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5 ай бұрын

#cardfightvanguard #divinez #ketersanctuary
In today's video, I'll be going over a deck which is quickly becoming a personal favorite of mine: Rezael! Being the poster child for Keter Sanctuary in the current Divinez era, Rezael is a formidable new strategy on the block which shows a lot of promise for growth in the future. So I'll be going over my current list (Down below in the description too wink wink) and thoughts on the initial iteration of Rezael. I hope you enjoy!
Rezael Fight Night: • FIGHT!! NIGHT | MIRACL...
Fated One of Miracles Decklist:
Ride Deck:
1 Fated One of Miracles, Rezael
1 Knight of Great Advance, Ascensior
1 Patrol of Gusts, Ventesta
1 Wings of Aspiration, Soel
1 Energy Generator
Main Deck:
3 Fated One of Miracles, Rezael
4 Divine Knight of Deeply-laid Strategems, Sajess
1 Gratias Gradale
4 Knight of Gentle Beauty, Nobia
3 Divine Sister, Biscotti
3 Knight of Piercing, Cadwalla
2 Magic of Alteration, Turnarr
4 Selgaon
4 Aerial Sage
2 Garugaon
3 Dragsaver, Esras
1 Elementaria Sanctitude
4 Blade Feather Dragon
4 Knight of Orderly Bow, Llyvarch
3 Bard of Heavenly Song, Alpacc
1 Spiritual King of Aquatics, Idosfaro
4 Palpitation Angel
End Screen Art + Music:
Claire Mellow Theme (Witch's Heart)
Divine Skill | Akina | Angel Feather | Encounter Card | Clan Collection | V-Premium | Premium | Standard | Overdress | V | Match | Deck Fight | TCG | Versus | Untap | DBT14 |

Пікірлер: 47
@elin111 5 ай бұрын
Malukh Melekh be watching proud from an alternate timeline hoping they weren't forgotten.
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Bro was deadass my favorite AF unit, I hope he's proud cuz the legacy kinda kicks ass rn
@elin111 5 ай бұрын
@@godsman00 Where's the Isabelle and Valkerion legacies to keep up with the theme then.
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
@@elin111 Maaaaaaan who knows, ig Isabelle is kinda covered by Granfia in aesthetics but the lottery playstyle might be a thing of the past. And Valkerion is potentially hopeless cuz imagine trying THAT in standard. They don't even have markers lol.
@elin111 5 ай бұрын
@@godsman00 Meanwhile Hanzo is crying in the corner because he sucked so bad they had to make a different boss monster to salvage the deck and Godhand is still waiting for a second wave of support lol.
@-Cetus- 5 ай бұрын
As an AF main I was already eager for this, but your deck list has me extremely excited
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Glad to hear it, I hope it serves you well!
@dred_dreamr 5 ай бұрын
I love the way they made Rezael’s Dskill, it rewards careful planning so well and leads to a great twist on the deck’s overall gameplan which is just so fun to work with. Definitely need to spend more time testing this deck, will probably yoink your list to do so because this seems super solid!
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Sounds good bro!
@Snowflake-hg1tn 5 ай бұрын
I cant flipin wait!
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
@scarlightemperor3410 5 ай бұрын
Ngl, ride line is the first thing I changed when I was building. Replace with Alden since ride deck since it's Thinning is much better imo. Same with Caibre with shuffling and calling during battle phase. Rezial is definitely more Gold Paladin then I first thought. Drop zone call just feels like extra resource.
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Ah interesting, yeah with those adjustments it definitely feels more GP. It's a fair way to play ngl, Caibre has such good temptation cuz of the BP call but I just felt he was a little resource intensive for me. Tranquila is definitely a cool pick, but there's one thing I don't like about her, which is if you miss a good G1 or lower off top 5. Sure you can call her instead... except ventesta already does that with a bigger body and goes net neutral in soul. Still those are both great ideas, makes the deck overall a bit more high octane which I can appreciate since it is that keter goodness at the end of the day.
@Queenofthesevenseas 5 ай бұрын
Good video very valid points and thoughts regarding the deck as a hole as well as the overall utility and potential of the deck and the cards included. Really reminds me of a combination of old school pale moon with all of the tool boxing as well as the adaptability that the angel feather deck brought to the game when you could manipulate the damage zone freely. In Rezael’s case he seems to be adding a bit of the granblue style of play to his playbook as well. You have given this pirate some food for thought in terms of the cards and overall gameplay for the deck😏 much appreciated Currently don’t have an English deck for vanguard. Have been looking for one for a while however have not really found anything I liked. The potential in Rezale is impressive to say the least❤ will definitely be looking into making him my main for standard ( at least for the English game) Subscription added
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the kind words! Rezael honestly surprised me; the raw amount of keter goodness was to be somewhat expected, but the Pale Moon/Granblue toolbox feel you mentioned- backed by the keter fundamentals- is a sight to behold. My hope is that future support focuses on expanding the deck's options rather than making it easier. Folks have been requesting things like Grade changes in drop or Normal units being treated as triggers, but imo this might take away the intriguing aspect of the deck and hedge it into something easy and one note which would be unfortunate. Personally, I desire another card that adds pressure as this is Rezael's weak point relatively speaking, and perhaps more importantly it gives a boon to players who pilot the deck more aggressively. We'll see where Bushi goes with it tho. Damn I'm rambling again, freaking love this deck. Anyway glad to hear you're giving it a shot in EN, definitely main material 😂. Hope it scratches the itch you've been wanting in a standard deck! P.S: Thanks for the sub my pirate friend!
@Queenofthesevenseas 5 ай бұрын
@@godsman00 you are very welcome your Chanel was a wonderful diamond in the rough in terms of quality and originality I appreciate that. The granblue/pale moon toolbox feel to Rezael was actually the first thing I picked up on as both of those decks were and still are my mains for the older format of the game. Their original complexity and flexibility was what drew this pirate to them like a cannonball is drawn to a boat hull😏 back to Rezeal if you add in the fundamentals that Keter offers their is a wonderful depth of possibilities and potential depending on future support ( ether general support or Rezael specific) his deck is decently good now, however it’s not perfect and can definitely use some better tools to use. I’m with you in regards to what type of support I’d like, something to expand the decks options while staying true to the original concept would be welcome honestly. As would a bit more complexity in terms of combos or styles of play for the deck. Making the deck easer to pilot would dishonor the original context of the intention the creator of the card had in mind in my opinion. The intriguing aspect the deck has is it’s complexity and it’s overall flexibility and potential to become something honestly top of the summit in the right hands and with the right support. At least one more good pressure card will help the deck a lot definitely 😤 even better if the card in question scales with the level of the player in terms of what potential it has. Yes the deck has self imposed barriers and limits however I feel that was intentionally done to force the Razeal player to really contemplate everything in their games. ( from the starting hand, what to discard , when to use and not use the divine skill, what deck their facing, what each decks main win strategy is and how the decks get to their win conditions as well as if their are viable ways to cripple that strategy , to stuff like their maintaining their damage properly and guarding ETC also keeping in mind the trigger count as well as the hand size of the person your playing against as well as yourself) And no your not rambling at all it’s a pleasure to find someone as overly enthusiastic and excited about something they are passionate about ❤️ ( in terms of Razeal we share that feeling as I have not been so impressed and interested in a deck for vanguard sense 2012 when I built my first angel feather deck) Do you feel it’s better to preorder the upcoming Keter nation set for divine Z ? Last I checked it was $215… or just buy singles when the set is out? Lastly what’s your thoughts on testing these cards in the Razeal deck? Or are their better options.. Please and thanks in advance Mine as your country’s foundation ( G 2 blitz’s order) Diffuser angel Downswing of Sword of Judgment ( G 3 normal order) Drilling angel Forefront Knight, Teithfallt Knight of Lucidity, Blethyn ( just looks to be an interesting card with potential)
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Totally agree with your breakdown! Hm that's an interesting one, I'd probably say buy singles since there's a lot of stuff outside that you can put into the deck, but honestly $215 is not a bad price so if you're willing to go a bit above it (for other stuff to include) the benefit is worth it imo. Ok so looking at these cards, I do like them in their niches a good bit. That said, a lot of them fall into the pit fall of only serving one purpose whereas a lot of cards I went over have multiple goals (Sajess build soul and attacks, Cadwalla filters cards and combos w/ the VG, Turnarr gives CC, Soul, and combos with VG, etc). So they are decent but they're holistic usefulness suffers imo. THAT SAID however, idk if you intended it, but if you ran these in combination with each other, you have a pretty cool control Rezael deck on you hands. See, these cards are mostly good at one thing, but what they do well is actually compliment each other in this context. Downward is a good field control which needs a G3 in soul, which Drilling and Diffuser provide. Blethyn adds to the Field control but needs to pitch a card which can be recurred, especially with Drilling angel. Teithfallt needs an order which downswing is. It's a pretty nice system. Heck, Gratias comboing with this is a boon. In fact, speaking of Gratias, the likelihood for persona makes me think Gloria storm would be a worthy mention since that's also a column wipe. If we really wanna go there, the Blasters could also do something here, though now CB is getting out of control lol. Tldr; none of these cards are really up to par standalone, but a control Rezael build would use a few of them., and probably to decent effect. And Rezael being tanky is nice for control... Hm this pirate might have given me a new deck idea hmmmm. Anyway there's my two cents, sorry I wasn't more decisive on the keter set inquiry but hopefully my ideas on those card suggestions were helpful lol.
@Queenofthesevenseas 5 ай бұрын
@@godsman00 Mm now this pirate is the one rambling … seems I’m as excited about Rezael’s potential as you are Yea I was actually wondering about the price for the nation set🤔 as their are definitely a number of good viable cards outside of the set that could be beneficial to Rezael ether currently or later down the line. On the flip side of the coin depending on what the market price is for these shiny lovely pieces of cardboard with nice artwork 😅 $215 for a nation set may very well pale in comparison to the price of just a few cards, especially when I’m reminded of the fact that Rezael is the main ACE of the new protagonist in the new anime series for vanguard 🙃 looking at it that way and comparing the past values for any protagonist deck… that 215 is not looking so bad regardless if you’d be adding on to it with more cards. ( granted taking that into consideration you would likely be looking at $300 ish when all is said and done if not more) and I’ll admit that’s a fairly steep price to consider as we are just in the start of the new era of the game. (( still as it would more then likely be my main and only English deck! It’s worth considering as all I’d have to do is just update in when applicable)) not everyone who is interested in Rezael will build it the same way I’m inclined to. I have a tendency to prefer control styles of gameplay, I intend to mention that when I gave you the cards I was considering in tandem with Rezael’s unique and much needed support, however I forgot. I’m in complete agreement with you that individually the cards only really have niches of individual singular utility as alone they only serve one purpose and are not multifaceted like some of Rezael’s cards. However going back to what I said earlier about the Rezael player needing to think and play outside the proverbial box… it’s more in terms of what the cards can do when utilizing them together that really has potential ( as you seem to have realized yourself from re-reading your comment) As you seem to have grasped the idea I was trying for without my mentioning much🥰 I’ll add a different layer for you theirs a lot of cards that can’t be targeted with effects in the game correct? Blethyn can get around that if I’m understanding the rules correctly?? Because yes he has to target something on the field, however he also dose not retire and targets the drop as well ( and last I checked none targeting effects Don’t work in the drop zone and in the rules for the game you still do as much as you can so I believe even if the card on the field cat be touched you can still hit the cards in the drop ) same holds true for the order downwards sword only in a different way, it targets sure however it’s the hole column and it only really targets a single card! The other card is bottom decked as a result of the condition of the effect so that gets around any can’t be targeted effectives if I’m reading things correctly. They both also play a role in the area I was talking about needing to know what the win condition of the deck you are against is. As well as if their is a viable way to counter or cripple it….. Drilling and diffuser angel help that strategically as the deck needs some Soul and you can recycle some useful stuff between the 2 cards. Teithfallt may not be as useful as I was initially thinking 🤔 however she still has her use in digging through your deck for viable targets ( like Nobia for example as you want her ASAP) her only problem being you need to have played an order the turn you use her skill. ( and considering Rezael wants stuff in the drop the more filtering you can do the better) also as Teithfallt can fetch you anything from the top 5 cards so long as it’s grade is the same as your vanguard, you can get that grade 3 unit you were talking about in your deck profile. Going further down the control chain you can also use cards like the grade 1 Asepsis Angel because her skill dose not even require you to hit anything! Just that she herself attacks a vanguard . ( granted she bottom decks both herself as well as any one card your opponent has in her column ) however she is definitely an option for that style of play. The blitz order Mine As Your Country's Foundation sounded good in theory however considering it’s limited to how many heal triggers you have in drop it may not be worth it after all?? However it definitely would be positively hilarious to use when you had 3-4 heals in the drop to guard a big attack 🙃 Your thoughts on Gratias Gradale and the fade 2 gloria storm dragon are actually pretty cool thanks for the suggestion . The blasters are a nice touch however the deck can are ready run into counter blast issues as it is unfortunately so maybe not. And I’m not sure we have more then 2 options for a counter charger ….. A control centered Rezael deck sounds very intriguing to me so I’m going to build the deck in that direction, however it may actually be better to stick to your deck idea🤔 only time and testing will tell. I do really like your idea of including Divine Knight of Deeply-laid Strategems, Sajess in the deck a lot however… good eye . ( I’m just wishing Keter had a viable way to filter out our persona ride …. Sigh.. Boy I went long my apologies and thank you for all the info input advice help and conversation.
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Oh don't worry, I like the conversation after all 😂. Anyway yeah I'm with ya, control Rezael is worth a try, might even try recording a fight, who knows. If I do, then I have you to thank for the idea lol.
@xccelnext 5 ай бұрын
Can't wait for the eventual supports like minus grades in the drop zone or stacking deck on opponent's turn to help with the divine skill.
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Man the Grade but in particular would be hella nice cuz getting limited for denying early damage is sadgers lol
@reversal3628 5 ай бұрын
Imo, Rezael's divine skill still the best (for now). While Kris and Varga are worth at kill zone or if you sacked triggers, CEO that looks like a set up for next turn (satellite cannon). You can use it early to recycle cri you drew and guarded or late game as a finisher after you dug many non trigger cards through generic Keter cards plus an extra RNG insurance.
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
That's a fair assessment, the sheer flexibility of use is astounding, this divine skill is always at least decent. I do think Varga Dragres has a really solid one, but the CB constraints keep Dragres from reliably maximizing the burst potential. Krys definitely feels like the least impressive one so far but a strong RC finisher can fix that. Welstra's is just convenient, it abides by the Blitz method and just expedites the process which is kind essential ngl but still not terribly flashy and more just foundational to the deck's functionality. Might do a comparison video once we learn all 6, it's a fascinating topic imo.
@0_0oweee4 5 ай бұрын
how tried teithfall based list where u used the youthberk order / the draw 2 call 2 ?
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
It's an interesting idea but the deck digs so much and every CB already performs a +1 except Sajess so it's not terribly impactful imo, plus it conflicts with Gratias Gradale
@generationx4978 5 ай бұрын
So what happens if you dmg check OT on 6th? OT removes itself and you get heal? Basically you are on 4 dmg then?
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Yuppers it's super POG
@duellegend71 5 ай бұрын
No calibre? I’m opting for spiral cutie over biscotti myself but so far I’m really liking this build ! I am stoked to picked up my cadwalla while they’re cheap lol
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Ah that's super fair, only real reason I opted Biscotti over Spiral cutie was because the EB was an easier cost but they both help in similar ways. Yeah initially I did Cairbre but I quickly realized that he was kinda costly in resources and ultimately the multiattack was cool but too greedy for my playstyle. Still he's really good for aggressive versions of the deck. Aw awesome, you bet Cadwalla going up with how damn good it is in the deck, nice going bro!
@Le_Kaang 5 ай бұрын
I can’t seem to find any Sajess in stock so at that point can I just run Gigantic masher?
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Yeah it's your best alternative for G3 beater
@lucyan1142 5 ай бұрын
You could replace gargaon with the cat The cat is still really good just for the shield alone
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Definitely go back and forth on it, Cat has a lot of benefits but in testing I ran into situations where its cost was too detrimental, so I opted for Gargaon who's just free and simple. Still, definitely something I've thought about and will likely return to down the line.
@colinmccurdy305 5 ай бұрын
We gonna see a varga deck as well so we can keep the divine z train rolling?
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Lemme hit up David on that, he's our Dragres main
@geraldushimawan8269 5 ай бұрын
The deck that is the epitome "my death is highly exagerrated"
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Both for the VG and the RGs lol
@geraldushimawan8269 5 ай бұрын
@@godsman00 Rezael is the embodiment of Chadwick boseman T'challa "VARGA DRAGEAS!!!!, I NEVER YIELDED!!! AND AS YOU CAN SEE IM AM NOT DEAD!!!"
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
@@geraldushimawan8269 "Dragres, I've come to bargain"
@geraldushimawan8269 5 ай бұрын
@@godsman00 or Tony stark "go to sleep 100X" in hulk buster
@ryushimahara290 5 ай бұрын
Any replacement for sajess? Dude is $200 a playset😭😭😭
@godsman00 2 ай бұрын
Play Masher
@Oasis-xg8sg 5 ай бұрын
Rezael looks cool, but I still don't like rezael divine skill. Sure, rezael returns all criticals which you might run 8 or 7. But you'll still have normal units in the deck so you still got a chance to not 6th damage check a trigger that can work as a heal.
@godsman00 5 ай бұрын
Yeah it's a gamble, though filtering can help A LOT with this. Ngl I find it to be exciting lol, but then again I'm just a sucker for Rezael at this point LMAO.
@hansdizon5166 5 ай бұрын
I did not know cadwalla was a girl
@camey22 5 ай бұрын
hes not he bassed on caedwalla of essex who was the king of wessex
@hansdizon5166 5 ай бұрын
@camey22 ahh I see, it could be a fate type scenario tho? But that makes more sense
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