Рет қаралды 53
Need & Receive (John 9:39-41)
Why do some receive God’s truth while others reject it? Echoing the idea of a physician comes for the sick and not the healthy … In John 9:39-41, Jesus declares the condition of the individual reveals their openness or closedness to God’s truth and God’s work.
1st Idea Jesus’ judgment: John 9:39 says, “For judgment I came into this world,” and John 9:40 asks, “We are not blind too, are we?” (an aspect of Jesus’ identity and mission, Judge) #jesusjudge #judge
2nd Idea Healing & Insight: John 9:39 says, “that those who do not see may see,” and John 9:41 says, “If you were blind, you would have no sin.” (spiritual journey of the blind beggar) humble, needy, teachable WILLING = RECEIVE only the sick feel the need for a doctor and medicine #humility
3rd Idea Pride & Correction: John 9:39 says, “that those who see may become blind,” and John 9:41 says, “since you say, ‘We see,’ your sins remains.” (spiritual deadness of the Pharisees) pride, comfortable, hard-hearted CONCEITED = CLOSED the healthy and well don’t feel the need for a doctor or medicine #pride