My Thoughts on Preach and MadSeason quitting WoW

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@jeffreyarnold2626 2 жыл бұрын
I do see your point, however the comments by Mad, Mike, and Zack are accurate. strangely I'm mostly in complete agreement with Zack, which is unusual. to me the issue is that blizz has created a world experience that both accelerates your lvlg to the potential 1% endgame competition, which is where that pay to win becomes possible at the expense of immersive world experiences that give a game flavor. the base is salty as hell over this, and aren't blind. when a dev can't accept criticism, and blames the base for bad content, or none at all, it shows where the actual prob. is. they're blind, tone deaf, greedy, and arrogant.
@peternewsome 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure I can agree with a few of the divergences you stated. As for demanding players, Most of these vocal people are paying almost 200$ per year. If their purchased product fails to deliver as advertised or completely falls flat of expectations, they are still fully invested. They are now throwing good money after bad ie sunk cost fallacy. So instead of packing their shit and walking away they vocalize their disdain. And some more virulently than others. None of this matters to me, but seeing major creators walk away spells bad news. They are going elsewhere with their army of followers. If Asmon packs his shit wow will die unless something drastic changes
@Steelersince89 2 жыл бұрын
Small point here: Asmon's following don't play the game. Him leaving would have very little impact on the game's future. Preach was/is a far more impactful blow to the future of active player count.
@asmrawr1444 2 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with shadowlands being better then bfa .... bfs is cleary better then shadowlands .. SL is down with wod
@hart1090 2 жыл бұрын
It sucks to see the "big names" move on because the game has just sucked lately. Also, I tend to agree with Asmon when he says the Devs don't play the game. They may not be lazy, but they definitely seem to be completely ignorant on how the game is played and how it works when designing a lot of these useless and stupid systems.
@thesagaofblitz 2 жыл бұрын
Then they release an update that makes all of your previous work pointless. Then they Nerf everything to the ground because of that update. Then the following patch they had something new that removes everything you just went through. Just because the game has good animations and is responsive doesn't mean it's a good game. The overall General status of World of Warcraft is trash and it is blatantly obvious that it devs do not play the game. After all this information has come to light where would they have time to play the game in between being sexually assaulted? Why would they want to play a game that reminds them of work when they're at home? So yes this lawsuit is essentially a confirmation of the fact of the developers do not play the game and rightfully so. As of right now there is nothing good to say about the game there are no positive aspects of the game other than hey it's another year of the game is responsive when I click abilities. How many years can you ride out a game by saying that the buttons are responsive. World of Warcraft has been trash for years and years they do not know how to tell proper story and make you by tons and tons of out of game things just to have a base comprehensive story and they don't know how to set up a villain.
@dorotheusrex5564 2 жыл бұрын
Developers do not get to decide their priorities. Their management does, producers, directors. Developers are getting backlash over things that they do not have influence on. Therefore there is issue higher up, with the main decision makers of their product.
@mebrandonb 2 жыл бұрын
The game isn't going to change. The game is exactly how they want it to be. They are obviously banking on driving profits by tailoring the game more towards a mobile game structure, so while there are a lot of players coming in that are totally fine with the game as it is, it's at the cost of the "og gamers" who prefer an mmorpg-style game. I myself left, and actually uninstalled for the first time in 8 years since I first installed the game. They just lost me and I don't see it getting better while the current powers that be remain in place.
@Dasmesee 2 жыл бұрын
WOW took 15 years of my life and I'm kind of glad this happened cuz now it's making me realize to give other games a chance and move on. There's so much games I missed out on because I was close-minded and hated change. WOW it's not even close to the real game that I started with and I think I realized that after Lich King. Be realistic I don't see all the major content creators coming back they pretty much feel the same way to explore other things which is very good. Just not having fun with the game at all anymore.
@holdenphillips1963 2 жыл бұрын
I was a sub and this video made me a real fan. Love your take and your authenticity. I don’t usually make KZbin comments but, because you are a creator, I thought you should know 💙
@teamspeak9374 2 жыл бұрын
You can't be justifying almost 40% nerfs or buffs with the activion-blizzard argument. The dev team doens't play their own game, anyone that tested PTR for 5 minutes knew that unholy set bonuses were way stronger than the other two, yet the game goes live with unholy still being broken and frost set receiving an almost 40% buff. Same thing for corruptions. It's a joke dude, they obviously don't put any effort in the systems they develop. Most legendaries are still trash , there's only 1/2 viable covenants per spec and there's like 2 actually viable conduits for most specs. They consistently release completely broken systems with no effort put into them gated behind braindead chores and then dump them in the next patch or expansion. Total lack of respect for their players We're almost a year into the expansion and you still can't freely switch covenants, they don't make any effort to balance them, and conduit energy is STILL in the game. I could go on and on about the issues the game has but I think you really need to think objectively to how much you actually pay for the game and the quality content that much money should expect. I honestly think that if SL was the first time wow released as a game, with the game exactly as it is now it would die off instantly and people would think that 15$ a month is a bad joke, it's mostly running on nostalgia fumes and sunken cost and people are done.
@bilber18 2 жыл бұрын
Hardly a surprise, Preach hasn't been happy since BFA and Shadowlands was just a final nail to the coffin
@Jedda678 2 жыл бұрын
I think Preach clarified that SL was already something he disliked (mostly the systems and borrowed powers we constantly have been using for 3 expansions now) only for the Sexual Harassment and Gender Inequality scandal to come out (I mean claims were made beforehand but it took a state actually filing a lawsuit against the company for the allegations to have more weight. Even when a woman killed herself over the sexual harassment she faced.) which showed that Blizzard is not a company that he can support any longer. The lawsuit was the straw that broke the Camel's back in this case.
@bilber18 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jedda678 He mentioned he'll be back if there are enough changes to convinced him to go back playing wow. But It's gonna take a while considering all the stuff you've mentioned.
@lunathrael2807 2 жыл бұрын
Investing such a massive amount of time mixed with the insecurity of where the game is headed can make many of us mad. You probably saw the dev interviews & the disconnect with the player base. Many games are plagued by sketchy business practices, and watching the game slowly heading that way gives us quite a lot of reason to be unhappy. Many of the people are just fed up with it. I also think that time is worth more than money. Buying gear, etc. does not level the playing field.
@xxgamerxx6074 2 жыл бұрын
I think your so correct with you point about people like preach burning out, you have people who have been playing this game hardcore for 15 years they just need to realize they need to take a break. I think WoW is super enjoyable if you not binging on it 8 hours a day or streaming it 5 hours a day every day
@Duckowski 2 жыл бұрын
If I could like this twice I would. Brave content and good thoughts about it. Thank you.
@DankBeard19 2 жыл бұрын
Connected zones again would be good
@BusJustice 2 жыл бұрын
If someone is getting gold boosted through Raids, M+ or PVP, and you invite them to your group based on their "progress", they ruin your group because they can't perform on the level you have screened for. I don't know why we're all pretending this doesn't happen. Do we even play the game?
@BusJustice 2 жыл бұрын
@@jordondax If you progress through the game relying on ppl to do their job, it affects you, like I already said. I'm good at the game and screen ppl; you support pay2win. We're very different, let's leave it at that.
@Steelersince89 2 жыл бұрын
I think we've gone beyond the excuse of a toxic player base at this point. Your point about the community is true in that they are very regularly hyperbolic about the state of the game. However, shadowlands has been rough so far. Not from a content standpoint, I actually think the content has been decent. I'm more focused on the back-to-back delays on releases as well as unrefined systems being released even after delays. This would suck less if it weren't for what players went through in BFA with Azerite gear and corruption. On a personal note, I'm still very salty about the fact that we're still stuck with only 8 dungeons to run in M+. I've never had this few options for the content I enjoy the most and It's looking like I'll be running the same 8 dungeons for the next 6 months. At least bfa had 10 on release. It just seems like blizzard isn't working as hard on giving players something new to do that's actually repeatable while still enjoyable; i.e. raids, dungeons, world events.
@Veteran6 2 жыл бұрын
End of an area man. Been playing since 07, and things are just going down
@arthas_stormr8ge877 2 жыл бұрын
We aren’t paying 15$ a month to watch a single tv show, or to read a single book! That’s the big difference, not to mention the people paying for 2 accounts. The WoW token has made WoW p2w just like BDO. That’s what creates the hatred towards the game, I love the game, well more of a hate relationship now, but Blizzard doing stuff that makes no sense xpac after xpac literally does not change my feelings in a positive way.
@ardwick8096 2 жыл бұрын
I JUST made the same comment: Legion, Legion 2, Legion 3......except the iterations kept introducing pretty much the same problems that Legion introduced and that there are more systems in Legion 3 which just compounds all the problems.
@ori3130 2 жыл бұрын
Very true :)
@TheBenzooh 2 жыл бұрын
We are paying customers dude.
@mlp_firewind8129 2 жыл бұрын
Now I am not a wow player, not really, I am just here watching the car crash. That being said I can empathize with the conundrum the dev team is in. Because it’s clear this format for expansions has grown stale. But how do you fix it? I mean sure the obvious answer is make something different but that’s far easier said then done. Because how different are we talking here really? Because turning wow into an idle game is different but clearly no one wants that. It’s the problem of finding the right balance. Balancing keeping the game familiar enough that they don’t alienate their loyal fan base any further, while trying to keep things novel enough to not seem boring. The issue then becomes there is no one answer that will please everyone. So even if they do something that will make the game “objectively better” it will still end up feeling like trying to find the least bad option rather than finding the best.
@_ViIe_ 2 жыл бұрын
The grass is always greener, and sometimes that fence is all too comfy. That is to say, you can easily end up undecided on a position if you can't properly weigh the reality of the world, and are lost in the sea of clouds and their silver linings.
@violetbliss4399 2 жыл бұрын
My concern with Blizz is that they have been behind ever since WoD. Legion is the one example where they had more time, and yet it was basically opportunity from cutting WoD development short, and the tail end of Legion really cannibalized early BfA development to get Argus out. Overall it was a good expansion albeit with systems we can today see are a bit problematic here and there, but really other than Legion they have just been scrambling to catch up, throwing random systems all over the place trying to recapture Legion. I think it is much more fair to call BfA and SLands "Legion 0.5" with two different paintjobs. I agree they really need an extra year to actually make a proper expansion for the first time since MoP (Legion asterix above) but will they really allow that to happen, since it will impact shareholders? I think maybe if they see they will bleed money anyway. I also have to add about the hate thing, I agree games will have its share of usual haters which scales with the renown and popularity but, I also think that the game has given others very few real reasons to feel satisfied the past few years. Combine that with how the game is setup to FoMO you to keep you invested like any good online game (from the marketing standpoint) and it's a natural breeding ground both for the former and the latter type, all at the same time. I'm gonna end this with my own feeling, which is when I am playing the game, I feel like there is just something missing. Like the parts are so fragmented, the fabric so threadbare that it just cannot capture me right now. I am reasonably sure it's not burnout, although I will say I am the type of player that has left the honeymoon period of WoW by playing other MMOs as well, so that's going to make me a bit more critical (happens a lot right now I think, part of the current climate for sure) but I genuinely don't feel burned out. I just feel like it has become so threadbare, which I attribute much to the fact they just don't have enough time to design expansions anymore. Whether that is due to problems in-house or just an actual lack of time I cannot say, I just know that it's what I see. Anyway sorry for the whole novel there, but i guess it's a resonating topic.
@supremabraham 2 жыл бұрын
You said that you disagree with asmongold Saying the devs are lazy yet 3 min later you said bfa felt like legion 2.0 and shadowlands legion 3.0. Pretty sure that’s lazy my friend when you keep rehashing the same formula for 3 expansions
@ArmageddonEvil 2 жыл бұрын
It would have to shake up the entirety of Blizzard, and if that occurs, WoW won't be worked on ever again. There will be mobile versions of it though.
@phianthony91 2 жыл бұрын
Completely agree with your boosting take. I love making it more convenient for someone like you that will play tbc for a couple weeks and the hundreds if not thousands of bots to enter the game. Makes gold prices super cheap for me so I can keep up with the insane inflation of the game. Kap
@Saadcore1996 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing ur thoughts! Not gonna lie its realy refreshing to see somebody not completely bashing the shit out of blizzard and wow. Realy loved the bit about just acknowledging when something is not for you and moving on instead of getting bitter about it. Sadly a lot of people seem to enjoy all that rage and drama :( As a sidenote: The whole token-stuff Madseason was talking about is pretty much only refering to classic wow. When the character boosts got announced it rly felt like the spirit of the classic community broke. Now its just a matter of time until we will have pretty much the same store like retail and to many classic fans thats an absolute dealbreaker. Even as somebody who doesnt realy mind microtransactions I still heavily felt the impact. Its like that time when ur parents told u santa isnt real...u saw it coming from a mile away...but still...there always was atleast a shred of hope. Love ur content, love ur positivity, never change
@AdrasAdraki 2 жыл бұрын
I didnt really like the systems of sl when they introduced them in alpha or beta, still dont and it feels like a slap in the face when ion says we want your feedback about this stuff. Players going after devs and being toxic is bad but the majority of the fault lies with acti blizz and the ppl that come up with these game systems.
@gstuncgs 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is on pvp and pve after some level there is a bench system on the guilds. We have a dude litteraly bought pvp boost at the starting of our mythic raid progression and he is sooo overgeared compared to us he litteraly play with %30-40 and doubles to other boomkins dps which play with %80-90. And in the nature of the game you have a few spots for few classes IF you want mythic raid. So p2w hurt that point and on rated arenas and battlegrounds get hit by it too with that versa system. you CAN NOT find any people to play ranked arenas if you are below certain point of versa and you get 1 shotted all the time. You litteraly cant farm the gold for your high item level legandary piece if you are not selling boost or buying wow tokens. Game is not completly p2w yes but its too much p2skip right now. And if you are a hard core player in pve or pvp you fell more of a p2w shit as i explain above. I quited like 3-4 months ago btw
@dhamp_ 2 жыл бұрын
They've got a really, really tough choice ahead of them. Delaying the expansion and abandoning what they already have to make something new is *probably* the best bet, but won't be popular, and will cost them a lot. It does, however, send a clear message of intention to change, which may salvage some good will. Throwing out a crappy filler expansion could work as a filler, but has the potential to kill the game entirely, as it relies on people being willing to trust them that "next time it will be better" after what will then be 3 sequential disappointing expansions. It reinforces the "business as normal, people will pay for it anyway" perception people have.
@asmrawr1444 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like how the very highest of difficulty in this game grant no actual rewards.
@mateusgus 2 жыл бұрын
I wish it was a Legion 2.0 and 3.0 lol
@markuslc1888 2 жыл бұрын
blizzard should start to concentrate on quality instead of quarter results...
@Caeldras 2 жыл бұрын
Once upon a time one could actually trade in chat. Now you can only read about annoying boosts spamming none stop...I understand the token frustration.
@TheGerando 2 жыл бұрын
Cred to you nubkeks for stating your opinion even though its not The KZbin comment section view of trend. The game obviously has problems, some bigger then others lite it always has had.
@kalleanka2796 2 жыл бұрын
I don´t see them changing anything UNLESS they start loosing money from the games direction. And seeing as they´ve gone with a similar design for a few expansions now, it must be working for them/their bottomline.
@pauljorr 2 жыл бұрын
I think both you and Preach are right. It is not okay to blame the player base who is paying for your product for simply wanting a good product and content that they are paying for. But your point is also valid, the wow community can be very negative. However, these two things aren't mutually exclusive. Some of that negativity comes from the fact that they aren't getting what they feel that they are paying for and some of it doesn't but that still doesn't mean that Blizzard, as a company, should blame their players for wanting or even demanding content that they pay for.
@KnoXar 2 жыл бұрын
If they will not fix the situation inside blizzard, they will not be able to release even a x.x.5 patch. An expansion is completly out of scope for them atm
@DiamondOrPoor78 2 жыл бұрын
A verified KZbinr with less than 100k subs? Wow!
@ic3t3ap3ach 2 жыл бұрын
The cash shop isnt a problem if the devs would make a better game and stop with these systems and half baked minigames. But here we are a shop mount or token give them more money than 2month sub. Why should they care about improve the game with innovation and bugfree game when they can lock you 6 months into the game with a shop mount
@cameronk.2777 2 жыл бұрын
I will say you cannot buy skill. You are right there, but you can 100% buy your way up once you are skilled. Mythic world Firster's spend literally millions of gold on items for the slightest advantages and to win the big competition. Does it make them win the race, no. But does it tangibly make a difference, obviously. And I find the opinion on monetary systems are mainly criticisms towards blizzards rampant monetization of games that they feel are widely experiential.
@ashpro4826 2 жыл бұрын
Preach and Madseason said goodbye to a game they played the heck out of and served it through their content a long time. Its not burnout but rather they have completed their mission and are standing up for what they feel is right. If it impacts the community and game thats just the price of change wow must pay. So now its the responsibility of the players and content creators who resonate with the current wow to raise the game and community up.
@arthas_stormr8ge877 2 жыл бұрын
Everything Preach talked about is 110% true to its core! Blizzard just have been doing everything half ass because they know they are getting people’s money regardless. Regardless if the team is lazy or not, their design actions and decisions say otherwise. It seems that they have this sense of security, that there’s a diehard fan base that will buy tokens and subscribe (regardless of what they do). That’s created a false sense of security that they can do anything they like to the game, with no worries of community pushback hints, locked covenants, conduit energy, etc.
@basedcommodore 2 жыл бұрын
The only way they could get me to pay for a WoW subscription every month is to bring back WoD and KEEP it the same without expansions and progression JUST KEEP IT FROZEN IN TIME AS THE END OF THE WOD EXPANSION. it would be so simple. I could then PvP all day and not give a fuck about grinding. Why is this concept so hard to understand. Do the Devs think we like grinding??
@JunoVesta 2 жыл бұрын
No matter how entitled, demanding and unpleasant a customer may be, they are not responsible for their bad life decisions, but since customers demanding what they are paying for bothers them so much, they could stop charging while they are not actively developing it? no?
@michaelyun2407 2 жыл бұрын
Will you quit wow or not? That's the answer we want to know.
@kgotter 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure he said he still enjoys playing so I’m guessing he won’t.
@gabrielfury1336 2 жыл бұрын
This wow channel is hos money. A lot of players are to afraid to quit, because of not knowing where to go since the one constant in their life will be gone.
@johnnygraz4712 2 жыл бұрын
The abuse scandal isn't a straw. It's a tactical nuke. Bye-bye camel.
@ammertos1517 2 жыл бұрын
Now I’m at the end of the video. So, you’re blaming the WoW community for being negative??? Mad season is right. It’s pay for win. You can buy AotC for every tier for a long time
@GonzytheMage 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with the "wow has people that just hate the game" I've been there, but it wasnt truly the game it was me. I was just burnt out and needed a break. Took fours years off, came back for shadowlands and I'm having a great time with the game. Wow isn't my job though so taking that time off has no repercussions on me
@gamingsportz3390 2 жыл бұрын
Join the New World Streaming wave, maybe it will be the next hit.
@Lekks25 2 жыл бұрын
People that dislike WoW, and people that like, and play WoW are both very positive to people quitting the game... that isn't a very good sign of a healthy game or community. A lot of players are taking criticism of the game too personal. I don't believe Blizzard can implement change due to their minimal resources approach. They are making more money, yet continue to cut down on resources, and this company was slow from the get-go. Vanilla wow was a rushed product, there are videos and articles proving it. For example, lots of quest lines were left unfinished, buggy NPC's, big differences in QOL between Horde and Alliance (this is also why the racials and classes were so unbalanced). Also WTF is going on with Diablo 4? it's been in production since 2014, and was expected to be released by 2024 (before the allegations and coming delays).
@AntonioPerez1990 2 жыл бұрын
I reall don't see the game continuing after this because the brand has been badly damaged. I know there are still people who are addicted to the game but that won't be enough to sustain it. It will take a really long time to get the inner workings of Blizzard restructured and then they need to design new systems that are unlike the ones that have been present for the last 2 expansions or else they won't see the disgruntled players returning for another try.
@pipin90 2 жыл бұрын
I don't have any positive to say for many many things, and I don't think that's my fault. There is plenty of topics where you can't speak positive things, and I don't want to write a super extreme and edgy thing to say to make my point clear and where I think you are not right. And as just an heroic player, the pay to win aspect is there too. It's hard and expensive to level up, craft again, and get the bis legendary. Some of my friends just got wow tokens = gold, and now they have they legendary to max. I know I can grind gold, but you know, for me, they connecting just 2 hours per week, buying stuff, and doing more damage, is pay to win.
@kalleanka2796 2 жыл бұрын
Well if it´s a game you play regularily and you couldn´t say ANYTHING positive about it, yes that is your fault. Then you shouldn´t be playing it really. I dislike tons of games and other things, but most things I can still objectively see some good aspects. And if the thing/game truly has no redeeming qualities according to my taste then I avoid it.
@gabrielveras1802 2 жыл бұрын
I completely agree I feel like nubkeks missed the point for a lot of his arguments here.
@gabrielveras1802 2 жыл бұрын
@@kalleanka2796 if you're playing a game and you do not have anything good to say about, but you still like the game or what it could be, you will definitely stick to it and try to make your voice heard. People that don't care about the game don't criticize it, they just leave, if you truly care about it there's no other way than voice your criticisms whether they are constructive or not.
@gabrielveras1802 2 жыл бұрын
@@jordondax if the game was good, firstly there wouldn't be any burn outs, like it was first designed to. Second, MMOs are highly dependent on a healthy and engaged population to have succes, so players leaving/seasonal content is bad for the game. Third, you could say that's an addict or you could just say it's someone trying to save his childhood friend. If you've grown up with someone for however many years, and suddenly you and your friend start to not get along it's reasonable to say that if you care about that relationship you would try to talk it out instead of just giving up on it.
@gabrielveras1802 2 жыл бұрын
@@jordondax I think this was a very good comment, but unfortunately I'm not invested in the game, I just try to see from others point of view, since when I started playing as a little kid I did not have many friends and I spent most of my time in game , nowadays I do not really care about blizzard or wow. For a long time now I just watch wow content because I do not have the time or interest in grinding stuff and I definitely do not see the point of paying to get things done for me, . As for the burn out, yes it's normal, but that's why people used pay subscriptions so that they could get fresh new content whenever said burn out was coming in. Well, in the end I think that we both see eye to eye mostly, you have some good points, thank you for sharing.
@Dorkster81 2 жыл бұрын
@gamlok 2 жыл бұрын
Probably because Blizzard quit HoTS.
@Khadeezy 2 жыл бұрын
When madseason said he was leaving classic that’s when I knew tbc classic was an absolute failure.
@thisisd2891 2 жыл бұрын
None of your videos have been showing up on my recommended...super sadge.
@Tsuna_SoulSilver 2 жыл бұрын
By the looks of it they are only make notification works people that use Shorts and post them often.
@jaymack6981 2 жыл бұрын
I mean the middle management and execs are largely to blame but that doesnt mean the developers are doing any better. The content is the same formula over and over again and the systems are just about as lazy and incompetent as they can get. I think they need to remake wow, the game is just so terrible now and the fact that it's made by some pervs isnt any better. EDIT: The wow community pays the developers bills man, they get extremely small and poorly planned out content updates and the developers go out of their way to disrespect the players time. As to wow tokens.. man, I couldn't disagree more. You can buy everything in the game. I've sold everything from glad to CE. Why are we even paying subscription fees anymore? Definitely not because of the lack of a cash shop. Honestly you left a large amount of points out that Mad Season made.
@RunehearthCL 2 жыл бұрын
Nice hair
@robusmc1713 2 жыл бұрын
I feel with the wow token its people selling there gold, it's not blizzards gold, I don't but it but I have no problem with it, it's like saying I'll pay your month subscription for 175k, that's all good
@BodieB 2 жыл бұрын
The main problem is you can buy gold and then Farm it out to people to do things for you... You can basically by any achievement in the game you want now
@robusmc1713 2 жыл бұрын
@@BodieB but its peoples gold not blizzard making the gold, and there sub is being paid, I really dont have a problem with it, I dont do it because I love the AH
@acetown2263 2 жыл бұрын
Weird take on p2w. WoW is definitely p2w, that's not a subjective opinion, buying gold is buying power in wow, straight up, even if you don't use it or are bothered by it. Now I'm not saying wow bad because of that, I still enjoy it myself, but i'm also willing to see the games flaws and enjoy it for what the game is instead of pretending they don't exist. I totally see why preach and madseason left, and can't blame them. I'm sad to see them go, because preach is basically the face of wow content creation (IMO). But I know they're fed up with blizz and how they're ruining the game for them, so I support them leaving even though I'm still playing.
@arthas_stormr8ge877 2 жыл бұрын
The game won’t change for the better until more content Creators quit simping for Blizzard. I don’t think there’s a lot of players that are just there to hate the game, it’s more along the lines they have grown to hate the game, because of all the dumb shit Blizzard have done to make the game feel shitty.
@MichaelPate-michaelkpate 2 жыл бұрын
"The line must be drawn here. This far no further." - Jean Luc Picard Everyone has to decide where - it is totally subjective.
@ethanL245 2 жыл бұрын
@DankBeard19 2 жыл бұрын
If bfa and sl were no where near as good as legion man you wound me lol
@ron8560 2 жыл бұрын
Its so weird the big group of "WoW Haters". . I have played many games, seen many communities and the WoW haters are def the weirdest group. . Still consume all WoW content, still pay attention to all things WoW, and just comment on every WoW video about how bad the game is or how much better FF is, like move on bro holy shit. .
@mathiasbossmann6323 2 жыл бұрын
I loved a long time your content. But this time i am a little bit shocked. You say if you cant say nothing good about a game it is your problem. But lets be real i think thousands of Players are in that state. I think it is absolutly a problem of wow not of me or Preach. And also the pay to win thing it is a toatal abuse of players whenever you can buy ingame currency in an offical store... I am not blind to see if there where no Token many pepole would buy Gold elsewhere but i am 100% sure that the most of the players wich buy tokens are not bought gold elsewhere before there was an token. And it is also 100% clear if an employee is working with the mindset of being scared all the time because of what bad working conditions there may be, they dont can produce good content. In your last Videos, for me i feel you try to say to us "Ah its not all that bad, WoW is still good" No it absolutly not it is a shame what happend since BFA. Thats only my opinion. Greetings form an Gamer that had an uncanceld sub since the first day of wow also quit wow because of the same reasons preach had and i am sure i am not the only or last one and that has nothing to do with burning out. I loved the game 14 Years and then it got worse from day in and day out till i complitly quit wow 2 Week ago. And its hard to say. I dont miss WOW not 1 minute.
@skyking1990 2 жыл бұрын
Copium much ? Oder therepositive in the game it's not the game fault but the player
@Mazxlol 2 жыл бұрын
lol you are the type of player that cause others to quit. you dont mind P2W or boosting. unreal
@DoylePTB 2 жыл бұрын
I don't disagree with a lot of the problems the game has over the past few years, especially the poorly thought out systems. I'd love to play a game with the development philosophy of FFIV and the gameplay of WoW, but it just doesn't exist yet.
@chrishuard9591 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100%. I came into the game towards tthe end of vanilla. I have been cutting edge and continue to do Mythic content, but always in a more casual situation, never hard core. I am older, 50 now, but still love the game. Sure I get tired of certain content, but if I dont like it, I dont do it more then I have too. I really hate the dont like it, stop bitching and move on, IMO. I have always hated the negative players that just bitch constantly....I appreciate the product that Blizzard puts out, but then again I am old and remember being amazed by Pong and Tank. I just people are more of that mode that they deserve or want everything to be perfect....problem is, their perfect is another persons hell. So Blizzard has to balance all the bullshit and I believe they do a very good job.
@machoalright 2 жыл бұрын
I dont think they can bounce back from all this. Blizz has killed wow this time. To bad you do not see how this pay to win with tokens and boosting is ruining other people's game experience. MadSeason has pretty much explained it in detail why its ruined his game experience. And its not only the old farts as you put it in your video, its also for others. That is a difference between a gamer and a non-gamer. A non-gamer does not care about it at all about other people's experience.. And please do not think its a YOU problem, it a blizz problem that want to "help" to to skip content. Why not give it out for free? click on button and boost? why pay for it in the first place? Give me a good reason behind it besides profit, and we can talk about this boosting. Otherwise i think its a BS reason people make up.
@Blurryxfce 2 жыл бұрын
Totally disagree. It's not a problem with Preach. There literally is nothing good about the game anymore. Nothing.
@Blurryxfce 2 жыл бұрын
And it's not me being in a negative place. I am using my eyes.
@tomi6300 2 жыл бұрын
You are negativ
@Saadcore1996 2 жыл бұрын
Still ur invested enough to put comments under youtube videos... Talking shit just for the fun of it...WoW community in a nutshell
@kalleanka2796 2 жыл бұрын
Your clearly not objective then, of course it has some good stuff if you look at the entire game. gameplay, sound, music, graphics, zones, raids etc etc etc.
@Andrei-Rex 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah dude…your take is really strange. Oh the community is at fault, oh Mike is negative and wrong , oh Mad is weird. Yeah you’re so right in your head, the only one who is right. Nothing changed from your raging HOTS days, you’re just more depressing to watch. People are raising legitimate concerns and you just dismiss it as being negative…No, just no.
@icxcnika9990 2 жыл бұрын
WOW token IS pay to win.
@Gabriel-Ferrari 2 жыл бұрын
Who asked?
@simonm1233 2 жыл бұрын
It's preach's fault he can't say a Ying good about the game?! Really? Are you blind to the state of the game? Is there a level of entitlement in the wow community? Sure but maybe the anger is the fact that the game is in a shit place. People are angry about that. I think you are doing some major copium right now. And I get it but maybe reflect a bit...
@grip7777 2 жыл бұрын
As a wise man once said (paraphrasing) >So I can skip half your game by paying you 30 bucks? If I pay double prize will you just not give me the game at all?
@TheOtaxephon 2 жыл бұрын
The WoW token is meaningless. If the token didn't exist all the same issues that players whine about it "causing" would still exist. People would still be buying gold and boosts. Gold spam would be worse than it is already. The problem the WoW token presents would be better solved by Blizzard simply creating a new currency for the game. Since they're unlikely to do that, the token acts as a stop gap to provide players a legitimate avenue to procure gold without resorting to illegal methods.
@gabrielveras1802 2 жыл бұрын
Or they could just ✨ moderate✨ the game 🤡🤡🤡🤡
@TheOtaxephon 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielveras1802 It'd require Blizzard to rehire all 900 of the people they lobbed from CS roles a few years ago. Yeah -- it's possible, but with faith in Blizzard as a company at an all time low I doubt many would be nipping at the bud if they decided to start hiring people specifically to help counteract the negative impacts of RMT on the game.
@gabrielveras1802 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOtaxephon sure, doing this today probably wouldn't work, but if they really wanted to counteract RMT back when tokens were introduced they could've easily just improved the moderation on RMT, bots and it's negative effects. Not to mention the very poor work of GMs. The narrative that tokens were introduced to counteract RMT is just an excuse to have them (blizzard) be source of RMT instead of shady websites and thus making a lot of money off it.
@TheOtaxephon 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielveras1802 Hindsight is 20/20. More could have been done, yes, but by the time the token was introduced there was already a decade of RMT outfits already in place. The token wasn't meant to be a panacea for the problems that RMT introduced to the game and since a majority of boosts even today are not purchased directly from gold procured through the WoW token, I'd say it's about the same now as it was in the past, just adjusted for inflation. (Those RMT outfits didn't simply disappear once the token was introduced. There's a reason most boosting communities are run by Chinese outfits.) Like I said, if Blizzard really wanted to fix the issue they could just issue a new currency for every expansion.
@nze69 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly think he’s going to be back on wow in a few months. you have to truly delete everything to quit and he hasn’t done that. You can see that a lot of streamers had quit for a few weeks but theyre already back online streaming wow. He’s going to come back. I’m not taking Preach’s BS on quitting.
@Thompers 2 жыл бұрын
FFXIV is the answer
@johnnygraz4712 2 жыл бұрын
Is the question "which game has a free trial where you can play to level 60 with no time limit?"
@gamingsportz3390 2 жыл бұрын
New World is the answer.
@kgotter 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnnygraz4712 wouldn’t be surprised if a majority of the new players are just trials because of the lack of wow content.
@johnnygraz4712 2 жыл бұрын
@@kgotter Perhaps, but they're not allowing free players to queue, so the wait is just for paying customers right now.
@reddeathop5030 2 жыл бұрын
The warcraft devs are to busy harassing women instead of working on the game
@ammertos1517 2 жыл бұрын
Man you’re naive. You’re really think they’ll change something ?
@Saadcore1996 2 жыл бұрын
No, but crying about it doesnt help either, might aswell stay in a healthy mindset
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