If Shifter gets Banned then Kashtira Arise-heart is coming back! everybody seems to think Yugioh was created to revolve around the graveyard just because too many meta decks need it, when there is actually alot of great decks that summon from hand, deck, and/or banished instead.... There will always be a need of Shifter or Arise-heart to meta check all the decks that abuse the graveyard! Shifter is a bigger issue for sure then Arise-heart as there is not as much to stop it and Arise-heart can easily be outed by any board breaker ever or/and stopped from being summoned by hand traps in the right choke points.
@Linkingx23 ай бұрын
Well I dont fully agree, the GY is just the hand for nearly every deck: meta, high tier or rouge - and for all of these decks Shifter is an "instant win". A floodgate that as you said can nearly never be stopped - as such it creates non games - which should be avoided. The GY also is not a "bad" thing, just like summoning from hand, deck or banished - it fully depends on what comes out of it. E.g. Beatrice and Gryphon, and for the other "places" there is Elpy or Halq - its just how easy and how bad is - what is being done. So GY hate is like extra deck hate - sure some decks dont need it - but most do, its an integral aspect of the game now. Just like how idk DBarrier might have been fine 15~ years ago when 1. one turn wasnt that important and 2. you could play without your extra deck... (for a turn) - but now a turn skip is just too much. About the trade with AriseHeart - yeah maybe, but then we need to look at the other kash cards, full power Kash is not something good for the game; since its a stun deck by designe, something that can exist for sure - but should not be to high in the meta tiers... (same reason konami lets ice barrier, Dark Law, or even the more "recent cards" like Sanct or Calamity roam around, since the rest of the deck is "not that good"). Anyway thanks for the comment and your insights - I am obviously very biased as we all are - but I hope that was a reasonable take ^^ - thanks again, take care and have a good one :)
@HouseStarkTCG3 ай бұрын
@@Linkingx2 very valid points! It’s just a shame every deck is so reliant on the graveyard which shouldn’t be the case… some decks just straight abuse the graveyard and it don’t matter what hand traps or board breakers you have they will just FTK you or turn skip you! I would say it’s too much to ban all those cards that setup these crazy graveyard reliant FTKs so it’s easier to have cards like Shifter and Arise-heart to force people to play the out for those cards and have less consistent decks in the process…
@HouseStarkTCG3 ай бұрын
@@Linkingx2 as far as Kashtira I would say ban Shifter and pot of prosperity, because Tempai and so many other decks are abusing those 2 cards as well, and then Birth to 1 and Arise-heart to one… then we only got one card in the format to keep graveyard decks on their toes and it only works in pure Kashtira
@Linkingx23 ай бұрын
@@HouseStarkTCG the issue is this just feels like cold war level approach; "some decks do too much in the GY (or in generell) and thats why we need floodgates" As you said Shifter is not only there for the weak decks but also for the literal 2. best deck right now (as well as Ritual Beasts depending where you rank them) So in my mind sure the power levels of SE especially - needs to be looked at - but overall if we make more decks playable in turn 0 - then we get more interaction and cards like shifter or "3 Hantrap Hands" arent needed anymore. For me idk really care if the enemy abused the GY or what not - I couldnt care less, where the cards come from; what matters is, can I interact with them doing so and what is their endboard; So decks like Gimick Puppet or Tenpai with their "shield Field spell" are bad regardless if they use the GY Extra or what not - since we dont play the game, we dont interact. And then FKT enboards - which sure sometimes your hand sucks and even an okay field is too much for you to play through - and then the next question is what interactions does the deck have - Yubel for example (not FS) has "max 2 negates" which is doable and then they have pops and S:P sure very strong but it feels doable. While idk Drytron back then or idk SE earlier theis year - with their locks or multiple omnis are just not great. So I like Konami giving more decks pops and less negates. Regardless coming back to the original point - FTK enboards or FTK handtraps - both are bad and shouldnt exist, also ones existence is not a justification for the other to exits - since in the end they are both the same and oneself with suffer either way. Well thats a text wall... now about Kash - I think just limiting birth wouldnt be enough since that card is still rather easy to get to - with 3 Wraithsoth, 3 unicorns etc. there needs to be more - like in MD for example... but well I doubt Konami will do anything in that direction soon. They really hate unbanning cards for some reason (the reason is money)...