New World: Forged in Aeternum - Community Q&A (June 2024)

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New World: Aeternum

New World: Aeternum

Ай бұрын

With the announcement of New World: Aeternum, Scot Lane (Game Director), Katy Kaszynski (Live Lead / Senior Producer) and David Verfaillie (Creative Director) tackle your biggest questions.
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@FOR70YEARS Ай бұрын
So you’re telling me pc players were baiting into waiting until June for an announcement and then now we have to wait till October 15th to get even more of nothing the community wanted? Are you guys trolling? Like is this some fucked april fools or what?
@Dreedzik Ай бұрын
Yes that correct. We are feeded by -BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- for 6months to get nothing ;/
@cube730 Ай бұрын
Even October release is fuck all for pc players. They deserve that the console release is a complete fail and nobody buys the game. What a joke this video is
@fatavocado7291 Ай бұрын
Not exactly. Firstof all, last year you were sold an Angry Earth expansion with a "year of future content" that either was delayed, or never happened xD And that roadmap is still getting pushed
@propersod2390 Ай бұрын
I know you're unhappy, and you should be, but acting like the things coming in that patch aren't things people were asking for is insane😂 A true raid, pvp zone, swimming and optimization were probably in the top 10 most requested things for this game
@FOR70YEARS Ай бұрын
@@propersod2390 Swimming and a true raid and pvp zone were not the most requested stuff. You are just yapping right now. Its been on 3 years with no OPR map, no other type of game mode for pvp. The games main playerbase is not focused or caring about swimming and raids. Its why the game has like 2-4k pop in NA for a reason.
@uhBurrito Ай бұрын
No new weapon, no perks, no opr map. What a time to be alive.
@propersod2390 Ай бұрын
There will be new perks
@FlashthyberLP Ай бұрын
no new zone lol
@GoonerGamer876 Ай бұрын
@@FlashthyberLP PvP ISLAND and New Cutlass Keys.
@enzogaming1362 Ай бұрын
some guys still crying ... wtf
@sil7613 Ай бұрын
*📢 A Comprehensive Insider's Review of New World’s Upcoming Changes* Hello, New World Community! I am writing to you from the safety of anonymity, using a dummy account to protect my identity. I have been involved with New World for nearly a year now, not just as a player but as a member of Amazon Game Studios’ (AGS) “Experts Group.” My purpose in this post is to share crucial insights and deep concerns about the state of the game and the upcoming changes, which I feel have been mishandled and misunderstood. *🎮 My Background with New World* Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let me provide some context about my involvement: - *Dedicated Player*: I have clocked nearly 8,000 hours in New World, despite taking a significant break of four months. My commitment to the game is not just about playing but understanding its intricacies deeply. - *Part of the Experts Group*: I was recruited last year to offer specialized advice to the development team. Initially, this group comprised various media personalities from Twitch and KZbin, many of whom have since departed. Unlike them, I am not a public figure; my focus is purely on the game’s mechanics and potential. *🏗 The State of Development* From my first day in the Experts Group, I saw New World’s enormous potential. Unfortunately, despite our dedicated feedback, AGS has struggled to incorporate valuable advice into the game’s development process. This has led to a series of broken promises and a game that often feels more like an ongoing beta test than a finished product. *Major Development Issues* 1. *Too Many Decision-Makers, No Clear Leadership*: - The development team suffers from a lack of cohesive direction. With too many "cooks" but no "chef" to guide them, the development process is chaotic and disjointed. - Multiple builds are being developed simultaneously, leading to poor version control and recurring bugs. 2. *Poor Integration of Feedback*: - Despite the concerted efforts of the Experts Group to provide detailed and constructive feedback, our advice is often dismissed or ignored. The typical response is that it’s "too late" to implement our suggestions. - This disconnect between the advisory team and the core developers has led to frustration and a sense of futility among those of us who are deeply invested in the game’s success. 3. *Broken Promises and Unrealized Potential*: - AGS has a history of making grand promises about upcoming features and improvements. However, the execution often falls short, resulting in features that are either drastically different from what was promised or completely underwhelming. - For example, features like the much-anticipated gear sets have been in contention for months, yet they remain in a nebulous state with no clear implementation in sight. *📣 Recent Announcements: What Wasn’t Said* The recent announcement video aimed at console players left many PC players feeling neglected. Key details were omitted, creating more questions than answers. Here’s a deeper look into what’s actually coming and what it means for the community. *🔍 In-Depth Analysis: Upcoming PvP Island Update* One of the most significant updates on the horizon is the introduction of a new PvP island. Here’s what you need to know: *Core Features of the PvP Island* 1. *Automatic PvP Flagging*: - Upon entering the island, players are automatically flagged for PvP. There’s no option to opt-out, making the entire area a high-risk zone. - This feature is designed to create a constant state of alertness and challenge, but it also alienates players who prefer cooperative or solo play without the threat of PvP encounters. 2. *Tent Placement Restrictions*: - Players are unable to place tents within the island’s boundaries. This restriction forces players to find alternative ways to manage their respawn points. - While some players have devised creative workarounds, the developers seem indifferent to these exploits. 3. *Solo Play Mandate*: - Grouping is disabled on the island. This means players must fend for themselves, which drastically changes the dynamic of team-based strategies and undermines the role of support classes, particularly healers. - Despite repeated feedback highlighting these issues, the development team remains convinced that this restriction will enhance the PvP experience. 4. *Difficult Exits*: - Leaving the island is intentionally challenging. The exit area is a hotspot for ambushes, especially from players equipped with muskets who can easily pick off those attempting to leave. - The risk of exiting adds a layer of tension but also promotes toxic behavior where groups can dominate the exit routes, creating a frustrating experience for others. 5. *Resource Collection and New Currency*: - While the island does not introduce new raw materials, existing nodes yield significantly higher amounts of resources. However, gathering these resources takes much longer, increasing the risk of being attacked during collection. - A new type of coin drops in the zone, used to purchase valuable items. There’s also a new token that drops exclusively from a large chest, which takes an agonizingly long time to open, making players vulnerable to attacks. 6. *Cursed Materials*: - Resources gathered on the island are “cursed” and unusable until they are taken off the island. This adds another layer of risk, as dying within the zone results in losing half of these materials. - The cursed materials concept is intriguing but also adds to the stress and potential frustration, especially given the difficulty in safely exiting the zone. 7. *Artifact and Quality of Life Changes*: - A few new artifacts are being introduced, though they are not particularly groundbreaking. - Some quality of life improvements are on the way, but these are mostly minor design tweaks rather than significant enhancements. 8. *Persistent and Game-Breaking Bugs*: - Despite repeated reporting of critical bugs by the Experts Group, many remain unaddressed. The development team often underestimates the impact of these issues, partly due to their limited engagement with the game. - For instance, the gear score scaling bug continues to persist, affecting gameplay balance and fairness. 9. *Crafting Overhaul*: - Crafting systems are set to change once again. My advice to players is to pause any major crafting activities and save their resources until the new system stabilizes. *🛠 Developer Disconnect: The Core of the Problem* One of the most significant issues plaguing New World’s development is the disconnect between the developers and the actual gameplay experience. Many developers spend minimal time in the game, leading to a lack of understanding of the practical implications of their design choices. *Key Disconnects:* - *Minimal Developer Engagement*: Most developers play the game for only an hour or two, which is insufficient to grasp the nuances and challenges faced by regular players. - *Ignored Expert Advice*: The consistent dismissal of feedback from the Experts Group has led to a growing sense of disillusionment among those who were brought on to help guide the game’s development. - *Failure to Address Core Issues*: Persistent bugs and fundamental design flaws remain unaddressed, undermining the game’s stability and player experience. *🌅 Hope on the Horizon?* Despite the myriad issues, there are still reasons to be cautiously optimistic. The game’s core mechanics have significant potential, and there are positive changes in the pipeline. However, given the track record of mismanagement and poor implementation, it’s difficult to be overly hopeful. *Positive Changes:* - *Potential for Improvement*: The game’s foundation is solid, and with the right direction and implementation, there’s a chance for significant improvement. - *Community Passion*: The player community remains passionate and engaged, providing a reservoir of support and feedback that, if properly harnessed, could drive meaningful change. *🗣 Open Forum: Let’s Talk* I’m here to answer any questions and provide further insights as long as it doesn’t compromise my anonymity. My goal is to foster a transparent and informed dialogue about New World’s future. Together, we can advocate for the changes needed to realize the game’s true potential. *Anonymous New World Enthusiast* --- Feel free to comment or ask questions below. Let’s work together to ensure New World becomes the game we know it can be.
@trolli2872 Ай бұрын
i dont think you understand what a roadmap is
@TopherWeston Ай бұрын
Literally said the roadmap will be released after console launch.
@BetterDeimos Ай бұрын
their roadmap is an idea map. They'll remove half of what's on there anyways like they always do
@TheCrushmaster Ай бұрын
@@TopherWeston Yes, after explicitly saying it would release in June in their February dev video. 🤡
@ReddieEX Ай бұрын
@@TopherWeston problem about it is, that usually you give a glimpse of content at the start of the year like they did in year 2. now its like "trust us bro, we will give you one at october" which already resulted in a Trust break for the june announcement: No, we will not trust you at this anymore.
@TudX011 Ай бұрын
they probably don't show the map before october 15th because they want to see if they have anything big to fix and most likely because based on the number of new players, they will decide how many resources will go into continuing the development of the game
@BetterDeimos Ай бұрын
I feel like all of this mess could've been avoided by stating at the beginning of the year "Hey all, we here at AGS are preparing to launch New World on Console. Be on the lookout for the release info and what to expect when it releases, in June. In the meantime, we would like to focus our efforts on this launch and our plans around it to make it as good as it can be so we will not be releasing much until later this year. Thank you"
@AsahDuhh Ай бұрын
That’s asking too much for a group of devs that have proven to not take any accountability
@procles876 Ай бұрын
They decided to milk us with Season Passes that they're discontinuing lol conveniently
@DustinHarms Ай бұрын
I can only speak for myself, but if they came out and just said they were aiming for a relaunch and needed time for console, QoL, and performance/bug fixes, I'd have totally understood, and probably actually looked forward to them bouncing back after a heads-down period.
@LilAlbus Ай бұрын
I think that they did say something like this actually around January.
@Randomybored Ай бұрын
Or they coulda added better rewards in 3v3 and new maps in opr in the . Years they had
@user-uk1nw4lh6y Ай бұрын
Thanks for confirming that we will have absolutely fuck all to do until October 15th, you told us for 6 months to wait until June just to tell us to wait again until October 😂😂 I can’t bruh
@therealzeem Ай бұрын
they spent half a year being hush-hush, telling playerbase to wait for june announcement. @5:22 "nothing between now and october"
@robciog2006 Ай бұрын
That's the world we live in. Your anger changes nothing. Enjoy your free time waiting for October.
@vonkarolinas Ай бұрын
@LilAlbus Ай бұрын
Would much rather them do this than give us a buggy patch of rushed content like they've been doing. When this patch hits its going to completely change the game it will be worth the wait.
@arklinmike Ай бұрын
Sorry Bro - in case you were out, they mentioned a couple of updates ago that they were set to announce stuff in the spring, but AMAZON told them they had to wait. Like any other contractors they serve at the pleasure of their employer and they had to hold off on it.
Please if you are a console player. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS TRASH GAME. CHECK THE REVIEWS BEFORE BUYING IT. So true. Bruh i quit the game in 2022 why u all still keep playing a dead game 😂 under 25k have no sense to play that game. They do like this since launch. No one want to come back to this trash game. Just give up. The combat system can be cool 1000x but if the staff and team behind the game sucks there is no reason to put hope in it. Just give up guys. I have played 7k hours. I will never come back. I even buy the dlc and i didnt even play it(quit it again after 7 days or less). Everything sucks ahahaha whats the point to play a game where each update brings 3636x bugs 🤣🤣 or where they change the gamestyle and gameplay every 3months 😂😂 all ur grind gets always invalidate to make new player able to join the game. They care more about selling the game instead of grinding a fanbase and keep it. Do not fall anymore for their promise. Just drop the game like majority did! Gl to y'all.
@danielparra9219 Ай бұрын
You should go outside and touch grass. It's interesting to say that a game isn't worth it when you have 7k hours in it, which is practically a year lolololol.
@fwdrummer Ай бұрын
i'm in somewhere between disappointment and love with the game. So i agree with both sides but your statement here is a huge gibberish which can actually persuade new console players to buy the game. They'll be like "whooaa that guy played 7000 hours, it must be an amazing game actually!"
@danielparra9219 Ай бұрын
@@fwdrummer Of course, I understand. I just found it funny. I don't support what they're doing with the game. I'm an old player; I've gone through all the phases and understand the frustration, and it's completely acceptable. It's just that from my point of view, I haven't decided to throw in the towel with the game yet. I think if they work well on it, it could turn out to be quite enjoyable, and if not, well, it was good while it lasted.
@Caindele Ай бұрын
Well if people really want to deliver a message to AGS, they just won't buy the game on console and the PVP players will just not play and then maybe they will get the message.
@danielparra9219 Ай бұрын
@@Caindele Yes, it's obvious that you can't buy the game without seeing how it will work, that's more than clear. My hands are tied, and I'll give it a try on launch day since I have all the content purchased lol.
@viciousjfitness Ай бұрын
New leveling experience... Updated leveling experience... We've changed the leveling experience... Yeah so, the MSQ and storyline have been revamped... Oh, and we're also getting a new leveling experience... Not to mention some thrilling leveling experience gameplay... Also, we've made a lot of changes, so you can expect the ultimate leveling experience... lmfao. What a damn joke! We waited 3 years to get a new leveling experience... Also, did I mention the MSQ and leveling experience has been changed?
@FRiiZZHD Ай бұрын
But "the way we tell the story" is what the people waited for!
@InfamousMax Ай бұрын
@@FRiiZZHD No?
@Z-MACx Ай бұрын
Sounds pretty legit for new console players though
@ragix9307 Ай бұрын
3 years? The game came out in 2021 and is still by far the best MMO game out there. Idk what y’all expected for an update? They added lots of stuff and are bringing 2 new consoles to the game.
@viciousjfitness Ай бұрын
@@ragix9307 "3 years? The game came out in 2021" It's 2024. " the best MMO game out there" 5k players worldwide says otherwise. " Idk what y’all expected for an update? " Content would be nice. "They added lots of stuff" Yeah, stuff for new players, especially the new leveling experience. Did you know they revamped the solo aspect of the game? I hear the MSQ is updated too. Thrilling leveling experience.
@MostPalone1 Ай бұрын
"On Oct 15th we are all playing Aeternum" You sure about that? LMFAO
@Suyosa_YT Ай бұрын
@Ralph-hq3ji Ай бұрын
Then why there's still people stealing my resources in popular spots, hunting rabbits in that dukesloth area video, doing chest runs to this day and actually still seeing people in the open world unlike the glorified raidlogging mmos where the open world is actually dead. NW is way more alive than wow
@saturn01 Ай бұрын
A lot easier to spot an idiot these days … Dukesloth uses pre recorded old videos of open world pvp or whatever random things he does… Delos at peak got like 400 players… stop rubbing Scott Lane’s dick, glazing on AGS much, bruv is an AGS paid actor it seems.
@repti1iano Ай бұрын
​@@Ralph-hq3ji are u joking or just an idiot? another delusional wow hater talking shit
@KR4ZYKI77ERTV Ай бұрын
@@Ralph-hq3jiyou know those are bots right?
@Ralph-hq3ji Ай бұрын
@@KR4ZYKI77ERTV yes everything that proves you wrong is a bot xd
@TheCrushmaster Ай бұрын
Scot Lane EXPLICITLY TOLD US we would get the roadmap in June in the February dev video. Now we're not getting it until October, and for /2025/ not /2024/. That was COMPLETELY glossed over. The announcement was also told to be FOR US when we're getting basically ZERO new content. Nothing but lies. Holy crap.
@craybest Ай бұрын
i mean this was the road map right here, no updates till october and then we have all of the new stuff coming. plus seasonal events. that's it. probalby not a good roadmap, but it's a roadmap.
@Peter-ib6kd Ай бұрын
We aint gone read allat
@user-ue4mm2je6q Ай бұрын
Zero new content? Did you not watch. the video?
@TheCrushmaster Ай бұрын
@@user-ue4mm2je6q I said "basically zero new content", which is objectively true. The expansion was very lackluster on content. The months leading up to it also were. Brimstone Sands is the last time we had a relatively major content drop. This is the smallest "big" drop to date.
@TheCrushmaster Ай бұрын
@@craybest It's not a roadmap, it's literally just a graphic for the announcement. It tells us nothing about the future of New World at all.
@ManuAmazing Ай бұрын
Waiting over 6 months for the announcement in june to wait another 4 months, ggwp💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@soldiersmayhem2334 Ай бұрын
Waiting nearly a whole year for no content 🤦🏻‍♂️
@LilAlbus Ай бұрын
Its better that they delay it until they release something that's completely polished and perfect IMO. Blizzard has done the same thing with many of their expansions and that's how they became successful. NW players want them to just pump out content but the reality is these changes need to happen first. This patch is going to be a really big deal IMO it's not going to feel like the sandworm scam.
@DjEmillPerson Ай бұрын
why all these questions about people who dont own the dlc and 0 questions addressing the pvp community? Half of the questions were just repeats of the previous question
@AsahDuhh Ай бұрын
Facts. They’re still speaking to console players who aren’t even watching this. So bad lol
@HoraShadow Ай бұрын
oh wow, you are right, there was not a single pvp question... yikes!
@ThaCousin Ай бұрын
Is not a PvP game tho is a PvD game. (Players vs Devs). And now it's more hardcore than before.
@Merguin Ай бұрын
because this Q&A is fake. The questions are preselected and the 3 idiots at the table there knew all these questions beforehand. thats not a Q&A its a PR show
@LilAlbus Ай бұрын
Optimization and bugfixes are going to be the content for PVP imo. It's going to feel really nice if the game runs smother and you can PVP without bugs. Also they're adding the matchmade 3v3 which could be pretty helpful. Pretty sure after they release this they're just going to start pumping out content too.
@SpruceFlea53 Ай бұрын
5:17 basically nothing new till october, no season 6
@LilAlbus Ай бұрын
It's worth it. If new world can get a couple hundred thousand players its deff worth it. If this patch comes out and its perfectly polished and there's barely any bugs it's totally worth it.
@Berserker604 Ай бұрын
0:41 you know it's gonna be a bad Community Q&A when they already dodged the very first question, the answer had nothing to do with the question lol!!!
@dinmamma138 Ай бұрын
3 years after launch and we're finally getting swimming! Still only 1 OPR map. A true trippel A game right there!
@basilmemories Ай бұрын
I could hear this in jss's voice. If mockery-worthy things were food, this video would sustain her 'till the end of her days and also solve world hunger.
@onepaa1636 Ай бұрын
you forgot crossplay lmao
@kudahitam-gi3gu 6 күн бұрын
so you are the stupid people who ask for swimming, lol thats usseles
@MrGrimord Ай бұрын
It really really feels that theres definetly not enough staff working on this game.
@tolgakaba7128 Ай бұрын
where's the new gun? Where are the new skills? Where's the new map? where are the new items? where are the new trophies? where is the new opr map? CONSOLE ONLY? Are you kidding me?
@krazi3csSS Ай бұрын
That update was promised in 2022
@triumphhant Ай бұрын
It’s not console only …
@Antonico1987 Ай бұрын
Huge new content in June 2025 guys, only wait. Holy shit.
@chaboi8866 Ай бұрын
you're fried AGS
@GoodorBad-tk6bz Ай бұрын
dave looks really sad in his eyes on where the direction of this game is going. katie is smiling about the $$$ she is making of doing nothing
@basilmemories Ай бұрын
Someone free dave.
@williamgibson7219 Ай бұрын
was thinking the same thing...
@webknows Ай бұрын
and scott has no idea what's going on "just let me go back fishing pls"
@krazi3csSS Ай бұрын
Katy is your typical person in group project that talks and jokes during presentation but did nothing
@kelsondouglas23 Ай бұрын
I will resume the video for you guys: "Wait until October 15 to get any new content, see you all there PC players"
@sil7613 Ай бұрын
*📢 A Comprehensive Insider's Review of New World’s Upcoming Changes* Hello, New World Community! I am writing to you from the safety of anonymity, using a dummy account to protect my identity. I have been involved with New World for nearly a year now, not just as a player but as a member of Amazon Game Studios’ (AGS) “Experts Group.” My purpose in this post is to share crucial insights and deep concerns about the state of the game and the upcoming changes, which I feel have been mishandled and misunderstood. *🎮 My Background with New World* Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let me provide some context about my involvement: - *Dedicated Player*: I have clocked nearly 8,000 hours in New World, despite taking a significant break of four months. My commitment to the game is not just about playing but understanding its intricacies deeply. - *Part of the Experts Group*: I was recruited last year to offer specialized advice to the development team. Initially, this group comprised various media personalities from Twitch and KZbin, many of whom have since departed. Unlike them, I am not a public figure; my focus is purely on the game’s mechanics and potential. *🏗 The State of Development* From my first day in the Experts Group, I saw New World’s enormous potential. Unfortunately, despite our dedicated feedback, AGS has struggled to incorporate valuable advice into the game’s development process. This has led to a series of broken promises and a game that often feels more like an ongoing beta test than a finished product. *Major Development Issues* 1. *Too Many Decision-Makers, No Clear Leadership*: - The development team suffers from a lack of cohesive direction. With too many "cooks" but no "chef" to guide them, the development process is chaotic and disjointed. - Multiple builds are being developed simultaneously, leading to poor version control and recurring bugs. 2. *Poor Integration of Feedback*: - Despite the concerted efforts of the Experts Group to provide detailed and constructive feedback, our advice is often dismissed or ignored. The typical response is that it’s "too late" to implement our suggestions. - This disconnect between the advisory team and the core developers has led to frustration and a sense of futility among those of us who are deeply invested in the game’s success. 3. *Broken Promises and Unrealized Potential*: - AGS has a history of making grand promises about upcoming features and improvements. However, the execution often falls short, resulting in features that are either drastically different from what was promised or completely underwhelming. - For example, features like the much-anticipated gear sets have been in contention for months, yet they remain in a nebulous state with no clear implementation in sight. *📣 Recent Announcements: What Wasn’t Said* The recent announcement video aimed at console players left many PC players feeling neglected. Key details were omitted, creating more questions than answers. Here’s a deeper look into what’s actually coming and what it means for the community. *🔍 In-Depth Analysis: Upcoming PvP Island Update* One of the most significant updates on the horizon is the introduction of a new PvP island. Here’s what you need to know: *Core Features of the PvP Island* 1. *Automatic PvP Flagging*: - Upon entering the island, players are automatically flagged for PvP. There’s no option to opt-out, making the entire area a high-risk zone. - This feature is designed to create a constant state of alertness and challenge, but it also alienates players who prefer cooperative or solo play without the threat of PvP encounters. 2. *Tent Placement Restrictions*: - Players are unable to place tents within the island’s boundaries. This restriction forces players to find alternative ways to manage their respawn points. - While some players have devised creative workarounds, the developers seem indifferent to these exploits. 3. *Solo Play Mandate*: - Grouping is disabled on the island. This means players must fend for themselves, which drastically changes the dynamic of team-based strategies and undermines the role of support classes, particularly healers. - Despite repeated feedback highlighting these issues, the development team remains convinced that this restriction will enhance the PvP experience. 4. *Difficult Exits*: - Leaving the island is intentionally challenging. The exit area is a hotspot for ambushes, especially from players equipped with muskets who can easily pick off those attempting to leave. - The risk of exiting adds a layer of tension but also promotes toxic behavior where groups can dominate the exit routes, creating a frustrating experience for others. 5. *Resource Collection and New Currency*: - While the island does not introduce new raw materials, existing nodes yield significantly higher amounts of resources. However, gathering these resources takes much longer, increasing the risk of being attacked during collection. - A new type of coin drops in the zone, used to purchase valuable items. There’s also a new token that drops exclusively from a large chest, which takes an agonizingly long time to open, making players vulnerable to attacks. 6. *Cursed Materials*: - Resources gathered on the island are “cursed” and unusable until they are taken off the island. This adds another layer of risk, as dying within the zone results in losing half of these materials. - The cursed materials concept is intriguing but also adds to the stress and potential frustration, especially given the difficulty in safely exiting the zone. 7. *Artifact and Quality of Life Changes*: - A few new artifacts are being introduced, though they are not particularly groundbreaking. - Some quality of life improvements are on the way, but these are mostly minor design tweaks rather than significant enhancements. 8. *Persistent and Game-Breaking Bugs*: - Despite repeated reporting of critical bugs by the Experts Group, many remain unaddressed. The development team often underestimates the impact of these issues, partly due to their limited engagement with the game. - For instance, the gear score scaling bug continues to persist, affecting gameplay balance and fairness. 9. *Crafting Overhaul*: - Crafting systems are set to change once again. My advice to players is to pause any major crafting activities and save their resources until the new system stabilizes. *🛠 Developer Disconnect: The Core of the Problem* One of the most significant issues plaguing New World’s development is the disconnect between the developers and the actual gameplay experience. Many developers spend minimal time in the game, leading to a lack of understanding of the practical implications of their design choices. *Key Disconnects:* - *Minimal Developer Engagement*: Most developers play the game for only an hour or two, which is insufficient to grasp the nuances and challenges faced by regular players. - *Ignored Expert Advice*: The consistent dismissal of feedback from the Experts Group has led to a growing sense of disillusionment among those who were brought on to help guide the game’s development. - *Failure to Address Core Issues*: Persistent bugs and fundamental design flaws remain unaddressed, undermining the game’s stability and player experience. *🌅 Hope on the Horizon?* Despite the myriad issues, there are still reasons to be cautiously optimistic. The game’s core mechanics have significant potential, and there are positive changes in the pipeline. However, given the track record of mismanagement and poor implementation, it’s difficult to be overly hopeful. *Positive Changes:* - *Potential for Improvement*: The game’s foundation is solid, and with the right direction and implementation, there’s a chance for significant improvement. - *Community Passion*: The player community remains passionate and engaged, providing a reservoir of support and feedback that, if properly harnessed, could drive meaningful change. *🗣 Open Forum: Let’s Talk* I’m here to answer any questions and provide further insights as long as it doesn’t compromise my anonymity. My goal is to foster a transparent and informed dialogue about New World’s future. Together, we can advocate for the changes needed to realize the game’s true potential. *Anonymous New World Enthusiast* --- Feel free to comment or ask questions below. Let’s work together to ensure New World becomes the game we know it can be.
@stefanangheloiu272 Ай бұрын
thanks, i almost started watching
@gtalt Ай бұрын
Also, don’t forget to buy the DLC!
@orangee3687 Ай бұрын
How about an opr map Scot.
@pat_in_va8605 Ай бұрын
A few videos ago, Scot was very clear that despite everyone begging for more OPR maps, they will not be doing this because it is not really what we all want. We don't really want that and if they did that we would not be happy (his words, not mine)
@fatavocado7291 Ай бұрын
what's opr? xD
@a1rl2 Ай бұрын
@Matthew-.- Ай бұрын
PvP zone is infinitely more interesting than a new OPR map.
@alternistronx Ай бұрын
@@fatavocado7291 outpost rush
@Raidan988 Ай бұрын
havent even started the video and I'm already disappointed
@perezdev Ай бұрын
Can't wait to see what soft balls they decide to answer.
@Z-MACx Ай бұрын
@rabellooss Ай бұрын
The more I watch NW videos more I hate the DEVS
@andynicolaides Ай бұрын
@@perezdevso soft they were their own made up ‘questions’.
@Peter-ib6kd Ай бұрын
Womp womp womp y u even here if u gone cry 💀
@LemoniGames Ай бұрын
o7...What about wars? OPR? PvP? Do you have anything on this? Or...will we just be playing the same OPR map as we move into year 4? Will players who have played since day one still not ever experience a war because there is no form of content to help them do practice wars or simulate the environment? While I applaud optimization, PvE, and single-player improvements, many of your core players come to New World for PvP because of the unique combat. The upper echelon of endgame PvP is war...but this has just never gotten any attention. Console release is huge, don't get me wrong. But, a lack of content is going to result in the same problem. You have shown time and time again throughout Brimstone/Fresh Start, Rise of the Angry Earth, etc. that you can bring back large waves of players. But if you don't focus on both sides of the game PvE and PvP, continue to update your game with one batch of "new" content every year, and continue to not be in touch with your audience, this will surely end up resulting in the exact same historical trend we have seen. It seems that some of these questions being asked are still out of touch with the community, and I am curious as to where they even came from. I love war and PvP, so I will continue to play and give this a chance, but we have held on for 3 years--I do not think we can all make it a 4th if this trend continues.
@Jedi71 Ай бұрын
PC has literally been a 3 year beta test for console.
@snowhitez681 Ай бұрын
In their minds putting a war cooldown was the biggest shit to put more players in wars, what really happened was simply less wars over the time and I'm pretty sure they think that was a good decision to this day, what a joke. I did not see anyone new in wars because of this cooldown shit, I only saw new players joining wars because the old players were quitting the game, in the end of the day less wars = less players in wars and that's it. Back in the days (Pre-Brimstone) my server had a super healthy pvp community with 5+ different companies with almost no mercenaries fighting every day, after the cooldown update I got like 2 months with nearly no wars because of other companies were trying to deffend their territories from easier companies than us. AGS managed to fuck up all the shit and they still have no clue of what they done.
@LemoniGames Ай бұрын
@@snowhitez681 And as time has passed, the players in warring companies continue to widen the skill gap between top companies and companies that have never warred. There will always be a skill gap in games, but in all other games there is a way to practice. For example, I can play unranked Valorant to learn the game and improve aim for ranked. In New World, there are OPR's and Arena, neither of which help improve players in a war environment IMO. We need ways for companies to do practice wars, or even have queueable content, similar to an OPR, where we do 50v50 war setting. Obviously there is more micro-management that happens with wars/companies. But even just giving players the opportunity to do something, like just play outside fort and capture 3 points, and the game ends, is far better for improvement than sitting there hitting a door that Bob the builder is working on in OPR. What is the point of wars if you don't even give the player base a chance to compete? Just wait until cross-platform PC vs. controller wars on fresh will be a blood bath without ways to improve.
@LemoniGames Ай бұрын
@@Jedi71 Factual...I'm planning to put on my resume that I have 3 years of industry QA experience at AGS. Hopefully, I can get a good recommendation from Scot.
@user-ue4mm2je6q Ай бұрын
“Our data shows that people dont want a new OPR map.” Wars are only played by 0.1% of the playerbase so there’s no point in investing in that.
@Neralyte Ай бұрын
AG launches a much needed Q&A to address current player concerns... proceeds to spend 10 mins talking about the new player experience and ignores player concerns AG never disappoints at disappointing NW players
@sil7613 Ай бұрын
*📢 A Comprehensive Insider's Review of New World’s Upcoming Changes* Hello, New World Community! I am writing to you from the safety of anonymity, using a dummy account to protect my identity. I have been involved with New World for nearly a year now, not just as a player but as a member of Amazon Game Studios’ (AGS) “Experts Group.” My purpose in this post is to share crucial insights and deep concerns about the state of the game and the upcoming changes, which I feel have been mishandled and misunderstood. *🎮 My Background with New World* Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let me provide some context about my involvement: - *Dedicated Player*: I have clocked nearly 8,000 hours in New World, despite taking a significant break of four months. My commitment to the game is not just about playing but understanding its intricacies deeply. - *Part of the Experts Group*: I was recruited last year to offer specialized advice to the development team. Initially, this group comprised various media personalities from Twitch and KZbin, many of whom have since departed. Unlike them, I am not a public figure; my focus is purely on the game’s mechanics and potential. *🏗 The State of Development* From my first day in the Experts Group, I saw New World’s enormous potential. Unfortunately, despite our dedicated feedback, AGS has struggled to incorporate valuable advice into the game’s development process. This has led to a series of broken promises and a game that often feels more like an ongoing beta test than a finished product. *Major Development Issues* 1. *Too Many Decision-Makers, No Clear Leadership*: - The development team suffers from a lack of cohesive direction. With too many "cooks" but no "chef" to guide them, the development process is chaotic and disjointed. - Multiple builds are being developed simultaneously, leading to poor version control and recurring bugs. 2. *Poor Integration of Feedback*: - Despite the concerted efforts of the Experts Group to provide detailed and constructive feedback, our advice is often dismissed or ignored. The typical response is that it’s "too late" to implement our suggestions. - This disconnect between the advisory team and the core developers has led to frustration and a sense of futility among those of us who are deeply invested in the game’s success. 3. *Broken Promises and Unrealized Potential*: - AGS has a history of making grand promises about upcoming features and improvements. However, the execution often falls short, resulting in features that are either drastically different from what was promised or completely underwhelming. - For example, features like the much-anticipated gear sets have been in contention for months, yet they remain in a nebulous state with no clear implementation in sight. *📣 Recent Announcements: What Wasn’t Said* The recent announcement video aimed at console players left many PC players feeling neglected. Key details were omitted, creating more questions than answers. Here’s a deeper look into what’s actually coming and what it means for the community. *🔍 In-Depth Analysis: Upcoming PvP Island Update* One of the most significant updates on the horizon is the introduction of a new PvP island. Here’s what you need to know: *Core Features of the PvP Island* 1. *Automatic PvP Flagging*: - Upon entering the island, players are automatically flagged for PvP. There’s no option to opt-out, making the entire area a high-risk zone. - This feature is designed to create a constant state of alertness and challenge, but it also alienates players who prefer cooperative or solo play without the threat of PvP encounters. 2. *Tent Placement Restrictions*: - Players are unable to place tents within the island’s boundaries. This restriction forces players to find alternative ways to manage their respawn points. - While some players have devised creative workarounds, the developers seem indifferent to these exploits. 3. *Solo Play Mandate*: - Grouping is disabled on the island. This means players must fend for themselves, which drastically changes the dynamic of team-based strategies and undermines the role of support classes, particularly healers. - Despite repeated feedback highlighting these issues, the development team remains convinced that this restriction will enhance the PvP experience. 4. *Difficult Exits*: - Leaving the island is intentionally challenging. The exit area is a hotspot for ambushes, especially from players equipped with muskets who can easily pick off those attempting to leave. - The risk of exiting adds a layer of tension but also promotes toxic behavior where groups can dominate the exit routes, creating a frustrating experience for others. 5. *Resource Collection and New Currency*: - While the island does not introduce new raw materials, existing nodes yield significantly higher amounts of resources. However, gathering these resources takes much longer, increasing the risk of being attacked during collection. - A new type of coin drops in the zone, used to purchase valuable items. There’s also a new token that drops exclusively from a large chest, which takes an agonizingly long time to open, making players vulnerable to attacks. 6. *Cursed Materials*: - Resources gathered on the island are “cursed” and unusable until they are taken off the island. This adds another layer of risk, as dying within the zone results in losing half of these materials. - The cursed materials concept is intriguing but also adds to the stress and potential frustration, especially given the difficulty in safely exiting the zone. 7. *Artifact and Quality of Life Changes*: - A few new artifacts are being introduced, though they are not particularly groundbreaking. - Some quality of life improvements are on the way, but these are mostly minor design tweaks rather than significant enhancements. 8. *Persistent and Game-Breaking Bugs*: - Despite repeated reporting of critical bugs by the Experts Group, many remain unaddressed. The development team often underestimates the impact of these issues, partly due to their limited engagement with the game. - For instance, the gear score scaling bug continues to persist, affecting gameplay balance and fairness. 9. *Crafting Overhaul*: - Crafting systems are set to change once again. My advice to players is to pause any major crafting activities and save their resources until the new system stabilizes. *🛠 Developer Disconnect: The Core of the Problem* One of the most significant issues plaguing New World’s development is the disconnect between the developers and the actual gameplay experience. Many developers spend minimal time in the game, leading to a lack of understanding of the practical implications of their design choices. *Key Disconnects:* - *Minimal Developer Engagement*: Most developers play the game for only an hour or two, which is insufficient to grasp the nuances and challenges faced by regular players. - *Ignored Expert Advice*: The consistent dismissal of feedback from the Experts Group has led to a growing sense of disillusionment among those who were brought on to help guide the game’s development. - *Failure to Address Core Issues*: Persistent bugs and fundamental design flaws remain unaddressed, undermining the game’s stability and player experience. *🌅 Hope on the Horizon?* Despite the myriad issues, there are still reasons to be cautiously optimistic. The game’s core mechanics have significant potential, and there are positive changes in the pipeline. However, given the track record of mismanagement and poor implementation, it’s difficult to be overly hopeful. *Positive Changes:* - *Potential for Improvement*: The game’s foundation is solid, and with the right direction and implementation, there’s a chance for significant improvement. - *Community Passion*: The player community remains passionate and engaged, providing a reservoir of support and feedback that, if properly harnessed, could drive meaningful change. *🗣 Open Forum: Let’s Talk* I’m here to answer any questions and provide further insights as long as it doesn’t compromise my anonymity. My goal is to foster a transparent and informed dialogue about New World’s future. Together, we can advocate for the changes needed to realize the game’s true potential. *Anonymous New World Enthusiast* --- Feel free to comment or ask questions below. Let’s work together to ensure New World becomes the game we know it can be.
@chapinmastah Ай бұрын
They can't even fix the current bug list. They delete comments on discord and ban members.
@user-ji5hu7nc8e Ай бұрын
Told PC players to wait till June for content and news only to be told to wait for October xD. Also claim they want a clean release but cant even give us a clean patch wtf
@Vince123abc Ай бұрын
October is when they can begin talking about content. So, probably summer 2025.
@Peter-ib6kd Ай бұрын
Womp womp womp ahahaha
@Peter-ib6kd Ай бұрын
@@Vince123abcfix ya brain mane
@Peter-ib6kd Ай бұрын
Womp womp
@procles876 Ай бұрын
@@Peter-ib6kd fix your reading comprehension mate. He was making a joke
@felipesabogal2177 Ай бұрын
F for New World
@jonnmonst3rr577 Ай бұрын
L for just thinking about current players when it can be bigger as said alot of ppl don't even know what that is lmao just thinking of yourselves- learn to trust the process sheep
@silentd_6 Ай бұрын
@@jonnmonst3rr577 only sheep here is u
@PaintMasterPoE Ай бұрын
​@jonnmonst3rr577 idk what you get by dikriding ags. But fact is that game is dying, 5-6k concurrent players, devs do nothing, devs lie, devs buy crowds on events like they did recently. If I would expect how things turn out, I wouldn't buy it to begin with. Preview event was best time I've had in NW. As soon as I reached 60 on release, I realized there's almost no endgame, you either farm one of couple dungeons, do lootruns that are boring af, or grind skills that take a lot of time and gold. Only good things about NW is leveling first time, visuals in some places and sound.
@samf6173 Ай бұрын
The eyes don't lie. Dave looks defeated.
@robdebobrob Ай бұрын
As much thoughts behind those eyes as content coming in the next 4 months.
@williamgibson7219 Ай бұрын
i think someone pop his bubble...
@thebassMS Ай бұрын
Did anyone expect anything other than disappointment?
@WeekendWarriorsWoodworking2 Ай бұрын
@____4506 Ай бұрын
Hey guys, go easy. AGS has a phenomenal dev team. All they need to work on is community management, implementing feedback, roadmap creation, following through on promises, not gaslighting their players, taking constructive criticism, writing clean code, fixing bugs, and making games.
@onepaa1636 Ай бұрын
I think I almost died reading this post lol right you'd think they'd have it down by now lmfao.77
@krazi3csSS Ай бұрын
sacred ground took 2 years to fix, keep feeding that BS
@fooojin Ай бұрын
So i assume there is also a new OPR maps since its been requested for 3 years. Thank you for listening to your playerbase
@Iliketoeatjam Ай бұрын
They’re actually struggling to list all the „so many changes” bless.. edit. because they can’t think of many
@user-ki3ks4fd6i 28 күн бұрын
You only got 50 likes bud. No need to say when you're editing post.
@mozartlovesmaddie Ай бұрын
RIP my character with max crafts/ultimate trophies
@therealzeem Ай бұрын
scot looking confused af the entire time ..
@Han_AK Ай бұрын
Just reached the First Question and they instantly denied that it was for PC Players - Scott just dodged the Question and admitted basically that he lied to the PC players EDIT: no new Content till October, "wait for 2025 Roadmap" LMAO
@Ari91 Ай бұрын
there is no more? there never was anything more than already communicated early
@VeNoMz_ Ай бұрын
0:15 so you just admitted that none of this entire reveal was for us (your fan base), the PC players lmao💀💀 This video just shows that y'all really haven't learned a single thing about end game, gating Soul Trials to 3 a day just shows that you don't want people to play the game. It's just another quick daily that you do that feels rewarding during the 1st hour of playing, but after you are just playing the game with 0 progression and feels trash. There is nothing to grind solo, these solo trials could've been a nice grind with a low chance of giving some cosmetics or the deer mount from the tree trial but nahh.... Imagine if OSRS would gate entry to God Wars 3x a day lmao or WoW gate entry to lower dungeons so you can't spam/farm tmogs. It's just clear you guys don't know how to develop MMO's and that's why you market it as an Multiplayer Action RPG now. Such a shame, this game had potential.
@Wild_Cat Ай бұрын
More players on console is better for PC players as well
@VeNoMz_ Ай бұрын
@@Wild_Cat New Players (Console) will be placed on fresh start servers to ensure they can begin their journey on a level playing field, but can opt to join PC servers (no console player will do this). - AGS. This will do basically nothing to the PC players base my doggy.
@Wild_Cat Ай бұрын
@@VeNoMz_ playing console players on fresh new servers is smart, allowing them to be able to play with PC players if they want to is also smart. It's all relevant, more players the better for the game longevity.
@TheSuchtitv Ай бұрын
I can already see servers merging after 2 months due to lack of players... Again ​@@Wild_Cat
@VeNoMz_ Ай бұрын
@@TheSuchtitv This will 100% happening, October brings basically 0 content. A raid that doesn't have a puggable (learning difficulty) so only veterans will do it just like the Sandworm. Then we have the 3 a day Soul Trials which is 10 min of content and the Lawless zone (PVP Island) that will get camped by largest company on the server with muskets camping the only entrance/exit (right side of the island). I give it a month max.
@JoeyDB30 Ай бұрын
Nothing till October now ? Delulu 💀💀💀💀
@philk2848 Ай бұрын
Why no new opr map? SADGE... ALSO ---- What will happen to the current Artifacts on Oct 15th update? Will they be up-scaled or are we going to have to farm them and upgrade them again? Would love to know, thanks
@Kaang_Plays Ай бұрын
1:29 And that provided nothing in terms of what existing players receive or benefit, why so vague? Ok, so 6:17 If I pay for the game again, for console access (If I wanted to play on console) All I score is a mount skin?
@waldineiromano1034 Ай бұрын
you will receive it if u have Rise of Angry Earth
@Apachito Ай бұрын
i still dont understand how there's only been 1 OPR map since release lmao
@skenkee5982 Ай бұрын
To save time since they don't say anything new. Skip to 10:40 for the upcoming release content listed (they are repeating the same answers throughout). Road map for future 2025 content is said to drop somewhere after that release.
@milrowz Ай бұрын
No new weapons? New map? Opr map? :/
@Ohanzea Ай бұрын
So we were told to wait 6 months for an announcement to wait 4 months. For no opr map..
@williamortega671 Ай бұрын
rip 😂PC players i m tired of been beta testing thanks for the 2000k hours
@toastingway Ай бұрын
Where is the roadmap? What's going on
@z_z_z_z_z Ай бұрын
one opr map for 3 years is crazy
@kirasangriento4556 Ай бұрын
Several have already said it, but from March to October we will have nothing? that's all we want, what happened to season every 3 months? where is season 6? we were really expecting content now in June, understand, we are angry simply because now we have to wait much longer to get something and simply more players. These are the questions we also wanted answers to, most of the questions you have answered most of you already knew the answers to.
@animesfight5704 Ай бұрын
agree, they say october, october, october, we are waiting sincce marz XD
@GM-bl6ey Ай бұрын
No content until October....
@BetterDeimos Ай бұрын
Bro… daily capped soul trials 💀 classic, CLASSIC anti farming AGS move.
@Hrithmus Ай бұрын
Guess I’ll log back in on October as a PC player but so many AAA MMOs are expected to release this year in Q3-Q4 if you think I’ll still be playing new world, your wrong. Good luck
@drknuck Ай бұрын
Different types of invasions would be cool. For example, a lost invasion, an ancients invasion, and angry earth.
@keviny010 Ай бұрын
So the big announcement in June is to wait until October. I wish i was making this up.
@bioxlive2898 Ай бұрын
no content until october RIP
@77stonethecrow Ай бұрын
The fact that you admit to putting forth a message to NEW PLAYER base without ever fixing the way you do business with your existing player base speaks VOLUMES. You are done trying to do the right thing and simply using a cookie-cutter approach to sell the same stuff to a new player base that doesn't know any better. Console players need to be warned well prior to this release to stay away and make sure that this release fails. They don't care about the players AT ALL and continue to prove it over and over.
@grayschae4761 Ай бұрын
well , i know one thing , I can hire AGS and these DEVS for one thing i know they will show up for.... my funeral as pole bearers to let me down one last time ...
@ovidiuskinas4011 Ай бұрын
"Nothing Till October"
@samenoise532 Ай бұрын
Explain to me how GS increase is content if it’s the same perks we have had unchanged for almost 2 years? Like you’re telling me I have to re-gear for the second time for the same armor I have used for 3 years. Please understand how bad of an experience this is.
@davidpearson5349 Ай бұрын
They're adding new perks.
@Timayy Ай бұрын
re grind the same gear u already grinded
@LumaTr1xx Ай бұрын
If season 6 starts oct 15th is season 5 ending in 30 days or will it extend until oct 15th?
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
It will very likely be extended, but I don't know why that would matter. Season 5 had enough content to last a week at best. The hole thing was a straight joke.
@skadwickgaming Ай бұрын
2025 roadmap : katy gains 30 more pounds and eats 3,000 cheeseburgers on your nw preorder money.
@user-rf9wl7nt8c Ай бұрын
Why would you make this personal and talk about someone’s weight? That’s disgusting. I get you’re pissed about the game cause I am too but don’t go talking about peoples weight.
@jehefbyuwoiueee2 Ай бұрын
@@user-rf9wl7nt8c if she could lose weight maybe the game would be in a better spot, and additionally if she was normal weight she would not be there anyway cuz she will have huge ego cuz of looks. end of day being 300 pound is ur own fault and thats disgusting to me.
@TakaiWRLD Ай бұрын
ovaw3ight ngha deserve it
@jehefbyuwoiueee2 Ай бұрын
@@user-rf9wl7nt8c 300 pound is dsgusting and maybe game would be better spot
@jehefbyuwoiueee2 Ай бұрын
she is 300 pound and is disguting ughh
@mainjah1356 Ай бұрын
so youre gonna release basically next to nothing until october and string us along promising that there will be a good roadmap when Aeternum launches. Sounds familiar....
@BassoonGun Ай бұрын
“Will New World get a new OPR map?” Asked no one.
@Discospawn Ай бұрын
This isn't helpful. This is mostly the same stuff we already knew, without further details or context. If you rushed to get this video out, and thought this would help the discontent from PC players, it demonstrates that you still are completely disconnected from reality.
@P1TTSBURGH Ай бұрын
more insult to injury. shroud said it best; this is what happens when you have people who don't play games, make a game. no one cares about the leveling experience. we have all been max level for years so why would we care about a cinematic that zooms on your character. people need a reason to log into the game everyday and as of now there still aren't any plans to add things for endgame players to do. you guys are the luckiest devs in the world because you have players who still hang on and check back to see if their once favorite game has updates to return to. players dream about big content updates rolling through so they can once again rejoice in playing but are constantly drove away from your lack of care. in my opinion, big changes need to be made with staffing cause other big studios would have fired you guys a long time ago.
The PR Recovery is in full swing 😂
@robdebobrob Ай бұрын
Its really not
@thomasnielsen4768 Ай бұрын
Endgame solo trials = 3 per day. PLEASE make it so that you can skip a day or two and NOT lose out on potential rewards. Let players accumulate up to 3 days worth of solo trials (9 as max), so that if we cant play for a few days, we can log in and do 9 and get rewards for 9.
@TopherWeston Ай бұрын
Yeah they should add a rested function
@VeNoMz_ Ай бұрын
how about not gate content at all, since there is already fuck all to do in the game
@14sforlife Ай бұрын
As much as I agree about not gating content but this is just fomo if you miss it you miss it move on.
@LeandroRosenthal Ай бұрын
No really new content? and season 6?
@Ravynheart Ай бұрын
Next season don't start till October, they said that
@JazzyChef Ай бұрын
I hope they realize that the new WoW expansion launches in August.. I don't know if new world will make it past that date
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
I know everyone is fuming and rightfully so, I am as well. Katy and Scot are straight up laughing at us but I want to take moment to acknowledge David. Looking at his pained smiles and expressions I can tell he is not ok with this shit.
@syfyfan969 Ай бұрын
Leaving the comments section open. Bold move.
@giff9894 Ай бұрын
Holy shit this was sad. This team and game are lost. I can't fucking believe this is what we waited on for 6 months. Scott "I'll start with our players who own angry earth, yeah so we redid the leveling experience". Oh you mean that shit we did a year ago? Who cares dude. Msq rework? Who cares! Nobody who's done the content already wants to go back and do the story again for a few cutscenes. CONTENT!
@TheSuchtitv Ай бұрын
They redid it a second time :P
@benjaminwhite6452 Ай бұрын
It's actually their third time redoing the MSQ.
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
So we were sold an expansion based on a roadmap upon which only 25%-35% of said road map was delivered. Then we were goated for 8 months with no content for the June announcement that was made specifically for console players only. Now you tell us there is no season 6 or literally anything until Oct 15th? Does anyone know any good class action lawyer ready to get rich?
@dabbel9 Ай бұрын
What I dont understand, what will happen with our artefacts and GS 700 Items? Can we upgrade them with the new currency?
@hunt_khoren2829 Ай бұрын
ROADMAP is just ONE DATE .... that was the hype for??? .....the director of the game and marketing of this game lol
@danielcolunas Ай бұрын
Tip: If you're gonna release the roadmap in october, make sure the game is still alive by then.
@zetaalpha9974 Ай бұрын
Trust... is something to be earned. I'm unsure if this best compares to an abusive relationship or being gaslighted...
@ifreshplays Ай бұрын
it was fun guys GGs o7
@ChrisTracks 18 күн бұрын
Imagine being begged by your player base for 2+ years for a NEW OPR MAP ? And finally, it never happens ? Just Imagine !
@kaliljanan Ай бұрын
why did you reverd the server side elemental aversion fix from june 8 ?
@sent2273 Ай бұрын
Yea, were cooked.
@danfischelli2636 Ай бұрын
@pskryagin Ай бұрын
Are we able to link our accounts to our console to access our bought skins/transmog outfits?
@Vince123abc Ай бұрын
No cross saves. Console you needs Amazon games account that's likely tied to PSN and Xbox Live. Your current account is tied to Steam. Unless you can launch the game on steam, you won't have access to your cosmetics.
@deckardshow3981 Ай бұрын
Add an endless PVP track? no) add an infinite lvl? no) new card out post? no) new weapons? no) New PVP mode? no) New perks? no) you can't even fix the mistake of long animation of health potions, in 4 months we will have the dialogues in the plot fixed, the best game, thank you.
@EndlessApocalypse Ай бұрын
tldr - nothing new for us other than Cutless Keys being up-leveled and it has a FFA PVP zone + 10 man raid, end-game soul trials and GS increase
@aerodraco Ай бұрын
It's moments like this that I Miss the old youtube dislike bar
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
As of me writing this, the dislike is at 70% and like at 30%.
@KR4ZYKI77ERTV Ай бұрын
@@Der_Wolvenfangwhat’s it at now?
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
@KR4ZYKI77ERTV it's at a crispy 81% dislike, 19% like.
@GuiMarimon2 Ай бұрын
Wayfider was an MMMO and became Single Player or Coop 3, I think the New World will follow the same
@TylerDull Ай бұрын
You guys should start adding the names of the players asking these questions. It feels like these videos are intended to just get a message out rather than address community concerns.
@morrigaming3714 Ай бұрын
Roadmap 2025 in Juni 2025
@TWITCHTWITCH-mi5dy Ай бұрын
They dont care at all. Liars.
@vPeteWalker Ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm sure there are people who won't like that there is no new content between now and October, but personally I am super excited that you guys are taking this approach. The performance needed polish, and I'm so happy this has been prioritized. DirectX 12 being added is a pleasant surprise. IMHO we all have plenty of other games to play in the meantime, and I'm more than happy to wait until October for this new experience. I'm very tempted to try a new character with the revamped experience. What are player archetypes? I am not sure I saw that explained anywhere. TYVM! Looking forward to October!
@Jessica_Rae00 Ай бұрын
When a dev studio purposefully only answers the same 3 questions written 12 different ways, that is a sign of the beginning of the end. Thank you for making sure I do not continue to waste time waiting for genuine information on a game that AGS cares little about for the veterans who have been strung along for months to be given actually no information or explanation as to why there is minimal communication. Congratulations on reaching the same level of pain as Zenimax Studios. You have really become a great studio! (sarcasm)
@CascadenTV Ай бұрын
@0:49 Scot, the communication was NOT clear. Most current players were either confused, annoyed and/or disappointed. Some publications even interpreted your announcement as if New World was shutting down and a completely new solo/co-op rpg was replacing it for consoles. One thing was clear however, you addressed the new potential buyers of the game over the current dedicated players of the game by making a tone deaf announcement aimed directly at console players while continuing to ignore the pc players which you have been doing for awhile now. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. @1:58 Why not take the time to explain here and now on how this zone works? Give us the details. @2:03 Hard does NOT mean fun. The current sandworm is seen as hard by some but it certainly isn't much fun. Hense why only about 1% of your player population have competed it. @2:22 No one wants to be zoomed into this games ugly characters. I can't! @3:03 "Cool rewards" Why not just show/tell us what to expect rather than vague marketing words? This is an example of your lack luster communication. @3:55 Ah yes, because money. @4:03 The fact this is a question lets you know you have failed to communicate effectively once again. @4:12 And again same point. However your smug smerk is not appreciated. @4:59 And again same point. But why are you laughing? These questions are a direct result of your poor communication. You are the clowns here. @5:18 If history teaches us anything it is that the launch will not go smoothly. And in the meantime we get NOTHING. Yay. @6:23 This is surprising as each season has been worst than the last. If this is actually true you really need to step your game up. Or continue to live in denial I guess. @10:23 That is NOT a road map...
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
My man went all out. Damn! I agree with all your points.
@CascadenTV Ай бұрын
@@Der_Wolvenfang At this point I'm no longer giving the benefit of the doubt and going to call out all the BS. Been BS'd too long. Thanks for noticing.
@the_jimjackjonny Ай бұрын
will there be a discount of the angry-earth DLC to bring back some of the over 1million basegame-players??
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
That was just concurrent. It is actually 17+ million players.
@Der_Wolvenfang Ай бұрын
Ohh and to answer your question, Fuck No.
@nightcult1741 Ай бұрын
So many cool things and new forms of content, we're looking around the room at one another grasping for straws, wondering what exactly we've been doing. - AGS
@joebri-tb8qj Ай бұрын
I just want to know what happens to artifacts with the GS rise, do we have to upgrade them again?
@Kuiiwe Ай бұрын
Who is asking these questions?? I’m starting to think they just make up these easy questions that they know the answer to…
@sirbam4435 Ай бұрын
Do live Q&As, you filter all the questions in this format and the pc community is upset.
@rowanb4395 Ай бұрын
Can you imagine? holy
@Itsabacaxi123 Ай бұрын
Thankyou for adressing us. We want this game to be good and popular as much as you want. Was it that Hard to have a 15sec video pre-recorded saying "for old players, the video is on wednesday"... That said, so no new content until Aeternum...
@sil7613 Ай бұрын
Hello, New World Community! I am writing to you from the safety of anonymity, using a dummy account to protect my identity. I have been involved with New World for nearly a year now, not just as a player but as a member of Amazon Game Studios’ (AGS) “Experts Group.” My purpose in this post is to share crucial insights and deep concerns about the state of the game and the upcoming changes, which I feel have been mishandled and misunderstood.
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