My Journey to a Minimalist Wardrobe: Simplicity in Style and Packing

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Simplicity Plus

Simplicity Plus

Күн бұрын

In a world of endless choices, I found peace in simplicity, especially with my wardrobe. For about five years, I've stuck to a minimalist style, wearing mostly black clothes. It all began with wanting an stress-free morning routine. Choosing an outfit became effortless with a consistent "uniform" of black attire, inspired by iconic figures like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg
Fit, comfort, and versatility guide my clothing choices. I make sure every piece fits well and feels comfortable. By sticking to solid colors and avoiding patterns, I can mix and match outfits effortlessly. Black became my signature color for its timeless appeal and ease of coordination.
This minimalist approach extends to packing for trips. I've mastered an efficient routine: neatly arranging clothes to minimize wrinkles and packing essentials like toiletries and chargers. Letting go of unnecessary possessions, including clothes, has simplified my life and made getting dressed a breeze.
Recently, I consulted a color analyst in Seoul and made a significant change to my wardrobe after discovering a suitable color palette for me. I'm excited to share the journey and its benefits. Join me as I embrace simplicity, one black outfit at a time, and find beauty in minimalism in today's cluttered world.
If you're seeking to streamline your wardrobe and simplify your life, I hope my journey inspires you. Thanks for watching, and subscribe for updates. I appreciate your support!
00:00 - Journey to a All-Black Wardrobe
01:45 - Current Minimalist Wardrobe
06:19 - Inside the Drawer Unit in My Small Closet
07:56 - Benefits of All-Black Wardrobe
08:14 - Packing Tips
10:30 - Updates: Seeing a Color Analyst
#minimalist #minimaliststyle #minimalistwardrobe #uniqlo #muji #packing #closetorganization #mensoutfit #allblacks @UNIQLOUSA

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@micajahsmom Ай бұрын
I have 6 pairs of jeans and 6 white tops plus just 2 pairs of shoes. I can't wear black because my cat is mostly white. Having so few clothes and no problem choosing what to wear makes it so simple to get ready each day. I love your puppy. So adorable.
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your minimalist wardrobe strategy! It sounds like you've found a perfect balance that works for you. And how clever to adapt your wardrobe to your cat's color! Simplifying our choices can indeed make getting ready much smoother. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing my puppy too 🐶🐾 Thanks again for your comment!
@sanneorskov 22 күн бұрын
I love when people like you find there own style of life and share with others for inspiration. I love that your video reflect your lifestyle by not sharing to much. Lovely dog, so sweet
@SimplicityPlus 21 күн бұрын
I truly appreciate your kind words! It means a lot to hear that my videos resonate with you. I strive to share my minimalist journey authentically. It's heartwarming to know that it inspires others. And yes, our pup is such a sweet heart. Thank you again for your comment!
@xMister.Misterx 23 күн бұрын
Unnecessary, but effective. I like the idea of a uniform too. But rather than sticking to one color only, i stick to neutral colors only. That way everything still goes with everything no matter which item i pick. My uniform, however, is the items rather than the colors: polo short, chino pants, neutral color sneakers (no white soles) or Black captoe oxfords depending on the occasion.
@SimplicityPlus 22 күн бұрын
That sounds like a smart approach! Having a uniform based on specific items rather than colors offers flexibility while maintaining a cohesive look. Neutral colors indeed provide versatility, ensuring that everything coordinates easily. It's all about finding what works best for your style and lifestyle. But why no white soles? Easy to get dirty??
@xMister.Misterx 21 күн бұрын
@@SimplicityPlus Agreed. It’s from years of trial and error that i came up with this uniform. First and foremost it’s comfortable, it can easily be dressed up or dressed down with footwear, and it fits into most dress codes so i won’t be turned away from various social gatherings requiring a collared shirt. And yes, white gets dirty very easily. Although i take care of my clothes I’m not willing to go THAT far and have to clean my sneakers as often as it would require. Plus, i just never liked what clothes in general. I have always preferred Black as my neutral since i was a child. And if not Black then grey.
@SimplicityPlus 20 күн бұрын
It sounds like you've found a great balance with your uniform! Comfort and versatility are definitely key when it comes to clothing choices, especially for various social gatherings. I completely understand the appeal of sticking to neutral colors like black or grey - they're timeless and easy to coordinate with. And white does require more maintenance. I do like white shoes tho! It's all about finding what works best for you and your lifestyle. Thanks for sharing your insights!
@xMister.Misterx 23 күн бұрын
I like the way you pack the carry on. I have narrowed it down to 10 clothing items for myself when packing mine. That way it’s not over the weight limits and I don’t waste time checking a bag when flying.
@SimplicityPlus 22 күн бұрын
Thank you for your comment! Packing light can definitely make traveling more convenient. It's impressive that you've narrowed it down to just 10 clothing items. Not only does it help avoid weight limits and save time, but it also makes everything more streamlined. Thanks for sharing your tip!
@xMister.Misterx 21 күн бұрын
@@SimplicityPlus You did it with 8. Also impressive! Ppl forget the power of washing your clothes. You don’t need a whole bunch of stuff to wear if you just wash your clothes more often. Don’t go as extreme as Jackie Chan tho. He only packs 2 underwear when traveling the world and everyday he does “wear one, wash one” 🤣
@SimplicityPlus 20 күн бұрын
Absolutely, washing your clothes can indeed make a big difference! When I travel, I usually try to find a hotel with a laundry facility or nearby coin laundries so I can pack fewer clothes and travel light. Jackie Chan's approach is definitely on the extreme side, but it's given me an idea - the "wear one, wash one" strategy while traveling. Finding the right balance between minimalism and practicality feels key. Thanks for sharing this anecdote!
@mrsgingernoisette Ай бұрын
I understand how choices are so time consuming.. I love minimalism, our house is pretty streamlined to the basics but I love some colours too.
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching and sharing your thoughts! It's great to hear that you appreciate minimalism and have streamlined your house with basics. I can relate! After simplifying my wardrobe to mostly black, I didn't anticipate adding colors back in. But after consulting a color analyst recently, I found a palette that suits me, and I've been gradually making changes to my all-black wardrobe. Stay tuned for updates in the near future. Thanks again for dropping by!
@gud9dum9 7 күн бұрын
Omg ! I appreciate the art of showing all different angles but face. Iean it takes so much of effort to fix camera or edit which keeps your face concealed . Great patience
@SimplicityPlus 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! I'm glad you appreciate the effort that goes into the videos. It does take some patience to get the angles right and edit, but I think it's worth it to focus on the content. Your kind words mean a lot and motivate me to keep creating. Thanks again for your support😃🙏
@_dewinther6480 24 күн бұрын
Thanks, great organisation, and btw, loved the art 💖💖💖
@SimplicityPlus 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for your kind words! Really appreciate it. And I'm glad you like the art as well. Hope you're having a great day wherever you are!
@gerwazy7734 Ай бұрын
love your content, i hope it will blow up soon
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
@gerwazy7734 Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I'm grateful for each and every person who enjoys my content. Stay tuned for more.
@caro.... Ай бұрын
Color is joy of life!!!
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Did you mean to say color isn't joy of life? Or color is the joy of life?
@caro.... Ай бұрын
@@SimplicityPlus is (das war Autokorrektur)
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thanks for clarifying! I'm glad you believe that color is the joy of life. Recently, I've been updating my all-black wardrobe and adding colors after seeing a color analyst in Seoul. I'll be sharing updates on my now color-added wardrobe in my future video. I appreciate your comment!
@caro.... Ай бұрын
@@SimplicityPlus Thank you for your answer. I look forward to your next video!
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
You're welcome. My video on my updated wardrobe with added colors will be released after the next one, which focuses on minimalist habits and tips to maintain an organized home. Stay tuned for both!!
@jasminealixandranorth 25 күн бұрын
Beautiful dog!! 💚
@SimplicityPlus 24 күн бұрын
Thank you!! 🐶🐾
@ohlulu8882 Ай бұрын
Good video
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thank you for tuning in! Glad you enjoyed it.
@ACarter-rg1wj Ай бұрын
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thanks for tuning in! Your comment is much appreciated ❤
@canadafree2087 Ай бұрын
If you want to dress more dressy but still want to avoid decision fatigue, go through your dress pants/shirts/shoes and put together outfits you enjoy; then take a quality photo of each one including the shoes in the photo. Now you can have an "album" where you can see yourself in several outfits and pick the right one for the occasion at a glance. 6 or 7 outfits/photos should be enough to get you through the week. Alternatively, you can get suit hangers even if you don't wear suits, and pair together the pants/shirt/tie all on one hanger. Maybe include a note as to which dress shoes to match it with. You should have a black and brown pair at minimum.
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion! While I appreciate the idea of creating a wardrobe for dressier occasions, my focus is primarily on fit, comfort, and versatility in my daily attire. Living in California, I tend to lean towards a more casual look, and I find that dressing up is not something I frequently need to do. Instead, I prioritize creating an easy, minimal style that suits my lifestyle. However, I'll keep your tips in mind for any future occasions that may call for a more formal look. Thanks again for sharing your ideas 😃✨
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Additionally, I recently posted a video about minimizing my shoe collection to just two pairs. I decided to part ways with all of my leather and dress shoes after realizing I rarely used them and they didn't align with my current lifestyle needs. I hope you check it out also. Thanks again for watching and for your support 🙏
@rosifyy07 Ай бұрын
Lovely, maybe throw in some whites and greys
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I do have one pair of white shoes that adds a bit of contrast to my all-black outfits. I'm excited to share in my upcoming video how seeing a color analyst has influenced my wardrobe. I'll be introducing some new colors, including white and others. Hope you check it out when it drops. Thanks again, and stay tuned for more updates!
@jasminealixandranorth 25 күн бұрын
I tried that and found I never wore them. Maybe once in a blue moon a white linen shirt in the summer. But white shows every little stain and ultimately complicates things. I too find black the ultimate lifesaver. You can't go wrong with black. Always looks chic and elegant. Doesen't show stains, goes with everything, and mean you don't need to own a lot of clothes :)
@SimplicityPlus 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I recently incorporated some colors into my all-black wardrobe. While I do have an off-white t-shirt now, I completely agree that I need to be more cautious when it comes to avoiding stains. I'm planning a follow-up video to showcase these new additions of colors, and I'm eager to hear your thoughts on it. It seems like you're also a minimalist. Even with the addition of colors, I'm maintaining my minimalist approach.
@Cassycat99 20 күн бұрын
Do you ever have trouble traveling with one bathing suit? I find myself needing multiple when traveling since you often can't do laundry while out of the house
@SimplicityPlus 20 күн бұрын
Hi there! I personally haven't had trouble with just one bathing suit while traveling. I find swimwear quite convenient as they're usually easy to wash and dry quickly. When I'm on the go, I just wash them in the hotel bathroom and hang them to dry; they're usually ready to wear again by the next day. Additionally, I often opt for hotels with laundry facilities, which allows me to pack less clothing overall and take care of laundry while I travel. It's all about finding what works best for your travel style!
@gingerwhale871 17 күн бұрын
Where’s that clothes ladder from?
@SimplicityPlus 17 күн бұрын
I got the ladder years ago from a store called Hem. I just checked their website, and it seems they don't carry it anymore. The product is called "Verso Shelf". I usually use it in the bathroom for drying towels, and I thought it was perfect to display my clothing items for this particular video.
@gingerwhale871 16 күн бұрын
@@SimplicityPlus thanks man!
@SimplicityPlus 16 күн бұрын
@@gingerwhale871 Ofc!
@gud9dum9 7 күн бұрын
Wow! Its so cool Black is not considered good for auspicious occassions in india. We buy so many clothes (esp sarees to impress people for festivals etc... i hate being a hoarder and want to be a minimalist esp in terms of clothes i possess. 80% of them i wear only for certain pccations. 20% are for daily wear.
@SimplicityPlus 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's interesting to learn about cultural differences regarding color and clothing. I can understand the pressure to buy new outfits for special occasions, especially when it comes to traditions and festivals. It sounds like you're on the right path towards minimalism by wanting to reduce your wardrobe. Focusing on versatile, high-quality pieces that you truly love can make a big difference. Transitioning from being a hoarder to a minimalist is a journey, and it's great that you're taking steps in that direction. Best of luck on your minimalist journey, especially with your clothing ✨
@marianfrances4959 Ай бұрын
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I appreciate your comment. 🙏😌✨
@SliceOfLife000 25 күн бұрын
Hi How do you cope with animal hair ?
@SimplicityPlus 24 күн бұрын
Hi there, thank you for your comment! Our dog is actually a poodle mix, and poodles are known to be a non-shedding breed. Surprisingly, I rarely notice any shedding with him. In fact, I sometimes feel like I shed more hair than he does! 😄
@SliceOfLife000 24 күн бұрын
@@SimplicityPlus 😁
@jasminealixandranorth 24 күн бұрын
There are non-shedding dogs. I had two Havanese. Never an issue with 'hair'. Its actually dogs with 'fur' that shed like crazy!
@SimplicityPlus 23 күн бұрын
@@jasminealixandranorth Havanese are so adorable. Lucky you have 2 of them!!
@OdinsSage 20 күн бұрын
I have 4 shedding cats and wear primarily black clothing. I wear that cat hair with absolute pride. People who get too finicky about that stuff don't know how to live. (Excusing people with allergies. I have a family member with cat allergies and I always try to wear something without cat hair when I visit their house.)
@Amanda-yd2ey Ай бұрын
Lol… this is me! All black style and a blond dog🫤 what breed is he?
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Haha, that's quite the coincidence! He is a poodle mix with Lhasa-apso. He's a wonderful companion, and his blonde fur definitely stands out against my all-black clothing. How about your dog? What breed is yours?
@Amanda-yd2ey Ай бұрын
Mostly American cocker spaniel…. Thank goodness he’s beautiful because the hair is infuriating lol
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
I'm not very knowledgeable about dog breeds, but I just looked up the American Cocker Spaniel, and they look absolutely adorable! I'm glad yours is beautiful too :)
@shmoolicious 25 күн бұрын
It'd be great to see your head
@SimplicityPlus 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for your feedback! While I haven't felt comfortable showing my face yet, I understand how seeing a head can provide a better sense of balance when looking at outfits from top to bottom. I appreciate your understanding and support!
@jasminealixandranorth 25 күн бұрын
Not loving the piece of art on your wall. Clashing colors and not soothing to the eyes. Just my personal opinion.
@SimplicityPlus 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! The artwork on my wall is by Frank Lloyd Wright, and I thrifted it 15 years ago. It's been a personal favorite of mine, but I've been considering switching things up lately. I'd love to hear your recommendations on what might complement the space better!
@jasminealixandranorth 24 күн бұрын
Of course I respect your choices to put on your wall want you like! :) I just find it 'busy' and a strange combination of colours. I keep white walls unadorned but we all have our own preferences! I know Frank Lloyd Wright (I know his houses well, and have been to several of them) was one of the worlds' most esteemed architects, but nowhere have I read that he painted pictures himself.... Learned something new. I just watched a KZbin video the other day on one of his homes in Arizona which is being lovingly restored by a Chinese Architect and his daughter, who also live in the house! I understand FLW did collect artwork|potterry from the far east :) @@SimplicityPlus
@SimplicityPlus 23 күн бұрын
Hey there! I really appreciate your attention to detail regarding the artwork behind my dining table! Your comment sparked my curiosity, prompting me to research the origins of the print for the first time. I discovered that it's a poster produced by Mani-G 'Raps & Co. in 1997. The design was adapted from Frank Lloyd Wright's rug design used in the David Wright Residence (1950). Interestingly, I studied interior design and always assumed it was based on Wright's stained glass work. Learning about its connection to a rug design adds a new dimension to its significance for me. When I thrifted it, I was drawn to the geometric shapes and retro colors, which I've always enjoyed. I understand you may think it's too "busy", but I might keep it longer now ;) I was thinking of getting it professionally mounted and framed though. Perhaps a white mat board would be better than the current beige / brown. Really appreciate your input. Thank you again for inspiring this journey of discovery!
@jasminealixandranorth 20 күн бұрын
Thank you for the backstory. Very interesting indeed. If you love it, keep it and enjoy it! I'm much older than you. Gone through many incarnations of art appreciation - and had all kinds of art on my walls over the years, I'm just at the point where I don't want much visual distractions I look out on mountains which is art in itself!. I do have one poster painting which I keep on the floor leaning against the wall - its a Japanese print by Hokusai of a boy sitting on a branch of a tree playing a bamboo flute and looking at Mount Fuji next to a river. I'm a big lover of Japanese Art in general. @@SimplicityPlus
@SimplicityPlus 20 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences! It's fascinating to hear about your journey through different phases of art appreciation. Your description of the Japanese print by Hokusai sounds absolutely beautiful-it's clear that you have a deep love for Japanese art. As someone who was born and raised in Japan, and whose hometown isn't too far Mt. Fuji, your anecdote resonates with me personally. Regarding having nothing on the wall, I completely understand your perspective on visual distractions. It's wonderful that you have the natural beauty of mountains as art in itself! I particularly appreciate your comments because I took down the poster for a change and tried it in a few shots I took for my newest video. You'll notice a bare wall in a few of the shots. I actually liked having nothing on the wall. I'm now considering finding another wall for the poster or perhaps experimenting with different matte colors, as I mentioned previously. Sometimes a change in presentation can breathe new life into cherished pieces of art. Thank you again for sharing your insights! 🙏😃✨
@mrsmith8224 Ай бұрын
When you call Mark Zuckerberg,I cannot take you seriously……
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
I appreciate your comment, and thank you for watching!
@margaretshao6147 Ай бұрын
Too boring. Even accessories are black
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I get how an all-black wardrobe might seem boring at first, but the benefits have been incredible. From saving time on outfit decisions to easy storage and packing, it's been a game-changer. However, I recently visited a color analyst in Korea and got some exciting updates for my wardrobe. Stay tuned for more in an upcoming video. Thanks again!
@kevo212 Ай бұрын
just keeping it simple, nice
@SimplicityPlus Ай бұрын
Thank you! Yes, by simplifying my wardrobe and creating a uniform look, choosing outfits has become much easier. Now, I can get out the door quickly, confident that I still look put together.
@jasminealixandranorth 25 күн бұрын
To each his own. I too have reduced my wardrobe to all black. I do wear colourful scarves - but otherwise everything I own is black. It has made my life incredibly easy and saved me from wasting time on choosing what to wear.
@SimplicityPlus 24 күн бұрын
Absolutely, to each their own! It's fascinating to hear about your minimalist approach to wardrobe. Black does offer a lot of simplicity and versatility, doesn't it? Incorporating colorful scarves sounds like a wonderful way to add a pop of color while keeping the main wardrobe streamlined. It's amazing how simplifying our choices can save so much time and mental energy!
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