NASB 2020 Large Print Ultrathin in Grey Leathertex

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A Frisch Perspective

A Frisch Perspective

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@nickvasiliades4537 4 жыл бұрын
Tim, really solid and thorough review. Learned a few new things as usual and this made me feel better about the 2020.
@Me2Lancer 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your review of the Lockman NASB 2020 Ultrathin Large Print Bible. I purchased the NASB 2020 version bible recently and have to agree with your comment that it reads more smoothly than earlier versions. To this point, the NASB 95 has been my standard for a formal translation.
@mikepowers7207 4 жыл бұрын
Great review, Tim! It encourages me enough that I may consider overcoming my skepticism over the NASB2020 and may eventually decide to acquire one. But not yet. Thanks.
@SusanMorales 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video 👍🏼 love the addition of “and sisters” especially
@kylec8950 4 жыл бұрын
Why? Its not what the actual Greek says. It only says "brothers".
@MAMoreno 4 жыл бұрын
@@kylec8950 The Greek doesn't say "brothers." It says ἀδελφοί. Despite being grammatically masculine, the Greek word does not have the same gender limitations as the English word "brothers" does in 21st Century English.
@kylec8950 4 жыл бұрын
@@MAMoreno ἀδελφοί means "Brothers". It is not correct to say "brothers and sisters".
@MAMoreno 4 жыл бұрын
@@kylec8950 It does not mean brothers. It means "people from the same womb." Only in contexts where it speaks only of men does it mean "brothers," and that's not the context that's most common throughout the epistles. "Brothers" is a mistranslation that suggests an exclusively male audience.
@kylec8950 4 жыл бұрын
@@MAMoreno It does mean brothers. Any reputable lexicon will tell you so. masculine. Sorry, it just doesn't mean brothers and sisters. You can try to justify it all you want. Theologically, we all "Brothers in Christ". just as we are all theologically the "bride of Christ". It is not accurate to say brothers and sisters.
@timwilkins2008 3 жыл бұрын
Watched your video and decided to get the grey one as well. Been an NASB reader off and on over the years. I have owned a '77, '95 and now thw '20. Looking forward to diving into it.
@newyorknight 4 жыл бұрын
Really nice, I like my ESV Reformation study bible. Large print is always nice to have for a bible text.
@underwaves75 4 жыл бұрын
Blue Notes the ESV used to be my choice bible until recently... Everybody needs to know this! The whole world is drunk on the doctrines of Babylon! INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY the visible Christian church. PLEASE if you can sense the deadness of the institutional churches and different ministries but can't put your finger on it. I'm pleading with you to understand something very important here. The mainstream Christian system is not of God. Rev 17:5 - "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Abominations Of The Earth." Mystery Babylon The Great is the Vatican - “And the woman which thou sawest, is that great Citie which reigneth ouer the kings of the earth.” - Rev 17:18 And she has harlot daughters which represent the protestant churches. And “the Abominations Of The Earth” are corrupt scriptures. And the final bible that will unite all faiths is called Wormwood/the Abomination of desolation. And Jesus Christ is calling His people out. Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues:” The most important thing to understand is that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED to preserve His word for every generation forever as He promises us in Psalms 12:6-7 and you do not need men to teach you. 1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him, abideth in you: and yee need not that any man teach you: But, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is trueth, and is no lye: and euen as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” It’s vital to know, especially right now, that God has kept His word in tact. There is still an every word testimony with us! The following clip by Reg Block is what the Lord used to open my eyes to the truth of Gods promises in Mark 13:31, Psalm 12:6-7, Psalms 138:2, and Matt 4:4 and so on. It’s not more lifeless information. It is powerful and life changing and I’m grateful for it! The next video is a lesson by John Doerr on the pure word of God in the English language, which is found in the av1611 kjv. This is a much different testimony than the King James bible you are able to easily find in the churches and the so called "Christian bookstores". Please pray and genuinely take this before the Lord. He will show you. (Prepare to be attacked once you start down this path) The devil and his ministers don’t want this going out. I prayed a long time to know what the truth was, because over the years I grew increasingly confused, frustrated, misguided and so on.. But like most of us, I kept returning to church Sunday after next hoping something would change. If I sang more, prayed harder, got more involved, etc, ...maybe something would give. But nothing ever did. I must have walked a thousand isles. It had gotten to a point where a friend at the time said, “just try and sing". He meant well, but it was always disingenuous so I never did. Long story short - my whole Christian life was that way until recently. (powerless) God has since opened my eyes and I trust Him alone. I really hope this reaches somebody. If this is you... honestly, please look into what I’m saying. God is rich in mercy and His patience is unmatched. He's been drawing me for a long time. Maybe He’s drawing you too and this is the message you needed. This link is a series of interviews between Reg Block and John Doerr that go in depth regarding Johns trip to England for the purposes of co-producing three films: A lamp in the dark, Tares among the wheat and A bridge to babylon. The three films (free to watch), cover the history of the bible. More specifically the preservation of Gods word and the measures that have been taken to cast doubt on, and ultimately destroy it. (it's a treasure of information for the Saints) - find the first interview to start on. here is one very final clip on the "servants of Lucifer" "(if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.” It’s imperative to understand that the av1611 is much different than the 1769 KJV that most believe is the true 1611 but is not. The KJV only movement doesn’t use the authorized version of 1611 either. This is the bible that Rome has been trying to destroy and cast doubt on since its inception. Everything, from the gun powder plot to false rumours of King James being gay. It contains all the prophecies in tact. Things like, what is the mark of the beast, what is wormwood, who and what is Antichrist, who are Leviathan and Behemoth representations of, and so on. If the scriptures are broken, the prophets are killed and the church can’t hear what the Spirit is saying. freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.” Matt 10:8
@knothead35 3 жыл бұрын
True, you can always add your own ribbons or extra ribbons. When i buy used/older bibles that i find at thrift stores, i get a little stiff card(index card or thicker) and glue a ribbon to it. I fold the card with the ribbon glued inside and slide it into the gab. If you make it just the right size, it really stays in there.
@JosePerez-me7kt 4 жыл бұрын
Please do a video on the changes made in the 2020 what you like and don’t. And does it slant to a reform doctrine or is neutral. Thanks for for all you do blessings
@pinkdiscomosh2766 4 жыл бұрын
The NASB has always been about form over function. It’s never really been a great readable translation and that’s in large part to it’s strict adherence to the form of scripture which I believe we are missing a lot in translation when we try to match the form of Hebrew and Greek in English. They are not equivalent languages so when you attempt to shove English into a Hebrew and Greek mold, you get something that doesn’t read well and sounds like broken English. This is why I appreciate translations like the NET or even the ESV for that matter. They take into account this fact about translation. The NASB 2020 seems to rectify this problem and I could appreciate that. I look forward to this attempt and I hope it fixes it’s long standing problem as a wooden translation. Ps. I know this might trigger many NASB fans, but just know that I love and respect you in Christ.
@underwaves75 4 жыл бұрын
stross Everybody needs to know this! The whole world is drunk on the doctrines of Babylon! INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY the visible Christian church. PLEASE if you can sense the deadness of the institutional churches and different ministries but can't put your finger on it. I'm pleading with you to understand something very important here. The mainstream Christian system is not of God. Rev 17:5 - "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Abominations Of The Earth." Mystery Babylon The Great is the Vatican - “And the woman which thou sawest, is that great Citie which reigneth ouer the kings of the earth.” - Rev 17:18 And she has harlot daughters which represent the protestant churches. And “the Abominations Of The Earth” are corrupt scriptures. And the final bible that will unite all faiths is called Wormwood/the Abomination of desolation. And Jesus Christ is calling His people out. Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues:” The most important thing to understand is that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED to preserve His word for every generation forever as He promises us in Psalms 12:6-7 and you do not need men to teach you. 1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him, abideth in you: and yee need not that any man teach you: But, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is trueth, and is no lye: and euen as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” It’s vital to know, especially right now, that God has kept His word in tact. There is still an every word testimony with us! The following clip by Reg Block is what the Lord used to open my eyes to the truth of Gods promises in Mark 13:31, Psalm 12:6-7, Psalms 138:2, and Matt 4:4 and so on. It’s not more lifeless information. It is powerful and life changing and I’m grateful for it! The next video is a lesson by John Doerr on the pure word of God in the English language, which is found in the av1611 kjv. This is a much different testimony than the King James bible you are able to easily find in the churches and the so called "Christian bookstores". Please pray and genuinely take this before the Lord. He will show you. (Prepare to be attacked once you start down this path) The devil and his ministers don’t want this going out. I prayed a long time to know what the truth was, because over the years I grew increasingly confused, frustrated, misguided and so on.. But like most of us, I kept returning to church Sunday after next hoping something would change. If I sang more, prayed harder, got more involved, etc, ...maybe something would give. But nothing ever did. I must have walked a thousand isles. It had gotten to a point where a friend at the time said, “just try and sing". He meant well, but it was always disingenuous so I never did. Long story short - my whole Christian life was that way until recently. (powerless) God has since opened my eyes and I trust Him alone. I really hope this reaches somebody. If this is you... honestly, please look into what I’m saying. God is rich in mercy and His patience is unmatched. He's been drawing me for a long time. Maybe He’s drawing you too and this is the message you needed. This link is a series of interviews between Reg Block and John Doerr that go in depth regarding Johns trip to England for the purposes of co-producing three films: A lamp in the dark, Tares among the wheat and A bridge to babylon. The three films (free to watch), cover the history of the bible. More specifically the preservation of Gods word and the measures that have been taken to cast doubt on, and ultimately destroy it. (it's a treasure of information for the Saints) - find the first interview to start on. here is one very final clip on the "servants of Lucifer" "(if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.” It’s imperative to understand that the av1611 is much different than the 1769 KJV that most believe is the true 1611 but is not. The KJV only movement doesn’t use the authorized version of 1611 either. This is the bible that Rome has been trying to destroy and cast doubt on since its inception. Everything, from the gun powder plot to false rumours of King James being gay. It contains all the prophecies in tact. Things like, what is the mark of the beast, what is wormwood, who and what is Antichrist, who are Leviathan and Behemoth representations of, and so on. If the scriptures are broken, the prophets are killed and the church can’t hear what the Spirit is saying. freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.” Matt 10:8
@gleasonparker1684 3 жыл бұрын
I really like the bold verse #s. And Large PRINT is very readable and excellent center column REFERENCEs And notes at bottom. Thin SIZE is very nice ALSO.
@HerveyShmervy 4 жыл бұрын
I can't wait for there to be more nasb2020 bibles out there like study bibles and what not
@hueytownchurchofchrist 4 жыл бұрын
Those words and phrases in ( ) were already added to the 2020 update in the Spanish version of the NASB. I like it in Spanish and am sure I will like it in English. Thanks for the review.
@gleasonparker1684 3 жыл бұрын
I like the Lockman version of NASB 2020.
@taztherocker1 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video.
@sdhute 5 ай бұрын
This is my favorite book block perfect got a rebind. These also have somewhat decent ribbons too mine is the china printed version with the wonderful white paper with the blue tint. Has Lockman ever advertised what the GSM is on their 2020 large print ultrathin reference ?
@garythomas3150 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t foresee myself buying the NASB 2020, but I vote for the in depth translation review. 👍 (and I hope Mike doesn’t troll me for posting a comment).
@michaelragnanese 2 жыл бұрын
Tim, Is the lockmen foundation leathertex in the 2020 the same type leathertex that is in the 1995 side column reference bible ? Could you please let me know. Thank you
@mattbowers3962 4 жыл бұрын
Good video, made me curious which update Tecarta uses? I mostly use the app but wouldn't mind picking up a print version. Plenty of KJV's around, but need some modern translations in print now that the kids are starting to read. Our oldest (6 years) just accepted Christ last month! 🤸
@idahosugarbear 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Tim. I'll have to think of getting one. I have a '73, a '75, and a '77. I don't have a '95 but I think I will opt for the '20.
@kylec8950 4 жыл бұрын
To me, the translation does not feel like a "NASB", feels more like a "NIV".
@underwaves75 4 жыл бұрын
idahosugarbear opt for the av1611 as it is Jesus Christ’s unbroken testimony. Everybody needs to know this! The whole world is drunk on the doctrines of Babylon! INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY the visible Christian church. PLEASE if you can sense the deadness of the institutional churches and different ministries but can't put your finger on it. I'm pleading with you to understand something very important here. The mainstream Christian system is not of God. Rev 17:5 - "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Abominations Of The Earth." Mystery Babylon The Great is the Vatican - “And the woman which thou sawest, is that great Citie which reigneth ouer the kings of the earth.” - Rev 17:18 And she has harlot daughters which represent the protestant churches. And “the Abominations Of The Earth” are corrupt scriptures. And the final bible that will unite all faiths is called Wormwood/the Abomination of desolation. And Jesus Christ is calling His people out. Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues:” The most important thing to understand is that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED to preserve His word for every generation forever as He promises us in Psalms 12:6-7 and you do not need men to teach you. 1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him, abideth in you: and yee need not that any man teach you: But, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is trueth, and is no lye: and euen as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” It’s vital to know, especially right now, that God has kept His word in tact. There is still an every word testimony with us! The following clip by Reg Block is what the Lord used to open my eyes to the truth of Gods promises in Mark 13:31, Psalm 12:6-7, Psalms 138:2, and Matt 4:4 and so on. It’s not more lifeless information. It is powerful and life changing and I’m grateful for it! The next video is a lesson by John Doerr on the pure word of God in the English language, which is found in the av1611 kjv. This is a much different testimony than the King James bible you are able to easily find in the churches and the so called "Christian bookstores". Please pray and genuinely take this before the Lord. He will show you. (Prepare to be attacked once you start down this path) The devil and his ministers don’t want this going out. I prayed a long time to know what the truth was, because over the years I grew increasingly confused, frustrated, misguided and so on.. But like most of us, I kept returning to church Sunday after next hoping something would change. If I sang more, prayed harder, got more involved, etc, ...maybe something would give. But nothing ever did. I must have walked a thousand isles. It had gotten to a point where a friend at the time said, “just try and sing". He meant well, but it was always disingenuous so I never did. Long story short - my whole Christian life was that way until recently. (powerless) God has since opened my eyes and I trust Him alone. I really hope this reaches somebody. If this is you... honestly, please look into what I’m saying. God is rich in mercy and His patience is unmatched. He's been drawing me for a long time. Maybe He’s drawing you too and this is the message you needed. This link is a series of interviews between Reg Block and John Doerr that go in depth regarding Johns trip to England for the purposes of co-producing three films: A lamp in the dark, Tares among the wheat and A bridge to babylon. The three films (free to watch), cover the history of the bible. More specifically the preservation of Gods word and the measures that have been taken to cast doubt on, and ultimately destroy it. (it's a treasure of information for the Saints) - find the first interview to start on. here is one very final clip on the "servants of Lucifer" "(if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.” It’s imperative to understand that the av1611 is much different than the 1769 KJV that most believe is the true 1611 but is not. The KJV only movement doesn’t use the authorized version of 1611 either. This is the bible that Rome has been trying to destroy and cast doubt on since its inception. Everything, from the gun powder plot to false rumours of King James being gay. It contains all the prophecies in tact. Things like, what is the mark of the beast, what is wormwood, who and what is Antichrist, who are Leviathan and Behemoth representations of, and so on. If the scriptures are broken, the prophets are killed and the church can’t hear what the Spirit is saying. freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.” Matt 10:8
@Wayfarerpilgrim 4 жыл бұрын
Great review. The price for this bible is great and for 40$ you can get the “ genuine “ leather edition. I’m debating , but I’m at a time in my life where the Bible you pick up, is the Bible you read.
@jjroseknows777 4 жыл бұрын
This is just the NT and Psalms and Proverbs, did you realize that? Just sayin'.
@CaseyFleetMedia 4 жыл бұрын
I like the NASB2020 over NASB95 for sure
@kevindrake714 4 жыл бұрын
I got this as a gift im excited!
@AFrischPerspective 4 жыл бұрын
Very nice 👍
@gleasonparker1684 3 жыл бұрын
What is font size in. Both versions? Thanks
@ruthirwin8222 4 жыл бұрын
I like nasb version it used to be used in Precepts but they have changed to esb which i really dont like it sounds awkward
@montescott59 4 жыл бұрын
I received my first NASB as a high school graduation gift in 1977. It has always been my preferred translation. One thing you didn't mention, at least in this video, is whether the 2020 edition continues with the NASB feature of setting apart all OT quotes in the NT with small caps. More than anything else over the years, seeing these quotes has immunized me from the expanding and horrifying anti-Semitic teaching that we should cut Christianity free from the OT.
@skjones91199 4 жыл бұрын
Should have put this in first - nice review! I do enjoy them. I'll stick with my KJV. Language didn't change much since 1995. I think they were losing market share to the ESV and wanted to become more relevant. I wonder if they took out the ascension in LK 24 out? They put it in for the '95. I have a 1963 NT, a 75, 77, and 95. The 95 is the 'best' I think, but we'll give the 2020 a review when it arrives!
@jjroseknows777 4 жыл бұрын
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise him above ye heavenly armies... Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Nah, I don't think so.... Is there something built into the word that makes it military?
@jtlbb2 4 жыл бұрын
So your argument is that a song, written to the cadence of old English, doesn’t flow as well in a modern English dialect that it wasn’t meant for? Does that seem like good reasoning to you? Also what exactly does “heavenly hosts” mean?
@jjroseknows777 4 жыл бұрын
@@jtlbb2 I have been told or heard that "they" will be consistently translating the word that has heretofore been interpreted as HOST will be translated as ARMY. Tell me if I heard wrongly; I was just trying to make the point that we don't have to be that consistent...I do not think of an army of angels... Do you have any sympathy with my point?
@jtlbb2 4 жыл бұрын
@@jjroseknows777 I don't know if they will be or not. But my point is it's silly reasoning to think a word shouldn't be translated a certain way because of a song. Also, what do you think "host" means? Most people think it means a multitude, that is a lot of something. But then what about the phrase, "a multitude of heavenly hosts"? A multitude of heavenly multitudes? Does that makes sense? Also, I understand that you don't think of an army of angels... but let's face it, that's largely because most modern English Bibles since the KJV have translated the phrase as, "heavenly hosts". In other words, that's what you're used to. Had the English Bibles since the KJV instead translated it as "a multitude of heavenly armies" and that's what you grew up hearing, then you wouldn't think twice of it.
@Paladin12572 4 жыл бұрын
Great review and introduction to the new edition. Alas, I don't think it's a Bible for me.
@Tax_Buster 4 жыл бұрын
I really find paragraphs that are not justified to be so ugly and irritating! I hate seeing jagged edges on the right margin!
@billykid6824 4 жыл бұрын
Frank Logsdon Denounces New American Standard Version (Transcript) Co Author "I must under God denounce every attachment to the New American Standard Version. I'm afraid I'm in trouble with the Lord...We laid the groundwork; I wrote the format; I helped interview some of the translators; I sat with the translator; I wrote the preface. When you see the preface to the New American Standard, those are my's wrong, it's terribly wrong; it's frightfully wrong...I'm in trouble;...I can no longer ignore these criticisms I am hearing and I can't refute them. The deletions are absolutely frightening...there are so many. The finest leaders that we have today haven't gone into it [new versions of Wescott and Hort's corrupted Greek text] just as I hadn't gone into it...that's how easily one can be deceived...Are we so naive that we do not suspect Satanic deception in all of this?" - Frank Logsdon - Logsdon's Pro KJV Anti NASV - Download MP3 Frank Logsdon was a major player in the development of the New American Standard Bible (NASB). He was a friend of Dewey Lockman, and was involved in a feasibility study involving purchasing the copyright of the American Standard Version (ASV) with Lockman that lead to the eventual production of the NASB. He interviewed some of the translators for the job, and even wrote the preface to the translation. Slowly, he became aware that there was something wrong with the NASB. He eventually rejected it, and promoted the KJV. This was a major defection for the modern version crowd Below is his speech, in it's entirety, rejecting the NASB, and endorsing the Textus Receptus and the KJV. (The complete transcript is available here) Vaticanus Text (Catholic) disagrees with the Sinaiticus in over 3,000 places. Missing in this text, Gen 1 to 46, There is a supplement to it. Ps. 107 to 137, Heb 9:14 on missing. All Revelation all 1and 2 Timothy, All Titus, all Philemon.
@kylec8950 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for showing this. I have this exact Bible. The translation is awful. There really is no truth in calling the NASB "literal" anymore. Each page they have simplified or "dumb-down" the Scripture and decided to add a tons more "Literal" footnotes.
@underwaves75 4 жыл бұрын
Kyle C Everybody needs to know this! The whole world is drunk on the doctrines of Babylon! INCLUDING and ESPECIALLY the visible Christian church. PLEASE if you can sense the deadness of the institutional churches and different ministries but can't put your finger on it. I'm pleading with you to understand something very important here. The mainstream Christian system is not of God. Rev 17:5 - "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots, And Abominations Of The Earth." Mystery Babylon The Great is the Vatican - “And the woman which thou sawest, is that great Citie which reigneth ouer the kings of the earth.” - Rev 17:18 And she has harlot daughters which represent the protestant churches. And “the Abominations Of The Earth” are corrupt scriptures. And the final bible that will unite all faiths is called Wormwood/the Abomination of desolation. And Jesus Christ is calling His people out. Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues:” The most important thing to understand is that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED to preserve His word for every generation forever as He promises us in Psalms 12:6-7 and you do not need men to teach you. 1 John 2:27 “But the anointing which ye haue receiued of him, abideth in you: and yee need not that any man teach you: But, as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is trueth, and is no lye: and euen as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” It’s vital to know, especially right now, that God has kept His word in tact. There is still an every word testimony with us! The following clip by Reg Block is what the Lord used to open my eyes to the truth of Gods promises in Mark 13:31, Psalm 12:6-7, Psalms 138:2, and Matt 4:4 and so on. It’s not more lifeless information. It is powerful and life changing and I’m grateful for it! The next video is a lesson by John Doerr on the pure word of God in the English language, which is found in the av1611 kjv. This is a much different testimony than the King James bible you are able to easily find in the churches and the so called "Christian bookstores". Please pray and genuinely take this before the Lord. He will show you. (Prepare to be attacked once you start down this path) The devil and his ministers don’t want this going out. I prayed a long time to know what the truth was, because over the years I grew increasingly confused, frustrated, misguided and so on.. But like most of us, I kept returning to church Sunday after next hoping something would change. If I sang more, prayed harder, got more involved, etc, ...maybe something would give. But nothing ever did. I must have walked a thousand isles. It had gotten to a point where a friend at the time said, “just try and sing". He meant well, but it was always disingenuous so I never did. Long story short - my whole Christian life was that way until recently. (powerless) God has since opened my eyes and I trust Him alone. I really hope this reaches somebody. If this is you... honestly, please look into what I’m saying. God is rich in mercy and His patience is unmatched. He's been drawing me for a long time. Maybe He’s drawing you too and this is the message you needed. This link is a series of interviews between Reg Block and John Doerr that go in depth regarding Johns trip to England for the purposes of co-producing three films: A lamp in the dark, Tares among the wheat and A bridge to babylon. The three films (free to watch), cover the history of the bible. More specifically the preservation of Gods word and the measures that have been taken to cast doubt on, and ultimately destroy it. (it's a treasure of information for the Saints) - find the first interview to start on. here is one very final clip on the "servants of Lucifer" "(if it were possible,) they shall deceiue the very elect.” It’s imperative to understand that the av1611 is much different than the 1769 KJV that most believe is the true 1611 but is not. The KJV only movement doesn’t use the authorized version of 1611 either. This is the bible that Rome has been trying to destroy and cast doubt on since its inception. Everything, from the gun powder plot to false rumours of King James being gay. It contains all the prophecies in tact. Things like, what is the mark of the beast, what is wormwood, who and what is Antichrist, who are Leviathan and Behemoth representations of, and so on. If the scriptures are broken, the prophets are killed and the church can’t hear what the Spirit is saying. freely ye haue receiued, freely giue.” Matt 10:8
@skjones91199 4 жыл бұрын
Yea, I ordered one to put on my bad bibles shelf. Just the KJV for me.
@kylec8950 4 жыл бұрын
@@skjones91199 Same here brother.
@frankdaniels1763 4 жыл бұрын
Good review i will just stick to the King James.
@maryfromwiller8067 4 жыл бұрын
Me too! Kjv
@manoffaith2501 4 жыл бұрын
For me there is only one true Bible. The KJV Bible is the preserved word of God.
@TRAV_15 4 жыл бұрын
Here are the 6 common misconceptions or false beliefs about the King James Version (KJV) 1. The KJV was the first English translation of the Bible. The KJV was not the first, but the tenth English translation of the Bible. 1. Wycliffe's Bible (1388) 2. Tyndale's Bible (1516) 3. Coverdale's Bible (1535) 4. Matthew's Bible (1537) 5. Taverner's Bible (1539) 6. The Great Bible (1540) 7. The Geneva Bible (1560) 8. The Bishop's Bible (1568) 9. The Douay-Rheims Version (1609) 10. The King James Version (1611) 2. The KJV was authorized by God. The belief that the KJV was authorized by God to be translated is just an assumption with no biblical basis. The KJV was called the “Authorized Version (AV)” because its translation was approved and mandated by King James I, and it was appointed to be read in churches. This was stated in the original title page of the KJV: THE HOLY BIBLE Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised BY HIS MAJESTY'S SPECIAL COMMAND APPOINTED TO BE READ IN CHURCHES 3. The King James is always true to the literal words of the Hebrew and Greek texts. While the King James Version is generally a very literal translation, it is not always literal in all of its renderings. In Luke 20:16 and Romans 3:4, the KJV paraphrased the Greek "me genoito" ("may it never be") into "God forbid". And in Matthew 27:44 the Greek "oneididzon auton"("they reviled him") was paraphrased by the KJV into "cast the same in his teeth". 4. The KJV is a perfect translation. There is no such thing as a perfect translation. The only perfect texts of the Bible were the texts that came from the hands of the Biblical writers written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Perfect translation is not possible because of the nature of language. Receptor languages, such as English, can’t always reflect perfectly the concepts or meanings of the Greek and Hebrew words. And in some cases the meaning of Hebrew and Greek words are difficult to decipher. Translations are just approximations to the original text. The goal of each translation is to be closer as much as possible to the message of the original text, that’s why translations are continually revised to be more accurate. The King James Bible was not exempt from revisions. There were four major revisions of the KJV (1629, 1638, 1762, 1769) and more than twenty minor revisions. The changes in these revisions are due to not only printing errors or spelling standardization, but also to textual or translation errors. 5. The KJV is a better translation than the modern versions. The truth is, modern versions are much better than the KJV. The KJV is not a readable version compare to many modern versions because of its archaisms and obscure literal renderings. The KJV was based on late and inferior Greek texts while the modern versions are based upon much older and much more reliable Greek texts. The so-called omissions in the NIV and other modern versions is not a conspiracy nor a malicious intent to distort the Bible, but it's due to variation in the Greek manuscripts. There are Greek manuscripts that have those verses and there are also Greek manuscripts that do not have those verses. This happened because of scribal copying errors, alterations or emendations. Through the science of textual criticism it is possible to determine with high accuracy which variant is reliable or not. 6. The KJV translators were inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are Christians who believe that the KJV translators were inspired by the Holy Spirit in the same manner as the biblical writers. But this is denied by the translators themselves. In the original preface to the King James Version of 1611 the translators admitted that their work was not perfect and not on a par with the inspired authors of Scripture. There were instances where the translators were not absolutely sure of the original reading of the Greek or Hebrew text and they indicated that in the margin with textual variant notes. Those who believe that the KJV translators were inspired by the Holy Spirit must use a King James Bible with Apocryphal books because the translators, who were mostly Anglicans, added these books in their original translation. The Apocrypha was a part of the King James Bible for 274 years, until 1885 when the British and Foreign Bible Societies excluded them from the revised version. The Reformation Resurgence
@timwilkins2008 3 жыл бұрын
@@TRAV_15 Douay-Rheims is older and based on older manuscripts. Oh, and WHY are you here if KJV is the only? Just causing dissension?
@TRAV_15 3 жыл бұрын
@@timwilkins2008 KJV is not the only. ESV,NIV,CSB,NASB is all God breathed translations.
@timwilkins2008 3 жыл бұрын
@@TRAV_15 Agreed
@timwilkins2008 3 жыл бұрын
My point was that KJV is only one of many translations of the Sacred Scriptures. Why would you settle on just one and make it your hill to die on? Seems silly to cause dissension over it.
@EndTimeMagi 4 жыл бұрын
NASB 2020.. The italicized politically correct Bible.. Who should tolerate it, God?
@applejuice-4706 4 жыл бұрын
KJV Only however nice review. I cant stand publishers constantly changing the bible. So they can have copyrights on the bible.
@applejuice-4706 4 жыл бұрын
@@underwaves75 Thanks for the info. I will take a look. I have a 35 lb 1611 King James Bible: First Edition Facsimile Reproductions and I love it.
@TRAV_15 4 жыл бұрын
Here are the 6 common misconceptions or false beliefs about the King James Version (KJV) 1. The KJV was the first English translation of the Bible. The KJV was not the first, but the tenth English translation of the Bible. 1. Wycliffe's Bible (1388) 2. Tyndale's Bible (1516) 3. Coverdale's Bible (1535) 4. Matthew's Bible (1537) 5. Taverner's Bible (1539) 6. The Great Bible (1540) 7. The Geneva Bible (1560) 8. The Bishop's Bible (1568) 9. The Douay-Rheims Version (1609) 10. The King James Version (1611) 2. The KJV was authorized by God. The belief that the KJV was authorized by God to be translated is just an assumption with no biblical basis. The KJV was called the “Authorized Version (AV)” because its translation was approved and mandated by King James I, and it was appointed to be read in churches. This was stated in the original title page of the KJV: THE HOLY BIBLE Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised BY HIS MAJESTY'S SPECIAL COMMAND APPOINTED TO BE READ IN CHURCHES 3. The King James is always true to the literal words of the Hebrew and Greek texts. While the King James Version is generally a very literal translation, it is not always literal in all of its renderings. In Luke 20:16 and Romans 3:4, the KJV paraphrased the Greek "me genoito" ("may it never be") into "God forbid". And in Matthew 27:44 the Greek "oneididzon auton"("they reviled him") was paraphrased by the KJV into "cast the same in his teeth". 4. The KJV is a perfect translation. There is no such thing as a perfect translation. The only perfect texts of the Bible were the texts that came from the hands of the Biblical writers written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Perfect translation is not possible because of the nature of language. Receptor languages, such as English, can’t always reflect perfectly the concepts or meanings of the Greek and Hebrew words. And in some cases the meaning of Hebrew and Greek words are difficult to decipher. Translations are just approximations to the original text. The goal of each translation is to be closer as much as possible to the message of the original text, that’s why translations are continually revised to be more accurate. The King James Bible was not exempt from revisions. There were four major revisions of the KJV (1629, 1638, 1762, 1769) and more than twenty minor revisions. The changes in these revisions are due to not only printing errors or spelling standardization, but also to textual or translation errors. 5. The KJV is a better translation than the modern versions. The truth is, modern versions are much better than the KJV. The KJV is not a readable version compare to many modern versions because of its archaisms and obscure literal renderings. The KJV was based on late and inferior Greek texts while the modern versions are based upon much older and much more reliable Greek texts. The so-called omissions in the NIV and other modern versions is not a conspiracy nor a malicious intent to distort the Bible, but it's due to variation in the Greek manuscripts. There are Greek manuscripts that have those verses and there are also Greek manuscripts that do not have those verses. This happened because of scribal copying errors, alterations or emendations. Through the science of textual criticism it is possible to determine with high accuracy which variant is reliable or not. 6. The KJV translators were inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are Christians who believe that the KJV translators were inspired by the Holy Spirit in the same manner as the biblical writers. But this is denied by the translators themselves. In the original preface to the King James Version of 1611 the translators admitted that their work was not perfect and not on a par with the inspired authors of Scripture. There were instances where the translators were not absolutely sure of the original reading of the Greek or Hebrew text and they indicated that in the margin with textual variant notes. Those who believe that the KJV translators were inspired by the Holy Spirit must use a King James Bible with Apocryphal books because the translators, who were mostly Anglicans, added these books in their original translation. The Apocrypha was a part of the King James Bible for 274 years, until 1885 when the British and Foreign Bible Societies excluded them from the revised version. The Reformation Resurgence
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