Narcissistic Mom Kicked Me Out at 19 for Her New Baby, but Years Later She Begged Me for Money...

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2 ай бұрын

Narcissistic Mom Kicked Me Out at 19 for Her New Baby, but Years Later She Begged Me for Money, So I Made Her Believe I'd Pay Her Debts, Then Exposed Her Cruelty Online.
#redditrelationship #redditupdate

Пікірлер: 185
@Hinatsuru-San 2 ай бұрын
W father. Getting off gambling and drugs are hard ,but he did it just for his child.
@grt8guy03 2 ай бұрын
she saved his life
@DragonOfTheMortalKombat 2 ай бұрын
​​@@grt8guy03 true dat
@diegoemanuel8641 2 ай бұрын
Well, he got slapped into the real world🤣
@TheJohhnyE 2 ай бұрын
Especially when they're addicted to Marijuana drugs. That shit ruins families and destroys lives.
@zachary6425 Ай бұрын
​@@grt8guy03kinda sounds like she only did it for her and not him... kinda proves it when the first thing that came out afterwards was all about her and nothing about concern for him. Just saying.
@sophiaisabelle0227 2 ай бұрын
She's using you as a piggy bank. She'll leave you once she had extorted so much from you.
@kmon1324 2 ай бұрын
The mother never got a chance to use the OP as a walking ATM because the OP exposed her actions to the point where she had to flee town.
@Idontlikepain 2 ай бұрын
Why is it always the in laws, golden children and the parents who made the children
@doopist 2 ай бұрын
because that's how reproduction works?
@RimWulf 2 ай бұрын
Because, they are treated like royalty as kids and gain a sense of entitlement.
@Banana.toulouse 2 ай бұрын
Because that's the prompt they gave to the AI
@knifeturtle8799 2 ай бұрын
​@@Banana.toulouseim pretty sure this is reddit?
@aaronwishard7093 Ай бұрын
​@@knifeturtle8799People accuse Reddit of being nothing but fake, creative writing, AI stories, every single day. So you shouldn't be shocked this story is treated the same.
@aridreams567 2 ай бұрын
Im so glad people agree that OP isnt in the right for ABUSING her father. W for sad for getting clean and back on track.
@nekorei2023 2 ай бұрын
Dad* :)
@jeantenou Ай бұрын
abusing her father? the slap?
@aishajung3430 Ай бұрын
Damn, abuse how? You must be american 😂😂😂
@negative2237 26 күн бұрын
@@nekorei2023 Why did you correct it? It's just another way of saying dad
@nekorei2023 25 күн бұрын
@@negative2237 shit even i dk, it was 1 month ago 😭
@LuccasSandbox 2 ай бұрын
"My grandparents and great-grandparents made sure I was born, but they didn't account for what would happen to me after that" is the exact reason many pro-life people are hypocritical. This is a common sentiment in my area.
@Centiwing 2 ай бұрын
they care for the unborn till they are born, thats how it goes
@cheggles 2 ай бұрын
they care more for a clump of cells than an actual child, its awful
@landonpoland5092 2 ай бұрын
@@chegglesa “clump of cells is a child”
@landonpoland5092 2 ай бұрын
Really because I know a lot more pro life places that support mothers then pro abortion places do
@landonpoland5092 2 ай бұрын
@@Centiwingdon’t know if that how that works mate, I know plenty of pro life organization that support the mother after birth as well, don’t know any pro abortion place that does
@joshuarees2354 2 ай бұрын
This is written like someone whos never actually smoked weed or been around it😂
@wingsir5238 2 ай бұрын
What I was thinking treating it like it's heroin
@LinKubPin Ай бұрын
I thought maybe he started on weed and then got into harder stuff but when she said he’d gone completely clean off weed I was like ??? that’s it?????
@zachary6425 Ай бұрын
@rudra2659 2 ай бұрын
Honestly OP is pretty shitty to her dad. I get he was by no means a perfect dad but at least he cared about her and loved her while her mum never did that. Especially messed up that she would slap him but not the mum after what she said to OP. Also constantly calling the dad stupid rubbed me the wrong way. I'm glad that people in the comments are noticing OP toxicity as well
@royal-wolf 2 ай бұрын
She is definitely toxic, too, but when you're raised by a toxic mother whose extended family wants nothing to do with you and a father who is too high to know what's going on, I don't blame OP for picking up some of those traits. OP needs therapy and maybe get the father into it as well.
@user-xd8ud8kk2s 2 ай бұрын
not only did she abuse her dad she force her way into living with him even tho legally she had no right to force him the let her live with him she just as entitled as the mother
@Badruborg 2 ай бұрын
She did not mean to slap him. Dude was high and she just got kicked out and would pretty much be homeless. And she immediately apologised. OP is not in the right and neither is she toxic. She is someone who been abused and neglected all her life. Even if her father loved her he was high all the time and never improved enough to get her out of that situation. The Grandparents were horrible too. Cutting her off due to problems with the mother 😢 it is a bad situation hence she acted badly
@TheJohhnyE 2 ай бұрын
Marijuana drug addicts don't deserve sympathy. She's lucky he didn't sell all her stuff to find his next fix. We all know how those crazy addicts can be..
@halo16918 2 ай бұрын
@@TheJohhnyE 🤣🤣🤣
@DarkEinherjar 2 ай бұрын
Wow... that mother reached Ozai levels of "she was born lucky, you were lucky to be born" cruelty... OP is just returning some of it to her, and is completely justified in doing so.
@anthonyB6922 2 ай бұрын
How are they broke but moved away after a couple weeks of asking for money?
@peagames2002 2 ай бұрын
They lied. Quite much. People who are stingy often have money somewhere, but try to extort others to get extra months worth of money.
@tryguysmemevideos5877 Ай бұрын
you know you’re a horrible mother if your ex husband, who was a drunk, managed to still provide their kid SOMETHING and not just emotional abuse.
@HyperNova-wh6nh 12 күн бұрын
A drunk? Just that? Her ex husband was a gambling addict,drug addict,weed addict,and alcohol addict and he literally helped his son
@tryguysmemevideos5877 12 күн бұрын
@@HyperNova-wh6nh why are u so aggressive i have the same views as u in this situation calm down 💀
@HyperNova-wh6nh 12 күн бұрын
@@tryguysmemevideos5877 I know lol. I was trying to make the situation seem bigger than it is hahahah hahahahahahaha hahaha hahaha hahahahahuaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHHQ
@Iris_too 2 ай бұрын
WHAT? OP SLAPPED HER DAD? If he was harsh to her it would've made sense. OP's dad maybe incompetent but he didn't deserved a slap!! It would've been a horrible day for dad to get slapped by his own flesh and blood. Edit: maybe the Asian inside me came out that's why I said that. It may not be a big deal for Americans but as an Asian we don't even hit people younger than us (even estranged). So when OP slapped the father, it caught me off guard.
@Hgftvb 2 ай бұрын
Which made him reflect on himself and get a job
@manofmann8901 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I find it quite entitled that she walks into his house, slaps his joint away that he was enjoying and then slaps him. I'm surprised he didn't throw her out too at that moment
@SilveryBlue1010 2 ай бұрын
At least that slap helped him. He still smoking that thing if her daughter doesn't slapped the sense outta him, doesn't mean what OP doing was ok at the time tho.
@andrelimaveiga7867 2 ай бұрын
I believe at that point she was both desperade and angered by what happened with her mother, so she slapped him out of frustration and reflex. Also didn't she apologised right after? And that slap helped her father wake up for life. Like some people pointed out, she is kinda toxic but i guess thats just the result of growning up in a toxic family that hated her for no reason. She just need some therapy on my opinion
@justinekho4751 2 ай бұрын
Same, I would never do that to my parents. They’re not perfect but I respect them to the bone. And to think that she’s already an adult which means she no longer needed both parents but still relies to them?🫣 She can support herself. As an asian who came from a very poor family, I sent myself to school since elementary school until I finished my bachelor. Even though I have a good parents, they’re too poor to send me to school so I asked one of my teacher at school who doesn’t have a kid if they could pay for my tuition at a public school and I would do their household chores in return. I did that until I finished elementary and when I was in high school I worked in the farm and paid my tuition. In college, I worked at our school cafeteria and had to do extra work to pay for my college tuition. I even had to do a cleaning job. Go to school on day time and cleaned offices at night time. And with God’s help I finished my bachelor. I lived with the motto “If there’s a will, there’s a way” and I’m proud to say that as the youngest among the 12 siblings, I am the only one who got a degree. My hard works paid off.
@Chapapoiya Ай бұрын
I feel so bad for the little girl. I hope she grows up okay and that she doesn't grow up to be an asshole because of her parents, people like them most likely will raise resentful children and alienate you so she'll think everything in her life was your fault.
@Feyra.z 2 ай бұрын
OPs dad is so lucky to have her and OP is an actual gem of a person for turning out a good person regardless of her circumstances, she pulled her father out of addiction and saved his life even though it wasnt her problem to fix. Kudos to her ❤💕
@JDubs1464 2 ай бұрын
5:58, “Legally, I still needed a home because I was gonna come back from college eventually” Is this a law? OP is 19 and an adult at this point, meaning the mother and stepfather should have no legal responsibility for her.
@att6484 26 күн бұрын
You need to provide a home residence when you go to college
@1_Ashy_2 Ай бұрын
She fixed not only her life but her father's as well. W😂
@sanddagger36 Ай бұрын
Why didn't the mother contact her own rich parents for support rather than her daughter?
@megjnh 2 ай бұрын
Funny how OP’s mom tried to get her to help by saying she had a little girl whose future was at stake. As if OP’s mom hadn’t set OP’s future up in flames. Shameless
@yeyosilver7067 2 ай бұрын
It's so pathetic how parents blame children for "ruining their lives", you were the one who chose to have sex, not the child Not to mention that you can hand over the baby to institutions This discussion is so pathetic
@morganablackwater2017 2 ай бұрын
Consent to sex don't mean consent to have a child - the real villains in here are OP devoted grandparents who forced a young woman who wasn't ready to be a mother to give birth and rise child she DIDN'T WANT They ruined her life and life of said child in name of some idiotic outdated ideas. Stop blaming women who being forced to give birth for not loving they "kids"
@SiriusBMermaid Ай бұрын
She knew that the father was poor, on drugs and had other issues but that didn't concern her when she was letting him have unprotected sex with her.
@zachary6425 Ай бұрын
Sad how people are so sexually irresponsible that they rather make their child's life a living hell than use protection or keeping it closed.
@taskforce1019 2 ай бұрын
So this was sad story great video though 👍 the story really show's use that life isn't movie with moral lessons life is filled with monster's so the only way to survive is to be a monster yourself but not all the time
@krystinreives7776 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, the audacity of the OP Mom after everything she put them through. also, the fact that this woman is a narcissist can only lead me to believe that it was best that the OP put this woman on blast after everything she did and she still has the audacity to expect the OP to help her much less couldn’t take responsibility or apologize, expected her to pay her debts. because if this woman is the type of person that cares more about her appearance than anything else, it’s best that the OP beat her to the punch by airing out the dirty laundry cause I’m positive. She would’ve lied about a crappy daughter if she painted herself as mother of the year.
@psychedeliccouch2534 2 ай бұрын
The amount of nonsense in this story is crazy. I don't believe any of it, and surprised anyone does.
@Joel-js2gk 2 ай бұрын
The point of these stories isn't always for genuine advice, it's for entertainment and to stir up discussion. Same reason why people discuss what TV show characters should've done, or say things like "this character was an asshole" even though it's obviously scripted stuff. The actual truth behind stories is not relevant, only the realism of said stores, just like in TV shows nobody argues if they're real or not but often times people comment on the acting skills of the characters involved, or plot holes within a tv series.
@Trendnet18 2 ай бұрын
She resented you. Forced to raise a kid she didn't want. I wouldn't know what i would have done probably send you off for adoption. Problem was raised by her parents. But good on the dad cleaning up
@eastfrisianguy 2 ай бұрын
Very good that the father got his life together. And I would have done the same, if not worse, but I also have a revengeful side and whoever does bad things to me, I give it back at least twice lol
@Vulpur 2 ай бұрын
It’s stories like these where even though we are “internet strangers” we all believe what the mother did was wrong if we knew her than no matter where she moved she had a army waiting to raise hell and make her respect her daughter and be a better mother
@daemiax 2 ай бұрын
Why hate your dad for his incompetence if he did the effort to be kind to you. What if breaking up with your mom destroyed his world and he couldn't recover. Clearly OP's mom's toxicity rubbed off on OP.
@daemiax 2 ай бұрын
Conclusion, OP's Mom is a toxic POS. OP is an entitled POS. The fact that OP's dad got his sheet together after OP came into his life, was a proof that he needed support. But OP thinks she's clearly the only victim on this planet.
@daemiax 2 ай бұрын
Since my comment on my comment got deleted for some reason, let me re-iterate. OP's mom, bad bad person. OP's also bad person who thinks only of themselves and thinks they are the only victim in this world. The proof that the dad was actually not a bad person was that as soon as someone was there to give meaning to his life, he made the effort to change. But OP is incapable of understanding that their dad had a bigger issue. OP thinks everyone has to be psychologically perfect and pay for their schooling. NO, the only obligation he had when OP was 19 was give love. Which from my understanding , he never spared OP of anyways, it was just that he was a wreck and couldn't meet OP's arbitrary requirements. ZERO sympathy for OP. The apple clearly didn't fall too far from the mother tree.
@Owl_bee 2 ай бұрын
Because it’s not just about being “kind”, although personally, I think smoking weed around your young child is abusive, not kind. OP’s dad was a complete waste for 19 years of her life. I don’t know why these comments are siding with him. I can only assume that you’re all very young. I mean, clearly this is fake, but still.
@daemiax 2 ай бұрын
If smoking weed was his means to cope, that'd be it. Maybe he should've offed himself, because not only he didn't get support. He also ended up with an entitled brat. And people are siding against him. Try looking at things deeper than skin level. A child doesn't make the father automatically a colonial level slave with no consideration. He too is a human, and all he did was to escape and he was in desperate need of help. The fact that he immediately agreed to change is a proof that he was not mentally stable either. But NOOOO! " Bad dad for being mentally unstable, how dare you have psychological issues, you're supposed to send me to collage." I'm in my mid 30s thank you very much, and I have a son whom I've spend most of my time with ( other than work ) and if you ask him, I'm the best daddy in the world. ( Even though I constantly criticize myself that I can be much better ) In fact he even went as far as to call me his best friend. I however, never got to see my dad from how much he was working and he was also physically abusing us(Mom+3kids), he once tied me upside down once for waking him up on a sunday. Doesn't mean I will propogate the abuse ( I can't even imagine hitting my wife or my son), doesn't mean I can forgive, but I can understand. Dad was a farm boy , when he was 14 he took his widow mom to the capital city , by working whatever he can. His dad died when he was a small kid. So he too had his trauma. Doesn't justify the abuse , but I can understand.
@bryn1063 2 ай бұрын
​@korngirl185 I agree. I don't think the dads a bad person but him being high all day doesn't make a dad. He was just sick and the sickness got worse when she got older. Doesn't absolve him of blame. Op shouldn't have grab slapped him and she seems to have issues but in a way. He needed that slap.
@Marasovsgirl 2 ай бұрын
Im calling bs on this one. OP is the loser in this one.
@kaymarzalforner5482 2 ай бұрын
Great video! Now time to watch it
@aradhyanautiyal6973 2 ай бұрын
You did the right thing exposing your toxic mother and reforming your father. I feel sad for your half sister cause she is living with a crazy woman
@Demonoicgamer666 2 ай бұрын
At least op understands that despite the pain she went to far
@abhabh6896 19 күн бұрын
W comback for dad.
@Badruborg 2 ай бұрын
Kindness to her? The same way yoi showed kindness to OP amd then kicked her out? Please woman, save us your Merchant of Venice speech ☹️🙄
@steveschair1918 2 ай бұрын
What kind of pot is this dude smoking, lol??
@CherryGryffon 2 ай бұрын
I mean, while OP is not the problem per se, OP is absolutely spoiled in their mindset. YOu're 19. You are not entitled to living with (and thereby mooching off of) your family until YOU feel you're ready. MOST of us don't even get to stay past 18, so for OP to sit here and just fully expect to be a grown ass adult living with mommy and her new daddy, rent free, while they bring a new baby into the world, and then go to college and still COME BACK to that same situation... reeks of spoiled entitlement. You're grown now. No one else is responsible for you except YOU
@CherryGryffon 2 ай бұрын
Jesus, and then OP goes to their dad's house, a fully grown man, and PHYSICALLY ASSAULTS HIM?? Nah, I don't care how well it worked out in the end, OP REEKS of entitlement and victim mentality. They need therapy, because I have no doubt they learned it from their mother.
@CherryGryffon 2 ай бұрын
Yeahhh it didn't work out well in the end at all tbh. OP's mother might have narcissistic tendencies, but so does OP. "She thinks the world revolves around her" Yeah, so do you OP. "It doesn't matter that it was wrong it made me feel better" PEAK CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE ENERGY. I feel bad for the dad the most out of all this.
@Joel-js2gk 2 ай бұрын
It's really only in the US that it's commonplace to kick your kids out at 18. In many cultures people live with their parents well into their 20s and sometimes even 30s, until they are ready to move into a new place with a spouse. In some cultures the children will buy their parents' house at a bargain price and take care of their parents in their old age. Especially in today's day and age and how expensive shit is it makes no sense to move out just for the sake of moving out. It makes much more sense to set up your future financially to continue living at home (if possible) and only move out once you have your career sorted out, have saved up some money and potentially be in a serious relationship. Meanwhile you are helping your parents out buying groceries and taking care of household chores. Of course, this is all assuming you have a healthy relationship with your parents and they are willing to give you the privacy and independence you need as a young adult despite still living under their roof. But, yea, your statement that "MOST of us don't even get to stay past 18" is pure nonsense.
@princess__blueberry1775 2 ай бұрын
Ladies and gentlemen this is what happens when you force people to have kids that don't want them. Me personally I would have lied and said that I had a miscarriage. That way I wouldn't have had to get disowned for the abortion. I guess the mother didn't really think too far into it.
@darth3911 2 ай бұрын
You do realize there are these organizations called orphanages which take in unwanted babies and children right? Abortion is morally wrong and ultimately just the avoidance of the consequences for being irresponsible with sex.
@bebealyssamae6742 2 ай бұрын
Happy 1k videos!!!
@HughJassMarioFan2009 2 ай бұрын
A lot of people in the comment section are forgetting that the OP slapped her dad to knock some sense into him. Also the OP isn't like her mom, because she's only ruining the life of the same person who ruined hers (or nearly ruined). Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. NTA
@failingartist3524 2 ай бұрын
People only see and hear what they want mainly because she isn't an English major for how she wrote the post. Entertainment or not y it matter
@OllyTurnbull 2 ай бұрын
Selfish woman should have helped him cus hes her sad not fof her future
@ok1122l 2 ай бұрын
Love these ai generated videos❤❤
@Thatgirllovesmoney223 15 күн бұрын
Why the dad kissing ha mom ssa💀
@leebitqoq 2 ай бұрын
op is ungrateful towards her dad, at least he tries
@darth3911 2 ай бұрын
Not really the post made clear he lost to his battles with addiction until he needed to overcome them. Truthfully speaking her father would still be a drug and gambling addict if his daughter wasn’t forced to live with him.
@leebitqoq 2 ай бұрын
@@darth3911 yep however she did not have to hit her dad
@sanddagger36 Ай бұрын
Not saying the OP needs to apologize or anything, but she definitely needs to tone down her expectations. She was 19 when she was kicked out and she was expecting her mom or grandparents to pay for her college. Yes it was sudden, but she was expecting more support than most people would've. She could have prepared to leave home or work or anything, but she chose to believe a woman she hated would support her after she became an adult. It just feels a little entitled of OP.
@daisyperez3387 2 ай бұрын
It always shocks me when I hear about weed smokers being so lazy and “crazy” I smoke weed and my house is always clean food is always ready my kids are well taken care of and I have a part time job , not all of us weed smokers are losers
@sarahthivierge3387 2 ай бұрын
Im the same way i have to smoke for medical reasons so i smoke all day but i still manage to take care of all my responsibilities i dont understand people who cant function
@leamubiu 2 ай бұрын
Hashtag not-all-weed-smokers !!
@MacClay8 2 ай бұрын
I know of a couple 'lazy/crazy' weed smokers, but that's their natural state. They were that way before they started smoking. Weed is just a low effort feel good for them. They aren't lazy because they smoke weed, they smoke weed because they are lazy. Not saying everyone that smokes weed is lazy, or even the majority. Some are, and that's who I'm talking about.
@zeinebbkh 2 ай бұрын
25 isn’t that young lol
@elijahz6522 2 ай бұрын
@enzo-fn8nk 2 ай бұрын
Timeline doesn’t check out
@corimaus4917 2 ай бұрын
Pls make more Videos !!!
@DraxXThanos 2 ай бұрын
Calling your only loving parent incompetent and names just boggles my mind. Looks like you are your mothers child because its clear that your dad is trying but you keep bringing the past to chat.
@brovriscoolvriscool5277 2 ай бұрын
Girl is the daughter who stepped up like she probally saved her fathers life and hit him out of the downward spiral
@MsAngelsheart 2 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure weed doesn’t do this. Not THIS extreme.
@darth3911 2 ай бұрын
Depends if it’s plain weed or spiked weed. Spiked weed usually contains other substances which makes it stronger than normal weed. Additionally long term substance abuse has different effects than short term abuse. The story suggests guy was a drug addict for at least 20 years.
@landonpoland5092 2 ай бұрын
Dang OP is kind of an ahole here to, her dad was struggling with two addiction and the first thing she did is smack him and start demanding things, but she only once stood up to her mother, to me it sounds like maybe she has a little bit more of her mom in her then she wants to admit
@JohnDoe-wh6dd 2 ай бұрын
Where did the inheritance go?
@laurenevers8644 2 ай бұрын
Nowhere, because this is another ai story haha
@JohnDoe-wh6dd 2 ай бұрын
@@laurenevers8644 liking your own post is the equivalent of sniffing your own farts. It is disgustingly behavior.
@IAmInYourShadows 2 ай бұрын
people are dumb. OP saved her father's life and if not for the slap, he would've stayed the same. Even he said so in the story.
@eleanorturner4651 24 күн бұрын
If you have any kindness in your heart you put the past behind you and help them off and pay off their debt because she has a little girl??? Lord then entitlement of some people retreat your child like she was a piece of dirt constantly telling her that she should be glad you allowed her to live cuz you would have abortedher😊 I don't blame you for telling her after all the years of treating you like well she really didn't want you so it wasn't like she was treating you like she didn't she did not want you!! Yes she was a terrible mother a horrible woman so no don't pay nothing and I'm so glad you you scammed to tricked her Hoodwinked her into thinking that you would good for you go on with your life God bless you!!
@spiketheadventurefurry8732 2 ай бұрын
@1Scimetar 2 ай бұрын
So for any autistic people, male or female, who find themselves in OP's position when she was applying for college in the US, just so long as you provide official diagnostic papers for the autism, you can apply for a Pell Grant. This is an educational grant available directly from the US federal government to any and all American college students who have a proven and incurable medical condition, such as autism, cerebral palsy, or another applicable condition that pays $10k. I don't know 100gʻ if it can be claimed once or can be gotten per term, but I (34, male) was offered it when I applied for my local community college at 19, providing my official diagnosis of assburgers from when I was 5.
@darth3911 2 ай бұрын
@bunny_monster 2 ай бұрын
I might sound like an asshole but honestly I can sort of get how the mother turned into who she was. Being forced to keep an unplanned baby, unprepared and shamed and all you can see in the child is the hurt you were forced into, it makes sense. I don’t understand tho why she’d want to have you back in the snap of a finger for money tho cuz then holes are able to be made in the connection between forced pregnancy and wanting the kid.
@darth3911 2 ай бұрын
Forced pregnancy isn’t as traumatic as people try to betray it. It’s being forced to raise unwanted children which is where things actually take a turn. That said non of that is what made the mother who she was. Social behavior tends to linger throughout lifespan and it is likely she was like that before she even got pregnant. What made her who she is we will never know but what we do know is the mother is a shit person regardless.
@bunny_monster 2 ай бұрын
@@darth3911 Forced pregnancy *IS* traumatic don’t try dwindling how awful it is. Secondly yes you have a point she could’ve been a cunt all her life but I sincerely believe her own parents and their attitude gave major play into that personality.
@tabibble8412 Ай бұрын
0/10 not worth the time
@TheJohhnyE 2 ай бұрын
Moral of the story: Marijuana drugs ruins families.
@kidm0bius190 2 ай бұрын
the fact that OP cant see that she is literally just like her mother is fuckin funny. She was a narcissist and entitled when it came to college. then she makes a verbal contract and create defamation (since i doubt she has proof outside of a druggy father) with a public post. lol if the mother wasn't such a dunce she'd just sue her daughter for the money and defamation. Sadly though this is faker then a 3 dollar bill.
@halo16918 2 ай бұрын
I could tell this was fake when they were talking about weed like its heroine😂
@Rinefi 2 ай бұрын
she literally raised her father, absolute MVP
@AngelAttacksAreCommonHere 2 ай бұрын
she definitely isnt in the right for slapping her dad but in the long run i do think it was necessary since that slap was the most important thing he needed to get his life back together, W father :)
@jameswood4476 2 ай бұрын
4th comment
@queenrhubarb1676 24 күн бұрын
Grandparents who demand the daughter give birth are the real monsters.
@anikgypsy 2 ай бұрын
Being adult at 18 is concept terrible parents use to forgo their responsibilities. If you're going to kick your child out in the excuse that they're legally an adult, then start preparing them for it from the age of 7. Our school system the way it's currently set up, doesnt let you have a undergrad degree until you're 22 on average and even then most companies looking to hire ask for years of work experience. Knowing all this if you kick your child out just cause they're 18 or over it, you're a terrible parent. Also, better to have a secret abortion instead if forcing yourself to have a child you dont want to. Drive to another state if you have to. Whatever trouble you have to get the abortion, get it. It's WAY LESS than raising an unwanted child.
@ThePawerStation 2 ай бұрын
I only feel sorry for the child.
@MrMookieswm 2 ай бұрын
I think OP should stop weed bashing. Marijuana is not a hard drug.
@Owl_bee 2 ай бұрын
I’m sure smoking it around a child and at work is fine too, yeah?
@MrMookieswm 2 ай бұрын
@korngirl185 stupid comment. No, smoking ANYTHING or even drinking around kids is wrong. Smh. And depending on your job and employers, yeah it can be fine. I smoke daily, yet I'm in the gym 2+ hours, then I'm training other people in the gym. All while high....
@johnchen997 2 ай бұрын
The dad needed that slap to wake up.
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