Destiny 2 Lore - The Winnower just sent a message to us. This is what it said.

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My name is Byf

My name is Byf

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Check out Starforge and grab yourself a new gaming setup today: Destiny 2's Lore and Story from the Final Shape now has a new message from its next potential villain "The Winnower" directly to us. In this message it speaks to us about the fact that even after everything that happened with the Traveller, The Witness and our victory over our mortal foe, it is still out there, still watching and is pleased with our choice to keep fighting. It sees itself as a rule of the universe and in this moment it believes that it is right.
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@v.rocky111 3 ай бұрын
Winnower: "Be seeing you." Guardian: "I'm home alone." Winnower: "SHEEEIIIT"🗣️🔊🔥🔥
@SpoopySkelemans 3 ай бұрын
They winnow on my guardian till they prismatic
@sword_racer185 3 ай бұрын
The winnower has god level rizz
@leastbasedturk6513 3 ай бұрын
@@SpoopySkelemans she Winnow on my vex horn till radiolaria
@devinthierault 3 ай бұрын
Why did i read be seeing you in a Cyrodil accent.
@nukatom8051 3 ай бұрын
Now this is an Eldritch god. No set goal no dreams of greater purpose. It just enjoys seeing how the ants move through the grass and the dirt
@eotwkdp 3 ай бұрын
And being amazed what the ants can build
@Andrew-ry9be 2 ай бұрын
Kinda like The Outsider from the Dishonored trilogy.
@10THPROPHET Ай бұрын
The Winnower is just looking at the Witness as it did like "lol u died bro u deserved it with that dollar store attempt at calcification"
@LateNightHalo Ай бұрын
People say eldritch a lot but I’m not sure they actually understand what it means anymore
@greylee8340 3 ай бұрын
Winnower: Be seeing you. Us: damn!
@AntaresTwo6 3 ай бұрын
John Wick: first time?
@cphr64x67 3 ай бұрын
us: new gun soon yay
@bradymengel2473 3 ай бұрын
Us: can’t wait to see what bullets you shoot
@luxaeterna9711 3 ай бұрын
Us: Plague be upon ye
@Ryze2803 2 ай бұрын
And I’ll be seeing the winnower every damn day when I turn it into a machine gun.
@Teletheus 3 ай бұрын
There’s another layer to “the whole world is your sweet silicate shellfish” in the context of this particular lore tab for this particular ship. It’s called *Nacre,* the stuff that makes up the majority of a pearl formed *inside an oyster.* So if the world is our oyster, then *we* are the grit in that oyster. And it’s only in the context of suffering and competition with other beings-the irritation formed by our grit-that we are forced to evolve, grow, and prove our worth. *That* is what forces the formation of the beautiful pearl of our self-evident proof for meriting existence. But now that we have learned the Light is, in a sense, its own compound being like the Witness, consisting of all the Guardians and Ghosts formed by it? And if we are the grit at the center of that pearl, much like the dissidents at the heart of the Witness? Then does the Winnower ultimately hope *we* will become dissenters at the heart of the Light, so we can (ironically, poetically) cause its ultimate downfall *just as those dissenters caused the fall of the Witness for us?*
@alfagamingnl1815 3 ай бұрын
I personally think the "Oh, no, not my sedimentary necrolite, fossilized in time." bit is the Winnower talking about the Witness and it's Final Shape maybe even dissing it a bit. The Witness was formed trough death which is likely where the necro part of necrolite came from and the Witness is literally incapable of change and it's final shape is freezing everything in a single moment of calcification making everything unchanging which is what the fossilized in time part is likely referring to.
@MissGreenTeaLady 3 ай бұрын
Yep, that's what I interpreted it as. Kind of scoffing at the Witness.
@Glucenaphene 3 ай бұрын
And also since sedimentary has to do with rocks, and ‘necrolite’ sounds like a rock name, it could be just the final shape itself and how it would be all of the being of the universe dying during the process of being turned to ‘stone’
@ForestWizardLookingForPotion 3 ай бұрын
The way i interpret "Sedimentary necrolyte, fossilised in time" is that it's disavowing the Final Shape. I interpret "necrolite" to mean "dead rock", with the word "sedimentary" added in just to give context and affirm this interpretation. The "fossilised in time" bit, to me, seems like a confirmation that it is the final shape it's talking about, fossilisation being the perfect descriptor of the state of the universe where everything dies and is replaced by sedimentary rock, the end of entropy. The Winnower's goal isn't the end of all things, it's the continuation of that which proves itself worthy. I think it's the Winnower directly making itself very clear that it's goals don't align with those of the Witness.
@stuxvt 3 ай бұрын
The voice acting you're doing on the lore is absolutely peak, thanks for making it not only informational, but a genuine experience to learn
@Vadrun 3 ай бұрын
That "sedimentary necrolite, fossilized in time" - my first connection was with all of the objects in Pyramids?
@immoralboi3158 3 ай бұрын
I don't even think The Winnower is even an antagonist at this point, just one of two deities simply playing their game. And even if they did become a antagonist what hope would we even have of fighting them? The Witness was simply The First Knife and it took everything we had and more to finally bring them down. No matter how strong we get, no matter how many "gods" we lay low and turn into weaponry we do not stand a chance against a true deity like The Winnower.
@herewegogain6411 3 ай бұрын
This may be a very old band-wagon I'm only just now hopping onto, but hearing the Winnower talk reminds me of the Graviton Forfeit's lore tab. Again, probably old old news within the lore community, but it's just neat to know that the Narrative Team's had the Winnower sliding into our DMs since way before Shadowkeep. Beyond that, it's interesting to see how it's estimation of us has changed, from seeing us as petty soldiers ("A universe full of weaponized puppets") to seeing us as significant individuals ("That gift is the chance to speak with you"), pretty much in line with how we've come to use the Darkness. Like by showing ourselves to be capable of stepping outside of the binary rules of its flower game (Dark or Light, never both), we've made it more and more invested in us?
@retvik 3 ай бұрын
The Winnower seems pretty chill. And I can totally see why. Its big thing is survival of the fittest. Even if we somehow found and killed the Winnower, they'd still be pretty chill about it, because we'd just prove their point yet again.
@BASEDsoda 3 ай бұрын
10:13 i posit it's all the statues that had to be broken to unmake the final shape, the precursors came together, got fossilized like pearls--by the way, doesn't the veil look like the cross-section of a pearl? the necrolite has to be the compound that composes the statues in that other realm that we have to crush
@andeetuckerr 3 ай бұрын
This is gonna change a lot. I love the idea of the winnower throwing mini lore pieces at us, and what im getting from most of it is that the grit at the center of the pearl is whatever is inside the traveller. We see it as this pearl, as this treasure. But all pearls have grit at their center. The gardener was the one who set the universe in motion and released the vex, the winnower sat back and decided to let the full game play out before making ANY type of move. I love it
@toxicwasp4675 3 ай бұрын
If we ever meet the Winnower in game I believe that Byf should voice them
@the42nddoctor27 3 ай бұрын
Okay, I am pretty sure I know what the necrolite part means. The Witness's idea of the final shape is turning everything into dissected statures as we see in multiple cutscenes and around the game. Im pretty sure these statures are the necrolite they speak of. This is because the statues frozen in time forever, frozen into a perfect final shape, is the Witness's idea of what the Final Shape is. The Winnower, however, has a different belief about what the final shape is. The line stating that the necrolite is not its beloved is saying that it disagrees with the Witness's interpretation of the Final Shape and the Winnower tells us that the universe is its beloved. This is because the Final Shape in its eyes in the universe figuring out what it should be, sorting itself out over time, the struggle for existence.
@Zonerunner 3 ай бұрын
I swear when the Winnower speaks to us in game it better be voiced by Byf. The way this man projects an air of power but also joviality is incredible, while also remaining somewhat threatening is second to none. Byf is worthy of being one half of the cosmic forces of the universe and you can run that to the bank.
@dredgen0268 3 ай бұрын
My message to the Winnower: gimme that last Darkness subclass and I’ll jump the fence to your side
@lucasteo51 3 ай бұрын
I do think the term « necrolite » refer simply to the witness and its final shape. And how the winnower made us think was its beloved. The abjective -lite is usually used for rocks and minerals, which would be fitting because what the witness thought the final shape would be, perfect stillness calcified in necrolite (aka dying flesh set in stone)
@gaeren 3 ай бұрын
(Loving the background footage as it clearly outs Byf - as one of those guys who ignores getting the resources in Breach to rush the boss instead). Nice!!
@CoreyEacret 3 ай бұрын
Seeing you go straight from that last encounter to the boss in Breach made my eye twitch a bit 😂
@toadcool134 3 ай бұрын
The witness did indeed take over some text at one point well the severs were down for maintenance right before the final shaped released the normal text for the maintenance alert was changed to ask you why you where struggling against him.
@bradyfrey2941 3 ай бұрын
The thumbnail art would be su ch a sick mental amalgamation for what the winnower would make the guardians mind concept if it tried to talk to us.
@TheTaratsu 3 ай бұрын
I think everyone is overthinking the fossilized in time bit, if you break it down it's literally death. Dirt is dead life, Bones become stone, it's the end game of the Witness' Final Shape.
@ThorfinnSkuII 3 ай бұрын
wouldn't dirt also be a reference to the flower game? And a sense in how a 'Gardener' builds its foundation through the dirt? 🤔
@matthewhastie8351 3 ай бұрын
On necrolite, for me what caught my eye was the "fossilized in time" line. It could be the Vex, but I also wonder if the Winnower is telling us that the Final Shape enacted by The Witness isn't really its vibe. But it, after all, can't tell the First Knife what shape to carve. Also I kinda hope the Winnower itself isn't a villain. I like that it's always there, wanting to be the devil on your shoulder, urging you to Take what you want and what you need to survive
@Zero-hd4oe 3 ай бұрын
I feel like the winnower has the same speech pattern like Savathun
@nicholascazmay2126 3 ай бұрын
I was actually thinking the same thing as Byf was reading this… it’s led me to some interesting thoughts as to Savathun’s long term goals and where the Winnower and Traveler fit in.
@sebay4654 3 ай бұрын
​@@nicholascazmay2126 Or the question, is savathun lying to Us Again? Considering Unveiling is the origin point could this just be a lie (I hope not but I'm keeping my guard up)
@Patti326 3 ай бұрын
During dual destiny mission where Savathun was talking about breaking rules and are annoyed with the "tug of war" between light and dark. I don't trust Savathun with a 10 ft pole.
@ThatKid22101 3 ай бұрын
Wouldn't this mean though that the gardeners and winnowers goals are in alignment now? The gardener wants people to make their own fate and in a sense the winnower is reiterating that, albeit revealing the darker side of that objective. It's very similar to the sword logic and how the Oryx, Savathun and Xivu show love to each other, they make each other stronger with the sword logic for each others sake, not out of hate, malice or selfishness but for survival. It's very obvious now that the sword logic and the bomb logic are complimentary forces rather than opposing ones and that can also be seen with the darkness and light combining into something new within the traveler, if you spin a yin-yang symbol fast enough it'll look grey, harmony.
@keerjarliduke7100 3 ай бұрын
I am very sure Necrolite is in reference to all the crystals and such that the Witness creates when it “freezes” things. 1) sedimentary - the witnesses crystals are layered, like sedimentary rock 2) fossils - the witness wanted to freeze everyone in rock, like a fossil 3) necrolite - Necro = Death : lite = rock or mineral, such as Pyrite. Necrolite is death rock, death crystal, which the witness makes “You saw my necrolite” is “you saw what the witness did”
@krossbbx3088 3 ай бұрын
I had almost immediately interpreted “necrolite” as referring to the veil. I know it’s not the same word exactly but the word “necrolyte” is described as being a binder of souls, and given the veils function and how it was used to create the Witness I think that makes sense
@lukeshealy1882 3 ай бұрын
Maybe the necrolite is referring to the status that the Witness called the Final Shape, where he turns them into stone and stuff. Because then Fossilized in time would fit well.
@FenrisThor117 3 ай бұрын
I feel like Sedementry necrolite in the context of the whole universe is the dead planets left behind when the witness moved on. Its the spots inbetween the vastness of space. They are saying they are more than just that damage done.
@ImReallyRaw 3 ай бұрын
Bro mad props, you conveyed that dialogue very well. Genuinely.
@savages-on-deck 3 ай бұрын
Just gotta say I love the way you delivered the Winnower’s lines 🔥
@rekwm4747 3 ай бұрын
another note on the glass minds it seems to link to the whole silica comment, that being glass
@aaronharkness7487 2 ай бұрын
Seems like the Vex are an aspect of the Winnower, or possibly of both participants of the Flower Game. Since the Vex are leftovers they would be "fossilized in time", given that they lack the Gardener's extra rule of growth. This plays into the predictive nature of the Vex, and possibly even explains why they are so good at it if the Winnower sees it's nature play out continually in this new version of the Game. Makes me wonder if the Vex end up being the main villain next, removing them might sway things towards what the Gardener had originally planned for this universe without getting rid of the Winnower.
@twinsclubb8863 3 ай бұрын
I imagine the winnower as a carasmatic guy in a nice suit just talking with a smile about all thos
@mr.marvel514 3 ай бұрын
As soon as I saw the thumbnail, I clicked on this video. It's interesting to me that The Winnower, as far as I know, has spoken to us twice now. The first via Unveiling in Shadowkeep, where we first encountered a Pyramid ship, and now this exotic ship's lore tab, AFTER we finally defeated The Witness, the being in control of most of the Pyramid ships. And I do agree with the rest of the comments that the "fossilized in time." bit is about The Witness and its Final Shape. I would even go as far to say that The Winnower KNEW that The Witness would go out into the cosmos and do its own thing, going against its original purpose. The Witness even acknowledged this during the raid in the same line of dialogue where It straight up says it's not The Winnower. Part of me has a feeling that based off the manner in which it speaks to us, The Winnower seems pleased with us defeating The Witness and even reached out to say, "Be seeing you." , after its defeat as if we just did it a friendly favor. The fact that it's been watching us since Shadowkeep or very possibly before that is crazy and we should definitely stay alert of whatever it's up to, which right now is chillin like a guy in an office chair, hands interlocked on a desk, watching us intently.👀😁👍🏼
@G4PP3R 3 ай бұрын
“necrolite”could be a new description in the Destiny universe for a necromancer (sorcerer/demon) who is seeking divination for the purpose of gaining more knowledge.Almost like playing flower game 2.0 and is trying to find the checkmate. This “necrolite” has been “fossilised in time ” meaning it’s been set in stone in not acting within its lifespan almost as if the witness is mocking its lack of action as it sees it as a weakness.
@theneelay 3 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure the sedentary necrolite probably refers to the witness's "final shape" The witness freezes living things in time, essentially as calcified corpses(ie dead stone, or necrolite). The witness doesn't want the same thing as the witness.
@ethanstubblefield7796 3 ай бұрын
I like the idea of winnower not necessarily being the next villain but a being that is always there that influences whatever enemy comes next
@xelastarkly 3 ай бұрын
The "be seeing you" is so casual, but it's soo chilling.
@Thomas-hx3pr 3 ай бұрын
This seems like a pretty straightforward chaos vs order thing. The winnower saw existence always ends in a cold empty universe regardless of the in between of creation and the resting state. In a slight reversal of expectations the winnower is order while the gardener is chaos. If we guess that the change the gardener made to the probability game is the introduction of paracausality then the winnower’s final shape is something like a great squeeze scenario- everything in existence becomes a unified temperature, all matter decays to energy, and all black holes evaporate. Meanwhile the witness’ final shape was apparently something more like a pause in time where everything exists but doesn’t progress. A different ending to existence than the probability game initially had. That would explain the winnower mocking the witness’ final shape. The race I’m most interested with respect to the winnower is the vex. Their “dark future” in curse of Osiris was just a black sun. I interpreted that future as a Dyson sphere which is just a way to suck up as much power as possible. Unlike the witness and us the vex are not paracasual. They seem to want to find a way to extend their existence through mundane methods which is more in line in working with entropy, which seems to be the winnower’s schtick.
@Corndog- 3 ай бұрын
Necrolite could be referring to US… guardians… Necro is a prefix used to describe zombies or dead things, and (as Byf suggests), Lite could just be a play on Acolyte. Remember that Eris made us her “acolyte” while she was a literal Hive God. This also makes sense given we use the Winnowers ideology of brutality to collect tithes for Eris.
@eintracht691 3 ай бұрын
Spilled radiolaria can also be a 4th wall break since us Guardians call it "vex milk". No use crying over spilled milk.
@kermitderfrosch5432 3 ай бұрын
byf as voice actor for winnower would go harder then i am rn
@HoveyTheHallowed 3 ай бұрын
I believe that a "necrolite" would be like a tomb, made out of crystal, stone, or something similar. Necros = death / lite sounds like the suffix from "stalactite" necro-lite. a cave? a sanctum? probably the winnower has been resurrected as well as our guardian
@Theinsanemanchallenge 3 ай бұрын
NecroLYTE is a type of character in WoW. Supposedly a “binder of souls”. I think it may have a connection. The witness? The veil? The veil literally bound the souls of the precursors to make the witness.
@tteaminn 3 ай бұрын
For the necrolite bit, looking at the OED it’s a variant of the word necroNITE. It’s classified as an orthoclase feldspar, which are crystalline and sort break apart into smaller geometric structures along the shear lines. Necronite also has “blue-pearly” like appearance, to me it looks a little greyish though. Most notably necronite has a “foul odour” when it’s broken, so it basically smells like death. Although, generally orthoclase is igneous or metamorphic, not sedimentary. So I’m a little confused on that lol. All in all, I’m betting what’s being referred to here is the final shape. When the Witness crystallized matter it of broke apart into pieces along shear lines, kind of like this rock. My guess on the sedimentary part is when orthoclase breaks down it becomes a dust or sediment. So maybe how the final shape was broken by the guardian and withered away into nothing. That’s my guess though :)
@beniamin24736 3 ай бұрын
7:51 the cross section of the pearl. Did anyone else think it reminded them of the veil?
@khora3845 3 ай бұрын
The issue I see with the Winnower is the conflict with the nature of Darkness. The Gardener/Traveler (assuming they are the same being) can speak directly because the Light is physical laws. However, the Veil, the physical manifestation of Darkness cannot make any conscious actions because Darkness rules the nonphysical and can't choose to necessarily do anything
@jonathang7824 3 ай бұрын
When he said: miraculous in its fullness and its emptiness all at once - I remembered Pnopted and the Vex simulation Osiris was trying to stop during CoO, and then the: no use in crying over spilled radiolaria line, made me think, what if the main enemy we are gunnihg for are the Vex and while all these other forces gather to enact their agendas, the vex are patiently waiting in the background for the right time to strike?
@emrysmcgee4994 3 ай бұрын
The Winower sounds nothing like what I expected but my god am I in love with him.
@roamingnpc7088 3 ай бұрын
Dang, I was driving this for the whole campaign and they finally gave me the manual.
@aarongonzalez8856 3 ай бұрын
the pearl cross section looks like the veil
@Vozzie377 3 ай бұрын
Look I love everything byf has put together can we petition to have him in lore as a “lore master” so he can be the character that does his best to read between the lines better than Osiris
@shadwsin45 3 ай бұрын
Sedimentary necrolite is also know as something called vivianite. The can be blue,green or purple
@RubysWrath 3 ай бұрын
Confirms my guesses. The game is already on. The witness and gardener have turned themselves into tools representing themselves for the universe to play itself and prove either of them right. We are the players now and they serve as the fundamental basis of the universe we play on. They arent just the light and dark. They are our very actions. When we kill we use the very essence of the winnower. When we protect and guide those beneath us we cultivate endless possibility like the gardner. They are the paths. And we just walk them. If i had to say what the reference it made with the necrolite. It only makes sense to me that it would be the veil.
@day_tiger7981 3 ай бұрын
Also I find it interesting how IT says, "did you think you wouldn't hear from me again...?" implying that it has spoken to us directly perhaps many times before
@ghoulishgoober3122 3 ай бұрын
Yes, at the end of Shadowkeep we got that message from the Winnower, it spoke to us in the form of our guardian. I believe it was also what gave us our stasis powers in lightfall
@Dietghostscp2107 3 ай бұрын
One day that Brass Gardners lore tab i jeep blanbing about will end up a key part of this. But that will likely happen when the curtain behind the way the Sol Divisive think is pulled back. This lore entry to me calls back to that fact.
@grutz379 2 ай бұрын
Necrolite is used in making sarcophagi. That is what the winnower is talking about. Their sedimentary ‘sarcophagus’ frozen in time.
@Alahmnat 3 ай бұрын
With the Winnower saying he'll be seeing us, I have a sneaking suspicion we may be in for new Taken lore at some point, maybe in Frontiers. I've never really jived with the idea that the Witness was the one who first made the Taken, or even just the first one to control them. When left to its own devices in the Pale Heart for 18 months, it didn't go back to making more Taken, _it made the Dread instead_. The Taken are also always described as being Oryx's army, and they don't seem to have existed in Sol until Oryx brought them with him. I think the Taken are more likely an Oryx original, and the Witness just adopted them when it came back in Arrivals as a convenient army-at-hand after neither of Oryx's sisters picked up the mantle of Taken King. Both it and Oryx have the same power to move things between dimensions, but the Witness just doesn't seem to be interested in using it the way Oryx did. Something that stuck out at me after the Venextron/Byf videos on the Winnower pre-TFS is that Eris describes the Taken in their grimoire card as having been "rendered final". Again, this may initially read as a very Witness thing to do, but the Witness definitely has a very difference conception of Finalization compared to the Winnower, and Taken aren't sulpturized static forms. Given that we don't know what happens on the other side of the portals that Take beings, maybe it's something the Winnower is doing, honing creatures into a more perfect shape before sending them back to be controlled by one with a strong enough will (and thus a strong demonstration of their power under the Sword Logic). It would certainly align better with Oryx learning the power to Take directly from the Darkness in the first place.
@kevhanleonhardt3541 3 ай бұрын
This lore message from the Winnower is all starting to make sense in the leak about D3 not having a class system and Frontiers.
@hyacinthwilliams6079 2 ай бұрын
Less what i assume is going on and more what I hope is going on but I really like the winnower being just a very chatty voice of nature. It may be the source of all the strife in the universe but it's not out there to be beaten. I hope Bungie uses it as the voice of the devs, the ones who are literally creating villains for us to fight. There to offer cryptic hints, questionable assistance, and a story entertaining to those who watch from it's perspective on the outside.
@BungieStudios 3 ай бұрын
This sounds more like the Darkness that Oryx spoke too, than the Witness.
@stephenholt6956 3 ай бұрын
I've been saying for a long time that it feels like entropy is what we're fighting against
@Grayves_X 3 ай бұрын
I don't think the Winnower will be a violation we will fight, but it will be an ideology we confront. I can see the Dredgen returning bolstered by the Winnower and maybe Lysander coming with, not as one faction but Lysander could use the chaos of the Dredgen to push into the city
@MrWiggz69 3 ай бұрын
Necrolite and Necrolyte have vastly different meanings and the latter has a pretty lore accurate description of the witness. Maybe a play on words or a red herring. Either way, necrolyte's are binders of souls. Derived from WoW if anyone is interested in reading into it more. The brief definition is: Necrolytes are binders of souls who command the black powers that hold control over the earth. Linked into the dominions of the lower planes, Necrolytes have power over all things dark and evil, including the raising of fallen warriors to create armies of the undead. Also want to add, the hints of the 'eldritch' feel for the Heresy episode are very on the nose with what little we know of the winnower. Wouldn't be surprised if Oryx is some how brought back and he is like, 'The witness wasn't who I was working for'. Would be the perfect season to reveal a winnower level being imo. A true Eldritch horror.
@steelgriffin7716 3 ай бұрын
... letting the Witness do it's schtick was straight up the Winnower letting lose the mother of all Whetstones on the Universe. Either we sharpen enough to break it, or it shatters Us and that Final Shape... takes Shape.
@Unbound_Selrahc 3 ай бұрын
My first thought with the “sedimentary necrolite, fossilized in time” Had to do with the witnesses vision of the final shape, and the winnowers perception of it. I figured he was referring to the literal planets and beings being, well fossilized in time. As it witness wanted to create a new universe and we saw bits and pieces of it, and it was…silent, devoid of life or emotion, or anything remotely reflecting anything of life. Like a fossil…. Or…so that’s my take, although the vex makes sense too? I’ve said for years now that I’ve always had the sense that the vex will end up being the next big bad. They have always had the potential with their absurdly wild and advanced tech, the ability to replicate and more importantly, learn so quickly and run simulations endlessly. The only thing they really can’t account for is our guardian, as we are one of a kind so to speak, Elsie mentions that when she jumped timelines/universes from the broken dark and ruined one she came from to ours that things were wildly different and she suspected it had to do with us as a guardian.
@quickstep9815 3 ай бұрын
Here's to another 10 years gaurdians.. Byf.. you're not allowed to die
@THEOPDESTROYER777 3 ай бұрын
while you were talking, i thought back to presage and when calus apparently peered into the dark, and the witness stared back. if the eyes were the witness, was the all encompassing darkness surrounding it the winnower?
@atlasfp 3 ай бұрын
Is it Entelechy that references a "Machine plague" ravaging planets or something along those lines? That may also be the Vex
@hugomungus7306 3 ай бұрын
I was using this ship when I killed the Witness ingame. This update is a little more than creepy for me personally. This thing celebrating our victory over it's own weapon is beyond insane to me. Even if the events of Excision line up perfectly with it's own philosophy.
@Kaida760 3 ай бұрын
I always take this lore to a very analytical view......With The rules being what they are. Whatever the Gardener does.....The Winnower usually follows. With the "transformation" of the Traveler.......are we really going to sit there like the Winnower won't get off it's "Throne" and intefere? Visually....The Traveler is now Prismatic. Both powers in unison. Would the Winnower not have to follow suit?
@captainarkro4376 3 ай бұрын
It sounds like Byf had a lot of fun when reading the lore Tab.
@vulkanviking 3 ай бұрын
I'm almost certain the Sedimentary Necrolite is refering to Oryx, being an underwater dead necromancer and all lmao
@IamHat 3 ай бұрын
I was hoping the winnower would say "Hey byf, you up?"
@SealFormulaMaster 3 ай бұрын
While the tone doesn't quite match, do remember that in Excision after we've destroyed the Statues The Witness says "We-I-I don't understand", implying that The Witness is now one being, so it could make sense for The Witness to say "I" now. As for Necrolite, what if it's just a combination of Necrotic (To possess deathly characteristics) and Lite (To lack substance)? It could be a word that means "substanceless death". The Witness spoke of an ideal world where choice was gone, which could give rise to a "Death that has no meaning". It hates the Chaos that life brings, which could mean it believes death to be order and thus meaningless.
@lordkodie923 3 ай бұрын
For some reason I thought the "fossilized in time" referred to the delicate tomb exotic
@Oskar581 3 ай бұрын
Winnower is "Might makes right/death is the end of all things" Personified. Gardener would be "Life will find a way/Hope springs eternal" Think about them a ying and yan of a Taoist symbol there's a little bit of light in the darkness and some dark in the light but it looks like it's spinning. Galaxies spin in that shape. Has anyone else ever wondered why Void is considered a Light class the power of emptiness and devouring and things we normally consider negatives is a Light subclass... No the Winnower has always been with us.
@Kaylin9087 3 ай бұрын
Well now I want you to voice the Winnower
@breadman5306 3 ай бұрын
Winnower”………be seeing you……” Me: “….Mr. Wick?”
@PolarisStargazer 3 ай бұрын
Byf was having fun monologing the Winnower here.
@Shwampi 3 ай бұрын
I feel called out, my mate is building my pc today. I am of the Titan persuasion...
@Allday524 3 ай бұрын
Light vs Dark Gardener vs Winnower Security vs Freedom Ideals vs Truth
@MitchellTheMitch 3 ай бұрын
Can the Winnower give us Darkness Infused Siva? Lore can be created in the snap of a finger. Replication Chamber? Destryoed. Outbreak? Crafted to OUR Perfection.
@Illiandagda 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if the fossil bit may also be referring to the Gardener in the (very pearl like) Traveler?
@zechariahbasile9443 3 ай бұрын
I’d like someone to start a petition to make Byfe voice the winnower if we ever get him in the game
@IIPre 3 ай бұрын
Winnower: “Give me money..”
@TheCyberGoblin 3 ай бұрын
Calling it now: The next saga ends with us travelling into the dark heart of the veil.
@TheJaga 3 ай бұрын
vibes very similar almost to Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3, a "devil" wanting you to do as you please but waiting the right moment to take something away from you as well it's kinda fascinating and interesting at the same time, I wanna kill it lmao
@victoriamcclure321 3 ай бұрын
wait, does anyone else think it might not be the winnower? I think this might be what's *left* of the witness. The Dissenters say something about the repentant many, implying there would be parts off it left to repent; in addition, in the moment of witness's "death", it refers to itself as "I" as it falls.
@shawnradcliffe3514 3 ай бұрын
Imo, the Winnower seems pretty chill. Its pretty much just been kicking back and seeing how things play out, maybe reaching out here and there, but for the most part has just been watching in entertainment of how the Destiny universe has played out. And a hot take here: I dont think the Winnower really cared that much for the Witness, otherwise it would have directly aided it in its pursuit of the Final Shape. It WANTED us Guardians to thwart the Final Shape because its saw no fun or entertainment in what the Witness was trying to achieve.
@PAX-East 3 ай бұрын
To be honest, I thought the "sedimentary necrolite fossilized in time" refers to the Traveler. I can't put it into words too well, but I veiw the "my beloved" in two possible ways: 1. Gardener and Winnower were the FIRST. It could be an Adam and Eve style situation. 2. A joke. The Winnower sees the Traveler inadvertently perpetuating the Flower Game, and it loves it for that.
@califighter275 3 ай бұрын
From my perspective.. The Winnower kind of see's the events of the universe as a game. Whether it be good or evil.
@MegaManZer088 3 ай бұрын
There's a line that has stuck with me for the last few days that the witness said, "we were created by gods, you and I", what if those gods are the traveler ( created the guardian) and the veil (created the witness) are the gods the witness was talking about.
@martinprovo2389 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad everybody can finally in on the same page that the Witness and the Winnower are separate entities. Something I thought was well established in the season of arrivals. 😂
@bryantmoore7117 3 ай бұрын
My assumption would be that this isn’t overcomplicating things. It says let me show you my beloved, and the last time we heard from it, it was talking about Oryx. Oryx at the moment is a fossil, more or less. A very dangerous fossil, but as others have pointed out, the -lite can refer to a fossil. So a necrolite is a fossil of death. He’s saying “now let me show you: my beloved. No, not Oryx. We talked about him last time. No, let’s talk about this existence, as beautiful and horrible as it is.”
@aidantriana5774 3 ай бұрын
The day before the final shape, I tried to boot it up early, and the text read: Why do you resist us? We only want an end to pain.
@masterchiefofhalo4525 3 ай бұрын
If the Winnower is a real being killing or defeating it won’t be possible. You can’t kill a concept or force of the universe. It’d be like asking guardians to go out and kill the physical existence of light. Not Light like ours but as in the photons that are created by everything.
@nullified60 3 ай бұрын
I think the fossilized in time bit is insulting the witnesses final shape
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