NewJeans Addresses HYBE and ADOR in Explosive Statement “We Will Never Return”

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@cherrylad74 10 күн бұрын
No they seriously need counseling I think most of the time they're not rational being brave is different from being stupid
@HenryCarruthers 9 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂Hybe sociopaths troll in the house 😂😂😂😂how completely oxymoronic are you 😂😂😂😂
@Blinkwinktwink 10 күн бұрын
Why are they going to court right now? I thought that a live or press conference would resolve everything😅
@splendore.ngrandeur3599 10 күн бұрын
They haven't gone to court they just saying they won't return to Hybe and that they've entrusted Mhj's Law firm to assist them in achieving their emancipation from Ador & Hybe.
@purplenutria1351 10 күн бұрын
because hybe is doing this, they do what they need and now hybe is trying to pull the strings is not goingt to work
@Sinordes 10 күн бұрын
With so many Groups under Hybe why only Newjeans only says they are mistreated.
@stevewarwick2103 10 күн бұрын
@@Mumma-u1i Also GFriend were technically forced out bc SouMu under Hybe have decided not to renew their contracts in a unilateral corporate decision.
@immealldayeveryday9425 9 күн бұрын
@@Mumma-u1ithey never said they are mistreated, and G friends literally came back to do a special, you would not comeback to do anything if you hated a company, y’all are so delusional it’s crazy
@LanieVella 9 күн бұрын
remember Garam?
@immealldayeveryday9425 9 күн бұрын
@ garam never said she was mistreated, y’all really just be making shit up, HYBE tried their best to protect her but like how they did that member for rize, crazy Kpop Stan’s bullies her till she made the decision to leave, that why she never had to pay a penalty
@monotzukokuureshii 8 күн бұрын
Sm is the worst company but only minor idols suit them and leave why it's that? Obviously Money and frame lol most ppl are afraid to lose their career they would rather be a slave than lose their career
@accidentallyjiminandnowcan2023 10 күн бұрын
Then how are they still active going to award shows and becoming ambassador? I’m asking cause I’m very curious.
@sauravmitra7985 10 күн бұрын
They are getting advertisements from the brand themselves and also thanks to their popularity, previous brands are still tied with them. Though Hybe and Ador are working to stop this cuz the money will be going towards the girls and not the agency but so far nothing has happened and they are still getting deals just like Omega chose Dani.
@alwenawillis8813 10 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@sauravmitra7985She got the Omega endorsement through Ador. They are only continuing with all current Ador endorsements. Companies are well aware because of the dispute engaging with the girls themselves will end up with them being sued. They have attempted to engage companies who have contacted Ador for confirmation because of the confusion. They large fashion companies will not risk losing bigger fry to maintain the girls on their books outside Ador. Most of the large fashion houses deal with endorsements for many of Hybe’s artist from different agencies. Business is business they will not risk upsetting Hybe or being sued by Hybe. Before you say New Jeans are big, they were but currently with no agency and them refusing to work on new music and tour with Ador and the negative press associated with this situation they have dropped out of the top 100 Brand ratings. This will not encourage people to renew or start new endorsements with them.
@imabratlol7967 10 күн бұрын
​@@sauravmitra7985 nah those were illegal and haerin went to a dior event as NEWJEANS which Hybe and Ador owns. These girls are dvmb
@haru2966 10 күн бұрын
@@sauravmitra7985 sounds like Hybe gonna have some lucrative money out of this.
@merphul 10 күн бұрын
They're not. The scheduling for awards shows and the brand events were all arranged months ago. These were the "previously scheduled events" they said they would attend in their press conference. It doesn't matter how popular they are at the moment, no brand is going to pick an idol that will have no music released over the next year+ over a mega label that will provide idols for decades. When one of their managers tried to arrange a brand deal without involving the label, that brand informed the label because they know which relationship has more value in the long term.
@yolandamgulwa4869 10 күн бұрын
They will have to prove that Ador/Hybe really mistreated them. They're also only going to court now bc Ador went to court 😂 Them having lawyers from the same firm as MHJ is just a joke. They're such clowns
@queenlip6152 10 күн бұрын
The first thing the judge should do is to make the ruling that there's a conflict of interest in the appointment of their law firm as they are also representing MHJ, who is being sued for manipulation NJ!
@sunkissed_petals 7 күн бұрын
Do you possess the discernment or apprehension of what goes on in HYBE to say this?
@myqistina 10 күн бұрын
sorry but the background music is too loud and unnecessary - appreciate if you could remove it for a better focus.
@cesardejeronimo8184 10 күн бұрын
Sounds like they are taking it to court. It’s going to be at a minimum a year before anything is resolved through courts. Hybe has the money to make it last years. What’s their plan as the legal fees rack up? 🤦
@patchavez86 10 күн бұрын
a discount since its a combo with MHJ.😅
@yolandamgulwa4869 10 күн бұрын
​@@patchavez86STOP 😂
@mashokd1304 10 күн бұрын
@queenlip6152 10 күн бұрын
They're all multimillionaires. Thanks to HYBE. 😂
@aespakwangya8146 8 күн бұрын
They think like bunnies 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
@Blinkwinktwink 10 күн бұрын
And once again their fans will praise this stupid move🙄😒 Both the company and these girls are sketchy. These girls moves are all stupid.
@powellmap 9 күн бұрын
@LangLeighAne 10 күн бұрын
Please go away let the ones who want to work with good company. All those just before BTS comes back
@vivianchen8456 10 күн бұрын
@ryerye6587 10 күн бұрын
Karma will eventually get these ungrateful not-so-talented girls. Ador turned these relatively talentless girls into stars and this is what they do.
@rexalexmacedon 10 күн бұрын
the only explosion will be on their faces. since december 2024, old denims is no longer in the korean brand reputation rankings. since the members can't release any new music or perform, or get money from advertisers, they're in danger of being forgotten as lawsuits can drag on for years. they're trying to stay alive in the public awareness, desperately trying keep their fanbase stay with them. if the lawsuits take three years to adjudicate, and if the decisions don't go their way, not only will they have no career to return to; they and their families will also be burdened by long-term financial liabilities. the choice of becoming poor or ending up bankrupt is no choice at all.
@santohiji6117 10 күн бұрын
I'm surprised some companies still want to work with them. I mean sure they are all pretty and talented, but they dont have the right business attitude. They can backstab whoever work with them because they did it once. I would call em a troublemaker in the industry. We make contract, rule, law for order, but they want chaos and people support them and their chaotic attitude. Open your eyes little bunnies. World is full of consequences.
@Rhae-s9f 10 күн бұрын
Legalmente Ador hace todo bien, cuando validen el contrato, pueden tomar otras medidas
@santohiji6117 10 күн бұрын
​@@Rhae-s9f when I say "they" I didn't mean ador. I mean the girls who made independent deals with companies.
@Mumma-u1i 10 күн бұрын
Caught in 4k hybe
@aespakwangya8146 8 күн бұрын
Agree with the main comments ☝️
@aburnerphoneg3601 8 күн бұрын
You obviously know very little about the situation.
@islandgirl1577 10 күн бұрын
A bit too late NJ, you all should have handled this privately but you held press conferences without thinking of consequences. You should have consulted lawyers before acting like spoilt entitled brats.
@aku80nurul 10 күн бұрын
There will be no more dramas if they can pay the fine of breaching contract with Ador. Instead, more dramas keep popping out with some say this and some say that. With everything that happened, their reputation was not like when they debut. If they want to start anew, it will be tough
@morningglory8720 10 күн бұрын
I dont think its going to end well for hybe or new jeans . If the court rules on irreconcilable diffrences . Hybe will have to let nj go.. but nj will still have to pay thier termination !!
@nuhkyah23 10 күн бұрын
Ador is already prepared to lose them, analysts already excluded them from financial predictions. Ador is just trying to tie up everything legally. I also saw somewhere they opened applications for trainees.
@aburnerphoneg3601 8 күн бұрын
First intelligent comment on this video. Hybe likely has more to lose because now all their dirty laundry will be aired.
@morningglory8720 8 күн бұрын
@@aburnerphoneg3601 thier dirty laundry been thrown on both sides neither party is innocent.
@morningglory8720 7 күн бұрын
@@aburnerphoneg3601 dirty laundry as been aired on both sides . Nobody is innocent.
@BLACKSTEM-nl3ks 9 күн бұрын
How are the ADOR audtions for a replacement group going? Hopefully, great. Pay your penalties and leave already, "New(?) Jeans."
@mavisamevorshie1302 10 күн бұрын
Just want this to end, hope the girls are fine
@idkidc7211 9 күн бұрын
We want to be clear no one cares. Good bye good riddens
@mika8142 7 күн бұрын
Creo que las chicas son valientes e inteligentes. ¿Por qué trabajar con alguien que te agrede, te maltrata, te trata de freezar para reemplazarte por otro grupo copiando la fórmula del éxito de la ceo Min Hee Jin? Todo lo que ha hecho Ador y Hybe es de hecho y en términos jurídicos un flagrante incumplimiento del contrato de exclusividad que han firmado las chicas por lo tanto su rescición es completamente legal. Pero la cuestión no termina ahí, sino que todo lo que han hecho Ador y Hybe desde la finalización del contrato de exclusividad constituye agresión, acoso de menores, violación del ámbito privado y personal y forma una serie de acontecimientos cuyo único propósito es hacer daño a las chicas y que las mismas no puedan brillar con su música y su baile de manera independiente. Esto en términos jurídicos significa para Ador y Hybe el pago de una suma millonaria en términos de resarcimiento económico por el daño cometido contra las chicas. Un juez consciente de la ley y el derecho debe multar con un castigo ejemplar tanto a Ador como a Hybe. Es más, no se si después de ello tengan el "derecho" de seguir moviéndose en la industria del k-pop. Recordemos que sus tácticas son criminales y mafiosas, poner youtubers y periodistas a difamar, poner gente para espiar, tomar fotos, instalar micrófonos, etc y no nos olvidemos que tal como se expuso en la Asamblea Nacional Hybe es responsable de la muerte y el encubrimiento de uno de sus empleados por exceso de trabajo arreglando con la familia para enterrar la cuestión. Por el lado de las chicas y desde el punto de vista legal ellas están actuando de acuerdo al asesoramiento legal de un gran bufete de abogadas de manera cautelosa y prudente siendo las victimas y habiendo cumplido con todos sus compromisos hacia tercero de manera irreprochable. La justicia debe prevalecer en Korea y este sería el primer caso en que la Justicia pondría fin a un gran monopolio de la industria que se cree impune a todo y a todos. El derrumbe de Hybe está cerca!!!! En cuanto a la ceo Min Hee Jin, recordemos que desde el punto de vista legal la justicia le había dado la razón. Fíjense que el modo de ataque de Hybe contra la ceo Min Hee Jin se basa en una campaña atroz desde el punto de vista económico, moviendo youtubes, portales, periodistas, y empleados para que hagan comentarios maliciosos, inventen historias, etc., todo para tratar de hundir y desplazar a la ceo Min Hee Jin. Astutamente los argumentos que esgrime Hybe básicamente son "consulta a una chamana" y otros del mismo estilo. Sin embargo todo lo que tenga un ínfimo sesgo de verdad en todo lo que Hybe despliega contra la ceo Min Hee Jin no constituye en terminos jurídicos ni legales ningún delito ni violación de norma legal. Argumentos tales como "se quizo apoderar de Ador" son meramente especulativos, lo mismo pasa cuando dicen "se reunión con tal o cual". Insisto NO HAY DELITO ni violación de ninguna norma legal por parte de la ceo MIn Hee Jin; pero si la hay por parte de Ador y Hybe cuyos métodos se asimilan al modus operandis de los grupos mafiosos. Y ello es así porque Hybe no tiene otra herramienta para atacar a la ceo Min Hee Jin que no sea la difamación, la divulgación de su vida privada y especulaciones. Es decir Hybe no tiene nada. Y con ello trata de condicionar a la justicia para que violando todas las normas jurídicas habidas y por haber, la justicia se vea obligada mediáticamente a por lo menos no tocar a Hybe. No lo creo. Creo que este es un momento oportuno para ponerle fin a un mafioso de la industria del k-pop y dar un mensaje claro a las grandes corporaciones que se creen dueñas de la vida y la muerte de las personas a las que obligan a trabajar de manera extenuante, caprichosa, en condiciones deplorables considerando un poco menos que nada a los artistas que son en última instancia los que generan esta riqueza que produce lo que hoy es toda una industria: el k-pop
@aburnerphoneg3601 8 күн бұрын
Hybe certainly blundered this one. Why not meet the group's demands and just go on with the show? Suck it up and re-instate MHJ, the other issues were pretty minor and reasonable. Why erase security footage, wouldn't that help their case? If you're hiding something then that's a bad sign. All the other people surrounding the group seems to be siding with the girls and supporting their case. Even the Japanese journalist claimed the PR team made unprofessional and counterproductive remarks about their own artists. So it was not just a innocent correction as the company claimed and the drones on the interwebs think. Now all this will be aired in court, won't be good for Hybe and their practices.
@yolandamgulwa4869 7 күн бұрын
@aburnerphoneg3601 Why would they reinstated MHJ after she tried to ruin them? She literally had a meeting with investors to try and take away NewJeans from Hybe.
@aburnerphoneg3601 7 күн бұрын
@@yolandamgulwa4869 Do you not realize these alleged "meetings" could just be prep for when their contracts are up? Hybe jumped the gun, should've waited until someone actually made a move. They totally blundered it and now everyone suffers.
@gnr97-k9h 6 күн бұрын
@@aburnerphoneg3601 Isn't that illegal?
@aburnerphoneg3601 6 күн бұрын
@ please clarify, what are you referring to?
@Rhae-s9f 10 күн бұрын
Así que ahora van a tratar de fingir, que no era su abogado antes 😂😂. Nadie las quiere de vuelta, PAGAN LOS 5 AÑOS Y BYE.
@pauceloth5176 10 күн бұрын
Just dumb rich girls... Sad. I really liked them.
@nightowl1784 8 күн бұрын
They be dumb but not rich, you see they can just pay termination fee and just leave, but they don't have money so they be doing stupid things to force hybe to kick em but they just looked dumber. 😂
@archie3680 10 күн бұрын
Ok so they don't want to go back so can ador do whatever they want to do with them already and end this drama
@linnsusan 10 күн бұрын
Bye Jogging Pants👋. Hybe close the Front and the back door😂🇩🇪🫰
@arlenealmasco1301 10 күн бұрын
Let's see! see u on 2026
@Blinkbla 10 күн бұрын
As a blink, hope they released music through new name
@alinsofan501 10 күн бұрын
soon the expose follows. usually. Jeanz never turns...
@KenAlbertson 8 күн бұрын
I hope they never return to KPOP.
@josh1212121 10 күн бұрын
The hate y'all have for these girls is crazy and laughable. This maybe a stretch but I really think newjeans not being supported as much by the kpop community has to do with misogyny. I 100% believe if a boy group had faced this situation like BTS they would have been supported.
@nathalytoledo6323 10 күн бұрын
😂 Definitely a stretch because there are plenty of female groups who went through scandals with crazy fans like Blackpink, Aespa, LS, Twice. The main reason they are facing hate is because of the type of person they are supporting (who is a woman who's is in fact accused with more solid evidence of misogyny) and because of their spoiled behavior and the damage this drama caused to other groups that were involved. Plus, anyone with a functioning brain can see that it is not OK or responsible to terminate a contract via a press conference, many Korean institutions have called them out, and you are here claiming hate because they are girls. As a girl, this was the same argument used to defend MHJ, so leave it for a second because it sounds ridiculous.
@Tiw111 10 күн бұрын
I wish the girls well and hope they end up doing fine just as I wish every artist under Hybe well. But, why bring BTS as an example when it’s clear there’s a high chance they wouldn’t have been hung up on someone like MHJ? I can’t read people’s minds but I don’t think this has anything to do with gender like you’re trying to make it, as I’ve seen a lot of their fans that’s stopped being fans point out they’re only not supporting them cos they talk about mistreatment while massively supporting someone that mistreats/mistreated others.. you can’t be allergic to tangerines & advice another person allergic to it to not mind taking it.. just my observation though
@hidem0n 10 күн бұрын
I hope they disband soon
@yonnie11594 10 күн бұрын
Don’t you ever compare bts to those disrespectful brats!
@immealldayeveryday9425 9 күн бұрын
Your delusional
@liliii4130 10 күн бұрын
I love the girls and I can't understand kpop fans who seems to enjoy thinking NJ are failing... You all really prefer Hybe to continue mistreating your artists? Njs are fighting for their freedom and it seems you all don't like it... Hybe neglected them so many times yet you all want the girls to stay silent, while crying that your faves are being misused... make it makes sense.
@yolandamgulwa4869 10 күн бұрын
Where did Hybe mistreat them? Because they fired MHJ for trying to commit crimes by taking Ador and Newjans from them? Y'all say this but there's been no evidence of this so called mistreatment.
@ironvista 10 күн бұрын
Another delusional fool. 😂
@toutoune6717 10 күн бұрын
Mais au contraire on veut qu'elles dégagent pour toujours de Hybe....on ne veut pas d'elles, gardez-les vous nous rendez services. Au paradis les judas n'ont pas leur place donc ça me va qu'elles continuent dans leur stupidité
@liliii4130 10 күн бұрын
@yolandamgulwa4869 I don't know, maybe the fact that it was written on paper that they wanted to get rid of Newjeans? or sabotaging their Japanese comeback... or maybe even worse not putting in any effort to protect them from all the hate online. Or don't even bother to meet any of the points NJs requested for them to stay under Ador. (and fun fact, their final requests had nothing to do with MHJ). I forgot, there were also videos of the girls when they were still kids in their trainee days. Videos of them dancing seductively in high heels. Obviously posted against them and against of their consent
@user-jv2wq8vt7u 10 күн бұрын
⁠@@yolandamgulwa4869 hybe pays journalists to make false articles on them of course they aren’t going to want to stay
@halinawlodarczyk8013 9 күн бұрын
Spoil brats who ended their careers even though they were really good. Most likely they found better deal that is why this is happening
@jiraiya86 10 күн бұрын
HYBE the gaslighting company.
@btsv2455 10 күн бұрын
Sure, sure the Crockrch MHJ Stan.
@jiraiya86 10 күн бұрын
You think the internal reports were fake?
@hellivioze3648 10 күн бұрын
@@jiraiya86 There is a lot of misinformation going around about those reports. A lot of stuff has been twisted and taken out of context
@imabratlol7967 10 күн бұрын
​@@jiraiya86 yes 💀 but disptach and davolink chairman exposing minpedojin is real 🔥
@haru2966 10 күн бұрын
@@jiraiya86 you think they are true? You are as dumb as these girls.
@edgard.alcantara8311 10 күн бұрын
As i already said again and again NewJeans will never, never coming back to Hybe/Ador and now they're[NewJeans] confirmed it by posting it in any social media platform what i'll already said. They are FREE AS A BIRD they can do whatever they want, whatever activities they're desired. The only you can do now you bashers of NewJeans is watching them to flyhigh😅😂🤣hahaha and don't show it the above video to Hybe & Ador cause they will be jealous, so envy, & so bitter to NewJeans activities outside of Hybe and Ador.😜😝🤪hahaha
@btsv2455 10 күн бұрын
You think so?😂let see them do that. All this call was out of desperate because the injuction has started taking place and the girls can't leave without money. So dllu and you if you think they're free. If they wanted to be free let them pay the penalty and leave for good. Did you even wonder why all this time that they keep claiming Hybe do this Hybe do that without anyone proof or evidence of their claim, why you wonder they did not take the matter to court just like how ADOR does? The choose to take it bow because they are running out of time and HYBE has all the evidence it needs. Y'all this Bunnies are so dllu and stp if you think they're free just like that😂
@btsv2455 10 күн бұрын
So dllu and stp. You think they're free?😂. I swear you Bunnies are the most brnlss and st fandom of all time. Sure
@alwenawillis8813 10 күн бұрын
They may think they are free but not legally. If they really want to be free take Ador to court and win that freedom like other people do. There is a lot of evidence of tampering of late which the KMCA have already said they are clamping down on those who are seen to be tampering and have warned them if they continue they may blacklist them. Every Association and entertainment and business has condemned their self proclaimed cancellation of contract because of the effect it will have on Business and entertainment entities. They are not just fighting Ador now but most of the top agencies in Korea. That is how illegal this all is . Yet they continue to go forward with it all and claim freedom. Who is actually doing the laughing, no one and Bunnies will end up realising one day.
@vivianchen8456 10 күн бұрын
哈哈哈.......自由!!!! 真自由就不用發什麼聲明了啦!!! 有種去簽別家經紀公司看看啊!
@esmeraldasoliano7073 10 күн бұрын
Your stupidity is unbelievable
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