Starfield is boring (review)

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10 ай бұрын

In this video, I'm sharing my opinion on the new game Starfield. I thought it was boring and didn't find it fun or interesting. If you're looking for a good gaming experience, I would recommend checking out another game instead. I am in the minority in not enjoying Starfield, which is a real shame. As someone who loves Fallout 4, Skyrim and the Sci-Fi genre, this game just doesn't do it for me.
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@android1617 10 ай бұрын
The world just doesn't feel alive. It's sterile and uninteresting. Skyrim's world was gritty yet beautiful. It felt lived in.
@curtismartin9054 9 ай бұрын
It's a "space game"... this genre always sucks
@kontakt7789 9 ай бұрын
My sentiments exactly! It feels lifeless. Firefights and questing feel uninspiring, ordinary, and in all honesty just feel like a chore to do. It's unfortunate.
@pistachiodisguisey911 9 ай бұрын
There rly isn’t any day night cycle for npc’s is what’s the worst
@shalom8858 9 ай бұрын
@@curtismartin9054honesty this! I’m not into sci-fi at all. But I somehow convinced myself Bethesda would nail it. Nope… is vast, grand scale amazing, and completely f’n boring.
@aslysa2277 9 ай бұрын
@@curtismartin9054that’s not the issue ofc space games will have those barren undiscovered d planets the issue is the human settlements and cities are bland, boring and feel unlively. In cydonia the colony felt so boring and in populated, lack of environment and variety, wierd and complex layout and don’t get me started on the lack of a mini map.
@goldchalice 9 ай бұрын
Man comparing the Starfield and Cyberpunk was such an eye opener. Starfield is so sterile and soulless.
@JirocTheViking 9 ай бұрын
Yep. It's terrible. Starfield that is.
@xmateinc 9 ай бұрын
yea been playing cyberpunk, then starting playing starfield and man Its boring. Back to cyberpunk for me.
@TRH2243 9 ай бұрын
I'm one of those Witcher 3 fans that felt a dropoff in quality with 2077, but man, it's so much better than Starfield. Cyberpunk 100% knows what it wants to be and mostly delivers, while Starfield is completely soulless. Terrible exploration and writing/pacing. It also doesn't help that the game wants a 7800x3D+4090 system while looking worse than my modded skyrim build.
@_ArsNova 9 ай бұрын
It's a truly sad state of affairs if your game is being compared to Cyberpunk lol.
@amolbhatia1449 9 ай бұрын
I’m giving Starfield a chance but I agree - it’s nowhere near Cyberpunk. Nothing has personality and life - whether it’s the writing, world or characters and Cyberpunk is the absolute opposite.
@lynxesexe2837 9 ай бұрын
Whenever someone tells you that the game gets better after 8 hours, it means that the game sucks. If I have to play 8 HOURS before having fun in a game, then it's not a good game.
@TurboMintyFresh 9 ай бұрын
@sillylittlesheepjax6009 9 ай бұрын
it doesnt get better though thats the joke
@mariokart8054 9 ай бұрын
Meanwhile I played Spyro 1 and 120%-ed it and had a blast the entire way through the 7 hours - while Starfield players are still slogging through the boring opening. I thought RDR 2’s 3 hour opening was a complete slog and too much - Starfield bros are defending 5x that time investment before the game becomes enjoyable. No thanks
@lynxesexe2837 9 ай бұрын
@@mariokart8054 I re downloaded Cyberpunk... gotta say, now that it has been fixed I'm actually having a good time. Very happy I refunded Starfield.
@mariokart8054 9 ай бұрын
@@lynxesexe2837 say what you will about Cyberpunk's release... at least it has some sauce and life to it. Hell the Anime spinoff was as good as it was because it had a rich world to build on. Can't say the same for Starfield, really just seems very dry and lifeless from everything I've seen.
@alphagerudo 9 ай бұрын
My BF waited a long time for the game. I expected us to not have any quality time together before bed when his PC finaly allowed him to play a day late with plenty of lag, I was ready to respect his space while he enjoyed & play......... Thanks Todd Howard for only keeping his interest in your game for 1 hour before shutting off and unexpectedly came to the living room to watch a movie with me 😊😊
@meuko 9 ай бұрын
Hahahaha same situation here. Told my wife I'd be playing the game from the makers of ES and Fallout. Quite surprised when I refunded it after 3 hours.
@darrenwastestime 9 ай бұрын
My girlfriend will never forgive Larian Studios
@trapboxmedia 9 ай бұрын
An hour of game experience really provides a well rounded perspective. Thanks for this valuable tidbit.
@backintimealwyn5736 9 ай бұрын
@@meuko this game feels so heavy. Nothing works for me. I get lost, I can't fing my path to sell my stuff, I lose my robot with my inventory, I go to jail and get stucked with the "police" I can't find the way out , it's so slow, I have to talk to some guy who gives me a quest that I don't want to do , and I don't care about what he says, I charge my earlier save , try to buy some EMO , the game freezes, I have to reboot. I'm out.
@meuko 9 ай бұрын
@@trapboxmediaMan, I've spent thousands and thousands of hours total, in Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout NV and a hundred or so in Fallout 4 (what a waste). I've been stupid enough to dump this much time into these games, so if you think I can't "assume" the vibe after three hours after this much bethesda playtime in general, get out of here.
@drobertadams 9 ай бұрын
Your opening sequence is exactly what's wrong with Starfield: no narrative hook. The game is literally about a miner that finds an artifact and is talked into searching for more artifacts's better than being a miner.
@joejoe5156 9 ай бұрын
tbh i dont think thats necessarily the problem with it. i dont think any of bethesda's games have great stories or narratives. the gameplay loop is just not as addicting as their past games due to how this one's exploration largely takes place in a fast travel menu screen. if it played liike their past games the opening sequence would be boring but i wouldnt really care, i get out into the world and there are all these locations to run into and explore. here each planet, ifyou're lucky, has 1 interesting place on it, so there are a small amount of unique locations spread out across over 1000 planets. divvying it up that way just destroys the gameplay loop that makes bethesda's games work so well
@drobertadams 9 ай бұрын
@@joejoe5156 I agree with your comments about fast-travel killing the entire experience. But from the opening moments of Starfield I had no compelling reason to investigate anything, besides idle curiosity. At least in prior games there was something to go on...kill the dragon, are my wife and child still alive, kill the Nazis, save humanity from demons, etc. Here, there is simply nothing to make me care.
@TwentyThrill 9 ай бұрын
​@joejoe5156 those small locations are not even unique or interesting, they're all copy-pasted settlements or mines with really nothing interesting to see or do, this game is missing everything.
@murti1565 9 ай бұрын
​@@joejoe5156 in fallout 4 they literally kidnap your son and kill your wife infront of your eyes. You want your son back and avenge your wife.
@deptusmechanikus7362 9 ай бұрын
Starfield feels like a very impressive game if it came out fifteen years ago.
@zach4627 9 ай бұрын
Very true. If this came out in 2008 we’d call it a masterpiece
@speedgriffon2504 9 ай бұрын
@@zach4627 I dunno.... I think I'd still be bored.
@npc1822 9 ай бұрын
itll be impressive in my book in 15 years when I buy it with all dlc on a steam sale for $20 😅 and then realize the massive amount of cope these "reviewers" shilled *COUGH* _"Phenominal Achievement"_ *COUGH*
@Chinnnnuz 9 ай бұрын
​@@zach4627oooh i dont know. 2008, gta4, fallout 3, rainbow 6 vegas, dead space, super smash brothers, ninja gaiden, saints row 2, need i say more? Lol
@jolu4294 9 ай бұрын
48 hours in and I had to look up videos of other people felt the same way. Man you nailed it. RELENTLESS fast traveling. Game feels like a chore. So unfortunate.
@shawbag11 9 ай бұрын
Cant remember the last time i gave up with a game before finishing it. like i even finsihed cybepunk as much as i despised that game i still was able to see it though to the end. starfeild though i couldnt even play the main story after the 3rd mission it was soo boring and all i was doing was fast traveling everywhere. ill give it one thing though atleast it was free on game pass so i dont feel as ripped off as i did with the 50 quid cybepunk that honestly wasnt in a fit state for release even if it was given away free
@xmxh9596 9 ай бұрын
The fast traveling and load screens kill the game. No better way to shatter immersion than constantly throwing up a load screen. Cant even walk into a shop in a city without a load screen. What year is this? That type of thing has been gone for a long time.
@distantthunder12ck55 9 ай бұрын
You played a long time before your epiphany. I realised after less than 10 hours Starfield is a soulless loading screen simulator.
@xmxh9596 9 ай бұрын
@@distantthunder12ck55 I was about 12 hours in when I realized. I jumped onto cyberpunk which I have not touched since it released and man is that game so much more improved. It made me realize even more how terrible starfield is. Cyberpunk is awesome!
@arthurtwa 9 ай бұрын
I started to feel this after 60 hrs and after finishing the crimson fleet quest line. Relentless going back and forth to report to both SysDef and The fleet. Man, is like in the Universe no one has discovered how space cellphones work. Why can't I just call NPCs? Why make me go throught 3 loading screens just to report "I did what you asked, now I am going to the next thing you asked, ok?"
@rofyle 9 ай бұрын
Bethesda is like that employee who does just enough to keep his job, but not enough to be promoted and earn a raise.
@Izzmonster 9 ай бұрын
​@@gavinpowell4607"genre defining" funny way to spell "generic".
@yuur8462 9 ай бұрын
@Danovio 9 ай бұрын
@@gavinpowell4607 lol... you are misstakeing larian studios for bethesda.
@C0mm0nS3ns3 9 ай бұрын
done with bethesda garbage games
@dannykao1110 8 ай бұрын
Lol damn ur comment is ON POINT dude! I was about to say the same thing like "SF is like a student when essay's dealine is about to due and your brain decides to stop working so what you do is to lengthen the paragraphs as much as possible with meaningless sentences and dump lots n lots of quotes."
@Dr.UldenWascht 9 ай бұрын
Man, that direct scene comparison between Cyberpunk and Starfield made me feel ashamed for Starfield. It feels like more like a 'high school project' when played next to Cyberpunk.
@drdreel5559 9 ай бұрын
To be absolutely fair to Bethesda, though I'm not inclined to buy Starfield, CD Projekt Red have ALWAYS been about writing, writing, writing, and much less player freedom than BGS, to make you have REALLY strong narratives. It's pretty much the opposite of BSG's attitude that you should be able to do whatever you like. Also, CDPR are so big on art direction and crazy attention to detail with cinematic presentation / environmental storytelling that they can really tax machines or completely break (seen, obviously, on Cyberpunk, but it happened to a lesser degree with Witcher 3 on launch, too). Both approaches have merits (though I honestly prefer CDPR -- you can't really do what Bethesda do and have a story with real stakes). BUT the voice acting from this clip in Starfield is absolutely appalling. Yes, Cyberpunk's production values are insane. But by any measure, that delivery in Starfield was absolute crap.
@Dr.UldenWascht 9 ай бұрын
@@drdreel5559 That's fair and I'd say accurate. A side note regarding "freedom" in BGS games; what I've noticed throughout different games is, the true audience for their games are people who are easily immersed and have very strong imaginations. People who are book-writers rather than mere book-readers. Those who look at a flipped chair and a spilled cup of coffee and breathe soul into it. These are the diehard fans of the niche. I'm not one, but I know many of them. BGS is very aware of this and I think it has lulled them into a state of complacency over the years. I mean, if the real role-playing is happening in the mind of the player, why would they invest in presentation? At least, that's what it seems to me.
@nickv1212 9 ай бұрын
@@drdreel5559 Does it really do player freedom better than Cyberpunk? Cyberpunk might force you into being a "cyberpunk", but you still have a ton of player agency to impact the narrative in huge ways. Starfield let's you roleplay for flavor, every outcome is likely gonna be the same and can be accomplished easily. I've seen people be talked out of their most prized possessions with two dialogue choices. And then you just pick it up and leave, no combat, no hard feelings, nothing. Is that role play and player freedom? What are they really doing that other games aren't doing better? And they either need to adopt Cyberpunk's body rigging system during dialogue so characters can have conversations while doing normal human things like lounging in their chair or drinking a beer. Or go back to Fallout 4's cinematic dialogue cam setup cause this Starefield business is unsettling. I understand it's just like Oblivion and Skyrim all over again, but it's 2023.
@purefoldnz3070 9 ай бұрын
I'll take Starfield over Cyberpunk any day of the week. Vending machine city is a joke compared to Neon in Starfield.
@nickv1212 9 ай бұрын
@@purefoldnz3070 Bait. Your cyberpunk city is the size of a small costco
@grayareas7008 10 ай бұрын
The dead Bethesda eyes and facial expressions are so much more jarring than previous entries
@TurboMintyFresh 9 ай бұрын
You cant get away with that shit anymore thats why
@Corusame 9 ай бұрын
the rest of the games industry has advanced when it comes to NPC interaction. Bethesda have been using the same engine for the last 15 years or so lol
@C0deH0wler 9 ай бұрын
And the lipsync that seems... somewhat off. It is why I forced helmets on in Mass Effect lol.
@cin2110 9 ай бұрын
@@Corusame 21 Actually.
@kowaikokoro 9 ай бұрын
People actually thought this game was gonna win GOTY 😅
@wardvandecotte9253 9 ай бұрын
Imagine, a couple of months ago 95 % of the globe didn't know about Baldur's Gate, now it's the main contender for GOTY 😯
@BigPuddin 9 ай бұрын
​@@wardvandecotte9253The difference being that Starfield was infinitely more hyped up and anticipated. BG3 was a sleeper hit, but it actually delivered. Except for the God awful dice rolls that serve no purpose beyond prompting you to constantly savescum.
@stinkyham9050 9 ай бұрын
I'm not even that disappointed, I figured it was going to be trash from the start. Got it on gamepass so it's not like I'm out any extra $. Although I'm starting to wonder why I have gamepass since MS just churns out nothing but garbage.
@wardvandecotte9253 9 ай бұрын
@@BigPuddin For me personally the charm of D&D are the dice rolls. I do not savescum. The result can ruin the outcome you hoped for but on the other hand it opens unexpected quest lines and possibilities, even more so when you play as an evil character.
@LadyAmalthea0615 9 ай бұрын
​​​@@BigPuddinnot everyone save scums though. Some people like just letting the dice lay where they land and seeing how things turn out for them. It can make a playthrough more intense not knowing if you will survive a check with an enemy or a companion and just seeing how things will turn out. It's kinda like real life in that way. Sometimes you just feel like you've had a really crappy, unlucky day.
@johndeighan2495 10 ай бұрын
The contrast between Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield was stark and the point was well made. I’m appalled at the writing in Starfield, it’s legitimately awful. They haven't moved on since Skyrim. It's bland work by talentless writers. There’s no excuse for it, especially given the game’s budget and development time.
@cassmi8783 9 ай бұрын
Tbf, the writing in CP2077 is often laughably bad, but you’re 100% right about us expecting better than Skyrim.
@sneaky5141 9 ай бұрын
@johndeighan2495 9 ай бұрын
@@sneaky5141 LMAO I've literally never had a console
@howzhauzan63 9 ай бұрын
@@cassmi8783 lmao hell no. what's your "good" writing games top 5?
@johndeighan2495 9 ай бұрын
@@gavinpowell4607 Almost every game has some bad writing. The only exception I can think of is Disco Elysium. But that scene from Starfield was just so badly done. I haven't seen anything as lazy and bland as that in Cyberpunk - or anywhere else, for a good long time. Although, to be fair, I haven't played Cyberpunk or Starfield. I can only judge on what I've seen.
@rose.i 9 ай бұрын
Interviewer: With games like Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 you have continuously raised the bar for open world games what do you have planned for star field? Bethesda: We've come up with a radical new game loop that lets players bypass the exploration, discovery and wonder altogether through innovative use of fast travel and procedurally generated copy and paste content!
@CuttinInIdaho 9 ай бұрын
lol! Also Todd: We created this next gen game in the most sterile and professional studio in existence. We used our vast array of corporate policies, canned emails offering feigned good will and support to our teams, and a truly groundbreaking workplace social governance program that uses the employees own mind to filter impure thoughts before they can take on a life of their own in-game. We think this is the pinnacle of sterile, bland, but entirely safe gameplay that straddles the line so hard, we are now officially the line itself.
@ulfskinn1458 9 ай бұрын
@@CuttinInIdaho I got the same impression from the game world. Everything feels "safe." There is no real deep wiring or interesting lore. It all feels so bland and corporate, like there was no passion put into creating this world.
@leight9503 9 ай бұрын
It seems like they've generated this game using AI or something.
@rykehuss3435 9 ай бұрын
A passionless committee designed this game, where the goal was not to make a great game but to make a *product* that appeals to as wide audience as possible. Including kids. Thats why there's no grit, no edge, no nothing. Its truly soulless.
@Merknilash 9 ай бұрын
that isn't true at all. I understand why you think this, but if you've worked at game dev shops it isn't how it works. What we do have, however, is a bunch of blue hair diversity hires that just have no talent or merit - and they're in rolls calling shots. I 100% guarantee you there's at least one chubby girl that doesn't have a lot of talent but "likes games" and she's in a position of leadership because it's 2023. This is what is happening to Bioware and Blizzard and many other formerly great devs. This isn't the days when games were developed by sweaty nerds getting shit done anymore.@@rykehuss3435
@FandangoBatter 9 ай бұрын
That's exactly what I was thinking after playing about 15 hours.
@backintimealwyn5736 9 ай бұрын
No that you mention it... it felt so flat and generic.
@snoozeyoulose9416 9 ай бұрын
They likely did use AI for making the game including all the marketing to insure that people would rush out and buy the finished product, knowing that their marketing material was crafted using top secret intelligence super computers to embed hypnosis technology to lure people in mass towards buying the game. Now that people have the game and the hypnotic effects are wearing off, what is left is a soulless mess cooked up by AI, taking at most a few minutes to craft and construct through the massive super computer server bays that are spread across the US.
@ebeaudoin8644 10 ай бұрын
The difference between the cyberpunk and starfield scenes that you showed was night and day. A stressful, tense, and immersive encounter with an intimidating underworld group, vs starfields stiff dialogue, slow dialogue pace, and lack of real stakes.
@Nathlaaar 10 ай бұрын
Yes 100% thank you thats the point I was trying to make with that
@pilouuuu 10 ай бұрын
Bethesda games in a nutshell.
@MistahJay7 10 ай бұрын
Plus CyberPunk has some of the coolest characters. Starfield has some of the most boring characters
@Grapefruit5000 9 ай бұрын
There are no "real stakes" in cyberpunk either. It's as shallow of an RPG as Starsfield. It just looks better in scripted scenes.
@tortellinifettuccine 9 ай бұрын
​@@pilouuuujust completely false but ok lmao, half the video was explaining how Bethesda didn't do this with their other games
@jeremyjohnson7676 9 ай бұрын
Real professional developers would be totally ashamed of themselves by producing a 2015 video game in 2023.
@elchebracanadorvitruvio 9 ай бұрын
After this fiasco, I went back to playing Fallout 3, and I realize that the simplicity and limited scope of those older games worked in their favor. It's a stark contrast between, for instance, Moira's Wasteland Survival Guide sidequest, and most of Starfield's sidequests. It's quantity over quality, taken way farther than Bethesda's usual approach.
@ThatGuy-mf9ye 9 ай бұрын
Previous games were all stiff and janky, but at least they made up for it where it counts by going all-in on RPG fundamentals like world building, reactivity, and unpredictably creative writing. Starfield only has the jank while feeling like the rest was scope creeped out of existence. Bummer.
@dinosore4782 9 ай бұрын
That’s how it’s all getting . Every studio prioritizes quantity over quality , and then to make up for it they just make sure the graphics require 120 Gb of ram and boom , contrast
@declancampbell1277 9 ай бұрын
TBH im surprised to see Nathlaaar cite F4 as one of his favourites, as barring a few exceptions it suffers from a lot of this too. Namely on the quest side. A lot of the quests, even the faction ones, boil down to what amounts to little more than MMO fetch quests. Theres definitely a fair share of good quests in F4, but not nearly as many as F3 or F:NV. Bethesda is yet another studio going downhill. F4, F76, now this.
@levilenau8333 9 ай бұрын
This game puts me to sleep honestly…
@istrumguitars 9 ай бұрын
Without consequence there is no reward. So, if the only gameplay loop is to talk to person A who tells you to talk to person B who tells you go fight person C and collect some loot-without any major systemic or functional changes to the characters or world you’re interacting with-that stuff gets stale real quick.
@drdreel5559 9 ай бұрын
All good writing is about character, character, character. It is the only tool we have that can draw a reader, a viewer, a gamer in to a story and make them CARE. It doesn't matter what the story is ABOUT; if you can't draw people into caring about it it could be the most interesting *concept* in the world and you'd still be bored to tears. Back to the Future works because you care about Marty and Doc, not time travel in the abstract. Great Expectations works because Miss Havisham is a lunatic, not because you're worried about Pip's inheritance. People to this day remember Monkey Island because they remember Guybrush Threepwood. I don't understand what's going on at Bethesda. They were starting to lose touch with this even in Skyrim, but even in their sister studio's Elder Scrolls Online they understood that great character writing can hide a multitude of sins (until their lore master left for Baldur’s Gate 3). Seriously, it's not even difficult. Once you know the story you want to tell, THINK about the characters and write IN THEIR VOICE. Sit down with a piece of paper. Give one of them an artificial leg, another a three eyed dog, another a drink problem and three children stranded on Mars. Just anything. And then give them, like, even ten seconds of character growth. BGS really need to sort this out. It is basic. Writing is not an optional extra in an RPG.
@efxnews4776 8 ай бұрын
Bethesda doesn't care about writing good stories they are preparing for a new model of gaming... Tell me, why do you think that folks compare so much Starfield with No Man's Sky? I'm tell you, is because this model of game is endless, NMS nailed the formula that Bethesda did by accident with Skyrim, but i don't think that Starfield was made to apply this formula, Starfeild was made to LOWER THE BAR for games like NMS, it is a market practice know as shortning, it was just applied in a different field. When the first news came about Starfield? It was AFTER the launch of NMS. Bethesda isn't making Starfield for 20 years, they were looking for the perfect formula for 20 years.
@Makchete 9 ай бұрын
My problem with this game is that there is no real choice, in most quests all dialogue options lead to the same outcome. I'm also bothered by the fact that you can play every faction questline with the same character. There should some conflict between joining different factions, just like in Fallout: New Vegas in example. And the last thing that bothers me is the exploration. I remember how satisfying it was to find some new locations in Fallout 3, 4, Oblivion or Skyrim for example. I would have traded what we got to like 5-10 different game worlds with handcrafted contet. Just like in the Outer Worlds but in far bigger scale.
@ulfskinn1458 9 ай бұрын
The factions were one of the biggest let downs. Bethesda really didn't bother with the lore. It feels like the world was built after gameplay, which is a terrible way to make an RPG. There are no real social or deep philosophical differences with the factions like in Fallout. They really just felt like they were there as an afterthought. The whole story felt like it was an afterthought to "hey cool space!"
@jacquesjtheripper5922 9 ай бұрын
But it applies to cyberpuunk too it seems, factions are just quests, no real taking sides etc, reactivity, systemic design. Mostly scripted, not much choices, rep effect, tactical differences, idk. Plus u dont seem to find much anything dynamic.
@efxnews4776 8 ай бұрын
@@ulfskinn1458 guys, i'm telling you all... if you are looking for a space adventure to play, THE LAST game you want to get is Starfield, GIVE a chance to No Man's Sky! You won't going to regreat specially if you play with friends!
@efxnews4776 8 ай бұрын
@@jacquesjtheripper5922 Yes, in Cyberpunk the factions are just quests, but well written quests! And besides i don't think folks really understand what type of game Cp77 is far more similar to Mass Effect not a Bethesda game, the diference is that CDPR is the actual KING of the open world games since TW3. I understand what you are saying, but RPGs don't resume in just be whatever you want, in Cp77 you are a MERCENARY seaking fame and furtune in a futuristic city. In The Witcher franchise you are a witcher that gain the life hunting monsters you choose where to go, not who to be in this games. Bethesda games you choose more or less who you are sure, and then you can decide where to go, and what to become, it is mostly a childish power fantasy all the time, the quest of the pirates, and you become the greatest pirate of all, the quest for this faction and now you own this other faction, do the main quest and now you are the biggest hero of the universe... Frankly... is imature. In Cp77 if you do all side quests, gigs, police work, when you finally finish the main quest it feels like you lived a life, in a Bethesda game it feels like you have to conquer the entire universe, you keep comming back because to you it feels like you fail, that your not worthy, this is the real formula of Bethesda games and they KNOW they prey on peoples insecurities more than anything, and it is not wonder a lot of games fill their games with endless quests, because they want YOU TO BE FOREVER trying to conquer their world. You know the game who break this cycle? Who teach the trick? No Man's Sky.... In NMS you have a quintillion of planets to explore, is humanly IMPOSSIBLE to conquer the universe in NMS, if the entire mankind decide to conquer NMS universe we would need to play 24/ 7 for 6000 years. You can't conquer the NMS Universe is pointless even try to do it... and Hello Games know this they even know that the cycle for player last around 300 hours before you burnout. Now i leave a question? Why Starfield want's to be so much NMS?
@FlyfishermanMike 7 ай бұрын
These are my biggest issues as well. I'm a member of the police/military but also a pirate/corpo spy?? Those just kinda conflict. Several of the major quests end the same regardless of your "choice."
@sharteel85 9 ай бұрын
The intro is spot on. Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 (and Fallout 3, and Oblivion, and Morrowind) made me feel somewhat of an emotional hook to the game. Starfield is just...bland
@PraxisAbraxis 9 ай бұрын
Starfield is 'you were an anybody' now be your own somebody. 80+ hours in and its anything but bland to me. My rp as my character has had a steady and immersive arc.
@robbieshipley8388 9 ай бұрын
This is because Starfield isn't based on pre-Todd Howard lore.
@meuko 9 ай бұрын
Genuine question, how did Fallout 4, at launch, get you hooked emotionally? I pre-ordered it, played it at launch, even built a new computer for it, but the moment I did the into quest I FELT INSTANTLY that that game just wasn't fallout, how did you get hooked to a sandbox fallout game offering hardly any roleplaying opportunities? It's not an RPG. I'm so surprised when people who review starfield state that Fallout 4 was one of their favorites in the series, like... what makes it your favorite? At least, core gameplay wise, what do you expect comparing sandbox fallout 4 to sandbox starfield. I want to know this, especially!!! from a person who played Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3 (I hope NV too).
@nickv1212 9 ай бұрын
@@meuko I just realized something. Both of Bethesda's regular Fallout games, 3 and 4, have you play either the child or parent of a character you're supposed to find. They do this as a cheap and easy hook to get people "attached" to the narrative cause they don't trust in their own writing to do that on its own. They literally have to manufacture the most trite motivations and the game's all the worse for it. It makes the beginnings of each of their games so painfully slow and the narrative a complete afterthought. Now with Starfield, they've just taken the lessons of starting super slow but with no familial attachments or anything really to motivate the character to do anything. This is a brand new low. Bring a flag and fancy camera, we need to document this.
@meuko 9 ай бұрын
@@nickv1212 Good overvation! Yeah, I really don't understand this. I think this really shows that the writing quality has gone down the drain. I'm not sure because they laid the writers off and delegated these tasks to freaking AI's, or that they're just literally tone-deaf. I trutfully don't understand what they're doing. It's like they're living in a blackbox, there's so much GOOD feedback out there on what makes their games good but they just ignore it time and time again. I wish no ill upon anyone, but I truthfully hope people stop buying their products to prove the point.
@beijo3969 9 ай бұрын
comparing these scenes of starfield and cyberpunk was really creative and convincing of how bland starfield is. It's not a next gen experience nor todd is pushing any technology by any stretch of the imagination.
@ParallelUniversity 9 ай бұрын
It seems like Bethesda abandoned (or at least, really scaled back) the things they do best, which are interesting open worlds with secrets around every corner and environmental storytelling that makes you want to keep going and take your time studying all the details. All I've seen from Starfield videos are looter-shooter mechanics, lots of dialogue, lots of fast travel, and lots of uninspired architecture to run around in
@sorvex9 9 ай бұрын
They did not abandon it, the good employees simply left.
@Merknilash 9 ай бұрын
They also spread everything out into this ridiculously shallow experience Instead of a focused beautiful world like Skyrim, we got a bunch of bland planets and ugly skyboxes
@cin2110 9 ай бұрын
@@gavinpowell4607 Cool you found a single instance of it older bethesda games had hundreds.
@JozevG 9 ай бұрын
I always thought it seemed boring from the very first trailer.
@jhamer18 10 ай бұрын
I thought i was going crazy The game from the start felt life less and soul less and when i see people praising the game, I'm always wondering "what game are they playing" because i just dont see the appeal People also didnt like fallout 4 but i liked the game didnt understand the hate even outer worlds was better and i enjoyed I refunded my £85.99 on steam and i think i definitely made the right choice...i didnt and can't get into starfield at all Im just confused 😆
@Nathlaaar 10 ай бұрын
Yeah I feel the same way
@DatDirtyDog 9 ай бұрын
Space is big empty and dead... starfield nailed the vibe 🤣
@ulfskinn1458 9 ай бұрын
Combat is not fun. Dialoge is "positive" "negative" "sarcastic" "goodbye." Enviornments are boring. The story sucks. The setting and factions seem afterthoughts to game play, which still somehow sucks. I really do not know why people are praising it this much. I think a lot of people really just want to justify paying $70+ for it.
@michaelpegasiou4531 9 ай бұрын
Use your week off work to go on holiday,get outside and forget about that game.
@GBooneoh 9 ай бұрын
outer worlds > starfield
@AnonymousAnonposter 10 ай бұрын
Wow, imagine making a Fallout 4 fan dislike their new game. That alone says enough. Most of the reviews I've seen so far, honestly done, talk about how boring the game is.
@kingfreak8548 9 ай бұрын
I expect a similar experience to FO4, mediocre story that's fun for first 20-30 levels but gets boring and repetitive quickly and I stop playing. I imagine nothing you do matters in the game.
@Afterthought_ 9 ай бұрын
anyone who thinks this game is worse than Fallout 4 is trolling. This game is by far and away better than FO4 in every department. Only redeeming part of FO4 is Far Harbor.
@Oozaru85 9 ай бұрын
At least FO4 had freedom of exploration and discovering lots of cool POI. Starfield seems to be lacking this, sadly.
@Afterthought_ 9 ай бұрын
@@Oozaru85 yeah I’m gonna disagree here. Try playing the game first
@Oozaru85 9 ай бұрын
@@Afterthought_ So ur saying each of those 1000+ planets has amazing, unique POI with unique stories behind it? Because every reviewer I have watched so far says the opposite. That the procedurally generated planets are boring, empty and extremely repetitive, having the same POI copy pasted on them each time you land on one.
@Procrastinater 9 ай бұрын
It's the gothic factor. It does not matter the size of the world, but what it contained within it. I was always skeptical of starfield, even if it wasn't a creation engine game where everything in instanced and seperated with load screens... how could there possibly be anything exciting to find in a game with "1000" planets? A single planet is too big for it to be interesting to explore as a bethesda game. Playing starfield and realizing that you cannot open a map and wonder what unique vistas and exciting quests and treasures lie within it's borders filled me with a deep sense of melancholy. What you have is randomly generated plains with randomly generated content, unique exactly one time before you realize that you've seen it all. The concept of starfield itself was a mistake, it is the antithesis of what makes Bethesda games popular. Most people burn out on Bethesda when they realize that there is nothing new to discover, that the chest at the bottom of your 50'th dungeon will have random enchanted loot worse than what you can make yourself. That there are no more shouts to find, no new mechanics to uncover etc. Usually this takes anywhere from 50 to 100 plus hours to happen, be it in a fallout game or elder scrolls game... It happened after only a few hours in Starfield. I just want an interesting world to explore, now I just hope this doesn't torpedo the next elder scrolls game.
@chloeep9329 9 ай бұрын
I think it could have been super cool if it was like, a Space Pirate story. Basically the age of exploration but in the year 3000+. Instead of 1000 planets, maybe a few dozen with unique characters/races, environments, etc to explore. A dynamic crew of NPCs you can travel with, and the travel is actually a space journey where something happens dependent on the storyline and companion you're with, and what upgrades your ship has. No it would not be the most creative game in the world but it would be pretty fun in my opinion.
@efxnews4776 8 ай бұрын
@@chloeep9329 what i want isn't Skyrim in space, what i want is CYBERPUNK IN SPACE!
@robertjohnlinderj.s.h1202 10 ай бұрын
man everything you said is how i feel i also booked time of work to play got the special editions and it bored the hell out of me i now cancelled rest my holidays and just going to eat the loses
@jordansebert11 9 ай бұрын
That really sucks dude I would go back to work and tell them You would like to use the rest of the time when you fond another game you want to do that with!
@jordan_ream 9 ай бұрын
The music in Cyberpunk is one of the most underrated aspects. The clip you showed with the music building really makes it that much more tense and stressful. Meanwhile in Starfield I can barely remember the soundtrack or anything about what I played in my 10 hours before deleting.
@murti1565 9 ай бұрын
especially when that one song frome the anime starts playing in the car radio and you suddenly fall into a deep state of depression
@TheGrafixbox 8 ай бұрын
The Maelstrom meeting was so tense, I actually felt the tension in the air like it was about to kick off. Brilliant game
@Confederate115 9 ай бұрын
Good grief that voice acting and atmosphere in the artifact "scene" is just painfully bad.
@josephnathancruz4395 9 ай бұрын
your assessment of the ending was spot on. with a good RPG, you feel excitement and anticipation as you get close to the end. with Starfield, i just wanted it to be over
@PhatBoyzClub 9 ай бұрын
Cyberpunk in that mission you have so many hidden ways to go : No boss fight at end, remove chip make friends with the gang fight the corp, betray the corp and rescue the gang leader get rich get he corpo arrested, pay the gang with chiped credits screw them over, dont pay them keep the money kill the gang and resuce the leader, kill the leader and the gang and keep the money.
@GamesExposed 9 ай бұрын
a lot of modern games are empty and play it safe which is sad because it creates very bland characters and stories, it's like they're afraid to do crazy things
@kreature6618 8 ай бұрын
its called WOKE disease, and its to cater to 0.001% of the so called gamers that have arrived here after gamer gate
@GamesExposed 8 ай бұрын
yeah, it's to not offend anyone so they can sell this game to people who wouldn't even play games in the first place, like someone's grand mother, or a bored house wife, they don't want to make good stories and characters, they just want to sell to as many brain dead people as possible, us, the nerds, represent nothing to them@@kreature6618
@METALLIFY16 9 ай бұрын
That Cyberpunk comparison was pretty nuts. Ive played the hell out of CP2077 and yeah i like it alot but damn that made me appreciate it way more. I cant believe Starfield basically ripped off that encounter and did it 1000x worse lol. The voice acting, animations, dialogue options, its night and fucking day lol. Just wow.
@boitaho 9 ай бұрын
I don't think they specifically ripped it off. It's just a bit of a cliche (or a trope?) scene.
@efxnews4776 8 ай бұрын
@@boitaho To be fair that scene actually reminds me a bit about the corpo background start in Cp77, but even then, in the corpo begning, you have some pretty baddass moments, like seeing the fruits of your industriial espionage, or when you arrive at the top of the Lizzi Wizzi club in your fancy flying car and disrupt a a basketball match making the players piss off with V just too kick their ass with your fancy corpo implants, then moments later having them all stripped away from you and left to your own shity normal human life. But again, the writing in CP77 is on another dimension but also i might add is because the creator of the franchise and own of the most important figures from the Cyberpunk genre Mike Pondsmith is right there as a consultant / advisor, i doubt Bethesda even have an specialist in an specific genre.
@ninjaswordtothehead 9 ай бұрын
This makes me want to finally play Cyberpunk.
@culturalist 9 ай бұрын
it's incredible, probably my favorite game of all time side note: 6 hours in and starfield is just as bad as this guy says
@articleforanyone 9 ай бұрын
I played it and i enjoyed it.
@rvfiasco 9 ай бұрын
Same. When I realized I was digging through poop in a one room cave I had this realization...I'd rather play Skyrim. I DEFINITELY want to play through Cyberpunk now.
@johnnyflannigan136 9 ай бұрын
Cyberpunk is a masterpiece.. Same people who made witcher 3 so of course it is.. Just a shame they released the game like a year early.. And now its crazy how much more polish they put in with new update.
@user-zm5xz5qx1y 9 ай бұрын
I've had more fun playing no man's sky than starfield 😅
@IIBizzy 9 ай бұрын
The difference between the Starfield scene and the Cyberpunk scene is mind blowing, I don't expect cinematic style on par with Cyberpunk nor do I actually think that the story overall of Cyberpunk is that good, but damn their writing and presentation skills of making people seem like people is so far apart.
@5-Volt 9 ай бұрын
That scene in Cyberpunk always stuck with me. The tension is so high the music gets more intense as it goes & since you have a time limit on your responses, it adds even more. I actually timed out on a response & the cyber psycho just shoots you dead as part of the cutscene.
@ChewBaws 9 ай бұрын
I’m so happy more people are coming out and agree with the sentiment that this game is soulless. All I hear people say is the game is fun and engaging yet from the videos I’ve watched and streamers I see play this game, it seems so dead. Other than a handful of quest that engage the player with maybe one or two quest that make it worth playing. It really doesn’t uphold the RPG genre. In comparison to BGS other games, you can clearly see a lot of effort was put into making the quest have consequences with other quest, or the mere immersion of getting lost in different types of side quest. It has been noted by a KZbinr that a lot of the side quest has been copied and pasted in different systems. Showing the lack of effort in this game, truly disappointing and one of the many reason why I had cancelled my collectors edition pre-order.
@duck_entertainment 9 ай бұрын
There's just a lot of stuff, like a lot. It's the reason why I'm bothering, among all the stuff there's little moments that play out with grace and it kinda works in a way if that makes sense? It's like working a day to day job and having that one good day that makes it all worth it. Then again that's pretty much how I've felt about every Bethesda game, boring for like 80% and interesting for 10, the last 10 is loading.
@MegaSuperAwesomeBros 9 ай бұрын
@@duck_entertainment That's like slogging through a 10 book saga for only the final paragraph in the last book to be any good. That's a very masochistic way to think of anything.
@duck_entertainment 9 ай бұрын
@@MegaSuperAwesomeBros I think of it more like a full time job. That one fun day off makes it all worth it 😂
@MegaSuperAwesomeBros 9 ай бұрын
@@duck_entertainment I'd rather have a full time job that pays me, not the other way around lol.
@ameliaward7429 9 ай бұрын
Every time I watched a stream it was 90% boring dialogue.
@leonnortje8330 10 ай бұрын
I got the premium edition with my new graphics card. I have played about 15 hours so far. And I must say this, if ever there was a definition for 'average' Starfield would be it. Hopefully the modding community lifts the game from mediocrity. The more I played the worse it got. I initially gave it an 8 out of 10, now I am down to 6 out of 10. It is just...empty. I think if they added more (intelligent) alien races to discover, vehicles like hover craft or dune buggies and flying in the atmosphere - the exploration part would have been much better. Also, why can't I swim under water? It is so immersion breaking.
@dannykao1110 8 ай бұрын
What you have pointed out even if they included at day one still could not save the boring backstory as well as quests in game.
@efxnews4776 8 ай бұрын
You basically is describing NMS... And by the way, in NMS you can even have submarines to explore oceans.
@DuckBoiGames 10 ай бұрын
I have done lots of research in the past 24 hours to try and gather my own opinion on the game, and I have found myself agreeing. The game seems slow and very much uninteresting for the large part. Great video BTW. Love when you upload
@Nathlaaar 10 ай бұрын
thanks duck
@DuckBoiGames 10 ай бұрын
@@Nathlaaar no worries. It's great that you shared your opinion
@Grobut81 9 ай бұрын
If there's one thing that really struck me about Starfield's reviews, the positive ones specifically, it's an air of desperation. "It's a Bethesda game, so it has to be good! I must like it! I waited so long, i was so hyped, the game can't be dull, it must be good!". That is the feeling i was left with every time. It's apparent in all the aspects of the game these people choose to not mention or hastily gloss over, all the defenses that they feel the need to make, and i am left with the feeling that these people are moreso trying to convince themselves that they are having fun, rather than trying to convince the audience. It just doesen't look fun. It doesen't look outright bad like a Gollum or a Redfall, but it looks boring. It looks bland. Combat looks bullet-spongey and incredibly basic (it looks worse than Fo4 to be honest, it looks like they regressed), dialog and writing looks dull, characters seem uninteresting, the story looks like your boilerplate "space artefact turns out to be a map, follow the map" sci-fi story that we've seen a hundred times already, even the art-style, the weapons and space-suits, it all looks very dull and samey. I don't think people will stick around to play this long term, and i am including a lot of the people who are currently trying to convince us all that the game is amazing in that statement. I think an awful lot of them are going to experiance a hard crash sometime soon, in which either they completely lose all interest, or they flip the switch and all that love turns to hate real fast.
@DuckBoiGames 9 ай бұрын
@Grobut81 I agree. Alot of the people who 'enjoy' it are more saying that because they want that to be true. There is some people who genuinely enjoy it, but they are in the minority. I do hope the community doesn't kill it though, there is potential for this game to be good. It'll just take time and alot of patches. Let's hope they don't fix the game as payed DLC
@mdthelegend9882 9 ай бұрын
@@Grobut81Reminds me of Gmanlive recent review of the game. He came off so defensive and passive-aggressive.
@floydgoodwyn8912 10 ай бұрын
It looks like the outer worlds but without a soul lol
@robertjohnlinderj.s.h1202 10 ай бұрын
Thats what exacly what it is
@Darkstalker212 10 ай бұрын
The Outer Worlds is garbage as well 😅
@robertjohnlinderj.s.h1202 10 ай бұрын
@@Darkstalker212 true outerwords sucked but this is way worse
@Hard2hit94 10 ай бұрын
Outer worlds has no soul either
@floydgoodwyn8912 10 ай бұрын
@@Hard2hit94 and starfield has less of a soul apparently
@Cerza0720 9 ай бұрын
THANK YOU!!! This is exactly how I've been feeling about Starfield! The introduction to the game is soulless and bland, as is the narrative, characters, combat and world. It just feels so empty. Exploring the planets reminds me of the randomly generated levels from the old .Hack games on the PS2. I get the same empty feeling from them. I loved Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3+4, but I don't love Starfield. It just feels like it's missing the magic Bethesda's previous games had in their time that made them special. I also loaded up Cyberpunk tonight for the first time in 2 years thanks to your video and am now playing through it again. It's like night and day compared to Starfield.
@CptKennyLoggins 9 ай бұрын
One thing I found to pass the time is take pictures of ridiculous looking NPC's and other stupid things so that they show up in the loading screens. My main mission is to find the worst looking NPC in the universe. Hope this helps someone bored out there.
@Fade2BlackSS 9 ай бұрын
Im actually replaying Cyberpunk now with the 2.0 update. What I love is that a lot of the decisions you make DO have branching paths. Like the clip showed in the beginning of this video with the flathead. Theres a point where you can negotiate with a corpo beforehand who with offer that you work with her. She'll give you a credit card to pay for the flathead but it's bugged. You can either debug the chip and keep the money for yourself and let the story play out as shown here. Debug it and work with the creepy robot guys. Or not debug it, give it to the creepy robot guys and work with the corpo which leads to being able to romance her later on.
@prosaicprose254 9 ай бұрын
I was really interested in this title as my next game after BG3… so I have seen a lot of reviews. It looks like a “wait until they improve the game” title, or a “wait for sale.”
@susanna8612 9 ай бұрын
Or play with Game Pass
@justgameplays833 9 ай бұрын
alot of the early reviews were pre day 1 patch i got it sep 1 and have not ran into any real bugs except one power you unlock at the end of the game is bugged out and i had 1 crash in my 5 day save file, however if you saw this mans criticism and agree then it may not be for you because it is kind of slow
@LadyAmalthea0615 9 ай бұрын
Gamepass or sale. It's definitely not worth 100.00.
@MotherOfAnimals 9 ай бұрын
There's a lot of weak elements (like UI, or combat AI, or stealth) that Bethesda or modders can and will fix over time. The writing and voice acting, though, that's pretty much set in stone, which makes me lose hope that I'll ever be interested in this game.
@murti1565 9 ай бұрын
Dont. Its not like Cyber Punk 2077. CP had an interesting story but the games mechanics and physics were just absolutely bugged and unfinished. But with starfield the story is absolutely bland. There is nothing that hooks you to the story and the missions them self are absolutely boring. The amount of loading screens and the fact that you have to fast travle all the time is absolutely immersion breaking. And there is nothing they can do about it bc its an engine limitation and fixing it would mean reacreating the entire game from scratch. Also the artstyle is very bland not like a fallout or skyrim. It just looks like they got some free to use assets and recycled them. If you are looking for some new games to play here are some recomendations: Mass Effect 1-3 remastered, The Last of Us (remastered 2014 edition), Uncharted series, Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3, Alien Isolation (only if u like shitting your pants), Metro 2033 redux, Metro Last light redux, Metro Exodus (not enhanced edition)
@Scodigy 9 ай бұрын
Great review. I've got about 120 hours of gameplay and as of 2 days ago...haven't touched the game in these last 2 days. I had already started to become fatigued by the load screens. Going into a shop, space, star system.... or all the locked doors to hack only to find a level 1 gun and some ammo. I've got 11,000 rounds of almost every type of ammo in the game. I have so much ammo I can't imagine using it all. I have the game on hard and I'm currently level 46...I've never felt like it was 'hard' and the only time I've died is in a space battle because mainly the flying of your ship and allocations janky as all *&^%. I've got 500 hours of gameplay in No Man's Sky and still return to that game after it's release multiple times over the years. Sort of like Skyrim or Borderlands...where it always feels like returning to an old friends house and they're cooking a nice steak for ya. Starfield always feels tedious. Run..fetch...load screen...return...dialogue that is written by High School level writers. Like many I was at first enamored by the was guns, new armor, cool ship....but then the honeymoon feeling wore off and I started seeing the same p.o.i.'s over and over on different moons, same layout, same loot that didn't match my level. I went to further distant stars hoping things would change and it just stayed....'the same.' Long walks across a barren 'open world' to a cave that's got 5 ores and a pile of rocks with some amino acids or sealant etc...same loot again. Same mine, same settlement with the same buildings and same enemies in the same spots. Lackluster guns....And the companion NPCs have become the most infuriating part of the game for me. F@&& 20 years Bethesda's A.i. is worse than ever. Bouncing grenades off of Sarah because she walks right in front of me as I throw and killing me is just...the best? Looting a locker that I'm literally a half foot away from and she somehow squeezes in between me and the loot and activates the talk menu. It's hard for me to say very many good things about the game as it's flaws compound over time to make it a frustrating, tedious and boring experience over time. No matter what the initial reviews have said about the game, I don't believe any updates are going to fix this massive open world of nothingness. The main story is the most non-sensical illogical mumbo jumbo of sci-fi I have ever had to deal with in a game. If anyone can actually make sense of the story please enlighten me. I'm a avid reader of hard sci-fi and this attempt by Bethesda is cringe and absurd. ^ Spoiler Alert^ Multiverse garbage with reset to the past. New Game plus you reset the game keeping your powers and skill point or perks, everything else is lost. You start the game over. You re-enter your timeline....from where the game started. But yet, the Hunter who is Stroud at one point there are 2 hunters and mr stroud...all in the same room? Only one person in that timeline/universe gets to use the unity and skip to the next, and yet here we are with 3 of the same character....dah fah? Not only that, but there are other Starborn in the timeline who have somehow made it by using the unity and they get a special ship made of unknown materials and a fancy uniform....why, how? who? Again, hard sci-fi plot ...yet with writers who are unable to make it work intelligently. The game offers up something that it isn't smart enough to pull off or explain in any real intelligent way, just play the game and make believe...even if it hurts your soul. I struggle to enjoy something written by folks who are clearly out of their league. I just rolled my eyes and skipped the whole NG+ thing. Some of the other quests are interesting at times and were actually the better part of the game...The Ranger quest line is by far for me, the best and I truly wish that this had been the main push of the game...becoming a Sherriff like the old westerns, but in space...would've made for a much more interesting and believable story than Shouts...errr...Shards from an artifact that gives people magic and presents an impossible load of crap for a story. Maybe they shouldn't have attempted to shoehorn a knockoff of Marvel Infinite War/End Game storyline and found some other way to do the powers/artifact thing...I can think of many ways, but the multiverse time travel reset story has been overdone to death. I don't hate the game...I've become numb to it. I think the release of Cyberpunk 2.0 is going to completely overshadow this game and Starfield will be on sale within 1 to 2 months from now as players begin to see thru the veneer and abandon ship and move on...Unlike other Bethesda titles from the past...this one is going to fade into Oblivion.
@ingeborgsvensson4896 9 ай бұрын
After 28 hours in I gave up, this game is never getting interesting. A few strange things I noticed in the story: during my talk with the Hunter he says this was the first time I did not die when he attacked the Lodge and that seems to intrigue him. But a few sentences later he says we had this conversation countless times. That is not possible: if I died every time before we could never have had this conversation afterwards. Also, Sarah told me she feels pressured by Barrett too much lately which does not make any sense because Barrett was the one who died during the attack on the lodge. These are probably scripted random lines but the game should keep track of who is dead and who is still alive. Very disappointing.
@Standgedicht 9 ай бұрын
I saw an Starfield Ninja edit: A guy with an invisible suit and sword and a pistol kill some enemys. This was called "stealth gameplay" In Cyberpunk you can do the same. Plus you can hack camera systems, turn on lights, led microwaves explode, controll their cars or rase into them, let enemys think their friends need backup etc. You can burn them, freeze them, blind them or attack them with cyber psychosis - all while they have no idea where you are. That`s "stealth" to me. Starfail is from beyond yesterday.
@i.d.6492 9 ай бұрын
Dang I really wanna play Cyber Punk now, that short interaction really got me hooked
@cynicalmemester1694 9 ай бұрын
Wait for 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty expansion. The game will be completely different.
@drdreel5559 9 ай бұрын
If you like narrative games it's arguably one of the best ever made (provided you appreciate that every detail in the world design and lore is contributing to the central themes and take the time to immerse yourself -- it's actually pretty clever and more like what a novel does, but as a game, but people miss ALL of that if they just treat it as a fast travel / shoot everyone and rush through game). But as the other poster said, expansion and major update are literally coming this month. So wait for that.
@wardvandecotte9253 9 ай бұрын
CB2077 has become a really fun game. Graphics are phenomenal.
@sillylittlesheepjax6009 9 ай бұрын
no it wont, all story and scenes stay the same just police rework and some perks@@cynicalmemester1694
@cd860viu 9 ай бұрын
Even Elite Dangerous when it launched had more excitement than this. I constantly feel as if I'm playing Fallout 4/76 from graphics, aesthetics, music, sound effects, bugs/glitches. What a dud of a game.. wish they had worked on ES6 instead.
@Nathlaaar 9 ай бұрын
@MrShock8 9 ай бұрын
No one asked for starfield which makes you wonder what the end goal is here other than to run your pockets and bide time for the game people really wanted: elder scrolls 6/ fallout 5
@jcalle2 9 ай бұрын
@@MrShock8 I think 8 years ago or whatever all the boring employees at BGS decided they'd capitalize on the "I fucking love science" sentiment, which was already outdated cringe, and figured they'd just make bank. It really seems like a "fellow kids" game. "Space is so cool!" Well, what is cool about space? Star Citizen makes space cool, because you can feel the struggle, the materials and engineering, the vastness and the grind.
@Canibalteaspoon159 9 ай бұрын
The difference in dialogue and atmosphere between Starfield and Cyberpunk is night and day. I dont understand how anybody can enjoy this crap. Actually just makes me wanna play Cyberpunk now lol
@collapsiblechair9112 9 ай бұрын
i wouldn't, it's still bad
@wurzelbert84wucher5 9 ай бұрын
CP may have good animations and better voice acting, but the game itself is super boring as well. I don't really enjoy either of them.
@listofromantics 10 ай бұрын
I knew Starfield was mid the moment I heard Microsoft-Bethesda WEREN'T giving early review copies / codes to a not insignificant number of reviewers prior to launch (in order to boost their Metacritic at launch). What's more, I can't think of a WORSE year to launch Starfield (not just because Tears of the Kingdom and Baldur's Gate 3 were / are so incredibly good).; 2023 has been an INCREDIBLY STRONG year for games... and it's not even over yet! There are some very hotly anticipated games scheduled to drop in the next few months, e.g. SpiderMan 2, Alan Wake 2, Lies of P, Phantom Liberty, AC: Mirage, etc. etc.
@Hard2hit94 10 ай бұрын
Lol ASScreed mirage made by ubishite ok mate 😂
@zabvza7457 9 ай бұрын
Yeah this is facts, I fell like any other year they could push this turd out and it would do better than it is doing now, but this has been the best year for games in recent memory, so many ground breaking titles that went above and beyond expectations, there there is this game, which just exists
@curtismartin9054 9 ай бұрын
TOTK sucked too. Just a DLC for BOTW.
@zabvza7457 9 ай бұрын
@@curtismartin9054Bethesda wishes they could create full titles with as much as a quarter of the content you get in “DLC” from TOTK (Entirely different game with a different plot, items, skills, controls locations, a world 3x the size of the previous. I thought the DLC comment happened for about a week before people realised how much more content there was in TOTK but apparently you’ve been waiting for Starfield instead of living in reality)
@thewolf01x95 9 ай бұрын
Yea the only game worth of note is spiderman 2 . Cant wait for that !!
@jayteepodcast 9 ай бұрын
The music behind the scenes and the voiced protagonists helps in those examples. I played Disco thinking it would be fun but i got sick of it and fell asleep twice
@mac2312 9 ай бұрын
The thing that blew my mind the most about Starfield was how it's trying to be an RPG with backgrounds and quirks, but you start off just as some dude taking a side job mining on some random planet. If you want to roleplay as a bounty hunter, you don't get to start off chasing a target then finding the artifacts. Even Cyberpunk let you choose 3 different ways to start the game.
@lethalpatriot97lethalpatri92 9 ай бұрын
You know that feeling you get when you get off work or school early just to get home to start that new game you’ve been waiting so long for? And you’re like riding that high during the start of the game and makes it an even better experience? Yeah not the case for this game. For 2 hours I experienced boredom, frustration (from menu clicking simulator), and a poor looting / shooting experience. Shame
@1GTX1 9 ай бұрын
Starfield made me want to reinstall Crysis 1 from 2007, at least it looks better than Starfield, and can't be more boring to play.
@Grogeous_Maximus 9 ай бұрын
I loved Morrowind to death, but the game admittedly has poor and un-intuitive menus. I really don't understand how Bethesda has managed to make worse and worse UI and menus over the 20 years following Morrowind.
@elchebracanadorvitruvio 9 ай бұрын
I'm glad others can see through the veneer and marketing.
@MR-pt7ou 9 ай бұрын
5:25 oh my god the writing is so bad. They have generic vague lines that will cover for anything that will happen "Am I to assume that briefcase has our item of interest", "i have the amount we agreed on". Most generic writing ive heard in a while. I thought i was listening to the new Saints Row game. Its like they wrote the script and recorded the lines before they even knew any of the details of the game. So the voice actor were given super vague lines with no actual detail that would work for any situation. The voice acting is also below average.
@thee_morpheus 8 ай бұрын
As a working man, I would’ve been more p’oed taking 2 weeks off for a massively disappointing game. Vacation time is precious
@dfunckt 9 ай бұрын
Al the characters talk so slow and without emotion. Their inflection is all wrong. It's like watching a movie written by AI and acted by robots.
@Nathlaaar 9 ай бұрын
@MrShock8 9 ай бұрын
We need to seriously ask ourselves if chatgpt or a similar analog was used to help expedite games and also save money on writing
@TexasSucksbreh 8 ай бұрын
Oh, wow, you're such an expert on Starfield. I'm sure Bethesda is really worried about your opinion that the game sucks. I mean, who else could possibly have played the game as much as you have? You're truly a master of the game.
@MrBrutus101 8 ай бұрын
KZbin review is like Fox News. Lots of fake news.
@TexasSucksbreh 8 ай бұрын
@@MrBrutus101 Obviously. They saw pronouns and women in power. Now they went on a whining tantrum all over KZbin.
@Kahren-tb8rk 8 ай бұрын
@Esteros-rz8ld 8 ай бұрын
@ForReals-dp4ws 8 ай бұрын
@Dukiees 9 ай бұрын
Bought this game. Couldn't even load past the main menu. Guess the refund was for the best. Wished for more from a company like Bethesda as I love Skyrim and still play to this day. Even funnier my dog was born on Skyrim day lol
@CaptainUncle1836 9 ай бұрын
Usually I can tolerate crap games due to copious amounts of Marijuana. Unfortunately mary doesn't even make this game bearable, I'd rather continue my 1000th skyrim play through
@jordirapper 9 ай бұрын
A slow start is fine. It's just that everything else is slow too. The game never changes its pace, doesn't look impressive. It just doesn't have anything going for it really.
@user-pq9kb3fi3h 9 ай бұрын
Its crazy how the first thing you do in starfield is mine rocks
@articleforanyone 9 ай бұрын
Its boring as hell compare to fallout 4
@akshaybissoon6527 10 ай бұрын
I got bored after the first day, ditched it for Hogwarts Legacy. Lol
@Nathlaaar 10 ай бұрын
yeah I've been thinking about replaying that
@wingedhussar1453 9 ай бұрын
A more boring game lol.
@rykehuss3435 9 ай бұрын
@@wingedhussar1453 Both are up there with most boring games I've ever touched. I quit Hogwarts once I realized what a Ubisoft infested collect-a-thon it was, together with majority of side-quests being literal fetch quests. The Merlin's Trials has to be one of the worst game design decisions in history. Dumb puzzles that are mandatory to increase your inventory size. And there's like 70 of them. 70. Clap clap. I would've been fine with 5 Trials, given they'd been very different puzzles. Both Starfield and Hogwarts have very little actual content.
@thatmemeguy2520 9 ай бұрын
starfield was a chore to get through unless ur playing music through your headset becuase the gameplay is average at best and running to your destination is a good way to get some sleep
@kendo2377 9 ай бұрын
Starfield isn't about playing a game; it's about sucking up your time for algorithms and 'player engagement' numbers to show corporate types.
@Miguel-vv9hd 10 ай бұрын
Your not the minority lol. People are waking up and actually saying the truth
@thewolf01x95 9 ай бұрын
Yep and serves Bethesda right for goin to eggbawx only
@MistahJay7 10 ай бұрын
Way to many Essential unkillable NPC's in an RPG game
@johnbono2384 9 ай бұрын
me, a BG3 enjoyer: "should I kill this new faction leader I just met? he doesn't have a lot of guards..."
@jcalle2 9 ай бұрын
@@johnbono2384 I LOVED BG3 for this. I got to Act 2 and betrayed the [H]s because I didn't like them, and I didn't like [J]'s voice actor and her history, so I literally helped kill them all because I figured it would help me get to the bottom of the curse faster, to cut the BS and rise up to who is responsible (and then betray him, bc I know i'm strong enough). It is unbelievably awesome and satisfying. True role playing, true freedom.
@alexbrufladt171 7 ай бұрын
Me and my gf were blown away by how boring this game was. I deleted it so quickly haha.
@Martin-vn7gs 8 ай бұрын
Just finished Starfield. Both main quest and side quests. The game feels like it was designed to be as boring as possible.
@kingfreak8548 9 ай бұрын
BSG will forever live in Osidians shadow
@wurzelbert84wucher5 9 ай бұрын
Obsidian isn't good anymore either.
@mosespray4510 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for a great review. It really helps me to decide what to do about Starfield. More than anything else, your video convinced me to play Cyberpunk 2077.
@nicholasgrey5225 9 ай бұрын
Bro that comparison at the beginning 😂😂😂😂😂 that was one of the most uninteresting and unrealistic conversations I’ve ever seen in a video game. That woulda been great for a ps2 game
@rykehuss3435 9 ай бұрын
First 6 side quests in New Atlantis were literal fetch quests. After that I stopped taking on side quests. Great game design, Todd. The dialogue, setting, quests, characters, everything is so lame and dull. I cant force myself to play anymore, around 5 hours in. I spent an hour doing nothing but fetch quests, not a single bullet fired. Just running from one dude to another picking up shit and delivering shit. I'm done with this game. One of the most boring games I've ever played, and worst designed. This game feels like it was designed by some committee, where the goal is to make everyone happy. Not someone with passion. Its absolutely soulless.
@Nathlaaar 9 ай бұрын
Yes, everything you said here I agree with.
@swoopstudios1104 9 ай бұрын
You did realize that there are quests that aren't fetch quests, right? Did you even try something different to get a new experience? If you do the Freestar Rangers questline, you get to fire loads of bullets
@kreature6618 8 ай бұрын
cater to everyone end's up catering to no-one
@CMDROldDuck 9 ай бұрын
Seems like a fair review. I don’t own it myself, I’m waiting for the dust (and price) to settle. It amazes me that the main story is so short. I was under the impression this was an epic “play it for years” sort of game. Anywho, I’m keeping an eye on it, but not getting hopes up too high.
@ZulhelmiZahid 9 ай бұрын
the main story is so bad its basically a fetch quest
@ulfskinn1458 9 ай бұрын
If you weren't interested by the trailers, don't buy the game. The setting and factions are completely unremarkable and uninspired. The main story feels like it was written by a fifth grader, but with less creativity. The "role-play" elements that a lot of the reviews are raving about are your typical shallow Bethesda dialogue but with the occasional trait-specific line like New Vegas, but without the clever writing. Combat is dull; guns feel under-powered and enemies are unresponsive, unintelligent bullet-sponges. Close up details are impressive, but far-away objects look pretty bad for 2023 and character animations are laughable, especially for your character in third-person. Very choppy, like Mount & Bladed. Finally, one of my biggest complaints is the walking speed is WAY too slow, but the only other speeds are basically sprint or sprint faster, which is incredibly immersion-breaking and makes in impossible to keep pace with characters in the story. I wrote a lot of these issues because most reviews aren't really talking about them. Long story short, terrible writing, mediocre gameplay, and poor controls. All for the price of $70+.
@caffinatedirl8466 7 ай бұрын
I had a go on gamepass. Honestly this review is 100% accurate.
@StevesgamingWorld 9 ай бұрын
I felt the same about Elden Ring. I found it boring and tedious and I didn’t get why so many people loved it. But that’s the thing with video games, no matter how good / or bad we think a game is, it doesn’t mean that’s fact. It’s just our opinion. People like different things. The mature thing to do is to accept it’s not for everyone, and let others enjoy what they enjoy.
@Nathlaaar 9 ай бұрын
I also didn't like Elden Ring. There is no story, just killing bosses.
@CarClav 9 ай бұрын
I completely agree with you. Elden Ring doesn't have a story! The game got repetitive, boring and pointless. Dark Souls 2 is the only game from the same producers that has a story. I really liked DS2. I am a big fan of rpgs with big single open-world world to explore. I think Starfield is as boring as The Outer Worlds. There was not much exploration in TOW and the areas were wayyy to small for my liking. I rather explore a huge world than explore some big cities and 5000 barren little planets. I cannot believe I am saying this but at this point I prefer playing Cyberpunk than Starfield.
@dantenadir2850 9 ай бұрын
I feel like your case is more of personal preference as Elden ring is a way different game than Starfield which have a bunch of other game similar game that feel more fun, from the same developer
@SomeCanine 9 ай бұрын
It's about the stakes. There's none in Soyfield. Everything seems like it was designed for children.
@shadowmil 9 ай бұрын
It's so crazy to see so many people praising this game so much. I feel like I'm being gaslighted. Are people just going throw the 7 stages for a game that was hyped, and stuck at the denial phase?
@houserhouse 9 ай бұрын
My roommate is so desperate for this game to be good, and now the rest of us are stuck hearing the god-awful NPC interactions all day
@GaiaGGAWPW 9 ай бұрын
Mass effect >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Starfield
@goblin3810 9 ай бұрын
That's the 1 mission in cyberpunk that gives you why freedom
@ccrpalex2456 9 ай бұрын
Fast travel is what ruined it for me. Even of you try not to use fast travel it's just bunch of extra loading screens using your ship traveling between point A and B.
@xmxh9596 9 ай бұрын
Agreed! What year is this? Why do I need to enter a load screen to walk into a shop on a city?
@alexh6767 10 ай бұрын
Mass effect 2 start was intense
@rykehuss3435 9 ай бұрын
One of the best in gaming
@MistahJay7 10 ай бұрын
The Dialogue is basically for 12 year olds
@Emjackson89 9 ай бұрын
I was so excited for this game and honestly after 2 hours playing I was bored and uninterested. It's a massive shame. I downloaded No Man's Sky instead and it's everything I thought starfield would be
@glenryan8299 9 ай бұрын
I'm with you on this one. I have tried to like it but it is just not hitting the mark for me. The constant hopping from planet to planet using the cut-scenes just takes me out of the game completely. I have found myself not even going on the game to two or three days then an hour on it and I have had enough. Skyrim and Fallout I would lose entire weekends where I don't go out, get a takeaway ordered and just keep going. Starfield I do not have that desire and will probably uninstall it if I am honest.
@jimbe4mxl410 9 ай бұрын
Damn, now i feel nostalgia for the Mass Effect trilogy. Can a company pls make another epic saga such as ME? :(
@sorvex9 9 ай бұрын
Baldurs Gate 3
@LadyAmalthea0615 9 ай бұрын
We're supposed to be getting a ME5 but given the current state of things over at EA BIoware I'm not hopeful.
@miloradmihailovic8726 10 ай бұрын
They managed to make space freaking BORING. And there is NO actual space it is all fast-travel
@Nathlaaar 10 ай бұрын
@curtismartin9054 9 ай бұрын
Space games were always boring.
@wingedhussar1453 9 ай бұрын
Have u played it?
@wingedhussar1453 9 ай бұрын
It's meant ti be a realstic take on space travel of course its more "boring" then fantasy.for many liek me I am interested in a realstic take of humans in space
@gaztroan131 9 ай бұрын
​@@wingedhussar1453there's no fast travel in real life my dude. Realistic would be how NMS does it
@SpectraLight 9 ай бұрын
I like how at one point you did mention it did get better over a bit of time, but not enough to keep you playing or make you enjoy it. That's exactly how I felt, got a little better around 15 or so hours for me, thought to myself cool let's keep this going. Got kinda blinded from that hoping for more, but realized after putting way more time into it that I should have that this was as good as its gonna get really. Somehow managed to pump 50 hours into it, but just can't bring myself to do more.
@brayd4547 9 ай бұрын
I wanted to hate Starfield but I can't, 36 hours in and I'm not even close to finishing the game! I feel like a lot of players are unsatisfied with the vastness/emptiness of space, but that's what I like about it! Not happy about the countless loading screens or the lack of On World Flight, but I'm glad I bought the game. Elite Dangerous is by far THE best space flight sim but lacks story, Starfield has decent story, but lacks flight sim.
@matman000000 9 ай бұрын
It's crazy how BGS' writing keeps getting worse and worse with each game. At least FO4 had the cringe-worthy sarcastic responses, but Starfield doesn't even try. Everything is so dry and artificial, lacking any personality or subtext.
@Nathlaaar 9 ай бұрын
@TheNostorian 9 ай бұрын
The "open" world just feels like level select to me. I cant unsee it. And regardless i'm tryimg to force myself to enjoy it. But its just to damn dull. I fell asleep behind the pc on release day. Thst has never happend to me.
@David-kp9ne 7 ай бұрын
I forced myself to play it for 70 hours... I can't do it anymore. It's lifeless, the quest design is old generation, the graphics looks like Fallout 4 This video made me uninstall. Thanks
@deanrolph6912 9 ай бұрын
Bethesda being Bethesda, Create a bare boned game and rely on modders to make it interesting, I tried it on a friends PC we had been talking about making a WH40k mod for it, But after playing it neither of us could be bothered to work on the idea.
@Sx-xy2zi 10 ай бұрын
I'm going to do what I did with Skyrim which was focus on thieves quest storyline so whatever is a strong storyline alternative
@jax-taposition7198 9 ай бұрын
Finally a great review by a non Bethesda bought content creator. Ive love Bethesda games since skyrim and was hyped for Starfield but really suspicious of all the bought great/ perfect YT reviews. The Bethesda charm of crappy games at release doesnt cut it anymore. Its 2023 and Bethesda has the budget to make a fun and polished game at release. Glad I waited to buy the game until someone had the guts to actually give a real “honest” review. Im platform agnostic so play games on all platforms. Never felt inspired to leave a comment on most vids but this review seemed so genuine. Like he said, if you love the game and having a great time Im happy for you. Everyone has different definition of fun. Just so sick of all the hype mongers that are scared to post a real review because $ talks. Thank you for having the courage Nath!
@The_Claymores 9 ай бұрын
Yeah the review system has been completely corrupted. Metascores are more meaningless than ever because reviewers and influencers fight against each other to show XYZ corporation that they are the biggest shills, because it'll help them get access to events/codes in the future
@anthonyduffy6953 9 ай бұрын
I played for about 4 hours. The dialogue is all bland, and like it was all written by a 12 yr old. The town was uninteresting in every way. The ship flight was boring as hell, it doesnt even feel like its moving. And the load screens. 16 times the load screens. I have uninstalled it and started playing no mans sky again.
@jamesdegriz 9 ай бұрын
At last an honest review. Have had to rethink which gaming reviewers I watch after some of the reviews for this game. Clearly some very big bucks were spent persuading some youtubers how "good" this game was.
@EdwinHeida 9 ай бұрын
I completely agree with you. I had it refunded after three hours and thankfully they granted the refund. I wanted to like this game, but it's so dull. Everything is dull. And I noticed that right from the start.
@naruto67845 9 ай бұрын
It really isn't dull if you actually get into space
@dantenadir2850 9 ай бұрын
​@@naruto67845yeah because barren world with little to no life is interesting and having the spaceship only be use dogfight instead of traveling to another planet through space
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