I recently bought the Neewer TP09, carbon fibre for my Olympus cameras. A tiny desktop tripod which reaches to the great height of 50cm! It also sits fairly flat and I generally use one for macro. I’m not that tall, so it suits me, though I do have to bend down to it when it’s at full height. I don’t often need a tripod, but since my back is still sore from a recent bout of Covid, I don’t want to carry too much weight (it’s 425g). Folds to 30cm. Also takes an Arca Swiss L mount attached to the camera. I’m quite impressed with this little tripod too. My main tripod is a 3 legged thing, which is much heavier and very clunky, but includes a monopod, which is the part I use (with feet). So yes, I agree with you, Brian, these Neewer tripods are made very well, even though they are a necessary evil! Good review! Happy New Year to you and Mrs 4/3rds, and your big year arrives tomorrow!!!!
@ThatMicro43Guy3 күн бұрын
Thanks Trish
@g0fvt4 күн бұрын
Very tempting, my favourite tripod was actually rescued from a bin at a tourist spot near me. I repaired a cracked casting with JB weld and it has served me well for years, sadly the repair has failed and I am tempted to replace it. It was always disproportionately heavy relative to the m43 cameras!
@ThatMicro43Guy4 күн бұрын
Overall I still prefer my kentfaith tripod but it is noticeably longer and also over $100 more expensive. For size, especially with smaller M43 cameras I really like this one
@NikCan664 күн бұрын
Very interesting results
@ThatMicro43Guy4 күн бұрын
@AprilClayton4 күн бұрын
Tripods are something I value and dislike at the same time. They provide such good quality to photos and stability to videos, but nothing makes me feel more clumsy and conspicuous in a public setting
@vad58184 күн бұрын
Happy New Year !
@ThatMicro43Guy4 күн бұрын
And to you and yours too
@CheikoSairin2 күн бұрын
It's a great carbon travel tripod. Thanks for sharing. 1 LIKE from me.
@ThatMicro43Guy2 күн бұрын
@@CheikoSairin thank you
@OriginalWatchcow4 күн бұрын
Where I live, wind is a constant issue, and these light travel tripods are a false sense of security. This one looks better than most. I just accepted a long time ago that if I have to raise the center column, then it's probably not tall enough for me to use regularly. I have used neewer products in the past, much of it has been supports like grip gear, clamps, and arca-swiss plates. I picked up a phone holder that adapts to a tripod and some LED lights that have gotten some use. Fit and finish have been decent, but sharp edges and pinch points are pretty common on most of these Chinese price point items that may not be an issue on more expensive products like Kirk or Really Right Stuff. The new inverted ball head on this tripod is interesting. It reminds me a little of the "joystick" type ball heads that were popular for action sports in the past, this is just much more compact.
@ThatMicro43Guy4 күн бұрын
I must admit that without the little hook on the bottom of the column most tripods fall short in windy weather. I use the hook a lot if only for somewhere to hand my camera bag off the muddy ground
@AntonioHSam4 күн бұрын
Happy 2025, safe travels and make videos🌈🎉 all rhe best👍
@ThatMicro43Guy3 күн бұрын
Thank you! Will do! Happy new year to you too
@gregfeeler69103 күн бұрын
This is clearly a knock-off of the Peak Design carbon fiber travel tripod, even down to making a copy of the Peak Design base plates and leg locks. I'll give Neewer points for copying one of, if not the best of the travel tripods available, and it seems they have packed in a lot of features for the price. Peak Design provides a lifetime warranty which is attached to the product so they really stand behind their products. However, if this Neewer product can hold up to normal use it will be well worth a look. Nice video, Brian.
@ThatMicro43Guy3 күн бұрын
@@gregfeeler6910 thank you Greg. It’s clearly aimed at a more budget friendly audience with it pricing but I’m really happy with it. My K&F Concept is better but not £170 better. I could spend over a grand for a tripod but with diminishing returns. Time will tell. I’ll probably hammer it more than most users so I’ll let you know how I get on. Have a great new year.
@gregfeeler69103 күн бұрын
@@ThatMicro43Guy It will be good to see how this holds up for you and should make for an interesting future video. The Peak Design tripod is a thing of beauty with amazing engineering and fully rebuildable with all parts available. However, it's US $600 for the carbon fiber version. I hardly use a tripod, but I did luck into a virtually brand new PD carbon fiber unit for only US $180, so naturally I snapped it up.