? cure , cure , cure , raise , HOLY !!! ... U know what i mean . I remembr og times in XI when WHITE MAGE must be THE BEST of THE BEST on DYNAMIS , SAVAGE etc . Skills was important ... and now ? I rather play as MCH - easy and light job , instead of WHM today .
@cordrac 3 ай бұрын
I'll take anything give me the drk delirium treatment and give me a fake combo at this point. My back is gonna start hurting from Art of War spam.
@stormkeeper1741 3 ай бұрын
What I'm hearing is that I should main a healer in Dawntrail. Lol. 😅
@NeffyXIV 3 ай бұрын
I think the whole strike is just goofy on both sides low key
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