NEW TAU CODEX POINTS - Winners and Losers!!

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Puretide Program

Puretide Program

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Greetings Tau'va,
So the app has updated and we finally have our new points to play with and I personally can't wait to start building new lists. There are some huge changes to mont'ka and also lots of units going into the legend bin whilst a few key units have had some points increases.
In this video I will be breaking it down and attempting to provide some positive reinforcement for those of you who feel hard done by, come join me in live chat to ask me any questions you like and I will do my best to answer them. This will be the first time I will be going live on youtube so bare with me.
Interested in joining the Puretide Program? Do you want to take yourself to a whole new level? Come and join the Cadre and become the best general with the Guidance from Kyle Grundy the Number 1 Ranked Tau player in the world.
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Commander Puretide

Пікірлер: 52
@SLG493 4 ай бұрын
Its an odd comparison but this update has changed us from Man City to Spurs. We arnt S tier anymore but can beat or lose to anyone Lol. Great changes love the update.
@davidjones4772 4 ай бұрын
If we take 115 breaches we can still be Man City.
@FilipDrirrAppl 4 ай бұрын
Well, i would like to play hammerheads, really. I like the models very much. But everyone around me playing things with invuls or, lot of heavy infantry and my hh was useless against it (alongside with my trashdicing). Swap for sky rays really helped - suddenly in every game i have targets for them - they are amazing with all rerolls (i am using shadowsun close to them).
@fendelphi 4 ай бұрын
Sky Rays are nice if you want something that can fire for a couple of turns, targeting "whatever", but especially enemy fliers, or even guiding another unit(it has Markerlight). Pretty good All-Rounder(6-21 damage from its main weapon per turn, if all shots wounds and goes through saves). Very effective in Kauyon, where you get to fight from start to finish and just get stronger. The Hammerhead is a deterrent piece. Its damage potential with a Railgun in a single turn is massive(11-26 damage if firing both Seekers and the Railgun at target). It has built in mechanics for more accurate shots against Monsters and Vehicles, and its Railgun has very good AP and the potential to ignore invuls, which just might come in clutch. The Hammerhead also has the option for the Ion Cannon(highest damage potential against tanks is 16-32 damage, depending on number of shots and damage roll of Seekers). Which is deadly in Mont'ka and when guided by a character that gives you Sustained hits. Suddenly, you have a tank that can take on both Marines, Elites and take chunks out of tanks.
@stevewaite381 4 ай бұрын
I miss my Barracuda 😢
@rathstar 4 ай бұрын
Nice overview. You convinced me to still try out Missilesides, however I could get 2 fireknifes or a fireknife unit and 2 enforcers for cheaper. I will drop my railsides for a hammerhead and other stuff. Breacherfish are still great but do you think the second and later unit is necessary when I can get 2 pathfinder units for less ? I moved up to having 3 rather than 2 pathfinders. Piranha staying at 55 points is nice. I'm going to try out increasing from using 3 units of 1 to 3 units of 2. They are fast and can screen, plus it also ups my seeker missile count across the army to 23, and thats without using any skyrays :)
@WardenOfTerra 4 ай бұрын
The FW unit removal is very bad. There was no need to remove the R'Varna or Y'Vahra from the game, nor the Remora's, yet they've kept the Tiger Shark's? They could've just made them decent and worth taking, or just kept the points that were in the 1.8 MFM. We still have rules for the Gunrig, yet we can't even buy the model and haven't been able to for a year or so? The problem with 10th edition is that it's catering far too much towards meta gamers rather than actual fun and varied play for people who have collections of models. The incoming massive nerf to Orks once Chaos is out will prove that. I'm not a fan of this edition. I feel like whoever is currently in charge of game design needs to step down.
@ELx234 4 ай бұрын
They said they want forge world to only be for the big units they cant make easy in plastic.. if i was a betting man they are thinking of bringing out the two battle suits in plastic and make them a riptide variant or somthing like that.. but thats just the feeling im getting
@charfreak 4 ай бұрын
The Barracuda is the most puzzling, it’s one of the newest kits out there. Makes no sense if they’re not already planning a plastic version - which also doesn’t make sense as they’re actively making sure ALL flyers suck in 10th
@cranjusmc.baskettball5177 4 ай бұрын
@@ELx234that may be true, but it is stupid that they would remove them without announcing a replacement kit beforehand
@alexblack1367 4 ай бұрын
My list went up 275 and lost tetras, but that’s okay. Compared to where we were a year ago with insanely overcosted units and one detachment I’m actually pretty happy. I want my army to be fun to play and I think theyve done that. The only real issue I have is that the army rule is a little clunky
@chrisgregory3063 3 ай бұрын
I wish it didn’t punish split fire Also if a unit guides with marker lights then everything should get +1 vs that unit I know it would essentially give army wide bs3 but that’s hardly broken as over half the armies in the game have that and tau have no combat to balance their shooting.
@alexsemprebon779 4 ай бұрын
God bless you and your positive outlook but the mental gymnastics to justify all this stuff kills me. Jacking the price up on my dinner by say $10 and trying to explain it as "well you're just as full as you were when it was $10 cheaper means it's not all that bad." Obviously there is a huge knowledge and ability gap on my part so forgive me if I'm coming off as overly negative. But throwing out oh well then you are just gotta spend a cp for this to get it to work to justify the points. But when you add all that stuff up over the course of 2 or 3 turns to do all the 'you can do this with 1 cp and another cp add this' your spending 3-4cp to do what we could already do at lower points. Idk, definitely a fan but I wanted to get that off my chest.
@fendelphi 4 ай бұрын
A lot of the units were simply "too good" with the new options provided by the Codex(not accessible in Index) if the price point remained the same. Several of the units were undercosted before. Breachers are definitely worth 100 pts just on their own. Decent durability(4+ save, -1 to wound at range) for the cost, excellent damage potential when in range. Devilfish are also worth 85 pts, with its overall speed, resillience, firepower and special rule. Cadre Fireblade might not have needed the points increase to 50 pts. It is hard to justify joining Strike Teams(they have more of a firesupport/holding role), and you would get more overall firepower and durability by simply bringing an extra Breacher Team for the points. But they do add "Concentration of Force" for the one Breacher Team they are leading(meaning enough firepower to take down much more expensive units, in a single activation). Riptides were undercosted at 165 pts for that kind of defensive profile. Personally, I think Broadsides went up too much. I didnt even like them at 90 pts(too slow), but could justify them in Montka at least. But at 110 pts, they are several steps behind other anti-heavy units in my opinion.
@anniedarkheart5224 4 ай бұрын
Breachers and Devilfish were arguably some of the best units in the game pre-codex at their points cost. Adding in MontKa rules to allow them to be leveraged even harder was insane. Having solid army rules and near bis selected allowed it to punch up way higher than the cost. Its not like GW is crapping rules and lowering points to make you spend an extra $10 to have your belly full with a plate full of army.
@mitchd9017 4 ай бұрын
I dont understand why your against bringing multiple units back a turn? To me that's the entire reason why the war shaper has a free battle tactic strategem ability. I feel like if im paying 2 CP's and then a 60 pt tax that is a do nothing otherwise character to wash and repeat in a turn where I have such devastating losses then why bother taking the warshaper in the first place.
@cryptolalonde 4 ай бұрын
The thing that would really make the kroot detachment viable would be if all kroot got for the greater good.
@BAGELMENSK 4 ай бұрын
The +1 to hit against injured units is a close second, and if you take off those first wounds with some poper tau shooting (railside, hammerhead, stormsurge), you'll maintain +1 across the board.
@fendelphi 4 ай бұрын
Bring some Tau firepower units for "opening up" targets for your Kroot to get their +1 to hit and wound. Fireknife Crisis are pretty decent at that(full reroll to hit against full strength targets means less reliance on "For the Greater Good"). A Hammerhead is also pretty good at taking some wounds out of a variety of targets. A unit of Pathfinders with Rail Rifles can also provide some decent damage and utility for other Tau elements.
@aj.hardwick 4 ай бұрын
Do we think they will errata vespids to not have an objectively worse version of their datasheet rule than every other unit this a similar ability?
@rathstar 4 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, I doubt it, if they were going to they would have done it in the codex.
@aj.hardwick 4 ай бұрын
@rathstar that assumes the Codex didn't go to print around the same time as the Index rules, eg the beginning of 10th. The points values printed in the Codex would imply that these books have been set in stone since the beginning of the edition and thus this could very easily be the same wording mixup that is in the Index. Hence I'm asking about the errata which is gonna likely come for the Codex in about a month like they usually do. Maybe I'm deluding myself, but I cannot think of a reason the vespids would have just a worse ability other than a "typo."
@rathstar 4 ай бұрын
@@aj.hardwick That's a possibility and I would hope for it to be true, but they did change something's, like buffing both stealths and skyrays, give carnivores oc2 and sticky, even correcting the ap on missile drones.
@chrisgregory3063 4 ай бұрын
My issue is that points cost vs power level is based on arbitrary and inconsistent values. If a unit costs 180 because with 2 strats in one detatchment it becomes somewhat strong is not a fair comparison.
@TheMaaksel 4 ай бұрын
"the unit going up is justified, because if you spend 2 CP on it, it is better" is the reasoning behind why 3 units went up for the combination? This is some weird spin-selling... but ok?
@sergiovarelafernandez6090 4 ай бұрын
at min 5- 6 you talk about giving sustained hits to breachers but i dont see how, because if the cadre is leading the unit he cant act as an observer to the breacher unit so no lethal hits am i missing something? thanks guys
@charfreak 4 ай бұрын
I believe he was talking about the price of the squad + the cost of the enhancement to a different character rather than giving the upgrade to the character in the same squad
@TheMaaksel 4 ай бұрын
He's assuming that unit is now guiding the breachers.
@Puretideprogram 4 ай бұрын
I'm assuming the unit is being guided for by the enhancement, as you will have multiple breacher teams.
@Puretideprogram 4 ай бұрын
@Puretideprogram 4 ай бұрын
@TheDropPodCast 4 ай бұрын
I lvoe thst you're so positive Kyle hut they've taken all the fun out of this army for me, the play style just isn't fun. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@Puretideprogram 4 ай бұрын
Thanks man I do try. Question for you, the play style hasn't changed since index in fact it's got better with more tools. So when you say they've taken the fun out of it what are you referring too specifically?
@TheDropPodCast 3 ай бұрын
@@Puretideprogram Idk my play style that felt fun was all the guns on the suits and ripping through a bucket of dice on CIB shots blowing up stuff. The invuln being taken aeya from suits bleh... The kroot being 6 up only that can't guide or be guided like.. There may be a wya to make a comp list from Tau still but it's not easily accessible and if anything the ceilings gone up again. It's a really bad taste in my mouth to make the tetras legends and take away our re rolls.
@JunnKhan 4 ай бұрын
Great takes and attitude! I really wish I had the free time and money to make my Kroot Boy Summer dreams come true.
@eveenlace 4 ай бұрын
I don't know but, it looks like we are sheeps. With my poor battle experience, and losing more that wining, this Fake Geen numbers, really bring me down to the shadow of winrate (as I said, because I am a bad player) I am not agree that you pro's find this fare, because for the main base of us, the not Pro's, I believe we will suffer a lot.
@fendelphi 4 ай бұрын
Tau is not supposed to be an "easy" army to get the most out of. They are a binary-style force with next to no melee, but a lot of movement and shooting tricks. Which means you have to really know what you do, or your movement or shooting will not compensate enough. In other terms, you could say that the skill floor(the requirement to do "ok") and skill ceiling(the win potential) of the Tau are both quite high.
@Jam-ik8oc 3 ай бұрын
Is a Kroot army still able to work?
@davidjones4772 4 ай бұрын
My list went up 220. 😂
@Woundedon6s 4 ай бұрын
Nerfs are not nerfs apparently lol.
@matteus9895 4 ай бұрын
These people are all shills paid by GW to put a positive spin on the atrocity.
@matteus9895 4 ай бұрын
This army has 0 competitive edge anymore
@Puretideprogram 4 ай бұрын
Okay that's a wild statement care to elaborate why you think that?
@jeremymcallister8926 4 ай бұрын
Hey Kyle, I can’t speak for the op, but my list went up 300 points + the loss of tetras. That’s essentially eliminates my competitive advantage. I’m trying to remain positive, but I went from finally feeling like the hunter back to being patiently hunted. I deeply appreciate the positive outlook, but it’s tough for us non-pros with limited mini collections to compete after a 300 point hit.
@fendelphi 4 ай бұрын
@@jeremymcallister8926 So your army was 3 breacher fish, 3 Riptides and 3 units of Broadsides? The army consist of more than just those units, you know?
@jeremymcallister8926 4 ай бұрын
I’m aware. That’s why I mentioned being a non-pro with a limited miniature range. Broadsides and breacherfish make up the majority of my personal collection. Regardless of the list, almost everyone lost 2-4 units. Thus, losing my competitive edge.
@fendelphi 4 ай бұрын
@@jeremymcallister8926 If you are a non-pro with a limited miniature range, "competetive range" was not really there to begin with. If you build a very specialized army with very little variety in models, then any points and rule changes, or just changes in overall meta(due to more factions getting their codex released) will always be a large risk to your army's performance. You claim that most lost 2-4 units, but what about the people who were going to be using a lot of Crisis Suits? They went from a base of 200 pts for 3 models, all the way down to 130 pts(for Starscythe configuration). That is between 30 to 70 pts saved per unit. And you can bring a total of 9 of them. What about people who did not overload on Breacher-fish and Broadsides, but instead brought a bunch of Piranhas, Hammerheads and Pathfinders? I am not saying all the point increases are jusified(personally, I dont get why Broadsides and Cadre Fireblade were increased to this extend), but to claim that the army as a whole has lost its "competetive edge" just because you had an army with a narrow range of models that were affected, is a bit of a stretch.
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