Stupid American Reacts to history of japan

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Nicholas Dark TV

Nicholas Dark TV

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@JohnDoe-r9e 18 күн бұрын
11:22 no worries guys. that flag doesn't offend Japanese people. the Japanese Navy still use it.
@blackman5867 17 күн бұрын
good luck showing it off to the chineses and koreans
@ウラジミーラナイバレンティン 17 күн бұрын
The only ones who care about that flag are the Chinese and the Koreans.
@Destroyanor 18 күн бұрын
People in chat trying to telling him that rice in Japanese is called Gohan, and bro’s like “why is chat talking about Dragon balll?” 😭
@mikael9325 18 күн бұрын
Gohan ご飯 is not rice though, it means cooked rice / a meal. 米 (kome) is rice.
@Destroyanor 18 күн бұрын
@@mikael9325 isn’t that just 米飯 / Kome meshi then
@GDFistful 18 күн бұрын
We don’t use the word 米飯 (Beihan, not komemeshi) usually on a normal conversation. 米 and ご飯 is both rice but when we say “ I like rice “ we would use 米, and when we say “I eat rice” we would use ご飯
@ROMsempie 18 күн бұрын
add:Gohan sometimes means meal. 今日の"ご飯"は何?(kyou no "Gohan" ha nani?)=What is today's meal? and What's for dinner tonight? etc……
@yellowflashofkonohanotsuna 18 күн бұрын
This video is really bad lnot nich's but the one he is reacting too). Not accuratz at all, a lot of false info. We dont joke with History. We learn it properly
@gembri6395 18 күн бұрын
11:14 This flag is not offensive at all. It's literally the flag of the modern Japanese navy xD
@sushivo2726 2 күн бұрын
Korean here, that flag is basically to us what a swastika is to Jews. Video didnt mention what Imperial Japan did to Korea back in 1924
@gembri6395 2 күн бұрын
@@sushivo2726 I didn't know that ://
@Tys244 2 күн бұрын
@@sushivo2726 If you look into it, it will come out that it was the Korean side that proposed the annexation. Since it is a treaty, it also exists as an object. If Japan had not annexed Korea, it would have been conquered by Russia's policy of moving southward, and the people of the Korean peninsula would have definitely been sent to Siberia.
@US-ox9wo 2 күн бұрын
@@sushivo2726 Korean players insulted Japanese people at the Soccer World Cup and then said that the flag was the reason for the insult. It 's also interesting that you guys don't pay attention to the inconvenient fact that, unlike common colonization, Koreans were accepted as Japanese citizens and given education and infrastructure, which they still use today.
@bondrewd3313 18 күн бұрын
The description in the video "history of japan" that says, "Japan and Russia had a brief war but both got tired and stopped fighting," seems to deliberately avoid highlighting the fact that Russia was defeated by Japan. The Russo-Japanese War was a historically significant event where an Asian, non-Western nation defeated a major Western power for the first time. This victory shocked the Western colonial powers and proved that Japan had emerged as a serious force on the global stage. However, by describing it as "a brief war" and saying "both got tired and stopped," the explanation completely downplays the scale and impact of the war. Furthermore, the phrasing "both got tired and stopped" seems to obscure the critical fact that Russia was defeated. This war had far-reaching consequences, including political unrest in Russia, which contributed to the 1905 Russian Revolution. To dismiss it as merely a mutual fatigue erases the profound historical significance of Japan's victory. In Western narratives, there is often a tendency to diminish or obscure moments when Japan proved itself equal to or even superior to Western powers. The Russo-Japanese War challenged Western colonialism and racial superiority ideologies, making Japan's victory a particularly sensitive topic. This kind of framing reflects an unconscious reluctance to fully acknowledge Japan’s success and the implications it had for Western dominance.
@geraldthegoose1685 18 күн бұрын
I get what your saying but im gonna be honest its not that deep this is the same video that showed German man sending an email to hirohito and mad Italian man for an alliance and showed the bombs being used like a jrpg item. In this video I didn't like how he glossed over the terrible things japan did such as Nanking and south Korea comfort women during ww2 and only showed the bomb which pushes the idea that America just dropped the bomb on them just because when in fact Japan was given many warnings such as leaflet drops and broadcasts and instead stayed stubborn I also don't like the fact he glossed over the fact that Japan didn't just surrender because of the bombs but also because the soviet union had declared war after the bombs were dropped which hastened their decision alongside hirohitos intervention. I understand why some people feel the way you do but this is like a 10 minute meme edit video of history not something that I think the creator wants us as the ultimate history of Japan
@エディオ 18 күн бұрын
@@geraldthegoose1685 The story about China and Korea is a lie.
@user-t0k99E 18 күн бұрын
日露戦争は歴史上日本が勝っちゃいるけど、お互い疲弊の末ほぼ停戦は状況的に間違ってないし、ここら辺、両国が「もうやめね?」ってなってる時にアメリカ入ってきてややこしくなってる。 正直学校で勉強してても「いや、勝った風にしてるけど勝ってはねぇな。というかなんでアメリカ出張ってんの?」という感じ。 相互疲労という事実だけ捉えて、取ってつけたような勝利を省くのはそこまで変じゃないと思う。 日本人の個人が勝手に捉えるならの話だけれど。 西側は西側で主張あるのは理解してるよ。 ここからは@geraldthegoose1685への返信。 まず慰安婦問題は小説の誇張の末に今の言説が成り立ってるから、事実と異なるので注意が必要だぞ。 ちなみに慰安婦問題語るならフィリピンでの日本軍の素行の悪さ、満州での日本人へのソ連軍のレイプ問題や、歴史上様々な国家が行ってきた現地民のレイプや慰安従軍婦についても合わせて語ろうな。残忍、残酷、残虐を語るなら、どれか一つだけ取り沙汰なんて変だろう?類似例は大切だよ。比較が無ければ何が酷いかなんて語れない。 ついでに、本当に慰安婦だった人を押し除けて我こそはと交付金に群がった実際は慰安婦じゃなかった人達の話もしようか?これも酷いよね。受け取るべき人にお金が届かないのは問題だろ? あと、日本の降伏は時系列が言説によって異なるな。 上のコメントの通りソ連参戦を機に原爆投下後に降伏受け入れという説もあるけど、4月時点で降伏意思あり、8月に入った時点で降伏したのに、原爆投下されたという説もある。 ここら辺は語る人によりけり。 事実だけを語るなら、原爆投下後に降伏した。というだけかな。 なぜその時だったかの理由は事実としては明確じゃない。 そんでここからは私見だけれど、アメリカが「日本だから原爆を落とした」はほぼ間違ってないと思う。 じゃなきゃ態々自国の捕虜も居た広島に、まず原爆落とさないだろ。降伏しなかったから投下したにしろ普通避けるだろ。 自国民殺してまで新型爆弾投下する意味は何? しかも、富士山という目印があって飛行機が飛び易い上、広島や長崎より地形的に広範囲に威力が走り、大きな街道が集まっていて政治的に打撃になるはずの富士山の麓の街を投下先から態々外して、原爆の効果範囲が限定される地形の広島と長崎を指定してる。 人道的配慮?とっくに東京も沖縄も焼いたあのアメリカが?今更?しかも実際の人的被害規模は予測できてなかった新型兵器を使うのにそんな配慮、ハリボテの建前もいいところ過ぎるでしょ。 最早日本=実験場としてしか見てなかった、だから日本に投下した、と個人としては思う。 実験場に実験兵器を試験として投下する事に矛盾は生じない。
@alanhasmemes 18 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure it's because despite the fact it was a win for Japan, it was basically a pyrrhic victory, with Japan having a higher death toll than Russia despite winning.
@鮫の餌 18 күн бұрын
@BillyFishy 18 күн бұрын
This video but explained with different Japanese media: 4:45 -5:06 Ghost of Tsushima 5:16- 6:05 The Elusive Samurai 6:20-8:07 Every historical anime 8:09-9:55 Gintama but instead of Americans invading Japan it's aliens 9:58-10:36 Rurouni Kenshin 12:26-12:30 Golden Kamuy
@deo7320 18 күн бұрын
@Destroyanor 18 күн бұрын
Yeah I think the one anime I can mostly think about is Demon slayer
@lk-salvati4465 18 күн бұрын
and samurai warriors
@sorryhehetmonidroppedallmy5686 18 күн бұрын
"Gintama but instead of Americans invading japan it's aliens" 😭 yeah, even the names of the characters are mostly similar
@maho0701 18 күн бұрын
7:40-8:08 Shogun
@and1yaya88 18 күн бұрын
As a Japanese, updating this Japanese history video. 1:22 Academically, it is now widely accepted that agricultural techniques in Japanese history were not introduced via Korea, as previously believed, but were instead transmitted directly from China. 4:50 Once believed that Japan was miraculously saved from two Mongol invasions by typhoons. However, current research shows that during the first invasion, the Mongols landed unexpectedly but were repelled to the sea, where a typhoon sank the damaged fleet. In the second invasion, Japan was prepared, preventing the Mongols from landing and holding them at sea for two months until a typhoon sank their ships. Notably, most of the Mongol forces consisted of Korean and Chinese troops from vassal states. If the original Mongol soldiers had led the attack, Japan would likely have suffered significant damage. 16:07 It's often said that the U.S. used atomic bombs because Japan refused to surrender. However, the bombs were originally intended for Nazi Germany. When Germany fell earlier than expected, they were instead used on Japan, reportedly as an experiment. This is supported by the fact that Japan had already signaled surrender through diplomatic channels, and the war was clearly nearing an American victory. Despite this, the bombings were carried out, despite strong opposition from Congress, Oppenheimer, Einstein, and many other scientists.
@youngRrrr 17 күн бұрын
@and1yaya88 16:07 Nope "一億玉砕, いちおくぎょくさい"
@Akat3 7 күн бұрын
@@youngRrrr The propaganda aimed at boosting national morale and the actual diplomatic stance do not necessarily align. Even today, countries like North Korea and Russia explicitly present the United States as an enemy to their domestic audiences and, at times, to the international community. However, in practice, diplomatic channels remain open, and the path to normalizing relations is not completely shut. Understanding this duality is crucial to avoiding misconceptions when studying world history and contemporary geopolitics.
@youngRrrr 7 күн бұрын
@@Akat3 You know what does 一億玉砕 means, right?
@Akat3 7 күн бұрын
@@youngRrrryeah I know because I’m native Japanese
@youngRrrr 7 күн бұрын
@@Akat3 well then you'll know better about "the propaganda". Stay sharp.
@and1yaya88 18 күн бұрын
As Japanese, You MUST know about Japanese history education. Modern history classes in Japan often face criticism, particularly from Korea and China. Interestingly, over 90% of textbooks are influenced by leftist ideologies, promoting a narrative of self-criticism. This stems from post-war U.S. occupation policies, which prohibited teaching about Shinto, the Emperor, and Japan's founding history to prevent national resurgence-a restriction that persisted until recently. Consequently, Japan's perspective on modern wars is rarely taught, and the focus shifts to narratives shaped by Korea and China. This approach, including learning derogatory terms used by China as official names[ 2:59 ], has made history classes dull and contributed to a lack of historical knowledge among Japanese people.
@2010winter100able 17 күн бұрын
君の言い分を言い替えると、右翼イデオロギーによる自賛史観、ホルホル物語を授業の「90%以上」ですれば「歴史が面白くなる」ってことだねw 妄想は自由だが、どこぞの怪しげなサイトかチャンネルで仕込んだウソ「知識」をネットで広めるのは感心しないね。 自分では勉強した気になってるんだろうけど、歪んだ視角からのみ個別の細部を解釈したり、取るに足らない事柄を勝手に極大化して好きな結論に持って行くのは歴史ではない。小説やドラマならいいが。 まあ相当洗脳されてるみたいだが、自己脱却する努力をせずにこのままバイアスのかかったイデオロギーに染まったままだと、つまらん偏狭な性格の人間で終わるよ。
@kurean5808 18 күн бұрын
The imperial flag is NOT offensive to people in Japan lol
@mbagas1835 18 күн бұрын
Nah thats crazy bruh, they are literally the "Asian nazi" at ww2
@mbagas1835 18 күн бұрын
I mean i know history class in japan not teaching any their warcrime but still
@johnhalo8726 18 күн бұрын
Because they keep what they did during that time period very on the down low. They don't really teach it and a lot of Japanese people are ignorant of a lot of history and the terrible things they did.
@struggler856 18 күн бұрын
The real Japanese flag
@ROMsempie 18 күн бұрын
yes.……Except for Japanese leftists and immigrants who like anti-Japanese people💀lol At least I feel that even if the behavior is bad, there is no sin in the flag. I think it's one of the arts. Oops, I'm sure "THEY'LL" come to yell at me for lack of education, the defeated country will be evil, so I'll shut up🤭
@kりょう-f2w 18 күн бұрын
@ZephyrNightcore 18 күн бұрын
I personally hate this flag, since some of my ancestors were killed in Korea by the people that raised this flag in our country. Korea was under the Japanese for a long time during the war and we cannot forgive what the Japanese did to us. For us that flag is quite traumatic and we compare it to the German naz* flag. But other than that we have nothing against modern day Japan, I also have a lot of Japanese friends here and they are very friendly. So yeah that’s probably the main reason why a lot of people in Korea and in China wants this flag banned internationally.
@ATI_PC 18 күн бұрын
@@ZephyrNightcore 旭日旗は2011年サッカーアジアカップで韓国人選手が腹いせに指摘するまでは韓国側ですら何も言っていない事実がある。実際90年代末に行われた日韓の野球戦で、中日ドラゴンズと韓国チームの試合では、バックネット裏という目立つ位置に旭日旗、大漁旗が振られていたが、韓国人解説員の方ですら何も指摘しておらず、怒ってさえ居なかったのがKZbinなどの動画にも残っている。。。 また、こうしたナイーブな問題を、表現規制にすら韓国は持ち込んでいる。アニメ鬼滅の刃の炭治郎のイヤリングに描かれている太陽モチーフの絵柄を放射状で旭日旗と酷似しているとの批判から、韓国内では放射状の部分が削られてしまっている事実がある。 また、関係のないパリ五輪のメダルのモチーフにさえ、とある韓国議員は意義を唱え、変更まで要求していた。これは度を超えた行為であり、国際的に認められることではない。(実際パリの放射状の都市設計をモチーフにしたものだったから、この議員の反対意見は却下されている。) 過去の反省は必要だし、配慮は必要と思うが、日章旗は事実としては太陽を表しているだけで、現在の日本海軍の正式な軍旗ですらある。国際的にこれが問題視されてすら居ない。 これを変えろというのであれば、日本の聖徳太子から続く、「日出る国」というアイデンティティーの問題を強制的に外国都合で変更するという話になり、日本の当時の皇民化政策(韓国人に日本語を話すことを強要したという話など)を批判する貴方がた韓国人の論点と矛盾してくる。 行き過ぎた批判、事実以上に誇大に世界に喧伝されている慰安婦問題や徴用工問題など、歴史事実のすり合わせすら拒まれている事すらある。補償費用問題なら戦後処理の条約に基づいているし、それをひっくり返すのは国際的な契約社会への挑戦的な行為となってくる。補償費は既に払われていて、韓国政府が当事者への配当を拒んでいる部分もあるので、これは外政ではなく韓国内の内政の問題である点も付記する。(事実が無かったとまでは言わないが、新聞報道の加熱で、無かったことまで事実であるかのように報道されている点も多い。慰安婦像などは過去の清算ではなく、恨みの文化を残し続けよう、補償金を多く得ようといった意図が見え隠れするものすらある。) 過去を反省し改善すると言うなら、反日感情を煽る教育制度を無くしてほしいし、お互いに歴史認識の事実に基づいた歩み寄りや調査に協力すべき点はあろう。(既に若い世代では文化的経済的に交流が進んでいて、互いの国への嫌悪感は人口の半数以下になっている。わたしたちの世代はまだまだそうしたことが多かったかも知れないが、若い世代には関係ない。恨みを根付かせることに意味は薄いと思う。)既に私達は戦争当事者世代ですら無い時代だ。お互いに認め合い、高め合うことが国際的に求められているのではないだろうか? 少なくとも、こんな不毛なやり取りや恨みや個人的な怨念をこれからの時代の子どもたちに残すのは忍びない。 お互いに自身が受けても居ないことで言い争ったり、問題が無いところにあたかも問題があったかのような捏造は控えるべきではないか?それが相互理解を生む事に繋がるのだと私は信じているが?
@moheji2 18 күн бұрын
​@@ZephyrNightcore As a Japanese, I am saddened to hear my Korean friend's argument that the Rising Sun should be abolished. The reason why the Nazi Key Cross was abolished is because it represents an inhumane political party. For the same reason, the flag of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, which ruled Japan in the 1940s, should be abolished in Japan. If the Rising Sun should be abolished, why has the design of the German military label remained unchanged to this day? I would speculate as follows. The Korean rulers may have thought that banning the flag of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association would have little political effect. The banning of the flag of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association would have little political effect. I am disappointed that my friends do not understand my assertion that the Rising Sun flag has been used by the military for only a very short period of time in its history.
@平蔵-m7l 18 күн бұрын
元々旭日旗に対して韓国は特に何も言ってこなかった。サッカー韓国代表選手が人種差別的パフォーマンスを行った言い訳に日本サポーターが掲げた旭日旗を軍国主義的なものとして挙げたことがきっかけで韓国が因縁を付けだした。 それから韓国は似たようなデザインにまで因縁を付ける始末。 ほとほと呆れるし、うんざりする…
@BullLRED 18 күн бұрын
ネット社会で調べればいくらでも証拠が出てくるのに 調べもせず政府の操り人形みたいになってしまっている国があるのは残念ですよね。これ 何十年続けるつもりなんだろうか? ほとほと嫌気がさすね😂
@marcusc9931 18 күн бұрын
07:35 The funnier part is, this guy started from the very bottom - he carried shoes for his boss, before being made a quartermaster and proving he was super good at organising stuff.
@and1yaya88 17 күн бұрын
1:02 In linguistic archaeology, evidence shows that ancient Japanese language and culture existed in the southern part of present-day Korea, indicating that ancient Japanese people also lived there. However, the Jomon DNA haplogroup (D1b), predominant among Japanese people, is distinct from Chinese and Korean ethnic groups. The closest genetic relatives to this group are the Tibetan people.
@stasmira 18 күн бұрын
Finally an honest title. Bro stopped claiming to be a rapper
@marekugamer8428 18 күн бұрын
Bro stop the hate!
@stasmira 18 күн бұрын
@marekugamer8428 chill, it's just a joke
@aligmal5031 18 күн бұрын
@@stasmira it is actually common youtubers who also used to call themselves "filmmaker react to movie" dropped the filmmaker from their title a while ago
@Destroyanor 18 күн бұрын
@@aligmal5031yeah it’s called click bait
@aligmal5031 18 күн бұрын
@@Destroyanor why would your title being a rapper or filmmaker be a click bait ?
@user-srg2wtfgpg8kh7 18 күн бұрын
It's a little sad that a video full of mistakes is getting so many views. Well, we never know how accurate history is, and I guess it is a mixture of lies and fiction.
@tsuno9558 18 күн бұрын
It's easy to understand what happens at 7:40 when you watch the Emmy-winning drama "Shogun." It's a lot of fun and I hope Nick will watch it!
@Shivam-dr4pr 18 күн бұрын
Fun Fact he wont cause that's NOT his field as of right now it seems he wants to be someone like gigguk reacting to things related to japan and the animation industry and japanese media.
@UK-xg8ku 18 күн бұрын
Bombs in Hiroshima hit hospitals and civilian homes. Nagasaki was dropped on the church. Golden Kamuy is recently famous for the war between Japan and Russia. If you want to know more about Hiroshima, I recommend watching the movie ``In This Corner of the World.''
@ちるはる-u5x 16 күн бұрын
11:35 旭日旗といいますが,日本人として,それを見て不快にはなりません. 大丈夫ですよ!
@and1yaya88 17 күн бұрын
About the Imperial Navy Flag [ 11:05 ]: This flag is distinct from Japan’s current naval ensign. It is an internationally recognized official naval flag, proudly displayed during joint military exercises with other nations. Criticism of the Imperial Navy Flag emerged in the 2000s, as China and South Korea, with growing economic and political influence, began linking it to territorial disputes. The perception of it being a global issue is, to some extent, shaped by propaganda.
@そうま2分の1 18 күн бұрын
Thank you for the enjoyable video! As a Japanese person, I think it would be interesting for others to learn about our mythology alongside history. In the Kojiki (Japan’s oldest chronicle), Izanagi and Izanami created the islands of Japan and gave birth to many gods. Amaterasu, the sun goddess, brought light to the world and ruled the heavens. Her brother, Susanoo, defeated the serpent Yamata-no-Orochi and became connected to human society through his descendants. Among them, Okuninushi played a crucial role in establishing the foundation of human civilization. This story ties the gods to Japan’s emperors and people through the divine descent of Ninigi, Amaterasu’s grandson.
@にくより魚派 17 күн бұрын
@お茶漬け-x6y 13 күн бұрын
@mpwpwmpnp 12 күн бұрын
@@お茶漬け-x6y いや、アメリカにはあれを正義の爆弾だと読んでむしろ肯定してる人がいるよ。しかも少数じゃない
@お茶漬け-x6y 12 күн бұрын
@@mpwpwmpnp そういう人も多いけど、やっぱ一昔前の世代の人に多いイメージ。最近の若者は間違いとは言わんけど、正義だったって大々的に主張してる人は少ないイメージ。あくまでも個人的な感想でしかないけどね。
@FUJI-HYOHE 11 күн бұрын
@@お茶漬け-x6y ‪✕‬原爆により日本は降伏した ○ソ連参戦で日本は降伏した
@fukthehandleshit 10 күн бұрын
​@@mpwpwmpnpThat bomb caused numerous casualties in Japan, but it liberated all of Asia from Japanese imperialism and war crimes without causing greater casualties.
@user-wwtri3 18 күн бұрын
この動画、そのままを信じないように「参考」程度に知っておいてくれれば問題ないです。 全てがそれで分かる訳では無いことを、言いたいのです。
@天赦日-d6v 17 күн бұрын
現代に生きる人たちが過去のことについて謝ったり、賠償する必要はない。しかし、過去のことをろくに調べもせずにそれをジョークのように話したり暴言を吐いたりすることは最悪だ。 人類は過去の出来事を反面教師に生きていくべきだと思う。
@zxsnake0 18 күн бұрын
"You could walk to Japan?!" Bro has never heard of continental drift and the ice ages
@iota_4 18 күн бұрын
Well... it does say "stupid american" in the title
@ほしみん-b2o 16 күн бұрын
@pota2148 15 күн бұрын
When politics and money are involved, the people get caught up in it, just like in any other country. But at least I and other Japanese people who watch this channel love Nicholas and the other people from other countries who are interested in anime and culture. love from Japan.
@マグヨ 18 күн бұрын
@bondrewd3313 18 күн бұрын
The emergence of the Empire of Japan can be traced back to the forced opening of the country by the United States in 1853, when Commodore Perry arrived with a fleet and demanded Japan open its ports to trade. Prior to this, Japan was a relatively isolated society under the Tokugawa shogunate, living in peace without Western influence. However, the U.S.'s demands triggered a series of events that led to Japan's rapid modernization. To avoid the fate of colonization suffered by other Asian nations, Japan adopted Western technology, military systems, and industrial practices. Ironically, these Western influences helped Japan transform into a powerful empire modeled after Western-style imperialism. In its pursuit of securing vital resources, Japan expanded its influence into neighboring regions, including Korea, Manchuria, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific islands. By the early 20th century, however, Japan's growing empire began to encroach on areas of strategic interest to the United States, particularly in China and the Pacific, both already under significant Western influence. When Japan’s expansion threatened American economic and political interests, especially in China, the U.S. responded with economic sanctions. These included embargoes on critical resources like oil and steel-materials Japan relied on heavily to sustain its military and expansion efforts. The irony lies in the fact that the U.S. had forced Japan to embrace Western-style modernization, which ultimately led Japan to adopt imperialistic ambitions similar to those of Western powers. Yet, when Japan acted in ways that mirrored these Western powers by securing resources and expanding its territory, the U.S. intervened to stop it. Deprived of access to essential resources, Japan faced a dire choice: abandon its ambitions or secure these resources by force. This dilemma culminated in the outbreak of the Pacific War. This sequence of events appears paradoxical. The U.S. had created the conditions for Japan's expansion, only to later treat that expansion as a threat to its own interests in the region. Ultimately, the U.S. waged a brutal war to dismantle Japan’s empire and prevent it from challenging American dominance in the Pacific. From this perspective, while Japan’s ambitions posed real geopolitical threats, those ambitions were deeply rooted in the Western influences Japan was compelled to adopt for its survival.
@タオ-h1w 18 күн бұрын
@kiririkiri2002 6 күн бұрын
After America weakened Japan after the war, China became ambitious. Those of you living in the modern era must have some thoughts about China. It's ironic, isn't it?
@Umbreon650 18 күн бұрын
I love japanese history
@AnxMa 18 күн бұрын
An amazing channel. I was so close to visiting Japan at one point. I had a xp with acting and in 2015 I was in contact with Capcom about the role of Leon for the Resident Evil 2 Remake. I failed to mention I also have a voice acting background, in the end I lost the part and I can't forgive myself for wasting such an opportunity to visit Japan... Merry X Mas!
@namacamx-qr9tv 18 күн бұрын
Japan is amazing. But hey dont give up, u got a cool channel bro, love the Batman video.
@pulithevar8135 18 күн бұрын
Imagine you had to sit in a jungle for a over a decade thinking the war is still going on then you come back and see a guy marrying an anime pillow.
@Oklahoma_is_me 18 күн бұрын
@joshbrosh6626 18 күн бұрын
I know exactly on what you are referring to
@perogun 18 күн бұрын
I read a book about that guy
@sorryhehetmonidroppedallmy5686 18 күн бұрын
@足軽ヒヨコ 12 күн бұрын
I am Japanese. Is it standard opinion overseas that the atomic bombings were necessary to bring the war to a quick end? Approximately 140,000 civilians died in Hiroshima and approximately 70,000 in Nagasaki. Would those who justify this also support Russia or Ukraine dropping atomic bombs on each other's cities to bring the war to a quick end?
@进击的小兵 11 күн бұрын
@kiririkiri2002 6 күн бұрын
@@进击的小兵 自分で言ってて虚しくならないのか?
@no_younamono 18 күн бұрын
戦争が起こるのはつらいし悲しいです。 そうならないよう、共に手を取り合っていけたら良いですね。
@submarine420 18 күн бұрын
@ozerune 18 күн бұрын
If it wasn't for the old westernization Japan would not be nearly as interesting as it is today. The westernization that's happening now is culturally and morally which is far more problematic for us to be encroaching on than the westernization of government policies and economics.
@Alalalalarararar123 8 күн бұрын
“Kyokujitsuki” old Japanese flag is NOT offensive to Japanese people. Koreans get offended but Japanese don’t care what Koreans think of their old flag. No one should care about what other country thinks of your flags. Btw 50% of Japanese history told in this video is lie. This is America side of view in history, but every countries have their version so what can I say.
@FTAP46 17 күн бұрын
@R00Z08 18 күн бұрын
この元動画は間違いだらけなのがなー むしろ殆ど間違いと言ってもいいし
@ghidorahtempest2457 12 күн бұрын
5:15 There is actually an anime about this topic. It's called "Angolmois: Record of Mongol Invasion". I watched it when it premiered years ago.
@bondrewd3313 18 күн бұрын
Japan’s post-war treatment has been further complicated by the existence of the Enemy State Clauses in the United Nations Charter. Japan joined the UN in 1956 and has since made significant contributions to its activities, yet it remains formally subject to these clauses. The Enemy State Clauses, specifically Articles 53, 77, and 107 of the UN Charter, were established in the aftermath of World War II. These clauses label Japan and the Axis powers as "enemy states" and permit military action against them without authorization from the UN Security Council if they were to "again take aggressive actions." While these provisions have become practically obsolete, they remain a symbolic remnant of Japan’s wartime status as a defeated nation, continuing to mark its position in the global order. Notably, Germany, which is also subject to these clauses, has been treated quite differently. Through its leadership role in the European Union and NATO, Germany has been fully reintegrated into the Western political and economic framework, effectively shedding the stigma of its wartime past. Japan, however, as a non-Western nation that directly challenged the Allied powers’ global order, continues to face limitations in how it is perceived as a sovereign state. Japan has repeatedly called for the formal removal of the Enemy State Clauses, but they remain enshrined in the UN Charter. As a result, Japan exists as a key member of the international community, yet remains affected by views shaped by its wartime actions. The continued existence of these clauses highlights the double standards in the post-war treatment of Axis powers. While Germany has been forgiven and allowed to redefine itself as a leader within the Western order, Japan, despite its peaceful stance and significant contributions, is still symbolically marked by these provisions. This issue reflects Japan’s unique position as a non-Western nation that disrupted Western hegemony during World War II. Japan stands as a vital member of the international community, yet it remains overshadowed by the legacy of the war and has not been fully "released" from the constraints of its past.
@tantrumnextlevel9290 18 күн бұрын
Nick: ''Will you guys stop talking about anime for a fucking minute'' Also Nick: Yeah guys that's the war arc Naruto is based after"
@Shivam-dr4pr 18 күн бұрын
5:15 The Elusive Samurai is exactly based in this time period and the plot literally start from shogun overthrowing the emperor and becoming one in place of him.
@ATI_PC 18 күн бұрын
The ancestor of the Japanese emperors was a sun god named Amaterasu, whose brothers were Susanoo and Tsukuyomi. This is the source of the reference in NARUTO. In Naruto, Tsukuyomi is an illusionist, but is often passed down as a deity of the moon or the sea.
@仮面-t6s 14 күн бұрын
@DeepakArunachalam-gg2ol 14 күн бұрын
9:56 this is around where the rurouni kenshin story begins
@小麦-z1u 14 күн бұрын
@akokv6xlk 17 күн бұрын
@kitakou 10 күн бұрын
Hello from Japan. It's crazy that my great grandma passed away a couple years ago was born in 1919 meaning she was born when the WW2 just ended.
@some-j5l 14 күн бұрын
On January 5th, the Japanese broadcasting station NHK will be broadcasting the program "New Japonism'', which deals with Japanese anime such as AOT and Dan Da Dan. I hope people from overseas can see it too.
@crpineo 18 күн бұрын
Wonder if he actually commits to watching the full video this time, instead of stopping at the first minor mention of a religion being made
@mehulchandra4855 18 күн бұрын
Yeah he did
@navinkv265 18 күн бұрын
i mean not his problem that religious people are that sensitive.
@crpineo 18 күн бұрын
@@navinkv265 Since he's letting mere mentions of it to affect him, yeah, it kinda IS his problem for being so "sensitive"
@SWIFT_NINJA47 18 күн бұрын
Idk why this guy skipped the Islam stuff. I’m a Muslim and I really wanted to see him react to the beginning of Islam
@crpineo 18 күн бұрын
@@navinkv265 Seeing as he quit the moment a single hint of religion was mentioned, it IS his problem for being so sensitive.
@tazehaze 18 күн бұрын
@altynguy3980 16 күн бұрын
@モーニン-n1h 15 күн бұрын
@ぎるしゅん 12 күн бұрын
​@@モーニン-n1h 平和というのは往々にしてそういうものなんでしょうな
@voice0829 18 күн бұрын
@mgwjfpdgm 18 күн бұрын
@ghidorahtempest2457 15 күн бұрын
Congrats on 200k subs, Nick.🥳
@ニャーペル 18 күн бұрын
The Shogun's case will soon be animated. It is a pity that an English version cannot be found, but the manga Nige jouzu no Wakagimi is a very faithful work. Expect a second anime season in the future.
@うなだ霊夢 18 күн бұрын
5:15 That's the young man who's good at running away, brother.
@20SilverTeeth 18 күн бұрын
You should react to religion. It’s interesting even if you don’t believe in them. The stories are very interesting.
@miklosistvanbagi 18 күн бұрын
Bro's getting paid for watching anime and dares to say that "I guess I'm a weeb now" :D
@h-lad 18 күн бұрын
"Rice in Japanese is.... 'arroz'" Got me fucked up
@Normadus 18 күн бұрын
My brain cells will die if the next video he uploads to this channel is "The Fallen of World War II" or "timelapse of the entire universe"
@rishin7852 6 күн бұрын
Meanwhile Italy at the near end of WW2: You know what...Imma change side.
@レスバ判定師Z 10 сағат бұрын
I am Japanese, and that flag is the pride of the Japanese people. I'm not angry. Thank you for showing it.
@Yuki_Ika7 18 күн бұрын
15:36 we did, in the middle of the desert, in the "Manhattan Project", the movie "Oppenheim" is about the guy who more or less invented the atomic bomb
@achromachroma 18 күн бұрын
11:26 That flag is not offensive to the people from Japan, but from Korea. That flag is quite common version of Japanese “rising sun” national flag, but was used for Japanese navy which once conquered Korea and it reminds Korean people the era of Japanese occupation 100 years ago. Korean government want to ban that flag internationally and is banned to show in some of international sports competitions like soccer and baseball.
@R00Z08 18 күн бұрын
海軍だけでなく陸軍でも使ってたし、何なら旭日旗だけでなく国旗の日章旗も使ってた。 日章旗も旭日旗も日本の古来からの伝統的な旗であり、日本人は旭日旗にだけ文句を言ってくる人達に違和感しか感じてない。
@rcanaagoon2887 18 күн бұрын
This propaganda was created by the Korean left. Almost no Koreans searched for this flag before 2011. This is confirmed by complete data that is still verifiable today as a fact of search volume. The Wikipedia page on Japan's “Rising Sun” and “War Criminal Flag” provides a complete description of this propaganda stream.
@Nyanco7Corps 18 күн бұрын
16:20〜全てを内緒に? 何について内緒にするべきと思ったのかは分かりませんが… 広島市と長崎市に原爆が落とされた事は知っているし… 語り継がれて、再び起こらないよう世界に訴え、平和を願っています。 物作りに関しては… 日本人は、生活を良くしたい、便利にしたい、苦労を減らして楽をしたい、効率を良くしたい… …というような発想から独自に行っている事です。 中国に物作りさせているのは 単純に物凄い低い人件費で労働力を確保できるので 生産におけるコストパフォーマンスが良い…という理由なだけです。 そこには、日本人との違いが品質にも影響が出ています。 日本人は、個人個人が生活を良くしたいと考えている。 そして、更に良い物が作れないかを常に考えている。 たとえ、何度も失敗しても挑戦して苦労しながら想像した物を作り出す。 衣食住の全てに対して行っている。 中国人は、言われた事を言われた通りに行動するだけで生活費を稼げるから、何も考えなくても良いと考える。 良いものは誰かが苦労して考えて作ってくれる。 それを買ったり、情報を奪って自作すれば、簡単に入手できる。 そのように考えているから物作りの品質が低い。 因みに… パソコンやインターネットやOSなど…現在のような完成形になる50年前に、日本では既に完成していた。 しかし、やり過ぎている!と、アメリカから圧力を掛けられて手を引いた。 そして、その情報と権利を奪おうとしたが… 既に、『世界中の人達が自由に改変しながら使用して良い』と公開していた…という話がある。 現在それは、あらゆる電子機器のOSとして使用されている。 …というような物作りへの情熱が強いから、日本には良い物が溢れている。
@Fedor2222-z3h 16 күн бұрын
@ねるさん-c1k 18 күн бұрын
Due to the Akahoya eruption that occurred off the southern coast of Kyushu in Japan 7,300 years ago, the Jomon people who could no longer live in western Japan evacuated to eastern Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China, and many clans returned. This event is very important for Japanese history, so please don't forget it! It was once believed that foreigners came to Japan, but now it is understood that many of those who came were returning Jomon people. Later, they migrated to regions like Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India, bringing back civil engineering and sericulture techniques, Zoroastrianism, ancient polytheistic Judaism, early Christianity, and various traditions and stories. In Japanese mythology, there is a story about Izanagi and the Land of Yomi that is similar to the Greek myth of Orpheus. At Suwa Shrine in Nagano Prefecture, there is a ritual called "Ontosai," similar to the biblical story of Isaac, and Prince Shotoku is also said to have been born in a stable. There are records of Persians serving as officials during the Nara period, but it might be that clans who had married and had descendants in Persia were referred to as Persians because their appearance had changed. The Sumerians, who suddenly appeared in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago, used an agglutinative language similar to Japanese, unlike the surrounding countries, and it is being researched whether they were connected to the Jomon people who had migrated. Please also address the period before the sea level rise during the Jomon period 13,000 years ago when maritime trade was active with regions like Polynesia, Sundaland, Okinawa, and the Ogasawara Islands. There are megalithic ruins common to these regions in Japan as well, and the Kinzang megalithic group retains records of astronomical observations. It is interesting that place names like Asuka in Japan, Alaska, Azteca, and Nazca share the common sound of "Asuka."
@KJPARADE 18 күн бұрын
I know more about Japan history than my country 😂
@etboss2002 18 күн бұрын
Wow your video title really is true lmao. Calling rice arroz (which is Spanish) and saying is Japanese; then chat correcting you and saying it’s actually called gohan and you responded asking why are you talking about DBZ LMAO
@オノロン-j6u 18 күн бұрын
We Japanese are proud of the old Japanese flag! It's just that some anti-Japanese activists are saying things they don't understand😂 I was moved by the reaction when the atomic bomb was dropped. Thank you very much
@俊宏宏 18 күн бұрын
I love Japan history and Anime history 🎎❤
@Deusimar-q1x 7 күн бұрын
I think the worst thing that happened to the Japanese in World War II was not the atomic bombs dropped by the Americans at the end of the conflict, but rather having their territory permanently occupied by United States troops, with their soldiers committing some crimes such as rape, for example. , and not being judged by the courts of Japan, but by the military justice of the troops stationed there, which may or may not result in punishment for the criminal, depending on the circumstances. And that's why I usually joke that Japan is a "semi-colony" of America, which is partly true, taking into account everything I said previously.
@start_over_for 18 күн бұрын
Japan is the oldest country in the world.
@sreevishnu3519 18 күн бұрын
??? egypt, india, china????
@Yamamotokenjirou 18 күн бұрын
​@@sreevishnu3519 中華人民共和国建国1949年10月一日。 エジプト共和国1953年。 インド。1950年
@MaxKaz-u4n 18 күн бұрын
@@sreevishnu3519 They have older histories than Japan, but their empires and dynasties have changed multiple times, so technically, they cannot be considered the same country throughout history. Japan, on the other hand, has been ruled by the same dynasty continuously from 660 BCE to the present day without any interruption🤓
@温德里克 18 күн бұрын
​@@MaxKaz-u4n Wow, no interruption 🤓 (japan been nuclear bomb 2 times in the world war 2 and that consider as japan not been interrupted by anything and still continued it culture after war.)
@MyTiredAccount 18 күн бұрын
me if i was a stupid american
@I_Like_Oscillation 16 күн бұрын
6:11 the confidence you said that with 😂
@chaltier 18 күн бұрын
1:35 Arroz is Rice in Spanish and Portuguese :v
@gos2501 18 күн бұрын
Nick idk if you'll see this but there is actually a history of religion video that's actually really well made (it's actually the history of the bible but still, religion)
@crpineo 18 күн бұрын
@gos2501 I mean, seeing as he quit the instant any hint of a mention of religion showed up in the history of the world video, I doubt he's got the will to watch something focused on it specifically
@skully7820 18 күн бұрын
Merry Christmas : )
@ojyattamonse 18 күн бұрын
The Japanese flag has been misinterpreted. There are just people who are offended by this misinterpretation, so there's no need to worry about it. However, in reality, it's best to leave it alone, as there is a possibility of getting caught up in a fight due to a misunderstanding. That's the Japanese way. The only way to correct a misinterpretation is to spend many years and patiently convey the correct interpretation. Well, in Japan today, there is an SNS called X (formerly Twitter) that has 60 million users, half of the country's population, and it helps save a lot of time in correcting misunderstandings. For this, I'm grateful to Elon Musk.
@sogawa7 17 күн бұрын
If you are interested in a certain country and have finally decided you want to learn more about it, you are not "stupid."
@ut8jwl6vl4wr0 18 күн бұрын
@bondrewd3313 18 күн бұрын
Ultimately, the United States dismantled the Japanese Empire to prevent it from challenging American dominance in the Pacific. However, Japan’s treatment after the war stands in stark contrast to that of Germany. In Germany, the Nazi regime was completely dismantled, and its ideology and structures were thoroughly rejected. As a result, post-war Germany was rebuilt as a "liberated state" and reintegrated into the Western framework. Germany regained sovereignty and was able to restart as a full member of the Western community. In Japan, while the militaristic structures of the Japanese Empire were similarly dismantled, Japan was not "forgiven" in the same way. Even after the dissolution of the Japanese Empire, Japan was placed under strong American influence, and to this day, the country hosts U.S. military bases. Japan’s foreign and security policies remain deeply tied to American interests, limiting its ability to act as a fully sovereign nation. The key difference lies in the fact that Japan is a non-Western nation that directly challenged the global order of Western dominance during the war. While Germany was able to shed the Nazi regime and be reintegrated into the West, Japan was not "liberated." Instead, it remains under a system of strategic subordination, as a former empire that disrupted the very foundations of Western superiority and colonial dominance. Japan’s transgression was not merely military-it was symbolic. By directly challenging and undermining Western superiority, Japan posed an existential threat to the global power structures of the time. This ideological affront has proven harder to forgive than Germany’s actions, which, although horrific, remained within the context of Western history. As a result, while Germany was reintegrated as a sovereign power within Europe, Japan has been reconstructed as a U.S.-aligned outpost in Asia. This difference highlights how Japan, even after the dismantling of its empire, has not been fully "forgiven" and remains subject to the geopolitical framework of American-led dominance.
@arahard25017 18 күн бұрын
Enemy State clauses is a term used to refer to article 107 and parts of article 53 of the United Nations Charter. They are both exceptions to the general prohibition on the use of force in relation to countries that were part of the Axis. Under article 107 States are allowed to take enforcement action "as a result of" World War II against "any State which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the present Charter", while under article 53 regional arrangements directed against the renewal of aggressive policy by a former enemy State aren't required to seek Security Council authorization before taking measures to prevent further aggression. Both provisions are considered to have fallen into desuetude[by whom?] after the conclusion of peace treaties and the admission to the UN of all former enemy States. While Germany and Japan have advocated for the deletion of these clauses from the Charter the removal so far hasn't taken place due to the complex amendment process.
@bondrewd3313 18 күн бұрын
@@arahard25017 Topics like the Nanjing Massacre and the Comfort Women are undoubtedly important, but they remain the subject of ongoing debate among historians. Disagreements persist, especially regarding the scale of the events and the details surrounding them, with interpretations varying widely among scholars and nations. For this reason, including these topics as definitive historical facts in simplified educational or entertainment-focused content can be challenging. Creators may choose to omit such topics to avoid unintentionally presenting a one-sided perspective or fueling controversy, especially in a format that doesn’t allow for in-depth discussion. Instead of addressing heavily contested topics, the video likely focused on elements that align more closely with its overall theme or narrative. This decision could have been made to ensure the content remained concise and accessible without diving into unresolved historical debates.
@bondrewd3313 18 күн бұрын
@@arahard25017 The impression that "America just dropped the bomb for no reason" might not align with the historical context. By the time the atomic bombs were used, the U.S. had already been targeting civilian areas with incendiary bombings, most notably the firebombing of Tokyo, which caused massive civilian casualties. The atomic bombings were seen as an escalation of this strategy, not entirely different in intent or effect from the firebombings. It’s possible that the video downplayed this context, leading to a misunderstanding of the strategic reasoning behind the bombings. While the U.S. did issue warnings, such as leaflet drops and broadcasts, these were part of a broader psychological and military strategy aimed at forcing Japan's surrender. The devastation caused by the atomic bombs may have felt like a continuation, rather than a stark departure, from the intense civilian-targeted bombings Japan had already endured.
@arahard25017 18 күн бұрын
@@bondrewd3313 By the way, I am Japanese and a reserve officer on active duty. So I'm not anti-Japanese.
@koenammons4891 13 күн бұрын
I’d like to know where you got your understanding of this history and of your claim of the historical discrepancy in the rape of Nanking
@Mecks089 18 күн бұрын
Yep, he went full weeb.
@aligmal5031 18 күн бұрын
9:45 bro US is literally next to japan from the other side of the globe XD
@VerchielxKanda 14 күн бұрын
That Japanese flag is fine. There's literally no need to worry about it. Did you know there were people who survived both atomic blasts?
@lumaaaa6720 18 күн бұрын
@Cryptcat0 15 күн бұрын
Ur title is fire bro
@JojobracChannel 18 күн бұрын
1:35 I'm Japanese Rice is called Kome ( 米 ) or Gohan ( ご飯 )
@matador9310 18 күн бұрын
I know that gohan also means food/meal
@bassbusterx 18 күн бұрын
Yeah I think he was joking, he said the spanish/portuguese name for rice, "arroz"
@SIR.scufington 15 күн бұрын
Every time the West interacts with Japan it pushes the country forward. The Dutch pushed their technology forward and then US gave them a modern government that wasn't nearly as corrupt. How is having an economic miracle that turned them into a first world country a bad thing?! Edit. Also everyone gets so uppity about the a-bombs but never bring up the fire bombings of Tokyo.
@よんちゃる 18 күн бұрын
@Piyush56819 18 күн бұрын
Man nvr seen such a honest and beautiful title 😢
@villenhan 18 күн бұрын
Streamer reborn as a samurai 😂
@metheguywhoasked 18 күн бұрын
you maybe wanna try sengoku basara anime, it has its own game too. this anime talk about japan's history aroung 7:49
@fjcstenberg6178 18 күн бұрын
Props to having your first WWII Germany symbol be in a history video 👍
@hop981 18 күн бұрын
16:17 yeah of course, let's just keep everything to ourselves. Sell products to USA? Russia? China? UK? Nahhhh we don't like making money
@VinConstantine 18 күн бұрын
Bro you're an Italian. For japanese you're like an old friend 😅
@somethingsomethingsarcasm 18 күн бұрын
@ささ-k3i1h 18 күн бұрын
イタリア系アメリカ人見てると親近感湧く。 テキサス親父とニコラスしか知らないけど似てる…
@ROMsempie 18 күн бұрын
Japanese popular manga called "Hetalia" personifies the country and the main character is Italy. To that extent, Japanese so close toItalian😂
@MW_Asura 17 күн бұрын
He's American...
@あかさたな-f8v 13 күн бұрын
@sojerx267 17 күн бұрын
There is great movie on yt with history of poland bro
@Reality-Distortion 14 күн бұрын
17:25 We already have one where it's needed.
@cabbage_cat 18 күн бұрын
there are already some anime about it brother, there always are
@DustSans-IsTheGoat 13 күн бұрын
The chat when the atomic bomb were disrespectful
@fukuoka-zk3dh 7 күн бұрын
History is always rewritten in favor of the victorious nation.
@kupziper 18 күн бұрын
try not to glaze japan, level: imposible
@t_j.04 18 күн бұрын
Rice is "ご飯" in romanized it’s "gohan"
@inter1684 13 күн бұрын
急にオススメに出てきて見にきたら、コメント欄に沢山日本人いてびっくり😳 日本にオススメされてるのか。
History of Japan | Reaction
Jason Ray ジェイソン
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American Reacts to History of Japan
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Idiot Reacts to History of the Entire World, I guess
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Look Back ルックバック | Movie Reaction Mashup
Allied Anime
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The Abandoned VTuber That Made It (REACTION)
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