Neverwinter - Mirage weapons are Problematic !

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Galactic Underwear

Galactic Underwear

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@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Mirage weapons need to be next ! Regardless if you agree or not ! The mirage weapons dealing up to 20% more damage then any other weapon is hilariously unintended , Mirage weapons being available for everyone to farm and use is irrelevant. Like i said before players always defend overpowered items that benefit them even if they are bugged/broken and not working according to design. Fixing mirage interactions won't make them useless, just more balanced and not over performing. Should still be a great weapon to use.
@sydclark5581 9 ай бұрын
No they don't. They give an advantage to NOBODY and everybody at the same time, as everyone has access to them. Guaranteed and ZERO purchasing is required.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
@@sydclark5581 Thhe widespread availability doesn't negate their broken status! They're not operating according to their intended design, a fact acknowledged by the developers. Furthermore, these overpowered items overshadow the newer weapons, essentially making them obsolete. Despite differing perspectives, the likely resolution is a fix to bring them in line with their intended functionality.
@sydclark5581 9 ай бұрын
I agree with the majority of that, but that's not what your video is about. Is it???? Bugs or exploits that disadvantage players or game dynamics should be amended. These weapons don't give an advantage to any PTW or Item farmers. These items are easy enough to farm YOURSELF for FREE
@reapzf8038 9 ай бұрын
mirage isn’t bis and isn’t problematic or they would be the weapons used for mgr and new trial not weaver and star weapons
@kypcole 9 ай бұрын
The Mirage set is fine. The problem actually is that the other weapon sets are both uninspired as hell, and outright demanding you be a Buddy Bear in order to get the best value from them. That's terribly boring. While the game engine has it's limits, this is still a D&D game. The weapons should actually be even MORE unique, instead of eight variations on "stronger in a group" pig stickers that all but lock you out of upper level group content if you don't have them.. If they fix the Tyrant set, for example, Mirage would no longer be BIS. If they'd give us back the elemental sets, they wouldn't have to worry about balancing tanks as the Earth set shrugs off up to 1/4 incoming damage. Alas, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. I think I'd quit if the nerfed Mirage. Because all that'd be left would be Buddy Bear weapons, and those aren't fun.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
They are not ''fine'' but i get your point. People have quit for a lot less,, pack your bags hahaha
@mylifeizrock 9 ай бұрын
So you’re saying a 8 year old weapon set with 800 Item level should still be BiS?
@hurstiwursti 9 ай бұрын
@@mylifeizrock new weapons should do what 8 old weapons did back in the day. Diversify builds. Instead we get the same weapon again and again with slightly adjusted stats and different map dependend boni. Thy could nerf the old weapons for all i care but then why not bring new weapons with similiar mechanics? Aboleth weapons used to be so good, mirage werent a must have. Only all other weapons dont compete nowadays. Mirage do.
@kypcole 9 ай бұрын
@@mylifeizrock engineering 101: don't fix what isn't broke. What I'm saying is the recent weapons are boring. I don't care for weapons that can possibly suck because someone in the group opted not to wear them & be like everyone else. I didn't care for that elitism in Destiny, I don't have to care for it here.
@danchan7564 9 ай бұрын
I'm not sure how Xuna, the Succubus, Band of Air, Slab of Vecna or Mirage Weapons were a problem for gameplay, enjoyment or balance. These are all things I've spent lots of time grinding and spent tons of AD to get only to see them nerfed. I'm way past getting tired of this. It's hilarious that a weapon set so old with such a low IL is outpacing the newest shiny 'artifact-replacing' weapons. It doesn't bother me one iota. Anyone can grind mirage. You don't have to be end-game to get them. You don't have to grind millions of AD to buy them. If we're looking strictly at balance, that's the type of thing that can keep newer, mid-game and top-tier players who somehow haven't managed to make the clique for end-game can still compete, if only marginally. I suspect that people who are griping the loudest about mirage are the end-gamers who can't stand being anything but top of the leader board and need any reason why they're being 'unfairly' beaten. I hold nothing but respect for you and all of the other content creators, but I do beg to differ on this issue. Have a great day, my friend, and keep up the great work.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
It's okay to have differing opinions, but the core issue persists. When something isn't functioning as intended by the developers, it needs fixing, regardless of how easy or beneficial it might be for players. The focus should be on correcting glitches or bugs that cause items to overperform. It's a bit hypocritical when players resist fixes just because it benefits them. The items you mentioned were indeed broken, not in terms of gameplay, but in performance. It's crucial to address these issues comprehensively. Whether or not it bothers someone is secondary; what matters is ensuring everything functions correctly. We can't selectively overlook certain aspects just because they seem harmless. It's about fixing everything that needs fixing. Love ya dude thanks for the comment
@hurstiwursti 8 ай бұрын
@@GalacticUnderwear well class balance has been ignored and overlooked. So it seems rather selective. If a mod will favor one class already, balancing for that mod should adress that. Instead wizards get mod after mod that favors wizards and then even gives them stuff like enchanters hex thats somehow broken on wizard and useless on many other classes, even heavy cc classes like HR won't trigger it with roots... But sure Mirage is the most important problem, because the weapon choice needs to be linear so everyone who doesn't have the same weapon with 200 ilevel more and % damage stat fitting the newest campaign map is significantly nerfed.
@magu5779 9 ай бұрын
Dunno whats the fuzz with mirage weapons. They are in the game, everyone can farm them. It brings life to a long forgotten area. Its not a thing witch once was in zen store and gone now. And to be brutal: if they are to stupid do develope a better weapon its not players fault.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Not sure why people keep saying what is the fuss about something not working as it should! sometimes it feels like some of you are trolling me! doesnt matter if everyone can farm them, if they are not working properly they need to be fixed! no ?
@magu5779 9 ай бұрын
I just got used to broken stuff in this game. My pally is mostly in combat mode in a dungeon, cant even open a door although tank should be front of the team. Scrollbug as well. its now like this for years. Such things should be adressed not a weapon wich everybody can use or not. Band of air... never dropped for me. Such stuff is unfair and anger ppl. Constant talk about equalize the game and then overpower 1 class to oblivion.
@DarkestSoul1990 9 ай бұрын
Let me tell you one thing, the developers of this game are not good, I remember when after mod 15 they started to fantasize about balance and now we are back to the starting point where the wizard is op and it used to be like that they have no idea how to go about it and they 100% made garbage and spaghetti in the game code
@dearthditch 9 ай бұрын
Always enjoy the cinematics. Falling off the table is hilarious 😆
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
i'm clumsy lol
@brunobonfatti2835 9 ай бұрын
Shield tank glicth is a big issue to fix. Make whole groups wipe, because you can scroll…
@residentrump3271 9 ай бұрын
So if Aragon were Professor X, that would mean Galactic is Magneto, eh? Maybe Stryfe? I'm a comic book nerd, sue me 💵💵💵
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
I don't know how that works and i'm magneto but i wouldnt say hes professor x, not even close ! nah i like comic books i won't sue you
@redkelly8113 9 ай бұрын
FIghter tank (Specifically) mirage set on ras nsi does 500k-1mill per hit. Currently the only way I can kill ras nsi due to the fucking lamb brains in adv queue forgetting they have encounters and not having the brain capacity to understand what a fucking blue soul is and how to kill it (even alot 70K-85k's are guilty of this). Due to all that my tank consistently gets top or 2nd on the paingiver not because I want to at all, I don't have a choice due to the incompetency of the players, if they removed scaling it wouldn't matter much because then even the terrible high item level players would finally be viable. Sorry for the toxicity but this has been my experience since the great decline of M16 onward, so it's expected at this point (whole hero lives long enough he becomes the villain trope). Mirage set should definitely not be meta at all 800 item level, 7 years old sheesh, but I also don't want them nerfed into oblivion because well, they are absolutely farmable by all players regardless of skill they should be a great stepping stone into newer content. They definitely need the newer weapons to be the answer. We shouldn't be relying on 7 year old weapons. I kinda like the new master weapons, but don't like that type of weapon being master trial only 5.5% dmg variable hp % and 3% damage if dps role bonus 2x'd in wildspace. The trial weapons need to be the new mirage, fucked as all hell. I feel like those current trial weapons would be great upper mid level like how they did the shitforge stormforge, acquirable and viable. Honestly Idk how to balance it all I just want BETTER weapons than mirage not "oh damn they nerfed mirage better go to the newer but SHITTIER option, I love diagonal more vertical style of progression, not a ff14 horizontal progression or some spastic zigzag trend we've had lately. So yeah I have bias to being OP and experiencing REAL progression and understanding of buff debuff play, like I'd do anything for pre M16 gameplay again. I fucking loved getting with the squad and 1 phasing orcus on EVERY class because we understood every detail of the game, and hey mirage weapons were fucking dogshit then. Yeah we even did a Pally one phase, that one took a long time to perfect, but fuck it was fun to try THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK WINDOW LICKERS
@jamjar1977 9 ай бұрын
I have to say I've made some serious ad farming materials for mirage weapons and they sell decent. If they nerf them (cos they need sorting) then why not use that set bonus on a newer set like they did with skt weapons with stormforge set? Least then to have decent item level and stats to compliment them. Can anyone remember when mod 11 launched and they were bugged to fuck and gave mirages of your companion instead of your character 😂😂 good times
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
yeah the bionus is great ngl, it just needs to do as intended! good idea they should use it on another weapon
@anjicat3211 9 ай бұрын
No one wants them nerfed across the board, but fix it so they behave consistently
@terrymills810 9 ай бұрын
I have gotten this set and sold this set many times. Althrough it isnt working correctly everyone can get it. It isnt BiS in every situation. Just like the Slab i dont see people calling for it in PE chat to run content unlike the BOA. They probably should fix it like anything else isnt working correctly. I wish I kept all my old weapons. Some weapons you cant get now :(
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Doesnt matter at all if everyone can get them ! thats like saying everyone can get a razor blade and it doesnt matter if its cutting off more then it should. the norm is fixing things that are not doing what they are meant to
@terrymills810 9 ай бұрын
@@GalacticUnderwear I dont think any one that shaves would mind a razor that works better than designed or meant to do. Now a razor that doesnt cut as designed or meant too will cause troubles :) I hate shaving and I had to shave daily for 20 yrs being in the US Army. LOL
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
@@terrymills810 ty for your service my friend
@Melody_See 9 ай бұрын
I'm a CW and do not have my insignia or collars fully upgraded. I should not be able to run end game queues with Mirage Wespons and be in the top 5, yet I am. Sometimes I pug and am number 1. Most of these queues I play half assed as I'm playing while working my regular job. I've played with Glactic on my alt, a hunter ranger, before so he knows I play half assed and just button mashed. The mirage set is broken and I shouldn't be a window licker button masher and be that high in damage.
@hurstiwursti 9 ай бұрын
well you do play wizard, thats half the problem there. If you combine multiple overtuned things like wizard and mirage, maybe add enchanters hex and slab of vecna then ofc your dps is broken. But for low level players this weapon is worth it to mitigate an impossible grind. If the higher IL weapons were better no one would care about mirage. Plus on really optimized party high IL weapons will compete with mirage.
@tooready61 9 ай бұрын
I believe the multiplication of damage for clones relates to required item level of the specific dungeon. So, you'll do more damage with mirage in Master DOM than Master TOS. Oh, and also mirage being the best weapon after all these nerfs and all the time passed since their introduction is simply why this game is dying. The ones who do not believe it, should actually try it on boss fights in unscaled content. I've seen a fellow Ranger having 56% of total damage from just the mirages in some cases. And at last, since dying and resurrecting resets it's cooldown, if you die right after your clones dissappear, and revive they'll come back for you again, so time your deaths nicely. It's pathetic that this last bonus feature is in dps race formula.
@Captain.AmericaV1 9 ай бұрын
Throw some windows at the Mirage Set!!
@genesiswrath2621 9 ай бұрын
I think other weapons just need a buff
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
that too is an option which i doubt will happen
@Xelliz 9 ай бұрын
Hasn't mirage weapons already been nerfed like 3 or 4 times?
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
they have a knoack for not fixing things the first 10 times lol
@magu5779 9 ай бұрын
And something more: we had it with zariel, a trial not worth running cause weapons to gain there were trash too. ALL devs fault not players. I never run zariel, for what should i do this. Not worth any time or scrolls. Aaand stay the way you are, we have an aragon allready😅
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
i can't change even if i wanted to lol
@mikelee9173 9 ай бұрын
This is interesting. If mirage is BiS, how come I barely see anyone running them? I know you have to hit an ilvl which mirage will hinder for master content but even in adom/randoms, I haven't really seen anyone equipping.
@user-kv1ih9lf5e 9 ай бұрын
Because they cause wipes in mdom and adom, that's the only place you typically won't see them. The clones target the boss instead of lieutenants, causing overphasing resulting in having to fight extra lieutenants and adds or if the boss is below 20% hp they'll start the heal check.
@mikelee9173 9 ай бұрын
@user-kv1ih9lf5e as op as everyone says mirage is, I highly highly doubt mirage x6 can do 5% of the overall boss dmg before the lieutenant phases from 20% to 15%. Seems like a skill issue to me.
@user-kv1ih9lf5e 9 ай бұрын
@mikelee9173 easily can, have tested it plenty times. Mirage does 20% of overall dmg in most content doing 5% of a boss's health isn't that unreasonable.
@mikelee9173 9 ай бұрын
@@user-kv1ih9lf5e upload vid or it's not true. mirage in adom with no other people damaging the boss, going from 20% to 15% or you're just talking words. A normal skilled player would say that if you used perfect and get the higher ilvl you could get the gloves to produce a higher dmg percentage which far outweighs the potential that the mirage would give, but you are just arguing to argue.
@user-kv1ih9lf5e 9 ай бұрын
@mikelee9173 nope I've seen people phase from 20%-15% even without mirage by just accidently hitting the boss and companions attacking the boss. Everyone that runs the content knows this by now and if they don't it's probably a skill issue. You don't have to believe it, nor do I care if you do or not. It's facts.
@marshallodom1388 9 ай бұрын
I was told they're worth the grind. Are they going to nerf the requirements to get them too? Maybe just limit it to spawning 1 clone only 10% of the time like every new item out now. Forget it. Just give all players a wooden dagger.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Not sure what they will do, they might do nothing at all, you never know
@hurstiwursti 9 ай бұрын
Nah why not straight up delete all characters below 80k ilevel and make it that you have to pay like 200 Euros to create a character. because this weapon is one of two weapons viable for new players right now, the other one beeing itemlevel locked and time locked.
@jingtroc23 9 ай бұрын
The mirage set being old is not an issue at all, the whole point of removing weapon damage was to make all weapons viable and add variety. A year before this happened i was very vocal in the cryptic forums that weapons like the mirage set(ironic those were the ones i mentioned back then) were going to waste and ALL weapons should be viable, i was using mirage way before the change and they were still good and im sure cryptic noticed my feedback as it was a very live thread i created when i asked to remove weapon damage. It's the fact they were not adjusted when the change happened that's the issue, and not that old weapons are still good today on some builds/classes etc. otherwise they might aswell revert the change of removing weapon damage and we can all be lumbered with the same newest mod weapons again(awful idea). Im with you though with not liking glitches, bugs, exploits, broken op stuff etc and think its sad that people prefer the unintentional stuff over what was intended. So adjusting/fixing mirage set yes, but dont make them unusable. Ironically i stopped using them after the weapon change🤷🏿‍♂️ so haven't used them since
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
I agree they shouldnt be made unusable, that was never my point! just to be mor ein line with other weapons! thanks you for the great comment
@jingtroc23 9 ай бұрын
@@GalacticUnderwear 🙏👍
@Haruthegoodlookingboy12 9 ай бұрын
Even how many module have come mirage will remain best in slot for single target the only problem is the AT WILL on mirage illusion some of them are OP at some class it deal more damage when using mirage like TR and cleric and barb mirage illusion deal AOE
@yopp3.016 9 ай бұрын
I say keep ot how it is, gives people a reason to go and do older content. I always thought that mirage, tyrant and lionheart were in the same class as trial weapons, they were just a different sort of trial.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
fixing it to wrok as designed wont make it worthless,, it will still be great and people will still farm it
@kittywampusdrums4963 9 ай бұрын
Sold my rogue mirage set and never looked back. About to sell my barbarian set. 😆
@anjicat3211 9 ай бұрын
Seems to me it should be a fairly easy fix to make that x6 modifier x3 like all the other instances. I can understand why it wouldn't be a good use of dev time to go through class by class and retune what at-wills the clones use but if they fix the preposterous modifier, newer weapons should overtake mirage in desirability making the At-Will problem a moot point
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Indeed . will see beauty , will see
@user-kv1ih9lf5e 9 ай бұрын
The multiplier is for npcs, changing it would make the enemy adds do less dmg making already easy content easier. They'd have to change it so it doesn't apply to the clones, or just make it easier adds are a waste of time anyways.
@drakovis798 9 ай бұрын
Well put. I'm tired of the mirage weapons being run, instead of weapons that can give the entire party a bonus to outgoing healing, damage, and damage resistance when everyone runs a version of them - stronghold artifact weapons, chult mw weapons, sharandar mw weapons. the newest mw weapons seem to have their own version of stacking that are separate from every other one, but they don't have the artifact modifiers, which is lousy.
@diogorafael3563 9 ай бұрын
I left this game 2 years ago, is shoking to see Mirage weapons still a problem, hahahahaa
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
crazy right
@zordanxxx 9 ай бұрын
I don't mind farming the most weapons I can get, but I'm moving into profession made weapons, will take some time but are great for group content.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
@kittywampusdrums4963 9 ай бұрын
Yea stronghold weapons are fine and I've used allot of them, the feywood I see here and there being used Ive never seen anyone using Duergar ones.
@svendemadsen8275 9 ай бұрын
It's called critical approach, not hate. Some people can't handle the truth..Always go to GU for the truth... Keep up the good work
@JoeyGordonJoeDi99ler 9 ай бұрын
Everyone in the game can get them. What's the issue?
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Are you all missing the point ? what does everyone being able to get thme have to do with them not working properly ? i'll wait
@TheAndi073 9 ай бұрын
"Addressing problems and talking truthfully about them scares all the new players away.." Dafuq? Seriously, there is nothing better you can do than that. Making devs aware at least grants the chance of a fix. Not talking about a problem truthfully doesn't mean the problem ceases to exist. It's just going to scare players away if they come across it. Then some of them write an unpleasant review of the game which most likely is going to keep players away from even giving the game a fair chance. Thanks for speaking your mind, Galactic.
@BABYZARIEL 9 ай бұрын
Wats just reality, scare players away, well cryptic doing this not content crators, if game good, ppl make videos how good game is.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
@@hugofernandes2636 Unlike you who doesn't seem to grasp logic and prefers making nonsesical assumptions, i speak facts ! You assume i make these videos to boost views, yet i only get 2000 views on average! if i wanted to boost views wouldn't i stop playing neverwinter and play a game or make videos about things that actually are popular and not neverwinter? Hello ? Second i love the game more than you, since i actually care about the game working as it should, while you sit back and do nothing and expect everything to be handed to you, i'm actually doing something about it, and even more behind the scenes that you are unaware of. Please put some thought into your responses saying whatever pops into your head isn't really working out for you
@heather5931 9 ай бұрын
Hmmm It does more damage in the newer areas and my rogue still does hit like a 2 year old baby. Yep I suck at rogue thanks for pointing that out :p LOL I do love the Mirage for my rogue though, I mean If 1 of me is good then 4 Is perfect LOL. Sorry you get all the hate but keep it real, like it or not that's what makes you you and not some copy of everyone else.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
I can handle the handful of haters, they don't know any better ! they can't even tell the difference between fixing and nerfing
@ofaplic3494 9 ай бұрын
not gonna defend anyone but here is my take. despite spending ton of hours on coding... all it takes for it to crumble is the right moment. also to force the problem to be fix is to use the heck out of it. that will get things fixed or removed overnight but dont be surprised if you get send to the corner or worst yet... get permanent banned. bugs and features are a standard in the industry. so make stuff for your life to be more convenient and keep quiet about it.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Valid points can't argue against that
@user-kv1ih9lf5e 9 ай бұрын
If they want to fix mirage while still allowing them to be a viable weapon choice, theyd have to make it so the clones do a set magnitude and increase the item level. The problem lies in that the clones are connected to the npc dmg and scale with the content, most likely a result of lazy coding. Im sure they plan of fixing them sometime but they have a lot on their plate with all the class reworks and hopefully working on the next mod.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Will see, theyd ef know about them and i expect a fix at some point
@BABYZARIEL 9 ай бұрын
Best fix can be like less item lvl you have, more dmg mirage wepons do, and more item lvl you have less dmg it doo, so it will be nice for new players, but bad for endgamers ^^
@X71507 9 ай бұрын
Was looking in AH to buy the crystal arti and boom I read your full name and then I realised... και για πες, μεταξύ μας, αξίζει τα λεφτά του;
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
iI think the list is like this: For personal: DBlades Crystal Mythallar For DPS debuff: Demo DBlades Mythallar Crystal For overall debuff: Demo Mythallar Halaster DBlades Crystal so yes its good
@danielrayment 8 ай бұрын
Agree 100% its time for mirage to die. Its not just the 6% thing though that alone would make a minor difference. Its mirage in combination with BoA + Mythar sets and i am sure some other factors like enchanted hex, For assassins duelist flurry, mage ray or frost etc. For someone like myself who plays ST only mirage does absolutely nothing for me, but I am tired of being told I must wear mirage. I don't disagree with the post below that the other weapon sets are not exactly awe inspiring. I alternate between perfect and solarium because i find that one does not stand out over the other. (and i can use the crit + crit sev from perfect weaps).
@RafaCoe 9 ай бұрын
Not everyone has played this game for 10 years. With all due respect: we need more engagement. You can do it with a new character: it's difficult! Feedback
@kevinhanley6969 9 ай бұрын
AHWOO thank you ;)
@sydclark5581 9 ай бұрын
Sorry, but 5-20% is not an insane advantage. Mirage weapons are an insane bore fest to obtain, sure I'll agree to that. These weapons can be obtained over a relatively short time, by YOURSELF. So everyone could and should have these. I've been playing for months and i even have them. So..... For the 1st time, i hope the developers ignore your opinion
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
What? you realise that mirage too are not working as intended right ? and 5 to 20% more damge than the next best weapons is beyond ridiculous ! So yes they should and eventually they will, no avoiding it
@northsidegaming 9 ай бұрын
@@GalacticUnderwear He does not understand man let it be.
@sydclark5581 9 ай бұрын
​​@@GalacticUnderwear "5% is beyond rediculous" No it's not, not even close. 5% could be the difference if you dont have PTW items, your companions are not maxed, your mounts not maxed, certain items not euipped, jeez the stone of flames gives 5%. Not to mention the dozens if not hundreds of other item combinations. I'm a 80k player. All earned by doing EVERY quest. From the graveyard to the borefest boat. 5% damage doesnt make me or anyone else rediculous. They don't break the game in anyway. For instance... If one person in a raid is using them. That's 0.5% more DPS/Heals etc. Wooop Wooop. Im with the biggest/best active guild/alliance in Neverwinter and not once has someone asked me to break out the mirage set. Using end game gear gives higher level damage output just by being higher level!!! 600 item level v 2600 item level. That alone changes my dps, HP, abilities etc Do you seriously sweat over the fact someone might have all the best gear, be capped out at 96k (or whatever), are stand out "rediculous" because they have (the free!!!) Mirage set??? Seriously m8??? Everyone has or should have the set, so it doesn't disadvantage anyone who not using them. For instance, mines are brand new in the box.
@saucyjacky1498 9 ай бұрын
Do a video about the shield lock glitch that's been around for like 11 mods since at least mod 16 so yeah do that
@vincentchung2316 9 ай бұрын
Yep that true way make new weapon in the game wen we have mirage weapon . Who need new weapon wen we have mirage weapon . Hahahahahahaha
@hereticxhexen 7 ай бұрын
nah the mirage weapons are awesome... im glad they dont trash old weapons & keep them updated & instead of boomering like u on it... they are coming up with new effects on new weapons shows how lively there team are... even if they are slowly but surely over time coming up with new ideas & effects... like u mensioned some of the items where u think its "broke" to some .. naah .. its FUN...
@gamingxwolf 8 ай бұрын
thank you.
@Tormented22 9 ай бұрын
Once again you ignore half a dozen more important issues to moan about something extremely unimportant.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
Lol really, name a topic i ignored ? i have talked about almost if not everything in other videos! this video is a bout mirage, others are about loot, strongholds, scaling, rng , bad design, recycled content, campaigns. class balance, no innovation, legacy characters , lockboxes, zen store, pay 2 win, and tons more.. so tell me what have i missed?
@Tormented22 9 ай бұрын
@@GalacticUnderwear What's the most broken thing in Neverwinter? Answer that and you'll know what to make videos about. If you really need me to tell you what the most broken thing is, you have to hold your hands up to my initial comment and admit to cluelessly making pointless videos about unimportant shite.
@GalacticUnderwear 9 ай бұрын
@@Tormented22 I've covered pretty much every significant topic, so I'm not sure what you're getting at with your rambling. !
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