I Finished Endwalker - was its story the finale we deserved?

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@hphunter 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to add my two cents! About Zenos, his character being put into the background made sense to me because he realized how being made a threat to the WoL wasn't the best way to make us confront us with our all - The instant a bigger threat appeared he was simply thrown out of WoL's mind! The satisfaction he obtained when he faced the WoL after dealing with the main bad guy felt pretty cathartic to me. Dynamis feeling like a lot of exposition for the end of an expansion makes sense - We probably will see it being further referenced in future patches/expansions maybe in another reflections or if we travel to another worlds. Still, Dynamis can be seen as a parallel to our world's dark energy. One NPC comments on how he theorizes that dynamis accounts for 68% of the energy in the universe, which is about how much dark energy's been estimated by scientists. Considering how dynamis is related to emotions, I don't think that the final area's "sacrifices" were made to make the player think they wouldn't come back. Maybe the first two would make you worried but as you've mentioned, Yshtola herself mentions that you can probably bring them back with the stone. But that depends upon your victory, and its weight brings back the theme of Vrtra's quote to you and how many people's hopes and dreams are carried upon your back, and that your companions that tag along also suffer. They each can't defeat the despair from each area, but the hope they bring is enough to affect the dynamis in the area to allow safe passage to appear for you. The Hermes plot didn't seem like that way to me. The issue wasn't that other people couldn't feel despair but that people on that "perfect world" were unable to cope with despair. If Hermes didn't exist or didnt create Meteon, other people would've found a font of despair as all the worlds seem in the final area. In a way Etheyris was lucky, as with the sundering (and a lot of suffering!) mankind found a way to overcome that which destroyed many civilizations in all Universe. And Meteon's final act seems to have planted a seed to rekindle the light of hope in these lost worlds again. I've been following your adventures since you've started arr and I'm glad to see you finally getting on the current story with us. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!
@BaithNa 2 жыл бұрын
I felt that dynamis was 100% neccessary because how else do they explain the ancients being destroyed by the finals days when they can use ridiculous creation magics, can transverse realities and pull souls from the life stream. And Zodiark as the final villain makes no sense after ShadowBringers because we know Zodiark was used to stabilize reality so he's not a villain at all, he was a tool. And Zodiark would never reach full power because we've thwarted the ascians' plans of rejoining worlds. He'd be incomplete and who wants to fight a final villain that's been dramatically weakened. I also thought Hermes' fall made perfect sense because he was the only ancient to be in position to not only think about the meaning of life but he was also the only one who could pass judgment on the living due to his position at Elpis. Was it absolutely necessary? No but it makes more sense than fighting a Zenos controlled Zodiark. I thought Zenos was used perfectly. He discarded everything in his life in pursuit of a fight with the WoL and he in turn was disregarded by Fandaniel, the Scions and his own people. His obsession cost him everything but it didn't even phase him because he had his own personal "meaning of life", the fleeting moments of happiness from the heat of a good battle. I think he's also in a position to become the "Vegeta" of the Scions and be the reluctant villain on the team. My only disappointment from his arc is that he never expressed his views to Meteion.
@veecee5767 2 жыл бұрын
Zodiark as final villain makes perfect sense, its been built up over 10 years. Emo bird girl makes more sense? nah. Hermes and bird girl didn't need to exist, they wasted too much time in the expansion building up and explaining these new characters and dynamis, they already had a great story to follow on from. Dynamis was a stupid energy system invented out of nowhere. Now a pet bird girl can somehow use this new energy to destroy the ascians world? its so dumb. " No but it makes more sense than fighting a Zenos controlled Zodiark." i lol'd so hard at this. yeah a zookeeper and his pet bird make more sense than Zodiark and Zenos who have been built up over many expansions... sure. Zenos is the most bland and uninspired bad guy ever. He just wants to hunt the strongest, cool story bro. Btw he's a mass murderer but he walks up to the Scions and Krile let him eat Hydalyns crystal LOL, and now he can fly through space, what in the actual FUCK. Yo btw, Hydalyn wants to test our power so we kill her in a fight and end her, wow epic conclusion to Hydalyn, she wanted to test our power, thats how she dies.
@asteronnova9166 2 жыл бұрын
Dynamis was actually teased all this time. Throughout the story every character keeps commenting on your unnatural strength. The best example of a huge Dynamic tease is when you do the Omega questline. According to Omega it should be physically impossible for us to be powerful beyond several magnitudes of his calculation, because all he could measure was aether. Omega was never able to detect Dynamic and thus could never calculate your true strength. When I first heard of Dynamis I immediately thought back to Omega, so it has been teased over and over again. It's just been very subtle.
@KopeAcetic 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the Zodiark twist - we learned darkness isn't bad in the previous expansion, and this carried that to a new level - Zodiark was continually saving the world, and we ended him.
@henrywesterman493 2 жыл бұрын
I think you might have missed some stuff with the "too many coincidences" concerns for Hermes and Meteion. Hermes created Meteion because of his depression/anxiety about life and fear of lack of purpose or drive to live. His pet project was his own fumbling on how to get out of that cycle. His fear and uncertainty drove him to question his own worth and purpose... and he projected that onto his fellow man all together. Like Dynamis as a thing definitely felt like something that we should have heard about before... but it's also something that like when we've been so focused on aether... how could we?
@ShakeyMac18 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding Dynamis as a force: it's one of those things that's hard to place as being "planned," but the bones of it have been there in various forms since ARR. The concept of prayer infusing primals with power seems, in and of itself, to be a manifestation of dynamis energy, and the concept underlying a limit break is dynamis, as the Endsinger notes with surprise after she drops the first big purple planet on us. But on a more personal level, the WoL has been using dynamis energy since around the 30's, assuming you've unlocked WAR anyway. The whole underlying concept behind WAR is to tame your "inner beast" and turn this anger and rage into a force that you use for the protection of your allies. The entire story line from 30 to 70 has this as at least part of the focus, whether it's the WoL learning to tame their beast or helping others to tame theirs. This is to say nothing of the DRK quests, which also echo a number of the themes in Endwalker regarding hope, despair and the personal cost of the WoL doing what's "right." So from a historical perspective, dynamis is something that's been accessible to the WoL for quite some time now, even if we didn't know it as such. Even the seeming contradiction of Elidibus as the Warrior of Light, using limit breaks in his fight with us, is explained via the fervent prayer being rendered unto him by the summoned ghosts of the warriors from the other shards. So in that sense, I thought the explanation regarding dynamis was a bit of brilliance. It immediately caused me to re-evaluate a number of situations we had been through on our journey, with possibly the biggest example being our triumph over Omega. It wasn't just dynamis *per se* that let's us break our limits, but rather our "prismatic" (as Meteion would put it) experiences that allows us to triumph even in the face of extreme adversity. But dynamis energy certainly is an aspect of that. Given that Omega is a machine and thus lacks all capacity to feel, it follows that even acknowledging the existence of such an energy source would be beyond it's ken. Of course, whether this was all planned from the get-go or not is a matter of hot debate. I'm of the mind that this dynamis stuff wasn't necessarily "planned" since ARR, but probably came about in late ARR/early HW as a desire to explain in-game mechanics in a way that made sense within the context of the world. We've been told for the entire game that fervent prayer empowers primals, but we never really knew exactly how. We've seen for ourselves how high-stress situations can push us to break our limits, surviving attacks that would normally fell us or delivering devastating blows to monstrous opponents. The dynamis explanation just provides us with a concrete in-universe reason for why we do what we do while also weaving it into the story in such a way that it has deeper meaning. Anyway, hope that all made sense. Loved the review nub, and it's been a pleasure seeing you take this journey. Very happy to have you with us in FF14 and here's to the wonders of an unknown future for our game!
@dhamp_ 2 жыл бұрын
Dynamis is also one of those things that will make a lot more sense if you've got experience with other FF games, 11 in this case. In FFXI Dynamis is... weird. Its a parallel universe dreamworld (or more accurately nightmare world), created by Diabolos, an Avatar (sort of like if Hydaelyn summoned primals) to escape from the nihilistic clusterfuck that is Vana'diel's existence (Etheirys is positively cheerful in comparison). Unfortunately, A Bad Thing crossed into it by accident and became rather powerful. The moment they said the word, I knew roughly what the last zone would be. There's a *lot* of FFXI parallels in EW, from the likely Alzadaal Undersea Ruins being part of the Relic Weapon quest ("the ruins under the waters of the bounty" and the Au'ra founder of Thavnair being called Alzadaal, and the Mythic weapons in FFXI being the "myriad arms of Balrahn", a thavnairian name if ever I heard one), to the quest when you transport to the moon being called Gate to the Gods, with a direct parallel to a *very* similar quest in FFXI called Gateway to the Gods... Yeah, lots of FFXI in there. Weirdly, I had plotted out a whole plotline for EW using parallels to FFXI already, I just went in a completely opposite direction, using Hydealin/Altana and Zodiark/Promathia comparisons. Should have known Diabolos would come and mess it up :D
@Ryotsu2112 2 жыл бұрын
@@dhamp_ I yearn for a modern version of Vana’diel (without the clunky old PS2 based menus, graphics and gameplay). My most fulfilling MMO experiences took place there, especially Chains of Promathia.
@dhamp_ 2 жыл бұрын
Your thoughts aren't too different from my own. The first half is an amazing character narrative, and the second half is an incredible philosophical exploration of nihilism, and the philosophical half blends really nicely with the character narrative, but the character arc doesn't quite get to the same integration with the philosophical arc and suffers for it. From my perspective, playing from the first ARR beta (i didnt get a chance to play 1.X until after sales had already been pulled), a fair amount of what we learnt was heavily foreshadowed in ways we didnt realise at the time. Even the existence of Meteion's song is there - it was described by Emet as "a cacophonous keening from beneath the earth". We all focused on cacophony, and forgot the *keening* part, which apparently is an archaic type of celtic dirge, as well as its common meaning of wailing. As for the "below the earth" thing, we learnt in the SB Astrologian quests that theres no difference between below the earth and the sky - it's just a matter of perspective, and Nero's morse code "Its all wrong" message back in 1.5. It wasn't clearly foreshadowed, but my experience was one of a series of "oh, that's what that *really* meant" moments. There's some really deep and clever writing in there - a triad of threes that I really like that I realised watching you going through Ultima Thule, some of which I tried to convey in chat, is : 1.Venat represents religion - specifically Buddhism, but generally religion. Emet represents the Apollonian, discipline and societal order, "the way things have been and should be", and Hythlodaeus represents the Dionysian "lets just have a good time, and do what seems fun". The three ways people look to the past to provide meaning, all of which fail under nihilism. 2. The dragons represent isolationism, weathering the hard times and hoping they'll get better on their own. The Ea represent intellectualism, the idea that science can provide meaning and shape the future. The Omicrons represent expansionism and conquest - imposing your will onto the everything to create meaning. The three main ways people look to the future for meaning, all of which fail under nihilistic reality to provide any real answers and just kick the can down the road. 3. Meteion rather obviously represents fatalism - "everything sucks so lets give up and die". Zenos represents what most people think of as nihilist behaviour - "Everything is pointless, so I'll do whatever I want, hang the consequences, until they stop me". The WoL represents Nietsche's Ubermensch - not what most people think, in the sense of quasi-naz... I mean "Garlean" supermen, but people who choose in every moment to define the meaning of their own existence. The three ways people in the present can choose to handle nihilism. tl;dr, writing beautiful, high concept philosophy beautiful, wonderful character arcs that got a bit disconnected from the meta-narrative at the end.
@dhamp_ 2 жыл бұрын
I want to put my thoughts on the depression element seperately, because its a difficult (and sensitive!) topic. I never got a sense that Hermes was depressed - and that's because I don't think depression is an emotion (and I certainly dont experience it as one), so meteion wouldnt be able to feel it. Maybe it's me projecting my own experiences, but Hermes struck me as someone struggling with an identity crisis, rather than a mental health one. He's got more in common with people I know (including myself) who have gone through something like this as a precursor to questioning their gender identity, than people going through depressive episodes. He's clearly grieving and angry, but at his own place in the world and what that means for himself and everything around him.
@michaelkpate 2 жыл бұрын
I love when Zenos talks about the WOL not giving into something as banal as despair.
@WoWRefugee 2 жыл бұрын
Dynamis... 1. We didn't have a name for it, but it sure has been with us for quite awhile now! Dynamis is a major plot point for the Dancer and Bard Job questlines, just the peoples of Eorzea didn't have a name for it. Our entire world for the most part is based upon Aether. 2. Just because we have been led to believe this entire time that the story was a 'beef' between Zodiark and Hydylean, doesn't mean it was. The real issue was was caused the initial 'End of Days'? which led the Ancients to summon Zodiak (ex. they didn't even understand depression, etc...), and because our world is shrouded in Aether, we didn't suffer from common downfalls of other civilizations. 3. Midgardsomner, even had stated that our world was the last bastion of Hope in the universe, most likely because we were shrouded in Aether and thus protected from Dynamis, even if the ancient Dragon couldn't exactly tell us what it was. 4. What Zodiark did was reinforce the Aether shroud over our world, which forstalled the 'End of Days', the only reason Venat became Hydaleyn, was because her people did not learn from the 'End of Days' and were doomed to repeat it, knowing that to actually fight what was to come, we needed the ability to use Dynamis, not only Aether, hence, she sundered us, making our Aether less dense and therefore able to manipulate Dynamis, which Bards and Dancers have had some ability to do for some time now.
@gin9410 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I liked the dynamis stuff, it gave context to the idea of "surpassing your limits" for limit breaks, which I like The final zone did make it obvious they were gonna return sure but i still got emotionally wrecked anyways. The Zenos 1v1 is the peak of the game and I adored every second of it and i love how at the every end, I came to an understanding of Zenos as a person, I've always loved him but seeing his final moments just gave me more love for him.
@benkent862 2 жыл бұрын
Great video definatey disagree on some points, specifically dynamis. If it was developed earlier that would be nice, would also make it predictable. Its pretty hard to come up with a world ending threat against a civilization that are basically gods without making them look straight up incompetent
@Winter-Moonlight 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't found Dynamis out of place, we just finally had a way to call something we knew from the start - hear, think, fell - and that is covered in many job quest line starting from lvl 30 back in ARR (like Bard, or Warrior for example). Also was a great explanation on what happened to the ancients and why, the shards of the crystals (to have both aether and dynamis), your power as WoL back in HW... Was the missing piece of a puzzle, I loved it! For me, EW was a really fullfillin experience. Also, I never thought the forum was actually bad (why the main city would be Sharlayan than?:P) and the final sacrifice of the scion were quickly called out by Y'shtola. And the Zenos fight was the cherry on top, I love his development has character, was really great and almost unexpected at this point!
@Zydico 2 жыл бұрын
My main gripe with the expansion was the pacing. I absolutely loved the atmosphere of Garlemald, but I actually got annoyed when we got to the moon and after we killed Zodiark and the end of the world was impending, we spent a painful amount of time running back and forth in the moon bunny base. I also got really annoyed by the Sage Advice quest and the overall 2nd round of Labyrinthos which felt like it was dragging on forever.
@puppylove7089 2 жыл бұрын
You explained my thought almost exactly. My biggest problem with Endwalkers story was the twist toward the end. While I was dissapointed that Zodiark wasn't the final or second to final boss, it made me excited at what they have in store now that Zodiark is defeated. The Metion/Dynamis plot twist feels like it wasn't earned, more like a cop out after they abandoned the original 1.0 story and want to move on to new story arc.
@Denisia303 2 жыл бұрын
I really liked the story, characters were handled good, really grew to like Forchenault by the end, probably favorite zones are tied with Elpis and the last zone, Elpis might be ahead because I loved every character from the msq in that zone, all 5 of them, lol, also ending was a highlight for me with the 1v1, especially since I chose option 1, because Zenos was right about me, lol, overall my favorite expansion now, beating out Shadowbringers, but I did enjoy your take and video on the story, was a fun watch!
@pineappleshoe 2 жыл бұрын
I like the parralells between EW and Shadowlands. Both stories had a new villain introduced that was "behind the scenes the whole time". FFXIV did a better job (imo) but I have to agree with a lot of what you said. Zodiark got done dirty to move the story on. Dynamis, while interesting, was a maguffin. And the last zone was far too long. I sped my way through that zone as I just wanted to get to the end. Great zone song though. Gives me goosebumps when I go back. Overall I loved the expansion. Story and setting were incredible. Plot was good but some weird points and pacing was off at times. Also what was with that quest where you had to deliver boxes to guards 3 feet away while the world was ending?
@gaultrenn 2 жыл бұрын
What exactly makes Zodiark inherently evil and worthy of being "the big bad" at the end? He was literally a tool to forestall the end of days. As for the topic of dynamis, it really wasnt just made up or pulled from nothing. The idea of what dynamis is and how it works has existed since ARR ala warrior questline, drk, limit breaks, being able to beat omega. I mean it goes on and on man.
@markb1170 2 жыл бұрын
As much as I want to regard Dynamis as your typical FF Mcguffin, I instead am inclined to draw parallels to the real world, in terms of scientific theories which were once regarded too esoteric for the public. For example: Germ Theory. We generally widely accept nowadays that many diseases are caused by pathogens, but if one asks people from as recent as the 1800s what they thought caused diseases, and they would tell you that it was because of Miasma (following the Miasma Theory). Earlier than that they would think you crazy if you claimed unseen microorganisms dictate our way of life and maybe suggest you do a little bit of bloodletting (after the 4 Humours Theory of Medicine). With that, it's not too hard to suspend disbelief and take Dynamis as it is in the FF14 universe. While it is up for debate if Creative Business Unit 3 even thought of Dynamis since ARR, regardless if they or didn't, they knew to cover their bases: from planting seeds here and there which points to it in earlier expansions (hello Dynamis Dice from Bozja), to drawing real world inspiration from our current knowledge of the Cosmos. Big example was specifically stating that Dynamis is around 68% of all matter - in our real Universe, Dark Energy is indeed roughly 68% and Dark Matter, 27% (check out NASA's page on that, very interesting!). We know that it's there because it affects our Universe's expansion, but aside from that, our best and brightest scientists don't know a lot. In terms of FF14, it's no mental gymnastics to accept that even Emet-Selch didn't know anything about it. But that's just my 2 cents to the topic. I loved your review and your gameplay was soooo chill I swear I enjoyed watching it from start to end!
@drkirchoff 2 жыл бұрын
The ending of Endwalker was the first time I've ever experienced catharsis. It felt neither good nor bad, just satisfactory and complete. I'm still kind of processing how I feel about several things, but I appreciated that experience.
@maxwell4322 2 жыл бұрын
Technically Dynamis was a known thing well over 10,000 years ago haha. Possibly even from the start. HEAR. FEEL. THINK
@countdowntoclassic 2 жыл бұрын
You look like The Dragon Reborn from WoT!
@loomingdeath1758 2 жыл бұрын
If you been here since 1.0 and ARR not comming from wow this late I would say yes it was well deserved. We started our not as a hero, Not as (SURENAME WOL), hell neither did we start as a team. We started as Adventures seeking GLORY, FAME, And WEALTH. Just to literally be able to end it as an Adventure Seeking the thrill of combat and giving the smirk that shows we just wanted to have a bit of selfish fun.(beat the game to get what I mean by this) So yeah it was well deserved what goes on forward well find out later but I hope its more of us seeking the adventures and seeing what the world has to offer.
@veecee5767 2 жыл бұрын
1. They shouldn't have introduced Meteion and Dynamis, they come out of nowhere make no sense. Pet bird goes into outer space, goes emo and destroys world... ok.... 2. Time travel back was stupid. 3. Zenos' character was stupid should have been the first to die, he eats hydalyns crystal and then flies through space? lololol cringe. 4. Zodiark should have died last, beating him was so underwhelming, 10 years of build up gone and then we do fetch quests with bunnies. 5. Oh yeah we beat Anima, the most powerful Primal in existance in a dungeon, not even a trial, i bet most ppl even forget about anima.
@SuperRamos619 2 жыл бұрын
Dynamis us basically this universes equivalent of Dark Matter. It is the more plentiful source of energy, but it cannot be observed by normal means. EW deals with some scientific theories, like the Fermi paradox and the Great Filter.
@Armadan7 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like you've conflated Dynamis (Greek for spirit) with Meteion in your review. Meteion was slightly a deus ex machina up until you see her Hear Feel Think connection and realize what 5.2 revealed to us about Venats plan for the world's survival. Also answers has been revealed to have an entirely new meaning now.
@Armadan7 2 жыл бұрын
To clarify: the very first things you see in FFXIV are Hear Feel Think and that's revealed to be the way to deal with Meteion from the start. Hydaelyn had been blasting that message out (5.2) to prepare humanity to deal with her. Also the final zone is surely a physical representation of the 5 stages of grief with the sacrifices.
@SuperFizzyjuice 2 жыл бұрын
lol It legit wasnt what I was expecting tbh, it was OK at best.
@vc4961 2 жыл бұрын
Remove dynamis and meteion, thnx
@sleepydruid100 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh I don´t think Zenos is dead.
@NockLegacy 2 жыл бұрын
The story wasn’t bad, but less good than what I expected.
@Jepegish 2 жыл бұрын
Phenomenal ending, wouldn't have had it any other way. My one complaint is that Endwalker left a massive gaping void in my chest because I realized something. 1. FF14 will never be the same and HAS by all likelihood peaked.
@michaelkpate 2 жыл бұрын
I always think back to Urianger's lecture on how Elements worked in the First - that would have been a perfect moment to hint at Dynamics. Having Meteon not revealed until so close to the end was a bold move - especially with so many WoW players unsatisfied with the Jailer and his seeming masterminding/retconning of everything - but I felt like this was the missing piece to some of the questions I still had after Shadowbringers.
@jedrak3096 2 жыл бұрын
The story was heavily inspired by some real life things as well, that were not mentioned yet, nor were they talked about in the comments yet so I'll do so here. The obvious angle with Dynamis is that it is supposed to be a stand-in for dark energy and mass, basically currently we think there exists something like 68% of the mass in the universe that we see is made up of something that we cannot observe directly, but it seems to affect everything that we can see. If you remember, this was actually specifically mentioned by Hermes when he was talking about sending Meteion out to study the universe, and this was the reason why she was made how she was, why she had weak Aetheric energy and why she felt close to us right away. The second inspiration is the Fermi paradox, sprinkled with Sci-Fi themes such as the dark forest trilogy, basically why do we not see life in the universe, as the stuff that life is made of here is not special, it does not require some incredibly fancy circumstances, and the universe is so massive that there are thousands and thousands of possible candidate planets we've already detected that are possible candidates for liquid water, which is a prerequisite for our type of life. So the way that I understood the story is that it was not about Hermes even being necessarily that depressed that it caused him to act the way he did, although he probably is the character that I disagree with the most in the story, the motivations he had were...odd to me. The point is, I think, more general and grander. The universe is a cold, dark, lonely and cruel place, and there is no purpose to life outside of what we construct for it ourselves. There are some French philosophers that talked a lot about this post-ww2 called Existentialists who grappled with a reality that could have Nazis in it, and all the terrible things they did, and they rejected the idea of purpose in life. They called the attempt to find meaning in a meaningless existence the "absurd". Anyways, apologies for the wall of text, but I think that if you look at the story as a struggle for finding meaning in life, and coming to terms with the reality of what we understand of our universe, it makes a lot more sense. The dynamis aspect of power shift is literally just a plot device that was used to explain the fall of utopia, and is secondary in my opinion to the exploration of the fragility of human existence in a cold, uncaring world. I would HIGHLY recommend watching a video of "Answers" with lyrics on, as after playing Endwalker that song takes on entirely new meanings.
@rikki7555 2 жыл бұрын
haha! I knew you'd have such comments on the concept of Dynamis, which I actually agree with, I did felt like it was just suddenly introduced here... so far, pre-Endwalker, Dynamis manifest as our Limit Breaks. I also read in Twitter, in the final cutscene in the Crystal Tower raids, Nero's device picked up Meteion's "It's all wrong" in morse code. I guess it was just fine for me All-in-all, I still really love this expansion, especially the Garlemald and the Elpis section....so much love for Venat for this expansion! her, character and the journey she has to go through until we reach the present point. "Have a taste!" (haha). Even in the final final battle... many people just dont like him., but I'm okay with him. He did provide the platform for us to beat the final trial though... so you know what, lets have this fight you want, I wont lose though! *smirk
@jeffreyarnold2626 2 жыл бұрын
I'm rather curious how the bridge between the origin, and the source, which as Venat stated, are now bound together, which must have been Elidibus' intention, and finding out what causes the end scenario calamity to come to pass. the tracking spell Venat cast on bird girl, who is literally emotional empathy incarnate, will send the team into the cosmos to stop the end.
@omkoinji3988 2 жыл бұрын
Your FFXIV playthrough has been fantastic, it's easily my favorite out of any streamers'. I'd say I liked the story a bit more than you did. I think one thing that helped my enjoyment was that I kind of predicted something like Endsinger being the final boss. So many Japanese fantasy stories (including some Final Fantasy games) end with fighting the physical embodiment of an abstract concept, which is usually the opposite of the story's theme. This often goes with the final stretch of the story being more symbolic and outside reality, which is exactly what the final zone of the game is. I can't really say I love these tropes, but I expected them to be present here, and I think FFXIV executed them better than some other stories I've seen. Overall, my opinion on Endwalker is that the overall plot has some problems, but most of the zone story arcs are some of the best in the game. I'd say Garlemald and Elpis are my favorite parts of the entire story.
@Zhombeee 2 жыл бұрын
It’s like you took my exact thoughts about this expansion right out of my head. I totally agree with everything especially the dynamis and final boss.
@cameronk.2777 2 жыл бұрын
my feelings on dynamis was that it shouldve come up earlier, but it definitely is another explanation for why your champion, whos superpower is empathy, is a monster with or without the blessing of light.
@cameronk.2777 2 жыл бұрын
ironically, since Drk use emotion as a weapon, they manipulate something dynamis adjacent. yet no changes for drk this expansion lmao
@deesul4134 2 жыл бұрын
best of luck big dog. u no longer post the content i subbed for. hope you have great success. l8r
@Andrei-Rex 2 жыл бұрын
Just wrong.
@gysahlfields7506 2 жыл бұрын
Zodiark was perfect. Fandaniel controlled him and wanted to lose. Also he was not full power. Also, Zenos was perfect. He wants a full match and he realised our mind was not there so he wouldn't get his satisfaction and waited for us to finish our pending issues. Plus he took Aliasae's words to heart. Regarding Dynamis, dude, the whole theme of the game flew right past you. Emotion, despair and hope. Dynamis is basically our raw emotions being channeled through Dynamis Magic, the same way that elements are being given form through channeling aether. Dynamis was in the game since the very beginning. Since Sastasha to be precise it is shown to the player. Limit Breaks are Dynamis. Our "Unwavering Conviction" buff that we receive in solo duties that we do not get the Blessing of Light is also our raw emotions and Dynamis. We didn't know it yet, but it was there. Without Dynamis we CANNOT sing the Song of Hope that wins Despair at the end. WE are the Final Boss of Despair incarnate, not Meteion. Also, it didn't just happen that the only depressing Ancient was the one that had created Meteion. He created Meteion BECAUSE he was like that. What they did was literally perfect. If they would just have Zodiark and Hydaelyn or Zenos "something something fuse" and just called it a day, it would be SO disappointing, the game would literally lack a core theme and it would be so worse than what it is now. A Tale of Hope. Of surpassing insurmountable odds. Kinda like the actual development of this game is. It may seem miraculous to some that this game exists (can you imagine giving FFXIV 6.0 to a 1.0 player in 2009? lol) but here we are.... Open your mind a little bit.
@Valvadrix 2 жыл бұрын
"Open your mind a little bit" says the person who put "perfect" 20 times in their comment, as if those opinions are objective.
@gysahlfields7506 2 жыл бұрын
@@Valvadrix Dude is this really your reply to that 6 month old post? I really don't know how to answer, I guess I respect your imaginary opinion? Either way, you are literally wrong. Perfect was used just 3 times, in a huge post, not 20. And yes, Zenos, Zodiark, and the way they had Dynamis since lvl 15 in the game were PERFECT. Oh wait... You are one of the people that need IN MY OPINION after that. Ok I guess. Either way, I am so sorry if someone didn't like the way these things were presented in ENDWALKER. I hope they find other entertainment to love in their life.
@iGREENification 2 жыл бұрын
My view on Zenos is that he was someone on the board's son's OC that HAD to be kept in the game or else Yoshi would be fired. In my eyes, I think every plot point he was in (after he was resurrected) could have played out the same way without him, but that OC had to be kept in the game. Throughout all of XIV, it was hinted that the WoL was something more than just an Aether battery. To me, it's a great inclusion of non-eurocentric philosophies, and how that shapes the world, and how not only do thoughts affect outcomes but the intentions and emotions behind them. It gives a loose answer to every villains' question that we've encountered so far, "What are you?" I also think that Akasha is their way of trying to introduce a new story since the mother and father of all aether are essentially returned to the star.
@googleaccount2821 2 жыл бұрын
Is Dynamis FFXIV's Jailer?
@dhamp_ 2 жыл бұрын
It could very easily have been.
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