Budget: Nicola Willis on tax cuts and cancer drugs | Q+A 2024

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Q+A with Jack Tame

Q+A with Jack Tame

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Q+A questions Finance Minister Nicola Willis on tax cuts, why National hasn't yet met its cancer drugs promise, and what increased Government debt means for future generations.
0:09 - The Budget process
0:45 - How many families will get the maximum tax cut amount National promised in the election campaign?
4:16 - Will there be families worse off because of the Budget's tax changes?
6:33 - Budget 2024 didn't include funding for the 13 cancer treatments National promised it would fund during the election campaign. Why?
12:46 - Changes to main benefits indexation
16:50 - Will the Government meet child poverty reduction targets?
19:26 - Is the Government borrowing more to fund its tax cut package?
25:00 - Will the Government commit to automatically adjusting tax brackets to inflation?
Join Jack Tame and the Q+A team and find the answers to the questions that matter. Made with the support of NZ on Air.

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@aylateki288 3 ай бұрын
The absolute lack of understanding about why people are on the benefit is so entitled. They made so many people redundant, increased the unemployment stats in 6 months, made it harder for workers to feel secure in a job and to find work, but oh yes, to get more money - get off your a** and find a job. That is so uncaring and entitled because a lot of these workers who have lost their jobs over the last 6 months DID have jobs, had jobs they thought were secure and now? They need to find another because the government put them out and that's the attitude they have
@jwaugh319 3 ай бұрын
It's disgusting. Yeah get a job, just like that. It's so easy. So easy, in fact, that they're making people jump through hoops to even find one, let alone keep one! It's absolutely disgusting. Creating unemployment and then telling them to get a job like its so easy. My blood boils.
@aylateki288 3 ай бұрын
@@jwaugh319 Exactly. Like I understand the point that some people on the benefit abuse it. I've known people who do but there are a majority of people who don't. Who can't find work for legitimate reasons and also, there aren't a lot of jobs to get out there that allow flexibility and people are told to suck it up. You find a job, you have no security in that job because they made it easier to get fired. Out of touch
@timetravela9578 3 ай бұрын
If you have lost your job, you are just not good enough to keep it, take some responsibility instead of bleating and blaming others…
@aylateki288 3 ай бұрын
@@timetravela9578 that’s not always the case, you saying alllllll those people made redundant by National were just not good enough to keep their jobs? Mhm okay 👍🏼 literally why even comment
@izaiahlomax6239 3 ай бұрын
@@timetravela9578such a simple minded comment, my aunty has worked for inland revenue revenue since she was in college she’s now in her 50s and being made redundant? please explain how people are not good enough when she’s been there her whole life!
@DaimonNinja 3 ай бұрын
If you play a drinking game, and drink every time she blames the previous government, you can be blind by the end of the 31 minutes.
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
Yep and that shows you how drunk the previous government was on spending with no real gains for us as taxpayers.
@nickyo2581 3 ай бұрын
A sensible budget?! Nicola you borrowed $12 Billion to pay for $14.7 Billion in tax cuts and cut every beneficial programme you could while bumping up fees for everything else.
@adsdft585 3 ай бұрын
Farm lending totals 60 billion as at 31 March 24 due to 5 lenders. This year, it grew by 500 m. ( I am not sure of the level of debt to assets but if it is at 25% ( e.g Housing NZ at 25%, the government considers it to be to high) it could to high ( PM thinks this way).
@danielphillips4399 3 ай бұрын
the deficits were already baked in before the election in Oct 2023 as shown in the PREFU report of 2023. The cuts they have made to government sector is what funded the tax cuts. They were a primary election promise and they followed through and done exactly what they said they would do and good on them!
@nickyo2581 3 ай бұрын
@@danielphillips4399 you're a moron
@purefoldnz3070 3 ай бұрын
they had to fulfill their election obligations, no great mystery here. Bribery is all part of any election I'm afraid.
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
$14B over 4 years is what this is so stop with the misinformation. Also there are going to be ongoing savings through being fiscally responsible (unlike the previous government). The government departments have already started identifying a further $1B in savings on top of current savings and I am sure there will be more. A great responsible budget after 6 years of waste.
@nzrobinz 3 ай бұрын
Only conclusion is she is a giant size Ruth Richardson, but with more spin
@mikebutler2761 3 ай бұрын
Ruth prime beef that she was didn't look like someone who used to be a man
@nicholassanders591 3 ай бұрын
At least Ruth was straight up with NZers on her slash-agenda
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
Where is the spin in Nicola’s replies? If you do not like the truth and the straight answers (when she was allowed to by jack) then that is unfortunate for you.
@Tantium 3 ай бұрын
cutting first home grants and gifting 3b to landlords is a slap in the face to all young kiwis. No wonder so many are leaving for aus
@howstupidcanyoube100 3 ай бұрын
These lot are economic rapists
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
so go , i did , then i came back and bought my first house , but be warned aussie is not all its cracked up to be , NZ is pretty damn awesome
@suehowie152 3 ай бұрын
​@@macunion1225So why did you have to come back to realise that?
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
@@suehowie152 the industry i was in had a turn down and companies there were paying air fares and i was very young , i always intended to come back
@paulhuggins5094 3 ай бұрын
The biggest landlord in NZ is Kainga Ora. Secondly, they are not gifting to landlords. They are restoring a business expense that is accepted all over the world but the inept previous government took it away and the result was increased rents. It should never have happened in the first place. At least there is one fewer reasons for rent to increase.
@lyndasutherland6165 3 ай бұрын
Excellent interview Jack.
@Nicole.1828 3 ай бұрын
2.9 billion for landlords passed under urgency in parliament earlier this year. 13 cancer drugs that were promised are not in the budget. Budgets show the priorities of the government of the day. No excuses to not fund the 13 cancer drugs. Unforgivable National unforgivable
@Scott_Bradbury 3 ай бұрын
Instead of funding the cancer drugs, why don't they fund campaigns on health. Most cancers are based on health (some are genetic sure). A noble prize was won showing a ketogenic diet with no carbs kills cancers. We shouldn't be trying only to fix the symptoms of the problem, we should be fixing the problem. I know it sucks, but getting housing fixed in NZ is one of the main problems. I've moved overseas because I can live in luxury, in a major city with way better healthcare for a fraction of the price it costs to pay rent in NZ. Cheap housing is what free's up the ability to eat better, stress less and have better health in general. (saves lives). Landlords, provide housing. You may not like that, but private rentals are the only way we are going to get housing down. The 2.9 Billion you are referring to. That was just going back to standard business practices around the world right, undoing the tax that Labor created that caused the rents to skyrocket.
@touch3010 3 ай бұрын
@@Scott_Bradbury Great Scott!!!!! What a breath of Fresh Air. I give you 100% on all 3 points you made. I wish everyone especially those in opposition in terms of politicians aaand voters had even a partial understanding of what you just said. The Coalition should Frame your answer and when questioned on any of these 3 areas, just flash the answers. Well said Mr Scott.
@ooo-vc4xl 3 ай бұрын
@@Scott_Bradbury Sorry, investment property is not taxed in the same way as other businesses in NZ and the tax system favours property over other assets. The tax working group pointed that out. The $3bn in tax cuts reestablishes this bias & is a major reason why NZ is a property market with a tiny real economy tacked on the side and wastes its scarce capital bidding up land prices. As for more rental property, NZ is short roughly 28,000 social houses. There is no profit is social housing so the government has to build them even if tendered out to private companies. Otherwise we are massively short of other housing due to the unsustainable immigration rate which is well above the rate we can build houses at. The RMA landuse restrictions didnt help either.
@djldjldjl 3 ай бұрын
​@@Scott_Bradbury yeah mate I'm sure the "noble prize" shows that keto kills all cancer..... Come down to earth mate
@Scott_Bradbury 3 ай бұрын
@@ooo-vc4xl The tax system incentivises investment in houses because we don't have enough lol. That's the point! Who do you think builds the homes and why? Investment property is taxed in NZ more than it is in for example, the US. We have no depresiation, where the US does. We actually pay more in tax, which pushes up the prices even more. NZ has a poor real economy because we don't invest in natural resources, we don't invest in innovative tech, and we tax to high. So people like me move overseas and take our business and our tax take elsewhere. I can live in Malaysia for a fraction of the price, with a way better tax system, healthcare, etc. Everything is better. Why, because they invest in infrustructure, innovation and they do not have a benefit. Yet everyone here is much happier than NZ.
@bobdillon1138 3 ай бұрын
Translated for those who don't speak politicalese ...Our wealthy backers and supporters are more important than the lives of New Zealanders.
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
nah , translated it says the benefit is meant to be a temporary leg up not a permanent hand out , get a job you bums , the streets in NZ a literally paved with gold , just look at the 3rd world immigrants that come here and make a go of it , shame on you long term bludgers and same with you so called sickness beneficiaries
@tankerspam5884 3 ай бұрын
Jack Tame is an inspiration.
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
The inspiration in that interview was Nicola in how she stood up to his bully tactics and would not let him away with trying to perpetuate misinformation.
@tankerspam5884 3 ай бұрын
Yes I particularly was proud of the part where she said that Child Poverty would be remaining the same.
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
@@tankerspam5884 and where did Nicola say or intimate that she was proud of poverty staying the same? Nowhere that is where so stop making things up.
@tankerspam5884 3 ай бұрын
@theothomas4287 I never said she said she was proud of it, I said that I was proud of it staying the same, and we get tax cuts. Bruh.
@achromicwhite2309 3 ай бұрын
This is such an insane budget... cutting back school lunches, public transport, environmental, cancer drugs, first home buyer grants ... to pay for what? Tax cuts that barely pay for anything for those that need it. AND they had to borrow to make that happen? How can anyone say that it's good? What about it is good?
@ObiePaddles 3 ай бұрын
Did what they said in their manifesto.
@achromicwhite2309 3 ай бұрын
@@ObiePaddles Firsty, they promised they that; -They wouldn't Borrow -They would fund the cancer drugs -Wouldn't cut the first home buyer grants So they've already broken promises... but even if they hadn't; Why is something good, just because they SAID they'd do it? What is actually good about what they're doing? What GOOD outcomes will it produce?
@howstupidcanyoube100 3 ай бұрын
@@ObiePaddleswhere’s your $250 tax cut mate? I’m an average family. That’s not what I’m finding in my pocket
@suehowie152 3 ай бұрын
​@@ObiePaddlesYeah, ridiculous tax cuts that economists warned against. I like a government that can adapt and revise.
@ObiePaddles 3 ай бұрын
@@achromicwhite2309 we vote for people on the basis of their manifesto and so if they do what they say that is a very good thing. Otherwise we don’t get what we voted for.
@matthewparkes7066 3 ай бұрын
So, the government is going to 'get people off benefit and into work' while unemployment is rising. The ONLY way to do that is for people presently employed to lose their jobs and be replaced by people on Job Seeker Benefit.
@mattmolloy4570 3 ай бұрын
ONLY if we’re stuck in one moment in time. Luckily, time moves. Unemployment is the goal of increasing rates, to decrease consumer spending, which decreases demand for goods and brings down inflation. Once that happens, rates can come down, businesses can afford to hire more ppl and unemployment decreases! Very likely that’s the plan, not this “replace workers with ppl on the benefit” thing you’ve cooked up
@hallowedground4101 3 ай бұрын
$20 a week if you're lucky and a host of services just gone to pay for it
@dshan46 3 ай бұрын
More than you would get under Labour
@mikebutler2761 3 ай бұрын
You're lucky I get $2.15 , economic downturn solved😅
@hallowedground4101 3 ай бұрын
@@dshan46 Not if I end up needing any of the services. I need multiple prescription items every 3 months as well, which eats a lot of $
@Nicole.1828 3 ай бұрын
Statistics NZ on average the economy grew in the last 35 years under National by 2.6% under Labour 3.1%
@hunha991 3 ай бұрын
By letting so many people into the country the economy naturally grows.
@michaelcrane2475 3 ай бұрын
They say they want to help beneficiaries into work. But right now the reserve Bank is keeping interest rates high because inflation is too high. One of the problems they have admitted to is that unemployment is too low. Ideally they want at least 5% unemployment to keep inflation down. But then they want to slam those people who lose their jobs. Has any journalist asked how much this govt will be spending on redundancy packages for all those civil servants they have fired? And how many of those workers are now being paid four times what they were as civil servants but are still doing the same jobs as contractors.
@beamaksimovic3349 3 ай бұрын
Has anyone asked what the cost of unemployment benefits is for even half the people who have been made redundant
@michaelcrane2475 3 ай бұрын
@beamaksimovic3349 Or how much tax payers are paying in redundancy packages to those who have been laid off. Some will then be contracted to do their old job but be paid three times as much. I actually know somebody who is doing exactly this for IRD.
@dianashang5756 3 ай бұрын
Jack. You are star. WELL DONE for this interview
@voulafisentzidis8830 3 ай бұрын
Go Jack! I found it hard listening to her bs and found it even harder to believe in the holes she states they found (implying Labour's errors) upon taking over. Despite her apparent views, New Zealanders are NOT stupid. Treasury told National that its numbers won't work yet they ignored that advice and went ahead, borrowing billions to provide rebates to their mates. I, along with many others, look forward to the next election. My only hope is that New Zealand survives until then.
@BRUCE_the_MOOSE_ 3 ай бұрын
One Term Government
@voulafisentzidis8830 3 ай бұрын
@@BRUCE_the_MOOSE_ I truly hope so. Were I not an atheist, I'd even pray!
@Sam-re8od 3 ай бұрын
Uhmm… New Zealanders are stupid for voting for her😂
@apatete 3 ай бұрын
So a solution if you’re struggling on the benefit … just get a job. Easy. Failed to mention unemployment rising or acknowledged those with disability or those caring for someone who also can’t just ‘get a job’.
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
Her and a lot of government supporters have no idea. There are elderly people on the benefit who can't get a job, the pension, or their kiwisaver. They are no better off.
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
@@tajtandoori9076so pensioners got and increase in April along with other beneficiaries and will get a slight reduction in tax, however that doesn’t seem to be enough for you?
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
@@theothomas4287 It is an annual increase no matter who is in government. National did not campaign on improving the lives of beneficiaries, low income, sick, elderly or Maori. They are not the votes they are after
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
@@tajtandoori9076 yes I know it is an annual increase just like we all get invariably when we have end of year reviews or union contracts. Not sure why you had to put Maori in your statement as we get increases just like everyone else or do you feel we are to be treated differently?
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
@@theothomas4287 Not talking about Maori beneficiaries I'm talking about policy benefitting Maori who need help
@RockyPonting 3 ай бұрын
Great work Mr Jack Tame!!
@paulhuggins5094 3 ай бұрын
Did he ever attack Grant Robertson like this?
@chrismckellar9350 3 ай бұрын
Nicola - going on about what your government has inherited from the previous government is wearing thin. Hard working, struggling middle NZers has paid for landlord tax cuts yet you are going to borrow to fund tax adjustments which is not what your party campaigned on. The budget was based on a lot of hype with little substances like your party's campaign. There are only 5 regions that have population over 300,000 that are consider to have reasonable economic growth with the remaining 11 regions that have regional populations under 300,000 which mainly have low wage, farming, food productions, forestry economies, which also have a high number of people of benefits, with little chance of the 'good pay' jobs unless you call digging up these regions to good paying jobs. The voters want plans not 3 yearly, cheap, quick fix hype.
@mikewoods4584 3 ай бұрын
$12B borrowed for this budget - this isn’t a balanced budget and it doesn’t pay for ferries and essential requirements. A tax break for the well off.
@michaelcrane2475 3 ай бұрын
These people in National assume we think like them. Ie, I only care about me and couldn't give a toss about the rest of the country. I don't want a useless ten bucks a week bloody tax cut! I want capital gins tax so people spend money on businesses, not the false economy National love which is ri h people getting richer selling homes for a tax free bloody profit! I want hospitals and roads that work Nicola bloody what you talking bout Willis!
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
what should i invest in ? rocket lab ? synlait ? ive lost money in those and other kiwi investments , what a joke , i cant retire on that
@michaelcrane2475 3 ай бұрын
@macunion1225 How about doing an honest day's work for an honest day's wage? If investment in housing was taxed properly you might have had better choices to invest in. A2 Milk served me well. Probably not as well as if I flipped ten houses tax free. But at least I can sleep at night. And if I go to A&E I know I have paid tax and deserve help as a contributor to society. Rather than being a parasite ripping tenants off to pay for my investments. Then expect tax breaks from the tax payers I am already ripping off!
@michaelcrane2475 3 ай бұрын
@@macunion1225 Honestly, are you serious?
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
@@michaelcrane2475 i do have a proper job and im extremely well paid for it and pay a shit load of tax , i also have a side business as well as building and renting houses , i have 1 day off a month at the moment , some of my tennats get upset when i mow their lawns at 2pm and wake them up , how do you think i bought the houses ? from just the rent money moron?
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
@@michaelcrane2475 and im not the parasite by definition that would be those on the benefit
@waynehawtin6413 3 ай бұрын
I voted National and am disgusted by this governments blind attitude to pushing through the tax cuts, especially as they're not funding cancer medicines
@Muzza911. 3 ай бұрын
If you actually listen they will fund this year
@andyhunter5869 3 ай бұрын
@@Muzza911.find what?
@voulafisentzidis8830 3 ай бұрын
Why are you surprised? National campaigned on tax cuts for the wealthy.
@HandM80 3 ай бұрын
@@Muzza911. It's not in the budget and therefore it won't be funded THIS YEAR duuuuh!
@skyline472 3 ай бұрын
Take That 😂😂😂
@Spitefulrish 3 ай бұрын
Austerity and fuck poor people is all I heard.
@AnnaP-uh3mc 3 ай бұрын
Yep. That’s a good summary of her position. The contempt that they are directing at vulnerable people, is revolting.
@Muzza911. 3 ай бұрын
Get a job and work like a team to improve NZ
@kimbliss1329 3 ай бұрын
Did you not get some of your money back from the threshold adjustment, which was necessary because Robber-tsons inflation. Robbertsons inflatio has stolen 20% of my income in the last 6 years! Aside from swearing, do you have anything useful to offer? Suggestion? I dont believe she was anywhere near austerity. She still had to borrow a ton of money and that should not have happened. We can't afford it! More borrowing wouldn't have been necessary if not for the mess those absolute numpties left behind. Not going hard enough means the pain will last much longer.
@stwaters1147 3 ай бұрын
Why is it always the laziest people that make the most noise
@mattheweden-pc5pk 3 ай бұрын
The poor can go get a job, there are plenty of jobs out here you just need to get off your ass
@BrettCooper4702 3 ай бұрын
We have not seen the effects of the $9 billion in savings will cost on public services. Keeping only the front line in a rugby team means the quality of the game will suffer.
@johnnygoggles6427 3 ай бұрын
They increased by 80 percent and had no targets so therefore got worse, it's cutting out all the useless bureaucrats which they haven't gone far enough with... Moronic analogy, maybe the rugby team doesn't need 11 managers and 32 physios
@beamaksimovic3349 3 ай бұрын
Great analogy
@clive0956 3 ай бұрын
Great interview! Well done, Jack.
@rubinnaidoo2829 3 ай бұрын
Well done Jack. , A++
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
Yep well done jack you have yet again shown your political allegiance as I have never seen you interview robertson in that bullying style.
@jemerlia 3 ай бұрын
Get the books back-in-balance by taxing the wealthy who are paying less than 9% overall tax - not by hitting the poor and vulnerable. Don't forget Chris Luxon, for example, will trouser an $18,000 tax cut.
@mikewoods4584 3 ай бұрын
The last government squeezed the financial lemon, now Nicola is squeezing the same lemon expecting more savings - this is the current reality. Services are being cut and timelines extended to match government expectations.
@onmywaytoyoursicyou126 3 ай бұрын
Jack is so good at getting answers and keeping the pressure on give that man a pay rise
@B1zzymm 3 ай бұрын
In re-prioritizing waste, she is meaning, getting rid of thousands of people who had jobs.
@dshan46 3 ай бұрын
Yes thank God! Wayy too much back office crap in government
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
Yep you are spot on there and will and truely needed. Spend the money on frontline people which is what this government is doing.
@Kiwiskirt 3 ай бұрын
Honestly thinks we're idiots if she thinks we believe what she's saying about borrowing. If they didn't do the tax cuts they wouldn't need to borrow. Very simple Nicola!!
@TeWhekeNui 3 ай бұрын
i find it funny how she keeps saying they "FOUND" this money from savings, in reality they encouraged workers to be fired for these savings, How much in unemployment benefits and other costs will these loss of jobs cost now and over the rest of their "ONE TERM GOVERNMENT" incure.
@danielphillips4399 3 ай бұрын
I don't find it funny. I find it sensible. Many government staffers were bought on during the pandemic to support the pandemic response but were never let go. That is just stupid and lazy leadership. It's no wonder our debt has sky rocketed under the previous administration. They were too lazy to keep their eye on the tax payers credit card balance!
@aunicornofthemultiverse 3 ай бұрын
I'd like to pick up the "getting beneficiaries back into work" section of your interview, Jack (BTW, I'm so happy that you and your team weren't axed from NZ TV, in favour of gameshows and sport!) are we going to see a paradigm shift away from WINZ case managers bullying beneficiaries into work? I'd like to see some government/private analysis done on the reasons why people become beneficiaries. I think that people born and raised in lower socioeconomic homes (or cars) are immediately disadvantaged, because bad living conditions, poor diet, no adult love and encouragement causes people to grow up angry and hope-less. If a person has no hope for the future, they're in a very dark place. How do we heal these inequities? Can Aotearoa New Zealand turn around these peoples lives into a positive framework? And I don't mean getting them all into church or having to find the christian god to find happiness. I'm talking about people rediscovering happiness within themselves, rediscovering their self-esteem. Life is about choices. Perhaps people who are born and raised in poverty (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) don't feel empowered to make any choices. What gives them their sense of pride and purpose in their lives? If they only have anger at an "unfair" system that's put them "at the bottom" of society, Then how do they begin to make positive changes in their lives? Life is about choices. We don't put a band-aid on a broken leg, this is a metaphor for the benefit and other help given to those in abject poverty. We're not fixing the base problem, which is the mental health/attitude of those born into lower socioeconomic families. Here's my suggestion ~ we need to open up Sensitive Claims ACC therapy to general abuse and living with poverty/poverty mindset; at the moment you can only get ACC funded therapy for sexual abuse. So when a beneficiary is seen by a WINZ Case Manager, they are asked a series of questions to establish a baseline for ACC therapy. They are paid a "wage" for doing this work on their mental health to improve their own lives and the lives of those around them. This could be funded publicly (as a health improvement course) or privately by wealthy benefactors who wish to invest in those people to see them become positively integrated into society. It would be a Social Consciousness Investment. And before you say, "pfft! Why should we waste so much money on poor people getting their heads fixed?!" Please consider this, it can be a rough road recovering from surgery or an accident where only the body is involved, recovery from intergenerational poverty mindset/abuse/poor health/drugs/hopelessness is even more difficult to heal from, because mental health is still largely unavailable to poor people, because they don't think that they're worth it. That's the attitude that needs to be healed. Beneficiaries don't need further abuse by the system to be forced into low paid labour that only reinforces the poverty mindset and wrecks the body. No one deserves to be left behind. My other suggestion is ~ that Politicians learn how to clean their own toilets at work. No one should be above cleaning their own toilets, or doing their own vacuuming, or emptying their own rubbish bins, etc. Some of the politicians look like they could do with the exercise! They can be rostered on in weekly rotation to clean the Parliamentary buildings.
@ooo-vc4xl 3 ай бұрын
It’s a simple mathematical fact. A capitalist system with an interest rate and a minimum wage (not slavery) requires a proportion of the population to be unemployed. They are unemployed through no fault of their own.
@loubliss7471 3 ай бұрын
Not to mention that a lot of these people were raised by the government and suffered severe abuse sexual, mental as well as physical. Then went onto have their own children. Raising them to hate hate government departments and authority because of their own bad experiences.
@aunicornofthemultiverse 3 ай бұрын
@@ooo-vc4xl hi there, Thank you for replying ❤️ why do we have to live in a capitalist system? Why do other people live in a communist system? Or a fascist system? Etc. Why do we have these systems? Perhaps we can change to a new system. Why does the math decree that some people must be unemployed? And if this is the Rule of Thumb, then why are Benefits so much lower than minimum wage? It's no fault of their own. Why do some politicians decry beneficiaries as lazy? I remember when unemployment was very low (1970's) then it rose during the 1980's when manufacturers began moving offshore. But the math is correct, proportional to population growth. I have never understood why there has to be a "lower" class and an "upper" class, because physiologically and psychologically, all humans are the same. My point is ~ some people who experience poverty, abuse and neglect have low self-esteem, they think that they're worthless (not in so many words, but in their actions) we need to have policy put in place to support them, rather than further demean them. Then their children can grow up in a warm, loving family too, knowing that they can make their dreams come true. Remember, it takes time to heal. Humane, instead of merely Human.
@PeyoteCoyote97 3 ай бұрын
@@aunicornofthemultiverseI agree with a lot of what you have said. But you’re ignoring the elephant in the room which is that many many beneficiaries are outright bad people who want a hand out with no intention to ever contribute to society. I know this because they used to be the types of people I lived with. They don’t need a soft touch, they couldn’t give less of a shit
@danielturner6551 3 ай бұрын
Absolute car crash, picks and chooses when to apply logic and never accepts responsibility. Shameful that she is our finance minister clearly incompetent.
@danielphillips4399 3 ай бұрын
ge real! The car crash was the last government that hard working New Zealander's kicked to the curb! And for good reason too. Just look at their dismal track record or lack there of.
@joelsimonelers6032 3 ай бұрын
Jack your brilliant !
@1One2Like 3 ай бұрын
I really don't need the tax releif, I would prefer this to go to vulnerable NZers. There should be a poll for those who would rather give it back or to cancel it full stop.
@nathantaylor6243 3 ай бұрын
You are welcome to donate your tax cut to them.
@1One2Like 3 ай бұрын
@nathantaylor6243 Thank you, to be honest I would like National to run a poll and give those whom won't to to donate there taxes back to National. Then National could redistribute to those vulnerable NZers.
@harmonyadams7577 3 ай бұрын
Stop blaming previous government for your fiscal holes Nicola. You did not do your homework! Why aren't the cancer drugs in the budget!
@JeremyPiper-u5l 3 ай бұрын
Because the last morons lied and hid the truth
@ZaneLike 3 ай бұрын
Do you not understand how debt works?
@jasoncarey1944 3 ай бұрын
@@ZaneLike Yes and National left us a huge debt more than Labour.
@mikewoods4584 3 ай бұрын
I support the changes to tax threshold due to pay creep and deferring fees free, yet can the nation afford tax benefits for the well off and landlords at this time when the finance minister has to borrow to pay for it.
@georgelaxton 3 ай бұрын
I would prefer if we borrowed money to spend on infrastructure that we desperately need over tax cuts that benefit the rich and the land lords. We need investment in Transport (rail infrastructure, public transport, active transport, safety upgrades) Water Infrastructure Healthcare infrastructure Housing infrastructure (we should be building more houses not less) This govt is not going in the right direction.
@alittleantidote5852 3 ай бұрын
@jimmyboy630 3 ай бұрын
Get the ferries fixed before catastrophe happens. Fund the cancer drugs etc. Screw a couple extra bucks per week, will get absorbed into cost of living and NZ and it's infrastructure will continue to go backwards.
@theothomas4287 3 ай бұрын
If you do not want your tax break then donate it either back to the government or to a charity however a lot of us are more than happy to accept this tax credit after being taxed and taxed by the previous government.
@fergusbyett8088 3 ай бұрын
Well done Jack
@tinaaroha8205 3 ай бұрын
And by forcing both parent, solo parent out to work, no wonder children play up. CHILDREN NEEDS A PARENT HOME NICOLA! GOODNESS SAKES
@paton57 3 ай бұрын
Her mother brought up her kids
@tinaaroha8205 3 ай бұрын
@@paton57 I believe that, thanks.
@EruTautuku-od2nv 3 ай бұрын
Sadly, those who voted National, Act and New Zealand First must really Take a Good hard look at Themselves.. Sorry to say this Back then, I thought that this applied to those Voters who just had a Hatred for the opposition Were actually people like Duncan Garner and others But (" Suprise , Surprised ") The pendulum changed when National not only took the votes. but National also took the Advantage By getting hold of Act and New Zealand which got Them in Sadly, these parties also Showed their colours by Doing the opposite as well As creating RACISM not only in Parliament But those CLOWNS who Even had a HATRED for Their fellow Man and Women Which a lot of People myself included found That it also brought and Exposed for all to see And that was for all to see National and itt's voters Also had the CHEEK to Play THE BLAME GAME Which a lot of us found so Pathetic which also lead to "TOTAL DISCRIMINATION "
@truwesti 3 ай бұрын
utter rubbish.
@hunha991 3 ай бұрын
You know someone is an absolute clown when they start talking about race being a problem with this government
@MyNic28 3 ай бұрын
Listening to the Maori party a little too much! I'm not sure why anyone listens to them at all!
@cookie194 3 ай бұрын
Professional victim harden up.
@upp.social2490 3 ай бұрын
@numnum5 3 ай бұрын
You cut tons of govt jobs. So you put them on the benefit...lol
@jimmymann1496 3 ай бұрын
They cut tons of POINTLESS govt jobs that weren’t needed and were a complete waste of money. When the economy restores, those people will be back into work
@numnum5 3 ай бұрын
@@jimmymann1496 But the govt themselves said the economy is shrinking. So what jobs will they find? Do you think people would choose to become homeless after that or commit crime?
@AiriniSamuels 3 ай бұрын
@@jimmymann1496 effects of Razor cuts to jobs are less tax being paid by people through loss of those jobs, by business through money not flowing through economy, Benefit payouts rise, Long Term effects as we see, brain drain, effects on all services, burn out lack of staff, health problems increase for population, businesses close up, less tax again. This Government is not a good business model. Also Social responsibility to people of NZ who some of them may have voted for a party in this government and lot more flow on effects
@jimmymann1496 3 ай бұрын
@@numnum5 we are in a recession right now, businesses are still reacting to the change in government, jobs are going to be tight and then once the economy expands again, more work will be available. The key is to encourage competition, NOT CREATE BS ROLES THAT DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! And whats not a good idea is to have social welfare so high that it takes away people’s incentive to work that it just gets to the point that they’re just milking it. Labour were guilty of this, and that’s angered a lot of people
@numnum5 3 ай бұрын
@jimmymann1496 great points there to be honest! Agreed labour is guilty of its over spending but...90% of that was spend on the people in nz, as in that money mostly ended back in kiwis pockets and kiwi business. Small % leaving the economy. And the stuff they spent on were jobs and assets. Welfare couldn't be helped due to covid(dont forget business got huge support and came out swinging), had to spend for them too. Alot of those welfare people got hired by govt for heaps of jobs. Because do the math, you cam either pay them welfare which is never enough and crime would increase = more people in prison = more money spent by govt and even more hate by people. OR GIVE THEM A JOB!
@Nicole.1828 3 ай бұрын
Statistics NZ unemployment on average for the past 35 years under National is a little under 7% under Labour is just a little under 5%
@Scott_Bradbury 3 ай бұрын
If you think the parties are anything like they were even 20 years ago you are crazy. The way unemployement is measured has also changed dramatically.
@jimmymann1496 3 ай бұрын
And where did the recent Labour government make the positions? In government by creating absolutely pointless positions that were a complete waste of taxpayer money. The law of economics is a field of mystery to Labour and Greens and that’s why we said enough is enough and got rid of them
@raywheeler3135 3 ай бұрын
No it hasn't. They have been using the Household Labour Force Survey to estimate unemployment since 1986.
@adsdft585 3 ай бұрын
Growth of the economy has averaged 3.2 % under Labour governments, but under National, it has averaged 2.9%. Statistics Dept. ( last 30 years). There are statistics over time about debt and both parties are similar.
@BRUCE_the_MOOSE_ 3 ай бұрын
I just got my National Tax Calculator out. Let me see. Deception + Lies + Bugger all ÷ BS = FA.
@petervaneeden3651 3 ай бұрын
How much tax cut for a retired veteran $4 a fortnight. Yet $180k household get $80 says heaps. Actually should be other way around. The first $10k should be tax free as GST already takes 15% add 10% income tax that's $2500 out of first $10k for either.
@AnnaP-uh3mc 3 ай бұрын
They screwed over pensioners, young people, workers, renters, cancer patients and poor people, to feather the nests of wealthy people with passive incomes and their donors.
@upp.social2490 3 ай бұрын
@Marzipan_Rocks 3 ай бұрын
What she really means is we would rather give money to landlords than save Kiwis lives. Inexcusable. If she’s so concerned about tax funds available then don’t give the public tax cuts and don’t give landlords tax cuts. Boom Pharmac has everything it needs. Why the hell promise those medicines and not deliver.
@randymagnum7817 3 ай бұрын
The tax on landlords should never have been introduced to start with
@grantchin1526 3 ай бұрын
@@randymagnum7817 Maybe, but people are going to die because of where National chose to direct those funds. They could have prioritised terminally ill cancer patients over rich landlords.
@garry_thomas 3 ай бұрын
"I'm just being honest with you, Jack" at what point?
@mikepukenz 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad I can say that I didn't vote for any of this!
@suehowie152 3 ай бұрын
Me too.. I have seen my fair share of governments but none of them have ever frightened me.
@MildredtheDestroyer 3 ай бұрын
The current apathy and vitriol towards beneficiaries from this government and leaking into online discourse is so disappointing and disgusting.
@peterhedgecock159 3 ай бұрын
Get a job
@grantchin1526 3 ай бұрын
@@peterhedgecock159 What is your message to beneficiaries who aren't on jobseeker, but another type of benefit?
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
@@peterhedgecock159 There aren't any
@peterhedgecock159 3 ай бұрын
@@tajtandoori9076 look harder
@AiriniSamuels 3 ай бұрын
@@peterhedgecock159 Get some compassion
@mapachehombre7410 3 ай бұрын
No promised funding for cancer drug patients, Now Pakeha's you know what broken promises are 😏
@revb14n 3 ай бұрын
Lol nice race baiting moron
@Jp-bx4mm 3 ай бұрын
Shes so deciptive and delusional. She thinks were all idiots 😂
@bobdillon1138 3 ай бұрын
Sadly a good majority are.
@BenadeenKaraitiana 3 ай бұрын
Be honest your government has taken from the poor to pay for your pay increase still waiting for Luxton to say Who he has given his pay increase too. Come on Luxton which Charity got your increase? How can beneficiary families move forward working or not when the market rent increases?
@benoitl3803 3 ай бұрын
Great interview from Jack Tame, great journalist and great, difficult questions! Appalling policies from the minister of finance and this Government... Selective picking of the data, not a fair representation... but it is not a fair Budget. full stop. Officials advice is clear. maybe that's why they're cutting public jobs so they get fewer advice challenging their policies (because they're underlined by bad rationale...)
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
Thank goodness for Jack, the vulnerable NZer's advocate.
@geargear8902 3 ай бұрын
Get in there Jack!!!!! ❤
@sweetas8477 3 ай бұрын
Operating budget versus revenue. It’s pretty straight forward Nicola. Debt equity is not evil. Governments use debt equity, all over the world.
@rayprowse7562 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Jack. We need you.
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
Awesome battle , he asked some tough questions and she answered really well , top marks for Nicola shes pretty firm with him and had the answers . if only Jack was this tough on the greens , labour and especially te pati maoris blatant racism and apartheid policies
@grantchin1526 3 ай бұрын
I thought he made her look a bit thick tbh
@Camwin 3 ай бұрын
battle? who's the real losers here? stop making this a game
@macunion1225 3 ай бұрын
@@Camwin some losers ,some winners , im pretty happy with this govt . labour , greens and the maoris are rubbish , they want to make every one poor ahhhhh equality
@richieflood3923 3 ай бұрын
People, stop moaning. You voted for national to get back in. These things that they are doing, it's obvious that this was going to happen as they were wanting to cut spending but this country needs spending in a lot of areas. This is only a start of what National are going to do. Watch next year's budget. All you people that voted for National, stop moaning because you asked for this.
@AiriniSamuels 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree and those that voted for this Government will be moaning more down the track
@mindykatz3651 3 ай бұрын
by getting a job? where are these jobs. they have just biffed people out of their jobs.
@jimmymann1496 3 ай бұрын
They biffed useless government positions that literally bring nothing of value to the economy and did not nothing but waste money
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
@@jimmymann1496 What a gross generalisation
@freezing5 3 ай бұрын
landlords $3bn over cancer patients $2bn - says it all
@kiwis0uth 3 ай бұрын
Nice one Jack
@Jan-fb6fd 3 ай бұрын
Great interview this morning. Her twitching eye on each lie was hilarious.
@jtonline99 3 ай бұрын
I didn’t vote for her and I certainly didn’t agree for the country to borrow $12bn so I could get $40 tax a week in my back pocket. This is a dumb and wasteful budget and is taking us backwards. Where is the investment in our people and infrastructure!?!?
@deanbowyer3513 3 ай бұрын
This whole interview has told me we need a capital tax
@ObiePaddles 3 ай бұрын
If only Jack Tame asked these questions of the previous Government.
@mrairkio 3 ай бұрын
He did lol. Go back and watch his old interviews with Labour. He held them equally to account for their inaction in a lot of areas. National deserve this criticism, let's not act like Jack is being one-eye
@ianrobinson4200 3 ай бұрын
He did, Jack Tame is a credible interviewer unlike Mike Hosking who goes in on any little thing with Labour/Greens politicians but is best pals with all the National ones
@grantchin1526 3 ай бұрын
@@ianrobinson4200 Yes, I can't stand Mike Hosking because he can't seem to do anything other than Labour bashing at the expense of balanced journalism.
@AAL3087 3 ай бұрын
In current times, caused in great part by a global pandemic (convieniently left out, the previous government navigated with a humane ideology, as left leaning do), you made a choice to give tax cuts rather than spend it in a different way. The times called for support not cuts for a campaign promise you lied about and did not deliver but chose to remain pig-headed about. You've increased the suffering as a consequence and have created increased social issues that will transcend generations. That's what you will be remembered for Willis. I can see you are clearly not comfortable with towing the party line because deep down you know it's wrong. Too bad you care more about your standing in the National Party rather than what logic and your gut is really telling you. Jack is pointing this out and you are defending something you clearly do not believe as a person. You are doing a bad job becuase these are clearly not your personal values. Resign now and save face or go down in history as a big mistake.
@tonybolstad9514 3 ай бұрын
Interesting, that you believe Willis doesn't believe she is "right". Her glee in blaming beneficiaries was obvious. I will agree, that given the tone just set she is well on the way to be one of the most despised finance ministers in living memory.
@beamaksimovic3349 3 ай бұрын
And will never resign the money and power are too great……she will be hated by some though
@LouisCoster 3 ай бұрын
Lyin'luxon n his tobacco lobbyist goons
@HaunaniPao 3 ай бұрын
I am not feeling confident this govt knows what it's doing for people beyond their constituency. They are clearly not doing their best and there is only so much time they can blame Labour.
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
Yep and there's her answer to the sick and unemployed who didn't see an increase. Get a job.
@chrisphillips6106 3 ай бұрын
Someone should point out to Nicola Willis that the high interest rates are only a small part of the reason people aren't building. The high cost of building materials is the real problem. If the costs hadn't doubled over the last few years, a 7% rate wouldn't be the big problem it is now. Also how much would we have to borrow if the tax cut didn't go ahead, would it still be 12 billion?
@smokez89 3 ай бұрын
Great interview
@EmmaWestwood-ro7oj 3 ай бұрын
Liar and an awful one to promise drugs to cancer patients who they chose landlords needs over.
@jonza_youtube 3 ай бұрын
There's just no defence for prioritising landlords over extremely vulnerable kiwi's. And it's plain gaslighting how they sold the landlord tax changes; if the justification for restoring tax deductibility was to truly benefit renters, they would have created policy to ensure that.
@mauricem.c4986 3 ай бұрын
Every government lies take labour queen of lies Jacinta-gration 👹
@brenz967 3 ай бұрын
For many of us single earners it’s a block of cheese a week
@skintrader100 3 ай бұрын
Nice. Shame labour hasn't called it the block of cheese tax cuts
@Me-ui1zy 3 ай бұрын
Man, its very concerning that she doesnt understand that reducing revenue via tax cuts means that we need to borrow more than if those cuts didnt exist. Thats basic maths
@matty_mccarthy 3 ай бұрын
Maybe you should listen again.
@BenadeenKaraitiana 3 ай бұрын
I've worked all my life my rent went up to market rent while I was in a state house my wages didn't even cover my rent
@Spitefulrish 3 ай бұрын
She’s a downright liar. 🤥 spin doctor
@jomigregory7253 3 ай бұрын
She is a politician! Win verbal arguments and win elections. People will have new issues to discuss for the next election
@Muzza911. 3 ай бұрын
No one better than Cindy
@Spitefulrish 3 ай бұрын
@@Muzza911. Cindy sucks as much as your mum does. So it probably equals out in the grand scheme of things. 🤣
@operator6786 3 ай бұрын
The Negative Nerd returns for yet another Negative Second hand Media presentation..
@bubbagump3793 2 ай бұрын
60,000 of professional Kiwis have left the country due to pantsuit polly and Luxon’s mess! 60,000!!!!!!!! I am In my way out of here too!
@trinawatkin4047 3 ай бұрын
You encouraged us to use your tax calculator, I did - It said I’d get $98 pf relief… Then you released your budget, I did the new calculator, $42 a fortnight 🙃 I’d rather have kept paying the same level of tax and people kept their jobs or lower income people got relief instead.
@timsnow966 3 ай бұрын
There has been no push back on testing outcomes from these ongoing cuts, what if they have gone too far ? With more to come !
@meridamanifesto 3 ай бұрын
The irony of nicola willis telling people to get a job and then needing people to be unemployed is so lost on her
@bubbagump3793 Ай бұрын
Pantsuit Polly and her silly $40 tax cut! Was that responsible or worth trashing the gov’t public services? Of course not!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chrisrutherfurd9338 3 ай бұрын
We're all looking forward for your interview with Hipkins and having him explain the bombs he left National to open, Jack.
@paton57 3 ай бұрын
😅😅😅😅😅 right he'd be to busy kissing his (0)
@suehowie152 3 ай бұрын
I really struggle to listen to this woman.
@dallasstrom1308 3 ай бұрын
well done Jack..
@danielphillips4399 3 ай бұрын
Well done Nicola Willis. She had all the answers at hand and Jack was unable to rattle her cage. Good job!
@grantchin1526 3 ай бұрын
I thought he made her look a bit thick tbh
@skintrader100 3 ай бұрын
​@@grantchin1526that's cause she is a bit thick. She is not even Grant Robertsons asshole.
@danielphillips4399 3 ай бұрын
@@grantchin1526 That's a misinterpretation! Nicola Willis demonstrated exceptional competence and confidence throughout the interview. She answered every question with clarity and precision, showcasing her mastery of her portfolios. Jack Tame's attempts to rattle her were unsuccessful, and she remained composed and articulate. It's clear that Willis is thoroughly prepared and in control of her responsibilities. Let's give credit where it's due and acknowledge her impressive performance!
@grantchin1526 3 ай бұрын
​@@danielphillips4399 No, she was clearly highly strung and rattled by a number of contradicting statements that both National and she directly made that had to be repeated to her multiple times. When Jack had to repeat the same question multiple times, it was because the politician failed to answer it. If you failed to notice this you might want to take off your National biased blinkers and watch the video more closely.
@AiriniSamuels 3 ай бұрын
@@grantchin1526 You on the mark with that comment 🙂
@wimokaharawira8443 3 ай бұрын
I don't know how people vote for this? Do people believe her?
@davemiller7756 14 күн бұрын
Literally the first thing she said was negative about the former government. Classic politicians 😂
@brettwilcock3341 3 ай бұрын
Willis = Lies Jack = truth seeker. Thank you Jack.
@KayEmnz 3 ай бұрын
Another promise broken and the cover up? She 'suddenly' realised there were 'holes in the books'? A party whose slogan was to set the books in order was off by only 12 billion. Why do I keep getting the feeling that we've been had? That it was deliberate - not any sudden realisation? A false promises to come to power? With extra cash in individual pockets, many WILL feel good short term about paying for everything they've made user pays. Again that same feeling of having been duped.
@tajtandoori9076 3 ай бұрын
She should be honest, the tax cuts were going to be funded by the overseas home buyers tax, that was rejected by NZ First. She then had to shake her handbag upside down to find the cash.
@skintrader100 3 ай бұрын
Because they know most people are stupid. As long as they are on tv saying labour is always this and that, the stupid masses will believe it. Labour always borrowing even though through history National has always done same. Labour just doesn't ram this fact down peoples throats like the Nat's do. It's all just propaganda.
@BRUCE_the_MOOSE_ 3 ай бұрын
One Term Government
@JW-xg9my 3 ай бұрын
Let’s face it, they could reduce the funding for the Waitangi Tribunal, spend the savings on cancer drugs, and New Zealanders would benefit in a racially neutral manner.
@stevecooper9896 3 ай бұрын
Yes, but common sense and dignity are never included within any Nat/Lab (the uniparty) NZ government aye. We need a new system.
@raywheeler3135 3 ай бұрын
Let's face it the Waitangi Tribunal would never have been necessary if white colonisers hadn't stolen land of Maori in the first place.
@derekeastwood3355 3 ай бұрын
Jack your labour party lost .. and left a bloody mess..
@ianrobinson4200 3 ай бұрын
He goes just as hard as politicians on the other side, some can handle the tough questions better than others.
@sweetas8477 3 ай бұрын
Our current economic situation is entirely, 100% driven by oversees factors. And always is.
@elisiva2583 3 ай бұрын
they really need to drop the blame game now. give it a rest
@TogisiaMatau 3 ай бұрын
Always about rich people
@datsunsss5456 3 ай бұрын
People like this are the reason NZ is so knackered....been going on for decades.
@deniseanglesey972 3 ай бұрын
My son gets $200 more working 20 hours than the $250 he got as a job seeker while he waits to start his electrical course.
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